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A journey of summer camp for children started from 2002 with the aim of providing
quality learning experience by, hands on Do & Discover based activity thereby liberating
children from existing rot learning methodology and giving them a fine environment of
holistic development, thereby enhancing their own in built creativity , growth ,
motivation with bond of love , care & concern.


Initially from 2002 to 2004, Summer camps were conducted for children with focus in
which children from private schools used to participate.
Interactive sessions on theatre, puppetry, art, fun with math, and fun with science, story
telling, nature trails, and astronomy activities were conducted by eminent resource
persons who fundamentally believes learning with understanding.


In the year 2005 the focus was shifted from private schools to BMC schools to give this
unique experience of the summer camp to under privileged children who go to BMC
schools. To make this summer camp into reality, Navnirmiti team rigorously visited the
neighborhood communities. They interacted with local students, teachers, social workers.
They were briefed about Navnirmiti’s aims, objectives, and mission and convinced them
to be the part of the Summer Camp as summer camp volunteers.
These volunteers interacted with children and became their caretaker throughout the
summer camp. The journey started with Tirandaz school situated near our office i.e next
IIT Main Gate, Powai with participation of 150 children and 20 community volunteers.
Then subsequently CARVAAN moved forward from one school to 15 schools in 2009.

Year No of Summer No of Children NO of Volunteers

2002 1 (Pvt. school) 60 10
2003 1 (Pvt. school) 75 10
2004 1 (Pvt. school) 98 15
2005 1 BMC school 150 20
2006 2 BMC schools 300 40
2007 10 BMC schools 1000 100
2008 12 BMC schools 1200 120
2009 15 BMC schools 1500 250

 Reaching 5000 underprivileged children across Mumbai, to light a spark

in their mind by giving this wonderful experience of knowledge based on
understanding and aware and motivate them towards the process of education for
meaningful , poverty free , dignified future.

Increased the bond between community volunteers and children to co-operate and
unite for constructive growth thereby taking ownership, responsibility to solve their
own problem.

 Sensitized the bond between privileged and less privileged class to come
together and work for the better and bright future and also to make them aware that
the small contribution in terms of time , money will make a big difference in
somebody’s life to make India a poverty free , feminine free and strong nation.

 The outcome and energy generated during the summer camp can dispute
the arrangement of the BMC authorities i.e. children don’t come to school. We can
show them that the approach and the motivation of the staff can play significant role
in changing the existing scenario in BMC schools. The study will be useful in making
difference in 1300 BMC schools.

 A strong network of community, corporate, Institution / Resource Persons

and proactive individuals to make poverty free India , to propagate the mission of
Universalization of Education.

 Children when exposed to real life situation, it stimulates their mental and
physical and behavioral growth.

1. Summer camp in 50 BMC schools across Mumbai reaching to 5000

underprivileged children and over 750 community volunteers.
2. The CARVAAN ’10 will be focused on the following :
 Mental Health
 Water Conservation
 Save the Earth

1. MENTAL HEALTH: The grieving spat of suicidal tendencies in young mind due
to competitive atmosphere, insecurity and the inferiority complex – Caravan will
do series of interactive activities in terms of Yoga, play, art, motivation, story
telling to spread the message of peace and confidence.

2. WATER CONSERVATION : The given water crisis , results from the natural
calamity but about 20% of water everyday gets wasted due to leaking of water
pipes and excessive usage of water various reasons. This camp will have series of
activity on water conservation, rain cycle, water harvesting, recycling of water.

3. SAVE OUR EARTH: Each child will be given a sapling of his own. He will
water and do the necessary required things during the summer camp by knowing
its botanical name and related information. The children will exchange the
knowledge with each other and at the end, the saplings will be hand over to BMC
and societies who want to plant it.

Children will also be trained to make the papers from the waste and they will also make
greeting card out of this and thus will learn the skills of making the hand made greeting
card and also learn to generate the income for their families in the long run.

The hazardous polluting effects of plastic bags , the children will be restricted not to use
plastic bags instead they will learn to make paper bags that can be saleable.

A small manure pit will be made in the vicinity of summer camp in which children will
put their degradable organic leftover food and waste and will see the process of manures
which again can be utilized for school gardening.

Towards the end of CARVAAN’10, a rally of 5000 kids with the message of Summer
Camp will be organized at the centre place

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