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I love to build with my friend.

Child: Najma Date: July 2013 Written by: Teacher Eunjoo Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Najma and whnau,

This morning at free play time you were happily stacking blocks by yourself and you were busying a tower but it kept falling down. You didnt seem bothered by it falling down and every time you said its falling down and then Again and started stacking the blocks again.

When you noticed your friend Paskelle doing it differently you watched her then tried to help. However Paskelle thought that you were going to break hers so she was angry and upset. I explained to Paskelle that you wanted to help and asked you if you could join and take turns putting a block with Paskelle. It is good to see that Paskelle accepted your proposal when Najma, you asked. For a while you both looked like you were enjoying working together.

Whats happening here?

I am happy to see that Najma, you took an interest in building and you demonstrated perseverance in rebuilding it after it fell down. Najma also showed your confidence by saying, its falling down, again. You enjoyed working together with your friend, Paskelle and collaborated with ideas. This free play relates to your previous play, when you rebuilt Christchurch and it shows that you are willing to revisit and develop your cooperation and problem solving skills. I am sure that through this spontaneous play Najma, you learn to make decisions, to solve

problems, to think creatively and to use your imagination (Carr, Lee & Jones, 2007). Whats next for Najmas learning step? Najma, your relationship with a group of friends has been more cooperative as you engaged in playing with other children in the centre. Your curiosity and explorations are important to us. We will continue to provide more materials and equipment to develop your creative thinking. Child/Parents/Whnau Voice

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