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Frontcourt: B

Mike Davis backed up his double-

double at Purdue with 13 points and
12 rebounds vs. Michigan. With Mike
Tisdale one point short of a double-
double (nine points, 11 rebounds),
the Illini made the Wolverines pay for
going small.
Backcourt: B-
Demetri McCamey might have lived
up to his pre-game prediction of
reaching a triple-double if his team-
mates had made some shots. It
seemed like McCamey might have
actually had more than a career-
high nine rebounds. D.J. Richardson
didn’t shoot well, but he hounded
Michigan’s Manny Harris.
Bench: C-
Coach Bruce Weber didn’t go far
down his bench. Brandon Paul was
the only reserve to log more than 4
Overall: C
The bottom line is the most impor-
tant thing to the Illini, who couldn’t
afford a loss in Crisler Arena. An
ugly win was no problem for Illinois,
who already swallowed enough
ugly losses in the non-conference
season. The game against Minnesota
on Saturday is also a win-or-else
kind of game.

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