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Geothermal energy Noord-Holland

Geological study of the Slochteren Formation in the southern

part of the province of Noord-Holland

Consultant IF WEP
Velperweg 37
PO Box 605
T +31 (0)26 35 35 555
F +31 (0)26 35 35 599
Contact: Mr Nick Buik

June 8, 2010
Samenvatting ...................................................................................................................... 4 

1  Introduction ................................................................................................................ 11 

2  Geology ..................................................................................................................... 13 

2.1  Research area ............................................................................................... 13 
2.2  Structural framework ..................................................................................... 13 
2.3  Geothermal gradient ..................................................................................... 18 

3  Sedimentological analysis ......................................................................................... 21 

3.1  Regional depositional environment ............................................................... 21 
3.2  Well data ....................................................................................................... 22 
3.3  Mineral content .............................................................................................. 25 
3.4  Conclusions ................................................................................................... 26 

4  Petrophysical analysis ............................................................................................... 27 

4.1  Introduction.................................................................................................... 27 
4.2  Core measurements ...................................................................................... 27 
4.3  Log data ........................................................................................................ 31 
4.4  Transmissivity of the wells ............................................................................ 35 
4.5  Water quality ................................................................................................. 36 
4.6  Well correlations ............................................................................................ 36 
4.7  Conclusions ................................................................................................... 37 

5  Basin analysis............................................................................................................ 39 

5.1  Maximum burial depth determination ............................................................ 39 
5.2  Burial history reconstruction method ............................................................. 41 
5.2  Burial depth estimation.................................................................................. 43 
5.3  Determination of the porosity ........................................................................ 44 
5.4  Determination of the mean transmissivity ..................................................... 47 
5.5  Conclusions ................................................................................................... 49 

6  Fault systems ............................................................................................................ 50 

6.1  General.......................................................................................................... 50 
6.2  Analysis ......................................................................................................... 51 
6.3  Location specific ............................................................................................ 54 
6.4  Conclusion..................................................................................................... 55 

7  Uncertainty analysis .................................................................................................. 56 

7.1  Methodology .................................................................................................. 56 
7.2  Zandvoort Ridge northwest ........................................................................... 58 
7.3  Zandvoort Ridge southeast ........................................................................... 58 
7.4  Conclusions ................................................................................................... 59

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8  Reservoir stimulation ................................................................................................. 60 
8.1  Zandvoort Ridge northwest ........................................................................... 60 
8.2  Zandvoort Ridge southeast ........................................................................... 61 
8.3  Expected flow rates ....................................................................................... 64 
8.5  Conclusions ................................................................................................... 65 

9  Conclusions and recommendations .......................................................................... 66 

10  References ........................................................................................................ 68 

1 Geological timescale
2 Geological maps Slochteren Formation
3 Petrophysics
4 Complete workflow basin modelling
5 Abbreviations geological formations

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In het zuidelijke deel van Noord-Holland lopen veel initiatieven voor geothermie en zijn
reeds enkele opsporingsvergunningen aangevraagd. Uit eerdere studies blijkt dat de
Slochteren Formatie (Slochteren Fm) het meest geschikt is in dit deel van de provincie.
Het probleem is echter dat weinig gegevens van deze laag beschikbaar zijn waardoor de
mate van onzekerheid van het realiseerbare debiet, en dus vermogen, groot is. Een vol-
gende stap naar het realiseren van een geothermisch systeem is het uitvoeren van een
onderzoek naar de ruimtelijke verspreiding van de eigenschappen van de Slochteren
Formatie. Op basis van de hieronder beschreven resultaten kan besloten worden of het
nog steeds interessant is om verder te gaan.

In deze studie zijn de volgende partijen betrokken:

 Provincie Noord-Holland;
 Jamuflor;
 PrimAviera;
 Schiphol Group Real Estate;
 Floricultura;
 Gemeente Amsterdam;
 Gemeente Haarlem;
 Gemeente Nieuwkoop.

Het onderzoeksgebied en de gebruikte boringen zijn weergegeven in figuur 1.

Figuur 1 Onderzoeksgebied en de putten die de Slochteren Formatie bereiken.

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Uit de verschillende putten zijn temperatuur gegevens gebruikt om de geothermische
regionale gradiënt te bepalen voor het gebied. Deze kan het best worden weergegeven
door onderstaande formule.

° 0,0267 18,254 (1)

De metingen in de put SPL-01-S1 wijken echter af van de metingen in de overige putten.

Hierdoor is de verwachte temperatuur op bijvoorbeeld 2.000 m diepte, bijna 20 ºC hoger
dan op basis van de regionale gradiënt (1) kan worden verwacht. Deze hogere tempera-
tuur wordt veroorzaakt door het breuksysteem in de directe omgeving van de put. In dit
systeem wordt dan warmer water van grotere diepte naar boven getransporteerd. Indien
dit het geval is, is in de breuk een hogere temperatuur te verwachten. Het is nog onduide-
lijk hoe ver van de breuk vandaan de temperatuur hierdoor beïnvloed wordt. Hier wordt in
de aanbevelingen verder op ingegaan.

De reservoireigenschappen die bepalend zijn voor het debiet wat onttrokken kan worden,
worden deels bepaald door het milieu ten tijde van de afzetting. Kaarten van het regiona-
le afzettingsmilieu van de Slochteren Fm laten zien dat het grootste deel door de wind is
afgezet (eolisch) en een deel door rivieren (fluviatiel). De boorgatmetingen laten zien dat
het onderste deel een wat grilliger karakter heeft wat correspondeert met een fluviatiel
milieu, terwijl het overgrote deel een homogeen (eolisch) pakket is. De karakteristieken
van het reservoir zijn vrij constant over het gehele gebied. In verschillende putten is do-
lomiet en/of anhydriet aangetroffen in de poriën waardoor de porositeit en daarmee de
permeabiliteit verlaagd wordt. Elk mineraal heeft een andere mate van invloed. Uit de
logmetingen kan niet worden bepaald welk mineraal zich in de poriën bevind.

In dit onderzoek is ook een petrofysische analyse uitgevoerd waarbij de eigenschappen

van de formatie ter plekke van de boringen kwantitatief zijn bepaald. Deze gegevens zijn
in combinatie met de resultaten van de bekkenanalyse gebruikt om de eigenschappen in
de gebieden buiten de putlocaties te bepalen.

Ook deze analyse laat een vrij homogene Slochteren Fm zien waarbij het onderste deel
meer klei bevat. Aan de hand van boorgatmetingen is de porositeit van de formatie op de
locatie van de put bepaald. Aan de hand van kernmetingen is een relatie vastgesteld
tussen de porositeit en de permeabiliteit. Deze relatie is zichtbaar in figuur 2.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 5

RMA: Log(CORE:KHds_is_Juh) = -3.7689 + 27.4040 * CORE:PHIT_DECds R2= 0.8375


core permeability [mD]




0. 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.3
core porosity [-]

221 points plotted out of 6596

Well Zone Depths
(1) Q07-01 (2) Slochteren For 2375.M - 2568.M
(14) LANDSMEER-01 (3) Slochteren For 1454.M - 1650.M
(2) Q11-01-s2 (4) Slochteren For 2878.M - 3043.M
(6) Q14-02 (4) Slochteren For 2888.89M - 3004.M
(5) Q11-03 (2) Slochteren For 2824.M - 2998.M
(3) OZN-01 (3) Slochteren For 1310.M - 1472.M

Figuur 2 De relatie tussen de porositeit en de permeabiliteit van de Slochteren Fm


De put LSM-01 laat een andere relatie zien dan de andere putten in de omgeving. Er zijn
geen duidelijke aanwijzingen waarom deze waardes lager zijn. Verwacht wordt dat een
dichtbij liggende breuk heeft gezorgd voor een plaatselijke verandering van het gesteente
met de mineralen in de poriën in het bijzonder. De metingen in deze put zijn meegeno-
men in de onzekerheid van de relatie tussen de porositeit en de permeabiliteit. Hetzelfde
geld voor de metingen uit Q07-01 die een beduidend hogere permeabiliteit hebben dan
zou worden verwacht.

De eigenschappen van de formatie worden ook bepaald door de diepte waarop de forma-
tie zich bevindt of de maximale diepte die het gesteente ooit heeft bereikt. Door de druk
van het bovenliggend gesteente nemen de porositeit en permeabiliteit van het gesteente
af. Dit is een onomkeerbaar proces waardoor de slechtere eigenschappen behouden
blijven als het gesteente weer opgeheven wordt.
In het gebied zijn breuken aanwezig die in de geologische tijd verschillende keren actief
zijn geweest. Ze hebben ervoor gezorgd dat de Slochteren Fm in sommige delen van het
gebied vroeger dieper heeft gelegen dan de tegenwoordige diepte. Aan de hand van de
inkolingsgraad van de koollagen kan worden bepaald wat de maximale diepte is waarop
het gesteente heeft gelegen. Van 6 putten in de omgeving waren deze gegevens be-
schikbaar. Ter plekke van de putten is bepaald hoeveel gesteente verdwenen is door

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 6

erosie. Aan de hand van geologische kaarten van het gebied is dit ook tussen de putten
in geschat.
Vervolgens is aan de hand van deze diepte de porositeit bepaald welke is omgezet naar
een permeabiliteit. In combinatie met de dikte kaarten van de Slochteren Fm is de trans-
missiviteitskaart van de regio gemaakt die is weergegeven in figuur 3. Deze kaart is ook
te vinden in bijlage 2. Hierin is te zien dat de formatie in het zuiden een stuk dieper heeft
gelegen dan nu het geval is. Deze gebieden hebben een lagere porositeit en dus een
lagere permeabiliteit, wat wordt bevestigd door de putten.

Figuur 3 De transmissiviteit in de Slochteren Fm aan de hand van de maximale

begravingsdiepte van de Slochteren Fm.

In het gebied zijn ook breuksystemen aanwezig die verschillende keren in de geologische
tijd actief zijn geweest. Natuurlijke actieve breuksystemen hebben vaak een hogere per-
meabiliteit dan het gesteente en zijn daardoor ook interessant voor de winning van aard-
warmte. In het gebied komen verschillende actieve breuksystemen voor die in aanmer-
king komen hiervoor. In figuur 4 is een kaartje weergegeven met de breuken aan de ba-
sis van de Boven Noord Zee Groep. Deze breuken zijn allen afschuivingsbreuken, maar
op enkele locaties hebben ze ook een zijschuiving component. De gebieden met een
afschuiving én zijschuiving component hebben veelal een hogere permeabiliteit. Deze
zijn aangegeven in figuur 4 voor twee breuksystemen binnen het gebied.

Berekeningen van de neiging tot het schuiven langs en verwijding van het breukvlak zijn
uitgevoerd voor de breuk ten zuiden van Haarlem-Schiphol en voor de breuk ten noorden
van Haarlem. Deze berekeningen laten zien dat het zeer waarschijnlijk is dat nog steeds
bewegingen langs de breukvlakken plaatsvinden. Dit wordt bevestigd door de aardbeving

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 7

in Beverwijk in 1997 waarvan de locatie op de breuk ten noorden van Haarlem valt. Het
debiet wat onttrokken kan worden uit de breukzone is vaak een factor 2 tot 3 hoger dan
het debiet wat uit de formatie zelf onttrokken kan worden.

Figuur 4 Breuken aan de basis van de Boven Noord Zee Groep in rood. Gear-
ceerde gedeelten: vermoedelijk hogere permeabele zone.

Voor verschillende gebieden op het Zandvoort Hoog, het noordwesten en het zuidoosten,
is een onzekerheidsanalyse gemaakt. Deze zijn aangegeven in figuur 5. In de onzeker-
heidsanalyse is de onzekerheid van het haalbare debiet bepaald aan de hand van de
onzekerheden in de diepte, temperatuur, porositeit, permeabiliteit en dikte. In tabel 1 zijn
de resultaten weergegeven. Aan de hand van het debiet en de productie- en injectietem-
peratuur kan het thermisch vermogen worden bepaald.

Figuur 5 Locaties gebieden onzekerheidsanalyse.

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Tabel 1 Resultaten van de onzekerheidsanalyse exclusief reservoir stimulatie
p90 p50
Regio COP1 10 COP 15 COP 20 COP 10 COP 15 COP 20
zuidoost 30 20 15 75 50 40
noordwest 200 150 120 350 220 175

De resultaten laten zien dat de eigenschappen van de Slochteren Fm niet overal vol-
doende zijn voor een economisch rendabel project. Om deze reden is gekeken naar de
mogelijkheden van reservoir stimulatie. Aan de hand van state-of-the-art modellen van de
olie- en gasindustrie is gekeken naar de verbeteringsfactor die kan worden gehaald als
het reservoir gestimuleerd wordt. Uit de resultaten blijkt dat hoe lager de permeabiliteit,
hoe groter het effect van de reservoirstimulatie is. De resultaten zijn weergegeven in ta-
bel 2. Hieruit blijkt dat door reservoirstimulatie toe te passen, het debiet met een factor
1,3 tot 3,6 verbeterd, afhankelijk van de oorspronkelijke permeabiliteit.

Tabel 2 Resultaten van de onzekerheidsanalyse inclusief reservoir stimulatie

p90 p50
COP 10 COP 15 COP 20 COP 10 COP 15 COP 20
zuidoost 100 70 55 260 180 150
noordwest 275 200 155 350 280 220

De onzekerheidsanalyse is tevens uitgevoerd voor de situatie waarbij de waardes van

LSM-01 en de hoge waardes van Q07-01 niet mee zijn genomen. De resultaten van de
p90 zijn weergegeven in tabel 3. Hierin is te zien dat het debiet hoger is als de kernme-
tingen uit LSM-01 en de hoge waardes uit Q07-01 buiten beschouwing kunnen worden

Tabel 3 Resultaten van de onzekerheidsanalyse (p90) exclusief de extreme poro-

siteit-permeabiliteit waardes [m³/h].
excl. reservoir stimulation incl. reservoir stimulation
COP 10 COP 15 COP 20 COP 10 COP 15 COP 20
zuidoost 40 30 22 120 90 65
noordwest 250 200 160 300 240 190

Om de onzekerheid in het haalbare debiet te verkleinen is het belangrijk om te bepalen
waarom LSM-01 een afwijkende relatie laat zien. Aangeraden wordt om hiervoor slijp-
plaatjes van de kern op te vragen bij de NAM of, indien niet beschikbaar, te laten maken.
Op deze manier kan worden bepaald welke mineralen zich in de poriën bevinden en of
deze ook op andere plekken in het onderzoeksgebied voor kunnen komen.

De onzekerheid in het haalbare vermogen in het zuidoosten kan ook worden verkleind
door de onzekerheid in de temperatuur te verkleinen. Aangeraden wordt een tempera-

COP: een COP geeft aan hoeveel delen energie opgewekt kunnen worden bij het gebruik van 1
deel (pomp)energie

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 9

tuurmodel op te stellen. Hierin kan worden bepaald hoe ver van het breuksysteem van-
daan een verhoogde temperatuur kan worden verwacht.

De zekerheid in het gebied zuidoosten kan ook worden vergroot door het uitvoeren van
een (gezamenlijke) exploratieboring. Met deze boring kunnen dan de eigenschappen ter
plekke worden vastgesteld. Tevens kan op deze manier meer zekerheid verkregen wor-
den over de temperatuurgradiënt in het gebied.

Aangeraden wordt ook de aanwezige 2D en 3D seismiek te herinterpreteren voor het in

kaart brengen van de diepte en dikte van de Slochteren Formatie en de aanwezige geo-
logische structuren. De ligging van de verschillende breuken, en daarmee de locatie van
de geïnverteerde delen, kunnen hierdoor beter worden vastgesteld.

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1 Introduction
In the province of Noord Holland, several initiatives for the application of geothermal en-
ergy are running. Multiple exploration licenses have been applied for, some of them have
already been granted by the Ministry of Economical Affairs. The studies executed in this
region all concluded the Slochteren Formation (Slochteren Fm) is the most promising
reservoir for geothermal exploration. However, the amount of data is relatively scarce and
as a consequence the uncertainty of the achievable flow rate and thus the thermal power
is large. Furthermore, the properties of the formation change in a short distance between
wells located in the area. Therefore a regional study of the properties of the Slochteren
Formation is a next step towards realisation of a geothermal project in the area. A re-
gional study gives better insight in why and how the properties change geographically.

The regional study includes a petrophysical analysis of the wells which reach the forma-
tion in the area. In this analysis, the properties of the reservoir are determined within the
wells. A sedimentological analysis is also included. This gives information of the deposi-
tional environment as well as the mineral composition at the well locations.
These analyses are used as input for the basin analysis. Within this analysis the maxi-
mum burial depth of the Slochteren Formation will be determined for the whole area as
the maximum burial depth influences the reservoir properties. The analysis is performed
by first constructing burial graphs for the wells and followed by using geological maps to
extent the maximum burial depth geographically.

The next step in the research is the uncertainty analysis to get more insight in the feasibil-
ity of a geothermal system at a specific location. It is expected that the properties of the
Slochteren Formation will not always be sufficient for the economical extraction of geo-
thermal water. Therefore, the influence of reservoir stimulation on the flow rate is also
investigated. These last steps are location specific and will therefore be analysed for spe-
cific areas.

Several parties are joined in this research project. These include:

Province of Noord Holland P. van Herk

Jamuflor J. Mulder
PrimAviera R. Brown
Schiphol Group P. Rouendal
Floricultura K. Schoone
Municipality of Amsterdam J. van Zanten
Municipality of Haarlem S. Andela
Municipality of Nieuwkoop J. Horstman

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Their locations are shown in figure 1.1. The different locations have different focuses of
the research. Therefore, the report is subdivided in a general part for the whole area and
a part is location specific.

The outcome of this study can be used for a more detailed design in the next stage. Fur-
thermore, this report may be used as input for the Dutch Geothermal Guarantee Fund or
for a private insurance company.

Figure 1.1 The locations of the parties involved in this study.

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2 Geology

2.1 Research area

Within the area 14 wells have reached the Slochteren Formation of the Upper-Rotliegend
Group. These wells are shown in figure 2.1. The research area is also indicated. As can
be seen in figure 2.1, the wells are located at the boarders of the research area. To ob-
tain more certainty of the middle area, a basin analysis is needed.

Figure 2.1 Research area and wells reaching the Slochteren Formation.

2.2 Structural framework

The area focused on in this research lies in an area with three different structural ele-
ments. It is located mostly on the Zandvoort Ridge, but is also partly in the West-
Netherlands Basin and the Central Netherlands Basin. This is shown in figure 2.2. In this
chapter, the structural framework of the area will be described using geological time peri-
ods. A geological timescale can be found in appendix 1.

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Figure 2.2 Map of Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous structural elements with the
area in red (After H.A. van Adrichem Boogaert and Kouwe, 1993). Dark
brown: structural high, partly sub-aerial landmass; light brown: platform
intermittently flooded; white: basin.

In the late Visean the collision between Gondwana and Laurussia took place. As a result,
a foreland basin was formed partly located in the Netherlands. Large amounts of clastic
material were deposited from the south. The facies changed from deepwater deltaic to
coal bearing shallow deltaic as the basin was filled. From the Westphalian C, the deposits
of the foreland basin were folded and locally uplifting occurred. As a result of the dextral
movement between Laurussia and Gondwana during the Stephanian, a regional tran-
stensional fault system developed. This fault system has a NW-SE orientation and may
already have been formed during the Caledonian orogenic phase. During the Stephanian
and Early Permian, the deposits in the foreland basin were folded into broad anticlinal
structures. As a result, a large part of the Westphalian deposits has been eroded.

Sedimentation was resumed during the Late-Permian after a long period of non-
deposition and erosion. As a result of thermal subsidence and transtensional movements
north of the Variscan orogen, the Southern Permian Basin developed. The area focused
on in this study is located at the former southern edge of this basin. As a result, the thick-
ness reduces towards the south and increases towards the north. Large differences in
thicknesses and the absence of evidence of erosion where thin layers of the Upper-

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Rotliegend Group are present, indicate a paleo-surface with small hills and broad valleys.
The thickness of the Upper-Rotliegend Group is plotted in figure 2.3 and in appendix 2.

Figure 2.3 Thickness of the Upper-Rotliegend Group.

A transgression at the end of the Saxonian was the beginning of the sedimentation of the
Zechstein Group. The thermal subsidence continued. As a result of the rising sea level,
the supply of clastic sediments ceased and the deposition of the carbonate-evaporite
cycles started. In the area of investigation, only the first three cycles are well developed
as the location at the southern rim of the basin resulted in less influence of marine proc-

Thermal subsidence continued during the Triassic. The Zandvoort Ridge is characterized
by smaller subsidence rate then the surrounding basins. The Central Netherlands Basin
on the northern side of the Zandvoort Ridge had a higher subsidence rate than the West
Netherlands Basin on the southern side. The sedimentation environment changed from
marine to fluvial and playa.

The Hardegsen tectonic phase occurred during the Late Scythian and resulted in local
uplift and erosion of the Main Buntsandstein Subgroup. In the investigated area, the ero-
sion increases from north to the south with the thinnest Main Buntsandstein present at
the Zandvoort Ridge. This indicates an uplift of the northern rim of the West Netherlands
Basin probably as a result of regional transpression.

In the Anisian a regional transgression occurred resulting in the marls and carbonates of
the Muschelkalk and a connection with the Tethys was established. This connection was
not always maintained which resulted in evaporitic deposits on the southern side of the
Zandvoort Ridge.

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The first Cimmerian phase eroded parts of the Muschelkalk and Keuper deposits. This
phase was a result of regional transverse faulting accompanied by uplift of the basin rims.
The breakup of Pangea occurred during the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. This largely
influenced the subsidence of the West and Central Netherlands Basins. The Mid Cimme-
rian phase has had little effect in the area of interest. The Late Cimmerian phase how-
ever, resulted in uplift of the basin rims and highs. This uplift resulted in erosion of mainly
Jurassic sediments in the southern part of the area of interest.

As a result of a regional sea level rise and a thermal subsiding after the Late Cimmerian
phase, a transgression occurred. During the Albian the Austurian tectonic phase took
place. Combined with a long term lowstand in sea level, this resulted in the development
of the Late Cimmerian unconformity.

At the end of the Albian a period of tectonic rest started. As a result of the fast sea level
rising in the Late-Albian, the sources of clastic sediment supply were submerged and the
deposition of the Chalk started.

The subhercynian phase at the end of the Conacian until the end of the Campanian took
place in the form of compression in the north-south direction. This resulted in the inver-
sion of the Mesozoic sequences in the West- and Central Netherlands basins. During this
inversion, the subsidence of the platforms and formal basin rims continued. The inverted
basins where therefore acting as local sediment source for the continuing sedimentation
of the Chalk in the subsiding areas. The gradual decrease and ending of the inversion
during the Campanian resulted in a decrease of the relief.

The Cenozoic was a period of shallow and deep marine sedimentation influenced by the
Alpine tectonic activity. The West Netherlands Basin was uplifted during the Laramide
phase, resulting in the erosion of the Chalk deposits of the Upper Cretaceous. During the
Eocene a gradual deepening of the basin occurred. The uplift during the Pyrenean phase
resulted in erosion of the deposits of the Early Tertiary. During the Early Oligocene the
subsidence was resumed and a shallow sea occupied the area of interest. The Savian
tectonic phase, a last inversion during the Oligocene-Miocene boundary, resulted in the
Mid North Sea Unconformity. The last phase of uplift in the Pliocene resulted in new
sediment supply in the West Netherlands Basin.

In figure 2.4 and in appendix 2, the present day depth map of the base of the Slochteren
Formation can be seen. Several cross sections have been made to illustrate the struc-
tures in the area of interest, see figure 2.5 till 2.7.

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Figure 2.4 Present day depth of the base of the Slochteren Formation, with the loca-
tions of the cross sections in figure 2.5-2.7.

Figure 2.5 Profile 1 from NNE-SSW over Floricultura and Haarlem.

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Figure 2.6 Profile 2 from NNE to SSW over Zaandam and Schiphol.

Figure 2.7 Profile 3 from NNE to SSW over the southeastern part of Amsterdam and

2.3 Geothermal gradient

With the help of bottom hole temperatures (BHT), the geothermal gradient has been de-
termined. Due to the presence of mud in the borehole, the measured temperature will be
lower than the original formation temperature. To determine the formation temperature,
the Horner method has been used. For this correction, more than one temperature
measurement is needed at different times after the mud circulation has stopped in the
borehole. The data is not sufficient to be able to correct all the measurements that were
taken. The resulting plot is shown in figure 2.8.

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Temperature [ºC]






0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000


SPL‐01‐S1 WRV‐01
ARV‐01 WOB‐01‐S1
Q07‐01 Q11‐01‐S2
LSM‐01 T = 0.0267 x z + 18.254

Figure 2.8 The determined regional geothermal gradient (blue).

The measured temperatures, both corrected and uncorrected, measured in SPL-01-S1

are higher than expected at that depth. The difference is about 20 ºC. Therefore, the un-
corrected values have been used to determine another gradient for this well only. This
one is shown in figure 2.8 as a grey dotted line. The measurements of SPL-01-S1 can be
seen in figure 2.9.

The reason why this gradient is higher is not clear. The nearby fault may transport water
of higher temperature to shallower depth via convection and warm the water in SPL-01-
S1 which is located near a fault. The higher temperature may also be caused by wrong
calibration of the tool which measured the temperature during the different log runs.

As the difference is sufficiently large, the gradient as determined by the measurements in

SPL-01-S1 has been applied to the area directly around the location of the well, near the
fault zone. It is not clear how large the area is in which the temperature has been af-
fected. This can be determined by building and applying a detailed temperature model.
Therefore the regional gradient has been applied to the other areas. This means there
might be an underestimation of the temperature at Schiphol, PrimAviera and Jamuflor. A
map of the temperature based on the regional gradient can be found in appendix 2.

The regional geothermal gradient is expressed in formula 1. The gradient of SPL-01-S1 is

expressed in formula 2.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 19

° 0.0267 18.254 (1)

° 0.0363 16.17 (2)




120 SPL‐01‐S1 uncorrected
Temperature [ºC]

SPL‐01‐S1 corrected

schiphol geothermal gradient

regional geothermal gradient



0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500


Figure 2.9 Geothermal gradient as determined in SPL-01-S1.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 20

3 Sedimentological analysis
Core measurements and well logs supply information about the petrophysical properties
of the reservoir. They also give other information of the reservoir such as the depositional
environment and the direction of the sediment supply. Using this information, the reser-
voir can be better understood. Core measurements or descriptions give information about
the pore content. Are the pores clean or do they contain minerals from diagenetic proc-
esses which lower the permeability?

3.1 Regional depositional environment

The Slochteren Formation is one of the formations which contain gas in several parts of
the Netherlands. As a consequence this formation has been studied extensively. Re-
gional studies of the depositional environment of the Slochteren Formation have been
made. A map of the depositional environment as a result of these studies is shown in
figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Map of the regional depositional environment of the Slochteren Forma-
tion. TIJH: Texel-IJsselmeer High (Wong et al., 2007).

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 21

The region of interest is for the most part located in the eolian environment. Towards the
south, this transfers to a fluvial environment. An eolian environment consists of dune
deposits which result in a homogeneous clean sandstone with a relative high porosity.
Fluvial deposits, in contrast, are highly heterogeneous as the type of deposit depends on
the location and type of river system. The corresponding log responses will show more

3.2 Well data

Each of the wells has been analysed for the depositional environment. The reservoir
characteristics such as shape of the log response, colour, grain size distribution and grain
shape give information of the depositional environment.

Gamma ray log response

The gamma ray log is a primarily indicator of the amount of clay content within the forma-
tion. The gamma ray of well LSM-01 is plotted in figure 3.2. The gamma ray has a more
or less block shape which means the clay content is relatively constant. This corresponds
to the eolian deposits. The lower part of the Slochteren Formation is more irregular which
means more varying clay content. This could be caused by a change in depositional envi-
ronment from fluvial at the bottom to eolian at the top of the formation. The shape of the
gamma ray is more or less constant in the different wells as can be seen in the multi-well
plots in appendix 2. A homogeneous upper part of the formation is visible with a varying
gamma ray in the lowest part.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 22



Figure 3.2 Gamma ray log response of the Slochteren Formation in LSM-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 23

Reservoir characteristics
A short description of the reservoir characteristics determined from the different logs and
cores is given in table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Overview of the reservoir characteristics derived from the logs and core
Well colour grain size sorting grain shape remarks
Q07-01 grey-brown- fine-med well rounded- breccia & conglomerate
grey angular in lower part
Q10-03 grey with red fine-med poor - no visible porosity
iron stains
Q11-01-S2 red, grey, - - - conglomerate in lower
white part
Q11-03 brown-grey fine-med poor- - poor visible porosity,
moderately mud losses at base
Q14-02 dark grey- fine-med well subrounded good visible porosity
ARV-01 light brown fine-med - - -

HEK-01 light grey-light med- - subrounded the base contains con-

brown coarse glomerate
LSM-01 white to pink fine well - friable sands at bottom

OZN-01 grey fine-med - - towards base more

SPL-01-S1 light grey- very fine- poorly rounded- fair visible porosity,
brown grey fine subrounded friable sands
WRV-01 grey fine-med fairly Subrouned sidewall coring porosity
WOB-01-S1 - - - - circulation losses

The table shows the reservoir characteristics are more or less constant over the area.
There is some variation in sorting as well as the grain shape which is caused by a slight
change in depositional environment towards the base of the formation. Furthermore in
several wells conglomerate are present at the base of the formation which indicates a
fluvial source.

Several of the wells contain dipmeter measurements. A dipmeter log provides a continu-
ous record of formation dip and direction. The dipmeter can provide facies information,
bedform orientation and paleocurrent directions. The dip has been measured in wells
Q10-03, Q11-01-S1, Q10-03, Q14-02, HEK-01, LSM-01, WOB-01-S1 and WRV-01.

All of the wells have visible bedding, except for WRV-01 which is located on a structural
high at the time of deposition. This well contains a thin Slochteren Formation and is there-
fore considered to be non representative for the research area. Wells Q10-03 and LSM-
01 show foresets in the middle of the formations which are interpreted as dune deposits.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 24

The wells all show the source of the sediments is situated within the SSE in the lower part
of the formation. This changes to NNW upward in the formation. The lower parts of the
formation have more sudden variation in dip direction which corresponds to a fluvial envi-

3.3 Mineral content

Some of the cores have been analysed for their pore space filling. A thin section has
been made of a core in well Q07-01. Microscopic analyses showed patches of authigenic
dolomite as pore space filling. In some places the grains have a coating of clay minerals.
These clay minerals consist of kaolinite, secricite and a very low amount of illite. In some
places of the thick sections the rock consists of 30% kaolinite. Kaolinite minerals have the
shape of vermicular (wormlike) aggregates. The kaolinite is formed as a result of acid
fluid flow from the underlying Carboniferous Coal Measures source rocks (Lanson et al.,

Illite is a clay mineral which reduces the permeability significantly due to the hair-like or
lath-shaped particles while the high porosity of the formation is retained. According to
Lanson et al. (1996), illitization occurred during the Cimmerian phases when rapidly illiti-
zation of the kaolin-group minerals was favoured both by increased heat flow in the sedi-
mentary pile and by widespread presence of faults which permitted significant fluid flow
probably from the Zechstein formation. As the majority of the present clay minerals in the
wells were they were analysed are kaolinite and secricite, which belong to the kaolin-
group, the illitization has had little to no influence in the research area.

The wells Q07-01, Q10-03, Q11-03, OZN-01, SPL-01-S1 and WRV-01 all show the pres-
ence of anhydrite and dolomite as cement. The amount is not quantified. Traces of pyrite
and mica are also present. The presence of dolomite and/or anhydrite also reduces the
permeability significantly. The presence is likely caused by fluid flow from the Zechstein
Formation shortly after deposition.

The low permeability caused by the presence of clay minerals, dolomite and/or anhydrite
can be increased by applying reservoir stimulation. This can be done either chemically or
hydraulically. A mixture of HCl and HF have been used for years within the oil and gas
industry for acidizing sandstones to increase the flow rate. HF is used to dissolve clay
particles and silicates. HCL is used for the treatment of carbonates such as calcite or
dolomite. The treatment is temperature dependent as the solubility of dolomite strongly
increases above a temperature of a 100 ºC (Lund et al., 1972). The downside of chemical
stimulation is the relative small distance from the borehole at which the acid is still affect-
ing the formation. With hydraulic stimulation, a fluid is used to generate fractures which
enhance the permeability of the formation. The fractures are generated by pumping water
with a viscosity enhancer at a high pressure into the formation which break the rock and
create fractures. Proppants can be added to keep the fractures open. A combination with
a chemical treatment is possible.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 25

3.4 Conclusions
The sedimentary analysis show the Slochteren Formation consists of a bottom part which
has been deposited in a fluvial environment. The majority of the formation is of eolian
nature and is therefore considered to be homogeneous. This is consisted with the re-
gional interpretation and the observations in the boreholes as well as the log responses.

Thinsection analyses show the presence of clay minerals such as kaolinite which are
present as pore filling. Furthermore dolomite and anhydrite have been encountered as
cement. All three of them reduce the permeability of the formation while the higher poros-
ity might be retained. If the permeability of the reservoir is too low to deliver the required
thermal power at the surface, reservoir stimulation can be applied. This can be done ei-
ther chemically, hydraulically or a combination of them.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 26

4 Petrophysical analysis

4.1 Introduction
To be able to quantify the reservoir properties of the Slochteren Formation, a petrophysi-
cal analysis has carried out for 12 of the 13 wells. Well OZN-01 is excluded as the avail-
able log data was not sufficient for an analysis.

Sandstones not only consist of sand, but often also contain silt and clay fractions. The
important properties which should be determined include clay volume, porosity, perme-
ability and water quality. In this analysis, the pore-filling is also determined. This may
consist of water, oil, gas or salt. In the end, the permeability and the net thickness of the
reservoir determine the transmissivity. The transmissivity is a measure of the quality of
the reservoir and is directly related to the yield.

The data used are from wells drilled between 1970 and 1992. These wells contain
enough log- and core-data for the determination of the reservoir properties. Besides core
and log data, knowledge is used of the petrophysical properties within the region. The
used data, results and parameters are listed in appendix 3.

According to the well log of SPL-01-S1, cores of the Slochteren Formation have been
taken. However, de data does not exist in the databases. The cores are also absent in
the core depot in Zeist. The data is not available by original concession holder of the
area, Amoco. The chances of getting the cores are low and it still needs to be seen if
analyses have been performed on them.

4.2 Core measurements

Of the different wells in the research area reaching the Slochteren Formation, 381 core
measurements were available. In appendix 3 the dataset for each well is given.

Porosity measurements have been carried out under atmospheric pressure. To determine
the porosity at depth, a correction factor needs to be applied. This factor is determined by
the pressure within the reservoir. A correction factor of 0.95 has been applied.

The distribution of the corrected porosity is given in figure 4.1 and 4.2. The porosity for
each well is represented by a normal distribution.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 27


frequency [#]

15 Q07‐01
5 LSM‐01
0 HEK‐01

porosity [%]

Figure 4.1 Corrected porosity of the Slochteren Fm. in the wells Q07-01, HEK-01,
OZN-01 and Q11-01.


frequency [#]



40 Q14‐02


porosity [%]
Figure 4.2 Corrected porosity of the Slochteren Fm. in the well Q14-02.

The measurements of permeability have been done under atmospheric pressure and
using air instead of water. The air permeability differs from the permeability for water.
Furthermore, the permeability generally decreases by increasing pressure from overbur-
den rock. Therefore, the data need to be corrected. The measurements of the permeabil-
ity have been corrected using the Juhasz compaction correction (Juhasz, 1986). The
equations and parameters for this correction are listed in appendix 3.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 28

The distribution of the corrected permeability is given in figure 4.3. The permeability for
each well is represented by a log normal distribution.

frequency [#]

8 Q07‐01
2 OZN‐01
0 LSM‐01

Permeability [mD]

Figure 4.3 Corrected permeability of the Slochteren Formation of several wells.

Porosity-permeability relationship
The porosity and permeability measured in the core analyses can be used to determine
direct relationships between the two. Figure 4.4 shows the corrected porosity and perme-
ability values of the Slochteren Formation. RMA2-regression has been applied to the data
within the area defined by the blue curve. The resulting relationship represents the opti-
mal relation between the porosity and permeability:

. .
10 (1)

where K is the permeability in mD and the porosity in fraction. The correlation coeffi-
cient (R²) of this relation is 0.8375.

RMA: Reduced Major Axis.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 29

RMA: Log(CORE:KHds_is_Juh) = -3.7689 + 27.4040 * CORE:PHIT_DECds R2= 0.8375

core permeability [mD]




0. 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.3
core porosity [-]

221 points plotted out of 6596

Well Zone Depths
(1) Q07-01 (2) Slochteren For 2375.M - 2568.M
(14) LANDSMEER-01 (3) Slochteren For 1454.M - 1650.M
(2) Q11-01-s2 (4) Slochteren For 2878.M - 3043.M
(6) Q14-02 (4) Slochteren For 2888.89M - 3004.M
(5) Q11-03 (2) Slochteren For 2824.M - 2998.M
(3) OZN-01 (3) Slochteren For 1310.M - 1472.M

Figure 4.4 Porosity-permeability relationship for the Slochteren Formation based on

core data.

As can be seen in figure 4.4, the core measurements of LSM-01 are significantly lower
than the other measurements. The measurements of the nearby well OZN-01 have been
corrected for the permeability using the relationship between the corrected and uncor-
rected permeability of well LSM-01, see figure 4.5. The corrected measurements are
situated in between the other measurement. As no structural features are present which
may explain the different relationship, it is assumed that this measurements in LSM-01
has been influenced by hydrothermal alteration through a fault. LSM-01 shows this may
occur locally. Therefore, the measurements in this well have been used to define the
lower boundary of the uncertainty range of the porosity-permeability relationship.
Likewise, measurements in well Q07-01 are locally much higher than other measure-
ments in the same well. These have also been used to determine the upper boundary of
the uncertainty range of the porosity-permeability relationship.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 30

RMA: Log(CORE:KHds_is_Juh) = -0.8722 + 1.3532 * Log(CORE:Kds) R2= 0.9976

corrected core permeability [mD]



0.01 0.1 1. 10. 100.
uncorrected core permeability [mD]

Figure 4.5 Relationship between the uncorrected and corrected core permeability of
well LSM-01.

4.3 Log data

Not all of the wells contain core data. Furthermore, not all of the formation has been
cored and as a consequence, the properties are known of only a part of the formation.
Gamma ray – density-, neutron porosity-, sonic- and resistivity logs have been used to
determine the clay volume and porosity of the complete formation. The results for well
LSM-01 are shown in figure 4.6. The rock composition is shown in the right column in
green (clay), brown (silt), yellow (sandstone) and white (pores). The column to the left
shows that the pores are filled with water. No oil or gas is present within the Slochteren

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 31

Scale : 1 : 1000 LANDSMEER-01
DB : IP_59479 (14) DEPTH (1420.06M - 1675.03M) 3-2-2010 09:42

Gamma ray (GAPI) DEPTH TVDSS Deep resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)

0. 150. (M) (M) 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.

Shallow resistivity (OHMM) Matrix density (gm/cc) Core porosity VSILT (Dec)
0.2 2000. 2.5 3. 0.25 0. 0. 1.
Matrix core density (G/C3) Effective porosity
2.5 3. 1. 0.



CoppershaleZ1 Fringe Carbona
Lower ClaystoneZ1Member

1500 -1339
Slochteren Formation

1600 -1412
Ruurlo Formation

Figure 4.6 Results of the log analysis of the Slochteren Formation in well LSM-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 32

For each well, the porosity has been calculated using the log measurements. De distribu-
tion of the log-derived porosity is given in figure 4.7. All wells approach a normal distribu-
frequency [‐]

200 Q11‐01‐S2

150 LSM‐01
100 Q10‐03
50 SPL‐01‐S1
0 ARV‐01

porosity [%]

Figure 4.7 The log-derived porosity of several wells.

The quality of the log data is checked by the correlation of the log-derived porosity and
the porosity measured in the cores. Figure 4.8 gives the correlation between the log-
derived and the core porosity. The closer the data to the line, the better the log-derived
data represent the true values within the formation. The data points are located above
and below the perfect correlation-line which means there is no systematic over- or under-
estimation of the log-derived porosity.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 33


log effective porosity [-]




0. 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
corrected core porosity [-]
439 points plotted out of 56001
Well Depths
(1) Q07-01 0.M - 2999.99M
(2) Q11-01-s2 2840.M - 3068.88M
(5) Q11-03 0.M - 3199.94M
(6) Q14-02 2800.M - 3200.M
(14) LANDSMEER-01 0.M - 1705.M

Figure 4.8 Correlation between the log-derived effective porosity and the corrected
core porosity.

Permeability cannot be measured directly by well log measurements. Neither can it quali-
tative be derived from log measurements. To calculate the permeability, the relationship
between the porosity and the permeability derived from core measurements is applied to
the calculated porosity logs. As the correlation between the measured and log derived
porosity is considerably, the porosity permeability relationship can be safely applied to
determine the permeability.

The distribution of the calculated permeability is given in figure 4.9. All wells show a rea-
sonable log-normal distribution of the permeability.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 34

frequency [#]


Permeability [mD]

Figure 4.9 The calculated permeability of the different wells.

4.4 Transmissivity of the wells

The transmissivity is a measure of how much water can be transmitted horizontally. It is
calculated in a well by the summation of all the permeabilities. However, this is for one
point only. For upscaling, the product of the mean permeability times the net thickness of
the reservoir is taken. The mean permeability can be calculated using different methods.
The most representative mean depends on the permeability distribution in the reservoir.
The distribution can be uniform in a certain direction (e.g. marine or eolian deposits) or
more heterogeneous (e.g. a braided river system). The Slochteren Formation consists
mainly of eolian sediments. Only the lower part has been deposited by river systems but
still contains a more or less uniform permeability in horizontal direction. Therefore, the
mean permeability is calculated by using the following formula:

∑ (2)
Where Keff is the effective permeability, K the permeability and  a constant. For  a
value of 1/3 has been used, which belongs to a 3D situation (Desbarats, 1992; Herweijer,

For the wells containing permeability core measurements, it is assumed that the meas-
ured permeability in the cores is representative for the whole of the formation. The wells
that do not contain any permeability core measurements, the calculated permeability from
the logs is used for the calculation of the mean permeability.

The transmissivity of the wells is calculated by multiplying the net thickness with the cal-
culated mean permeability. The net thickness of the reservoir is determined by excluding
the thickness of the intercalated claystone from the total thickness. Assumed are a mini-
mal clay volume of 40% and a maximum porosity of 6% for the claystone.
The results are shown in table 3 in appendix 3.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 35

4.5 Water quality
The quality of the water is directly related to the total dissolved solids (TDS) in the water.
The TDS can be determined by the electrical resistivity of the formation water. This resis-
tivity can be derived from the resistivity measurements of the formation measured in the
logs and the temperature of the formation where the resistivity measurements took place.
The TDS can also be determined directly in a production test. These tests are more reli-
able as these direct measurements instead of derived from logs.

In the well OZN-01, drill stem tests have been carried out. In these tests, a TDS of 52-58
g/l has been measured. Production tests in WOB-01-S1 measured a TDS of 145 g/l.

The different wells show a range of 100 to 250 g/l for the total dissolved solids. Excep-
tions are WRV-01, which is considered to be non representative for the area, and LSM-
01, which has a very low resistivity. The production test in well Q07-01 measured a TDS
of 255 g/l. This is below the saturation point of natrium chloride at that temperature. The
risk of well blockage due to salt precipitation within the wells is therefore considered to be

4.6 Well correlations

The wells have been compared, using several multi-well plots, to see if the formation is
lateral homogeneous. In figure 4.10, the plot of the wells LSM-01, SPL-01-S1 and WOB-
01-S1 can be seen. This plot shows the thickness is reducing from the north to the south.
Furthermore, the gamma ray values of LSM-01 and SPL-01-S1 are showing a clean for-
mation from the top until the lower part where more clay is present according to the
gamma ray and other observations. WOB-01-S1 shows a clean upper half of the forma-
tion while the middle and lower part have a different response in the gamma ray. These
observations show that the Slochteren Formation is fairly homogeneous on the Zand-
voort-Ridge, but slightly changes within the West Netherlands Basin. This was expected
as WOB-01-S1 is located closer to the sediment source and will therefore have slightly
different depositional facies from the wells more to the centre of the basin where large
dunes where present.

The other multi-well plots are shown in appendix 3. The plot of HEK-01, SPL-01-S1 and
ARV-01 confirms the observations of figure 4.10. The plot of Q07-01, Q11-01-S2, Q11-
03, SPL-01-S1 and WRV-01 also show a fairly homogeneous Slochteren Formation
which is less clean at the base of the formation. In this plot, it is also shown the thickness
does not vary much from west to east, except in WRV-01. This reduced thickness is due
to deposition due to a high in the paleo-landscape at the time of deposition.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 36


0. - 1718. (DEPTH) 2600. - 2890. (DEPTH) 1394. - 3795.1 (DEPTH)




0. 150. (M) 0. 150. (M) 0. 150. (M)

2 Middle Claystone Memb

Main clayst. Member

Main clayst. Member

ZE Upper Claystone
1 Middle Claystone Memb

-1266 Z3 Carbonate Member ZE UPP CLAYST -2527

Grey Salt Claystone

Ze Middle Claystone

Z1 Middle Claystone

la y
1 Lower Claystone Membe mb
1 Fringe Carbonate Memb

1 Lower Claystone Membe

Coppershale Member Slochteren Formation


-1339 Slochteren Formation -2625


Slochteren Formation

Slochteren Formation


Limburg Groep

-1412 -2722

Limburg Groep


Limburg Groep

-1485 -2819

Figure 4.10 Multi-well plot of LSM-01, SPL-01-S1 and WOB-01-S1.

4.7 Conclusions
The petrophysical analysis shows a fairly homogeneous Slochteren Formation which is
less clean at the base of the formation. The core measurement show permeabilities
which are lower than expected based on the porosity of the wells. This is likely due to
cementation of dolomite and anhydrite of the grains as discussed in chapter 3. Well LSM-
01 has a very low porosity-permeability relationship compared to the other wells which all
follow the same trend. The permeability of the well has most likely been reduced due to
hydrothermal alteration at the influence of a nearby fault. As this may occur throughout

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 37

the area, the measurements in this well have been used as the lower uncertainty range of
the permeability.

Overall the values show a formation which can at some places be used as a reservoir for
geothermal energy, depending on the amount of cementation. The area around HEK-01,
LSM-01 and SPL-01-S1 seems suitable, but the large uncertainty in the permeability
needs to be taken into account.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 38

5 Basin analysis
The porosity evaluates with time essentially due to the compaction resulting from the
increasing pressure coming from the deposition of the sediments. In the case of inverted
basins, the acquired measurements could be higher than expected because they have
been buried deeper than the present situation. Mechanical and chemical processes influ-
ence the properties of the formation. In this chapter, the changes in reservoir properties
due to mechanical compaction are determined. In order to have a good determination of
the porosity in a given reservoir the estimation of the maximum burial depth is required.
The exact workflow of the basin analysis is given in appendix 4.

5.1 Maximum burial depth determination

To determine the maximal burial depth, the original thicknesses of the reservoir and over-
lying formations need to be estimated. This can be determined in two steps. The first
step, in 1D, recreates the evolution of the basin (e.g. sedimentation, tectonic inversion,
erosion phases ...) at the location of the wells in order to estimate the thickness of the
eroded layers. In the second step, the 3D geological model is used to estimates the areas
of each layer where no erosion has taken place.

For the first step, vitrinite reflectance data is used. From these measurements the degree
of coalification can be determined. The degree of coalification is a measurement for the
change that the organic material has undergone. The chemical signature of sedimentary
layers change through time due to the influence of temperature, pressure and time itself.
If the coalification is higher than expected based on the present day depth, the layer has
been located at greater depth in the past. Of the wells WRV-01, OZN-01, ARV-01, Q11-
01-S1, SPL-01-S1 and WOB-01-S1 vitrinite data was available.

The studied area covers a part of three tectonic structures. As shown on figure 5.1, it
covers the northern part of the West Netherlands Basin, the Zandvoort Ridge and the
southern part of the Central Netherlands Basin. In profile (figure 5.2), it is clear that the
evolution of the areas have been different. Within the Zandvoort Ridge, a first erosion
phase took place in the late Jurassic eroding the Jurassic deposits. In the West Nether-
lands Basin and Central Netherlands Basin, the deposition is continuous and conformably
from the Carboniferous to the end of the Cretaceous. At the end the Cretaceous a major
tectonic inversion appears, creating an erosion phase which has eroded the Mesozoic

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 39

Figure 5.1 Location of the area of interest on the structural map of the Rijnland
Group (modified after TNO, 2004)

Figure 5.2 Location of the area on a cross section. Dashed lines shows the erosion
interface (modified after TNO, 2004)

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 40

5.2 Burial history reconstruction method
Burial history reconstruction in 1D
The modelling imitates the evolution of the tectonic and sedimentary events during the
geological history starting from the oldest layers in the considered well. The wells are
corrected for their deviation to obtain vertical thicknesses. The process takes in account
the thickness of the layers, the timing of the deposition and the lithology. The boundary
conditions are the Paleo Water Depth (or PWD), the base sediment heat flow, and the
Surface Water Interface Temperature (or SWI-Temperature). The base sediment heat
flow is assumed to be equal to the surface heat flow. The PWD values have been inter-
preted from the stratigraphic nomenclature of the Netherlands. The surface heat flow
shows an evolution from the Central Netherlands Basin and the West Netherlands Basin.
In the Central Netherlands Basin and the Zandvoort Ridge, the heat flow is 70 mWm-²
from 350 My to 225 My and 75 mWm-² from 200My to present day. In the northern part of
the West Netherlands Basin, the heat flow decreases to 65 mWm-² from 350 My to 225
My and 70 mWm-² from 200 My to present day. And in the central part of the West Neth-
erland Basin, the heat flow is 50 mWm-² from 350 My to 225 My and 55 mWm-² from 200
My to present day. The SWI-temperature has been calculated at 52° of latitude north.
The example of the resulting burial history of well WOB-01-S1 is shown in figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3 Burial history of the well WOB-01. For abbreviations see appendix 5.

The erosion phases can now be modelled using the burial history of the wells. The addi-
tional inputs are the thicknesses which have been eroded and the timing of this erosion
phase. Within the model, a layer can be created if it has been completely eroded. The
initial assessment of the amount of erosion for each layer can be estimated in first ap-
proximation from the thicknesses left in the surrounding area. The values are then cali-
brated using the vitrinite reflectance values (Middleton, 1990). Figure 5.4 shows the re-
sults of the modelled vitrinite reflectance obtained for the six wells. The crosses represent

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 41

the vitrinite reflectance measurements (the extension of the horizontal segment gives the
uncertainty on the measurements). Horizontal parts of the modelled vitrinite reflectance
curve are the representation of the erosional phases.

Figure 5.4 Vitrinite reflectance calibrations of the erosion phases using 1D model-

Estimation of the un-eroded section of a present day layer

For each layer in the area, the areas which had no erosion have been determined.
This has two purposes. First of all, it gives the initial thickness reference for the 1D model
previously discussed. Given the low number of available wells for the 1D modelling, it
gives a better coverage of initial thickness for the maximum burial reconstruction. This is
done by determining the areas on the map which still have the younger formation on top.
If this condition is not respected, the area is not selected for the determination of the ini-
tial thickness. Figure 5.5 shows a profile were the striped section are the zones where

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 42

this condition is not met for that specific layer. Figure 5.6 shows the results after the par-
tially eroded areas have been removed.

Figure 5.5 Representation of the concept to select the non-eroded area for each

Figure 5.6 Areas where the initial thickness of the deposits of the Lower Cretaceous
is preserved.

At this stage the initial layer thickness is still stored into two different datasets. In order to
perform an interpolation between the available data, the two separate dataset have been
regrouped. The interpolation in the empty area has been performed with a natural
neighbour’s technique.

5.2 Burial depth estimation

The maximal burial of the Slochteren Formation could have appeared at three different
moments in geological history. For each of these, a separate scenario has been created.

The maximum burial is the present depth burial;

The maximum burial appears before the late Jurassic erosion phase;
The maximum burial appears before the inversion of the Late Cretaceous.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 43

The second scenario is only pertinent for the Zandvoort Ridge because it is the only area
affected by this erosion phase in the research area. The un-eroded layers considered are
Permian, Triassic and Jurassic. In the third scenario, the layers considered are the un-
eroded Permian and Mesozoic Layers. Within the Zandvoort Ridge, the following layers
are already eroded at the end of the Cretaceous: Schieland and Niedersachsen Groups
(Upper Jurassic), Altena Group (Lower Jurassic) and Germanic Trias Group (Triassic).

For each of the scenarios the maximum burial depth is calculated. As it is not known at
which moment the maximum burial occurred, the highest burial value of the three scenar-
ios is used for the map. The maximum burial depth of the top of the Slochteren Formation
is shown in figure 5.7. An uncertainty of 10% on the results of the maximum burial depth
calculations is assumed.

Figure 5.7 Maximum burial of the top ROSL (top of the Slochteren Fm)

5.3 Determination of the porosity

In order to model the porosity within the Slochteren Formation, the available average
porosity and depth data of the wells were used to estimate the relationship between
depth and porosity.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 44

Porosity-depth relationship
In order to model the porosity within the Slochteren Fm the available values has been
studied to estimate the relation between depth and porosity. The wells and their data are
shown in table 5.1. The maximum burial of the top of the Slochteren Fm. has been mod-
elled for each well (TVD Maximum burial).

Table 5.1 Available porosity values in the Slochteren Fm in the working area.

True vertical TVD Maximum burial [m] average effective

depth [m] 1D modelled estimated porosity [%]
Q07-01 2,375 2,374 14.7
Q10-03 2,941 2,939 15.1
Q11-01-S2 2,878 2,973 13.5
Q11-03 2,824 2,939 12.6
Q14-02 2,889 2,885 10.6
ARV-01 2,400 2,631 13.0
SPL-01-S1 2,747 4,089 17.7
WOB-01-S1 2,605 3,051 12.2
WRV-01 2,340 2,335 6.7
LSM-01 1,454 2,888 17.4
ALE-01 1,733 2,479 13.4
OZN-01 1,355 2,986 13.0

It can be noticed that with the exception of Q11-01-S2, the Slochteren Formation is pres-
ently at its maximum burial depth in the offshore wells. This also holds for WRV-01, the
only well representing the Zandvoort Ridge. The Slochteren Formation in the other wells
all has been buried deeper in the past.

Using the Athy’s Law (Athy, 1930) a porosity-depth curve has been determined (equation

 z   1   0  1 e  kz (1)
Where  z  is the porosity at depth in %, 1 the minimal porosity in %, 0 the initial po-
rosity in %, k the Athy’s factor in km-1 and z the depth in km.

The initial average porosity of the formation is assumed to be 41 %. The minimum aver-
age porosity is assumed to be 1% and Athy’s factor is assumed to be 0.43 km-1.

The result of the Athy’s law is the curve calibrated by the average porosity measurements
at their maximum burial depth shown in figure 5.8. Two measurements are noticeably out
of the main trend which are both located close to the border of the Zandvoort Ridge. The
average porosity of SPL-01-S1 is too high for the calculated maximum burial depth. This
is probably due to the closeness of the wells to the border of the Zandvoort Ridge. Well
WRV-01 has an average porosity which is too low for the maximum burial depth at this
location. This can be explained by the difference in sedimentation as this well was loca-

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 45

tion on a paleo-high in the landscape and was considered to be non-representative for
the research area.
Porosity (%)
5.00 7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.00

Depth (m)


Arty's Law

Porosity measurments - 1D
modelled depth calibrated
3500 Arty's Law +10%

Arty's Law -10%

Porosity measurments - 1D
modelled depth uncalibrated


Figure 5.8 Athy’s law curve fitted to the average porosity - TVD maximum burial

The maximum burial depth has been used as a reference to calculate the porosity, within
each cell the average porosity has been calculated using the Athy’s Law (see equation
1). The results are shown in figure 5.9. The map shows average porosities ranging from
8% to 20%. The highest porosity on top of the Zandvoort Ridge gives values from 13% to
20%. The Central Netherlands Basin has intermediary values from 12% to 17%, and the
West Netherland Basin indicates the lowest values with a minimum of 7% in the south-
west of the research area.

The uncertainty of the porosity results is depending on the uncertainty on the maximum
burial (see figure 5.7) and the uncertainty on the porosity (see figure 5.8). The results of
the sum of these uncertainties is shown in the figure 5.10. Figure 5.9 can also be found in
appendix 2.

The comparison between the calculated porosity and the measured values is coherent,
with the exception of SPL-01-S1 and WRV-01. From a porosity point of view the geo-
thermal potential of the Slochteren Fm is the highest in the Zandvoort Ridge (SPL-01-S1),
acceptable in the Central Netherland Basin and very variable in the in the West Nether-
lands Basin.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 46

Figure 5.9 Porosity map overlain on the maximum burial depth map.

Figure 5.10 Uncertainty in the porosity. Left: minimum porosity; Right: maximum po-

5.4 Determination of the mean transmissivity

The porosity map of the area can be used to determine the average permeability of the
area. This is determined from the relationship between the average porosity and average

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 47

permeability of the wells which is shown in figure 5.10. The relationship is best described
by the following formula;

0.00007 .
Where is the average permeability in mD and the average porosity in fraction. The
correlation coefficient (R²) of this relation is 0.8563 which means the relationship is reli-

Average permeability [mD]




0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

Average porosity [‐]
Figure 5.10 Average porosity versus average permeability of the wells.

The average permeability in the area is used, in combination with the thickness of the
Slochteren Formation to obtain the transmissivity in the area. The resulting map is shown
in figure 5.11. The map can also be found in appendix 2.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 48

Figure 5.11 Transmissivity of the Slochteren Formation in the area.

5.5 Conclusions
The results of the basin analysis show the offshore wells are presently located at their
maximum burial depth. The same holds for the Zandvoort Ridge. The Slochteren Forma-
tion in the other wells all has been buried deeper in the past. The porosity and permeabil-
ity in these areas were influenced by the greater depth and are lower in these areas.
From this, it can be concluded that the location of the structures determine the area’s
which have lower reservoir properties. It is therefore advised to reinterpret the available
seismic data for the exact location of the faults.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 49

6 Fault systems

6.1 General
Natural fractured rock may have a higher permeability and is therefore interesting as a
source for geothermal energy. Fracture zones along actively deforming normal or strike-
slip faults are well-known for their high permeabilities which make them particularly inter-
esting for hydrogeothermal projects. Not all fractures will have a higher permeability; this
depends on a couple of factors.

1. The fault system needs to be active;

Minerals in the water flowing through the fractures will precipitate and seal the frac-
tures. If a system is active, there has not been enough time to fill the fractures with
minerals. In this study, a fault system is considered to be active if it crosscuts the
base of the Upper North Sea Group. This means the fracture has been active in the
last 24 million years.

2. The stress direction;

The direction of the present day stress determines whether a fault system is poten-
tially open or closed.

3. The amount of offset;

The amount of offset determines also the width of the fractured zone. The wider the
zone, the larger the fractured area and the greater the drainage area of a well. If the
amount of offset is less than the reservoir thickness, there will still be reservoir-
reservoir contact along the fault zone. This will increase the drainage area as water
from the reservoir rock will also reach the well.

4. Fault stepping;
In the area where the movement is transferred from one fault to the next, the frac-
tured zones around the faults overlap. In this area, the amount of fractures is higher
and the flow rate which can be achieved is higher. This factor is not necessary, but
increases the probability.

The results of the petrophysical analyses show a large uncertainty in the permeability.
Therefore, fault systems present within the Slochteren Formation who full fill the factors
mentioned above are interesting as the permeability is expected to be higher around that
area. Generally speaking, the flow rate from a fracture zone is higher by a factor 2-3
compared to non-fractured areas in the same formation.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 50

6.2 Analysis
Several of the faults in the area cut through the base of the Upper North Sea Group. This
could be seen in the geological cross sections in figure 2.5 to 2.7. In figure 6.1, the faults
at the base of the Upper North Sea Group are shown. The faults in figure 6.1 are those
which have been mapped in the regional mapping. Detailed analyses of the seismic lines
are therefore needed to determine the exact location of the faults. Examination of some
2D lines present in the area showed more faults are present than those mapped in the
regional mapping. This means that in the areas where no faults are indicated, faults might
still be present.

Figure 6.1 The faults at the base of the Upper North Sea Group. The shaded areas
probably contain higher permeabilities due to fractures.

As the fault is bended at several places, there are areas where the direction of maximum
stress does not align with the fault. At these places, another component besides the nor-
mal component is present. In these areas transtensional faulting is taking place. It is be-
lieved these areas have higher permeabilities than normal faults. These areas are indi-
cated in figure 6.1 as well.

Principal stress orientation

The knowledge about the principal stress orientation in the Netherlands is based on
borehole breakout (BO) and Drilling Induced Fracture (DIF) data. Figure 6.2 shows the
maximum horizontal stress orientations for the Netherlands and neighbouring countries
(Heidbach et al., 2008)

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 51

Figure 6.2 Maximum horizontal stress orientation in The Netherlands and surround-
ing regions(Heidbach et al., 2008).

Figure 6.2 indicates a large data gap for the central and southern part of the Netherlands.
However, based on the data from the NE and offshore it can be stated that the maximum
horizontal stress orientation in the area of interest should be about NNW-SSE. For the
calculation of the slip and dilation tendency a value of N155°E has been taken.

Stress regime
The available stress data do not give direct information about the stress regime. DIFs in
offshore Netherlands may point to a strike-slip stress regime (Zoback, 2008). However,
active tectonics and fault-guided subsidence in large areas of the central and southern
Netherlands point to a normal faulting stress regime. Thus, for the calculation of the slip
and dilation tendency it has been decided to take a normal faulting stress regime into
consideration, which means that the maximum principal stress σ1 equals the vertical
stress Sv, medium principal stress σ2 equals maximum horizontal stress SH, and minimum
principal stress σ3 equals minimum horizontal stress Sh (Anderson, 1951).

Stress magnitudes
Stress magnitudes are not available for BO and DIF data (Heidbach et al., 2008). There-
fore, for the calculation of the slip and dilation tendency magnitudes for the three principal
stresses have to be estimated. The vertical stress magnitude can be calculated as fol-

SV  gz
Where  is the rock density in kg/m³, g is the gravity acceleration in m/s² and z is the
depth in m.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 52

For the determination of the minimum horizontal stress the following equation can be
used in case of a normal faulting regime (Zoback, 2008):

 1 SV  p
  [ (  2  1)   ]2
 3 Sh  p
Where p is the pore pressure in N/m2 and  is the coefficient of friction.

In a normal faulting stress regime pore pressure is predominantly hydrostatic, and a

“good guess” for μ ≈ 0.6. Assuming a critical stressed crust, the equation gives a lower
limit for the value of the minimum horizontal stress Sh, (Zoback, 2008) The magnitude of
maximum horizontal stress SH will not exceed Sv. and will not fall below Sh. A more pre-
cise estimate of the SH-magnitude without any further data is not possible.

For the calculation of the vertical principal stress SV an average rock density of 2.500
kg/m3 and for the calculation of the minimum horizontal stress Sh a coefficient of friction μ
= 0.6 has been taken.

Calculation method of the Slip and Dilation tendency

Slip is likely to occur on the fault surface when the shear stress τ on the fault plane equals
or exceeds the frictional resistance to sliding which is proportional to the normal stress
acting across the fault plane. The slip tendency TS is therefore the ratio of shear stress τ
to normal stress σn:

TS 
Faults with values TS ≥ 0.6 are ideally oriented for slip. The slip tendency therefore pro-
vides information about which faults are near the ideal orientation for slip and are most
likely to be associated with zones of increased fracture density and enhanced fracture
permeability (Morris et al., 1996).

Dilation of fractures is controlled by normal stresses as a function of lithostatic and tec-

tonic stresses as well as pore pressure. The ability of a fracture to transmit fluids is di-
rectly related to its aperture, which in turn is a function of the effective normal stress σn
acting on the fracture surface. Given the 3D stress tensor (σ1, σ2, σ3) the effective normal
stress σn can be calculated for all fracture plane orientations. The normal stress can be
normalized with respect to differential stress. The dilation tendency TD for a fault surface
is then defined as (Morris et al., 1996):
1  n
TD 
1  3
The range of possible TD values is within 0 and 1, whereby 1 indicates faults with highest
possible aperture.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 53

6.3 Location specific
The pore pressure is given with 4430 psi or 30.5 MPa at a depth of 2.925 m and 4020 psi
or 27.7 MPa at a depth of 2680 m. In addition, information about the effective uniaxial
compressional strength is given with 4860 psi or 33.5 MPa.

North of Haarlem
The fault north of Haarlem is considered to be active. This is confirmed by the earthquake
of tectonic origin which occurred at Beverwijk. Its location is shown in figure 6.3. Historical
sources also indicate the occurrence of two seismic events in the 19th century which were
felt in Haarlem.

Figure 6.3 The location of the Beverwijk-earthquake in blue on January 30, 1997
with the faults at the base of the Upper North Sea Group.

The amount of offset is enough to create a wide fracture zone. Therefore, the dilation and
slip tendency have been calculated for this fault. The trace of a fault at the base of the
Rotliegend reservoir has been taken from the geological survey map. The fault dip is
given with 58.6°N.

The principal stresses were calculated for a depth of 2,300 m and a pore pressure of 23.4
MPa, which is hydrostatic. The magnitude for SH has to be estimated. The following re-
sults were obtained: SV = 56.4 MPa, SH ≈ 41.5 MPa, Sh = 34 MPa.

The slip tendency for the investigated fault supply high values between 0.36 and 0.60
with slightly higher values in the southeast. They indicate a favourable orientation of the
fault with respect to the recent tectonic stress field and point to ongoing deformations
along the fault. The values for the dilation tendency TD are in the range between 0.53 and
0.73. The highest values are indicated for the small bend near the south-eastern termina-
tion of the fault, which is almost parallel to the SH-direction. Based on the calculated val-
ues for the slip and dilation tendency ongoing displacements along the fault with a signifi-
cant dilation component is likely to occur.

Based on the regional mapping information, the fault underneath Haarlem and the airport
Schiphol is not really interesting as the offset of the formation along the fault is in the
range of tens to hundred meters. This produced a smaller fractured zone. Seismic inter-
pretation can be used to further qualify the offset.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 54

South of Haarlem-Schiphol
The fault just north of SPL-01-S1 is considered to be active. The amount of offset is also
enough to produce a wide fracture zone; near SPL-01-S1 the amount of offset is 300 m.

The principal stresses have been calculated for a depth of 1,900 m using a hydrostatic
pore pressure. The resulting magnitudes are as follows: SV = 46.6 MPa, SH ≈ 34.2 MPa,
Sh = 27.9 MPa.

The situation for this fault is very similar to the situation of the fault north of Haarlem be-
cause of the similar fault trend. The difference is given by the slightly lower dip angle for
the fault south of Haarlem-Schiphol. The slip tendency is very high all along the fault (Ts
between 0.52 and 0.68), whereas the dilation tendency TD within a range of 0.49-0.59 is
slightly lower compared to the northern fault. However, ongoing deformations along the
fault under the recent tectonic stress field are very likely.

In the continuation in this study, the Slochteren Formation itself is assumed as a reser-
voir. The fault zones are not incorporated in the rest of this study but do certainly have
potential within the area.

6.4 Conclusion
The area shows several active faults present within the Slochteren Formation. Parts of
the faults are orientated at an angle to the present day maximum horizontal stress. As the
stress regime is extensional, these areas also have a strike-slip component. These are
the areas which have a higher permeability. Several of these areas are present within the
research area.

The calculation of the slip and dilation tendency for the faults north of Haarlem and south
of Haarlem-Schiphol both show that ongoing deformations along the fault under the re-
cent tectonic stress field are very likely. For the northern fault this is confirmed by the
occurrence of an earthquake along the fault as recent as 1997.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 55

7 Uncertainty analysis
For several locations in the area an uncertainty analysis has been performed. The pur-
pose of the uncertainty analysis is the quantification of the uncertainty in the calculated
transmissivity in the reservoir.

7.1 Methodology
The analysis consists of two phases. In the first phase the data of the petrophysical
analysis, interpreted parameters of the reservoir (such as interpret porosity and clay vol-
ume) and the error in measurements and interpretation are determined. Then a Monte-
Carlo simulation3 is run to determine the probability curves of the results. The range in
mean permeability, thickness and net/gross is a result of the Monte-Carlo simulation. The
method is illustrated in figure 7.1.

Determination error range

Measurements: Permeability
Resistivity - Random input measure- Mean permeability
Gamma ray ments and interpretations
Density in the determined range Net/Gross
Interpretations: (Monte-Carlo).
Clay volume - Result analysis calculation Gross thickness
Total porosity based on these input val-
Effective porosity ues. Porosity
Water saturation

Figure 7.1 Method to determine the uncertainty in the results of the petrophysical
analysis. The dots are the minimum and maximum, the squares the ex-
pected value of the relevant parameter.

In the second phase the probability of the transmissivity is determined by applying a sec-
ond Monte Carlo simulation. The minima, maxima and expected value of the mean per-
meability, net/gross ratio and the gross thickness are used as input for this simulation.
These three factors are multiplied with each other to determine the transmissivity. The
method is illustrated in figure 7.2.

Monte-Carlo simulation: A simulation technique with many reruns and each time a random start
value as input resulting in a distribution function.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 56

Mean permeability
(minimum, maximum, - Random input measure-
expected value) ments and interpretations
Net/Gross in the determined range
(minimum, maximum, (Monte-Carlo).
expected value) - Mean permeability x
Gross thickness net/gross x gross thickness
(minimum, maximum,
expected value)

Figure 7.2 Method for the determination of the probability distribution of the trans-

In this simulation all errors in the raw data and the interpreted parameters in the well have
been accounted for. When more than one representative well is available and analysed,
the range in mean permeability of these wells needs to be taken into account. The per-
meabilities can, if necessary, be corrected for the depth and distance to the location.

Porosity-permeability relationship
The core measurements in the petrophysical analysis showed a large range in possible
permeabilities. Especially the measurements of well LSM-01 are significantly lower than
the other measurements which follow more or less the same trend. It is not clear yet why
the measurements of this well do not follow the regional trend of the other wells. The
basin analysis showed the well did not have a higher burial depth than the well OZN-01.
OZN-01 is located less than 7 km from LSM-01. The Slochteren Formation has the same
thickness and is located at the same depth. No large faults are present between these
two wells. Considering this, the low permeabilities are caused by the presence of other
type of cement. From the present data, it is not known what cement is present. Therefore,
it cannot be determined if this well is representative for the whole area or not. Therefore,
the uncertainty analysis has been carried out including the data of LSM-01. To determine
which analysis is correct, a thinsection analysis needs to be carried out. These were not
available for this study but they either might be available from the NAM or new ones need
to be made.

The porosity-permeability relationship has a form of y=Ax+B. For the determination of the
uncertainty in the log of the permeability, Gaussian distributions for the A and B factor of
the porosity-permeability relationship have been assumed. The mean is the relationship
as determined in figure 4.4. The standard deviation has been determined using the distri-
bution of the core measurements. 80% of the measurements are located around the
mean relationship, with a much smaller uncertainty, and 10% are located above and an-
other 10% are located below. The Gaussian distributions of the A and B factor are shown
in figure 7.3.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 57

Figure 7.3 Distribution of the A and B factor.

7.2 Zandvoort Ridge northwest

Well HEK-01 is located in the north-western part of the study area. Large faults are ab-
sent and the Slochteren Formation is considered homogeneous. Therefore the results of
HEK-01 of the petrophysical analysis are used for the uncertainty analysis for this area.
The results for the transmissivity are given in table 7.1. These include the results using all
data for the porosity-permeability relationship as well as the results excluding the extreme
values of LSM-01 and the high values of Q07-01.

Table 7.1 Transmissivity and flow rate of the area around well HEK-01.
transmissivity [Dm]
p90 expected
All data 15 36
Excluding extreme values 23 41

7.3 Zandvoort Ridge southeast

From the petrophysical analyses, a mean permeability of 40 mD has been determined for
the SPL-01-S1. This well is situated in the south-eastern part of the research area. As the
Slochteren Formation is fairly homogeneous, it is therefore reasonable to assume the
same properties will be found at a short distance from the existing well. The results of this
well have therefore been used for the uncertainty analysis for this specific location. In
table 7.2 the p90 and p50 transmissivity of the SPL-01-S1 are listed. These include the
results using all data for the porosity-permeability relationship as well as the results ex-
cluding the extreme values of LSM-01 and the high values of Q07-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 58

Table 7.2 Transmissivity and flow rate of the area around SPL-01-S1.
transmissivity [Dm]
p90 expected
All data 2 4
Excluding extreme values 3 5

The transmissivity listed in table 7.2 are not high enough for a commercial project. There-
fore the possibilities for enhancing the transmissivity by reservoir stimulation have been

7.4 Conclusions
The transmissivity calculated for the north-western area in table 7.1 seems sufficient for
an economical project. The transmissivity for the area around SPL-01-S1, is expected to
be insufficient for an economical project. Therefore, the possibilities of reservoir stimula-
tion have been investigated. Due to the low expected flow rates from the formation itself,
the fault zone with an increased flow rate by a factor 2-3 has more potential.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 59

8 Reservoir stimulation
If the transmissivity is low, it can be increased by applying hydraulic fracturing (fraccing),
chemical stimulation or a combination of the two. In this study the possibilities for hydrau-
lic fracturing have been investigated as this reaches the furthest into the formation and
increases the permeability the most. When hydraulic fracturing is applied, a fluid is
pumped into the formation under a pressure which is higher than the formation pressure.
As a result, fractures will develop which enhance the fluid flow. This technique has been
successfully applied on a large scale within the oil and gas industry for several decades.
The method is therefore not new, but it has not been applied on a large scale within the
geothermal industry yet. For several locations, the increase in production due to hydraulic
fracturing has been investigated. State-of-the-art models of the oil and gas industry have
been used to investigate the rate of improvement that can be achieved by fraccing the

8.1 Zandvoort Ridge northwest

For the modelling, several assumptions have been made which are listed in table 8.1.

Table 8.1 Assumptions for the hydraulic fracturing modelling

case 1 case 2
depth top reservoir [mTVD] 2100
net thickness [m] 180
reservoir permeability [mD] 100 140
water viscosity [cP] 0.59
fracture width [mm] 8
Poisson’s ratio [-] 0.11
Young’s modulus [GPa] 18
Temperature [ºC] 74
Pressure [bar] 210
stress gradient [bar/m] 0.14
max drawdown [bar] 40-50
maximum drawdown of 40-50 bar corresponds to a COP of 20.

The fluid with which the fracturing will be done consists of water with a guar based gel.
Proppant4 will be pumped along consisting of 20/40 Badger Sand in the first case and
20/40 CarboLite in the second case. Furthermore a proppant damage of 50% has been
assumed. It is also assumed that production from the open hole is not possible, which is
a worst case situation.

Two cases have been modelled assuming a reservoir permeability of 100 mD in the first
case and a permeability of 140 mD for the second case. The results are given in table
8.2. In figures 8.1 and 8.2 the shape of the created fractures is shown.

Proppant: Sized particles mixed with fracturing fluid to hold fractures open after a hydraulic frac-
turing treatment.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 60

Table 8.2 Results of the fracturing modelling
case 1 case 2
propped height [m] 53 50
propped length [m] 48 42
average fracture permeability [D] 205 60
required proppant [ton] 79 65

Figure 8.1 Overview of the width, length and height of the created fracture in the first

Figure 8.2 Overview of the width, length and height of the created fracture in the
second case.

8.2 Zandvoort Ridge southeast

State-of-the-art models of the oil and gas industry have been used to investigate the rate
of improvement that can be achieved by fraccing the reservoir. For the modelling, several
assumptions have been made which are listed in table 8.3.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 61

Table 8.3 Assumptions for the hydraulic fracturing modelling
case 1 case 2
depth top reservoir [mTVD] 2087
net thickness [m] 87
reservoir permeability [mD] 30 40
water viscosity [cP] 0.49
fracture width [mm] 8
Poisson’s ratio [-] 0.11
Young’s modulus [GPa] 18
Temperature [ºC] 85
Pressure [bar] 209
stress gradient [bar/m] 0.14
max drawdown [bar] 40-50
maximum drawdown of 40-50 bar corresponds to a COP of 20.

The fluid with which the fracturing will be done consists of water with a guar based gel.
Proppant will be pumped along consisting of 16/20 Sinterball Bauxite. Furthermore a
proppant damage of 50% has been assumed. It is also assumed that production from the
open hole is not possible, which is a worst case situation.

Two cases have been modelled assuming a reservoir permeability of 30 mD in the first
case and a permeability of 40 mD (p50) for the second case. The results are given in
table 8.4. In figures 8.3 and 8.4 the shape of the fracture is shown.

Table 8.4 Results of the fracturing modelling

case 1 case 2
propped height [m] 74 59
propped length [m] 93 61
average fracture permeability [D] 454 454
required proppant [ton] 222 113

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 62

Figure 8.3 Overview of the width, length and height of the created fracture in the first

Figure 8.4 Overview of the width, length and height of the created fracture in the
second case.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 63

8.3 Expected flow rates
The flow rate depends on the transmissivity, the production and injection temperatures
and the well design. The transmissivity based on all porosity-permeability data has been
used. An injection temperature of 40 ºC has been assumed. The production temperature
is assumed to be 85 ºC for the south-eastern area. For the north-western area, the pro-
duction temperature is assumed to be 75 ºC. The flow rate also depends on the COP.
The COP is a measure for the sustainability of the system and is partly influenced by the
well design. A system with a high COP is sustainable. For the calculation, COPs of 20, 15
and 10 have been assumed. Assumed is a well with an open hole diameter of 7 ⅝”. The
calculated flow rates from the reservoir are shown in table 8.5. In table 8.6 the minimum
flow rates from the reservoir without applying reservoir stimulation are listed.

The flow rates in tables 8.5 and 8.6 are the values for extraction of the reservoir only. In
case of drilling into a fault zone, the flow rates from the reservoir without stimulation are
expected to increase by a factor 2-3. It is not clear what flow rate can be extracted from a
stimulated fault zone.

Table 8.5 Expected flow rates (p50).

excl. reservoir stimulation incl. reservoir stimulation
COP 10 COP 15 COP 20 COP 10 COP 15 COP 20
southeast 75 50 40 260 180 150
northwest 350 220 175 350 280 220

Table 8.6 Minimum flow rates (p90).

excl. reservoir stimulation incl. reservoir stimulation
COP 10 COP 15 COP 20 COP 10 COP 15 COP 20
southeast 30 20 15 100 70 55
northwest 200 150 120 275 200 155

The results in table 8.5 show an increase of the flow rate by a factor 1.3 in the case of a
mean permeability of 140 mD and a factor 3.6 in the case of a mean permeability of 40
mD. The effect of reservoir stimulation is thus higher in the case of lower reservoir per-

The results in table 8.6 show that in the situation in the northwest, the p90 value of the
flow rate can be sufficient for the realization of the project. In the southeast, the p90 val-
ues are insufficient for an economical profitable project. Reservoir stimulation can en-
hance the flow rate in which case an economical project can be profitable.

In table 8.7 the minimum flow rates (p90) are shown when the extreme porosity-
permeability data has not been taken into account. The factor of increase in the flow rate
is slightly lower.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 64

Table 8.7 Minimum flow rates (p90) excl the extreme porosity-permeability meas-
excl. reservoir stimulation incl. reservoir stimulation
COP 10 COP 15 COP 20 COP 10 COP 15 COP 20
southeast 40 30 22 120 90 65
northwest 250 200 160 300 240 190

Experiences of fraccing in the oil and gas industry show the fractures will remain open for
long periods. The production can be lowered due to the blockage of the proppant by float-
ing particles in the water. It is possible re-fracturing is necessary during the system’s life-
time. The exact lifetime of the fractures can be determined when a complete fracture
design is made. It is advised to do this in a next stage for projects in the area where frac-
cing is needed to obtain a commercial flow rate.

8.5 Conclusions
From the calculations it can be concluded that the lower the permeability, the more effec-
tive the reservoir stimulation. Therefore, reservoir stimulation is only needed in the north-
west when reservoir damage occurs due to drilling. The flow rate can be enhanced by a
factor 1.3 at an original reservoir permeability of 140 mD.

In the southeast, reservoir stimulation is necessary to increase the flow rate to a more
acceptable level. The modelling shows the flow rate can be increased by a factor 3.6.

Based on the results of the basin analysis, the reservoir properties in the area around
Amsterdam are expected to be within the same range. Similar results of the reservoir
stimulation are expected. More towards the south, lower reservoir properties are ex-
pected as the formation has been buried much deeper in the past. The flow rate after
reservoir stimulation will therefore be slightly lower than the results in the southeast.

It is possible re-fracturing is necessary during the system’s lifetime due to blockage of the
fractures. The exact lifetime of the fractures can be determined when a complete fracture
design is made. It is advised to do this in a next stage for projects in the area where frac-
cing is needed to obtain a commercial flow rate.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 65

9 Conclusions and recommendations
The sedimentological and petrophysical analysis show the Slochteren Formation consists
of a bottom part which has been deposited in a fluvial environment. The majority of the
formation is of eolian nature and is therefore considered to be homogeneous. The core
measurement show permeabilities which are lower than expected based on the porosity
of the wells. Thinsection analyses show the presence of clay minerals such as kaolinite
which are present as pore filling. Furthermore dolomite and anhydrite have been encoun-
tered as cement. All three of them reduce the permeability of the formation while the
higher porosity might be retained.

Well LSM-01 has a very low porosity-permeability relationship compared to the other
wells which all follow the same trend. The permeability of the well has most likely been
reduced due to hydrothermal alteration at the influence of a nearby fault. As this may
occur throughout the area, the measurements in this well have been used as the lower
uncertainty range of the permeability. If these measurements, as well as the higher
measurements of Q07-01 are excluded, the p90 flow rate increases significantly. Overall
the values show a formation which can at some places be used as a reservoir for geo-
thermal energy, depending on the amount of cementation. The area around HEK-01,
LSM-01 and SPL-01-S1 seems suitable.

The results of the basin analysis show the offshore wells are presently located at their
maximum burial depth. The same holds for the Zandvoort Ridge. The Slochteren Forma-
tion in the other wells, north of Amsterdam-Haarlem and south of Schiphol, has been
buried deeper in the past which means the porosity and permeability has been affected
and will be lower in these areas.

The area shows several active faults which are present within the Slochteren Formation.
Parts of the faults are orientated at an angle to the present day maximum horizontal
stress. As the stress regime is extensional, these areas also have a strike-slip compo-
nent. These are the areas which have a higher permeability. Several of these areas are
present within the research area. The calculation of the slip and dilation tendency for the
faults north of Haarlem and south of Haarlem-Schiphol both show that ongoing deforma-
tions along the fault under the recent tectonic stress field are very likely.

In the southeast, reservoir stimulation is necessary to increase the flow rate to a more
acceptable level. The modelling shows the flow rate can be increased by a factor 3.6.
Re-fracturing might be necessary during the system’s lifetime due to blockage of the frac-
tures by floating particles in the water. The exact lifetime of the fractures can be deter-

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 66

mined when a complete fracture design is made. It is advised to do this in a next stage for
projects in the area where fraccing is needed to obtain a commercial flow rate.

To decrease the uncertainty in the low permeability range due to the measurements in
LSM-01, a thinsection analysis is recommended. They can either be asked for at the
NAM, the original operator of the well, or be made from the core if they have not been
yet. This analysis will show why the permeability is so much reduced while the porosity is

Advised is to reinterpret the available seismic data for the determination of the depth and
thickness of the Slochteren Formation. Furthermore, these data are needed to determine
the location of the faults with more certainty. This will give better insight for the areas
around the faults as the geological structure largely determines in basin analysis which
areas have been inverted.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 67

10 References
Anderson, E.M., 1951, The dynamics of faulting and dyke formation with application to
Britain: Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd.
Athy, L.F., 1930, Density, porosity and compaction of sedimentary rocks: AAPG Bulletin,
v. 14, p. 1-22.
Desbarats, A.J., 1992, Spatial averaging of hydraulic conductivity in three-dimensional
heterogeneous porous media: Mathematical Geology, v. 24.
Duin, E.J.T., Doornenbal, J.C., Rijkers, R.H.B., Verbeek, J.W., and Wong, T.E., 2006,
Subsurface structure of the Netherlands - results of recent onshore and offshore
mapping: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, v. 85, p. 245-276.
H.A. van Adrichem Boogaert, and Kouwe, W.F.P., 1993, Stratigraphic nomenclature of
the Netherlands, revision and update by RGD and NOGEPA: Haarlem, 72 p.
Heidbach, O., Tingay, M., Barth, A., Reinecker, J., Kurfeß, D., and Müller, B., 2008, The
World Stress Map database release 2008: doi:10.1594/GFZ.WSM.Rel2008.
Herweijer, J.C., 1997, Sedementary heterogeneity and flow towards a well.
Assemssement of flow through heterogeneous formations.: Amsterdam, Vrije
Universiteit, p. 277.
Juhasz, I., 1986, Coversion of routine air-permeability data into stressed brine-
permeability data, Society of Professional Well Log Analysts, Aberdeen Chapter,
10th European Formation Evaluation Symposium Transactions, paper Y, p. 1-15.
Lanson, B., D. Beaufort, G. Berger, J. Baradat, and Lacharpagne, J.-C., 1996, Illitization
of diagenetic kaolinite-to-dickite conversion series: late-stage diagenesis of the
Lower Permain Rotliegend Sandstone Reservoir, offshore of the Netherlands.:
Journal of sedimentary research, v. 66, p. 501-518.
Lund, K., H.S. Fogler, and McCune, C.C., 1972, Acidization-I The dissolution of dolomite
in hydrochloric acid: Chemical Engineering Science, v. 28, p. 691-700.
Middleton, M.F., 1990, Tectonic influence of vitrinite reflectance: International Journal of
Coal Geology, v. 16, p. 235-237.
Morris, A., Ferill D.A., and D.B., H., 1996, Slip-tendency analysis and fault reactivation:
Geology, v. 3, p. 275-278.
TNO, 2004, Geologische atlas van de diepe ondergrond van Nederland - vasteland.
Wong, T., Batjes, D.A.J., and Jager, J.d., 2007, Geology of the Netherlands: Amsterdam,
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 354 p.
Zoback, M.D., 2008, Reservoir Geomechanics: Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010 68

Appendix 1

Geological timescale

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Geological timescale
with a stratigraphic column of the Netherlands
Age [MY] Era Epoch Stage Group or Formation Productive measures
2.4 Quartenary
Formations of Maassluis,
Upper Northsea Gp
Neogene Oosterhout, Breda

Voortzand, Veldhoven,
Middle Northsea Gp
Tertiary Bergzand
Lower Northsea Gp Brusselssand, Meerssand

Ommelanden (Chalk) Fm

Texel Fm
Cretaceous Holland Gp Holland Groenzand

De Lier, IJsselmonde, Berkel

Early Rijnland Gp
en Rijswijk zanden

143 Schieland Gp Nieuwerkerk Fm



Jurassic Middle
Altena Gp


Triassic Upper Germanic Triassic Gp

251 Early Lower Germanic Triassic Gp Main Buntsandstein

Z3 Carbonate
Zechstein Gp
Late Z2 Carbonate
Upper Rotliegend Gp Slochteren Fm

Early Lower Rotliegend Gp


Westphalian Limburg Gp several sandstones Mb



Carboniferous Limestone






22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Appendix 2

Geological maps

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010
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22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010
Appendix 3


22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

1 Data
Table 1 Core data of the Slochteren Formation
Well Age Number of Porosity [%] Permeability [mD]
measurements raw/corrected raw/corrected
min max min max
Q07-01 1973 110 1.6/1.5 23.5/22.3 0.4/0.01 561/470
Q07-02 1978 -
Q10-03 1987 -
Q11-01-S2 1969 -
Q11-03 1992 5 3.5/3.3 12.3/11.7 0.05/0.002 6.2/1.4
Q14-02 1991 146 6.3/5.9 11.1/10.5 0.12/0.01 4.6/0.8
ARV-01 1976 -
HEK-01 1965 25 3..2/3.0 9.0/8.6 - -
LSM-01 1977 53 12.0/11.4 27.7/26.3 0.3/0.02 9.9/2.9
OZN-01 1951 15 8.2/7.8 18.7/17.8 0.3/0.002 31/14
SPL-01-S1 1970 -
WOB-01-S1 1966 -
WRV-01 1971 -
ALE-01 1976 -
According to the composite well log, cores have been made. The data or the material could not
be located.

Table 2 used wells and their measurements within the reservoir

Well Gamma Ray Density Neutron poros- Sonic resistivity
Q07-01(1) yes yes no yes yes
Q07-02 yes yes yes yes yes
Q10-03 yes yes yes yes yes
Q11-01-S2 yes No no yes yes
Q11-03 yes yes yes yes yes
Q14-02 yes yes yes yes yes
ARV-01 yes yes yes yes yes
HEK-01 yes No no yes yes
LSM-01 yes yes yes yes yes
OZN-01 no No no no yes
SPL-01-S1 yes yes no yes yes
WOB-01-S1 yes No no yes yes
WRV-01 yes No no yes yes
ALE-01 yes yes yes yes yes
Not covering all of the reservoir,
Base Slochteren Formation not reached.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

2 Results
Table 3 Results of the analysis. Cut-offs used: clay volume > 40%, porosity>6%
Well effective porosity permeability (most net thickness gross thick- transmissivity
[%] likely) [mD] [m] ness [m] (most likely)
mean median Log Core [Dm]
Q07-01 14.6 14.6 13.3 0.19 172 192 2.9
Q11-01-S2 13.5 13.5 7.1 0.96 152 159 1.3
Q11-03 11.8 11.8 0.6 0.76 126 127 0.1
Q14-02 10.7 10.7 1.1 0.05 104 115 0.1
ARV-01 12.9 12.9 1.3 - 71 73 0.1
WRV-01 6.3 6.6 0.0 - 1 11 0.0
WOB-01-S1 12.3 12.3 1.6 - 77 90 0.1
SPL-01-S1 15.4 15.4 39.7 - 92 107 3.8
Q10-03 15.2 15.2 4.1 - 98 99 0.4
HEK-01 18.5 18.4 211.3 - 162 184 40.6
LSM-01 16.8 16.7 93.6 0.11 138 142 13.3
OZN-01 - - - 0.96 - 168 -
ALE-01 13.4 13.4 1.4 121 123 0.4
Thin due to incomplete sedimentation,
Base Slochteren Formation not reached.

Well pore content Depth base TDVSS water salinity

[m] [ppm]
Q07-01 Water 2536 253
Q11-01-S2 gas shows 2986 160
Q11-03 Water 2778 150
Q14-02 gas shows 2968 92
ARV-01 Water 2465 260
WRV-01 Water 2209 300
WOB-01-S1 Water 2671 145
SPL-01-S1 Water 2195 144
Q10-03 minor gas shows 3000 98
HEK-01 Water 1930 110
LSM-01 Water 1448 42
ALE-01 Water 1856 105
Base Slochteren Formation not reached.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

3 Juhasz permeability correction
The permeability measurements of the core analysis have been corrected using the Ju-
hasz compaction correction.
If Kair > 660 mD:

If 160 mD < Kair > 660 mD:


If Kair < 160 mD:

Kbrine=A KairB(PHIE/PHIT)C
With: A = 4.14 σ -0.390, B = 0.80 σ 0.058 and C = 2.04 σ 0.058

Where Kair is the air-permeability, Kbrine the water-permeability, PHIE the effective poros-
ity, PHIT the total porosity and σ the effective in-situ uniaxial stress in the reservoir in psi.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

4 Results of the well log data
Panel Parameter
1 Lithostratigraphy

2 Gamma ray
Spontaneous potential

3 Depth along hole

4 Vertical depth
5 Density
Neutron porosity
Deep Resistivity
Shallow Resistivity

Matrix density
8 Effective porosity
Water saturation
10 Porosity

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 1000 Q07-01
DB : IP_59479 (1) DEPTH (2350.01M - 2599.94M) 3-2-2010 09:42

Gamma Ray (API) DEPTH TVDSS Density (G/C3) Deep Resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)
lithostratigraphy all

0. 150. (M) (M) 1.95 2.95 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.
Shallow Resistivity (OHMM) Matrix density (gm/cc) Core porosity VSILT (Dec)
0.2 2000. 2.5 3. 0.25 0. w ater 0. 1.
Matrix core density (G/C3) Effective porosity
2.5 3. 1. 0.



Lower Claystone Membe

2400 -2369
Slochteren Formation

2500 -2469
Limburg Group

2600 2568

Figure 1 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well Q07-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 1000 Q11-01-s2
DB : IP_59479 (2) DEPTH (2850.03M - 3067.96M) 3-2-2010 09:42

Gamma Ray DEPTH TVDSS Deep Resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)
lithostratigraphy all

0. 150. (M) (M) 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.

Matrix density (gm/cc) Core porosity VSILT (Dec)
2.5 3. 0.25 0. 0. 1.
Matrix core density (G/C3) Effective porosity
2.5 3. 1. 0.



Z1 Lower Claystone Member

2900 -2848
Slochteren Formation

3000 -2944
Ruurlo Formation

Figure 2 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well Q11-01-S2.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 1000 Q11-03
DB : IP_59479 (5) DEPTH (2800.05M - 3049.98M) 3-2-2010 09:42

Gamma Ray DEPTH TVDSS Density (G/C3) Deep resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)

0. 150. (M) (M) 1.95 2.95 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.
Neutron porosity (V/V) Shallo resistivity (OHMM) Matrix density (gm/cc) Effective porosity VSILT (Dec)
0.45 -0.15 0.2 2000. 2.5 3. 0.25 0. 0. 1.
Effective porosity Effective porosity
0.25 0. 1. 0.



Z1 Fringe
Z1 Middle Claystone Carbonate

2850 -2670
Slochteren Formation

2900 -2707

2950 -2743

3000 -2779
Ruurlo Formation

3050 2816

Figure 3 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well Q11-03.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 1000 Q14-02
DB : IP_59479 (6) DEPTH (2850.03M - 3049.98M) 3-2-2010 09:43

Gamma Ray DEPTH TVDSS Density (G/C3) Deep resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)

0. 150. (M) (M) 1.95 2.95 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.
Neutron porosity (V/V) Medium resistivity (OHMM) Matrix density (gm/cc) Core Porosity VSILT (Dec)
0.45 -0.15 0.2 2000. 2.5 3. 0.25 0. w ater 0. 1.
Matric core density (G/C3) Effective porosity
2.5 3. 1. 0.
0. 1.




Z1 Fringe Carbonate Member
Fringe Coppershale Member

2900 -2864
Slochteren Formation

3000 -2964
Hellevoetsluis Formation

Figure 4 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well Q14-02.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 500 AARLANDERVEEN 1
DB : IP_59479 (7) DEPTH (2390.07M - 2500.03M) 3-2-2010 09:43

GR (API) DEPTH TVDSS Density (gr/cc3) Deep Resistivity (ohm.m) Sonic ( ms/ft) Effective Porosity Water Saturation VWCL (Dec)

0. 150. (M) (M) 1.95 2.95 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.
Neutron Porosity (DEC) Short Normal (ohm.m) Matrix Density (gm/cc) VSILT (Dec)
0.45 -0.15 0.2 2000. 2.5 3. w ater 0. 1.
Effective Porosity
Sand 1. 0.
0. 1.





2400 -2392
Slochteren Formation

2450 -2441

2500 2491

Figure 5 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well ARV-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 500 WAVERVEEEN 1
DB : IP_59479 (8) DEPTH (2325.M - 2375.M) 3-2-2010 09:43

GR (GAPI) DEPTH TVDSS Deep Resistivity (OHMS) Sonic (MS) Effective Porosity Water Saturation VWCL (Dec)

0. 150. (M) (M) 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.

Rw FT (ohmm) Matrix Density (gm/cc) VSILT (Dec)
0.01 1. 2.5 3. Water 0. 1.
Effective Porosity
1. 0.
1. 0.






2350 -2206
Slochteren Formation

Figure 6 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well WRV-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 500 WOUBRUGGE 01 SIDETRACK 1
DB : IP_59479 (9) DEPTH (2560.01M - 2720.03M) 4-2-2010 16:02

GR ( API) DEPTH TVDSS Deep Resistivity ( ohm.m) Sonic (ms/ft) Effective Porosity Water Saturation VWCL (Dec)
Lithostratigraphy all

0. 150. (M) (M) 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.

Spontaneous Pote Short Normal (ohm.m) VSILT (Dec)
-50. 50. 0.2 2000. Water 0. 1.
Effective Porosity
1. 0.
0. 1.




Z1 Fringe Carbonate Member CLA

2600 -2576
Slochteren Formation

2650 -2625

2700 -2674
Limburg Groep

Figure 7 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well WOB-01-S1.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 500 SCHIPHOL 1 SIDETRACK 1
DB : IP_59479 (10) DEPTH (2717.M - 2870.M) 4-2-2010 16:01

GR (GAPI) DEPTH Vertical Density (G/C3) Resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective Porosity Water Saturation VWCL (Dec)
lithostratigraphy all

0. 150. (M) (M) 1.95 2.95 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.
Rw FT (ohmm) Matrix Density (gm/cc) VSILT (Dec)
0.01 1. 2.5 3. Water 0. 1.
Effective Porosity
1. 0.
0. 1.




Z1 Fringe Carbonate Member
Z1 Lower Claystone Member

2750 -2090

2800 -2134
Slochteren Formation

2850 -2178

Figure 8 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well SPL-01-S1.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 500 Q10-03
DB : IP_59479 (11) DEPTH (2919.98M - 3044.04M) 3-2-2010 09:34

Gamma ray (GAPI) DEPTH TVDSS Density (G/C3) Deep Resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)
lithostratigraphy reservoir

0. 150. (M) (M) 1.95 2.95 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.
Neutron porosity (dec) Matrix density (gm/cc) VSILT (Dec)
0.45 -0.15 2.5 3. Water 0. 1.
Effective porosity
1. 0.



Z1 Middle Claystone Member
Fringe Coppershale Member

2950 -2911
Slochteren Formation

3000 -2961

Figure 9 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well Q10-03.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 1000 HEEMSKERK-01
DB : IP_59479 (13) DEPTH (1750.01M - 1970.07M) 3-2-2010 09:39

Gamma ray (GAPI) DEPTH TVDSS Short Normal (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)

0. 150. (M) (M) 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.

Core porosity VSILT (Dec)
0.25 0. 0. 1.
Effective porosity
1. 0.


Claystone M
Z1 LowerMember

1800 -1782
Slochteren Formation

1900 -1881
Caumer Subgroup

Figure 10 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well HEK-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 1000 LANDSMEER-01
DB : IP_59479 (14) DEPTH (1420.06M - 1675.03M) 3-2-2010 09:42

Gamma ray (GAPI) DEPTH TVDSS Deep resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water saturation VWCL (Dec)

0. 150. (M) (M) 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.

Shallow resistivity (OHMM) Matrix density (gm/cc) Core porosity VSILT (Dec)
0.2 2000. 2.5 3. 0.25 0. 0. 1.
Matrix core density (G/C3) Effective porosity
2.5 3. 1. 0.



CoppershaleZ1 Fringe Carbona
Lower ClaystoneZ1Member

1500 -1339
Slochteren Formation

1600 -1412
Ruurlo Formation

Figure 11 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well LSM-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Scale : 1 : 500 ALMERE-01
DB : IP_59479 (12) DEPTH (1714.96M - 1876.96M) 16-2-2010 17:36

Gamma ray (GAPI) DEPTH TVDSS Density (G/C3) Deep Resistivity (OHMM) Sonic (US/F) Effective porosity Water Saturation VWCL (Dec)
lihtostratigraphy all

0. 150. (M) (M) 1.95 2.95 0.2 2000. 140. 40. 0.25 0. 1. 0. 0. 1.
Neutron (dec) Shallow Resistivity (OHMM) Matrix density (gm/cc) VSILT (Dec)
0.45 -0.15 0.2 2000. 2.5 3. w ater 0. 1.
Effective porosity
1. 0.



Lower Anhy

1750 -1748
Slochteren Formation

1800 -1798

1850 -1848
Maurits Formation

Figure 12 Results of the well log analysis of the Slochteren Fm. in well ALE-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010


0. - 1999.9 (DEPTH)


0. 150. (M)

Z3 Carbonate Member

2600. - 2890. (DEPTH)

Grey Salt Clay Member
Z2 Roof Anhydrite Membe

0. 150. (M) 5.1 - 2545.3 (DEPTH)


0. 150. (M)
2 Middle Claystone Memb

Main clayst. Member


1 Middle Claystone Memb

Main clayst. Member

ZE Upper Claystone

1 Fringe Carbonate Memb Z3 Carbonate Member

Grey Salt Claystone

Ze Middle Claystone

Z1 Middle Claystone Z3 CARBONATE






1 Lower Claystone Membe


1 Fringe Carbonate Memb

1 Lower Claystone Membe

Coppershale Member Slochteren Formation


Slochteren Formation


Slochteren Formation

Slochteren Formation
rg Gro
Li mbu


Limburg Groep

Limburg Groep

Limburg Groep


Figure 13 Multi-well plot of HEK-01, SPL-01-S1 and ARV-01.

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Figure 14

0. - 3000. (DEPTH) 2600. - 2890. (DEPTH)
0. - 3068.9 (DEPTH) Q11-03
0. 150. (M) 0. 150. (M)
GR (GAPI) TVDSS 0. - 3199.9 (DEPTH)
34. - 2458. (DEPTH)

0. 150.


0. 150. GR (GAPI) TVDSS
-2700 (M) 0. 150.
2 Middle Claystone Memb

2 Middle Claystone Memb
Main clayst. Member
Grey Salt Clay Member
ed-brown Salt Clay Memb 2 Fringe Sandstone Memb -2004

1 Middle Claystone Memb 2 Middle Claystone Memb 2 Middle Claystone Memb

Fringe Sandstone Memb -2596
ZE Upper Claystone
Z1 Frin Fringe Sandstone Memb
ge Car Z3 Carbonate Member
1 Fringe Carbonate Memb bonate
Me mb
-2046 1 Middle Claystone Memb
er 1 Middle Claystone Memb Grey Salt Claystone
Z1 Lowe Ze Middle Claystone
r Clays
tone Mem
ber 1 Fringe Carbonate Memb Z1 Middle Claystone Z1 Fringe Carbonate Member
1 Fringe Carbonate Memb
1 Lower Claystone Membe
-2800 -2633 1 Fringe Carbonate Memb 1 Fringe Carbonate Memb
1 Lower Claystone Memb Z1 Lower Claystone Member

1 Lower Claystone Membe 1 Lower Claystone Membe

June 8, 2010
Slochteren Formation Slochteren Formation 1 Lower Claystone Membe
Coppershale Member

Slochteren Formation

Slochteren Formation

-2900 -2707 p
Slochteren Formation ou
Slochteren Formation Gr
rg Limburg Group
Slochteren Formation bu
-2178 m

-2469 -2743
Limburg Group

up g Gro
burg Limburg Group -2779
Lim -3000

Limburg Group


Limburg Group -2852



Multi-well plot of Q07-01, Q11-01-S2, Q11-03, SPL-01-S1 and WRV-01.

Appendix 4

Complete workflow basin modelling

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Complete workflow basin modelling

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Appendix 5

Abbreviations geological formations

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

Abbreviations geological formations
code Official name Nomenclator code Official name Nomenclator
N North Sea Supergroup CK Chalk Group
NU Upper North Sea Group CKEK Ekofisk Formation
NUMS Maassluis Formation CKHM Houthem Formation
NUSA Scheemda Formation CKMA Maastricht Formation
NUOT Oosterhout Formation CKGP Gulpen Formation
NUKO Kieseloolite Formation CKVA Vaals Formation
NUKOR Reuver Clay Member CKAK Aken Formation
NUKOS Schinveld Sand Member CKGR Ommelanden Formation
NUKOB Brunssum Clay Member CKTX Texel Formation
NUKOV Venlo Clay Member CKTXP Plenus Marl Member
NUKOW Waubach Sand and Gravel Member CKTXG Texel Greensand Member
NUIN Inden Formation CKTXM Texel Marlstone Member
NUVI Ville Formation KN Rijnland Group
NUVIH Heksenberg Member KNGL Holland Formation
NUBA Breda Formation KNGLU Upper Holland Marl Member
NUBAV Vrijherenberg Member KNGLS Spijkenisse Greensand Member
NUBAK Kakert Member KNGLM Middle Holland Claystone Member
NUBAU upper Breda member KNGLG Holland Greensand Member
NUBAL lower Breda member KNGLL Lower Holland Marl Member
NM Middle North Sea Group KNN Vlieland subgroup
NMVF Veldhoven Formation KNNS Vlieland Sandstone Formation
NMVFS Someren Member KNNC Vlieland Claystone Formation
NMVFO Veldhoven Clay Member KNNSF Friesland Member
NMVFV Voort Member KNNSL De Lier Member
NMRF Rupel Formation KNNSY IJsselmonde Sandstone Member
NMRFC Rupel Clay Member KNNSD Berkel Clastics member
NMRFT Steensel Member KNNSC Berkel Sand-Claystone Member
NMRFS Vessem Member KNNSB Berkel Sandstone Member
NMRFW Winterswijk Member KNNCU Eemhaven Member
NMRFH Brinkheurne Member KNNCA IJsselmonde Claystone Member
NMRFR Ratum Member KNNSI Rijn Member
NMTF Tongeren Formation KNNSR Rijswijk Member
NMTFG Goudsberg Member KNNCS Schoonebeek member
NMTFK Klimmen Member KNNCM Vlieland Claystone member
NL Lower North Sea Group KNNSO Logger Sandstone member
NLFF Dongen Formation KNNSH Helder Member
NLFFB Asse Member KNNSK Kotter Member
NLFFS Brussels Sand Member KNNSG Gildehaus Sandstone Member
NLFFM Brussels Marl Member KNNCW Westerbork Member
NLFFY Ieper Member KNNCE Ruinen Member
NLFFD Basal Dongen Sand Member KNNSP Bentheim Sandstone Member
NLFFT Basal Dongen Tuffite Member KNNCV Bentheim Claystone Member
NLLF Landen Formation KNNCK Vlieland Marl Member
NLLFL Swalmen Member XXZV Zuidwal Volcanic Formation
NLLFC Landen Clay Member
NLLFG Gelinden Member
NLLFS Heers Member
NLLFR Reusel Member
NLFFC Dongen Clay member

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

code Official name Nomenclator code Official name Nomenclator
SK Niedersaksen Group ATBR3 Upper Brabant Limestone Member
SKCF Coevorden Formation ATBRM Middle Brabant Marl Member
SKCFU Upper Coevorden Member ATBR2 Middle Brabant Limestone Member
SKCFM Middle Coevorden Member ATBRL Lower Brabant Marl Member
SKCFL Lower Coevorden Member ATBR1 Lower Brabant Limestone Member
SKWF Weiteveen Formation ATBRK Klomps member
SKWFF Serpulite Member ATWD Werkendam Formation
SKWFE Weiteveen Upper Marl Member ATWDU Upper Werkendam Member
SKWFD Weiteveen Upper Evaporite Member ATWDM Middle Werkendam Member
SKWFC Weiteveen Lower Marl Member ATWDL Lower Werkendam Member
SKWFB Weiteveen Lower Evaporite Member ATPO Posidonia Shale Formation
SKWFA Weiteveen Basal Clastic Member ATAL Aalburg Formation
SG Scruff Group ATRT Sleen Formation
SGGS Scruff Greensand Formation RN Upper Germanic Trias Group
SGGSS Stortemelk Member RNKP Keuper Formation
SGGSP Scruff Spiculite Member RNKPU Upper Keuper Claystone Member
SGGSA Scruff Argillaceous Member RNKPD Dolomitic Keuper Member
SGGSB Scruff Basal Sandstone Member RNKPR Red Keuper Claystone Member
SGKI Kimmeridge Clay Formation RNKPE Red Keuper Evaporite Member
SGKIS Schill Grund Member RNKPM Middle Keuper Claystone Member
SGKIC Clay Deep Member RNKPS Main Keuper Evaporite Member
SGKIM main Kimmeridge Clay member RNKPL Lower Keuper Claystone Member
SL Schieland Group RNKPC Argillaceous Keuper member
SLD Delfland Subgroup RNMU Muschelkalk Formation
SLDZ Zurich Formation RNMUU Upper Muschelkalk Member
SLDZU upper Zurich member RNMUA Middle Muschelkalk Marl Member
SLDZL lower Zurich member RNMUE Muschelkalk Evaporite Member
SLDZV Wadden Volcaniclastic Member RNMUL Lower Muschelkalk Member
SLDB Breeveertien Formation RNMUM Middle Muschelkalk member
SLDB_1 Breeveertien Formation_1 RNMUC Muschelkalk Claystone member
SLDB_2 Breeveertien Formation_2 RNRO Röt Formation
SLDBH Helm Member RNROU Upper Röt Claystone Member
SLDBN Neomiodon Claystone Member RNRO2 Upper Röt Evaporite Member
SLDBB Bloemendaal Member RNROM Intermediate Röt Claystone Member
SLDBD Driehuis Mottled Claystone Member RNRO1 Main Röt Evaporite Member
SLDBS Santpoort Member RNROY Upper Röt Fringe Claystone Member
SLDBC Fourteens Claystone Member RNROF Röt Fringe Sandstone Member
SLDBC_1 Fourteens Claystone Member_1 RNROL Lower Röt Fringe Claystone Member
SLDBC_2 Fourteens Claystone Member_2 RNROC Röt Claystone Member
SLDBA Aerdenhout Member RNSO Soling Formation
SLDN Nieuwerkerk Formation RNSOC Solling Claystone Member
SLDNR Rodenrijs Claystone Member RNSOB Basal Solling Sandstone Member
SLDND Delft Sandstone Member RNSOU upper Solling Claystone member
SLDNA Alblasserdam Member RNSOF Solling fat sandstone member
SLC Central Graben Subgroup RNSOL lower Solling Claystone member
SLCU Upper Graben Formation RB Lower Germanic Trias Group
SLCP Puzzle Hole Formation RBM Main Buntsandstein Subgroup
SLCM Middle Graben Formation RBMH Hardegsen Formation
SLCMS Middle Graben Sandstone Member RBMD Detfurth Formation
SLCMU upper claystone member RBMDU Upper Detfurth Sandstone Member
SLCML lower claystone member RBMDC Detfurth Claystone Member
SLCF Friese Front Formation RBMDL Lower Detfurth Sandstone Member

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

code Official name Nomenclator code Official name Nomenclator
SLCFT Terschelling Sandstone Member RBMV Volpriehausen Formation
SLCFO Oyster Ground Claystone Member RBMVU Upper Volpriehausen Sandstone Member
SLCFR Rifgronden Member RBMVC Volpriehausen Clay-Siltstone Member
SLCFM main Friese Front member RBMVL Lower Volpriehausen Sandstone Member
SLCL Lower Graben Formation RBSH Lower Buntsandstein Formation
AT Altena Group RBSHR Rogenstein Member
ATBR Brabant Formation RBSHM Main Claystone Member
ATBRO Oisterwijk Limestone Member RBSHN Nederweert Sandstone Member
ATBRU Upper Brabant Marl Member
ZE Zechstein Group ROCLB Buren Member
ZEUC Zechstein Upper Claystone Formation ROCLU Upper Silverpit Claystone Member
ZEZ5 Z5 (Ohre) Formation ROCLE Silverpit Evaporite Member
ZEZ5H Z5 Salt Member ROCLL Lower Silverpit Claystone Member
ZEZ5R Z5 Salt Clay Member RV Lower Rotliegend Group
ZEZ4 Z4 (Aller) Formation RVVE Emmen Volcanic Formation
ZEZ4T Z4 Upper Anhydrite member RVBA Basal Rotliegend clastics
ZEZ4S Z4 Fringe Sandstone Member DC Limburg Groep
ZEZ4H Z4 Salt Member DCH Hunze Subgroup
ZEZ4A Z4 Pegmatite Anhydrite Member DCHL De Lutte Formation
ZEZ4R Red Salt Clay Member DCHP Step Graben Formation
ZEZ3 Z3 (Leine) Formation DCHS Strijen Formation
ZEZ3U Z3 Fringe Claystone Member DCD Dinkel Subgroup
ZEZ3H Z3 Salt Member DCDN Neeroeteren Formation
ZEZ3A Z3 Main Anhydrite Member DCDH Hellevoetsluis Formation
ZEZ3C Z3 Carbonate Member DCDT Tubbergen Formation
ZEZ3B Z3 Anhydrite/Carbonate Member DCDG Hospital Ground Formation
ZEZ3S Z3 Fringe Sandstone Member DCC Caumer Subgroup
ZEZ3G Grey Salt Clay Member DCCU Maurits Formation
ZEZ2 Z2 (Stassfurt) Formation DCCUK Kemperkoul Member
ZEZ2S Z2 Fringe Sandstone Member DCCB Baarlo Formation
ZEZ2T Z2 Roof Anhydrite Member DCCR Ruurlo Formation
ZEZ2H Z2 Salt Member DCCK Klaverbank Formation
ZEZ2A Z2 Basal Anhydrite Member DCCKB Botney Member
ZEZ2M Z2 Middle Claystone Member DCCKM main Klaverbank member
ZEZ2F Z2 Fringe Anhydrite Member DCG Geul Subgroep
ZEZ2C Z2 Carbonate Member DCGM Millstone Grit Formation
ZEZ2R Red-brown Salt Clay Member DCGE Epen Formation
ZEZ1 Z1 (Werra) Formation DCGE_elcb Epen Formation_elcb
ZEZ1S Z1 Fringe Sandstone Member DCGE_cbh Epen Formation_cbh
ZEZ1W Z1 Anhydrite Member DCGEG Geverik Member
ZEZ1C Z1 Carbonate Member DCGEU Ubachsberg Member
ZEZ1K Coppershale Member DCGEM main Epen member
ZEZ1T Z1 Upper Anhydrite Member DCGET upper Epen member
ZEZ1H Z1 Salt Member CL Carboniferous Limestone Group
ZEZ1A Z1 Lower Anhydrite Member CLZL Zeeland Formation
ZEZ1B Z1 Anhydriet/Carbonate member CLZLG Goeree Member
ZEZ1M Z1 Middle Claystone Member CLZLS Schouwen Member
ZEZ1F Z1 Fringe Carbonate Member CLZLB Beveland Member
ZEZ1G Z1 Lower Claystone Member CF Farne Group
ZEZ1E Fringe Coppershale Member CFYD Yoredale Formation
ZEUN Zechstein undifferentiated CFEB Elleboog Formation
ZESAU Upper Zechstein salt CFCS Cementstone Formation

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

code Official name Nomenclator code Official name Nomenclator
ZESAL Lower Zechstein salt OB Banjaard Group
ZECP Zechstein caprock OBBS Bosscheveld Formation
ZESA Zechstein salt OBGC Bollen claystone Formation
ZEFC Zechstein Fringe clastics OBWS Winterswijk Formation
ZEFRM Zechstein Middle claystone OR Old Red Group
ZEFRS Zechstein Fringe sandstone ORTP Tayport Formation
RO Upper Rotliegend Group ORBU Buchan Formation
ROSL Slochteren Formation ORBUR Rhyolite Member
ROSLA Akkrum Sandstone member ORPA Patch Formation
ROSLU Upper Slochteren Member SI Silurian
ROSLL Lower Slochteren Member OV Ordovician
ROCL Silverpit Formation CA Cambrian
ROCLT Ten Boer Member
ROCLA Ameland Member
ROCLH Hollum Member
ROCLB Buren Member
ROCLU Upper Silverpit Claystone Member
ROCLE Silverpit Evaporite Member

22.039/109140/NB June 8, 2010

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