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Table of contents.

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Market plan Group Introduction Dedication Table of contents Executi e !u""ar# !ituational %nal#sis co"petitors !(ot %nal#sis +e# to success critical issues Marketin, !trate,# Mission Marketin, ob-ecti e .ualities !trate,# plan !e,"entation Tar,etin, /ositionin, 0o"ponents of "arketin, "ix Marketin, "ix strate,# 0ost anal#sis Inco"e anal#sis. I"ple"entation control. T1anks

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01 02 03 04 05 0$ 0$ 0$)0& 0& 0& 0' 0* 0* 10 11 11)12 13 14 15 1$ 1& 1& 1' 1'

2e are er# t1ankful to our 1onorable and "ost respectful teac1er and our teac1er assistant (1o pro ide us co"pre1ensi e kno(led,e on "arketin, sub-ect durin, t1e (1ole se"ester (1ic1 enable us to ac1ie e our ,oals and 1a e a better look on "arketin, acti ities and trends. 21ic1 (ill be pro e ,reat blessin, for us in our feature life.

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