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-Unicellular organisms

-They have cell wall made of peptidoglycan

CHARACTERISTICS -Some have additional slimy capsule outside their cell wall for added protection
-Beneath the cell wall is its plasma membrane
SEE BACTERIA CELL -Bacteria do not have nuclear membrane
STRUCTURE -Some bacteria have one or more tail-like structure called 'flagella' which are used for
-Some bacteria also have hundreds of hairlike structures known as pilli
-Classified according to their shapes
SHAPE -They can be spherical known as cocci, rod-shaped known as bacilli, comma shaped
known as vibrios and spiral known as spirilla
-Diameter ranges from 0.5 -1.0 micrometres
-Only visible using a high powered micoscope
METHOD OF Sexually by a process called conjugation or Asexually by formation of spores or binary
Photosynthesis, Chemosynthesis, Saprophytic and Parasitic. Bacteria stores food in the
form of glycogen granules in its cytoplasm.
Can be found almost everywhere (foods, air, water, soil, on any surfaces (such as table
tops), on the outside as well as inside of organisms especially in the intestines).
-Some are aerobic, requiring oxygen to survive
MODE OF RESPIRATION -Some are anaerobic, do not need oxygen to survive
-Some can live in the presence or absence of oxygen

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