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The Reproductive


Gynocologist: Dr. Joanna

Urologist: Dr. Danny

Urologist: Dr. Edward

Urologist: Dr. Oscar

Reproductive System

 The reproductive
system is a
collection of
organs glands
and hormone that
help produce a
human being

Flow Chart
Female Flow Chart Male Flow Chart
Female system
 The main functions
of the female
system are to
produce ova.
 The hormone
estrogen is to
control the
development of
female sexual
characteristics ,
it is needed for
egg cells to
develop and to
prepare the
uterus for
Male system

 The main functions

are to produce
sperm and
deliver them to
the females
 Out of one million
sperm usually
only can fertilize
an egg.
 Reproductive
system also
develops males
in order for
How The Reproductive
System Works?
 In order for the reproductive system to work
both male and female must go through
 It works doing a sexual intercourse with a
female & male.
 To start producing the male semen MUST be
inside the female reproductive system , once
the semen fertilizes the egg it will start
developing a human.
 Once the female’s egg is fertilize it will lead a
women to pregnancy and development of
a human being.

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