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Nabhasa Yogas


2 Nabhasa Yogas
Nabhasa means celestial or heavenly. Nabhasa Yogas refer to the arrangement of all seven of the planets in the celestial realm. What is unique about the Nabhasa Yogas is that all seven of the visible planets are considered in the formation of these yogas, leaving aside Rahu and Ketu. These yogas, therefore, indicate the overall effects of the focus of the energies of all the planets, and not just a few. This makes them of the utmost importance in establishing a foundation to the horoscope. All the important classical works on Astrology give the Nabhasa Yogas first, before other yogas, as they reveal the effects inherent within the structure of the horoscope. Even Brihat Jataka, known for its brevity and containing only the most essential components of astrology, devotes an entire chapter to Nabhasa Yogas. Their importance, therefore, must not be overlooked. There are 32 Nabhasa Yogas, which, according to the classical texts and depending upon the rasi positions of the planets, have a total of 1,800 varieties. These 32 yogas are of four types: 1. Asraya resting place Yogas- Three yogas that have to do with the rasi type the planets rest in; whether moveable, fixed or dual. 2. Dala petal Yogas- Two yogas formed by either benefics or malefics being in the angles. Dala is a small shoot, leaf, or petal, as it unfolds. Life unfolds, therefore, either smoothly or with difficulty. 3. Sankhya number Yogas- Seven yogas that give effects due to the number of rasis that all the planets are placed in. 4. Akriti form Yogas- Twenty yogas that have the form or shape of some object that symbolizes the effects of the yoga.

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