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f 90

fpeak of it according to ideas taken from dr faflaktu

of marking the modern dice, and (I may add) day
ancient trim: Iikewifc : but, as I did not obfrak
the traces of any engraving, painting, ddi. upon yhe
pieces under confiderafion, it ream to me more pa,
Mble, what others affat (4), that this diftindia
was effraed by the different configuration of the flea
themfelves, and not LI any numbers marked upcia
them. And concerning this notation, the comma
opinion is, But the appearances expreffing err and
fir, Us all., Bsofe reprefenting thrir and forr, man
oppofed to each other refppftively.
But kaving theft (however probabk) conjefturck
we can with certainty determine the number of thy.
ufed its this game to have been four ; and likr.
wife, that among the various chances refulting koa
than, the moft fortunate one was that, wherein eack
of the Gdes exhibited a different afpea. The forma
of thefe circumftances vrc learn from Tully (5),
we do thi latter from Martial, who, in a diffich fnt
with a prefent of a ikt of tali to a friend, fays,
Cum nallut wilts tibi talks mien,
Mantra etc diet, inagst ddo, tint (6).
It may further be colleeted Irons Horace, that dr
throw above dcfcribed had dr appellation of Yeavi,
for whcn itt intimates, that the prefIdent of the fail
was cletted by the tali (7), be mull be fuppofed to

(a) V *to. r; uri Anervieu 'Ade.. ail.

(s) sow k pan, of. simernor ed. &Do. Li
(6) Man. L Rm, ep g. 14.
(7) .Nor No.; atm innter Pen. L. 1. 9d. , it.

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