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Alma Vargas

Child Development 143: Math and Science for Young Children

Curriculum Plan

Topic/Title of Lesson: Estimating Focused Domain: Cognitive
Age Group: Primary Grades 1

Goal: Introduce to children how to estimate amounts

Objective: Children will practice how to estimate amounts

Procedure: Have a container or clear bag with items such as paper clips, cotton
Balls, rubber bands. Ask the children to estimate how many are in a bag. Ask
Each child to write in their estimate in a paper. Then as a group count each
Items to see if their answer is close.

Advanced Preparation: Necessary items to estimate

List Materials:
Cotton balls
Paper clips
Rubber bands
Paper, markers
Developmental Benefits: Social, physical (fine motor), language

Future Plans: Have the children estimate to the nearest tenth.

Student Name: Alma Vargas

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