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Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund
Meeting minutes
February 28, 2010

The regular meeting for the Andrew Davis & Sean Parsons Scholarship Fund was
called to order at 8:20 on February 28,2010 by Ben
Present: Easton, Taylor, Ben, Alex, and Mrs. Chambless, Easton, Joehl, Maison,
Approval of minutes: Alex accepted motion and Matt seconded.
Treasure Report: No treasure report to be announced.
Old Business:
 Committee list has been turned in.
 Discuss when and where to sell tickets.
 T- shirts for YMCA fundraiser and polos for gold fundraiser.
 Discussion over how to sell and what to do with money and waivers.
 No selling individual bracelets until after fundraiser.
 Discussion over final flyer.
New Business:
 Approval over flyer.
 Each committee should get ten flyers to put up.
 Have flyers out by ten days from when they were printed.
 Sell tickets at Achatz for senior trip.
 Discuss the placement for flyers.
 Alex should call radio station for advertising for the YMCA fundraiser
 Anyone can pay at the door.
 Ben and Taylor have to discuss about games and prizes to have at the
Agenda for next meeting:
 Distribute flyer
 What kind of food, games, and ticket placements.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:57 by Ben. The next meeting will be on march 3,
2010 at the Bens house.

Minutes by: Taylor Rossi

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