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[ 36o ]

reffangular form, and the (pacts G (IV remain for

tbc title., and other infcriptions.

VII. Another, and not the lcaft confiderable, pro.

perty of our map is, that it may, without fenfibk
error, be ufed as a (ea-chart ; the rumb-lines on it
being logarithmic fpirals to their common pole t, as
is partly reprefented in the figure : and the arithme-
tical folutions thence derived will be found as accu-
rate as is necellary in the art of failing.
Thus if it were required to find the courfe a fliip
is to fteer between two ports, whofe longitudes lad
latitudes are known, we may ufe the following
R u L E.
To the logarithm of the number of minute; is the
dlfirence of longitude add the conllant logarithm
4.10151o5, and to their fine the logaritIonfint of
the wan latimide, and lei Ma loft fuss fitS,
77te rotanjent of tbe mean latitude king T, owl
an arithmetical mean krona half tbe difertme
latitude and it; tangent being called in, from tbt lo-
garithm of T m take the logarithm of T m,
and let the logarithm of their &licence he D ; the.
jhsehI SD k nearM tbe logarithm tangent of the
angle, in which the fhi's courli rum the meridian+.
Note, We ought, in ftriffnefs, to ufe the Ilt10 of
te-FrR to t inflesid of T-1-ar to
T m; but we fubititute this laft as more
etfily computed, and very little different.

This eonflant logarithm, contains the redo8inn or the th1 .

of longitude to parts oil radio, uniry, and to Beillits Modulo.

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