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Those present: Separate List

Pitched idea of the new homecoming theme
Spirit days/ideas

The type of games used would depend on the weather, space, and amount of
clubs participating.
Want to make it more than just dancing i.e. games, food, socializing.
Have it start around 9 so people can dress up and go to dinner then come back for the
Make it an option for people to come casual?
The fair is the weekend of homecoming, that could cause a problem with who comes.
Homecoming Theme/Hallways:
Merica week or America Spirit Week
Doing floors this year for hallways instead of different sections
Each floor would be like a section of the world or different country and each
grade would have their own section/
The 19th-25th is hallway decorating.
Spirit Days:
Merica week
Monday- Merica Monday, Tuesday- Tye Dye Tuesday, Wednesday- Cowboy
day or Cowboy v. Indian day, Thursday- Superhero day, Friday- Wolverine day.
For monday each grade would have their own color excluding the
freshman who could do all the colors together since theyre sort of on
their own.
Also we could tie superhero day in with movies of some sort.
No one has come up with a solid plan for what we can do in place of floats yet.
Most people think trucks or convertibles will be the best course of action
Freshman Applications:
Ashley Assa will need help counting the applications
The first meeting with the freshies will be the 24th.

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