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Kanji Close-Up for Beginner Lesson #45 - Something To Do!

Kanji Reading Meaning 1st character 2nd character

↪੐ ࠃ߁࡮ߓ Tasks, things to do ↪࡮To use ੐࡮Thing, matter, affair
บḧ㧝 ߚ޿࡮ࠊࠎ Taiwan บ࡮Board, table, stand ḧ࡮Bay, gulf
᧪ㅳ ࠄ޿࡮ߒࠀ߁ Next week ᧪࡮To come (in this context; coming) ㅳ࡮Week
᧪᦬ ࠄ޿࡮ߍߟ Next month ᧪࡮To come (in this context; coming) ᦬࡮Month, moon
᧪ᐕ ࠄ޿࡮ߨࠎ Next year ᧪࡮To come (in this context; coming) ᐕ࡮Year

㧝บ is also used as the counter for cars and machines, computers, TV sets and the like.

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 Practice Sheet

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Lesson Code: 081_B45_030906 March 9th 2006 / 2006ᐕ3᦬9ᣣ

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