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diversityii'i bodys:i:;:~ fimon:QI plirnbf~d dogl) t) 9 r~t~r ~halflthat OIr ij nv odleil' i'Thfimmti:Ua n ~pecie:s. Ft~ rche<rs, have ideriltifie:d a g~l1ie that h~$ ,e~plalinU1!is~i:z:eodliwuily.

,'2.7 29
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S'ren(,f! DriU Il~ llhh Week ill Sci~lI(-.e [dl'l!oir$'(InOl!l:e c.ontact !ide/l(ill lll:amfOIili! S,am,pl!~

See page ]J,2,

N\e'!Vs.mak~t:s Selene,! Ci1!!re~r'$

Pboux Dt1~nffe,Fltlm~ntri,e

17 A r\\!'O"Pric)llig~cClliHli~ll!iStrtltegy by flO!illO M. Bii'~rb,(ltli!t~ ,~fJd - . P.ftl'ff fl. RtJllen

fl!lr Ilovew allhe

Top. DUl PmbIe,m~ Pe;r5is~.allne

30 31

ID esig'l

Mil king Artie: ~!lSAI,!'<1liili:lbl~f'CDr Fliu flalnl1iing ,M. Bt:f9flf

Pille I!IIIIIO(O{Ci! ~ IJaa:ine!i antil,lHIU Prepi! red n,Ei'S$ K. Po Kfugmfln ami S. A, M"Jtihi TimrililQI of a SaJck.·Migfilition ~fltoIdric,a, Po Farslfff ami v-. RO/~aM 11ltE!'Sjlo{!seA. Q'M'ed·~~ at Speedfflg Up the EM litevi~~'ii PrQa~ss Nt. Re(j(ock


Flilw(g~dd Delay ('UlQiuer

SAllfIPIlJIses Il~umi fum~


o:r E,~~W!llns.





S'CI E NCESC'O'PiE Hol:lbU']; Stallus as a ,Nie'WQpe(,lli1!iGet!;

iii Ham!


34 35
Ch~Jle!; a~il ill!ildl D V:iictl)i1i(l11il 'VisiIJIPil (Il Uu ~ J. Sm,UI, reviev,n;d by H. flirW), Dw. GolelTill How to Thifll1k AJHlIJIl Medi(~tn~ H" (oJ{i'ns ,(Ifui T.prfKh, fftwe,~/fnJ by ,It A. Ankeny

Chenilimy Rep'cu~~ W.arf1l (If Erodlimg AlllIeirhl:~lFI ReS,e.:irKh Le~.:I ~Indcg!~siato Share flu Sa1mpills Ul'!d,~r New rem'!)
Ap pori ntee 'Re-sh!1lped' So1eme, Says, Fl.epor~



Ai'lI A.$1':!111igerr's Bold 1E.11)€.rim(l'nI't ~~rd !.J'~ta on HI:a!Jd DfLlgS,. Gri!b~el;il Vr(;;lnr! the EfI\I'ifQIl'l ~I~e!'lt Till!! W[lirid T:Ilroug h a (111111Ip'5 E:y!~ i Am erlea n fhysicalSo{iie'ty MeeUng
E:liperillllil!iI1Ileirs J\QJe~: 'ro~ (~:rn(f'O£i of~IFlloWiing 'Oiyst~16 uitra~I1Hl1Ii1.l<rm Uses If]~idelh!i: Bod~ flu ~ee

38 42 44 46

Fr.amil'lg) 5deii1l(re M. C rliisb~~,(Im} C M',1:JOfle;Jt


Rapi~ Ulnslol.idatic!In
.L 11. Sqm:re


P!Jll~in!!l Strin~~~" Un1:.lngl'e Cai1:.l~lrophe

Rf~/1[(Jr AfJiclr p. 16

P'f'ClUl:s~i\l'e,[\,~Ql;QrIml,l\em~I'M l


D: f!cr:lcnrzy

» I\'~parl p,

Roots of l3ioSYil'Uh~tht iOii1jl~r:sil)l' D. W. (f1risl,(J(lson

»R~k~mhAfMlep. 73

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Genes 'Frt.eql!liredll~or M~totk S:pllld~eAs~.ernlblly ill D:m50pllHa 52 (e~h (i Gasbirna et aL It W:ho~e-gem:Jme 5(reen id eritUfM tllie :2041ge nes 1rlvol:\!'ecl if'! iilS5tmb!iilllg Ihe mitG~l( sp;nllh~ in Wes, a millflow they might !jontriDilIbe to cai'IC:er an.1iIolher .a.l:ll1 Oi'maliU5.

(.-w:. (henl et al.

<l'n l'j~,n~ia'l t~U(lr

E"'lt<llllgl~lil:J~m~l'Ilel'1'l ~~(llIIlk g<l5d'omb 3 ltu~lt'I5<~rt Ilo·rm~ ~ 'l:Ju~Mum rep~~ir~r. ~ p<lss~,nginlforl'l"laiDi~m l!Jn9'"di~t<lnlJ~ qlJalillUlfIIIQIiffilllU n,lcMiDliL jill

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Medel PIF,oject:iri:l,IiS ef .a n 1mmrin !nl Tral1lsi~.iDDlit(n a ,M"re~f~d C li maib~ iii :5rDi.!thwoest,~rnl NOI"I~Am,l!r~,(a

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V. fI, Hw:mg el,al. . Akinilse Ilhosplujrylat~ the il1!ti'S[I!ot p)'ropl1~5:phate IP~ to g~Mrale IIP4i and ml(;e$5,a~ylor [~Il ~igUli!lillg) durillg posilivE selectio:mof ~nmu!!'l~(lelt5.

si!linif!£~nllY in 'the (ioming c;,enl!.u}" <l11,:r~n~'li~ifI~h>lt~,y ;(Ilr~d~ be u11!der '!'i'i!V.

10.1l261$ciel1ce.] B 96tH

EGOlOGY Go IITUTlemt ,ofl~lD$ve r[1lemt I nd(J Ited Roe'S'pomt51!l!S Qin to ECOLOGY


Inva~hl'e P,redaltcn lliiiMa~ij'neMU!ls;e~ Plopu'la'liiofls" P.: D. RG~~5,f]n, P. 0, Ymm', S. M, UrrdsGY lull ua c:'r ~,I'HdeJKfJlrtJ~,(Jf'gff!Jif'ffHllfK1l1futv116/5S211S31J Re$po,ns,e '~O'(olll1lmnt (II:)I "Djver<gentllndl!l(!ed RespiIl!1Soe;s lo <llnl~nvil:!jive jp,r'edatm ]1'1 Marine Mussel ropul:a'l~ll.ns~ ;'I. 5: F[,eemt:lf! and j." E. B¥1!'fS luil rl!.W m WlVJ~ sr:i~fPrf:m'(J!},(wgtffJj(HJl'HrnVjuIJ!J161581 M3.c

A. (.

[Rapid 3tnd 1ll~'l!;el1~ (rnlln:g:e~ iii! F~H'iI'ga~. fnJ'itrng p.atUi!rru Ga!l{Je, f. G. Gang,1!. t: H'. Sparks" t. Boddy


TIn~.I~nglh 01 [h~alnlUmn

rruilililg SEa$OI1 r:o.r lu ngiilil!oJ'@j;l !~QillI~

ililcmllS00 'ror the pas!: n!ii~ iilIIBcatl~£.in pillrall~I.'u.iitJn lei!ni~~1'i3 lure aliD

nl'ltMl~ U.nit~1lIKing;oom.

lEiI.lOC HEM ISTRY (h~;IlI~era[l. flliwo Isopnmllll~cl SY,flthal"leS CatalY2E All o 13 IFour (ou pili ng R~liIIctions,llfll5iopr,emdd Bi(l!';Yl!r~tu!sjls H. v- Thulo5'm.rfl, H, K. Erickson, CD, P:rJU{I!!f /l. $,yJ'ItJI1elic prOibein ma[Je I mmtli'E! 10Llr !!n'l)'1'Ites that :5~liIlhesile !~OI~refloiM nile Ilectrotfll'l (a'tal~Le all ~(I!lIr ea(liolis. 5t1!J91!S!inQ n ~ their ofi(lin from a II}OiAilllXilil MustO!. ~~.Pe{J'.~rt",e p. 6(1 INEURO<SCIIE.NDE S,c:~,emtls, ill Ad Melilllo,ry C'cm.soUdatto

AUalml1c Me.ri~i o:na~. O'V,~,rtm mi 1'1 g (~rl(!.1 latio:n D'l.lrii tlg the iLaJs[ G lal~ij at MIlXiil1lll!l1!l1l J. lynch- Stir:gHtz e l,all.


D. lseel aL
!Ratsl~nnl to a5~(1(fillt 01j)1i1cewlth a, t~te ml!i:1!i mOl'e rapidly if tlile~ hav.e alrea.lty bee n give II O! chllloc.e 'W Iteam the siPi:li~ia'C:Olllle.:(I: oftlile

new 1l:lCi!!~oi'll. ~~

/lefS.[)(CIJfe" p. 57

MA1iERIALS SCIENC'E 1M n:StQh::~i~ m~'tr'i~ 1i)]:iw!l;@tiQIII Core:s,i III g:·Allumrinii! rD {II, ShibotCl ill el, lE~e~tl['O:rn ic ro5(OIl~ revea1.~ ' 10 ~tuminWlI'!'! a,iII,id'e, m
nQIlISi(Oi(91:(Jtlliliiitrt" 'i5!ocation~ hwm ~ ~,diJmml. plolnes d .;!lrrlO s~plio'!l~th~r durilrng h~gh'lempel<llliUr!il de'I'onrn~OItNon. CHEMlsmv



Ad,a Ca[illl)lsi~ hi1 Baste S'o~lJt:io:n:: A Supritlllllol,!2:ClJilar IHost Prom Ii:i'tes 'Il rtho[,olll'l!latl! H:~dlr'li:ily$l,$ AtD. Plullr. R: (i. 8efgmGn. K. N. RO}lnJIDi1d The eI,@(l~(i~atijc ef)lj'iro!!!'!1!lint wilhill lhe (<Wily ola ~y!'!itlntijc me~<!'l·ligl~ndlJ5.!e renables ~ddl Ci!tllysis in .~ bas;c SCllMtton. d



GE:N.HICS A 5il'lgte 16F1, I" II .MIilj~H[l'Bt.erm~lnnt ,of 112. S Iin,all Sill~ 111[lo'gili, N. B. Sj1Ullf e,t 11 l. Slina~~ d'OgSCi re !!<ma'lllbHo'i'US..e !hey e:arflja j)arl~cu~r alLele o'f tlie gene enlc:oding [mMJ ~ n"I~Re groowth,fac!or ~~



CLIMATE CHANGE lIihe O~.ep O~C\fIIii Dud~'9U'i'~ las:t lr'ilcrg1la(liilIP,e<riCid 89 J. C. OIJp;i,rtiSY. O. M', R(Jd~, M, Kag,!!'y.cinlu 1",I'~mhi l!itl<! mic D~p Wi!te~ w,~sWil~me~ d\Jfil1£1~he 1~lstinletgtaciil! 1l1~!i1it i;s!oda~' ,~nd prQbab~~ w~rrf!'I!d1 A:r!li!~dic W'~t!l{SI ~J;~e~er~tin 91 il;~' iOlIndi r~i5inlfJ Sle1;! I~h. kiss·

S!l] D!lUlrril,ce 'R.o'!oiJarS:o umH Iilgl or the S.olLll~h Ilflolar

~f!y@r@'!JI[lell'esi~') Mars J J. Pi(JUl !H a~" IR<Hfmm~llf;li n.g Qr ~~,~~ilIdi d~,pesits ilIl i!lI:!Il"$' ~oUith pcle slm\'l'stlJ~l 1ih@J am pu ro' w.!it~r im, sj'U:ing I(ln. nlli~reDb~n .. il'l, ",lith .. y,o'iul11Hl! il'qIUTviil,[ernto aglo1Jal. 'waitl'!r !.ilYIU Jl1.lOOml'~ rn~t1t,



IBi ~dli IiIg of the liIullIo1l,n li'lrp31 No~ O(lm~il1



I1i:NA~Prol@~11I IFIlaHol'lIlIin


:5. ,U:U et alL

A pr.o:teirl! within the ~~ rtj(te !.hat !!'~emb'~es mature I'Ii'I RNAs has li>oth !RNA'llltl pr€illein. binding wrf~ces. O!11!dt ochie~e'5 bifldilligspedliri:1w i bV 1Jding iU i! IT!dlQ(u~r rut~r"
~l;Iu bulnn 8~mHI'IQI by tile 120 V'@thef1~dlH e!!1Idof l(~ne5;i n~lll M'. C, Ab:;II1~ e~,~t The' two-heid,ecl Jl'U!!W kine5illls .g,a~. Iby Mf ~Independ'eroUy·of lne mit'r.otu~u!.e ,a~Qrl'g which i~ fIIG\1'~S. C:Ofl!f,HY lllI (~Hent; oc'~h m

Siylil()~n;):rd~dl OsdUariol'Q 'in ((ll!~h~d M~m (lmech~~iaiil O:sdl!l~OOfS 5, -8, Sbim~ M. Imboden, Po: ,Mo/lcm(y
A lrikh dynlillnl( l'eS"OIlSI? ind1Udil!~5~F1dhfOl'IiL1~o:rn i:1S.

ilJild ~nl;rtli n IlmCilH,

An AT'P'GOlle Contra


"1iI1@ntw() oolllpll1d n~.norn ~dlill'lit:<lIl b!?~ms<l111 dri1i'@n owr

[<illig!? o! I1s6Um~n9r:mqIllMci

01 ~~nes~1l molillllll,

F'HYS~CS (J'iaf1l~ IFh.H:t~a:tiQn,~ of CmdOIll,lb IJ)rag' in ~

6,illlyeu SlfitllD:!1 A:. 5. Prke el all.


Uec!ro ns Jl'oMrl9 iIII One' Ilhifil laye r drag III ,an l.irildflflying layer mo~lhal1 e>ip~led. impU!ti n.g ~h'al.ltH:al ~~Ii1(trof] !irope rti es am ~mpQlfI:a"t i~ mDilllili1itU if! ,excih<1!nge. :o-=> P'l?f~pe'i!Ye Po 6,3 A,PPUED PH¥Em:::S

lilirE!cHv rlf'efl'~IMaIil.®g;~neral!lll" Driwn



U ~tralSO nkWaws X. Wang•.J. 50ng~ j. Hu.. 1. :L ~lJg

nuoogh Ihilir ..... na'ble ilenITiflg, wl1i,[Ji 5.i1p.'l.r.lIM (ll'Iargfi!. <II serie~,rn ZI1n( oxide nal"l(lwilf~,(an lJCi'n'!lllill ~oLln~W~iI<M to ((mtiittJous el«tr[>ral, (!UrrEH'Wt. to Ilowe~ I"iiIi'lO'Kale'd i2l;1icJes.


CE.lL BiOlO GY !i.. A (0111 served famil.y or Enzy l!lle:5.Th a~,111'111l5phol}iJ.ale' ,; IlnQsito t Hexakfis,p~'llsp'ha~~ :~ ,,£, M~I,f~19.tJl e~.a!L PIve~l eliltlfITH~ is regulatedl t:Iy pH and cali! oo~ sYflitliJiesiz<e lind mel<!botiz.e !he i!105,it1Jl py~r;lh ~i'plilale IP~. ,~ >::0 S~I en~~ iEtpn:.n Rf.\IilO,rt by :r. n. HrfOOfl e[ oil I

~ k'i1! ~tatr'Ofl or", Cydi ~"(l')iK-(IOK 1111b~tQl~ CQIilllp1e~ hi .~ by 11'!'los-itot Pfr!l)iP~'(!sph@Ul'.S. .~ yo;. 5. .(fC.; :)_ Mtdtlgtl. J. D, 'YOlk. f, K,; O'5lietl
IE Wh~ nlY!'l"i~t ~~ ~~ry~d IQf ih!1Ii1 uIfi~f1It P hQ~plwt~,~l~~ in.e~iw~ .: pyfoj;lho~ph~~IPl ~~tiv.a~~g~l1I~ ~!pf~~$iQII andl.1 m~~bgli( f2 11I~'i:WOr'kor Ilutrtimi IlOFlll,~o.sil35~5, l !~ :» Sci rfl(t uprl.'u li'ep()n:by ~ N, Htttlng et ,jj L



'lI '~iIOIO!'~fi!l:~~


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S~ !J!Cl'IiIf$!!~~""I(!iI'SJ~~ ... t<I!~i!~t:ij.j'.~,r~~.,[(!;!.i't!ioi Ii.!j.ji!i!li!i~ ~~ DKt!!Oi!~"'~(j'!l! .. ~~~_~!io:!!l ~i'I!!OM<.. ,"!!M!i,<>f'kl<!fi{.I.uOO """"liil'J!nl,ytfi .... '!fWiW"I~Oili IC<C lQ!D~. "i'IOI!iIlIIII!I!.!i!I pqjI~ ~hl_~I~ <!oI:~IIf!*l U I\!i"*'!llt!t!, DC.1tIj! ~ilXU m>IIl[G OIIiIO!L~ Cll(IO~ II:!' Il>dimorliiin JI,,:~IIOII ""~hOAoton"".,,~ .. ~·Iho ~IIo«llNa~. ''!lI!f...dI"'r'''' ....d'~hoMJ&.lfkm.,lklodfo{dlHil.m..."",,,%O -r ~,c~UIlIll'*-·1'1~2 (~~t,~·I .. !Iibto:iIp!Ibo),D!<'n<'l!ii!:IIK.!~~·'Ii!'I!.~L!5'I""""O,!~"~I.jj:,F' ... "'n,~'!i!~.O!l!<M ... ~·tlI!l"~' .. 1I)·~!I!r·<t11a'wmll1Iri "'~·""'td'<iiwrt~ ilB~.IiII'ld..... ibuIl iII""'n~ ,ond 0Dffi1." D"""I"fII. ~n r.ol,..'OIlIh r>5.f C;$:! l~l5A "'J.l?~1'1I'!:&'!IMo!,~.Jo:-"'t,l!lII'Ib!< ~~4, ,'I11I111i!'!l '1iIil!.Il\l5cL



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... t!<I,~*I:I!!III~i!!'Io!lI:_I.1!l!I gofj;~~OOIiI!1~,~ .. I!i!!J!:i!<:~!ld~l!~oII.IJolMH'iil~~,Q,IO.till .. ~iiIt!IOC~n~,li~.OM''''!iII: nOJ"HiI_IOiii~.l1J;A!O II;o:I:tooo'I!!OIil'll ~, .. P.a~.'III!ii: U .•• ;m ~&I!!!iti~1!o!i 1!l,i:!!I01ii<."PlImIUl'lmto' .,...".., ... (imMI!I !&O"III!!r.~ iKil:limg '1'1!:Llm'~ '100' ~bni iI.. 01L't.o(,:~hIJ!l:t""!!",,,1fjj ~.~ to Ib.m..-' ......... , ",!!'<!... dd Iiio ~11I 'o..r..... ~"'1Of J!U~Ti,~lii,!'JI~ ~rmh;, .. u~ 1h.i!·liiLMll>'f ..,1IdIo&. ~<i<od!J ID'~C(~z!!~-.. _~,w.Ol~~.1'to.Ii:iOrlilkilllo;I1 [..e.'~" ~·."OOIli.·~~~·r.~od in a..ltNlf<r'.o ~IQ~Ii'.M>jJh ...... .JI'I'"'ili""H...r .....


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~rm~rsp~('l es lir!i~t WhH(t


OU1er resea rclilers q;u:estlnn inter,p'Je'~a,~iolil of airiest hu man slk-ele'llnfound in Chr~la.. N,~t, Y'Ql.n 'TYIP!il? !Don't Swealillt, 8nzym!!:~ t;OIlW.erttwe A ilnd ~ 8 bbJGdiQI ty~ O. llatuo]IIHl!"S 'Twin, SUFIS NOit. SOl F,arr!!aMilm Piaml'!1 rnili~ alxllmdi .noun d dlouh~~ s!a r ~~eIill5"

S{lMtifh: writing' i'lrnd plllb!,1S1'111illlgl.


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but h.ow can you

sellEN eElS S'T'KIE


~JS; lf~~ fi;ilr [PLIb li:s,hi liI'g ~115,dentnrk ]iol,Uina Is I<. Keiner Sdeilcf Q,~plllll' I~CnlO~ ~iIIlrilila Il:fIJ1Non~rs ad",ice 'on [how to gf~ yoorr r'~i!lrch pL:lbUshecll.
~S~ Uill!

.staty's '~l'ie Thijillg



Oll~' ~ey W ~i~,j'i1il~c wrij'tiPfl is ~pililililiEi ~ good (nolifJicti(ln) yam .• ME:[~[iNG [~IE[POifi,i1l: 'iliJm;olf ~io~09Y-"'OIi'iI Sigll'la[liln9 PrmE1ssfs

ira nslate 'l.tll heif<lPY

p(" FrfrNldd1. O.l(H~sefl, R:. f/[tS'5 The most fet:!ent meet) Il!1 of the Sig 111011!i.lcliolil :Sode;ty hit;lhl~ghted Itw~ll'i.mslilti:o!l 01 stgI9O!ll!llg' ~~lth 'villtoad';!'.m~s

EUlftOPE: hblishing (or PiJoiFa-fi4ativ@! Wri'l@rs E. Pcoin Wli!er~ w,rit~!fIgllJllllhllilr res~!tll for W~st~lIli('lumi1ls,.
E1i91i~h speakers t.aICIl' e:!1tr.:J di1!II~!f19 @S..


in nw ~oiIn~r e u!lhi;(in f~'SIIl«Um), [j?ERSP1E:CT'I[ViE:Meta im,tl ( target] lil:m as .;lIn~nJtk.atni(e,r :S~r[ltI!9y>-[)[II~~rn Il)ff a N,l'~~ElI"a?' I., G:.P~n and [ ,w. Mak (ould tar1geted tl1~r.ilpies d irmedag;aim.t .aembie metaoo1ifil1"l rep:resent alliable apRlJDlilId'i to uwlin9 anc!Q,r?

US: from the ArdlliveS'-How 10 Writ'!:!' a Wil1ll1lln!ilIRe~ulillle P. fi'Ske tl }lour r:r.lsumei~l'I~we:LI honett )!'l)1II may lose out to 'lninl~ri,o;rblll~more polishe~aooil1late.

GRAMlSNE.lI: April 2:Q07 If~md1il191 iN'~Il'II.5Gm,nt£Nei


L,~m iI!lwu~.lhe l!at~tin feli!e:illth f1undlin;g. s:d'iQlarnhips.. ieU()!'Mh~~s.

andilfltermhfp, •.

[ifI[EVllW: S!11q[ue~ll'"iltion <lindl S'!2gr'egatimil o~ Rel'f!'ptor Kina~!i ~n Ep;itheQiil~. ,Ce!lls,.........~1IIiI p,lnclIti em, lorr Erb:B 2 Orugel'l!!s]!; CA. C. C:rmmmy and' K.. :L (armway Cd n o!ll{,eg!!nes~ OULI[ by oo-optiln~ 11om'l'al ~hysioIOogli(01l,responscs lo, epflhQUal ,di!milge?




.INOLAIN!:! IUIiIL~.lIi:lli,

T4 DNA, Ligase' from NI'BW Englland Biolabs

WIHEN vo~ NlEEI) lII3ASIE, liURN m fHIE I~UltllS]R:¥ STAr:UI,A'R:IJI N e\I'lf Engfand BioJ[li'ls is de!1lcaw!li tf) pfI),vLdJn(JOOf c~st(l!mef$ wiLl1 gU;j;lramee~ eillyme perflmrmance_ Our r'eoJmbfllllnt lf~,[iNA-ligasE! IS ~OOmost I!l;liHm5ively used I~!af>el(lr &IOnIJ1Q I?~ji!erimerus:" It IS O;l'l!'a lIallle at ,exce~lional value,anil an It}1leI1l(Jrealef 'Ir.llue whem plIreh<lSed in large (jII,Jantities for tI~i)1'I !hrOlJghpul ~~Il(,lIQigiOS, Fil)f IXIho~iu,e.blJl!nt.~Lrnple101' tolllple;( r~!l:tiOIlS. make Til DNA,o 'rrom NEB vour fi rst c'l'IIJice_
,I 1I!41IlI:N\A, !ligase" EillI lfIeillltllM' ICnntllnlllltro~, rMZQ2811 M~:f!i/M


,.1 Qoolity -IH~g)il1V

ptlrtl el'll'r'rFNl 11'.'1'111 I(!IHo ,lot \!ilr l~tl()n no

~, 'fi~ iIL~ ~~ ID 10 ~ !Ii Ii;i!

fof:iilaOOall'l rr:1(lningf.I:l<lUul!'l.'i i'ligl!J IGg!1~I~!'!.mii!'!" Fa r ti'lrge or dmfliwli

I. Dnnve!l'lienc:e ~ Choo se ong irtal14 DNiA ligase IIf 1J1B Quick 'LiOlllio:n ~il Ul meal the dernililds of .. V<! riely of r.'l!tln oolillill(ll~



'Ill QII~~'~ ~~g'lI1i~n'''II!l!~~ IIJ:II

Fm tig;fllloo 0'1cchesMi a~ IIIunt-aoo [INA rrr<J!JrR9I1t!> 5 I'lIl inl!.llles et rO.tJ1iI1 ,Ill t!lffilXlfl.lturlll. See our '.vebsite rm m0fe details


f~e;(!lldll'{ - Acrnr,lll at mOO! Le!mperallJlll

tiNS run

r~~m Ii !'!1il1Ll!~&



~C; re3~jCln

li!JO!tlP!"I 01 b'l!!1l!-en~

" Rob 1J.:Hfless ~ Achve III a !tarleLy oJ roatilOO burfers

H2!l11'r~room:!i or L~m1ii:ia DNA. iJS~ ~rOOjg i!iiDJ]i!i (In:~DNA ~~ ~~ro,OOO Miil'Sr.tJ I~~fi IlIIiIrJmIi~il'il a ~ ~ loo:llll"! J,01Ii11'!li,
~~~ ~eill!'!lbi!~~d

.lilJ!llign gI' Hil:'dl'f!al!l~ 1441tm O'IUrni\Cl m~l~

[)Nil. ~ Irnh!B:!iw

'urltfllil d 1:400d~ai!l d 'T'iII'.!I4A ga!tl.l1ililttlli~ U \W:1e ~1!lrJ iii: 2S~C,

ID!lI• 'Reoomblmlllt

,',Ni!i!lljllll~' jY6l1ui!:l$ ~ m SBJ!"lfr(\l!l'

rQl3IhJW!~il!l :lIi16<~,

F0rmllr~ j_IlJ~.rmalillll~IJIlIl~[" i1U~rll1ltiml!lrfiSIl[lllJllillllllll!ii'WIllt.IlIIl8~~ I ~si\

\I\Nit! b.DOm


El1g~aPdIBia!~I!s.. 1I!lI:.I~ an ~SO \lOWl ~~~~!Id wmp;m~

1~:aI1i8.1I!1IiTell.{800~ :laN[t9S

EII;la!lllil BiQlllih '!c~. Nm ClMl~~ Flalild,I~h. MI!. ml!m USA. 'U.flOO,NE8tA8S: M. ig~mJ 9U&l54 FilIit i9~SJ 9tZl·11001 in1.e!l,e~ Irf~.JlEilll:o!1'l' IEihiril1 Tel OIIO'.,Q2;UB2tiG ileijin~.neHhi1a,£.(Im • IfiliwrnIIl1lji' l'e1.08IJ(JJ:'l4ili ~2:n fril,D@(I~J1e~oC!IHI1 JOI~~1'11 M. +31 [O'Jl'!iEl6S &1!l~ iflt.o~~lloj~il@mtllm • UK. T~ [lIaOOPll8<3G inrlll@ul!.Jn~tolli1






lu!~~ m~pp'ed th'e s;out:h poi,ar-layerled dieposits. nie radilli~ I~e,i'netr,ate:s 21. '7 k:i LOlm@telrs wit~ limeaUen UiI" rt:iomn, whi(n ~ug:!l'J:es;ts.niJit thes,e deposits iIIr~ allllliO:S~ pure t wa[E!iI' ii()@. TiIm!!l!'base o~'[h@ dl!pO'sitsshof\lils o1li :set of buried d e~rle~~i'QrhS:ill at may be p~st ~Ii[!I P,a(tualers;. The depg:.!iils t ~henlS'(!lves t'O,t~[ 1.6 x 1~ c'llbic:kil(!urrlet@i~s. !laq ll~iVii .()nltto ~

Mos~ owt'~e '~VQite:r](!!;': {l1'!1 til en Fface of M!l!.~:S I~odked up in lS ~h~ pol,tii' CtiJps,. Tile ,Mal'S EXI~:F'I!SS0 r bite!' has used ~t$ i'1id!ilir ~Q penetrate t eihe base o~the l~ver'ed dep(l5its QI1 the north pole .. N'ow P~alut et ,ali (IP'.9:2~ pllb~i$hedl onl~ll.e 15

gtol]jlj,l ~!ro1llterl,aY{I!r a;p'pmiX]mflit!lilly

U m'I:!'~E!n;.hick t


Past and Present


Conditio rrus

kimO'l'!lfl about ~hf' struetere of di s~o(ati'om.,. whi:ch

n,e fmma'tiorn of co~d, d'~me walt!'r in ~Il'i:!' Nonh Atlutl( (h:ef!lfl tenday n@llps d'~iv@ lIli!!rudion.i! l
QVErrU,llrli1~IFlg (ir(1[l ~ati 0fI'. 1n w1'1(fl wamll 1,'iI~~er no~'I.I~north o'il'~r cold ~'I!a~@r Qwing ~m.lllfl, bu:~ R c:ondillons R1lay ~"VE' diHered cllI~il1g l~le tsst G~c~a~ Ma,,;iitiJ~l:n ftGI!!O .21.'000 Y~fS a~o, lYlI!ldl~:5ti,egllib: ft' at. (p,. 6b; review mn unders:ti!rlding (If th~spn;lbl~lIt:I, "l'h~ p@(,e 01 d'~ep Atla Illtk eire l!iI.. 'lion dun rig the lGM was near~ <l:5 vigj~)r(l1I.5 as, 11 i~,lOW, bu t Ipalter tl$ or sea S~ rrfac:e f te;m pera'l!lBreS a m:l th~ df5,I.rlbution ohr(l le'f m:;;I sses W€1re d iHe rUI, ; 111;;1tdM~'e Ile'nt me dlnism!> drove dreu latiofllhefl. ,Furthernlore, dU~!I]'Ig l~e ~a!Sliilill~r.g'li!(iiJLaJwUl~d 125,000 "t~ar~ ,"9,0, land C!Jld: sea surface temper a lI:Jr~sal hi g ~ La mLJde.s '~;rle hi!;lher tihaln Uley ar@ tGidlay, (! I11d m IE'i1l2'1.wa!il1'ID 6, [IIw'~~rs. high!.'r. Did d~p' O('~al'l ~[j'ndili~;ns (olJllritu,lIi.e N:! nif!~tin9 of the 'Gn!'efllaml alnd Ant!1nlicic:e s!heeis? ID'L!II~!~JesIlY' It'll. (p. 89} <lr:lilIly.;led ,et ceres lrom ~he AdAi!rltkilll1dS:cJ'ul,r.ef!iiltiCeam im\l $~~(I~"I' that N erth Ana nlk IDee p Wate r WllS walrlllil er d LUil1g 'Ih~ ~C!$t fruergtaci~'l than f~:i~ 'today.• Usilllg hw lIulod,els., tlu:!y i~~err that extra he-al wou I.e:! have illeem! tr,ar!sf eJlred (0 Ci Deep

the role lfuley lin ~ P~ilY. Shi bata et (it. (p. 8;2) use h1gh-!"~Qlu't10fl ~~(ltrlJ:n 'f1!Iicr~s«(lIPY to study ltIisI.IJ(i! liom ill! .tJIWmin l!ntl o'Jilidie!. Wwo nOlllls~oi chinIn~nit ~~niallde~ens Ifomll do~ ~O' eadll otlt~'r. itlilld .a~ i1ighl.e'lIlper!3iture<5, the! mothJIfI or Ull~ P1IIrli~~ d ere'm (ICCIi,lr'SlIi'il~ l~n~).se(I~ 3d ]~en:t IPI.ll!'le~,

d'e,re('ts limthecrysta



all'! d

IHally lli'mpltl, sl(.5;I:emtlillllt n{lIm'~ttll1!Le5~simw~ rich dYIm,al1l~cbeh.a.viorr. The beams are driv8Il <It a wid@' ~'~rlg@ol h@'QuerHl:i@s,. IFr@(tu@ifKy-lodlHg O!' errtralFlllllenll()cmned II'Q a lllumiJ.e,r o'~ [fegiom in MllC h Un!' lWQ b &.i!l1lill svr'll::tmJ rliili~t(l a ~ing,l~ res(l1'!1(llllCe. lihe$e reso:nat·or:5 may be' O'~use in s ignall Illf;'(lc:eS'~ing and 'c:ol'!'!l!liti!'!i!i::aliQ!'i.

Add Buriedin Base

Chemists ollen tai:~Drrea(tiolfl (om:li'tnolll!> by mo1lflilJ!~t~li'n~, the t~mp~rahJr~ or ~cidily' (If the 1'I1I,e(iiul:}1, in (mtra,$l, eiinzyflM~Scaililot ,gnnsly alltelr Ul!!!fr smroulldingS;, <llmd re'ly il'ls~el3ld 11111 ~I'!terl!!al. 1l:.:l!1/i~ ti~s thallune the nMJLe[· ',,",.~ -. ...
u~ J IlO\liWIlTl'lllot oJ .il1J'i

Electrons feel the Drag

Wh~n (A!rn::nt nmllS in one- ~;:)~rof (l b~I~~r s.ys,e!l'Il(tron-elec;lmn f Iml~r;jj,OIill'm;{tin dr,ag eu r~ent t~ ~he other r, Measi.lremellL'S 01 t~i$ Cou [QIITI b d ragl ,~rre(l arg im porti3l1~ for IlJllIder·


.: .~ ~

.~ .~


.~ Wa~el' in Ihe So<u~he-rn H!E!rllisp,h~re, IO'IImich w(mld ~ h"we qlltelted !l!lOre' of Ul(i' All!taW( t~c: h:e' S~.ed.


irld fvid uill dQ(kedl ~~lIb$1 . rat! PlwltJi;ld .01. (jp. 85,) Inilmk lh~s sl.ralegy using !11 s;ynth ~li(; (~U]e'· dll:Sl'e'r lhlll~ seU·as!!ernb1e~ ~ik~ ho IiIiI lig:~m:ls a rid l11leta I.ions ill! sQlution. The el'l1dm.sttllk enviwnme!1llinsid:e lhe dlJsl.err S:taMlize~, (at] (I~S. (In d so favor s IprotOi!'ltlllio!il of glUe~l morec:Ulre,,;. U·e {age (an lunetien <I!> an !!Iddi,e !mN:I,a,v@~!i1 (j basic S(l~uU(m t'llIDd be- U:5@d to p1E! rr~o:l'D'f!idd·i(CIltaLyzed o,rlh,oforllI1a~.e' hyd ro IY5is .i'!I if) a SlIrrrolJru:ling oo'sk medill.lm.

5ta'rld~ruJ((I~pled elell:l\I'OIlLC (ii midQon(tla~ed , el@droIDl ~)'')Le,m). Price,et at. (p,. 99; !iE!!l'! ~h~ P'eor~pE!'(:liv~b~ LEMllller) replll.rt Gill [he o'bSA:!rll.i!ltOIli 0:1' giarnt riuctilialtlolll$., (,eu r erders of RlICIglniilude gre.aiter UlilFl lllil,at'e!xpeetEc, ,of thE! (oulomb ,tir:c!g Ilesi~1:a Ilr::e, ~v~i(h J~ lilt fill il FI a Itenflalin:g posil"ive il'!d lil~gli!.d'l,l'e rlii'Cli~nal on eb~(~,iN~r:1S,


Tille aulhcrs pmpOisea model ~lfI hkh ,e~ettmrl!) 1'1'1 w li~e trlQ ~y~rs '!mI~~r(lct th~ b.dRSl!:C ooginl~• air! dliillriKlerieed by larg eo1TI00ll1mtul'l1l transfers, w11ere rhe ~O(lleteuron properHe:s. become

:1 Dilss,ecting Oxide

e Dilsllocations

Imhallal'l cesill Slokh~iQPll!e ~IY in layered ox ide:s, .~ 51ut:n 1'15. lIt 9 rain tlQUlnrllllrl~. ClIli1lIIrrN.lfheilr ,~ ~ eleo(trl'GlIl and! unech.lFlioeal p'r1f.lpertie5. Le')s 1,5,

Ani orgaf'ii~iii'i O~ (tilll can sy.nch roniz~ its osc.i ~I,a,tory bEi haviQlr M th thal·o'f lU; rle-lgliJbillr~. as. f n the Minnf<:ing Qr[indU~s'Of tile beatin.g or c~rdiac 'i1~ls" :s h:i IITIllet ali (!p. 95,) ~h.!(lledi th~ behav~or Ilf lWiQ!i:Qupled nanomechillfili(al btealms, a ((lacep-

~InSYI1( Several Tim,es

:Er1gine'e'ring Isopr,enoid B1Jilders.


l~oIJr'l'!IfIGiids, a diverse family Oi~ flatu ral pmdU'(t~ ar~ l!:iuilt hom be-(;1! rDOn, IbiJild~li'igbwc:k~ uS ii'ig [our ({Iull~il'lg rNildiom. Emlzymle~ that c.alt~lY2e

(trJ.~iinel(limg~HoI'! afld cydQ prop a 1'1 aliQ~ haw ~~'Im ~dell~Hilld, hawne.r. emy:mes thi1lt (atlllyz~ Contmat'd Oill' page


tra leasy.


fm (lill'e,rtwo decade~sj EIrld:Nu~e® n~$lbeelill the indlJ~tly standar,dlsijfttwar'! '~ooll'[or (f~a:~n9and:

managillg bitillograph[e5. Now Wl1h ElldNoEe X ,and IE'lI1dNo;te®WeiD, we: am oMling a m~w s'tandard b ~a!l@-Qf·m:e. And~hat has swa:e'l'ltS, researd'H~~ Ii~ers fld I:ibra'fians W ~

jump.1ng faT joy.

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This Week f'n SCierKf'

b ~~n(hi I1g a!rod cydob utiJl1i!l[iOrl :na'LfllilliilM~Th!.l[~sif~m er (It (p. 73: S~ tilt: ~'fs~@(;tlv@ by I( h lFis~:iaJliIl· :lionl} show tlilat all ~OI!Ureadion~ Lan be {atalyzed IJy e.ngi n~H~d em.ym'e-s ~h!il[are chi meras or a dUBlin @'Ior!g~! ioViien Lym@ anol a c~clo:pl['(lpanaliQI1i @ll2l(fll@'. llh~ III~Q~ ucts IhiW~ Hi~ SilITlf! slJe;r~cllemis;try a~ ~h~' !laUi raliproou c:l'~ sl!!g,ge ~till!JIl~aX e mlzvm;e~ (,[I,la'ly.!l ng th e fou r reac: !:ions ~~i[l;'ed lrem a mmlU0l11


lh~ abilHv ~i)' ~mell1be-f wm~l~x !TIi~lI~rI'IQ~m,iUiofiO'~t~tI,tj~pend$ Of! prior ~r'!@~~~@d:g'~th·~ topic .• Q( Thi5 is becaese we ha'\ileiiI~ready fmrneda relevant mel1lt,a~.schema as iii hamewm~. fse et a~'.(p. 76; s'ee the Per'5pedlve by S'Wuil~e) u ~dl rats to 'St.u.dy lh'e e-r~eu"j, of pr iar learn inlg of ~Iu~mas(llil the abil· i'[.Yto ,1U::QU ir'i?ne~~t pi)odic a5!sod1'llion:s. Ihsse a:ssodialliom.~.·ere aJUIUIreclra'51er ~'l'he'nl.he. anfillflais we lie' r'irSl Uaine~ ena (OIuis~el1itset or ,a~socill~OI'l~l~,an when,rhe¥ erturred i1'1 the wnl,e~t or a !nOllel. l ~I@'t. or .tI~~rO(ia liom. Ihs lIH~!t! ~s,im1on o~ 11ov,ell assceia tiens Wil~ dependent 0111tlile hippm:1Imll us. ~ 01111e-ver, wi'th~ n 4 {I h'l)u 1'5, t~e ,a,ssoci alio:ns we-r,ei nd ~pel1(h:!.rI~ till e ~iplPocam pl,i~, ~hd is '5~bsM PlltiaUy .or r~ster tha ~ lflJica~Inemory (o1fI~lJHdation. nus., afll li!iialHi[(e. peolPl~caf!1 brin!!!:ti.,a!~ d Meflla ~ sehemas to bear dunl1~ learlmillg!.

The' Mare Yo LI IKnow.r the Mon:' Y10u Lea rn



e rra,'t,ii,o111 of'

ht rm'Dnloml'Brrii,c 'fillllllores·c'ent, pro,te'ins

'TagIRFP ~l~atl()i'i

f(l r reSlea,~re~ a I1id eo mllmeJ~:ca I lJI:se l

M,otor Med1l2Hlics,
I:<:ilm,es.~n·tis a ll1!.'o-he'<lded mo'Lewlar meter liilat t .. kes g'nm s leps a 1~:llg In ~crou"lobles. ,Al ea,~ 5t~p, on e ~Il,otec:LlII~Q u adel!lo~inll! lriphm,phate (An) U~hydmlYlI'ld <l1lI:llbetrre'llH

555 rim

:Sl€PS 'k~f'!,!!'sinpauses until all'lolher mol~wle of .AWP bll1ds. N'ow AII.,omo et til. lp .. ][20; see lillie r?elrspectiive Illy Hlla,(klilley) ~ ~'!JftI'II l~alt ki nesi n·n.. interacts wil~ hee tulbll,l~i MI h@.t,e:r'od~lflI@'rsin wh.!ti;tlnl and that. Lllllissr.;'te I1iI too is '\)1Itoo by AlP: :rhe Qb-served be ha,vi'or would flOil ~ predia&! by
(urPlm~m![ld~l!i(or the motor mlld'1a.lrilim lhi:l~ indLldE1 iI r~1oe' 'Ihe imk~oUJbl,lle' laltke in thE! galil"n'g !ll-echatl'iism. f·or



S08nm emii3:~klf! 5124 !'1m

Un d ersta ndi n gin ositol P'yro ph osph ates

tes sre re la[~'!!'ely por:u'ly u nderstced, highly pinOll ~tJ ary!ated 1iI1el1ll!Det:s o:r lll€' ~no~lto~ wt!{phOliil'ha~~ famit!{. Two fitudl~~s desc fIb ~ reh!ted ad¥f!n~es.]1'! r.r,g lIlalimg fnwl'l!'ing r ~~QS.l ~c'l pymph osp hate s, M.uh.lg!!ld €Ii'. (p. 106) purified an illooi~oll pyropho:spilate syntha,)g hom ye,a!5 ~ ·!!hlll ~a,s l'l'll~ call~tytk dOl1llllins" ne elil~ me. c~Ued Ifll. a PPNIW$ to act as g S\\iiu:h. \\!iith 1ts (a'ta lYtic ;;1'(11fVi I ity determll'1ed bey the 1.0[<11. tee 6'1 a~.(p'.109) pu r:i ~ied i'l rlIDI.I?(;IUI.~~lhal lilllt1'5,Ilhe yeil st pH. r'eglu ~InO~~t.o~. Po/ropho:spha r'ho80-Pho8S ·:Pho81 ()()!U1Ple.i'!, a ,11o!e-il1l oo!illple:t (( nfffi!g a! (ycl~ 11~a (.ydi FI·-deperndel1l kii!1!~e r KD K},.aml ill C[):Killhiblt.or ..T h~a(ti\l'e RlIolletulle, tlln~ed o'lJIlto be mYl:l·D,;ilIIo1;i101.h~ptaikislJiH~!;~hate U:f:l7}, ~hi{~ ls s,ynl~e~ized thmugll Ur1ioe.' kinase adi,lfily of Vipi.

'e-~~iltJ:Qf! ~82: nm emission SO!) nm

S.izing Up M.a11" s Best Fr~endl

({if)U a5~ tQ rnost marn ~,ptia ~~pe;r::ies, (~/lis:jamiUoris- UhedQIfle'5lk. dog~sh OIi'riS'ei<~rea!'le diver· :s,ily 1n body siz-e. SIiIUer ei al. (!p. 11.2" ~O'l,l'~f)' Soh,ow llh~1 ~ fi FIg III ~Ile~e ohh!il 'g!:lne III !Icocii·lr!g 1.n'iiulin·~ilif1 gr'CDwthrado.r-l W.1,f-1) is. share'd Illy an. sUlilall. dog breeds but is nl?ady absent from g~aru dog breoos, im,pllYl!'tg ~hal S;el'lilJer!uvaJri~li,on in ~he·IGF- ,r;g~n'l! plays" (a!us,,[ ~ole ln dog j size. Disc QlIelry of the lG.r~ gle ne Wil:S Ii tared b:y its. Ilo[alil<lltion within il 'i),em:l!nk ~ignall ure, o:r 1 ~;f),plolyp@!bLo(k, th.i:lt prQh.ilb~¥ ,fJ!rQ~@f!S a f@-SluUof cen'lllrUE!5 or d~g bl"@@ti~!lg by humam.


~!5a rim
480 rim

SpUceosorme Assem b ly
:oi .t.

'1i'ol.llblillll~n' 'Ii Ulm·ln1Jl, yllliUlllzlitlOIll 1I,.lnl(l EY·,r!:l(l·.nl TiI'IIF·Ps 'OMfO!l:allrrna(l~ '01 1m'Ialfn1'l'l:l'l1a:rn ~Il$)




PWIJ31is 3 Ill~!)'teiiii 'if! lh~ !lPlUc~oScom~ ~hal1.~ e:s~eF!lial i'i!:l,rpr'~"!lilRIMA ~pilj(:l~g" Il i~ a~5emM~d' !l~LC~the SpLiCeliJiilOI1l!! !lIJti!r ]'S. 5_KPfliJtEl mI b.l.f'ids to ~ PII RNA (0I1ilj10rllli!.ril, U 4 SiI'ill.~UIii uC~!3'r ~5rd.RIMA. L~lllIle~ {p. l1S~ pril;!!ienl ~trl!l([!J ril i ~Ifld blO(h~fIllral da Ia or IlPr[pU ,15. SIK.·U~ at 5nRNA,(:mnpl'~Kes ~.hat lIiv,e-itr!~i9ht.intc'~hiS hle'r(!!r(lli(G~ iiI.-s'Se'mbIY.h.'Prp31 presuh bl!J~lhRN.'A all1d pWl~in b~lndin.g s~u~~c~~ mardillg it .al trl,le ribf!J!.Jd.eOl)ro~ein (RNP) binding protein. Bi~dil'lglo(cl.Jn;.lhrough ~he I:H.!deo~lIr pmte<Ln (IM0p') dOlll1l1~lf1, wMt;;h may .aid as a rT1(DI.eculam nder that 'mea SliUlS the l~llglth or an RNiA.~~elll1to iKnieve Rill!? bllndillg ~pedfidly.
&iI U lf1iQ iii





"Wa!: *li'{495j' ~~I!!·(!9.e:B

F'ax: 'I"{,,4'9!i'i), 4:2.9' 85:'20
IE~m8Ll: 'e'\!\r:ll-9E!iI1I@ewi!:iiilen._





IRosi!.l~1 II\, 18ierbaum ns'ClNil!air (~itil1 Pet!l<r

tlii. H<lVen~O'flhe S,E(J

en 'l~rnI~teCh~nge ..nd

G~iJ'b-a1 O[!v~~Qpm~nt.
;and prOftlS50r <lIII!lIIft\il1n o'It:he Sl:hool, 01 Nal!!lIJ.1l IRe'oolllr'Ct5,and t~l'I~iool!l m~n,t. UIil~'ler5i5ly Gr Mich:1g<l!'l, '

A HNSIIElLIE ST'RAHGY ro MINHmn THE DAMAGES FROM A.N'TIHROPOGH4II( (LlIMAn d~;;i:'L~ ha:-::~''Vt1{~l~tit:li\~~: mi~jgal~ thlO~©: ,!l~1I1 liltilm!l!;t m11,g~il~tdeofdl~ chf~g~ !hat occur ~~~d adilfl' tn~h~ dmIDIgI;s d1!1:~ ilflinllt 'be :;;r;,i(lid~, TQ t~m:lJe~irlie thVs h~iP·p:l1lllged"lllprnm:lt thel"eil;,,.,U C report Cm~tfon#lI;g CUmmC' Chrmgt",pr,cp2llrcd!Q!it:~'ac lhdl>OO: M<L1~Omi,UN I by an i~tcrmll,i(j:J:lill,1 ,I ptml::],'~I-e(.X)l-chail'e,l was ~ubtided tirou/lug [hi! Umm;magooble (fI,rd i\.o/c{Jl(rgirlg,' dll! U,wI"OrdafJ/e {w\lf\V.~~nfoumhl(i()I.~.Ql.'g1SE.Qn" On 27 Fe:bl:iI,laryjOO7'. \Vlt p.rese1ilt~d '!UN SccreHiry-Gcm,:rr~;1 B'I'Im,:I:(j~mool:li Wilt'!thi s ur-;Fl.n C'dnlbr new levels or'oo:n~~~] iln.n~l1.t uil.d coorullllari,QrI b~ the UN ~ mid " its member sllllDesto 1woid.ll:i.e "'IOrs;~:cl imare-chaege dillil.ger.; vrJrnil.ehereis srm rime. t

The Sciemiflc Exp~tl

(~nll!p (SEG)

~)n 0

h~l;:H1,;! Change;;.md

S"~~l~~mlbi~ D~w'!filpmt;lm\,va$

o:rg3'1l.iz.ecl by t11clie ie'lJiti flc research soc iel~y Sugnm Xi and the UN Found3t ion al. the request of

Pe~ier tI. ltweQ is



M. BierlNium') ~~ ltu! SEG OF! (li rn;;I!J;i CIiI~11IgeoilFld GIQiJ<JlDi!",d.opmli!n~, an.tI presid~rlt,oIhl!' Mi~oori Biitanlcal, ard'en, G

~lia,~UN D!.lpO'lnmean 0111EC(HIt:HliIli(:' and SOCi111 Affairs, Our :~ expert 8 ~lembcrs ceme ,~;\mn I.J '!.:iD!Uutries a:l':I.da wide r~nil,geof dii>c in~,l:itne:l> ,m;u:~: i~~s.litllliu~l~.Un~i:kclh~ 1.1I!itJer.govcr.nmentaIP;;lne~ on ClimfllC: Cll~Ul~(; ~.Ipi C'~.,,\ihi:d,1 may not ilnakerec(Jinlilmel1d~ti(JIlS Ibr.m;lion.~l~e :S:E(~\'1.'3'5 hwi~ri~~tl w:Uthe UN \'\Ih;;'l!i~ ~ho~lddo to ~dd~,..~f~~ di,!~l'l,1~h~l~~ dmi1el:lge.Olnd a:lh:r OVeir .2 ye<l:ll> of\vo:l.'k. it did, The group:s unani n1i01J~~ l'tlmmimel1i('IlatuoIlSfocus. ~mllly on .m,i~:figal.iOmil and ~ld "pHuiml, The SIEG concludes ~h~lummm 'J,gif;ltlbl.t1: dmmlgesiu the future fire 3;vokl!11Jble' on~yift~~e\vorldcomlmmily acts now ..G~ob[ll CiilI'bOml, diO)li.cii;: ell'li5"Sio.II1.~ mlJl's~ level o'w:~bj' .2!OI5 Of 202n ill little ~]l!ote thilDll~;eir Ci1.llrrel.ll ~cvd and Ih01~dcdil'lc to no mom Ilr~mll lll.1l:'d a ofl:~lIoMlcwl by 2100. Emissiu!lS Offfit1'll~!!I'n;!;l ~udlllfld. &aot mUS'l~]Sf~1'H.: cu!urolk"d, lll~='~. b~ done ""i'th ;i!lIITnUXof e."!ist~n~ and new tedmol!ogies" wiildl maUliY,ary boc-mefit~:.'\ilIe IiO'CJOm!1'l~e!t(1 sev~rllll!rSe1u :!;:!.(_~~~:;; imp!'tl\!~d e frid~f)'U:;'y iim the I,L'aI.u:pO:l,'~~li.mll'.sect:a:l."<tI~d~n tile elrnel'gy effi.c~.elrn.cyof btl iMi ngs; expanded ~1.:i:e bie :ii.u:I:;!ll'~tt V1;l!)' ~ of IfiportOliU. the des ign ~~Ildde'p!oy ~\~tcii!~ coal- fii'l!1d j;'io\'I.~r P:~<ii:1I$ uf of envil,'Qrunel'iUllly sound retmfilSror carboncspmre, E(~l,flt~y iI11POa:D>1ll.t ~S01,lrcapadl:y to adI:apt.[0"'Oid~bk ch!;;Iflg~by huproving ~Jn"~dnc<"s and respOJl::te Mnnr::giesto meeube needs of the v,,'cmkl1s, pOOiI: who ''''iU bear the ~:u:avi~l burden of •. dil1)f~l~ d~allge" The S~U'1nril~~UY on.h~!1G,,\iV [P 'C ~po:n on !mpaf.·!,'iJ.Ad(Jl1f(llioll (Jm1l1lb!r.:r(chili(\l e.xpeceed tllu3wc:ek .. MlkeS, it cleCl:l'~~inalthe: flul~lrt:\1I,rilll be' very difibreJu f1:m,1ll.he ~)it'l~ d~(IIt <1.11(1 a1l.,.n~eg under Wlliy ci:mll'entge our hmcl.lmll'll)\,ge:tl1f::~I I.-egimes end our !IbiJi~yto n%'[~nCljn C!CiJll>ystelll services, ClilTIlrule-I1;;'Si~i~tI[ene'!Y··~fnc!em cHi~s must OO(,"(lrH\:llOO mlm.~"'!:Ill:! imliru(1 inn,:.; nUJ)j~ be :sl~ng'~tened t{ll('.O'pe '\'iI:h w~;llhe<r-relaled di,t>a~tcl'l>mad Idim3~c.,cl13Ilg.e refugee,!;. \!"~'no&em~m'l~cn;, m!O~ye"dil1h 1.e:1~ ofm:ull~.ol1!' in 'the fi.gtme,BuiMin: on land le.,o.;s. r ~h,U131~ct <rbn!''€:'sea level is cena il1ly .~ot.j;ust!lilli'la'b:I!c.Pn;:.,~~",'.ung ~1~.l!1jQlrprolmr.tiOl~ ofdl~poorl.y known hia~og]~~ dh!'cr:siTy orth~' wo~d re(wires ('uf'bll'iJ.!;l; h~ !'at~.,·~fCl;lm~lll: eha!'!gl; bun nl~necds e "!h;lne~d 1mdi~lll!)\I;divr.; .~ITnrt~ ~

survivililJ!!, species,

G]p'~~1 c~imut~ ll<l<l,llrl~~dy ch<!ngl>ld nvti.c~'-'[':I'ly. \"IW~m~'I'rl;l~hi!!l1 h'i~hlrhe iW!!C'r~t!$~:It i ~ occtmillJg since 19i'O"I~,h;:<lIl \WIves; ice l.1le:lit~ shilUng :r.1l~gw (~f pl~LfI~,.1111.1 Olni n%d~; se .. -level rl~t:; and drm.l!gh'r:;,lllOlXl!s. and wi Idfi!l:5 m"1; IUC reasi fig. [1~expected, Even ifemi:ssions\'\if'.re l'omplel.e~,y halH::d ~lli!llay.lh!.'ltUt1MII;e<J.npemtlll'eim::reasefmm greef.lihrm,-.e ~lscs!l'llready i~.hc!ltnms:p:~hlre would be.appr'lJx~llll!ltcly ] 5~C !lobt:l~I.y. Unk:~s 'IW i c,m keep !;llob1d ~M~ren~£!e remperamre ~i;-o.1lJ:I exooedin.lg 2" 10 2.S:"C above preindmtriillleve!:S.\'lie n~y!"(;l~cfu l[ppi~g rmiru;s[h;ltco~ld produce ilUol(:rahJ~ hm~n i~np!1.cts"Busun~ss as l!t"l),WJl C'·ouTd lliI"we us J" to j~("llJo,,'e preindustrial ~elnpe1'< ,~(}O~l temper.!ll~lI~j[l.nmIIHl[llmli:ll~ t~l<lt Ih.)m. the~le~J:1!;IM, I<kl>leeage to tille:p!"C:>(!lbl W<lJII.ll period, Unlessl'he world actli ItOVo'•. 'We w:LII anile i f1ri~ mi5tll11b:ll)I'OO me~l d'lfilllN M]U""f:lnillltllD~\'e~:opmf;m GOlds. li~il w impn:wl;l the fare ef'the ~r.l:lind la~1 achieve globiil:~ l'l:'LIISJI~~.mlbilily. [:0 TI~.e~lmmlnr!lee,.nm\1 nMmbe:ri~lg 6.5 billion pegpk: .. ~~lS,J'u::Vt:T f~.ce(I~. gre<'lu.;:rc~~l~.leilge. 1ll'id there is JiG tillle forfi.~r1I.herde~l)i;.
~.e~.] entt:u re si nee pareindu st I'~.;m,l p times ~Ros~!'iia M, Bi~rb\aJl!ilfiliiarliid P.ebllil' H. R~i!!'etl

Genome Sequencer FLX

B,e' Filrst to the Finiislh Willh,...,, ,
.1 nc reused readlcng • Throughput

~hS ~]'!ircn]g;i:Ulg200 to ;In 0 bases pc]!' read

of more than ~IGO,OOO readsper ruu

High. single-read Hc~um(:}! gr,e:llU'~rhan 99.Sf}lj over 200' bases t accuracy greater than 99.9q~~)

• Consensus-reed

Visit www .. e·.u@.m·e~sle.u.eil.~ci8·9:.··cio·to learn about the g . ... n ~xp.;md i~"ig,iitl ~nb~r f p~er~<rt·v.c\\i~dpll,lb ~.~(a.~ ~iPp~~~ld i o i i(ll]lS rig \\'~~~ki)'.

IRoche Diagnostics G~,bH RJochlEl .Atpplrecl Scienoe 68298 M;;m~~h(')im

~~ .iiI;:! 'DEi\lOME. SE!lJ E~~~.ftil ~~ L.irc;~ ~~EI!IIn!cfG,



C 2007 Jl;:;:ho liIrBQ""'ks OmUl!lfl,~._.t





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Alfholi! ~ R 'gra2:ilng iHHi 'rir'e lilal!le '~ee iii 1~IN)p05e,iJ as ,e:!:plillnatn O:flSf'il r til'ua' enmtk annual gralsses, in C.aili'ro:rnia" ~'!r~e-re''lhey hal!'~ !.l:s,t~blishll,d ~h'~m:;~h'li!~amt()n~ th,~ Ill~tiv~ p"e'relllf!~::!h ·O~I" wid(l' sw.ath!\1') Q~ the LiilluiHilpe despite bering lilllfhHior Hlmp,eUhm: hH Ii~QUn::~s",II(tilj'e' mlaln;i!,g~mi~nll b(!s~,d ~:nth:!!S~' f!1l!(t:ofS h@s;r'i1!!U~d 'to ;S<te.liJII. the ilrr¥a,~im'lls •. IiH 5. kn own '~hat diisf'ase (,1111'1 ~tu ,wlIl1lp,emive baLa 1!I<Cf' a ilet\'Mee'liil 5pede-s llnl eil:lologil(ill OOIililmJI,Jnilti'es. ':1111 dIIB,(!Ir~r er (l,[ have ~eve l~ op,~dl.ilI lIFIode1 ShQ""~lligl 'iliIlUii!llIli~n\!'el!l" 1m,t)IIiI~niill'.aI!i~QI1has ilEHm medialte.rn by ",oral ~iS'~i1!fie (bau~.~v iillld ,['er~a[ yeUcJ\lIidwarf virrll~~S. 'Which ill'le' a major pi!~hogel'lilm u,ops,inl!: ~.tI!llI 1fI'~ whe<1ll, bs r ~IlY, din.d (leis.). lI~H!'Y lfi mm i tha~: th~ key t@ th e S!ll('(e:ss ofth ~ a ~~il.ia:l lr,asse'.~s~h::u virus is ~(lriW!1~ g ~ tailly ua n$·lIlll'it~m by aJph~ds•. Ij',althi@w tihilln v@wl](Ci! tl~ via SJeed~; n·!!'lce.:;e@ci. SIJ ndlllll ts U liIaIUed!el:ll, a lUI ,!,!,uh {Ie flualU ~:m sune flSi Ii!Jedi 0 I'll (! IlU'!W. 11'11 :o~lrar$'l;. p,eri!irllrll!(il ( glfas,Si@s ;s!efvc ~$ klln~lH~rl'Til r'CSiI!I"!;IOI F$ ~'0Ir' tl'ielfirlliSi a IiIdl xpe ri ~!iI(e' e le;t>eri(ll;l~ ,effe·ct~ on ~!,Irviva~ nd ,~I'I ~~:fe~i ~~ed proa iTlle d!!lctijOIl, thYIS ]adUt'1ltilil~J< t~~ ~lI1v1ls·iQIiJ by ~IliIliY'!1Ills.- AMS ,PtO(; MOil,. Airmr, 5r:f,. U.5,A, U4. S,4:n t2lJD7).
r,emjHkillb~e success of



hss, if!! '!;01~~e e:l'lvirol'lrn~nt'~

(lrMleil'ltialed bioin·

Plwbing QlIa ntu m Me 11110ries

C;im·~.qlilltE1 [:Dlac!1a lfIam!! IDlih!! racll,m aswt:ii!l'E! iii $ili!g~,wilh a s(!! Voo kMW, O~ .;;I't ~eals'thpe. that the ~Ilironl1ation Ili~ il1~.a{~ S!ijI1IHllo\:lher'~in you~ h~d, Il'Ieed~I1i[l'only the co~rncl mem(I!Y trick or st~1lI1~Il!!S lQ~ Ifillw it. FQ[ q !J~!1I!UIF'iI ~omllIlYoi:C1!tioo'5,. will ere ~nro.TDflalio n is hanl!.l1fIImed aWRl!QI (JI!!l!1lIIlI.u chs JIIJt~l~au~,ij:s,lo:re~ f n I!1,U1linllillll memom ries, it is l'IecesliO;Ill1jthallhe M.ored il1rOflfl1l;;ktlal'l be
_ mhlllsi . .and retrie'l!'1IMe. H<mlevl£!r, 'tiUanhHIfI meJlI1tlrie:s,.jllr'E!'I!:inoll\f1 [0 d~Qly bE![au:5~,of del:ohe[;E!',. :~ and physicis!s thef~ro~e h1lVl1l to de'!l!i:~,PUn~ir !iJWfl .~ set of lricko; to probe a IIId rIilBtlSiiUe liiI(lw r11,liable' ~ th€~~ tJ1UUI~O:n~~ are. Slaudl er ,aL wClk a~ q,l!ailllll!!!'r! dl informalia n ~tmedin an opticallllf!mory, 'o'I.Ih!E!fe the :inr\~rm>aliQI1is ef!,~oo,ed il'llhe (Oher~tlll !r(l1'l5'· ,~ fer ~f!lhe' pha5e iilnd .a rnpli~udl1'S of lig IiIlllJlUt:s'i2s,

rtDHn1l!li( iltrlalvsU an d rete gat.@d l')!~l?ri m@irrlil ~ ~'[k to the ~a(.k·bell'lc:lfler'5. NeverMleles,s" h~ si9fliil((lJ1.c:~ of U1U t;;!tio~'S 'C:~f! be 11:r!lrd to Ilw,~id witirlOut adlJlilrlly rnakifig ~hil: PfCiII~ !\Sand as:~~s.~fiil!ig lh~k behaviorr.
!<mil;:! el

:5il!b~t.ratE!S and procium dI~~f,~,r. ~vhid~m~_y ~enedal1E!''IIo~utn{ll1ltlry a{japlatrCDrl til) {iliange!>il'l IlliI ~Ia b,ol~t~ con il:!:!1111 tratioll1~s. - GJ ( 8jQdii!ffli$lJy 4;6, 10. ;Ul'21JtJi6(l24!879 (2:OCI7).

,uS, ha:~~@

~'JiI Uil~s

A tess Radi(a~ Pathway

icmediYIlI:l IIllo'leuJlt:5·, in ~'n~dl' lWI:! dOlJ~'ly

1IlPproot:h in lryilflg to understand the role ol a Cd,2+·bindlflg cys. t~~m~In the .fsd~efid,J(j wli
eRlIzyme KI!)O SYi1thi;l!le~!i1 C!)i'iiI par· isol'l to an .i!,spa rag ine in Ul@ Mui/Vtx ,a,eolkl:!5 ver:o;i(ln !l'[~.he :~iilme em:yme,. llille: F~(h(m 'th@:ft:ata1lyz@' is an i!~~cl wnden;l;allon Oi[ phosphe!!II1IlI,pywvatEl il!nd 3rabinilSEl 5phQ5p hate. nri!; I1nlyma!i( s~ep i!i i (riti(a Ic ne if!1 the bacterl a l bl o,'YIiII.het tC path~'l'i:lY If.l!ding ~Q l'ipopol,y:HI((harides and henreis il potell1l· KD'081P5<Y,IfI1has:e tia!. ciwg larglet. A. (.omp;ui·illlltenmediaJtc. SGJnof lh'i1 stru ctu res ell'lalbl.ed thE!'m to liI'Illk~ a~e ries. of ImJila lion S bridgin~ the ml!!!lt!I.I~;-1!nd nomllletllillo-I(OOS·p sVliithases; rolll(l!IN~~pkinelk and sU!.l!twral aloi!lYSl!s yi~ldedl several ililsigli1t!l. ~he ty~l~ill1e~llNlrllirild I.€'d 11I1e't,8!lr'llUlll.:s Hne- ~.jl,miE!'fu n clio n d!> lilI ~ Cisp3r .1igi nee!lirbQ:';':''!'I1~d,ein binding ;lind Or~ell1~il'l!J~wate r m,ol.ocl,I~erm 1lHa~k on Hie .~i idle ~ at c,~,. :'!I'ell!IhQugh tlile lIIle~anll-,11111'1:11I1I'1l1l!E rllelt!I.lo"KDOIBFi :5YIl1lI.hi:lsl1!)pmd'lJ(ili1 thll 5<1I111Hl



bOllde-d (a rOOiflS<tether two 'sets (lr~jriply b (mil:!fd csrb om, ~,al'l!'~De'e kifloWIl r or mer
30 Y€alrs lei' cydi.!':~ t(llf1e ilfluiguing p(JmiJ ~Iu:ylle IJl rtldffic<li. Ihi s s !!l'e£h~~5 hOI'S been obs,~rved in rnalny C_d'5<l>So behaille a'> il t b8U'n~e!l~ riml,g wUIl t~\iO diamretrtcally opposed lrliV<!lI@lnl ca roo illS-, which ea chi r<e,ac:t ~'apldl~y "Id hydroge:n or l1a,I.og<l2n

:S!,'leSO.ll,~.~tate : !lm;diU._Jtl, They ~~ <Ill :~ IIJnott!'n'erno telilhmqlll:e wllieTeby a seq,lJe<lIIce 01 ~ pulse'S iflilfaH~e's ~he llf!ri!i'I1!ory ((!IU. ef:!(ooes ti'l1'l' ·tIl d{!ila onw 11, (l nd us@s~ read lilll!~S!@1.0 gr@!1!~I';UE!a ~ 51i:lI1luf[lled If{iI1CDIlllil5e wh i'(11re!llljc,l'~es the "'~med
'~"'. O~~~(D QI

~, irlfQfm\!jlioJl. fh~

o'l~ .. lag@!Or m


S(lh~rrn'~ islhilt

.~ ~hOLUgh IJ1E!JlfIOrie5may iJe-I.o:sl, fir they are we(aUed 5 th@y rilllll~~illi lIndi~lurl~d. -ISO ~ Phf!. Re.v. ll!tt. 9,8. :1.'13601 (200'n. iil

s,o:uuc eos. P~Hini! ~t ~l; have ,~bS'ef1!ed 11 ~tlf' pri 511191y dUlle:re I1l111mde Oir rt!\ildiy· ~ly.wni!!:h l~ more <Q(msj:s with nudele~ll, o,philk auack at Oflj~ olr the lm5.illrurrated (i!riboUllS< than with faJdicat atom C!bii~r"','li'Clf). 1I'hE!'irstudies sn'o!l'l' that ~lig hit. heat. ngl of i!l1TI renediyne ill the Ilr1esefu:e ,a'r Iil~]!d ff1I flQ Iide ·5,alls .illnd add nmJills lID! Ihtllide ami proloJ11!ddlFlg a
1,(Iio'pJ)osile e~d5 of the reS!l.ilta!!1il be-f!!lE'lile rrijf!9. I~ot!opk labelling re'l!'!loi!u; that nt!n i!~ W@'i:lK tim aide! .i!I!; dil1'lethiy~u Itoxi de ,tom seiVe [I~ lh~ pr@· I.Qn dc'Jlou;. rmpiicalill'ij C! highlY ilalslC iJheoyl. <.'ilfj,ion inlerl11ledi<;ll~e 'Io'rmed artier ~atide aU.d. Tille- ~,(?ac:tlQn i~hiig 1m -yielld~IiI'g (Il[ ,eh 10 ride. 11:100ifI1lide• .alfld iodide $at~s, affild sllQ\'iS Itil1e'lk~ ::;0:11'SiSl\em with p·!llltnzyne [!(I! ~malliof!1 as t h{~ ,rat€Contmat'd Oill' page 21


.~ S,tep by Step

g IReoont

Ii Ulm15;tl'q uem.e

e.xpOllen«iat 'Q ~Q\!,ith ill dat.ahase:s ·as a of bi9~S(_ilm ce IIIfQj(llJ~~ue ~ iI~

am1dl :o;triil(l.lUa~

.~ gellio:mte seqlJlendngl


chen11,iulil~l~nl'!edJiate. p~!I)bablll' via tile ~!n~e reaclion pathlo\lay, the bimllung wmtall1lls (!illhe

Vi!'lItcn '"




Am,WU Cmr,p.rt~fSomeo SW!.f0!'!!! !JlWj'!!fl:r~


IB.~I.mi~IIM.~D Hilil


MlIl!Ill 'Klarll

~i1M OO'll!lge

Unrting 'the wadel IS compu'ting professionals~

researchers and educators to inspire dialogue, share resources MId addres.s tihe computing

field's ehal ~enges in the 21 st CenbullY.

Advancingl CompU'-tirig as a Science &. Profession,e,aJI"nnnol"te

Association for Com puf ngl Machil1ery

fi P1Idi~119S 0 fJ@'f a (l)f'IiI P~llf fig puziliru] lselatlen hQIII1 Inarlne SOUrces ol Ill~noch 1,~Hf Im~L~!l:I1qli! n o:$~(lr'er~li\lhose ~5!t rrlJdures were inl~llfk'ii ir5.lentw;oilh esta b lished r adk:al QrrelocnophH.k c'ililorinaliol"l pllth"""ay~. - J SY

fi!e rtt_, of i;'Io'_I

D!i:~:oveC"'" (.~,ef1l,InC" ..


$t.~p_ fh


ror lhe'



~lnte!1ls.@w~€iIlthE! H~ld CIJ l ~(lros:'S, lh e u b@'s eern:J:r'@ ro und@d tflL!lriCat,ed (l!Ibe~ s:howe d Ili'tUe variaU(l1l wi~h pol,i,lrizalion dirle;(lion. 5imii~ar eU'llC:I:~'1iI'IIlr'e 5>e!i3Fa ins ulIliu'l;ilLions or Hill? lQt:tll

I~ields, ~or these IIl'Q1nkles. -


NaiW I.Nt 7, [o,,10211nl070 lS1'ti (Z{107).

J .Ill'll, Chen!. !io(';U9, 111102lJj ~O]OO2'le




Sharp S~lvet

S1,llrr,ace-e n 1'<ll'Iced Ra ma n~(.!lne ringl (SEIRS} GS obsef~ed lin ~ \I'I~~~E! (If sHv~~iii ad glold sl!!?s, lY where na I'liou.a Ie rou'ghnl'~~ hi'gh Iloc[lll

fie'ld~ andgiam



observed iln "hD I.spo~s ~ (~e.ated be~l\'t'e!en two ili1Iil10pawtic les, HO\wellElr"e1.I@n $~1I19~eIl'!ano~arU-

d~s cain ueat~W~Il'~ds larg~




si I1glle ·rlI'~I~1,I te de~eCliQIm. To beUllr II.Ilmd~.rst,tlnd~he origin o,f this 'enect, Md.eI!~1'! el at have de~C!sited $Hver li1aJl1i~p"ujdesel vi:lriolJjs~hi:lp~ on silucoll 5 ubstrases lh.[lll l'Ilive reg istr ation msrks, SC.<I nl1itng el.ectren mi ~rQ.S(.OIil')'\V(!'Sl!1$~d ~O'd@t~mflf !llelil1e orieouali! _

li'rokilfryole ge I!IU)111~Sare' 9 emH~raHyorgoilliQlzed .as aS~l1igte d'(i;ll~r' dm)iiI'IOSOfne with a ~,il1gh;: o,rf!]lin of DNA repliGltioll; lTrn.ostIlukarryotes, 011 til!:! o~!hii!r hand, have mill tl~,ll'rle !l:hr~m'O'5()!1fQe'~,E!lalch "",Ii h IIIiIlll'tipl.!!! replicatnol1 0 rigi IIlt5" Till ~ ~.aUe'r 1'12<1~ U!ffl! Iha'~ f~(@I'Ully b@lH! r:ound rill a 1!llumb(!!I'!Dr ~ rC,M eiil,. iIIIU: iu dl ng SlIllfJlabus 511l~des \ill1.c1l1 ha'li\E $ev,er,a~ ori9ins Of! a sil'lg'le ci1rIJ)Il!lO'Some. Might l~'e1ie have arisen ~ilrtlfllly by dl.!!p,lkatiol'1l? I'lObil1SiOfil a nd ~eU :5.~,u.w that Qrig il':! 50 th i;)~ are ml!l~,epred l!{rIl-sl1;S'ulfol(jlll-u5 :s.ped!;ls share the glene mpG. encoding CIp~<ismid upy-:nIUn1berr ((Illurolll~oti@ "JiI.~:; ~fll CISal fiU!1l ber CI~'stress re§ponse '~t'ne!';, 'Furtihermore, ene 0,1 the '~,'o'IIO o~igli.rIS on lh~ ar(h~l@aiAl!ropy'~~m p12mix: iJ!!.m iI!>lrri k~1iI resellllbln!:!t' to lWO oll"ig io~ g

found ~~ a dis,LQI!1Uy H~lated 5uJ&

,/'fJlobu5 sl~edes;
'!l.elbl1rral. lHI~ g



a IPlJl.Miw~ pr(),k~rYOlk

~i{ln.Oi~ 'the pa rtleles so tlilat til e 'Il!u,e[( o~ l<l~l'r palarn za lioM mn S'ERS spectra (Quid be' stu.diedl. for nano(lulb~s,lih~ ERS iJIItl!!'IlSUy of ad!1orb,~d S I.iI-ben :1;l'!l,edi~lliol. Wllried g r,F;!'.aUlI' the d in;![with ~lan ~f ,poliilwi~atijol1l, iii nd til ~'~P@C~r.ilI \Wl!JEl Illore

viral. il'i~egrrati()n site are {onsElJVedi. 1\~1"i(ijiJg th~ g~!lt!S is 011, prc~eii'i 'thal i~, lQ Rel~. a b(;J,(;terr.allll~a~liI~id i!laia lo,r p.rot,e'in, a,~ weIll <I~ the yeoil:5l r~iJli((lth;m ililltiilt~OIll prol>ein CdU .. .A.h<Dg ether, lh"~ evldeoce gHlifl(!I to .;;II ea ply red eX~f<I eh rOIl105,Omtl ~ e'lemenl., pO'~'5~bty a viruslp,lasmid iIlybri:d, as l:he '§.{IlJIce o'~ the~I!.!IP ~m~r,9i'f oriQl ins, A hybr~d plil;j9le1~l!,k_aI~Yern ~li { rep~itaJti>on inlJia'lio 1'1 ~r.He0111lh e ~e<l~t 2tIJ pta smi d h liltS. at a ~inlHCI r 9i~!;for l~~ .rill!! li~ pte Glrig!ins om el!l k.a fyoHc dUl(DnUli5{1II1e~. - Gil. Pro,c- /If(J,tf. Ac~~ Sci, U,S.A 1O~, 580'6 (:ween.

.~ ....


apoP'oo";ls leoos LOllile' loss Ol! 'Vc:U(~'IIC!~hm fl!!m:lloil ~iI omen. Attholl!g,h a;io!J w Irem<l~e '11l[(e dClllllol. ul'lirlerge, I1!IIBnOpame, they do suUer oildepletien of www.sffike ... oIJsv.ariaJI1J ro~[i(hl,~ hea.L~h (!Dm,p~ii(il!lilo§l~ simJii;:l~ ~Oo Ua<Cls@ or pestailli!l

At about age 5,0, l~e deple~lon of o\\'iari!;1Infomde5,~hmugh








--__ _ -_~_- _ -- - g

nU!lilopatlsal wom,elil. An:eHh,l'~r ~lrIU~r

ig)3tE!tI if'! mice !~(iking the ~roa~opt~tij(

!~ IiIg UII,a:t,oocyte Il~~ ndi lIkIunn't~ ii(looin BaIX, Perez tU oi. 1FlVE'Stn~ted agi!illg,8o!il£d:e,rki!ull



film i:l1.1!! mice ami fe urn,ti thlE!'m~o too 'lElill1 ~r .[I fill morn "(~~'Il'e!ham1 ~jheirwi ~d·.;[y~ (QU ntl!rlli!r1:s"Thil1~ re~afi!l~d !mO~ or lh~1 r haiF, dil::ve'Il:)'Il~df,ewe:r catii'li'3(U, e~peril!:noed I~ss \l,ir~1!! kjliJi!!l! ·Clfthe skin,~nd had 5IInmger bOlle'S .. Altho:l1g 111 ld ~r BOIl( ~n(ld:outmice r.aliled ~o, 1lI1!{(IIII:LEl pregnant, ~hl1y~Iidl ,(lVU· o lale in reSIPCim~ '~o I~Ofi~·dOlI!rop~P'Ii":lInd ~~~e!i thli!fr o.~r!!3F!!f~sue- wa.s gr,,,f~E!dIinto YOUrllg' wiild~t;ypt ; felllilfll~~,~~l~ QO~,}'I:~~ p;rilld'u(;!lc! 'ifjjbte ~ LI~" Fi Flailly. behavi Qfj I allll.a:lrsesin;dfcat~d[na~ 1Il0( k(llll~ we;rle le~'5oil n;do~,H5·and mQre a li~ ~tIve than 'IloIikHne mke. - :i!lMJI. Prole. ,~1'11~.Ara,d, fief. U.iillii@'4. S~29' (~IOO7).,





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websu t.,e Sdence(.tHee rs. ors: oflle r;

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Dii:!i!!r:!r~1 ~tnnectll· M:ll!mriii M. l!f.ulrb:rd

Inn [;D·jtQIl !CIl!'ViIlIllQf~



!. ~M!H'


D[PiJ""~~I]Il!~~. It. B!'l!~u HiIDlOOl,.ll;IfMOl R.1iii~~~ Km'il]::I LllllllJu



2~NW.~551a fA.'( 202·~:N'5oi'i2 N~ m·:3~~'SOO, r,I!.'( :;:~Hi'1~~7

BI~tm~n llilou~t".B2~:e:IHnlll Riodl t~rJlbri!IJ~~,.IU,l!! (liZ lIlQ' 'i<44 ~Ol ~:~ 32~S.'l'!o,. FA:( .~.q. 0) t~n:t26S0:!l. (


.i!:b:l,...,.[j4-1!J1AS ~l:~2:n Ci!' 2O!N26-6417,. FM .j!Q2-;8:42-106S. ~Uf!!! .adil!t~t:!~ MPS,.P.O. i1<';u; 9~P~. ~~ml'l'iJql;fl<, ~r::~09J)'6t7:a< il'f ~ ~mb~ :S~~~~ .m~;~ ~r~, ,!'(;{cm!.l.1'" ~W. ~ljJl1!J~, ()( ,OO~!i
iii1TI~i1"N~iiiI,l S3U liIJ~:~Iil~H q~liOfI5

Sg~~~~I'!1>!i!! ~~'!!!'~ "~C~~!"I~~~I oiIc!df~j.J" ,~IH!if!~!~~IM. r!~

l,w, ~ntl!~iIlfI~:


IHI' inrf~tll'l~rM(]

,,~u 20:t·~2.s.·6i 5~ Iflf ~"f

IEM~_\. ~".PIIIW5 nIlD: EIIffl!I: lP1JiMip[ll S:ilJtOOii; Y'J,-~It HO_ ... _l'Im'l'nl.if.llll), ~;;5I1OOIl oo_{o1:wctt ],(tm. ~Iol Jl Hlnt!!, ~r.,Ii. IOOI!I~ ~lIt Milfc1 ll1,m~([0iJ It!111ll. Bl!! 'PUrfliiD. I L.II~M~, foUl!' R(d;IiIiouqIi. H, ~ !trnt1h. ~tI.:I'V'Il1~ii, IIlMiI 'IIlYi!: ,.,;i1Q(!!!!'Ii 'iIMf.OM .lil~ $. 'II'tI'tM,. Uilr,) M. £.l:i111!;'~E ' EI:m!I!: Stti!iUt WJIl;;~IIIIHlIIUlUIll_lIlriil·S.IM!ilfOO1~_M;lIi1I!ItTllnllltSIlrnn.m J, Silta; M~:.mmr~m~ tQ\';'!~~, ~~M.i;~t!I~,~ llm~ ~~~ (Rn ~M~ 1'.!:!1!l:r E.Cll>il~. ~Ih~ ~!Ii!i" ~~r~ ];l~I'!. Ilolrbilro I':Ofd~. Jmfll!trSJLII, Tr~ '"~; ~n'l!i!Il!M;i. L;)u it'B ~c, Pdfr.lli!~r~dt;: ~!im!!ij,i;~~g~ii!i!!~_llC~(~~~.I!l!:i!'!l~,Y ~~!Jtj;:~""~!l~~R!!fIl~~!i!.~I!)ii~, ~~Fiuav'l)1i~l~'S~l}l!; M~~j~ll1.ltill]~ ~, S(ot1 Ml~Ji:m)'ft1d!lilrdlo!l, Bm~ M]f~lIl,ItI!I!~ W.I'fVl> G!1'Ii:!JI,i.i.,&1Q~.~ .. M",",~,""I, IBiJl", IEm~1i' GijEsil:!', f:.:triIu M,iMOOr~.JIIlriiillf It_ 's.t!ibBll,: IDIlmlIlWClIDi.!!"iI'!iylrAiI.S·,IKillilt<l; ~~~'~I'j'I~Po'I~~ INrIll$ illlllllll: ((iI!_lo1ilil:mlil' ~1I lUau:: IliIIM'f IIEM IEllrrtl,U Rlllx!n 1 {7f)oo:i2, ~ji'lll. Mli~hlIll, J~I.rl!:I' Hll!I1Ii~ ll!lLiP. 1t'IliJ1!Ii1S, ,[IIIffflf.,l.I:nt11~ I!!InDti lH~o!IlI~1fi CLII.atta" PcJlI!f Sl'lu~man; IItElin "'.!lIDS 'lftI!I1l~i't

iIIi,!.~1I Wa~!.;!!1 8!.!nClr; 'ii¥.nJ,IrH ~I'ti!lll!un'l\lI~iIo! '&r'!JIll' (1lSI~1II ~EII!I~EIlfim'i:5G11Pil1: l!U:ifllf,:' itftlllWliri LIUrU! Bamr, ~ :r1Hl~~


1lEIII!KII~ trn!llmll~Ii-'h:p@a:~~i!cJI'I'!IlrIllJilGil!IJ

(111l500,pf:l1!l[ RetiDl!~



VltKl Jjnkr.lI.lloilNl'j'll



~llUlIIJI'i'SIl!PIIM!oIlII (l'~f'j;f

5!paMi(l!;'I51Qfllltk~ ~W!'.

J:j~nlt:l, HI"lirlillll~


!!!!!!!lili~ ro~~Ni!!I. M];! ".~i"!!!Jfi'g]!!!l!i O!!!:J('!O~ i)cbOl"~!'I 1tOw:!1IWil!::lli~o1l!; 'iij!'iii~~; ,iI!iU~r~ A:<;!!d~ iI'd; ~~,-go.~. jij~!oii~~!iI~nl' 1.Ii!'I ~O'!\iIn; I1l!lD.tll.M~'fSf j!oM'II:Olt!~!lr, !W!~~,"'i!A1.~m,"'II::~;)l! !WBiji:, r~ri<!./!~mEn; rl!i~liIIii~ I'Ulll'!!~Iol!!i!!;.~lIliI!l:l,!UT(ll!: tmi~ic: 1!I<I\li!!~ tI.:!'COIWI! IELi~j)I;'I:" Samllrlr: _5ifi, IIUlniU ]Oh~ t;!~r!;: ,_O'I'E!!Il!, !i!i,io"~E!l ID\lIr"!l~ ~Iu:r; AI'~ Prllcl'li!rd; _(IQ!,~ ]~[ilI1re ~~.M~I!!'· m~ '!~ !OJiI1~lif)l! lFaJ"'!lfiJ:lIli. ALi!!GlI(IU"lf~t liaJ,rM Ll~1IC Mf;t!lIIIllllill&MiUllmI!i[;_1lI


Auiillllf 1.lW;IuirY!~200· 615-7 ~:IU

~1la[iBFf«', H

CfNl]mll!r,l'ia1.lhllq~i'~ eO~·~:~·~$'.R CiIW~U~i ~~Z-3il',ri§!!Jl







20;l-ll6-Mlr: Cl"Mi~ 1!:3f·d:M~rM! 8OO-~O-nll: (It Root:lt~: H~fII:l:100-,6s.4i-::i~Oa'CDP,il;~l.(!~5.7, EiTOI~ SOO~~OOO I!'AAj'iU;' MAS frj)l'Il~ ®!lW~U,~~Mit!~n~ ~Olh!:!i~'lne; ILnI!! t'I:AJr~[(It: ~U!'f s.'Sm[t)lSOO~~o1~g3:; OOH;:r~~iu.:~~!S~~,
~j!·~2~~4'~r_~~~'!!<t1,grgo,. lIlicll'lCtc..l'IlIICf'Sfl\lOl:l,;lUrg

iroakWl:m;: ~rB~DifN'ol!k!.((!i'I'I baok:l'~~ C~1 !l'UJdl!ll5!l! d~~t!Ufit: SlJli1Itll VIP l~t(l~I'.m

INJiliii'(. RDbeiI F. XMel! ffiM!iHc Niffl. d.:l:aMS~P!M IlIl~ml';«!mlIlrli!!iCl~~M:!!im:8&l'I A. CI~f;l, .~r! ('olloo ~$i:ir!tr,C]gO" (~, o!ll!leL F'trDcr. 1aI~, ~!tIb~~ ItcI!<!tt!l'tM. I'll . d1 USI_~. ClliHt'l!! (, M;l~_ii" fii{fl~ Strlllst '\!=I;. i~fMj Wl(~~!l; C!!!'!' !lI~!1*J)]~I B, '~!l!.~o, I 1~~ditiLCl!r~~!!"S~~m (Jol~M"~.III~

A.dliM Coo\ jl!i1rlii!J' (Olllfn" il:l'l'id GI1mm. Cb,M!:.'I1t@ ~1!;t!1;, l~id\Olld ii. ifl!fI', !Ei~~lfllilOl!'i,P>r!!:l!' {M!!!'j

W~ndt Stu 1f~!f.ll,iili!ljIjI[tiO ~~IJIj"''iI~['(ljfi1'f f.I!~: IoUom'l'ili~1lIilJ 00!ll F.lJi5Jo:,; J_lIlWlEi ~il500, HDJlIlIaI[!l!I!!l; ~flIi.l!IoIIlISI _ COIIiKl~Trim II'flIFI; u,W,""'~·iIl~l.~D'lM1 ~!3F1I00.~~rn. i(iil (ail1BriI"I~ Hol~fidl. WMd)o' Wi;,e; DlIflIW!fI:C MiIlliIlo Ml!!Ilo '1(iEII1 I1Ilil'iH!t!l HIlU'II1LfI,; ri!i~m _1Wi1l!lll; Tfi~UI lil'l)1il1(r; 1ID1!WolI1 !!!.I!!!.I!"!!: l:IiIIiSit.:ln!oril "*DQi:li~!!~W ~fhtll" to!'i~:I1!M!. l(/iIf.1mliy (IoTh:Jf








CI'\: :S1(l-65a<o~OO::, ~. 'S,t4)-6S2-Jle;7. N~ ~!lIlI!~:nd: ::l0<7-5ot9>7'~I55" ~~ l[!o:i~f), CA: 1~"'~ B25~, lFAX ;~
IrijUiiill W:~!ol:l~. ~j!.4,9'l''''

Jil!;h~roil5on; ~.""~ol!Ili'i'!1 ~_cl Scll.i1rr<llr!!: Moid ... ~~rui~' ~~;

Pildl'iclM'olIaw,,13E ~·%3·:I:~(i !)!IJ!:(~l<!m~ !;iJllidflf, ~~-,qil;~~

65~''J~~~M~ ~. ~~~ .~. CM~i)J:ifJ!:'!i'!lrelll~: 4.!l;3·'S!!'Z· 'IlI~o.~JU<143;~lN)ln ·1Oil'W._U..~u'~Il!S~ *4ol. {Q) n~:·
3z,r,·5.2>1,. FAX +M (eli 122:3;':~2~"ji~2 ,(l'JI'.A!il1llll!ll'rr ~1. n2'~1l 's.961. ';AX. ",(11 ttl) '!In~1l ~~2: 1lIo1m(.1lMlIti13ll ~1'(jL 1iIa1llllln; 5lI..I!E!l,_III\!d(I!f[li!l:il1.1ira Slmll\~





K_ Slullk;

·1ll __


5jlM 5ia~


1!.S~~li1' ~'"

Ilaf ~t~r~I,ediIGI!~l·qU!!rk!sl·
tfor~~<!f;Iw,~~~ Ilom!u~ m.IM(!r![lt~
~Df ~~ "~~ I!J,!trlo3) IDe Jllt.\!l1ltemflnlol

~tleu:.a IOOi5llt '~~Ii"U!na!lil!lm Cl!Ir(!rl (jilfi~ ~'" I!lOOfl'Jood; .ill:Hli\loU51I ~ I1Orf4!i.i~r. i\lIJal1lIIi1fJ lIIl11D:!It D~'Oid M.


_Ell M'm:m·5~gII!r.~I't:'fI\!Dl'IJe~


bT MK1~ I!:i!lI~ BlKllili!Ml. ~fil;u~~i!.~I ...Tii "'!l1r_m~l: lMM~il!!,inlmUTiMIS (]lfi.~.8id~ ti1aJljilfioo:5lJii:~i, !lIMOIl:llliT,i!.5lSi)a.o.J1l~ Holt)' B~op, lA~fli (rni,!(!IIfi~.,. 1?1't1lll1l 'I!Ji!!~' e~nm~ 1 ~~(lGrn1


f'QJ1t!1i!tierillirr'iIle Aln~a:l'l~ti:llll'llr ~ SC..IIi'NoI' ItroN It!; !C..:l~~.M I>lIIiIll1IN!"! iii:!' 1!\!~ih'l~1

dlJ(~Gii·~ irnpg;jlitll iflUU i1!1AIti:l1~·1Iii! ibmJ~jjjml O~;lI:lrn~, ~ Ir.!clWinI~ !I1e J'f1}'il!;:1l!t1l110ll O~ ~!lI!Intl'~ ~on!llcll~ ~rms (If!,iiti!!l ~~dlK!~.~~OfiIialnll',' Jl~. rttdMpi;il1l.i~iOO iii S'dtl.lct---"!!'I(li.ld!!i'l~ a e;jlrlJ1irl;jl$,I'iIli\IO~ ,~nnl1fll.;WjIi;;:)oII!~~~'!iI!l"'!'{!~I1i!lI,I<f!~ ~'I~l~~n!J,e<!!i~~ ~t~l'!~ Ildlltl,d~,~, by Illi!!MI!,SQI'!lIl! iriim'bJ'~~~ w'tlIYtflM lI:ICilIM:ir.l are ~IHiaooll.

3 !oar!'!'! !Of

tll~ ~~t;x!GrI



:iU.I\'fll!' linnIlliTlIIIJl~[




wl*n .~W1'lWlW~ Alti~.


MEW!>! lI_: R

MJi;S, wit> fatllRlM:d !II l~iII ~d ~Qlrpl!:rm,d!lI la711, illl i!'I~R k'lo Mr.lnro !lC:lr!rIP1l! .ind WiOl'Nltia..11fu~~i'1!!.It rilil! rtIIfril'~ ill!:! bmtl'::l o~"'" ~!1" lIMl' ~ Qr'tIUN!~;MJ~';!lIll ~o:~~~rt(N'lll'llgrrlc.t~{ICl .t!riD!!g '~f!~~I.I. t,f!lJl.~wj;and '!11~ ~bUc; ~!!J!;!Ci !ntl!i~~~O!i1~l COlOllptr.l!ali !Ii< ~~~ ,~!l'IiIlt:I; ~JlJll'(.lt1(1(1~ IjII"Omlll.C! Ihil fOfl~!Oibl~ 0!I1ld!J~ ald I!'5t,lIf:!<itll~i!'~ndu.;lw1!!; '[~r ,[,'dI;;Oli1ioor il, ~~IW;~ iI"~ ~~luliQlill'!JJ I~r (iMllfj'OllIl'; ~"Ilil:ll(t .IIIl' ii(,bQ~ ,~fldlt«"f!I1)!~iI' I'oIDftlll:l>U!' .11111 i!'lfrMtrlllUJif\I!::tfilM:l5I! pool£.!: u"d~J!i~fid"lii9 ,:jmal a;ppt~offiltioo ofi~ $dli1W! ~!OO1 ~dwllJl!!l!lJ; .am ~tre"fhm, s:uppDl!l f.DIf ~ ~ ~!lii~c,;tOOl ~d1l1(1fggr ~el~. UmHtlUilllOIl ~Ol!l:!!iIHD'C;ll~ l

JWIWIl!~, Tr;a~; r_IM'MI1IH 'EDI_: D.~riI81.o(I~ijI; (QllII£5I9I1l:!E'!IT GF~~CFl VII91ll ~~vtni +4'1' 31112lIlII11 ~'jIO,t!.. ,I'I\X .411 (0) ~ ;JlIO'i! ;1Ii~·S)i·~.ygfK,·~ __ >m.~Jm"Ud'lMll8:ll~.,r (P;w1~, .M!I1' r! IEnJtrW'k toluru!l::raa!!'! ~!!O:!! I?~rt'j), l~~!l! io1li!l!l!N'~
IlIU_ JDlllI

IfllI:iIH ~i~Ili!~@!I;ii!1ll~~m.lio,ulc) E~iloIf"'" ilifflEllfii;_,_R~ AtId_M.'5iJ~r.; ~lllilinEDfl'i)_Ift~.Iu~a ra1lJf€'ll~mp· Uw~rilirink~ ~1l!!10tI:RH'~1I!i (aro6f1~ A!i~ «]~: +U (OJ :a<1 ~ 310~), 'Sltll.!i M. HUfiJ~, I4B $, oOf.borFii'i, s;,~~F, SIm.p:I~llret~ !ilMOO:i'~'!1 ~~:o!!' ]'ooJ!~ ~!)~~i!!"'"~""!'Q!ii'! AliQ~W~lC(l';

(~~I1i!~ ~~~~@~r~""'~~!lf~gl; IL~ it~lf!'.I!l!Ji!!!!i'! ~iIllI!~ M!IIilJI.~11Ii Ilil~ Kirig: 2Qi2·;h2it;·,r.S.~~, IF,A)i 20i2.,2JU·6U2; IJC.liJIlliD·U5I1I'1'J I!NHrIlU 8Iy~nt ~l'-3:2~,~n; m!il'!i~ ~¥YIi ru.:~~! ~O~\· ;l2~·~H. liIiU1IIU1T2 Alli~I'IcI, 1!.Ii!~r:. ZD2·;126·6!512; _\Ub .1lIi1i00OOIl,1Ifi(~: ~0l'"3Z6,(il~!JiMm KIIi:i~ ~tnef. 0!!02 ] .•nf.~5n: ~lln'llllo:lIJ:oII!JiIIIU l:ril:iIi Bl}Glrll.llMhilll E!lmillli~l'IcI. SlhIr,ll!y 'M'urng; '~ID:.-'flg~'!loUoW3_r"'Tii!(f Hll'hl1115; TA!4(00111:23;l:i!6:S2:~,.FJ!J! ~.o!, ,(0), 1113 J.~6!l31~~..n~(]llllhlirla HllfnSGi\, :9Ii1U~iIa IlmMf; MW _6IIAJilIOOIA!e l!oIoo!f~l_J:lSIlm H,!,j[n.lroodt .all (I)) ~<! 151 '5..36(1r.




EabM 1ki~,lM::If)' L:l~ilI eOli.t!l 01' Dnl1>m1l:l A~!!li_." r!II:ill:jil!r1l,·~I!\Ij~ ~o'lin P. IilOOI!!m; IME!lIlI!ElIl'I'lQ.ri~ M~~I'I.El<IIIEJiI.l8KfI:mi!~ J.!Wi5(;1.!111!: mJiil:.IIIi:lmNoiIl

W ·~l ~~. S<l.1:S·1 '5cJU; MIliLUi!!!Hi, _llUrn:i!fI om.,.,_i5 ... .Il.i!!in; i!!I!:b!lr~11 r~IlII:Iflj;;"'jllXl_ggCtif!l11oo ~~lL AAV !i!~ll!aiilU~: ~



~o,rt:l e;, :sn;u; (fi!!lf j)jj~!I1WI~ !X,FKliJl flilMI i, i.~00f; ril~i!Il.lIOtlfl ~~ ~L!~I lq'11II! W. ,El'iq!J~ 5~a~ M. ~tlfiilUil:~ A1i;)~G!WI:"lli1!dIi~, 5. K<!~ilIl~" i!fil'I'''l''n,. ~1:1'.~,:r.l11>!1fO~~.{i. fi)U~fot, ~fh.'l'" 1rJ.·s.J!UIt~lI C

(iIIbl:po)}; i!!tP!'" ii:~t.II~!o!: ~ ... }.)~ 0!1l(C'~"~ Q(\IlOfi!tfOl!I



Ell'o 1l'Jl~ ~lo '!limlllr,110 ~!rn\ 5i4l-r:)~1!0 li!1}!i!l>+SlAO),~



6202 62JlOl, i:AX. -lia1'(O~ !I'i. 6202;'",:!l'1;

RiDilafl:! 1Q!:ii~ ~fifllI MOIfij~.~ ~g~~~ Q~O\ IFill( 91 (0) ~ S~3;1i 3Ul;


·5tOO!'!·lI<~li.l!li62 ~l!!'1I~~,Ji;«~; S

...!l'!!IIIlI!iIB~ . el. ~aQ· 1-3.91 3


:$ Cf I!!~~~~l~O' ~.n!!! tn Il)I·trn~ S ]anYiI"r:!' ~OO7 f;l~~ Qr ~~Qm

~!I!~!i't!I ~~.;ij!l, "'":@6~j 1!)r900' ~!~ (ID &~il' ,di~!511: tinltjhiD@~Ill!i!iBJO!'ID; ~00'111 !l<il.L P~U.all:i!, BagiIil,t.!:OOi· ltiootilJgi,oon!5pllOOelll. T'n. M11 :t!:2.n ZIl%; plJ.:illl.a@!llSrilllOOrni ~ll!Olimt~(Io!llll~~~~rD;J~!t~


1"0 ftnd Ol,.!llt I1I'IIHB.

visit: into,8ppTledbiQsvs~c!

~plp~lied IEho,systems
Jm lIul.iIlIfI US! 0t'0I~ No'l!If u:>e,n d'iIflrmiiJI: 1IIMI!!IJ1iRl!Illl! InlJ1J1l1II1"oI1! ~Jdl:JrLli!i!l fa IIIi!I LlI E1N,!tLU:j~1'"":l ill'll r.1I!III11!nl ilI(!i~IHII!I plrEl!!llI dIIIJII!uIiILU .. I'iI1! 111 tel!. ~~lJl'i!l8l1d~; 1II1ll1fi~ <ill~ ,1.liJrUi 101 DNA ~1lJoI1R.~I"dfmglmll'l ~iIIrii~~ U.s. mI fllfllg"n 'WIl:JI1lOOp.,t:! ~M"IIIdtlII:Ilr5lUIIIIt I'IPiiieli 1liIJ,~5lBm!..11'~1'Iw.;m il!ill!;'(>1STL!I3iXlnlI:!:l"" a~ 1I'III1l1ll1liiduSD ~ G 1~IIlI:JllliGIFlIII 1rdl. LIII., BI:i !!i!!tll 0 li!r<r..o~ PJ1rl!nl'ilJbll1""u~r"I-IClI;IIlII'!IoIf~t'nll"'.:I i'I't.II;t.i. L.:tL.IUIMJ 1I1~1'ttIJ IJlI'l"t1lJ1~y(ll JW"oiI'CI b'/llfm" 1!W0Id Hi!}'lf~:!J:'In' [!flOASID!'IIiIr1n ~tl:licd~II'IiFlI)IY.-dt\(JI!1II1Jf! lIiI!llII"Ill~ C!r'J1o A!dar:illl:Dr~lII1llr ~ !dJ:ilDoiJ'D~ I n 1~ US ..,d,'1If ~IlI'.iIII'IIJIt.~~1UIt:i1!:> ~lJjr "'~ad ~ i:Jl'r-i'lII1lL AJl1illilt:r. IESlFo"oo.

M'aI!lt!li!J1~i'OB'Ylm5 Ilii!icd:uea:!'i Ai'ctllfij~~-T""'he ,an~ cpeifl. iitiOdii!I1ar mi'ltifO;di~!ie[:!.itm iilStiiii:JmiH'it '1lJ< !!:ml1llJilfle L1H:er C8P'~!Jrc MI~rooi!tsettloo '(LCMI with II!J\!' ~:aser c:mliflg" .AlCUilII'IiI:Si'll is ''''8' ~deIllIS61l!nf:ori (or fese~r>C!her<'l who req,uiflt more '1I1il:JiliblntyIlnd svsrem 'liIaSIiI !:If use,
@) illInL\cioo lAi-elM~loo lC~
Qiro\ilf' 1M!

oomllC'~:!Mlih '1Jli~ I~~m~fli

@ If'4i~Oi'i·TiE!.llOOOUIHs~r!l'.t~ii:<1li·gR.3t1M iiiilli.ei'M1~O~ witlii II~iiJI1.·~iJmnlty jlIliot: C

@ IFIiIEIV ~liladab,18 li
@ O~ICln.!Il

OIrnd e)o(tefildabila pli:lU'oriili'l OInd IEpi'FII!iI1l~!!~!IiEIl:!m'8'

m l8.$ef CllItting'

@ IP~~~

,o~n~r.~~~~liId~C Ofi[lgnHde~Er'()ir 1!ive:.~111 ,pplic<ltlOi~: a

V'lilQIlilQ!' ·eIi\dl

@ IEr'~IfJORilio(:lOOI;:It..liCreen

tIr$l~kballl'C,on:~r,Oi,!!edwge e 10Ql(

f~r! rl!!iI:!;lilllof o!l!:!i!llt:~weC1ffe"I"!9S-1:':IO

@ CQ!!lI~r;I.~b!e





By 'wOIll"l'Ulflin,g'JJ~1iI1l18lQM !lila If'~itl uv lasQa,c;utlrl'lg, Y~i!l h1lI'i~IiIiIOf!l ch'llicGS inl!l'lll isol~~iCliilOr PUI'lI !till] IPo,pulalioI'Is; ~o fit ~IrI1f li1es@ili'ch~pp~calioili" Till) 08'1'1AMturu &~l'riII:!;mm, aloif~1 'Io'l\ilheur AfClIjjfU~ mwro[Jenomil::s rel1!gents lind GenelF"il!:I!!' rniicr'ollrr'llysc;~nlners 8nd :ilo~ar'~. Pf,ovide iii' 11I'!t1~re Clmp!ete e :wi:utjon. r~H !"!'!iC;fQaJfll!!~" ~ealF!!:tl. V~'9iil Vl!WWJm!!J!leeu~~rdeYi",~.ooflill\1LCM f,Ol' more imormatioo. r

See ~ ill MoolJt-~1 at t"'a Sod~fY for Eliof1l!J~tecu~lIr ~!lnoce5 13m Anf1.UIII'ComBr~CII & '~>ll1tiilloll, .t\pI'·lll!i- ; 9, Bootb '040' ~mliin L~ Arr!1e~e:!l et Il'lfl!Ulf1 Assadn:lJol!I rer C>lIl!ICIlf RB:9£Greh AfIIl'IUDI
Me-e~mg. April 14-1G. ~og!h 1'!'10E156.


pllayersin cell function and dysfunctlcn. ReaJd about I~lewtechno,l[ogies'for detecting, cbaractterizilll,g! and qu.anlti[aJ~ngkinase ,a(tiv.~tyin the [en S~g)naUng'
rea'~lJJreon ~)iag!e 125; oHhis Issue. U P(OM I'NG FEATURES:

ns catal yz,ed by cellu lar k ~lnaSf:'S are ubi q u itol!JJs,in s]glTlaUing cascades making them irnpertant

~H)SP ry ~aHCHil actio ~O re

A.prH.20- Stem GeUs june 1RNAl Iune 22- Cell SignaUng 2:





Going Under

all rifles wj,th popl!J&atiQ ns exceed! ngl 5,mUllo 11are .,espeoaHy vulne rable 'lQ risks resulting lrcm dimat,e change:' ac;(o.rd·ilr:lg to a sludy lrem CO'~.U!mbia

U!flH\I'~rs~ty i111'lid Intemilitt~Olrla'l InsUll,lle th,e




mky 1VJW
,~ lUi1e

c:::::J c::::J

c:::J c:::J c:::J






lCHlidol1l,A. team o~ Ig~ogl'ap~elfs; de'fined dang:e~ zOlfles:as areas ,,"'1idl'in 10 meters above sea, LlEvel, the places, I'J'lIQlSl\l'~~n,erableto wea~her QScil[iatiorllS (olt1lbinedl with the 25- 'lQ 6Qi-cllf'I sea-level ri5~ lorecast. bV 2]100. China (see map) ts ~n, with 144 fIlil~.iollpeople .. or 11% oHts poplilatiofl,at. Of below the l~}meter l~vfrl..'The
\l\il)rldl'~ poor ,are tht1.l! no5limtpt'lriLEld, r
\lI1 ilh

~orn(i!2 tl7 fI!'I iHiol1!lk in

lllas.l de\i'e~oped

P,ersiOfl!> [p'er kIm2


N U1mber'51NiU dimb with continued l!!rbarrization, note 'me' alltl1ors. \1\1110sa~' nilt,ionss:hol.!lld develop pelicies lu' 'l!n'og,.llrage ]nlill1d gr'Cwl'lh.
BrroFl1l,age laid il meeting oHhe In~~ma~iol'la~ A'SI!!I)dali:Ofi!~"orD~fi!l.all'!es'~r(h ~al5t w~ek fill ill ew Olrlu ~s., ~CllJli:5i<lll'li1l.

~he pUlzle.11i! alvirtl!lal Sonne parlliof' the world P:umll l'!1()n~~.arb 00 dfO}iid e into th,e atmosphe re lh,aJl'I ~hey re 1Tn0iv,e,
1O'!'~'~f~€!S o~h@~Ir,@:g'~O!lilH!rr@ lIl~t

n~:COnl:5H!,JUil)l\ l'C!

lO\'led a .lute iihat h es,~ys a ppUe:s

a lll)r~~

~ NE,i - WATCH· ,

metes: The' <m~~e1'(nmtei:l Iby drawillg <I nne from th!i! ey~ :sock~t ~o,t.h@ i1!a~ an.d th~i'! to lhrt w,1l back motar is
l\!ti!y:s <15" . 5hnWIiIg th!!! sklllH benes t(ll ((I!!lIJ(lrm lO the r 1,I1e pu:sh!!'s nut the Ilower

H()Uo~\'ayseys he"s$ticl6li1g ro 111:5~n ,esl~o

11I'1<1[e.~1sinu~r'l'!'ly doubt Ulal 'lh€S~ rrC!91~1;l\Nlms (an .-: lb~ :so' r adiil:il!Uy re<.olll-

f!'b~Drhr~. A n!il~\I:sn teofa r chi! rtingl the u pS~lfId d{l\\Iin$ 0 r [!l'e


shl,l~ted,~ he SPI~.
~.ybl:l I....itha (OlflllIP~tF;rr,bul net

(i! rbonTrad~l\1r hilitl'1l l~'E!

ltS. Najli(ll1~1 O!l:e1Imlk and Atml~sph>e;rkA!dmil'llcstratijon in Boulder, (o'lorad,o. ::;:: ::r; Carrbon1rwd.(ker inmrp@f,[lle5 (02 FI1H~.a5ur,e~ m'~.r!t5 'rf'I:I!TI ~.Q~U!60 leca liQn s .l! ~o'" fi1d t ~~ .~ ~ world to I)lrQ~de a broad pnc:l!Jf,e 01 carbon L!!pl:ak~ (lime release ('or NQntl Amlli!wi,;a, '~he
gl,obe., and lhe- oce,;:lns betlll'eein 2000 and 2005" \li,s,i~orscan also (riled;: lI)ut th e ~(i[lrbO!l ~ of ,"" \W<I,lil,e:r" tesee how stotms aill'!'r ~e\i'e~5, the El


a !iI1lU:h bral n: abo!.! l S75 I( ubk {en:tfimeters irl!;l.e\ild 0:1 IJ1t~752 [iOU f1d by' (oil.! Inill!'" U niNrs! ly ,,~nhroIPQ~oglfsl IRalp,h H!o l~ow.<ly.Thal dow\n:si.zing aliCIIllig ~\lilh the IPr091lKJJtn 0'-1!i lj1ro:ri!e ju st .II bout
5l1l'i alter


'::'IFIdl'iNId~ 'to

by (!

edge lh~ skulllll'lIt

(If the Hamo bo!lUpark,

train eel ana rnmi:st's hand," IBIJII. pa~eor1Iil~rO~l)g~$I,.'h\:~n fa lk of 'FI,Qflda S~ ~ University I in Tallaha~ees.ay5 she thifliks IBfiOmag,e's methed fer hahf ng ra(l::~Qn'IIJ erania is ~rt,1I!l~'f )l;dd~lgl ..•. e W.e'rE!'~ploriFig applying 'II ol,lr~f!:lve$,~


I"" Zl

g~s, T:h~ researche rs holP~oiner ~il!lbs~U ('OV')\ tJribute d<ll.tiI!illiH could hel.p' make Ci3irboliTrad!:.t!'f
an Qbied~ve tool for ~'aI,IIgl~IFlg '~I~e~ht:! H:arDo n e;l1~iss.iolmtalrg!E!l~ i'lr@ being rn~l, » WlN\.y.e~rL Fl03il,'g ov!~mdfC{.ggfca rllti:if'U rade ~
l{)IIf,r;JWlI,lfSffllJ {JMdiii~ ill palr&5ite ~m3~ JeqlUiilres



'; .Ne'w :F:ace, for Keny,a .~ ,Holln1linld?'

1.";} -milliolll-yea r-old SkU1Wl :~ rlr'()111 Kl'.!'nY(l" !n(l!l' net b@ a Nomr;art@1' d, !!~.~s iii iii sd!!ll~ist. who has done a mmlpul!!r rocoIDl'!ilw(-


d~a 1I1!!:l'Sdl!,f mdil'l9 that ~ li!JrI'l ~ri!l, e~~ln~1i:::lrS,n O)l;~'ilrd UIl'lil;l~~~ilt¥ have shown, u mak~fliJdel'lt~ l.e5-.saJrrafd 'IJr cats, ~!!OW ~ Standord Uniwrsit!f lelllir1 ~!!(dlllly .A.ja1i\l'wai5 h.ili's hl1,1lF1dtbt rals !!:~lrrY'inglthe palra5He dOfil't nl~Uow 1;)11J'l ac~ooiS, ~~ ~a",~d,th~v j'LIs.lliQ~£ Irll::fr fei r of' tht snu: U of (,~t:i• t in the ~1:Ib, il'lr:ede~ rats sIrlO'wed mu;{IlII~s ,i;I)j1er~i(l1ll LhalnllID,fmrl ®IU~)

(ll!1is 11'1 an'IJ't her

;!liIi iI11'aJl-~1IJ eh 35 .aJ

rat-a llld


l~vo IIrl~nt's,.U',,> bl;lrl'l in .<II (<I'~' f~I:e~ in es, (levelS rdulFI'l t~ a I:a'l Lilli I'!!pr~dluce. To b iJCJ(S I. Us

b(!lbca't IoJlrifit. Bilitthey re~(ted narlllil aUl'!!'~"h ~.nlhe f'es@>alr,ch IJllobecl ers

H(!.~7u)rlj(J().'f.~lJSi5, <I




e ~,

.~ .~


n of the sku lil. The s:hU h<!grmmts--rQund ill 1972 liIe.:!f Lillke 1I'1!.ukalFi(!and IPlillog~th~~!by IRkhanl ~e<alkey-h<lve sparked lilU]{1!ri dehia:l'~, bIf!CtlIJc5!E! ~leir oWFl~r seemed Lohave hd.:ll mud~ lar!ller !:Ir.ain th an Qlhoer nQllIllnids of ::;~ ~ia r an. Ie. m Now Tillfl(ll~y Bro,mage, QI pal'eoantl~rOPQlQght 1l!m:lle~plwl cmrada,I.IlQIm'~ de'~rekl,pment at Ne~\IV(u k lJ li1Iiversily, dai Jn15 10 h a,ves,orled (I ul

o~her~ype!]. ®'~ Jle':lIr respcmse·s. Thall rIlieallll5 T~op.frr1S,mQ has iii ~remrtk<lhlly S,~@(~ri(· bd'laviQral !!f~·!::! [,tHIU~tUJf Rellerl SaplJl:sky. Hi! says most ~rasil!!$ (.onllm~ behllrialf]11 much (ruder wflYl'-im eXilmpl.@',bV de!itr-oyllll.g m!Jsde fIlE'kilooli,Sff115(1all ol'ga Ii! i!'1iI1 cafi.'t e'l,'ad~a pr,~dato~. I'~ the :1: t1pril.onli I'I~ .Pri(Jf!!erfir19~oJ tli~ Nlllio'1lol A[tJi~r.fl' lJf.5CleRrl!s. ~hl1' sden:tJm rEiPo~t th~ r(»:op'i!'1S!Il'Ui ~Sl~ rOfii'!'Qprefe(~J'!.Tiallyof!1 [~!l! lra~, ii!lI'I1I)I'!lIdtl~al'which 5ap@!l~ky C<lUS "grrolJl1Id Z!!ro~ Iill:r ~eiilr illl ~hE!brain. "I ah~arl'~ 'rl;lU liIdil i mI~ red ibk! lim.alt. til e 11l1lra.~ite\~(lil!lld be 1Ible Lo o!l[ ~ ue5pom ~e, Co!lt .I;l,velrsion. lhiM is :50 ~n9ril~m'd: ~n~he' rait':s; p~rche,," s.avs IOj'li;~ord 'IIetl!filliilrr :5lielfllist Manu:elB~rhv, a III aliJ~h(lf of the Ir£I rli er w@rk. H'e ~,aly~ e Gle1l'llese.ald 5h!)\'I,r$tha't. tln,e p1lrasHe may :h1lve 'the tin r "lISJOllli~hl ng ~ olI bilily ~:oZJIlI'Cll iIII 'on t h~ IlII.eiulral ~at tnl,l'lloll]\S fQr ,pro"1!5tlfllg odors •

"IIl'N'W, science


SOIIiC!1i'IlIc.~ VOL 316

6 AP RI il.. 2007

IBio~lgic:a,1 le.tenGe Ileagelilts ~u1d avaffil,a1blefmrltil1e 1~la~;ionJal Oa!nce:r ~ll11istitI1e!




Rabbit Anti~1n

NP",a Sigmtlil1E! ',f,oteiM! RtciimbiliafiUliiml'inllL-Gi IliI'!mun~k1ne IiIUI114..1,J-i~12


.BlLlk ~:ol!tllJte5

Mii~e CillllatoliJ1 Xenog!MH: Studl~es 'We ofr'8r ei'<.oellentavajiabilUy of nillie immunodeficient nXi6l111t model's. Om Pvecliini:cal Serilces: group also prDv;ides xerl!ogr,airt and other oncoJ!ogy~ba:sediservioes.

A\!Itl]~le: .Mf.IFlne- fi:·eru:!0!i!n1iln; Human - rt.·1a, 11·.2j• (baslc), and. VfGf <llie; available he 00 ~U~tors w![J:I peel'.r€~l.'ewed [ru:I_jUaal ~U:P;li!Ott2it :nol'ful'1]jro5~:wti)~utitHliS. Mg~9~[!;j1 AfMjjjb~ru¢~ Availl!~rulill f!~IF].I l!!r1li1:·tm_l!:!oID 'CD301,. !1!j'.~,.3 ~.m~·I:II\J!mm lAG·nl, R24 ~mll.·Gl!)3l, 3ZD 1[:mU.;h!umm ][..] ;md 1] IU] (a:nlii.".moose.11-4~.are av!ail\1ibh~ o IhvestigatiOTS wtiittil. peN"wrlev.'~ ~ :!ina.fiCt@]wppoJ[!f;t!ru~~llI$ox oomme~it!l ~t[bl~hmen:t¥, Otl!leil'h~W. Hymi~w .,AJw~e!lji1l! 'y;



Rerere:~~'IRn(le:n'l3~Qr M'!;Jb1 :!ind ~Ym!!~ ~!:1~


IIihc~a!.f!i. D.~ [N.WD1.and. the.Na~ [rullltiJl£ b Bd6!~ S~aJiI.d C~ID.lmli[UK~ba.vem.adeavaIJahle rmrmc.e ~nlS Jor'~' III n.ll~ ~~oon ~rif( rioo bi~;u!d In·h.o~~~ They~ iilo,t lc lie wed tor ~m,ent!lp~ •.DlcsliirWllIlien.• s lm1IWdl(), 'di~USA. D 10 '(lbtalln Ref:eLllliice Re~~ts ollt£tde··the US~(jonJa(it .NmSC at



~Cn.tlJe DiViislQj! ,(j,f Mi:@biok\gyand

W'iWl' ~e' V$it f)llf ~lJo sif~Jm'~ ~J'e


.risr.(JjlIDf :Imlline .~I11Ji~'

US~ 1.i171,cIFUVER:.1 Eut\ope~Ilrn~el!l~C!t1.~CI!If!




LABORATORB rs ",-rid .~rvioo's

,~f"IID' r ~lDUJ$

Ra.isingMo1Jey foJ~

Crmfonmcer arc
t:rmsislt!fJ.lly Con


Antibody Development
FIlm/bIt. End.) Slage tiffin' Sm/t,- Up·PnU!u Chlla]ICd by [a.Mrick Huddte, Ph.D, from E\"CI'gtl':en C fcIIpi.tal"LLC

the b~stfor;
"1!11'I l


}\]ois JUflC.lilru~:r,Ph.[)' C~il1~F of nif!,Im!i!rq~"iil\!t!c::d ':~~hn{lt~1Y

- A1i1#1'1
(l'CI1~n!~. ]1rI"" ]!Vl!~.

Jar .t\dilrtln

O!;l:~'S~-Sob;lllijl. ~hlt· Jonli!l:an:l~·h::l.- Mil.d ~roth~¢ i\:lfIIbrQsius-



RJljlbtJt DI,IJ!l.ridgc:.Ph..1). - ~DL B!iQPh;,urfUl"" & ['Ill., ]jit!. Ph"r1!'lll0lGggbH


Formnt Cost

SIJJi'ld"),,Apr~~ 22 frn~H 4;(10-6:30 :r.M

T he 12(11, AiI1Inuilru

mnQd."bnn s

C~. Je;tnne NfI'o'lLk, "tilJ]_ • CUR Im~,"m~tioni~ emp' Ocnlci C:m;oo - J\bblltt .L~Dr~IMie~
~~hri!>~plnflitllu;uQ1l Sb;p:h~ii (,Ilnmi(;~b. hD, - Bi.ggcl1ll:rk~ .WL\,. In,., N P ~,~.ud ~t.

Waterside Conference
Smh-_ Up {Uld }JnJdlldirm 9f
&({)lUbilumr •• ~he

]Jj~-..l:IillD:5ltiC~ C~rp. ,& Cwnp;tJ1iY

,,'I,oI~ng,Ph.D. - Eli LilOy

nmi.l/ A uti/Jo(lie.'l

~.tUljun Sun • W}~[b Bi!!lt~clt T1ir .\1~,"'" r{l~tI!4 7 SD\U~t of BiDohD~,~iftg 1iU:Jill(J/o1:}'

ApnI23-2S. 2007' ~,5'.\11JUO'lIt., Puereo Ricp

1(jplt£ }Jlcbu1F:
• P~trl!l:i.!)I1 o· &5;l)"

Mks,.-.g l~rse~h;a'Ul, '%dJ, .I'~;(:f.\wil'!e ['l:t~I:iJTI:U;Coll!i.. :il5 Ni 'fl.Ii!!\\in.,gM(I, Ph>~)\ - P~if.iI;r,'U1(;;; ]

S.hli~~Y.I!i:lin. Wilin.lli - J\JjbGu MblI!r::UDti~s

ao, ~UJ: lUg


• Ccl] CuJlll!.ml St:lillc:··Up.


olJfii!duCilJ -rSin_gk


:l';·ll~:Ulm 1"10 'i-1.4<:D.2I]iIS

~~I:rerGagnon -Vittida.ti;d BiO$}'I.;tt'!,

Xillg Waflg, Ph ..[;). - Pti:l'JC£.]:1iI4






1h is mmn'th .!:~tlU li1~vtfn::hy ofS~lutht'm 'C;,;.I.~ if! ron awarded its Ty]er Prize to Gatze Leuil'l~3. a professor emerinrs of e@vinnl!meIilOl!~ lechl~Qlogy!J~W3g~mI~llgel'l Ur'ii'iii~'rsilY in Ih~ Nedtel'~<I1ild:5,. or omnb.unf.ngtho:.e F two goad ideas :Ln'to 01 teC'hllio~.ogi' ca~kld dnl' ~,pnmv a[l~Crt1blC sludge hh:lIlik.~l. The process usesmicrobeste d,i!e~'~:o:UUI:,UU5 in domestic p se"~'<l~eand indU!1i.!rhdeffluems. and ['1l1"~1 rhern lmo f~~I, '\;Vhh help from, Ihe Dutch gQ\rernm,e]~l.Leu[,~gOl. uilt reaeters in Cclcmbia, b Indiu.l),rflzi :iI, and other COWi~Uries, B}1wai \' ing n~ly p'ltJi:;':r'II[ ~ighls., e h


if'S, NIOT 'GARElAIGIE.Rell1l1 .ovi

w<il$re~iu~u \""'I:iOte~ ~~;nter .is.gre·<II:: HIi'iU,ing it lor e'11e£"gYis eveabener,



Ol~ WOly

for refinements


O']!'; il~

~,'\p'H'Jded granular

shu,ligebcd. Theaw~~rd cernes with a $200.000 prize.

1M, 10 VE R S,



PARTIIN:G WArs" (l~ire l~ra'~f.!r·~~9geU ~sleaving t ~eo DNA re-s:etm::Iii ill'S!; UJ'1.~r(l unde!d by her TImmer hl,l$lJillliJd~ 1" (r~ig Venl'l;r, o1!iile.rrun 1i!]lilg

2()'02, p. 1957}, fra~er"Uggeu is

l'trof lI1C'arly .!I ~cade.

IPoosid ~nt


or 'l'h~ In1it~M~for Ge-namk:


steiP dQ\l'llIl es

RlEse~ rrh (TIG;R) ]n

't.h~ speculnionis tlla.t she iInd s>\W~r ~ TIGR a s~~ffers ere be~ng! recnrited by the Unive~s;ity of .lM:.a!ryl~'Hi.

m)~!lweighiilfl'g (llnl appeintment ail iii rn(llf,or a'cald~m~c 1'I'lG'd:f:c:ali.C~llt~rr tha I \Ili lll]nk her lab ' IN~Sei!1ln:h niHJre ,di.redly t!o ctili1k>iill WQrk, !1Jnd

I.hi e m wi lil~IH~ \'l'ii,emlo\\li~ha l M rroUy buiM s<omet.nil'llg he-re,"

Tilener~ lQ~yNu'~oLari:5lllfl~tiga~m


ar~ f!:lr a total of th ~eefaclI!lty SpO~5 ,III the LHiJliverSilieSClif Mber~~, ~lgary,. and ~elnbr~dge, C \Milich are s,halringlthe '~o'~tof the .;Ji\'lards ilP'!a , 'q 1!J~~ll:O make' a b,tQge r Mil nk on~he bfoffil.'ldfrnl

Roc'kviHe, Maryla nd.,

comles '5 mOl'1llill:5after. il board chat red by Venter stripped Tl6R of i:b independent !ltfltlJl~ and m,llde f~ a di\!'isiol1 af the J. CraJig Ve.n.l~r IlnO;[~lu~e n(VI~, a~~.olocilitedl in Roc k¥liH,tl'.A ~CVI


'i'h.e provim;e of Allberl:<l,


~€'~oor(h f ronlier, The reoilPient ~creates c;rilicollJl. mass, "$ays, University of lIIlb.er1:iJiPr~sidenl
Indiral Samaraf!~ke[a" "arid! becomes aJ glob-aL


oH~r11llg '$'17 miiHion lIlidage-s:for


t,or L:{JJle li n that.lpa niwl.fl r f~>eldl.." m



afe'l'a1 rf~]lng stars 'in biomedkall :r,~~earch who Il~'k)ethe fdeal of !'naking~heir !I1!!!I'Ile O!~ the (alil.!ldidif'll p~a~ns:" w.(li·re !ookil'lg to attmc~ ~ lPi!:op[~~\lh(l could be re~Uy bfig p~~er:s S to 1.0 yeill'S d(lWVl thi:l! road," $tIYS ~V'irii Koo~ghr IPr'es~dernl the ,Alberti! Heri:t~ge FQUllldatig:[l lor M~dic!1llIR.eS'~arch.~rm·tl' ~t,leil,is;to IUO\!'l"lill

prices. Alld the rOll!'ldallicHll has :s\!.Ieetellied th~ d'eal by e:.'!iC:'l!s~ngl:hewjJli!ler!i from any il!d'ni!1~ i)tr.Uive dli~ie~for the f'h:M S ~e,jr~ of' th~~r ,~on;lract5. Appl,kan~~ shQlI!ld (ontact one of the,frtie'J.. The West ]s (;alll~lng.,

Tile .a\J.'Qrds (:II e'a III ofr·s.~olot of an eW!fI om!:c F boom ll1l.he p.rovil'lc'fl! h.Hl!LQ<d by sphalii'llg oil,


"We\lIIitl be makijngl

some alniHO'lIl1Cemenllsin the very near future

a beOllt ,'lddiiUol'ililil dl,llng~,"

fr.aser·Ugg~tt has; led .11te~lmQlf P,]orui!\f!'r~

ifllg Ir'l~crob,ijal :D'~A sdie-n'ti'm atTIIGR siillu Venter laLlliJched! it in 1992 ~!l~lllproceed:s from (I DNA.~5equendngl dt!!al (Science,

Th a,~~ ll,d')i new m

M: i.en.'l'emini~(.'f. bJ'I~!i,'y~~II~1 Vll~"IID;}i'\i~!1:,r:. iUg;.~.1d~ ba.i lmdcr.H!!IiI.dlimng of selanee loa pust u~dilionifll ~~h~lI.d~db:y lbl,n:',¢~l;i1er31.~. A ist wh.Q .domg 'l,\li'~ilI1 !,:Ol~e'ds:wle~ deci,phered (he S.~lliuctllref .i o kiey enzyme of the malaria paeasire, Yonlgytui~~. 62. is :~obb~il1i!1! the

N!jti~ln 1A",!i';I,lmb~y ..
(I': Whljj[t

t(lt1rr~W~ tl


~!lR&: over theaext J



,;w.:f.f'~!'Ce c<lugbt ~IP witlrl




US 1.5 $0

':r. runnmq


ls ~he mo'ri'V~fi~lflF'Of


wl~'~.h the Sc:fiz

I thinkwe (an get ,away with p~a9']arism,."

-iRI:lpresEmLa live VeflfUHIi EMe-rs (RHIJI 0, <lila 2:8 M~r(h mce:tilli.g 01 ~hc liI(lu:seo Sd!l!l1!(e' ~lfHI T~cl1 nology Gi)mmiU~e. ~'ft~r oomnriil1~e dh'~ir Balll (io rdclI1 (iI)-:fNJ cOlilfess:ed to "IP~i3 ill rizg iIiIg~ the re((lirnim.l'nd,atnon:'l or II 2:00 5 Nialiional A!Cad~mh:l~ ropofl: ill iJ bill. to imprlll!;'~ matli! and ~(~~!i'u::e ~d'u(a~ijO<Il U;!:. 362) Il'ilallllhe U



WBIIU a s)1$~(:l~uFo,r Sdl~IH)epoilDc'Y deve~lopme:fiI't,

enee minister as the chid' s,c:i.emwfic .~d'l'iserrto the !O\l\t:rtlIII:JienL The: seicnec ~~i[i!.i~Hy has ~V"\i'ay"h~~~ t'I "'gr!ld@ C" ~~h~is;]'1'. ['''r.I~~ ~,[ obe "glr~d,e A:' ~ wiU U1:E! legi:sl:QIti,IIl!l! hie ~11I1liaJl~ k-.a!'!d-f~le sc:iiE! !lIt:ists? 'The: l~fW d€'S1:g)~~,I.~~~~~I of Sill!.,I'IPOI't fGr I&D-lIm.ot ~:~S:t>llii~n3% anile: ~ud~tlt Evel~ if a ] ge l2 %, il will be tmree oli' INJiUlI' ti mes t~~e[pJiie!l1l::iiliU Level. [[Bul] \!;'i!'U h..,,~ (0 lobby.

01= H,m

(iClmmillee~hM passd

Ull'la nlimO'w<;l.y.

Qr:W hlaJt,lilr,e ~ ImFch,!:!nces o~ s:uC)(,ess?' My i":'ur:st m.lJiL~,e: means "kiil:@I) OIlll,rIWU ing," i!lind IVI~' SLI'IF,Jrnarne me<11I11:51'i~,!JHillll,gfam," A'lI1id, ., (1Il€:~~lllldlS]have 1'ri~JiBdson t~~e ,[l5sembly':1l $e.~e~.... amJ ~eC'hn;ol.ogy eemmiuee, I ~
SOllie!1i'IlIc.~ VOL 316

"IIl'N'W, science


6 AP RI iL. 2007

Til]~ 'U s, CO.I1.g~

f.IJO'I~about 70'-~} 1]11; of

TUlrn'Dver 8'1: the lOIP, bUlt: Problems "" . h .··.····mllt .. P ersrst- at I' 18·S····. h'soman
iii ..!it

S,!'niths{H'i!.m's biUs. bm t.~~!.'ll;;a~~:;.nthis I federal ,ln~oc"liQIJi have no~ keptup with costs,


rhe demand for finh:!hing.


\;llh';l'1l Lawrence S1Iil.HIUI abnnpll:y rn::s~g:lIl.ed ;J,S secretary of the S tni Ua$~lni an r jIlIH~w~ion ] as I week. yo 1I co aldahnosr hear the staff's; eollectivc !>~,gh r~llier. of AI~hougll Sn'il'~Ushored lip the



S ml~lh~o Il ia n 's ~:l'lJgguo,g finances

dllllri~'ig 7"ye<l11' imis




M:¢ JiU.!i:ll~li~da~ (;:~d to th~~!:!J~cr~ ~flal"mdhl\"t'~e hOln;hprl;;~ ,"owri!I,ge. and congn:es,sion<ll~ oUf~3ge

high executive salaries and c.'(<]11, expen sessuch as r~I";( tickers for ,iI H<L~"''i:!Li ian V:U;,i:U ion, The tu rncve r alse h imed :;It better times for the Smithseai"IIt'~ 51)0 !"G~~,flrc~l;r!>,i!l ]l."Iea~i()M

museums ;El11l,d repairing old eues. SIn,IU hdped bl'i~,lg in ,;.l(JIt'OJ pr~,'il.~tt:rI~o;~ley"-i . ..bml[ $~ billion during his rerm-e-fcr this quasir· fed€:rn~ iliiislitulinn,_ BtU nno.'Otof it W~1& for nOI. science. Scientists have looked ,e~~"I."1lf!:reibr l (()$cf!!"d~ s~IPron.wilh mi~r.ldsa:wt~~~, The hl!llCSh rCH hi.}! is that money is sti II, tighl,i:llIrll.l '111<: ]1:1:l I_h!5o:I~~mliS g,lrmln~l}g uader S tile \Ve il:'l,hl t1 fit s Qbli,~,nuons, "Ot~1t 1IJ(~gesl nc'cd I::> sl.m fad,mlies.;' !iay~ ROg~l" S~IIU. ehair {lftbe board {I rrhe SlIIlllill.lit .FOUlicla~ion i~ 'W~shingloll+ D,C .•, ;;Iud amernber of th(: Smithsonian's Bt)flrd ·of rt>ege-~t:-;. '<\~!h~n y<:It~r biU;:klog [0 f ob'ligal:icnll,S 1 is $.2 J Oi Ui on. it's hard (0 S;fIY O'!my~.hi.nyi~,goin~ HJ' get .'1
greater !llllm1.lJJtof aUf:'tiItion"

The bricks-and ~mo.r'!·~1 rcble m d'!leS rp

o,ack !o~~.e ~. 980:;, \\'~.le~,l~m.e,n,-S:L~l SOiil],) n idl S\::cro(~ry Sidney ml~o:un Ripi.ey btlih (l~g:~[ ~~ams. r~w ofwhichw~f~ futly fUf!(.I~d by ('on!pres,~, Whenl S~m.n.d~. carne 0:1:1 bOlimL the

museuras and set

1I1~r:I! seven



l)1on~ P<l'[111<1.:1,~,1" to Massachusetts, Many thi:nk science d udlnl 'I. 1'u~ly b~neril f r[lIm~,Simi!.~ fu rl!dnl wsl's ing,. which 1i.1'cused 0[1 "bricks iUll~ morta w'" iIlm,lpn;)Vemems" They are encouraged that Si,c~entists

Sm it~]so Iliiall's, 1:1anceswete u



:;!~1.t~:m.b:le5 •.


cQlm::<~mcti(J\1l !:li[Qject5were~~nderl'i;mded. SlmJ~lj. <L

"Tille pllLac rean),' did need :fix.i!lg;· i>ays Smlt

ln ,addi~:L~m U) [<Ii::>in,g Il.llom:y.

''lil'eIII,llIwties take c'harge\. At ,the 5mil.h'son~an, (Jmls[ian 'Sam~e~ (rofl'. It/d Ilias ~11!:p~aJ(elli 'S,ecretaryILaWfen(e Smalll ~lOp.['jul'U'): Ira R:1lI'billl~H'~iowe:,I", iem Iha$ n(l~p(ldirnhu


been made-interim leaders,

The Board of Regents, wllik:~.l. Smith~mi<lns I;~cl'ivit.ies.pi eked the 41-yeali-oid d ireotor o~:'he Smithsonian t N~titi:~'!1 MlI~lII[1~, ofN!nllrn~.]-[isto:wy_ biolt)\rl;':jf'~~s!l~~


IE!{~IIlS as lI!nO@fSOCil1!'ti'lry

lor s;(tenoo,

cenneeted b<ll~ker, got the N.iU:inmdlvlll5lelllll,l of Lhii::AI'iI~€:~Cilml In:lIitul [Indo ~W,\:branchof ~liD.e N~lt~!orml Air ~nd Spaee .Mluse 1II.]1;n. lip and III!1Jl'li~g: .~I;; ill!"~l beg<llll repa~rili1g b;u:lh~'l~ ing syste ms l,L1,1 d so I \I iug ether i111 f"u:l:!.!l:tme ~ure p:mbLems. 15m "l~~ seemed to. lose si~hl of I:~\:

research rule of'rhe


t)gis;l. Chri$thhl Sa~nj)~r, ~t'l irLet~rtig ::>I;:c~tm:.;rThis meve is fud:illlg hopes ~h<lt Sampl:f, or

:>tl'1i'~~~tl~l~\1!i'ith ~.~~tlrell ~~kgt'(l~!ml ~'i!.ight ttlli<~ dl,ru:gll: imlgttlrm.ln ~no~;h~r ch,~nge, big DI?l'\l.ud [Eva:l1Is,wh() oversaw Smhhsm,1!31Il science for 4 YC:01Js, l!~uJerSm,uti. :.Isil r~::;ignl'id iasl. week '~I1:I RJllbinoff. d inx:tor ofl~.e Sl1lil~~:o SOI'l,~:;I[l Tropical Research hndtlllle in
PliIll<J:m<1. a S S tepped h inas :I~i,sU!'IIJ,],por:IrY

rol)]~(:ii.;l1!~em. fllUIRis&C:~. ~I bo~~~n~$t d~aiJ ~~d of the UDlI:U ve'rs]ty 0 f Okll<Jihoffin Research Clibi n~t \,viU be the !\tlW ae.iimg dliroettl!'r.ln~le II:l:U.Ur.11~,lis[ol"J ~nusellm, A ilhough it:", i.iOO smm to leU w11al thit; wuU II;W;!'~11 for the imlitUli(m1;p:mgnrl1lil~ .. the m:,'" lead~'ffi~re speek'n!;: inTI Oli. 'I\'U.,jIIThfit:slMHld In ple<l5e sde.l1l.ti5'l5. In, llil;e l;r<LS,l, ·'tl.u:, \1I'\1:101r;::i~lme 0.1' ili1lfro;$;~nLeuur,eOl!I~d~1ldli[i~shas. rti"C~~v~d a

lot of aU~l1!tion."S~~~J~gr ~ak!l,ill ~liijltervi~\v" "I want to strengthen the progr<'lll:1'llIiI3l:UC ~id~i1i1~ sch~]t~:trshil'l !J:fildscience,' R!\!hill~lIrr .~;,1"y~ £,(m I is to ge;r . 'more m~lmlc~ ". miKulg hi=-> ~Iffi.c instinlthm ':; pti:orhies. suggc;:;ning lit cleser look at research {lbjec[~"(;!:s ~11I;{t l t!i si[]gleM !1JlIJi;nded emphasis on refu rbrishiuli!!.~~mseums" Amuilig the SitlilT:,"~here\"''e:re :l kn of MwUng faces tllis week," s~y:s wm i3m, IlFi,l:zlmgh•.a Sm j[~100'~i;u'l! <lJeha",(~bi(l]u£!ul'l, UnfiJ1lI~sheldi blllls:ine5s
Although 1~'1.e~,u~w ie<l.d1!I.':; mOlY be mme in Hmc 'with I'\cscarch. iD wi~1 b~ difl'icu~t :[01' ~!Im.em-Qr iUl)'OJ;'le--iQ I<IIIJI1C.iu, 'i"",hie I

~3y:; Peter Raven, head of tb~ MisSfiU~:i BOl;.I~~ic"1_~ Gard,elili iiii, St.Lcuis,

I3c.iH~ghl\\P~i~:g measures dk~ ~v~ with ~1Jn

internal gl<l!m:5 pnl"~nnltl <llld

research fello\¥-


ships., An ever~large'lI' pelJCe~ilul.geo.f,cOJ~grcs- ~ ",i(li~~]llilrldi~g-l"'hi:chren1<J1.i~ed nil!-h~d ~ w

covcr .nffifll1Jdal:m:yexpc1m::>e:s., such as salaries

and ~lon-I~]~I~ tlre in



blld~L At ~

~]me Smithsoraan As.lfiophys,i(;J]1 Obse<wI/<ltorjl ; ::;; (SAO). b£ls~,J~n ambridgt~. M;)J$sad~~.seu&. ~ l~ye<llr delays <IIm::eled both ,I IH:\~' spectre- ~ Cl grapb .. d II !'!(;f\'V h:'ll!hlfl,;d c'~ln~m for I.htl 1;;; m

.J1I1!~1 i~~i.llli:l'a~ th~ n

SIVllith:;tm iaJlm.'S i;[pnliwi il1g ~o:nai·

Iml Se!.II1l:l! .nmd, g;III~J,ie.'l.

glo;lJil.ler:n:~oll of 19


NfI~ionfd Zoo. ~lti1d niun.(:r("

Muhig~l!e MurrorT€':mlmedkey i~~a)l'{W.;f~l;etllts. the ~it~Il!! ifie c(JI.~~munfity. hy ~ 1~<.!I;ly in h,is teml.fe. Smi1lU,mger,ed ~c~,· ~ ~:mi st s \'ib~nhe C~ nod for o;JJ reoq:ig(J.~liz~ui.of! iI: dlat would,c :iie"', arateJ: the exhibil!:> ~ J:" Q Cmll'll dl!e res,~~rch pmgli"~ms U I'ld c loS(\da,. S



~iild ,~

Roy,d, Virgj~t~.

eet'lt,c,r ill FromJ.l rlliimi;:ii'i<ils N~G<.'!~h

i1'1 Su i~JI<IInd~, NI,myhulI.d (S~ci,t!'IU'<!. B Iu Iy

2001, p, 194). The

fl,ll:i:;5, pr~llTi1~pted rhe Board 0 IW'Rege n1S10 3.pp ein 131tl U.l~I1Hlmlb~r

I,'a}~.mni~,::;illfl ~h.~1~,:~ .200.1 presented Sma]] •md Ev with almost IOOrocorlilmemh!· [Ions, for ehanges, S~f1Ic'C then. "the Sm~I1!iI~ soni,.m :fuIa:tO ~~,uJ.dJ.ea h uge amou nt of progress;" $~ys J~r\f;:mY~';'lblof('the Uaiversity ofPennsy I\'''1] ia anthropologist \V,~'n,o ,~Iulired ll'nm c:ommi,!lsiml.



rese.~rch eenrers survived

and a I1P("3 r W be on f'u rrlr"l g roll noLl..Then]!' is [IlOW money forr,e~lm"l'.s:m:L'p.s and n.e;;v blood in charge at the ~{l<O. the !l~H~1i,a]histoty ~~llLS~U 'i h..:: SrlJ;)Ji~h:;,u!1 iU,~,1E,llav~:~Q!1 m. menta I Res eareh Cente r (S E:& C) in Ed,gew.wn"

Adllli,!~iJ>u'ft1j:i[ln aud mh~~ flg~I1iC.u~$" BlIli~L"&L;: Stnifh$fjni~~n ]~k'O~:~tl'kJgi:St Btl t~gl as E~~"'!ivil'n~ MIUn;e:; C'ol~icl dry up, Jf~ b~"Comii'ig ~f'i~OO~!~·' '·"'hGT~ ~ire5uffie: thiugs yo~~ C~~~[I;:l,'!i\lly]r.ri~tl ing,~y dil!li.cll~l~O :n1~.imllai,nthe long-tcr.un slu~ f]1JOi~ey :lio:r ..... exhibi~;~ amlli]3sill~'i' research, but so (.1l;iIA;inll~) dis~i~~li~h,i~g d~il!n,n~ch<m,gl.;l l1ui,lbrthe PT~liiL:i!\ r.·!:iilj~f:i; ..n Q!'fil:>!.t" H~'~rld fmm nnrmal \',ar.ialion in I:hc;e]mv~,romunen~, Q~~,Cir'S,t'h a sc iem 1St o:r .at. least a scholar orr illk SOffit: sert, ,~~s lu be i~,ch,ng,e. notes SERe Di[I:>ed'{)r AU!'(~l H i~t'lii. R,e sea rc he rs saywharrhe S mi ~hson ian Bm BORrili ofRegenl!:> :1!1I,llembel'5re W<lQ • a I'CfllI}!' needs ii;~1 spo:kBSPCNO!lm who will Inbby "111 l~~C best of ~1~\V(lri.clls. yO~l Wll.~ira ~renl s oopist. Eli Becad .."Bu l CUIU,£ re..<fS mull.lm.eWh~l:e Hou se moee stmlm.gly .. scholar:" ~ays phi I~rllD.t~l "We ml)lJ!'1f!nh;:UIlon\~ '\i~'!)1\~n V,1lil (]ur sckm,(ll,,:: yo~t \'\.'a!li~ i'om~t'I!1{;):Oll!lip [who] c.m r~u~iy th~ ~JQOPS and can get [be resources (live~and is impcnant," s:2\Ys, Sallliliper, lt's ~lot,eno~I~i1J to win b!).t~.k.~l1Ig for huiivid'ua] proj'CClll;. the above' whstthe gt)ve[III~,lncnl, prevldes ...:Ifs Eli IO!JI,yhj.6b.·' ~ELIIZ:Al!E1iH ~ENlNIIS:1 rese'arclrl e:merprisel11leeds a Ch'ln1jJ'ion, says



M ..ryl~lld.• md rhe SAO. Samper 118.3 turned the natural ~~bnory unrseum Mound since he tnek ever in .2;00), ~l~:r:un:~ young eurators ro replace abcut ;" dozen .Minl.!n~.C~.l[~~g(~t~IA'members '\\110 h~i S ~tHyed :iln place to help mil their deparunents .. I3t'1l';;~!1~, ~xa:Uil~p~c. Ill!' brau~h1 lu 'lt~\,,1people" Ib:r the flrrSl l i'lm~ siaee the e.lrly ~990,,>.

A 11r]I<lg~,U:l For the Large

:Ii<ldl:On Collider

history museura has reeerved

some $7Urn,~11ioni n outsidefu ndsin the~15~ 4 y~:ars, most for exhibits but some for ~:>esearch, There alrt:: nm~' t ~\iO endowed dill!li es,
cne i[n ocean sciences <II1:I,d O'Iil.ei.Jiah~1.m'I'Iil. ori~ ~iM.Ftun~]~rmflre. '"\\<'e ''Ii(;bd a gf~"U ili1l fi.i:!>~On1, of ~Iuem.ionlo the mechauics of do:ung

guod !i1e,i~Jlu.:€' here !low:' ~.Th;.yr;; Fit'l~ugh. Nonel:~lt~lC!£s. problesns persist, ··A 10il of just yl.':'l. hO'Vi'cvf'U'. "We !:In:: preny we:I:1 3li.ltl,lg the seientlsts. like miyg~~f, think we have a on find[lng a fix lhl'lll ean be .hnplC'ln~rnlti'd h, Ion: '\'I,~<~:r rogc." s ,Iy S' W~inen W.lsne.r, O! butauni~t i.ll I.fui.cilm~~ll;t()1)'InU~U~L SrnaU did net push for a :um~jorresean::il, ini.tiilllive I;h!ri~)g ~";I~~re; h";;:,ffi) l\of'cth\.i~~n~1,;:91id~ h~s ii's ! ~ ~h~ Sm~~h8t.ln i'~!1 bmlg~~ inc: IIllJ(fled U.L1e •. SAO, for eX3m~~;, looking fOi.1i $t1Ci :1il~,i]Uon
i,l~ oom:i;rribl!lJioll tOlhe Gi<lnlM<~ell.m Tdewopc~m. has ycl to e.... gcllhe 1.·{!iJlIt':~[ on the en

l,tHe) n!llled dur.iu! t1 key~esl'll the Emnpeun p.mi'c::,~e'['lhys~iCS.labCllm:;nory CERN last week. rhliS~.d::;t" ~mJ engineers 1;\,..11 Il~V~ to I'C pa i:~o 1:Im.C cl:,i maged nml<l!;lu.':t and re llfof;ill ~r~~iJ!1" to onrreCI [Il~ ~'~lde:!,]yj~~ d~~i~ Ib~\\~, whuch could dI.e.l;"ythe 5t<lrHUp or~]m.e [1.11<1111mol~l, subte r.mnc2In mach ine near Genev <I. S",lmm , Ntl\l1;!~lIiIOOr m'gt~~.the :5pri~"gg of 20[18. Th~lwould e:~,i,]l~iwaalc [-motnfl~ a "el:l,gi iile~dmg nun,., w:~lh which phYl'l:ici:->t::l, b~w hoped 1.0snmke' the bugs out of lite machine before s;hmling dewn fOii the winter, when power llieoo.llIII:esrrohibi.tnvely e x peusive, U!brarm'O~y~)ft'ld.d:.;"r~ifl g:i\iiIP_g tap ho~

nets] lip to tile ;;urfilcc.'" say~ n::ru'\l~lyndon EV.UilS, who leadsrhe consteueticn of the 3ccdI.;;I11~OI'; On Iy the d.aJm~gt;~~~ llHlg!Ilct \\Ijll have re eome ,om oft~,le tmmel:, he SOiIi)"S •. The f;HI.~t)lmlf~Jll.n~ts are d~~i~n0:d Hl r~H:m;rhe U'I.C's: beams 0 f prerons j ust be fore they ectlide. The beams 'wm run llrnrm~g1a three such q~l1Idr~po~.e~ {~i1I either slde of each o~T four col IIs U,O 11 po ints spaced around the 2J·kilmnel:e<rlri:lmg. The Ui.Cs f()Urn:~,;I!>::>ivc :rKtnic~e del:eclmrs will sit .U I~!e;COn~:shHJi poims" Designed and buih <'11 fermi National Accelerator Lahnratory (hrl!l~il.l:!b) in :iJ;uSIvia. ~Uinois, rhe magnet faiiled when
(1::hll/,nue,d on

the nmnell \?i,4!.~.ouu h1lving tn bl:i:ung[lim.crn!2lg-

P'Q..()! 34 Ii'

runtlilil~ wi:sh


the SJiiI.'ilithMJl'li.mrlsends

HJ the

W~lile House, The ol1Ie sci:em::eilniti

.•u.iM:!: iIUJ,

y~~s~n oo·l:(lm~ af ~h~insUtuninn:~ ])fJ1i1: 1J1Idgt:'~.propos<lI.-ru.1" ~Iglobal er1l\':ur6Inn:IiI:~<'I.1

ObS(lfv·.HarL')1 ~{~cl~:.OOd Itl~~~:-; h'l 21U18----'w<ls iOn [I~ixtld last yeiiu by lheWhil~ ~.Iou~ Office of M afNlgen).~~Ili~.mfuj. Budg;:::t. ~ SERe .h.15 nmde!JI,p lur a ded i~ :~ndirec~:

~ s-uppon: :rl'llffl the S~,ilh~oni

ml 'S

fit; budgcl

~ O\'t!:lFI·1i1.e I {l Ye'<I[I,'::!, by seeki~g g~;;milJSn,um past ~ the N,uiono[ OC(;,lltic .<llld AUi!lOSph~ric

EPIC!ENIRE's mScripl'M mRNA Productio fI System combines th,e' ScriptCap'lfll Capping enzymes with our transcription ,and polY(A) tailingl te{:hnollogIY to provide an optimized

S(I~llution mRNA Production. for '·'00% ,cappefJ' ,m811.41 ll:aIJt:ri~


vetsu:s ,4iJo/~to 5[1% e:rrB~'livecapping in eo'lr,lllflsonj'Jti'orml c8plllnlillog ,system~. Cap' boosts in viva translation ~y at least to 50%. m

• IGa'lJ 1stru,'CfUfle-,20

• SavBs fiRl''' ,a'ntl money"

8uperior mlRNAs and higlhe.r 'yie:lds all in lesl5, tim'Ei 8JJ'11d at I IOWBlucost


save ,8 frortune on your mRNA,

'90 tow"WW:.E:piIBi~OJ.eol'iilll

and enter '~o,

oconee MS_A114




Attos,ecolndl Laser Pulses 1,lllum'inlat:e IFll188tiingllDanoa, of: E]'B'ctlron:s,

Like :;upriso!!mcr lmpped b(,'i~~.h,d OUt'\'!!IlII~fjf~

GOiiA!QJ,Ag,alin5it~:lIiIle IFhlW
Notlfrolilh~tllndillig!iIle La~ 9 rtlllHy. construeHOl1ll11ol1i1lV l~i,> year ill ~he Natioll,al S:de'rnO[E! FOIH'Idialiorl CNSf)' U~ilo\\I1r!g hom thi! bo!tam ,of lh e ocean to the lop or a §-km rlM:9U nl.Cllil'l. NSF,!d $15 IiIlmicn hom tilt bu(fgelt:; ,o~its Illedlg lin £! m:eoim~ ami ecologlka~. obijer'l,l'.!I· lori'e'S f'le~works ~o the Atao:un.a La rge MiUi" lIi,ell?r Amilyin the (hillei! 111Andes, in 'tuillet ~\~lh A!J.~A's ri;sir1g (osls. ~,~dtheage-Flq's ~OIfltj!1aed tinkNin~ with th~ t¥110 Ili~lwork~"


\~ ...e then look


the rc...t ofl:~'a.~\WlY.

lior[ru:,:~.• ~JiI'eI~e [«lim. fi1e~s.~'ihl~gGb~tril;;f h~

escap:ung the coafines of



l!iil by 01· t~f[i:~lfirl!~~n~~igM. lc.m ~l j;t~ll:lf b { ~

freein just a f·~\.\~ hundred .~~to.'!)e{.;ol'ld u-u s).,dn~nk::! s (I

Wh~1m.!h~ la~t\r~osdn~.ti mI,l!. dL";cl ri~fie:id reac boo :uts peak, it :!>IU ppressed the atom's bilTidi~g P{lte'liltiu:ll_~n efff;lcl, t~dnningrhe

to a q uautam-mechanics! ph(;IHHnel111ll, k l'lIown !I~ tunII,le~.i:mlil. In essence •. il seeps [hro~lghl~'~ barrler-e-the binding, elle:ll£Y thm llDoil"nm~ly
1110kh;;,it :~n place •. WO"Iv. i"o.lililite

f~rsl IIme.. :i!C~iii:iUisl~ have seen thill blindhilg~y ra1>t e~:!ipe act lrn.tppel'lin~.,1 time, T~~is;~\\,-..c~ nN(liitN:t, FCfC!l1~ ~
K!:~U!s.r.:of the MOl x PI~~!'l{,;~k I:~:la~nueor QlHIfIIUllfli Opties

in Gan.::hing. Germany.
wl~hi researchers
A usrrla

and the Nethil:,rhmds.rcpnm 'WItching electrons :irl, neon


Wile (l1~nges Ih~'IoI'eoucihed CIi 1l£1Ve' 1n t NSF's oVf1r:Mghl booy, th~ Nal~(lmlCi!11 dem,e S Boa rd..Spea k,llng up a l last w.eek ';5 b@.:Ird nn!e'l in9.SE!V~ri\!ll11l e'!TIb~rs ~!lIid tl1 ~lth@ [om!g lime be~w!'leel'l.alp,Pl!1}ljIa~<I!1Id~he Marrt iliff a Illmji" oct hal~l~fllh~n~ ~~elir!g~!.Jl ,(if thE! ~O(lIP. ~We're just lIsli:.ilng NSF lo explairn how tililng!5 h ~V@d'!i!ng@d an d \\il'lelh,e,r th ~s(i ~JilC:~ slliIl ju s-tnll 12'>thall!i~lo!'el or '5,llp[lm~, " SCiI)'S lltta rk Abbotit. Qr Or,e~iOi'I iw rs;hy ln Corvallis, n otinylhat NSF 1iI1}jl,f ~~am 1;(1 sj)e'nd '$ 2 0 mUUII)FI te'Ss, d~~nWlgll'le Ii r$i.2 years Q'~ the Qce~FI ob~~l¥atllrie~ inltlaHve then lII'men the im·ard gg,~e ~t gr~fI, ltght ~FI.2:002. for e:<am,pie, the mhere'i!'sAUM 15ms,lil'lg U25 rni~nol'l n10ir.~ [nan migilliaHy planned, Tilt! Iloalrd has asked
!bOD kiiiigi

b~rnlw~llg. th~h'\'Im}' L~J

nreedl.o m. TJ~.e learn ,'><Q,), S the 'h"iI!iI~r w~!'@ bl~sted willi a~l@~ocalnd pullses .and I~,s'~w~ves. filmding:;~u]de PQ",~i'b:!~' by the use of 25[J·"~~uosec:ond pulses of ultrawall hokling I:~,e'electron in. At precisely vielet ((J V}mdiillii ml~onfi[un lIu:nreiica~ those poi nls i.n, the laser's o:sdJbllionc~f'cle', ~J:'ied~\'1 abtlut theIIlI1If1e1 ing process, ions which 1~,M:ed :>eVt;;lmll1l!1m/likeJ uuoseconds, The researd,lcn; iulson::port usi rig till nnelthe reSieiu·c~~Cit'\V <I ~~ arkcd~ncrease ill the ing it:t;elflo imOlge the m::,rub~'1tic$,of e:~~c'~mlll~ number ef ~l(lni~'Cd3:ltI\lI]~5 i~,l the chamber as jump i[I,~;gfrom one am iml W another ill. neon ~~Il.euter electrons uraneled their w~,y o ~J.dl X(;~[i)JOml arorns trm,U hsve been (,.\'Cil0d by lhmugh (l~B ~O\,!I'ered hif!;di~lg p()Mniol. i:ig~H. Thework Sl,ltwl'S lrow ··l~l.e powerful ~III other experi IIIenta.the rese <I rchers nm I~ uf !I:l!,()'~';~(i!mll fiC'il.l']1!l"e" can be used In used hmlm.~ringwpr()be llli.~ imra-atomic UII;l derstand [I tom ic- leve ~phencmena. s2Iy:S dyn~mic:s olf mJieOlili..lli1d )!lemHI, arums, ln the Plml O:Hi'b:~I~n.physi.eist ~Illhc SlCI,\C~:Cnstla ] xenou study. bli;ls~cd atoms \,~ilh 11.11 nne forM.ollecuhu· Sciences ,~n, Orrawa, ,UtllS,eCOJ:l.d pulse poweJful em.ough to knock an ~l~~~tTun ut of U\i~ eI CI'll~ ~n~,~rm{i~t e nt's OU1I!.dIfU. \\I,lIio ,II ill l~ntl~k~Piur[ in the wnl'k" shell, causing elecuons ill the outer shells 10 To produce <JUosecond UV pulses. I\ls~~:~h~rs~10!l'!b~rdckJ!~~d ~ ofn~o~l(!ttl!ll~ r'~!Irr"!1Jgl;l f~.~.Hn~~iv~.,;in 1l~ tldj~I:H!ll~!H \'I.'ilh,! !'>i'lorl b~us~ of hUier light r.n,i!l kn U'\VIl ,I i'> f\,lQg: er dl;lcay. By t,uget:i ng l h~ w.renches an e1eclrmm. am fi:om lI.eep .ins.ide 310m3 \71dth ~he ~<I.seliVf'<lve ~n(11:mu:ning :~'na""r t-:~,c~nOlm .. m,d sF'l~a5hes 11 b~c:k t()iw,ud t"he Ii11.Hn r of i(I illS cre<lrecl by llll.l'Ilile!~irl g be dl.e 1I{()]1;~lic eo:n::. The 1l110S1 ellcrgJ~Jic p.ho~ dl!ln:gcd ov,er tbne. the team was 3.h~.eto. UJru1 e:m.iued in H~i!Sj:lH)CeS's l1rl! f~,[tiered ~£llCe the dela~ ()f the flo.. uger cltICtty, Is OIJlJ to y ie:lld ,;J UV Ibun>~ laSlg, [Ig' <t lI'e\%' R!esearchers !>;IY the .,,b~lil:y 10 C'Onlrol hU!ildred .um~C(l<:~d~. a:~l;1]1l.lic-sell Ie ffi;jJ! ion of cl"'~Ctr(l!'lf;\"'i'luhl ha\t~ '" III thei r c,,>: flerimellit,. Knusz 3.Uli,d hii,:s; t:olmmm:mm. a:p'pl i(:a~:iclll!s. "Even si llniple--seeUlr:liillg ~ le~l~~M,tStlinl;ldO"u1 Iltli(lS6t"{lllild ~l'lU~S~ s wd,i u ~ pn~ci>!l'<~es ~~ehliS IOlsen· !),UD"g~tyIl.i\,e .1![W~ ~ .,.s;~lu: I..sell"~v!l'\'e used to I:l;enera:le it lov.',l.I.'di second 1~i'ieIlJOnu~:lm3 .u '~~e~:1i core thm ha''I'''e nevil,;U'becll rcso]vcd," S~lySCQl:kmn,~n thL,: ~ a second chamber' 01" nco; !ltom~. Fi.'Sl,.tale .IOlli,gert~iIITlm. ]{ r,IU::;oZ ~<lY::>. ~uchw{)lik cou~ d ii: .utos:ec'omJl plli:se Y<lIIDI,ked e lect:ron5 out ;;: r~on~. ~lItm~~ imiller sbiSl1s 10 11'a.;;r. O~L[cr iCOlid~ob~'U,c.cfJlnp('t\!'l. lIH1lY .i]g.~.'~OO~!U'I(:~ t~H:: s' i for
~ !:'{~ges.pre'p<lr,~IlIIB~:he ''IIlom:s tOll: fl a[1ld,h~i,;;lecuo!ls f(lr~$lcape'~OI,l~.Z<H:iIOn

~"iii.11i11 Ga rch iliil'~ il!xl(!ie~i,me'i1II.'!:, ~"Mom~ I nl tltr:!'

he {~Id i1(lr,i!C<i I.

NS F 100~ctol"

Are Il:!mI IB~IInIHU fCDfmO~!l! h@,"!u@nl

~]llElFlflI1iEVM£FtViIS'!2'S onJ~he S'l40~mi~lio'ni"a·vealr (lllXO~I1( ilndl b~U@r @shmait@~ of thE! li~'@:!,ilfl1lE! (O~ts of
'@pera[iog each ri;llldlity'.

Palthlh~gy hlls.tilute Ge·ts Ufelliiine

Congre-ssional !lupporhlrsor I.he!U,.S. Ammed FOf'Oe5 II'I$l~llltei:)il' Pathci!l,ogy O!!,FIP), whidi 11I1;e D'IlIel15!1!O~par~I!IlE'lml is pl,i'lrlni Imgt,o~dllil'Stabli~h,~ ~F@' !!liilking 11Ia!SNJitdll aU~!'!iIp'ttQ sa ~wgl~ rlU!lmdions. 'Las~.week, Ihe .Semlte ~Is vl)ted to d eicry the mO'lff' llnma~te rr Hle depa n-

Inn! has restPon{j~ to a pel'lding l'ie,il~rlo:rllhe ilil~P':II:to~AFlFJo's, d()~ilng. L~SI1il10I!llili, ~heIHOLJ5.e' 'VQt.!!t! to pr!'!l'lmill.h~ USE! r,l'l'dl\!r1l!~ JJL]ml~1m lhe ptaUilfl'el:! dosing ~fWillle;r tReed ArmytVIOOI(al (.ent@'r. ~\lh@f~AFI fl r~~jdes.. if) its -"E!rsioo of the billl, II'I'hich hmd~ militlryoper:aillm:lsin Iraq


arid l\:f,gihalni~t~J:I. 'tl1fs giJ"l{es, AlFH s;(Ilrle bmatJl1'i n£llm-orl'l, ~ flo 5.ays, a S'J:!liaite s~aff·~r abol.!t!Clthm ~hil!t Pre5id!llrlt George W: Bu5h h~ prollfli5:edi lQ y~~o be~a~se ():~l~e iflld~l~oiil of nOfilmilliiary 1temsPal~l1llogy groo pli op'pO'Je Ule df'l!p~H~1l11I1li~

AFllpl'S hifl(~ioflS, paf~klilil rily the Jl(Jis:s1b~~ lI1ol.hb<lUing ~rrt!> IFenol;'illled !h5.ue repmbry i (Sr.i.;"IJt"e', ,20 !May 21105, p. U(1), and Senator
Ed~vard K!mll!i!dy ~D-MA) iSaJlso ~o,llin9 teD :5~tlIW the C!.JrDleifU 'Cll,ltH(lW .~~ 'talent. A.dvo(at~~ wal'1ll0 InQljl'!il the UllIDJiitory 10 I:hl!!UlI1ff(l:rmlld ~l!'!Il{\1!s 1Ji1'!l1:vers;ityIf d~e H~~h S(~ence$ illl f'lei'uby (
B~!~lr.tsd3 •. lYIa~~and" -C,DNSliANICiE I:I:OiLD'EN

b.iol O!;ltLC inliiilgi'I,~\SiI ml 1<1di."tLO:IlI,~lu::I1IPies. 111

The la~,er

"'!I'JU~H,I~liJ'liI'IiIAliTliCHltI,R!l EE



6 APRIl20Q7


Cr)'lJrirlUfdJl()ffl page

researclsers tried tv j):rejj.~!IJI~i,ze (yl, i'l~drictl~ i~s euing [025 limes aunospherie pressure,

The l~MW'IS suppesed 10 simulate the hl,dl.dt~pofhcluUJ1f11g~5 dunng ~ "quenelr," an evenr inwhieh l~ie su pe reo nduct U Illy wire in Lhill :!1Ill~g!le'I.wmpQmlri~:r leses il~~ SliP~!!,00i1id1.ilClim!g prU!p~n il;i:> ~!!ld t!'tarts ,~cting I ~~e a g iant ~~e<ll.i 'cou~.,boli~,ing lili.el iq lUid Ilg l~d iu mC(l"-:!:i'IIU th,,~fills ~he 'I'{oluml;l h!l;!tt'IFl;le'11I magnet 3:nl.d c,Jsi:mlg,The Im:;ssun"c pU:du::dI the' immrd.))uflhe ilmgne~ ~h~,'{)~!gh cylim.Jr.~c.d 'the conrai 'UD,('H~i ke OJ, p,i sse :1iD. as ~~key su p po n hr{~ke_ The S'llpportwas IUH Hl"~][\",r ise push .s<1.}ls Sn::'pllien Holmes, ami

O"lii!rli!(IIoiit::ed. F-aulty ~I[pport was. iii() t tle~i gll'lI~d G!IR N atthe end '0 f the month [0 fiIlia~~ 100< rt!'Sis~. forte pl~sIlill g a and ~tiI,~l1I1,a'9111'e-t's inn<lrd~ ize rhepl OJ'mi, st,1 rt ilihlr(iu'g11i it~ casing, the fix.

!t~!S artld\MfU

meet ,at

The sehed lU le :~Oll' ~ta~~i~g Ih~ lJJC i'lIi! Nm'Clnb~r '!.Vll~ .!I.lrli3~"Ldy 1.;;;"; ~.r~n~~ t ig ht Work.:r~ h~~ve(l\'\f~r,~d ,d:1 iliy I lmt OJ(, lIn~ndl.l'wllof the L H COs.161'1 nm iIII rI1>i'1gn~~~il1to Ihe tunnel .nldOlw bl~sy j,..·n[JiI'Il;c~ing
theeq lI~,j:l\llll\em.. ven so, rhey .. re E OlbmL~ 5 '1",,~~b behind scheduleend
C UI,I'1I:elJitliy

acceleraeor phy!',k:i


"It's better to catch it now


a year

when du: LH h<ls its fi nit Holmes S!lYs" But he 3£11[1-1-; .• ,,\,v,~ ShlVLI[d. have eaught tbis before we ,ot this f~!r:" Researchers .HF~rmik~b ...ud CERN r.llfie<!dy have ide<ls for mod!~fyillig rhe luag=


w catch up, Evans says .41J it £oe:o imo

rua am~: 3~nl!()IJU~shln(h:.n'l.r:lm:· -IA:DRIAIN ,(":0


:2001fL tIUH1J 1:lmereis no;~hnii orhOi'lving an


Ev~ns s..wys. "'\~,lt·ULl,W~ to do wlrhout it"

PH I IJliIDELp'H lA, piCNlI!iJISVI.V'ANlilA- The d'~miml~ th ..e hi.l~m!ln \.\I'holivl;ld on rhelndonesien island ofr-Iore's I &.,000 ye~)['"S!lgo has, been called ronny Ihi~g~: rl ]J}'gn.r:uy. u diseased Hrmw ;"t1JJ'h"ll,~:. a ~.lobbiI.Now. in ~~report t h:)}twas the .0 r ~bL;lPal~~!Ilt hrr.lpo~ugy
Socie[y's mlm.~<l~ meeting here last week, a I~'~]S tdnete rn l re searehe r eta imed l h ~u the shapes of Il~.eIb.s.sirs wrist bones are :;0 PJ.·imitiv~ that it c;<ln~.o~ II, ~:apiel,~'f. is be "It

same critics s~:uUlh~~lkl~,e bones ceuld be those of'a diseased Ii. sn{}jc,~~',. sherswhe o ileoflruTocherisreport were persuaded. '"]fs

~he most conviucing evidence :;0 lilr ~h.u it reaUy is SQmel]m~Jngdifferent," $~~y'"p~i:~e(l"Ill~:~ll-opo~og~,sl Carol W~rd. (II' 1Ill,: Uinh.}~'.rs.ily orMis~C1L1lfi, Co~,mm~b.~a" The rra~ghly l-m{!h.:r-liJlllsl>:~~~lul'l has sparked heated debate. Its d isceverers c lainn ]tas a new species of :~\i umaneal :~ed

defini~e Iy I1Klt n mQdern


lrnlH11 an, lt's not even paleoamhropologlst Matthew Toeheri of Ih:e Smithsonian ]n8tilU,llion in W'I:s~,irngto(I, S"l~.diuhis t<llk. J\.ldl aug ill

U. j7mr:,~l'cnsis .. whereas crities

"I[gUI1: dHU




A§;tn.uiI·Yof lli(lru:1boa~s 51U:g~!ertS 1n1!!l

the: t i.I1Y skull b e:~olill,g~dto ill modem ~umflln ;':HIITe:r:i I:I£, fn.! IL~~ d i. se ase :::! uC~ll as In iCfOa e Ilceph<lly,, leads, to ;J s~.n<llll~.e'ld. ~"l~£'n Tocheri riirst s<'!\v CIlk"'I.o; or~li1ll;,lh:ful1d bones ~n alecurrelasi fZl]I, be \I.{<JS struck hnmooi~wLy b}i their p:rirlndli,,~ :;;h1l1l~. ln l~i~
~[ty ,~~ "fcml~G:-\~hiclil. ml:f~Iy-4;.: ~n illifl;tlVat~un

the Imbbiiit Wilf>

i! pri!i!lIil~,l,I\e'

Ph.I). disserl,:niQr:lI:mmAriz()ml~] Sl~IW IJm,ivcrhe i~ def(!~ld:~.lIii.g this \'.~~k-he Wled thr"\."e·d~mens~omll im~\sln.g to .

Toeheri gor. permissien lO study highqlua~.i~.y casts of lh.e P~Off;l~ bones .. which were ma de Stony Brook U niv ersi 1)1 bioi ogku ~til] thropolQgi sl\\fi U:~a J ungers, m Wh:H 1"ocheri saw ~!QI:I r~ rmed hi s ~ mp~.e~sion tl~1lt throe 110!1;~~.~1J1!.the wfi S!. dl!OSiL;l~}1 resemb~ed these of an :,l'mI,'C ient hom i 1lI~ d,I:f.:CH mod~m hu:~~~ms. Tocheri 'nl.~ed om rbl'lt tl~.eprimitive haad bones were <'Ihered b:y d isease beeau se thd,r distilrn,Cli ve shape develops in the fi~;)l tr.iln~,c!.'ltcr. :~ol1g before deformaticn fro)1l,~. llilOM diseases beg~lls :~<I~J::r pregn ..ney or ilm, aFter b:irth. He also says known d iseases do ill(]ll'erroduc~ llJ1t~primirive bone: shapes. ~ "T~lish;, not pathological," Tocheri said, ~ Th"H fHs with en'iIJ.l~~i[!,g evldenee (rum rhe OJ :I .Iong I imb bone'S.which :shinwno p'llhio.log!il !i l:il'hcr. :!l:ll)1s Jtlngcn; (S(.'i(;'.r~cl;".• i9 M~y2006. ~.". p. 983). "'Jliil.e sick-hobbn scenario :~s ~



hm.ld., liviuS


i!i1 the InOdl.;;111 ~H~I~n and our Ill,o:slli'ece'rlt

mt'CI,;lShl!::-; pnS:;'~~i~ a ~u~lpl.G"N;. f fh~b(l'!~I;;~ o

1~.~lmt1e~htngelh~r to e;;l~~ :-iU~5 on~'~t:\.'fiM when 1:~1.e hand ~s,used. tbroeli.Llly, for,ex~mpl.c il!1poundins klirge ~ooh;. or i~.lp.lrl"'Cis;~("m\'!,'Ork.
N,ea:ffilccrmls Imd lh~s d:erived shock=:libs.orbcl"

COJ1I:iJpk·...., to![)~ ;it .is fil1l1l seelll~n t[]e h~IU1,d of .1 ~,1 8 I) I],. OO~ye 01,11:=0~I h U [[ill <L 11 a :un,c to r. [I d e:s II. (}mft.'f.'eNSf~'. :i,om At~p:U(lfca. S;pai~.
B I.Il tl:ii,ebony c()mpl.ex is

wreng," he s::.'iyi>" ~ B 1II.~. rtlt iI flme ~.lJob i I bone $, c.lI'I be C:Otl,l1- <:! U b 1f'I~r~dw~~h ~w!ii$~ (J{ tL ~nk~rm;:!l~l;':pl~ll~ i(: .5 ~. hmn<lll. ~ome: .I-em,!ilia. um,;oJilv~l1cecl. ··Thlil 0 wri st do Ill"\" .Iook Ukel]ffiooc 0 fa no:rn;ua:ll ~ m;ode·L·:milulrn<l.l1. btU: howcm.l WI;!:ru~.e olmh,111' ~ it's ~ palho~(lg~(~!l1 m?dern 1:~t~~nl:1n ni:1 we ~ m !e~ c!Om pllHU I.'VC ev ]den ce ! asksl)ide;o·' ~ .unhrlJpolog is~ Roben ivtanin ofth.e Fie Id Ii!

Mus~ullnj,n Ch~c... u. J Uino's. g

much wo~l;: ]f~'H'foc~ll:sed on the !~O~sW!> dhilmlp-SDf':l.::d ~k'liU lSci(!m;~'. 1. Febru<lry .. p. 5EJ). t~l.enew :sl,:e.~eta~. dal<l :;m;: pro\'i.[!g ~(lIW~llci n.g, t.o !nany. S~IYs. Ah.hough

~ ~ ~ ~

Ibu lfI.d ill

'Jpe~ or' 0~:~tie'r hU!l':l"'l~ a~'Ciii;~WfS. im.:bjjn~

II. ImbW.~ \ :~i'l,red 1.75 Inml.on jre.ars .. ~]go ill Afi'~ca, Thai ~'r~des ~,:~d lise tool.~,

bm the sih iI[)e 'of it s 1m nd bones dI,oe:s mlQt d ~Sf" tri b ute forc(; a\ii;lay l'r{)Pl~l[h'eoa s~ of the
~humb .md <licrossnll:\"'ll~:liol
<IS ,effk.~eL~.dy as

1000ver-1 imb e~"'pen Hemry Moe Henry of ~ ~hG University ofC~""IIHcHlli~, D'·avis: "II g cI~lnclhi,e5 i~:or m.e ll:iJ3;t nhe FI{}res, ros:sil~ ~ f
Wf!S no~ ~lfu;!e:U!m:''''ANN

in ~nod~mh:~mans,



, "'I




'ChSlmistry Re'p'D,n:s,War'n of: ErID,dio,g AD1 eric8ln IR,e:s,e'8Irch Lead


R:usshnll Acad,el1iW Fi'ghls Ph11

MOSCOW-The Russialil govemrnenl1lip,p~~
lo be' ba.ckurngl ilWi3JV hom lts bid' lQ ~tlip the

"u,tOUlNlmy or l~~ RlIS:SiiaJl'IAcadeomy of )(lItlOC@S (M:s,) ,00'1terr member!; of UlI,e ~eniturie'5.ol.d

if1,S'~ij[uti on rejec:~~di!JliH1S,tast ~v~ek00 dlaf1.g@ ho~v ill) money is spel1ll a ncB p.ropt:!fli es <:Ire

(till III(AGO,


out look


IJn i h,",;(j, Ui[e5:i:~~~ rlll S

n,c ~~adef~b ip


c~ottdly with

c:Iim'J'lrnceof s~,()wers.

TI1,-H 'il\ the giSi of t'JiVQ aew reports "~he N ,H iI) nal Rese a re II C OlH1Ci Ire Ieased ~,;)!.; [

III edueat io~, [be C'louds a P'P(:~~ c vcn darker, ;\ccordiliig 10 p~ndnlilt,mlb~rSylvia Ceyer, OJ. dle'llIiIlli;s:t, <'Illl~.e1\i.las.sachusetnts: InstiM~ ~lIfTeC'htlQi(lgy ill1C.'!nbridge·. lh~ mumbeT of c:lln.em.lsII,"Y.Plil.D'.::; awarded to native-

~$ed. ifhe Mj nli~l.ry or lEduca!km ,aliH,I Sci<e'l'Ice' ~ug'9e'5tftd rrmn:th tha,l RAS ,1Ittl!ril~ ,(ha rter

00 ereate a S ep er~i5(lV!l' (QlIncillil1i11t



the future of U.S. research




of w~,d!iJ were derail ed here ro r the nliS[ i rime ill the semiannual meMillig duo: A!t'lh; rk.l!l Chem !cOlliSoei ~Iy.

and chemical e:1.1£,i,:I,lee.ri~~g. both

since 1,97<0. U ni versi ties have made up i~e d irrer-

8tudieni~!'i~Ii.!$ MI~k n;IHg~~~y:5% 2


enee Wil~. !br~ug.iiI, studenrs, \,i~~o now e-;IDrf1l IIleady h;~]1 ;111. fof chem istr y Ph, D.s ;[\'!.'1utilled b~' U S. u!liv~!'Sh les 6\"1 C~y\;l!l·,;d d~~'iJ
~;S:~ndJ~,stry jobs, oonJ~:~Il'~l,e 10

hi:lYe the rinal wll<rd imlll'llanaging~ihe acsd'NI1IY'S450 re5eanh ~llstill:Hes •.(ompo5iEd or th~'e ,,(ad em icia If1S.'three g:o\f\~,rnmefu or'~ijda'ls,. two leg is!.atO:r5, an d CIt{rem~i fill rfillres.enL.alli\f\~.s.u(h ill counci l WQU It:I r@~@9:~I~~S:cil1l'l1I~st:5 ~
~~WlJlelv to

The first repert warned th<l!l, merican A

move oversees


pree mi ne neein cll~m.istl'1Ir~~ei!lreh is. sl i:ppi.n~ .;)\1,',1)' as [he eeun try g.ln.!.l) p les w] [1:1
dec I i~lQug nm'l~b CI."Sof hQiLr1i~egl'mi\r.Lri'i, d~li)!rni

and visas rcm.IUI1i light

in [!:i,e'wake of (hie

~~ Sepoom'ber 2,001 <;ks. (meperce.mag,e of fo:refgn-bom P~JJ. {'i.1CIn'~~t~ ho have w

ffl a r are au O'r de;fi aliliQe, RA:5's glf'fI.'!;<;~mbly volt!1:I ill ~1mI!ilu na lIlI~mO'Ui~,~¥ ttl

r@j!llCllhe' (Ol!If'!t:::il proposaJL n,e P~f1 ~go~

degrees in cheln~slry and the rise

of CU~lpe[~tioll from '\VcstCfllJ EW"(l'p~ .~nd A~h~. The !;~(;un(11

predl ic led sun IIi er ski es for U. 5;" leadersh i.p in b:r(lI:~dareas yf
{!hc~nic~~ C'1,lgilllccring research,


h warned

that the

~,H::<B,vy mphasi S onbiolegy, e 11 anotce hno.l.ugy.andlJlhcr b{H

agClint~[ the!>piril ,cnf!;(ience and the tratdH.ioflis of !lden C~, ~ SilWS Y!.!ri iQsi pO\l'. ail:aderll~ Ij;i!r@si,a,~l'lt, Tin eoministry a piPei.U~~~i tQ a!rQP thlll U~1'19 id ea n hJl"i he; I'! egoll!:lti OI'lS yieW~ \lersklf!1 ~r lh~ c.nalrtf!r amil plabl.11 lQ lh e c;alll net. wlll[~h n1IU:st appr~l,r'e~hedoonne Ul[. ~I net do b ~lie\l'e ll1l1l~!~ n1li.5l')tmn gtyins i,~t upon h he ceunril]," said A.ndJJe'i IFIllrsenko,. ,~d ucatien
and :SJCir!:!fl~~ i$t~r, miil1l

fi el ds in U'e~Hl<'lf't:iII, spend illrn.; nlr~aL~'!lS ~nunderm lne lesssexy ~;re,ISor the d:is.c:ilpl ine, The new reports are l'he bilesl ina seri e 5

Indli,a ICo!olrl fhIJI~~SOlllllo:t:aRiiis'o

'l'fI'ilI'-'14 'B-11

f d is III rb ~:1111g fore-

sts for u..S.,. seiem if'i elcader-


!i,.'i!N. IPmod~,




ship. The MI.'onge:;l: w1mrn.i:lrn,g

eame from a 20 (1:5 repost from
dh:: Nfl"! o nal }\ e.Ide~mi es thfll

eral ~~gl1s 1j.5... pt',eemii1~lIIce inld'lf!mistry r,~sei1ll~lis threatened. lI1at

chosen to s,uy in the U:I1liltf'd Stares .has d~dilil~d f;Jt]'W~Y but 1',H.:wdlly over rlte prIst 5 years, 1F.~a.e upshot: "The' U.S. win renUI'~nl a Ieader iu e:h~:n~iRt"Y fr~r l~lC'uext 5 :re~rs,'" CeyeT :mys. "But the U.s., .~I:!!<1Jd ill cO'ntilfl,m,'t w W shrink ~s the C'h~llJlJ~~Hy \vor~d b~coi1w!:> Ib:rter and nrJlon!' cmlillpeliluve,:' M~* \!~. ,~h!!.ncdlornnV~$h.In,gt.(u~, U~~~\'ef::>.ulyin S~.tlmi:;,. :v:ii:;:;'olilli s~lys lh.u aJithough SlI(!h i.I.'\eIH.l,s are ('3,HSe lo'r '~()<nt;~ro .Ihe sitUlrlri<tul iS!l 't yel dire" "1 lhU~Uil.kit ~\lOU be a l1l.iSll!.ke to :uc~d 100 It! 11wdl .imo lh,e'se t,IJemtds:~ Wr.~glno:1:Ii s<lyS. "\Ve :n,eed 10 ke,ep ill 'nmlli,~nddh~Jt lhe United Sra~!~:;,i~ ~h~ \'vorhl li.;;fld(;:f." Althou!li'l the ~Ul.ew rel')or~s d:ildLr1i.'t offer S,QhHion!!. C .. s~y s~y~the Em-:Il Admio~s~r;HW{)!1i'S ~

Ill~ililll!l~iililll. fam,i1!lllluml:iews or hClmltlgrowil Pcill.[),'!are ollie of

elaimedrhe United States faced :.I. "g,uher~ ing storm" of dwind~ing educaticnal pertormance 3:llI.d :11;<lckluswr ~~l!dernl. comm il.-

mcnl to. basle rCSe'lrl'C~,. parlkul~l'ly lilLri'i. the l) jScit!'liC,I;.'. :H OctobCI,' 2006, p. 423), Ahbougfu, the Uniled Stales .rem<li~,lSihe toi!lglc: ~tf~l!~MI,.~stf.,:O~I~.HY ~.1m. ~ v~rh-:ty 'llf ~ll~<l;SU re~ ll<r clia.en'l.i.~try r'~::i~lIn:h. lrend5 th~
arelm'g(:'ly PQ~l1Itill1lg in the wrong din::~]iol1l.

NEW Ii).Ellm.....:Wh@ Indian Stmr~!fIi1~ COl!Fl !la's bloc ke d <I pilei 1'1'10 IInore til om dOH b!e ~1E!liHJlnb er or U !li v@ rslty s~t)ts 1f'@~@'~ViNJ (or d is.all:h/;:!lril:a'~lld sludl!!nl~. soayi 1'19111a I. I.h! '~'OW rnllllllfl~~!i rel)ling <!)I'!I o~lJd~ted suai,s\iu. The p~at1. adopted by Palr~ [tllm'~nt, liriggered p'r{lLe<s!:~ ~a5l ~rr byutlldief!t5 'frQm privileg:edi cesres, I.'J.iho worried wmll.d hinder 'theiren~IIY illto, ~ol'lle of the {olInllry'5, IllfImt. e~ileinl~tHutiolil~, To OVErlOOl1!t€' the ,ev~t~ (lr!ihe C.:l'ste s;rstC!lirI.
\lfhk~ rlfilegal.essevera:l. glmups to mfni .. ~job s iJmJ :subjc~~$ ~,h@rn to overt di:!i(fUminalioll, Il'Idi a ha~ l.o~g llild am!aUi rm;;lliw CIclion p,~an that gu lIrante~s thos.e g f'OlIl}S 22~ 'S%ar public'~e,(ltlr j.l:lbs .and dals at IIlIIinI!!" IJniwr~Hi'~!i" The ~·li'IlIla.W wo~ld IboOiSllhaJl (igLJI!'e to, 49.5~. But !a!>lweek, ~:he ({Iur~. 5,aid the g(Di!/eml1l1lult Wo1i ~ Iba~illi~ il~ a1fg ~!'i"i@n:t 0111 data (01 tocl:e d as fat[ bi:!cl!; ~~ 19 3 h IIld dem'HlIdea helhe-da~t$., IFlai\lar;l~da Venikaia Ifldfre~ FI, f(ir H~er di~c· LiDr (If UlIl1In d~a1m IImlihlle one,c;h Im!ll!~og fin netll'lai. 'l:i(lUledtherul~lng ~adefeat fo:r(yolGil poti~kiall'!s wOO lriedto r~p'la c:e lIne-~'5e;n" Hal serJj(,e by Um'liUrami1!~ dra{!Ilali~n. ~ Tlll~ g:o~,rnrn@r1t~swighi(fQg ~lt$OIlni!!jris

'" ~ ~ o ~

S'ly~ C h<l.rl.e-s 'Cilsey. ilC he mi :ij,'t m. the Un ivCI"shy 0 fWis,cons~ll. MmH51o,llL W~lffiO d1,,, CheJlIli~tr}' report Tod<n,\i, fm' exmn p ~c. U. S. re:~;'(;:<1 r 5,P ubi ish (Nlt~y rC.b,e

~ Ul%

,ofU~",pape:r$ if'! the f~~kl dO"l.i\!!l fr.o·m

~ 13%,1 dex."3de ·!Igo. Ove'r lh<ll pe.l'liodl. ~h<lllHUpU~. fro:'JlI~ASltu"l cOiilmrVi;;s nthtlf' !h.u'l ~ )apm11 ~u:.ip.led .•md is now 01'1 pm whh the ~ !J.S. output,




~ , &lJchaJIu.rkil'lg th~ I«!sec.ffh (omp5itive~~s f}J ,th~ "I Iii! Uniu'(! 51r:Ues in (h e'~1 f Y; Bf'iI"Nll(l,f~·rt.lg!'h e f$'r ~ Res~",JI (ompeUff'Llerres:lirJj me Uniled s.rQt~;s: in fl (hellill1ccl fn!J~tlf!eri~,

i:s ~, ~tep il1ihe ri£h~ diH:Cdall. "'Fro!ll [:~c· lG;m.iM.ryper:>Fe'cliv~. it d ,\·iII hc;~,p n'!i:l'n~,c:ndom;~y."·C'ilsey ~my~.
over l{l y,e~n" ..jROIEIR,ir f. 51B1R;VU;IE

u. S.. p~]y~ic:.~i

~,:UII,uli!ll.ive•. wbuch aiu~ls to



b ~!ore


ril'!lal verd k~ is

i5SII,lM ]n






6 APRIl20Q7

• Maximum protection against aerosols

'.' elP Ch,lIiaflililer lUi. POS. I a\l'ai~able ill tel'll sr~es

Tiile mew Ep;peificJ,t;i'f e;p Dliiiilfiiller lUl •. .'s. ,wil1tbe~r P

IJllili,qLlle \wo-Iphalse flilter:, proVliidie Un;e p eri'ec1i:sihi,e!ld ;;I,glailnst. (l'Qr:malmlina,tiioWl.

The hl!ll8:rc(msis.:~s. of two visible phaSi8s. each wilh a. diftererll pore size. lhis two-phase filler protectiion ,ell1Sures iJltjmal~ .m~o~p·~i,o,n,~f,o<sois.:and biQmoleciij~es e, ou~rna.tch~ng all c;Qnven~ionaJfil~e<ffi.Rely (lr'!l iit.

FeoJltuli'es af t:he ep Du,all'~itll~erli.I.,P.S. DoUbl:e pro~eGUori provided by the two pl1aSle Ii liter
.' IPr(lrvides maxirnurn pmloot!:onkn both


elrnd saJmp~~ .' UII~iima:te.abso~p~ion of a:erosolsZllild

.' tFree~rnm peR ~n'hibitcr addi'tf;ves


For more linfolili'fl!l'l.tion g;o'to www,eppeflldo rt.comJd 1I,j3'~filit~,r

.' .' .' •

tPatsr'itt peMingl two Iphaoofimter L'eCtilflolog;y Sl,.Ilppllie:d ste:nle, EppencoiFf peR de~n arid pyirogerll~Jroo IIvO cenfo rrnrlly IBatch-ireialed ce:rtific1:des av;a;llable

Into uch' with J:ife,


AI3 ' Germaroy

w~ww,elP~r!d'(lrf.ol;ll!1llwo~:clWid!l· pJJli~O'l1 S!,lp,~!:)n~ 100cG:6(1 1618!9 A """'9' • ~ oliO, '(J1"O ~ E'p,pelildorf IN'orlh Al'I'I9rica, lne. OO:o.e4&3IOOO sse



lndcnesla to Shara Flu. Samples IUnder Naw Terms

ladonesia lUIS 9gu:~edl re resume ::;~,1 Ilig ~mll,l,p.~ 0 hl,l e HSN~, ari es !l"~~!i1I infhtc!mza vl~ru~ wit~~ the \~!orld HI;:iilth Org~~ht;Hi!]f'l i!il return 1:0:, <I. promised rewrite of \VHO':-; rules g(A"e~ing the use of donated vi ral samples, T~J.e new "Terms (If Reference" rOf SIIOIS far tots.. tlldonesfa's Heat1h Mi!1i5tfr SiU f'adHah 5'1,1 iln (frfr~ p
wants Y1!ccinlM to protect. (ftlzen~ agairlst bird flu ill! nHilf1rn for '5harfnl!l 1ft SNl '5al!llp~es.
]l~ldQ lies! a

s BI~nllnOI'~ztHio!il1be

!'\h.~r~ gany samp les beyond n

Hs I.ab&.acermlh~lg D~vid

H(;lYiYl'ln,n. 1~~~d r\'II;IHO~p'H'u

dll:~,n i.1iI1 m:lilZ<1e Iforts. T;I:!;~lUro. ic

n part icip'-I~ti n the Jakarrameerong. mys,


s~mil:m,'p:rov isien


be ',\'r~.I:telllliru~:othenewterms


ha Il:d~iIlIg '1;'] ral sam ples, wh ieh wiH be hammered out over
the next several montbs, may tn~ lude ~ clause ,giv.i!llg COU~ll:r:ies that provide ,<L:ml]pJles IlHH"C eeutrel Q'\'cr how and

reference fOIl: llcmnnries tbl a pnmid~ vi rus co WBn Heymaw saysWUiO already h,lsf!n inili,~l!tivc lhrlt 'IN'l.luld~:!l:~n.!g:'~
deve~opirugcouatries a :sh.::ureof a p~mk·l!rl,iC'\!l! ~l~.enit is lPI~'o~\

wlleHaer WHO can


reference labs watch for liril~~tc,1Jti,OI:iIS tb,{ might S.lUgg~S.l the "ins i:smuIlSJting il~[o It flwm ~wr~ '~<l:,;jly u<1lnsmi~ll;::d1 ~1~~l.O!)g huma us, [n return, WHO will request

v~wu:"on 10 rhiilid, parries, suehas coniillp.mie,s milk:~rilgvaccines, Indenesia had halted s.hadu~ its :sa.~11i!p.lci> nver ~ ~I ucerns I~\()t it\,'Ituu ld f!(Yt :~~~L\'~ ~~"1t;'1;'iz.;$'o l ,my ~L)N~, vacc i ne u lriaiate Iy P irodlLJced lScieru:e.23 febnli]ry. p.. lord). A lrhough ~\ea effleia Is;and scient ists lth

dueed, byp~oviJil'lg [hem e·~l~.t!'r sreekpi les efvacelnes er an advinll,oepu:~h ,j(i:c<lgreelllellt. The i!iIi tiative ..

he bop~s, wi]] "p.rovtd~~h~ ~eH&SU~.U:lCC de \'~i~oing&;: uu~urles !) !:;:t::dloC on t iflU e p

s!ha~illg viruses:' -D'EINNIISN:O~MILIE

<Ire h<Lppy dUll. Indonesia will ence tlg!}j!'l prov ide fI u S1I mples, ....0 me wnrry about a pO~'f;,ih~~!m..;:wprcccdL;~l[,.,My 0fl~1.~L;iI"!n ~:lliiIJU is ~,fhi S rule [;es effect] . .'io:um~coul'lltry ]iJ1:JY E IlV ire [Imne1'I~.a1.£ roups h <lVe~OII~£ v~E fied l t in th.e fl:,lwr~r·J:;lfu~1;l ~o share 'th,~V!!:"I.'s~:;:O~ Julle M:lCDrI!~a~tlh~ Bui~Ad!'njqlis.t~at~CJn·s vaccine seed viru S stra iu eutside" ll,e W FlO lloi.II~.tpel'Sio:l~,M 1:llC Iarerier i[)ep;<~rlnrn.eil,u on

status of t i~er sala 11]3 ncle:n;; in C Oil I iforui a rrnm ~'ld~~,g.(,f~d to lhre~~e!H;)d ~ScieIJ,·e.
I.0 S,elHenliltber 200'4. p. 1554 (]I!ec is ion llmt was later tossed ant. by the courts, h <Ab;:~,,~tVQt\1;S the former direct~ir g:f the f\VS Ellda.1l.gcrl(ld Spc~]e:!i.P rogrnm: :>3jd Ilg t hlll,t ··:t\,'ltl,cD'onl" .•~d ,U'l:g"lm.·~y b:nKl:i.sed m<1a:Jiager;s to speak direcdy u"uthfidel s:~aft often il:li~.illn~ idiMillg ~li'1ldb~!U~fil:lg lh~m~I:I[i(llui(lcl.ucjlrr:l,g doeumems t~:l<n h<ld the desired effect,"




production, Survell-

M<t~<lw T.Hl!lim. director ",hheWI--IO

Center lar Iafluenea
I:Ii Joky'o.


lance tun:! Rte5il::<lIChi

!FQ\W 111O:11iC Ih~r1150 ye~ur5. the ClNIIO G~lob<L1 ~nn~llen>!:::;:lSurvetllance Network h~s;cnlleered seasonal flu viruses sndprovided

species. last week, Ibd,J)' eompl<i!int'S got seme ::i~IPP(l:l~fi;,tlllill llrne .]g~m::y~ in-hOlI S~ V,,'31citdog, w:ho ~la.s c'!lnd.udeciIJ1HU. the im.litic'l~ <'Ippoi~,nee pl<tyeu lh~t 1!Uld loo~~ with research. A Ft:pm·~ 'b}llh~ inspt;:c~org~cU!l,(:ra i~(['G'S) office fnmui l~~tn M~iCDo]llllld l'I!)t ol.d)l ha:s endangered

vaccine seed vlruses ((I drug cumpani~~. V:il rwa I ~.)' .EI'I·I the vaeci ne:spl.''O d'W1.'~I:!'lI h ;I''IIC been usedin :9JdV!l11mc-cd ceumrlcs i~, ~cmpL::l:'~ [lre ze nes ~o fi gilt .\l{m~Omll 1111. W HO t{~tlk the ~fll!:ll~ ~lll~ rufIC~, i~ I~fig d!ea wi th H 5:]\11.\, .... 11ich 80 r~lr liI<1S primarily 11 Ilecti;i d d~\'!;;lnp~~~ (:{lU~,~ri~t-Oin~.f~)iPk~ i g ..ud s~~blrOpicf!'~ A ~ii~. [n.d:ow:s iu•.wh~'Chhil.,\l I.he highes{ ~mlllbef o~:'btl,lmllJl ,H5N I f~"lI<UUtie.~~~: ~e'1M63 s.tll~lr-(1em;ed sht~ring its
samph::£ort~U! VllfUS, with WHO .in !]ilI.mmry. ]ndolnesi.<1.:~ offki;J]s s,IJd llme;y feared ~he CQllllt:I;Y wm~ld no~ be able HJ .1ffonl a V"'C~

been "'he~tvny ~l'Ivn]voo" inediting sciestif'ic do(mm,e:Jm.~'S by the and \:lli hili I'~ Service (F\VS) bUl also leaked smneaHhm cenfidentia] :11I.lI.ue:fi<l,1 industo ~i:j!,. N~xt~l'i1o!ll~. Congresswill hold he.ulI "SS 011 het ae I:lom s,


~:h~['G f~1U!~dut~jng UI""g<l1 n

.U MacDo~lal{rs, act ions, the repeet s,ly:S she n

'OIiol[lt~dthe fcd~'i2l~ eede iu t\VO W!MyS" She .Ieaked i'lmteTl:J~I~, Hgenc)' dccumeets ~blobby·, i.\!ils :ra:!" the C:!.lilo:!"m!.~!~ Fa!"ij~1 Bijn,*luF(\d~~lion, 1I!IUJ S'Wlil[!lS. AII1.d si:Je .tppeOlred to. ~jVl';l ft~~)1i~ bhy i~ts pr~~~~!lli;;).l. ~r'~l;'li:m~!1i~~ll

M~(:D~u~~lldl!:ta ~ivil G!:Igi~~~r\,vhll PWitViom,ly worked Qrll;lfld<l!ng\lf~d species issues fb,r ~he Cal:ifomiBi stale governiinelll, S.ino~ 20M. she ha!iiOO~11eputy assis.w[at ~cretm:y d
Ihr fUs.h

~.chu[se dHn Mat.~D,on~dd i~d 10 th~ .J~g'j .i l;lYest ig<"It.ors. ffhehuc ",im Dc:pm t mcn~.

de(;~il1edt.ocmnn'lle:llIi {I~,ltIle report ..call1i.ilflgit


~ ::0
~ ~ ~

dm, or $\:l <i! slKlr~ ,gli Iii~~l~~Cldupp,1 i~s i!~ s Uw ~e\renl of <I pam.d,e'nmic ..At <l mei.::t ~,ngin Jak<l:Lla ~rymrn~,t<I;ldby WHO ~o U'~~Jlv~ lhtl im~t~$e
mil 26 ilnd 27 M.~~rch. S.ituF.u:ii,hlh St1.p.. r~,.


pc::rso.l1I,nd nmlJttcf" ::md MacDonald Il:as,l~lot lll.Jde <lny pllb]ic st,neilflll.e~ls.Ji RMll,I~] says Ibm ne;.;t lllol'llh'S :hearii~g.'will Nawr;)ll ~(;Hi.Our(:es Com~n~ ni\;;C. who had be- "Ii S\i\It.:;~pi~g~xwk\'v (l!1wh~,ther po]hk.s is about el!l,dOlngen~'d I:!fi:ceived an311iDonym01JS t i:p th.u M<lC:DO:IJII<LhJ infi]~T:alullig decisions" report \\,~d.S se'[Jlt ~.~sl \\leek 10 Repre:seJlatrnTh,~e N.ick .RaJm.dl([)-:WV), 11D~"dnurofthe l[ouse

ife ilInd parll;:.s" T~mc m':s

h,ad "bun~t!i~l


b~m~l'ed" FWS

sp~d~~. Th~ ~$:';w~'may H~S,Ol'OI'JW l'~pduri !'~

SeIUl~.C: cQllf.urIIUnl.~ml

IndollC:lia's. ]!;],inisa~r On~~ailh, ~al~od Ihe current ::Icheme "more d<Jingermlsd~m~the lhr,c~uof ~l'l H5N I peUi\de]~~:kit$d f.'· U oolc'D' an illli:li:li'i'IIIITI. <I~reemc nt.1 ndolliesia \,\,'jll t~gii~,]l provid~ s.a'!m~pl~(;.whi(:Jl, \1VHO'~

.repo:rts. il.kioo.ut e~ld~JDJglC~:If,:dl;pecic!;.The n~dillgs, which


lldenti!llS: to lJ.her biological


l'1.e<lr,ulilJg L:yle of

puhli.~~y ;reh::ased. ,\li,'er,e first

repon:cd by dw Nc:n' }tJrh"'fi,Jl(;'s.

11u: n:pon d(ll!;mnents.lbJr ex:mm,l,p~e., 1m",. Ma(;Do~lt!ikl [(I]d ag~l.CY seie~tist"~:O ~o\"I;;nhi.;:

Lav(:r~y, d.i!.'f;ctor ofC'olora.h~·s. Divis.i.ol:1 o~· r<l~ks ami OmdoorRecreOltkm. ~\{homi:he V'lh!n~ Ho~~s~QIl 13 M!:!TCbpropoSlcdw be M<lc[)on<lld's bm.'S. Thejob has, 'bee.lIiI.,<~cmn ,
Shl()1;: N(we~l~r2:~:~li ~RIK S,jJllW:(5·m,D'

An Asi,an Tiig,sr's Bolld Experiment

AsSio'g,IIPol',e lemlb,.uks '~UI biUiiolll"doUar second plhas,e of its il 11II8lk'e,lv,er ,fUj, a re:S'fM.'Illr1clh lUb, crilio:s,W"mmder wlhtl'lhlllU the i:s:II'antdl h 1I1I,aJt!iID~ treaUy glll'Ring its 1110tne:(s: 'wldfh liS

wi thou I. mod i fit~~[l1n. coherent bo dy ·of a research and success ~iiU :II series of related fields is un~ ikely to deve:l!o.p," J:\.niong olh,fl' til i11£,£. l~:e is. skept i~~ of t~~c ~C~it'lml~eon ~ i !lrpo[)!:~(\dscienr i l'icHd~nt ~! ~dbel ieves t hJ;i r !h~~tI!!~l!S igPll~i". 'l'i~h~cum]jJU!.'" kn~l\\lIi!, ! B i-~ TIlt'lnks ilm. uo SIIml!] IlliC<lS'Lme to. Yeo 1> wizoverall el:1bn ~'1K:ks~.CO:lm.elt:'llI~ i focus .• Her anicletriggered U~H'e spectacle fn this'il chyl;U"dry ·fI~winning gfllvc:rnmem :-;upP'lIn and WO()~llg cverseas talent, B iopo.ims.[ this slate: a public'lIl~mer resesreh and devel~inySOl~[11e;}:SlAs~m'lnaticn Oil! tlle bjomedkl1~ opment (R&U) poLicy lVllg;ed in dl:Jldim,g: ooiresearch map. j\:.: 0!1.1e ic;:~tor of snccess, du~: ~o:ri~ll~ opjlnilOlli pieces, iad :I1ll.d y{':() bru5~l(.'So~nh~cdtijci~!n.·"r!n !liIot \I~fy number ofpapers j)r.fldtuociJ ~l [h(;~ags.iJ,~p ~:Ifnltiuu I! of Molec 1Ihun nd C B io.logy good al.iiSliellilll£l,;' he a tilffil~t!lJ.. "My Ibrte' i~~e~I~nviCB·j ~eUll1lt;'(;~ from 82 in 2000 l~ Hd~n Hn~ I:hjngs dena," B~l t~H~ d~OOH)h:li\>r~li~'1d 21006. <It"Cm:di:lmg liO Thomson Sc;uell1Iific:, CitiJ~ 'II~I~tiom~ .,bOUl v.11eln Sililgapore C<IJIl. e.\\!:pe'C1to ~. rate s r :i val 1 hose 0 ri.lrnst itut kl.nls wut.h i011 recc'ive <lI1l eecacmie p<lyo:n" from the :2 !h.illion Ienger h:istories, 0 tbet S iopoli:ii. cente rs are Singup(ll1: l.klll;rffi(~ 13 bi~IiO:ll) ~l1eill~I~'lr on :EtiU (;omh'lg lip to speed. But in buUdia~g up ii\ bu.ild iII]£" and slJ:llTh~g Yoo 's W'i'e.~d drc.t11r~'S. (II.' research C;lpac it)! fh:lm scratch. boasts ':feo. And A. 'STA.R c.m expect ch:m~:IF .'lcrur~IlIY .m .. "no other cmml:ry has it embarks on the (';\ '(:'rlml(ll!,'t'd 100 irra~C' $. [.3 b inion second TI:I;M cla im has :.=I phase of its bi omedl1!U;mbt'lf of pfo.LF:lli!l~.IIiI1 leal ~f!i~iilli\i'~: tmmh~J backers, Wlrn2IJfs hapbatdrn. of instuutes pened in Si,tl.g:apUfC h, with links to hospimls jll!Sl:; o:r (; ye.\:f,S "is m e1»lenod the re!ii:'IJ[~h

S IN6.IIII1IOR~-Fro:m tbe CU('Sl of ~~mllJhm in a southern corner otthis .i:sbnd S:~:'~I:e. ~hiJi~.p Yeo m~k!l,':S a!>.\xl'6.~-pi!1l.:. g~s:woo [OMIl'd .. $ciGmifk E m.ern~.d Ci ty: ni ne g lec<llli1lii Inew research ng bnHd~J'lgs teeming with mOI.~ rhanl [lijObi.Umedic ••1~.Ce:Ln~~~ ·'\iiI'e've gtll1e loom llo1h ~n!il. III Ihi S i,n, :5 ye'~rs," t'il!lYs yeo\. ,e~ulir of Si.~lga.PO:I.iIi:'S t\g:encyfui' Scienee, Techm.ology. and Rcs.cmx:~~(A"'STAR). 11!ilmrern~1CBt UgCIlI(:i"

is heading in the ri!J1ll di1JiCCl ion, lat€: last year..

im an epinion piece inthe iUlli:llll.enri:l1 S.,raffS

Tim~;,~' m;wspap(;\!:. t~.;l\;VC] Li~lg,. hl.~ad(1rSi~·

g~rore·s N at io:~mINc: umscience .. ~.liIlsl.iLUte. wrote lhru."u rd1e·I~re..>;e.1I1tap;<Leh :us: ~i)]m~1\\.'0d





MBA \1A~o\\"'$~M!n~d chair onhe N~lifl~1.f11


<1'11 enginee f




llln~':I.H~.tcgywas; ~1 iV!:!!!fSitI '

became A-STAll,

and "[:ec.~ll'IIOlo£y Bo!'llI'd. whieh 'CI.Vi] servant, Yeo is creditedwith h.~v~ngled Sil1g~p():r~s



lO P3Ik:IU,,'"

able," says Edward Hulmes, 1'~nH~rlj"

die,n~of thi;l St:lmo:~of

Modi~imn.e iU. the U~~i,-

W~!lil~Ih~n~~ln91 h~ June 2000. Sillgapore 'liMlVcUed


dl.'.ivcinto semicoaducrors and s~1cci.ahy chemicalswhile chair of the Eceaomic De,'clopmenl Board. f\. ool:~eill\g~u: escribes d ¥eo's lifestyle as "ascetic" ';;Hnd g,ii'villl.g!~~W mean~lrn.g10 the word ·'\:\ro.rl<l:~oUc:' .1 is ],e r1;ll11~~H~s~iycheerful, pl;'ippe!l':in-,gfacts and 1li~11r~,be:I",!; h wisecmc~s. wit \:\' he n l:l~e bi oln ed le al SU."Mt,:,i!D' was bunched Sillig.apo:re limad 01. Slil"lgie life sciences iij~:[inu¢.~MCR ijjril~\~iWdaI!~{:~ ~~m~Willli,[~t;: N,nioll'li. Un~,\'e'rsjl~Y ufSilllrg.<lP0Jie .. :plu!> II cent~1'(,,~,ph;W!lla~~~![\t~':;ll ·~..;;;h.~.ol(]gi~ m~cr~rr~iil~
ECOnm!ILl~II;' Deve.lopnlenl tBo.ud. ;"''''STAR took d.lill.l'ge {lfhoth <In;ld,cr(t.fl~edrl~:roe more irl~;~lllnes.

ver5~lyof C.)llitorni.'i. San Diegn (UCSD'). B Y comp:<1r~ :-Jom •. SOl)'S

Hol mes, depu~yt:hl<l~r

N'll~onll~ B~:olllledic'l~
Scieacc Str2lltcgy to make rhis research G,~ting f!]lTIgs, d~i:iiiil. E!~o!XIlis ·'o'is.uOflary· PI1~lll'feo 1 kI (ri,~i !Of Sing.a:pore's. C:5

bu iMiu,g Biopg~ iSlU house them. To

cent!'"' a Ip iJI:u of

Sing.apo!:~'~ Bio- says he istee bus.y 00,lis-hili'll ~i~medk[!t Slr,tlleg,y. medi,cOI.1 Res·em'dl CoU!~d L ~,took 8,"11 t mego 40 year.:; to iJ.e(;ome: m b~joln.edk1'li lrnLllb. Ttl c h ~11 h:~rpril': (1:' luIt, ~),rogrC's.s~d n:: "beyoliI,d ~:lIly\..r~:ldesl: expecmri.ons:' adds mlu~ec\l~ar o:p'D ... 'o~.ogist.l3diso!l l i Wi. d,irrector .of
~I'n.e t:nome G Institw:e ol'Si,nIW1pOI'e'.
I)O'\'\,' {~~1C;)5dOll

~ klio\\r~~dge-dr~\F~n
economy (Sciencl!'.

sl<lf['IIIn.c13bs..~o l!b<lltClJl. :IIHI.'iml!l, SlCic:nlific stars fr.oll'll .tbro<1d.iD'l, S'O:I1l1e cases spg:nCli.lllgyearn: ~@ ~11 <I £tr<'Lte.l1:ic ]loOst ~ A hiM ('fitch ~.u1~OiJiQ 'I.\'£!=- Uu, tmpont;,j ~I'! 100:~ l~ir.o:mthe U.S. Nalioml~. Comeer .1 nS'i:'utn!.e

30 Au gust 2002.
p.1470). The fir.1ll pllas,'!':caillcd for cre,u:ing ~~publ:iC'rcSofl'lll;'~l.i 1l~'r~lst:r~tctl,lre ''"'Otdd that
_gel;t'erilte d i sCQv!rri'i;: s.Lnri n perso nlIH:~.~OIr bi~ p,h~rmOl R&ID. spin ofr!;~rtr.t-up ~'irms. <Hlldgene'rOllly blli:~d, [II' loc<l~ expertise in

il'n B~dll;'~J.~,M~l!:)/~~~nd. 'I h'l;'<ldSin~llp()re's H firsi: ilii.lhe 'i,~'Orld sequelloe tU.l~ S.ARS v.iuls Ii W at ~heh~igll[ Onh~1t criS!i,sull 2003. ~ S~m:c t~.l~[]I.l.~uh'l=:> been joined by an an'<l.jl ~ of\\'t:)TI.dl·d~]~~.~cie!:)jlists_or G';'\,fl!1lph:::. D~vid ~ F,·IYII:I]:intool Genome 1I'lst.iUtt~. Res;e.arc:l~ers d1cg~ Qltlrckly ~n3dc lhc:~r r!Jll~rk. bal)l~l i.n.g IJ~¢

Bu~ SlOIn{l


biomedic~l sd~nc'eil.

Liill~~" n:I)Ulwn~~d h~~ for work O~dl~p5j lmmor "'JU:I) on a sdibb.~li.C31 from lh.e Univ~n:i'ly,n~Dt~ml~. UK., If I]i)t<ldl MeR III <licIJ(~:ilionto:<l1l inwrMli.omli standing. Lane bl'\oughllo thejab w.ude-lilinging centaers and

G~or.!J(:R~ldd"L :ror~ul.;r ..::hicf of [~~ U.K.'l> M.ed k:.MRJesea~dl Ceunci I. Ye:~e(l~I~Ut~s,.;~nior fig:u~s ""Ivha!~s" who have sdll.ool.s of ambijious young trel>ea.I.·cbel:s-'·gtLl ppue s"-l]";'1 iii 11 iI1i thei r g

ocmtk: s;ySl.~ms. '''Look at .!lOWIJ'n(l ,glUYSiu 'CallifOfll:D<i are f:igiltil,l,!;l [over plans forl stemm ~ell!>:'Y~)S:!;~S. "N(1th~n~ is:~~oving~"
A"'STAR 'O~3il1l'lil:lW be 11.1eHliinsI,!i> eeonomic goalsofge:llemti:lmg 25 b.iU~.QnSinga]lOJ'e dellsrs 16 .4bi~l.i,Ql1). i~b:~[mwdi.c'il.~li1I'llm~11iC'~!.rill g a nd 15,,000 j cbs in 1:~'iI.C i>eeh)V by 20 .IS:. Last year, manuf'l.ctnri I1g output h~l .5.$2 3 bil,l ion ..

indusrriel acumen-e-in [996. be f()unded eyclill!cel. Ph::lrl1Il~ceut~c~lls,which is dlcvclCilP'" illig nO'l'e1cancer dn~g.i.Lane $,,~y~.lhe'COlllaCl::> <lire im;portam tbr a~, institute so distanl from l;;i'Mib~i~.~~d researcheenters 1[1~1·~I~.e United Su;I~es;m,d Europe, And his Cycbcd expericntl;;lwlps when t'Xpl(lrUl1g~m~raC'li(Jn:-; \vith
ph~rm3 execatives.

wakes, So lilr~ ro1~ghl)" 75i~/~ Ihe 5{10 (III" so of P·h.D.~I.eve] BiopQ:llis reseerehers are fore.igl1ens .. Aim:ilml.g for <I SO-SO b<'C'e iI.mong A ·STAII]t'sinstun~ws .. Singapore pl.•:lm:s to t send ;:,·r.f!'n,l(j ill:'td Ihnd ~.urmne ~.(l{']nSitu,d~llts 1:0
earn und e:L"g raduare


Ph.D. degrees


"If the present

h<lvlDiIJg ~illm{;ltn quadrupled ~n the IxIS[ 6 ye~rn. B itlil'illed~c;J~(':tnp~fI}'llumlgrew 3_ ~.()each ()% r l 0 ..51' .1 ..The agency approach is fi g_lH:'(S' ~ t hari !'IV!;; ~t~
ment eornminnerrts

top foreigll universit ios !by 2 {I I.5. The~l.I] ":!k:~Q~lIoc~dOlhct:!:IO S·i1:tg!lp;o'l'IG! by dang~.i ~1! irre si "lillie research 0llpOrill~:l1ii.~ N aney ies, wide CoS'ts more dl.'111l J,;nkill:> ~ul(1N~lIl COP'l!~alt'l a wi rc~ht~t':~'1nd 900.,0100 S ingfupore'




geneti:c.ists. say [hey op~:edlb, ~!>C~p~~ig~~~~~I~if1g l])~.dgl.;':[=- ~nd

restrictieus on !;:mHi~~hing\'Ij,rork the U.S. .,~

(If 1.-.It'<I'III~l.Jn rbe U ni l:ed 'lhere:\'\'"i51i!'~ alot of thillgS_" AD I MeR he g<tys.~lley are <1SS1lU'ed of geil.em1ls funding .IOf
Nat ionfl] lnstinnes Slilh:~" 5<1)'::; opel.uful C 1lJC\~,' 1ll00lmCY do new Ii)


d o~,I.1rS{$59f1.omHhis "rni 1~.~(m-doU;,'l.~ -Lee Weli lung, Biopobs cntic kid::;:' Y~{.l.'5aY5. The presence of g'!illil;ior seien li M::5in S iI1gllpor~ .. L rille .;uit.!s, ensures .R&D 5pe:.n.llj n,g. uplmm rhat"5hrLp students "wUII c-o:~Hf~m~0 1

foUowled, ... 31 coherent body oil: f'eBea~ch and 5u'ooess, iin ,aseries, cd' ,related fields lis, lunilik.eflv ·tlD dev,e!lolP"~

i:n 2006 wUI add ~. 00 j:ohswheml. f~id~.8 il'i¢." UPIl'K': on~:~n,;;. And pri,\' <lite spend iu.S on

b~.o!ll~dk~I~.R&D in 2005 r(,,~J(.;h~llS% of

U i'lthm

's to ta II

28.5% ~n200 I.

11ave olJlltM.mdil~
back here."

menliorimlg\\~]len~lley COiIlil.1.e


'OI'<01c@ iillllthi@


~ their work deve~,(lIping mouse m,ode:II:s. [br

human 1.:<1l!!lICCts. runl '~H;}1'r-e ~H1C!J1ii!ffuge-r.~ to interact V.'ilh com,l%'1·nitel>. . .. Ye~1l~f~S also hrrported he;;!vyweig~l ;~ adil1J'l]nnS:lrators 10 run ~.Irni>l~tmes ~ml develop

Bui'M~ng a ro~O)Irch I;;~fllfl fl'Om f'er.f~n;·hhas h1lllill1l:t~:onswith 'CQlll~ p~~me:l!!~~ir)' s<:!Jy~ lm~~. "[n mos~·~tMU1aims.
made .it e<lsy to creare

Not everyoue buys that rosy picture ..lee~ hroaj(jshJ!;; in 'J'1l(! Sft(lfrs Tim(.',~last Nm"!3:ml~r quesriened l~U:;' s~TlIlegy of hir.ul1lg ·'I'@l1ei.g11 5i:;;i!rs:~~mJth~!illeui.l1!~ th~l~l dAi>\:~ht themS'e:llvel> whm areas ofrel>e<treb 10 elli.gag.e:· s.~e criticized the i~~lii:ltiv(!' as ]Jacking ~ltlo:rdi:l1il.'li-

tries" l~.e Il."ivo"ll'.Les. between ~m;;!thmuom; ean \\,'(ulldng togei~lcr ina '§pQlih:::y; !hems;iC'r~nc~u.dll:s. the h~lc~.hillld-\V~re ho~.dthem !back ~~;e'<1m ofUCS~Yfi <!lui Judith Sw;nn. successful way," he says ..Anolher Singa~ who was the ~lIlh'~rsiIY''(o;; d~~ o"·tntnn:sh.'tliu(!ln;;ll [It'l:r03ln, st~n!;l!h ~s I;t smalll.,proil:~>lIlk g{)~'er'Ul'~ medicine: r]~u~i:l:)pcKml:lrilsky. fO:r,L~llel~ presiII.nelil;~[O oversee Uu: :uniln alive" ;nguC:-i Yeo. \\"~.lO .~ dent fl f the Pasre Ufhm fi~iturc ln [if! ri is ;a~,ld prorcsses disdain ~~:)rbi,gg~r(lndmessler dem-


tion and called for a le..d agencytotake ccnIml and id£,lnir:r nlehes ill which Si~~p('lw could excel, EiII,<l;mI,~.ples. she g.JVl:' :ulJ,cluded


B. ]h'er ami


cancer ..

Wh~n the left brilJin collabowates w~~hthe right

ll1w .Nil!ion~~Sd'~i1I(ll roUI1di!1!iO!l ~r.lSF) an~t~joumaLSd~Oi:,pwbljsh~ b)i ~e'

luni1;riyn As~mdalilD~ tl1i!1 oI!idM:ln~i?menl fer

Aw (I r d Cate glo r les

'. I~ Ius trat ion ~

brain, srien(e ,emerges, with art: to €nha n~e (om m:UII1ii(i'lthJiIri and un d,ers:tand ~Ingof'rres{!,alrch
]lllllJistrati ng concepts" ~eptc:t~mg plum-omena a ncll draw~ng (ondusiolns.
[,5U ~trs-_

O'fSOlElflfe. irnite!lI'O'I!! Ul p.aJ1idpa[e iflme ' 1iflll anm!JJ-aISci~n~ <l1ul Englrnmtngl 'llsu.allilatf.oll (hatiellge. Th 11' rof'llipe'~tion !1l!Gogiji~ ~rleil1li~tl.eiigifie<~.lIiWi!1flatiQi'i
¥ir~J]~t$ ilmlarU~t~r(!r pmduol'1g 00WffiTlilissim1mg!nTlWiI!M:! wOfkirl

'. ~nlformaH~Hla~ Graphiu


,~nte[acthe Media
I~0> n·~later


a ([Ilie Me d i a :r I] ote 91ra p Ihl S

~~!!~I oo~Iil~i!tllM.
Willll~~ ill1l ~diJl W~!lIf~

wtll be 'pub'liS~~ "Ihe Sel'tem~r 23.-200J' i~rut(If Xitn(e ,and Sdmce Q);nli!]~~nd wEll:be dr~pIay~d a Ilrnhdl5F We'lls~~.




\'Ii!WW. N Sf.(; (1V

IN l!\'!1SI S]j !~CI At._RIJI'O

ms I SC IVI s

mHlli~Ul~t.i~ledi$C;i~1JiH~:S.~!ld!l,efld injm:y. "Smalle r cauntries wi lllt ~im ited r.esomroe s
haveto be more focused on how those
reM'l'lln::e$.<lp;: used," Lee wrote. The cri lTI,ql,lC earricdpsn leu lar '!i\~·~.ght. .l1~.
i!l~l~fUlh.t~: P'mductiOfll IlT dD"~,g~l~npiUlyplt)Ili~:S reached S${).4 billion in 200n ..And most observers agree that ·p~.lm.mH iuvesnneur



have 'l:·[I:!,!![~:IJUl!ed gnn.v evenia to


S~n;aptue ..given lee'~membership ~n\\iha~

OllL;:~.~('~reh~.!"n: Ii;:n; to as Sil,g.a.por:c:s "ruU~l~

absence or the b~'0Il'LCdk'31 st~lcgy. A"STAR. o fri·~ ials c:oUllll er rharthe ir boolslnl,p'p in g
dLf'PI"Il> have

Fi~i'l!~C~ Mill i51,,(;fl1l!lrWt!l~mJ.Shan~uug!.l]".mnU!'l~ i5!OO emll:y ~Q ev'o:'I~lIiilt.e th:ere:mll3 of our R&D i~]~inlives. But from [the M.inisi[IrY of!" .fin<l!:l;!;,'e~]p~Thl'l'Clive. ~'~i:died lINn I~isis agoed usc ol··p1.lbIOCnnlds_:~ tlraals A "'STARs :re;".di·I]~<ls~\re'll.~l~ fmyseid "il

b['Klsledtl~c~htc oHhc :~~I!:~wlf!.c-

ing !d~~dnllll"SJ~~dwil;l~




ne'ii.'lril.~m~r$.~:~~In!!:[itJU~e rlOfClirlicrd ~ij,r:::ilOt.:;~ biu3ID1.d the;rpo:l1e ]~.llnmrd.ogyNetv,iOm. willi logut::s:: d1n~gs.cultured from living cells .. And I,ink beach R:wtlfCllte"11' i.'!ltd ~t~n'Ht(JoCldhg,l"PiI th~y m.]int'l~ni~<1:l the g~ ...itlg p\J()1 nnr.;~im;:d lVI iml.isru:y researc he rs isatnnct iu g acid iti 011111. interes t ta ~s to ~UIiSL~e el inm:&t'<I] studies, B~d- neil~.oer A !l;STARIl1{}.ITY~o made aformal ~il~wel(Jpiug pmgm~~~:i to~m_lb1e: in~.d fmm big phm.ll~:'l..Will"hi!!l the 1i!$1 lir;:\v\~!~~!ks. H~.I~.lhii~ respouse, So u weekbefbre A*STA.R held .Ul::!. GI.axoSmu~hKli~~e opened a $13 milliou Ci,HII,s to de~l(lliepan nf the in ime to research, annua lpress brie'fim]l_ em tlBi;: biOIm-~~'Ll:ic'!I'11 hlitifL'- medicinal chemistry mll.filOt" Bi:o]'lo~is 111lilLl: And it plens anew rnedicalsehoel inmC(10per~~.~-iveon 6febliUary. Lee repeated ~~fr C!b~IHS, i_1:I will dUu ble the f:inn's rese:m.:]iD.corps lin Si:UIIl!<L~ lion W~I]] uke Un~\~:l'S.uly. n S wain, l~~OllJd f the [f'!~.thH~ For llnical o 0\111} i~l[~t'viC1;Vwidl~llters" NOl surpr]:;i!1g~)1. pure to 60: anl~1Eli Ully ~mw~u!l~Xld 5-y~af. 11 quest.~ons.about lee's cemments d,mn~,llmlliled $~.50 mdlicu p;k~11I bcost its d[ug=dj;s.'Cm~ry to Sciences ..bel ~evesSi:UIIg,apore:s lIn~.qltenl ix ot ~hebl.'.iefing .. At the lime. Yeo said that he' efforts i.~lSil~,gi.l.porein part 'by u:.iip~ing. ilS In:cli~m!>.Mi!J!~ys.allfld Cil:inc~e "could be J:I ilHended to 'JllI~l i1;:nore"'l"ril~Jc,U~1Ti from "one R&D ii.1~~ffuJ' lSO. com:pl'ol·ti.hvlil .'ld\"lm~,ge·' fo:r studies of how veiec if1J the 'II\' iIdc:r:Im~t>:f;.·'A~HI he mec ked llm;t November.lhe Wm'ld Bank Imblisihcd difI~I"teIH ethniehles respond to Jl'llg~.One lee's; oocQmnlenda~ii.o.m C hi :~dh() dvacc i- e_'uHlililirmiing haw sil'i. Jbi'-l'1.1 c~~:i:es- d isadv,mt<lSe.. however; is a smll:III?<Jp:~~ ion s, o la~ mHions :~:;t';l~ '17illq~Li;l!;hcd l~epsi~c,AI~n Colmsn, CEOofES, C,~II 1~'U~f!"l<'!ti~~~iJL MjJ;y~ :~i;;; .--ulkvi\ B .."Hong Si:!,!!,g<lporl;."~I~:S. For8~grJ, enior sdentists s Yc I) S3.yS. A I:Id rarhe r rh an frnnn :~s Ukely to :go to the en sure thet Si ngap Dr88'WlS Un ired Stares or Eu rope \,y> it h s'p~!rodmoney on be;)d-injury researeb, he~oM Sci(N.ICf!. "it retUlrningfrOim t.ra~n]ng I.h.c:·ill:C<lrd:LO stem ,ce.~~llhempy wouMoo cheeperro gi'!.'e every abroed I~~wn~ whel'! in is ready lortri.~b. lcontinue~'to child .. crash helmet," Whet.lliver S ingO".!.j)or,e can

daioAg~tlgr of U:,L:; K1li.i'!f!Yi;i;;i. S~ngap<:l'.re's levered Ilffi~ prime IrIliln Ister:. Lee's pi,~c'~ "C'~~~lled~I i:)ttrin the entire A ·STAR COfmr:liLUl it}~" says [MC' 8's Cope~3mcl.

f~lmily:t She':;

W~im!g.~~(J~rili'l!g f!'o1!'l~,::::impk mtil~Cl~l",:;; ~I]



Let; d~clhi!(:d. [.0 CQn~m(:~~t have IDutsmlndin,g .mentarin,g fUfIlhelf. wti~-i~~~ :r~ e-mail to when they came IUlck here., n in S.f;_·j em:~ ."T~~~ poi 11 rs b ave
been put across: W the small


I AI~l'it\:'bo:is n:m go:~ng oHtl.e Millil,. is:nry OiIT~OC ~i1d [ndU1->U)' thflf pm~.~t'lte, ... ~n~II:1 r~w~nil~ llf'Ol1f tP id.",!}tO."h.~ \VW!:ll.~. <lnd me-diu m.,s.ized bu sinesses. F.lewill ,d so ~o nHli}' ~,lave'~:iH lim:e IhL"c:ri~ics.. Hul hii s Ie ~rv~ ::1." ~ r(~Hcy adl\'i~f dt~llrinl.(;~miniS-i!~[, st~J ~d:ellt~ ~t(>, p~~h~iP~!VIJ{lr~ lL~.._,J to d~fu!ii!d,· illil.g M.:ien,\:e p(l~.ic:ie:s..u[l;ll\,i.~f1 u)fflilk.el~.~ l;,jS~ w.~ichh<15 i~~\',!:.S!ecl tUtln~ hif:;k\,iI)' ·th.m [l~hli::n;iil Slridi!:lg aCW$::; ~he hmla,t<~:r :13 igpd~i:-;;.Yeti Ih311.'esea~ch ~u Sing.aport: ('.. Ill be both gld])" bfo[ocl~. ¥USU f says., the questions. m-e: '~Ha""r doosn'l :smmd litS thU~Lgh hi.s w~T!eresl~n, bio" ;,Illy :iO:ign~.fic<lIu~Illd ~.ocal~yelevRIiLL "Eyery- IrnuC'h long;erdo Ih~y need 1:0 w"dil. .~ncl\'I.'~~.I med iC.M i5\'''''.111ing. He PQ~l1Il~ 10 1:\\'0 j ~LMr [Ie cOlm~pl.ctt!tl Binpolb; blii1.i~.di[lg.s now beiflg 11{·~ badY!lgu.-ee:s;" i.f::H~SII.nall·r.llacc· ami Y01JIm.IX~lllo [[the retiLlrnls1 be largJ~ enoug_h to providJ.e~ fQCLl:S." says (: ope'l'-llld.Bul -peop.~e.•te f()cu::,;., ~ll.lljOll eUlg_ineof !KlVIl1!h lor Silll:'l<l.lPQJie"!" I ~ed mn l'I.e\Vlilw. Nearby. !Yl!:vel.,] knv-ili:lie Yeo dIUS!lll!'>!ie;s. the report. <41 i don'l be~ ieve bui.l! wm SmJll1 be'lIenm,olished to lllJl1~ke i 1lI:g." he :says. >C:mcer is one lm~eL:md <I. \;lla!:"~d 811nk p,~o:ph-l ~ure'oo~np~wmto WH!j,;,i,;; \\:<)~i for f! BiopoHs daY'l:'<lr~c~nte:r, A bitfllwm;;-~ori~y~fY~o 's recruits \\rolrko~ [1~e~~e~ S r-ellnted UlCOI.n!Cer. Swa ill ...dd;~ lhal m: tr<lIls>ltI~ lre::Oll,]],]u!ndi.'"Im!SI.o ing<lpore.', he' ;SHy.'! .. the!": C~IR:-S :ue I.op;pi]rngOtl~ Ihe l\!''O to\\'e~ Fusi{lmlp(l~~$.fl S$55n mill~(ln BiQ'F~J~is .~ .~ io.n~1 m~d~c}rie'a,(W~ld~ '!~w(lrk \Vilh piHil;lm~. :S:af@,f;o:rn~w :ium, w~ich A·STAR ill g~uhe:l,.i~.lg :>i_1>: im>lilllteS I:! It :113Illn:pa<liU ve to "'~_lg~], 'WI1~l, IOC,,1~ needs. One n'rlilt ~vo'rk o~ il~lb,mBliion .<lud c()l1ll)l1lulli.c:'I!:~ eXJ_',,: gi!:stdc ~~]nCer,which fQr gC!l.ct.ic it;· In lh~ \w!,;:e aft&l~ debal(:totL:C~~~ olJby Lee'~ .,.nnde. Siiilg<lPo;re':s, ~.>eade'rshave :-;i~Llal:~lJ theia- l:ion s lec.~ [lol,og ie s. Yeo 'c,m't CO:mI.l<l in his .lnd d~el<ury re-ds~m:i.s~rev~lel~l ~I] Asa.l. li;l'l1ltijl~lsia:S~ll.'COM.';; back .in ;;linothcv~v ' .ci W~l~I~~¢r the uIlln~u \iI~ US g.IVlllg lhc (;CQ~" OO!lflden-cc .ill ~l~ Na~i!lfl~1 Bto:Vii~~d~~i'I~ Sck:llOC .1'111<1 seew!ulr:S.!u::.IJ1e,'· he say!! .. omYllIm.e desill.'W. j:;i:ck;kier <l..sses. SiUII.~ SlFd~egy.. Mo. ..~ recellt~y. gn <I 14 F.eiJrmllry ::>pe(;lCh m ... -D:ENNIIS N:O:RM.,lltIE .~ !;!..flpOOO big ph,,Uilt'!fl ijlw~SIITlG-Hlllx:r(lrre the Imd 1;1 !lV(l ill g l~e fi sCftl 2'00 7 budge I. :_:;'lI;lcond
h~wc bcgil,l~.,to shmVC'.&-.;~ our imlOV!Uiolm'll. BHl VIle 1.11,1)' Sli~ ~ end up I[!O[ ft!l.llyreap,I,Ill.!;llhe

number of hHliv~.du~I~:S;w~s 1 ~lllrgerin:s:'I-lIervie\"'S h~,veggtten ob.I iqlle support IroJ~]111.lgOiumn Meng. a and f.bu:n,der of medical device maker HcahhSTATS. In a January Ssrairs Ti~j~r:,~' artlcle .. Tin1,j!: ..~rguedth11[ S~ui1lg~r(ln~'s researchers .tre"plIltung Ole cart beto:Die liu~ h~miilii by (w~rI.{)[)ki~g d~1;> rm~r leal r;'!}'(l·fi!sof research, "As ~ narien nud ,u; illd:~vi,d1n,a:ls.we

"""':D@vidLane. Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology B~ngkok. Il3ciji.~g,.Seoul. Sh.fungi:li,d.•<l-

pore. and rd.kyo--.,.re ~I:dl.g 1'1.'1:\'" :str<ll-egie.::o

.. WorM Bank economist be: and <co- ,HI Ihor J(,IOlfU Nabesbima areimpressed aJ hOW' q uk::ldy Si !'!gartlf€:~~l~ put ~nglOi~h~r aniufrast ruenue rese mol :itng,t hlll of San [) iego and Ot1'nCili~ull spmg, Bi)I.t~l.~' nows l_h:H r.;;:~an::~ ~:m.dge~:!l1.Ireriii.i n, .,,t",Bml:S A s.j",.• md (Y~11erri\'<l.l.s Ih;jiv~ bi.oli(,el'i ~U'~~""'£lt~~, ··\Ir,~~t.:n !ii11[imlH.;:mg~T into lhi s bus:im:ss .. lliffi.\i 'wi II thOll.lIf1ec:t!~le oth~iI'l'.' PH)!'lPC,(:'~s'?" l'i.; ;;li~ks.As for Sif!gopt'ir(l·.
S hfl~kil
YU~Ui~' sa.~Is;lhfdl

fur eommmi.cgmwtil~

depend ou the success of Biopol is ~.lKIi~agers. ]keeping ]n $Iilni or sci elmti sts W olied to the islflD1ld. Lane "'~y3 11(,; i:I::~ move hac Ie [0 w Dundee <It the 'end 01'211117, '_'11~]OUg,1,l !meplans ~o spell.d "cansiderable time" in SilJi.!!l1"llmrefor r~€"@.!\:lliI.f~nd ~ldvis;{;; A*S'ff\R to

~pkl d~v.e.iopmc.!u inbi.omedilc,d science is ~no Ih~J·or!;" ql~II;lFiti()!l.MISe h


One ~oomiu.g uucertaiury

~s whether

B io])Ol is ean A '"STAR

('fll~lt:~r!U!; ~I:Sp~ .. on enr lr.U,~C~tlfY

,,\I.uthmlil [he el1lel':gy of Yeo., wJr'n.D stepped dm~jn

l; el1:;tir on

Ilir. hO-\\i!Gver: He

wm c~<tir an ,Hnl






Hlot m O!'!@)!. F!1JS!!ltlrcher:l. tire ~I'atliU!ri;lIlg eu rre!:li(.}' .... i!I.cros~IEumpe alnd testing jh> cNail1'NOlfllellit .



fl,,!.IM.CY has





nOI. folded :iJ11I1~O w<l1let Of cru1!ill]~]ed in .1 ~I IH~kcI. !11C ~ypief•. ,620 bill C.;iUl p,ao:;,j"; between ~

htillldr~d~ [l,f hi1nd~for abgl~T ~ y~fir b~fure getting recycled at. <I b<l~,k. 1.n1, lhii,~ 1.illDe. it moves '~H'i(I\~gJI1eV~r}i of ~tlt;~~lty, pUrl from l~~ v,rt"<IhhiY to lhe~u:J.empIQycd. Ih.uwheiJle most
scientists see ~I sy,U1I.~,bolic ~lIlildr;u~'~ng !)~lci<lll

phenomena, SOfy,d sees a eeuon-paper f~h:er

ideal roll" spongiml!g up chemicals, And

because of U'a.eway [11m eleetrons ~Ire s'tIrllJ1I1£ fH~oCo(:~irl!;l~ C·"I11.')()I!l fp;IIH~. be says. h ''';billds perl'e{;!,I~f to the f~bell'S.''' One ,e:x:p]f1Il<lt]on for the ,,ddlcsflr,e,itl.d con(<'I!n1i:rrmlil~n ofrmper currency is [lm'l eeeuine b; efteu snorted up'IJle' lmt>cl.hrml,g~~ u.l~ledup bms.m:id I~!OII sorting 11l:!Lt;hines in b;_~DiI,ks cause cro&s ~"Ont!l~i~lat~on. '<'We n;:~a.~ly km'l d

PU 8 LI C HliEA lT11H

Hard Data 1010 Hard ID'lr',ug:s" Gra'bb,e,dFromthe IE:nvirolnlm'e'lnt

F'i,e~dWOlr,k in newilil!lIid fas~-glrow~nl!gl ilIlI"eolS;of epidelm~lolegy
fl. faml~ll'ffiailrin!f wiith

knm,r f~~: ~~r.e s ye'I~"

dence so fa r supports


SO~g~t b'U!tl)J: evicarry

d<l)fS. he Ifill~d tt~ s !Itl~.e lIiI,nn:j ority of

mr~~ b HI,sfrom of

E \! mpe<lll ban ks these


this story,. 11m, typh::a:11 a

Irequires wilds





of coc.~hrgt::. (he A

sewer Umles

cont.nH~.U1<'lted bills. Jlln::nn I ,~[I.:2!O is ~ypiC<lUj' ~0::1 d ed wirth ;;'I1"iHUld! I 0 mic flO:g rams o f C oc" ine .\'vhi ]!e lin.e resl usual Iy have 01lhu 1'11-


~nidn~g~~wh,c:!iI G~r~~!~~ur~t'lfor' Sr»lnid

11Ibin Germany,


Back ~H 'th~

Fritz. Sorgell and Verem,OI, Jakob \:\I'I~,k inro .,

chic eeektail hm:. S.dl:lol1l the ea~,y si,d!e.I~~e

t~;ley"l,1e:xIT.Ic:t the ehemiea I residues. tj~ath[li~f·e adserbed 10 each buU-a

r,l~cl:i is hare 1)1'begi:lrnll~I.g fi~~i I~,!~,e 'i;y}];' to ""'r

ical d[entc:lc of YOi.L n g., h[p Spaniards. In~lall:i~l!:l'themselves O~ low couches .. the pair scan the drinks Ine'n"Ul. "W~ia<lt I n::aUy Wfl~l[ is .. phlrl O(l~fudo:·Si~ys Shfg(::~\M~,lh feeling, Ret,m~1,ing f:mm,llhe bar.,IlI,e looks def~''1~d. "Ol'lly d!f~k~ui ris,' You prohab~y \\:ou!ldn't guess 111,11 QJtgcl S

process th.u d,=slw;"S the Irmm:y. butmere

on that later,

compml'I,1,ds t~m

lbm,J:Sf~rtl,ds; of be detected, S.Burge.II~::l

d red'th tlfthaL ,I Th~m;)!'l~~U!US. :ro :Jm~i!l t1~U l(l u e omp'" red w:uth the ly pic: ,I~ l I] O~:1ll.1,~.1 ~ignnll,1, Iine th<llgoes up .. nose.) fOlr 1 yeil!11i, SQrge! has been pl'lyilli,g the P[~rt:onhf:: mmf)y:ing touri sr, buying bottles or \v,ll:er with ,€ H~(I bills in evel:Y Bmow;:,m
c:mIJltry .. btui~,dJing a cont i nent-w ide map or ~uC~hlC use. There have beea some ~'llnsl':

mlid ~ako'b. c~vimllinnc~1U:l,1 ehermsts who have been vl,~orkha.ssince dawu, <~re still O:iiJ, Ih~ job. lndeed, d~t>,pih; t~~1;l' r.~Ig:le l ~b~~t;;1~0~ th:~ \;:uro c~Lrrc'ri~Y ~en;)~~ EunJP~. E~lcb 'C'Q~Ulof p,i lila co ~adas, ge'ls 'W hat he's rea Uy try's circuJatins stock cfbills is bflComuDilg ~lfl~r; S1Jl~~~li&hbiHt'l ~Il ~Ncha!~g~!br criti1Jl ~ t;"Il~Jtami !~~It,~dw~il~t;:(i~.ui!w !f~rG1mtr:r![~'" ~~.!1 di (i'em'ilU!~l€ ~(JO note •. ].1 kob carefu I ~y:)'IUirM"'Q5m·i il,g (;(J(;,Jille Ol1 '[bem~n!;ly ~s pm"l of rels away t~l.e ch~] in 11 pIBlSI&c: lure. ~~riti~, new clUm to study th~ flhemmu~ffiI.O:ffiI, a the l'inal sampl~ng gf'the day done. they drug use bynrming to rheenvironmenr. b[tl;!lI.t he a sigh ofrellief, Epk~em~ologh;tsl'n;a'\IC s.1fuggled lO geta quan-

looking for one: :1llI.~ir;,HI]y~I;)«:nzoylecgo:ni,:~.e'. b~,U!i;r known as c~]c~.iml,l;::_ .~tS been known sincethe ~]lid~98nSll~.1It ' 1 t:'n([!'inl,;'resid~~1;; '~nm~mkl<!~~'" p.~p~f urrene Sorge.IJflJd others me'laki.n1g, advantage of 3. IUIHml! cxpcri.l~lcllitIJuu bC:!;l':'\!iln i 20010 with the silfludnmeol~s :iln!~!"OO.lIc'tionef


shaves on lh.i5 trill. suchas when J<'Ikobw<ls !'m;pllcWd()f beeause uf u ~~u~pieious hm~p under he'D' s.ilJirl----'\,!!rhicil. was the l1lo~cy. (S i'lrw;l. In~n~~d to. I"a]k ~' v3yal,ilt ~ 01:[11011 one,,~ B11!~:ks !wi\.'(' (ijlli.11I:iC'i> b~L1':!m~p:h,,':itiut> w~.~n Sotg~]1 asks to 'exc~all.Bie\l;:<'Ids, 0 f bi I is for 11 is


"Silj,ldy (~f'~(J~~i!lG." b~~tth~'Y fllll>.o

h.. \'~bt;1i,;:~


~.'" tremely help flil. The

l;iU ire PifOjecl. would h~\.'{l been ,11:liIo,'tl1italCtc,r :~f iii. Germ)]<Inbank ilhad

not 'Ig.feedl ~)(Iredeenlil~heflllililJ:ie'€30.IJOO, .. ner I!abon~wry testing. T~~.eeoesiae is detected


"[1':s so stressful ahv,ays h'l!i.'l:ng. mworry

<IIbmlllhe i~l()al!ey."sa)l s Sorge!. [rli':~ iWle: for Ille:se1lrci"~1ill NureiLube'r~.,

din:!t:tor ofl:he

Bionli!J~dk~~[~nd Pl~~rm~c(,lu~ieml

rd~ni,ng ~(l the borick of n~\ . Germ~m bm~ .r \!!'ordl ~310J)On $.~Hl.OOO~ th<ll J~kob. his Ph.D. sl.1:Jd':::'!ffit, h:as 'blli:~11C~Ir'Fy~n~ .in @ s,¢ciI'ei: pod,l:i: ~mder he~ ::;hilrt since they <lnived :i!ll Spa in a f~w d.fLiJs ;;!.g'O. I~.I h g'Q~ I:he f in~titJUtC'n:il out anuek. ~y:s Sor1o.oeL ~ ~u ,I fi:\lI! days .. f'Iin.~ywiU l1,aveeK<cho:!!ffi.giild all ~)~. th~

'Germany. nil:'s

t~tmi'l'e view of drug use for decades. But the tra dit icnal cl;),la-40m;. of dlrugs seized the ~U~lOOI' of~(lp~~ M:~ki.n,g lrofuUneJII!~ ll~~icfar don •.dil'llg"rebledi :n:n,ortRlity. ;mud res:jKliJrn~!Ses, to dn~g-m;~ ql~~s'[~U!m.dr~s-"r'~ bhu,ed .~nJ j:lii1i!.ch), •.S<"II)':;ltoilerluF<inefM. <I tmxkologiHt at the J\I[n~.·iQiN~gri blsritu!lfl: for lP~l~l1ImU;{)kJ;gklll Rle~.}[!;.~h ~rnNlilan. h.lIy. Il)f lintenrQg,ning the

a device


led a mass $pec~lfo.m.eter. b!JI t


,~S,I :rm,%e~h:n~.ollxdhlO

extr a et llliie Sl· i:


cl~.;:mic~1 !i\';s.idiu(ls,nllu :Jm~~k~ll~~ look ~ biJ~$

i~ ;),Isoloosens l~~ ml;ll~~ml." I u~~d l(l check .~~ni~,s,t ff)i l'Ol~rI"' leJ'fe]l nm,onc)'. Soa'lle~ t."xl~~taJnges,lill,ebHls ~br criSp~le\:v mon~y.n;J;ld I:b~ birtilli: rCL--ydes the treated ibiWI:s. f\hhoWLgh Sa:rgcl'f;; :5htdy of m;~.oney is til.;; bjlme~lal1d1 lon:;!.esl:~rtlilning. .il ~s,mll:lhe on1]}l one, ~lmU~~p:roj~c~s 'lJ~{,kr'~y e~$~wltere ""re
c.lrisp otr:Jcll cleanl ilLl: tlbf' cn(l but .orgl

~ ~
I:: II! gj


ro.'1Lhcr th~ll lhe pcopk:,. be


")-oem can obt:l in d.'lel :iu r1:'d,llinu:'" Ihat :nre :lImt ollnly obj0C[j,'!ie but ills.:) "'nllhe!! atri(l!'dlabl~."
VOL.316 SC ~1c;NC~


'0 APRI L 2007

W'oWI. s<::iem::eifnag

i!il E~I['ore. Of~dthe colleC'd'v~ ~hlH~ ,fldd~ng are [I,P roaworryingpicture. lu 1:U'e'bnd.~Of
examole "people have been in denial dml ~helieN ~~ cocaine problem," :->.IY:-;jOl1liltimn Bones, an i;l1i'il irol1l'l'U~1I1iHI.~hem istat Dnbl:il nl, e eit)l Universiry (DCU~. BU'~he ~md fellcw
DCU d~('I'I1~SDr~,tt Pllil~n h~v~ tlt;'enn!ild:~I,g B
$llm(l l~f Ihe


dlr{'ll~g.~~hechy C(:!~ler.9~nd there meets Ith~ two nmnic:ip'l~ wasU.'nM'<'Ltf:'rn:-eatinemI)l<lnls" For thei!!' FUIl:llI. s!!lrnp]cs, S5:rge.1 di,pped right irll!Olheompu~ ofoue eftheseplants, a trk:k.l!e ina SCunl:lll.~y gI,.lHcy •.
Siirse~ 'li~1fI!sw 'ldmilllisl:er'1 d'lf!JIg rest 10-


r'I;iSl;;~~fC~.ers~"~y~hl;y;.JJ~ p'tmhl!:!:

l~e~ed1nlijqlueOlm, filrm ex:periment.-tl ground. Sorge! UDlC,S, lh::1l. abeur Sitton of eecaine is


Germany .. a cO'~H1n-}'

11m.()iI.l.~no have 21 "moderate" t dru~ pl'{)h~el"l~ C:OInp .. red to ,m~,er!\. ilm Europe, Based on ~~is

~'lInimltion 0.1111 euros fnllll Btl b11 's b"'Llltks. 1.11 ill,l oue C'1I~(ii, I 00% ~lfa :;.amrl~ (If45 bi I ls \..... t~ co,atedin cocaine, lfillle'Y have recently ana-


o,f'~(lC<lii!l1,;; Ct:lml~

the emlre dlY. The 1nt:'I.:iL'bolie hYI~nldtbet of COC!.ii ne, ~~ I) "gy~~eg!.liWi ne, is ~h~ iTh icaUy e
'U nll,Cluei:1lll

the ell\.'broli1lml,]e~,lt 1I11,lei brea ks down

m{~~~~win "'~Mlm W.I~~ill~;->

.;:b,,,'ly. U:i<~n.,gh~ t

~he:m,all w be Ic::om,U11iuillJed" Themain advantage of ~1,sili'lig money ill ~h~ttir's qllick and d~,ny:l.nMeild of nu~JIning ~J~)luml a'lh3~ltti~ '~(H~l1try ge'~ ~~) c,h 001(: thJ~~iUU(e,"li'es.e~rdhe!S ~n data. "the rnoney does il for us," s,~ys '$lP;;li 1'1 !lim tg drug!-te~t a iii enJ I~ dly. Sorge't Paull is eoufideut duu bis d,UII "IW1Il lemi.t <I ··'i\/.unimls.i~,S~:t'· ·~~.l.u ~: reland has 3. S!C'!I:i eus J ru g problem, b~u he S1lyS that lIiIl.'1I1y m1 k[jo~\"111sm:i_1 ke i~ d ini~LU to t!1llll1i;lmht the d£Llm into {11~1~1I'i~ It l:iHUiw ~tilt:!i;im~:!l!l~.ibo-ut dn~g use. He and Bones <lLFt": u'ying 1:0 nail some of ~hem dm!,tIll. for example, to put a rare OJ~ the aatural dcgnl.{ii~ti.oll orc,oc:lIJne 0[1}'. Paull andBenes are [l,p,ikmg 'ell rebi II s Wilh varyi rig iH1:iI.OUnl'S ef'pure coealneand inc':l[llbaiiwg th~~nwinder
com:m Iled cend itiens,

Iyl."ed it!: ns o

bill\! i!lfid iIS~.infound,

llls, baseline" he ean esiim ..te t~~.e<lmQuut of coeaine thn~ p'!~~5 rlmHmg~ theentire POP~!11llnO,n1I.Rflptm~ i[IS t1m.e p~)Ql"tldlire <It i.:Il.terv<ll:s should reveal dl'1ig 'COIl:OUll'1lrni.on i~ a rixed from rivers ~l'f'Id wastewater ~H Il'ieiUimi!tI. m:ros~ G~rrililiuIiIY. t~~~$tii~~la,t,~~ l~:<IiGerm1lns now commme 011 the omcl~er f o 20h:m~ (~~;' if;;'Qc~in~per )', S~rg~1~ dnt.] suggest an upward HC'Ild. aad indeed.jhe countr}"s m~d~Ti{lmlliw.l ic,!w~ of dnJg abuse have ,aUuiilcre''Ist::d iareceut years, "The
29 methods ~re wUlf'!:!,~· he j;ays_

f;) nel Ii 1.1<IS JIilOW L1LI nted for eccaine resldueslu tlw \"~!\~!;;)\V.,1[I~fS orlLo!ldon and of:l ugan:o, So wi !2ler.!3 lUI. a populae I~ilrty dcsunatiou ~o:1i".h,aH9n~Durist:li;. Heesrimates r~,.n Laudon's d,lilj' coealne coU:I~s;umIHuo~~ o:~ rhe order is ef ~ k il,og IrI1llITI for every I I'Iililll ~m'l peQ..
ple, He :';~Iys ll~js ··.r~~l~'(lH~bly[r~:!ilS];;iJ~~~" to cocaine use .Hn~lng4% uf Londoners 15 10 30 years old, O!Th'iciaJ

O!u~'~!leo~I~,f~~i~gaetls lhfll t:h~ f ran k of avera ge 0 f e oC~ii, e n round on euros From di fferen;t (.1)'lI ni:ries Hll~Shl.:y ,)tc,~1;$ the l:<lnkil1!S (~r iQ:r'I ,)1 'm1~ ~la~ dmg problems by the .f: .V:.s, U"fLdhiQa~,1 s'Unrey·b;J~ed staristies, Sp;~~:n i:1I1 is the lead, toU.owed closely by :~udy. with. [~I aad itlmv C'fl[C]JJ iilg I.rp_ B~llt I:I!lThcki Icontam,i"U!<L ted money ng if; on ~y one r~iI!! of the e~lM."'l'l'il~ulo,gy story. Al1er.cocaine enters the noslr~1of
a dm:g 'U~alil,d J~]r.;:~se~. whh th~lh:miI)1; chem is'tir)' for .1bo!JI~. an liHJur. i,~is modu~ fkd by ~.~.l!':ym~~i~ the liver ~nd washed eu D. of lhe blood by the lk.:i:d~eys,¥ou can gueSis wh~l'~ it ~l'id!i, up lh,;:,>;t,[fig.ur~ a~ ,20/", "So we know we're close to the real Figy re," he s'ly~. FU]1,i;;!: I~i's team 1'0UI'll d si mikn' per c~.pit.t1 coc ..ine loads, in r LU,g~.~lO·Swastewater, but there lh~y also esrended ~:he's.1imp]i'Ii1.!i! over sev!.:l ~aIU!l'n;~!il~hs. reveall ng: ~h~ \'.u ria t i(lu by day of the wed .. N.lo,lI1.dZl.YWaJS consisteatly the low point of cocaine

esrsnares pm

con su mpt ion. says Fil:llll d,] i'~'f~,ei·e3s weekends were tY~1,ical, 1'1 ,30% lO 4{1% hli.ghe:r th:::lml, the '\"'eekday ,1IveIilge.1lnd double I~~t,

US ,-basedreseare
the trail ","S,well, i1n!l'!.l

he r:'O hot on ~.U(:


but some are mn:nljl~£

harriers. Jorg Rieckermann,[ltal ehemist ~l San Di1eg;o :S1~lC U~.~"l::'rsilyin C'alijtluni,a •.llii.a£.~'II'Qn

g:etl~rai~hie area ~n Iilill dl,j'Hlil n:o~ :>~aSD1mi1l.1 d ~ps,~owee~elad SI)~les.,


Fllll~mpi!J~\~~~ii;;d ~,,"i;h!mi~I~!~~:II.2005 ~h~to; h

slmly OfWl!l:f;:r from th1:l'Ptl River f1e:-dJ Mihu~,. I.l~:i\gl'\o'l:il.pwm. sll:il.dying lhc pcrsist:e~IIC::C of
leg:<l!~. h'Jr!l.nm'::e<lu:iC"1~5inl!! o](Il!i.ldc c:nvironp d
Il:1il,~nthe S:fIYs""lbUl~;lmCfl •.

research gl',HlIl from~he Swiss Se~cne~ FOtL~,uil!u[or.i O~~lrv¢jI D cocaine co:n,laml:i'Ul.<I.liolli :in. \\l'~Is:tewil,lel'. He StCII;1~~~d ~:~~I)Ieg[1 ft)f his ~1!ullySi~;;;. th~ S bt~t


hmo. furbidden

hi ~'il~, fUllin laking :~mn1ple:.",.


The' seW'i!:rs dO:III't Ue ODil.e mgrni~lg l<li~l mmllh. Stllrgei O'IL~d.JCllkob \.'II\e'Ili. hi'_gin, lip 011 ::I narrow. winding i:Ol! ..c11 ,U~~, ~he SietnJ. Ne'\~atb mouIlIlOJ.ins. dodging \1]1hlger'S and\\lIJJod~IKllIlin! donlkcys 10 n':'OIch ~he pri$lin.,;. pr~sumflMy coe:ah'il!l,;!-fr..:~' l",s:lm.mvm.ell Stl!eOlU1.S l:h:u. feed the Sp<!Ullish ,e ity
:~ (;~ulitdlf! 1,0 ·~.~.le. S(l~.'t.h.. I.\t" S.'I.mi.n .bridge .~ <Ii glou;~y tImok.. they d<'lln,g~.e<ll ',~uc-hn,ed <
'~ Ilcli 1lI~.o thC\Vflteli,

been bn::'wJ:ng


Sep't~n'ilber 10U6. when ,egly



'b.!"i~.giJ1lg up hvo ~i.Q~jr]IP k.s ~h<LtJakob :sealed in bottll::is ;wd h\beled. From lh~r(;l th,,), :>;"dthcjr w;;IY hack

foUmving Ihe (rCIl.l~1Ri,\'cr .~ "i'ii'~ we'lmds d~rough suburban spnrrwl, ;.'Ires

'~ dmll'll to GI<lml(!;l.

I,canu::dlhm m n::pres;enuuivc oflho(:,: White v,<! I'CA~Uzed that w,e c!(l!,tld dc:~el~ other drugs O1swd r' ]t is ··cmU~ ]-i]ouse'~ On·.ice ofN.niollal Dn~£ O:mtro] p~:e~ely I]ooven'" t hal coc<Lil1e C'UII. be,ed PoliLcy (ONDer) \.\':J.nI;ed s;unpl,es ofS;m in tl~~t;1)'lIirtfl1JlHf.):lH. hG !Sf!}I&. ~mdnuw ~h~ Dk;g6:~ \J!;.r~~~I;,,\"''a~~r, ONDCP POOl'S s~crB~<.!!r}l Jemrufer de V;,1,II~nt-e ~.. id tlmat ttl!:.' study !>lZlrled II,nore d wn'cuh ~<1skis "how to use~These d<lta for dnl:; i,;:p id.emillt()gcy." Tro~~hHij!~ ;j.mifil~~t~ about :no )'ear fly(l ~l1di~ custi!'l~ Ih~ olHetl <lnd n m:tmn~ll,gs igmd in the eun:vimllil1ml,elll 100 about $.20.000. S:mnpl.{'~'l.:I'ml'eooen ool~ecled i 00 p~r~jcip:Hing W"S[e\wt~r its ultim'lte :t;OUliCe' n;:qlJin;: !';, ~n~!lY iII~~UTmP- from, .'LIbO~I,t :~ tiO:I1.:l,.lrae Si~lys,"sl.llch :tls: the perce.IDIt.,ge orthe 1'3cilu~ie.':!<!i;ro~~,heUn~,tedl Smtes. she :ii<1jfl'l. t oocfliflCI:~~U is mmet,iba'lli zed b~ the body .u1!d gellcrating o:lbtml 5.00 S.I)li1li1!Jples whh:h are .• the aHlQ!JIJU dmt 6S dc,simded heron: 11 fI:<'I:c::hl:::! beill1,g <Iml~yzed <11tbe Offiice ofd1.e A.:If,~l,~:ed d1:~~l'!1p.~ing 5i~e." Forces M,edica] EXllmi~f;)r. iI)J ltock vine ..

science mag.!JlI"g

SOllie! i'IlIc.~ VOL 316 1

6 AP RIiL. 2007

O~h(;)rsh3W h~rd Oli!b:IU~ ON DCf'~, pl,ioject. "People from, the Whi~e House CO.UII~ U,Lclotl .nm.Csoon :In:erUII.~y ::WOtS study or~l'n.c Po River," ~;!ys If:melli, "They pktnw s;ulI1ple
\\1'3S~.C'liVil.ter l'h~S1C lB~yO!l<illlhG: 1.(-.1'1. sewer ~p'id~~~lit1I,(]1li.s.ts (~J;:

righl places," says fa~!le'lii

w~~,i need 1~1.ehelp ef'social scieutists

tlinu:<llTIIjlll.gfllU,i cenclusiens frOlllnl their

te dG,<~w

Ir'~)lIb]ic concerns can be



snesand p~lb'Jish

1;] report,"



mcUladi; can be S'()'~h;d l~P to


••g ~V'~!:,;l]t hou :!i,~!~d" WaSk'llV~~er lr~1!! un t;; mJ I ~ phlll1t5 acrossa C::O'LI'Ullry.says, F~nel:n. "sewer ep id~mi()lgg)," \111'~ nOOCI;_1'1i11~ <l fi~ldi~i~:; own riglil~. Btu $eV>ern~, lcclinJrn.ic:a~, I:e~ ]l~1I8lf:~rsl; hurd

s .dn:OIdy track sh~rr~~1:1 dtllmliolqg i:i'i1.'il the EUnYpe<ll:J MOm! iwrim g Ct:"l~ ClI"uut'ile patterns, ~tIlH;:omc,11(11 pollutiunin 3 rre for i[)rugs fIIml Drug AdJiclion ~;:1J1I Lisbon •. 10l[;,:e'lubm:l l"f'mfIU::fIi,-m~ v;'if!l]I!,IS the da i I)' 1I1o~v Porl:!!II;'<lt "but ""'e must bring [hi...:lit) ih,e next of w~ite!liI)'fi"O~.g:~~ ~l!i(l'L;~ aad il:I;!:WltU'S" PI uggi 6'lJg IC'~ld. wili,;'I:~ the' (,~chlliqu~s arc sll;lindal!'di".t;~d 3'11d pr'{lductn-,g p~t\r~revj~\i,ll,\\d iUpgr~ ..' · i11\ ef~v ira ~lH'~m~11dlrliig. d ,H,j 'Colildn U oW treseardu:,rn~D"t;Cm:e" cemmunities ill ~enl'lJll()if lr:h.e first ~'onna,1 ( ~o camp.nle
··dr\!g"",~bm;~I~vl;ll:->." S;l}j~ B,~rbU!"dTt."l~lP'~ l~kL" secial <LI. te Center :Wor .rug !!Use d D

"':~1m2lVe: doubt thm these d~ltOl,lre Ine"dll" no ingfu]," s!lysNmncrlFrost. chiefdrug epi~

m1te;;;wil l eome later th~

~l{l~lt~~, ~ll:!li~g;I!~:~" P

be d.r;'!!red. For 0',1:1/;.", researchers L!~£!htly d~.fferelH methods, W~,e[ie<Js So[g;e~ uses,
apsrreum rlver \:Wlh;:r for eantrel salll~.ples" Fanelli uses sterille ..deionized \\,'lller."Those diffcr(lnc~~ (~~~!l~.i'Lve$,i~;I)ifjco:'lm effects ,~~ the results," :!ii'I.YS Sorge!..:so ··sla:n.d< the' methodsis erineal,"

and HI V Researc h :~i~ New \ro;rl thy. And huming rOlf ciIJfrda~i'oll::! between dnl.g lead IU1Jd. other i\('jd~~.puhllie: hca lth, and ,eco.nol'1Jillic factors Imy reveal useful risk rnedidOlcs,llil'lt su far ~l!!V~ been Ub~Cl!rod by U~~ ~(]lisC;:i in the eOlti;mmll)t~OI~can
I.Cl 11); toeus

enJlg a snmilll~.gJI'Oll']l od;'i,lJ1It{;nmaIDJon:nl drug:~<IlblJre rl:c.'geOlr!;:h1iiJ's f rem v'lfiml5 field!' in USl1{l'll. on 16 Arpi~i 1.0 discu5>.'> ,euvin'Onme.m.d dill!;! mOIIL1 ~ClI:ring,lh~ ifirnl. 1I1l~.€-~lin~onts !kind. 'It wm I~ "'J'Im. open discu ssion," says Ems I;. covering ~\'\;':ry~hi!l~, frunl rmOllyli.eOlI [~~1tUl!iq~i~$ toit'ltf;)·'
gr.l1ioo ",",iill] dle
:s<..1C~3~ sciences.

<Ivai ~<I.bled~1tJ, 'Fi Ildung the hot spots, or d r~Lg

i"CSOUI'ce£ i.I.1

-~O~N BOFill. NN(IIN



The World Thlrouglh a Chlimp,~s,Eyes

A. tI"vel. tllUil'e e'tmli1l,Q aSis~mb~!e,d~lilil.'~ wo,rlld's leadhil!g~hiflk.er5alb'OlLllt drimp ,(JwJJlt;I!In:~,h:n~ls,

t1~ern,eeliIiS. 23 to 25 ~'bm:h. covered. .. broad ri!~lgc of ~Opi.C;5 fm!!mJ ceop(;:[;!Lt:iu!) UJLd ~Q!ll!l1l~,ullic-mion 'tO~UI,I~se aUld u clIl:lm,ie. expel"inffilcm.1I oosig;m .. 31],d coaserva-



aJn~other hE!ll\lIdy 't)(l,ii!!s:

H'lry.Andsli.1!"prisi!1i!.gl)I, lil 'w~s th~ n,;~1 one to focus selely Orl,~h,eeegn itive <lbi:llities (J,r our
n~~!"t:S1RI1m al f~~~1ives ••• h's amaz i

'C:IfII(AGO" IWlNOI&-h'$

:scien.ld"~c meeting ('~ui~~~ur~s~,~r'Che:rsP;liil[·IH1'{)[i~g Ii k.!;: chi:lrnlp<l:IJ1I.ze~g. but then "The Miud of the Chimpanzee" conference :~l.e'ld beri':' $11 the Line!.) In r~tk Zoo I'l::lt weekm <lrked,]m re o~;('a:suon in i.tse~,f.Fo:U'olfllly lfulcl.fuI,:~rdl.illle III ,2{I Yf;;U1'>. the zco bos teda meet iIlg ,It brotlghllogether researcherswho sHLdy chimpi!iln~!;';e.~ ii'll t~t: wi~d and iml Ihe~<lhur!i~

not ~'l,I~ry~y that :). d ,(~pel'l!'lt\'rnth .J momllul of



S01III,d p:uoneer.i~~g fie:lld resea reher Jane Goocnll'~t one of .,'!:pproxinmld.y 300piil:nk:ip'l,nl:-O "1~hemeeting,,"\Vr; 're wlkin,g abour tbillgS ~,a\v t~{'It.1 couldn't UI~l\:ilI.bomulllhe ·"j,Os. Wr: co~ddrl:l; even talk .. hom the chi IIIpan zee u~.ind heca us e ,c::~.:ilnil, zees pan

d ~d '1 have one." mJ

t~ndn~ld~'lmJh.,,,,.; ore e fr~l~ltl~ilI!l M everis made to porqJe ive the world line \V"d)' thst c~.hup!u'D~',C'.s,do. II!; opposed to !>hnply !:I1ddng how e l! Ilil.ei r ibfh<l,vior m:ilrf(1iL'S own. (IUr

die el'Ld~illg ago," said Rkh,u:d Wr;mgham. :lim, <llUhmpolog~sl at I:brvllrd u.~,~\!C.r$:i.ty who for 2'[1 >,; studied w~ii~d ehimps ill Uga',ld<l's Kih .. ]e 'f'OI:"('$L . 'h's ~]s i~i~ of a !llo;'!lttri~l,g n,~~d. VOl! have teclrnical brtlliance <lind tremendous i~:~,Ov.;lt101m, in ill. wide .m:~,ge ofareas," The ,cm'illu:I!,ld~~ enGel of ~hll:: tOl~k::;_';llliiimy oh.lhichullcludad vii:it'CCIl> thatl!i::w pe(lIJ,.~ell~ld 5ee~-rO\\'e.ffuU}' demonstrated that new im,i~,t1ts <Ire (:omilnuil1~ 10 I'e'{ilr.!w the dii'l1od:ung I,in~ hl;lt\\,~~D11lH," al1ld "them,' And ulle clear " theme emerged fron'lllhe b]endiug of laberaCO\\'iJoy enl of lI:'I~ay[Je2

l iou of rhls end~lnSili;rl;,;d. pecies, s dilJeL'ellt qun'llhyofscielliC>e frem

"[fs awhe le


IBeY!!iml ,c!!i'fii'I;pare'
~l~4;.";f;;lcg'""Org~ni~f;lI·; kick~ having

A~~~ l.~)'~ EI ~~!b~'!ll ~h~ i LU1Jt.;d~lf1\.• 1 ~~~~t~roil' lh~ !T!!;ie'ting by

lhc p!l[ticip<lIlt1l: give ,c<lch other

"p:rop~rd,limp gl"e~llng." s,~eimwdall'e.d KYO~(l 'Unu\fcir.>ity"S TCt5IJIIll' Mms.ulil\V';!. one: ofthe ~w rC'sl!<MChers ,dlO Ml!dres,oo~h wiLd HI:ui, C'ap~·ive c.imimp,mz(!le!),. M3iL'iU7..:3W·"','s talk lrepllhe <!IJLdi,~ ~!le('panjcip~tifm i!;lv~l high. Cilh.:iUlilg~oud "oohs,'"' '·"',~,lhs,··":MJd g~1.I"faw:s. MntsuzmWIiI de~<;t'ri'l~'tI tltt;rnlll!~~erk1is'kilis uf ~tdlvmpmt:Zetl I mm,~ed A i ~md her son A~/ilJjlmul. wi1.() ~iVf! .1:1. lh,e ~mivli::nd[y's P'rim~[~R.e:li:ea,~'dl ~m;tit~1.[c in KyQ'~Q. ,ElWI ikl~ng OlmJ 'wurk he fi rstreportedi Ii N~~mn: yCI;Ii]".~a.!ilO'be S~~,{lwcd v~deos of '7 Ay wll1m.u~~cSi;mlg.atnl~ch·'sC::I,'ee:L1IllO:lm iwr LU select th~ I';,'illdomly dh;pk~d numb(,'ffi O~:~~~lu,gh ., Y
'0 APRI L 2007 VOL.316 SC ~1c;NC~




~ ; ~ ~



ln <ls~i;:~dj.f!.g]rd~r.Hc then repeoll;'i:lly per( formed;:1 more difficult 'f,Uk9llion onlbis rask, i.n, which the numbers VI.'Crel1l~~i>ktxllwilh white blocks shoir[ly OJ!fl"f4' Ihe)¥ were il;j:-;he;(1 [lnlhe screen. ·'No mll:: C'>!11do tlmli;." ~~lC said, pro:r,rin"l,g ll1e iK'iL~:r';!lith <I.l1il}nriQl~'S dip of his gmdmne students :ra.iHng tbe ~xt"r·ci:s~with oldy f'r.uJr se U[.e rs ,;~.~ ~~ IT! ~~ ti ng d
(I n't:f(HI lmrl g:u in g clues t,o SO!lmIi: ofthese,.........OInd urged the.ur >CD.I i.C!lgrtlt:5l0 keep a chi mp.;()enu'.~c view 'IIv~ende~~!;r[limg experimears, Kymo LJl1I.ivcrsil~,t's S~~oshi Hi:mHI !>'1~o~\lcd videos of .1 c(:)(Jpernl:iol'llesl frne de~i~ed l'l.'ith C:)lIIt.~W ~·I~ilup!:;.. [ell; I)~ae~d Ihtit i~[ hole i~.I:hc a grni.l!lII!d. il~d t~A;i'i eov1;;~dit w~th hwrS'l;l R\rl!l(::;;;.


dUll are S1I,IOO~O lrigg~r )1.1l :unvesdgationsunto cll~ul.m~1 VCI'SU5 ecc[OgiCidly d.cten.'.mlm::d be~>llIVi(llrs ..

dev~I(];Pt~ill1e'ldI gfl~

Crickii!!11'e S:i1Inz {~nhe rvf.'1x .Pfo'Ir'tt:k In~lituie Fur Evolutiun:;lry An!:~mpo.IQ;g.y ill b:~ipzig.


masked flumbev.>,. "Olif ·Cum~lPfi ;;IIn~I;S~lli'~ !lave had irnll1l.1.e~iale memo!)!; but ill the'

deiiC;~ibedltlree d~ne'rem lrug;e comehi mll~unzecs ~~(" h~s¢;~.l.en~iv(::~y ~Iudk>d \",.ith h~i'ln~~b1'nd David M'Orgari'i. tn (!:ttl
mUJ~jt~e:>r o



eVl,l~,1tk111. they

k!s~~~i. and :;itc.;\ill~~ . red

Im~glllagl.' s.'kills,"POS1Jled.Matffi.lZffilriFo'i ..

A'S diffi!).;uk'!;li! iJi5~U'I~~~~. chi ~nlee '5. me:m.ory. researchers si mi~.lIIdy have ;:uS,h<lky
h:llndlk' onlfill.1w tll~y commu l1iieate "....t h e(lc:h i
.1 \\ll1o]e 'no~ler l.e\·e1j of chimp ('mnml~Ii!k:,iHi(ln ~hf~L (Ilnrft haw the \,\/1;; capabi ~ii:ty of" 1U~~.del,'Sta.ncli:mLg." SiJ id psyeholo. gist L:i:su Pm"r. who s~.lIdie'S e~dmJXMl"':'c~ r<l~·il!l.1 expressieasnr Yerkes N2.lI.iom.ll Pri mare R.c~e~:wch C'!l':riLICI;U Enmory U~lij.vcrsit}l in I f'ul.~nl<~. Geo:l'Si~l . .P.i" de~r,ubcd ~'LIl~lbJG:cth~metric .\ihe·~~as'''lfheme eouldbe

h~lpl;:d de\ c••[led the Facial

Action Cod:ing System to' mHllen'IHndbcUe~ wha~ Ihc:y aresayi ng to e ach other with t~leir expressions .. "People have only lucked ,H pe ..k-illlre!k'i~.ty expressions," S<Jys such M, llrn.e m~red teeth dun havebeen co.~:mpilred~D the
I[H) ~.~ I dQ. Two ell! im IiIS; ~ n B{ls;'SQu, GUlirlrNi .• W,i)tcl'!. a n el~@f (r~,ck "uts., ~ ~kmtl!!;)~.~ PIPOO!l'S 11(1 P~~$ hom g:!N'l.e rc;~illf11lO generratio III b)i' 0 inervation rather Ilia n t~.3:ch~.g-a nd 'i,s (on~f,dered part I) ~ tneir ~(Illlhl~e.~· n


h~IUHUil mi]c:. ··EKPf~$~.irH~s; s are

graded k~

hon.vedecueiemed .2.2 di.lJeil.'ent ~oo:11 1999.i ne hndi !l<g\l:1rlous Iy[~es {If In .J ofl'be honey g<llheru:nl.~.lerrnl:ilte fis:Jillui.~g•. and le.,.f~ UD1ivershy ('IfSt. A:nl.a:Iie\'Vs in F~fe,. U.iK.,.irn<hs. SrI!lJu.lg;ing. rcu~"Ml1le;~."'Cr.rcke1te has dfm.e'1 1n1l!l". b~gt~g~ ~~.sing c'himpanzeevocaf'" p( to v~lo~sjob 'OHl1()kiing m~(Jolusein ."~y$Ie:.l!lJl<1tic see whether they have Ultcuil1g.s th!l~.''0'11: :~<lve way."saud Hili. PtiI,tetz. au ~t~l!X.)PClI.~JgI;SI.arthe 'U.~.:ii ersi ~}'ou·l.o\">';I, A :m.e;<;. wh o recent I}' v yet to l'eoosni~.··h'l>'1 ve~'y :UQofo'g~(;!:ct·e:d area of chin~pil.n!Zee cogali.~i.oa.1:;· sa~d Sioomnbe. "Up chimps eame and wok hls h,lll:tdl 3I~ia]n~O:llil(;it~ received I'Imc:1in. "H:tI;:·I~liol'l ITn descrJbi I:IiM d.rum~ llf1l~inow ..e:v(;'fymle'si been so d~s!fli~~Niv(:_llhey I in!! his help. ··Expcdmem@1 rWnI!,g.cillilemt:s paifD~f;$' use ofsp~Ji.~~ ~'O U'<llJ,l[ bush babies ;U .~ say.'[fs .slinmlm::··[5pOnse~ut:SIKlil"d\"'i:~ed: it's. should be cons.~deared \'e:lryc~II'C'd]y."he saidl. sire she' ~l;IS developed ..ill .Fongoti..Senegal bllring.' ] dnll'l'[ [hilnk lhm~ rhe I.~'-""I;::' M~~!lY oo~i,;101rck~ h;~\·~ h'lllg ,!&liium~d h,n (&ieoliCli. 2:3 Febn~my,p, 1063t ~ AsS ~,o,colml bea n d KI au S Z ube rbflhl.e:r chi.nmp<l.llIZflesin ~.u~ wild c(lopC!r~n.c when they Gmmlml.gJo ~lnd Fcngoli lire ~'I\''Orecc'nJ~~iy reported in the P~lm.. mry:Hm5 JrJunud (~f hUIli! for red colobus mtmkc)l~" one of their d~'\I~J!opool n~ld !llLI(';f; lll@t Andre'!;" V\f~i~t:~l, n a C'rm~t)m'(It'i!'f! Psydlo/ ()g',!'.~he}' OIn,l ~y.z,e d Il~vQu1:1:e1l1.1e'~l:;.rd,lr~~rd Ulluvel'S"~ty's Ian Gilh)' cvo!wt:t iOmH'l p~)'chol(lgi s't .Ill the Un~.v-e]ffiit)' ill~ upt~~t~ ohjll~l'~ an vOoC~II~~lliOl~l': :i1~i;;I'i:;;C\l.ll\kd duri.~gagg~~~'i~ :Oil.hl Ul:~I)Jk ~,g:1i!l-~lhl $;t':C it LhriJ'l:JIg~ e:l~i ml~' St f\l~dlre'W:;.ill(:IUlkd i n~e'F'<lJcl iOILl ~ l1oet\~eenJ 14 'c::1i imp<!l mz:ees: <Illh.e eyes. ]II~'" srnlcl!y he COlllldlKI;ed <l.t Ki.rnl~,er"Ore:s~ kllOWn11s, t~.e Col~.lbof<· Chimpanzee .. C~d~~ros P~CijC;::C't 1.999, Whil~lll. O(:H;1ocl11. b~ .. Bl~d(l!'igo:.Of~st RIIf::s.i,;lrv~ i~l Ugaft!d~1J, They ~wfound i.h'll ••~mip~cl.·'rll:!~LI\;t<lth~lt\1iIW~ glmd

ime~ls~l~ ~lIldforce. No one has lceked

whL;!dl~r ~ha~~

.Jm~l;:',funifh~,f· i> \!elill. K.nie Slceembe


C~iil~.lps rai led! tewerk ~ogeltl.erliO :1IJ]lWe t~le stones •. b1..U \'\,i~G'l~H; plaeed himself ~~l 1111.; esperi memo a ChiiillllP !!1)li:t:itedi hishelp-po;s. ..i~ bIY~~~lUse i'lkn~w '~. ·\Vl.'lu:M IlCll OOi~.~t~ fnr the lbOO .. 11m. d iIT€:'re:lmt test [111.1:1:ll,-;eq ui red two a chi:m;r:lil>to pull ropes coope.mliv~~yalul movea pl1!l1Ik ~,~oldin:il- l~lOd d,gse eImOl~g~,liQrthem to reach. I:hey "",ulJld CO(l\pcrn.te but ]llC'i.'(;'r solieit h~lp ..W~,en he s:~ood in ri.le mom, one: of t he


Tri~111g.~en the .Republic i

ofColli,go. (;)jnd

A~d~dbyl g~~~lo.t~\lid(;i'l
U~~5 since

·t'Iumer.;ls, ~IlZ


tiol~:lIad ~~lt

;tggg'I;:&\\Q~;S iU'iLd

\'~c~h~~~, dis!" goWI;:

11'l.ql1.t~f5Hth.'lc\'ecl g!lu:~-IT'm]I:!j. "I::;

it Cg~I'LbQm-

~.h~Cl c·.reruns. S~:Qbombe is IlOW p:l;mnillig to ,d'o s

WhO'll ~he !i<:,idwi II be ~iu.l'nr:l4 eve-!' ·'playbur.;k .. [experimcnl:S ilm th~ wild o:f.recQU'Ulecl scre'i:'Iln:s, Sim.ilru- !SuuJies i'lil Ifi(l~lhys.~.1i!L\·eeve<1..h:d~1~<lI. r ~hl:'Y use !i::Cl~lsto id,enlli.fy sp-ec:ilfic pn~d!atoffi.

don o:rbyproduct
IIm.lay !lei. lI:sa



of lrey hm'bt.ern'r; ,rsk.ed [Gilby .. "Inl~lcl m ••le:!'i

cHltll.lystfor Imnlimlg:" Rese:;uc::be[':i' face ,r;:qmdly i;.rexing CO:U1:11n.~ d'IFLllmlS \.\ili~en ~h.ey try liO~eJJ'lemucllIl.tIi:lJ:d (~lill<tt:s 'i\i~O!ltP1he!f$ ill t~l;'; ('Dmni'iJ1.I!~i~~1 lInJ \I'L;ifS,US~l;Olog~c<'l.1 Ubm'5 wlm<lllh,e emri~.'Ollimenl diiclllIles) d~te~rmin~!!'Its. nf~ri()~ 1J:>~. Mfnslilt.fl\V~!m'!d'il. ,md c(l[lh::<lS~'~s published ,I paper in ·'f:~I.hure ill Ch~m]X'l!Ilz:t)es.. lh~~llbcused o.m 5ix ~~.I;l~d ." :iil1:tl5. [h)0l~lm"em.tliI1l£ d iIfcrel1Jt hci1:m'io:rs (f1rlI0S'i or 39 whi.cJ'I \\;'e're to(11 use) not dne tto ,e·J;oilC)gic~l] ron;'.(!s..Si nee Ihel.1.,sa.ud Wh~~ell1.lhe nml1ber


·'V(u::'-il.b~:'I,tiom;·col!'! t!;tll us a ~~otn'ilooo ~~iilIrI \~'l.:l·

currently think." !WoI.idS]OC::CliL~,l~e.



~ (l!Il/t!l.lllra,ls;e~li!!i:1'lt.illl'lt:~,e!ii:
.~ II: c.h.]m:p.:r~~~e:{,': r~~~f'lwt: h 'C irdcs.,illc~~H;I~[l;Iry n 9!:~ ll!e\'o.~"e ~r{m.~.ldl~e degree to~Yhich

,~th~.<lmi!ll<lh; (:oop~rfltl$.m~1~01li. ~G;O;!.oCh •.imitate. .~ tun I: have c~I.I.lmi'e. T.~.e· debat'es blJln:l, on .~ be'C!lus;e thcfe ;;l,r,eIl(! nrm ;:mS\wfS •. bm

Tall:mya. Humle (lImous~.)'re~~n:ed. ~n 2002 that chimp,.; in Bo~;;.oI:Jl..G~I~Il~i:t, us.·~,lst:~cks nfdif:' 1;;[enlIJe~g~Uls itO dip fOr 3m~roo~d em ihe n:i:sk of'being bi~tcl1-S""sti:~.g~1(J~ka] rol'~lcr than cuhur<l.1 root:::;. Nm\' theres a d:el~lge: of ~(;.. !~)b:5~!:'Vf~t ohll~que H'lO~ ~l~ tlt .v iOllS

1])' [un~CJJH! bc::h.n v.~ors" l "Fdiy y~,!rs~iSO.\:~·1;; k!l!<l\"muhi~; ~d:~~)Ul ,,!,liM Co: hi mp·aD1.z:ee·s:· SlI..iI Wh iH~I.l. pr~ ising 1 he d "'I"id~flc$s afKI ~on~pk~i1y''' of lh.c- ,dil!I(,1 at the m«:·~ing. "look 'It us no~y."No one vocalized iml. ~~po~.t'i,'C.blUI the luunaUl\ n.\~i~! i:"~C~~Q1:l£::omileiSand nods~pole volume:,~. ~J'OIN (Ii)" E.NI

In eml.led

~n:~ pot>elllia

d(]ubk~~l a:~dres~il'Che:V1'huv~ dflCln-





~bn ~e s!reamillilg of20 hl of the 'UOll!1lIS. Th,t:, b:u,g_ge'r qucstieu 1m~.~Ybe •. wil l re:;;e'lochelfS. cmn~ nae W ~m~'~Hne jJ'lle'll.orlfl.ethe ~~on'l '''Clearly, I~lis is a r',e(~ll;;ll~ct"~.~ys S·~bil~.~iC::mi. Balibui:'. alm ,~xpt,'ri~.l~iHL;;:f ,It'lhtl Gco]e· NOI:I1lHde Superieure :illl p..o!lrus. "This is ~!dl}1 very n~\1!i' p'hy~il;~ ..,,~vli;ln in~ i;.llfll'~ th~ speetaenl ar ,udea ori.g~.IlI;r[,ny proposed," :[hu ttlc n1l<~~y detaub, of d~ftlr;;t~ m.1Y not generale as mach e1'lciu.mJf'nl as lhl! piI'05p<eC[ of <111 O:h'-NO-{:OO~ nmvin!iJ cry);nlll.

Exps'riimlsnl't8'lr's Agr,B8': You IC,an Cross OIH:FI10lwinig IC:rystals

l I

h "V<]~ e'.I\;'citing \!,ihik:~ll;l$ted b~'~the that ,cl"j'stall iItC soii,d helium call flow

~hinne~t li'lu~,d hasseeped U""ily. S~I~hbil.twu:e •'slLper.sOtll:d~ Ii' .'1,'011 have been perhaps th.e M

m"e title




sm:ld~lllyincife-ol.~.:dind~.{'~inillgdHfi Mlm1;l

i:te~i[I.rlill <liliOrm; :~!tLdI,e~go of their brel.hire.lrn, <lnd

man ifR"M,uin1lii of qUt'LlllUm ml~hi!n,. ics ;nil1.0I,g lh~ngs b~ger tb'::I1'1 rcms and mola e~u[~('i. k~s.~.''\.p~rin'!l~l'n~\')[·s agre~ U~,H flewwas s~mpl~r lmposslble i]\fln Q:!dcr']~1 A . nmv erystalfine be,~ilJln itself dues riot bml~,e. crystal, Im.l~d the}f said. ~,I ~ikel.y amse from Instead, lin.ere.siis~9,n(,e-,~'Ce "Sllpc'rfiuidi" flow IhlliOre-CCl~l\r,elniQJ.l stlllCrlluid liquidlln.cUI:Jl.m OIl ellilerses <IS hel iurn .uAln~.i1l'we·~.d .,10'JJ1 faults ~ percol<l.lilil.:; lllnJugb defects in lh~ crystal. and dcfecl:!i: i~1 eIY.!l~!ll the T1ln3~ i.l'lu!rlu~~atiC!n~vi1llso~!;tC:l'i:d last )1M!' b \\\Im.fum RepPYllnd Come.~I's ,,Ie\.rlll

were :;,t~md!ing:!iltyc:l~M.m. could h~·PlJ'tln Th.,:i only ifi~.ey S:~ippw thl1J11gh the crY.:iil;a~ \vi~~.out <)U1y relils,~,;;mce" 5011,]1(;: theor.ists quickly argued t~l'U seeh

IUItra.slh'Dr1La:ser' P'IU lses See~I'nlsiide~Ibe B,od'"

Elierge~ic:~"""ra}''SZ~,r'thltou~1;lru,esh and set the , );la:n1d:<lrd tor ()Ukkly ~(1:in.~ i:uQ&ld~ the body.

Sophie Ritlner repruducsd the ~ni~l,;t nli!!~r~lii!nd dl~~lit\"re'~t"'~<JY

,un'~cy :gCillt~.y he<lted~'i1tecrysllliJI to

eIi~1Ii!ln~~e derh.1~. O'l pJJ'lJce.$$ called


Frozen, IElimllmlte defeclS sucfla~ tn" grilin boundaries visibh~ ;ifl ~Ihi$ ph CltOja.i'I~5(1,ttdlheln!!u;J, WOI'I't ~Io<w. "The hypothesis tThi0l Fits ~U t~,t: '.-"\.pe'ri.C ments i:Slh<llllhe crys~a.l does. not support S up!,;:'rfl t! id ity ::md th (It''~ly ~'\.p~ri n~ th,l t mL;;: ~hQWh ]]~lW C<lmu bi.: e,,~plil~m:d hyre'n~llOlrll~ di~order" in lllile·cryslal., si'lys. Joh1ill Rcppy. iii, p11Y5icgSI:,ll Cornell Unive'fsi'ty. Fhlw~ng hd.imn cryS!3J1s have bees 0111 sh<lky gn:m:r.!dlor 01. whih:;. The ]"irstsngns of the ,~~eme nt's so Pe:n.(l I id it)' emel:'g.ed ~I:I [I. 2[)[).4 whl;'~~,M(lS!~ Ch~ml1! !)fPeill11~lh';ii!n~.flS~!ltC
IJ:Irn"uversity in SUIte Co,~~ege and! ElIlliseong

bioa~lO~.,'Cuh::s such ~s~l~claM!Ji~~WWl ~Il tissue 10 make OJ. tlm;:e·dinmellS]on<\~ im"lge of'their n~kD'os~opilC distr~bm~o!1. The .~!C'\v ~I;'ehniqlijltl nm(~~Hbe used to detect wilhcml bli,opsy <I ~~'peof skin cancercall e(lnmel:ubOlil1it. ~e<lgues at Ke~o Ul!ili,"er~i ry in "This i,~ absohuliely firnt~r.l.tework.~'~I)l'S 'Vok{)l'aa:unmi'l., J api.'tlli, all have IVI'fI]1,D,avi:d JOllii::>. a c:h.c:lwusl<lt the Un ivcrnily orr ~ged to :-;hr.inkthe <I]JjJ'twem tlow ('o:~nmdc. Bould ~:Ii, The very ~m;111I!:'\rd. of " by illml1l.e'd.1 il~rg:~helr c,wYS;~<iI3..\VIJUlt's, s.i!1;llrn'll~hey can detect :LSvery .ullilJpf1essive. more. '~IIIep ~)nBd [1'1;;'11~B)/ c.~n ;rumllb.n seems to be the !oi~y If a !l1i;iili~lg this, r d increase [he signal by ~:liCezin.~ useful for medical ~'lipplk3tiOns," R~d :[~mlrtear-inftared Hglu can pass helium quickly make defeerIIIroll.!,'! h f]c£~~, \",i.~'n.:i,c'~~, iswhy your ~:'i nge'D"s ~ildellcrystals 'bollsb;ljll~g ofn1ablY g~ow hH'i.d~.)I w.~,cn you. hn~.d ilIU;:]1!l over l:I lin)l gr'!I:h.~~".un,f~il'L Rel~'py :lind l RiiUil,6I' fClUne! that up ~o 2OU!o of'tI:i,e n<1siiI,li,gl'll.'ifuu C<.lml0~Iln,lke out the insich:s

annealiug (Sd,(:wce. 241 M,m;:h 2006. p. [693). However. ChOJin •urd eol league s c nun te re d that [Ill;)' S~L\~111:0 evldence tlmt annealill~ st,mcherllhe 1110\\,. Now. Chan o:I~ldco~h;:~gu~ Anri:liOllj' C l<Irik. RepPJ' 'I1~d :Rittner. and Ke.iy~] Shi":a:Irn;un~ and CQ]-

b~.t f1'~$h~~g~·g"':fi!.d~r vli~rl)ll;landnearilllt.<Jn,ied,ligh:1 C,U] also rere,all \!I,;,ha:l: lies uader d~e !'>kim Usin,g laser pu lses a 'tew Inmgo!)lths .. of H. Ili'lll,o:le'cond long.WnrrenWarren. <I chemistat [)t~h Uu i\itir;.;ity in Durl~u rn ..

.nlld cojleagues

COlI:! lL"U'::C


~lQ'ln~ ,Cilil 11m", in ~ue~,la


The eoaeordance of res uIts shows that dI~l~cts ~I~~ th'L;: ~y~!~~i~ult. k ·']twjU PRlmlbly ch<ur~gethe d~m~tiurl 0'1" re~,!:wch," ('h<im says, Norbert Mul:dcrs of the 'lInlversily of
De~~.\N·.m"cIn Ne\\'llink "'iJly~ experimemers c.~n expect II lltrle g]lrulitltng frnm theirthcertst cQ]le<" "They t\{iJ~absoh!l.lel.y ]O\f,1i: it,"

of yoW[ nlii!;l~iI'!l. ho\\,~vcr. beC3IUNe t~~ :~~!g~l scatters ().rr~lllli.omoge~,leilie:s ~[I flesh, ubs1;!~d~~ the detailx. g~~ ·~m}~\i!:nd l]n~_H

.uuJ .h~~~ team



pu:~ses!l few femtesecuads



e:xp.lolliedi sublle iuteractions

~\'lIywith $t~!!1ICll y b

between The

li£~l:t and mill~l'ii!lll~'iHlt wiry illl a nonl~.~.ear

[he :intensily

[)n1H! lUg!J:t
<I nUOJt:'$(;cnt

Ki~t. !'ww~n du.'l Kllr~mAd"'1U:'IJ:~d ~n$lin!l'" uf

Sc~.erlce 21:I1I,d '"[:ecl~no.~ogy Di!.ejeon, hill !>e[ a

sma]1 C!'l::!:l, f!iolid hd,i~mtwjs!:il~g ib!lGk o <lml f()n'h. m,l th.e end Of(ll~,illl, sh;o'l,fi;(Science. ~.Jlidy 2005, 11'" J,S 1, Be~O\",',;iJ cerna hl tG;T!m;P~ro.· tuIIFe-;[l fe\li,' t:en~li:u;m~a lt h:s. of <1 deg ree m i.dH),\Il;: lb1if~lul>eem----',~,e f~q~lelt~y on"dst< ~ says ... "They C:ln nUll ,arOl.n"uJ for a ('[lUp~~ ofY'4(u'l'> s~lYi~g "\~~ toi;t41 yuu so!''' Precisely '~ow the disonle:red t>olud :~.~',s. ff;;nmal1S undA;;~ltThllOri!l:ll~ l!ljd(lPolk~taml M<Iul~i<l:s;Tm~r ofl:heSVII,':ils."l. Fe&rn~ [n,stutUle oFTecimology in Zurich rr~.s(:mI.t(:d si~n~~la~ions ~()nJmiliTl1in!;: 1:~,1<1:1: i!I:tCi\mI~~ gl:id~ ,dong Cillil, I}l.~b(J~I!I:1u;l;lri~kh\i~!Cflgf@ins cwi'tho\ltNsi~l<llllce. B'ut :some~i'l.p'e:rimemers.'lr'£.ne tb"u nO\\lr'~Qll!g g.~ll~ oou~ld ,lri~S, Cf!mlfU <l('C(lU~l[
VOL.316 SC ~1c;NC~

Reseaf1C~.le'r.s, iln [race C

l>c!;].~ning j). !'a~nph~\)I,Iitl~ liglHly :! focw.ed femtosecan.d p~1J;ses wbo~e ~ le~'h.~ <lre ll,MO lin'nes mo 'riy:g~r lhtl ~ I:llmres,.;e~]ce·.,B~<l:m;e oftj~€, mi:!>ll:HllCh.,. (;1'.- ~. • ~ moh;:'CliLL'; fltlfl1i':e:iC~sQlllly '!i,1bCIl his. [idd~d t simul t,Jne()~1 by l,;,lophotons. \~\Irn ",ri 1:11~ ~~y idl , ''''hereth~ n,g'~.t :~sna~t w:nten~e~, :: O~l'~Y I By Im.'l:ljliun,ill.~ ~hen~u:n'e~cliice whil;c I1lQV- ~ i~g11~(; I;,).~~r's fbc@i &po~liVDroU!,g_ll~~(: ~l.npl(.:.. ~

'0 APRI L 2007


~11~~I(h of 5~rirrrg illifilllh~:y weak. IbIf.51GOlmHng ~hllejmJpml1ab~1E! i![(lJmu[al'i'(DlfIs, ~wwever. 'l'lla~.'s. b~(,al!S@ till! iiV!Uag@' ]!i ~rdljjl@a !IDlY sho~~s lha'~ a ri nUl! S ~I!i Ina s a sliF~lflg 1.1'1 AbOlJil 'tIill@' si'llfIp te~ t !!!;;~ I!r~IlI!ll!~Uili'IH\lg ~ria btl! ua'9 l~at may vie ~d in~nglhtsi milo ~i!llami 1®U:H~'Il'enHS s,u(h e:l!Ul:!lm;!~y rare e1l'1:!1I1'1S. far eX,;lrrllliple, although dlecreases i~ a p .. rUc.ul~.alrr WelY'!:IS ns ~e:llgt;~ as lh~ 'j.u~di!1iI 'fai~lJlre or l[ali1@) en a ~11JS:pl~IIl'!iiilDn the ella n i;:@S ,(II r rllilP:pingl 2: 5~ai ts imI a roll'!' a~!! ~lfluea:;e~-IiI"mel.y, wHh tlile 1}IiDi[!alril~iflrm of ~r'id9rE!. Tarlki~g a bre:art flr~H1r w~d: on iiqllli:d jlilS~.l inl 33,554,,1I3.2:. UrM~! pay~ut. ku~u!!:h a run the IrmSlt h•. To test tI~ri~ !illod!e:~ t h,e ~e!j;eilrr(ihers plIUed (rystals, IiJhy~id~lPet,er Pamy~MliIh~Hav aild is a I~~, 3 whop,,;," ~ '$33.554,11::1.2, whi eh SoliU gtaduill'e !i,l!ule lilt ]iJ t.~ FQlfIlillna or I<~nl Sto1llJje rrlrilVI!~ ~he ii'!ljIeri'!g~ winnings LIp" The' pillradm on s'tmm:ls W!l ~htr~'tI,d1lirid :fishringl Ii nil! I<Jl1gi I1Ig ~'!ili"lf1e-r!!ity illQ Oh~Q SPl!ltlt ~ feilli m{lJ'llths lflIggil'l~ Ita ~ be a '\IQg ~:ed by r rl!wg,f1 irh fI!!l th at, in ~ iTI!Y from ~ miUime~e~ loa kil,oiinete-r lOO'iJi011'1 !ilr~l'Ig~.o :see ho'll't the fone required t!o ri Illite "'l!llmber or tesses, such rum are S.'O' sll",etc.hrillig the tenger lugUi1l:!lalong iii bib ilmp,!"l)tb~l:Ih: tih~y shQllJl.a b@ ifijIFlOlr@'d. ll lhi:' ~Ff.!~k ~l Yi!ri~d Io'IIHh ii'S ,lengtih. Thrtlir p~limripath. n~irlogari'lilmk ,pre;d~t:lfolll ri~ d"tili the tu::Uef th(l I!II [W(Il o'~iI1ef i;ileU-'S ~lJdied medets.ene lfl(lirY [,esultts fill 11IfrlQdeil based ell !II gil m:Mi IilQi 9 a ["'Ie l s repl!'a t,ed I.l!iIIt iI t he !!:OJ n 1;'11 tb eelfl s that U~Elts, thre ~ldng a5 ~ ,r:h,<lrill!;!llflld ~ullle tl~at suanped Daniel EI~rI'Ilml'lIIm ilSli'llll1leSan e)!;po!lle'llIl~i!.U.y d·e(J.f'ea!ii'lIlg i!lliIid '~llilef mab!lflMlird<!jlJ:!i~11 the 'l?illrly ~tmibul~!l)'fIfor th,e \~leahe~~ the (Ii 1,B'!h oenwry. "Rillri! ,eVl\Ill~ .1Ilr'e thai r very 1'lii1~UI'! bV linRs,. and anethar lhrdl~. hmHe~ 011'1 I1rOIl\lstress i:s sha~edll:ly f]ber~ imi iI hs rd 10' rill1d b:u[ i31~I[]elii.l relllle'l.fulmllDor· !iHIIlII:IEH::aUSE! they cain t~a,~ 10 cart€ltlrol'IllJlln:ifiber line.
~h,~,~ sav~M~rk \IlhIlrfller, <I t heorij 5~alLthe IilIll1i'Versily Dif (ambddg~ ]11 Ul'~ U.K. ~YG;ltl,h.a\fe till' rim:! ~ ~ys,~m in \vhridl Y!l)U (_i!!lI e);:plQ~e a t~1Ir9~ nl!rl~e 01' U:eI'!'9I,h]1 ~Calf!li, "'" d a Imll!g:5,I.ri III g5j~enlS to 00 j U~I. mhre,rs
Y'(llri@:5 \ilitiil



t~nglthr !JI~e~ illl Nnmp@!>ile

tile :sh~ jll r i Iilers mi;lrlelri~i,. bUlt r'el.'!l


~he 'thll'1g,"


pLays a key role inr r;aril-

me: I!. 1!D:l:g rnck is.lypi{Cllly r,'IIeal(errthill'l' a Sn1€!U oni!l bi!!C~us@it has tiHiI~er (ra:d~s"


i 3:

'!I'h!! S~rilll'!I e'.Ii.penlillll'@l1IrLembodil@'S the SIiIlaP. ju!CIglfiI,eIl1.ja'ke WOnMilla ttl ok Ili~ 'StriIll9i"!iluUin,g ri9 QlIj,cdoors SU'iHtUlrIl;" or the line, "there's olilt a ~rkkY' !'l1! iUhE.'11fIa~,ics 0'( th e 'Pd'~m.bu rg tl1l,g~ilil~lI\:Si9J'IlinrKi (a~SIlr() ~hl( faritume'. ~iHi!ldox. iii gl.l3lf1l1l!! wh,kh iii gallJ1lbl.@r's ill III ni\l'en~~ form ~ Ior the ['e! '1'1 g ~h~l'Il1ilfll!!! 50ill'le~tably falll r ar ~h,Qr[of his 're.;!rSO,"· t(liS~W 100 Ilimes. there ~~otbably. '>I(lfII'l be 3 s~r~1i!9th rl~l:aafrOli!r, he ·~~V$. ~ albls Ilxpecli!liomi,,, lIner jl'ayil'lg,an ~nltJy hl,e<, mn of 11m re' ~ma n si x taHs.• and eve,1'lth at Io\'olilld hmllaniil !).1ys h,j? emjo:red tile' clii'a,llcil! to 'Ille ~yer Uiips. a CO]" until.ll. (!W!me-~up hE1.uh. ~'r.Iork OIll'!tiOOr5" bu llin~ exp ~ri1l1f! III~ s,li ~l had Bs pay mil onrlv $·M. Ilf he l~1!l5 l~ib QfI1l[.'ebefore th~t haj;lp~rls.• h~ To i!1'IIP~¥ lh,is :S'l;he!TIe i~mil'rlng e)J;(l!e~- l~iab. "T'hi1 most m~~sh!~ pl!rt i!\i~,s. trying W ge[sS 2. U he ~l'!S!i~ t8lil~ lwt~e, he gle~$ S4. With in gil yi IiIIlIII reba b ~e eyenll~ te :sh imi91, fa lffy· kee,~ pe~"p~.eon the path, '!rom hi Uilnlg the u!.n~d th!i!l!he~trnrng strrillgl, lryimg til' be ss poUle es p@slOfbi.e.," he nery addil1Qnai t(iil~, lh!£i tj}~V'ou~double:>:. In 1M hOr;jjjViillnd FQFlta 111111 IfIlrlndlple thee Qr~r,i;lge wininilllgs are lnlnm:le', '5J1ll wa'lJ Id b rea k wlhenve r IU 1'I:5,ped fi ed de le ets s",ys. Tlru~researthe ~s tho pelol]I.I 11e¥l'nl 101l[:l'l'f o1l ga mbter (ilil'!llht U), po1lr!i ill IIlll' ,<lmOlifill teD pl.a!y. In !:U::WDflrllhued. TI'I€Sil! ar((U'nri,ulall'CllfilS !l;· S~Unn'9$. lPe~hapsI!i$in,~p,~I~eys. wrI'ap, [hem tro lip(mdl'~dJto rllllll~, or l<!ill'!i inl the ((1]11 lm.'5illlg, b,n:i( OH l ~em~elve~ . ,fe.1liljly,h,olil'ffil'l!lr, the 'gilll1l'~never pay!i 1lI1{D[1E! '~iha!1iii r~j\i doiUars. (l!!'Iiilr 1ID!1I arvl~fag~, !hr~lI' shrQ!.dd Jill!ak:e i!rf1!V lollg

1~~''oIt' '~;l;Iafflffled e~trEfHeLf ~QlI"!g O!1e.'s._ 5ay~ WHlial1ll :Currlil'l, lHI'tm ·)ludi~5,t1eo· relical me(h~l1rics al tBr~l!\l!l tHn.iv€f5i ry, "~t\ nice data set, ~ in,e s.. y~. Curli,11I CI U lIiliollis tharl 'llil~ [@l(ll~(aIFl sheuld !!!Ie-pend 011 thss iJ edf'ic 111 icruscepic



lhe <Ja:ll.oum oh:bsorpti{'m~3 ~>t~H tiny.hmv~vtl:.r, ~md 10' S0~ it, thi.! r~t>'C~fchcr:o: :eIYlI)io:r s\~ch~wo·photo nUOI15est:em:e. .mo~hefl:fii.c:k. De)' M!illikehe "ntensit.y oflhe t ~ B:IJ~th~ 111ii!(]~~"'I~C~~\;l~~,lniil;lli,l1;': dr.f~W~ first Golu;r'!; p~lI~s(!l~i;.~m hw; 1!t~'Iii!Pi;1n~dO\,\I!l<!fld .~b<~~~ks,\1If.nn::n MtY5. Mml}' bkullOIel,; UIe::;..~m;:h d~1i: wh~ther ~his '~,!m;e~ dl;e ~~ ~~npl ion ~k b ~ as. m,el311l,iltl,1~ltorCScc () I:Ily \">1C3 • .'Iml Ught k~)' i:mm th~ second ~C'!nin. 10 \lilry hl n si.l1flri~il:rW<lY. ~ fnmifl dle nUoreSl~iloe i~sdf (:~t1len within ~ile Th~.1 ~ec~fiI,iq~u;~ S ,r;:m~bk.\~then~ltQotllwen "lillY .~ ndlm. So '\\\'arrcn ;fImilITiis leu," i~lSI.C"d.(iJj me"Sl~re intensity 'Ilmialtio:lrn. ir1ll0 ill much cl~cm:c:r fl'\e~ i ~ne<rn,10~lluonigln ~Ib;sodb<edby ~pecifk SUI].)· ~~m;:l~C:ys.ignaal. To nmke ~Ile oorwe.rsiCl]lf. they t~Jc;kthe pll~.sejjj of the ~ :stdnce~.For exmnp~!e. '~Ihl.;;~ o.1!pp.~y ptdses (If S~~ !1;~~~Q:~ara:> l:he~r :El1re Icf1ected f001l11 the co~,or~ i dm~.!lI5it) ImH ,\1l~l'l ~~ ~"a~~pl~. TIil~y brt'al\ !h e e 1'I1.u're ua i~, of '~ me I<milrl ilm.m]1 ecu Ie 'pu ~ses; ill 10 iI!; cnrnr,2 .'I bSO['ibs !'I p:I~.OICII~) f I ponem frequeil,cies ... .~~he fiJS:~;(;?Ior. it \'~iII fii, fI'1iu]"C ~(Jllly ,~bMJr.b <'I l~~e os.ciU~uio!1 liny ~ ~'hell "'~,10"\'S up a::;. iUl ·~p~l.{.)m n Qfahe seco~,ld fla.:sllly., It I1.~W la,ser ~edl nillllU:(l< ((ufl) re'lfeals d@l.<!i ,a~ l5 .~ cnlor <,s~'\.'i;lIL mi!'~anom;1l (l~din.alri~yse~n with bir,f),jlisy. fL<.Id.itkma~ frG(![)lJ;"i!lCY. ,~ re~e;.ut:he:fS c.n'!


IIlIl.l.p 'rhe lm;gel Sllb~I:OIIn.C~" A ~ cumm~id,8i~ sy...~l~l fiIwia\!).1 t ~.lYiag~::> us! ~\g ~kilil,
" I • I

Tile ledmi.qUl.e lells rese,m::hers detect

~h~firption of~~ Hnlc
~'ll QIIL;:


of Ihe OI;i~in<l1 pu~ses. ·'We're lryii,n.g to look a~:p roc~~ ,,~i'i, \"'b~n~ th~r~ \; j ~IS~ b,lrd y ~11OUlg h ~ ign.!! $.{)Ih~l[ yo~! ~<ln 3cc,es.sih~'ln IH; i U11.glcs:s, <IJ\N::nge POWilf tmtan ~. la5i~r p'oime'r:' Wmrrc:n S'~}"~'JOi1,;lS says. t ~Th:iU.··by be.i:lrn.g abJ,e 'w d~let:: l such
SIDlHl~1 e:!Tects, you"re il,h~e1:0 £,el ~he pon'er dO\II;,'n ellcm .. h l~:ltll )l\ou'd ree.1 safe h.u,i [I.£: ~ UlIl> dU!l>e to yo~:' ~V.illrren ~iL"e~Ili~ed <Ill i:lmtgc Of~'1llrl~elanmll!lil


re:moved f'r!JrI~,h mn
leUt<lie stW~iiI.I,:Sand

fill !llhm !,:~O\'it:d tht! ()~mnl~s0 r <I~cl~:~nlUi,m ing mC.h.mbfiJ. A'I.. ". s.lreplmV!!rd clini~JiI arp~.i.c::l!lions. he ,ll:lrdl ~misco,llle<lb,,~es have propos eel a lri~1 illWhich lh~y wiU an;;l'~)'Z~irrc~~,lflX 1ll0~.~s; iinpiMicnt.s dun docw~l> inu:end wrr::move sh;Clnty ~ ..~ywa)( -AD'RIIANI'l';"Or

RSgi'ster befor',e' 1 oMay to aVoid

~iICJS,t m .

~ll1,ute' surchQ,rgl12

4th lAS Conference


International AIDS Soci,ety

S['ronger Together

Exhiibit, a't lAS 2007 to, reach 5,000 IHil'V dink,iain:s ..researchers and experts

For mO'ire,'n: ,exhib,if'i.oIJ's@;,as2'O,(j'7.,.fJrg





"f'l:ord~n subscribeto certa in :-;d..,n~ lifoc:: journals amI databases, The rL'iLore we can dtl tcreduee animc;.f~,I.i:lnd iJJnnJ.IDe.l>Sill')I btl'lfI"ic,:'U'S to info-· nmll~;u:~. S'1:1~.ri and eel I'lbortll.i 011nlig IFl.E NT I) IS( USS I [}N ABO U iil"HIE SHIARII t4 G 0 F H 5 Nil 'SAM ~L ES BY THI: (E .Clt every ~e\fel-t:l~ebener off;l~t O~lIIS win be ~In~he loons term <IS \!te Indloi1esi<l1fl aO\'enlmem"\'l.'ilh ~he\''IJo.lrDdHetild'i O.g<uli zIllion: h~gM igins <C{l~~~Cliiy r:r~p,,~ !or.'I \,\;'Qrklw~.~leIlu I;:pid\~~ic, ;;nndnflwrpot~luia~ \FI;;: the i:tm~r(lrt~l:tm.m of~ni~HC~lLll<I~ pm;P';;'flyiS5U>esi~l \lal;.':C'i"~c: devdop~1¢~ll pub~ ic ]~e<lilth ennv:rgencies.E~l~l<IliLC·ed accessto s.cit:'D:I;~ journals wi ll ific [·'hldO!1I:~i<l. \~ti-[()p;~(!;:h Ui"~' M. E!~~~i:Lfilk.. Sc~i!,::!l~eS~ap~.2.3Fl;;b •. h~~p b~ttGr 'I;.nMI~1;: lhm c~unm~Ji1!ity ]"~.l~~i!1g F1~""pu!1.ld.~II;;s,., p .and I;;;ffurt~ p, :IOM; (/)1. h isalso V(Qr~~ notin.gtlin.e b3 r.ri.CI'£ m colhlwL,ldon mad reflect Ll:Jre ]'~uesi; '1· ~lnJ~ol'ilatin~ iH1td substantive s-ciienlifi.c ]nli:l~n~atiO',Jl~har:i"g wpre$i;ln~ed by £In{)dler~(li!1~~f iarellecmal "prop·· knowledge <11m!!' i.un:dght~,~t~lso bl'nede[1UlnlOlvi'IIH0tlt ~n dis_." o er~y: oopyr igJucd <1Jnitc ~es<ibmLI <l/ltiirD11~I aed pm~licmic Ib~p:n;pilll.'ed~ eussions 1100ut l~r:ilg.c<ll un:t'I o:[h!:[L unresolved ~iel'll~ific. medtcal, regun [less ("(J·tlHlil:l«~ within m!;ldte~!] tliD1d seiearifle pl!ilblk ..tions, ~i1tQry.. snd 'c~hic~1quru;;tiens, U is djs.o~pPQiml;[iD:lSth'u. at a time m,ln)" pOhlic.,d ;In.dgovernRIe!le-d:wcllersllllld publ.~sheTs si1liOll~iC1 o [~n::~r P:I!lr!. to lileip :1iiJ:1I<l,ke d sure m~,ml~~ (lmd~~b;.~!\,; lnph~si:1:~f1I~ t~eimpo!:"UH'ilC(,': of co~~,~boraJticul. ~ LI~ll impo.n:a~l~illformiililiQf.I albau[ tilLS 1)l,lblle h;t,;~1lh'~~li1!:ro:n r~","c~~ pte:unJform.u~on :sh.IJill.lg. <nul community involvement II] rmncl'emic: 11'U fe$~i(l,t'''ils ,u'admein 'bL~s{If!~~ r11bl icin a t~m~~y i'll'I:mt!l~ii(6). AUmvi!'!y: p~!l'll!mill~1!.t'nd Ilrl;;'P'I:i(il~le"-~5t. ~nD~resl~dprofe~~i(l.lil;d:s o:t!~dm"tlm!~rs {If U'un:D'tll>lIfi,CI:edIC0CSS.'to relevaat ~rl iele~.!et:ler3,_aml eorrespoadeuee < the puhi:tc~lre t'()l.Hpel~ed 10 p.n.y ~lig;~\i or \· ~reeks Ihr ~n IIJte'~ fees :b~ .nbol~t. ,1....iM ~11'i~iLQet'iZ;!i p;!i'id~mic Ill! pj'!o!ip,,~di1;~$.\l. .ill1d wo~~~dbe ~Ull exoelreu,lt start. ~nml.r"r Iml!l1 reGlLlcsll>o be fiI:~edwhe:l1,mlludes :fllOin medic,d and scien~liJicjournals are readily lil;v<lil;~ble CKlUlim.1and om~ld be; e'1!~ffi~y shared w.ith a, broad al,li.dknce. FU'bluc. Hll'iIltltl Pl'iI rnm1t O;iPi@m (~iIlll!i(; mCI?H Cown), I)epi3r1mm~ mllH@allh and HUffi,1m! U Road., ~Ji An ic Ie:sIlirCKIIiI1m~jor M.::.ielll~,f:LC p u'b! i c.n ~ons .ne ;J,v'li Iable. but i:l~ ·5~r\lke~. 5!L2:LilIre:Landl 21ndflOer, lallild:.~Doo, ~8M2~ ~)Jj" m.[u~y cases, there is a cesr. Fer iU::It1Iil.oe. to read <In innere::;~ article iug ··1iiw opirll0M !Il"xprewed ill !his, OIflide ,~re>o,idy!hO~ Q~!i1:~ .~ijl~~lQr ~i!t'Ou~d1 be <lifI(ii ill,g~ ,-lbr)M~dle' uti li[}'ofbkl(ldD~'fl!:ft,,;-ru~ifJ:[i)~ [he·.kmni(l/ (Jj"t!rcA.lI1{wi,,('m rm!n "lm,pul.edIO ~ny polllir !Dr€! I!'n~il'i'lU"ellim/ ..l:ss().ckuilm cosrs Ii.15, (7). ][ t;OS~s:s;, HI to ~IDOe~~ :reJev;rnu i!l1ri·· R:erlE!rrenoes <m(lINMeil eles in Sclenc« online l3). wldill;i Nali'II'1: dlOlrg,~ $3'0 ("). A .ru(_'~nl db;..., :1, D. G, hkNIliLlr" "'lmdCiI\il!:I.;a~ s~l, oot giw, tliN1llitl IiiM, to '~dtll1hl~: No): i'l'1lltil, ., eussiou o:flt:J.e: .19.1S influenza pllLn:de[l.~ie eo-authered by l::!.. iI1I,igll:l-r,mli:Jmg FM. 2i!1m7. p., M. 2, '1'.. liIi!rm~IOIiI, p"M "\'lb., la2';\' GIIIi!IQ. U.S.,goW,:;r.lll~],!~nl offieial CUJ;ts. $ L5 for .U-Imm f~CCCS~. (5 J" 'To thdr 3, Fori:mtance,. M. Eru;~,,'1"I1~ :)d~ 3:.1.3, rsss (lOO6,. credit seine joumals do m:c<l'si{~n~lll:r Imkereie,\~..!mJ:[ <lnid:e:ol <'I.v<!ilaMe ~. D. It:tId~; J. I!UI.lilll~1I111'. MJWft 44il.. 137 ~::mo~~'. Ibr fn;~ ~pori initi~lJ~pub~.iciU len or 1)[ ot~l~rti mcs, Ot~4."rs C;:I.I1"J(:!il!l,l~~~ ~. D•.~H!n~, f.i. J\mlii,J., {nfr.~'l. .!:its.. ii!9~,. 'ID1Ls'(200:n, l ~" Orcl@ ~i'!Iiio~. rUrJ~ed Ili'Irowgllliinmtrfd.M If@i!' gri!i'lI~ ,by '~B'I-I!raIIPlufmIlO!lii~~~I'CDI'Il,Pll,' on \'<JIficILIS btogs and Web s:~~es(e.g,. F luWl ki] Hm'~\ier .thi siuformel!ifS, iI'Lre\id~ Ci~Ltn~. ~m;1dii$ibu1i!lS w W:bKJii!i!~r:i. OO·iI ~efk.1v ~\ni~ joum<Ja iI!i!~ir<Kt; t~~I~~,is. fln~[q ~hfrk:vll i,~).t~~.;'Ssfor ~hQ~ 11tll ~n'Hi;;Lt,£ld\,vW~t h~I,lrgoe ; il~I'lU'; iBfluefll~iI.<lnd allier 1.&jJl~.. Pelha Il~ ~hliI;.f)r~! ~inrinar ,!lilt!' ill(jpl\'l'iid~ relllv'lIlt I m <lrllcl@:! .alKiut IMnCl~m1{ ~mni.l~ !!in http:{trM'I'Mlrn@d@O,tcnrLl'~, <lc,td'f;mi1;; illSliu!lkm:5. ';'1)~·pOl'll-ijum. tIf go'\rt'iliLlnl>l;,'!L'lIt.d emi~ie-s ·[h.,;1 '".!ill

'M,akiDig .Aldii,clles, Avai labille fO'f' F'liIl. Plalnningl

IPOleUlmoco,cc:a IVal,ccllnes;
sind IF~u. re-:-3,:re:£ine'ss ----- - --- P -- p---- ------I NFlIlJEN'ZA·.1i!!8~{)(IAJlm MORTAlli1rY IIIN THE

liOmilplayed a. IlKljorrolc hil' 111~cl'9 HI in]lLre]iLz'Ip.<Intlem'[c i:s substami ...I. but seems

roms (1'0, m.ood cU~llm::mu:l time of deat~ill



l'or~otmn ,t3). In



both :5.ttge.s~ u role for lEre pneumoeoceus ][1 a !l~lbs;~=.'lllJtu~~ fract [em of the deilth~ of l~HlJ;G
young soll~~iers. The rule of c:o:l~jlI,&1Ile pneumcccecaleae-

e l!~U~rab~er~l~W'lOC.O(:<; ieuuld

be fQ:u~td in

n~:x~ fhl\l dl;'e<lcles. :h'~:vk~~y!o i,;~c~l"ld {~~t gf !,Iny other gl ob~1 e,ua;..;trnphe (J. 2), The 1'O~e m of soC'cmdary bfLcleri.iliJ ~~lre'licnils~lld the '.'~ 11,1e'ed ~O:II" <ll,creri.<l~.'vaccines: :ii1re nO:I nlli::n~ b if t i.OJlCd i~tb~ US" DcpaNmcnt of Hc~hh 1U1:d .Ii' .In:tlue~:lZ;;], Pb,n 1:1 fhlm<lu Se'rvII,c;es Pmndemi,c .~ (1). 11~~ €lvkleltee fll!fit pll!eUnlncuCe<l~ inft.'C-

d iers \vhh iuflue llI~t!. du ring the 1~,mlJenli!h::i!"l l:irn.e UI~~.tedSm.te~ <lnd the UK (4. 5). lind H'om 55 of 89 he,ll:t bluod ~~lh~ll'CS taken from U.S ..soMier inlll:uenzavicl im::. immedi atdy ;;I.ner d!c'"llh (6. :Rough~y U) of de:nhs dm:img ll~e 191 ~ paml:cilnic oC'C~Lrlwed 1l1(l:lf(l !h~~ 2t'lJleek$. an(lr IJ~e-1.}Ji1I~l of s)'tnp.

ll~.eper,~pher:d blood of 5'11of" H}51;iv~,:lmg sol-

e illle .i!l! rtld~ii;: h~ i:~~ Ill~~n~l'i.·.!&sod.a~ed !'Iwr" bidity has rece.l1i.lly been denm,olls'trated (9). C hil(jli'4;:ll ~VllO ~cd~d the v~liI::d~lC ih~:~ ~md deve~,Qped ~ab{l<rnt"ory·con~i nned ~nl1ucmm, W~n:;;i:l 4.5% I,css rit;li; orha!>p.ital~"za:tioll d!.l~ 1;0 lIim.e inl1tlt::~,11.,,·;~£socuatedpnemnOnUtllh:3n w~re cbildr~!1 wllio· JliIad !IiIO~ r~cei\,l1.;ld the-

W\IV'I'I,I'.sdecem ag. orgSCII!N n


VOL 316

6. APRll.2007


vaccine i~ a pr.o5p~ctivil;l d(JLUb~~-blh~danr dOmlill,izedtrial (9'}. These data sug£
CUI'Ij llgfl'~~~'Md give III tu iu f(l~:H'" mtl;¥ ne g really .red.llcein~]aenea-sssecisted merbidily •.buralso, C(luiP~!G:dwhh d~U1 herd jmon mm~ity of co IlIjL~.~,~te 'P'11I IrIffi,m:llcca ell J:V<ll"C i~,e

in ~b~U~iH~dSUites tUn. !lUggC~,1 U~at Immuaizaeion of children In<ty p:ml:ect adulrs as well,

The ro;;~5\JIl!~ !lic!I'~<l<i(;jdrlw~m,m;C1cc.d fori Ino:rhidily andmona I ity .:Jiner :in ULII.enzOl. have been r~"ie\,t'e.Ji n::cent~y ( ,1.1). Pmclii,c;d UlIiI.e<!;:1ures
ilry W

be taken

p... vent ~nd u·ea~ seconde

b"cH::~;ia l~nleclltilJ~,5i!lid


<1m ibk,t~c

conjugal.e pneu mOt't)Cca~,,'If!CCi~l;:~nv~mJ:!;e of chi ldren to ensure opjimalproteerion for them <lnl.d h~~:~ll~\lI,;]:> h~rdim!1lf1l!nhy ,U1~O!'~ of ~!du~~::>! 31,ld IJllimrflsiClI1i W adlL!I:tItll or 13 v3leni pneuIn()OOt;C3i~ vaeciae '[0 prevent '1ti11c!~1Jim,OeQcca:1 b.JJ':terem i/1 s, Rese <l1["c:hstudies eva luati Il!;l

:l>~oclp:ilin~: liile


dt~ ~I'I1pilet of i(,IOnjl.~l\i:Plle-~1.~~1I0COcca~ vacci neint reduction 011 :ur.J11luenza-associ ,ue d

mOl'b:udu'ly ~11I adults and c.l~,~I~drelm f.:n, the

Ugli~ed Sraees and other ceuraries cenrem..ire l


innoduetien neededas \\idL

of these vaceines


lW~II,iim lF~ge~~of~£o.l~f61ol1alHe!iUh.llhlllln$5CM~, It
'01 PWbl'ilt HI~l!h

o1Ilndf'rQr~~or ,of Inlli!c~iO~S ~e1!~'es. m [mJ:l ry U.rniv~rsily"rutalIf~, 'Gil'!~!(B2:2, liS-A. E-!I'I'!all: keilll.~luglll~i'!@ell"!.o:ry.edll.!' ~~S&cQte PlIor@s~ar. Rmpirtl'IJ"lny and M@'lIingl!'ilt 'Piltlioglil!lliS R@~'Iri(h UIilH, l'.¥Ieclj ~<ill ~'5~ii.r'd~ R (oUllt:ililinc l:hnhrer~tyJ:lI Ui;~ WitwawS(a:lild..~o~.anm6buf91 2®CtOI SOI!ltIiiAftrical.


Gentle Et Easyl
Wiith E:tP'pendorf Adva ntsge oUelFS ~t is l!'!QWea:5ierlh EI§II ever ~ppen:c:lQrf j:n;,emium q ~aJlily centni'rtJgestcl youI' 10m.
IGentlle&. tEas,y:: Ceni~ri1uge
1 1

11- V. Sm~,.Pop"t1~, lIev.n, ',(I:.IlltZOOS1, 2. HHS Po!!r1Mlr.cffljfMHJ:m PS{J'fr ~U.S.~p\ll"lm.1lm 01 !iI!:<ll1i1il In S!;iet!,.e:~, W~:;hirn!l~J;(!. (1(. :2!OO)t .'!fIe 1 J_ F. lIiTWii&igg., 1~J7.i'811~t1.!l'I~ 6.. 30~ (;!OO8), 4. R... Pmir:r, 'l1i,I1. iWil:iiDm.. MI!d.): 1. ~ U.9t9.l. 5. E. f_ HIi~~h,. MI;!K1liln~. JAm {:1i., l!) '5 n9l~'~ ~ IL H. SpII~ni!t'. L :H. ~~ott. E..1iI.1iI.~tltjJlMAi 7l, iss !19<ll:9}. 1. ). N, II~II~ c.~'ta~.I. C. Si!]i.~n, .1~1 H,l'9.lHi ~ (19'lI:e~. s. 1(. Eo !'!'!ml; .1. !'It !l:1;I~lIi!'!~•.M .. Lnpl'!tcl1~j!,!'{1IWe4,3Z" 9(l~




l:W. III, au WlIO~}, 'HI., (OC, M~. mM,ot ~t~ I'I.lp. ~.1I.1193:~200S~. U. J. A. McC\i~le~,Clin. .Mf~rol'lf«.11w.19., :5 n (~06~,

t200~I, iiu~J1!em~n.a1)!H:[I ~L 9. '5".A. I'.'lIldlul" t:.1':. t::IlIQmrua.. Vllociml! Ui'[lilllft Grnup.llli'lt ..

51 0 2/570,2 1Ft Bmrlll.llS tP~ek:s The' EppfZl:ndorf 5702f,amUy of oofl1trEruges 'oi(f:ers an out:slandrng com'blril~tio~ Oi~91enl'tletreatmernt: of se.nsi:tivs' diinicall samples and eass-of-lNs,e'.
"[a !<ie' adlvanttiJ,gl@ l'lIo,wl

Titnlling of ,DJ IBaltik~

INDIGENOUS NORTH AFRICANS AIU GENEJI,e.d~yqui l~ dl ~~!~t;l frnMStlb-:Sfyhtl n!mI A Ifti ,eansl and t~,i:> d~fference IUS reflected in their h,gliu06i'sld,ra~Ii;dI E~t(lpe~M:i/M~,(.hne E;) s:~.elmphy sical l,catul'f$. We 11.3ve prl1!v[Gus,l}!, 5~i,gg.~!;~~d. lIw b;;ts,]s oJ I~,~ un diSlrib~1:I1LQn f :nu DNA type M:~. llh<lf Nort h o Afd c~ns are Ia~ty descended fl"O~i O!l back-

From Ap!ii11..Jul11e 30" 2007. CenhUiiJge S702 arndi Oerltri]ug:e5702 A a!f1eaVQiiatHe asaUracli've IEkl;tlU s P,acks a!tspecial pricesthdit ar'e toe gC)I(ldto, rntss', O~r ,exoitingl ,o:f~9I1'Sare ju:s~ a 'fie'w clk:k:s a,wayt For more' deta.ns vis it W'ww.e1pp,em d~r1i,.c()m la~v,a ntag:e

m:igr'ilio~. huo AI1riCfl \,,·ithin the lust. 2~IOO~
i 5,,000 yeaTs. l'ieseu~,i~,lgthe remporarily ~m,h, S'Ii1liH'i) aud ~pre~djrtilg the I\fro~As;.i01~ic 1.1fIgmJge f.llflily (2),. In~heir Report "The mlD NA. legacy 0 r the Levanti !lIe' e'ar~,yUpper P'II.<Ieolithit: i:n Afric;!C 115 Dec. 2006. p. 1767~. A. Olivieri and ~ol~cllgues used co~l~f~glt~$ w(lukl cgn"'~~~~mly

uer ru~~eOln. In t:onchl$~,nn,we ~IUg,ge:-H '~.HH I:1ilOlre 1'~C{':Ili[ :~lml:luxfrom Asia, pm;sl,b~.y since' the l;ru~q Gliaci.,~ Ma:N,.~1.1HHlll 20.000 yean;, Afriiica and adjacem areas [cf 1(4. 5H. We nl;lvl.::irt~~ I~~~b~11 i(;;'III1;l tbll~,~?uU~:r1;: 1n; h~!J!;l(l O ~ geneth:: research on lee Age Afri.c<Iand snb~'Im:~u pericdsw i~]' bell ef:illg:n::.,,;dy~hJm th~ compllctc nnDNA se q ueaei Ilg3pp roach LfII,:~'UiI! by Olivieri !lndl oo!le~~H'Iil~.

or I'ai!r:ul,dng in

fk 'with. the

t~H::' EuropeanMed-



a.go. m~y beuer ~'{~~'1~1~.~11 of lh~maJor so me' topr'QPQSet~i1Oli;~ genetie and ~inguistie patleili:l!I:> in North

the 11l~grr.ilLlimlwmAsi<li back to No.rt]ia.A[~i,ca, f h"r:~l1ed nllJ!r;;l~arlier, ,lnd they link ih~ :;;~te ~Je~;nelll North Afric<lw il:ll ~hle seulleme [III: of of Europe ilO..Q(lO TO' 4:5,0 [lU y~~U1i, Three poilmts, lead us to bei.iev,e [hill] 01U yom:l, ciilmMlngy for th~ haC'kwmigrlltum~, Ilinolrn,onhern Afr,ic:a sti II merits considerarioa, Fif~~. the rmlDNA U·0!;;SffiCO~.swJ!l:Wd 1))'
Oli\rieri ami collesgues are less I:h<u.lcunclu-

ro RSiIlE.R1o jl!INIl''1lJli,LENll!1


th~y (:50rl~i~~ af pl'!)ll{lg,~ograplli,c.blly lTII,li1\edbi['mt~hes.'1!'hid~ eause ~;mcil;lr5 iv('; b~catl.s",

UI.inly in :udentilYing

the rdtl:\'I:lI:~~1 Iblmder'

llil\e>~rtm~nt 01 F>Offn,!i~ Scienceal1.i:I Cnen'!l'l~~ny. Amglia ftll~killl liJoi:\1@irliity, Carrnbridg~ (Ill lIPT. UK.. aiOCl'N'~'" Hitll UIllJIWf~i~ ~I Cam'bridg;e. C<IJll~:r~dg~CISl OIDF;, UK. lDlpaJl!:rff!;!E!IU,O dl~OI'lCQI!!I9i~ Sperim!!!plate Ie l\~;PUca~ i,o!i'ln Ci~fli!;h~ l.IflJi'l'~.m~adi PJiI!errrno. PJill~mll". U:illty, ~md ~sot::·

iatl:~ne Of!l5il ii~.. S5. (lJR.U.5J. M



"'Q,wtiom C'(mf!spond eflc'e sho wid]b~' ~dd~es~ed!.E·ma~l;

Rl!fiflrW'!:CiE!S L IL L (~!f.aUi·)!orza 11', IlIMllm. I!.. Pima. fflJ!' H~'(j1'1Il'nd .. (ka9niJ¢ty of H~ ~ ,(PIiim;~!lfIIl!I!1IiY; frJ~~.

Fri~,\On, ~J,1!!l94). 2~ ~,~crslJ!<~{'MoO$.~r:I's. fl. Soc. ,1;ond.on SY. 839 •.25 l

{~lr(l:r.wSOhtlfl'fm (B\AI!, adQl'd, US.6~. ~. IC, Re!1rre~ Comb!; AJw~'@/.jI, :l\, 3 (199 5. ~ 100akollQo1l. J. S,gmrl. SM/.i!lI;i!. ;lD9 '.1 ~,al.



II. ,M1Juolin~l.Jir/IWp.i!S!~

{'1t:MsJ(Jffil~ d~ MO~



l:~.C:f>,es f o ,genes •. al1l,d figlll rLM,e s

(~lr POlj;,) is dun d~ey hmlp H1:'Jl~therd~n~m1mr


I,.uluona I

,;)nd ell Im~:<I.1pro ce sses and

Neolilhil!: cave' an hom thl1! c~liitrlll SOIiD,araiJ!mm .. Tilli~ex,am pie- is Imml lite'e' ii'll A~91ej'ia,.. I[Imi.l~c ;l~~Il!'t G)].

Itl~ti(:!i.!hf ;iI;;ne~ic d~ltiln.~, Second in Otllf VI!;fI.V ~ll.eIhcllru~ll;heNonh AIVilc.Hill1uDNA m..rker

Iy~~~~lm Qorrcspmt(l so 'J;;:r{)i.~dy with the Afrn~ Asiatic Ilm,gu,lge zcue argues ~ga~ns! the ,ei» is~~mcG'ofi~l~~ ~llrrel"ltcll!l~br oc~ns.l)fil~m,IS!111~i~ ol'years, Third cave artin the S.~h!i1lrn.:S~,lO'II~'S, 11131in Nco]h~li.c times (areund 5000 B,C..)., ~~,erNlpU~1Iliomi. ef t'~.e: Saharn was 5liiil~ of s ub-Sa hm:'io'tI'1lAmric!l:~]mH:c::stry (see figllr'~J.

e~pG'd;)Uy overstretch rec~I~~ events ~Jfthe Holocelle.~he.reby dO~VI1l.pJ"I::rring or swampbmSths !"'!!!I~tiC'~ign"~$ tl~lll pnim to much eartier e\'enl~ of the Pleisreeeue U. 2). FOl'ster ;nul RO.l~I!I:l1Io prepese a reeeat
"1,r,~"'J~-\~·iuhiiil, I.heloist 2000 to :~ ).OflO y~ ~lrs-!)f ~~p~ugro~~p I imi North Afri~~ a M

addlifi.ol'la I bO:lllillS

from western Asia. I:inked to the spread of AfI:o~.Asiatic .iHllgU<lge."l1" f:l'nis would entail a Ne.n r.:.~tl;lrn 'lUigiUl: {~nhc Alr~-A~~i,ntC langU<lgc:: ram,il)! and thusweuld be in l'Igree~

Each 06ll1ltrii~llJge5702lS102 I~
Bonus 'Pack comes standard \lVi1h: ,extr:al:GOtep~points· r,egistraltion bOn.l!JS '!he chalnce to, 'win one of 50 gin cerl:ifica'tes (, AA1I aon, Ameri can a express, or eqlJfrvallenlt) tD the ·amount. of appro,;.:, 50 Euroeach '. one un i:que Eppendorf pipeilie p era
1.1 a!I1

ment wi dl Be'l h~'u:odl(3 ).. previ lied. lh4'1~ 'one suhscribes to Slid] I'll t ighl. Iii~l betweenge nes k


whereas ·'Emiupoid·":i!i!Ufe'S. d!ocll][l,M:.[I;~iny the

arrival af'west [lir~sian!!i. appe~r~f~tcr 111 the cave'Irr~cord (3), \I!lilhin [he rr,lIlu!'work or our )'r choJll'wl.!JS'Y:.the tlCC'UneVle~ ('If low frequencks oil' M I types; in the'<II~1 M~dhern~ilI.emii COlli be e)\i;pIIJi'1~d by dim~-

and .I.a~gui\!e:$.Af!l"O-Asi",,~iC'seholarsbip
<IS \?!.I'if!:,~~"Stlm.e coalescence




times of bet ~~ Ia M !l~d Mlb ~nd the div~J!'s~ basa! distrilbution of M ta lineages i!£pec:~<I[llly East Africa .. ill h~'J,;~\;\·!i;r. mmlal~"!l::<iim~~lhh, ill'i~~'rIJrJ;!~alion. As; weprcpused if:! OLU' Report ..the <ili:ri~~of ~vni.~Arrkfl is J1l'lo!';tHkely co~.[empora.I}';nta.g@

MOIr,€' prGduc~ details and oantaot frdb!'f!f!allioP'n a~

dur~:un~ and since the N(:oUddc. The

M~ddle East <IndN<.ndl Altli,c~, Sar-

with thm of U6. but if oae abem<ltively


ta, ~It on l.y 11,11.1 na I ~y \\'l;:M.t fl

dllli.uiI jV11nnDNA foundeT dlale ofnOO ± J um ye!)J$ ~ie;;lrsC.fl~C~1 ~~0dby aHv lerl ~md ~

inre l:~e NOlrthemil Afdcan M.editcl:r:lIm:,ou.l co~m.. l:lm.c~l. 25 ..000 to 30.000 years iQ.go
VOL. 3:16, 6 APRil. 2007

.In tou'c.h wi'th Ii'le


would be:~'lin.e eealistic time frmne. Thelanerhyperhesis is \jld~d when one assumes the less paesi It':l:oll'i,c)!J:l> sccn; lh~l
orl~y h~rlogn)u:l? U6\II!I!I.sinvolved 40 .•Hl{) f to 45,000 yellrSrilgO h~ the cady Upper mJD.dlitmmll'lO ha S limo inlpm: l O'I~ the issue 0 f .DORiON "" ;BE~IP!R.," ]IE,AIN·M'[CH EfIL [lUG.OillJ~ON..~ (LOTlLD'E: (OUlIDltAV,!l the lute Nenr E<n:9\'!:loJ b~C"UM;: hapA. SOl VM A 5J!1I",rA(HIP:A!lA-~ENIE:!tIE,(£m,.:I, L logr,oup U6 very c:learJy testifies 10 <Ill e:~r.l)I ORNIEI.UI :S, HtlNS·]OR:GEN IBA!NDUT; & presencejn North Aflfil:'] of N ear Em\lCTI,l lin ~ A!NTON 10 1JiiaHrn:OINI~;' ~~!,rcs.'v~ich ~n~,5t m.'.:: pOOocccdc!tll to as. rn r h as Nort~~w~r:lAIHt"~ will~ the aacestors of ImpaltlITIeiil~tJ ~i~nelijca Ii! fl\i(iroblotogla" Uni!felfsJl:a, d~ .P"'Yi~,Vi~ f,e~~~~, 1, 2710 0 r'''vi~1 I,W~,~Dep~r~m~!ilt,oil the .Iberon~.,ulnu!'li<!,ns before the-Late GIOilcinl SjQt'~clmalog'i', (!!IUeg,1:! 01' 5dlmcil'., Un;lAlfsity of ISagh,dil,d, Mmdmu~u «!.Il,-lhe <'inU~i"op()I~'igi,t'~ilevidG~Q~ I~~. JDip~rllinenlQ d I GeileUca e fli ol[ogla ~o'lec(lbfle, rmm Norl~~ A:i'i,e,:'J. pOlint~ng ~o the' "m~o,~ Lilf'lw,@rsita "La;tii,~rnli!: IPia;ua111! AlGO Mo.m 5, ones


tUo~,s ililloNm:dl Atiric<Ii anClth<ll <I clirnl:s:LO:1iI1 of M I ~.HIm.,~~!gG~ Ilh'irkt$d anew ph ase in the Nile Vaney Complex. 15.000 110
~'lll' t!D !'>!N;!: 1Ig~~ ,~.5), [t

Pala~l)]ilh~e dl In~~ior L~'",,~!u pop~d~on iue

is ih~fI,HI:>~l more pl,lu:;ibh:

Ihe dltwelopment and emergence of p:r'Olo-f\.Ft1'l!-Askllic lan~tla~cs, there •. in 1:h,C Niie Villley (()', Later :L~]igmti:mls all(~gent: now. '!o,\'~lkh ~LIldOIJ,1bt'cdly look place, have certainly ctm~.plic<'lN~d :phyklg.~cogtilphic parterus, for :ull:SHmcc. one ma:y ;1~.SOenvisioml some mutual 'co~mcu;, berween ~:!ae:

ple i,lJIIN erth Ai:'I'icmJ ~:))" J\!I{)iJi'iCOV~ 1". thepreseaceof n,g:~,ri!l!~S sub..s ~!h,r~ln of , l}'~ in rhe cavesrt anile Sahm.<l Intiy simply be inrlic;aliv~ of rl,;lf'l;iu~.emeli1t ·of Ib.r;; oog;iO:I!1I by ,!;1:Rlurps Le~v:!lint~:~,e'!U] CWI:~l~.lre ~nd eoutem!mnm,the 1>OLUtJ~. !/l.h.e'IiIJy adapred to savaunah jJo'.rary mnochl:horl(Jus: cllh~l res of I:he Lower i:((lhJS.:ll. tlfrenheelJrly HU~OO~;:11e <lrriv.~1of Ni~.e VaUe}" ~-:~ 5.0QU yt! .. "S, ago). taler u mO:ImSlm.1ilm rains changed rhe Sahara iraea N~Q]it hic i!1f]u~~c~ then brolIwH a whel ~ h"lbi~.~blc~gio!.lun), Thus, (hI;: fllrg~.~n~Pi!t is package of Eastesn mtDNA l~iIleages, not infbrmat ~ve ont fuj.e lt i(lu ity of <II, "Euro ~ m ~f! hnu all (1f N urth A fri.c'l, U!ii !.lU"" :Ml.;:d. for pflU~r~~idI;?Jn",!u Nonh A ffi:(,'il. inslance, by the I.ekltive]y hiW1 frcqw.:ncy of ,AN NA 'OUV~IER~ i .AllE:5S.IUil'DIEtO I!'HI~Ill1.II~~
~nllDNA Imp~oglcolups J" l'Iml T in modern H. North Afr.ic~]'a,lJ<lpuklliollis (8. 9). Thecave an argiilmclu ~crdltH,x~d yFor.~cr b IBAITA!GIIl!~A. ~ Si~MON.A FORNiA.RI NO"l NAIDltI.,AL~,ZAHltIFt'll'~ u ROOAII::II~ASi(!(l!zz_A!RI/ FtllV.IO CR"UCIAtU:J


\\!1~ch',1!-Afrlklu rh}'~i,c~1 l}'P';l'. imo the Caps,i.m of'the mld-Ilclocene, gives clear SlIPP(ln m the 'l'l;lcienl presence of Upper P31aeo I ith ic peo ~
dhth()IHH~*, W!~llia c'Ontilm~itywd~,

Rome, nill)'. ~1YIi:liE'[Ular M~didli1f' ~i! ~oralOry, Rilrru'b!il1Tl Hea'Uh (,mOl Cam,pus. IE'rOOf! 9' '~~Wl!l!t Ba~ G'alim. 31096 1i13ifl~, Ina@l. ~G~mtre d'AnlhroporogJil@, IFIRE 01:960 emt), t:!n~iier~itle P,Oi'llil aba/Her. TlililltO!lii~~' 3:7, all~ii's Me~ S m.

(il;)'~~de,,31013. To~LQ~u (e~ex, Frallil~" ~(lepartlil!eint '01 Malhl!iIT1a:lil;'.O. 1I1111i~Ij'~r·ii'm, Haml:iur'g, Blllld'~slrill~@ QI SS,. 2(n46 lfiafl'!.1.)uf9, Gefm~-~.
"iO 'i'i,hom co~,r~OIil{il!l!I!I(E! Sliu:luillilill!' o'lIdd're!Siedi. E·llIli!lil: tllr,rmllii @~P'i'gM.lJlllii [


",;,1. I'lalli!l~l. v.M<i~"u~, M. il:ic~ard5i"~m bii'Jlilml~ ~iI'It, FrN.mift$4allDua!J~ ,ri~l!~m'HyjMrhf1;1s, ~. E!tlllfO~~, 'c. ,R~{~'I'I. El!'l5!. ~1'1!d)~nallJ !~tiM~


~!'!e!:lrapb5.. mtOolil3ld gn''lIitl1l~ Ii1r 1ll<i10!f0!Dgi:c.ll1 IRM~ilKb.. ,Cilm'bpid!3i'.200l}. Ipp. 99-:11.1 :t:- M" Ri~ln~nI:!, Hflt Anr}1fft{!()t n. 135, '(0100'3). ~. ifi; Bf!~~. SejoM«'<3U6,li6;~i00i)4l,

,4. 'c. ~ret S. O. Y. t1eil:a.., ~:~n" Po f20041.




c. 'i\t I'hlLI~pro:rn...#if;firanA/{;lIfJt(JNgy
!i're~, (~!Jri~~,
ed. 3.Z01!l~).


1'@s@Bnh featu re ln this Issue, Ipage' 1.11."

any different

roads can lead to a career in

caneer r,e'search.Wh~chpsth wm you. ta ke? fin d some directlon ~111 ~·iil;te5tCat'Eltl'lf,S, !imu;!n(elr the

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May 4 -

1'I'1t:erdlis,clpl~naJY' Res,ean::h

Ailsa .a!vai~abls onl ineat!:c.a:reerS.OIrg/bus~ines.sJ.ea lures


'0 APRI L 2007


SC ~1c;NC~ WloWI.s<::iem::eiITllag .orgl

6\. C. E;hr~~ A RKOO51'liIK:liM rJIPf«'D-Af1~Narir: (PfDIOJ1ijra*"): VQlt#~ tMg, ((ml'(IMnr~ ttlld vo.~a.!lulill)' ~1~~1~S; wi~1 ~.'Ilp.lyi~mllt0di<l~~~)'~flthe


~Umi\l:"f (Glilbmi~ ~~i, IBl;'r~~e'j.J\W5i\!i1!i1e~m'lC!11 1"5)_ 7, 1Mj, BreUI.IE. rillltr·~~, [ndJwtrm: .the .~I~ ",.*'1;1 9. 'II. OOIt.ll_U~,r~ tl!,. AIm·, I Hum. GMi8.,~.:23:2 U'l~I~'. ~O\ IR.tWll!e~. S, t{ri.~etiD.. S"ri~~ ~1l3, ~~. ·(j!!(106~.
{BliJd;m!t~ Ol'fitlflil, JlH!!'i). S, J, iI:amd'g.,gl t;tl,~_ Mrm. &nE'l_ i!'i.2, 5311 ~t99Sl

revlew of the ozone 5~~mdant Tllds. isnet the case ..

The OtX'I['I,e review L~ 'pr~'U)1 I~f
dOW!l 1111;:

If!iHSPQ'rNjIS:E. C10M M~I~rr IN TO]in.e, andthe EPA l'Ofld,~Ldoo some lilm]l!.: ~.go th=;tt :i).ruy s~.g~]~r~ca.IH changes to this
review\''I.'ould ~ij;:ely ~M<.y ~eni:r1g,I,h~s stand R~d t,lOmph~l.ed. MlARO.!lS P\~:A:CO(I(
D!Ilputy.l'\di'lllini~~a!.W;. U-'5. EnriiroIIUl1~nt<lt Pr~et:;lqOIl Ageint::'i'l ~!lol!5tiinglOOl,0( ,204·6V, USA.

algl'n,a!~i,eIP'fedaJtor in IMa~in,e MIlliS,S el P!C!lIP I!IhIUO:IliS""

A~nln :S. Fro.~marn~nd

"'0 ivelrg]lent ~ndillllc,e,d ReSlIIlll!l1n:se:s;to

~1;iHl\!~:i E.lB:ve-r~ I

!'ro.l1~uI~j 'l!sseis~ere' p~em if'! ~l!r 'S'!l:!d~of"'. edIJ~k. m

DNA ~rnt1ysi5iI!rJii, .. ~ 'Ihal omty ~ rewMylik!s

S.peled iil!DI Up tihe, E:PA

these ,i\\f, lrossulus dId! 1101. tnltuence the olllb:CJome of ollir ancilyses" Our 5'tudll' pro'l'lde5, esseli'ltlal

R:eui ew'



i;wid'~nQ~ ~hat ~J1I1~<I~iol1l!ll}'f M !?dulis IJl'$fIDn.lll dilfl!'l1!iIlllY IiO ~he th'lO c;rolbpr~:o.~o rs. a.rndliI1e< adapotiil'e sigllmcance 01 sl1ell tmcio'.ell~i:ig~n m.ol~sl<s iii wen ~~'bIijsheod. FuU

AS ERIK S,IOIKSJAD'S ARTICLE "lEilA DRAWS: f~Il"(.'!' e "ref ai r-review rev isions -. (News (I f ! he \;ek. ~5 [)~(:. :!U(Hl, p, I 67'2), notes,

eve:lfyo.un.eagrees thar the U.S. Envirunmental

Pro~eC'~i,~,m Ag~nl~~

,t EPA)

pro Ci3');Sfhr d..we-

l.ol~]1iI.g,!liInhue~H f1u_r Ha]i~)I :Slil:~(~<Lrds i~s,lo\,v q

1'II!1Jt! ~ull"ib~l:'sQfiJ:ie: •.;:v~ Jailfi!OrH'lI. the" fil!:Sl

lllIiIdl!Jlcled ResplonSIQ:s;to a HI IIrn1asivl9i?Ireidatlir ~n Maiifilll iii: MlliIs,s,e~ lP'olp wli arUD,fIi!f' 'P'oPIll)1l~ D. Raws.'OJii. P~U[i!ii',0. VII!.iI!ild,
ICO:MMIEMr ONI "[Uvergll!lliIt
Salr,a M. L~fld$ ay \Fr.~i!!m;m.. lilt! Byers '(R!l!Porl5,.H Augus.~ 20016, p.81l!) p~ESei1~edIeliid'.er'!~e lor th.e rapid !!!:\fO'LuUo.n amipredittor 01 lJIiJemussel M,lilillS MuUs" H>o~V\er. tneir an<ity.~l,£i!i. CMfoillli,d;BDI by tj;,e,~ l,~w~. Samptes lrom ~'Dlif'le~tG!s ilnl! likely l@ h~w im;h:d~d !ii, ~@nd SP~(ie!;, M, lf~uJtI'~; th~iJ IiIlI<!l'IiP'Wh!~i~ Q~ (h~miY!lt UIeS d\:le5<mt! p~eclUt,dnU~e, interp~!aUon5;.a!l'l'd ~11e~ lailM toO es1.a~.i51i1 an aaplive significa:J!IcI!to sanellthlcbn~~.



a~ 'i'i\!.iW,s6!1no!1llf11il191,(lr-gt{(gilool1llHltifullHl6i

Letters to the E.dirtor

teuers (-300



carees scielr:lilisl. ever to head l~u: E Pi\., h<LS



11"1 th ~



FIlo!ell<ll PlJtJb~1W 3 rno n l h~ or I~SW~· 01

~I:o;ofu~IWd. th~, [his.p:!(~~&. ... d!jl,.~s.!~·~ dJ;:~i\"~~

ap-to-daie science and cculd be moretranspaffl!)[. to lh~ publlc, Tlw rev i~i!)~:;; t\~1 th i~ proct::i.'io will re5uiI' ,jill more liU1.~,ely <lndtr"o1!'1:i!1"

91l'J1~r~l i rH~ r~~1_ T!'iey (a 1"1iJ~ subm the W~b {1'o'III\'utl:Jn1lr2~I('n((·.()[q)


itt cd

Hlrot:g h

01 by reuutar

ma il {liOO Ne W '((II k /IV!;!., il,iW, W ~~h i !ig'lO:l, DC 2{100S, U5A~. t!?lte rs ~'rQ not il~k I'IOL~lOO g.1!{j upen

Pl. no-

<I!l? .lU1

rmrt::nH reviews t.hal do deliver 'Up~IO~ d ate research, The article SI!lN~& thl'll tll€SlC improve-

l)ullblOitioll, WhNhtt

h 0 IS qener Jlly c a rrs ulc ed belo-e ~~L.,bli~h~[l lull Or iii ~H~I1. in

fulll ~~Ial



arc su iJll"(l '0 ,I).[ilt lJ"Iq for d~'fII~a nd ~:D.;)(C-

,O'ff~ih@~SI'N~lif' Peptid@ M iitll'oalna,ys

KinliilSe P~iP,tiide, Mrnaoi.!Jlr.a(JS ... 5 000 iU"lI'l.()'t'ilWd klnase ~'dbst'r:alE' on g~S's s!ides
,.lito,~ph.oigitle DEtectoll" P'iiliptLd@' ~iiH'!1S. through::. 7{Ii1::ini\l$l@ SUKl5'lf"f!tiJ!' proileins, 0:1'11 g.l:ass slides

'Cillstomii',z@d Peptide' .A,uay:s,

PeIP:~pl)tll'lo'l Pe,~tidltfloc;ans or mllec:.tlon5 of peptLdes on cellulose 1Iil'IIe.1"I"I bl'a'i"Ie.s
• Fast (:;; 2 weelk!i turli'Nnoundi) ,Affolld1able « S :5Ij:!.e~llIme,) F11~~bll@ ~~i S 000 P.epSpci~s/lmemb:r~oe)
identical peptiide m icroiu'~<lY!) Q:ri! '9.1ass ~Iioes Fan (s 1 weeks tum.i:lround~ Aff~!TdI"b'I~' n~gm" $; .::HJM::n~p) F1Ie_lI!~blle:I .5 000 pe;ptidesf:5l~del' (

• Syst'emal:iC:

p roreil'll lntera(.tio:fifS

of proreh"l

Alil,tiboo!l' epillope ma.;ppTng, fl'I'ilippirll g of ~ mtll1TIunOG om ilnan[ reg:uom

1P.l.'!:ptiide Mf~(lr'Oinli'~'s

Ecolnom]ca1 acmssro

.l OO(Hh.!crefic~m p~p~ld(liiSi from annatated p~()~e:a!&e ,leavag:e5It.e~

Id@fHifica~icn of s!U!m.U.1It'.es for kina'Sili1!s,pro~~sfl;"all"ld pho.§lp~lata,~es, speeUkities. ,and m,U'lrY

lestIng ,elf ill'llhibitor:s



PIi!;()$pIiHlltai""e!1fI~'tt(!~ MI~I.':!I'~(!I!'~ali'~ • :> 2 000 pi'l;O$pli1ope:P'~ideson glass s;iide!s ,d~riV~ hom a,rm;(1);1!~ool pI'liOlSp3'!o~i!:!I}:!l, JIPT' IPep/tide ifedlll!lio~ogiie:s
T' +4J£HI'IlI-639(lF7878

r F +·"·9-3'O~'639i-·7"88

~ pl>ep'tid,e@j!p,~.ICQlm,I www.jprt.C!l!!lmI

UlS,AICarna cia


f 1-88,8

-;5 78,-2,66'6



.s Jml~linan Smi'~]i1Inotes at, the be.g il1~ !~i~g Ch'(~d(!i"Dcwn'ilt diul ,1"I'",or(if ~'m.~ Vi,'iij\wl CullUre, Darw,un'srn,osl l~amml:S book is, f1~mCiS'1 cQl1Ilpl,ele1y deeold 01' mm;;hl'J.l:iuUll.Then: is Ol11y om: ~u'm!lmtio.UlI, ~n O~. lire Orighl (?I.:~~edr:.~. pO',\i'el"ruUyul:rnlfac~ III di3grlll'lli ofbrn~drung evolurDon ..ry descent, IUJ, thils.,a~ in mm::~, e!1se, [he: (}ri~in ,'VaS unusual. Ilh!1,;n"~~lhlnwas a l~.fgh~yvO'LlliJ~d r~1!h!f'" of Hl;th"bel1~HI'Y \I!,'om',k :unzoo]logy. homny, 3:I~d

~Iectio~. O~hen~'ise,Smi.~h,fm::wl:Ses on D~!rwirl ~~ >e;!rlymnn['i_g m[1!b on bamacles, hi S bite e:'i!:,per~n;III:.mI,t.,,1 V'ourks, on pl.al1~s.. and his I'iinaJ '\,'O~ml1e O.]1,\"'i'Qn1il,,~,

The chaptertitles

tall ofth,~ Mime form:


mOllO!:lJ.lllllh, 10 nt her oantemJ:IDJr<Lry S'cue~lti fie \~ntlrk ou l~ Cirripedia and conciudes by com~~ring them W the illustratjens ia books IJ1:('U ij.l1l~:pircd !I:!i'l.d sustai ~](:ldthe In~d~ Victori~1l CF'dZe :Wor<Lqmlri<! and tide pool natueatizing, P'Gfha,pl> m!lr'it .il1t~.~""~ eh~pt,.;r is (h:c: t1~(' ung [:imd one., wl~i,ch all~aly~e:s:iJlf: images i:mI,The l hmn~Jiian (~{ Vi:~g:f'lahh' JHoull/ Through #l(! ..kti'm~ II'bmh~. publ ished the ye.m"bel~ne [)a["'l,vi~~'s, death .. ~iIm.~l. D<liI"'ll\".ull rearmed 10 Ihis co.. )'I~L:iiC hl ati OIlW i til gl:oi,ogy, combi n i~lg d


"Darwin":::; Barnacles," "Darwius 1::1t:. } the: run1I)~e:x it), and

richness of Smith's il1llell"j'lm

Smit h


cae h

t::Im.•lpler in the exphcation of

rhe epoc.ll:al. ~i!lmdrhe domestic s,c~.I~s as, he de:scrihedl tih€ role of C'liI"f~,. \:\101.'InS i I] produc iug 50 il C!~~ ;!)~f'1!,IIJ'Q iii Pi:[,iUl d~'$ and bury iIl~ t heevldences 0 f Vi c~:~ ' 1,1' tSU DlI~ Cu !lure rhm Imma:ln,civill,i.Z3tiO:r:I. The book

'~()rlt1J inedac e,lnhwuI1JI~porO!I J!ry JIJ.I'J'BIMJIll S'ml'ih wry good jolfi 01"c~.J~hliu ing Irnil and on~yone d~'igmllm, of Camblcdge UnivcFsjlv dl.eill s~~I~ifiemM;e. ~n",ollg~)' I:~C'a~ne:ltd d i~~;1 lve :ll}ls~~ln" f'm~g.C.flmD'fidg~. 2Ill1li and Iheli>e\,!;'i1ls a lJ'ie<ldy m>!llikel e~~11 for expenA.ccolFdil1i,g 1.0 Sillinilh. this. OJIl is... !ml'po r~ed bytlre gelll.cilF01I5 37-4 'PJ)- $100, ['60'. :o;i""~ \IOhl!U~~ with ,1~vh..;h~}1p!~''fld~ll(,'edpl~i~,l;, d~sign ul' ~h~bI,l(Jlk: I)llt 9~.~y liif.m high]~glmt;oltll~ f(Jlm!c'tiu'!l'~I:1 ISIBN 91,BO!i21~69(l4, l.ike most 011' his centempcraries, Darwi Ill, 311-e lh:er-e p~:enty of illustraOT III liht.1Iriim.l emphasis of bf~odgs Stu,~i~ ~ dn Nine te,epl'L11-Century uuderstood d,l"lt im'i!;;,es o~)u~df~!m,;tO~lm;afgui lions. bl~1 UffltlM ~I~' them "f4;;: 0,11,"\\1' i~'s ill.'_gmVlI(,l'ffil.t: ",lh'<lll ls Liter alu re and C u'llblre, ment as well as dJm,{;l:ipt UODl.h i 5 wel I. :k;I~,own, br-ge e1m.ough fOI: their d~t~li~s i:lin:eres~il1g ...bout the \\J'onIDi~ that :Irn.eonsidered the ,origin to 'be a mere c 10 be diseernable, Smith's 1i1211l bypa:ssill!; earth through absuact of the mllchlo.rl,gie~.· mld more fuUy e;x phuml.iorl!'l Jiiequi re hi In ro dreir d i£.e-s~~v'!!$,y:stelTIl'l. dre)' Sl,Jhstaf~~j~lro tir(1\ [11m heweuld ~.13'!.1~ writ1~llsfoml tile .hmdsc~llc-b[)I~~ by wrn(~]gi[ ~nt~gn'lle m!l:~y separate threads, off"scholarship. im;~mjin~ [he .llii.ii$WfY of the book. an telrn if he had net fe.ned s("OO,I!l'6d by 'ov~rail~d b)1 ~!lriclmi!l'!gil '\.vill~ U~l;.i~ c~H;;ti!l~~ AIFt<,;llRIiJI$~IWall~~e. Ii'll :l~ismore leisurely hislor:y. ~:~~, the'!.)I"}I of s~~~run(X:. \'\.'1;; U as as (e'Nc,relnenl). Several ohlin.e iIIU!>llr.ltumn!S m:e .,mJ lypi:c..,~\\~k:;;.. Dortvi:n mr!d'~ rre<illnl;;~'~fmd V:~c~l"i:ria[1lit~far)1 I.'1l1d, cultural :$n~dies" Ftlf rarher nlilmlumt'!1ull rol~re~en~ali~'ln~ of \:\IUran subtle use ofvilOlJl!Lllinmges. example. the (IKIiI}~erQ~. barnacles begiilm:lib~ c aslings .. w,~,ich h~en !l~ve offense to those Slill.~i~h (.01 pi'Qrll:s:so:r of Engtish ill: the ~olTipm'i~ g t~iie iUu ~In.~~ ~.oiiilgki!1l D1lt!i~, 1; ill cgfiU'l~iued to ~l mUIrliS'rnrrefiecl ide!, I nf th~ [uri

~1;'Olq·::y. whether it·\!;'m!~ inte nill6-dfur :-Tl'l..~ila


!'pecific ~.mase~" He does

brnsder pnbl tC ,Most mltUl:-'<I.Iists (:I'~thtmgh rim: Dun"'irli,1were 'Idept di<llhm~.L1.

lJ.D1iversity of M.ldh,igotflJ. Deamol1111 examiaes

iIlu~mlti!Jrls in detail, diM;Wl ssi illS them b()t~,lin relati,QI'I ro ~,le 'I'!'r,uU:en te'."'t5 they ;l(.'('~)mptunk·d and ln m.:::iatiolJll m dl~~aJrg~r scienti fj,c and pOp!UI<Qf visual cui tures fr'otn which

of natural hi~tory" The rest .rlreof objects-wtle'~l~r

['ilmjUI!.llel~t$Hk~ S~OIlC:I:t:~mlgc or


modest elforts like ,Roman villas or random 5wnes i~ cl]II~V~t~d Ilc'l.ds--grodually heing ::mbmer~ under the s~.'mvly ~CC([IllI~II<I~ed by~
Il.roducts of,canhwann
metebolism, woulld h~l\'eglve.mI.lluw'~, ~o]1l~fontOIJte

[h~yw€'~ drl;Ul:j,!'n_l-[~ ;!1!i,Ji(;~pe!'$~msi\ld)'~!lrn;,'l1 D!ilIru'illl'S i:Luages s.lffi,ou]d not be considered nlc'rely !I:fi aJdonml~€nt, or 1(1:\'C11ID> li,~~ml:rn:~jamll i.u~

C,rreM~.)'con5iden.>d. nene ll'flh\!~.;ei~nil:gl;ls !!5.

~UllHr.:iI:11 ~ \"~.10h<l<B.IQI1ig

the rhetorical sense, bw: <1$.1 lhQrnu~h'liy :ilmt:glrlilCd ro~npmu.:.1I.n ofthiC' WOl'k. i~ \V:J~icin,'tih~y
"ppe.~r: He thus refers D.o[)~'D'"\'!'i v>'Oms as [I'll, ·'lm~g.~t~::<{b'" ~~~d~drifil L\~)iuthi!l 1iHtll~r pen-

critics (of\'l.ihom

!fohll Ruskn:1rn was the most 6 "I

Cio'n~pl'lIiined <lOOlll ~

.Perh!<l()s .m;: <I \VilY of t::'llm,plin;<l,s,izi.mlg per~ the :->i!5tem;~of D;;lIliVi n's (.'mll;.;~mwi~h thi;;:\'i$~q.d l!illl~I1IS,kI.D11 of Ids ~k.~., Smitl~.d~"'O~el:l.ll1nsl: f o Illlis ~Hcnti Oll ttl 1.~~.chL;;!;l;lin~] 3.mtl the end of i~g D~\rw:illl S C'll,'€e.f. Of the series of\\\'Orks

wh.n 111~y·~(lllsid~f~.d d~(' d0gradi~lg influenec ~ olf~lmem<lil>e~,lli tot OlIesthe'li.c i'lil :o.1.rwil] 'so :1il a \,\'lltk, In p«ik'MI<If; hilO,l~Hl1tl;'lfiI!Sr,)IJ(l\!~ K~~",~n!l] . ;..•
select.Uom, suggested I:htll~the ~.rmmu] !re:ntSeof



lI:re.:uulY Wffi sbflrcd by Blllin'l::;lls~0]," ill:!.~.rn:1Sl t~liU .Il ~ W11::> v~ry snmilu lO;) r,l(;ull"y lh~l· animals ~ ail:s{'1 l1o!,>s,£ss!.':d) thatul had d........ 21lldl 'eloped l~n ~ res!mnse 1'0 lhe exi~encies of rep]'Od!wl.clh:e ~

\\11kh Dlllrl.vill el;abo~~ed ,the $Oh0:~~,IIUkargu~ Il.ll!:lUS of the O~'ig.iu.only t\\10 1.'lIcei'l,'e mm:h, <lH~miun:TIN! E,x'fJJ~,,'1,'!.it1m ,o{'flle E'jfllfimM ~·I. Mt,lIi anti AnimClA,':'I.'hich iS~~'Ii~e:Jrn!i~"'eiy i*,d ~n~sed imI, tv,{o Q!.I11 fai.Ce,!!], alt(~ The the

coll'!!''.crc:hM ~\. a rofloctkm. r ..

or $Otn{t

hiW~!;rln~(loo oi.ll·~rur;;pli(lj], P~rh;Jp~~Iill rn()oo disHLrbi.I1I,g: ~(li Vi,cwrum~ oonvcllh,aarn .• DlIrw~n su~s:e'Sted Ih.n i!1! IfI!I;ln~yt'll$e~, d.l.:fil1]tivl;!' acsthetiejlJdgmell[ @r~lnJUi.ngmll;1~e::s,lEIsCJ>:e'r" v c~~d by 1:e.Uillales hlh~wlJIgnhe ,clldo:t:sed olhef oouave1liltiomll ideas 300m IUnll<l1l sender).
"'G,r(lre~qU!~ nl@li:~JQ." [I~millll!.!sed thl1(lC ~l'Igw~¥· ingls, r roOlll phowgl'<lgnh~ toO'SlIp,j}Orill1ilsa rg!J.!m,el'll tl'l<1t \'roffil~, fJlai5~~~~IeiliIlMnlities of 'Gc$ling,5"






olMnil. \vhicmtfigul'esiln


considemtiom;; of[~~!C [Ics.the!.ic- i.I'[!Ipl~('atruns: uf

rfu,~ Ire¥iewew Illnsmute ~I

iii at iliff Dep.aTirm~nl~f iHisWr)" Mai'iiadtu~it~ ncliJnGlo9~. C!!H'IlIDjidge•.hlJi. Oi2::!l3:9, USA.

O~e' of Ih~ ~~,l;)~ysU'~n,g[hsofth~ ~)n~il> ::; ~fuJ.• It. i~,l.Iddit,[on: ~o plac'ingDiH'\\"inls, us.e of ~'
~~l5~'\1~r',,!I1 'COlnt:mpllfary f:;(l!1!Ie..l(~S. ~

IE·U!1Ol;~ I1it'Wi@lI1ih~dg

Slni~'1i1tn'lces D<lil"lwiun.'s i~l,npi!l.C'l nuntile populiI'll"

visual culnue of his lime.

or course


.il"l~.pac'lim:IICi.\..~'!.!" [1£, mos.] !.:lOrls>piC:lII,ous, 1,:liIrOO,lIClS.were net l~~e hCflrtJc:lll 11!!!liWIUf;, Ihc~l!'li~li~ ell l~ bm sevof ern] ~~iU-familimi stack caricatures or carUlOl'IS SL1.C:inJ 2IIS, the ,o:r ttllHl:UI},:.eywuh <I, hum,lfI filC~ (i~'i the ~..rly d~y!i the I~~,., llllwil bare Darwin's own easily reoogffi).izi!l,bl~ tfe'l~' UIP:',..,) <lind the lj,~<:lggemcl e'vQI~lti{Jl1l<1ry trans~:Olmat ion lrom, a IrlC!llkey {or, somet hues,


med ical eSl<'IM ishmera :sudll M nyc!!' the: dklgnos:ils of ronsill ilis,. lris like]y l!mal


our~n..~ptio!l~ ol·~md.iGjnc, IL! n~,i mosr other bll<llliches ke of seie nee and leclmol(~gy.

ah~'iidyilidudl;; 80fri,t.' kr1!rnV'ledge of i~:s; S~tiCCesses and rilih;tt~$. and of ~h~g.lp:-J

.i n utsc:-:li:stling lllDoxieg, Mm1:e'"

TIlt: d;:lim tlKll medicine is golem-like is fn!' fro:n~ flood" ~.I1d1as [lllG =:wuhotrs: put it: "The re,aM.yhard qj[Les~iolli Ihlll I'~.~~aill:;; is. -](no\1"illg w~~dijdll'; is :rallible. W.h~ll: shouhl 'i'o1Cl do"!'" Althcmgh O~: GfJlelU indeed ~'illtiy ~,e,jnJ~i;;;JjJef\i. to re Heel on
tllei:ll' experiences w.ulh ~.H:did.UJ'I.e

frm~l ,,1flsh

Uz;;lifd1tn ~l]ilape m acaveman W <l~~,od.erl1lhuman. The f3,Cl thal these


dle~c;:... , do cu~.n(.':mi Il.!il s gap£ is .:1Il, '1',H't i



<Lmples,of those fail WIJ1I!S and

<I!l 11.11 <lnt

~ts>efill exercise • ~dot,ew ru!)' andi" hal r flgu~H~o~tr.!!wsthe imp{}r~""nC~ i!1;l:m.~&illg pu bl le t'Olrnn~ oL~tlJdil!;,'t;: lilre Smiths, w~lit::h Carl! he~,p~l:> to deuce lbl cures '111l,d ;",1:1tUlidcrs,n1J~dOUl.rn\V~1 thne as \!;1i!~1~.nj\ D;ulwi:mi,'1i:" swers are just ~round, the ']0., 112~~S~.11l4lilMl cor.mI.ef. Thi s has been e\l:~d~I't in :!m~uchof Uie hype: surl1omil.ding genetic. stem oel~. andcancer :research.

imag€;\li C(]mlt~i1ue toO pro\'Oke: flr;;II'§~ (If reac~i \'1el'y si,nr:ui],I~ to those ~]IiI.ey .111ised ii, ceuens

The: btujk. e',"I1Jh,nes i;l~gJnlopic~. bcgtnni:t~g with the fl~.<Iaeboeiloct. CO~~.incS and
P'ilfil.C'h de~(:ribe h: us "the ,~Q.lein l~e hr;:[lrt ef

li~~lim~i{li,IDI:)(p"nicularly W:Ul~. rega ru tn pmgIl.Qil>i:samJ [ il1,rl!ll.I(mlHlf~W~Y f~Us ~opu,uv,udcmm:lrngui<llalloe about \~!h~t~1l faCl rli!'~i¢b'lms hould do s tin ]:ig]'u of tbis k nowred~e" iFor ~~;nmpl",'-'~r~;lp~ b~'>t: Ih4;; baek arese ~mplic,ir~yill rmm~~.e.l! to calmis:idcnHbtJus ~f SiC icaee ,nul technolog_v-there is linle e$ligp~-emi~e!liitwith issues of pc vsonal v<l~ues,nld ethics irl relalion 10 medical ded,simHnakialg er \'rili~ the poiili.~.!t social, and eecnomie eemexts within,nl.e (pmilicll~:OlI:lyin ~.H'adtt~L-velop~d mnnri.e,.;) ]5 praec undit~
tleed, Nor do the: !u.llilmors ,eXi'lmUlle the art er .~rnfl of 1l').{:iI)l'ici!l(:! h1!~n}l i(llct~iI,. He nee they it!n1.o:re h::nilt!·.stan.d:itl.lg debates ~f] the p.liili~oso~ phy orn~.(lIi~ici!le' (lVL;;iI 'c~Jwolhi,,7r $'km~ (such ~IS ,co!tm,lmm]iC'd:tioll and dii<tgn:os:tic tllleml that are

h. e. 1m.di~ iom.~ ]ew~ slm ttrn~Yl.hof.lhe g.OICllll J ;J l1U man ·]~kecreature ere.. 11[(;1<1 y InummlS ON.I.of d<'l/)I m:1(1 \1{'.HEr. I:~, b will fo]IQ~''1lQrd~'!l"S Olmid is wry pol'VC rful y(],~ <IIhmis 01. it. ~"'~l.I]i]lid clu mi:ly .und hence d!atll~ b lInd ~€'rol:l~.The g~hm~ ~las become a lrope .iln POPUl:<IIL ![.'tI~lUl1e. U'I'tlkilli,g <LPpC;:'~~I':'<1n:r.:es in I iler<l"y aovels lludn, as. U I[Irbe·.r~o Eeo.s

eenters on

tlned~C:.ium'· !IS it encapselaiestbe prob:!~li1Iutic ~Hltun;: nf nO'M;,~i(;;J!!itfie a:sr~(,~t$of ~l~~d inc i ic <'I,ml~'lrleitr inmlp:lCl on <my :n.telll.lpts to scientize

medieine. A



C(}'!,'Brs thi.;

Ftmrnui; S I'em:lulum





Pokiemofll games, h serves ss an ,~Pp'rop r,i,ltellmniLa:lS ~m:tap~~oJ: for ~l~ serles oflOOok'S lilCUSI~d (.II] Sid~m:::t: ~ndt [Gchml.o~~)g~' y b the so cuologi s;~s tlilld scienc e 's.~~!lH~s ~llnh!~ Hany Cnlliru~, ',i f'UIl~.\'t:::'.rsity I ~ami T"evar Pi nell (C Oflll.'l U. U 0 iver~ity) ,t1. 3l.ln th~~j:,ne3:t ~ml<~~.h1lil.enl. 0';, G(Jh:m, w~ mr~ tal>:~n fir! !l ~:Oll of the ··nm,essin.ess,'· ll:ml, r
Ch,l!U~l\1[i;t,-es: !m.~di!cin~]11o:~leq" ~;oreneC'~ thecQlnple1i:ili,e~ on hillu~.rel.ll;!n m.cdit'.;;l~ sd)em:eatm.d

c:;,pl%::i,aUy Drr. tG()'hm~

dllblou!> ilC,cept1~nl.ceofcard'iiOrm~llrn,Qi~<M11resusciwU('Ig'I KPR). They ll'llIAlIlIi<'lt crhk:;: .~,a.\·~ ar~kld th,l~CP'R i:I.~.b~::it is Ilothin,g more lhml11 ·"p...",,>;;s;ingrHlm 1" (whose prim!lfY .~;.>;JC is 1.0 aUaw I~utliiieSItliOl-e lime with <I ~Iyitrnslo·",edone) and ;H \\f!)f.St is dOll.fIJgC'ml~s <.lind a s~Lb~I:a'Iltifil\\~SI,lC 0 f t~mll,\Ce;s in terms of l'r.~ itt,1il.l£, <tn:t'I,c:qu~pmea:liL A less success sfu~:chapter on

d~arlyce!':l~O;~1to s!.mdll'l~~dk·(~~ 'pmclh:t::. lu ['I.C'L fhey set I!ilp ,JIl odd dic~Olgmy be~.\\i6en

medic ine !IS saience and f.lil.odkil1~as "slJIccm';"

which ~m[)'.lid~;,~ydenies Hmt ncnscientific

ferms of ~i!lO\v:l'c:dg.e m ighl p.lay .i!llpo.rnuil.1 m]es ]beyond pmvid.iug c't}Jntbn when science Ct'Ll1ItOl Cl.Ire-B st rikiml.g. o.rnlis.r,OIl Fur ~C'bolarn s

Bow to Think AlnlLlil

Me(~lcrn€' bi" Himy C"Hir1fj ItlJ.d

')lI~\,1l!inh'e~~e>r.~idne"r.:]cu~'>i quick 1.0 it"t:t'lg!'i~ze ~~lle!l'!{lti\r~ So of l".'>.pen·, f[Ul'al on the e-ilr1Y~1970s,Q(ml.r(m::n;y ise in etherseuiegs, H' 1.C"J.\~e LLltd.erexp.b:od


IJIi1iver si~'I Qtl Gh ica~,o

Pre $:5, rCli i!:ago. 20cr5. :;1'5B:Jl p. 825, r171~o.

IS8 N 91:8002611306·1,

~.~<:!r $uno~qoo~d Linas P,IU!illlig's ch.nnpionil'lg of lar-ge (lb.~s of\'illfilm~n C ao;; cure f(l~ ;;l cancer. TilliS C<L\1ie~l~ldy n~iL~ to ikJ jtl=-l.icG hl lh~or~gi~1~~hfdarly r1l:~e.ut:h CHill which ~rl is
O;8iS!ed. NOli" does it prov.ude 3.11 mle~~ !!;1t~e," imu,lon of the

pm.cli.Qe ~ml O~,l how ..\~ sho'uld n~~1kei!l.'iledi,r;;:<dchoice.~ ~i''!lenthese ~11il.0erll'l! nlic~, .~ - To iUustr,:nemec.]icine·s ta"l()ldJI~ed [~I[llibi 1.~ jty.lhc 'IJlres.en,tll ~ric:s ofc'l~ f;l~tdlie~ Gi hm popular! 7J;i:I;;':Msung :seho~ar~}1 ,1I(:COWlIi).~S" .~ TI:i.e:se :mnge from nllJlJ1Ili~i a:r d.ebatcs mrer ~he' d~finli~.iot! ·flf~Il;;m:n rind 'tX)n~~~l\.;ddi~~.ase c~te-, g:orie:s sm:::i1r<ls cl'il:mni.~ f<lli.gne <lind t~lbmmy!lI~

(~fllW.,p:~~'"us,,'liuesR"t~i!lmd WiTh ~o(by\ cmnp~emel]mry ,al1d ;lber.~<1li\~e mr::dic(!1 tbeorie.~ andl p:l<u::tice.'!i (which fire ol1lly brll(;:fly ~llUC[ll,'1.l wm~in ~:hcpl;:lrob~) cilJ<l.plen '('om:tJIiS"~;ld Pinch ..Iso imegrnle some of" their own lQ,;,pe'~:em':1~:;; \,'!lith m~dicil~~ illhl'lh~irr :~un<.~~cll A~.lholUgh~l~.ei>e'pC:'ffio:mlal. ivc. til read!!>

the hyb\rid rlOlt!!rtl af mediciaeas ;lprn,gn~u~ic. !liC:~ellltifk: ... niS!i!C .. <ll.ld soci<]~. undem~kin~, [n:;l ~C~l~. o)mJw::;!ind P~llcb ~pp~~t()~l"'(: u~: Dr:: GQ/ml.l '[0 (,'0.1:1 frnillt th,eir mVill pel'iilon:a 11 d~J!!i~(l~N:fu~d \i"i:th the !lood l'(HH1Ilk~p!;:f'W~I •. l:i.rl!'"3M·de'a~h decisions. they .seen~1~o w<mt to hold :m,edi,cuneto hi.g~.t'r standard::; t.ll<I[I ¥ore m ight ~Ul',lcl 01111::1: Ihrm~·of ~ie·.IDI.iI;,'e. p~·ob·, The :I.t::nl is [11m \\i~],Cn\li.C\\r'ed lim.this I im~ledallc;lidct...1i;red ,wry. rIlt1'dic inefi:~I.lsso f~r :st.unlh<l[ it is '\:m l;honld mmders,t!ll!ll.d lim i.milP~~.~ ~tlliun~flf ~ht;~ C~~~~tudi~l' f~r ~.ny !n~dk,1!] clraoi[les\'!'il.h ",~~.i~h,,!,o;ernl:ightIJe l~lced"



~Lnimoy .1 m.10hl

nl i~.ldedre'Jder. l~~ey do

s~l!toll'11i1'.lyhelp i,llusmtl.e dis-

::1.. 1.1.. Ec.'O, Frnt(fmlts ~n;lrJrum (Stdieramd WiI,rbwl'g. toru!l!!fI, 19S9l.

~.. ttl. ~I~s, T.1'II(IfI,rne'~$ ~(ll' f~~~ SI;iQ~ ifti{IW a;:m S,*_ t'C.mb~~1!! lIhlll. ~,Cimbr'l:lgl?, 199'3); miMedb)' nlI, ~~malE'.saf!llJ'fl:'2~3, 67(1994). 3, ~, {Qm~,.]i, ~~~h, 'fl!e Gq.\'~ !I1f ~r~ ~I f!;I~ 'S~Jd KMW'Ailliut J~agy ({;I,l'fillrnfl'g,iI!' Ul'iw.I'te!-s,

~ ~'i~[omoj'e mUi'id1Irie"
::m C

iIDIlet;;u;;[iOl1l~ \Vilh


,t:l tE-lffl\lilt rachl'LiI,rn~e~,~"@adel;jide.e.du.OIiJ

Jihlf' rerle~r i~.a!tlh~ Sdll'OOt or ~j;~I.l)rll'and romks, '~., IUn~!!'ef$il)< or Adelaide." Adelaide., SA 5'OOS.1I.!:iJ5;tr:a~ia,.

a.!1:~mcnlt> bct\,,\:cl~ iil!.;: '1Iutlmr::.; {fur i!lsta~L"'C'. ai:!cHlt mea:s.~es. mmnps. <ill1i.d[lllbeIlO1, vm;:ci mltku:U. T~I;: ~u~lb(lr:'i~mph"5iz~I:i~()t thi~ book, ' rallOOd tlU~IVII~<} co]~:sidil:rno~ on~,y what to '~liirillik but iII.I:SO\!i.1hmto do---w~lilt (:~o~ces; 10 Imlk,e \v'hen f~o~d lo,!,rjlh, dilficuh I.ll,edical deci$~OrlS.


W\IV'I'II.sde ncem ag. orgSCII!N


VOL 316

6. APRll.2007


SOCIETY 10 ,englillg12 di\!'~uw publlks, :sci@nt~sUmast rO(I,lS (In ways to ~nake (cmplexlopiC5!!l ersena Hy rl!r~f!'I!a!nt

ii;imbt,~mic stem celli research, ~'.Q~i'IF~ con~idci.':able public atrearien, \'l.ohic:h:~slikely ~l(I gr'(l!l,:V, '~SI1cci~Uy ill [lh~ U~i:l~d SImes ,as th~

iti:s•. rd. :ISc!llilmte dl<I~;g.e,.evoiulioll,alld s

$.~,ij~~.'.:!1; ..


'O:.f$Ci~n ....nd ..C~



h; ;,!!UribI.Hab~L;':o ImM'l'iL"':l m;tivh}l. (:l1iupar,!;jd t wi.t-:lm75 % -0 f Deraoer a ts (6), Re gourd le ss

2Q(J1S pre:s.ide]1ti.1I el~e:c~ionheats lip. Widmw

misreprcscmi Ili~ :;;dmui ncinfomlutOOn (u1, higlldy (lonleMed~:sues.. scientists UilUllll.e'ill11 ro i,lctuvely "rmme" i.nforll1P1lioll, to make it rele'i.-'~I to dilferum ill~l~il'J1oes, S~!I:1I~e iii1lh", seientunc COllnJlHllnit)l h~\,'c been receptive ~'O this

of ~rw ilfnliativll, mOllt Amel!icOll~:S mnlo; global ,\m rm:~ I:Ig 01;~1e-.~5 im:I)Orl·<lfrJ.l[hill~ O\'e r a dozen (Hhm,'isif;UCS M'~Leh oflilis retlectsthe efil'otts of pelirical operatives

dl;;mt~tln~lr,f[~~, lTh!liil}' Ndl;i'l!~is~s Ii'!{it[dy f,d 1It I 1:~i~~1k S:bmtegi.c<llIy ;!Ibout how to ,oortmilnluni.~":'<tle on ~'I"ohgt icn, but belitt le ;;]nJ,j n:-;~l:~ltllher~'


relighm::i bl;1~id;'{~l')"
stern o(dl :~&"ue, comby parison. patienl: <tdvocOltes,~<1ve delivered tl fncused ,mlJl~SS-:l!]gc to ~,~le~ublic•.lISiLIl,g "seeial progress' and "eeononlillt: ~olnpeti rive01'1

the embl)'onk

ami! some :lRcp1.lIblDcn. leaders who have em-

111~asizeJthe trames of either "seieruifie uncCictaillity" tH," "unfair ~Omc!(LiLlic 'Dla-rdeu" ( 7,)1, 11m a>l.mtegy. ~n'J,liro~mC:r!t ~.I $t~ i 3llild some [)em ocrauc


... , Oitl21E1:flS GO


mess~:t: (/l'. H'O'I'I.<ever:mJiimy sei ~mists re~<ti i:I

the ~\,dl~i:rm~:I:utLoned '~~i,cr Lh~l, .u'f ~~ypoollic b~l~r~wJ!JW:~~llldi("JC'lmic!lil f"x]I~~ph;:~ihiil;'s.~OITI f news 'OO\irernge,I'Iittei:r Vie>"'P:lilllS: '1'ffilIM, benm,ore like ~de~1:t.iS\:;,'.,Oind c~~m~Q"I;i~y,,~''(lu~d .\iUbN~dr;:. leaders have I"t.!m~d In oo1llity, Cil:il2!em, dio aotuse rhe tfU:,W'S, globiQ,~ wanni:~g as media as ~c"ie!1iI]5~~assume, Research sh()~.'~, 11 "Pandora's b01\" of [.hm people me ~.n;e~ywell ~ti,olJlgm:: ~nfu.~.l.ed: er C<lUIS~ ro:phe~in]S aad
mOliv!)ICd to \\t'(iigh C(}[! id~ms,altd aU'gu~ menrs, fm:ed with a d'lily!;orre~t of'news, citi~~~l~ (hL;l~f,dut.;:: poodi1>positkms ,(such a. ~!>C s
news images OfpO]flf

notusetlhe news med ia as


11ii!S:S" :ffil'<llnes 10 ~n'gMc mOlt

the r~e<n:t;"h uffers

1'1"1 u~iiom: e f

hope feu


sagc::sh~velil,elped to driw: uppub'.li;e S~~pp(lift fbI' fim.d:~ng between

nc~ mes-

20111 <!!1.d2Q[)S ~9. IO~.

HO~'I.,!;::\.'e·r~ppone:trnts of o

0 r "~I


bei!Lfl! on

:shrinking ice flees <Iud hurncane

arm ~

dCV';lSUUiG'll~~~'~evoked charges

l'loli~ii,c;:l1 or religious

screens, s.e]!OClDl1ig :~e'\A"5> ollliets and ~~b sites \V~,O~ o~lUook~ i'iIl11~t:h 't heir g~1fiiil (2~. Slilth screening reduces the -cI~.Qiices o:&'\""h<!t to pay
.. eilllQI1 m
~.lJ "I!I~

beliefs.) as pefCe~)'lw:'1.1 ~.s.m'· II11.d fu rther hat lies, O R~t'f'llIilly, !I Cioa~n,tiol1l,of' Ev, .~ef1lders h~l\,1I;; adopted ~~ difl\.:ioom stmt~)"lr.ull!iJillg the prob~em of ~~imalc c'l1an!:,"C3s a matter of

IflllU-djllig (mf.n:i]~Uel)Ofr.ull(;'; thedeb<~!e ~reu ad the mor8!~, imp!i.C<'llio)m$ uf~sc~~h.. ~.rgU[ua.g Lll!a[ ~c:~et:ll:i..ts .ue"p,l<lyiUlg God" and deSilroyinl;!: . hm'll>0Jn life. Idl'lo.logy aod relig,~Qn ,ml'~l creen s


dO'n~i!'!ii:llU r()Si~thre tlO1rrn~i;\'e'g ;lhOlll <Iud :reachilJ1lg.some :!>egmell[s ohile

,~~plmi"'11~id (,n,

relisio~n; mn~f.<llity. Ti~e business pages t'tmt

eppornmaies ~'ro:rnde,,'c~op.il1g irn~ov.a~~v,~ rechnologies jor d]m~l~ cha!l~~. Co.mpl,ai nts abou~. the Bush Ad mil1l i s.mlt]on S ~ I'lIii;;rf~rt'!llC~ \,Vi,lh~a:mlmt!~ic~lin~~o r d i!nilli.;; science have led to a "public ~'lrocmmabiJity" lir2lime that has helped Illovefllil.c' issue 3\Wy

jJ\lbJ'ic wjlltwe~'!IHlilli,~c'l~";~~:eiilgeJ I), (

8011'1{': readers may eonsider our prepesals roo OI\'\,~lllkum. r~!~rrillg ~(l sai~;lys~kk In l~~ ~fuc::l:.'i, scientist:;.mU::lI:I'e<lJ'izAilI:h.n C;U::l.::l,wiU 00 yet ~pe;;lt~diynmliS<lpplf(;'(~3nd IWb,h;-,(jin di reer pro .. poDrtiolllO their relevance 10 the poluical debare ~1J1l.dflCi~ioJmFilmaldIl.£, ~Il short as 'LJ1IJ1l.li1l<l!lIrnlru:, d .it

From-es o~nizc ,cc$l~ra.1ideas, def'i:uajng tl. 'oo~nii'fl'il'~ffi~i re.'>OiUil;;l!oowhll00re va lues ~:~d ~o assumptiens, Frol'll1I,l:esp;;.II.'e dmvncOJ.1lple x i&.'ilu~. 'b}1 g;~V~~ig smn~ ai>p~Cb; grl?~tI~r emphfl~
sis, Tih.ey <II.1O\!.fcilti.z~.n:i,sto ra!li.dlyide~nury 'IM,hly an issue nuntcrs.,\vlm mi,g;~t be responsible,


.ll1d \,,~ljl'll~1O~1 ~dbe done (4, 5t Cm,s~dcr gl(')b~dc.~im,ue' cI.l<lng~,\I\{il~~ilS

su eeessivea ~'i.e!j;$nI1,eIllBt reports sammarizing th~ ~Cil;'fit~fic li.h:ratiIJJrl;.':, he U~itcd N:mio~s' t h~~lI:rgQ\'lI;)mmr.:::!iltldP,;;iI1~1 9~1ClinM~ Ch,l~lge 11,1<1-5 steOll<:1Iil¥increas.edil:s confid'ence LI:I2I,I: llmm~IfI··imhLwd grl~,~hmJ!~~e ~1tI i!i... i,{I~aw ,go~:±i c.'llls~ng glob.d \Wi,rmiuag, So .ifsc.ic~ua~f:.almle'

pol ~licalwmlTlg.cloin~, the s.eiC'l1itinc lhG:m';t of evolutim.1 has been ,21cl'ep,ted within the
frum urlt:ert1l~my to

As :;1Jnolh~r' exaaiplc,

mi~u feel. :i,1l lImn)" C'1I~es.sciemi Si~ ~hllll'M li:lU'atJ(:gi(!a]~.jI'avoid cmp:J!D::Jlt>~z~ngl:lJlc lech:l1I,jea] dett~i II~of:-''l~tiel1l,.;e whe,1IiIItr),i'llig ) dete~m: ~l. U ,
l. if,. 11'1, ~'t"rd~tey"i!i'~aei'lR" .56, 1(~O<06},~.~ibG.(Irgf lJiO!tiMO~.i!>lIiIIL'liil:llt!.r'i!!iIllmil~~~OO6_ 97"'1006 2.S, L. Po~ll'il1\ The 1Ia~Mi"rl!1I'iotlft'f'(~Ill\!,01 Ohi(~g,G p~~ 'CITI~gll. ~i. 991.). 1 ~. J. Zillllf!~ Irt!Wn amJ' M9fm. ;:,fMmn ~f!Jmrm'((nf"bOOg~ ll!I!1Iw. ~~ ~~ '!brlk, ]9'112)'. o!l. W. A, '(iam!l()Ii,I'i. ~19'I~rn,.ilm..r. SlXiiJJ. '~,'. l U( 98:11.1. 5, V. !lntf, ej. u!:, AluJI'4:,Opl1!. O. 69,[lI'9' (2005}. 15, F'I~ (tc1~~!fI@r l~~p1~ ~ ~~~ii~ ~ '(li!OOn; t~~Iw;!1 ~ 'iJ~~~,!Jrorn,oDg1pi:J~&2a:2fg'lllMl·"":llmIDll..:li·dMd~ M··

r~!>~~rel~ ~t1!!JiiHnUllil.y for' de(:,\1J~Jce~. aS3 Y~t d~hil~1;l '~(~r'''imd li~lIlt d~:igf!"\V;;~ Itlu.m::lilei1
311tuevohllt iOllilsts I)romn.otcd '''sr;;i:el,lt:il:ric ltf niCCr~ t,J~nl)'" 'l!ldl·;·I~<lc'tH:b:e-colllW\ier5i' fr<lnu:~, \!'1~,ichs.>:::i.cnds;ls cQIlI'Ilt'erud with :scJ,en.ce-1 nit.en· ~;il ~re::! However. :rn,luch ofdu~. p~lb:li(.; ... likely olll~hese [edlnil:c::a~ mess<lges"
]!!lsr~aJd fr-;l~l~J;~r"lPtiblic

drove public re$ponse~,. we would e.... oct ilfl~ p'L~g uh~[c co~mJidence in the v,did~,ly of p th~~d~n(!~. dL"cro~singpa~.hi~1 gO,dlock. ;llt!.d D-eSpti.l.e re'cent rn.edia, .mentuG:JIl. hmvever. rtll.;i"!ny Sl~U'Ve'y$ ~how major ~'lllflisan dHlt:r~ cnce:s on the i:s:sue, A ffil'~w s.urvey OCmdllt'l~d
in J~mi.mIl'Y [:oum! lhi'il 23%

1).t'CoU:~,[(lbiUty·" dl~n foclls 011 the mi:smre oft<l.1'!, do,n ..n, "econm.nir:: d",\l~lCi<pm~m"'I:h.""t higMigM thl;! nc:galh,',,,, r~pel1cl.Issii:cm:!! fo:!' comlDlLUl it ies, embroiled in

,0 ,.


llc"l~ed ReJ)L~b.~~~~~nsnk thi


thai: de:r.~teeYO~U~iOll1iS'J. buiMill,g b~ock ftn nlOcli,c~d .-IJdrIHU'~CC5;. :;L1J\l IW:.e:ly 10 cngag-r<:

a:lld "soci<l~, progr.C:&j;"

I')(nool or (eIHffiuiI!iG1IliOIl.. All'! erican Ull'lher~iIY. wa~lh' illigtroll" DC :20016, U'5,l\. 2WMhingum (orrESPQ~-df!lll:t,. 'eed S 1lIi'lQ1alillJ'le {seedllDlig'a~nuo~ml. "AUlhortor (Oi'respondence. f-l'I\#il: fIIi500t@H!!lIeriicOlR.edl!!i

brmultnr slIIppon.
'lh~ c;::'VOhl!t i:s,~'uef~1 o hl igJdl.,!llhl$ anol'~lcr iOIl ;~ p~lim:Mes5ag.~SI'l~:UslOO po~idve Hlld re~JXlcl df,vt:rs.llty.. A.s then~m rIo!:/; o,(Dutlos p.tuinflJlly

'1. A" 11'1. M(Crngl'l'~ L Iil~jjl~filfSOc•. PW1L ~(I. ~ (Z{iO». It 8. f Ilm ~romCilliln.~,~c~!I!iXlIO!.(om~ 9. Y:i!'l)in!ii {Qm!'MfllWf\l~thUf1l~'!'e~~~l" s!:j~~ S~"'e:r W~ ~,Q(I~};. i\IW',lI~U.lid~rreeili!fi.!!ge~.Ju!lVoey~OO6_ W rePQIt,pdl l'iJ ~ew 'G~flie{ fQ!i ili.i: IWJII~ an~ lI1e fIles5i2iX1Q}; ni~pj)' :P~iflilepip'!"~!Jf9'i'I!!fi1!llil$l'd1!:IlIa!t~Il'Ji'II!i!fIOI1Jl1=.2~!l :lI.:it. Ill, C, fiiMl, Inr, J. ,t',uf;ltl. Opm, Rt:!: 1,1'~:l!iI.!joe) '[<l(l()5.I.





w~ JmJy btl:eble to tee m Ifleil'ii~JMrugs ~ry

qIJ1:ckly" andin[or,porate' U~el1iliflto ml1'mo.ri'e-5, iif riep.~~$eflti31ti'ms re ~atedinfmmiil't:i en na,u! of Ii!~readly been sta bHi~~dl in ~h@ brain,


<eh;S<1M ,,$ill.! remember

'OOUt;:f \'<h~~l

new can be' related to 'io... bat ~,~ a lrea,d;y know:. Pml7es.'liofliA ~atb~!ete8c,ln 'wc::~,m:.mnbe'r de'~111", of paliJiculHrpla)l'Ih~,1 oceurred in 11 .~ongmatch. IExpc:ri~n0cd

poker 'pl<1.yelrS cmil, recoastruct

the card d]$lri·

bution fUlld bet[ing sequence that occ~lrn;:~I, in

p!J;;'!j,Ii~u~ands, Thi~ is Pt)~,.'~ib!e h bocl>1~~t~ltt:';~

~.ndividua~s lliI.3Ivc' a,ri.chMckg~lQun:c1 Qif"I,le:levam

Olml lherelhre

C~,'lI1 ()~~~l1i7)~ne)~'"

nmte~:i<ll,un~o ]l;l(!'~ningru~ ~nd oJde:l.~YIl<IlWliIlll. 011 P,lg:!i: 76 onh~s issue, Tse el al. (,II 11Il<l!e use .of lilese i",~e<lsto exp lai 11, rheir new find·
~.!~gl> n"!~. ~n

In his classic 1'932 mm~o;grdph on rememb~r~llg .Britisl~,ps)t;:~:tOlogi~t F~d~ric :Bm11~~t t2,., deveklped tl;lC OOlK"CJH of"scfutenli~" to, ~'iClb'to .knovJJlledg~ strllJlCHII'CS,.iUlU')which newly ;!(:',qlliroo il'l~OJm'lti,mil C<:I1'lbe iacor po·, rated, AI.I]~.a~gl~. ~1].cschema Co.Flocptis ftmdlfi'~ menialto the ·p.s}'ChololiC"d I scieree of hrman

ml;;!llnry.. it ~10il:Sbeen dilflCu~t

t:~r!IO expe'fjlmen~<I~ ,!lnJilllJllll.s. 1"Sie(II tl/. show in rats hm\' lh:~schema ~ij!loept is Wi:::!e~Jllm lY th~ pile·
nomenau of.rn,emol!'j'

bri~,gll'n(,1 eon· bhll0ll-)' 111md~lXId.!~ly I~) studi!!;!$ ,'"rith






cQm~(jlid<1t~,o~relier~ tothe gmdi.1'!~ process of :reorg<lllliz;uiQi.n hy which new memories


relll:(l~!,'; emories m

(3. ·n .IIlILhlny.lh~

~ei1lfining of~'lCts t1l'ld eve milS, (docl~u;lI:h'e memr~1)'Id't'fl€:m:~s; n Ih~ h~PJ)(](1~UU~.lrU:'":s~ntCUlffl o y deep .ill the temperal lobe of'the MIIutm!m;dillH bro!lull. As t.nrnl:lC p3~scsaller lc'.u'l~ng..t11J.c .ullnpo:r~ Wll1l~eol'\~he'~ippOOtrrlilUI$ ;fmlmd~~ milrn ishes cti
aIlt! a 11100llC P>l)],U~l!U](:~llml::IUPI)'

GQ@dl s!(ih@!'Il~$ woll!iltdl. Wilenl ,a, rat l~(!lm!l ~s~l)cE~lijO!l~ b~llj'ol~Ii!'1'! na~ rs ~IUl~ S\j)a~l~lloQ!ll:i;~[lIs, .!l$~t",di~d by line a~rodal~on:§a re inil!1id Ill' learln ed ,alS in difilidua I facts. HehL Wilh ~.lIlen{!e;dlra~lrlin'!l. ~l1e ;n nimall !lI~OOP!i an (jr'~~nizoo !!>tn,lal!l ro QJSdle'IiD!I for Uil~rs a rid JlDlaes (lirliidli t~).i11 us.'J;)F9,a c l1ii~!I:'!llI kI1~~~~dge structure (bold ~i!lc sJ GlIiI thrl :5'ulplJ'O.Fl~apJdi ll2'arlllill{j ,tl'~ nC\iiI OIss(ld<IJ~i I)Ii!S un ~I s.inglle~l~t!l .md thlil fillp'icl corl'50lioatiolll o~ ~n~ormillr,OI'l imo~lhe n~ocon~x (righit).

T~e et 01.


eorreet loc~tim.l in [he' arena .. Auninulls learned the s~~. la vor-p:~.~ee~~~s(](:i f atlons gf .• !liJ1..w]Ly m::!I!O~lJ weeks (iJhn~j l'Iiirlg.! eaeh na\,l)r~pIIiliL"e 6
pair' 'W3~ flre;\;t::~u::d OIlCC pCI:' session for

vee-place ..:mnbi.Il<lli.onsfe.FIrl.ungoo c~1':ry [V!,J'Q sesslans (Ih.,; ~ncfl!'l!~j$[.e;!"l!~ 'Hl;;mH.~n ~he con!oi:islel.H')feL~'~. <LfIi~n1'l11!> could then learn new f1avor~]lI!lC>C assaoi fIt iQiun.:sin II. si ng~.c tlliiaJ.3!l

li;~, U\bln!i::~od ~ iJI d~~I'fib:LJI'Ie'(~e,giltms of I:h.e 1'If';Q(;()UC'X This r ..

l~~!i~~~I,y a lew ~il:rs il~ ~il;:(:~ hllm~ll1t> ,,~~d I~.!~ ~:n[)!1!~:~ f!\ld~n~t>. Ao~mdi~g to ,n ~! i~, one in:nue:I1I;~ial, model ($11,the processis sl.O\v because if C~.l'H;;l~were made rtlpidly. they \\,'O'ukll.intr::rli:J'l!.': w.~lhl:lIn.epreexist ing fr.;mm\~onk (If ~~flllcUired lmiLfivled,ge 'thim ll,tS been buull up from other experiences, In the T~ (I ~d.stud)l •.raislearncd H) ;;'i!~O~ eiare :s~x f1<1'!,u:rswitl] six ~l:1lacesin a f:JIm,1iiliar

~ad~ week,

~r,~i n i'IIl.S. and three sessions


re scheduled

N~]l ~Ull:llf.'jl~i~.g;~y.i!:~iin!il~$with

hippm:'llnplll lesions f<liJ,ed 'to learn lh,e assocranons .

Mfore. By contr.tsl. ira the illil1:t1l'1Sislem arena, i!.iji nUlls fal ~~d~l~ ,~:me-tri31 l~;!.rriil1lg. prc~~tmably because they had l!Jot establ ished <lst<lMe schema tharcould guiiCle rnp~d~c<l,11Il ng, u


thu~ n<!'\~(lJf-pluc~lnIl.iUiling


lhr.:: mu~t :5urp~:;.ingr~nd1n,g by Tse c,r cd..

and what eonuected the schema concept

ticu~a!r flavoll' «1 O..5"g morsel onl~.vorOO fooCi]1 in one {'if fcmr :llt1utboxes li'Imi.dthen oou.ld .~ ret:ei\'l::n~Ql·,e of the s<!l!I'ilerood by goi mi'Slolhe

t~$.\i!,~ ~0011!l. A

r.u \li!f!S fiff't(;,M~d


a p.i!iI'~

forded tire devclop:rneau of II schema came from fi!Lldil1g thm' animalswere SLJlb!\eqUltmdy able toleilJl"lJU1~l' ~b\\or-.iplru::e associarieus in ~ s i~lgl~ ~ud could rom()~ub(;lr the I1;L;)W assotrilll eiauons full' at least 2: weeks (see the f~g(ll1el.

II!Ilemory l~Ol~!S(l~id ..tim.



thO:llt nHtlOM;:l!


l~~ 'ex[~n·dl,;;dl~.inirl.g: hud hG-lp~dooc,f!u~ein :.lJ! s im ihlr. task in whie h .ral:s.were tra i ned 01'1 <I

lace assec hU~O:Iii,tt~IC:']~d3y (6l.

,0 .~

Thl! .ilUlhor i~i!!~lIe VA lIIi~di.<1il(.I!,llIler, Sillll Di~go" (.[\ 9~l;6:l1.11 USAI' Gndl '.he Departmenl~J !:If fSfCJrJ~ittiry~ Neuro.~., s:,(jen()es.. ,~l!Id ~S)'dolog~, UJ'l'iillef$ily ~i (~morlFi~. S~llI t:l ID~o. 0'I9:l!OO3, IlJSAE"maD.: IIli"1uir,e@oc'SJli.ffilIl

.. ~lye:s~<ib.]is:ned <Il1dper-:lis.ted, fin less lb:fIIll ,l d~y.Tsc f.!l cd. al~) te'l;ted Q~1hIer b lh..t ]I!!<lmedi, six n<wQr~pl<l!ce assm;i~ m m.ernory
"\~JS: Jiilywe O ."!li'!.)I'1~i~l O~.f': ~rt;:n;:!

~I~ppoc~mpl[~ <1Se".iilrly 3!S 48 hoU'1IS ~ficr the !il.'LpidIG.1!!nli~g orc.wo new flavarpl:Jt"e ;[L':;M)Ci<Lliolrnsfu~~,}i spared me:l.1lory of the ~$(ld~uiom;, I~t~(l~ ~ni!n~alt>h~.d f~r.;:~ beem give un,exrensjve trainil1lg on six ether-Ilaver~~,laJ.:e asseeiations ..lIms cSI:<Iblii;!1,in,g~ seheme), It. \~';]s 1101. the C'<lse tll,oUl liliecrl,],OI'}' oft he IleW

(l.h~ cfi~~.i~cnt

areun.a and ~

(\o!lcurrt::Ul!~lyk'mmed si." d~iTe~li;':m Il1;~'!f()r-rla:ce

as...ooi.ttiOJ~s in another but with VOL 316


i!!1lsOt:.uat Uomi.!;\!~ a~L1/("r dc;pelld~~I. 011 lhf,': h.ip[)'OCampml,. nor that nllemo:ry ,\rtlS )!.Qlnm!elluJw IOnlwd dli~cl.1y ]0 [he nc.oaorl>f.;".>i. b~ali,l5C hipp(lc[l!Irn.p!l1 It:s.i(lrl~n~ud(;l;3 :!l(JllfS 'lli-1:w k-ami~g abo I is:l~ecllhliH::[I~Ory of the new 'lss(lCi~lli.Ql1is.IUli

W\IV'I'II.sde cem ag. orgSCII!N n


6. APRll.2007

Sf1()n. d\u;n0~)OOf~eX w~:s abl~ ~o lncurp(lIraue' ~~e\'I;rn,lbrnmdon rapid:!:y. This is mle..",pe~teclly i
tor II pmcess l tlni2lll. on the' fuilS is of as II~m]1yas 20 suulies ilm. Kperiment:d animals, e Q:rdi.~~Iri]y takes mle~sl a 1l1000lthI' 7). h is oompli n; to ''''~I~IJP'O~e~b.u memory COIl~ s:oli(!9:l:i:HI':IJ prececdcd :roa~'idly bC~31,,1:."~ !lc;W ifili.~munio!~ Wmi. ~l.iUy oon~~I~b~~w~lil1 \Vl~al 111<11.d <Ii.fe'<Ldyooel,l :~e;,ulled--(irll other '!{,'OI'!i!S. 3, rnpi([

af'l;~~~~lJ'l'!dxln:S(ll,ild~l~(lf!! of ~

to these (Jjuestuam;
ll[c notieu


a~"(M~i iom;.'! n.o~: un memory is 1i~~nll1ytransferred from m d "'OlI~~d l~.elp hippm':<IImpu:., to IJfOC"OJi'rt%. but mlilleil:~lra<Ll. the of gdlCl1l'o.'1 andcl_[lr~.f)' the hti:ppm::mmpus guides grildmnJ chamgcs .irl the

l,lOnCli'tiollSl~li:derwhich r.apid



idm Iml


1lm:' s~udy 'il~o



Oil <JIll issue

of IO:Uilg~l':wmttil,i!ilg h,1tC~,sL As dlC' author:> .poi!lnt gtll, Ihe- $~Iel!]n aU $~~lf<.,g!;,':1!!'Qd recall (if Spli't ial memory can occur illde'pendel.ltl)f of the ~~ ~ ip

n{."{l('tUitei1i,~lraaliU'lol.'i;l<l~ the ll('lmplex,uly. d istrib~ltiOIli, aad ill1tl::mOfllIL{'CE.ivhy o~:'ll1;eJ]lOI'Y srer'ige !i.ites. Tilis Il.e\\' !Stm;~,yis the firsl to sl:mw I.~~ tl~ is pro(,':1.;"s... C!ill~Ot;,'CtLr:r,;upidI),•.
Re!rel'lM(~; 1. ~.',~~eI ai.• :'>ri~.Iloe l~!6. 6 7

g(lt~d ~Ch~I1HI\M.'I~ ilIV;lii~bLt;;,If ti:'), 'q1~e~ti~m~ p{i!C<!mpl~m!l~ !.1m!lll>t:f ttl' the rrop~1IS1I1 dm~ihii: mlluD:ally ariseab ClUllfui,e tni I1liIllUn:lm, re:qlll~rehippocampus forms and stores (logniLivc: Imrlll! menrs :io.r an elifec'rive KC-ht:ma. hrh.rp~ cu~- ,"'I'J.Tlm:s. the new nndi~.g,:;,,'l!:i well as other ,\iOrn ,(9). give 1'10 speci ,i~emphasis ru Sp;1t i.. 1 tirmwd lmin~::L'1g Wi:t~,l two Ilfsemi n.woll'--phu;e palrs '~'V€'b"yd:;;ty '\VflUllcll be SUmdi(tilll. (mIt jusl C(J.!:pl1Iit imii. il~.dl ~!I,[ instead I:~at the l~ip.
e;xte~ld,edt[<'J:iiningwi~Illhe same set ofpairs, as \W1S dO:!In(lby l's~ cd.). }\ I~htlughnl;;:w ,a~,"oci~'I .Ili,tmf;.(mi~edirl thlf; '1,1\.'~))' ~,nlinariii~y persis~ for than :!L dllY (6). \ViLh extended e'_'qwricnce' ~heyn1.i.g:l1t p e~:s~ ~11 s~ uch Jonger <.Ind ••1so bCCOillii1C 1.'jlIpidly illtiepclxierlil of the hippocmlt1~ pus",A:n,dwh<ll might happeL'1,if;H:iliJllll<lls slill'nply exptort'd the same <Ir-eml day >Iller dil'lly,"! \Vcmld
:u::> ~,


r~c~sund went:;. both ~~~uial . >Mlli

The .hJI\!~r(!w!sliolli

y~.IfiI.eir.iIII·~nlqlQsele:;)rll:Jerof ne\M
OOJl~p1;!li~d" OOl1Ceon:t ... the 1'J'~l\I[1;; cf


~~.l~ru h ~Uun!i,l W"'miii ariJy \'Irit ~y sislC.mtenl"h'omnent :mppawt [hie rn~id



m('!nm.o:lfycc,Om,alidilu,OIl ib:~If.Re(;cl1i!. of br.!L~nrnet.ll:ml~~m llIr1d'lClhIiJ:y-rel.Lted l::.erile:-i~.1 mice de~crib~' [he dee'rc1l~~n.ghnportaace Q f the hiPPOCll,1iIfi PLIS 6lhe p~~ses <'Luter:1,~.llimil'ig as ami the Ii ncreasing :iIllIportmn:c Orge\l~rn~. coni~'f!]mgi{J\!m~,ifldml:ing thl;'lprelit1il!ltOlI .• wm]~~d. "'llll!. <lnte-ruor ~i'rI.glll'&ue cartex j4l. The idea is

2. f:, 'l, B;art!l~I~, Il'f~~9'~C:llrrJbrit:lQ~ 111lIv,..lIrffil'l, CiHlbriid!lf, !I.,9~j!}. 3- t It ~q~!tt.p_JtI!.'o'?I!'% (~r.r. /JJ'rr. N~~i~', 5, 16? Q tl!99~. o!l_ P.w. IFr~r"!!M~,8. B!!):iltem~~{;Ir. !i/e.v_ N N~u~${i. ~. ll~ ~;100~. 5. J. L McCf!!!ilMid. '8,. t il;i.i::Niltl~hl.O~, C. G'R~LlIi', It. ~~"'" Rev,;!'oi, ~J}lj'U.'lI9~. 6. M. IrM'I', R.ILMgSInft.. R. G. iY.L ~Qrnls" Nal'ltt.l!!ll;!4. 20:5 ~200ID. 7- t II. Sq~i~, II. ~ Clad;" 1',J.llay.1ey, ~1l!lle(():gffl~i~ JVl'tJJ'O~~ IIf, M. Gaimlmi9a. E;d. OO.'fif p~~ 'C~m'brudg~Ii\I\ lQQ4l'. a, J. 0' ~~f~.,L ril~d'~~ ~ipjMJl,iIlftip~d~'IiI' (og~lIj~ Jilit lll~ {(ld'ord iUmi'll,IPiI1l1'.1~" O\dI.m1. 1'97,8), 9. tit. Sqllill';, 1l:.I.lliljLev. (Uff. Op'ifl', .~fJrWirJ1,. in p!fi'lO



A m~chan~~m t~att ('onlrQ!nn'!? ste'p:ms@ !In avement of oil I1lI(IILe cIJ f1'I(IItor ;.'lo "'{I a I,u

Jiltimenlitl us 1liI][Ifi[ltu bull! tlrac]k i:r1~hl! (,~lldoes !l,ot ~eeJ"l'l~I)' re~ ldire t!ii~ tra~ki~e.u.

isa~~lUice of n~.mneI1wus tracks called uricrutubufes, upon, which mo:I~e::c~d,Jr 11i110l0rS u.avcl, ilHlVit1l,g car~o about, ]n ~lil i" mill ~porl~.Y stem, 11me m olccu l!!I;i .mo lor kinesin- l carries l1eb'IJive~~mye loads (molecular c(m~plID;:~. ml.Jmbrfm()~$ vesicles,

I!:lln~!A:iillg throughmn jiI,~~lki~rygti(;cell



0 n piilge 120 (rf~hu~ issue, Ifll. (2~ show that. a microtubule

t:U'(I,ck :u::; ntH :uu.:oes,s;l:uy for such gal:~ng to occur. T,~~[s, thn1)\V;S8 surprc~!ii.i!lg,\\'r~m;:hil1llo ' (;)(islill~ models Or~ill~!I~tl movement and


So lhm

~_]le traek is not

reql~li:nred pre~o

duce the ilm.lequ~~i;,tlem;;eQf the ~~e.yds '~i1rn.uis needed for PHIc.cs..<;iv,emfJ\!el~le'll.t. The first ,indi (;<'111: ion of ,11 ga 1:1:: \,,1 ith 'e~t'~er a mcuomer or d lmer of k~ncs,i~, mu;:or U.",'l) ( h~<'I{~s, re:;peclivdy J \'l.I@!'l th,U sl~~diY'·sL:f~~ ATP hydrnl),', ~~nel!;1I'e ~.O\!.r [1.lllles:s mieronihules

les), its mot ion


b~' l~M':'

enll~~y I i~enlliLid frural 11jldrol'yz~n: adenas i~le ~'li'iplm£;J:J<~<1qe (AWl (J )', In I.~oc:·t .kilne~in,· I 'C::~ i:I
1'i1110V~ iClr~~c~:ssivd.y

ror~or!g dhHl'ln'ec~.;I~OV~:~

a mi.cl1mne~:er)11~ong

rir:l:ilcrotubuJ:e ,.!;'~~:hmH

frilling ~ln:Thb; IfcI~tn,X11~iN',; ~('.!(lrd jql!;!!t i~lg th~

m01Qr domains {"h'ea!ll;s")


so :lllcadis always. atltadu~dlnl:~£ microtubule \Vlr1i~eIht: olher is detached auad movi ~~g flLrtl~el: along t~H\:u3ck, ill the dilicctkm of

fI1JllVClllel1lt Thl;!: proposed ,n.TI.o~lec 1IIorrll'iled]ll'· nisin umk~'~I~n~ lum:::cSv.,>i\lC;: mOI.i.oll h~s till!; OO~lm higJlll~ tb;:bo.u~d.On~ IJO!llf~)'vcrs;ia~ poin~. hillS been ho~va~.l o;pcJ,i:nion (;m~le:d,gating" " p~,(lC~dg. !h!j1.1 if'. hm:~'the ATPr. ~ (:ydi;l ·I}f Ii ~~ldi~ h

AJP Ibindi!i!~ Ii\!! thl: !11!,Ie<Dtqde~~ !1e<i C G,pt:m ~~!: SI,3't~ ilrnd, ilLIQI'fi MP f4!~!ilS~ fl'Oln lil!I!'lIiUmi!t hi!\'!dl



.H· i!,;(i:n:Wl)i'l'ii('lliml~iW i!,;h,,~nigt:'iiee.d!;;'d

st<!Hed [[11i1.:i~: :llpecifi<t:bilrn<!l.<I


lih,e a ut~:Dr h inih~ Dep!iI rlmaqt ~f Bi~!LC!Qka ~deme. ~ C~rn~ie ME~lOil Uiil'lyer~U~.IPi~td'Lii!9~. PI! :J!S211, 'I.!lSA.

tciml!:!nllls ~atE!s. IKimesilllhaSIWO mohlr d'Mtail13 {he<ld~; r!oo <lIndyello!;,/) joirned iDy a OOl~M ml~, A.!~ethef,e.clilllleri1Jleiilia,teof ~ililesil'l (shown if I ~Il~ ~)(lssjb~ (onr~rrrnil~ol'l) is: g~leIl1 i~ JiE:lease o.f ,AlDPfrom O!il(!i~1ead1$ brJ:Jd:_ed. ATP W!fI bifid ~Qd~rigg~finOOf~n.g'Q Q.f h~~fs th~,! bind 'to ;1 m~CfQ!u1IlJl~ tr;')dk. This is (oupl@d!o f@l~~1l' or A[lIP;. ilyd:roly5A~ Oif .AU, illiiKI rel.eM~cd prrlOspmle ,~,pn,A:kmoo e~aJ.limdlillmll m1ubll' tub!tllill.a Iso Ms,.a gah~ltilat lJ!nds bl n-d iogl of (In()~htr tubuiiJl molocullil' a,n d ~lea~il' oflJte se-oond IIOF'. liI11sgam (C)lIil ;1!~()' ~ open.ed by AiP,
VOL.316 SC ~1c;NC~
W'oWI. s<::iem::eifnag

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~



'0 APRI L 2007


~r(lpre~~m(3). This ~l~ld~Hkli: a c!1~ockpoint, accurs because ,;;]del'IDSiine dip' {ADP)'lre.le--<lsc ~1'Ornki:lmcsjn is very siJow (gate elosed) umil bhilcdill:lg, f "mi,cm~l!bu:~e 10 the n
killcsin-ADIP {'OI1fli,lP~e:xopens, the g:~:lc A Im,1!So,~,'1crt. shm'l.' th,nlhli sgate e..m a~~ be opened by soluble 1,~lb~dli,nbe~:erodime'fS. th,e



~Jlleh;'::~I,e;;~k~)I .D'lf\;e[(>~bly,.peI"!Tliu~!:!g.mpid and

d issae i.n io~.i r noi 1J.~heredto the micrombule

Addh~l)!1:;;~U~" g~,~-Ull1~d!iag AOP release does nor <lpply w ATr syrnhe.sis.lhe !!.'ilile'red
intermediate ;\;y.n~11C!l,iZ'csA'f"r. from ADP and
;;Ii!Uf£mllit::pb,{)Sr~la!e ~!~a r.l~ethatis


i'J' the s;[rongi.y nu:.\lc~cd head .. Riee et fJ'l. ,t 6) repo:ll"t't'<d thatthepo .... i!~ml the ueck linker wcgi.on 1~9t jll •.rins the head 10 the (10 iled (lOt I


10 t~mes

pr,tl~l;!"inCO!:k~lih!~'~1 of~~ iC'ron~bl~I~~ Anol:l1.ei~·£l,we cooroli'mmtes the acrions or b[}~~ heads, \;Vhe!l kin~:sin.lw·iihADPb~:l~!~ld .~~
each Ihead. associates

with <I11r;liicrotubule. ol1lly

h;;llfl~lil:' A,[)Pus released (5'1 and i'I "tethered illl,~e~;media~e" fo:nn:s. with one head al~<Lched t~~lu Iy to I. he milCI"(HUbt~ .in l~~ .mtd()olide, .. le rn::e .1:0["10 <lind (lilll: other head r-et~li~~~.l,g in b(JI)J]!lI,dAD!P: T~is g,f!t~ prevents f~llJ~hCi prog1te~:.;ul1iti~ ATr biil1d~ '['III1~nucleotidefree hCOId and allows ADP release

from Ule rel'h~rud ~e,.!(l ~o nee



d ~meliil<!.tion reg,lou:! of ~ inesi III is C()UIJled 10 11~.lIcleo'l"ide' lhil'ldiln~.11lJ th<Jt'lll,lO'lysi~. t~.e lead head ",'~(~:;,~:\.t10 I~e p~us ~~d onhl;.': ~~icnltueule) can release ADP because ]ts neek ered be3d WU:Lhr DIP is, ~,lQt il,l "01111<1(;'1:with a A Hnk~t~~. dirul;'~~d billr'k\V1JIn.l The ~r.;~ii~gh.e<Jd micrembule !br <I~ Il£il~tIJl,ltt o:hh~ii~~~ IIll! ~:h~ I cannot release ADf blllC<llISe its neck lillke[ p ... esence of phosphate, Tbis lavers s~(I,tel. is di reoed Ihn.~d l state ·~I. less li kcly conA because I.he R.~cc.t'tlll" (6) l' con.[;is[e~u far.Il~i[tiolllst'lle ]\f) nrients rhe neck lil]k,ers wiih more r~d le A f-r symhesi S,\cl ..:lla.enthe in OppO:i>~W directiou GllIlin.!:! occurs ill this neck linker is directed I:'on.v~rd" model beeause the head ill, the trai ling ImsilioJ] The ex periaren ts lmdelilying these 'C()i[l~ ls forc~t~ to have its :!t!i;lCk]i~'ker lHr1ilet~d Ilieting eonclnsions r~g~rding th~ conferw\'I.'ard ~1l~pILQ;'~ ofthe uack, ,Hil,d [h~:;.eri",ml matien (}hhe~etherlld dim;tlr~<1i~~h have [hl;;~r lsn it~.lllo:~1>F I ~lo['CS!Ce aee pohn.· lza.. 11111 IV 't io n ex peri meJ1L" I( !1)1 f':I\,tu· ~tot~i: L

as fm;t ~s[~~at: efa mo.norn,cr (12 I. AT!> SYIlthesis requires mieranrbule (;Oma,CL <lIlid the more repid s.ymhesi:l> by di~m:I::; argue!: ..~i~t1init!~~Jn~~di~lll;.': ~t!!t'~~!l \vhich a Wth-

c.'I:Ucdl '~Al'P \\~lIjli.l:Ig st~lte'" (see l!1.e fi r.-il f~!gure). AT P hyd~.tliysi s rem rns Ihe dlimer to 11~,e same ATr~vlli~i~g state, bUl wkhl,hl;l" roles of lh~ heads reversed 3'llId with net movemeut of


5,.1 t~lntl.UtlS

5]'00; in ihe direction ,of fOSSllBLE (O~mRliftATIQMS OF mrHE.RHIINUJlM'EOIA.U mmremel11t (lOO;ill'd diu!' plns eJ~.d oflhe po[)I~riz.od ~~~i.GollWlb"I!Llc lr~(Ik)" 111 'lNaitiilllg. Shown ,ilrt!! rour p051>ible (<(Ird,(lrma~noo~,m !lne l@ti"lIlJeilirlter'· exclude stares 11. nr Hl, Structural f Male 9,W'Siil~ Ilfl'ldlng [miA-liP; Po. reaseuable eN,p~an;nion Ibr the; ,m~dialP 01' ~ines~ll. ~.aCil1 studie s by eleerrca n~~.clill.sCOlP'jl f.aitlu!:~of thL3 K:tll~rodin[~~rm'Cdi.m~ to wcq ui re t h~l the micUii.'lwlbu ~!L3 fluic(: ~ release the seeend ADP is thtll C:O'I:I!l:ij~'f<'lillll2'J of e~,mu~JOll1is mlf,I\'OTnlde for ADP' IrrelcBse', be ([lily saturated wi ttl kinesiu heads, ki!m.t;&i]i!'~i!mt;r-lln~rlae~ p!\-'V~llt th~ nMl~4;:rod d H~'I\""(;"'\I~r.h~~Jj;~ on~:m! bi ml C'{l(1pl;r.;~li\'li;ly ( 9. Aloms(l ('I ,~d. ~Igg~qlhisea:!1J!tol be tilL:: mach$ 15). Thus, (he COjl!fOl'm:aI.~O!'i !J f ~~Il iselaied hem! FroM also jlnWr.1(;::~lll~S rioodulCtivdy \Vilh ar'liSM b~l;:.j:ll!~'the gtite is !\!j II pi'e~~~l~ w'l\~~'ilh 1:11.1:: miC'mlubu~!e to lndllcempi.dI ADP release, uble tubulin..whichcculd bind to both heads dimer 011 9. bare tubll~in~3uioe Inay be diffe:r-· But A:~QrlSQIt!n/, shcrw that even :\1011111 bl,r;:Mb~~- w ~{hgmfore ins. (he He!;k Iinke~ of e~.lhcr c ne ent froll1,~, ~h~liin a ~Qc,!liled regien gf~lfItelCUn hetemdimers t~al. re freely ~,v;}il~bh! fQ]" .il1l.o <I CQ:unfo:rmilt~!ofl lh(llt is UlIlfm'Ofablc 1'0[" acdng diJli7I~rnpacked logctlhcr on t!:l.e I1000Uice • a billdi ilS {n!D~estricted "V'J,l~,lln .~u.~ck srruc- A D'P release, Radler" the anrhors tlilvor the c'~e.u~y..kinesiu in.l'L:i>L~mre stories to rell.;md r ~'UD'e'CRn:nm O"~I'l.l ) C'lliiil s;liU

oue bindil'lg

bm the AlP \""!i~.~ngstate m~uybe di ~T~r~m, Me'<Q:sul'ements by nu(urescencc rasonsnce cn~rg.y transfer are eon:S.u:nenl with sr<l~e 104". biu!. dO'lm.ot

processive m[weme~u .AT iP conce rltrot ions .. con for m 3t:i,o:lll of the

is!;liolle. Howeves,

00 fl;pt::nt:d by lh~

1\~l;d {St.lle ~]I'. En f~i~ c(lnform~~ti{l~l. ,~.9Crlh~ dl~Y [~l(.': .~gl~lre·(lnj[lesill1, to hind h'i.'O soluble hlbun i:S~Lle~~boUl.~hr;:,conluliIll<lt"i:orl ,~.:hhe tet:l:lered ~ i.l1itcrmL:diatC'~md I:~C mechanism Ih~l e-<lt1JI.n:l~S .1iI~ tuol~elllQ!i!: ~f~ cidl~'I~ n con, fbr~u~u[a!lf~:;L I clllElnge i'IDI~Tmee:[~,leTed htmd Of~O 01.s:ref.i.ccont ~ll.egale .. Four ]~JSs~ble t'OllifOnlll.1t"ions for the ICU~l)j'~~,i!}~crm~dial:CLn 'k >euns.idlL::wd ~~cc nieE th~l jjXC\'t,,'i!1tS bi~1ding IWtl' lubu!i~_.;ill the ~ ~hc:second fiSlJre). AU\'eOlle' nudeot~dc~ absence ofnm:leQttde 011 bothli.e,ui::;,. The 3'I1l,alysis Alou:so <1:.''1 ,~~. ~,:s heavily free :Imeilldt ighl:ly assodated Wlilt'h l!l.e InilCIIQF l!.IIbllll~ b~lt d~llh .ill~'e p(~~i'.i(J!lil. !I:~h~~~~illered ifin L!I;lH\:l;di by ele ~t ron :I!I~i.cro:l{.~upy of he<ld. willi("il, li::ont~ins, AD'P 3:n,d is free' Ikh-ne's.iu bouffild to ~;uicn.·D[uibuh'!s :ill whi.d.l or we.ddy oourll.llo ~he ~:a1iclUllibule.[nt\'I.'tl d'IlIlSily ob ... rved orf the m.i~ra~l!bul,e~l~re face fs, ~u the t·,etherccl h,cl:lJtll(~tat,e cascs- lhe liCl~lCl"t':d hem:! with A DP i5, held off' lh~ ~~urfm.c~ lh~ !n~c:rolnabH~(:,wiLl~~hh(lr of (7. S). Oth~n;;. hm"~v~f" repo!"1 dUM bOlh consid:ern,ble d:~rrlkSaltma:lllh~edo:lll ~st<ue Ill) o.~ lheads bind ~II) <I.1l~lk:nltlli:mle: (:Sl:Jil:e!i; [ (lr~V) Il~ock~d ~gi)iJmstthi,;;:(}Ic[~ef ~~f~d (hm is au~ehl,,~ ~ a~d nWI ~n)1 ~Xlru di;l11i!silY (lff~l~e mie.ilO~:olhe trrn:k {S13tr::U]). [n oo~li1ca~\i.llte mi.c["O" wbul,e surface is d~lC10 binding of" :seconilill ll!la~11.'; ~lm~~ld :n stimt~hn~ re~e,usl": m (lfADP k!yet· llf ki!1lolt'in (9. /OJ. E\!~dl;;!'I.el;;sptlc~fi• from liiLe lI.::lhered. .~;elLd bec'~~uselhere is lio c<lUy fOIl' ~l.I[C' ] or ~v<1180 comes. frolll ~ :~ Clmli~.~ib~t\l,'eenLh(~m. th'le Ub!;~r.v,edah.ermID.:uoll of I.6~ ~ItHIO-!lIn ":steps" i:hm jl Tm,e<ld nH~ke;s along a mic:wo.~ R,e<I&<'~iiI'Slblf [):ropOSil:lg \V~,1Y the l',VO otht1,r ;::pfJ5sibk Cull form.TLli OilS c~.rI:!lolrc:~~O; 1)[1 A (1h Tb i~ COfllsf ~~c:unt",'ith $~!l.t,e[ or is \ 'Ill mm,t lboe mOl,'ll) :suinle\iie~hel:ethered he~d IV but II,UJil\\'ldl snne nt whicb ""O'll~d~~l\'e .~ i.s <lcttmUy ~n contact with Illile mic~(ltJLlbule •. IIHo:re 3!leps or sillmlilmr I.ength.

nonhydlm1}7.:.:abk ATP mrmbg_, Th~~~iroe'~v re~~u] b~.~rnn ~


t~.e£.lte Or !l

b~~Ufl{~ [0

i'lm '1\i~jdill Ihe teth.ered heml the other head

fllrlrher wo:ffi wI.H be re{luilred

mcdi.tlry .s~<Ltes.

to. fIDI.I~lY ~s~~,n~ d

ADP; deu~.~!~(]Il COf1iwct [h~ !m]knl~

Ii! ~ris~ b~tti.I'i.;:G'11 the d~fI~re!i1ltpo~~ iMe ilu.;:r.,

wb'LII.le bm is docked;lg:Jins.[

1.C.I. ~!lC~ 2. M. c.;f!i!.MW



,!!l Qj'"

A. t:iJUlf!OO\t

J. (.dUrMI~ lin, HI ~20O>t) . 5cfM[e"3::!.6, l~ (lOOjl). 11.,. GtllOlo!l.. PNJ•• Wl'l!~ MOd. .Sri. U; SA I A>!l:!u.
Sri. U.s.A 8.5. &U4

8~, 8)](1 U9S,6J"


-l. El. O. 1!Iiid;J1~~, Prof. NOlI,


5,. Iil. 0 .. !!Iadine:~,Prof. ~l, had. 'Sri. U.S..A 9'1. 0$65 Ii.S., iIke' fl a/" i!lalMle 40i, na (1:999). 7'" tt, H~J!oJ, [Cil\i~. 'It AJilil!6, lit JIb i(M~, l.A, Jtm~, Mtll SiaL (~1 :Ili(l,iWBfI.?9'L I. k. ArRii~ ,It ~t Wil.d~.5fJIK.t:r.!fl' 6, ~:11. tl!l'98)., 9. A, I'Iaengental,. J. Nli;!,I, 8iCl 297" 10137f:lOllOk 11.0. A, I'tM!ng~r~Nll.. Biei, Chtm.~51. IM'U20(tIIU. :ltl!._ A,'I'iigi~ 1lt.1I~m]~mi$~\iH:, Iil" Vil'I~,P, ~< ~"rnm, Smi'l«" :lL~.
:!iO~" &,6 (:!QOI1J,. I[l\ (I. ~lt?n~~, 1'tc)C NOll. A:OO~. ri, USA l@~'.llllJ~ S




A, ii. ~~Il~ toil.KmM. iii. $~, N~~,5t.N~1. 1'l1.tJMl. M ilO\ 8.~6 ~2(tOn :M" M. ~JQliI11~h~. St~tJjjjjjj~I[i,. it 0•.V~I~,lVat Sl'itr(t. i!OOl. tll.

Sial. U, 8$'1 (2006L 1!.5,. A. \l'inillll.~ Qj'•• l • .MOJ. 8rm..,:1:12', :li!O'l.1. Q'OOIl.

W\IV'I'I,I'.sde ag. orgSCII!N ncem


VOL 316

6. APRll.2007



:lrHOst sl:l1llcrm.'l.I Iy mx!l, stereod~,emiC3Jly dlvcrse!'aI'li:l]~JI of IHllur,,''lcrs j~llmd em, Earth (I). Des;pite ~~e oomplexity ;and mllgtni tUG(: 01111:11s clu.:'ml,ltcal~iiJrnc),--,lJ"Cfe'm::d to' us Ihe

are lhe

.· W
. .~lf

l@rlP~·noids:ynth(ls.e S '9 ener c)OOan '~l(tH~Ofding rily diver~ set ,of tFiOltuII'al pmduds. Evolutiofl oif these '~r!zy.i:'JIi@~r'(om.!l wmmol11 t~-IJl~I!i(al anG~stor has ~e,~'U~)ierl pndcmmi c!iiang es ~nacliviily. in

i~~~'llil~~rc 50JIOU 1;,'U!~lPOl~!'iid~ tru!il ~ ife,

1,% ~qU(:iIll;,~ id~inilYlnl:hiil (~fFP~.:-:~from

the same species, yet C"I~a.lyzoes

u]~ gdl;y;;ukul of .~ 5-c~1!i'b[ln '~(1,1 ,-aroOij prOOU

uets, 3:~.d chimeras

se"'::Lng myri,ld rlJHl.CliQ['Isi.l1L <L~l, . tihn_ns

dii Iferent

~\.3t<Ire pJ,'ooo:m:un;lI,ltXj'

~h~ I!~r~rlo!d~ er i~lpre~l(l!ds



CPP~~e'-lil-w g,f;1m~Rllfj I Q-C;!ftlt;J'IiI cyduIJrt;}pmmI.ion and bratl.l(:'~il:lg prodllC'l:S., \VhelJi imlCubmcd



cO:liliIJmllnd:~ uhi ~

l'heCPPru;.e-FI~P.ase ebimeras e.x:Il.~bh remm1u.lble fl~Cllcl:'iin htO'.... y!'n:tlii1£lk: vc-n:;at,Uiily, For ex,;;umllp~e. <1Slhe chi m,e,r.Is, bec<JJ,neirm::re<lSingJIY ['PP,~Sie~like and are iIlCUlb!1l:ed with IPP and DMAP:r:, cm<'l~n"\!~ongJ~:ioil,l ac~i\'ity slililhiIT'OIUI]

$ wilh [)1VIAP.P, Gydo'btUl;lll!!llion pmdf!,lC'L.<;; ~ue gem::::I?'~Hed y chi meras ~hm are IJIie:dmnib ru1'111t1y FP'Pase'.ilik~"acydopmpanil~ion prodeet is gern:::rmed by chimeras ti~!i,]lare p.redmni~

f)m~!I)!" beth ofr\'I.'!) $in~pl(): preeursors: ~:iiQP~mt:l('1\y1i~~l1g~J:l'\iib[e (]PP~ 'Hl~ d dimet~~yl:!l!l,lyl di'p11.o,!ip.Iln2lilc (Dtvtl'\PP) (!ID~ the fil1ll: fi!:;u!TI::) 11. Ih~lI1I]olec !J1~;f!S e ....1 be ~inked 1
tl:igl!tThCl' ~n :~i:ld~t()olil.illi1Jshion bjl



clm~lyze Ciiliiililii-elo\l,~g;lljon reactions, {jill" ilm, il. more~negut<Jf f'.Js,bioll by enz.~,ne:s t~,l~lc;na.i}'7~ t:ydrl~r(Jip(l~tyt io n, br.;ll~ehi ~g, 0:1' c}"C~()butfl.1,1<1,thm reactiens, 0111 p'<1,ge 7.3 of thus issue, nd (1I}o\,\"(ltkersprovi:de compel I i~~ a evidence d~iIJl~:I~e meti:!l~depe:~.d.ertil synnlUlses, Il~~l 't'ifLh1]yZC these ri!lU1]&~nenml c'oupl!!ng reactions d i,;~el;g~d1rm:t~!<1 :nl~]nalll, :lrll::esmr eildy iiii f o I:ImJ.~ "''\~~[~O!l Qf·U"...!X~llCI,.id . 1'l1o~ynth'~.t;l (3). s The authors Cfe<lted a series of "d,i'L~,leri,c"
1~:f:\!Jteil~:s:-,m't[:ricil'l~. enzymes consu.Tl.ctedb'y

t[1.:;pt,.u;:il~gsl;llm",,"~·Of1! ~Yilahf"'i~ ~!i\lllv~d i~ (;hltl~:nn, \'dQllga~.ion wirtll~. o.rl\es;ponding c ~e:g~ ments frmn :mlQI~eir synthase inii,f{l~\'edirl1'
cycl(!!'Prop~J1J~uiOJ:I,.1".~.cS~fIr~dli!;S;eS qlte~Uo:l1, bro, tire 111ru-esyl d,ipil,~f:lsph'fi~esy 1~lhifuM;; [F PP(lse), c,n.;Jlyzes,~1me cha~n~l[ln:g<lt~on 1'e<ICli.o:n, with [p'p ~und DM A P Po .Hld ch[)'S1)IJil~h~ I Iny diphos;pi.l<l~e sYlfIlh;Jse: ,~Cpr;,],. 'I"!'.hi.d. atc Ollywf; rhe C)"C~OprfYp;!l.t'la·~ ~;I('lJj!!l!lb;,l"\[I::iI;:m ion

nvo D'MAPP mo~ecll'l~es(see the fioll fI;ure~.

The struetures of I:PP8lsesshed HgM (J:~ ~,m~\lI:erpen{1;id :symhm.e.s ~I'e able W ~e~:ler.ue and m;funi.pu lat~ hig~l~)'~;1Cli'l,lt' ~:;illboC:;Hifnl' in~enrt;ediale's i~l calalysis. The fi r'Sl snucture; ol·avia]1l. FPPue. showed tha;t l~:lis:di:s~incti,V'e' chemi:il:(Y is tl.u;ilg~01:ted in a Iilycl.rophobii:: ilir:d\,'C"s~~e,deil'tn.t'Sl'Itd Vi.'ilhin an o:,-helk;'l~. ibid (4). Further insiglu ~1i1:DO the ~ullcl~l i5n~1of m
ch<n~,ml dongal.uoll has been gained from the 10lWC mrc of E.'!~·h~·riC'Mf~ ~"O!iFrp!l:S~ C'!l'lm~ ple'xed with ~'rrand <l1fI, unreseuve DNIAr:rUn1)lu~.

SIK'I'\i ~!lg dmlt ~hc:;a.t'livtl-£h~ "~ort!!~(YlJr s ~ dun binds the nexiMe IUS.oPI,'ellOid roaie~m'us wi~h '[he proper orierlLiWtvl1n ,Ult!! CO!'!lihrmation for 'Catll~>iJ:;jS (j). Tille o:-he~ica (:o,m;p~~1(iityfrom :s;irlil:Prl~e roOits. FalIiiily 'tJec Ilrl:er[l~IIl@mk d iwrsity (2), si1Dliii!lig '~1Jliflp,l(!S. [1,(1-, 15·, 2010, 0 ~ of CPPasc [h:ml :!;nO\\ffiR~d sa~Chr1,Jl!ill !>Im~vs ilIf1I130"c.ulOO,n nalurillpmdl!.lct~ gel'l!ihr<lled~ lerlPetnoillil s.Ylltl1as~~ sil<uE' .he FPiP'a,sero1(J1. I:SOIl:rwl'l'l groups; ~ lildil. ~
II tem;p,ltllH:: ol~ c.oll)rM t.o'IJrace l:I'I~u~ biiM'!fnthel.i,C ~,neos;r.~I'li.y fO:fm~d (arbOiNilrDO!!l

bOlild!5are in gueern. Thu1.uira'il1 and


lihif' <lu~11Orijs lnlhe R(!~ and I)hma~ag~t.l5, L1bOJiI'tOri'~~,

D!!!p;l'llmentof (hefl1i'~'!lI)'; trnilo't.rS'i1y O'f P,en~~l~~ntl, f!MlllId4ll~ia; f11l9J!OO!l, tUl5.A,. fi-rn~.i~:dllii5@sa.~,IjJPffiM.dLcl

(tI)-l,I'Iorkcr$:sIilI)II'II.h~~ thc,~h~1JC{!l Ff'~;l~' rrlW can b(!'!llIl!!~ted irl (PP~s~.!FPP.ilsC!' ohimrcr;1~!~cat~lyl@ 1.l1JI1()!IlF (iOu~liQ~ [E?' ~h(l<i;)<!l5!! or !he tr@~. BftPilS'~. limrDl~ldlph®~:phi!iI~5'Y'l'Ilh;,u~: I?iPO.tdilJhos\P~<!te: SQSase. squaJiel1lt :!ir"~hia'Se-;OlndlTS~~, lridi(jlili~ne )yntha$~.,

~ ~

reshape the active-site temp late ami c.hangc


tile result i1.!!!W!.u:~i GJ!l p ro dUl~1 or prodWlC't~.

1'IiJorreollVcr. the prom isc U(}U S aetivi tics of teF'~ pe1l!ioid sYm!th{l~::;;illu'Q;(!u~by Il~IU~ ,~ €J) ot J by design (3. 11, 11) should en<lh~e furt' ~!J,Iol mio!1J-!both ~n th~t~l lUb(" and in'C-Or<m e\ler~xpmul~J1g army ofnaneal
dlClnflilJi!1ls 01 F P;P';a~e ~rq [he s.a ~e'b~l;Ish (PP'dr5 e"FPPa~~ dllimE!r'.:l,S reilt)r~d by ihu l~$ira m ,e/ .Dr. ~o ~ e-):iJm~I~,!hl' G69r dlimera ('Ckf1ll\1li!"!sIh~ vi!l~,@t oomaifl 01 (P'Pi~~ ~V1dIn!l' Iblu~Jcdl d"m~i!!~ or fP;P'~s,e,andse en. The 0:,. h!!lti ca l f®~d ,(Ii FPP.ase is o1lliO~h'ared bV ~er]peJ'Loid svntha'fie~Uiliillgellefilh~' tafgl!f ilJl~ morn ,omp~~ rmuil urts (6"'9). fh~' dnem is'l!r~ 1'3) a nd slrlJ:ctUtrill!:Molo.~W(6-~) or thes.e .§yruihi3:~e~ s;uggps,!di'!lergel1l(e rro,ms, oommU)f1, ,[Hueli.:alanr~ttw in I.he e'lloh.rtion af teu-jJll'tOOid bi~YI1U1U~$iS.

Pi. :sh'i!I',~fQld.

fflP'.a$e!'ham E.crJJ' (51 i,s.clI!orw '!'Ii()~el.·retl J~pUii:5iitnling the s",a;esshrcly la rg,lll.r

pruducts, \\,r~n~\'irM.lliylimit~~l>.~po~emi;i1 in c]-gemistty" bio~!I;)g_y" nd medicine, a

R!W'I2,~I1I()M!'Sllld No,1~~ i
:I., ~'.~. C.a!1e, 61;1,.

~I!i iJS.tij'tULe<l1 lor

nllHI.~yCP'P.asc:-1 uke. ami a ibl,TIllm.chung prodlLCI. ~s ~:enl;lroll~".d by ~U~~ PPa.'\.e-fprp,<l.""'" C

tion cascade I:h'l;lt~ypi.cilily proceeds


StffljfJ$, ~ol:2.. C;ompl~en$ilo't l!I~~'~~!~' O!l!'mI~!{)I'" I), H. It. 1~O!fIaIi'l, N~~arn~hL . MoelMclfJn. t;, O EC5, ~[bNitr"M~ld. ;1:999). :2_ J- (_ Sa_cdteUfnii' C_D, PtlI!JI~r,..srirn~ ·l'/7. 11&8 ~'ll99'n_ ::I. Iii. V, nllb:!lmm, H. t;. IErlcl\;<J(lD, D. PWll!lr; S:Cfm~ C,
31&" ,3 l200rjl'). 11_ t I:~il~~ ~ 'tafl, (. Ill- PO!lI~f,]. 8icrilMJiflry ];~, lOlin 0.994rt c 5<l~~n~!!;ini,




~whipl", c.lrLxl{"mion ime:rm(;dnmes. Som~!erTUne CPp...n.'K':-FPP"l'IIs.e c~~,ill]lC'rns Me biOil>y.~~,- pC:I~o~d eycll.'lKes a:re]l)' templates ~~h:.~~.~y promi~ll.Om; thml ei[~lerll1~tti;ve [im:[dla~I:One r'~'lt:l1i;ve more ~JlJ!litnll:t: '~rld i~HenneCPfa.~ urFPllm~
l'IS 21~ul[ of!1


reshaped ~elfl;·

ti.i!.l:tc confornmuiol'::; b~i Odl~~, ~'okr,f!t~

Ilbr ~t~b~iif;l bi~lding. \lJhidllX'nl)its,tltl1!r~ native trnjecmries for ilnlelFiJm,o~leclU~,E1r cmlXJ\m~

~~l~rprisin~ d.l;'g~1I;lof

~arl'JtI~l b[)nd formOl,tioll .•S~Lch pPllmi:;J~Ioi!.i~pur~

~cnds.evo~mion: Given ~hatlllite F p:r~il:'fo~dis re"i.d~llyl;;iwlhr.-ibl~ to cat.:dY7.e<ilU lourofme tiUl· em produ ClS from :mbslr.!l!;llume~y~. dlip~&&~me[J;~<1.] lls:qJ)JiTeIJoidcouplmg fe<.lcti,ons., Jl1at1"'I'"I:l: plm~re I( 10). [-[.O\,\,"evcr. lllut'ltioJlD of differem greu p~.of three ro r~v,c aerive-sltercsidaes synrhases (':'It:dy.£.ill~ tJIlc:sc rea(~ljollils; saeh as re:.:hapes. the tt:lIiI]p~:Jte,thereby decml!,;i["lg the sq[h~lrel1e5yndlilse ~SQSase, ~1!!' the figures) ,(6) O"l!Cnl~~,:l~,.uub.!:;~r prudeets I ·of and a lh;~i'~Il,g thlo;; I itb.'-dy div(,'!\-'Od lro~u0lII1lFP'~"~Wikeane~liOr. A f:amily ofterpeno:~d cyd<lses ~hIi1Lt~ener~ :!TnIun product :Wo:H1~.ecl(.i < The prod ucts of ate cyclic mld ~~oi)llt:y(i:~[c compoundc!!l also other SeS"lIll.iterllene uycl;<lS<es ~<lin ~1:lso be s]~are:- d16 FPh~ foM(::i~~ the SCit:Oilcl figtLi'e) thm'i~d th!llugh aetivl,;;·~~temut;l'tions (12}. P-91, These enzymes bind, a Ih:xib.h'! iSCl"" llU15. a 0C"c ~Irr.ungtilu::rn.earniOng l~.e grea~er' lumily (If H:rptrl1,©:id i)ymh, th§lt O"Il IY,1 prll.ilUoidJ iI1l,1(l~ll~.u~"'Wlhs[mlle~"i[1rn theproper confOrmailielll fur OlIf1ulllra~loleculiu" CJC]i.Zil.~ few amino acid £1~b$l:itm~OIlSi)ll'C sufficic'l1ll to

bim;Yllu:t.l.eljc pl,';nlrul~,s.clli,ly ~mclthe1'eby r-ellleC'l !;:ult ~TulurlgOfmry ~:l(Jte:li!ti~.I.F'or ~,I~lpic". y-hmlllLll]ene :SYILlth3:'!e g_elill.ea.i:ll:eS J2 d iffer~

5. [).]. "'Iil~fi~d er,~I,.J. Bwl (~Z79, • &s26-'(200~. 6. J. Pafilili1 t( 01". J. Bitil Ct\ltm, :~l~ )6UOI201JQ).. i. Ii). w: Chri~~aJn~Dn" CilJiM'J', !1\~ 10l. ~~1,2t~OO, lil~" Wllmif!.gtrn,~at"> PtGc .. UOtt AQNI. Sf:;' (.ts;A '!l'J', i'm~r;lOOO)<. ~ " M..J.Il';i~~i:.ewic~ tDo iE. CiinEl, 0, W" Cl'lriim:i~lI'!oo.Pi«. 114!11r,;I1agd, ~ti.t.t:.5A '!ii', 131543 '(>l:O(l"U. , :m. C. L, Slee!~ J. Crad:, J. flbhlrrlilifllU. R, 'C!rDIB"<I~. J" 81Q.r. ,flje'rJl. ,'7;1. Z(l7'6U~!l~. :li'l!._ y; 'Iil~~ikwlli~, l IFi!~r6n, i" 11. ~~Iing. M!1I~lIi!t~otO, T


IJ1l78 {200!1.)i.


'~'1- B.I. G~fu"9~n,. il; f;. O',Mam~,j- Ir, Mll!!t,l· (~pP~U. ~€.lIIllji!: ~Ild. .~I. U,:5'A ao~!. iB2~, 1;2006). 9 l!3. ~1~:IDk:the IiIH (gfilll11GMli~.~S:~ ~OO t!i!~ B-lolf'C1r! ~d~gli' ~nd a;iill!Il9~~t :5(jet1~~ El.W~r",h (Q~ndl twlfor '(h~ lilI~dl!r~ tFtll\oo\iJ;hip !llIPponing m~S'liJd!l' <II Ih~ llI~j~ersi~ d C;;.m~!"id~~.I ~rn grate-:fu~ 0 (I.; E. C<!f:!e' 1 ,~md iT,. Bl.!JoogLlf~ i~rnula~'Dg ~ci;enlilicdisOJ~~ms~qd to ~ [li i(or>taMCl, i-i..1!. G!nmd[M, E:.lf,'iIlj~hDl/ol(, L :s.. '!.md.u~'" ,~ndT, ;l~thi!li~I"I'rw'~1i5il~IiI~eM!1fI 't1i~ltg!!l[~.

H,igllh B,onld OtrdlBlrrS in Matal,-,MI1stal Bl10 In,d ingl

ma'imY OOIm.dE C'<111be made bet\!;'ecl,l mil" ,1~oms1Eachge;~emli,(l[I gf chemists xadd~iC:sses and refines such questlous in lh~ fr.Hi!.l,~\l,-IO:rk {If Us 'bcSI ~~urr~1lT e.:li:peU"ilml~'DJ,l~dl I:hoo:ret~t:~:lt me:thods;" R~eU1t 3mi

The Irl1K!ent i:smwry of ni~i1-iorder oond~ d Ib(MW~~n m@t.at3itoms ral$(lslund3mental. qltle5H:iiclncs <llbm.l~ !he tnatlJlJE! (If d'1lernlir!:aL oolilidimg.



Ii\. OJ. Ch~~~lic,,!1und. mra.d how b

principle s articulated by G. N.



At ~~superfleial

level. 'bOlUliug might

!1ilh~~~,c ~md ~omp'llt~1i ana ~


nee:" ill

:~R~~al'-lHe[aIIbCI\I:Bdillg ~em to ex~eilldtitle mn~ cepe. of bond OIidcr t(l sLJ.rluusilllg new Ic\.'c~s..

Su.clm eX;p.1.Il"iSiOli ofch!l:n,~,i:c~l~ 'i.;o;Jllli:rlcy is f~leliillg


(msi deli"2liiicm of li~];cl ~'It::ll[al 'oond ing a

rhf ilUl100B ~re in Ilil.e Dep!iHll'Ilern ~!(JiJllmi~If!/" llimi'o\el1lill erV!ilsco~1iI.. Madi~r"!. WII5J71:l6., USA. E·mai~:weitlhokil@ dlelU!!.wi Kedu. IlQlldis@weom"l.wis,(k(!IY

However, d'aemisl'S gem:nuUy :rejccl i!b~51e:rrn for weill or nonspecific ~ltmlNlIO:LU ,;ltlr.oc.t:Lons (~l,tchas those f(;!l;U[l.i.ffiI.M. fmUllgrovi't;u.iomd or dis(lersi:on torce:s.)~h;Jt C<'LIli:lrn.ot r~p(lT1:i~l l'973 ,~:rn~~ l1n;lml;ll~lil';!"11'!.,;tal qUfLdr~.- _josUi n,gstlf amhi~UI~~tml<l1 .x'lll isions or t~>l!!t pie bond! ii1nd '\, s)I1nhesiil2ijilll 1981 ohbe do not exhibil: the re'gu~arityofa~mnic: V'<Liem:y fi I'!;t S~_;Si,douMe bond these spec~.~ ,t'~la;~lrel"1lge IXlUCI'u:!iilofthe pel'iooi~ ti"lb~.e."Puni:mi£, gJr~lIns. [11I1!!'!!'! ollir tLliider5I£1rid~mg: the 1H1;',111il1g mld of i~l ;1 lJo~-~le"is 110 ~,O:lI1ger.1 rntLs't for <'l chemi,·· ~~ its of che:::mical~I~]lq 'In,tt bond m:d,cr. T~l ca lIy b(md~d ~pt;:cie!;, hllt dlu::rnists. gc m,:Pli 1.Iy m \ c:lrn,e.tm1i~I'S thi~ i;\ln,ominorn:~~,Uer, [n Shaik deill.Uld 5l~mc'iel1l!: rubustl1'fo:s:;;,W perfil it eha!"· Wo.rd$"I!t;~ .;:h~I'[Iica.1bond .is Oil r~!!ldalrl;~nUlI !IC'I"- ~C'~~riz;ltiol~ of its ,(.';h~miC<1~ ,;I1ld! tG:1~clr.ol1k ritoa)' of dlGmbi~J)\. 'lhe ~~Ir.;m~.m Irc]~~lWhich<.'1!!l srrw.:nure. h~ COHon's'!lv(Joo5,. brl~d o~de!f is c~ni~-e chemiC3.1 univeiI.'Sc is COlrnstlll'Uc~ed!" (3). "llov.' 1ll< eie.clnm pfII[rs .... p~ay a siglllifiT :;;

ll1m,}90 ye<lfS ago. TI1~ad1vml(""es in ,c~tres'io:~:are the <!luiU:l[~:laplill: bond of a rocel'll~ly~Ylltheslledl ~rx~de;~ <lI~d~lehe)(IMpic "bond prrap(J~d for ,t 1) W', ,(1)" AS\!!f;.:!S lhe' ClIse futt~,OWli,l~ Com:m's

descrjbe iIIl1iy!~~jngl:~ifU[ ~U)~ds toms ~ogelher. a

W\IV'I'II.sde ncem ag. orgSCII!N


VOL 316

6. APRll.2007

c~mt fd~(l ]n holdillg ~he,H0!" (.fl.
The [lDtions o:fcheniil£Cl]~ val!enc)1<1lld srructurnl bonding ",'CIT: fin;;l developed by K.ek,uh~' mhl ethersin the ~9 til 'CeflU!ry. [11 1916, there .:h;:vclopl1rlcm.s (:Urlmlillme~, in LJ.l;wiss farlllu~a~ rion of hii !i. :rrenl,lmab]e ')h~~r~ eleetrenpair' ~:n!l'l\~pt {j). E!Upil'k~~ d:r~tfI~ulJ:1c lime indli~ c~ I.. ~d[h~!tl"ii,iilo~Hlm:; ~~,1W ~hMIS lip l'O six electroas to form !lingle. double. or triple but [hey W(ii'B (iin~ll p'I~.giJ:edC\vi(h~.{)iU').oohogomdity ru'lit~.cls,aml mlphysin1i Hmitillgbelmv~ ior, In some c~ses. bond order was s:~,mp:iy .~ slLno,g.IH.:for bond ]l;'ngU~-an m sumption ... based on a presumed Im13themm ic~d relation between bond erder ,ulId: ~ClJ,'I(!l:ell~h derived
~~~:gg~S!$ Oi.


g~(ii1!H~lf}l, l~]]U,~U~ SlrO!l~ II,>'

XH bends, and high 1'e<K'livily ,oft:l~e"mlS(lllll~ rated" triple bond, No \'Ic'Omicr tile COI1iSl'Crn~~

lion when!he, fiir~l Si=Si specieswas reported to :;tdopt ill :p~anl~II'. bm lloIl:l~ncaJr •

bends, This com;;.:p~


:tl.lrth~r e!1Jric1Jqedby

Robinson. r.llgoldand (n.~,er.; wirhlill,e i.mArodliClioL~ o:f two or more le,,\'i5 struetures th,m '''resom.~ertDdescribe a s~nsie n~Dh:cu!ar srrueture. A i:fl111110US example is the dm~I~Kek'lIIJeeepresematien of lle~7£ll~ M '[\"It) r,c~r~!l~liti~g ·'\cyd~lh~.... . nr~e:IDle·'b.onti p,IUl!,nWii
w.h:I~ net 1.5 earbun-carben

IT·.J~1:>--befll~(,.>()melry (Li)! .i:> Ihi:s ajrue triple sml!l,i~~ (/4~ £!i.J1.pponfhcr~m~1 ~~w$lnl~CCU~(:s(s~ld.~,~s cth~nc'.~d1ef!.(', bt:)~1d'! Th~or~tkal or ~lhy!1J~ll, I~,lmi!S extreme, C~1;l b~]!~d!-nrd~f 001 i{lr!~hiiU thrt1~ p:!ino ofdGClft)i!!$ C(lf!ilribtVll;i t oom::ept ceases to h3.v,e illl.depe,lm,d,el1l! mie1lUuU1g,. :ti.igjllifi'C::<I[I;~~y holding the aliOms: ~.oget~~er. 10 li !wlit~, orr~nll;::~~~~tt!~~i~: ~"I£ltl!~~nt [:~,:mh~rill'lnf(lil!1!l ene o· b~lnd ;!~di'l;\i() q,,~va~ Mam:e geneml ancipov.'ei:ti:~II,ool:; of'analylem ill: bonds as i,11 'C;;lrOOIn.-<,,,trum.l trip;.ie'bonds,.

sis were I'e;q~~ired[o SUCCl:5,~r\lUyr~cover dlf'lnk; ..! bOl1din~ "lml bond-order C'Olllcep~:s
fmi1m.~I1il:(ldem del ()c~1 ~7~dnb

I~,~ ,h.:~,£hlp~l:rerent;;efurp-.\!;omic orb-in.111 c h.. at;;le r in ~he S.i -S i crbond lead s to one u

lbomL ene ""l>lippt:.,d":!'il homul ami a .

initio \'~:~we liL~:lCtio.rJ.s,. The


bond (Jf~.r.. In~le ~.92:0:l!:. S~,; d i~covery 00 f ~h.ew<Jve eq U<1~~(I:1l1


!lr'.ulSFOOl1~geo~m.le·[]ry(seetJ,1J;:: ri~Hm. top panel; Tr.ol~silij,O!lll'!et'~I~S, wl~ic~have SJX WI.0!l~~ den$il),1~uix l~c~uliqu~s pi(Jn~ered by LO\'\rd~n 9)1 atcmie ,oroin~1 s (OI!U:lS O1Iil1d,,I(;; d). llfli",( ,~re<iLh:l1f n 1l1Jlovudied 3. ri.gmxmsbli1:si:s opporturritles for' eleetson pair sharing .. Th~htMMH bUIiiI.1J~lanic hydrid~s {\1,1,~C1,(" M "'"Cr•. l'iIiigh-order b<l!lh1li ng. IBondiin,g om'iila.l sUlrr.!lic~~ lilte ~~lo, or W ~w-ete theorelifor

its applicarien
L1)i~d(]~t~~ thl;i

by Heider


:l-i:~molecu le

i3id the basis l'Ou l~i:iDn31Ihe~ ory of chemical b~)ndif!l.g and asseeiated phenemena, Ye~ despit~ tlmSCll~.oorel ic~ullr.illlnpl'ns. the cosnectien between quantl,il:!I1:~,~~:O)!\/C (tmC'lifln~anm tl~~-~~~ir~ in~( and ":!Sh.~rii 111';(' (I f,eh::ctrollis

unusuai ~$lrppoo~ Il: bo f'ld or l.ran~-ItI~t 1"1 S<i S~H(~op) c"I~]Y :predic~ed U 5) to and til e s id~"iI;J!~ 8 bQr-Q ~l tfoi'lfl$,boQtOi, qui ntu [)Iy bondhoMed HWWH (bO'Ulim), Tl"ue< oollld~ e<xempIH)' ~;l>,hi:bh1;11~~i.~i.up~:~ i~1g ~ml siro~g trans-bent uOCo!ll'!lt'!nli:oll:a l orltlitill.sha PC$lholl .~ul'l hClm comp~!!;eOrneH)'. 3:-0 ,,~t'l,!'i laoor tilion Ibl!lw\l1!11IrQrmin~ ~h~ !>tr'(n1g:esl 0" lo(mdls, and tousd IIII the syuuhc::lized ~eta~nil1lgopTImal,orbJtat di:reclion<i!I'liW fmlhe high~rchmmium dcriv!ll.ivc l ord~e'r ond .rompon~irlt~. b I.:;"[om lheI4lol,:IIV<I~m:c fOIi ~p~ss.ill~ ~:mly 'I.'~.\I,C ~h.,l"eU'o!lSafHMM:H. I1ve'sih~d !itecuu~l pairs hold the two ilmlet<11ls lGge~le:r mid. I.hererruai Iliun!;!: fUImI.ction (im:llIdi'Il1.s,. ill

~hut u!ld~rl i~Lc"'ris,-~ikt!~h~mieal ]b{)~ldii'lg \~r~ i'i~ll~mm~dialdy ~eSQ.ived. .Pm!~illig i:lllili'l~ly cmm~hined the ~naCCl1Jlllile H~ill~:r~Lol1dof:IJ Ul1:l;,112 with Lewis :-;tnlC't1lll1e diag .. ,rni,) lo create the valence bm.ld (VB) method, hl VB theary. n.~I'()<'urm~sshare electron pairs ill Im~.-nlized Wa'i,le :FUIlCli.OlH\ lh~~l are C0I1Sl['Ucted from
.u(lmic \'<I,II;;!lc~(l1[bi'<liI&. or v~)!Ilbinm itnl.~~"h}ibl~cl:S") of,)[oml!(; oXibitals. TIUIli. ,3 conlJloclio:n, bC'twc~liII the L(1:\III'i~~nd qua:lilwln v.iewpoilinl$ wa~, forged. T"h,e ,direcliol1!1lleawre::;; 00 f orbin'ils Uij~!~,tlh~ m:iiN:hu~tm ~mlUbl;r of bonds.: ;llthough Li:le c<J'wlxm OIJomi:JI<I:sl<nn ""I:~h;nc\l,$~k~lnl!lS ':;l!lcl fouf va.I~~)~1;; or.b!ii.~.I., .

prhlcipl~, ~Xi)C'~ s()h~li()~:l> I:~vn pairs !YI!!;1keth.~ M-H btlml Tilt: qu]!Uwpl.4;l' bond <C~l~npri~~~'1:'lmHii!li' G. 111:', ar'ldS band (If Schri:idin:gil:1Iit-;eqm!ol'b]tals. Tile Ji l1kll bODldist:om~ll)Llc~:ed From ill l lOll) lin terms OnlJJril;lS~lc '·'m.~t\ll:<d" o:rni,ml s.1N~ll:!!lmI side-on bm,ldedpa~r of sd-hybr.~di.~cd orbitals ,! see dl C fi.,gul\c, ~Ilel). Ag!li 11,. the o~ orbitals are opti.lm.dzw ,_;oIDmbin..tions of basis set flillctit_msll~at prcwidil: ske:~e't,alre(luirel~,1.e,nit::; enrol'!;.'!:: ~'~e ttans-bent geo,~nC:lry and ::;ignufi\:al~t barriersta rigid .1'lJl0!.~ maximum lP'<lrs.imoiI.lY311l,d minimal dependmio!1 iJb:aut [h~ M-M bond. enee UlJil the d~Uliis ef l1Jl]~l~!'h::l;ti baSiis S~T s.deCD.ii,Q.1m in cons.l:rm::'~in,glIl.'n.o~ecll]ar 'II!,:3.V\e ls there ~I lum~l to how m.:Iuy eleemm fu net ions.) I u f!d,d~tion, Phpi.., .~ml b!lJrulnl,~ p.!lr~l'l~ay hfl:M ~WQ "toms ~ng<(;l(h.t;r'.~For rhe Jom:s.( WJ de'[lmons:tH'i:1,~d Itaw Clue cou:I~c1nbror~ l:r.<Illsitiol1J lHe:tlll~K,I,be .~~mul !eenms to be' si.xns S ~ .r,CSlI It of fhe dmu ill~n>cc .oft h.e .t':. :fund d oU:b:ly trn.llsWorln!h~ ~()nllising d~loc!t~ft~cd b molecular orhit<lls into flquiv·.illem l!(le,I~:L~l!id 'llni.~,li.c o!l"(lJut<l.I~:~11mnllin,g ~meIlHction:-;., :In

meil~eu~m orl:dt:!il~ that n;C'OV~, th~ .;<~~e:~;;;d

Le\!;'~s bOlld IJi'lltml, ]tl the;':' 1.9~O$,. ·~~.~!lIi!fITG gJL;':~l~!"''i1 mrtund ~hl:din:c~iomll ~~m.~~itie:-; of lb,~ orb~~,1J15 bond orbi~,l~ INBO) (./ t) '!Ili~1 nal~u:.1Wn::Sllth.u ~,ead 10 l~,e strm1ges,l , 11311'C(,; lhOOi.ry (N'R"f) (1'l) m~lhm:ls\ d~ve~r~ blJl.HIpre,'I;:iJH :l (IW~drl!ple oo~d in dk~<lrbon, oped lilt extr,~tClins lh~optim<~I, Lewi!'! 5lnuc,As mmllC'n1:C'!I~30curncy :~m,pro'Vcd lhe !n ll~m!s) i:lnil.d. C]lual1Jl.irym Ill!!:'tl'nc density e:rrorin l.hi5 [97fl~. tUu;:~VBw,,~'!''e .Iinu.::titms 'i.\r{:rel:Ol!n:d 16) ~Ofilll'll}' chosen .~d~e.rnadv,e) b~ndillig ptIU~t~" .For ~. wide r.mge oforg;anuc ;mJ, inorg;mlic to be infer:i,or ""I;/,u:ept fOiL lei,) 1.0 delm::~.lized N ..![!o b l,; mor~(: Ulo.'lf !.'l1'~]tfI~ \'1I'tlV~ fUfH.,:titll'U' ~h!lt iliPl)~ar spex: i(l~. iR. T bond I,)rd~r:;;iii!\:: fo~ to .~l:mndon the I.m:ahzed chiernli:c:d bClitm.d:un! ~n e;xceU.elll ag;~ee'nm.enl wiJh e.'(pccleCi,en!"!!c~rn. As Nt!) 1~~dil1g pracl~h()n~Th i!.'>~~Oil v'~~'LQI.;:il.i~'i,dudi!l~lht:' ni,;,lj'-i~'l~ger ~(JHI.1 ~~:ressed ~l.·'Tht:· Inure ~~('cu:mle the (!<llclJia- V'dlency '\IH]ue~ .,:l;SOOCI<1lt,'d, per.ioo.ic table with t~onsbcconl~. f~~crntl!1'C 1:~lCCOllcepl,:;; I!e~ld ~o as~i~lm1G;:~ts. van~:S:hinw I,hin,rir" {7)" ~Dl~, "Ihe s~~l'J'ewum!~ .As:signed oolild orders Qonj un: UI)pt;J~V{;;l:rI1.~ I [Jut~r ~H1S dbi:-;fl~wd the dt~miCi'l] bt1!Il.d"(."I). imfug~ry i:w ~he~lil1ids. of c~l,emists. :For e.:>;,;;ln.l· E3rJ:}' b!l)nd~onler me'~'lfics well,;e Jevi~d to plie, the tbrrml,I.\ HXJ;iiXH iVl.iliilere X is 01, n:nlp g 14 (l~~.m~l:U:SI~{~h;)1> ,uliho[l1IIm$mco:~l &\fffl1llgly e ~Xtl"'.lCt chemic;;l~m~'!l~I,g lilYi'llC[)!llplUl~li,o!1LS, '0APRIL 2007 VOL.316 SC~1c;NC~

priQ}!Gipk. aC'li~rti,idil2'I,':I~m~m~ Ini.~hl. l!1~i.:; aJ la rger sel, of s. do <I!I,~d f \,'l.~ence jMom:~c

orbit,.:!", ~~~Igg.4;~S;~i!)g}j1'S D r(ls~ibl~ (ii.~ bum!:;, Hm..~\'er. R::lM}:O; (:I~l {.2) find ~h.u
w,e."." baud ing ~mI,te u.~tiOli1s a:nil,dpl.'OIHDti.oll n eITe'{';'~NUmil: ~he en'ec!~\'eb()nd ord~i1i I(which maxil':l~rizc: lilt diatomic Pa~!1w ;Wive011" les,:.;P('1'O~ma~dl,es iIi dlle ~:adi.~~e;xl'elllts, oftm: .. .. s, rl. and f or:b:illal s:m~ ke: u s.e '0 f.,U act i:mI,:ild.e 'Vf!ll'nc!;l otrbHals in~h~ ~o.V"m!llion of l1~iildz;; tlllJf<lNO:lT:'<'lbl,e, It !>eems :imfe to S;:~~)',<~!: le~~,s.l t~r'lil!~~n:e~,v p!;!!ri~n~lrU$ ~ ntimp'U'!,w'~d C,i Ic~il ), I:ion~ poolve mlmer\:!,,'ige. th.u sb:. ~s: the n~,ndn'li~lm~mmbc!" oWeI~tro:~p.:;l~f.' i~la:~ bold i'~vo ,<I~omstogether, l.l~.~dh;~'o'\r~ryof niI.C\:\1 ~'nigh-ord'er mCL1;lilmet.]! bond mot~.I~~ signals 3 ]<Ili1clj~llark in


o;Ji!ld ron..,i ~




lew ls-ljke s~ructura I cence pts [~1 iI1OJ'gi:~nie chemistry, [:lmjl[~ sY!l!Qh,e'~i,c tind 'COmp~l[""
~ ianal explorations shcukl be gu ided by c~lDser
81H~~t~on to ttl~e~n~xi~,~ny atched m 3. 5, sh!!l!l;.,.ji; (QfflIilll1'. (~. 2:el~l ~:0Q7~. 4. F.A. (_Il\'Illfl, in N,~!ripJ.e· B\\!IId~~M,Nf~!tlIAr,I'l.m.r, F:tl ('Oltoo, C.A. MlrLtillQ, ,Ro. Vi'aUt1lCl'"[d!. Gil riIr:!I~J. ~m Vo.r~ 2~~, JitI. jtif),7-195. '5. G,. 'r4.I!~.,i.Am .. Cluwl'. Soc.3!}, ;62: O.91!61. i6.~, M. Norbe<l, G. tL Ga.!!JJ.p, J.,~m. Cl1Mi'. 50(", ,,~,' 33&6 (197<11). '7. II..S,.M\I'Inl~l'I., $ ClIrm u Ph;p. "13:" 5,' '~19165). 8. 8. )U[:r.lHf~.I~t J. Or.l~~wm CiJlI!m. ~8~ (;.lIS U.990S). 9. P."O. ~~di!)" !lny>. Rev. 97" 11114~U:5s.~..



1!2:. E. Dl G~el'l!!llenimg'.l.
(~t .()!j:em,



iI1Jl,t!I<I!c[ion:;. rhat leadto

d(jl~or~ f~vcuOllble


~i9~(I1~ ~200<1).. liA.t:.II. l.a rnili1!, F. WeTII~o~d. J..Am. Cl'rllm. Soc. 121". ? ~3'5

i'i. f.<i!l!~nItD.'lp. F. Wl!ijl'litl1lld, I, :1:9', ,62-8 u"83'. R. Kinjo, 1'I.l1~lJjno~~. Sd~~ ~i~!i, 755: 1

L,"\Vis-Hk~ h('l!ldil~,g~Ul\m~R.erertIllOO$
L T. ~~IlIy-el'l f~"1., Sc:i"w:e ~10", 84 <I {~OS)'. t,. Ill, 0. Roo~.A. C Bonn., l.. ~!!lliard~ 1Irl~Cf.lMi., Ed. 46, iolM (:!C!O!i'). ,


15,. f. Vieinbilldl C. IR.i..alldJ5, lI'alMry GIiId 8cmdl·1J91 (b~boog!: Uliw. ~i,CmIbri:d9e:, 2'OO)},,·Iil~



2m!, 166 ~'l'l:$D·). 11. A. E.1~eed, I.. A. C~~,~~, F, Weirnnol'd, C~

Lenn~r·d·l~~ P:r()-c. R. SO<; ,~~


~. U, 1I'99



Small Vet St:iill Giant

.A!n a 11 alysls cf (~rroe,n1l!i: ul.nfine<d te layef5i n a S-@mi(Dfldw:~o.r $1ructlil r@'r'i2''II~aIs. iloformatn en

al!:il:lIIJ1el>E!'dr(lrl·eI~ml)n liill4:!'ra(tl01ii$.


]lIumg;~~clet:lmlllie dev.iaes.l.mep shrink~ ~ng ~,~)\\,;:tr,~ ~!i~O'I~l~~~f ~f!~~ .uf d~~. atoms, l:l1lia.)'S,u,nS.1S sull, <B.c!ZI.1with asthe !>c',I~ ewer whid~t:hc phase C()1l0.1:'~ ~~n!1;1;l electron q~ ~f ..Hmtum W<l.\~~si!ti maiu~uned ..This scale increa ses <IS the ~emp;::l<I~lIre
rdl;;~!\tfl~.".~v"dehiIg hundreds f at T - :~K.

mfuly·p\'!fII:~dil.ii ~)'z.;l~mS~!'lJ\~·hi!(;h l~.!C~!1,g th,~ paths of inJd~vi.dhiJll IP';urtid.cs ~I:S beY'l'll1Jd the rem::l'n. otthcorynnd expcivill~liem. BCC!llJ511t:: of dlilS, we hOi'l.'e ~o rely on <] st,n:~M:k<l1 .]Pproil,c]t CO!~vention~1~¥t~gdmn.inhe:rjtcd fmlli~~19d1~ c:entllU')1 st'UiSlicJI phy~i:c=:;. s.ays th;ll physical ml;;<'lS!llrC~lelltS a~ a g:i'V~m s~mrlC' are \!''C~.I



For these t~'rVl(per'lnn'Cs,[lle wave of el .•. x;trt1iI"il.'Sreveel s.itsel,f :iln the' .inte~"_

ference between

\,WliVCS goi!Ulg OIJO:Llg d]llr.:il:em p,fLthsas are!>llit of SC.'lH(lr~

in!~~~.e aetive ~!rj'Cl~ sel:ll.t~f wrmw electrons ~n.1he: t iP~...~i.~ ~HY~~. ll!lsfi"lrr.ll1g !m~(1m~~t~!!~1 tn tv dl~~ll and tlms dragging the(n,~1in the sante direction lU!ltii ~~ ~l~I.lin,g i.!1Itral;''i!Y~f d~cl.r{l::.;ta ~~k: r(]itt:~ equalsthe d,mgg,ing fill'Ce. Mm::~.e!l.pel'i~l{:l'ntal effurt bas bec.~. spent to :mu:!.yh under d~il1crcnl ([mcliiriolls. ;1~lhQl!Iglg. lip ~o now llineS>e Mucliies

d~::;i1;riboo Ilv",n,~inI; fIVt'!' i.i~ ~n,~~~lI.,;t~ hy or

idem iC.1Lll salliillll~'s.

i:rmg from i:rm1.pu:r~.ties. 'rbis 1L;~d~ to.aIl ir!:'te"1lJl1.I:Jtrlyusei I~B I~~~ b~~toopr(lodU!db.l~ ed
pendence of~~c :;;amlp le

II ----..;___;.-..;.,..-:;..-.;.........;_..

This nction became ol:i~g~~te !'nOli\:.': than

lwodocades ago.. hmVl::vetl.". wid1 thevrrecij(ltion

c~:nld!~c~~nOr;:(iii! :im.l,lg!i:e~ic field (]I r eleenou eoacentlm~iml. hll. :Il,~.cta~~.icm:;.tteria

Grreprod~lcible ~"JJndm.;t<1;rK".e n~11ICtm~ri(ln::;(i&"

\ fro;I,~.l sample to :sample I in "mesoscopicl' smtC~w[j~ "~I~.!.b dilll'h;:nsiolls i~n~n'llf-d.i~ ate betweeuarcms and bu maner ( I..11 lhe~ nllCI~l<~tiQrI~do nn~ d6":~fl~~ "vj,th sample size (<IS they shouldin classical phys,ucs) bLI[ ~d,~remain much slUa.~~!el"th311f1.lh(! aJ\ocrnge (.'Ondl!Ll't11iil~I(.'!.. O.lp<~£e 99 ·ohhis~!\'sue. Plfil'e ~I ol.lj) .reporl. th~ob§C"~<]lion ,onh~ Cml~.~lmb dr<tg (4)in,1 b:ubyer ::-.ysl:em at veF)~ ~iO\V tentp!:I'l'ITiI,III'("S where t:lw reproduciMe" ~]u(:tuaHo:mi~ ~ll' drng turn ~1tl~ b~ m,tld~larg\'f than i!~ ~l~~ t~l a¥.elrnge·value:·. Thus, the authors have d iSCiOV"-



~hest;) C>~'lndu:Cf~.!1e:e:nUCHI~I' rion.s are ,!lW3YS. \rei!')! small L Pr ice (tt (J l: hu ve made
.11 n

e;<o;pe,l"i~H!m.u:al. break~.lmro~gh y me~smin,g the b

'C(l!!h~:rI!lb dw,!l;g '~!I!d~:ts; fII!J!I;;~i!J!<'!~·@m. Ain,eledric nlne-fll ~n the li.!p'j;let"I~y~r di~ili;TS ,~~e{1rons ilnd hol.e~ tl1i 100 ootlo m ~ay~.r, ~u Ilrn'9 irrl tile 1~!l«IJonalnd ~ l1.ille op,pMile dTre(li ilM. T.1i'Ile n ~~.flo~~ 1",1~il:hIS r:lu~l.Cith~· e1ectron-liI() k' ,;i~ylfJ'lm ~lry, ~$(Ifjte«t~d1Ii)y QJ ooltm(t!@\!"V,~t ~~. ~ell11pElrr3tl.lll'E'$; th~

('(J~~loJinb li!l1l~ <It a wmpef' all.l~ se law lhallh~sem;;'('!t is SllppJ-es~ed(H1Ii .n,le]r.t:.e mldis ,gl'iV~.,~~,.jI by t It~
nm~hi!l;1,tiolas, J()'Il1lirm]!qt role of'jlte nUCHl<1IlimlS ill


ered g:l~~,,{J,\icopic nW;'tUl~lition~· th.~l. iU1. c~.mtrolli'l

tot:~l.e'COl;u!ucl~mce l1~tClUflli,OflS.,fWilly govern
Ihe en~Cl

t~.e Co l~lomb,J,mg_.l[


rill;her~!h.mgive Ct1[1rt' W .~l-'l i

very unuslml Sil:l!I'1itU:OI"I .in ~1:.u:istic<l1physics. In C'~rryitr!g Ol\1l tlli~work.. th[)y h~ve ~1~\~lo;p~x] a new 1001 for st!lu:J:yillg I,he \.\·'<~\ie~:IJikee;in'<l!v:ior b
ore'h,K'Ul.'l!l",ill $01 ids..





qLJ~{IliIHnm. medun~ic;:> :l'eigmi:llI~Qt .only I!llll;j:~cro~

.~ s.c opi.e sc'l~es. <IShad ah.v<l)ffi bi::l:n e-."'I:iecled.

:~ but

~i ,t~hc nr].'Uch .1~.rg'C:1i" nes.u~copi~'sca.le .. de.. I

~ .~ The aulh.or i~iutll1ie· s,hoo~ 'IJI' Flh~iI:~ and ti.sclrmwfTl'l', '~., IJIllli'ol~sit~ ~~. lli:rming:ha'ITi, B~m""ingh!![jfj 113.:1'5.2l1T. !Jill:.
,t:l IE-mail: ;.vJ~~~It~r@lOOual.ll.a(.u~

1m.\" ~~nl perature.,!; 'was I:C" (le:I:l:t1y pred~c~ed ~hll;or~li· C3lity ,~5);ho\\~ve'r.l~.e obserVied elJecl '~.lJrus om 10 be four ordcp; of!nfi!gnH~i.d\3En.ig}]Cf~'~n ~:tm.eprediction. nUlS.· nm:'lnalions c,ln uw~y b~ JC::d 0d ~allt <li~Lhough lh~y ~Iro :;tU I OiIn 1 arder of m<lg'J~lm!e SUJudIer~lrn<'Ln dl€:!' imr,lIayer (;"(l{I~dU"I2I.m::e IlLJctll!lttons. The Cmqlmnb lIn'!g le~1e!;;l ~tl~died by Price tft (l1. occurs; h!::t WC1)Il ~'lOOG:~o~ but sp'f1~i~.Ily sep;umed ~,llye[[S.of dect1r.ons .• \.-dn:l"I,nl elec~rUa ~I (:ur['~nl nQwi:~~ tilnOI! lil;e "ltt;1 i~" layer

malin m!l.O'nf,nrnlilE!!"'ill~ilil m~tryis Ihe 1I,'dii,lil'!' nal!llreo nl etecl.ron~ re:'\i'·r?al.ed in ralldotlm ii'lt~rere[ll~ p.~nem!Sin tine ~(all (Ieonsitie$ (I:f ~tii.t~ ii1u~ t~ SGlupr" iI"lg i!"1 boUI ~;D~YQrs. millikE'S 1Dll:l ~ f'@ct~o:n ~.~ th~ dr~~ hJr,t;(! u Ilpr'@did;ijlbIQ, Tills d leadilil9 lO nts r;ilm~om bot r~iPfOduri b!e nl!K~JLJ!ill~OI'l~ in amI e(li]emallliloilg tlelk ~leld B that (liang'e5 the e~p(llmn inteorfe<frlce paUif~nin hoth layers.

\\~re ]3 Ii'dJ::ly I imi.led 10 the ,cli'Il£ effect <~t I.e~.)· [.i'Vcly hhth T \\ihi;1rc it$: !1lUC'u!Jw:~kui!.~ W~f~ u~.Ulfb.servd,b.1ie. Th~ fj r~(;xr,J~ri m~iIll{d I)bS{.':r\l'fn~Oli1!$ f o Coulomb dil"d:g (6~X) wol.: place more 0

)oca!u:;. ;aftcr ill lll:1.d been Iheoreli.c<llly three (9)1. Olle orlhere~~mlS rolf ~uch :JJlolilg ddity is~)itt the dl"a~ e.ll:cci .is ve ry ::i~ml . Pardy. th ~is ,ilS dJ.J1.eW ,I. "le ry n \w.ak Coulomb c"O~tpli!l~ b~t\"lCe:lii th~ lo.'Iy~rn:
MO;JIi!H~1");~la~1 ~!"l11~~furl1~t\,i\teel1! hlyers is\'l;;!"Y

hroduct'~ 01.'1J'o:h.~g0i~.[heSf;;COnd

·'p~ls:~ivl,j:·' layer. It works via CCJiLlllm.nb friclioma: Beclmns

im:.rficie~H. But 'Illlarltmn

~.~€' u~~ec:~l'Inic·s

is Ihc:

W\IV'I'I,I'.sdecem ag. orgSCII!N n


VOL 316

6. APRll.2007

maln (:l~irrh ~ml ~tuk(;ls h~ bla!l:!;t;;for The sup~ presslon of the e !Teet. The reason clecrrons are fernuions, •md [he P.du!.i e,,'!.dU$am!lpri:lI1ciple <It d1e heart of QUi!.J1i!.I,l.I:l~. mecnanics tel ISI1.H, [hm t.woide IiiIti~ (~31e['i].ni:olls eannoreeexi zero temperaf mIX". lhc~fQ(~. c.'leh ~t~h; can eithc!."~old li~U~ 61~e troll {If reliillai n >e !f!!Pl}l; b~c~t~~~~o,\i,,~renergy st<l~es f~ are lled ~IP rurst all the :stales ure (lt~~~IPi~d~!pto II cenain IC\..~L th1;; :F~~mi e'l1erg~ !EJ?,while the s;1:ales above l!:i,is ~evel ~·iI;lm,rirll:l~~p1)'. Thus" thl;; "~"ijgen:~cl i:-; ~,)zys.'l]ble
O],dY3[ a

Cmulnmb drag effect re'S'L1~~!'1iCl\~,1 the ~ il.1tel:pia), ()f the ~nlerl,ayeD' Thisled lO rhe .sL~~eslio:lrn (5) that at lew ~~rn.uugh~:C'~]~.pL;:.rat l~e Cou ~o~~~b l"!.I.g clet:!rml-~'I~ctll"m1J inreraetleus and the i~1(Qc.:'~Li"\,;S d
l]ucttUlLli Oll{l:i.

bdng t~ rhc same dlrection as ~h(':c~~n~ in the at:lhclel<!.Yf'f, However, the dem'~ly of states {Ihc numbet of energyh:!~febi per unit or ~nergyj also !rulbCllJ~h:S; in the 1~~lC.~.o.S'C:opi.c regime rQro~,e~l~l]d b(;:"pm(ir~l!lthlm. g.gv~ml;;'dby rhe

;;tige>dm!{;r,:~l;,: til~dl~ $;;Lmpl(;.The dlmg



ature dependeuce is very specific fbiP." such <I mocl:ii0il1~rn, aad lite .author.:s show that it i:sin a s
gOIXl i!!R>effitmt n~.e'I.~~ll'eml!i~lrS,



e'leclrolb"IIJo~.e;J~;ymme't,IrY due HI tl1.e II!1~lcllua"

1O;t}ierqua!lU!i'IiI, eeherenee effeets. This p:~¢nonrenen iS<I sensitive ten I to ];jd,l) us leaen
Im;(Jlre !..tJol:JlUlllh~ d!;!i;;tf\m-~Iet;n'ljn hUli;lnwiitli1lS i.un. ilfel1eun,t materials and structures, '\,~'idl(ml d &~tbt, [h,e' first tJhii~nr::l[i ena f [tllis enCGt by

linn». The net ;i.i,gn (~hl1e eff~ct~h~'i100Ctl~lr;;!:;

random {see t~.e figllU'e}, T~~swas expected ~ ~o b~obl'ierv<!ble Old)! I:br qUI.ili;l ~m~ull ~i!mple~ w~th (!Q~1side[.tMe: disorder. wbere ihe m.lgnli· ntd(: o r the nUClUflliollS in ,cnmliJC'ulItCe: O;l.D'I!d

fi nltt:i:elnper;.IHln:' r.when i~,1both, rri(1t: et al. opens •• new di rectkm i:1Il ,~~tldy·.~ng I~~;lllll1i:lle'lf!lta~ pn)perli~~ or electmns in iay,ep; lilt': states 31"O~1!1d 1;:" bGCom~ Oll:~yp.;;lr~ sol ids ar w,:ry low temperatures, del~s:ir~yof staies within onelaye1" JPp'rG~c::he:s t~<llly occupied '~thal .~s.eleetrcas an:~ kicked out l>y thermal (,l~l,;:rg)land can he :S:;-C;l[[~r~d lh~ ave-mg€:. Re<rermC!!l5, mulllNotes OIlnQ@~I~>e M.l[e;<;. f~!lJI~l'ld1ll0re. dlOir~e earrjI Price {it/lit. l:\JlII~l~etli.lsIY"'6'"V1IIUred ro measure I:hc::Cfr~l in .;1rul!!II.i!"'eIy la.uge ,\IIul rdat 1l'I.><:ly 1. B;, l.Ah5ll,ul'er,JmL~.r.41, 6·U(14f3Sl. ers in theaetjoe IH)lCb" from, bol.~~, (,'t1.!>ilivcly 2. P.A, 1~.,A. 0. ~I.ome,JilIIy!'.~. htl •.5C~,'un ~1'9,1l~5J, ch"II1',::,ecihol:es below fr- and ne~t:i;~ie~y dm:l"~ecl dem:! s~'Unple ,..ilere I~.e iil1md.~yt.T f1m::nml.iomls ~. A, 'S,. flllice fr 0'" Stiff/It: n6, 99' {lOO7),
eleetrous above

~'m,l~c passive


dJr.tggi~.lg both ilii~1me s.1I11e d[i.fed~ort H,m:l1tlte el.eCIHJIlI and hole states been tOlaUy Sy11fl1~



~u!ld Iflil::gOl~i'li~111;J'\'lfloi


are tiny. The .rnndom d~::lIgresistsnee nti::i! by rl.1ce r?1' (II. iis small, b~L~ s(iU :!i:mltm:dJers itis of magnitude hi.gher than predicted. The a ~~Q]j,(lf!ii ~<:Lve pRlpn~d ,I. p].n~~ib.le: ~u~di!.~lh"Jo;: ~

II. ithi~ il'frl!'d 'i~$[i,Ralmed


il. re~et5 til.~!!lJ:fif,l!nl. 01

c:lIplamll:ion :~orsucha drnrnal:ic e'rumILl,c:emem,. 1m ~heir s.m~ples.he elt1'C'tt(J!~ t mean path TIllis. tll]1:.': dmg effect e1i(~ ounlym; :'I resuh sr:s ro:r i ~npurilly scaueil."illg ~n each layer is much separation betw(!Cn~]nc layers. of ~l~e elcetron-helc asy~nrlilclry. Ol~~vc::rr~g~, l~~cr~l'n~n n~.~ the"s)'I1l'II]~etTY i1l d~LC10 " s~.iglll:ly d~.ffe~."elH 10 '~m;JIAoDilIY~"Iig,e memennan [mnsfer~i'Om the lilL;: .;Jnc~y cliS;~I!iiiO(.': ofdl~ ~Icrt,!:on and hole ::a:~It~" active 1.0 tlh(:~~ive I'ayer~s c:flecihrc ~ar from the bomlln ofl~l·e Fe U'ml~ sea Thus.jfre df:'t'I,!:l..As.~ re:su~L.l~,le'Jlec'l[;ol]oho]e<l!';,,)nl,nmetry e !!!$y~un~try is: SIVI!OlU ;:uld ~ h, the C'aulom'b is eomribl!!tcd (l~l~y'byfluC'll!!alfO!l~ :illlhc ~OC'id
ex3ctl,Y~<lllceJI ~<!l;C~, a~~ller. 'eS~1,lti:L1g I i:~l.D1,Qrdg d


'i!'lf!cIro~s 11111 on@!!ayf!r ·dr~gi!Jl~gi· a (JIIrm'lt. ~r:11h1! ,otII~\r' I~)'er.ltmll~h ~~(#ri~~HCcuUomb) 1~1'(!el' .. $, 8:., M. t.lnoflll!/it IL L Al'f1Ii1iU, PIty~ kffi lmil:. 84. S3:8:~ (:2000). 6, Ifi. M. Sol'j)Ji'lQo, IP. l. jlf~, i'i.J. !~iral1ik" Ii', ,~, li!l TaJlipi'!'. pn,.., RfV, &~.;!)(he: (19&'00. !'!reme~,~ W. Well!; p.~yr.;. Rw; l,rlf: 66. 1216 U. ?II:U. S- lUI. Swan, P: lit. SokliIfiM. !it. S!lrtrikma n, P'fly; .. 11W~ U.fJ 6Ja\ 11l% U~92). 9- M. I!t IiIrn~~iniA:iil SPit Phys, ~'QM, 1:1(. 31Z u'977L li~)i. a r, Ahillul'e~.8. U~"'la",iJi:;ji,5r!v. PhYJ,JffP' M. 121

t. r. J. Gramib.

] •.IP.IEi!!!MJe-in, 11,.Itt. MacfJon1ltd. L r!l,

n, ~. LeilinL\~ 'II, Phyi. .WI. A, :1:13"2~3 ~1'98IU,

d[<lg~The lii~gn(lfdl~ effect b;poosili"'~ \i,f.~(hhe t llilct flo.\\' ofdnlrge mrners in the p'I~~i\>'e~ayer

deitH;;i'ly of :-;llIItes kllO\,i,;il


b~IDI~.l~t:h Ibi,~f

( .1.1 ~ 'tlla III those illl,nhe d£ns.i.ty of




Sllelarchlilng for' a Solid-State ler'8he' rtz, 'TelIe hn0111 olgl'Y

A~va Ii!,ce~liJld evii.refabrkatio oa:reJa<c:i i~.lir.g t

I!lrodlJll!:tiilln and det!!'(~ne:n or 'e!lEH:tmmilgnetJiI!: rildiati,ont al 'leuii!neftz.i\requ~n{ ies,


~.ernnge oHreqllem;,ies around ~.t:e'f<la :~,eflz a:ii:z "'"~. cyd,es pel" StecQ~.d,) ijlil:

$JQrs.l'br f3stliligh"spec if~ci,ly chemic <I I de-a hie' T:i{z technology in~,lr.ilsln~,cture 11m; liectioll nnc! new moo,cl! of bioIQg~,call ;<ID1lld argu3~y Ilewr stronger lil!Elll it is il()W.

i::. like t~,el!!u:gh:'Clt:d. midd~.r:: dl~ld

el ootMlntlgnel.i
M~cro\N'<lve ele1)imnl.~Cs lIltll1illla.Ndy raHat



by Bnr...'"

I T~rI,~).uiLd~1Ilrt<~red r.t{l·i<l.• don l >.],1(1 T HZ)I are Hsed wi de:ly. tha:~lkl;W the


c spcctumn.

:B oti~,

h~:g~erlr~(J m:ncue:s oocam~e of t'i.! mkun~II:I:~,11

dectrol1i werochy 1:~M,bs,e~~l:singlransus!or p(:r~'orma~lCl~ dc:gr~.d~ <liOOV'C;: '[0 ""'0, I THz,. At the olher C'lftd of the' speur!llI.rnl. l!1fn\rud r~l(Jt'(I!)ic!'c~:m~ot l3:~t~;lnd(;ld b(;! dO'l.""n to n:equenc.ies: less lhanabmu: 20 TJb"

imttcracdm;lS ofTHz

v...hh various c.)n~e<l!d tUl!1,eW"p'Pl~c<1Jioll:i'.


(.n. ~h~th,!n!c~eriMic

c{)mb~J~lion of :high tcdmk3] pcrformllllc(): <'I,nd :lm]:1 s:s=prod Heed SQliidl=:!lt~~te Ini,erae ~ec~

WC!l.'ldwidelin.ave carried, out proof-oj:prindphe. d~m(nll$trmimlS fO shm:v l:flbonnor.ies how T.h~z C'Hill be u.~d :in l'a:~)'idJ"b:ut~p'rec;isc

[r'On~~l,\,Cf!ugh'( inOOlw(:(;ln. th!;l Tlb:: SptlC~ trum him> )let to !bem~ed in :I Ill<ulnfe Siolid "'£HIH~' J!;;l:vice:. Th~ p~o(;' (if r,~Ce'!'Il ~Ldvl.1!nc~£>givl;,'$ Pe ['ve'r'sely ..~!tm()&ph~ r~e,lu~mialhl!l oCHLfz ~10pe.hrn\I1:'i.ifT. for a V'uOible TI:-I,~ [edlllolo~y f<ld im I;iOIl is al!l;o mm::h !i; Uml'i fOlr that ~Vt)u~d, (![~n~t p ~ttch f1pplical.iom; as ~c~~,~ micl"Ow.~I"'C: or it~l:mred,.leadillJg to fa:!i ~nor·~ ~!Ti Ilgellil: re q'l irell1l,~,, llil :ii.i O gna~:-toanoi se per,Worma!lc€' ~n l~b.l'Hz~cch!101.{)ID' g~lp. r~~ authors iim~ill Sandlil NaliOOl,iI~ Lilhoral~uif5, N~v~nhtde$.8. t~..;l i~~pL;,'i'W; 't!) ~h~V{;llop. r #!~buqu~ri!ll,J NM 8 HS5-108:2" ~'. E·ma~~: m(W~l!ike@ llt!l::h'nieailly proctica~i ~~:I~.d ecmlmni.c~Jiiliy fem,i·~ S<i1R1:dli!ljjOY
'0 APRI L 2007 VOL.316 SC ~1c;NC~

hf~;;;(!rd(l!;!S chi;,':,nic,~1 ~~·!t."ing. CO!1(~f!:~lId we.'lpoll dete,clion. nOll invas:ivcnm, ~t!ld bitl.~()SiC<'!~ d;iaJ,l:]: ~o~lies.,<!lI1d hi:.;h-!5~ed lek:co.lulmll'li C<lit io:@'s, To get such TH.z .i:lpp~ications (nit af~lle .~!I.b(!.m.~oryHlldiOln COIUmOl] use "{ill require d,e\i..ti;L~g~m,e THi.: mk:rQdeetror.ll~ technology bas~lo be Of!
~"! Jillf

whh 1!'n~i.crO\vf!ve~10("t!:o~ic~ ~mcl in-



A generlc THz



rt~qiJI]n~-~ l\'I.'l)

r~qllire 5 rol 0 m\lV fr(l'ft'!a TH!!: source ro



;;i:ll-l'O~)lgdl-fi~,f!ti(i TH~ so~urc~s

lIUmpO!lir:;Il!I~: ,01

111i,s.lJlilmi.WllU. prn,,'erreqlili rement lles ~nthe and a 11Hz detecrer, Til is TI lz sourcc!deleC:I:O.r c~lllf11bimn1:(I[I ~lU~! p:ruvide !'Illffici~'~l $i.gJrI~~I~ ~em'l of'the ncb: sol id·$~O:U~ltldlliOIQg}i problcm, RcaMs:tic C.::;tiilllEltcs of Ihe TI']zsO'U.r:'Oc Ill-noise and s~)eedlpc.r.lhrllli!lliiiCC to detcc t, tlsll.~tly <It "real-time' IlI.le!S, (~OO Hz iQ I power ne~k-'d to ,deli\''e'r ~u::cepto~b<le $i£lIIl~11!-;m~ kHz).

eoherenr 1Hz source

lunetien optim.llly.

emlJI[Ol cunemiyrnee~ the several







Ibiii o;J,tm,o~ph~j'~.As. ~


~hL;': pi'i m~ry

gnals ofso~,id-s:t3le THz SOl11'Oe31,ui detecl,ar de'v Iee research are iRCr~,!t"ing '\V~rligr: :SOUfO('l PQ~7i,I'el: !Il1:1ddocO:'f:.JsiIDIgdeteetcenoise.

SoUd-SI~iC TIl z dc!:ectoll" devices have P[i(M!!M1tO he q lUi te C:<Ipi!blein nmm])' ~ie£;1 rds.] f >O];l£~S \\,'i~~ g H:J op>2:n1[~~lirte'mlp~:rnture:.\i f1;Cll:1i" Iiliii hqtlud :i'I,d ium 'l-~ K). several ~p~s of ~M:p~rcO!l!dul:~ol! and semieenductor deteeters :~l\lC .• r boon devdoped for reo' search :;il~l!l~Omis. However. l~,1:: need for such cooli~~g is genemily seen

!IVcrngcpo\\fc:r~ hreshald but Hl!'IY exThi.ibir u:5efu~. feOlU!res. Freqllfi]'a(,), ll%ubip]i,ers Fur use w~d, hugh-pO\¥c'r ]1],~c:n).wavc l>.o1,H~Cf:S; area m,Ulll'e' .~nd.COmp'll"l~echll1li!J~ogy llml lno;i!re ratiosoutside <'I collilroUeci research el1N'~.~ operates .,;1: room ~el;Hpernmll;e :Elild e'<~11 easbe R'lfimi;'~tlk";iJt!liyl~idt~'i the (;(]~hiS~(lnUl~l~ l'lim!$ ~Iy1~Il~d ever wicl~ f'rL;;~ll~e!lcy ranges fro!m'il rough ly ITHz. 1.:.lov,fe!:ver.,. ullsic C'OIbintr of u1I:Ilil:lli wa~ts are desimd. lJlll~.,. the' Ol~Iy ~·(lI~~rnllilt o&;;il]~Hn[':) c~lpub~e Uj"~Ji1i~gl.;J Y~r.~i(m hl~:,e~for .~i!rg.;fr'l.;JqlN:::W;;y rmdtip~~-' 1Hz of 1)Q1\7i/'C'1" I1Hlc:lm glN."<lI.el; l'lman I. III W wese vac lmm cation factors aIDI,ddif:r.clJhues: in hal1d~ilJg tubc~b~s~dl or a.IX:~k;mlor s.ourcc~, such I:I~ l.argcillp~l[pov."Cffi Cl;IU&oC nmltipUer!s 3 I)O\\:(:r l:a.l(l~OCulilr gas lasers ,andoon::k,mrd-'VI1.Ve osc:~~.~ o Uq.:JUl to dl.liOP wp.udl,y with i.ncl.'eHs.:ing ourpur latnrs thl;ll:llre .Iarge., fill1lh:;kY.llml exiPetls.ive~ rreqUCl1cic5i.~o '1hUl only about~O .1lI"';!l are ~lVaihlble rtI,e'<l.rI. THz (8). Similf!dy. ubl~i~li!'l!! io\~!: rro~ q uene ~I.;J~ by mi x ifly t·,,!.I(;I' selidII~Cillr-illJl;l<)fed lasers en l:I pho~!l)c t~ndw.: uve~emico ndu eror ~ switch :1ilroam t,e:m'~:I"',HlI~ 1"110duces "rety poo<ld l~y tUlmbl e pmver state

up W

,~~an h'!~unnO'l)l.n~ub.l~:ib~ sracle ~o bro3d aeceptI:l!'!ce uWlxSlide tile resesrch hiD. FO.r lhils, reason. 1.'0searchers are keen N) deve lop T H z: detecters Ih~t(lpc~:~n(: or eloser [!Cl ru; mom H~'n~JJeranlre·. I !'or ~~.a:!mf1_"',cl,ll:'r,c~u ~!i,1'Qt.k iii hi,gh electron mobil ity transistors has SOtl,ghllDCull.,mwem elee~OCUll, speed :Il~ fn~ls by ~1 Ilg si co llecti ve .ch'l~~e-de[l~a.[y

~i'O~lihit:;; finly mk:nm;!;1:lt~

bru ,:;;unemly tlf I~:l;:;; of ,<Jvc1mge pov.~er above I THz


fe\'i' Tl-lz

( 9). 'R0c~:~.dy. ift'lc(l;rdperlk pulse a

po",:er of lOCI \Ill :'ili"aJwd .in ap-depcd



(p'~e) lasernear
Irn:nn oll.h[(k packing
~'O<lm .

I:()fl I!ifli~n~ly.~u 1"«::l1t

"1.7 n-[z. Un· p ..!G~~a~i:s

"Se(!o-~hrouI9Ift Unillg~a§ $(;l~n U~;IiI!:1 2.9~TfIl~QCt a

The r&ll. imElgf iI'I tM bad. Qf tilw iP~~Jklrig foam


t ypi(;~.I1;y

CllilttiIlQi-e:d!;:e ] mol gi f1IQi Wer:3ih.e-nz imol gij il{l1 c®'U'~cIIbe U'll'dl for cI('t:el:t ill9 (on cl'8led •. we.a,!;Io!l:5,O!!T!!tI!lg,tither a PiP~kOltiO'Il s, (LeU) fr'o!'!t OIIP.H;k~ !'lil,;ll 100 m, (M,iddle) 1!i!1'~gl~el Mdldellllra1mr Mad'e taken wirth ;:u-mz q,uaJntum (<ls{ad~ I,!'ifr opefall.'ing al.a!ilw m'imwailS, Mligi~d IBaok of~oam wl'~1h (ClrI(eal.ed ClbI~cl.

[L'cqluire ,~~Ir!;e rnagneric fii~MIK.~~~~lrHH"'!liUres b~low t 5 K.. <Inda wry ~,O\'''' dI~l)' eye! e '1:(1

A re'fohHio'1I1~'1D"Y.advance in THz ~~olid= stare s.r.f~lrcc[~d~l~ol(]gy camein 2002 \\flhe;;nl Kohler eM!. reported successtul opc::'mrruol1lof l~h.!mll;;;l earn be I {) Hm~~ as bigh ~,:;; el!;.'t:lf>'!.HI a qU,UlIU!ffi cascadelaser (0 'L)!I,t THx velocnies. s,imi Iar to haw 'wate['wmres IJ:flivel,~j),. Tile Qel c"iii!,d:e~ :sellm,~:conclm:InllC~ fl'l$'tl;:.rtlinarl the' \\in~rIYliQI~culeJ> :~nthe tor l~ltd-g;~I~' lirtlliinu k'lll~ 011 photrmic dlev~cc~ W1JVe" T~] z res:l:1<ome ~~.j$ recent I), been by usung sophisticated semiecnduetor' herob~rv,~d i~lV~lriOUS; rorm~sofl~~a"ml0~iC' 1:!,,;I:m!.~ ~roS[ ruC'UI r,~, 'en,liliilt;;,eri n,g and f~bl"i e~t~~j~l s.ii.s:torswI.P ~Q mom tempe:mlU'F'e in, sllhmi~ [nethod:s, tQ ef\e3~e synthe lie e~,ectron energy C~Qmeter channell,ellgtll~. d,e,rllc'es .u1.d nea'r g3~}5 ilU.frequc11I.cieslHuch :smaUeli" I m,those ~h,ll m~:IUN P Rwide;.o, :S i~l(:\,;2002. THz; QCb 1 ~q]W1~d n~~TQgen 'tel1l1p~ [UH; (77 K) iu mi Im I:ume~elf"~cllglh ,dev.ices ,(J'. 3). lh iii¥\'.: pmgres:;ci(lll~]pldly in freqll.t:I1C)' coverIn anolhe[ ex,unple. NAS,A~) Jel PrQage. im,;ruased pmverOtq~p'lIl. !HlId.i~1Cre<l,~ed 1:; pu~.s]on blbonuory 3,ppi i~d m,OdCrlL'li millo., operm i.~lg tCIn perahlre. C'url.'C'I1Jtiliy.:J~ y ar,e Ie th~ tJn~y .~OUd"",HI[~suurcCC;;'lpab:I'~ of g~ne:r~ '!jljthl1'd!mphy m~tllflds 1:0 !l cI;lkssk micm\'V;lIvG! ~1.It:ilng ,~ llJil W of (X)]~el,'ent <t\lel';!~e' 'powell" > 1]1 '~ d~v i~et. lh,e'.lIm~,e.lal ~'Cm = ~c:onclucw:r Seth on:~y albuw ] THl. \i\li!~ reoord c'O~l~'i:~UUll~ \'\,";;iJ\t~ ~ d!odG. ~ol!lbnc,H~~ml~IX~r~ (wh!d.l (~ar! be' .~ tI:!iCd to me P,()V,,'{!!'f sl,et:tI:lIl, al'Omlda re r~ pOYlrel'of 138m W near THz <lnd <l1l:I. o~:ler~ 'I ~rl..'i!'Ice: 1ret.! UiI;; !'I~'Y' Q.h.i!~ i.:l Pt':r<;ltt'10 ~Ul hlas ~ UQ.imlI~m~!"l.~h!re of I fI K (li. 71.Th~ '~)lifpm" ,~ J T Hz: ( 4). The.'ll:receivers upera[e O1!.uti'lJi- I;N:J\\ter Df QCLs drops ~Is[he temperolLhln: iI1iCre1~S~s..b l~t ~~:i] I hiiJl:llb;; ~a~ .<;t]U .~ obtail1!!:ld ~ tmi h;:rnlPcm:l~L!i~, Ili!Y(:' 1m\' ~l~ough '~ fQr mO::it conceivab.~e <lppl~:cmi()n:; .. ,md ""I: nitrogen tempen.lhne. <lml SlilbIDI.~illi.~ hav~;tQ'no~L~l tot«'L,.'~1o:l'nbo~rd WgLU haser OPClrl)li(1.n b;ll>been 'lcll!e\l~d lip to. NAS.A·si3,mll"{)b~e:lI"vlns A.Uf<l s<,!'leUlte . ~,M K (ii'~l:e. Tf,lz Q(,ls,fuI<1i~re sl[k"llmed the • lIIhe ,t:hiel' is I~HUlhe3e dcvkes ~ l:req1u.f!I' ll:'<'Ll'Ige'bf!~\\"'eeDTh ~,..5 ~lld4,.5 Tllz.

osci~li<lilions. kaown iI:S plassaons, illis'le~d i!ldivid~Hll,~ll.;ictr,ons as Ihe charge carriers. PI:lsmOIli M1~'eVe]oc~iliesill a se:mioonducl:O.r


opernl.e(Hh Cmwm re:;e<ll'eh in .5Qlid-~~O'lte l.~.~zl.iCc:fum,o~.ogymphasizes i,lldie "i!dual comlx~.I~,~lilr th::velt1llll.u;:m. The p'lotlse:m fhc~s ISon impro"'i;l1lg detecior


:\,~!~"'hh'hy. S01..IIt'iC~mv'!;;:!'., wrnuJ (lr~rnt~ng p peraruee wi~l~. micl1oe]ectli."o~~ mnterial ie paee, this


IH0!IKld!' [lm'l.1J Ol['e t!himi1wly ~lml.;Jf!able t~ ]afgr,)· seale ptoduetien, Should thus work p.U'O!J~ss
~Uits eurrcm ~~rt oftJlc

w i.llbetjoll1l,~e as Ill:seli.l~ <'ISt~:lellil.b icrm"'<Ivi!l.uI ~nr['j)u~dlh"tlHi;~4.lI OOnds:. ~~ tcd~y" ...

:5'e(, 'IQr~;i)ampl'fi,W!'ow"'i'iig'i~ladliode~.«Imf.mll'lip~ef~" hIm .. 9. J. E. EiaiJffiafoOJl fl al~ Appr. Pli~. i.e'IL 85, ~9.B~!t:004)'. 10. liL [.. !'Nli! t,r: oJ., j. UD1lrJ~I!'{jUM()prrm~liM :il~1
1l1l.)aMiai$. Dpe.ra!~ ~:.'~jjj d~ (orpDV.!~llln,lilcdih!!«i i


5" R. ~hl~ITf!o:t~4,1'i!', l!i& {<lOO::!t 6. 8.:s. WLU1~rn~,i!I"l"~c" tNt 40t M(~f)06~. l 1- 1;1;,:5- Willi~rn1~~ ....Qpri~' {x~~]'J. :n.u

Riel"eililllil(!~:;, nd NO"leS a 1. A. BoI'iJIi:.. :)CiflK,!!' :3:03:, ,61B f2~OO:~. 2. t..!1i. ~l'Ianf!l'l!'! ~!. AAruM&:s rOO!'!. UI,t 111,1t~2S If.f.~ ~~OO~~. 3. R.l:llik eJ I!'lL,App1. Php" ~,t. M'. :m~~n (:200I!i!. 01. ii, iii. Siegf;i! e1 ,a1"IHf IfaD,j.MiClf~ ~ ~'. ,4:7. 596 U'99'9i.




Ma!lIIln CIlmlJ'i!fI')I. for'~h@ U~S.1}.(!j;lilfIlirlM~01 'EI:1.I'9iI"~, ~~~(!!).iit H~dll'i!r!!<~],Iri1lJAdfrlrmm~~tIm ~!1~r "O!ltr~~ f1)1j.. jl;OOM~AIJ,~OO~.

W\IV'I'I,I'.sde cem ag. orgSCII!N n


VOL 316

6. APRll.2007

Atl,! nlic IMer'idional 'O'V8,nUlrni,ngl ICir1c:ulat:ilolo During the Last IG III a c i,alll Mla,xiilmllullm
,~I!I!!oiIl'I ly,lIIch·:5tie'{l li~:z..l~ .leis!> IF. .Ad kilM;,:Z Wi Uiilm lB. Cmry,3 lml'ld Dokken~ ~ ~Iiillli!il:. IHall,ls ~llI..IjHI (,aI1~QS I-h!rg ueril~' Jo@l J ..tin. Hlirsc:hi,7 IEh!iilltlIV. liv.tlI'lOiva;i1i Ctlth,eri rll! K.i$s-:el~') OH",ier Mal!i"ClhaJl.?tlhol1l1i<'ls M. Ma,l1chriUlJ,:!,@ II. IfllJi:dul,la:l! ~:t~'CBl~El,.uhimryF. M~M.",fIII!IiS} :St!l!lfaillil ,ML!lI~nit7a,1:;!l!JltYl'SllH~N irnllil,emi!Jl1Iln~:u Fra In k ,P'eie~.\,!fli,?~i I1II-iFel'l lflll~ ~5 R:ainelr Iii hili:!!!' E The dnul!latikm orlifle d'lffip' AUalIl1ikO(!Ili!1'I during the h@ighit tllr fue last k@ I!lgeilIlP,e"mi to Ili!¥e 1il~[!I quil:e' diHef'@rlthQIiIiI ~oda'Y. W'@ review 'ob)@nl';:!tJrQ[!I~ fmpLvinQI 'I.ihal ,AUilntTI( m'l:ridio"'hllil ,O! .. ~r~l.!lIT!~r!g (i!'(I!!~f!ti'o!l ,duril'!g '!h@ lasl G,l(l('ia[ ,1M>ilxhTl~!m WilS mJ~~h@f '~);,t:!'@m@lysl.l!!g~ishl ner ail'! '~l1lho1!liIc~(j v.~i'r;iQifI rJ,'r!(lr€Si~!,!~~~~Y dfi'(!.!i~ati,ofil.Tn~ ,cI~~trib~niol'l of tl1i(l deCaJ}lIProdl!!(B, orr uri!,nliYm~n ~~ooim~i!i1S (illl'l$~Srel1lt ~\iirn !:I re~iden,~€ timl~ ~ior de~p \:ia l'~rs 'in '~ile- A:~lantil: o,nlly sl:igl1dy g r~lt~r is thaI'! ~lIday. IlfImlieWir, e¥id,~n(:e' 'room IITIl!lllt11pie ~~"Meir-l'lflQl$'5 nac:ers: Slippol1tS a d~rferelilt distribunl!:Drll ,I)f ~,e,fjp~w,a'~er properties, ]rudmlin,g d,en'5i~y, wiln!n is d~lIilamkaUy ltitnlkellilto IrjrClUlallioln..

~,n{!!lCdmng;~,~~11 Ihe Al!~mi:c MOe ~:m!~ v"g ~'tnnl i!lCn".....,~ ill:t= Ic,,·gls of c .. !1l1lt;l1~ di~'I;i~ i!l1 l~lC c:!Il:~nOtip~~TI:;:, U~f'!;: w~~c\li.c;:\li! [Iw ~lIm;:all[l}" :lI~ ~il!~Iflbk r-aktM;:l'mtogrnphir' d~lia for iht~ lGM airld n~d sUfiiporl IOf '~~'Ltilh"C' eireu larion In dw d'C(;:p .A'~l;Jjn~ic. 'bul~QI rClf' the ~Imng, d\~~rMOC Vn ..
\'ol\li Dig L'Illh;1l:ll~cl~llndUl;:[ima nO:l1ht::rn No.lI1'&a Atiiaillti:c. of NAl[)\\II,1 ill 1!1JC

D!I!m1sity Graidiernltsinfhe M~irnl Th~llI'!odlr!'(l ~fllil B@mow

Tille li:1torlilit' $l~lirac~ uf'equal SC4'iiw:uer dell:;il), 'oo!w~en l'l~e \VCl1lCn and ca::l'1Cu:n~ sid<f."$ Ihe of ~'1i.~1n poo\'kk$n.'lli1g~1l1c: C''I, ick~I'~re III IrU .. icimll tor 'fI:d o\!(:It~mi~~g~n Ih::: Allmuic l'JcA.'au uxl!.1y Ic.g ... u-nl (FI!1..21\). The V{la)' n1tl !hUllh('.oo :i'illJ'J:~Co.(!.il :$C' Irln~ ll1!t~t~yItQdro~nl:;LI t;ugg,.,~~ Ih~ ~.i~.~"'h';:!l(;e ofO! ...errical !lhL'<lI']1] tiliC awmgc meridional 11\:1'1.\' in ~hc l~"~,,i ~~:F(lr ,. 11u.~dtm u IUlm~'!1gpl,l!lel, a
~!!,d .. :'II1s,j.~y con~~"~1~11~1~!t bal'IIl(l1;.ld ~)' .. h be· "'~rIIicu~ $h(;;Jr in Ih01ll1!l~ri(l;ml",~ It:Jmi[.m 10 tfi\!,i'Cl'i1 l CJ1l;I~~1tItho ··D1H:~ffilll:d wind rd~ulio.n1ship'''). The :shear n::nccl:S :1 r:lOr~bw3lrd flow .il1rulit'~1J(:: sraface 1I1':ld roulhwrm:l now below (i.e., a l\1~OCH/j~.

period durilllg which lite' 11lIcwrs l10mrollill,g tlile structure or dte AIlfLl'Ili:c Moe '(e.g.. budgers 3J1.d 3t1mJis«)]u:rk ci OC:lI!lmiQl~litn !III!:: ee,per waier now.~ soullh. fonlling, '" hm is celled a lnc-ridiioml!l O'! ct1,lIIl1"nilig dl'ClIIlal,['O:u IlQli1hcm and s01.lti}cm high Imt[tl!dcsb:J«~p:Cill' to (MOC) (Hg. IA),. The nfll1hwllll,~,".!~owingslJr=- h:i!'<'c di!fcLtld fmfllll 10:10)'_ r~ l~lC I'gfl:(ls, a R~mlvnim.:m conmumi~y c]l:orl 1i!(X' am~ ilw."lnwdiw\;,,~"'~L~J;lr.;.l'oI:C l~lmOY'.u1C}'in C'~.ncr!il.uv!g 'idd of p;J!~coc~~~n[)gr;lphy ~lK'North Al~:mlic, wh~roth1.'Y'I", ~ml!l:;;rornnlXi in H~~~ h.m

~~I\.'; \Aiantic o~ell.ill'Wrlte, more }








~ulilmlli,IiI~lIln, Sootmrm;pm

uppo:;::r OOc:JIn) Oflhc ~er~\'I,ut'r in which Ihe lfornrni:nill;:I'::~ c'l~ciIY{M, III 11](; dcm;ily comrils~ ,ncroe.silic widllll of Ihe ofuire OCG1LU~ 00:'111] ~,~nl~cls; Ihe v(:r~icu~ shear in Ihe ~m£~rnlcd rn!eridiOl~,~J flow lLCrol>s~he basin ~1()rih\V3[d lIDillSJlXji1. of hc:a[ in the Allmuic. The experi men.s l7), stlggiestu:i~hm .he MOl' 11m)' US-JOl'. Inllhc South Allnn! lc In 30'"'5, density is p'olls,ihi lily IIml this O\·clil~U'IIlill,gei;flCLI~tlI.IIDIlOOll~d h3\'C'nmdlilllk: cqllilibrill and ~hm I.rniosilionsooII! igh.:::r a 10 nglblc cast ern UIUlI1l~n in the tupper dumgc: lalnhc rlillUl.'C us to nnaC'ii.'S1and rwecn the' equl ~llbr.lal:nmy bcuigg.crod by !U1'ob11= 2kl~]. rel1eC!iblg lite ven leal sil'R."tlI·i~Dn:11Iis:s~rnl1&ilOw il mOl)! h<lvC differed ~n the pasi, The L.1iS1 nlies in lhe futshw;ucr nu;..:cs, at the sc,~ surface. l! <~i1!itoo wi.h .be ~!iOC '(.F~£. 2i\ l. The G~j,ci~1 Mmdnmm (lGM). <l lime ]n1crv<l1 A new gcraC'rm~o n of cnupl ed ceca 11·= 'lX'Il~lic ro.mmjl,ir~ from llllrJracc soclhn\:m.~ IlC~lccl~his 'OOIlt1'a.~~wutl~ hiigh£f' ~~(),i:OOon dlC ce!~tel\'d ,<l~ ~t1!QUI 11 ,000' )'~~~ ..go ;;Illa. \vith ,,1 aln~Oll.phcre g.t!<l!I c1r(:'ldm km !luxlC'1s 1ims :;:im:c hlghlcr-(l~lsily cast~m nltlrgin ~Fig. 281. DlJt'i~lg dli,ll",;(I~'{m of~r!,)w I1!l!rn~nlli;JI ~C.:Iil (I)j. W.\!!!'i ,1 bee!! (t.n,(:,~o,l)f;xl "\,Vlll~n rortcd Wi~l c-¥rhlWlW(1 .. lite LGM. 1!00\'Cvcr. the cro.S$-b<i5:Ulil .~md[em in du: LGM m.r~mSl)~wdc:('01 c-on.ocunmtion, amI COlllfij~~rg1~bl~!iti,l~~g.i' T~d1!I'I~C'!l!f. t!tIan~i!, (;!II 30~~2, USO!\ UnC'.llt1d~ce5h~.~hClW: models R~mdUtC \lI:l,~IJy i~Q!opc:-;orlile :t'ar.:uniniWlI<l was rWlIIcod ~(aL1I~mMI rrmiMI! af lfoomDWg'l', Pa&lOOllla'. (A 9:1l1L2S, d irrC'~\:nl Atl~:u~~kc:i:ltlllaIUi;Jn ~cc~~,lriin~SQmc !)Inld IlCrlmll';'l C\'(!l I'CVC!'S1."d (.f:tg. 111~ 1.l5A JWOQd:s Plale {XNnowatPhic UI~l:i~"'tijo:Iil.~V09!l~HDt~, circ~~liI!.ti~lH ~]iI!.t \'\,'e ~ lod,l!jI {:~w~o ~!C'iJmnh: show .. ,'i\n;m~"I' o\'crlumillg I;:~U~i:'i;;'I\X.~i,~~1.Xl \\·i,h ,.IA. 02 5-t~. U:5A~,S.Je~kilesenUe 'ro~ CUiiiil~ll!~~h, ( WAD\1\! forullt'uiol] dHt~r CM,,"~ndiug s~i!:lhl:ly aoo\'!; 1 ~m .md~o Ill!; M1~lth~1o'\i!l' thL'idIl,VI:hl\!!K 500] IBEfg~n.1'lmw4Y. ~rdiff Urliw~ity. Cim:lifl CPlI.{lllit, l:I. :>imnl~l[ P\'(;'Il1w,illJi,ilg. circul:JLtiull wiih ,I :;,11(l,lIo\'!,,>L"~' {l, unt:h,IIlgt.'d ~[I v!jn1c;I~C:J\.l~lrn{9); UiK >6C~'ES~. OCti!,!oWgf~,22000 ~!'qseood<!. ~~I<!' ("tir~· del.'.po:,~r Iliia. Me:.!lCQ.~F1I,at~na\O~<ln09,""plry I(.l!'mtre, Um'lfal'sitl' ~ roLn~v"l!IrtI l\!ADW l:IS .~n :SOJli.1.:tlf I.he {n:l:K'I1j,s.1:I!:}w· a wclitkcr limd shul to~vcr nvCrl.Llm iug ~wid("nl~ 1o;iilg"~"liJ]!!!liIl<iT l:hi~A:L~miuic I c[r(;'lJlm L'C1I1tllol.}l not h~lNe CltiSllcd ~11 (o:rt'lidk::l'oo JjLJl U!1~I)(lrt.~!lIdl.'IIT1t:llIl of I11(: d~m"lJL~ ils 'COllrljcmt form d'llring Ihe LGM. The nli,llricml~.· b'I,:-CHm~ ofiih;, aUli.'lld;llm 1l11:ClI1idLtm1LI i'lL;'lU n:ux;lhL;' ponT NAU\I\T .'ii~i."illllid10 k~v"",bi:)!;;'1n m1;,'pl[L:(:L-dl'ly ~rngli(~r""lL1nrit;llI[W[U[i:1iN 1likc those lonlill:ld in tlJIC !wrr~n'li!lrd·llmvDn!!l iiimfOlOi: \\I;]~(:Ci. micwrHnrn. whcrca~,ih{': Si[l~i.ihwruru.l1owim!5 dl"lll waiers are Soullilem fJCCoITn'1 IOOt1y 0 5). 13('11,11 IIli1o:r,CliC<:i] cold. %0 Ihe Moe is ,wccompmrnioo bYfln~c~. studies l6) flnd oeean !!lelle~J drelld]a'.ioll model \7I,~0C'i. INi\D\M~. TI!i;~ mcridiomd ci:r:tu~:~l~m! is

into Ilill: ~oul11.f"'''I.·d •.(kDWinJ!l North IUI;!nl~ic .~!Jp'

Socm\'1ltcr dcn~iiy tlcpcl:ld~ (mh!lfnpcn:IIH~c. I)re~'llre'. Dcnsi~.y magi veil dC;plh on, cilhcr s cdc (I rl ~ac j\!~aJltlc B'lsin in the pasi. calli li:!c($tiinmlro Ilumlilc vmio oJ ox~gcn i:-'cHOPC,~, :iilol'l'>,[')"vn [Ire ]ossil carl:1!O'm~ l~~I'"On)C~llhjc ['o:mftl1i ifera, b()ir~o:nt·(hve[lhlS poot~.:s ".l6).lhis a .ro.lior:c"c:c~bm.h I'IiIC !Cfl'Ip::1I,:UUl'C and lhell~O/U·O m_]oo (w]~idl gcm.mdly ofl'l'ml"ia: with S<lJillil;' i:n dlC
Sl~in ill},'.and




M9~OO)N :U7997. R~ ~'SiI~. ~talb<!ritoi1e' des Sciences au

Instihl1~'OI~ O(eanotGgf:,. Il~illaii At.ade(ii;i~ of

50'lA lUll,

IUK. !115hir~h!J'I

(Iima~ el;d'et'lfIfl'l'lrQooemelll. (EIV(ruI;W1l5Q, '!l119SI3If· M!r·V\!~ue (ed',~.I:.fro~l'!(e. :WUnlll'llrsily 01 COlorado. Boulder.

(0 8030,9,

.Ne'imer·la:llli!ls. ~~aUo~al rr'aiwan N'ompna~ lIniversl1.y.1ialpei

1.:16; Til;Wilm, ffi!iJl!IIIb!1, cf (hi ilia. IhrJl5mUCtm ("!ii~n~ RJ~~@r(.3 i E'SlMdi~ AlMlJ;i11:5, Uniil1!;[~iMlt

USA. uUn;I,\e~ity of cambridg~ (i!lIT1ll1idg~ ('1l2 .n.Q\ Ut:.IJiFor~hul1l!J!1mtrwfli Oii.'~"3Rr~lIlth1rllmRUM" l!I~5J.rErSi~~. Br!lWoen. 2fhU4 B!i1!U1,e-o~ 'Ge!Ill>aon,),. ull.~;[~Ji1ei (@nlro I'llf (lill1li1t~~fSl!lIr(~. Unlll@fSityof krg,~fIl, :50()1 BiEf!lii!i1, 'Ncr""'~. l~!ltiiil1 ijnilrem[eil~ lOSl!If1IV 1!!Jl,~rerdal1\. 00 de

c~11 Il.~~o.l:iat>cd wjfh NA[)W IJlOOruC:lion (10, .11j. OIl~Y whCi'l ~nillrbcd "\"ilh cnhillloo:! rreshwalcr Ilu.... s 10 the NO:l1h/\t~mltic, <IS pl:~Htl;l!!)ly oce curred in ~~Cp;:l~l clitlrilrng ~TId pe'J;OOS <le·= c~I'C'I,ued d~y of the w:Fuim::Ht1:i! ~ k·C' $hee.s. do the cmjp~cd 1:'IlodJdspluod!l!lcc .<1 shu tdowil ~r NADW U.2. !J~ l1lc brgc ~i!cshwOJllCil' ~~I.~x.cs C:IP;t.~C of shuni ng dO\vll the l\.I~anlk: i\,'~OCiIt ~h~c un~ld~ \'vO'uMno't Imvc be;;:n !';u~1ain<!blc~Gr ~hC' 1..7!~im lXil\.lt It i.. (lr IrtGre 11'h;;t!1m:ad~rnic


DllOdd !>imukiilian:> r{)f the :lOM {.W, In would n;:quifrc higher deflsitr~s alang dne ~SlCmimmrgjn. mlliln ~:O:n.gllte \!!CS!CIDlrnlilliShl in Ihe: upper:2 bn or th~ SoLlih l\I~!IlJtk [f lite LaM rel1L~iolltihip bel\'o'CI!J1, ahc nX.Y6'CUl i~otopc rMio i~~ ~ram~· the 1~~rCJn mi dCllsity \WS simi~ar Oil oolh sidl!:> of a mile South ,·\l~af1t'ic :S:tsin las i~ ilj:lod~1Y). th~:;c :'iCcvmr:ioswO<l.Ill be' im:Oll1pati,ble will~ tl:IC oxy,gl:!n isotope dil,tii. 'W~~· 'il\il!SSC5 with \'1;11)' dilferenl, t~~IlRJ!CmaLufi~'S. ~a Iini.~ iC'~,. and o.",y,g~$1 'i )loWn!.:'
Ja~ios tM;;CllIllyill.g I:hl;;~m~ horij]nn Oil ~;i'nlicr z.;~~ 'orlhc occ,:;uUi bm.ul] cOl;dd pcll.\!n~u.all:, OI.I,IS!::: ;1 eh.1L.1i,gc, in nile t);,.::y~~ri ~1:t!i'iC ratiQ~

~,~~w or

aan~lma. E·Cte~.93: 6~U~tEn~, tC~;diillrG~~. ~ht S

·Vo \~hom oo~~e~p(!l[nl1fen~e iIIltOuI.dIbe addlre~.


~!lItC[t":li~ d!:.'tcrmintwh~h :rmldl;]\5, (; (;In}') ~h~w III ~h~ com."{;'l~"SPOI~~~ 11;1 0,11~ cO~lcliion~,s, ict': a dK:~c 3:te nllt:: 5;II]!fC ['iblx1.¢1~ th~l are l~'L<d In jJJrcdiet

'S\lWl~h 1\~lm!ic wilhmll, a c'hmlge in 'Pf1li~r!~ T!~I W 00 l~~~T ~ps;u<J;in~ ~~Ih!'!.;:m~y i;in;;\I![lti91l \~'!~IF~ io~ qll~ f.l!I~cJ: Olin Gn~ll1;: bm.;i", of ~tu 0W1lP~ l~ aerossjhe
dCH.'lit}' !l;)onlrn:il!.,. These i:roiOiP!il' dmu

the \PIJlCJiI CJC.m {l,'ll Nm1CllilelCli\'i. ~hc ag~m.cnt O be rich in .;,:IIlC,,\whk:h ~~PI1(l1it~.he i:d~ lllal; t !'IIOHl,c or I h i.~\'\,'.n:crmass Ot1lnc-sr~.\()lnthe S(lti!th~ between ~~C I:!llOOI1.."tIUCt~Ql!!~ based en Ih\'~1; tWQ \l{~~~·r.;m<l"S; ~C't,;w,:; ·pfo".r~~, ill~!\;'>;I.$OO ~1~1I.:'1.~1; mn Q~'<ID tl9". l~!m""~~I~f. d~(%p (:>~ ~~ld ~{!!I !he \"'!I!I,~r~1~&-;; ~O~'.ii ~~1{l~V .~~ght:r nell:lr ,LI1~ ~.u'\,\ ¢.!t o in ~1~ 0\"'\iI1I!.~ pit:iuf'i:.
Cd ill I]~!..~ d!..~p Nori.lrI

tLkm~ P.l,.12~,


D@ep~WilltielrN Ulri@lllIt

S~id11~'CWm,cN :-.inki!l!!


[iOC~l'iltt!ld• k:d;n~cB, Nopwcgrfll'i,

and :lahrador ::;e.'1~ (io~I~!Xtilvc],y fOJfibii Ihe NADW;\\'hichb:.n.~ai]i.l.y ident.i f!i1br.cffi",> 91JQf\~Me fltuth'ioJ1l~ o

lh~Ul if! [Iw df.;'(:p SOIlt:h A~lanrie: ~his 1~I1d£'I.'tIi~~ W!ltL;:nl !~OJ!I ol'igil1tui!l~ ~I~ lli~ Nonl1 A.l~.ariliC' !il~oNi:n[ihul~d!o l.tu: deep


W~ul~ J1'ill:l~ illi1 dt~ LG~'I 1:111:; c-ml![iln:Ltlo'bl lfiIa~


IX" ~i~np'ly the

of mil:i:.ililll,

poor water ·cK~e~ld~l1!il :;;reat 1.0 d~'iI~lh:'l d1.(! t\[iam ic mKi ~.W'i..'I~in
~mli~y [\C'<lchiulg I.he SOlHhcliIl Oooom (fig. I A), Some hi~ll~
~11!JI!J'i~rll\v.n~r (Follil '!:h!"~ Sc.1.I~h~m
OO~"'ll] (A:rlI1urrticB{l!~O:ln W<rL~I;,

between {jNA~\,V ~~'I~kh ay m



lar .')1('HlIIlllb1. .he labmdor.

eo orihc :'Oul~lJO!l~lr Nonh epen AI~,l!lI~c and the dC\.l~r \V,m"".

n~$f; oICigiImO.1!,6uJ;;ill the south. f~f .iil n'l'-~)I~~n~i~~ or~h~rtdditim~ ~I'
SlIH,)11 ,Ul10lHH!\


can 1,"", ~cem IK'IIICiU'llli!1lg

~1;(1f1 hW;Olll'tJ

l~!l'I."<'lh the


dC'H, .


a distinct.

\V<l!:W'f 1!1'!a.~

~1:(mTli~lg dle in

T~b(;'~lllllri1J~l~ d i:;lfilbut ~om lor ti!ni."S in~h1,! poHU <I~ ~!OO:li.f;I:[U(;l\:''d Itfy [J11C"..s:UriFIg the ~Jmo:ri L~p.mpiC' COJl~pos.ilkm (~J:["/I~C) (if f(J.i; shcl:t" of benthic fO,faI1l1Dnifcrn, ouri.cdiln t~lc51dmcn;ls.. Ir1rimar:y p'rodtl(lcusin the surnu:c ocean

A~l~lllic: (Jot, AltIi!O:llgh I.]~L; Illunr~m pnH'iuc :J CO:llCH.1lilpi(m~re


dit\ll''!fcWflk~r masses, nlley pro'l'icl:c liu:lc:in:lolfllillilion abo til. the 9bsohJllJi: rates 01" now in du!

nr lilt:

~akclIIp bcrul

ll\)lri:!:'~I1~ WIld



d iscrimi~;b!i g agll~ Ihc 11:C~!v),1 n n~rt

i~lo:pC' or c:uilr.ln ;n.... d~~ydp ,.:;p, ICilditlg to high 'lc/'2{. rn[kl~ in sla.rfaoc wale~, ~md low"lunricllit
N AD~V}. nighr..:r nW11 riie ~lt o(¥uJC'Cilnrn~~on~ and Im,\'!I;;'r I~["/If ill! AA.B,\li.t !fcl'lCt:tl;hc!ong(.; Ii [:i nIlt; I hesc
wOlter Wml!.:li:' havcspeut


OC~;][Il. i\ rlllldm:~m':nI~~ rea!ion. is Iha~ Illc' IlC'tHi'ucL"'dJ,iz;;l~i()n of org<lniCl1m~lcr !\.1U1dl On~l ~I:l



ha.... i! .n::k~~iv!.:ly the Inl!ri~m eondeep waters :i.n Ihe


m;JS!iC:5. I e.g,


/\Jlmlic I(al k'ru51tOO[l)'~3~ld 1..:Ill!li'rrl!!!ly poor:iy Iimd'cfS~oOO.

Inlee,~·W,~tel' Ra~io{.alrbolil,Ad~vi~ie~ The


rd~C·of mil inactive




li~rinre" t10U~cliJrng n~l.riC'u~t illld s Vole.poor mruon tmun fli~e diC'l'a}'

or organj.c



dl;lMh :in pa,ti:Cll:ial.c and d f&.-ro:lvoo ~b:n]1:;;' P'as~ .Illl!1l'ieJ1l distributiolls. tx;CI1 ~ns'U,\l!clilrl :Iirom, ~Iso Ihcum~o of ~oomim'lil m cal~~um

~4,C is \.vdl~ lifl(k:r.>[.QOorIand. illl p.nUle~p.k, ool~ld pro',," ide a 1l1IC'.a~ ~up;; cl'.Flhe ,rille of d... w'atcr -.e;p. renewal, or vcnli~alkll'l" Two appmaehes have been dc\'doped K'I · ~ CCJJ1'CC1.J'il"1 I.. C· .. agcs ~mlin c<!Irocean. Ib:r il'ic lime SblCC t~u;,;~r. dcposhi<m" :lifldi'J!C.El:rbcHli mea:ii~UIC'I.ncnts on be:mh Ie form:niIlii[~m C1.U1 rom."CIOO us,~rlg ~C~ be

bon!Lc 1hm gt'Cw h1 the d!Ccp

hI tests oj; bca~lhic liu:amlnifem. like the ,llllllJ'Qr I~LL11:rc:nl~", Cd is. ~a_kcn L~} b}' org.:JInism~ ~t Ihe :NC'<J!. ~~W1!·13OCnd !.dC'<B..wd i.I!~ ~rt.'pth U!i. a ~lb", m!;l:miC' n~"ICr!,_'] I:;; d~~Q'u·'
1fI{~."",-d, Bmh O!' ~hc!'i!.l nuukl1l[. r-ml'>ie;s (llt"/I:2C ,"HId e(1JC .. l'

F~'!I!.1. (AJ The mod~,~nl discmb:Uiltl'l1l1 of diiss()t",'€d 'ph(lspha.l\~ ~i'iiI~l ~lt!!!,~l)~a bjQ~®grici3i~ utrienl--i II the ~1.Il!S~E1'm n AUamtk 1~(1). A&s®li IlIiDitGl!ltBf:i ijs tiIHl!SIl ullilward !tOIl\!' ,o~ INionh A:~lntnc IIilJ~p Water ~NA[JW), \Vh~(:11is compensated by the

or W!!IC~!lpo):;;Jn!ffill:ol

1~IOIn:kll(mic t-"'l!II rfilc~i·d\",'~mn!ll) f(~!O.1H1i.l!iU'cr;1

JJ}' .;;md nLdlioCfunxJ[J.

:lURiill.t:nL\ (lUI deep.Miu


... ow Ihm dmiu,glhel.iGM h

was 11 ~OW·.iilllt,iellt w<lter

mass 1 km

mlolFlhwil!rd now

above <I. ,a.clllh Ora:bolil 't efien 1:C~'clTCd to as Ghtck11 NOI.1h

AlJmi li c .~ rmediate nil.:

I~~r-es~eds OI~C, Vi~Ii1~i1! P~t.:"e~ b~lemniil~ s~iildli1!rdl) Qf ~he!!hIlU:;or b~f!thk s

(AABW} b~~()~'I'.{EI) The diistrill;mtion ,of (he {,lfbonJ ~:liQWP1:{ C:Qm,pos~.11Qm(13cJ~t.


waters C!1b!(!v~ll km. and tire AliltQirak Bouom Wa~er


GNAI\V~ and '1Ii!hi"llli~icl.cln'l'.I:Jteu~d,dI:ow ,2;k:nn {2;1 27H Fi~,I. Il and C)" nC1:C are :nn~ 111l~e l'iM'wl"$. r <lir-se:l cxchang,c: of C.a:tt];()· b on~.lll;! $i.lWmllon ~<;llllc. !!lxidali(JJl of o~anic nmlwr in &>.>dinu;nt:5) 'oo.n!ri;'l!Hing!hc i~Q~or~1J;;arid chcrniC':.. ! ¢O!i~p~i'~ji[li!iiS nf (he: fo:tm~linir(:'r.!l 1l;J;l.. InlOllt e;;~n pOl¢l]ti:l~ ~>,dem:mp~,L,: di~ nt~iJticmi. p.roxic'S frnti'i l:iulricm d~~l;ribLition;> ..iui

r~Jirali1ililifura lin tihe wllfitem iI n~ ~1~rUrtll. A;UiUlt]C dLllrl nglhe L:GM (2'3.2'4), ID~~a rrom dirfie.ll~nt l(lmgli~udl'5 .are {ollapS€dim thi!same meli:dioml plane, (() Btimali~$ of Uile Cdl {'l'unlf)~ rt~rl)i:ol'l;r;eiil~r.aitiiOOI I~GMrnl:rl'! th ra:liL':!' of (dlfY til tL':!:r 'he :Ii~!!U:~o~ bentini((i(!!raminiih! [rollII (2·S). Totiay,. 'the'i:~topk mrrnpo~ilti!!Jn ,of dijss:olvetli 'jlll orglElllli c ('.aribcm <ll'Idthe ,aon:c:entr.atl;olll oif dhsol.~erl (dJ 'io lle'a~ll'at'~r bo;~11sl'lOfl.\f";Ii! utri,(l;Flt~"t!fPrll dis~lfiblltno ~\i :sim~kil' tot~g:t or P'04.

be u~ uilig ~m:lcpC'lld:enl. ages derived from IlIIrnlJi.Hmi3:iTld t'hori'UfI~ i&ll:op~ (l/~-J6). foclny, the rndi.oUlfoo.n di~'lIil¥UlioH ~nlhc deep AllalJmi:: IliioSDly rel'!cc!5 ih~ 1'1i!lmiive c(mln"ib~1ions nfW3l~r t
rrorn tlK: north w~ih 'hi@lllli(' aclivitv :md wa!>Cf ~:om ~ Ie: OOUdl. ',n Wlul I· I·~ aCI~,\'ny. Wlll1'l em i a ow .i'
+ '" ',~



l}!eLG~I~ '~''(Nliig.~IX.<llion ns nrtCJ1 inlerp!l.' !I slm~~in,g of NADW .md .,u llorlhw,l~tl

}\AJ:HVil'i lite AnlmliL~ '0;:"''1111.. The ~ligJH~l~lui.(:'nl \J,i"Jkr~~lm.v.2 km :Iho 3pp:~ID:'.d.III

s:ll1!JU d(.X:re~ iu~ 1'1(' <lettv~tydue !o in :l.itlll! dcc,~}'\'",ilhi~ !he dC'ql'N(Jr!~AII<I~~Ij;c. ., . .. ,. ~.,~ S!!iIlll b~r 10 ![!'i utl-C n~ Tht; nlllW~I.U !JoI;;c<~rl. 'P\'~"'l C colII!klbL': ooruibublccl wi'ri~ OI.1.lI.:.'T 111t'.·n~a$.,~!J[-aCC'JJi W ·In. 3Crn'~I1'11 Int lhis o\'(:rp.nll~ of W.iiT(:r-ll:ii~H!."~



SOlleNC c.

VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007


IDIlildng "mel,t~C1fCby 1;,~[illl;."ItI;;: t~eoomdml~!(ln dae w rodig;:;;.;Ji~oondecay\)i,.i!llin~hcA~I"lltic {J 7~ T(l ~~~rod~i~[lmn ~ (S~D1.:'1,;!]}' ~or"~lmin il~l,'.lG~I~ ~i~DilT[uDiDl]1 I.h~ J\~~~~l!k: WO~lrd I'l,;""'qDilif1\;: aJ ]~'1W il~
II ~uli!bt':r p~L;i,ti~ m~~ilIh,;,nU;:Hl~ ,or (JS, )9 J,

i1I.'l~~'c~~, ~i'\i~tingm~~J...'<\ure~m;:nb j' I~C I]~~ o .u;;li'",i~Y~~1 lWilll'hit Ib~~L1l1i~irl;m~ug~,~~,1 ','iI'~l1,l.;;r1m1"",,,, ~"durc IP1 (he LGM Ab~I:i.~ dli!l~ is C'OJ'i.l;il<;!cli.l \... i~h 'thL:' Illi~r.i~I'ilL pt'ill!:.i,,'S. \io<il.di ~4(' ~ rkhwmcrs il:H.lic!blnll.~ n..~D~!iL ~l>i:.chm'i.~'w~~llhe &m'.u;,~lL.'Yc 9L'iotlr\ I'! :! hl d~pl..hand 1'1: ll)OOI' wm~'fS bri:h:l\\"thi~ J~~I~ (1/0'). The inl~fll'ro11uiml
of Ihe He is cO:l1~pHcail.l:!d bya.ii;$uln~~iOi~nboUl ~he Sl.ll,·rac(;.'-<:'ICC'<m rod ioc.u:IXlJI, El!n!dlhiC'

'Qrlt~!gil es rbr:!~ 11>>1,BeC<J.mici hCIll;",~iQ!C'nce~i me (If dei;p waters inihc A tr..uuic ~~.iillooOig the Q:r,,;Jl~T of c~I~(l!Ir.i.L;,'l,m(l\"! f ,:h\,": 2:l~~ l)roO.~.~d o in the A Ila,n'~ ~}l h~ ri~\~ i~a Ai~IT!!!ti~ '[J{,:<t.;"i:nl k: Si"il.ill,~~~nb.'whlL:rc:l~ s~ln,lC I.llncn IPa is exl1iOr(,.'! ili'!:C SOLlI~!cm OC'C<l!l. This leaves (he ~:nodl,it" ::i!'lIPafl!:~'fhr.~li{l ill Atl;!I)1i~~1.1i!11~nts bd:o-w t~·~ mtPo ~n whith lh~ i:;o1ti;j:l\."S !lrt" p:rWut!:.1di bt lite decay uf V H2}. .A. IOi1.~er liel;idCillCc time (Jf "W~lcihn the A I~.TIIIi~ sil.Cililki C.[ii.U5~ the ~;l~"f)ilP;il~'1 rntio iii1lll~e ui1:drili"l:~j:inl;i :>~cl imcil:lswiin.c 1L"a~'iIC,bLltd1.cre 'W':fijl IUis~gnif.


~nbdllS 01" ~hdfu;: or dllll,'l"C11.t <lIgi~ by (H~<!nu~m:i~ I i'~.l1g wurhin [he :iiC1;liI11em$•. "0 [he agt1C"mC'~r~ eb
~WL,.l(:n tI~"i,)" l\~cnoll.'tl!'UI;Jlion:;, b<:l';(hi;il, n o
~IUI:l1l~ll! lr.U;:Cr:$ ,!l.~v~s

icm~1 d iIlCii-..cJ~C:c iu d'LC illnc..."l:tl il~g P,l/:l:~11 of Ad::mlic scdim.~·nt~ ,d'cl"JOsited ~h.!l',il1!;l LGM the\e W Ihow laid dO\-\ ~ more "eccnlJ,j' !~",n.
Thll.':'c I;b~!acould
~~·{}u1~1~1.1J11Q1 '",".iii! <II" .

ni"llliln.t':n!m.~O!.:orlim~~~ [1.'1'0 d i:;;iiru:tWUk:r Ili1Ill~sc~ il~ ~hc lace of mhi~~g 1)!l1~'WS ~~im~h!r ~o ~hc mpdcrng.c~·<Lrgl]r![IJ~\'\IflukJ 1,1,,"110III li;r"~c ~h.l,..~e lIDulirhlll~';S :~'\il!,l,irt'$eue or Lmth \'!I',:rl{:-l"JII,l'lllt;~ to I be rtTlc'!;ViL'tI :rij~l'ly m:pid~:y (J41. l ii ~ ::lJ~p~L,Il!:..1CI"nj, 1Ii1t1.iw.. in dO::I)-r!>Ctau~ :I.\.'tIimi;;ill~ {k:posiT>!..'tidi.lfilil.~ Ih~ l,(.i11\11are ec:IiI'i'pf~rnblc lOllt(i~ dC!jllL~il(ld Imtller nmoocrn eead idm\'~.. ',1~is .!\'!':;: ,,;<~in~t a ~nl4ch.S]D\\,Cf ckcu l<Ilion relr both deepW3~cr 11I1:!!.<;s;cs Ihe AI.lmlti:c. (~in) The em:~s:-bH,~in [11 OOllll~a'\lin ox)'g..:n l~lo~ ial L'II('nl~lk: Ilomm1nif-

~mtrient~''i!Oor.,r,ad igC~iUil~iI;ln-richw,r~c'frlla:iis K:;N,I\.~W~ d('lmimlln ;;B,hcJi~c ::!. km aud mnre ~1;II~:rij CI]t~rill;:~ .!!<!d ~oc"rin~n -pnor W[llt~!"" b~~{j]w ;1 km ~pt...h;tJlS 11 W!lci:J1 mm~o!:l AAi1W). Th~ of

range of

and the

r;I~1 ~in::'Uklti:{m S~~~\il.


~~i!gh~ ~!1Croo'l'lJ..' in

~11L,.l owr,dl vk~lJI~ ~hL,.lLGMA~I!imt [:1;:', R<lldlm!i(ltCl'pe~,


or 1111.;' I.k~eIHv,atl.;'r 111I<L~~

!iI~, l'lII~~U1t;'f' etlillfu{l'i;ueC'

th('! Mue

~oa d(:¢re;~~"''; ~r (.If




1\." with (h::lmilcd dOl!II'Il'Core !'C~oOO~~. s~ig~n" Iy 'h igllcr Ir;;~~ were jOUHa. ror!l!!.1' U:.i ~!~ .\111.'"\1. i<l:s

ern in ~h~ Sowh AII'.:mli'(.~ oll<l~~~ld during Ihe o lGM. Thii' \\~oultJ,lr1!~C ;'I~in~~ '~I'iI!!l'Ol]g Moe 'that ilb1!pl.ln.. Wll'f. ec UlldiIXl\:.rnKdifll!o,l ~'Ir<U~1NIII ..... . 111C A~IOIJlUk: c{'lm~Is:(tcd by th~ '!;')!rOJ'l o.fd!.'.C1!'lC1!" ~~~[~'''''. li~~~oo. 'W!:.: 11Jil:vcgood c~·ickm.Q!.'l'Or a
'rh.\,'! tG~M AU1IJ11!.ie d,ulla~dso do IIDI ~lIPjE!11 01.. MOe wil_h dte .srull.'lC!~xt.c.irn .::md snruClU.1C as ICid~,y. Sea surface [cmp~I11L~ re 1'C1.)0000'>lructiom.. in dtc'Nonh lUbmlk (I/Y', 51) I also ;Ilppe~r~tlcO:li1s~S1Cill \'II ~th fl ~ro:i.l:gC'r vcrsjen or ~O(lay's ovcnmnitng QC n d!i!u::0o1.criz.ed by stIl'facc w'm~r in!:low oomJJlC:J:lSZliliu~goof!l~\\~mC'r d
l~:~lUh.!liml of dCl,,'l\"";I!~ffi iu Ilull~~i"'l$ Il(]l co.l.t:lip~L,;t('I)1 s.1~gi%i1_The C'< po~l[m~n~hJC' I'lOIJaf $C<lS. or~h"

Pm~:ad.illil~Ullml .and! 'MhGl<rilJrn

inlcn!." w~~i\'c to !he! lolC!\..lC\!lCt r~w;lI!.'r,dcplh a

a f 4":; km l1.e~~r !3erill1UO,~ (44}. ~1ll\i~lCUt "\I~ Ehan Il~cr.uI[1 $I'm~n iaerease il1l]i1e re~~idel1~1 insc of o\'Criyiing deep waters (GNIIJ\V l1L1.1d A}l..H\,Vt Lower !miEia.., were rOliuttl3l.1.7 km dcpthill tlile 1l0nhCfIlI NCllth l\.1Iamic {,r5Ifl1u1 3..4 km rlcplh
onlhc~~rian mal",tlia (.16}.:IlkY~'\ ... ing ror (Ille

The t-U:L1ImSlil!!!\ d:Il'!lIli("Ltlbchil\.io:r !oF I,Irnniun:1 d.C'Ctt;,v·sl';rks J1'llcllides IMo\ ides a meeus reJr ~s.'>GisIUl~ rlll!C of dC'C1JcirelJlluiuifI. Umnillm till(; is hi~Jlly solu'bl,,;: in scaWlllCr and Ilms ~ms ,L residence lime' 01' several hlmdl'CtI~hQll!Jl;l]mi )'\."3fS ill tl~C' ocem!. Bceausejhis is r.,r ~Ol~,CIi~h,lIllhe o\,~f;lI.n oc.coulic 1l!1~xiIlS 1~IllC (:I millcnaiem or ~wo), ur;~~lium <Irp~~i!li1a!cty 1;,'\'Qnly dj~lriboir>

l.hmughmn lin:



IWCi:lIiIS decay or U isooopc.s. and ~~cnoc:llte

P'~llIcl1.on 0011"illS d Ul!ghlcf iso'lQIlC,''S, is ~l;:rLian)' 1lI!1~r.[)mrn~o ,~ g~I <LIPP:l'rI'.'!;.i~U(ll't~mL (onc ... \<!, By ~11L"'C' .mdi:{lii.lC::li'VI!.~(iC<ll.y ~rmluOt~. Illm:ri!.]m'cl p;mw.clull iLlfl1i" IIlI'e 'C)i cf(;'Illi:ly pmtidc..ilL,lC:1 ivc ~.f.! ~ a.nil fun: mpid~y lItil11c:n:ocl frmn Stf~\,~[Ij~crby li-C'[~litl!l. pnnkks flild .su!1sC\.lti.mrdyburicil onlh!! S'L"'8 !lour. The 1CS1lllhlig ooii!,;,Tl1Iic cll."'Sf<iI..'l!lC"Cthnes

Im<;sibil il)' of v igoo101.1$, :L\c~~ewflil G NA~W. Be.air cause v:lr~;niom, in par!ic~ n~n1'! (4i1 and!trli~~. H.(~~:,nl,;~IMJ ~l1rl!J~U!CC f;crJ~melllJ.lU,¥ ( ~"p~l'!u-rh.~ beuer lIlmlCf:i,iUmdilllg or these rOCIOn.:: will strellglhcn oar nltljh.~, 10 q~.!iIlltiry 1]:)Sl eeean C]!iCuh..lio!lWil.h dlC use or these n~lClu(_k.'-~
Glaciall. CimJlh.~.ione<f the .A:Uam'l:k J'\.I. lhiil:o poi~'il. I.he :n'IO!lI. rOOlli1il oh.'.crVlltim~s 1i11~1 CffllJ hel~j :lO ron stmiu 5iccumoo,",orrmsl. VIlri[b~;1ity

Nonh A!bmic. H'Imll.:lolllar k'11S!:-lome ofd1£' more C);.IJ'Cnl~,ei'L'!:lIIlmiQIl stales produced by elimatc I]lod'clS rorniJC lG M.

\lIllml wtlllf.d be ~qlHif(d[o

tJbst'[v'!11 C:5I.imilk:

IIIr ~hc

1[:ln:WWC <'I.




are on li~e order

or dcc.ade... for 2JO.rh and ·2

in lh.e AI.i[m1tio MOe lire .f1S 1001\Jws: Thcn~ was II ~,..·m~SI>divide in the HiM Allrm!lc. WD~l a,
31110 [~


dli.ringlh.cILGM:!Paltioti~tlnl(lJgrlJlphk hl~'tCUX'tujlY urc 1IS..',ocim.c(~ ,""dIh13l],Cf

~!!WC n

COOlS rtlild



co;,,'C~g.c than l'tllod.cfl1,





~11C.15Hremcms. ,::md [JSillgl~I~S t~l)e 01' dma 10 InodilLoc ill. oom:~lL'-sivc qmmlimli vc I,t)oomtuuctionl or pfl~D. ~au'l c~reub~ioll; ~s fl d'l:[fttl..

ICI1g.e •. h wil[l,lIil'lnQ5~ cen,ainly


:reCluirc I) OOlllibi umln,Oll of di nCi'Clll, p"IC'{'n;:~no]rnpllk 11OOl'!i.ics ,~tllch

as Ihol'C d~~cl!~d 11.\!1~ ,tJ8•• '11). Ol;,~·.m1T1r1rjin d!;,~lshy ~,rtnGI~tC'~iQI)." .md . lllPolpt~rh !1~I.'a.'il!P;'. 111.11;.111.-;Iway be 1l;,'u:li:~l.h~rly 1,.I:;;~d.1,d,


'IOOni'= wileR:: plillcOC"~llo.g;rill~lh ic n~c<'l'!:;; RIIC 1l~1 pI1:>sib ik:'~ rn':'<L· " I,ol". I vC :>!'fIIC~ncn1.'l: O!i _.... m3}' ,[11o I. r u:>cl.i..l:1 a" " din:cinm.i:lIsure of cJ!ap.~'tI titllC'.. Bm work n;i:l;lr~in~ --------.....;;;·;;.......b:2ooo to be done in omcrw li) bel.teL u~uiC'rsl,Jlld I,he 'processes b}' Fr'iig. ,2:. {A) DeII!Isity (0"10) lf5~a;L!la~er a,cm5$~he' Somh AlLantk a~:I(!1I''5 (61). The ~\I'a1t!~ ,m~ denser ,on tine eailenil o 'whkll POI m'ld Til areromoved side o·rthe- ba~~FI. Ir~ne([in!J the p.r!B,~n.oo of t!1N~ me ~diol1l all ~'I.I'e.rt~fi'I]i!I!!J cir(tiilaltep Iil. ~B) (J:r;y,gellisooop!iI: I m ulD1pos:itionl o!i'the shel.l5 o~ bentlink roraill1l"n~f"era Wl~,mil!D r-e'Olmt ~edill'fllerul.s on tthe e.:lstem t(~edl symbols) <lDlld liQllll .~~C'\"'·<JI"".,.cob.. m:, t ii" bc~~r. a..~~ (l<l\ll pet:.... n lcnlp;!".f!u~s W~H~fi['IbLlJie S")!'mb(Jh)t $~'deof tb~ oo$il1J, ~efleuln!ill 'lll~ d-e-llshy CI~l'Itrast acr(l:~::; 'l~~ b'~sili!t~di;lIY" ,loiith I1lg~e.r 3180 ( ..nd ~.uIi~1i~i~Ibr iPI1.1IOO>dlc.!isi Ey fQ'F the "!igl'l~r-d.~Uily 'Ir!fi!t~J;S, QJiI~nli!' tlla~liefifl sid~, Th~ s:olid l.l~e05are the pl"~icl'll!d'6u'O\f@weS b~5Jed[oll mod~fJil ~ydwg ra[[Jhk ,cilaI~fI t.21), (t(j Oxyg,!!1!D i5Jotoll1:c c:ompo$itia n 'o~ Ih~sheLIs o~ be latlhk [tmlmi Iillf'l"ra fo:r~he L:GM5-U'!llgi~~1: ~t::0I1~lrucli onO'!.pOM' i1,]y by tha,t tnii! m(ld~!1F! d€!,!,~~ty (.Q!1tf~S't in, the lIipp~r 2 km iWas;~b~~M or ~!!i'\ie~~·d (2.1). iJ:liB'i~ ~l'i.~CIt"IIII~lilllll, of

tg. limf


nil;!!,,:.' il1tC.gtlflic

dl":; C.Il:'ccI;l;

tatC'ircli ~dn~(1UI i]'llhc

....... --------.....;;;;.0&.1 ......


,6 APR~L 2007

VOL. 316



~hc :shcl~~{'11 and fXlJOO:\l~Un:ilY eslg[lm~CS rtIlfil ~lQ;:!_~IN!WC!l~ 91' d~lnor!d~ illl~lre \~,~~m l~ ,(j) ;,!!:lId (ii.i) lcJ~(I,.'f i;;arl~u~i~~ Wm~r-!1Jlmo:?:;;,PfDll~ni1,."" fait .[~Llmi(ltl~C of !h" Iile dot;:k. Oti,l",'1J"mlPp'ru\ld~ ill,u. slim\'!{ pmmis~ an; !.~!~~ '1i~mra~iiHti,'c an ..l:y:5.its. 1Il!~ ,grain 5izc popuh.d.'O!l in!l:!~ '~cITig~!loUC'i~1cl,il]~cnlfine fI;lCl~o.!l Ih<l! p:r,p\'idc", a rroxy 101'·1T11,..i:if.boUfunr!o\V s,r-lI:,-d, \\'hich h~1;, 1:l1L:~clV~LI'iblge t:i'.r J,m\'ii~.!!j 11 d~K".tt p~y~it$ileoe~iCCLi!l!i:l ttl now 311t! ~il1 iun':i'k~imc j'(~;slXii:lM! ItI,lIaty (!lIM~C;.'l; ~n now ~("Cd ,t j.~)<. N,,~w \~V3tc''"'tl\ljSl; of'a d~<li'le" hl<;;!OI)' nf'ocesn clro~~bti(l!nQV'CTthc t1brull~dinm~~ ohml.gc~]lmtR'lmC~'UJ;I:h,>d ~1~ cooler c!:inm!.C>,1 or !h~ I~~i:. ClW~bgl.~~inntl~Arr~II~~il;: MOC piny :1 ';:11 i't~lmnk in~mlJlby of the hy~ rob.h~s I1l,1i. ji:iru! w ex,p~1hiba i.h",1C alm:ipi dill.m~c [rnn!'::Vtinns •• md d1Jl."tc is io1!irc4i!d}'CmHI'lClling evideuce ~o

:1:2. 1. C. I~p!~~l' ft aI" 31. ~'iI'3 tli9a.9~'. H- Nt LS!l~dJle!om ~J W~llffe ], "1'J6St ,~t. 311, j, F. AIlI~iI'I~, L ~ ~!. 'L t:!i!'l~wi n. t. (arlijc, iIlahN"l"
1911). .ll5., (1991),

35. "" ffli!~gini ~ <II!,. Nrl~rJle~9'2. 341 '~199'e~.

36. L IF"IROblil:!QlIltll!l., pt!!MI!ilL'tiI ,milne' 3 Sdfn~l11GI1,~69 '~2M)';


Ih~~ I illk. ;;11k-OlZl<l bll rh~ !l1~l f

~"pt'~~~ ~]rl~iS~ of ;'lhn,lJpt dil1i!~ulc~i~zLllge'L;\!I;lUS, (44. 60). T~l(~ qi,Ja:iniiLllJti,ycf(~un~iI"uelkim. !],nh(.~

Irnce~ t&1ml:l1"Cil'bd~pcn.delll of n IlIlricun, c)'cHn~,

sech as lite, Nt! iSilWP.LC CmnrH)j':~liuln o~·m:ct:lUk pn:cillila!C!'1 in decJ}-scOl. sedi~IJ\'Cm-:. are also Ix:ill$
d~.'vck"ll'oo,<ln~ s!J~e~ji,luHy <I;l~plil.ld on a

t!lckk'd sliC!)c.:.~I!ull'y. w m Illi:' iJf'l.clc~L!l'i1IJ· bl'll~{I nher.::llX~ tcl'~l:.hrll)bcIW~~n ecean eireu 1!lI.ion amI dimali.:. (,llabHtI~ us 1.0["IC~t\::tl· tlOlls.tmin the
~C('i~!lilflo)1;[0]: '~IClillmc.

c:ii'tt1118liO:11climbg(!:; rema

hill=> !I

Chli~ ~~i~ge lhnl, if

3:l. l.lF. Mkin~. 1[,A..I~t~,11'I Ri!tM~rJID!'jM!l Oci'cn'liIlftDty;: AI WfMoII' :moo fhe FuW,t, F. A~ranl""'" A.. c.. Mi;(, ~[b" UKlulm .A@~!!iit, N'e~ YQrk. lL99~1. j!jl!. 1i!03~12(1i, 38. p, H~~ ~" (j'f!~~I~,O. Miardlil~ j,. Phy!>- ,OuJ'li'J~.


~CII'~ber ~O~ (lO,ll!26J

17" ;9,9~ (2:oo7i'. 3!l- t '1fiI1Jn!(;~, 'Q,~~!: Sci. ~<!;2 •.;111 QOOn. ~!IJI L. I). ~ii!lmr... j{Qlm.r'~~1l1:9', FM"1L2 '[2IOO!lJ, ,41. M. :P.18:KtJ1l, R:. F" .1iIld'uJD~,l. ~~ ~,e:1I'. ,:t.o4iS ~2, E. F. 'ro, f1~6}.



s, firilln(>oM.


P. 83(:00, N~t'.Nflj\~, ,689

~, joo§;

of limr:: ~~I'c~,[e.g .. 551~.Ol,ndumlg!l~l.icplnpcr~ ~k\'i. h.wl;! b~'(,;'1lused H!re~'C{Ul~!:Il!!~! '~h,1.! ow p.t1l'~ n of OtlUO!:Il W"~L,;"iS ~j6). i\.hIu1Ug~! ~h'ln~n~(,";.>;
!!lll!(;n We'

.~ A.

anlve m

<l ..vCIl"c{,l:I'lSlrOll~lloo

2. ,.

cli~i~m(!c· !he gIOlC.i<l.l:ci!nl1!lion. of \'vvU bc·g:.i'l~\d in the' cmn~n~ )'C,ur.;; y 111(1 b C'o:!nll,i!~{,j ll1St' u:f lh~ iOO!1'> e l,Im.t!July at disposal. it il; WOrnll :roe311lirlg~hm the basic suueiure of~he lfiJJdcm Alkum.ic MOe W~I." Im:gcly described :bydlC 1'9<SOs on~~,e oosi.~ ofa fc\'\l mCfL~tiremCfJt"or \\,.at~l""flillru£spropcl1 ics mro flibC thc:I1l1l)lw ind rl!] ~~iol1S:l1ip.w]~C'ueas q tmlJ~illl~ tivc ~,irn:l!~ Ihe modern jI.,l.DC' based on il~VC'ITiC mel h(l(L~have onty been p{l~iblc ~ulh,C' f!~"".lwO doc!lcic!'1llf. so 157~ ,[)i:trcreu,u' circulrrtti.on scenarios are oollsfstcJn


6. ". It 9.



C ~ioc, I~ ~rd, IR,5~t1~~~r. ~t Sid Ri'v_ 2!tI. (i.?;7 GootU. II (, ~lrn(l'. ~"MO')'~. C" PDjcL Norun! ,2a'6. 479 0:98(1). S. S. s.'lJien~r,~.]. s;ba Jti'eloo,. Sciroc~ j!iO~, '],69 (19i9}" IE, A. E!O:y1~. l. no Kelg\'!'!l'J\l'~~1J6. 1;84 '(19!:D, w, EI., CUIr)'. G. 1i'.'L~1lM, QtJtlt ~$, 111, :H8 IH.Slal'rl~~ rtf/tiS 13, ,Z2~ ,,19,6[1. :5. ~1'.1i1be-,It], $lol.!lT~f,l. aim, ~. e·n ~1l9aa). PI. WJl!tlti,. S,. Muo!k'afi'l~ HI, Koid~ ~~ ,~, II!'t/, ;1:8" ,n2! '!2ooli. (. D. ~~~t It.l, !i1I!!1i!f{i!l~. 9r~Ot.Ol"'1L ~. ~ Mii1m~~ A.]. IP. ], 'llall!I~ Oint. Qrn. ,000000',z.o!J «200~~, III L Ottrri9118n~r .~ DI•• J. ClIm, :19', .252.6 {;!OQ.J'j),

'lh:ren!D'!l:e:!<.md INotes

~3- 0, Man;fual, lit. rr~l1Wi:;' t, F, 's.oc~r.

f'al~~9.rIlJllfy IS, 62!i 1200G]• 4<1, ]" F. Md'!t~III!l!, R:. f.r;IDlidi~·ll" M., '~~~~rdi,t D', ~igWi!11


NaM:i!: "1:2:6,. 8~<l ~200~~,

45. I.. lit iii::!. ~!,~L. '~1JIl1i,rl:. flu .. ~i. 33". L:Ji.~6'l!.~ ~'200£ll'. 4 6, ~. M. GI1~ri!~i ef ai, fanlj Pl'Qfift'. Sci. tfJ'j; ~4i!), no'
COO!'}, 41. ~, t:ulirulr, It Gwlllilda,


4 ill.

51" S2. 5:L


II'lIe O\!JLmlIJ~1 :nJaii:1IDlc




btu t,cr!~.inhy

pothe:t,;:s~cg;nd il1g t!he!:iI

cin;:WlT[~~io!'lin Ihe .A1~U!nOC: 'll~~cl}' nrot'\."8r,;)Lbh:, !n pan i~L_I~ar.~~li,:T.~ul irelll1 ru~ion n1otlois pl'I:livid(' c •~ ~'I of cirewlraLioll l~Y~Kl!lhe:>C's ~1T\~ hilt ~liysiC'dllly

];. (, ~fI'IlIi~~I,}. Gto~t 6~, ~38 MS.~Ji. 1&. I, IHir~dlj, I', lymcM1if;glill. Iiifo!mm.
~. Ql(1~~~ {ZOOf-}. ]9, Il IL1,~rn·Sai~lil:r. Gi!t:i(~

]]1- 5, I.. Shin tl ,~1_, am- .Il}"". ,~Q', III {~D(liJ}:l!2~ M. Vellimga, It A. 1Ii'ool, CFrm. (h,I7J'l!1lil' 54, ,2:::11. '(20021. 1I3~ IR,2I\aom, ~'. llC!elilmJ1h. j\. :liE!>11353 ~2001lt 1.4. tl 1\\ Hal~ Ii, ll6r)t!~rn, .~p 5w ~, ~9', 3JIi! (l9aZ), li5, ID, Rt!Mlirnrdl, C W!J!iiI~~•. ~ Si.>.a ,~ .. 32, 60:1.9 (19aS~, :l!6. ILl~ndli,St~!1u. IN.,II!. CuI'1l1, N, !iM}\ RJ~m{J~ 111. J6Q U:.9515'~-





s i'l,

(ti~!l!!. ~ r. A~~ef~M.llt Q. ni!!~~r. !fl, W" Killl'i~ flm1! P!'rllili!l; Sc,: 'm; <N4., 2.15 (lOOl), M. :~oe~a ,~ Qt" Q~remw, Sd. JI!~I'\ ~o::I. 951 QOOi~U" ifl pa~l r. S[h~IINle!~, d~J'l(I)I'i_r:lt;igl~phy :13., 1O~ P (200!n, P. ~~~iid\. Y4Jfi'j~m, pqJ~fJfjQ9i(!phy 1(1,. 1O'll'l!, U99S}. H. IllderIiB'ld~ l.'I'Il, P. Ammd, T. KiHei', I. I"'~la!ldl, £~~h lI!'a~e.r; S{~ l,m,~5Q', sss (~OO!!J. l, F. J!li:lkims, D. 11".S(~rag. .EtiNli .PfJm~, .Sa:~l, :216, ].M~3~, r, IN,. MI;.Q~ II. R Ha~~ G!!'IX'JlMl. GropI'l~ ~ ..~:r:'1. , QilOM05 (2~. I!.. Ill. pjellJQ'j~~ ~5.L. 'GelId$leI~1 s, Ill:. Hemrnm!J, It, "" 1f~!Wn'k$".:SriM(~ .307, 19U {N@S.}. C. Kl~!l!!1 ,tt Dt, ~fNl .PlMitl. ~l. ~Nl,l.'tl, ilil!J9


~n.45 !(U9n, ,

It IF, .~l"!lIm,

Ii', u, rm~I1di1.

COJL'iisoon.t I !Sh'C.I1 t~~e

ll&::d ~ua!Con51.r>1IC'[ittlg tli'bcmodel",) with ahe ice shc~ls mtd {'02 COJiCCmroLi{Mlof the .I!oSl iilC 3g,c,WC t-an already
IlSSlillmIJ~t(]i.!l~ 6M~~ 2, 10,:l.Q!2'lJ2'OOlG:c:000<~Oa. (201l!ij. :i10~ ]I, i!.!!1iiitil!~t~iN at t ~1Ir,r~ fI~ 104. :t!~(!;29 ~J'J'!I':l')',
2'1 ~r' ai!.. ,(i,r,cch!lm. ~j(:I, ,(j~$pI. 7" QI0NIa3 tl:006l<. . ;22, G. (jgb~jjg" p- IilY)'bm. ,~"d\I!!'m, ,ti!1,,,~)S.I: 7. Q1:1tjllLl? (2:00I1'iJ'. 23. T. !8ir:ll:_~n, A" Mild:>IlHun. In lilJ,~~hArf~m'lk ifl fll!i!'ltTM QIl'~ltfMl)': R,~lrjj!(jii!lill ~lMIJtMm.Br.Idgt~' tll'td ('_I S'~$, G. WtrJ!f, .i. ffliILillll, V, Ralfl'l@yt!f. ~rn. 6;lIiini:ler-Ve;" IBertin" 20ll4l, pp. !6n~9.~, :t!~, W, 1;1:, (VJI!1. I),i!'l', Qppg, I'gl~~~~, ~Q', I'#il~U7

I, ilrJilm,Sail'glltr

:m_y wil.h some eo:nll!ide~H;'CIIHnl~'le dOlla mn ruk: o~n some orthc nlOre eXIJ'cmc scc:m~uio..~lrodWloOO I hy .he models. To;1ire the less, CM~Clnc InQdc~ ~naaiQS di1:'e!(;~!y whh Ihe dma. \W\.;ClCOO 10 allrotUni. fall I.hc IlltlJltiplc phys.i:c .. ~.cilellliCllI"
mnd bf:ologicilil oolltmlsOIl, the I)l)~'~nogrnph~,c obscI"!.'mioH.'I, A l~'t~cl: flCllreS!l:n.13~~m~ ~lC~nodin


11999} ..

cis> of the

Ihal 1C;ldllirl'~hc llL.'Cord ~,~ft behind tl] I.he :\t!di!l1CVI~" .md ~lb", ,~.'!;,pl ~1 rm;:~li(;liou of the \'~lll:VS {If'~h~ k:

j'~I~ co:I1,.~lc:;"ily 0 ~

r ~lC:ii(' pJ'OOC~C~

~S. T. 111,Mil;rdi~)l)" W" :5, 8ro@'dl~r. 6forIN:'m. Ge1Jp~ G'~~ 7,; QlztilD~ (omo,~ .• 26. J.-(.o.lJ,p~.),.t/ ~,,' PDrM[MIiII'l£I~Y 3, 3:H (1:988), 27. M.~rn1J1ilin d ill" Al!f'Q(mli!"~plf!y 9,,200 (1994;, 28. Il Ily!iiMti~ll:. i[il 1'Nt: ()'(i(J1i$ G~~fl)'; lit Ilrlli!ilil'ld, Ed" \Oct 6, cr rtMrBt on Gt!ocJ!ll!.mlW, (tIitM; 200~}, Al. ,4~~--i4S1.

I~I,tkoct,i!1I10gmphic' pmxk'l'i

w;:~1'~,~~JWrorI11Qr'~ ..
O~IPllt !Inti

d il\.'t:l 'l"{JI1IiI1li.l[i~uJ] llC'l\'III;.'j!,;M daTIl, l..:.!f,.. (5,Y. J9)j .•





ocean cin:;ulzitiol] ,dlJ!tilalS,~hc: i~,<I cril~Cful liM ::'it~p, tr.lI~ Ihere is a],JiCfi'd}i iI ""·.i~.~I kHV fur lhe a

SI mngoonmmmn it)' rOClllS 001 ~m"l<fJ,ing ~lC l~m.c~C'rri,"~d aUiI ihal

W. iI.. Clrry. D" W. QRlo, PaI~lI!lJlIw :15. 2.~'9' {2:000l. ::;0. lit .M.lbumo1!o". F.· l'I'fK_~-:Sfti~!Jffill,.Allf(}'£!J'fJogrophy
29" f.1';!I. Wru:lti~ 149 (lI;~'~~" lli. W. So. 1ffIo!C~~

K L srmli'liOn~. GloM 8iD!l1;!'O(,lJttli:l\ (¥,Il's j[~', {j B~OO~ (200S~. ~'Ol P. lL <GI~FK.I'lL" Pi$i:lls,L It=. Sh)~~. ilL J, ~rr, ~''115, 8i'HI {20021 M •• M. E. (cnkrtg1l1 e~ oI~ Woftd ,a,'i"I:IlJ .Nlo.5 ,2001: ,ObjfN:live AJI1~I~~ ~~I'(I Sl!l~~ @lid fi91l~ CQ.JlQM Ooru.!tJM.F6riOr:i' tU~lir.t'l,a.I ,ao~IlI)g~:!¢1i~ ilI!t~1 ('M1!~, Si~m ~ling, ~O, 2002). ~,2, !i'l'~iha,lilol ih~ Scienmi!: (oMI'rli'ltl!!l! Om Ck~ll ~~~rdt 1IM.Gi£5... ~niil N5~ {Dr !h~ir~lJippan. Dr 1Iti,~Wa'killfl Gro:u,p ~ 'Pan O!;t!a~ 'C~_dtia!l a!'!d~"'e '!'!I~~c~f!)al '~~ ~~ldl ~11i ~t~ !g~~ in ~a{h 'l(lO~ ,;),1 ~rgl\il T~dt. ~. :!~c Ul:lrn~ Ih~ ~~l'.!lIli~ ¥.il'lo,(l'ifi1Ji'llIu!!i:l1i ~ir id!M 'M! 1!;I1il· rremw tnrwgln tM~r p~r(ip.;!jIiO~ iJ1 tnO!I ~11:5i~~p :!rn[! 'iIIi! (l.FWlE:MNM'.{lC W~~!iljl 00 l~ oo~:m QPrullllkln in Al'Ilit~ml ~Iil OCIol!or!r2000,. W~ "Iun~ T. Sit~ert!or pr'Q¥id~ '~~Iil' ~O~ IF~, 1.

57" ,fl (jan~Qh:liud, (~ wu~~~. "tN~J~ ollgQ., 4M (<!{IOO)., ~8, A. ~. l!Gi'!IIdl!! ,N ~". ~ Nail. ..'l~M S'd'. !Ji.lllO-~,. a3:i ti1:OOlil 59. I, :5tnqrj~nner. ~. Olcmli\i'~ .'(, (jQ',~,I]~,~. H!!"


~!:,~DdfDMlliOf'j ~,i:)" 2.61. ~1~3el.



SOlleNC c. VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

'Encyc:1 oped w,aof

Spa!fl!fling the ,er:rlrre spectrum ,of !lire lllCiertoe reSEl.ardh"



u~ ,ff.l~~d'i'a

:reviiewedliilrtlk:res, most olf WhlCh are ~cfComp~llr~1 by ('ol!ooi' [m~g~""'lild

tilous.mds, Oir s:peciarJy oommisiooed and pfff" tabl!es:.

• A;,ii!\!IilaiiJiein


• O'ileir' 3.,500 ol'ltg~nal <irticle:.s: • 'Cofllli~libliticn5t~o:m'!:!,CU:Ul' of: the

worrldls: ~'e3,din,g :5lciiem:i~

• !f!tri';U;~Y,-

keync,te. '"'


i1"dl,'I!:!'!ood '" !1d

• MOiPe, '~\i!iIiiI 9,000 ~lIus:til':a~i:oIiilS ilJnd

'~i9urecs IPrirn:~H
0ri9il1<:11 201 Votym~' IHlamctl'llef

ESt SO'f :556,7(11'(,~9 NI;W'&

5!'!~em~Il~;;!'ry Ifllriil'!! \!V[~me-5


9784}!lI7~()6i14H £79:51Sl4J!S I !Il:l249" w'lilJ ~ntil30 ,hlln!: 2007-there."l~terf99!i1 SllJ951'€1 549' Volume prim Sfl ~(I \l'O!!'UT!.ES -I' !6


:SlJp,1Iplern~~il:ry wlurQ~~ 1H'~!',("OOilW

97B~4~(l!$5.'511 -s 8550 I S63001 '~S4!9.~Iid ut!1S1

30.J~ne ,20G] -H'rIereaUer £4·~ 45/ :U4SS I !~fM!9


TKm~lt74 r.: »M I-Wlt~


aAI5HIIA ~'KlI""1Ig GIabtI Tit +ft im1 ilNi.., ,_, ~ mt 606lM


~~ ~

We nOliced ~h,~(47 ~5'9'%) (l~'(h(! dccidWlou~ C",~nU}'~m\"'r (f~g. I A). TI1C illcn."{I~c iral~c Q'\~~D'" ~!1 I<JI!'L[ j,lIl rmit~l!.!il pcrnoo is dmnlntic; iJl~h~ !950'... m}'oorrhi,1.111 sp;:6c:~ Ni]O\I!l~(~ i~ d.C'by . fl1,lU!.UIlM: date, wh~n,..'1ls 1]0 conil\:rou~ myc,ot~ ~11C'Ol.vCrugC If 5 E ~Wlli\ 33_2 ;i- I J'i [I~i)':;;. IJwll 11rlish8SI:l'lf.!,n:: than doublod ~oN.,~ -:;:7J) dt[ovs rh i:l'll] spi:ocir s were d.cifIY'oo. To ex.r~ul~ th ~s ne In .lIe cm:rent decade, for the species thru! I~I rther, W~ Slll.dloo~l1c ll I~.lyoo'.Iff]ai;al1 ~cd~s thai were recorded l')ClbC'mh1xI1~1cnnifernus show slY ill ~fLfHcr first rflilit~n.g dates I(U ~ SS), lite 3ve.IifllgCadvaneernem is 8.6 .:.. ud oocidlJolJls hosts, JWelffigc rmilil1g d~tc ~n O.~ day", decade-I. \vhcI'Cas. for species S~lOW- each yell:, W'aS ca ~c",.i;[![ted Dnd regl'CS.')i,xl ~,t.lJdn:>t [ln~c t56 ycarsJ. E~ghtof[~les~cics showed a ing sisnilic<llmly lalcl' ~as,l. rmilill[l d<ltcs VI lnS~.lhe della)' is '7.5 ± (l,) ,o<JjjiS d'c>cudc-~.. sig~~if'ic.:m~ly ilurger ~:C'gIl,"&').iono...""Cllicicnlwhicn

dlff~t:~~CC8,bcn~.a.h deciduous und Cflnir~iinlJ!S 1.l1;"i,;~,lhoi;n ~h~!t: \~'~Jld l]k~ly be !1;i~ni~.n· dii rr(:r;nc~ in 111L1 linl1l'fiycmm iZf~1 rOIJj;_'sI-rro<Of i. "[To !.:l'< mrlil'iin{: I.h il> poz.:,. ~ibiIil.y, \!,1'~ COJ~'ilp'M,ed regiX~~~'OJl eue ~ld,e-icl]Ll> o:f seven i~om'l1;)'\(;:oUl'i':I,li:!'iji.:1 Ileaf :Iin~~r-d:c>ea~ ~IV :;llUd~.>cs hm,~ cl!i!i'lilrlnl:oDrntctl reoo:nl both ofwl.1:ich ore trc.nter than cqlui"'!I~cn;l :;pcci:es 81~(j3 further seven woodrdcc~:)! nlll~i k Ph~el~j,}.lo,eJcal ...~IP.LOllilses. t.'o • e.~i.m.i!,!Uie :;Ilrh~g d!l~a I~I\',,\ l1J)i:ly rel~oi'lled [or h~!!lhcr III m oeeu rIlOO in bO<th ron::sl. types. ~~l~IO CHi.';C ,re m:g<l't1i.~m:i (.'i). dld~hc' l.1'CgL'l.:SSdOIl ,"QcHkicm dlfler lal'l P> ~13~~,C. tilll these II:ng.ely mvoh,.cd ' 11Ij,l aDler.nioH in fiH~g.ll fruitinglnfJ'uus: clm'l'l,g~, O.05l:~hus. m icwd~nnm ic ,~II..CI.~ cm~ ~~ i.i i&ilisher aWi'~ni)OI1ffl~.such as pl~lll~ inseets. (If coun!cd. T.hc.'l~~r...n."l ~llIggr.;'.s. thm clmv~~s in in Bri'~i~h !Cm,l)CmllU'CS th.!l h,I\'C (!COllm~ ~in~ bird ... ,ind \7!'cre~lt!'icl~1d 110 e"'cnl~ in Sf'lri~lg, i975, (6), To i!u.h.~l<~!!'~i,~~c eh;~. \\'¢ ~:li:aJni~Kld re~hLi[1.;'n!Jm"ll <l!Hpco.ttLtm ,of~~'u.ri~ll~ ~n. fCioll! Au~urmm~c~C!ll"i. 11;!lvc«l("'li)'h>("d n~r!.\,.'M' "'I~'n~ '~illl~~ewn liwu,gh t&u,;~ld (ljf:t!l:I1; gmwilL,!jl ~"ISO~I hulon." ~lwttn IhI.V~~r.!J. dMc1;, of ~'Oieh sp~"Cil,;~ timw (](:Cll,rB~$ fiOn;·$' .... hUl :t1tll in coni rcml!!.~ "\\\I:'I~xk wl~..\L\C thcreV8 ' lUI ~.iing le :mti nt~J:lUl!yrt"COftb; or Joc~1I l.~iltt,l:lCrfL1l!ll\'~ :lIlcl ~cl~'l\; s.igni lit'~tlll dc~fl.)'S (J' h fllllgi pl:1)vidL': ~~~II l"I'g(,,'l~O~j;, ~"IfI~;i.r !llll~.c-ri.lI. N W11 !9j"ml~ap: ]n'tcr[~liuJ9JII ~..$~. Ov,.:r ~]e pa s l. 561 :!leans, Atlg(iS:l \' iliil Ct"t)~!~("unscrviees i:hl1l1,lghrlcoon~po.sil.iQj'l. ~ph.'d by ~]II~ .~!.1}\(;:orT11 iz,~1$P~,·c~L..'s'Dnd used UI\."S]~,~""~i~~c!u".L'i~ld ,5;l. = IIA. P <: (F~ ~!~U:iL;~!l yc~i~!.1l.'lf!,dI fioil ia:J;l!J!t.'gi!lJiOI'!l. ~1~L.\~1 ~~llI1pi;lm~ c ~l ! ~N !HillS:tiI1g ~mn~l P~\ i[lUi;;()O:!'l$idtr:r~aiOl!c" of coo-' a,On ;lli ~.IO!l> O~no'!J,l,1r r..'I,in~aH (F1,:S4. = :),8. P <: ~hr rr~'I.Iitbody p:mduc •. on (71FLI:!i1J.I(llflli!oliC~. clkt1;llC W:lITl1~ Il:g !>rum_" 10 hElve ~)'S!.clnllL"'JI.';l';l; w gl~~.1 Ch,(1II1!cW l3l Ill" 1lI1is. {U]l~). T1~c:inc rease in. Ime s ilIlll lifl~r liC.!1lpCr:caused :si!!l:llilic~nil Iltnnb..::rs. af SJ,p!..""Ci'('s begin, III 31L1res.311d 9ulumllla~ rains has caused ICilrl~1 S"lmJy. \.'I'C [UlSJlyze,j r~ 0019. SCI. e,rn~:s!l.~Dtguf ever SCIlS!0I1, s:pc~ ICIS, to lru h ,carlier find hue SCI1S'OJl 52,(l(m individual t~myal litJillng, records, from ft'lllntlflg in :sprin~M wen as f!UIitJIii.lI'i, (fig,. S~). Given that a{';lheL'llyeclill!~ groWlh lis required ~1Ci1r1~l IMJO ~oca ~ilics, llo~k':CIOO iIII oouIItC[l)~ spec iics In COll!i euc rru i!h~g laler. Se\'cnly-cigll~ Eillg,lalld 0,,"('1" Ihc'period IiQjQ lOGS., \~c exbefore' sporophore prodllClioll"~lris is :smorl.!:!vic (91%1' o.rlhot: SPl"C.itC." shQwing, an advll:llccd the rruilinj;l clalle." 1~1\'c sigJli~icam rellal~ollbetween deuce (~I;.11 rnycc~illUn of'cc:rmin spccles 1nlJSI, a ~ractoo infOOlltllioJl OJl .1 1IIn.1.'I r .31 5 :l\n~l11nlll o l~\ active in Il'u.c'winter and ~'afl~~prlng as \'!;'eU ll ~'~ Irl!iti~~g daie and f\.U[Nil!."ttc mpc:ratllOC"" ~.h!~tillg SfJ'1Joi~s,each ol"whrch hOC!bc~ll!OOlruOO in more t!~,m2Qi y<."ar.... (oJ}. ~s late StllmmCOl" and <!UI.l)lmn, ~uggCMjl\g inwh!,;~~'a!' 92 (Rfl%) of" !I!.C' srlC'ciC's, SI!!(lW~llg (!'l!:M'C'S ill dcc~y .rnlC"5 un rm'C:st~. ~,II~r ~<I!S:~. ,d;nl;.~ ctluld 00 ~;I!.p~'.i ~l("d by p<l!':i•. ive "fht; firlil rh1!.i.ti~~.gcb!'!~ '1\;(,;r.!:~I.;'d o!!c~lD..~~n ~'" , iOII~~ll!;,1~WL~\H :ug;USI.~m~lc.;r".IlUn: ,~nd .0(;'A C'it.~ hu~ beOOlJbiJ !.;igL~~ i~LI1U}' t·alii~r. ..\'b:n·~'L." ~'~I;:'~ m mvcrogc 1llS;\ rD'uitil'ls da~ hasbecome signil~~ tober rn~!liil!ll" 1~Ii!:fer'!I!IfIIJI!'S; ,~Iful [)~@;s; N

I__apl __1,0 d R BCInl Clh a,.ng,B,s, RI id IF'rUli'tiiing Platterns,

•.... ~ .. ···1.. 1
.1 _ .•. :: ...• '-_ I


gro'w~ng benearh decideeushosts (fig. Il~). lhC;:h;fo~. tb~ lnuhin~: ~~",'1~~~Onh~$,L;; ~pQ!;: i~_~ h11to ~ha'~~,I,.-d~n IlD.b]i.a'i~~k:rlt,:~:tod~Jltll/i!.al1~wr_ ]f {I
'Uk~C'; ["'~PQmll>c:.;w'L;1'1:;:







G. YdIle;, "tJrtMe ,~,:ii,~, '~2M3~. 1'. lT~bi~!'I. H(JUJf~ 3~:)l,. U:'i!m. ~)9 3. 0. Sc~rtIti· I!\f al.. 5dt~ ~,l.e.. H H 't200~1; IPlib[1~h!!d C!I1!ljn~ ," Ock!o'b~r 200,5 {llO.nZ61ic;ielll~e,n1S2]1i3!'.

1. C.

2. A,



MflenO!t'lo" md li1lel~


in'<Ii!li~r~ iI~ilJJ!!!'!!'f!ing!i'i~'l 0 Sdtilli!' Onlliii1~. 0 5. II ~1t'3Il1i1l't tl!.. l\!IiIiI'!lI~ 4lt 57 ~200;J. ,6, A, ill fitN!r: IR,), R. lfitli!rr, 5t;i~ ,0l',;!I>' 16&' {ZOO~., 'l'. FlO. '1'., Lu:I~}. 1"'[Jl~m.. 11'. A. M~JOIj, t:. rngltib)'. ,~jjjr~ :1:810, l!6-8 U!l7ID, WIl' 1!!foe-~~i!1l~l:t J!lm;l~M '!9 ~~!hmti: w~~ w!itw"'" lun~~ 'i!!!(ilt!t:iatl(i' n, r.;ilFiI~1!<.1lI1! 1a1~1, ~irn[Hev. IIr. 1\\I:t:i~ W', IFMell1!!1nlr~. 1ft. ~i(!10Ih, ,ilDII Ill. Clili'l,Pm<lfl.,


:5.llIpp!1l.litingl Crnll,i'iil~Ma~e'r.ial
~ ,320 ::>.

111 :280',

!fMW'.i!:~eIli[tlDilg,argkgi!(IIXI.el'iU\r!JiI.l!'l!11\51S:8;llJlllro(l MOilw<=!15 ~dl fflU.!l(;l:j~

a :2<10,
1.I,iJ~Ciduaus: ICICOflikl~roo~ II


'Fig. 51
:Il~h:r@ll~~, U MO'i'~Il~ lOU« ~W!~led ;Il jamlll!r'l! 200,


F"lg. 1. {A) 1!.'II\~r,ag~ ~ir:s!I'rl!liti"gl dat!!! (I()·w,ew ~i!1l~)al!'l~!1!lI,i'erage Ilast frlli1it~!1.g da:tJeh.lpp~r. lirud of n;s ru:n~1IIt sliletf:~ owr 56, lI'eal'S. nil! I.lllildi!rt~n~ piilttem ~~ l1.'.~n!~ent@d by ~Q\,\I@~ ~lloc:allly \lIelf~hoo!lil S!~att~~ :p~(!tsmO(lther) lhi~, (IB)R~gr'~s'S~(Io~C,~mdelfn~,f!!)!' !f1:e~nJl!'\Jlitij:ilg dI~~~ve~'lI~ lI'~r$ m,,W:'orrihizal[llln,gf!l SI¥I@ci@s\vMIII '~rl!lrMliIgl lind!!!' (illnd@'roliJ.s or d@(~duolI!!l tJ'!@s. A.c, Ir!!pf@5@nt'~ Amali,to dlrin(l; .A.r., A rubescens; Ct •• .f:wwlilefe.(j(J1; t,~jhaf{(J.mri5; HI,r( • Hebelom~ m15tal.fniforme; Le., • l.arr,rril Glm['tbp.fina; Ll., i fur:mta; P,;i" ~mdlilJ$ invafutl~;,. Rlm1JfD ,Qlrnptif!HJff!l1o; R.o .. iii: ,ocb"G/e,um; R:.x". R. ,irefQfl1J)Wm; and! itt" Tri'hOi{om~ tefieum. ~terisl;s abQw lialfS indka.t~ !l!5<19~ific;ilIrll din1W'~n"~ 'in m~nnd:E1n1:s oo'lwee:!l1 the ho51::~ypes ait P:::, 0.05.


lSd100l or 81~omICilI)cle!f!C'!!:t lR~al Hlellu.y(,a,)', ni\ieJSlI)i U Loifldbn, Egh","" SUIrl'e)' M210 UK, ;!'13~};'ed~. South<lmplfill e_Whaadon!, S;.].isoolY,. Will.s .5:PEi 3Dl, Ult.


mwr,OIlIl'iirrl[ ~rth Coimtil. Cefilte rOI aJ1dI H:)'dIef09Y.IWo!'!~ WooQ" (~bridge5h1f.e PE2S 21S, UK. l'lr!lIru~ ~rodkff


'1lIg, ~m

Sclt!ort lofB:ic&d(!n~ IwtIi'lweo. Cardirr


C;wdlff iJ'rri,vJ!B.itJJ, MAi~ BU~frr(PlO ,~L Vi<.


~houl.dl h ad'dlfl~edi.E·m1l!i!:


w';W{.sdenc:emag .org

SOlleNC c.

VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007


Looking for solid ground in thle ever-changing landscape lof science ,& technology policy and budget Issues?
Ioln the natlon'step

AAAS ,f,(uurml on Sdence ,I. Technology

3-4, May

5&1' experts at the 3:and Annua,~

Irnernati,olna~ Trade, Center in the

'Ron,altd Reag,an BuJltdiing
The AAJlS Feru m
'0'1'1 Scie

prOne,y "Washi:ngto'n DtC

rice a n:d Tee hliiokrgy Policy rproviides a setrti ng

for discU~5~OIil and debate ab~uttl1~ f~d'Eimll~budget Clnd o~hEl'r policy issues fadli1g 'U1'e sclsnce, ,engin;eerilllg,

and hTgherredu c:ati 01111 cemm U·


nltles, ~Irlitirated Ull197'6as the AAAS R:&D COUOQUiUlITI wlthabout the U.• •.dlev~led~o S

IP8Jrtk:llJ)imtS"ti1e Fowm has ernl;'rrged as the nl~i()!r pul:llije meeting in

science and tec.llnolQgy po~rcyIssues"II~i!;l,nnUlalrl'l/ d1raw$ 'LIpwaJrds of 'soo o:f tlhie na:tion'"S; top S& T po~j(:y experts.

G'et: a full iilinahjsTs Qhllf fu nd"lng propos sls,

Pre.sid'e-nfs federa~ R&D

.. Have an eppertu rl ity to meet dimcti.y wU.h key S8J policYlfl1 akers,

.. r~regi$trantswm n~('eive a,t .• t:h e Fa ru m, MAS ,Repo('I' XXXN:Res€arch and lJ€lWillop' ffl€nt. FY,zooS. a comprehertSUVE!' analysis of the proposals for the FY 2Q08 budget. pre-

• l.eoam h()w~he' changes iin GOntgmss am affect! ng S.&T

po'li ey issues, .' INetwork WWl colleagues, ilndl!lding ~op deelslcnrnakers ilf1 selenee andiechnolog'V' polu'cy fromall seetcrs,

pared by AAA'Sam1 a gmu~ o,f Irs aJffii lia:t'e<d sd,entTfl c,

engTne~~ing,. and hi giher' e dlL!cal~Qnasso cl :artio<rls,. ~or more cern p lete details on

the program, ~lotel regislll~Hon

and on '~l!rlere'gi st:ration. pIBi3IS@ vis~t~he- \iVebs~te! www.aaas.·o[8/fo!.uml.

team about broader national end il1l~ematio,niilll deVie~o,p'· mtE!,nts tilliat will afWeU strate· gic pla.nn i!'lS in lI.I n ~vEl'r5itles, ilfl,!j lJ strles • .a rl d gQve Ilrllffie rill.

www.aaas .. rg/forum e

1 :--,




_- ,
IrQllili t,'hTC:~ these

IChimfJ'r'8,S of 'Two Isopreno'id Synlh,ases 'C,8'taJv,ze! All f,oUlr 'C,oupling R,eaclion:s, iin lsoprenaid B,i,ol:s:y'nt:hasis
The' c,ar[bmil skel.'i11'tDffi Oir ,over 55,,000 1IiI<lil:uw.aillll' omJrriIll9li~opnmC!lidi c:omlpmHlu:ls,alre ,(!(mstrm:tedl hllmrmu fllll1l.cila l'I1Ien'l:il~ emJ plil'lgl u!!:adioni5: chain etol'lg,alion, q!:ilopmp'8II1<Iliol1l, Ibrillildllin.g, ami ql'cloblltal1aliol'l. IEmyme'.!'; that (arl:a~y])~ dl<lJil'l ,~o ng8ltfion and c:yd.oln·,op.a fil,8ItDOifl 'h:'UliU stu:died\, ar,e wherells thas@ t.Iil<lt ,c;at<llV,lll hri:lnclhlng and qtlloslII1-<ll'lat1DIiI ,W! mlkno~'IIfII. Wi!! h<lVI!! ,c;aMlly:iledl~he rcur rll:ai!:ti~n'Sh¥illi dim@t!i( pro~e-im gl@~IN~r~'I!ooy u!pli:!ciJng ~'~m@nB or al (h~~rt-~lom'Q~1joln b '@:!lJZY!l'!@ ii\lit'h (Qn'l?s;podh19S!i!lC!l!@rnw~s rr~1lf! ,~ (yd!llprQPi!r!~ti!!JJl ~flzy'ffll~. Stl~r!l!odN~mi~ii!l eliod m!!l(~Il!~:stk C(Jn,s]dl~rQ~lonIS:S~lg!(l~St~i11gt f(l~r ((lu,plil1l 9 '~!1I'Ymes 00 ~dd Irnave~O~li'lldJ 'ri',om ,ill tfil!'~ ,common !iI il'i(I~OOr~nlr~U19h nebti;velyngll <:MfIIg:e'S; 'i iii the (al'!il ~yl~(~il~. :

lik:~r~' cand i:dmc- fQru!l'Cprrltcil] (llh'1,,''t ~1¥0'!1l'1;;S ~V~~\'~~, ,'!fg ~'Q,;1~1~y ioo~~~lllg



dlph~1l11i1i(: :.ynih:''liC ,'C[li)~tl;ch {Ilt ~'~II~~ ~\'i\Jilc)ldorl!:O:l]mlalio:~ m:lu" it}" !tum Ch}")·.W;lil~ !lu.'ml~m '·~·m:rmilf{la/imu (eht>'51tli1'~hC'111~m~) f (.f4) <lJl~ Att(;!rlJ~_~i(l "~~jt,!l/~ ~p. spic:,;rmWli.'l M
, sIliO\\"f~t:M5aJ~'¢b:nJiiihH 1.5). Th~c~od(jd s!ii~'"

Ibrll~h FPPat':c

IIild CP~11~p'roTdilt;,


Ir[r sequences (15% tdeliu.ily ilitd 9(f..f.s~mnarhy). stil~ges;lilil~, (hal d'te)1 ::l~l,\t~e ,!Ii ~'ilel1! ,ct)ilinmOI1,





III11 VCL!!.<!~:I,y i

d:ii-":lrilb1.ued.\\ hereas CPP'I!;-.cs, are c,(HI~ln!.ld!to

nl~~nbcrs <I c~(I$e~>'I'd:uot.'<.I ]ami~>' of '~l~ghoc'r '1l]"I1t~ it i~'~p'p'l.IlC~r~ the c)'dopwp.moniollt ~hm
Olcti \'11)' c'VolvcdftO!lIl


li~1I,;' eh,~i!1-L,;lo'J1g~[~ <JCiO!l! uf.<1 p'1!1'~1!t.~. frp~l!l~.n cnl1tr<l~l.. ~h~ . I

~I1iZ~}111C$ i'1qU!.ll ene l


IPh}rllJ~n~ (/Ii) z;;.yn[hlll.s~

~.l3~ ,I ~d h,wcno di~c~rn ble a

simil..rity with dmin~-~lou~!,I:,ulion~'.!'I-

,[}Vl.~ 55.000 IlillllrnU)i '~Llfrill~ i~r:enmki moleceles' been di&:O\il;red, wr~h a ;lal];C' enmdl'C:I' or 11C'W 'i'>'ln!A:l1!II'e.~ roportoo each yC1tr, ~::1lJprenoidioonlamlmd~ pl:l.)t C1,'1JIcia~ m!!taholk and ML1.ltltlrnl mk'~ i.uccIL... nnd the itil!tlw,'~y is fOll!ld ill :~l~ lo:rnl;;'>of ~itl-, A!mmng.dw ~1IC~~.cifa

I~~I diverse

lOt.ltJ .. r:.ll.oi.d ...~.i~n .~~.I.hCllllO.l>.l

Chei'l.lica.~~ 01 iJmIit'Cs hm.syulnh~IH:' ~J~:linvays,

tim' ot~lor rOnlr,~1'-1. r.]., 2.r-3. and cl'~~·2:'!lre prod ueed 'by re~:IJr.:Ll'Igl!nDclll.of I.'.2;.] i>hliIcture~, (.s. j). The basic bllilding ~C'ti!:m in [he pllllh.

is chain 'b"lol1g3tlo~1. where thcgrowin!;l

Z}'1'!1L;.-;' MI~I.,;o;I;iltg <JIHindJ::lfk;lIdt'i!l[ di ..r'~~Ij.)'.i:K1)' of ellaii~.-eton.gmijoa:l ;Jlld cycloprop2Lllmjmll !lC'~idlies rrlE. a m:llc:h '~MI~~r I:lm!:', IProb~~!]y fI1 .:hl: vCI)' beginl1ing of uellliilrli I:i :tc-, On closer exilm~mllnO[l. \,,'1::: dlsc()!ltcrcdi Lhal,

k~own C'~~~'l\, 'o.r :i~{~Pl·\;'noj.d~ \~'• m .;f~mL~ (hor~

.mL10l1.CS .illlCi mCllIbL':!!nc

cmnponcm.s l~ carotc!~l('lrds

b;opmloi(] ell:!.1n of u. i5lOfllf~noid[l1 iy~ie diphns,)~utc :11'>ddC'd~o Ihe dbu~Jc !xmd :In h,_open~c~D}'1 a d~ph(l!\.l~h:l!e rp) {Fig. 1}, This r,,;:~c~iD~~ o OCO!.I~, in :il!.il or,g;lJ~!i~n!.". 111w l'..!I .link'lg!o;' ~:'1 ~~}' I~r (he Ul.C!~ cmum.o'n ~Im~il~ ~eJ!"'\n. i~~'Pr(,~ltoid COlmli~ Ilo~ndJs. illJd OOl111lOl11'lili: wi~h !hi~auacluncm

C!I?Pa,'l-C'~1~S{l s)(IJ!,hcsi~cd k·ss:cr


of dl!!'

1'-2 hranehed P],OOlLCI hll'll,11Uloulyl dipJil(l!sph~tc

'(vis~JI rigmCfl~ ;Ind rh.{l!~rlplnll.lC~vC ;:JgcHIs)1. bCIM"'-"CYl i&:D~)fCUbC'uni~s are (;',,(100 l!C'<l{J·IJJ!·wi I or [l1;'.\l.u'IIOlir~'i!1J'IGncs. '(h~Il;'1'';;lmL'C'hnu.'1JnIX~~1.tHk~ are P(~l)' ktl.l-d pm~~il1Si. tHlC!l'Iln,I!H': :>.'I.ll!IIoCTtm;:o and desi!i_! 11~ Ilml Ili,;,H,t-~o--mi~ or ir.n.,"!j\lJlm.F" The e'en si~I1ti~in~!J.(in.llk:hols {~l!y<:opml.C'ir~ syl11.1:Ic:;.is

'LPP' ~~Ild Ih~ cll2lin..;:ltm,g;l!i.on p;ro(Jl!C'~ GP'P':in p!1l.llim:i!l<u), e.;1\p~~'im~rm;,wilh O! M:'m!CS chim~r~ '01" lc p:I."OlCb~eonsuucted byn::pltlCltl£ ammo oc.iili of sa;gC'bJ.u.~ FPPaSC\\'.l1h oo~~ldin8 scr,:tcnC1."'!' from !la_brcl:,N3h ('fr~!SC. 'lie IhmLd ~,rrJ.nsi~L'{)I1

and haeterlal tt!11 \\';1111}rlltlil(~i:'i)t. S

I( JJl~[


Ir-Jlgrdlllt(-;:;), on'l! sesqu ~tcr;pcIllCS (rl:rur~~dc~i:;Il:;i\',;: :Il!;!;cms~"The earbon skc:k,1t'iUs or:i sOj)n;:floid ci;)mpmmd s are COIiI~ :>1Uillctcd 1:I'O:rn l,.tnc![~lyl~1 ;~nyl llllilS, whkh are jolnedin one nine diftcL'l;."Ibl:panems (FiB· II) ;ij. In Ibur oftllCSC stn.LClmCs. (' I 'orone unil ,(red~ ])1 jOiUDOO W a ~~ingJeru:bonotihe oiher c

sex rhC'.romol'lc1\



c:.m be dh'ldca 1111.0 I;WO c(m\' 'c\fol\'Cd l:OunUic.»'i;);-!l;wtl on Ihe s·tcwxhCI,nis'I)~, Ii or Z, of W Ihe olilcr III!llh In 3 cyclic :;;~a;\)cuJ!~(el.·~~~2, th~ d01IMc bon" in~hc lIJ:lwly added i:llo:prc'HC' d '~2-], :Jnd d "·2.~3-::l:'). e 'c.""unpillc IIml doc.; H I\mil ~UI'1. Mi;;.'Jnbcfll, {l,f~hc E Ibmi]y I'Wic,dly '~{lt i!!Yol\''i C~.· i.:oi lh~ 4'-4 1l<IUCm ~;';.Il ill n~(,;':H~- syu'h(,~1;.:c~hmlltJ·d~iJ] i"QrH'CJ~{lki cl:iil)JlP!:;rli!~I.i,c-:;, hr._lIlI; I i.p:id:>jrul1l A:nt;h'lIl.m {.~}, 1!J",~ndcold)' .in ~il!';~mthw;ly, W~DI."u.;';;I[sLi~i~ ij~l[iii.,; E;.,(jl."prc. llJ: Iil-w.: 4,;,-4 "n~achmt:m, I.hl." ~:;qJp:n::~ Z lannily syntlll.~~ k}J..~....,.-r:::h.,i.n dij plm:;philk; ... Iloid skcle~om; in r:: ig. 1. lin.: lt1:1TII1'tCd t'kLi'Jy ~n,nhe r-~mae.."yt dipl1lO;:;,phllll; SYifllhil~"; (Fl?f~;s.,;1 is [I~c is\~prelllo:i:dplllhway. ~J:O~ihe Ib1Im.inC'<1'I~'Ofi ire.. protmypal ~'p~nnatiy~ Qrl~le I5 lilIm~ly.:F,~P~1s.;: aCI,kl.i:is thm 31-':: [(;qLd 1\:<1 1.0 symhcs:ilc :>pC'CiH,(; Cal~lyES two re"lctlm~s: Ihe ~cqllelltia~oonden. rI~)tm'\JiCts .. :r-Oltl:' oflhe Ib.a...k irop;reltoki . sa~icm oW d ilfilC1~ly~alilyl d ~ph,{l~lIllc (:DMl\,P p~ liE.rudiUn.,'S ,~I.·-.1+~j.~. .. .,), wid d. '",~-J;.2') ~tt1J;; C~) iIIld g(;li:my~ diphosplmLoC ,~GPr; em) \\'iih (:'1' 2 synlihcsi;ood l:Jy jQ~niilg Sii~lP.t(3' Lmiis. ,:V:ll~~IS II?I? to give fanle!>y]dj,ph['itip:~191C' (PPP. C 151. Sliuctl1l1:aI :>t~dks..un~dph}flagcm:lk compmioolls. imlkntc' th3tthe a-helical ·~iiwpl'cl'lt)li.d for.d" or:[;g." Di!pillillliltl!iflit 'ef (h~mlS1IY, Unwf!Bily!l1l Ulah, .n!; :5clllth MOe! E.aiSl~IRDIIn'I 2(1ilO. 5al~ IL~,e. City. IIJ[ iMU;?. i!JSA. imUy disC~ft"'d ill a¥i<l!n~ FI)Pasc' is fOLind ill 'l~1 '·Pr~s~mIadtilr'fu': ID~Iii~iA'1IIof .organic (~miil!y. Nallm'lil~ of the £~Ii1miljl d~ilN!~rlgaitkm C'il1~J1Ilf!S Chemical ~bor<i.tQIY, fullll' 41100a., ~Q!faa" . <Iud in !'llOre disl<Ult ~la!,i~'e'J Ilwl C'Ll<!~.Y'.u:: the 1f1i~1. 1 .• Pl!ilt:ermi found in nilllllr'~ Il:lr mnnediin~

lblllck~'~~'-L r-2. l'-';" an(l r41. 1111OIlIC CJSC'. Cl' ls in~lt>l.'dbeh'\lCCI1I aWIll10 illl I,he'olher l!nh ,~,~-I"-3). and in dll~ ca:s~.'l. C'.~, if> joi:mxi

in ,1C~i\'ili!,;",,, ~ml~l cll!IJin clon~~I;imll ~o'IilmuKhulllg :Ii!l'l;;llly to C}'t1flflroP:IIl[l:~iO:I] lin. SnJdi",:.1 cydopropnummirm !LjJC:lj,t.!l]i,~ Ihe Ih·lil. p1nhw~lY- wit1i~a fillill S;(;I.,of ell i:lllOfi~ pmt(::.iln~ d{~llimnblr.llle s:poc u lie- S'lCp ira t~iI:io..~YI1:Lhc:;,il~ of s~crols (61 'uhc:y eIlItl.lyLC ilH fOlllr lOr the: ~illldfll1f~(;liml b i$OJJreI]Jlid.coup~.Ln:g~lCl[()IfI$ fLrad~hm lhcfLbsoIlllid CJlrolC'm~.oMs co give rrt01JlOOli0C:;.i w:i.dcly (7) hRC ::l'lcrroeh,;nnislries of Ihe chiml p:roouclSfm:: dis'lributcd~n Eukruryll. Are haea , on.d some l3ilcteDlia. Bil'anchiltl£\ is only fuuml In 1I. ~.inlli.toCd idcntiic!l1 w' Ihc'~" lultmalmy evolved Cot1Ib~erpart$. IHmlix:r oW~)Imns U. 8). ·flle only doclIm,cll1l::d SYl1l!thies[s ud eXI~re5S~OI'l of (Mmcwk !.1oma]!()fl1ld~ Foom cyclklblll[<l]l<llioll <lire In~.:dyb~lg @,rl Zylril~:S', By means of' 'IJ1'OCCdW! ecs IUIC'I'iotlSly .. a ,ccmmOil sel S(-:lecitic licslricikm miulg~ Iti'U!tnllroncs (2.. 9). 'TIn: CiIlz,ym~ thm eatlll},ll:'chain e~o.t1!bll.ioll



fPIll$1li"il ~d!lfll": !p~rn~~~n ~!twPQ~~d,l~e

Stmeet, (all1~Ji'dg.~,. ~

S1d'n~y 02B'!l. USA, 1'10, whOI!'! cOlTespo!lde!IJce' sholl![d be addrts.~ed IE',rnait

~}ll;IQWilt'ljl<ll~·1illijml llI;ac,tim" ... in M~mi b~i;I~Y~lhc.'3iil' (11 I ;lIld t~'tIkllol:d CJ·,diw[ii(mll:mClamk ....(H t An al]Qr.....,I.cii~ FfiPtlc~ or :I elr.K>dj' iir:L;ltt~d Ids:t i~~ 3. i..

isopr~lfIe lJT!it~ CC!!lQr5 If!d~i(OI!~~is.o\Pf~nii,l li!f1fl~ '~lFe~ and brlltJ(J 11 bonds jlOiruilflg' lli~i£OJlnme lmils Iild

w';W{.sdenc:emag .org


c. VOL 316 ,6 APRIl. .2007

sites <Il i,de[J~ic,,1 1QC<J.~[~nsWll.~ il1troduc(!~ illlw ~Ilc Qpcn ~c!'~ng l'rom~ (ORF!>.) :thr .m'\! CPPMg (ng, S:~I ~!>, Th~~ ,'l' ~in~~k OO'l~!~'l~:;; ta, l]rle mud ~Ik~d (LVI "pml~iI1.~. FI1P'IS!,; •.I\!1 .[LI'Id Cr.Pf~--M, ,.~n.; :.i~niI3r W I.ho:;~ ofulln: wild~}I:PC(\ll,rn C'!l~>'!1l1.'iS (l.ub~C' 5.1~. Eh"vl.'n cilia ~1~<'IZ'i< \V~rc ()~!l!!1.~ct\;~~ HnmlFp.r ,ut>iJ C'PP;L~o-M b:r rl.l~ing i~Lgnlh.".fIIS of the 1;;;'1.0 rroIJl~iUil; :it 1.I~t:CuiltiJb1L1l'irt"'ilric tiel"'~~. ~ix. hl of I11lC e.tlns~ll\iJ(!~s< ;}mino acid:. b1 FPf~1'II,t.
Iti;j,';!liml~i:lg, j Ithe N 1''i1niIflH~, \~reU!i:i)!"--;cl,Wilh ~ Iml.~r ~~I1!~cnb :I'ro:ln CPftli,'s~M, .1\ C{n'~fi~CI1~efU.3ry set 01" six CO.lbl.ruC~S wru.~ ' rtm,'fOd in <I Silbli,iarlmnllcr by rep~3ciillS <nnino add);. in CPf';,l-M. a.g<lia bcginninSm the N ~erllninus:" with '~hc ,",~lll'''C.~rC'll1dill!l: s:cgmc~~~~ CrQIlI FP'.",~·Jil1t The chimcr-as were ~l~Ulh;'d liJy d(;~iwmli~l:!il I'I~~ tl!f th~ j\u.lcui.{l~ and lh~ ~ ~i'rlj or.ilgin 01' the muililo acids, Cilhcl: FPIP~~h4 or II ·PPa..""""M"oJl !.li.her .~~r.;' ~l"" j!!Qneli:Oll. For
\\'C!.... SCIl1lrnIW c



il~e~a~ii~~I)'>.phflif ;j)!~!I.0· H'ldi\.lgl"p~), W!);. Sll, 1l~Jt;~'LX'i!l lor ~.~gtl!'!'lr ~.nm]o~¢rplL~lIJ~~yrldlC_'l i....~m,oiv(ld iIli\:)u~\Lliorl \\'~UllII~qDMAP~);lllI;:w.:..iiml of FPPlre~M , ... iill [[I~CIIPPand DMAJ'P ~1I'!,!C prPduC!5 'Li'i'L!comi· .£I<~d \',vi Iii (" U) ~fiPI)) 0lI!:d _'I~ WPP) i~~p!l.'!1.o;jd dnr::!llOs«]il!lUI.~_ No r:!'od l,Iel<1 \.'l'QJ'C 1'oC,,'li\\'h~n the Clilzyl'i1e '!.vli~ il'it"iWliaa.ccl \vuDh [IO!qnMAPP. ]n· Clibaliol~ (If (_1P'P;[l:-l~·MWi~l 1!"iqDMAff ~a\lc p:ruduet.~ I!1c~lt ,ooruni:!;lrilloo with ,e&~n)'!ifu~nh~I'myl diphos«)hmc (Cf)Pt I,~o\!"e\,cr. th~ cluym\: aL~




t~:g,,! and! ubk £'2) (Ill),. A suni!flr in';;:l,I!b.;i,lio~\)j,~Dh fP:ra~·1\,~lg;!\~ !O~W C~ll if!~l(II,I~[~:J;hl)':mlltl~~nm}~ ((."OH) 5) rrmn (':yli;:~D. lJ'ffiPiMl~lmin'IJI). 1,~vaIlJI,I~ol (L:DH~ ~!') / i:rulll I:mmdtW'1~~ DMArr

\?i.'hen the




inc~!bm~ 'NJ d~ I pr

i!i,g•• tl1d ~cr.milll ,In'tllllcmi (/9) I(~mId~,lin dongal!Il!1, 111.he :\crik'fi C&9F ---. CZ4JF. ir~~"
u~all lilmlOl~lpC:lt~~\ll:t'L;: iir.;l. d(,"lcr'~i;:d ,~ :£ili-

nor p['(> with t&ic C9RF' chirrn'h:r.JI~ whit':h !!il\-C LQlc,~ and Ili~ 1,I11Cl<l;~li;.~L\j,,'rl, ~ooi'i'ller,lilliK:Oiiellli~1. I(MOH) !1~ room a C!\''Cltlbulai1iUit'li1i:'Cilcti:UiL Syn-

C'Ul!11Illr~. fill..' "C69F"

chinrnJ.;'r.:r! IwJ~\;'ro (' ~rtdk:,'n(2;


C'PI:l:l2\C ,111(1F i~!d~(UI~ :H'ifP~~r;) has .. jl,melijuVI ",ile cUIllS'tructccl ~:l tt!1! cmnrn.aUfl Bsclt ~. 'l~lrieliml [ sires in'! tbe ORfs ro,PFrPfJiSe.tvl and epl:~L"!J~M where h:: !II.':SI. 3m~110 adds (FPP.["Isc.·M 69 nu uni:lelri1ll.g)m:c ,from CP~~s.c'~M~nrJ, the re~mlirningItmililo acids []rl't' fro'm F!~[i'a~c-N.I,The chimeric prol.cills \">'1:1'(' ol~t~ill!LId for 11 oflhie '12 con sntlct" (oilly F2113Crll~kd to ~~,\IC' 11I~ ~cil!~ andwere 1~11,I!irif~d ,>95%)hy~t· ",~m'nity

C10 di~hru:l\hmc' Whl!l1 inCtlb;n~>d wu(h l ~'1('Upp ;md DM,\PP in 'Ihc- chairl-'Clonga~iml ass,,)'. T.le tr.u:c~ [01' the series of Ch~1ll1~l'<l~ fmln Cti9F 10 eN)F I'\;!flct~.. ~!Oulll .. :t ~!'ln~i~ion IfOH1J \:h~ C ilnd CIS d1<'l1] r:rtldl,loC"-, typi("".ll~' s,)t:llllw.sitlcCi b)i FlP!P'i!!.'11! ~o~h~ ~rro~1!l:!r ~rod\!~~ sY!1lh('si.~oo b~' CPI:la.,'\C', Between (lr9F .md C171'l,F. dmi!l~tr~J11J~~i('l.!l :;'M~ti\'ilY !i1!'..u~I"U}'~hunJ;;'d fro~~:I~rlXi{m~i.ll"lll ~¥!ll!~;~ of C 1;\'; Filp 1:0
~ave ~)Ii!)d~ct)t Ch~TI<'i~lic



Ihcsis o:f irregular tmru~O'h!i1~n~:. became the dO:lnill,ruH l'l.."'1lct~il~b ~;;"rhe C241F c:him.em, w~~l!re t lml was r.1\~OJ'Cd over CO! I b)1 amtio oif -3: I. For 'CPI,)E!,;..;c-:M. Ih~ n1'1l10T IUiXhJlcl ,~~:;. ('011. w:hid:! 'Wa~ on:~). Ihvol:m 0\'J;)f LOH by a or -..2: Lh! the F(lQo ' _... F I 18C $J.;'ri~ im-,guLtr
!ORJdlL'C,I", I LDI!-I ,lIId COl ~JI weI(; {1!'lli.V woc,'t;IJ"'orl, ~br ~le F6QC ehiim:Il',,1 (~:lli>lc S2.)..The p:mflrlr-

!iml elf dmiUl4:llon~Ja~ml I'l'oduCl'"

to iU:rogL!Iii'Lf

dlll'Oll101ography. lite:~novjng ~lJ,e Ui.s~ ~3g in FPP>JSc·M and CPP<!i..'\C·M did MOl ~heU' Iheir mCli\'i~y",~ld the ]i~~Sl~dinC' la~ were nol fCrnO\~OO
1"'"111Ihe 'P,~ncilU)J~ ln')'IllI~ or chi!~)CFic Cll""yu~K"!'ii C tl~ti '[1.1 tlsis [.i;~l,Idy" A SCrf,en 'r:Olf clla.illflo;e~ong!ni.(ln .i!llIld 'J'ir-' rleglJil.mllr'~ produ.c:tll. FIF'I)h(:.M, CP.fil:;.c..M, fllt'l1 1, I Idl~m.cri,C' pro[cins \".!..~ ~,(,Ilad SYUllht.'S,~ of dmin.ckmgmioilflnd inrcgtJ~l'pmd'lJCls >(.FJg, The SCI\."c1l ror chain ch:m.g,alion iuavoh".e<i im;lIb.u.ion of ~lC' 111,'OtcfIlS w~lh ~!'~CI~rp and



eI[ile.r DMAPf



f:rodliclS and
Cn~~ 1~.iIon


:;:Yl1tll($~ uf >["10 GPI~ I\.e'livil.y in Lite (i&..ay WlIS oc'f.ldlily dct~lI, .. lor Ulic d C 2: 1~}Fchin'tktn rmtlbceamcprogre...s iil.'cly ~Icr lor :N3F and CP,P.:lllliC', F2 ~'9'('protdn Th~ \V3S inlaclll\'c in bmh assay:>. Activi!.y ror inrcg." uiar pmdLlcls was low in all o.f the ·chiulC"J;;I:.~ ~n the F _, (' ,'lC'I"i.!J.S. TU<IOO am.mml:> ~f materials W~~ ~cc;nin~~11 nr~hC' Tl!C Ir.;u::~"Ii."w~lh~hc F J1."lC Idl imcrmgh iI~g w!mCwifmii more C "'" Ill'{'ldlOC I. thaI] the others. Pfl!),di!ltct i!lul~ysms, The TLC radio ..~s;jJ.}! , d id n~(1:~n;:.l'io]\'e'j ndi\ idll•.Il 'OO'~f1i)()!leI~I~~\ViU]~n tach !!.troLlI]· or Cs. CHI.. <Lull ('u dir~~m'ilJlhrlll."1'i._ G1'1iSchromm(ll,mphtC' {Ciq m~d GC 111~Moi spec.· U'O'ltbCtriC IIllflly&is ~)ft'I]ooholi> oIDIfl~n~d :Illkr l1y. , d:roiys!is oli lhc d~phoo,~hilK'SVI i'lh ~lkfl~i~lC phoop]~imISI':S1]o\VcJ tl~m C~l!fUnd C~~ chaincl.o:ngmion alroholls \1!'CU1C ,c,..dl.lsivc prodAil:its n:he . Ihun :FPPasc"M with sclcc~iVC'~ bliit mn C;'\'c. fblillKlJnOn or tile E douhk-ibond i.'il0c~xelm.i\'c:
~ ~qDMAPlP !

·lJlrodlliCt,-.; ~r!~"~a"t'd...[:11(1 CO!l1'1!.,!'nlir.m~iollof [PI' a i'1Cr(,".,JS(\(1 n;hniv(;ll.n tli!~1 of~h~ OIHyliit slLbs;tm~\." re-nccl'i,lIg Cml\iK'~ h.ionkLWt\Cr!lI~(: is{lmerie
rubSnI".lIlli:.!S fOf


E.'i:.l!.'lc:pt for CP~C-.M mId: ~hc e24JF fl:i!ld: FfliC.lC e~limcm£, rcac~ioln~s P:lx:Hx:ed!.-:d s~owly \V,hc'n I)M,,'\,P:r~ \"IlS Ih~ sale 'SUhs,lolle, h~ addl~im!!o COil, lO~: Land [\.'10 11,sma;: p~allococc;ol I(POII l 19l,,;m~so:nll.,"'· of [\J:iOiI, \,"Wi;!' UeI!r:.'Clcd ~!l C'xlmcto;; Iftnqll !1mC'l!bmiQ!1!'> wi!h ~hc C9~H:' ~lIldi C 1.iil1F c'Mn~el'm. indicating that


!.!lcse:two eIIlzymes[llsoo sy.nt:hcsoo.'dIPkllloooocyl dipli~{l~ph"tc (~iPf) tfig". ~. and wblc SJ I. Thus,

of .B~cpmlCil1slh,u we ~"'ll:d~'tIsynlht,,'$ii1..od im'gllhu' mmlo'l~~'pcll~_ The i.)'x.(;(;lp'timlS w~rc FIlPlli\l?M and C I.'J'8F. whiol1 only clIIalYl'J[iCI d~flif] c~o:n.gmlionl" lind F219Cwl:1ieh \'0";1." il~ti\ie if] all of thli! ~\lS, 3:vcml of'~hc el1~f'IK·.,~ SYIl-II:resized al. Ic:a..~.(m~ oolt'lprlund !;d bylhe Cl'cio~ruuiml.brnllcllillg. lind Cjlcl(rblJl!llllm~ ton l'cwtioil1iS in addition to chahl-do:n,g,attmtpi.oolL~L". U~ \-VI" A. ~rnielm,j(" 5.'lj). ~'pic'!Jomlt1;, CPl>;!lSC \\'OlS









F~9. 2. BlIIHding roi1u;ll:hmtS.nlhe i~oiPr~lI'IlJldl bitlf,yn~h'l!itijc pl'llhwav. PiP{). diph!J~phaill1!jR:, (H~:tCH~H~ f ((CHI~;I(IiIIz}~I~t w"h~r,~ 111= 0 1. 2,. 3, ,anrmso kll1:~.

fiJ!ll, 3. Product~kollllim.ul,mtnolll!i [)Ili\APP'. NPi!", Ili,e.ry~ ,di,pihos.pOOlt"'"

rwiruh Illfll1'and


",Uglrn~i rm')l'l;!~leo;;iiYc IQr cpr th~!n CrPaS'C~\iI, The \~/T trom r.,1ijl,;'j·fU'f~~tr~lium \'!"~<;




~~i~l!t~y ~l]O~ ",~!I;'(:l~\fl;for 1;}'~!op!'Utjll,;'l:ml~im~ l n;:h~li\,'~~ b"ntl;:hillg and ~h[Li!l.~kll1gatim~i.l,'1~1 10 i.l1~:O:'lgubr1!li:;h ,;_:t~zylt1.c:i. S;'l~ri;!<id'iil!i'I'iiisu'1 e. The ..hselute i:1~!o!rcoch1;'!1111~ is~JFi:,,{i; Ihr:;~m.;!!!ILlbx pmd~u;:l:;:; (I the!:;'!')· zy~tbt; C.. 11dYll~~ 1iC'>l,clio:l'l" \'IItR::' """IliiM i.~lii;.'!d by ~jlJrn.Ilyt.i[jg mhe illOJli"t::lioid ,!:Up11L'JoSpl-il!k";S tomh~ t'O~pPJldi il!!j IIkohols IIitd comrming I.~eii'(Joe ~,1.Ciltio~ltin'l!s by eoan}l"l!lioi1 wilh mld1:C1~!ie l>flfi'D~

:"iJCUl;l{!ISI."ImCI!['; fir these l'I,\'(jo ~lllp0l1~lm. m~~;]jOO~m".c been ~ool1!ificd>!illcJcharlil:~. Work \""~~1 wC(lml~in,.~a ~qal;J]c!l.c f;J"!l~hgile Me!;lOOlit~ I'mI'll IIr"'lCh~gl!grnld i".y... c!Oill,ll"'lf1lion "ro !~!Tow~J d~~Iri'ol,l\l:;'d. !Il~ ~Iu; illdk,rk .. ~I~;I:~~~cro~~ivq~i~~lwti(l(ll or l~~ h\ll~ " ~"Q!iI:~PQ:rlf;li'l!jl Mmll;:(;:~.I~~. FPf; t'\ihid~ urc '~IJdI".U~ of to rOll"!, 1fHi!.::;qll~lk'I}t; di:phnsph:.1Iitc,i~,ic;k.'TIti(:!11 io dl~ "ende" ortePll<!lirm 'pf-cdic'teil fllr DNIAI'P (4). The :o:h;:n;:o(:hcn~ic<JI.I~illliblrl'u r\..~ bcl\I.'t-Cn Ih~ COltiamLlliall syltt~~~i~.!L'tI boy ~iJ(; ~hiltl~ri'l: p_mh:;in.~

lJiosyml'h;:[[c ~1l"l}'iII1J~ III1.dihC' g~~l~-.s,h'llWtlOi: btX;rI i~~nu:ili~-4" Krnlhc,~i~


CPPa.."tc an'tJ til.(! FJP"l~oI(~rPPa.~

=-i~~gk l.;'!l~ln!lion~crn

p'1i!.~ '~il!L chirnl 00111.11'1111 S3 and 54" in <:ad~ (~~. case. !l ~I~e clwllimnelf HI1UI~I~O!~ I If}J. ,(R}-LOI,~ (201, un-MiO,! I 'f11, and U/UR'I-PO~ 1 {9ll was romK~llwoibsolLnc .,",,('.IlJ.·(x:hemiil;llk~$ of
~l~ aJC{111.(!11~ i~]liJlcd lrorll our c!1~ymlx::UH~Y'I.(~ f!,,"iI(.1i:o",~, w,;;ro ~'clcmic ..I~L"I [h~e of tlW; OO~"ro'~i'J<InrJiJ!~ ;lkuhf)b:~..;)CI~~lh;d fi1rnt'!, .itlUIIil"i"lS,.

Ovenfi~. The j,vol'lt'l1okl ,,,lDll\\'a)' uses rOW!!: di ITi.'rr.::nt 'Ct1t!111 i~lg re;.c! ion;" I{I i'huliki ~h~ e~l~bQn~ :;;"'~IL;'~on~lf it" !ll~~L~l{~lil~ fitl!l~ mh~ e fi.wld~lJIn~m~1fi\'I!}oC,u'bol] bu,illdil,lg hloeb Ifil?' and D:\I~AIPI)" I\"r~'t~bolill':l> l'ldl. 'by ehain clong~ti(lli~um.l ,cyrlopJ'oplllllilh)1:l arc IJrwdly d islrio.. lItOO in l1lllluI'C.amllihC' cluy;nbCS~l1al c.uillyz{;~hc

m~cmtdliy~ dipllL~Il~ia.~ lMJ'P',", ,lIid 1)11P. The 3~!lilllC~llj,_'iI~ocht'I'ii!:i~riL~ of l.hi:. cydoll!rqJIIJtc IDjd T~~o.tIC :o.)!I'iII'i:'C:si:ltxlhy t~~iflJ(~riit,"CLU~'~ WT [ing ill Cfr, lite ,el'ik~}1 ,oo.~teriirl LPP, !illd rnz)'I'1'L~5: dl'i. nature are cOi'l."iiSlCm,."ilh a, NCell~ii'i() in, whi:d'llh.e l\9lUr.lI ~b! CCltf]~nlg.Cnz.~'iL"S C\co.~v",>cl, O cycl.ubuUiiill!.':' titlWl in ~ 1.~~Liild PPP ili;.'<Ilii~ ~lm CI or the dhl~lihyhtny~ unfit d~1ililoo 1.0 aH:yla!l.C from II ~'011I1imO~QI'l;CCSlillrI1HU providbJ the o:ri~ the ('2.-CJ double bond of lite o~hcr dil~~lhylan~ irml teml~ll'itc rfi,lli~C {1J1,C~lIlll,i0l1 o.f the i:trn,md I lmll :is l'oc;'MCd lm Ihe Re r.'lt:C of the Cl~'3 :-;Ub:'lr.Mes. O;!I1.Cl" rCir Ihe ,cycloprof:!<.Ulm[.im! endO!l!b:lc bond, I:r caeassames ~lal IOmlmillJJ1 of zymCfo. ~'VGIV40'd twice, poo!'>!Jn1abl)! tmn :m PlP\IP' 1~(I;nccocb, lh!iL1l~gjh "le<lIS! rnm:to.l1'· reaclion £"!1,,"~OC'~h e chain.o.l~~H.w~lirm le.:n~llll1[C:nuee a ! ~h~ ~,LilY bt.:,gi~l!1ing: {:'CUu h1r ~\"(li~Ulir1~~lor biacOctrdul'!'.':'(r~. Ill", <l'b&10~lUl~ l,{1Bri!~~I'''l!itm of'~l!~~ C3 cydnbl~'~~~I(: l.ul'mJl di~t:jtt{.~ !IIl,1!~ ~1i,; t:ln>,:ym,,;~ !o"y.rl(ik';);~~ t~:FS4;!!)l,IlJo.:'I1C1IUd 'phy~UL;Il!~. :uJd lluhS:!;bindlhi! h"'(lpn()lcc'!.!I~~ (If mvlM'p in an ql!CI¥lI), ~m.l!,ch!.1ilCr J:Ol'bio~Y!!llle~~ CPP. "cndo" l)f~nI<Hxi,HI (fig, S51'. The rn!!lK'f C('l;m'.cw.u~ve chim~~hm ~ ..'e ThlllS fiif. !;l~d)';) $i!I~lc ~L1~. CI!<mtiD!'l'lL;'~, ~l,td~ in ~:hL; '~t!lly~i(: si~~$l~~~1 th.u l.hIJ elenC has bL"('1] rr;ponl.\cl for IJI!!.;~ rU:IWr.J~.I)' 0!:.1l'L1ri111lg :ilr. g~uiOl] ~uld ~mg~dufioo?R;inoidJ IlfDdli.lC!~ '[11.: ~brmt:d~.y a ~lirlij.l:mr ch~~lliiicil~ 1'l'Il',dmnit;1tI ,~inh [(!l.LibIJ' :kw~b1oNj. i(lOJtI,pol,ilJ:iclsfO'JlJicd by lll1lJlCJI. bntii1e~k'$ lL.:adiug 10 n.he iu,d~ddl.Jil!1 rllt.xl!,lCIIS, A in~. CyclO;P.L'i.lPrillil2tliol1l., and cydobilH:l.llm.iml rcaetiens, Tse .albsolu~c :s[cil'Co~hcl'IiDiSlllii1el> the romt)1'Ch(;ll1sivc' mechanism for the [OUf COiJalcohels ohmil1!,,>d by hydroi~!sls or CPI?;lPP; IrH~!g si.cps (jllring biosy~IIh.($i s of irrc,gu:i,ffi:i. isoprenoid. cmnpmulds, b1lsc:d em \ is I<:J~O\\;U MPP. <fmdPPPin om studies :IIlC idclll~C.rill 1.0 d'lOSC of em I" J),ilG.i I. and IPO] 1 is()bl~'>d [mm w}oul!hc SlCI'Cl1Chl.!llllSlriCS chailn elol1,gatiIm. cydopmp,1!l1ation. 'bl1l!nch~rlg, :md cydobL!!<I!lIm&01l mlluI<d ''1OUL1:(.'~. likcw.~s~" Ihe- WilOl~gicnll}1 I~ ~:m!lthe- m~'Clmn~sm o()fch~in,dong;Jli,pn reac~:nl:,ld .~!?2R.Jf~t;~!$Jl1!inrm;Tl1. ('If p~l.lI:d~nle: di,)hQSpJ~ro.c (1 and pl'cphyt()~IC dr:pIKlSf~hmc lien. is show.~! ~n Fig,. .5. The ,ch8il1'l-ch:mg;:l~ioll (,Jl) ~ the: oilly known lJ,m.Il!rn]ly OCCUJII.'Ulg mtaCtiOIl.';' cm<! l~z:IXI by fPlP.[!I_SC preceed by a


cp.r, lPP.








'O'PP -.



I If.

u. ,m

Ili:. C!I





~ '


... fl a~ !,' i


(ill, I:Ii.

Fiig. 4. IRlllatiW ~ilten~,ge or l';m:u:l'LK~S: From rfil~ ,(ubations mlh IFPPase-M, (PIPCiI!1Ml1\ lhe' ( ~. F ami ~Eril"5 ,(I~ d1i nu~ra$. fl~P'. bhle; 'GIPP, ~iOtd; lPP, !(I~ (P,P. lr~h MP,P., ~i!lk; PP:P., Qr;ailg~. IOi~
phosphate prml!J[fs w~r,e IIl~liIIN!ll~ed ibyrureatm,~nt

Wii~hglk~ltirle ~hO:$ph(lI:as.e, an~ tiile ~Iit!iv,~ PiN'" ,celll~,gl'~ Dlr~he (orffspolldin.gaJlo(lloolis \lI\t?:rf del~rnli!lOO by GC. lA> Ilnr;ubatnQIi1I [b~ 2 hQ~rs,at ]'oPC with IIPI!'{200 fJlM.)' ~nd DMAPP i(200 ",IM~, (B) liluu'illltion 'f,1Jr12: noms, at 3000( with DMPlPiP

('I FI)l!'t"",,FofI'


Ifi!il a, $. A dif>5cdflltivl1! llt(1'(;troph~'lk Ci,lq,loltion rneehanism l:I:rillndilillig, C!lijd! {},,(.loibllltam,tion.

lor cha1in elon9a~.iDI1, qdo,prtlp~n<1lion.

d is.s(IoCj<li]Vl;: C~.Cl;tooplli1k; tln,;y:I'<!!~km of the desble bond in I riP' Il;!y !l1~ ,;In)'J ic C<1tiOHllo ge!1(!m!~ ~1nI~ [)MAPP elf Gr!} {JJl, ~)' <!IIHlkiID', f<l'

"ymc ~WWJl

rprn..~ Ul}ho:!s

.. 11~o been Il;mnd in



the ~;ydoplil''1pro:ml~n rn~}'m~ ~~I!:J!:"'nc :s.}'!l!!h<kw (n) (~t~'Hl~ bio'S}'!~rh!J-"i:;;) S~\'\~fll! {Iiff~n,:!tt ~cl'],'X;:llo:idC}'~;I~L~~~ N~!lloll1!g wid~rl!Sp!I!1i:1h;:·ri:ch l



1;0'. (. 11 F\:iuUe'I; Ph$ftdllem Il~ 5, (200!lI6). t, (. T<!~iI1l!:.M_ Y,.. n, (_ D,. fi'\~'IE\f; ~_ C ~o~e'f1~I11~ •


~ n,:liI1iL:d ~~i~iSt1tl;~!~li\'~ d~1C~rophilic iUlt:: dGW!b!e bond! ill [)!VI/\PP b},!hc d im<t,;'!:b!yl'iill.~yl1:;;lli:o:l1 I!t:;~ it;; i~j "~Fln]!O!l rl!t~x! cycloptol'i~U~i~i2n1~~ltt~i~I~_ lhi", ~:ic:s ('-an ~"C

"'Wigg~ Ihtli. aikj'f.. aLIQIlor

mt'!tifs. ~111\"jlvl,1clin b;I~Jin~ ;jUyli~ d(phosp~!mc :;.uh$.'!."~~",~ i~~dicnli!i,g 'th;)!l ~h!: 1.'in~1l1~';$ evelvcd
I!n~n ;1 common 'lIu;:~lnr. ~hylbgol;fI~~ic CQru:'c~'I· tToP1:!il MIMM¢4 that Ui~l::}"dOJ]:mpm!'lllimi l;'Jtl:~!itt: rhyl'~nc :-.yn a1i:Ii>t: ~cwul!rn,oi:J biosyndh~,"b~,) at~ hasan iM:ip:iilCI1.oi:d 1i:i.1d. Ouf l~~SCc)"'C'i:)'[11}m dl i· merle C11Z'.YrD'Ii.""S, Ir·l'lm PI),Pa!,;eand 'Cp[J,m:.~ cilia· Iy.-.c hrnllclling lind cyclol:iUm~~lio-n l"Caaio-ns :\lI~t>b':lhm WT ;",'j~zyl1mes; whh tll!.'S'C'3Clli VLtics also ,~h<l1lCI:his. 'OOI'l!n'nm~ ,m~~~to:l'.

3'O~::I.O'f.2'000J. U. O. W'. (!qj.!O~iJl1~~. ()'lli\!l'l, ~. 1~~. 34:J12 t:i(l0'6l'. 1.1l. S, I. ~~i!fil tt .at•• Proc N"fl. AMd, Sd., USA~8.,!l37 ~
12. ]. Piil'liJi1: l'fi!lL. j', Biill~ ClJf.!fl. 2'!i,
I'!, t::_ [~.$r;J(j, ,(;, I). ~wl~r. 3Z.112: ROO3}. ::I.IS.0, Iw.1ta~~, S. II:. Mailn,S. B. i!!t!iiliil c. 11). iPo~l~er. 6'i«frf.rffllti)' 42:0 33159' {2:00jl, ::1.7. H. K E:rkk!i!llll" c... I)'. Poul!!!r, J•. Am. Chfm. 5«. '125., 6-006!UOO~, 1\13- H_ II. Dlul!!, (_ I[), P~!~r. J. AlIIt C~~, 'saC 1~:!I, ~1I581l'l' l:2.oo&}.. ·li:9. K. A1H;m~IH, \11. 'IN. Epsl.till, 1.. 0l:t1, CMm. 40. 2:i76 (l91!l}. ,,0'. MI. s.:J1Ktk;, L. OoLt~ Cililw. Cmh. (hoem. lM1Il[,lJi!, 2:4. ]002 (19m. ~:L G, P@i~k. ]1, !i{!lil\(l:fI!l, S_.,,'L W(IIlg, ,j. ~ (hgrn.. 5"t:iC; !J''). 2U3U9<~, 22. l.L Al!tmliin. ·R.c. I(Clillmki"\ D', It Ltufl'IDi!n~ ,. Aim', C1l~.


3~, 't.oo71 t'li'J'9'~),

u, ~H~IiI]1n~n. S.. g, ~i>;\~~

Oil!'llt :nIt


d.~f1tolo:na[~'d, Ifigu'!I\r;; (]lP.Ot K't.l:l:nU~~ I.IJ' a r~n iill)' ealioJ1, w,~lddlesn im, I1n~1hi': dc;prutoJ1lIlOO Iv g,tlv~ LfJIP. .A Ilt<i.."l1\ ~i'Ii'lf)' eadi::li11 CilliI e:yoclizc 10 g.~'I\e,f! c~C]l:iI~ul:i~caruinyl crui.<m 'thm comthcoil be dq)rotomltcd W ~ij!,,'C MP P or L pp, Foumml~on ofm1JY :.~rlC I'IOOllCl W{'IuW 00 con,~roned by lhc'ahiTUt)l of dK!' c~ne[o S1<lbiliw a sp..ldHc- imcl'lm1diia~c <I!![1ng 11'11..'n ... t;I~(l1lI coorui~ !m~L;'!illU1Ull~1'! dipo!al' ,;;tUld.;;!cot!tl.t:"ulic i'ru~ll:;tion ... llU1d '~o Ihc'ili~~u; lil~ ~~cdiij,l~ ~~ln\,d {!f p:rotens, Tile' s~cr~-.ochc:mi~tri'!l'.'lof ]hc prodm;'~!I. res llh from the OC\n.rOf,11lO'!~ii1n.~ (:If ~hc I'lim bO<1.llW
,~ILlIj}""1f'1It.:1~1O!OCtll~ ..



bl.1'ror(l th~~ W1l"",c!iml.


mlliu;CJfChW]gcf; in lh~r(:~.~nivL; IDSili~ns or ~ iOubsllr'dh1'li.are .!\.'quimd In m:t1m1il!t!,odm~ '~IC for~ !i1l(Ukm of •. e tli ffcren1 Ilt"OOi.lC,]S, h

~y mh~


se~H1mJriopro\' kb an



nlism .liJ'U' the 'I!'H)h~ti,on of tile isol'1'l!!::no,id pflJb~ \""l'I!y~lmmgh gene dup~ic;miOl'l and rnndQm mlILJI;mgC'nc~~ or~he d~pJk:.·uc' grc~e::;:w give new rmtci~t~, one' or\\lhit'h i!\. cP~~sn..flliucdwro!!ltin

11. lit ~l1!iliWolrri!ffl1I, !:j" II. fmWI'JI" IN" 'IN. Eplil~in. ~)'Wd~WliH" 5~1,1 ~n ~:200'lJo. ". A. Zbi!ft!lll' al.. Pi;t1(; N.QtLA~Qd, SI::lI, U.S.A :m~.9601. G!,OO~). ~. (, I'll. H~,alh$k, R. 1fI~k.eht~in,.l. Aoo, (. n. i'ooU~r, Sdl'n~i! ::1Z9. &2 U:.9;8i). 4. M. !!;. ]~l>lref." I). l Zlilallg, <C. O. iI'ooLl>ef.. }, Am'. (hem. ~o.:. 124. BBl4 ~:!!OO;l). 5. lB. s, ~. 8~~g, M. II" ]<lfllfer, II). H. iilll;le!ffl< C. ~. f'ol!llltr; J, i'!.!rl,~~, SQ., m,B!;i<!,6 ~;::(I0il). ~ I~ C IRiUim~, w. W. EilSi-'!m. J Am (m-em '1, :1lO41l

5ii;lG. l!CQ, 617.011 ~[\l:l\Il.I.

2:J. ]" M. 1[)01ffi(!~. ell)" fioillrer. h, ('~f.r!ht'/illiVil' Nalumr P'r1i1flucl~ Cl'/.e!m~'!ly,O. H!en]F(Q'!rI~" 6!!. Ul!;;e:Vi~~.Qdc!d~ lHt :1.999~. 'Irlill 5, 1lP- t8,!J73-tl1J5iOO. 2 <I. WI!<il11I nil: It ZIiIug IDr JlIO\iiding .Il. '~IVlPlf! o~ (R}-MO'1it 1JI~ '!'led: W'~ w.pp!XI~d by NIH gl'iifiI GM .l13'2&' SI!!P1Pl!lrtingl Olil'lfl'l~MilteliiOll 1fMW.~.ii!fi(@mag.. tqlC~l!l:0iiIEIl~rLIIll$l~6Z1J1~Cl o #.lIiIlwl1aod IWr!IIl(ld~ ,Fil!5i. S1 ~ ss
E1~m!l1'l 11'I'IJl'1lL~If!} M<!s~ SptliIXra OiIgl1l!(~!~mlmlgn ,~,(!~~ :s.p~ ..~



". IL ~ .tIiIlmaon

i!1~eriginal fimctinH, W~K'w'Ui.the O~!I.1!' is froC' W ~xqllke a new actiVcity.. Tine isoprenoid fold fii lSI. seen ihl the £-sclcc~i\ic ciJ.:lLil!h(!lo:ng..'l1tluJlC-IJ-

I. II D., IItI'ii:QI'ri~ JI,4. Gr~llr. .,~d~I'(,), IilQiI. PrtHf 6], T ~Eot {;!lOoot 9. lB.A lE!ieEI·lmltJ!~~t1[1. MlliI'll!Ii1,o, M,.5dlwar.:, S, !, !Pasgt.rIM1MI.. J. it. I'UIl'li'nili', rtlTaht,d:rMI ~M..Z2. ~8;9



IlIL.l. Am.


Sec. 941


lolblE~ s.-~'~oS3


,~ Mr:I'I'fflIDi!i' 2~0& ,a.W!l1Ilm 16 hbl'lmry :lOO:l' l(1,,11i2!l15!:ie~c~.lU 77,96

Ts,e"b R(I~i1Ili!IllJlld F. 1~lng:'it'~f'lI,l"'MJaJ~~ki KakeY311niPI,O! !11!;!ri~Be'tl~lII'$,:!. P,atrick A. 511100IH1r,:li. Erum!! R..!lnl'ood.,~' Melillln;OI IJ".Wit~~r} R~l:lrui!lwd G. M" Morris:1t

Memory ,e.n{(l~il'lgl ~nl:ln Ir.[lpidl.y. Il)lJl 'blhe (olmsoUdi3iti'on of memory in lill,e neooorll3'x has LOE1'Si .beJeO! h:~ldI to be ill. m'ore 'grri!cll!li!~. llr;olCl!:5s. Wl'i 111m\!'repo.rt. hm1l'e'Vte'f. Uili!l!i;y.sN~rn!i (OIFl50tidllltioni ([111 1(!I'CiCll!r '!!X~reme~¥ qu~r:Uy iir <I'll <l1~'>millti'!l!! "'1i~htem:f"' ]nl'Q ~'IIhkh mllo'Jiinf,clrm!iltilill:nisirKOr~,(!Iratoed ~~S PN.!iVio!.!sly b~@n I[n(jte-~.,n experiments I ning (j ~ippo(<ilimpa~,=d@pe-fHlllHllllah@d=i!i$s(P('i~U@ [Clsk for nns. l!'l~ !IT!,!!ill~fy '!llf navOlr-p'!i!(@' (!$Soa@ti~!lI~ 1iJ@(illT!@ ~rsiS!t!t!~, (l'wr timl@ as ill PUiHU1I!,l@ mllll'o(~rtij I!:all schema t!l~~dl!o!!ll.yde~~lolPoo. NewlJaa:'s;jl!raJ~lledlr(lrr Q !Illy o!'!ll'~rii1!l.(~I!Jl b ll'U!ime ,a,ssilFillHated o1Iifld Irapicl~y h~p!)il!(,~f'IiI!)aHf'ldlep~ii1Idelilt Sd'lemas al~()1playd g (lllls;all rohlI 'illll_he IClFeiillli0111 ,of las:lil'llg ass.odalli~f!' 'iliil!~mory rre!)lre$emLallio I1S durililg 1(1 i:lI~·,til'io)l b~l[lrni IilgJ. Tille m liliN~P'~ l(!If IUID(I(!Inkal sc:lllemCi~ llIiIay' IIl1'1itle psyci'llll:lOlgicalacrolUiirl's, of hmlfledgie smu:tLl'e'~ with ~I~l!lilbf(l~(I!Yilu! t th~oPies (If syst@""'s memiWlf"l wnlsolid,M:io!'!, r
.C''(m(~~PI~ .. ... '::m.,cnL':~.ieh~llI~.~.t IU'L.'li, ! ·· iillOdcls filS Irmm:work:-;, or km:rwl'cdgt,; are oo"~, \1{c,1'11 l'o1nblis.hod (I. J), C wilh iml'lkat:imls lor $,.01), 1fOCa111. clOOUCIj",C in!l~cncc" ::i.~c1 cctLl~lt~o.l!I (J. 4), I~QroC'&lH1([:Dlc" ~'hcmemllo'l')' or grnmm<lt~c.1Uy C(IlNt{ ~~U :lIcnml1l!kaHy ulllJiSualprosii:passagcs, is :$!lIbS"lantial'ly

~~~ T
1~L;" ..

whcofl subjec!s ~""I\,C' ,jim activa[ed <uK! reie .... m:cnlil~lmm';:'V{l!rk w~lh'whkh '10 I.IImb~ ,ml ~IOlIndlh(;,1fn (;'i). i\.!l '~'!,'cl}'(by cxa1!erien~c rar
~):ctlcr \\'O!'kinJ',l ~dC'J~1i...,b;, ~~, I'Cnl!.'ln~rjctl_g

cg;nlpl'cx nC\.\I

i'!1tbnn~ti{l!l i" .m





ri1uch iI.lUo~~ pnli~~:;;l'iol'D {l f1lUD i!iIM~m:pri:lJ1.(: 1fi'iC'nl,l!~::>clit:liI!I!Ia~, {jlil ill!':: tlrntni'illl],g·,

dL1:\0 di,_'pcliclJo,:It-;

ern ive skUll 01" !llc :\~lIC'ilkcr inaIOgLC3lly ~om' .... iug ~y h~,> 01' 1'Il.."C cssil~. [n lite a~ilCe or:>~~ch rn.cnnm] m Irnll1eWOrks. we m:e LHnilibJ:C!Q foUowsc!cilIli~, illrl:rcnces if] ,;1 till!. :mi!.l hm.'c nhe l~ben.omcll.OioSi~1 eN.pi.,'lIi,c'I!ICC ltICing ~,llnC'~ioJlal )i~!Jlln~sic of ~ lOr il~ oont(!m ~ s\krprisingly sltmt limel',ne:r. ('llUl0tll:>l),. tilis [l.IIl1oomcnlal Jdca;"d)oolunem= my has had ~ink,: .Impact ~Ulm:urosc:icllce. s.c:1:cctuvc acth,.l!ti'oUl or'l sredne ro,gij<O-ll wi~ Ii~ (lIe l~i!JI.S!eiiQr~rict .. l c{lLile1>o: occurs in iU.!iI1l<m sl!bjctl!$, w~l~n. Im,,'i~g b~n gi\'c!l !\:~'I;'\r<lnl rk~OJ.'ual ~nlol'm~lio:n ('":"If!ic(, Uw:y !;iontC!~Y ~nb;rp!\.'t WI· lJ~u(l,1 [o;.lum.1 il]rrn-~t;ttion Eh;lIWtJoulcl, {lEll!:Pi.l,'isc 'be
ifi:Co~nrtdlL:'.i'h,ibk: 6)" Alliullll ~1i.iclR.~ ( ~in\'c ITufCl~

11k' ~:>MIL~ wlmt the "LI1inl'l~ it'i~~r ,r~f tJrin!}'i ill Ihe: \'\Il1y of r.:m)"'\I~oclgc[o <11. k~1UIfI1!Uirl!!i s:ilulllllio:u~. \vibh~h,;;CXtt1n1on'l "'Illdit.::. of ~lll:iilll and rdt'lti(mnl memory ~'7 9), is partly beceuse mool ,e;'(pocrimerns 3JX: COHducto:! \...hh . 'C.Xperi~~u.mWl~I)'mfi\lc'· illlLnlilllls. and a]so because the creation or Ol~nenml schen~mis dunkLl~I, too :rnll!p Ilroci'lcly milo cm~crt'l:C neumscience oollClep~ :ml[:h <.1;0;mmlOJnk,,1 cOJlm~'Clhhy o:r :>yn~pI1c !i-']~Ndtil·Y. ll,f; pJ_'CScnt ,C)lff'JoCdrncnblt~l, 1 mite idC1l Ihatl!llC Sd1eilll:3. OOnlccpl. is dircc~ly rclc~;mn uo the neuml um:dmnlsm."l of systemlS wr;:nml,'Y c{m:5Qlid,lfion {.W I.n Eili:peilfillii.f;:J'!ts Q!!!5~hl1:ma Irealfl1!]r'l_g"~Vr.::!!ii~i!lccl, r".l'> ~o I~m~cv~r.d :~~vQr·, .. l;lcl,.~ ,1;\.,\'iQd •• t!iOU:;; p t:;oll(:",nt:'ll:dy. u:.i!~!l difl~;~'l,'!llil (J,~':~mof fOc~I, ,I IlI;iV{J" C~I£':;) lilld ~tlld. \.vcJlb; (I)r~()~ C~~J kK:lU~d; within 11 lilllllil rorrl,c.'l;lla'lg (.'1nvl ml1l'1t\,111 t-:aHed fin ''(;V'CIlII, !lml~'" lJ~ ThelflSk 'I~'iIlSIO ~c.."lm ( w~'bnch



\iibon!,QI)' rer COo!Inhive nwro~riern~., ~~Mre (Of COQni· )"y$U!ms" <l1l!!il C~,we for NeUl'!M(ienC<e ~~ .. rdl, Unilie~il.)' ,o'f E!clnl!ffiHgh; 1 GOOf'!Jl:' SqlJiifl!:. Edlinoo~h HiI!!: 9lil. Sooti:.lflld. U K. ''ID~vislon 01 ~mlirolllmenlal. Heaitm, S(iences.. C~!'![e!' It!{ Di~e~£e Biol'ogy~OOI Inlf!gr,;m;w Media~, 'GradliJ\llte Sl:hiool find faaiLty 01 Melilitii~~, IUhiliVf,r5>i~c~·fD~~ ~a(wlty or ~ltinli1 Buitd~1Ii!I 1. 7·,H HOI'l!llO, Bu.n~w. il)~ol Ul·OCl3), lapam, )(~n!r~ for '~h;~ Bifllil9}l' of M~iIlhlllf)", l'rI'Il!clI!iO!Hlochl1lk~l .R~wardJ (m~fe.NO-i4S9' TlrDlltdhe~lfl, r4il1Wil1l" ~r~eseauthors COlittliibu~id e~allYlo U~~w.Drk. 111"0 whl)l1'l ,cOI1!"t:5jXIl\1Ierl(! s.~n~,(!Ib-e ,at!d~e~~. e·l'I1a1il: Ir,gllfll.!OOms@~dI,tiif.ut
't[Ye M!d N;eurdt


ktC<ll~(lJl Jl!c'I~ \\'hcn Q~~OO S th;')!i1;. :\ljlco;~!kIb'l'Of in ~n.'liri boses .u. ~c side of ~l~c [If{;"l)[!. IIw rnr~i!!~i'lI~ \\rot~!dI bt,~W\\'\l!rooo f<l' g(]~n~ l~~' oo:rn,,-CllclcatiGl! In lJy tt~u\'i:~!g WI(m,~ Illr:m ~ttC ~~I ti!.:,. '··QK1:I ,J.;:rnl.r)~Tht;y ~~j[)lIItd beable III :ruC<I!! li1~ll b(w~;;ur~,u-Il"\'Gr(Ni 1hl n~~ ~oc"liojl. 3oon·~1h\!~I[\I.-d fond ,'~~ b anoliwt, and SOOll (fig. r, lit, ,~IF!d B), Su,t.h IilBil\i~ll~'i&"lDC1~ll~
nll\'!.1Ir W<lS, in ""hicll

f<!mi!ai \\r<ly.l~dlil;'~cjf~"". mhcr ~~rL:):r~~1d


m~d IloO\'\:'I

I ftile wl1mil15 develop a

~'~1jl.:! Jbr t~~~~ rnld !~k,
ml~;t1:;" ~n~

con1,l;;'x~.~rohli"g \\;\~rc schcd~I!~>d


rOGd .~

11IYO:i!I!. a." ill ,~:>;:po;"ri''1t('ni 1: ,. \'ilC ~!inn!iJ:li..'d 3.t1quitiOi6fl~ of ~mil-wdl choice b!Oil1.VjGI·d~ring IrJ.ini!lg.

k• .,iont.,;(n!,!, :s.4), U~iJlg Ih!; ~m~


;j)I~tVl'lT~IiI.<; &~~I,.'$, IliI~king f4HuJ~(:Ir hipl~n!if):!.1

p.:J:~,!"~"h,""~i'h~.I; ....

A "lltrr(lfll1ignl,;~imi'c"," W!l'\1 rc'.. J~lul"I~Id. ;IJ~~~~ Ih~~ ilt{lL;,x il11~lm 'I,i;~-d nt{;lI]o~n it.l1l.Uy fl!:;~rw;:li: ~~"itll]~.

NA1h: 1I1il.11. h ... ? anti S Wl~'i\!ed. ollIy N'bC:'[\.'w<uro",'tI, P othe.r five lucmkH~ iUlci"C'il::'oo rrolin ,e~'mnrek'VC'~s iriHl COCIL nleiJ'i.O;:",1. of Fit- .JC :;;Imf,\~how t!~e ~'k."'\l,' PAs weee IQaned 11...'m'~hn:re of Ihe n.ow..cTahied ~o:loc!1Ucdin tile n.ooooi'llCX (ii, I~~ This nUI!':cs 81: the Oll1.~t of u:m.ilnillg W a hi.!:I'I~Y sii!:l!f1ifiellll:l l~ret'ciJcJ~ce for dle cl!Icd I[lcl!~ IDI1i O::i$. 2 B" To :Nll:id wells, A nonL"li:W'ilruoo~ro'L\C IIirulw~ ,!!.U\It;,n ~hi~ pm'lcli~~n ~c]eal(or lookll\:!, ai, thete~npoml c':\,ciudc-nhc l!ill~sibi ~i~>i mil (lHllC~Ol)r eue ill (he thi!~ 14 hou~, ~<l1.Cl.' tO~~M meillory [(u· Ihe: 1'll.'W a~oclid)' ~~:lInit's of syste ~lS ~lel'llOl)' ron~oHdJ[ion 'f W. J 2. 19. ,]01 11 ~~rocc.~ 'wj,c]..:I.y held to bO' correct :s:,mdwell guidlJd choilre ()C!If{)liI11Jiu1"CC' (in m!e.... rrebi.'f11illl di=ing \va~o'll,'>eI'\'I;;d 31,Ihe eor. quite sk)\,~. Addi~il1nilUy, l~lC use of IOCOl!lirm ;L<: imi.ning da)'l'.~\~ co:r!clucli:.ld ,I sing:l!1: ~..;ocm of m:l cl!cdr{!tC;ilj~ioll inrilc ol~la ru!rrui\c h1'1 1~ new ~ k k,*, on Int"u;i~m:1.; lit. n~~~ '!~lumbc'iJ'of t.:',~dl p.a~r'oo ,~~f;i<lIJ..: <lI~lm,'I"~'d :;.i'l;. killils iJ~ \\'hid~ !h~ (bil)l l]fOHJ¢ol wm;; !OCl!!CWl~"dliCiL1~{m~i~~~, d~il,g C)\.ClI.:pl !IWI ~I(! (;lI(' n'I\.'(l~, wer(~ lhofi~ .miH1\1II~t:ln ,uPA 7u].d,Ulid \,i.e(; \t~,:malIiLlld!l) ~ll~ i~'1".~~~o k... m(';"'ilth ;I~l'it~ci.~n an ~ iUi101s c;i,lhJ;:r 'l~~ 1,I0'1C,1'i'll1g,L,"d. Cheiee !X1rt'g~mliilnC'C' Ic~1 il!I1Yor ~hc oL'lighml ooll~ons (fA.!I 2: to 5:F:ig. ,20". i:>olilh,'d dC'clOIlfOltlVC "fact,' in wh~ch ~lll!l;tiI111 olllif(;ld In thoC'~1l.'11'~l'lO!li. intnnllOlli!{I!u is .f,!"'!K·f',,~Jy ¢,O'nsid~Lll)d,~" no dirrcl~ to chartc.;l (Fjg. lA. sessieu I'l,gl(1 ll!U' ·Ii""flt~.'L1X!Iul~ ..i!ijO!il af~!~~\'\.'PA~ i!1 ;~ ~i~lgk' ni.d. ~·.m lium I;'!d]!:"~r s ·of iIlrornwail:ln ,! !{)l,.or a..; d'm!lC~C}rl i~(;' n~"";'1nomml ~~'$liio~LThe .mdl Iheir I'!::'M~~ion O'l!,," 24 IIlml~. ,LT~ i!ldi~liO:!,1$ kind pO!isibil h}~ ~I)' Piu~ ;[jlr~(:lOryglllidUll['1L' b~1 CUl;1' ml~~~h~~ Ilrior k"Unlil.lg ,t'lf :;l!'l ;JL"l'I'.K;~.i~~ .'>t;'hel1li!!i "'[}II:!~ .kh~l;I of ~:Il<lppuulg of n!il o~ In. ~t'L,'l(Uloc .. Of! [he; ;llCrl:JI 11Cl<UIillC eoneet i>:2L11a we~l W~lS. 3l~o DUlay aid du: ~n.Jdimbg, ~ion!;, re$ullLinlg in [h~ rOni~mi(]n of fl Sllllliai or mldlo( COIlOO] i:t!lUL'QU Oi'I'lCW PA s, lil('(llltt"dst. ru'iilliiiii~ InulliroQJl!1 n.iJctI ou~ in.a IITIll:::;r .s~s~o.l'llf;;,), p~lJi\sk~~lIy OOlillil'lg re~~li{1flilljll1r.lrm:::wt1rk (7. 2J ~ dleml!nITI. lhlml.ghQO~ ~fl:cr~hr!mh ird uiilllof 3, :s;illliil~rCiI1.Mti:almsk, bUi: wi~" 11Q!V'C;~ .Pl\,!> ceeh day. A~1cr Imbitl.lm iOll!, the 3l1intn:1l,lsWCil:'C started :!ld'U1W1L'\I COI1i.'.i:l/lCI~1 r{irg~1ILilg over 90 min U 1), s.cssocm am:! hacik!oilS ·tlorll'iflil O;riCJllaljo.ll allr:r Irol'Ua oue :slftl"ll oox Qf!h~ OI'l.!~la(;[lIj m:mh. SOlltl" Time CQILI!I'S!!' o~ memory uiJ'lsoIM!fI~]Oill. C'il:ii~. m wcs~), on 111,11 six IDi~l~ of a session, 1\ the thi n:J lri:1I 0 r~ seeond session on !Iilc IlC:li:l day. di.tfcrom !<talt box \J!,KiS used lor each S(,'Sl'lirul, A The ,s and \"!fcUl;>; 3M in:lrnlill1lZe cues were I'C- lJi~,po(;;)mlmi or sham lesions we're Ihen n1!ildc r 14 I1nml' 'I liter "'1.~m~chsh{l11CrIime a nCr! m.ining ~'I"i:li bc~n whcn the m! w.[!s giV!I:llltl cue 11avor i~~ klC,ll~dsuch !l1m Ihcir pl:!OCl,'; e~lti\rc wlhe di~'t[1 oJ qJn: t~I,.\W ITh!\'m'l' '~4g h~H,I!r,.;)"!!<m is ust.l!ilIly rowl~on had ~h~~-,jwr!hox. pnH '\m1"r.~]1gd~~!J'!;m:~. mnim~d [ioovn '!;'1.l~ 't'm'linr;.'l:I~he!'hilmc. A[\C!~,~ U thc" ~hotlS~'nl'Ioccs,,'>ill)r roc sy,~I.C'ms oo.llSollkim.ion 10 WIlS (:(mrromllod by six :il5:nd \"clb, I Fig. I, A and no cIT(.'(1(fig. S4, A3~ Witlul dil'lhem smrt bel" 'be COU11,lctoo ,,1"! J 7). runJ :5.ilO~cr~hj}n the B Iof \'\.11icil (lnl)! one colltJlncc] n [!j\'0l'iC'd roc1d used itl each ,"'css'on, it wotll'd apl)Cill'~hJt the libiu;J1~!nc ~k o,t' dilFc!:cnliaI ch;)ngcs !in. ~hc a.nimals c,~u \'i:iill.:lJlly I1!C'J~cci\'(: thll.;r own locmion ~h~ ~!IilC nnror wvcn a~,It ruc in lhe ~rtar!box C':ll. Uti; <mi~n<!.l:$. ",iSiil_oonL~d~on~lillt1;'S d,ug <lI~ [1I.~liilti\IC~n UlC inlH~·;I;n~d CXH"II'1mZ(,' JI,~m~dln,i!'k$ I[lril"':'!'~s ofg]m;:o:.e l~:ilCor iiI1lllmI1.'d~~IC· gene cOIIi'I.)' iIlO(:liJK".C~santiw(;I:I8, "hid) did I1nt ,C{jlle,uill Rnl nll~ ,md ~~e <llIlU::~"iI1111;k' "I{;'tu\";t~Lolli bc't\\'I,;"(;'n1 hia~p(:!!:~:ltliflll!\' :md Ili;OCOI1C;;:. 1l1~Ili~OD)' mt;).~IR:''.ol'''1111~lIirJillN 10 ~Iml. 'ji'![hfiliclLI~llr w:lIll11dt~y [ombd Ihe rom;t1 ( nt, ~riill. ~clL"nliIy Ihe Cullt."C~ Mmt rocallio~~mtlG1:lgl]l(' :<i~X <ilru.'irlerumill1.~ ~19,]lll Alk'r l'L'tO'llcf)' Irro~nfim~ flv!]il!lMc sfmd 'o\ocll... O~l (\1l:Cl!lri~l.I. tlliC !lIlili:ilful~ ·l.!IlOlIIIi'd n::Uil~,!e UiiC lil'ld (l( g(~r;)I. ~. :'lI.':'mle.'\ of nOD1IfCWflrtk'ilp:rabc lCtiil" (wi 111 HII'lJC !buried loo:l~lltcl1i. rotunl m ~he Sian: box to cal il. and Ihc:nnmb!lf,;'k to Ih~rom,xt sand wdl to IFigl. 1. rglfad~iinr~~ ,A con~eI. rulcl tmll.;llGltlltc seoond 31td tl1iro pellets, 11]~PQ~""p~[-d~~f1d~nl .oile hourl'alU. the ~~ld IriiiI! began ~",'hh.[II l)i!ired~oc~te ~pA) leamdH'tb'tnl I.luen~\'or in the ::ll<lrl box mli1 ill difl'CllClll ]F!~•. 'A:! TM !argi! '~f!t :>flIld ",<C1lllmitiCd. ThC'lIC ~:~re s~:Xir.tills per :session, .Hernll '~lU'l, IlII ~ :1.6 Q WLt~llhe 1'lC','.;;~ session :tun 4;.t hours li:it~erf 1J j. CDmffiill!> a: '} x 7 ,gridl of ~QGl~ioJilIia,t \WlilctJ sandi 'We bcg.1in by c.xam itli alg:~he imp-nC1 or IlCtlro\'Mll~lscan be, made <ir'll'ail:~01>\~Chirpooc:lnlil''Ill~ !esIDIns tmLdc 'bclo:t'C tl';linin,g ~b'l,~ ~Ii!(j fil)~r ~ rrOI:lii!cl'fc!lI)Cll:i!Jle!1~ I). A~kr 13 ,"iC':'iSij;ms. h~nlr~csinlliXi » ]fi~lS;mnb~:):;~.Ah:er JiUl hm'lL..,'INC~ digging h.~<; frL;,'qlltn~ <lit i~~c:grtll,l~1 ~y ~mld w,,;;n~ hl;lon;~ ~{lim!!il ~(~ thiC' ~1rl~:L'l,l.;;:l O!!~. Ib~i~!J' ,~~v.el'l ';1 (ue!l.aw1r ~ii1g slar~ box" ·tJiI~ ,::I!ilim(!~ C: whi,':l\)iI:> Ihc hijl)FK:.c;,il.1llll~'hl-tl\iinll~-d .m:~lmJ~dj[.d ;l,C! D NKiI~I,Ul:c' !I,Piltiliia~~(4tJlll!'l t ~Iul inl)nolt\!.:. A ~:i'llgll: r!{ll1l>:\Y'J[od,.'d iJlfmc lrial ~vn~ ~'IoIl"Ikhi ii~i~ amctW1I£O iIJ:uln i>C'hoo l1li:100, W huchilili{i;l!~il.w~[hnhe 50, Wlro'l!isio[l of ~. CWI.c fb~'{)r if I the $Imt 1>0",,, ~11iJ(:: C!l~, and ru r'! ]1i100 mi? I ,nemt'il 'tha.t lu'i,';:atikmw .§ 40' :sham-Icsi!)~~. anliJ'Ii!II:;"spc.rll sJ:gnHkmttly more ~eLlllfe l1ft(neilliflhalbwr &:'lIl ~in'l¢ d!,ulllS m~'he cued h:K:.nionlhmll tll; Ihe of 11:1001. (I!I~Th~ :spatiial :I aillc;rii'fcinoo.rrud. sand wells, wh~rc~l~ l.hoc 20" <i rrangEll'illllnt: oD~·ltil1 :sn(K ~lirpOC3il11(p!ll]j-l~imlL'(l onimab \VCI\! ~bi chant3!.! PAs ~n:d l!h~ "5lil'U~im,gl~ O':jg. Ie: scc~tlb,~cs'S I m'ld Sl amll~ss" S:I to 8.3 this oon5li:'t!.!~:; ~F, na~lrllr: ~ ~ for ~I~C' It,'sions and r~ C',xglC'!l'i ~lel~tiTI.l design), U 11"1'11 ~. Il«atiQn). ((:) IPrrefl'rt!nThe k-sions \\~cre C~Xh.'iIlSi"e,. k"01v,ingmlllllinrml '~i13L'~i!Jgri!fQg' d~finga 'FI@nresidllJ!:!! t i$)l\!C dumaghmtt the !ollgi ILtctini.'l~lI~xis wewClird'edprob!! test [jpm'be~ri!lll,lIl (pn)~ by sno1!li1II,tesklrled bUJ~ nipp(lC(lIi1ll,Pill, (HPCH,esi!l)ned all~m~~s A~t. onhl;') .~i ppOCml1plllS Wig, m~. '("$ '" 6), 'Gj'\~u~~t, - 5.25, df -; 1(1, p . .;;(Ml(ll; ~Il~m cl'tai'l(.e, $.Q:J!., df;- 5. P' 0;;; (t(lO~;HIPC Tn i!i\~$~gp!1:cIhi; rR1poJi!l'C:li OI'P.lli~-ilb\;liiOI;;iut~ \i~fSi!!Sdll1!lil~e, lil~1t :5i~!1Uii~n:t (ru,). (II)) A thr~e-'~~mermQrn!1 r~(.(I~~trl!clilao O'f the w(llul1flEi' ,gf IC!il"'llJlg illidi~N OOlL<;,{l~idalimi in m(~!\;' d~~~1Uil ll~pp(l~mplH ~esiill,neclim 01 reptfes!mtativ,e roll (redl), together wii~ht:Ylpi,ai. QfIlerllyiln~ !l:orrkill dJllII'Iilge (c.;';pi:.'iI.'iiliilCii.[ Jj. \\'c 'I;lil~nt'ldI~omml 1iliifi'i!lI~ iii ,a (yen.O'Iv~, The 91ray ,regnolilr'ep:r,e~li~. the tmnl!l:~arilliitwhtl me of '~'her<llt Dr:a~n.

(Fi!} 2A). ln nOltre~vantk".dpj'ubt Iri 1L1~, pr'!tIi:l'C'.nICiIi:'ni]l~ ii>,y tlO be Ij~Gclj'I'Gdi ~ I.~k'hi;r~rol:Iiggnll!j at tile ent'iiC'ctrt}C:uim~ rn.thcu Ihru1 [Irlc illit~i1~Ji)' t J <I ./6'1.. \".i~h l[jtlg-<1\~tin llIOJ.'l'1l,1,C ~i~IJ,
l'I'ti.lilitD~'IJi:ilire:>CV~I~llmny een-

~fI"!';1!~~. it might Hl1;! !he t,'(K">L:iding of 11I.;:\\"p"lif!JI:l. ~'''1o~~,H!1\N:lilt;! ah(,'i.n·~lid, a.,~unlil!l1:tm!, into ~'1C' ,~dt~nJa. l" sa!lgk irninurrlg &'$S.L-OllOr 5i]!> tl'i.;d.s " ....~ gj\'l,;!l ~Fig. 2/\, ~~i:{l!1l.211 in, ~,'i'hi:(:hp~l1,;l;! ~1&i0(:~1.t,,,, (PA" I I .u-Ki 6 WII.!t· 1\,"" p~o~'d b~ I.\¥t~,.'\" PAs, '] ~lIld S. li~ddcn :ll hom miG!lnn,y kl!Gfl'linn.,,; .PA .. 2. to :l WIi::IC IruinC(lljOOi1l;~II)'.


~r Ih~


i'l w;;ii'i."!!cd! when

ar ImiJ.\o'l'1r&.'l;5oci.a!l):;'




inl~'J1"'{lllncd I:mil~ing d<lYs m;;ing the (Irigim:!I 11l1VQr'p~m;:~pt!qrs) Wi!!\g~'~~110 'Cili:1!!lllin,clllOIHQIjI Ib:r !Ih~(I]:i~~~l,d il;:hl;:nl" ~!!!g. Uu; two ~~w .rA~, ~ Th~~~ IJOJl~st~x! Olf ,;¢pmnni,;: i~~!~ aI!,¢ orig i~~,d of PAs]; i.n S !Iud IU;:W .PAs 7 and S. cn't"1:in;poi,'1u[(-.d n~cc OiI(T-o.~$ series of (out s~~"~on~'~ol;f!"1:lh,, ~;[l.h PI\ 7 <lnbdPAiR: !o 'bI;: !~$!~\din! ~I~~I ..:;;, Th(; .mi~l I mi!l']j'IDL;'OIInt;p.. ]·ks~iom;,d ~J(Hlll Itot ,t'l!lily eouId

11!14l1 .



r o..~


Si!l('.Dl,&"fiill,Y ~['(~e."i.llllt..: ori&!~:1p~\,~ Ii:~ed (l'VCr Ih~ PfiC\·lt;lti\S, I'iiIOi1Uh (Pig. 2D) but j}~iiO.n::il~irk.

§'1GJ' II,



_'~ __


I -2.0 -


:lI,b coukl renlleill1lx:r llile iti!wl,yacq uircdp.1in:. I~. PA7 and M.S. !3ce'ill~ the lesions. \\ J1C'air~ ("(1Ill~~~elC' ~-'QO'%.: see Pi~. ~.:I) md II!:. 52 B ~ I hCSlC' " !wo tindi U£$ hnpJ:y tl'ml'( the ~ l'tCiIn(~I)'If"J.res ror ~h~P:As mUi.,,~bcstored ol~!:.~iclcth~ hil'flOl;',ml~US .. 'l'l'mb,L1J~y in~h~ 11t.~(Iii;0!1~;';:: .,~~d(ii~ cen_,.[}]:~d'I~~tu~ oru~\\' :;l&.;ociut~';S.\'!Ih(l..w ~(l~Wi:>i'itm iz.; ~'iL;"!iJi.rl\t.::iJ dll.i' hippocmunpllo,l ~a~l;-:';ph~~wijlhi~! by .:J!~ hour:;:. To 00 [,!!IOTe cen l1:dcn~ of" !11Ci'i~ daiml\<.i~ \~'a ... ~'mial frO ~"1't;rub1 i~h~h,m:~ ~:IC' k'<lmil]Il or fU!lhl.:lf JI\,."W PA"~1 iii U\,o,quirod ~he .~lliL1;gri[y or~ilu~hip.·


1 _ 1




3C'~'_'-~-r~~-'~~~r-~'-~~-r~~-,~~~~~~-~3,~ 1 :ll .3 J! 15 19,111 II 15~;6 '11' 1& 'iiI .20 21 22

III!! aiiIId

I.~ru&d IIlI ~",' nQIlI-Q,iodl

1[lI(!Iig~1 ~~

W'{Je.ti11WJl,Ji!> I!lCSt; same unimKlls, Am:rn:d.ul1gly. in innnc-d~al.cly after ~lis series of Pf1.'ilJf!lJ(!u.';lLtiv,l: prob(!~£$Is, \'1'C' eonduered .:JL snllgic si 1(.:nriallImiln~ ing,'>C'SSim! w.ilh !r~A".2 to.5 On~lC'origillli~ S(!hC'l~m. b~n \"ilh PA"~7 and :tI now l\.'1placctl b)' S3nd wells C"OI1l'lll i Ilg t "VO' I1:CMI 9,1\r'[)J-S in nC:I!11l1)' locati~~l$. in

fhc ~t1!.:I~1 ~PA~9 andm: Fig. IE). The' pm1':lc~cM


lesioned ~lIcsc new pai rs, whereas the hi'Ppoc~nnJ)J:IIcsionoo g1Wl..!p 1,;'O!Jl~dI'!.O~. TI11I.I!S, the nJll'"ilri~!1 ;,!I'c'Jl~isi'~ion nc\.'I' PA'i in~IJ ~s p'I!1Idigun iu~ of
C'xpr:yil.;llf;(;d !minml:il \\'.':;, Mill blrx;k()d by hi:p~ c;1I1l~};_11 k~imL'i .. ,~!i;rlCc,. il. Ii:;,~Hl~ikd)l Ih.JIJt ml)'l

24 h(l!w!fS, brr~r :;:~lnw~'!lI~ml :-ohmml~ rutlimols could Jl!Cadj~y I~ilm and ,U'OCnll

ll!~ IIJIi'iUf!.wH


l5I onmij'gll~

rekallJiulIg 'look place ::l.11c[ me l'lipp~)cflml'!fil Ics;[o(i:D$dlJringllrnc e."I:dlicr series. IOlul"pm~c


~.c"-'Ditin.ffi.l had cXiinmi neel reJ~'iQtc memo!), Uhc illll.c.rpolou:d tm i~]~ was re5~ricwa. to t~'le \\'cl ~~ u£ ~min,cd PAs 1 h)l :5) .. The eflcetive cued OC'Ca~I, or !h~ .11I.ewPAs 7 ;md 8 IIlUmdUl .. cd brcrDl'e .he lesio.n ~llfLlSl~hef!C~(mc rcncm milia, SllICCCSSnj~ sysccam. ccnsclldatlon, Ailimugh~he IUli111Jll~S.~~~pe~rtoh.. a'Cq~i,l1I.x1 'llYC an a~sg.c'filli\'c· schema rcJ:lc~lng tile Inuppiua,g (iiI" ~la'ro[-:;.lopb.1Cl;'S hn the <'!1"Clm, ~Il allcmITI.ti'\lc nr~gh~ he <I liI."Spml~'"b<I~cd ·'win·::;;I~IY. l'o:;;~!\JJ~if:l" iun..,,"C'J1CC S(D";lfr.,;lgy in Uu;';;L ~c<~mir!!il~[ t29h h i:.:; nE ! em irellY cli;.·ur h't;.l\Vi>!J~h ,L p1:ncli,iu lJIa,11 illmlCgy ctmJ:d.oc !:II~Jplk1d. Ull I:hi~ CO:lltlC"Xl, wi'uBl :;.i.>;;. eheiec :Iocm~om;; and tm!y cue Iriillpcr lilly eo each cued loc~.tkm. Uowcver., ill> r~roC!::dl.lrut SU1}1, "'gies lllt'>C genera Illy COIlJc1>i:l.indepCilldrefil. this a",OotlUl~,~'Oukl prrcdklillill the ~camilllg 01' a.~ entirelynew :;d of :oiN. [JA:. in 11 11(;\,'\1 cml[cX~. wOlild OC('1J'i"vrC~~ quic'l\;~y.. In conllrn~t, thcticlt~ma ~Iypolhe:;i::; .rc,{llui res. th .. l. a. IlC,~' s<:hcm <iI be gU3dually l:cmu'Cd. TIle smnciJlllaim:lls or e-:l(~i! .2 \.~'Cre ~ I!'5t Ilr:<li on ;) new s~l. of .PAs ilia ~cd ~heS<!llmC ~vcna a~~mllJig. Sf) a!l.dlhell~n<l nm:d C'~i(!ll'I ,nt"CIW in ;;~ fl;"tI;.~ll morllll wil~nC'i."'· in! Il""~ di ;;lI~ld ~1!I!~~4UC :ll!inthrn411""k-s. !"It;W n<l\'rI~. iind ,;;Ii

d i!'ililm::l sp1)llil'll geoJti~1(}' '!1lI l:h~ni~'\';' ~C;l of ~.ul'd wdl~ (Fig. 3. A mid 13",.A.c:qu~[:1i:[i:or.iag;l~n k!ok

l.@~lr~in!/J;i!~I~ ((In5iO!lid~liorl. (A) @rmr::; over t rail'li mlSll '(F ~lIla.,24, (H ~ 5.7t'l7.5, P..::: 11.00Jl; Greenlhomlt>-(j~isserCClm~(tioliii. l'n(tILldin~ d'e;gre~"I of fr-eedkll"l1l) sueh Uilalth~ Il~rrillrlrh'l n'C)e rflde-~ computed as lIlQO- [lOO '" ('t!mmijS)1.Io'I\ClIS; Sfglil'iftC(lll!tliY ,,,,b01jl"e ,~h1!nQe1hom ses.sriJl'I 1;0 onward (ts.::- 5..,0,6,. , un, Ps <::; R:eoIil1~'II'ing (lIrE!' Havoa lrom t.he s~:art bo);; on sre'~iol1 11;1: ~·l!Jl~~~ liil per:F!ormaIIlQe dlrop~i~'rJ ~J;!' (i1lr!lII1(e .and then rr~tl,llmingl .i.l;I? 0% (l;I.rrreU (If! r!l, w sl!co~d~ iiig ii1iD'fiT1a~~S~i()ij (~esiirioi'i 19). (B)' Cu,iNI~j',~(a poo!be' tfi~ls. NO'i'ilFil'Iv~rdlea priD!bc ~:e;st!l l~ ~eve<lILed a graciedli.eariilll11'g .of the Ilirig~na~ &'As (medflallllr::=:snliid ~an:!iJ'<lCiros:s f1~.,i(ms2, 9•. and ~ 16 (F ::: 16,24., df =: ]. 5~f26.22'.P..:: 0.00]; oil b!l)\t~ chaf!(~ ill PlI:s2 anldl 3; rs= 3"94 amid,5.17. df H, P <: 0.'005 ilIlilllil Po: 0,00'1. l@51le-(ti'l;l@lyL (C) IEnKt~V!! 1l1?({!ll~ jin PU or ttl! wCillicm of the (lll@d 11'E!\1I P'A (soll,id 11i!r), (jO upLed with <I\!'lJ!"ia.ancer~he Iilon:med 118'l1'li MCgr,i3iY a had i31l'1dllfui'e1 ,r,elll1li3iilli r1!!1 (llri!J]!'l{jJI."ss~ dates top@P11 bar) 2:4 hours ~her ril si PII!Jlb~se:s,si!iJf! olf tr~i!:'!;iflgl wllh (In ~y(lPII~ tri!:!il o,f eaeh lrI!llW 1M ~rep'eNlll'ld·mN'f>LJlr·e:5. ,f ~ 65.28 .•df ~:&.112:9'.:t P< O,.oo':i.; nJled ~oca tijon above chance, t ~ 1(L;!:9,. dir .:::: 17, P .:; ,~). Ol;' n CllfUllledi velrws olriginal, n .s.). (D) li"oiStopeirative r,eo'liell'tllOn. il1Jtlh Sna,llIliO le~ion~d (r., '" .E!) ,t1in:d HIPC:"\csiilJ.nedi (n '" :i.0) al1iiml3Jb cOlild effedwely IFeme:mhir both or~91I1al. PAs (fITs 5 and. n illna ne-w PAs inlf'm:ilJu.ed 'rar a sil1l!!ll.e trial 2 dla'Ys Ibe~iore :s!!Irge:ry (pr~ IIncii S}. IB,o~h: 6 gI!'QI,II~$ dl,llgl al ttJe sand ~~eUl5. ,of~It.e' ~rigiiliiall a5$ocir!lt!~ Uli1l\l'Qlrs: 2~ l'rO 5,) silmnjlfkanU.y IMr~ l~laf!1 (hi!III!:i~ '~11i-I :t =3.60, (fir =9. P <: O•. :li: sham t = 1.2.a,S!!" (jf = 7', P <: (IJ)[Il; slham ~,ml!:S N PC group'" PC O t· = 2.86, df ::: lJ6.• p' <::: O)(J!n. JiliOth gmlllp!l a~o d:lIg e~ulal.~y at the (lJ)~d I.m:ati:!Jf1I~ o~~fle ne~v as:rod!Q,~~sf1~la[ilole ttl the ffi(lf!.(!Ji~:j Il(ll(altioi'ls (G~Oi,lPX Lo(at~Qi'I f '0::: 1. illS), ~nldl a·t th~'Gi' c",ed Ilo~l'klnls Delt-er HMn ~hal1ce 'l5 ;;. 8JJl7; d'F"". 9' .. n~ 7,. P<. CUlO:i.). ([1, P'ostoperCltive flf.':'I'I tri1]nlll1g. HipPO{illll1lpal. l~i;1'Si:OI'lS pr~elnted~he l.eamllll.g of ln~~'Il IlA:s. (PA~9 ilmid 1:0; Gmulp x L.I)GaJtiol'll f ~ 6Q.23, df = :1,,,6,4126 17. P <. CU)Ol}, [)igg~ng!'lt;th'~ •. ~U'!l11il Il'!lW lo{~t!Qn qnpm9wl.iis S"!f!lly albove: (hill1lc:e tlllll"'iifl ttle ~liIatm glN~Up U ~ lI.7.07, df ~. 7,. p' ... (HlOl)' ,1I111d :5i'gn~1f~~aIIlHy lv~lj\~rin th~ "Pi( glrollfi' than in d1;~ slll~m 'grollip U·... 11.713" d'r .. ]6, Po:;: 1100ill).
JQ~~ In f1@iW Gh:01C@

IFig .. 2. A(q,LllcSition. 01 an ·as.:SQd~ti¥e s(lt~m.:l ,and its AUll..!is:iliclIlI' ,ol PA!>" 'Tille!!lIni'rn<lh tn, ~. :il:tH nn1l:d,~ (@w@r



·6 APR~L 2007




place ,gr;:!cllli!l~y, :5.l!cfui .hallhe ~'C'<I_mi!lgclJI!rvc0'1' ~'Il~now ~~·rerij,el'!I;;QdI sh!lm-lc!'lim!~ <liH~lml!:;, ~id~~j]ld!:nh '~-~m !h~ ()righ~..~."U'IJ !('''!1I~n];


o rdl:CIJ!lnIQ;)~ an ~Inmt~~n.he Ilirsl 'C"i'C!lIl"NIlO, The h~p~!I;;!I!nP<l~.a!~ion~d ani~'l~l~didnet learn the n~'liV $P'I!i,rl "c;:!lllllmi ~~g;pi~ ~~;!l1:l,;-d tri ..Jt>._ pm')!;:



u:.JI~11i ~~g frlUq\\r~,1


Silmcgrod.lII"~ r;!!UIJI.nin ~lc~hrlmgm~lr, I.'!;:'slJ!~V"g il~ dR~v\~~PJ"9ll1;lh.':s~ p;~-rb!l~~~l~ en Iy ~y Sit,;~ s:i![)]l{~'1'{rig" ]ICt lltl".~~ ril~din!}'i fU~C;: ~lM.ail]~¢11 n:;."1iptm_._1Ol!i1:Otli;l ~imh.:-gy. ~i1I(:hR" ~L l~lIn:l:in~ ~d_. because 1'c,lrnili£ ~~ra.~ r;;J~i;L" in !he fU:;:W Ul!Om !UI ("{!:ri~f~lclarin ·of tn1irlan!!!: an niL; ~ecmtd [otNtj, o!"fi~rcdllle t'iirjlNI'Ul:1i~y 0 r ~tliniJ,I'Igl_h~ m'ii~nHb;,to the llifSt rw:~~ft to ~:xal'l'~iltc their now i'C'1l~ol~ mCI~mry Or'dl,e o:ri~iiml S{~~ orPAs. first le.antcd4 to :} Il1mrdl~ earllii..'tl·;Ri:nillu!.:ablly. du: h'appoca uli1~)a i l-lesioned a.n~nmSil s were f1Jbovc





~ I.I~I 1



new m'!Wn,,-:p~HD;gt;!!JI~ll;!~I.y.







6'0 ,111 62: 63. 64 6.5 BS 6'

_ ::;W' "6

ebancc in eued :"p:l~irnJ\.'C<lU ~SC$iml 6fo\. Fig. 1 3D}rnul even ~hiJW4.-d ,I IWlt~ig;l1ilk!!.nl q,ITc~ld tl1lW,~rt1 beul,,;'-1" IJIC'rfomw,U1.'ce ~h;m dOC! .~h,~m,· k';Sio:!1'I;ld l;lo)1l]iJiih; iu .1 prnhe 't!.\i"i! i1Jo;. QU'h ;l\1
s.:.'$ll~O:~!:, ]

50'--,---,---· ---,-, 52 53 54, 55, 50, 57 MI 5:Q

The~h~un-ksiol1r;;-d ;mtri~~~, n1J;IY1~'i"C



:-l!i.~mhR.>d :'l(ln'IC ,;];;~lCimivci Ilkdcrenre .'~fj!>.i~g .... ~mm~h~~ir i'>lu;;ol.\~fu~ lnlt~ni ~~g ~'~hcr,'iar!d.·~ O-~~ ..'ell O!Iffl~uM-¢n~!".l!;,' '[his and il1l.;' mil{:lr ~tlJlh;\.\lR ~~l il] <J:lkr as. [u,,\' fILl; ~i~~("$&i:o:rllO lJ!f :Mr.!!.inir~~. ~olh grtHIif!5 ~ho~vocl 'Wlllt"Cl i\I~ elil~d reeall ,o[ n'le
(lrigjm_i~ [1i\~~ {Fig. JE). TIliUS, Ih~ Ihilllil!'C [0 k-am m::w Pt\S In n ImCW CQilh!)!iI. riII~OC::L hipopocall1lpa:1 II lesion did 11.0\1.a.lfcct the abiJ ily 10 l'eil~elflllix::r,rutb~r:

several mo:mhs, in fOl'l!lm ~l1it'I.Cq!.Ji n:d befollC Ill!!' !esion :I panern ,c.x;tCl ~y like: that ~lo-w:n by ~li~nI E.I~ i~~ klww Ic<lgc hi s CtLr:I\,'n~lnd p<l<;.\ l


h~!n~m'r.\11 11lpogl,lph}, {30t




PT1!i, t,t:l!O,~rfil¥lC




~ I



-G.5 Hi'




-~:'SI 140
- 2~O"~


:In 1·~~

--------------,~II'iU~ "--i_




i :2.'5



20 I

1,0 '


,~~-~-~-69 70 71 72

:~,.5, 73 14




Fiig. 3;. G~d:u~l ,"Il(!l!llisi~(ljlI '~f new PAs,'iii! a ne!d!!(~ll1l~"t by e;!1peril!li!c~ i1IliI,irnai-s.1\) A(qtdj5i~(I~~f Ms, ( l1h!'! now 1l:iI!~@!r~@m:~(j] SihaJm gr,OIuP (1'1 co a) l~ilImlldl ,~ 111m set ,of :S:D! PAs ~111 ttr@ sewond CWI1I't .a m;fl~ .M .il! ,ofDmparaMoeIra~lQ that sholi'iilil blJ' IilQmmalarnillf'l'<lis in tnei'irst ~'I.Ieillt~aena (Group x Se$5i!D:n .f;;;;; un, dlf .. , 6,.9tU6,.9. 0.10 ::> p>o.os, t~a'~ir!g Gr'Oup as a bIMJfVt!'€fl~l!bjem;rC!(tOr1; ~l;1!I:i'l!'~OOtb!!!shClm~siclf!d '!JrQlIIj), the Hp,c-!.e~icnwdl 'gmLJIP (n. ~ IJO) ]i][ed IQ l.eamn (GTlJiL,lpF~ ::I!.28.6~, dlr ~ 1J1~,.P<. O.OOj,; G:rmJp ,)\ Se:>S'ienF::::; 7.4.2, dil' ;:::;, W89J., Po:;: 0.0(1). ~IB.~ :5. S paliai arra ngerrnernt. Oif Ulle nfioll PAs (P~.11l0 !lib) 'irrll'he irI'~i,t !!iVtlli,t tJ rerm. (i() C'AJ>eI(jj,r,e(,aUpwi;)e trial. Pr.opoorliDIli ef ,aij9lgnng (it the. I:\l)~d Illl(iilli@n r~[Mii'llll! :0 the 1 rrl>OnI'::lIl1id ~@ciltimu by m'<lm-al'la HIPC·l€~i@l'I;etI anlmals (PT1S.: Se:l15lCilii ,67). TiIl~ sham group 'W8i5 aoolof.e ,~han~e U - 238,. (If"" f, P..::: '0.(5)'; tihE! HIP( !.Im~p '1Ma~ not tJ' -e 1). tliO\!/e!Of,er, t~e clirf:~,r!!'iII(e 1)~~\I~fI 'grQllllP'5,~h(Dlo'i'm only i! trend trn.'lltlrd ~;;'gniir;iGrn(je ·~ :i1U93, dir ~- IS, 0..10> p':> 0.05). (D) Re~L1m to 1he U migiml '~liIt al~ell8i and flavors, ('fta'l.l'or~1 Ul' 6). IllIset ~ndicalP!J; nan5~tjlorl~o' the o:rigilll!l L sen er;nlli!lCiOjllJir€,d b €':fore :;~rgeiiY •.TIlle !-lIfe g roup i~a bl)v~ (n"race at, lit'iil' outset. (t '" 3.9. P <:: 0 .. 05·; $~s1(11il 68l'. OO~irlfitmer 0 'Gr'iJup nor GI10llljl x S-essioTleHeCIS \l,Jere signfJriu!IltrQf the perfo.llI1aJJl.lJl? ]nd~); (Ps :;.. OJj:5). Mters;i;(

Figl. 4. ~de'rnti~ying tileint.!iHv.1l ItJetw!!:('!nI trro1linmng and hi~p-oca:mpi!ll. Lesiolills far con!>if)~id'ati(m.. A :strl king lempOirCi ~ grOl! dI~1l!11i'1: r~tfQilirad! I:i,r o'! I!IiI!IlEiSi'l,a1 is OMI1iNe<d iilil Hlis IPi:lr:adigm.. HIPC ~esiom. mild~ :3 ~o ur:5:~i:t~r traiini Ill!)r {n "'!)on~lle n:il\!\~\r,l.a''Ui'r ~$OOd 14 ,a,@}iS tat~F '~rll!\i~filOO~ ['@n'S()~i(jatiojij,. \'llher@a~ e•. II:'lOll]datlclIlI \1I"U ,,,ompleh~! \!t~efl HIPC H 1~~(I!fIs{~ 6) "l,ii~.r'i.'! mad:-e' an~f 48 hl'Jl!~ (G~~u~'x [l~I~~' f co 151.77, dt liB, P'..,;:· ilOOSi). iI'IlleHPC and t:on[rol[ IISi~hQlIIr grrm:rJl!i ditd moil:differ [t -e 1). 1~€ ~r~l)JlTli!rice ~~ ~h~ IHK 48~h~U1rg:ro~p \\fas :51gniiirkdrnUy hlgher th1ln th1lt oJ ~e- IHPC 3i~hotJr 'group (t ;:::;,4.8:2, dlf ::::;11, P <: OJ)01)" btl~ Ih~ '((]\nr'~pOOding twill' (OI'itJ'illl groupS, (ns; '" '9) didinM dilHE!rU -e U. TI't~ (:onlrol 'gll"'!lllP!l·~~81~iIl al'lf.i1ii11lEha rim ail t!:lotn nail1ling-le·s,iOf'l iIiiterV'als Us ::;. !L1. dff '" 8, P .:;::' .'001); tilr€ HIPC 3"'h~~~gr,(l!!i,Il~id 11:01 d1irr~r 0 rrOOl (haru::-e H <: ~'iifuJere.;s t~e IiPC; 48~hoo r

$rI'S~on~ ~f wet~ainffing,th~ :;liIalf!l giiOiJP 'ca,i,lgh~tlil~. Iw~~ and ~J,~bl,il~$ w~ll ~'b~-e dlaln~~ \Yen~

{t:; "" ,a,i (lnd S.9. Ps <:; 'OJX!!U. (IE) ~~rrorm!liOOi~ ~I:!. pfQbe bl~ ~PTl:6) ]l1dlic~teil!!'that b~1h HFC @If!di ~ham '~raups Mr~ 'QC)mistellimy dOO!Ol'e{hal'];Qeim Ilwef'~rl! Ii1tia~l.ydigi91~m!J ilt '!h ,cued Il(l~atiC)n ~ ~4\.:n, dlf ~ 8, P <. 0.005; t ~ .3.19, li'f ~ 7',. Jil'.-:: 0.025, r,espedivel.)ll' ,ilInd d~t1IMt d~nllr ·rirOriI1I t'<ll{~ ,other U.;:: ]i,. IiIJLJ.

Uhan.oo (, ",4.90" dF '" 5,P < (I.GO!S). S.e~ilIrraleC!nalll'5e:~ of Ihe poolslllrgl!ry mem,ory for tlhe1 orliglimrai_ IpA~ lil1'iUlnOO over 14f>1!15Sion:5 sh~d ~lbovHih.l!IliOO peri@~,n.ce for bgillhth~ H IJICand !intlm gr'oup:s, (HPC: t ~ S" 00 dff ~:lL;;!, P <O.OOlll;· :!;ham t;:::;, '9"!l~, df ;:;::17, PO..( O.oou .
,grO!UJ) '1O'i'-a:; 'i:I~~~
1 ,.



VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

intrOOu.c~i(lon of M", 9 and .~ ('~~~>lll\\'as. o. ~f y~ltm~. COJl:501:k.llt.i,Q1l \Vi~hin the aeecertex " can i..,~ pb,Q~ in rns ~ilt~~ ~(IotlJ$". it ~1!t;'Co~n~ c:li.<Imi!1f,;'(J~br the nl;.~W~\l:!(I!l;;:l<lIe~~hQr!ly beloee <l,~4:R of !Bt~,,~':'1~ ~ !bld ~~I' ih~~ lI~irli'~lg11ti~llL; 1lf.:-q~il!'L;~ !i.'I.I~)r ~d \'ri.~... frnllw w ~ ~m'l,;l~\'l? for !;!:~I fait il !O~Cl!llr" SOl1W l.h~QJJ:;li~'tI]m«1d .. SI;lPil)t~~ "1~im~I:ll;..AItL;T S,!,I~L;·Ty. q:r:~4 ~Il~ I{}r~h~ 1~i,;:W 031~rDl'llrAs. W~:;. itt d:ll'Ii~it',C:~br iho.E !lIrum:l~s il1S:~ Ii ~ttt.·mmy tm't"C ~QJ~t i:u ilru(: hil~~1nllptls., :;;'C'rv~I:!_g,L~ an "~ndc'\" elf +'p()inl~r·· R'I CPflic.:db'· :;.u~]_jr.;:ct ~ hiflrOClImp<l~. lesions 3· I:!GWI~ an~.r C'~lo:~d~-d lorITiuliCl'll. :Inusl I!Lj~~'I.IHici(;'I1~~}' U~ ~nn,g 0lOi:;j l!IIi~i~ ian. bl!.!l rl;:pl~C<l!~ingthc~uIEZ'Ii C'!~ril'ii,cllll 2 ia \\';I!S dJl'CLivc wi1(,~n l~iO:lt~ '!M;;11; ~C! .~Iid~~I.he 51t'n'\!cr !iiy. .. . '!,ait"'.... ~~\1~~ t10It"nlkh~timl rruoL'l'k" dml i:. lI1'lfl'lIglril. TO ~3kc: piJa.r::c il'i :.Ie...'p, [i'illu:lc 4~ hour.;, rl~l~r Irtt~nim!!\ (.ri~."ill. llli:lis. a. ch.;mgod ev,cry
I'~\ sesslons (fig. "'
~lC rol1J!1olwl ! (l\'liri~g orth~ i!Jo:;!1fl~1$[Ig~n~,ll~~'1L; ~~cmilY9r~hc JJ;,;r:~,o,n;; or IlIl1; ~~ml~ Qfnb~· =ad \\'I;:lit;., M>9n;:-U\'bT.,c m~l} e\H;'l) 1\'.0 :;;c~:sinn~ ~1[Ji p!1r;,'l;lwrde the ;1I~ill1laL~ a!lcmr~il1glfl k,.1!m dlCfC PI\!; ,tcms.>l t'iI;;~O!'L;, hll!~ \\1'ould ll.W", rr'QCI!JI~k;d !ht 'C:R.'ali:mi {lfi! t)PJjt~H,px:jilit!'l!::htitll,1* Cho~ per.rCimlali1Ci: grfldliially :impmv(''(.i ill1 Ihe con~i~t'l'il ~Chli!i\1IlIromtl IU~O~ lr~\I~~ ..ij~lcncy

w;ls.!hcn;:rrn.·,e in

sm. The sched-


ro~lii['t".l\,e aClhtiil) •. ~ilr~ lill~ pn;\(it'!li~.I'y



1J~'Wfll·cl. ~m:j'IDi'a1 g.~LlJ ieull of


iWI :i11 ~'tr hte{m5:i:;I.~lI'OOil'

1ti;OOfl :-.hCbwn In hlw~v(,h iPil>tlcan~p4!~-rI~ocOi'lk!.l1 il'l~rne~ion:;.O\d~rtill'LC tlJ 35). 'Ihe l) b Ibm hippocaml!:ill lesirms made 3. 'Iloul'$! H:;}~ j IIg to :UI~m:::ll~~hm. ~k) mYi $11."'C1~ n dmillS liIli::


tFi~. S,I"di






C~lu:Si!il~wole 'fom scHiI!~mas 'iil'l lellrlilmng. T.he lin a 1 issue w, coJlsidk:r I.'l \\'hc.i~cr m~ .fLCaiw!1~d


.mnim'llJ5.du~ pli'Cren.'n~i~ny in.


trninung"~!~Cl'i' intcl"i'<I1 ilho LIM ~rC'~'C:lll ~!~'()Il."(lIlitit.l:11 con.'iO~i~!lUI,CI:!l.ln I:!XI)C'~~IV!el1~(L1.~in~ J



~. IL1(Ii m",t ~. ~~KiUirl~ :Jf.i, IJIC'~b:1:U h ~"'Crompar-cd tM~e impa1::t Orh~!~i"'OC'I[!lP'l~lesions given 3 Of 4!~ ho'Uf.' <l!llcrnhc !roinil'lg (If l\\,() nc~'" IMs in :'i:~fl!ilh~u-t.l~~· '1 OiUld S:). lhi~ (PA!> L!~~'li.,."j.iJ:nC~l~ lIMt! .. ··W\'~[lil.c·· !J<lIY-Tlight. eyel.\;' (willl~

i:l~~' nf



!hm,~~"(Jwl ir(;(i 'Ilhc



n(ocssmy ('Or ra«~id mCiIl1:ol.y cOflw!iiclmlon 15l An allern.l!tl\ e.1!;CCOLJ'fI1 ol'th~ C".llCliH1cn~ rould be I:hm the .mi~oofu.;fii~1drt in<:lX;'~i!lg~y('<i.'ililO(1I' O\'l'tf !he (~1111~ DI.·lmi~li! "m;,n¢1'1.! •. st(lln.:"uld!tI!r~ltlIUISolid('ll~~il1di\. idlIO!:~ fA!; 01::1 <lL'l:'~\!I! Qnncre.a. ...n~ rilU'nil~,miti~y 'with~he COil" i


:1i,l]tcs;~il1gdllliri.n~ nit!: al1iinHl~\; !i~!!lhtl Dnminilll1ii,tc.

i:111i1.Ccase 0 mi.C J·hom im~f'\.'!.lI,lhc ~~kcHhoOOof t sleep 'L:Pi.~!'lffi.~ be[wcen .11e eml or Ifll[ and the I.imc or the lesion . .1\ p~lm!iil~ withirHiubj.acDs design wasalso used (lig,. S~". wilh some :mimJls il<llving lIilll:ao<Camlllli.~ lesions at ~'liProopri;Jjte~hm~ p'n~n~s !loon an!::r ll{lvclPA!i. '7 .run!!~. mld o!h~r.;; ~h[t~Wl;.'I,(: on~y "~~'ri!~'!OO:ld !hi~ ~~M~b~c in gi\iCIl11ippocm:l:lpaJ or siHlJ1fl lesions a.tklf lite .~iller Wi,!!!_ !5_ A. mill~i~tll!nta ~lh/altBi:l :S(hm~ prornOli~en@(~ve m@riIlQty.
(II,) lDiflfereniliial (l.c:qlllii5lilisll of ronsnsl.eilQt and ]~((Iliiii$!!fnil: S(lnelinala.

k~~rlli~g.w hhl the "schema' CanC!;;1p,t being :;!UIX'rtluoW!!fl. To OO~'l1m.\;l t~!~.'il~1ul!t;f!l!ililijH,1~. \¥C [ruiJ,~l'd llon~!lI.(1UIllrl~L~ i il]DWO C'~'CI1!L (lr~~'I:2L";J{JJ1i clJIlT(iIld.y l(~>:l)C'rilti.t1i'lt./.l.~l~1l 0.1.1(:'rormfl •. tht.')' fvef(: I tmincd 0111:l"'t:fjoflsi.~lcnC· sehema in which flavor.;.


the Cit!."'d JOCfLI~OI1 in the ill't'I'IliI. ora ~tml.-bDx riavo:r ill till!:! co:nslS!CIlI bLII I'WI. t~!C inconsi!;tC'1II. COIll.CXI. (Fig. SCl'. ltil~$ lmTIbl'cn~e oolwOI!ua Ihe two oon~~!l:.~ i:> no! in~L.;:clf ~!"l~ingit!!~ld wC'luld OCellII:' L.:\ ~11 ~f ~h,; ,lIlil'l1!11~i:I\'\'l.'W Sli~] tv)ii!llg '!'(j. k',lrn ilt~ di:vidlil!l~rA~.illuhll;~~I~Il,,,,iSA~nl 11t1Olnl:lt}\~~\'~r, 1.11 (';d~ rr~~I'IIti,,1 m!e of IClIm~rlg :f.(!1il; ~hc ~lJrlgC' .. T Ib, Iru51 ,~!ldC.I'lrc,i~iliII.:.~~ Clf d~c :;A;h!!.:'m<!C{:lllCL.l1l ll~i:;.~!;.~~ ill\'uh'lid 1!1!~ Ji;r,lmiu1;lof :!l~~""PA s. if do· SlO !_\\I(llf' more quid!}' because 0 r i('{)HlCxlt31" m:~li~lriA.ys IIT'lilll~l1g in Ihrsp'rolocolll)ni>OC"Cm.~hc a nile oneamingiUl the 1.\'\10 "xmt~L" should be I.he ~>fImC'. I!loo<c\iC'U:, if lite an~1l1'-l~brhlg soil~clhrnlilg like '".aCti\'HI.OO s.cilem;i'm bear m:l!hc i'fTlX'ii!S.'O of k~!!mhlg. :IlL diU:COC1f!cc bCI\\'CC'lllhc' two 'con1.eX~';: m il;h~ be oI.ucr.'cdi. The "co!11'i..;tcm schema" wOliMi Or!~i' be llClivtlwrl in i~s ~!!JlJl'ltlllr.i~!le CL'n~ ~C!lil. P['OC~d'umllly.dJ.e ooIllpmison in the :me or
[minliOli}; k':iln~ PAs ~l"~'i{ll'J!.~~ '·'fflll;:l.<·,~ud ]rnh~1'

I 1!O,6 were al\'o":1)'$ p!accd CQrl"iSlent.l~18.1 loearious 110 6. ut\Srl(:!l::l~vcl,y (s.chema I PAs I to (,: Fig. 5Bl .. ~Il Ihe olilCT 1:OO:~n,1.1l'!!animais were trnitloo OI~ "'il1~onsi<;tC'tlf' Sdlel.nil in w'hkh a si~'I,gI,cset of si1!<Iotal i~m~ {loc,1I ion;'; .~~.~CI1,6~:md a ,~~ of six lbVGl'S ,n,wm~ 11 Wi· 16)1 W1.'~l.: II! ~dL Inn tbe m[1a~piIlS of .i1.'\\ 'O.ISW .1oc.1Lt was


EtledUw <I«illlf&iitftm
(p ;:::;. O((lUlIre~1 9'l'

by llorrl1i1ll ra.t!li when lIIl:apping of

rt1!maijjjl,ed (iJil. r,two". iill1Id! th~1'I sfi'i1gl~~~i~[f'is '~e~i~ffiI$ 1 W 4(l.; whitll' ooCkground). Ab(w~(~ill1I(@ perh:nTIlIilm;li! Will!i oon5isl'E!'I1[ 5.e~iol1l LS, aJ1I'lard (iP .;: O,(}l5ror

ni;!r~'FS 00 places

:sj:st~t, IMIlh

51.;(, [lOll!









1i!'Il"h wrn,p'~riiS@1II

M~h du<tmod. The


s;am.!t anrillnliills failed tu, Ie-a mn a serl'e!!

~'"'""'-""""""'---"""''''''''-''''''''--''''''''T'''''''''''''''''''''''''i'''''''''''......".---, ...... -..:...".,........... _ _....:.._.....;_-:3,)5 1:11 .21 2J1 .25, 21'

'1'j!' 21)1 .~

mapping I~fII1laWIi'S t~ IP!ii!OO~~s.OOIil~ S~5lellll. iKru~~ ~e~'Shm5; nlll~OI15.1~t~t :s(i1eima ~S:ed <II (orumm set of s.b:: na'i/·ars and LotatTI Iln~ 'tI1alt. \l,Il!lrE! asmciat~ '~orwosllS:sloJU ill!Jt Hum l d'laJl"II!J~d eV'e!ry (hi~d ~~sion {s~e N +2,shadll'd gra.y). {C)Pre-f@~imtia~ dig;gillgin the pmbe~~,als in the Icue~ Iocati~ffil5 f~iI'lJ1e GOi1$il!S~~ I 'S(h~ma (PIt: I' "". 10.9', lll[ = 8, P <: 0,0011 bent llIo1 (or theirn:))ffliste!rlt sooerna {P'R:: '<liJl. ~D} N!i1!~IPA ptrOO€S" IPe1'lformc 1100 2:4 hell!] rs afl.'E1irffi>liPOStlf'El' kl the l\~v' I !fIm 'w:~ RilYo!""S,~nrl!!lhli:ir lQ(at!~~s \ltheiil~hil;il!i!1~!lfM!11.s WQL!Jkibe Iln~gdlin'ill
inforflil.'ltioll Igood tolti.e
CIIl@r:! l'Iieilll.oo:~tio:n.

:seC:~rt!dl!!ve~u ,::ml;1<,a1 (~Ie(tro da,ys ,!lIreabove chafm~r ~,g., ~~l>iDJI '2.7., bu't p,~rr('na'Ke lil~r ~os~ above 6'0% ~D"'@(t gray oo~kglF(I!l!rld). ('8) Whh the Ic~n5~~ientsChelif1ii;l. the





1.1 CIOOdI


li'!'Ir'nl C'QllU:l~rtt



HsiClgl~ il:DIl~if>tE'J1lilIclWa.mi:l ~memll ,(IPTs3 <I'Ild 5) wa1i c.oIll!ii~t11!ntly \lihereaI!lIPe.rklrmam::e <lifter U!lie of ani in.c:ans~s.le:n!.

:lcherntl ~) ~ot j'pfs 4all1dl ,6; G['Oup, )!! L.o(ati!01l F ~ 13,92, I~W ",].64126.30, P <: {U)O:]J. App~D<lcll latend~[]rolin the £lEIrt DOl!:.tD th~ mrre(t £illllc:l 'wei!. durin,£! th(l$r: I)lQbe trials ~re Ilq,uiv\l~flt ~n(h~ i(~ n~li$ltlilt, (:20,9' :I: 1,9 $) ,!i'l!if!~ ijl1"mf>isterll (210.0 ;1;: 2"5 s~ (UllleX5, im:ilKatil1g (ornp.arabw mmwatit:m to

e<adll ta"lk.

I~mlng ~1C'!1\1 il1f(lm~<llifll~ had to be done in" rlmmlCl: ~!lo:Jilt ensutcd >ll1idemit,,1 bc!mvgoJl'lI ~C]{rn~o;;:o! lhjJ Qo:rl~i~lJ:;lllt ~!.l~Jf!5~~t'Cll~~lllS, i!"ll ,mg. .. ln IJli8 rh:;bW,;;ion::E;I. Ih~~alti1110.11:;\.\'CfC 1~!JL.1i:d~lrT1;m:illi!o}d (]!~ r~},Llr IlIICt1(". li ivc i S . seqaenccs nnhn.'IC'~,minhlg sess !1l~S boegir!n~ng ..~ f'olln\vs; ~~ s io:Jl 21.}, Hutl1.;!f tmn5,i~t\;J1H\OFl1£''''~ '~r;lil)ijj~ () r !la'l'rn.'S 1 '~(li (~: ~~it.ll~ 30, two il~\'" IY\.j.j, IlRl,il1¢d in ,~~ i>t'.t.l>;M ,ooi]~i:;}ting o:fI'!lJJly I;"vo hi\>lil'l (PA:. "1 l}j}d, :;H~li'!..';l1l>dOll ]i I. !li It{lnm~ m\.l~ p'rol:ie liC;:,Jl for tbese novel asseeiares, 11~bnIHi.,"C.. ~ion SJL."'que~~cew!ls Ih~nl"Cpcfited ~n the: in,,"on~ si:;lle~n COn[e., x 1 (sessiens 32 to 34, Llsin£l ~l.'lVl.:)rs ], I l<l ~tl." (1Iel!1PAs 17 ~Uld U": Iblkm'l!d by a non,OO\\'a:rdod, prot1lCte;t ml.d ~lin ~rlnl]~OOll.;;jsLClll al1cl~hclll U'lC inron!:1:i6l~nl rom:C-XJ M'ilih PA~ 9 ,Ll'ld 10 and [l,'/\,,, 19 ;~]cl 2.1l r~Il(;,(::li"d)', Tl~ s~q~I!;'!1~ C!'1di;\d Wi~l Pl6~rI S(",'I.!;.i:ou. <W ~ FIg. 5l.U,,;: liS!,;' of (II]b' two :n,,-v.'.wdcd 1!I~<l~S,h~!1iC<JIdorthc W!!llml $1.", ~ri.u\l'!;JCf (I,)!:I' on ~8~l 2. uf !h~!l1!1X~~(l1l1 '~'q!.l,'jNICi.: 'I..'mllI!(;d ,h:,lltPolil [Il~ ool:..wiorJ~ pliOC~!\:~ S~m~l;ii~y. he use gf t PA.'l'.;,Np~ri~g <l5l'iocimi\~ ,"'-'i:S~m!!mi(ll1 ~1lI~'P:;l.. dwnl!1.m~.hl.'r ,IWIn 1, s.i!!g~.q !"lA, ~~~I~ ~!!Q:l th~ dT~i'Vt;:n..'rn~1 i!l WlJ'ptll; t~l~ w3~~ml 111:1 mjiffi,1Ci 'i.f s~in~uh.l~ Ilfw~liy. DiiSCUSi~i~'!ii1,1I'I~ lir!oing$ hIJ\'\:' imp~icati(}llS 101"11un:dio(.l' { i\i8l!t~,i~ !!I~ ~U;;~II:tnh~obg}' n of k;;~nllil1g ~i,ndn\clnmy,lFi,[l;'t. tG.1CY i!1dic!ll,t; 'th,ft th~ [UTe 1U~ Ld~ ;.o,1':-:'I£,ll~l> \!,ill c:,ofi~olid,tl~fil'i OOCIIil n<: ill thenceeoncx ean b~ in~ali"~ltccd by whul. ilt>, 0:1reli!.l~kltlQWlil, ~n(1011~F;lliI. iil~he Ctln1j)lenllc:tUmy iem"lililg. sy)il!l!tl\!>m:pp.1\(} .. ~dl (~~6,..) il. the hippo .. campl~ ls sal(] ~A'} be "s!'iCci.~lliJ.xd r(lr m;pidly mem,(llriizll];£ sl'Jol;.'Cmc evems" (J 7) 3ml lIJ~e fll."OCOI1.e1>! fur "s:lowly le<!!rnhl&!, Ihe )':Wlusttca~ 1'C§1I"

m~oomrollcd g!t~tgl)'

h .iff. ~!l!lcle<JIJ:\".i!l)'Cn;_".C'lh'C 'r:c!lUllC' srmial ~lcnlpgy ~,sr\luad h~rre but not in Ihc\'I."'ttcrlln;Q'.~ 1(4Nt O!1cp.p.,...,~ibil~[y is tl~;,J[1 ~1~ W~~''.I"~llg!:.a;; ~.~ Mmn;: 'lI~;d:l:"li!.w" in C'h,nllC~l"f ~lth, 1"I,;'qluirirl!ilrut ~mim!llto gdl~'lttUr¢ i,ism- v.rl fl,"Htiltd~tCll~, lrli~fA liW~r.JIdign1 u~'I;'(1 h~' oou'!(J illl~w appa)f:"'I;'U1 clIH01il ~'1;'::uU !n he IIi!t;dliml;d iu r.m by Cll~'d ~~pi~ LQIl

L~l.'>!LIcl prn~.UI1Ufl~ o.ii in~a'i~(1!l:I: ,t;'i!!~~. Third, the fui hrr:: GIr 3l'iitilmh. \\'iJh Iit.:m'Mili"p~cle hi~)~)eillj~p~1 le.l>io.ri)o to ooqkillrl~ 11','\:; o~r many Uiflb. ofUilinii'lg.{e1(pc,it'irle~~l" ~.mtd 21 cairo:. iinlo qLh.. "5liDU lhe C<Lr~ei!)' fo!.' d'l"ccl~ve ·~(;,,~I'k"i:mic-!ik.c·'·eaJ.'nin~ in d'lC' absence ofllmcl lion<ll hi~)pocm~l}a~ lb~LlC'. This idea cmc~d 1'I'll1lt\lI<l~Jy :;'[lIdi~ or dcw!lopm('ntt1~ <nlm~i<l in larities nf lh~ Cll\'i:romnl.':!n." CrI!lso!idmian of 1411). bll' il hal; 'lro\~~'ddilTlcl!!!][ to di~~i!lg~li:,h \'I.'homhtf ~l!c- i~'ril;;WI i!~gdii~i'io(:i,l!io'H~ b~~w(~n U~l'!l1!l}1 !m~ ~!l 1l!!.!n~\CK,1orr~\ i~ Ilwlti ~o bt: O'B in~l);ljTiI;'cl I.:' ,,In!~~ ~n~act ~CllH;II1r1.~e !iW~nt'l3y m hn:gd y lini{;"-(~~!)..~Ild\;'jf'i~. r!Pi:X:~~ d~~~r.;"ItfJ~uK-d by in !1\JC'h !~ati(;"n,"~alii.:' chro to i nlm:1 ~l!."'QC'olilic:'a ;1 [hC'~IKlCHk !,..~tcrn~ or i~lrOInl<nrowl ropwel'>'CIlIa" ~l(m.'!Jl<uomicoLI lIrnn!~'('t~~ iuy... nd ~y'mp'lc ~)k~~· I~~mingof ~m,unlic inlbnnm~{m(.;'l'O),. W fl!JlC~ ~icilY I;'WK,t" ... !'IJl~ ~ln~ ilem, N)!.ptlL'!ll!;, BroOlccl]y .;ioH ,ion.d !('ol~lui#!aio!'!in 'b: dr:.:""~C!ll'in!.!,i;lrain .. Of ttl< i.-;!alld~ ,or rusidu,d 1:il;ri!poea~~lp<1IIlmu~~~Kll]in ~p(;Jlkiil'lg,hi~ i..; <l f3JirdiardC~C"ri;auion of:l b~ l CCdUR; ;lm;llllcmill;~llilo.IY-C!1l.'CdI~~lg dL;111!ll1[~tlH 1!11L,: mhe!'>~ amnesic ~J:1Iti(:III'i;$, WI1.(':I] Ihc 1lI1lc"tll11l KTI'I!PO~:ninlml1;;wcr.r i~CllDie':JL1ill d!~Lw'C!< I!ri-dnir~!!lC(lru~N.l" iJ(ldy ofdl:Uil(271,hu~ it dO(~~rrl(l1 il:l]uh~ earp!u~ the raJI h::S.iCUlS are I:J.r~, 1IS~I1IPM iC'11D. .. P., ,~(.'.i1Ilif~lIy E potc.un.~a~ [h~u lite neecencx has !ou r<.l,pid {II] ~"SSi:an :2. Figure 5D sllo\vs sLlt'Ccss:u~dilCqU~~ ml d\;:ei~rn[~I\'C fact lecllmilng OC~UIf'S 1(51)0. OliIr. con.'>Ol~.dil.jO~lwilen .. nU';\\ Iy [lcqu in..'CI 1l1IfOO'l1l1llioJl ",ilicm and 2:4·hrrur 1\~<1C1)lli.GU on.he._<:c'nlcw PA.s ofilbi is com~)JI1ible wilhp.1'C\IimL~I~1 ,fL{; ku:lo,.'!'I· when ClflCO!:~il1lg ocruu:reclin dle CunSi9tCll,t-sdl(;,UlllL ~.ill.dilflg. sl!lgge£.l~hili" in !Ulil11mls iUl which il. is s cd£l!, Given !,,;'lUI·Qil.'>Cr\'ali'oll lhm lhe necconex C\lllt'C~I. ap:j'!cm::l1~mlJlivaLim! ofdJC anhu;-ds to lJ'IOAAib\l.c ' l11~kc selective ort*" .ie5:iono; of IlIl!!' w ~rfbflin lilt':'C !\\r(!!tc:lIni~~g tiil"k::;, 'W;g 'cqu~\.n~C'n~, c~m sOJll.Ctimc~,CQll.'WHdal.1i: \'eI'}' mpkUy, :i I 1blhipl~oc.1IJnpus~" ad~]]tS. th~ :lcquisi~kM~ of nlC"~' inw:-;,~hal l~ I11m;.t also b~ able, ~ encode 3!lS(I= HPl\ (lIl"lliil.oe iP}\s is J 1\:1.0 C1l11:;;i~~cmb! brock£d and as indc.xcd. b)l 'Clq,Uivro.J:!flt "Plwow:h 1;I1~nctc-; W 1IJ1C' ~~U~-l,.",'hiUld W(.~I!~!I lll,lh 1Il1!.;' ml!l~~SWln ,[Ll!ld inmn 1l10l rescued by mll~luplc '!l'Olining 'r~II)1. The ci'<1I~i'\i'J;lmClI!.Or)f 'rn.cC',:; ~"ClY mpidl)' PCd1ltlpS. even "on-line" 'wlil.h in sensory-perccpual :i')fs- gcllcral:[ty of' this Oh... "Cl'\l!Ltiml hcymtd the ~aI iill. SiSlCilllo:mlCX~ (F~ 5Dl. dO:IIlllVJ'1 SIIDUk~be followed It!p in ym.l!llg ::mi~mlls" tCI'Il16. The wit!c:ly held sl!WOiSiiim~ IlInt Ihe ~'II."OThese nllc!iJngs indicru:c IIKIt mli 111.rn~ no!l'SS cortC14 is <l ~lo\V I(;"OIJ1'!'\''!.' thC'i"l..:fofC !1c('\cjs.[O be iw:::ll~drng IlliiLnllnc,..... i'l oOOcr to mocld lhc Si!Jlla· ~h"'l!l pooph.: am bri!~goc1li\llttd n1~' 1!0!1 ill d~vJ;;:li[lpnl1.:n~:l1~!l1Il.c':;;:!<l IlfUlrC ci08(.i)l, .. ],i:-l(;'d. 'I[hl,;' dislulICI I~Hlpo~lll dy:u[nnics uf ~()tM.~r ir! ,[I PA k'.m l]li~,g ".11i1<:, aaw I 1u;:re,hy l;.~loodc ... [1C<I~1iIll ~1,-,- im;blll(;:, and mm)idl!y {"011!i(~li{,br~;,:ley.m~ new .. h 111m nlC "I;."(~lllisi,.irm of,L ,"I:I!II;'Mln~ook tllml1l~.II th~ It~ll~m)' p.ttI(:(;~l'it:.,; IlrBolY qm1:i~bLl~1;' to me u:;!l1!1~ ~In(~ing Ullillllfl~ 'OOH~Ji. docs IClii1ll [nOfe i'l'lll'lrJiIlmllm'll !1Ih':1" fI .~lillg.k·lri>lll, The' e.1i.padt)1 ol rnomh roillt~, 10 Ihe p0liil'l1Dil1ily of il.Ullwlllvnirl!!i sk'nvly t~!fHl sllbc(miC'.JI~ Strw::luUCS~d g(~lOO1nly <lU'Iiumill;:;; m!ike (k'liUCI.H'I,IC' illihelire~,m~ tt, ~hebasis some kind of IIDLlroaj\L~,KliJ'llica] growth PJ·~'" in ··sp!l:CC" of their ·..nci1m~moods" of the '!.\.'Orll:dfl;o, oJ' d1illll e:."1cl1d" to ron.di[i:~nml·flS!mc-i,m~ v.;: l'Ii1oter Ih~ n~ooort(.'X T~f1D cre{!.toCS an rrl,'j,~OCJal:ilvc leanling l3&, but ~hlll.llhis, ay llen 3~Wf~ys,occ~ir. in. Wi~lkh u~ew ;u~As'~urJ be it'ilph:lly m.orOOwl~ho~l. m COIill~. farrrnlo,fC limiloo dlflll Ihat of hlllnllai'IS {4),. illtl::rll;:rortcc-m'illl~og,()\i!S to "phMC SCqllCru."CS," t\ second Ililldi:ng n.~IhrLt ~lC storn:gc ~nd rocalll ~Iillll.hc 'prlndpk Ihm ru."soc~aJlh,rcSChCIl1l3$cm~ be :synaptic OOlltu::~;::iJ!1n~~tlil)' be I oralloccl'lnic spalimJ ~n~ulory ([!:I11. occur o!JusOCic Ct?t~mcrcOltirol Llscrld ill mOIl1.o:ry is :1!I0'l m~iqlLc hlilmans. to cremoo or l!illl1.l<!iSkedwi Ih~n ~t I\JIlC"~iOlm~ nct\oom ~n C'xpc.rinnent I. anhnall'> u:1cd h~ppoci!llnpa~- the hipopoc;m:lpus: in lhe rn!. even Rill dcpcJ~dcml:CHmillgto i1c{]]u~re ,severo] .P/\S ;:XH~~ tha.t h~s ~I~ acqui'rod in 3 .single tnill~ illS 11 iJlIn h8is ol1lly s~kln or basc~~n~~iml:pl.i:c s.trellglh.~. lb;sc could Ihcn be r.JIn)idly ~)oIClluimed by cUllfCm~y, ol"which om~ meml:tcr Clir W<llI llOI"~1:.lenOC ofhrif1pocm~ll)3~.,clepem:lentp~~" n::;I~Y3nt infol1inl<Lt toll, wh.ell: the IICI,\'~'Oitk is. in all: il'lg. This oonlHcts, wnth both the C<lgni,th,l\...mall . a :lip-atial local~Cln ill ill :Fam iiHar er,wilfOlluncl1lt. Thill ~Ilablcd Ihl; ;mhna'ils to Ircal,~hC1Wsevern I ~l~- ~11'\:QI')'ml'Dl'hc n1.ultiri~c-1raCC Ih~m'y (If 111ICmO:l.'Y ·~IJ;:~h'C·'SIal!;; I;]UI ;tc[iv,m·cd schcnrm}. T.I~c iniHIl:! con.wlii,d)uJol1 (7,. JP. .tIO}, Sllal~,d tlHOCinmry has, gI1O\\fl'lil ~lrlXC~S \..'ml~d ,I'IC\:C;ilsari Iywke ill p;::rtod ~i<lt\.'S ,IS II wlmcc:tl,,'d spalil",1 ~. umhcr~h;l:n ~ ind ~\'~ u;d "1.'01.(;'1.,,,,". ,lItcli StJ b"ui!,l ~IPa~hnl~C\,\.'g!t been iI}wwn p~\'i{lU"I)" in r.I!l!'i wilDl hin:i'(!IC<IIT1Jl;L! 'Jf d;~jl.~ w~d;s thc\'C'l'}' ~in1.ept:riod '11m h,~" nr hi!1Jlt!1lJ !x;1;'p"!.lhnugln 10 mA.1~~ia'>; S)'~le!1l;O; C(Jn.k~i(JI'I:;j, bl.ll ~hl; inl-r(}lJl1,~DiQn WO!~d~h(;T "'-C~IU i~ i:n whk'h ii~~nihlr !u;'\",' iJlf~m:ni!l!tioll 'collkl bot;' ~1(11\Xl. UIC t"(m."~f1I,ltlion (I lhit-i ·'sd"tf,;mu·· ino'k "ltd i)o."!''lx;-r,u~ivdy 'lnd, i Ifl:ncxib:li}r~JV~1(.· \i{,"I}, ~."I(;lIdE"d :0;0] Ld••~OClUI m~'KlCl!lr only ;Irj~r 1c;IUll:llll l.2t)). ~r;)~ill.il1g (4i, .till' (~r "lit'nl~1Il.13Cit.iI;-,j" (n'l,"[ nmny Tlhl!l~ illl ir~!m:igu i;ng ~~J>!.;c~~hll.illJ] m I..ntl.'f_gc irom <.l!~OIlilI1, l]m:nthIPtllrnX~ . n'l,utcly 'tln: :slIllle; 1"K."riiod tlaa]~r;;,,\,,;m~ stlJ;di('.!; rt;i1n.~mde w 11i([lcsif~ imV'C mUlfidt... beRnt: ~'R: k",ion (4.:h. The 100Ilg-,oolu!;ht iJl£ 1lJ"(·;~..;:~alltlklln, wilh (.1oJ1ccptmd Sil1rol~f.lfiti~DQ iJl'c pi.blCilJlcs or ~yn>lplic I1lggill!,l rull..a C<lpl!LlI'C IU[Tward gmdi:cn~ rem:ol.cspatifl~ Il'l.cmoi)' JJl rnt:. :;flIIgg~1:cd iis il~Wil)'S roqub:edfll~kr .I:CfInl~n!;j lor cl11:ci ~\'e :~)!stCill~S,ooflstll idm iOfllO OCOLlI".'l.iVc wh.c~ vru-ying, In.t~r.vals Ofliunlc al:'Cs;-y:; , .$3, ..l4~ is th.M ail assocK!tilVC spac~ il~to ':i,'~l~ch rK':'i'il"info:tnl!!l[LIDI1 cmn '~X:!Il;;:;inni~ ru~·,d,ruU t1!!;; ~~m~ ob:lcf'!(edi, h~"C'I ct'~,lilal, rr the ~I ..~k_:;; of ~~~1;Cdlilled before "Ulak il1! hiPllOCll.ll1.1)al lesiolls ~b~(1 'lJdi:m: t~li,l eN~)Ql>l[re to tlml iuiGm, b ~hb'lvm lmiMin!j; ¥OilS, cOll1lpk'lfi::dbcfmlr;: It\:W Iblm~ (~J~.~7) i ltoW defilij.liv{~ly ~l,lOWiJ [j:;,n~lg'l cuetl· oc"CillJI proi.OC"'C!~ ror inJoi11llaikm m;~lllil'Cd in mlC I.I-owc\'(;"1". ihi~ ~'Onsl1ni:c[lon of fiS$ocil:!ti,,"e ir'iic~in~ thl.! a,':\liimilll~ioilo3mJ ooilsolklatKm of novel oorufflc,;:tioi1~ om he :~IOJl'Cm11mitt.1~r ·'c.... o 11lt:riol'n..... trial. 1111:lcmJi!o~11 grnaicn.tis mudl Sl.,cep,,-'I"Illlln inoomKllioH wilhin lih~n.eooill1l.&c'll :.'Ichemaifl CIo:(l!CCI'UlI,·'" ·ir. d"1:r:m.t~r{55). c{buid Ix: \'C'ryrnrid I C;'([lCri mCIIL... .2 and .) ).\tVc miS!~I. 1l;.'"'rec~ed on Ihe bill~:S or j]r:iGr The findings bring. to~li::liIrosci~I!ICC <Q. ~t ~wofk LUsh18 :l ~\'ulhifl-:SWlbjeciS des igfl lor 1.:011Jho· ~ublis!1.Cd llIat!hc possession oran acti"a!oo cOJlciHonin,g ~lfl)l. 'M;('II'C(1\ r. tlilC' e ~IICll"m is c.."ulSl.!l~yi1:11p'!J!l1ant ir~ 111( or te:l>~IIZ11 iCkOJ."11ilhel1o iargcty di.'1cl!sscd ~Ul Ihe OOllltC':-I.t (If h~m;1ln nK'\lnQ!)~, The rlcw infoml"'lon h:",pi;~1:rneill~,",). l!I)'iC ()If 'ri,g~ CIfiiclivc m1flo1e!.ti~1 cm{l!)' in hiP'llOC<l!!lTI(pi:ll" lil~ytl'lO~O'~ica!!lctlldi~ TIl'll; m col!o .... pl ··,~I i!",llOO, ~chR;nim!5.·' 11iOl!'O\i;!l ,d~~k ~c.'linnl;"d Oll]im,.j:,. Wlprm ~li;if :~'l:;'!UH tl:li;lru~'RIt !o nm~~, ~vn!!'O! G)wtocnh k.!ll .• !hi:;;: 1U"lI!CUIi"d 1'!'!eHlOry C~~'ioCd {~I1]ly in~ .m;:1,[~imi ~CI ~1Ui11a!l~~J~.'I~ il. ~Ti;. ~(;sl.;II!(t:'ml m~~~ionl L'iSl:'~Mit>.lk-d rK:VJbn1i!llr).o; .i~ cVr;,lll ,ut:jm. ko,::U!l1('(9 '~!iiYO!,.lliJ!!l animal .., l~slri};o· th,~~ p1k~~ ooliSt:.iolllll> ~~W:i[{:.n~ llim 1I'm1~rt; lITilikdy 3 a ifigly sin~,i~at ~olh~u di;:-,:p11U.:fl~ !]y patient E" P. mllb-cli~lk"ld by fA Illi!L~tjGryr' 'i~:ilH11 c!i)lpll,c boy










VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007


to possess.

~-Iow(:'\,q:;r:.e'\lefli r~ltc}'"w imad K:it,

~~h~nU!-";lJN an ,~o~l(_lmic,11 \,\1";,11,)" to ,~Il"rn(;ti;;.ri~e ~l~cli1nt!:I~t.[!~ !I~t!,i~:~t!Q~. :m o~'!~d work .of ,IS:o)(u;:ial~W ''};~n~!I!:ltiL',,.m{~'' ~nfmn~Jtim~ fn:mm ·"c(lK..oJk:-1 ike" even L" timi,. OUIO\;' .acqu iR,-cl.



<!.lfll'!N!'i. rcICWU1!t !Ie\?{ ~!lfpml"liClil 10 00 ;:!I~"ilT!i l1!itoo





'~ha't 'l~~rm~L~ d'li!}, 11:<1\'(;


a~!I.~d:il'lg !irirn;l, ~~uad""'31¢r. il. is il1'i~tlmU l:Or d'i~irb'i 10 n:!~lin 1111 Qyllti~t1; bod.y or o ~i~ow~~d~ ~brnalwh\'":i:C [&!cre mSl,jI be fOLn1t1 lIaW Iv be ~,bl~' ~ pdIIJt~ sueh ,a ~mlm'wCltk ~) i:tU:lJ,. m
W.ildlill one lIT:i3L Ihit; if:ll~rentia~ liIC'>!ibilji~y

liA. IML EIlJIfI5~" H. ~"I1!~f1b<i1l1l\: NaliW 379', 25~, f199'6}" l!5- tit ~. ~~" iMj, It H'1IIl~k~r., f. E, Gilbeiil.,~, ~0: ll.9. 181 0tXI~)" :lJ,6,. s, WUtn ~ I'll., 5tifflU~CO. T! Uen3-), U 117. lIt Siihi", '1'. Mii~iIJ1l~ N1illufe 3ijll,rJ<!: f199'n. 1!8.. )(. ~lJyll~l~ll, .~ImCi!' 306-, 43:S t~oo.U. ]~I. bler:n-pi, (, l.a1~rMl·Oe!1!1ir, C. I.)eilratil~. it MI~!i. ILl I!'~~!~ '~IO~J 6,n, ,(~~'!l?), 20.. IP. W. ftilil1 lliNI, It SOI'IIt!rnpi, lIl~t. tlw. UJJrJ1mrJ. ill, 11~'

21 IH. .Eit;;!l1enb~!.iI!'i!, P. ~:!1I'ki;ll E. Wtl!Jo!!.. ~. ,S,!lapiral It TilnlBil, ~ ,21 20'9 (1:999). 22. Im:i\x;w;Il ~ <!s 'Jli!l~ m:mDIl! Qj' e... h rIlL ~W!~ '~Iru
ma!i!lJl~ch..,edi m il, ~owIll'IIIl~h"

rodC'~ncO~~lil,km jiS now est1bliShed i~l ~\lcml

domain,'i (9~
R.ef;e;rern(!e$ al1ll~ NtIlil~e:;


ran~e Or dillferern~lrua~}'~



L ~. C IBmtell. RotmfilJt!iM~' ~'C~mI!i~iqB' Uf!i,,",fl'tl6,

,Z, I(_

Cattt!~"W~I:, 1'!l~lI. (tal" l~t! N,oru~{jl ~raMlJ'M

~~ G~~ri!!l!l~,

~, .~ Il\. B<l<'IiSf~. ~n C~~ ~fj)j'III9,tll:IiI~mdl'l'tg /JM ~iJM'lg 'M2id~1 B!r!ll'I\Ml CA l~~W. ~" F. r.l. ]crnrJ5oo-,taird, ,Illmrg[ 1I~~,dd~r~d~~ C'og!ljlW~ Scie'J(f' oj WIl$WS"", M:/!.'J'M<f', qpJ ((i'Jgjw:>l'!·~ OC:!mlliiidg!IJnL""P,r~~, (a~rld!l~, 'l9S3}. '5;, .L D. l!1)r<!nsr~!dI, ~, ]~!i!,.J, !'II!. V~ hl1l-m. Vfrt!'..l!Ilbg~ n 117 ~1~2~. 6, L A. .lllaguln!, C. ill. fml'l, ,it G. M. ffln;rril!. &lllnlt:ot lSl9' ~'ll999':I. 7. l'QiK'ei!fe, l ~a:~et, .~ H~l)(@J'Ii'MS (IS ~ (Q,grlrlil'e t.iOp OO~[trndol'l. OI:~Cird. l:Sl7,EI~, g, EI. 0, M(:Go_fli91~,'!!i!eiS, Naiu!e ~&7, 6~~ (191]'). ,M,
9., !t E!icllenl!li!lml, Wmoo 1M, :lfl~ (~lXll'l).


{(.aiTiIbrid9~ I,lfiN.

~hi!l lilt!! liftn ooilltf!f~~ 1:119Ji1lUmdi<Up p!tte~ fOllt5i5ting Cir :1.% iii flJdi o~ ~Ile ~~ '11~ l!lie'II 00 .al'l.~da1~ ~1l1Qf1j (6%, iI!!ta~h Thi!. ~nd otIt@r IJl'OO~II\~~ Illil~~.ed.~ o'WOl~ Wl: !hilot iIll~t1t h'a1Ii!glJid!ldillt .mi'nilts 1:0 'I!T!~~ ~lI1d well. Th~ ,IIDimom ""w,~~!,!!"! tD ~ ~t (!{ ~!Q1loc~ign ~~_~ n ~ifl~~ir QJlid''l\ll!tlI. cl'ioic~ ~~ I6!!ti pIlli.@l:! _~ ~t ~ ,thi! 5ill!!dl mrnl:!te' '!l!JSi~~ nOrf,m'iIId~d JM'OD!!' '!MIS. 23, see· $1J.RPoii'linil! rn~1l!fial rn St:fi!l't!l't Onlim~., 24. :5. III, ZJlII!a-M«>;.Ull L R, Sq.J~. SdMct :1:50, 288 i:JI9'X1}. 25. I~]1,~i!rII"'" S. fi!!:tow. SaeIl(f ,615U'!m.t 2(1.. S, G" Aii~IiD~~ra~, S. Mareno M. S, F~l&I'i, J ~i?iN05(1. 19', 111%- (1:999). ~7. IP. 1 uayile:r, ~, ].. GIIld, It 0.. I{~pkiim~ l. R 'S;!ilYu.~, lIIe~lQ1iI <1I!i, J\l9 (200$~. il3.. T. i!.!Iavie~ T. P. I)~rltijn., F. Melll'lI!Jh~ 8. II:oI1~ernpi. S<it'ncof ]1015" N {OOO,l'!}.

,40,. M.. fflIli1awitcfil,. IL. ~~d€-:l, (i Win~~l:Ir,A. G'i~bDiJ, It 5, lti!JSl:!iilt>~\Im, (~n';. ,Opm, N~r!.'lbio.l, 16, 17[l' ~:ZOO6L ii111. it or., hi, M~n~ :~_ Sch.enk,. if. 'fMetli~. l. liLj~rr~f!iI, f'Mf; J. .~,r1r(Jnl. 2~ 11):16 mOO) .. ~2. H. lii,!i!rnWum', C. S'!eW~ II:. Go M, Mc!f!i~,J. NWf,rJilI:i.. 110, ~11 um~, ,~3. G, W"lOO!JJir; !'II:. ~~00'I'iR_~, S. ~Ilt· It. 'So. II.9:re!'lCWJll\ ~ ~~~~ lV~l; ~~,;i. ~, ~n Iloos)'. ~.:l. l. I. Sj)'Iltu1~ e, A Simart, [ ,r.t, f«r@!.t, O. J- &p. ~ydi;Jl" 8 41. 1~9 U99\41~. ,~5. It]l. Su'ller~~!! if ai, HipP'U{(Jm.puJ> ill. :! jI' 1'.200'liJo. ~~. R. E. CWk, IN. ]. Bro~bllf1l~ l" R. :5quirf!, ~f{!ptJlf#JJjJ'tJ$ lS, ~(1 <il:OO~n. ,~i'- $,.]- I,'I<i ['!irl, II..'d~ HO'1',~- 6.111- J!.'itnis, lIIe~p~yc~wt'Q9~ 43, 009 (2!OO'io)l ,~e.ft. I~t , i!.'I"rI~ ,p, Garrudl. l. M. Il.awlirn;I. O"~el~" M
WMt' ~,~7,,fiBl


,~9. f, V<trg!1il-t;nitlttill1l fl ill!:. S.lMre 2:71. ~7,6 ('ll:99i!'). ~O'. M. Mismm W • .A. 'wni:i 0,. G·.Gatian, F. Virgba"KI1~!k:m, 1't1J~ 1i'!l~. ft SIX, WMa.1iI SeT, 8' 3)52:,~J$1l u:~~n ~:t P.I. 1Il.1i,~!I!'I, it Sqw~, ,. NI!,waK{2;Z, ~~;l·l Qoo.2~l. L 52. O. n I'!~'bb,~ Or~l;!lfiM 8eiJllwiNf (Wiile!t N:ew r~rk. 1.94~'. .53. U\, firt)!, It G. 11'1, ,M!'lnii~., Mll1ll"f'~:8!i, .SB(1:99:n. 5~. A. I(j)lI1nJj!~raj",!I, R. I,· ~U.'i:he'f; 5. Vooe<!lIiI\!!~, ~t £~. N£u~~ '!", SiS: {2(11l!I'iL 55. ij\i,. T. GmlnOOl!l,ll, J. E. I'IIack, Il'I O~OJ'lmMhI'l





•. ~ Ill. G~~n~~,C. II.. If,I~,

29'. III IF_IHI~I1o~~.

ttY!!;'; ~"

10, L A:. ~wi~~ P:>~M'. Rtrtr.~9, Ell (]:99,2,!. 11,. '1'. I)udal, lit G, ""- ~lri\ [.II ./3l00i·", P~~ion (flld .Mi!t~ AdM~~m III fDgt:lfrlw SciI'i!\lI!Ct5" J, &i{hll~, ,~.d. (Morn nlIniv. frt~ 'OdQro.. 2,0011.1, IRp. 1~;1-162. 11., ~ L ,Ml!CI!!Illal'ld, lB. L 'IMNilIl'!)1Ilon, It C 'Ll 'Jh!Lll1 .. ~~ i1t'~, 1~;::,,~U (199S~. 1;1(, M.1(}a)" ~ It. lan~~I:iln, It. G. M.1I.\ili'i'i; 1II'~Me ~i;4. :ZQS ~200J~.

30. IE. iMg, L it ')'iu[JI~, o!jI:J:lru[t'l'~DI rs b9'i1tJ, s 31, T_]'.~*f; f; !)l)(enm~ Be-; lV!1!.1~ :!tI~, :l!41 {1l'!l891, 32. G.fl-u.!:5aki Nl'lJtMrTt-.Jilrt! ]1. 5S1 n\ilS.~1'. 33. A. G, 51itp.i1il\,M. A. Willlll~ NeiJflHl .21" nzs (19'9.9). ::l~. IB, t. ~,w!lh!!)-!l ~ a.I,,, 'il)Sl'e.ep Md SJnrlPllC 1ltwridy. C, Srnilll" 'I'. l!.',e~e~ Etk.. ~Ot'~rd Urn"" 1'reS~,.~~. 'I',onfl:, 200.3.), PoP. 22 5-2~~. 3S- R G, Mg'fii~ fill. 1- H~rAror£i_ 2'3,. 2829' ~2a1)i!lt 'i!6.. lit c. Q'Rtl[ly, j. w. R~d'r. BycW ~; :iliIJ8,3,11 !')mU, ~7. lit A" Nflffmlli" It, (, orReltI\.~, ./l'w.!.i..1I.(!I, ,6B {2IOO!3}, 36. A. J\;!$~lhy, L t\. Mi!!!i:r, l/,l'ct~re <l~;!J' 873 W~~h 39. Ill. s.. RQ!rl!i'i~um, G.IIYli'iil(l)t. M, Mo!~Q'i'ilCIi,
&JiIi1~;Btai't.i ~,



Itd~" ~(!l i·4 dP l!ift.!li'Mr\!l~:i~n.il1:!\l1'il ,~i'l (ltlld 1"!~~J1 Erlbauml Hilbmal~> r.a~. :1:992); p,p, 1l5Ilr:;leJO'. 56. Suppo!i1er.! fly a U,t( Medii~ Re'lie-<lf~ Clllmcil !iif'03J~1 gtanl ~ftoG,'UU,. i!i IIJK ~i!t;m~!llo!1!Y ~IildlBirilo9i(aI. St:iIMIC,e:! Re~Jl'ardl (~ndl, stLlliIlllVlmipilwa'M (R,f,U. ~Im!l <!I f~ii>!/la!iiiiil qi.lF~ ~di~~he Med; mat p !W~IbMIoi: I, 1'b[1Q'hl~ O!I~~~~na! \\Ii.1i ~h~ mi>lOtG:!Il', :5llip:pDdingl OIil~~IiIi!'Mati!in'ial YMW,Ii:~@8{tnlil!l"ar~gi/(XMlI'@I'IW~ll!'31d15:e2lJ1uroC1 MaIB~1$ ~d l'.'.\i!1fui!>.'l~, :fig!;. 51. to :;S T~bl!l~ Sll ~!fId,5.2


:ll21. Jl8~ (~OO(!).

~5'Oi.'::Il:ihtr 2006,; ~~ep1~ 10,U261sci~Il1~,~ IH~~S

23 fi!biiilJ~il' ;lOOt


1- -I

\Vitli~ th~ sante dlsk-c.ulon chmaClcr (tee, d'mr~ aclcriS~IG difoplaDC'l:llCiIll. \'CClICfL:S C';;111!cd Uurgers VCd{lrs., Ill. ~r!~ IlCIssibiHty nOl.lsloich L\1imctli"ic OO~ ,dso ariws 'bm has lQ:i!l~llly ~Il I'cjccl.cC1 hx:c-.n~ it S\!~ ...n.~ Ihe Ilos:i!i!bilil)' of clH:n:gcd drir,(lCl!)\im~:s U. 2') ,< IU"Cl'ir:.::noc {yr km:b"~he r..nJ1W Cn!.! ~mnb ~wl(~..;;\\'ith !,I. high ,L;;_i'i'JiCf;IIC~t "i~~!mst..l:i,1;: ~~:n;:rg}'. Thi" 111_,,", tM;;'1/,:1] ~~";S~d 't~ knhe I't~~ln wh.y dill::dm;{·~-p!ld..txl II ~.I. CIY:-;'~ lal plan,,; uni fllkii~i t:ilIll1m be 1m ~il>y :olip :>ystcm, (1" J I, DCI.flliled kalow:l~J&e 0 r d'i~loC';l~i;on, (OR;' :>lructln'~s <lUld oompo.~ili,ons ]s eli lical 10 !In.d(!rstand diswti(nls ill f:onic cl)':stOlJls.

INonstoichi,ometric Diisl,ocationJ A'I .. Clores ,", (I""~IUlmlna In



Unleis !Mownl aJOOIU[ dlisl(l(ati~ilc@re stnd(Jtul'l~· il1l o:dd,e-s"despite their C~1'1uall llmpl((malill::eil1ll ,collltmm!ilg e'IE~(!ttic;al. optk~'l.l'Ilfld me~hiilnk:al pr~lill'rll~$, It ha:5 Illrt.efl ~'~il ,i3issumedl, a~ th~ b!CII~;is clllallg'l' ~'()ns;kl>8'I<ltiol'ls. t~at.ell nOI'ils;t!okhii(l'rmletil'i~ mre~rudllire of mu:~d f101~'~:I:J,st,W,@'report <llt®miic:·re~II!.lti:onJ im,al!!j,@'s.hilt I:Ik,edly Ire~o~.1Ie the ratioll! and anion slIblaUi(!E!'5 in allumiml t (u·Al2;03) .. A d~5imda~El'd ba Sil~ ,edgE! !llIi~lo'GatJilJ<liI i;5.~lel'l tD' mliD~lfit off hllo' (me~;iln alt!! mim um {(lilu 111111 termin.a,tes, one P:fl,r!:ll1l I, tim:! an (I1x'Y9!m C!OlUIlilIll ~enfl~ll1llt~s!ihe s)E!'(lJon~p1lir~ii1!L 'E~d'l ,parlilll cor'll is ~(lGlUy ,lil(m~tDo~clhiome~rk due to the e.'llceos'S oif"~lImililulm or o.xyg,;en at. Ule[o:r:e. T11.eim,p'lic..a.lilllll fO.r: rnedha Iln (ill! p~® pI:! rrties~is that ~h,e I1I'tO bile hiigh-tem!l'eriilttll'iE! didncationJ mnl' slrmtu re {On~isl:Ji 101 [.110, dosely sjllil(l!d Ilartial d1is[o~iltijiom. f'or bai~iI~dijJl~o Q(cur,~ync:hmrll~z!!;rn moticm of the p<lrHals QI'I .adl<!'CiE!llIt p!.<I'ne:!> is i'>efl,uhd.

i;:ri~ ic;"l'. ~Ol]!~ (:~L;~'!:!t!lli:. t1pl~Cll,l•• uw mCo, .. _ c;:h1llu:iC-l1l1 p:rt:lpcr.~I(.'\S. at <II. '~\'Iclt; m!ig..: o.F m'alUcrnflls. for 1'I1L1~I. :!>ii'illfilc litiO'lltJlt:Jdlilllic elY:;;.'


COI'C s~m~tll.l\:'S


clijs'~nocaliDH:i< at>c

~:ds. dislocOll,lil'm

('Qm ~~nll!!l,a~iOIlCal1 Ix; dcl~'"


~l!IStil!lJ1f of Engill!lll!fing InJi.all,Jt1all, UJa~ Gf]~.D, 2:-11161 "t'~ 8IJn_k~ TCk)Q 113i-86S6, ].3paJ1l, ~~ml's Scfomoe ~. 'fe~hrr!Q~ [jM$lQm, O~_ ~~ ~UQi'@I '~~~~', .~.~ R!~, IN ,37811-6WO, IUS.A. ~D~1I11 O'f Intflbgell1ll Mate~Ls Ej;!g:lneenng~ O:sata Ci\v lfn['I'ersiLy, B-13:a UlmM!rntyd''[ol'yo, K<!~I!iWl!i~IlIl_, ~l1im, ,Chlba217·>BIS.6'l", j~~I'!.

oxidts. em], hot

hOi"'lo1"V~If. ~Il OP!T!(pk ..I. crys"~Is; $uc;:h 'I!O;, " d~hL.T(;B,tioJTDr 1i1iiori ool~mU'lll!!lor boil" o 'tIk~ 'bL~i'in,~lli1In:ilil~ arun'i~,e colm'i.'ilh'i. e~ ~i'i


>ul'lilli1o!b~1tu,'OW:;i, .5SB·8!)B5, ,I"pan.


"',0, wllOfl'l (oneSI)oOIrlOOf1()eslilould !ibllb;r~~@~iylma~:.IJ"to~,O!Iqp

be .ad'JiI~ssedl. e'l'I1a1il:

The inherent ~ m~iII!.!r.lIlCOn:Jlllic< (If <I~I~h" and, q!l4~"~ ();~he-rO[lmplc1'l (:Q"~f~"'l'I~&I~~ kd to ~o:nni.~~ing rnpl;;]'l;ls; f<l, ~ i:;;~ot;;lli91:l!§!td~ 1("1 1'1), Al1Jmi!~~1~~. . widt;ly ~~-d ill m;my ~mhll~trD:;I.1,UfIi;',t." btK·~\1J1i.1L': n1'~t~:;(1pi;.riN U!lCCil."!"l ic;d,lhCl1lfa.d •. m~d chem~c>ll ~~..~
~lll~11in>l {g-A~lOl)

L;;I~r. Bild~~S:rIU);;Il!,li;;n ~r (Ii. {~Wl"l'g!,l.[)d I~;)!:r the .Jip~twCl;1i l\1 ,u!id 0 phll1.·L;.';S wauk! £oquin:; itf;ll&lIipl3l1C i~.. ~1il>C!rtcd lob~ Ilhc dm'mill!1Ull dfl.r:w:: lmm,ptltL .AII.\:Itr1:;Ll~\> eI)I.I]:U;j' prDj'it'il:\\;t1 defoIliTIitl'!iion Sy,stclll al ~~'lci,.llli!tt::d It'1J1:f'ie'rn[lIl\:'~ thai. disloc!llit'm ~lip'WOl~:l:cl: tlCOiJr rLkmg Hie I( 7).• mid nli1111:>~I:'i,~f'i0tl.'llm fer u uldei'S.hi~ld i.ii!g. the mi:d'phme en the j;luelkcred At II",al~Om ~ilyer; ~ligh~I.cI'l1iI)~.1LjreiiilK'Chl!inica~itN:"1!!iJ\ Kt'l'mb.;:~ io.r:. ,(.Ji 111'!:.I.prop!,'}$cd II b9. al tlisktClMlcioil. slip< 11tIiOtl~ They ~1I;lLOOlh~u Ihfs choice o~·.&le ~Iip'fllmli:: e[1 based on Mrw::u~raUy related he)(OlLjllOi1J<l1 allows lite U10\l hl~ J lslocetlen 1'10 cm1J)'~maet ~l1c;ulls. ~;m~) assumed to (lOCLrr I:teuwccn /'\..1 was clm:r~(!. Figun..: 'lA ~)O'W,~ a lm~kllld"slick model of and () blli1,~I"pbll1e lowers. "[':0 ~naiHt:ain Ihe noea"AbO,:l in the {I nJ!llj projoc~iollJ,fmnllh~!1 v tt""",ing ,dirtcl~;fi!ll. I~ aaw O.... 0'J11 ~i'~,!im" ;lr· A ~ WUfg~d .[1i,1l i!:;;~(ru;:l c!!llwm!S" d :;,[::jItki~!g .(i;~. quence elf u"Al201 aIO;nlgI11C' (OIXH) dillecliun 0.:. - -- - .-.


~II high Ilim~pt~lau·~¥o.


O!~ lilL;

fOOO 1 ~


m;l~ ,oet<lhooml coonHna!ti.on of Ihc O/!lygcn W a h!lll in~Hlil;5.i!Xls. Ii!:, mnhcol"g P.f(llKl..,~d Ih~~ sync~m"IIl~"'lf rl1~J;:·IIl'I!li~~~l. wh~~~by 1\'110 s.1Il~!1'I;lIp' ~'I1Ii~indull"'i;:h;II[ ,~1.~rt."'Cti(l!rnS m~:t'Idj)ll~H .1UDOIlIi!il;: r:lan~. Thi", l[niJd~~Jlism :t'ia:> lDil'Cll ~howr~ 10 Grcr.l"~~ in the Laves p,hOlSC CO~ll'K}tand HOC'f2

conslsts of I Z <litem"l il1gC';Jl!tio~>l1ll,1 anion b~1.1 I<!!)\lrn.. Thl;') 'C;llioo 1"},(!:r:5: OO:'C !l.ligha~y 1)~~!kI;ll§d :;;!!iQl~J;; (ooo'~ di~\lCI~9(ll. !3·ih;li;~L"Fr~'!lf,J()l~ QI. ~lG j ·r,!t
if!17Pf)osli~'d ilIltiit





~ihifk-d A~. :;;ii'(";s, .il (

The c:'ores~ruclufC uf b ..:l.,uI edge disIcu:;;lu.ion in .r~-Atz03is >ol'Is~~p,,'cd y sc;:.u~n~ng h ·1t.1~~Nrlli:-;to;iICiI~ C~I~C·~tr.o~ tfiUCml'>~~jly lSTEM)"


Xow, :l\\.ili-angstruliillrL"f>.ohlliOJ'i call IJ,c ~ehicvQd 'I'.;,~Lh·tllis. teehiili qu.!! 'l'lJ). ri!&1ii re I, Bnnd C.

hi~h.(m&~c .mmli.ll~rd.!!r:k-

field II iAA.DF) and bri~ln.l1i:ld Sl:EM ima~C'!> or ,fj~AI~OJ 'IIic'wcd !I10.~lg the (~IOU)



'~I ~ - - - --




e .. --II

!I8I1 [fiOD]

f~:!J" .~. Scn~m<ltic~ GlF bflsoi!l. edge Fi'!lI. 1. Cf)lsMl stru'WJ!fE: arid simulttatfiEi,ol!!S, .altollnk-'l\e1lo~ulioi1 hti£!hra flgle- .annular' mrk"in~lrl (HMlDf) (lii!dl M~M"',fi~ld (IBf) 5il'E:r!'! of n.,.j\lo!~" ItAl Ull'itwuCliUf'E' of t:h"\!l;2!03 vij~iI\i@~fi-,om (he (I ]'(0) direc.tiont. lhe5Jtnu:.hl N! Q)~. I1-AI20~ IC'C1f1:sis6 CI~~(NN,ti!l9 .Ala,!'!d '0 pliliJfq~~ CllklJilg the


«(IOO!) directiol1l,






proie:!llicn, ~ I~atnl tilistitllguishilil,dividuall All IilIld 0 ,m ~J!Iml'ls. (I: .i:lluIC) si m J!IUillill'~QLIS HM D'F (lin and bri~M-netd {(~ SUMil'li!a·ges ,elf a4\.!zOl vi@W€dI(!F(lIllilWh~ {:IlI.aO) dl~'~!ln. Coiflll~ paIMI'!:OI1.of !he 'in ges $nOfi!.rs. t~i!ll'lh~brig:h'~ 1I.pots if1,~h~ b~~9iflt..rteQdimage d]ii'e OIly ,c(lITe$IiJ~:nd to the po,sitiollils, olr alto n;)]( (olll!! milS und'e<r the oJlul1il"imu 1JI51m to Qbtailll the i' (1:1). ~. :Si~!.ll'! in l~l~ ~fI1algl!l:S, br~glht,n!l:l!d 5i1iEM I;;i! iii dist~·'l1gl.lJi:5h AJ ilrnd 0 i1Itomk >ciolil.lrnill!i 111 ttJl~ fi,rojeclion.

. ·'U.a~St!la4PM~BJ.I,;l~·

,.IProm lhe {11M>

'!iQr~ strJ!ltl:tJ!lre5 Qb~elMd at lQ¥ll te·n1IP'1lrra,lil.nes and UII'e Irn'Dbi~e' 1l:"':11~ all high W!lOp~ra·llJr~$. (~) .S.c:hemiillil:: 'iU[ulsi1rlltion Qf balSai. edg)e disLo,(.llilll1l l!:!o~~dil'U,clJiu~ O~!i!l!'rv~irl!ifl th~:!ls~udy. The perrlf.!(t IxIIS"I[ ~d~,~ diskicati~fI di5iS(lciat~ iotiC! 'll\!:(1 IFigl. 2:. A.tQnlIi(·res<~lliJtil en brqght·'li~·!dl STEM parti!ll dlnsIQ(ii)tij ens IP~r:I!lfi!n;dil!:t1!Ii!r to ~hll ISH~' F.l1j]1iI1~\I'it~ tnermmati;on ~ ~.~ a (:U2'Olsl/a.l!:k]ng ]malgle ef .!:II IlJa5a~ ,el:i:ge d~'S,r@C~lioUft cor~ in f(lll!tt: illl b~Mi?i!'n, ~B} S(h,~m<i!l.k illli!~t~tiQf! ,of a"A1203~' {A:~' ]'!I'\P'ka~. am!' SlJiUctlm? of ~ oo.saj di~kmlliol'l cib~lI'Iled' fr'om the (:lJ. 1(0) diir'll(tJiOlll. JII1IobUebassl edgle dii5.~@[i!liQlII {ore IlIIQde~. .[It. hi gil terIilpera~ulre:5.rWO' partia b mow very elese dlis~o UlllOO co re Is dts500ated with two I:Qge~hermtho:LJt f,orr:Ttiillg o1Ii [1120} :s:LaG:k]ng lJilrtialis (~(lO[O) alild Y~Ol.ID}) 'OO:I1Ii100ed ,ill by Ia,uUin IJ.~L'W€!1'I'I. Pir,opll~ed iilmmk 5~m(hl~ (i(} {1120} sl:.aclkingfall~t (EI:lind 0 IBrigM·ft!llLd g~ !J'I'1od.ei ({iIoo> p,r~.~eCliof'!l) (II ITu!lbill'~ lPe:rf,et,t. ]fn,a:gesof the IIppe~:;Jili'ld~~~\lf!!r poarlial diisloca'tiM !basal ~d,g!.l disJ.~(gt~rJ III a~ h]gl1 'U~mp@f ~~l!res, (Of@$. .F@5P~(ltll\l'@ty. 1ih~ IJIlllptif parlilil ~ ((Jlr~ is !based (m the ptle~liIt l,o~~-t@:mpE!%!lnll~eebser:t:erminated by an A~ 'C!OWl!I1n.~vheli~s th~ lmver t IP~rtia~ iI:~re iSOOmi!i!i:!l~dl ~ya!1l 0 001Ullnlf'll.BCDtih ~ti,ol'l:S, 13~!Ji~€lInd !'~d s;egm~i!Ill'S 111'1!il~ rigur~ (ore v.ermfmlit.iD1iI5 uC' ill ~lTh'feCIli th~Al and I) 'CClrrt~poli1d 101 the 0 (! lild' At .Hilmk oolwlfIlfIs.. at:Qm~( plalnl~~. Each p:~nhd ~{m~ l~ 1i!~1i!' iI'ie·~peutvelf.In t~ijs ml~del~he ~~Q d:is~~d.1lted :st(lq(t!iom~!iil( (h~eoo the m~~"$(lr Al Q~ 0., by.t iP{llrti!1!ts Qb~~v·oo .at; ~~wteml;ler@.·hw~ ,~re I~F th~ ~D,ti!l bllsa:l diS~DGlltiti)~ dleflli~i1IlllV Pl'1'£I!rves l(;lIted on!i1Iu!l'It: Ibll£.aI. IP!;a nasi ~ the rn eb~'le


AIltQ~ stokhio.rrI1ietliy..

hi gh-tjj!m~er.a.tlllre


w'iWI.sdenc:emag .org

SOlleNC c.

VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

djrecuon, T~lC Z~'9Iur,a~l, image oflnim:d

\'",i~h tile !]i\ADf dctccw. is an iucoherem i~~l'l~L;' U{i)l: 11 !!'i.,~ss.;;nthll!y \I !ll~P Qf dl~ l:'i,~~~ ~t;-riLlgpow~-rofl.h~ ;;p~i,;'im~~ll+ Th~rtc is ~ di~c:~ ClOITi!.:srO:llcl~l~ce b..:tw~mll th..,: l;;aHIl1:s i!~ the sp!fOcimcll ,mul their image, Illi C{,lir~~:;'!5It,. he t
phOl.~~-I,;'On~.F.Jtllinu.;;Igc tnb~,~i!1~d iii.e:t,.;:r:lJ;;lic~,which

(JJ-l.:ft TItL:' di~ei1~li{m is con:-;idcn;tl,!o b~ dr.i\'~ii 11.)1 tile ~\.-due-lio~'iohlti:l.lI'i Ci~(!rID' liud 51.lIpp.~,;;:;s~d by :iillCrt'.fI;;:~l'llil s.mckilil!j.liLL.h. en~.[)I!ii·mcimiolli OCCtiiS ('I;~l I~~e I~ I-:!t[l~ I ens ,l'indi );~)cei I1f1iCnth:i,elmc!:i;.~. o:ricnl1ll~l.'in. asd p,lfUlC by ~clf·cl:im.b tl 14~ No cvidcn.cC' rOlr d,i~" scaneri ugpewer; Th isruakes l~hasc-lC'('jnl.rn~"1 ~oci<ltiOJl OI~lhc 10001 ~ basal plane L~ obimages oU'IIIIflkn,Qwn ""1.n~C'~UI·CS, difflculrjo diserved, Om IDw-lemllCl,'t'i~ ure observations show ;celly in~crp'UI.:'I. ~~ICi\\·!:J'\fer:., :lcm~l.h'i~y cm~ tlml the cores are ~m.ucd ~l~" f nlhe (I ~}O) d iroclion iJy on~y0.24 urn, This ob:>e'{'\.',~1 ~~ iOI~ be (!~!>(WI!O!l~d to pro,,' !'!1IlIIc:h"".ncr eon~ ~F.I'); ~ w~fi'I'!~!.l lS l~~an C,lll IJ,I>'obmiu ed rl'Olil P cQn~i~tl>'~l w ilh .~·ii."L,~k i~!g-l~lU ~Il~rgy c',~kul'l· h. 'Ill,.: Z-'(:U!~'~ro.~'1 i.n.l,~g(."S (jj:f !m',~·- !nl1~:~C u nUnl.'Llii,:r;:nll.,[t show' llJ01[ 1I1';;~ OCJt:l:f ri;J'Uh hO!~ higi~~'r W Ck~~l~n1!i.1~!1uchas AI and 0). Thi.: ~inlll..!lla~ en~'rgy ~Imn Ihe ~~. 10 l fau h m iO\'\lI(,Jl~~~C'f'" I ,H ures I( 151. r!OOi:J!~.tYI~,oo~ll.'(!z.. <!Ild piHl>i~(;tlnlr<!M irn>1~ The brigilHicW STEM ill111jg.(.~ of eaeh {Fig. t B~nd n Q r~h~ (~TnO)IIH'C!'j{,;'(:~!on1' 0 a-A ~.jfOJifl.~~'¢:i11r..'L"Ol.~~d i~ll<.(>d 1~IlK'S, of,(\ p{.'l:~S di5,sOei ~u~.cdPf~rI~,t! ~C!n,: :JII'~ 1\hr}\\ll~n Fig. :2, B k 'H~I[I T~Ii.! arrow); ill the kn:!lg~'S indi.Cfi~(: I'he C 1.1Ullrefl.c'C l I.he :J.mI'I'lgt:l1rJLlm (I r ~IJIC'ifI1(lli ng 0 aud AI CO.~lill'l1lHlS~:dun!ilI.&IC «.lOOn directicn .. rCSfltle'l.i n~ posi'lio:n of an cx~lt.llil(i ~r-;planc l<:'t11iIl:i.gcSUCU IliC:],~rJlc condi Eions Llsed [0 ebtsin these l WOt mitflolion of I.he lV,lC!tj'l.:ll:llakl1hc I veal that the upper tcore is lCiiIlTIinm!::d hCW,IC'(!ll i.IiIUlgCS. the hrjgh I, ~e.atlireS II) r the.'! Z·cfH1llrnSI vert ices ol:'lhc-k inked ~inc oll: aIDIl1JS,at sn A~image are seen 10 corrcspeml tfllhc' bragb! ll\mllf(..'S in!hc l~ri.!!hl-flck! h1llil.g.c. '1111:$C b:t~gh~ C{)J UI1IIn po:;.idoll. w.h~J:'Ica...;. the lower core b" [c.'1[l~n~ idemi r}, lh~ p{l:-!~~i{lnsJ Ihc~wo 0 o [crmi'rl.1rcd ,[!~ ,~lvertex of lhc 'kill~c~ line ;!IOIm' ,~~~n O-cohmm pr~('i;!~iI~ll. a T!w~c ob!l\\."f~ C'OIl!!]1!J.~ ,m~ uie IlllOCki..'l\.'{j A1 CO!WWU!l in !;!:;Ich vstioas dCal'ily show both d:L."~.oc.lti.on eoreicr~'>Cgnmel:ll.or the k.inked lines .sOCII In this promi'l1lJ!jon;~and, thus,. ]ltdic;~lC 111m ~ltlC s]lir jet.ion l]ia.!H.,,>" orthc disl'oca]iQ~~s ,lfC !ocmcrl '~tw«n f~gllre 2.1\ :>hoW:5 :.l ~ypicrJ! br~gh[~ncld S;TEM~n'aM,c of .lo,,-,:s.,d d;S~Oc."llkm I;or-c i1m [h~~ A! <Iud n 1iI/nmic rl~mc:;;~M(lrea"'~r. !hc p:H1i[lhl IJcm~in'lt.l;;-db~1 AI or 01 (1o~Uilnn ~Il(.l~.Ai:l!O~,. The Iun~ din;(:litln of the di!\llocmL'{lill~ is I'H}r.i]lk~1 10 l.hl.: ol1iCrvi!1g tli li\'iC:'IUOI'I,. O [hal ~ cl iCill~C: I~!:JI.I.lh,;;p.;,tI1ia~ cores :1II:OC loc.m.I~)' irlOt slcoich iomC:lric~ t("nn'hll!,)' '[0 lh~ COmlll1lt'J.n! O~~11C' (lOre :>1.rm::I.lilrc· is ~A fit :in ·hlgc~o.nn·' cOomli

""",~Ih Mll!~IU k!irig~'~-fudd dcrcc ~op' as coh¢r~n'l in~i1g.1;; rh elm


Z~C(m:1rnsl. ~~n ge, ~:~is apl't,ut'rIl 1I11lt ,J! room a di:sIQ'Colion is uot " single Il~r!~cl O:i~,]~~t~m~(~~t = 'I)<! UO)l, ~~I~h::ll!'i. :;In ~.:>;~,,-,nQ.I,;-d ~..;:tmC'I.l1Dn'I;: wiU~ rmrtials 'llti~= y.{lOTO) ud b = ~(O I TO)I tc:mb~IL'{,:~cdby 8. : Illo: ~t1l;cking Ihuh, ton:iiisb.:n.t \vilh '~I~ 'pf'CI~'iotl:!i' ~qm:rn.\1 'Dr dislOC1lliO:!l (lb~!"'l.ItilG~i'<.dlor ba~1I ~~~~p

11I1c~ric,Ihctot<ll di:t~{lc~tliQn ('lNservc:o> AhO.l !\Oloich~.rtm.,,,[I'Y. !:I!JtC'<I~~rC~~C Q is.'50~j.<u~.iml 9-c'~~~, ill~!1~ ~ i~l'iion flonuH~w the ~aogt[1 ~ s I.~p il~<ll11,\ ~ISijl~
on Ihc

Fig, 3A. g,lid..:: of ih\; dis;SJ[]cuallJd (~i~~oC':I[~Qn:;: U'Mlrn I planes '!,,\lOU ld f~"{IUif>!;' c(1l'!l.inUOUI~ s~W1)IJC'~~I~1 re..~rr.uig.L;nij,llltiii Ol~~'~hc sIOl,d,-

the p!m~lI cl~H::ml~ h Ig~l-re.':!o~uti,(1111 T EM. The C'0i~1.1'9!i1. I s iaflucneed ~J' [~!~ ~"ocus ,[ifl~hc ~bJ~\C'~ iV~

h. i..'O.lfil~jjj:nlbk

ing r~LIlh bt:'wt~cn the pilr1ti"L~~i:>.~I~ll\!iCd~ In III ~10 rn~"t't d itdI)Cf~l~D]'i Ittot:lton '~l,I(iti\~clR.~L1Li,~1C ~lmi'l'ilic dl~:lrrlill$ion'! ,n~d would .1iH; '~:i.!iy:>,II.lI~~~:~h ilit ~l'iW ~e~ni'i'Crnulrc.~. ~t il; t~~ J(;xl)(:CiI(!)dlhlll. I:l::> Ihe dbl[ocaJiOi~S that iI~ mobilk' til hil~h tern~m~ul\c~ Z11:1~ l1!ll di)1$,ocill[ed '\II ith a ~l. ~201 :stacking Ihtl~t (B. UI. :D). SChC:ITI:il!ticaU>1~hCi'\ln III Fi:g. 3 B. Thm is. ~hC'mob! ~cd~$~Ji)C'ati;on core a~ high 'C~!lpcmruro ,.:hguld eon ):is\ I'M) elese. Iy sp'~C(;'(1P'lni,u! dis!rx".uliol1,,"~ AI ~h!;11ll()$~ basie


k'\fIC~,di ~~~r..~ion g.~id~ ~l¢eLUffib.~1~h~ ~lIi;:CI;;",!'li...,~ I>liI, of[r;I'~lin"'ting momic !.io~m1'li11.~ the on at h ~ m(llio)fl." of wom ~ () h..!Y!.in-;<lind ~h~ ~ud\\'~Jc:~~d Al h~ylC't .. re OOir!.~.idt'R~d ~o be in\',olv~~ in the basal dislnCllEiD!! .!!l~iclc. The dHTc.rence ill cere ~ii!:11Il11imilIOiil I\.~LlI!}; ill tw~) :slugh~,Y dmCrei~1 slip preecsses. If the disl()Clition is 0 ~r:lflb1Iil1::Iw(L 1~ICb~lO\'iin,g O plane slnps over IIIl AI plane,,lhc disbcnlion ii s A~ti.::1:1Ini nll[Cd"~hc' nmvillg A lplane :-;lip,~ OV\!I' ·;111 0 plane. ,On (he basis of our l'ow~ wmJ~!:l"OJI!ul:C i(lb~c~YJ~io~I~.p!'opo~~film the \\'~ slnp Il]IMJCS of tllO'l,'inS partials ,f1I,,(! loaned not on the: same atomic P~i!l.J]IC.bUI. on <JJdj<1Jccnt A'I and 0 1000] I ria!1e,s, Figure 3C shows the ~Ji:I:';~jlbh: pC5fjbC'~~~ .s <i! edge disloC<ll'i:OIli core .. SUILI(:lU~ [nobile ,n h:iJ;lh III,'tIHI)(Hall!ill[1.,.':S.\l\l<L~ .mi.·· fuos.all r Il)n~ In. d~e l'I:lObHe~~gh~l.c:mperulilH'C d~slocaliol;i. A Ilhou~h othcrtreCiJ)nSmlct~oll is ar,c IJOssiil!c. OLlr O~CIl"V31.ioIJS showlh3~lhtCSC J\~- II ~d O-tcnnina~ed pm"lliills c1'<iSl.. (Ult! when Ihc df,sloC"atl:ong~idc s~ops..lll~s mode~ can dlssoeia:lc by eli:nlb In ~hiii1m ~r.lial di:;lacm.ioil. co:re SI.i'UCI,llIR::S C'O!nsisl.<cm wilh our c~p!CrinlCIHa:i, obscrv,mh:m .. rhus. we l,mpQS.oC' ]hal, Ihe aloml:c-sa~e hlJlS(l,1 s Ii~~ ~lroOt."S~C::l,;I~1;~}a$cC1 ()!] the 8hll~lle core modJ::1 :;.h(li\~lnin fig.3C. B~;~~I,~C'~hc .:-;c:h:C'l~ml,ic V.iCV,f('N;l. .~n i~ rOO')
Slime thmllitl:' I.\\!.o di&Vflt'imoo pmlia]s ,ob§;cr\"t;cl,[o\'i' tc:rlipcmturc an:: ~,t}OiitM 011 fitljuccnl.
:ii!:I~~Om!r.Y ,<lWTllLC ph'ln~.

ln (1~·A:I.:!O:'l' relIi~~



lh~s, condiliiol\, br~J~t SPOl" in Ihe hnagc correspond m Ih~ of IUQmi,c
11011. ~iII

Iletll.fllily C{'leil

11I0I1ISlOl.chiO'Hlictdc COliC



fli.~ dCICt11111I1;OO J"rom

I.he simllltmlcoll:>

('xi::>1 ~f1, lUI i(m~,e cl)'s~IiL AlllhoUlilh p~.I"ti mil diIS,loC3'~ iOIl core is, non sW ichi!o·

,I ~~.

pro jC1;'1 iop~. l.i!lI,!'\iC(;~fU cmllQlfKln~u.t .rmrmil.~. 'to mh~ Nr;hCIUl!,II~1,; lis m;n ~Imwn,. :Htl'.\'(v~~r. :sipould h


s~.a:l\.'d llI:lLltI.h..: two pani,ul:;; v~~lor t:o:L'npoll.cnl;~


j,J(IUI!I~ am:!:


to the

Filg. 4. S, h!ll"'n~Hc:~ ,,,r th,e mll!bii~.e ~ig h-te'BIlIp;!lrrilt1UN~ based edge disl.o~,m:iQn !l;gtr'e5t rl!ldu reilll Cf'''5-£ sledfien ({~ lOOt) ~rll\jedioi!l}. Bihn!! .amid red :Siegm'e<nis: illl tlhe figme cM:lnespond to th,e () ,and Ail oflheoorc m.odcl showll~1'I F:ig,. 3e. The par~Itomjk ICQI!i!Ii1!1ns., rrl'5ped'ili'~~'Y•. (A,) The d~sQg~tk~~. '(I!l1!~i!!l:i~gl(If adj~I(~,[iI~pl~r~ial disl{ll:a'li!l)'rn:·With li~1di.:.dooulo:rl.'i (b = WHirl) mId b = Y'I{offQ}1 {I il n:rll A~ termlUlatiflllll. Tlle~ii P' pl<lll'll1~ ~ift!he two p[llI'tia~!i ar~ on a:djja,(,e;l'It at!orn;" ph:m es (~Iip ~~anes 1 a ii1d 2t "$" il'ldi(alt~$ the ~In~lial pels,iliol'll of th@ (iijsll(lc.Qlliol'l. llil U'le'$e! $'Ch~ma'ti($, Olfl~.y th rombilh~ to proc:llIoe.ll:.m il: cl~.:;locaiion Ib = ,j\~ ~liO)). Ag.ainl. Qnly th.c' sJlip cmnpilllcn1;,-; pcr\i@·Ct.Of(()Impon.ilints p;@'rpe-nd iWlt"r t(l~heif!@'I.'iing d! ~~(lliQi!1 a n~ !~"'(!I~'I'Ii1, ~h!.i t~() ~arria I!~ IbiAt .aClI!.lJa'lly pend iC\IIJutol~le < IfllO) rrojlccliofl 111'1:: 11: silo\!' iM\lie! ell1tLla~ iHld ol~llo!ii~e ~illtm~lllnellts P.JewlJl"l1dktLIlalr~o'~hl:l'$(ih@liniflil[.(IB,t Th'ElErSit j)iHU1lil in.lhls 5chenmllk. The SLIO~':Cssili\'e 5Hp or the (O ..t~f1il11in.i;!Ited) sl~~piii1lg Oli! al ri::«!~ All)~gfle. ((} 'l"h.e pa,r.sage o·ff t!iJ~ SII:lCQi:l~ palFtial (Al"~~rrnifl'ail:~n '~Iip,p,ing [11111 an Qt plane'. It is e)l;;~ded lli1alt (8) and (() OCiCI!HSimILlltal1,eOu5'ly. ,and drurfng tile Iwo panililb 1(111 adjaccnl, 'p!.mes Isli.p' planes ~m{!1SS, s~]glht r'li1l.axalio.lilillll~~ () plane 111'1!llhlre'iil'n the tiillip ~lallie~1 and :2 115mqL.JireiiJ to prtli1'~lm,r1l 1 ;Uld 21 recovc'fS the p>I;."tioC'l !'Iaik iug !'I:.,'q 1II!",:nce b ie'c the ~err'el!:t stack~"'.'ll ~'(!I!!~Il(~ilil '0 lCl~'~, 'l'he p~~ffl"l{iew ~.dt~mi\!t!hl:sof~h!i!' p,esent oo:Silll gnlh, Ai ~,lIb~:,u I!). H O\\I~\/C<l"t in ~"Ilp.hire, mh~p'..,: i:> Ol s.ligh'l. d~ ...i!i~iQn ih:H1!l thiC pcrri.;'d tdisllocirliolil moliorl shew ~~ho'll the p'[opoilied tclisLo{atioli1l lIIl.etion P:r'~S!lllrv'es !iI perr~('l s~il{"dllg clo:;c-pm~h;dt ;s,trut:lul\; S(:l~~'i in the oxygen ~et1u~liIu 'inl .A.Il ~ayer$ (11).

~hel1liil!1.ic. F:igufI: 4. ,1\ to C'. sho-ws the :>liiPscqtl~TlCC

• ~!pla~i.iccdwu '~::;. ~ ecrrelatcd with the ~mc~i~g fir <l!,ijm;(!nl i\1 ~ii!~!N {M),'fhis s~ight d~\'i"don i~1 (),"I)lg~11 p~l!Siition!ii1,;,111 11>1;: ,'<~!llI.,"!Il],,!k.. !!y ~e~ i.~ l]rlq p;.mjQ!;::tI;:·d ~1~t;I!U~~ nilo~d of f~g- tA, !J
ij~c~.; t1~~\'iai.ilQln:li~"'i,;'rc;spllj.i~1.U)1 fij.;o;~-d 1)!II't ~ ~hc ~~nu;:ture, ·th~ molioli of a si.~gle po1~.·t~!l1


resent a defl~nilhe s:tm1inlg PO~I~lfc:u' reallstie <:Hol1i1!ic--l.e\,clmodelins of ,~lir processes, dis,~aml",\'ich!Cd between 11:lc 0 ht)'ers. B~c:mstC' kU:<l!lro~1 .~11C'rnuio!~. and lil~~ir ci1ecl'> 011 Ihc ~ho pt.:I!'rC'c~.Al. !\tnck~ ngh:: 'pir~l!rvcd "FllC'tIh~ m~hOll!l teo! I rropcl'l i!;."i> of [l~A~iQJ'A lse, (he di::;ll",e,lli,[lUmtltio:ra. ~h~ () ::-ubhu~icl.,;' (;,111 ,,1:;.0 r:v~~nt rc~l!I!l~wit~ ll;~vid.¢~. c"l,Icu~1 (:h~ck tbr
$!<B·t~ki·"g ~~qucllce 1:1;Y 'WI! appr'Qlni.u~ ~m,~11 moclif~c.:uiGn~n Ihe 0 atcm ·Iil{l;.~ ili,O!l$. I! i", i~nIH'Il'iI:mnliO IH:J1!C' thon I h:~ e UIi'O .... p.;iIr!i;II~l(n~om; a:!'J,.'lno! iml.cpcnd(.'m ~n o!"lr ~'HDP(l(\!~d mod(~ I. BOlh :F'<lnijrlls IJ:IJ~\'oC SiI1lllltl.:.'l.~ !l.comd.y {.lUI ~u:ljrJJcc:m f 000 I: basal p~.~lm·~~ 1.0' C'om.piclc the 'pcrfcct dusloc81iun slip .. A l.o[~1 basal disleeatien is thus eeasldcred to possess 1\\.'0 ');Iom le sl illplilflCS. TIl is eere :SlmCH~re is expected to dlssoeime aile!" the dis!loc3liml

wo!.!!idr·csu I~ in;;~ !';l~~d 11IIuh i~'th~ o"'}'.~C'~~ i~l~ ~cc_ !UI~h;p'rc~cl1ll ;s~~p unodd. the 0 pI3l)~, ~:llij'lrlfltiCS !.!illd.2 b. shJL:1IJ:it"ti 1iJ.)1 (111.1), Ol~~ p!lIl'Ei:..I.,IHld ~hlU:;.a l>·tllcki~1g Jault onn the 0 sublaniee Would b.~ prodtlcetl ifwe assume ri!<!it! Ilayers,. .1I oweve r. Ihe tic\' ialion)l. are relmcd to the I)osiliom: ·t)f'~hc AI atoms,,hboring O. '!Joras :<Ind vaCOI1l1 :lite:'!.

p<ll1ia h; ~~ . based Q'!1 (1,'1,'" ~1,;n'\!atcmp!l;rl'lMl; ob...~",,'~dOl1"', c ~llwhkh~,.chp.;lliiill! c~rc i:> tC!nr~n~h.;dby AI u~ .0 l:;o.~~un~nls,t!I,~~11'\i'l.:l i\·(:ly. b~t Ih~ kll>\!ll di~.~t:H..'"IIiiml Pl1l'SIlTVC;:;, A~tD3 :.uai(:hitJnra..::·tl)'. Bild~Sllll'Cn''''!!'Jlrd at, (j'~ ,.bn IJ.t\DFMl~.odsIal' a

~QcJ.~i(ln. The suuetare

of these


2, s,






.~l.ip pluoc



(hX;1Ir.:.-cl 3ll11e

l'I1klpll~~~~ on I.~c: p!"tckertd A!

1!I:J"'"'i'~ 11~1. ~rn'·l:Ilwilh 'OUl; iU11ag.C:i., O~lr is,

13. 9.


ilmlg.~~ cl~,m~)' S~lL'.iWlhm. I.hc tCi'iii,in~LjIOJ' of l:iotlr'l r-mniIlL;; i:,; .ljoc~lte(l in ~t'!\!~C~1 IJ~e Jd lind layer:. III lo~\ [~I1.'perml.ldrc. Ou b" fi."S>lII~s. re~~"

~~II)'~il~, O. E_ :~'!lln.. 'M~ .!leI( te!t" 6~\ 'JI]~ (i9S\ii). 1.1. Materia&!: ~ ~IilMe.mOlil~ ilrI! i\l'jjib~te n ~UlJP!!!"lifl!ll 1I1I~1J:rii!'t Uin 5d~fK~O!'llili1~. U, ]',1[. Mit6hl!ll. B.. l. 1i'Il~lIia. 0.. S. flimi~ Il :H. Hru~l, ulie r.iI~m~r~

(J,'Jri~~r. Ma!~lt<!r, H. '~d, ~,I?"J'Zh It. W. lUfIit\lilltih, AikI. PIIop,M.,lIB h9~)), l.~. mlm1lll.. A~r,~ MiWltl; 1. 60S (IL959t M. t, Kro~~r·!i'I, A, M'e.r.a.iV. 5, 5(10;' ~'l195?l'. ].. 111_ l!IiMe-.$~~~~ Et oJ-. Arrl'i lilaiiN .... ~, ~~~ 50~li9'916):. O. [, h~,. (i, !be.. T. A. llI""birn. D'. P. f\DtP~• ."I,(!l M'.:rlt'J:. I!~.21113U9?~). K. ~. n 'lag!~18I, P. ItI, IHI!~~. J. Ca.!!Ialn~, I" 1'. II:lMl!<u~, T. IE.Mit~e:ll,}. Am'. C'.efam. Sac. sss n~iI~. M. IF. 'Chii!!IlI'!lJ, $. K!.i!nilr; P. l'l.wlediP1~ StienClli' 3)11)7. 101(~O», R I)'. thiUirt offoc. S~n'e.· 3[0,5. 1.7111 (2t10<lt


l~e'~·@~~iI1JIiI!S·i!lJinlN!(l~!!,S: f'. Hinli\ J. 1iJ!i1111~, :r~WJ)i fJj~i!DnI1'Nmj;


S. l

·Ptj;'b;~·rve1' IJ~~rl~et

IJwlum tht;ilJ.n;;1~ic,d (:';!.~c'lll<llliol!,,"nf d~~.!O~'Ltion!i. in iC{ln~!~IC';o,: uxides. \7!,I:~ haw IProv~d(,ldc.xl)e".im\!!'II;(I!I~\'idom:c ~h!lt IC!C..~I), I1mll:l~oidlOmL:l~.v1·(: :>~l1.!C'~I~I'\;8 n;.~ i .. 311ow·OO illll cry!iJt,d s wi Ih sm::!'L'lg ifHl ic 'L;'h~If·· :J!C'lC[. S~I:nullOlr!Co~S I~AADf and br.i!!llu.ficld STEM imflgi.ulg will'll !llbcmlt~OJ'ItlOl'l\c!Clioli is 3. powerfull tool lor observing .Sl~.C~1 Ilocalized clefccl: strucrurcs. even in vcry COII'P~'~X erys-

1.4. 15. 11L ~J"

~ffc.iS. MaS'· 34, ·~H Ut916). .. r, '~;m'!~~~Q,Y, I~~~~r;[!, Aai!ilM{ti~f. !!(D., 'Mll~~. t:. P.. Il). IL~rlO~ ft Ill •.Ail:11il' Mi'!llll.~2, n ~::l!984~. P. It ~~)', P~iifl.5;.tJag, 1J 6a~ :Ul t!l"3l'. S, Gi!1dimintil, J" "" R!rnl~k:a. ~y;" 1iI.~; 122,j'~7 U9.6lJ. ",e;~.nk: K. P. 111.. I~.rrl&. 'o'31~t.I~ gl!(lII$:5ii(lfi$, '~r 1Illk Ir{!~~\!i1dli !tii):!. SiilllNll1M b)i Ih~ ]ap1lil So(i!!L}t 11100Ill!! ' PllImiItiOri o! sa~I!I'~a~1ithe I[)m~icma~Milleri.als SOiil'II1Ce':! ~ rnl:!ime-~mg. Ol~c~ gf Sao" ~~!Il' ~~rn~~; Ill"'!;, lIJI!~r,nuall: cl E~!?,p!i~.


o~~)l.ef\':!~i(lilsin Fig. 2. W~~prQPo~~~hua b,I~~ ,~hll~1] fl·AI2;0l is controlled by 1]le 1);lIIti.mJ. (l:i.s·loc,nioll:ll. lh<l!l. d~:ll:5J()c:i~ltC frorn the Ilel"r~ctY.( Illf1) dis-


nI.[wil~J:!, and



I}arl.ia~s. een-

lor atom le-sca Ie: e harac~el11i:au () r d~ ion slocarlon eore suuctures wi II

til ls,

The poss

ilbil h}'

:5llip:pDdingl O1il 111i1il' M a t~r.'i<ll



ood iY.ie1l1ac!:1

assist our l!ndcr.::mm~ing {If di,:-1loc;niO!n activit}' :lm~ i~!i cn~'(:l~. d~c clcc!T]c.1l. opt.uc:".~. on

:f"tg!i,. $1 ~11iI!I $~

,~f@.rffl~~. 11. Odi:br!r 2006; nC~I!II~ l(1.11i2!l15!:iell1c~.lH61~~5

]<1. ftlbf'l:j1Wji :l!00l

asd mcc.hanic:l~ properties

tIcOHl(I)Olrlc:nl 1:nrn:tc::~i,ds.

or co]npic1>(,.mul-

A.cid 'C,alal·y·s;iils in B,B:S,i,c S,oll!uli,oln:' A SUlpr,am.o lecul8r Huslt Orthoforma,tle Hydirollysiiis


g(_~l1bondi~lg m:~I.wOl·l-ts m:.',ar ]hc 3,t:~iH:sites of

pm-lei 11::;. ean lead rowe


lI~hmoo pKI:I. mateh iUlg

[UP 1.0




in p.K~ :i~ i~1s of


ProlDlloiles!ls sho\\.'Il iii! ~fLcl.criorhodQP5i~n (3). Sim· ilarly.pUlrely declms;laHc intcrnctnolls can.

,co!i!$Ji:stE!Ilt wi~hl~e
}'Ht~'l. Clk

At!ho!JIigh IlTIililfiy IlflZylili:~$ can p,roliiilote du~ lfIlIicall rea.(;tijons by·tlJlFJil1'9 :!I!lIb~1rolt·! pr'op'!!'rti!?S pliw,~ly thrc'l.lgi1 the il:~~trQs,t~ti( ei'lviroliil'l'lent o:f ~ (hl!::lkiii.~ ,c~\I'ity, t~~s S!trate~IY Iii.:!,!; pJ',QI'!,!iefi (~al[leflg~n9 t~ rIliimic "ilI SYf!meti<: h()i!:~·~lii!'S'I: SY$~ms. Here., \i,i',E!' re~j)i't ~ hiiglh'ly (:harg,~d, wat~f·~()tllble.rni.ita~~iga rid ,~·~~Fiii bly wit~ (i h~ rophQ~k il1it~iii©f cgijoi!ty!i1a't t~'~m1Ii;)dyn.a m~ca IlyMa'b~~i~s, p.r~tO'!1~l'f.!@ $ub$~l:ates al'i:d cQ!'I:seq~l:i~ntay cal:aly~~ ~he i'iCi\rm3Ilty addle h~dlr(iily.~is of iHthof,(irI!l13le:s in b:sk ~olliltio:n.. with ~a~~ ac~e[.e-ratbcm~ of IJIP to 89()i·f~hl. The !'I!!'auJ;J)jlIoll1!!'y!>.Mldlii@H~·Melnt.ei'11 ki~etks (i Ii'!~ E!);:hibMs Clom~titiljle ]0 MbJilio!1 • a'!1~(he su blitrat!i!'Si!:O;Il~ disp!a!f:S~~~ s·~h!il:t;MlY.


gready r<JiVo:rdmr.ged :Sl;a~es. and h3\'C been I'CSpO<.IlS il).~e rOl"pK " shins or upw Ih c mm ilS for :J;cetoaCC!'He dCC'llibo~x:yla)lc [1l·. Aucmpt., h,ntc b~(m ~mdc~o isoime d~ccO'l!!triblJ~~oJls of CI~C]1iOOI"li~cversus c,ovID:lcnthucractions ~o st~!C'h pJ.::ii shil'ls: how:cver. this. rI."lll:<liu:l1 .. dUlic\I;;L:IIc]lgC c;-o.rcdm>elua.lly. Th b; ell ;I1~ k~\gc 'C'mplm'''~i'lCl'l~hC'."nllflO!l:Ji~lICC s}'wh~~il~ illl,; h(;t.'i,~ !1IMllccul~ th'I~.. ll:kc cm:ynl~ '~;:I;\lili~" c<;m (mh,~Dl~'lL kiindiDlg of :;.rn,1.U :un~J~!"~:UlI,Lr gWI'L~.!ii .ruH.1, in: itr~",,! c,,:;;~";li,C'JUl:~)'z~ dtCniI.LC .. 1 ;1:7!;:tl,t·[ liOll iii





'~'he' mOLllCJd"r host,

Sli;p;minl01(,'C'~.dfll[ <lS$i;lnlbHc:;.

~LHlct~Qrl3~gn,)IiJIPS ha'\IiCbecll liCquil:lC CCn<l.hl p:ropcl1ics of.hc )l.Uool.rnle to immre calaly:s:i:s. ell Z)ilines af(; pltell able to mq1d~~'y Ibm;.ic In1opC:l1i!!:s. Ihe hOIH~>d i5'~bstroll.! :such a... , I.~ (\1!.•.i}C'i'C KrJ i» the acid dbiS&
ill1d ~O:l.ttl.ioll":l.tmiC

........uth <JI:'!o'il~ ~{lh Ie u:>e<i to gencrntc

<'lIJld cClik,lyzing their chcunicaJ re1liC1im~s. WI:len::". <I.S synthelk CM<llysHi ~U"C') site-specific l

I- ..... ·'ooti\·oelj,· b:im!il1g

hClnis~s 11[ilNe long c:ncl";<livol\.~ ~o dc-.sign ilo:;;t 111IDlecq,lI'cs '3J~<lbk: or :lestQ·\"l~I\""cli11£ ~bsif;al·e::.



l'E'J'. ~ilh~lf:v. U! 94f)l'2O, W:SI\.

"To wnom com~~pllilfl~l!~e ~ttdl be add,r&M!!I. 1[~lTIa!~ Irber~rnM @l:Ief,k-eley_edul ~rUi BJ; r.. ~.rnand@:$OClr~,tes. Ib~rhlol!f"~daJ (Ii.':. NI..IU


Ul!Iiri>'~rslil~of C~ljraiilli!.3, IB,I!th!..

cin~km com:t<lll.l} in orc:tcr to cnhaJttc flCa.cli\'~ty. TW(l 'Ofllnlm~ mollfs m;cd by na!mctG acd\"l~e !!J~~lcl'\,:i~ Lmn:l<lcl.i~c compounds .;;!fC aflln itic.ll in. SllprniTLolcclIJ! 1a.!!:nosi"£lUC1Ol sy~ ! ~h~rr1,;':Ci~cml'Olllgc In~nl ·ot' h)'drog!.i~~~b(lmhg !!.':lllS ~M. rl. '\lV(: 1~11!Or~ ]IC1'e a :syn~hcl.icsupr..lIlcQworb ;lmi ~k:camst8J~iC' j!ll.t;' ... ,et~ons. ~. "lL'11\;clIJI!I~lfhg!'lt "~M'ndd}' !h~l n;;1~ ~;".c!\l~wdy (in clccl:m:;;l~lit;: !IJiO. hydruph(}bil;: i:rHer..,r;:~~oll~ [\lI'Ct:r'i t~lt:: ~1JI.b.llLf;Jt(l .,wid Illdlj 'L~,~n·c.!t'sidm~ ~br li:iiC'lfllllorJYI1:JI'iilic i:;lJlbillii!.3tiO:li of I':!ml,mili.tld tilc:ptr)l.ei r:l (J}. Pr!c"A;: !11iT'JI].~en'h.:uU tJf h~m~t.e

I~l\m shU"!." Orl1!p to l\1!'{l]j).K!Il lmills {lO .13'~lldliO c,ualyze -chemica I, l1Cac~ii,ons (.1'4. /5). Syn~lle~k h{l1ll8 o-rtrn rely:on lmmliiflg nr i(jIH~ipQle inltcrnciiClI1!S. Jor gliCSI. illidusioll. al1;d~1 Luncrous. s[Uldics have i~I cs-v Ilg<!Ited the' en"cc •.s or dlOllXg.e on gLlest bind i~lg




SOlleNC c.

VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

has exploiicd I)K~ ~,h~nl" spectrum showed a I:!: I tril) let '",'i~h spi uinl~rctlce Ihe cllC'JP:l\~I<!~ed. <lnl~ aes rmsst be "Il~ u ~-I-I) Ci(l:tII.p~ illlg ~Qn::lW!l~ ( ~ ./01') = 7$ Haln ]pRltPJ1med as \)i... even ru~h~gl1 ~II. rU, unreactive S\lbi!H:~ttc::;;:. Fl;w !~~ 1;1]~"P!\\I]lin~d in :1:. the ~oward C\1l!;II>f:l;~".~h~~ "w.hiJi;.-...tiOll i~ '~Xll~~i!cd Il1:0, ~:I~ tl!ld~o~II)I~~ 31p NM~ :ii~~t!1U1!~ l . '1" sho'INCc;II ,u odolJlJk~~l .J~Dii" =490 J ~.~, l;;olR,"li.RJOnd· M"d\~I~iii~~~ of Ut~,,~n~~lh'~ lihillil! b:r[';,ir;:i~yW,I:;; ~o prnJ11ilhl !I~k~.~il:ii.~~:.a;,cl: 1'I}~lI'd)'~~ ill ~:mngiy ill.v(."S,tigatot;..J y tllOlililoriinlg I.:.~ htJl'ol gDII,.,-,.,irtlrlllt:b b~,;:';;1C ;;ClUi.ioJl •. ing to a olTl~.-brmcl, r".I~~ l!!!j lI]ni. d~:lir~.ili,\~,l)' t1o[lpli c~wblW;h~ Idli dins af n pm~nn tn pj~n~horUi5. phr.:",c{l .. ~ .", 111!irl:1ion pi t In om~r~1.J confirm [Junnf,l. the p.1."l dt.'C.u:LC\. [iu; .Rouynooud £,AA~p ~hl 'tii~ ~~l1c,u~~d;':!'l¢d a ~U!uilt~ w~c r;;;,;;ch~u~guL1g h1l ... rt;-poI11'1;d. !he IO~l1!'li~iml ;;li~!d£!!I~ .•i~{~jlg rwnpEh';!:;,I.'HL\lL".' ~i,ll1i:""I!'Ij' !Siu~~ir~~I1A,>dami!1C!l1 !old plm.~. C'Jt~ of :l'l.ipl:UlliII,n(;'C1)i I!;u- !I~>;.L'n,bli~'Sof u:n; :KI.{l3~ rhill'~ Wil11 1!1C al'ni:I1~';S,ll 1'~1JI;:~Q~lJlioll .1U'id 'that IW~I~ i ~,.I\hlihtt ::in:dtlgoWI::l, base :.bX'li~lill:s. by ~lioi"~'it'tJy M~4 1M. i, [i;j~!J (It. AI!I.~,I,~n, F~!i!. h

w "'~ti\'mlO: orherwise





~lenl1>llC'1I~lSSCmble in ilO1t~~ 'lei, ,I.~m' ~ClrnbedD<l1 oon c·h..l"tC'1fS hh chiml mc~al ions :1I1,he vertices mld w brid~ns H~lIld"$f:mJmillsc,,'tch ,cd~c ll~is. I ~" The s~a1('1niil mcch:m~c.d 'OOUI'H~IS. onh~ HS<illds
~ ...~n$f~'!'l'>~irn~.i'I)llrolm one m~I.31 W!'lC~ 1'l:Ilh~ c o~l!~, IJilliOOl!>' lLC'ad.i ~!g ~-""c~lI~i vety ~o .:i8,d,~ or AA!\A t(:inl~gllr.,i.ij~)!rl~ \'Jill~n::~'t'1 !,'U ehe \~li(\;~ These Cilllluniomcr.;. are $I<lMc. nonim~L'C(lIWIJL1.~ i~lg. .mdl!l'.1l'ioh.flll~ 12~h 11u,: nK·~"li ig<lnd .. J ~!1llbl.)' 'I i!i. <lIll)l.; 'Lf;l'l.mC'<IIITl.W1~~U~I..! widif.\ \I;lri(1)' of . <;! "'niJ~uU U10r1.oC~u.iotlic :!:l1!)lii;'$L in !I JIID 1o 500 AJ

T~w,.IJf (i~P\'; t, is }\(N' -Iri.~~2,j..d~h~roN:y:bl'I1;ruyl). l.S-diairn1ii1.mmphth!llC'i~el V8. 19j~Thes;: ~xl-m~

figl. :1. (Wt) A. !"£h@omafic Irepr€1iffitrJoorn o.f

the Ih@~ ,~JJ~ ammbly.




kll' ~lauity. (R~:ht) A fOO(ie[ (ir L2+1"f. c 1]11-; ~ d' rog!i!rI a.trOm'5 OIl! the-



awe '@mit


~OOI f~r Idollnty.


rn':!,t! 1It!<!l'I Ul¢ blll.~~. l>C!~ ~iC!n. The: [l~l!Phtl:w,I~.l1e W!lIl~rrc.l~t1erDhl~' :Lllt(~rDfir hydro. phobic. WIH!reaS (he L"Ctr,r~.mli:onie Ii~rund:sinl C"Omibjrnn~ml with Ihc tri,\'II!l.ent m:eutll eeeters


a lm~~,W $~ok'h i0l11ctrieJily rnedia,tc,~ al. ~1) <IS, well ;l~c;~L;dyzes. (5". J.n ~\'C'fcl'J'alimp(nltmn
o,rg'I!!.il: <!:Iild ofglll1(lmcuJ~lic

I r overall ciml]_c 101 he 3S~dll'bly. As




1 mCii ''Nt ~

pH ~ '11


11 I~"""O:R: '"•.• 2ROl1-l

In :Idd.i.. QU!lntiJ"a~':

~ion. it smbilizcs .rem;:lh c guests •. such us' the ~ ~Ol"}"~:i,l!m eaiion {':4), plm!Sp~~i IlrC"'i<1CC!OltC adl-

ducts ,[2'5). and iminill'~l C"'l~J(,Jn$ 0'6).;]11 \\'hith m;pid~y (kIC'0111PO:olC' in \)r,f!JI!C!' and 'Ire Ollrl), ,~I:(!M(: 'UmJI:OIf ml.hydrou~ o[ ,c.I.;.I.n:mri:~Y m::id~rC' conj]ilioUl:ol_ Uc: h~rldLrig slICn.glh of mOltt,.ulrmic :!:lllll©;t'l pllOJ11;P~OO ,o.tu·in\!~tig,1E~o:n hao ~'e alJil!il)! or I to Dhcffil11iOdyna,miciiUy d 1fiVC'lh~ 1il1011.O\pro:t.ollillioul


R "" M.a, lEI. Pr. W,f,

No R:eacthfl,'


IR'" ~~nlv~

or gllcSI. moteeuks Wilhil1 the eo\'i~y" Ncutrnl g.M~SISOOll~d Ihcn be d~h~ slo~chi.omCinicr~ly or
~ioIl'ISi:cnl~y prot(lfH1Le<I~CI fl''ltc ocid~~'llY'iOO ~iQrl on ct1Cfil""'uhllirnl,TO~C8I.our hypolhesi'>, we adOOd :I varicly of 3~.l1.]I1.CSaud rpl'ics;pili:ll:.S til)



~oIt1li.ct15of 1 ~tl :DJ,O. Upon, ;uMLtk'lll ofN.N.l'r,r,N'~cilll, melilY ~-I.4~imuino'b~!~'!iule (,3;)r or lV.IV, J'V',N'.. ~cil!l;,!el'lllill~~ .l"dianll tnocl halle rt .H"uidie~d nuclear 11l;'l,gr!Clic NSQn'~!lOC~NMR) rcsnn.!,lIU)l;:~:;, clb.]~t>"lk 1:1" t;'n~oIIm)Sl.U Imi(l!l, W~R;; nh.~.I;\W" (,ipr~
R~]r{lI]di~lg 10,1. l


III till




1.1 •

U ----------



h{~l:;l"!l.~IJ,:l\D('"ii.m~l'l'.I~.x. Silllil'orly.

h""O,,dill1t'!l~;(!Jnml I[.~ J]1.L~ll.lf1r r",.d\<'US~T dJ:(;'("l m ~po;.'cnro~t'.Y (NOESV) Oig. S]} t>how:. SJU[OJ'lg, l:hn)U~N'p~.c~ oom~ati.OJlbcl.\..,.cen the IIJtI;phthfli" 1(;J;c protol1rS the ass.cmhly illIe] the CllCOIrPSllI'1 artoo ~est (Ji). 111 onler to ro' Ihill ihe...<i..~ weakly bilsi<: C"Ompom~d~w~re lJciing ci'lll::aps'l.JlaJicd iill! Ihc~1' O]r~lig31.e aeid :Iil,lttns, we adfk:d JlJ ~h~h iIIlC'. ~ .~-rl/.rldJimcthylph.osp.hino)m1~~h:u1Ji'~ r( 41[('1 II ;und pro'bal by using 31 P NMH spec~'lm'OOp'Y. A!<l. wilh 00111m:nincll,,, new ~1p'licld '~S"










, ,











CQn~p;;md ~I'lgto l~1




r~C di<'r!!!l!1;,~ IW

MH. ~~~d d]c


i~ OOT~ the


",,-'(I p1ii;}];rhtl!ru"

NMR :spceln<r,h'i D20.

e P II



IFi'!lI. Z. (A) Reauiolil and SubM.~lte srC!op,e rlO~ olM(IIhvlitl!ate l1ydroL~is 'i,l'l t~,~ preSIN!!l:e' ,of (ill1l!~ytilt 1. Bu, b:utyl; Me. rmH!i1yl; ~rr. plo~VL (IB to 1M AU SIN~('trartak>e1lr witl1S0 e(JJlIf'llal~e-nrB (eqluiv.) (If trle'lhy:l ortboiml11l.[lte with r:e'~p1ld to' 1 at. pO ~ 11.0, 1..00 mM II(~C(h22'::;(. in [hO. (18:) Inlitlill. s:p~(hl!rn. ~C)r Spectrum C!h~:F 60 IilIIlfli. Sp~(lnnn of :It \'f!llh 2 eqll!irv, NIC.t,q,+ oliJter 60 min. Moleeulel lrepresented by 1.1; 1~(OEt)~",,,'; NlE~4."'" ' lOIF ex~er~o:r and 0 ror interior,. and •• ~:~(Ddlmt HCO,"'t!lI, ....


trnp, lVI; mClk'll!I:edlh,e ~.l)i!i,;'SI~!I::'~d~"!lJ;,~ rates or Ih~ ~;::nro«l:5l!ll!m~ 11!mim;'S (.!'~) ~l<;ill~ 'Ih~ ~!I:;",!i.\~!~I\'~~i~1 re>hy lI(lt i1!CI~nJi!l as
<JI Io;i m:I.],c

Ibml(~ 10 he $,~fS~t.;oC"J,morl and 'Ull(4) kcal mQrl •. I'l.'l\fIcdivc!y, Hl;)ming !!w hot';t~g:.nC'f'[conrplf;'"¥."" 1"0 '7:'lar thrl4 ~011''', >I!~.~.~ ~~lJ~~!!g t'l"!~

or lms:ic



cQ'!.cny (S]R)I~~II~ocl (J91~l!Id rOtI11~,hh~~ ;)[!:ni~lG\". sampleto ~IV~ U;l1T'11I\, ~t~ru ~~~not d''::iJ;l.~~~hl,i ... ~o'~~ ~~xdI.131iigil1ig. OIl! i.~~~ Mn l~m,(]~~tI,~ I~(lir2, N ~'l'l.'uin 1[:1lc.!lJP5lul:llt~d !ll ,~I1."C gillC;~i, ~·.{mfirmil]g Clf k321*:. = 0.24(3~, ~~ lOr .,3', k32i:iK = O.lJ(1} ;<;-1 ] [ll<I[ :Lh~ lhcmlod}'~mn1ic ICqU.~hMl~~nIwd ~l!C\.'n -~;

~si~ !'1Q~tuti~!] .ir~!"'!!h}'!9f~horO!m~..w i~qt!l k:~;;Iy .hyd:l"n~~1z.Q('I, (/~a - :1 mill. pH = I ~"0. 21"Q lo J lh~ C(ml'::=>~ldiug fommi.c~':il~r,.n.lqo I(OR)., r

l~J."i}.IIO\~'C'iI~I:"'we :t(a!Jld!lml; {If iI· c1l't;llI.}liiic ;I!11I0~11tof 1 in

vo,\.w", C',(H11~(,,1dOll:t!illtll('I~~


sm..C"~iPj.nimenl" ..~ :tl\,~

ttk~[ t'l'i:cilfilj,gC fitlf



Ihrr!m~(;' .. UCOjl- tJ6l. We


~1L.'<1l;:hc,n. Ahhou!l!1'I lhclJl~'lI

of J-H+

is ~O.l;: ~n

IhCre;II;'~iCl!~ by ~H NMR



dit1t.It,'m I!L,o"lI~iX~lOltUltjirCII)ii 300 K 10 3110 K ~\[l, f ,""xltF3.C'1 Eht: J;LCliV3tio!U ~miln'l~~cr:;. ,'fi.g.. :S31. llh:

In."e :llo.~u~on,sA;lbuli~ttm~ ,of'til¢ :pru~on"'rt:d IOliln




Wert ~.c;1~98 {t.lru1.cliu:d ii~b~, ( Qi1cflj,y of 1iICI,jv1l7 lion} -~'~l2~ keffilll~o~-~ Ml' Mfmdard enlha)I):1 .. of aetivailan I III ~j9~ n'lO~-I. run! ,1!1J.s4 ,t standa rd CIl! ropy of act ivai ion I .2 ~{4} C'Jltml)Y 'Ullil~ e.u) OImI rOi'3, 'were l't.&,1l'lS ]9'.9{ fn kt<ll umjr:'• jj,H~ = Hi. 7(6) ke<ll mol-i" 0tJ1d i;lS<: =m,,9l6) e.u, TI!~ \ia.tu~'S,0JU'i~ con,~i~,~t1l \v:iuh 't~ln;;c":- Iih..r 1l]L,: !ic!1f.t;xch(tl'lgii ~cLi,\'u"

lJy l.\vh~ch CfLJl ·be ('.:!iltulm~..o 1BS Ihe product of tit!: 11KI'I9Iltllhc biu~dlni:lgrotl,~Dmn of ~'I{' pmtoorl1oo, IiIIl.~ktc:.:.~'DiIt" IlL'C ~rrl;.'etiv~ bils,idt)1 tt'i 143 t 3.h Thib> (kmmli!ie~h il~ highl ig!1I.':i. lhe ::.'tb"IUmtimJ

:\t!ilbi~i2.1I!km ~he of
nC'LJlrnl species 'l1lKill


speeics over thc Cllc'<1JPSlLllmioJl in tile hi.:;M.y


,Cavil)' , j.;~

.~ ion


(I rh

.. ~r.mlkyl~um.oon~um


~ugln to '!PI~ly ~~is hO~I"i~~dluxd ~hift in ol'rrt~~i\'('~S;dty ~o Ilm:LllOll1J nmC'liml chl,m1i.~1Ty. ,,~ lill>u~-d oTl lill,' hydwlY$is of tlI:· [h(l~bmml(.'!S. H('(ORh Iwlll.CICI! It il'l 0111 <lU:yl or
\1\/10 nC'l:l

(,~1C'''11Rllmctl i!~t:u.age,'1lUnJ,l II1illttI~C :.l,lml.: exC'hM~~ n~~ChllPli.·;.mis pre:;c!'!.'t IJl). UPO:!llm{lnij~ ~oril~g I:·~ ~El!.'>C.gI!QC.:oL g]lWlavO:!II,'i 0 f ~,2:-~ c ~~I~I'" and L3-W 0: ml ~!- ::lIt di [IbreiJ!l pHs. thl': :frt.,-c m~.. ergies r}f Ibindufil!l, ( i'l.G-YI) fot the mlll~I'tC"'S were

ary~ llm~pl. .~ (:l,!!i~,(I r !I11f)k~'!J~~,'l m\lpo~!'~iblt: for


Of~]l~~ lo'[~nlL!~.!!iQ!1 or"h~ B!'l!l!'I."'KlI!Iliem)' ,llmo!>l ::11, ~nullr)' ..go tJ4). AILhough Q:r1hQfol1iln:lk$ ::itt [l"'''Ldilyl~~,tdmly-LCd in acidic s.a 11:11:1:0.11, the}' rrlR:: l'xec-cdingJ}1 s;mltdc niJinh.:uII1liJ



I !i:hi Ii(,\d 'Ipil~ su~~~lj.c [ldd,~Lil-.'ll,s,ugg~'l>1:irig th.. 1 i:-. in"I.'t.. liltilllld)1 ifl\!tl1'1r1..'ti ~1i'I ~'bI.~ re.llC~;IOrl. The l>lib:!>~rdt~ C-H i'CSiiR:!;Me.c b:roo~i'b" tOi'lr.l - I~B ne: comIIDII.--d with ihc n.ol1~l'Ical:t"u]aletI~'~t.! 3.2: I ~'z. wh ie'I,1 :is :;liIgg..,;:~the {if rru."<! ~lLi::~t e:(Chr~~D.S;C. ~t1C'n::n:i1in!!l 'the cO:llcentmlion or 1 1.0 80 ~ll~11 nlak:es the cni:'~$W!I'.noo ~Uh.. "u'lleo:ll"1!l:'\rabl!.': (Ii!g. S3). \V!th .. I irnill.'d ~,'(llwm' ill .he c.m;, ily or L ~Ufu\~'.uni;J I ,\l~;oN; s.c!r~'.Clil\'~.I.y\!Ol:s.L)bs~!"\'ed " ill '~hi; tlrt~I(I~:brrn'lli'JIi h)>d s.i~. \\'iilh t,lr1thH~Ib ~b'LTImb."!\. ~"m<!lIcl: limn Il1ip~n,t}'I ofilI1r1tbl!'lnill:t~ bciuJil I'!1:·.ldily h)'ldr-ojY:GI.'d wilh I n:rol(;' flCOl"()Cnl I: ,Wig" 2). To funhl..'f: ~~""bli$;~iIh(iI Ih~ i~UJ.;ri:or ill' of e"L~ ~ wa... ;C';lml,)Fl~Dl~ 1111(': hydll'.!~y5b,. We cxplore.d. I~le I"WPC[js~ty of 1II, '&ooilgl~ lbiu!d~n!;lguc'SL NELs+ ,(whi!1!: .Etis cahylj I IJ,(? == 6.2<lt:~nkcal r1'1Orf].
lOiI'lJ~ib~~. si.lbstrnt~ ItJindLilg. 1\., C:li:~C'!OO. 3ddilion 0 r N ELi+ ~Q Il1c' solin ion COn:lll Ik::tcJy inhlbired tile hydrolys,i~ of on~aofofl11'HI.}!>" In Ihe IWL~'HOO NE14, ~.lhC' orlll'loH:mnilLle l'Ilcli~~m:' ~o~mm;x,~~dmrpcn(fd VVl!= 3.4 I ~tt. C\1I1!1irHl!10 illS :1[;lCk CltcJpll'lllm tall!. VMe p'robed the: 1,1Cm.Clio~l nn,oclmnball by 1I!:5~ng ~l"ic:tllYi cnho rorumnc: ;) ~l!h).sl .!I!Cal F I~:iI =111 Jl ~I~d :50Q'C _ Fi~~~ot1l;l.c-r ~.\Ib!l!tmlc COm~lrlll'pl.iCiI1iWl)~~ob\ii('r,,~dI ~Imk'r l\michuo[]nl\..'~-

Ih~11 nile .f(.'1ilO'JUHt;C:;, pf $l0ll\



ric rnru:lilio~i"





c:midition. s (sec below). kirn01.':ie suidles iIl:::\!cu.h;~d that ~l(: :~(;IICCion IIS also ti rst-order in.

protml cuacentration ,~n.d 1fir:>lcordcrin the or 1 while ocillg Oth.ordcr in. slilbstratc IOig. S4),\'Vhcll. combhJed.lh.~"Sc unoch'H~~sl.icstudlcs est;lbli:sb thm tbe rate law ~o,r 1],li:; cmo'l.~l.l(; h(Ydm:l,y.sjs of onlloforlllflOC:S by host il obeys the OVCI';]I,n, lClmollccUilar mte IfIw: 1¥1l~ ~II~1"-1StJlbsu:uc II. WJ 'bU!, under smI !l!rJa:i il COIJ{ij il lens reduces to rrllt! k' [ 1111 t], O We conclude llmDD~IC' nCl!! I r.ll I :;.ubslr'ltc l;!ltcr.sjl to form .. h'~t~j',_l~c:>toomp~.c.",,, li;,tdh1,g 10 the Qb~~p,'~d Sl~b!';!r.a~ S11~ra~,ion \~,r~ .!.,;n:d [j·U:Hl{l!\.-;ibiliT)1th,1I S;lhlr.ui(m is due '10

Fi'!lI. 4. ,[.ade-IHo,!'s'tfe IP~ICII sllowimlg '~'Qmpelmye rn~iblli~n arlne :h'fdrQlysi~ '(If l~t(OIl;;003 1fi4~J.;"'ifiHliO, pllff -],](.0, by S'aPC, 3Jnd 4,(1 IiiIIM 1.
-:::; 10


INa inhibllm

'Ill' 1;1,01 OO;IJRI.

(I I), 15 ~IV.


cOlupkh: prnl.ClIlJ<1ilion the ilM,c:ullbly. hmvc\,',,;r. sible ~o a~lil ill :>::lUrmIIOil

protmlllltc(l, onho.fOnlllJLtcs

or $~I,b:;n· uut~:i:d:e
:i:1 \w'l,I!d nn::J11. <I,t [I H =


b.1.~ IJOs.-

1,1, boc,ful\jl,c




I~.a\'e ,esl.ifll<'lled pJ<.r. ',"alue'S of <1i.lxlut ;; (;;IV}, Similarly. 'INC COJl:iid,,;rcd l:hol. lP'rnlonalion. or dle interior (ilj;' ih~ 3sscmb:l.y Will>~he 1~l'::ii :s~cf.!' lhe mcc:lmi1I~:s,m;. in hm'II"C'\.'c·[,~h ~ mcdKm is,tll wOllll,d I\."'\luhI"C a hi n,d ill1igcons1,m I, of ~I ~ill~he 'lsse'r.n'My 1.0 be' grcater~han IOHl, which i~ not aHilrl1.:l'~k'" In, Ihe 11."".'" I. 'slC:l~ o:r~he qfck~,lh!.;' om:<lpSlI! ia,ted sW!b~\ral~i,~ pm"om,wd..p~lI11imbl)l ~~yd~lPmlrHi1ll~~1'1Iq WUlot.:'f. ~UI,d !,u:!l:k-;(:,go(}~ Uwr;l SUCCt;;';S.siv~ hydm.~)%is sll.~p!l in th~ 1;Ol\,'~Il'. I.ub~rnlilllg 'I.Wo ,r.;ql:lival.!t!U"n.'! of lh~ COIl[;t~~i..~! lii.J,ooliiot





,~oo .soo,
II1]SJ (11$··1)





w'iWI.sdenc:emag .org

SOlleNC c. VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

L<!i~dY.the pJ'lJl<lfl;]ltcd fOnmlll: ester ~.:;: ejeeted IhwH .~ a ltd! liHlhcr hydrdJ'7~d by base !1Il )1~~ IlJtiG~~tF~~, ~{J 1'), ) "§ll~n;'!~~~i,m'l U1~'t;: hanisl~l ~n Fi~, 3 ~Imws direct pana.U(:b [0 ~,::n;t)'nllui~ ·p'.:lI.tlnwLYs. lb~d ob~y Mi, I1i!C~l8-Mc-iIlOO"nnetic soot ...rsc (If,m ki
i!~ili'IIRlIil,)-L;"(!IlHilibr.ilJ~llbno"'I'I;;-d ~, a fi~~-ortll,;r ron(:-·liJil~[~ni!!lt'ilt'p. Lili~\\,.Ci!l\ cr-BI;I.r"k; ;1I'i<lI~sis I( fig, S5 I 1.I~c.~ljb~LJ1U!c!i.lrn[~01~ cu(\!~~ &Ulo~:d::. l~.C' ccrrre:>pOn,clin!5 M~,eh~li:i-M~i~l~ul Iki:liI~k piiij'fum~tcr.;~{if the rea~li.mll.'lI<lt~.\·e Mi.d~8J.!~is·MeI1.IC~1 ~.lII:l:EIImlCllers

to NE4'"


C(lmp!:llnYC ~]C

e;!;,c~ts bym.Howi IJg for

bifldiil1g we;:IMy hi~lcl,·

~n~ :,:uh~~Hr~e, Ic~qO[;th., ~. n1{l!JCJ.::~-'''I.t~!.~}' ·~~lr~M for 11111;:tJ,ill~il1l£!. "'~W of [, ~y!ill!jl ~

th~ CClI.1CC1TIi:l1li.ioll nr~Ll1J:;.tnrit~ :POI[each
G r~(:!h ib~Wr. \Vc

.;:mnp;lrod I.i!~sallll!'~~ C\l1"\.es i1m wi~h us¢ of .mE.u;]ic·Ho("I,¢r;; rlol. rr-i_g. "'l
(3,~,J9). Tht; ~llJr.ilimi ~I,I!,\,I;S ~111~tl!C(:lon the: y aNi!>, :.i,~l UiY ilfig lh~l!lt ~llf~I'iiib: :'lJ,b:driUC Coi:1C(:'lilrJ liom lite in3l<.i mum rent lion, v~h}.ei:[y

8, nas (W!l~t 19. D.. L C:iutd~r,.lit N. Q,aymoml, AI!'C OIil1'1'l.. Rt~ ~l:.·!il.~ {1999~,. :;!Ol ~:r. Tl!ljpin, 1M. ~e.gI~f, ill.. 'IN. ).1h!iKiil, t::. N. 1Ra.)!ii'IIlM,

C~mroo~.:~, Ie] n9:8e~. 11. C. iii. "Ii!ii1i. s;. Mo. Illiir·c~, lRoeb~~ .fIr ~ 1. ',!rem. SIK. (J\i~. ]l. Co_no 48, M4<l ~2,OO5.l. 1.8. 0, L (auldler, I!t ~. Ra~~!'Iw,.1.Ch~.~. ~«m 1ralllI.

15, H. HI. Ze",i'k. S. It Benn~r. J. Oro. Cllfnr. 164" WQ n9~~)_ 11;" $, .Sh'i~hl', K .At~~~ 10, IMali'la~~ t .("}jilll'i'l • .s:o~ •.


edlY.~ ol'~hofol'UiI.m~cI , ~11>1Pl. KM .2 r.s mM. and il'~!!1 ~,O{\ -'"! HrJ s-Q, where ~;"!9i.~)1.~hc nm.:~:jrm,ull1 VCICfc:i~y of Ihe'

formri· 1.79 ... I'O-~M s -g,

is ii'!d.e~iJdeJilt of thi: fil1rmllilt of ~ilhib,h'O'r. c>t)nfirm h1!:l com,pcl iti\'J;! inh ibit ~(m. I If N Pr ~"" \\!C'I-': C{j~nl)Cl.h~g 1m a d iiTC-Nnl. sileo than Ihc act ivc )1.~I:e I re:slJ'!J fur the catal)'1 le o·r e
h:ydllol),' :-1uch as an C''iol' ion-~~ail'i n:g

Jill:at'lil:. ·Q\)Ml·. Jn~ I!'d. ~.ill,nil ~2001:l" .~:L p, H,.!..oetJJ19, ill! fi~h!iI', H, G. ,B~rgrnarn... K N_~~rrnood.

Sl~, then Ihe' :1<U.'ul<niol11 Cl~f\'C::;. j!1J the ElIdic-· reacuen, KM is IhcMoc-lmel~~ ~ml,;~lanl.'II1.'d k~u~~. Ill,," WF!1.O\iCf w~eo~' botlnd S"u1li~~:r:;[[e} lh,)fllll,,'.C n~lo:1 w(i!'Uld bu p.. r.~lId+Bw;k e .. kul'l· the; Ih~ NPr~+ and 'ulfi~~opl1lp), I mlhofor.lt1:l!\"': (I~,i' = 9.22 x 6mt ('ll'~l:u~biniclhlg C~llli.ltU'l't o~~ 1n-I'J M !i.-~.K M ... 7.M· mM. and k£ILl. - 1;,:;:6-:.: inhi.bilor alford::.; Lla~- 1./:<i1( I ~ kcmilllol-l, ur:l ~-I) ill!(l\v ~l.!l'll'!:lIni,... rate m"~clcr..:~ L'OWI \\Ihich i.~ 1 OOIl,;"~:,wm \\'i~h ti~c:knrl\vJI <lm.!lily llf ~h!:;. g~I(,~1. ov~\rlh~k'1H~kgoou]ld~L;;I ifl.l].~\H~"~~ CO!l"paJJOO
J.tyd.~~y~:£ R,luelij,PJ\.~ I<In!d~r tl:ll! $~U~'1';: t:'dClion cOIlditic,ms itlr.i(,ll:iy~ erthor formme kUl,lC'~~.= 1...:.1-4'It urs :s-q fliltl triisopropy ~ 'mihor(liillNit~ kLont;;l!!! = 4.34 x 10-6 S-I )1. the rate .rLc\iclcrn~ioU!s. (~rkrn~l) lor trk'lh~! I m~ !:iimrol1.1!I:IIICallld tl'ifuIDprof\y I mtho ronll3Jte·;arc 560 and !WO. ~)~pcclivcli)~ Fm1her ;:m~lysis oi"lhie

AIi~ Ci'JiM.I. j~1:. rd.4~. 9~~ ~20041. 22, O. H. lirull!iJ, a. Go Illu.grnan, IK. N. IRil1mC!ldi, j. .Al!I. C~em S~ i~,. 9181 ti!OOQ, •. 2~. 0. ~edler..H. i{il1I Halbe~ R. Y. 8ergmBll.. I\. tL RillifMll1ldl .J. ~ I~ .S!K.; U8, lQ~~(IflOO6l .M. ].IL il!fi:im;ig!ilm, M. MOCIiI!~ 11, I'~!:iliet'il:. It:. n, IIa)'iTIOmd', i!'-I!J'. J. 0Ig.. C~!!'ro·.':2. 5:H5 (200.:j~. 25, l. L Bl!llmiJ9him.. M. MiQhe-t" 1(, IN, Roi,mDncil. &w; J. C~ttI:l. ~~, 4515;:: ,~(IOI11. ~!S, ~. HI. Con;, O. tFPedller, Ie. Urlt.. II. G. eergl1'!~n, K. ~. fi!a:~mOO!l. J.. Am. Ci')ero. 1,~191 l44601!


(2006). 27. ~ltrj! llNll r.lM~ ~ar~m


QI enmpj;~jjltd

2 inlhe


~il!clllilClis·MCll~n kineli.e 1'<!r:iln1ewn-;. )'ield~xi addili('m;al~nloI111:!Iiml ubnUl d1.c C"0lI1<!1ytic 1'I.';m.C" ~km. i\ssmn:rllg a HlI.'>t[)l'C..eq'Uijl,ibr:iUlll wi~htt:spoc~ 1.0 k('i;'J' KM is cs.'\.-c,mjmJI)' the dissoc'l<ltio:n CQJl_SI,~!Jlor dlC cncma1lsrul'-!!too nCl!!mul SIl!~!a.'llC. [n mdc;~lfI oQOnrnl}.il!'!Z 'lil(lW c ~1:cicn1~Y W C'J~<JiI}rAcs'hf.' il )'[t~D.tysJsof d ill'l:i:N,.'liU :>ubslmE!.:<"'i,.t~~ speeil"'i1;iry IhC'~ot (.!i(,,dJ!.::,,,dcnnkC'Xilmiltol:d_ Tilis pm1l1'1l1·C'u;:r C'o:rrc5lpomts to UjC i'ic~o:rld~ord,~r p:J'oponiml1lllit)" a.Tr:lSlmU lorllile ml.c 0 I.' cOIlVCrs.1.fliill of pre ..
fonrlilCc:!cilzymc.:l111bsl mi.':: OOi'l'~I).I~., ~Dl~lis C'I.'iC ~orUiwfo'.liIllalc clill :!~. ~op!roduct. llltis. pm\' id~

p~~J1ce a!I N\ii;j,~~~ ~ed ootj' <I 5j!,!~!,'e1 ,In liO' ~'w U~ing !oi}'nlheli.c 110s,::.;u modify th~ c 1111;1111r p,grm.l~~I'l, l)Ji\~((i~lldlng'(I f~ wl¥a.~~~]yrn ~!)lj, ~ Gt'll.~ ];limp~n'!.Ge_.$ of 'l!llC[Jjp"~Wlkltod S,'~Ul~~. W~"L~ ami ~!J!lIe5;(fi~!i!llMt ~ INili-N.NdN"II!1Jaml1~.,:l!,2used. ~tI.~cml.1' enhance I.hle f(~acEivnly cf'orthedi~mlnoe.h<!f1~~d~ ~:j, IlQt dill! I!lm~"!\I~I~~d'!\IU~t fom'[ll~S an.d: promote lite add. em~Jyzcd. hy:l!a. iII'Ii! euliamgl! i'otiHWI!I1! 1fI\~~1ed at pn = ~"o.ali[j 5IJ'iJ dro:~ysi.s in basic sol!j~iol1l. Similar slrn!cgi~. mill .:iCtll) ~iIlRJnuni[lOrm lmll[ filH!l.~tllI .. t! 9. 4. D. ~in.. I, A. Cfil!l1er:,. f. M'a.!ln ~II!~'. A ::ll:il.S• 21 . rOll!d be used lohy.cJroll,y.a! 01:111."-'1" acid-sen shti\'!~ U'il96}, mok'Cllles ill \llhkh II]!: clml!,cd Ir<.lnf.:ilioll S,I::!!!C ~·O'. 1ltie f_JTIIlj' !1~J~Ii:Hl wiedlfLltIl!!]'oo'!1 ~i~ PDPIlr". t~ (D r ~h,c rem:tio,n cml [1!C sl.lbil il~ccl by :Jm(l~ocL!~O!r "'.r..;!II]~!~.k = ~Jj1~ ~~I'IilIh<!.lqr G:)'. \11 ~ Y~\!~ ~f t =

host The s!z-e ~I(;'1I;li.\f.ilY .... in ymhC'tOC: nlok\C'u~"r hosts lis II property (I !len used by mllure !but ['illl!Iy incmpornlOd into .",;mdmd iJomogl!ftl.oou:5 or hcrf.'~"Ogcrl00lll.s ca11aI)':ii~This lype ,M seiber
[j'l'!Iyoou~d he ~ISed 10 din~"fcmi:u~c1lC.jjI(:IUVCsilJ.'?i or 11 :sub.'iilmtc wh:~ch W(luld OIh:'j;I'\,\'is~ C'Xiliibi:t ~qlllivakl1i1 rufLttivily mw.aiitl slilndm.rtI n~ml(:, o:rgflllOmi:l.f~lIic. Or irt(]·:~ilnic '(_·;';[!lIYSl".. SU'i::h

0.,211·tlh~~ i$. ill ·!!tlirtilialld lIi1a~!!Ilnli'

D~ 0,,00.

31. '" 'II. ~

3 ,t

~. qt" J. AIm'. (~ SLiIr. ;11,;0, BiN 1[i!Oj]6t FcrFtHl~Yi Uj"i~is< oill :~miiHn ih~ Il~. 0'1't~i!; i!l!jfilfij~. lliiJi bea'il~ It! ~Il! Ilnmlil' 1.0~@I'I;! lIl~· JU!lJtr.ll. JIIIli"fH! gl!~t in5i~!: 'lL.iIli:i f~mQre· it'!:I.::~rat~ty·lr'~~rredl(l1a1ii <Jill

efflldi ... ~hill i~ ~"sicil)'. ~

3:;1. El:amifil~lnom Clf (ifI!!'1<I~ :~ru'tl!ii£~ of 1. mth !t<InDU$ ~i!i~'i!l ~·!hi!tih~ rat~h~. w.l'9ie;r1l~<Ire !iloi a(lle~l'ble ~ ..~

ins II m.C<lSU:l'C of the dfcctfrvcness 'wil~~ whklil ~"'\iO stlbslm~es 'C<!!1m C'OrnJ~e~~tbr Ih.c: ::HU1I1C .'3i~c. . l·[ielh~.l1 oiilhQt:omlililc lind Iritoop:rGf~vl Oldml:Or~ 1iIl31le' .I~>II\1'~ s~lIC(;}I co:mll,flnlS oif OJ·' M~' :;-l mnd O~).O M~i iri. l\.'Spoctivcly. showing thm HU~OJll'oa)j1~ onhoiloflmnc: is mm-c cfliciemly hydoo~y~d. byW.
Ah... ud!<!:racIIC'L'i~."iI; (3f en;l)'mC:5.!~m~ QbC)i M icll<ldi.'ii-M~llh .. l-dn~I k:~ i:5. th ..1 ~~ll,i1,lbil; ill· 'I!l ~Ibil{lLl; -1;.., U tl~m~.pctl;,~ i w~lh I.h~~ ::-;ub~'ur;n~~~br thi.;

:;;rmle.~ks wOIlli.ld hi: SYL'llhelk[~ly li~ii~~ (Qr COil'll.ll'I'lOUI Ofl1JIilik: p:rol£Cljll£ .groti~U ill!id~ os.areta~s, or "Citll~S and could ~t'>o Ix· npplied bi· o~{)l:!Jcallyrdevanl. SllhslmtCs. jitd~ .as ::unklcs or ph05pllrn!t'C' ~sters. rUrlhcring the t!iJJ.lIlogy ~o en-

3·>'1. 35, 3 i'i-



RIl:[ifr'fl'u:es <l11I!!'INotes :~. IN"<, IHIa<, .M,.. IKim, IN, lLe~. 't( '1'.. C11~~, 8,·H. Oh, J.. 8'i01"

(htm. 275<, 4::i:ml'll2(Ji)i)~. 2. W. W. CIf!:.i!!'lI:1.IP. A. ff!!f, J. A. I()~~rr.l. Bifl1. CIIfm. 27~,


!Iil:liv~ ~il.O:.lhm k~ldil!lg

10 inhibil:iOTl ..

l~h(' bilfldu~l~ of fill. illl.hubicor m the CI17..Ylmr,e ;:!Leiivc si~e pre"'C'I'I~tihe $ ll'j)om c:rncring 2ind iilllll!Cdcs. line fCaclion. If the inhibitor bind:: r":','ersibl), 10 Ih~ enzyme a~llY>C :she. dlen Ihe
su~i:l"m.c con, t~~)mpC:I.~rQ. :.ub.'>irmcmld (he

1- ,('.1, lJ'J(J~ 0:994), 4. IF_iii. ~~h~imer, i~oJh~~ 5~. l (1.~1S:~, ~. I(). ril!dl~. I~. G. iJfr.gIlll!!lr(, tt IN.,~l'Iandi. AtJ~1'.. CllMt lri!t.t,,J. 674:6 ~tl·OO'l~ 6. ~ ''i~hi~~, i\II. lam~~i i\II. Fcll!ji~. '56~en2., 2S'l
3. 5. S.~.aa,~, ItI" O~'i!flii~~~ 1'. ()iiii'iO~ H1~p:

~s.s.~ U;\l~a}.


lxiund gllMt.lmil~ It!l'OO'I"ing lli~· ~biil!i' lhat h\l't!Fog.~;iiI OOrnd~ bell'l1Jtn 1 ilrn~ 1It~ !llIll'g II ~f!l~g! plan. Fiurl!i1Ei~mtl4l~.f..~.i!ii!\iim~Il(!1l aI N:O:E5; t'Jeblleen 1. iH1!l1IM' g!Jes-! m~t !i1.t(I~~tmough·Will~~ im((:r;wli(lm~ be1Wi:~q !hi!' g.ill!si: .!lli'IdiI:tphtl'tyl i!lillI~OiU 00t 001 b~ 1M g!'!es1; .i!4\I!! gle'(n~ Iprg!~~~ '(li!J. SII. ~. 1M .. IBmK1ed,W: F.1It 'i\I\!f'Ine-']~e~ from: tilf<'lcl'tly .SOc:•. 2$,. ~., (1:929). E. !t (offiel;, H. 6. B~t!.Q'JMl'.11.e~. 7~, 5{!:1(1'970. ,!it !high pHi, IJru~kKrnr1~~ ~ter ~rod~,t 'il, q!Ji~~y n~U!ll!le!! !ily OH""le' flJ!mliJle· i'Jl! «I~OOll. IiIJ!lwe'!'e!';al: ~~'!:IT ilH".h:o>:~nn~~ ~~~IT l!fod~~lis ~~~ .!!mg 'iI W1~ ~lIi'ii .... ~UOiIi.m~ ~ ~~r ~11i~ i.nilial C<l1"'IfM!lIt,p ~liUidJl· at '1, ~n)' ,el ~1Ile· i!1!tf:!if!1er.Hjji~5 ~ lie ~d~~: !irt ~fih!lJ .acid ~. 0051:; h~~~, WI!' ~3\i~ It~l.~~ Oiiily in~,rlll~ial~

sui~ably high OJJlCcl1llrnti:onl'l wm cti!lnpld~ly dh~p,ll.loo the il1hihitor. II!1.ld:i,ng I!ocompcl.llivc ililhibitiG:n. I:~~ orucr!o I.csl J:Gr C('Iilinpctlilil!;icinil ibil Iml ror~llc hydl'c'~ys:i s. (If olilholofill)illcs \\'ilh l. WI!! measU!red Ihe '1,~<!i~C'S.or hydml')'5b. or ~'riQlhJ'1 (l!n:hofGlmll"'(;' i!l the p~cnce <l "at}'i~!ll mtiQunl or UI~ :.arGl~]gly in. ~ibilf1![ NPI'~~ I AC? = 1.1'(2 j kcal,1l101-i ~, lk~ T lo~"cr IJ IJltdil:il!l. Cll!l.'1sr.mulII f N Pt,t w.ilh ~!;.~:\fh_1el


7. I, IKiIn!J,~. ~bJk l~.,Nm!lNt.· 3:9;;, ~O'0:99'?}. &. II\. R. IRag, lr."J_ 0" r.ilag~l!Iar, N, S. I{riSIiii1~~', lIt S:U]i~·nmra. .4rl\!, (')rg. S};'!'.l. 3fl:l.~200$1. ~I. IL IK. hi. Sanlilef:l;. Gl.1Ml.. w; l. 4,. B7S ~:!I.99S~.
]J)_ (. ~rql,!ei.


IN_ IlL Ir.I~i;I,~LlI'I'.


lrJt. fd..IiI·(Ij 3<155

3:;1, (i, S, ~di~. J. eM.. ~4~6, IJISU'?il,~l. 39. It iii. J.!~. Sd~f!Ct ][16" 3.2C\i U\lS.ZI. ·40, We- £lJate1'ill!Jy il(knOWl.&:lg~ finiJDdil~ ~up,poi1. fr,OOl th~ ~{jf)gr ",lll1e Oftfi,~ g~ (DeJ·Y!!' .R~~rdI, OUial !if Ill.rn~ ~gr~'f :Si!,i~iiI~ Clt!!nnica~ SOii!l1~~ l[liM~igl'l OeIl~Jmirnl ~ Eme'fgyl' llrud~~ CO!1lfil(~ 1)1:"AC,'02OO(HU~n Oin~ ~I'IIN5F p~o[i().:r~H~!ll)~h1p ~o lItili.p ..fl'i~ a~lnOl's laillm~ j), i:1!w'Ig. G,. ~illk,M. ~t:iu. ami (. kaJ§;Iif'ig~ for 11l!lpc'ful di~~II~iallS: .mI . H. ~>i!!1Hillb!:~ <!.n~ It. f.!YIi1~inf~ .il:l~il<",,"C~~h!


in ~cli;!liD!1,



{2lOOilJ. :Il1. X. Zhilll!J, (j. Gr,UI'IUtil1l, X. IIiIlln!ji, W. M. tj~u. j..Am. Clmm_ ~iI14 ~;Ol"".2)~ 1200il~. 'lI2 .• j!. Md!;alill)!. A. (, IBh~~1"ullo!ln. 1i'II, M. na.lJi., '1'1_ roll,}: ~, (mm. 8' '1110. SE~ tIlllOOl·, m. 1!{6~~ird,.~, l t:;~~,lT. W, ,_" I~~IJ. (h£m. Eitr. /. lOt 41~9 l:2JJIIM). :li.~. IF. IO<F!l!~,'a.biil!.em. C :1I:'!lI~MiI4I, e:. O!riS!tlIilerI, f. IE~ i'l!tef~h.,.M, 9d~".IIm CllffiI., SJx: 127, :n38{~.

f,f'.'lIR ~Ji'I!nmernt~,

S!!l!piPll!"~ti!!!lI1 G!1!'li!'!E! Mate\~IOII



fflalwi"liIlsilOl! ~,E1J!(!d~ f"1I)5c 51 tI!I ):)


12 ·l:!t!:rJlllJer .2006;: ooNlll8i 5 Mmli






The Delepl Olc:e,an DUIF',iin'g the! Last Intergll,aciall P'8Ir'ilod

O~.Y"!ll!!n~olopl!! tHnillys,ls 0:[ benthic 1~(Il'i1mrinirera iin d'e!!p ~i3J alre!ilir(HTlChe AI:~i3Jliltii( and SOlJilh~rlil O(ean'S. shows thai dwiilil9 tlrlle ~aS!i:llIlelr!ll!l.aci:al peri:od., North Atlal"ltit. DeE P' W'ilOOr (NADW) was ] O,4~ ± O.2~C i.'i'Mm@r tl1:allll.Q~a.v, wher'~s A!IIta~(ltk IBlIlrllt(llTll t@l!Iipwa!l!!.!U@<~ W@f@ IIn:(nalf1g~~.

H01j.\I. whk:h ()lfIgi,~;!~cs liT0mlhc N(lr:rIh.em Hemi.splwlrC. Nf;ll~ ts in ici;!"~h~l r~~rom me~.ligl~ 1llc..1.V

~ine~. 1''1. This m~l~!ngI1f01;;~~~"l[I!b~ U

si.:;urui'1~~)' ~m~ulb~u,,1;.'" .0dl,;'1;lfI~~~if1lg st!lb~inLyof 1 t~~

lh~ icl,."~h.t~l:""l:.-':S.nlmi.Jnlil~ gm~l!tdccl ]'1<111 rdl':' iilE O \ll.rt\~S 't J8,. To im\L;~~iwut~\,vhCl:h'CU' !he L1G (!II;t;:,111 COluld hm t: hd~,~ !.a dl;.';)I"hil iZ'l;,ti'i1;~\fI,.'NA~'iI'IUt:licicc ~'ie'~v~ 2Il1d ict &h~A~ ;,vc cxaiiilili.OO t~~ Q'xVI!.C'lll

MQd@l. simu!afions SiliiliW tilat 'this ,~is~n:bl!!tio!'1 d'@ep WQ~r 'lempitratlJn~:; (ani Ib@@xplaind as a of ~e~pi)f!iS(i!~Ir the OOOo1!!I'!o f'~~clm!,g !i!~gtHLa:~ltl,iJdr t b,y i~:Si!)ta'lnoo, Th~ w,a rll'lil~n~ ofrlilAIDW was Iral:lsrlElf~d the ICijrlOJI'Iii~~laf DeEijpm't~r', p.f)),1,jld~lng ~clitiof!a! heat. a!llCluli!~ Ant~!'d(a, Wilkh li!'Ia~ Ilavtt boeeli! a ~e5ipon~ibt~ 'r!(lf' parlia,[ m~l.ijn9 of th~' W~st Alnl:.;illcHcce Shoot. I



i~ow~~i,.; M:.t~'i~il.icn lSI~U) oW 1x1l11.hic Ii-;';;ui:qi.i&mililyb fi :i:unlCCielllof ~.h, [eml'!Cr.1!tu:reand ~9.C'W,}91(!r.!$u~'O.On Ih~ mlc hand. Ille isotoJ~ic !:oll1l)Oslticm ,Iirocl~yren 001..;;i~lufi'ie v:uimii1m; ~I~ Ihe :lI1lbicn~ !;\\mclt' (o~'). o.~~ Ihe fIIJWI', tllC 1l'<lC~ ion:llioll ool'wllcn the C<1l'lmnatc
~~ror. .. ni,~ .

few ((:n· ~Iuti~:;;. \,i'([lIIU ,1:;':''''''MntC!llli of ~heUG eli!'l\;1lL~ R ~CI~I.\'C provided slto:rng c"il~dill I. sealevel was 4 Ell () un above dre prcsem jcvcl, d ue It.::!'
1!11C Jl()'X~

wdOJY·s .<Iillld ,~" 'Of!C'll viuw~d ~h~ cI~ni!u[c ~_>,;,pf;H:~cd during

h(:.dinHU~ of the I~l 0', 21.


IliQrU)d,rrnltll OlgO


]r!,!(~,',".I;U;i~']' I[UG}


·c(mdi~ip~~.,th~ n1¢rid.vomd


shd~ and the 'W<lU~'1'il1!~"l't<Ii..'l~ bJ' aboll! 0.25 ~1iC', ~!lV] ~%o)fo!' C,tc'J~ d!~g!'l;'O t!lilt '!:hoC'wa~l;'r " cookxt ~
1Ik'\C;ul~ Dh(l gkrb!ul (l>CtllIl dlJ:t;"Wlhuliol] ,du!.irlg !h~ \\'J."l V!l.:I'y simi~!I" te i~lcl"'f,-'f,C'11t d r~ C1IJ!.lmi-1;·m .• i)i1lb diilclt'ulX'" bClwcon lbcl1lhic (19)

.~ U-:.OOO )'l"affi

~n!;l II;"! rG'Ukl.lidn~~Lrri~""

WW".!I!l J;;u.!'r1LpL:'w~tter.;



m; an anodog

Wt.81'l'lhd m!.!.itilng or 00[111 Greenland end '.he \:\icst An!arelk~ lee ShcC'1{Wi\J'S) U. 4~ AI. peak hltC'rgllocjl)~comlitimt~. summer tcmllemU,IUiC'S were' 1"10 SOC wurm.cil'thmn 1OO,ili:}'in I1le Nolt~1
All<nnic {5l' QV,C'W uUl:!cl1~rn~d (6'I[!~~d Ihe J\1'Clilc I( I). T~~~Norwcg.i,m-Gat(;l!llim,u Sea experi-

nort h ~\':!~dI ill the' j\Jllm1 I le, 1'C'ldHC'ing the ex por! of the If\.~I~[i\',~~y NOrllh Ad~~~~i(:C<I.'11 cold D Wa~\.~r(Ni\UW," :llowcVCf. NAP\lI,li;s ~~r'U1!TIL.'r Uh;lJ'l [he cold MUfllt:J. W~Il."J'lbllfll('d 3![,tlLUI'!O, m· A aretica, NADW Lhl~r,W!fore carries .he-ill 1.0 1'1:1(: Sou.lhcm ITrd)<t'S \'\' iLh ['C'CilI'Culmcd deep \IHllcr rromlhc lnd lan and Paei ric Oceans, romfling~ !)Cllllivc'I~1 Willlln deep water mass, the eire u rn pClla!l"DC!!::p Water (CD"V). clHlrnc~crlized b)1 a [Cnlrcrn.1 ure nllilx i~Ilmn (I r - j 1°C
around flO{l! 1111 dCI~~h <Ina ovcrl)'illg [he cold

llG pcr.Loo.

~b!1llni!1i fum I:'mm~h(" !LIe;. pt..'fiod O1~ldfn:l!ll Ih~ Ikllt~~n!l;' in .. co~ re:f1!,l~1 boih [~~t.~ t~~n1p(:rn~un:
m~d ,1:)'1\0 diO~~ilUltc(''\\ cxper.k."'iI11Ccd by ~lr; !>:1Ib1!e:


:IS Iht:

oae d~.'niSptc'S-eI11[ torhr,y


mlt~core i:OCailo:hl.

cuced large vnr.iabiUly, bu~ dllring the wrnTllC'.s1 pcried, (he l\rclilc: oeenalc fiiOlH was located WC,i'~ of :u~'p!1;':~cm ~OC"U~:Oll1(.:5:), C'o1l!reqm:nlly, ~hcArctiC' d:~nmte W.,Il>i\'I.'.mn l'iJ10Ugli~ IjD c!\p,lbin~
~11, the

A~~H1U'C~ic O~lom \lI,~u~!'. B CDVV (],(l<OO)';~hc Iloor or d1.C·J\nUII1:dsc·1l. and BcIllinghauscn SC<I contiI1,CI'Hi:l~ s~lc'h'C;s

and reaches the undcrsldcs of

·11~cUG Sl80 rt'(lo.r.asare ehsracterized by !.lJlI'1Sii-oml~'tam V3:I'lICS formiUlg 11p,1:a11C'lIu,inn.gI\"CIUl;,'Ill. willh coral reef clmJ showing ~hJ~Ihe UG hig~l~ ,'l~~I.c~;~1 ~'iIC'r.'ioollil:;;'ll::d .m~!Sl 7000 ycm;r.-; 0', 2. lf1}.ln ,,~I 0I.'111,1)\,.. l~lC un P.1'IlI;'<!ILI ~1~Mli!." !)j~ \/.[]luC'S Ihat arc 5;igniinCi:"tnl~.)'ligJtlernimll milO5\: of dre I ]olocl'!l'lC' (.Fig. J). To 3ct:l!r:ltcly
Ijk~~Cfl!linc O~IiO the dilrc~m:c

icc shelves ]lowiU!g rro~n the \!!/AJS. 'This heat IF1!!!.ll. Com!lln~0!11 ioff three QUia IlmlJiik fCir.aF minifer ~etCord~fo~ Ih~
IPilfst 135,000 taialHll!:I from
CQre-s m i:!jQ!' w~l~!' m@$SI.l~



~l1curi I !7)" hi!:'.

nfllmt' fiIil,.'!~~nl,,·n~d 1(:'(~Shtl\.(~dnr!n.r;:,


SQUlihc:rn ,~1!).Il'1i.. phcre,





-:2 Cwon1ril1)lmcml d!Ur1~~


Age'lkyr) IWI 80


Ihc llG ~W :I. bLlli~ cotultl f1oth8\'c:rc.'itI:l1~d ill. :my

~ncltilJg beesuse loca II air ~cmpcro~lJIre was s~iII C'J!i.tUl!111cl.y cold (-5IYCt lnjhe Ocean, SlIIIll11lCI: SC:l sm·r.;;ccICnl,I:nC'rnU!res ~\'"CII"C about 20C ~I igh~;!rthan dm:lll:g the Ho~occllc U I. 12). Over New Zealand :rna Tasman iifb.,lilC' UG warl'l:lin,g. \'WIS oot'o';:e\:'1:l go and 2~C' u. StIlch: lacreascs h I surface wal~rO'J' ,m.k~cmJ'ICI,'3I,lI!fCseem too sumlll W have 1,lcslJltcC in ""11l"'~111i.;11 mcliing of nhc

deep-sea rra:isetll hOiI'll the



2;; .4.5, 1iW"~


!\ ~ ~'


in line .Atlilimilic a !ildl So ut~em Oc:earns. iIlh~ L!PiP@f j:latl@l snowi a rtliCf\!legianl Seal b~Ulic




.i~'I::' the INmihAtI.a.l1tie •. iI n~ the lli~W!r p'an:E!~i~ (iore j;lkl";~ i:.U\:!ml,-d I{J· Ihe J;;mt'i~m::y of k-c shd:vl.:;'-; .ifl block~l1ig ihc icc now ,rl1JIfi'l d~e cCI1.'[ml pari (l,rll~e MD 00"23 74 "~6"04'S.

1-I.o~.\fl,.>VI.·J·; !hc~\f./!dS


if; M."rl~ilh'l; 10 dt;."1.1l t!:lI~h.J'l,"d he: \'(~lunK" (J,rlhi:; .••

n'""'' I~~

mkMle panel iii lure SU 9Q..39 6,2"'3;rlM" 2::il~.56'\1ili,

d~pth 395<5, mt~hvlltl

sta(ik f~OOrdi

U'6), th~

6. 2.5, ..

'fl- .~~
'_.'.1 '_-.


kes:hoot o!ll[wa~~ l>¢Ill:>ilJ.."c l.Oa,t)cp



i:cc s.hch"":>fliUC ~hC.iIlI'lSi;I~~ OC(;1if1.I.crnpcmllllrres. 'Under

96"4S'E, diE!]ptili 32.S:0I1m) hflll tlt~ SO~d1E!ffilil OO~

C! 11.


.A' - - _jV.,. 1.,f',- ·,.~"~,,··,,V

A~I. r@(()rdis,


~l<i'oo~toired'~~ Sc:1ences dl.!l Cllmat et de L'ErM~n!!!e\mew

!?ii~fe Simon L1,iiIla~£! l~l,S(EI1If!'il); ILaborilto'r~ ~ l'Eni!r!li~ A'IDrniq~eI(NRSJUIWEfslt'li! de vefsamn SainI. QUii!!'I!im (mvOfijIR.s~LWs.ol. Parr!:dl.! (MRS,
(Oilli lJI~ria.t


the< IIrn5e'J1t~l!lt·er9'l.uia~ ~; 1.S~r----------------~"F-"""'" tiro (sffl(]l' ~OOO ¥~,n~ 'iii .' 9.1na Glfsur ~IW. 01 filimillffilili2 agp), '~:ellhef' witll Ihe '''til ~. ~olOW and Gellnlo~IPhl'l4om'. Vr~e lIni'iMilf~t I!m~rerdaln ~riod.Th~ ~ 4.5. ,De Boerelaa'!Il 1@85, r4l-lO'8,l ~1I AIT'!St~m, N'etl'terl\aJnd:5:.. !.ad 9L:liI~l8il 1: gra.y ~ne iii! eecir. 'Pa~l 111l'bGr0ll1cilP,l'~ ~~i!l!n~~5 ((1rn~~ ~t iii!!['hviironoorn£!~, d tfUI ~ 5L5n.!~ Plil, l;;ibolli!il.Ol re OENCNRSJl!'II5Q, ~. S1Id1lil',. l'Onme stli(l~1,!Sruh~ rn~i'! H~I~i" $.5, ,__.__.__.__.___.__.__.__.__.__.__.__,___.__, de$ M~n~i!l:1'$, 91:i!9'l, Gifi·~~Ir-r!l\il,tte (ed~~ :rif<lli1oo. (Ellie O'~O loIalru:e.. ItYf, 01.110 "'1'0 \~hom oo~~e~p(!l[nl1fen~e iIIl1OuI_dI be addlre5.'Sie(il, IE',rnait thW~I1:d year~.

IP[l~'S~he (BS,!OOOm UG 1l0,lQOO y~ars ago} ~nd

wVIi'W.sdenc:emag .org

SOlleNC c.

VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

illltergl~);;ia~ periods,
\\IC OQm('lilN'! ~IC


of hcmhic ful'~:m~nirel<!l rl'um jhe some sfli,X:k:;;:. !rl <!::;! ~lV¢"~ 1mb!r~ t 'Jh~ IJillJ."Ill ~1~O"'Ol!-!~I¢ ot SI U[i L"M,;'ilth~tbr<ll!fliDlif"~C1~llhl]~~' '(;'onl,;sis 11.11 _._ i (UH'J&. l:i!gI1h:r i.IHin du.ring ~hc ~1(!!1tlC'~nc. iJlIlIi. with Si£flilka.!~l regi'o!mll.v a ri.nioOll~: T~IC51:80 clitl'cn';'!1~fx;IWi:;~I1r~h(; UG p~riod alld!h~ ~Io~~ {]{!~e 'l,nlGS rm~~l .tj O n.(l\2~ il~ I~il,~ onvc-••• N gi~~nl SGU to 0\.1 ~ ± ItO I WoO :bllhc AI] miijc Clrolti l!iJld to Otl~y (U)4 == 0.0)':';'" ill ~j,: Srni~h~mil lOOltl C


'tmhlc S2~
Fiig_ .2~. .

r8 nomil~.y ,~U,G -

';;IIlcil~ !')~SO

A;~la~tic 000'111'1 (oompllle~ be'!.he!

IIIiIm in

s:ilm III~a ted Iby CUMBER-,;:! Of) poe'~


lig~'n QU~O values gf UG l}C'l1~hic Ibrnmilli" ~gb~~~e'""-.t~:l.'c~rif.e.nts r.11,!;: ~)1. ~ikC'h'tCi' he an r;:mOl_!I:'e~;tl1bl cxp.~:!i:IlI,.>dll)' Imti"~rm~hing(ln1!O!h !J,!PJ:I!t.."I" ~"limmc r~f imerg:!i!-ei1\l. conditioas, ~1It,."'" fi!""l;~ll:l~II]~~ ~mdhh~ \\11\.1$, \"hi('J~ ill:i~'li;:!~'d ~t<;o. gl~l~ iQC 1~c;:!~~nJ1l i t~~ ~ndiJ'r tl~ ,g!!ld[r~iPn ~ fr(jfl~ at low i~t~rtOfli.~..d !y~i~i!~I~l!Jhwm!.;'r iDl~Ot~liJ ~~i,;,nl,. I,.'SI i- on~~ml:il,tl,]~j, ~I(~~" {!q~ilcd lfb ~i]i~ft~ ill~ ~~I\'I'3nc( .81~O vllnm.ioJ1ll~t'\oI;:Ic~fttc¢l idl w ~1Iiu~ !lItd Ilighly dliPk'tl.'cl in :180. In ~(lnmms:t. icc lIG $I."a kvJl.wh~ch wm~4 t.{l, {i, In "~oo\"C' (he ~m:"Ui during ,In"£la~i,d di~l1i~J1.ewould ng w r~.'1~~' lew'- ,\}!'I;' nO~L; IIl:111 1lx.'~'!N~"'1l 'tii~~,l'-ll ga,l- ()rig~ni!ltc fr,om ~nC! dcpo:;.i1.l.."d ..~ ~~~~lpt;;r:d~I~~ cI1uI lirmxi]'iVI,I]u mid ~.Q(huy.Ih¢ ~ ae\'rl,~m"t:hy ~;glibg'"nh111l1Ih~c o.r' !llk1.tia~I;Jill1.:!1~ :Jmidk~ deplclt',cl inl !I\o. Wi: coile! iJd\:lhut dlL: <Ii- 10 ,fI..nil Uti 13U -l: an ~n Md ~t~~MJtcra!~o '121~' (kcn.~IM.~ by I J]S ± (D..])0'Mi0 p'1. 13). 1"111..;imJ)li~~ thiiit :;CaW9lcr ~!1l:~leV~11 .rj~woill(~ have r:c:;iJb~. iii a ~c.t!;\~'.moC'i. s=o ,d.l!Crcfl5e' 0:1: (UB III O.O&%':'.Thi:,. elmn~c decreases I:!.~'O.OO~. .!: U.OO1~ii.;; 1iX"r rueter of \\\I!~ ~nirQn'lm ilili all Willer 1,~;]Ssei;. because du: IliInlf.i\',(.''f.·oft~ac·o~~''illI (aL'I()~II,1500 :yeiu}!,)i~m~lch :Jm!l1e<rthan the UG dur.:llkm. TIwrclol:l! itshould l~ reoO'l..clcd in all bCblnlllc rQrnl'l1lillil~I:<l1 ,B,I~O ,,',!ll!.C~. '\Ie t~!CHcr~.n.lIl1.U[i;..>d local oJ~O ruwm,~ly a



the din~':!lt'C 1\loC~~\"~~l the m~~'I.II,,"'(I1~1"U1J~~ lI1ijl;:,rll~ !ii~O \OIItLl~ OInt!nl]1[[ {lw.iuI!;g ~~!i1w illP~l!P1' In~~w"llCr; This t:oa!~ i.'i I~O tlJlom.dy i,~ 011~}' due 10 dl.a:!,g~$ip~ ,orl,;1."!1o W.WI,,;'I(.IS,I O <!.nr:f[I,,;'t1~pcrn'\~fl~. ~

J:UO.,61 + 101 \ r is lh~' O9l3ink O


b'l@~n the ilI~ragcs 'Ilyoer the last 100 ye.:l~ of the :snfiTilu1atki.ns}. (aldte 'i5 (,ompll'lerlt ,[5 61.eOc = 21.9 - 0..27 T B~Ow-


,~lOOal I):18Qr diflltg!! 'il'! S~~li'ater ((I!'iI'i!))rit~n oI-Q..Q4'S%.:J. d~e l"05e';l-rewldla nge at
[h~ UG li!i!ata:!nl ili'l~o .au.o:Lm,t

on. '1i1l~

~SHOL--"""!:-""""---"""--,"",,,,,,--- ........ ""'----___J




mh~.3iIIO:l1l1(1.~y i~ flot lS1I.:.-uni5!.i~4;llIyd]ffcr!i.~lit fmli'i Thi s r(.'SWIIl im,plk'S d1l:u d~l]_u!!l 1~1t: UG,, WliIh:b"anned on lh~ Aniarcti.c cOllldmml1l:1 f :shcllfmlltc ra.zing l)Oint. as h rtI.oCS,IOOilY. Ih~ In NOf\\,~giim Sea snd the ,Clo;:i1111, d'bC' rmo.m· alyis, !'>i~J]il&""nllly dil~TcrcI1~ from zero :I! dl!!' 1G level ~ {U 5· ,:lila (I. U~;....rc~)ectivc1}I). U[l'\'\;\;)v~r. II i:;: :;:n1I1l'I~ ;md [:In il!!: (on:;:i:d'ol'Cd ·~CI l~ .[1 minll1f diJpw1i!l!'e li\Oln modern l1(I.nd i tions, S~C:hsluan dl,a~Ig.l!sin the physi.c~1 or Wtl~cr masses ll'1W to Llevcbp' at :J~mrno;.~, COlts'fill Ijkm~ity.[I" nb!&"C'r'!t\.'"{1 in M~)ld!Ugll'iil('lh~c "<Ita


IJ;UJ d~1l S('JU~]lb~~m O"'~OIIl1 (

19(][} m J.SOO m),




Fiig •. :1. AnnulIllilH1-.aH lelinperil~uri!'

r~el~ 'is oi!.y,e.r3ig,iI!(i !Wet tlh~


illmHllil~i,~ (L1rGr mGlde!'r.n)slm!lll,a/~!!\d by LOVECUM (in (!re) ~tel1i~ the weS~l'm bGllJim:fi'll}'of the AHlIntic O'Ci~aln.1!hE1 10Q~IN!~:i !),f the S]!iII!ulat~QIfQ.['h~ ~niSe~.Iflalp sh~~':s ilhe pa th dUliS>er!rOf th,~ S~C,tijOfl+ ' I

;lU }',~, tJ4. 25}. /\;1 plVl'I(:nt. t!W~Cll!J1)ot;;rnUUfl:. <l11d ~!!i~l~ly(l~' A DW N "",,wdQ~ [~ ;'11(:rum{l34;9{) f?l1I~t it,[ul ~!I.!i~~ il.y I)I!~it.'<i (ri'l~U', TQ' ~tl\l!in~ai~l:;!1.~m~!'.!~ln (fellsil}(, sali~tuty IUiI;U~i. i~'ii;:n:fl~ by O.L2 iPiS~ i'hf~lIt'.'h d'c_gn:;-.c ~h.. t 'rhl!' warer is wilmlcd. Thus, W~ can eompU'h:l !ha'i 'ell.: .~,Uto"Ilo~l .. ~i~measured i:11 LIe; kl1,)~llhuc 1000Hi'i~Dll,I;';taITt."$lIiJl ~:i'O:lu a ~l.J7'c+ (nop{" wmni:ill~!!', a I'NAn"",. Cf}fljj,PCI'iSlIl!~ ih.lib)! 3 ()JJ4 iiiierelll>(; ii Ii ~LHl'ili\y. S~lbll ~~m:n1J'.II 0.5 7C -'waml~n~ OOliilPCit;;""ited for h~ Ii ':;~lllin~ly increase 1107~i1 o.ccuneJl inthe NOI.,,,.~giml SC;1I, (n.'1blc'52). Arnoll.i:l, ~he Cnc!or.; ittlSlxHI:<ilb!c fur <I UC] W,lmL~f lil!m tocb)'_ ~~I:{(I~aI~on ,~h;lnS:CS>lrelh:C'

'QII~~ed dllr.irlglhc

311>0 dni,a_ FlIrllh~nllil'C'ln;.rul~t,;':JIrly ~011'-"].. n~ ~It~'l· sity '~;XpI3jll1'" \v11y the d~'Cp ot;'C1U~i it:: eiIT'iol 1:I[:iUri is ~i!tle ,.~ rloC'!cd by the insolauon c!h.mgcs at I yc~!:':~ bdh~ l~iI)' Ip:I\;'S'tC11t. Nardii;' S~~'l sl~tfacl; w, red !by W;l~~q'iJ;I"I!i.d: so.1M;,,-,"!~ t:!uth N

ch;:ll'Ig~ O\')m'I')CllS"~C for each ,ollilcr (mll,le 5,;n lln,th ~mxk:l~~hcro!Q~~OO!fq{1nn Ihe h}¥~~mlIlc~~~, .., tl~~ b,k,'li~Of't:J~lf in~!p!1,;'l,I!,!i!m 'n<rth~~nl~~k

c:.lRdida~e rCf ,~n ~5~cialed ~a-IMI

1rIIi!i!Jllil~d'~ tN,. J~.


oJ lhti ~Iileliledl

5. £, Ct:!I'lijoo!'I d, mtDMolllltlg{~it:y 14, 2~ (1:~9'9)\ !Ii" N'<IIIll1l (jreellili!md tl:e CIIJ'~ h!llj:ecl Niern'OOI'l, NrJtUfl' 4~1. l4i (lIJ(M~. ? A. V. lo!htlm. P. ~, AfiIIEr9lln,. Ow!:. tIt:i 4a. :Ioil7U~9~J. B. t !'rc~'f.lO~ ~. liirn!!1n, H.!la~l, !'I. III, Se<jroJ). ~. S-(~ ,!i'~..... 11. ?6J ~1?1!$.)', 9. It LQUo-Blii!'.'!l'Ier'. S. ]. M:lIHhU, J. 1 Ooa!qloed:.
~, It Miller. A, IH'IJ.,Sci~if' :a11 :lJ5:1l (~_)'.

\"!ilC'.r::;,. fom'i :I, dCib'F 'W:nWr 11:1'.F. \lIim~~1!, tt~, C~ffe~,. l,· .1O~~eL EM~ Plrmel. Sci. Lelt. o.rc· IIU[L'.... ,::ib(}~H~hlly w".m~t'r:n.ncl ~i;1Il.I~('i' 1.0d9y B. lO3, 8:2.9 (2mm, ~br£'~n",~thy 'lL:l!. 5,; than l wbe)'rie ~t ,r;l1;, 1I!.O~m~l~itl H~i11lpcrnDiJ~IAn ""IU}~C::md dmn.J:l,C (19961 in S;!II:~ni~~1 tl.S~ o.U~ p51L Iioli lite {lL.I~U]:ER~2 ]£" K. ~;ll~M~,. It Zahn. 1\1, i1tiHfil!IGL Ill, 5dl!lllz. 5d'm:JCI" ~ or 301 9'41 1];00.3>, model: AT O,5Q;C" :FIlla !l5,' - O.O~ I)SLi lor thc :n, E, It. (0'1110011..]. S. i'o!~'. C E. ~Ii1M, Ii, ~ijl1l~ LOVECUM r:nodct seetable 52],. Tillis: W~I[er Qu,m~ llJ~. ~7/!i~B.5 i:1"9). invmilC's Ihe N(ln~1 1\~I;ml.ic <IS,n ~argc NAID\\f JiJ~. M. t v;a~d~ if !l!.!.,HQrrJ~ 43:6, ~2 UlOO~l l\l~'l\I (:m!clid"l[e~ !Iloc'td. Em1il}; orbiIOl!~I~,~r._UllC~ mass (F~S. J; h,whit h [hen Iklow'SICilh(! Snll! Ih~'1'11 '~5- MLOPil~o.'fueim~r. IIIct~t'l:'l?~,3'~5, U~ah OC~·'U~l, '~(1n:: oWlrin!1,lmllC UCi nWllil'!1;1d ~"",1I11'n Nonhl.;'f!i! :U,. [ Iligrnol. :!). s, li1lcom~., ~_4!' 296." 202(1 (loo;~h H. $,!;, .In!B, li!e~l'I1ier.A.jemtl1l~ G~ys; .lItes. tm l A~ <.!I. r(;1\ul~. ~h.;j\m~n;tir: Ci~W1It!JliO'] ,ur W~I~~n; !~ellmj ~li~l~n; ~l:Irl1l~1'!(;rs ;Iii, ~'tlmillr<II('d w ~l,," 11I111.,'~,i;nt. 2:.3, 6') l (1""lI U J at~.1~~~hC:11C ~rocnhm)!!lc! !i!a.~COlllCC!1tmlkm:-: are sHghl~~ wao'm!.;', tlmn !ooay. all,.LIG simn]L8. A. StiltPI!i~rd. 1:1. Wi1!)nam. Ililigmal. ~Jtp. RH. L~jt Imijoll." ,~how a ...0.1 ,C)5~(·wm·.rning rn (he were mJl.~~gnifk.mulydirll.:!~pu Irom pro]!1.dl!l!lt!ri.!I 11, 1234(12 f:.2OO11l UUljpC'r 500 !]l iClf~h~&:1~I~h"'l1!l 00(,';)11 CI'o~,,~o !:l:II;l ~ \,'O'!.II;.!L;'s, To :Bin~ulu'c ~Jl~~ UG O,1!l!!llJ!.\ph~'fI.VOr.:t"l~~ ~,~_ ]. C" [NpI~ I.'i' 0.1., Qi,raj, ties.. 21t 2:25: f1~}, }\.I:Ii!11n;;1~i;C ~U:fl$l (!Fig. .3 and fi~, 5:1 is va~u~ U!-; ,~O, c.. J!la~Mn, 13.woolrllrt»il., QIID.~, k !It, 3i)6 !i~;!JIl(;, w~ d1{.'Uufone I'trrl..'!CtI eur cliin1<l~~ lli!oods.
Q' ~~


whh the inool:uioll1 ",.allilcs for ~26.(JDOyCfknl> be... foro;: ~lC p~scnt {SiJPJlIurljulg em l~i]C [iiJXU.\ille IJ~:J 1".'0 Em'!:!) Sys.t~n mm:l'cls '0$' intMm;-d~m!.!eernplc)(,it)': CI!JM:BER-2 l26) and lOVECLIM i( 17}, la Cl.l MBER-2. the oo::m~ is reprcseered by Ilmf!C I.nltll'de/deplh basin..;:. ilJ1UIhe OOHlIJutoo

&in1JilITi' to


O.5<!1(' w~l.liiniu_g ~.~rDlLl~ by the ated

(199!l) ..

coll~(:j~!.:l lilO tan ~ dif-.ccII~1 c:ompJf~rl \'i;.'ilh rnC1l~ dlOl~bo~lt)iml.~neltirlgllC'.n: ('i an!\JI~dr grounding '''lI!r·cnICIH[;;~. lOVECI',JM inclloc!~ iII I~I~~>{I'-"'czu~ ~in~is, Slf"t"1!l.\d)' iudhlc~~C1.>d b)llhc~~rnpcr.lIl.!r~or gQIl~kl~. Cin:llhtkm model but no oceanic oxygeJ:~ the sut'OOt!:udill£ ~;)\1!'<llCr.arld thilt dll:: melting isolopc c3iCil!b~i()u, rme~~.lhC' base of'iceshelves inC'l'!!!MC'S by I fI1lpcr The ClJMBE R~2 mode~ ~inndmQ> ll~~liv,e YCJf r:Ol" c:J<cllOJ:"C rise in OC(;'ZlFI 1"C!11j)C'l'mWIJ"C c-al'(;iI~~1180 ,1I1or'!K1li(;'s (UG C'()UIJf'O:~) urI .. ll (l!;;'.CiI.~~ (1 (/6)- Thus, in~uddil~oI![n the ]~ighC'!' level 1'0· SC'<L
N'l'1in:.; (FlJil- 2~. l"hc 1l1'lgni~ud'i.: f mhl'll(;' ;n1O'1~t:~1it."'" o diO"CrejLSf;'~. ([,oD:11 1.11.:: N (lrd~(; Seas ( O. ~ ,6'/1),,). Ihmu~lll.hc

Nmiol1!~ L'~~iN:1"fm .Aul:l~!).~]]H:de Rc!.:.~nreh mud· e'l for I,he upper 200~n 0 rl.~u:: Southern OeC3f1 (3). i\ilhough~PI)Jrcinily modest, Ihis "'':Inning !'I'dllmt be madctt!stimawd, Rccell~, resahs ohmined wllil :s<I!wlii!e 1.<ld:.1rilllerfen:unctry 1lC'\,cal

:2.1. K. I:.!ili'illi!di, 1, (MfJp~lI, :St;i!Ilti! Z9'2, ,t:.:7'.llt2DlllU. 22. ~,C OIlp'leiW. t, ILilbeyTi~, C.!i'!!~elbrclet:k. ()mJ.r: .sci.. fifll', n,. 3:15 {200:U. ,H- 0-_ P_$~M"9 ~!!tl. ,Qual, Sid..Rf!'I:,2!1. ;In ~200il!~_ ,2~" R. 'I)'jdl:.!it:!m d: Gl.. S.dM<,~<l16,B3.~ (2:-DOlI" ~5. It {)Llr~, r, ~Y~~'. S"diiHce .J(h~.171l QOO5}26. 0.. 1!:OO1f< 0., paiilArd.. A. Qi:tIlPOMt ~1 l'!offmMfIo,
fMJl Pl'tlllf\l; 5(;: ~etr; 2"18., ~1'1 {~64~,

Clcem:n l

(U)I)%u~, There

d<li13, (!fibk Ocean. whc~\!~'lC l\.'OOnslrutti;on,~ 3J'1! ~lC mm~ ro'biJIsL Flu:lhcnlrnOJ;1c. hOlh models simulmc SC<l

A~13iJlDie~-o..I2~&-,). htw I.he Southern is .!I;ood ll~rocll~Ctrnl~'l'itrrl 52)!. in p.<:lnk'll13r ~br lit\: i\Dl;:ml~c

Mlhinl~ Ill€: pm'lim.! rilbC'~~iL~gf , he Grtl;'n!lmld o ~oe~~K,(,;I.~hc0.1" 1.0 05",[, \VllInnnragthat \",·chave C1\\~n;91~d fOir U( i NAD,"\! rtnd. fJlY\,I\l Imuy l1n~'c I.lIli1eDoo ,\"ilIdJlemb~cWAIS gro~m[hg .~JJ'h."'S lIud l!ur~h~i' weal;::cm::ti the ioc ~hch·o!." by cau.',illg

,~7. l DMilHsI4bae!i1.thl!:5i~, lr.ji)ii.'e~ite Ca:~hg~q.!JJl!~ l..C!!I'lCIiFi.!:a·rili!Ul'l!, Bi!lQillilll (.200S}, ,28. 1\1, (ir,QU, Ill, !iiild'moonl .1. ]Qllt!o f. fI.:a;'ljli~r. s; Jl. ILar~;I\!;, J. (lim. ·l8, ~'H:ii; {20005}. 29. F.. i(Gjj)ar, N, tMl.1.~. C~bad~ T. lin. G~~. flif!s. Lff/t, :n;. 1,11103 fl(,1001. ~Ol C. tliLiba.1iki, 1M, Moo,¥,. >, ~m5l0i'~, ,Il Gafilo'p~k~ M. C1all~n., CMm, llyn. 16 .• 7W {lOOm, 31. S. S.. liKtiIb:l.. C. f. G[lI1M, r .. A. ~Ie. SCifli!c'f Z~7'. 38:6 3,Z, j,. "'" Mie«er, Ho!"Im .l!7l, 321 n?T;OO, H. It ~, Schoi!r~r l\~' al., Sdt!lIc{! ji!,S:l,e:;! Ut998t H. lie '1'1" IJrmler-, it. l" Ii!oo:r;e., IL 1lI_ 8'II~DUe" IEik, AG'U,~. 13:1, 240 ~2:oo.~), .~5. o. 0, ilewe~, £ias 81 'H"'~mi!e~jn!J ~II!P~!..). il~~~" Pl'516·1U? '(j!OO6~ •. 36. l [I. I.<l.;.-, .~ {)y~~~iji'. Il. lBl3M. Nl::l!ft ];!!'7. C 477 U9fi1J, ~,. ~,J" :5I!>!ldii.ttQm. ~ ~i!'.!' M~iC'~ Oi:lQll!ltal[~ ,d'll.W't, de!> V~.fWru; t1W Clf.t1'l!'lr IW (rJu"f!; !iIJ 'tf.'irl(}{im!l ((NRS.
GUf :~!!rY''!\I:R~ F,r.~~t:. 197<1(1.IFiP'·20l-20~" ~Il, M,R, il ~IlPPIll'lM~'1 Uil!! ri.I.lI1eFIjJj~ a~izaRiM fm Sd!filillic ~'~IWQli mwo~" J,-.(.II). illll~ M..K. <Mill' fuOOfd Ily ~ (EI!, ~rt;rih!1 !lo;lj!«l"i!l~ hrDpilan Wi.fI!O!1! !\D~~I'OC~ (ru(.ZQIJ()~ ~~ ~~ lirp3i .. ~I ofiJt>1i inslliut ifli~ Sck!II'U!S ~@ l'Umil€r1 ~nd lIIe ~hlt!g'Ol~M dM


slII_flllcc h!lillpcmtl!'1:'I! dmngcs c"(mslstcJl~\ldtl~ Ii\!Cm~S'lnlLclior..~ 8nd mm;nc~ri~al1>ll1ld~cs101:tbe LlG 1t'~".;,~8 3m (Slq)pilil;illg onHm:~c.; ..O, SID :>!luacc .t .

htcrc,~~' ,M l1.Carl)i IlH l al.iludlCS, whlh


nmm hll;,t'i;~<;o;; ml~iSh nonhem Ialil,wrd'csm1:d a ~coo!KL"r;I'Y Iml_;,'1~IHlJminlhe SO\~lwm Occ<Ul,



.,u~ r'_'linMd~;;;1:x.'lC<1~~ of



d W1~lCd, ~r.I-k'C" C(1~(I.;'!". Th~~ il1.CIlC.;.l\'",,"d:oiLLlnDnCr boR"'~ in:;.oIOll,tit:m i~[,~po~:t"i.hl~ ~br ,I ~:~gl~]ji~1111.
~l'lclD ill!!l

thh~fJing lrom ~)clmv, OLir dam sllo\\' thai dmng,c.s ill dim<iite in t!:le h igh-lmi~liJIdeN0I1~1 A~iamk,oll.l!ld Im'iClriu.e~d somc ioe ;$hi,)CDnnelth~g iIliAi:lIRlrcti:ea. but 1l1lC:)' pro\! ide. 110 II"n fi:mml1ion. Oil, the Sfl'Mi1I wl~ic:h (he WAIS shrank during tllC UG. AIII~ol.lg~1 II. is .unot O~!r goal 10 pn::dk:1Ihc lill.~nlt!of the ~iV'AIS. we note [hm ~:c:cenl oCC'1!!n [1::·I:nr~mH.m:;:s d~wc-~ Iy "CiI'w1~!d prAn!.u\C'~ic<i':~ ~(!!nlinocllIOll~ :.Ill·elf hn\'c ..Iread;)' in~"n,~,~ by -0,2"(' (3H Ol w;ml~.iU!il ... 'd C
10 111;,,11

\~'hi£hlran ..liL[1,::;'-; qocrnly, 'tb~ liulul'!.: 1;:\ 'Il,h.llli:on of [I'll(' WAJS I~.'iigh:~. ilillo ii, y~l."ir.roum:l wHrnll~l1,gQ.rLlK': UCCilll du.:co il';; 'OOlnpLll't{,11~ or :sc-a·,k,,\:i.1I C]II.1111g_e [\.';SlLllt· in!;! lrom, .ull'h:ropoger.ic wflrmin!!:;. IIll M!creer large d:tcmmlilllci13il. ,As {ii, oWI:>Cquence the.O;;l: ~lighc(j' SCfII :imfao;l.crnpc~!lJLIR.'-S." Oce.11Jl CV;IPOlll~ warned i'I'n.QiiCthi.l'rI ,2:) yC..irS, tIg.O (31}. tiro iIlC~Sil.'S,. TIlls Jnc~tlsc ~s l10t ool1mPcn~too for by ~'l1l incn.:a:;o;:ill IPK'.Cl pir'tiltiO<.n. Cmit>l.Iqlt{;'il'Ill~j, Rerifl[:elfl(e~ amil, INu'Il':S ll. Il R Gl-e!'l, H. A. tCwrran, It Whib~. G. .1. Wmerbu~\ ~liiltiiy ill:::Il."'!i1Il!l~, ~~k'h .... 1.!!lP-"C:> wiih ~lt! [it'~COCcail(]~, Sac. Am, Bull. 103, 82 n,~l!l'grnp'hkrecooslL'lLlc1iolls l5 ~ I ~:cnoc. Ii~e moddliC'" 2, (, tIlS'tiilUig. 'I. ~ it Lail'lb~t M,. t ~roth, are'ill1ibmad"S~H'u::nt with the ~m'~'aoc lial'tll ;!lumlt sa. ~m, U~I i,41SU.998J. ~~~dlmS'l'3phkal,. ,reCOllS~~Jcti~IJ$'<I!n'~1 he L'oCI1i~~k l I't Ol«!rI!lK~ uL, Sr:iMC~' :nl, :H~"!'~l[];1l6j, £t
Ilonhc-:I.H ~.

·~)r d:11::

ur ~hi.; UG

po;;il]()d, 'C'liM~C·


~tn!!I'~rJ1t~ ~~octir'ID~q,ues; r~ire I:e$ Ir'l::mlrudes ~ r~'o'Ol1rIi:liill ()1in.~ld~ pmlXl'M (Jnall~i!'.! ~P.IOC)~ dill Ilmj~1 QI Ifli!!!Agllncfl N\a~MilIle'IiI~ iii R.edlerdle, 1b~ mCH tllall'k 'Ifle ~m 1~.1Jte toc (li11ll,ift!l,~rtl;piIcl ~lMaJ>..hllw; pttIlIi!l!!1¥.I !In~ClitWEER·2 ~~~ ~~ Hu!p~ ~!e at U~ Oalil!l!~~' (~tI1~,1iiI! iff!' l~im.I::k-,N~. rill 'IKlriEtaI. Mlii!ili1lm~@ mU~ !he' ~I)VEIil!IM 1rII~ A. Friert(l alil~ JI- ~~ f(ll"lMir


01 O!m~F!:f Wl!:icll ,ofl~ m!Jmllll(llI,p~ anrillwo reWe<o!IEfl [!If Imtjrllilgge;~cm;,

S\liPiPo.iTt'inglCnlllfilE! Mat~n'lal.

,5 0 dalta.Ihel<ll[~


fCllRl{:llk'iA! SiliiQ!,ilimh;;d

bc:IIlS ~1I.nlDl.}' m~!;,'UiI~relecl <!5 oJ d]c OC"C<I!l IW 111£ UCihlso~Hlijm~



ij~, ql!lm~.-l,::mfista!lll~r;.;lIU-"'L:

di~ imII'ij»lcl...of

I:itt, 'i~~lblliJL"r.tLlirc


;.0;;31 il'ii~)I

4. ii, WAI!) ,[j)nlrib!1fkIIlIDI~t h1gl1l i~ ~.tfI~ af ,tl\~ UG h 5I.!IlPonet:l IIJt dii!1!!i~lU ,~!'Id 1(lOe '~~Ii!I,tdU~ttd frcm ~~m,~~ :Dt11(!lW' !!n~ ~~'~~IITI ~~i~nI)f ~h~II;Q~ 1Ei'n'M"mt;filt,in~~t~ IUil~1 ~!I'I~~ mlS w;.'Il~ tn~ prdMM:f MJIiIU~~ dlJllirng(he Pl\ei!;'I:OO~n~ (331,,]he UG aRC not ~n ,~idi~r irntl!t9li!Ciaiitini~ tn~ rnC!!! 111eJy



:Fc:III)s" 51 iI!1III S;, IIMt.r!!fl~1!S

Tab~~ $tarim Si
8 l!h~ll'!lIID!!lrt!!oa'6;oo:ell'l~d 5, Mardi 2007




VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007



S:UbSlurf:,Bc,e' Riadls,r S'D,1undiiing of 'Ih,e' S:lolUlthPoillair Layulrlld Deposi'ts, of Ma,rs

JI!llil'ffirey ]. '[~IYtjlGtoV,~,]!lII1!i ,ffic,ardi. A!~m :SaJfoi:~1 AoII'l~ is,. ~¥aJ!')I)'II ,1. Sa raJliI M. MUkovi'ch,l . 1111 4 A'!f!dl~~i1! Ci'Il!l:h~U~/ WI(ld~~k i(Qfm;1!I(i!,:!l Je~mr:e M,\,!g9~!lJ;1',[Iit•.s MlLi~m ,M" IFarIPi!:lI. 1R/(J'Q!!l:lli ,P'htUi~lh~5 ~I, Step(~!er:l M. CUf~~!'d,6 Ah::SiS'alIUld~(J' :Fri:91(::iri/R(lb·ert~' O~(I.!>e:i.;fl C~:s,t:alli!~~!IF:ed(::~~k(l/ . Iwa 111IP'. Will~~aiIiI$,7 Di:Hi!Ia ~iiIA. Gu me'U,m E:r1l~,ng 1 N~ebeli!.1:l. Tor lcIiliig'fo,~$,'11 e5;i am l'iIIeggy,~' ellen Ii!. Slo~alil,n I[lirk rle't~ernl.e1er.,13 ''Illno~~ Ilit Wa~t~.tJ! (a~~tQ,nJ. lew'CIn,l\I!I.,l:5 li'e~er ed.ernhore,ril

P:fl!D11 here (11'1 ,oma OJIiCClCd dm:i ag I h~ soudiern hemisphere u ighb:.ldc: cmnrmign Qf Mars E..'ipm.~'1i b!,.>!!w~n Nov~ ... bcr :4!QOj,,~~ AJ~r.~1::!OO(~. m

"1m, ~.

Uim \""'TCoo'Hrn;'[ot;.-d d\,J~iJl~ 11J1~lh!ll~ JoOI) orbits, \..~i.Ii~ MA.R.S,iS priltillnJy OjllLTIlTillg in 11 two~hKIIU~!'lC}'mode U~~tI,g hm:m;b.C'(.'ill!.c~;c,cl Q!~3.0.. 4.0. or:UI MI~[~ The NP[LDwt'a'l;: offii;.T'l1~-d pre"lo1l'dy b~ .M/UtSIS ~b1illg~Wfl (litii~ iii.J'~llnC' 2005 (11). 111~M AltSIS s.igi~~i:, 2j])~flred. to ~'!iC'i'~[rnle Ihe to

Tille ic.;:>r:h:h

SOyj~ ~

$1)I.b~rfa(e~liId' laI"lOG;plheri:c$!)tIIf;lding (I!il the Mars IXP~ii;~ ilrb~i~e;r.]h~ ~,ad.alr signab ~l'IelraU~ d!~e~ inln' the d~PMi~, (more lflaiil!LI' Ikn~ometers),. WQ,rmost Ol~ theama.. a Irer,lec'liimllis d'e!,ected ~'t a tim.e ,delay tilat 'i5 ,(1en~isl€fIIt al'l iilil~E:'rra~e ~b.'I'eeml '!i'hE:'d'epn~,1:s i;lmil~tle S'libwale·. The ref[ec.t.ed PO\"llr

laYe!1W de:!:)@sits (If Mars

were pf'(l.b~d wid'! '~e [Mar;; Adl,1~~(ed Rad!;lr~Q~


Maps were ,~elilerol~ooor tille topography o,t~he basi'llilil~ellli'l~!! and tlile thi:dlile-sll oJ ithe ~ayered d'epoSiif~. As.el or b Llrrted dlepres.siem is !i~J1I Within .300 kil(llmeter:s of th~ p,dle. The thiik:iI1lle$s map :shows an t!fJ)'mmetriiC di~1TiliUlliilll'i ,~r~h! depOiSiil:l ,ilIFl~ regll:lIliS 0:[ anomalClills Ihk~n(!ss, nil! tD:tolil I{oliliti'ii! ~:ii tSitilmatcdl to 'bi! 1.6 x lef i:l!1'bi( l\;ilQm~'tlifS~whil!:i'I i~~IIiW(iIEn,t 'tv a g~i!iba,l '~ii'it~r ~C!iycr ap,pP'Q~!'Iiiat~~y U m~OOrs thick. wateil'




of U1Il1!519lmal,!lugg;eslimgl a (ompo!5itirn1l of

Illearill' pllUe

imllges ,ob~9illOO by the M ~rill(::r8iUld Viking !tpl1Cccml.l ~3 6), nlcy WCllC notcd~o coi'l.'iiisl of dezens 01" byCiil1 or (lQntl!ils!.il'l~, Illbcdo, Wi~l tmknowil liilllC sp;m II). t\Jllh{)u~l 1.1l!!:: precise COn~Pffiil [0[\ ofth~ ®.."P(~~ils is u:tlkl1o\\,'Ilt, h is be.. thkk:1.1~ down to 11~ciiCiKl~l.u.iO'nI of 11lcrlVflil· able .hfmgcs ,(3Jbo\bl 10 Ill)" nu!!Jler~R::s(llluliO[l\1'cd~haD lhcy 3rcp'.n;iIon~.liltf.mtl~ water iee mlld ~hm they ropl1.'SCiln the laugC'S~known rescU"\Aoir of agc.s at:qIJil\.'d by~h(! Mfm: Oruila'il Crull1c.m 011 Mars Glo'billil Stll:vcyo:r ,([\II,GS) UJ[I:ie."]j~cd ihm. tile U:!O OIl ti~cpJill'lct U). \Vc ~~)rliOCl a t~chllqae l cQJmnrn~ly used to s-tL!dy 1Jl~c i~ncrror ()nccshoe~s scale of i[l),cr.rng C'xlclIld_s dO\\I'1ltO nile .reSo.~I!lion ~ndg~<t!::ic1'Sm E~~rl_b m(iJr echo ~1!H~dil'l,g 0Cl n r thnt CtI.Hl;!m: Ul~~l is" J ,tb\l' mCLcIN17},. Topo" ( "'~lIcl1y Illi(! :<;01l11!1 pokltr ~ll}'l.~rcd (!s~SPLD~ of gmphic d~ nbtll~'ledl hy Uu,;'1\I~ars JlI'bcl\:.F L..s;cr .... {

~lCptljflr regil::ll1."of N.lan> are eovered '" ilJJ ~xtcnsi\'C: finlcly, ~ay1cred ~qJ~its; thlm
rorord (I rChll1!3JtC' V[ll':lalWi'lS

Man:ian PLn \\i~re Jim. id(:aut~iie,d o~h~ I ill

M,al'l\,,"~r~ n\,;'lillNr!~K'rc on {l~[\i.<UIDOIli!'i n(lh~

A~gDIti(;~L;'1f MOtA)' (In MGS (




111a 'LYIflk'[ul MAR.s:.~:s ob,,'iCI\'3tim! over n'le SPU) U~.ig, I ,.nit!! ceho from th~ wrlilcc I'Ir!iil:s into twn oo,nU.i:nllWUl'>unecs as~h~ ~aceelili,n passes over Ihc'UllI[tEiil ordre d~POS,UIS, he surf:H,Cc U1TlC(! T ro~lows ::Ipro.rHe C'.xpcctal loom J\lfOLA ~0IXtlIIiljlhy. '111C bright 11.wier uaee occUJ~..;:m a 11m\! dcl[~}lI!lOl ... ~isK"nI wilh OJ cominuat~on of lite, $m~ .Rlw!QuJings'Ul'liucc u1IKl,gm:phy oo!'It,I!h libe SPJLD. 5;~Sl!l11IiIl8 t1lJomi:mJ.1 \',[lh1'!: oJ~heI'crr.wtilvc~ndc:li:. o.hlllJtcr icc. TIle lower rntcL1hcc is. imefJlJ,'!!tcc1 as ~hc oollndary between (ill.;' base elf dlC' iee-rich SPUD l'l1a1cri.ils and Ihe pL'l..xifl!nimm!I.)' hlhtc ~1b:;,~r.liJt,,~_ 'lrhL;'UI~[~[elC(~ ,clCk'C'tL'd bClllL'1II~1 .rno!!!l. i:-;

bf].~ of lite ~ID.$ifL. whlch Willi ~;:;~imlil.r;.;l:It() be L8 lim clCCiP [1'1 IIt~ '~hi,",kel>l. m'L'1I. OWoi:r\. 00, I~C.m:r. Ihe ll!Cfl~1i!tly ul'~hec1cpo..':ils. The vel)' kl~1 a:tl.!:U!,mlklll or tile M,I.\ R.S,IS S~'I;i! Ij: in~he N..P'lll nl"'.c~iall~ !<,U~S,C'.ll"\ dml dley OJi'nl1!!i~1 only 1!! rcw '~lCP;:cntdlliS'~ l'l1i:,,;,{..1J wilh I}U re willcr iee, The bas.. l a illttrfiloc \~"I!ii ,\1~~J'l 'to ~~I\ain "'~1!1;J;111>' hD'Ji,-:mt~ 1)(11 bi;,'ll~Kll tiu; NflD. sho'lvill!i: l~a,~1 Il\;'xur l .. lJo'~n\.\.kl'i!]Un.g dae W Ihc'lead d~ nm e:..,CI.'t'd dlC co;!~!1lm~~'d dClt'(:lLtlrl lirnit of ~~\ "'.... hl~ml!OJ :vn~~ 1 [L;'r.;;mld .i'~l~~brjug~:lic'" li!hrh"~hlJ!\.'l ill tlI~~u~iI.~ ,I 1 ~m~ oftli~!.'planet (1 n

Io.wer iu hackscmtcr imCii'lSily I~lmi t~le Slur1ace [i!OOv(; k. biLH :i n pbccs il rrppcAffi I."'qLlVfJl .... i ,:II.IO or brightcr dblln!hc' surface echo, ,Propagmion of Ihe si:gnal in 111:c' SPL[) (',m be dcscl'il:tcd VOltilllD~ of the .PLIJ,. !'lI'hieh i\:; cquh'llt~m liQ 3. d~:tts. Ilnd 1'I1I~r;li're dl£ l:om~. \"O~LHllC of lh~ Wittl •.• simp!c two-layer homo~'C'm"()us modeL $rLD .. g ~ba~loycuI6 m 22: III Ibi~k Ill). A hho,ugh (I,IC using ret1ilClk!ll and abso~tiolJ (:ocl~ldcnl;i' !lUll ~Iati(llnshil) of Ihe 18yciling 10 dimme varialic)lls ill"C al~pmprli1i:te ror materials 'exp, rm Mars. ~.i@t Poop!iJbi~n labm,iOOJ!!", G~lifi:ilniil 11iI!iti'IlJU~mT~thlOO~' is, nmt wcU 'Lmder.;lOod. it is: believed Ilml till!:: As il'l the case oftllc N PLD' ~U )..1he stro:l:l,g I:CI.IJI11: 09)', P.!l.s<!lde~ CA 91'l!1}51,LJSl't 2lnfll(om ID~~f~~ml, "L;ll ~1fl)ml~u: Ix.sal Il'IlCri:'oo:' i~dicati:s YCfjll<rw ~:hylhmic INll~II'C ordw dc:po::li.s isl:lCl:li.tcd 1;0 oscllSapi~nla· U'niv@fslly orf lil:OrIU!', 00:1.9:4 Rom@', ltilly. S I.'L[). [r ~hc ImTore illl Mal'S' of~l!.O!!I pa~,nm:lCr,; {oIf~. l1le :;11" ~mcmml~CIll \',all.!cs wilhinl'hC' )Lafiraloirre 'ce P[.a,n!1!ofugi'il'&1' G!enolllE"" 3ao~1 Gr~:ob~ nl<.lwl:iH] i:.; ,'I:,.~\I~n(;"dI{D he '+di!1ly" w,OLt~r i~ O\i(;r~ Ctdt:);, ff~noe. ~W!:mGo~rdS~ fllght Ciemler, GrEle',fl!· bcd.o v.. ri;uinU~:5 'llll~{an;1.':l<J:yms, :lI~il;. !h!ll14!1.h~!.Q be b~b, ,MiD 207?l USA, ~1lIi1~rlilI'i!ll1l'! of Ei!nlli '!l1d ~1iI1li!!:ta1lll c,ulI8'l.idi 'byv'llylI1~~ni"'[lW~. or kc ,Ult~ du:..I. The bl~n!i: ,I b.~ k t-;lIb:;:tl<~'~. "jl~clivc kll'..'i ':;iIng.~Il! ...~h

SPLD~ b~ the ivbrs Ad" aneed R:mil,u (or Sub.sartsec <lind ~ruaMi]~~cric otll'lding (MAIItS!S) S inslrtutrnCllIt Olii the Mars E:>LptL~ oJ'b.i,lcr.T~,,; data were ilIsOO. 10 dlfmlC1'0riJ:re 'Ille clc:ctliicrd pl\':IiJcrlie.s of dl(: dk:I)(D$~I.~ md'(;r 10 ul1tktf;Imld ~JC;ir 'millil.lin pO!ihioD~. mup 'Ille Iilpogr~\P!hy Q:r I.hi.: bed oflhl:

nOlllh PLD (N PL D) mu] Ih(~SPLD arc ~n gUlt& .. I'IHJ.n'phoJ:Ogy <'UTid '[hickn~s

[[iild SiP1.D uUliiS

!3m]~ the :li'Oll!lh~y dOlnlcfll in



TiQl' SPLD, ;}1dlO~lgh ill BJIaCf-5 1.1 btX'llIM(~ dbCOJlli~JlU~)L.~. indil'tlilra~~,o:r;.ttvt,nl. It i~ gcncmlly


:11'ilIixinrub'1. rdiclf I("I<IIJ,\'(: LO~h~ l'i\lrmtiU.llding ICrnl~1l of ~1btJ\I;t 35 kiln,Mol}\. dlom w{;-re HM:d [0 ('l\I.irr~n~ i.lru::

I000 Im~ 3C~


~i~rn:fl., WiIlIIningtmil lmivemID/, 51;. tOlJJli!O IYIO 63130. USA. ~l,rn1iar and' P,~n~OII'lI' '1~litiJ~~, Hc~t~", "IX 77a58, US;!'" 'D1p.araiIllEfllo di 5cWim2.l! dclf.alf~ ·isil03. dl'91i 5Drudi di ferngill." 06123 ferugiill, III~' !Ill! iFiiiGa delkl :~p<!W1o lfiilltijll¥lel<i:ffo, ~~ti~ut() Nal:l~le clf~ Astl(i.flS[Q,
OO]B I!iOnlll?, 1110I1y. 'IIsIronllRrl Ulli~, diili!tl!l~I ,rMtfmnna" S tlC<!l Sdtfl!l~ Oll'!ief!' ~rt :1j~!\rer"$11, of ~'oVld'.aii!',Mit!: lEnd IW<Id, lIlnd@ll U.4NS, UK. ]~~I'!i'lII!JlIt '01 Ph~($ ~l1d A6lJooWlY, Unil!@l5tty of low<l, 10WiI 011', III!. ~2:i42, USA. uMa:l: ~1iiI~;k rMlitute f plimi RleQvdi!, 37:l!91. 'Ka1!lenitNi!rg.ljnd~, Gel i(eIllI~ lit~e"'llih,.I~~ns· vi!t.:!:. MI)2088,2, USA, :rf;pil'k:i,JlIill~ J!JII!f El11!klro1!~ciImik I,J nd ! nfor!mlait[~~lethmll~:rechmisChe U'n"'e~si~l"t D~esd!E'II, O· 01106,2 Iilfesde!l; (l~fmal!ly.. I!I!CeliC@I' hIlUM iIIlld PI<i~1lY fa StUdi'f!i, N~~o.liI3l Air aflll 'Spa~e Musalm, 5!111ilhsmlian !nsUtl!!l:io!'!, Wa~1fJi!i1gw(ll, I)( ZQS60, ~SA., l~iil~ef for .R:il~'IlQt~ $~~r,!II91 ~f I~il' S~!!l~, 1l,!!1i!~~i!!f Q!' I(.;.j~<t Lawrence, K5 661(14S, U5.!\ :~~a~~lae.truell' Et~kl1l1tkhl'i~ ~ndl lof()l'ITII;ItiQnSl«Mlk l:t~h,.Q.Jiil1~'o\erslta.U o(~iUm, 0B 447,9(1 Ik!chllffil, 'G~fl!nalli'.

mixingr.lnio of 1!:.'lL ~md. cl~li:'it C',~~lU(ltiJcpn.,"4,;i:>.:;ly ~M':J::'iU['i!;.x!Ir.OJn tlP1k,d t~fIIm; b~~[ il~111k'i l~'1;n ~I~(l~'\!'fl ~h;;Jt n'I:}'11"m,IU !ht~~.b~JII 10%, of dlil",t Q {< i:;;, 1~~:I,:'d 1'0' !m'\l~'rl!h~ 'lIllllt;:-d~ Orp11f\; il;:~ iK'!' th~

ValllJ;~ bCI.w\."Cn




UH: (liJ.l';1]nt:d


ok~!,."r'!,fL-d I~"~~,, j, (9 M.ARS ISn~'11 n~LUhi fro(l[h::II.~y ~y n!.&ndie. 31l~riilJll\; orh.iirll :>O'undillgrilihlrr UO). lill i~ ~uh-

wr61CX: l'IuidCi, ~,tAR.SIS opcraies In ~re.qUCl1<:Y baltl.bbcl:\,,;cel1i 113 and 5.S MHz. witill a :l~ Hz il'll,'>mtllaJleo~ls ha~~d'"",idlh~hai, IUo\, ides fp."C'-Spm:c I:ill~gc re8oJ:lllian ofallllU()lxirnaldy I SO m. la'lerni ~p..t&'IrJ;1~ohnlion :is ~O to, 30 k.rn In Ihe cl1t}.$S,,;lrncik d'ireCli[}n;;u~d the Illo!1:!;,"'tmt'k rOOlprill~.. ~»m1I1'~'ed by onborun:l ~)' r:i~lc;tf£-{ljj'i~~m:crrooo$$in~, L~5 III 11l1k~n. ,Processing lne~udc$n ~l'ilTCelionaoq~hiil.~ d ~[onion mld de~ayiu the to'tl~l~il~'re t 1I ~.Wc

Ihe SPLD' IIf1".l!1.~ri,~1 ~" 111~i~ 't.l2 c.ol"Jil.2ilpoml.. 'In wiI![Cr icc \,\{.illl1lI, Ll~I. oofiIlllrunj]un.if~u on} 1.'iJ' O'M!, d · ~ <It J). T.lle !&~IIC'm~bchu~,iar ol'ibe :ml"fatt .[i:i'ld rub5ur,lacc CdlOCS over most of the S[,I:.J) ~s oolls.isrol1l with a oomposh ion W.1itei kc .~ is 11m ~llllhlC.~y fll\1c of impm'it~~. O\'C.10I1g N typil;<a:l, Marl j,m l1:golit~~ mId "rui.i. AI~ e;.:Ieu~dC'd ti1i~Oll. or IJIJc;':p;;1ctC'd Iy hrighl b<]I;"'I~ reflections, OO::lUIiS, lTl illl areab-clw~u dlC' nil i:Ckc:,.'l ~aL'll 011 Ihl'!' SrLD f <t 7 km} and Ihe ~~emb}' S.PLD m<!!ugj~~.frorn 310P~o (lP W.lsl, longilude W~g,ll. Till;: IctlunlS Olt'C onel] bright,tllf !h.m !ill!; :'ii~rfa~~w:m., whkh i'l Ilnl 1.".\j1tt.;'(:~dfur


~"g:di01i [hrDll~~ ;q. 10M)' mt;-dil~Il)!.AII~h01Jg~i ii. etililll1lb'1ol. c:I:ic~l.'!clri;r: :~'i Coirn~.mU :it llie ba~c


00 rC$i1Qm,iblc,,\'!{c deem il h i~llYil! Iylhm liqtl~d~""'Hef Ili'Onl bas ..~ mcl!irrgg
q!~I!II~I;'i~ Ih~

111 ikc-

bri~q~. rq:(tlrP!. ~)I,l~ .. ~!~~~i o\;:Ctll!"S ~1!'ii1,l;IJlgo.;"O!I.]~~~1 lr:!oC!ow th~n (:JIs'l\'el~ !It> tl~ic!k:) st..::ti.Q~~, th~ of rOSi1ioJl ofih,C''liiL'i. SflLD 'that an; ,mmliug iJ~L~ c;okk~l.p~ fflCC:. OI~the


the ice, 1'~I,mh'CT :<!!rg~!ins <!Igai.l1$l basal ullcUing, Nc,'~~cle;5l'.. \\ c (;,mnm Q;limp[l..>tc!J' m~c ()\~1unc~m,l,it~on~ lin q,'l!;o~iil; COll1!lor
:;.I,lh,";'I:;t~ il~d~~1I11H~naI0l,l~b'

Ml\RSIS r.:K~rgmrns of ~heSI'l[) (Fig. '~~. he T '11~l'Id!l1g'C(J.J!!!1l::;l"l (lfbr!,glnool]iinu~~ fCI1©(;~or;:;i. ;<orn~i:!'r\'l,."l' ig~lllldfl;'d~ of k~"~~]w~~long. "~~I~Tmn~lIin.!ilwiilllm\, ~·f~b;I(."k~~rulll;_\r~~nd:;_ lbiJ;:: brull~
illg:i:;, ccra:tl~I:lly n:hriLII1, to

[hcl;}yt~rud :;uUC'~IIJI\:~ !Dr


surface of j\l!,U1'O.T~~e' low "u!:~Lm[igni~ cons j_.,tcll~ 'w~,JI '!,Ie'!)' IOWh"l'I:llpL;r;II,u ~ ~hmu~hoW!~ Fiig. 1. (A~ MARSIIS d1ata ho.m orbit !iho~vilil!!l tYPliralfeilluUl'!i tOf LIi1I,e Sllf!'lrulit(8) t!!J,p!\)~r'~P:hy ,il!wun'9 th~ 'gr'OlI!f1d[(. 1m@ eehe t.1i<l c;e (arm.\vs.) 1e5 ]nter~ rel-e:(lj <3~ the 2:75.3,

A putlC'1n 01"bandil~g cmnmrm~y

~"h,;'(m rl:u;; ~~lr!1ttt

"L~!d b;1!'i,I~ i~!h;rrntt !J'<~Ct;:8 ~n


~hc SP'L[).~ibl}'dLlC'

~n ill du,s!

!L;.~ll,or I;,k~Il~,~lj\l'. 111(:'prt\CL"i,l: ~liCf,;h"~lis~j Ilmt bul

The I!:e ntra ~ area shm!ls ml!llt.i:pl.e (QlilIlinlJ(lliI~

bl[llscl 'interf'H!e \'li~h tlhe~b5,trate. Ihe Ibasalt ~nectCl ~ beoomes ]~di$!ti!'!r;t at th~ rigi'lt oW ~!'I~~.r.

l(lw@r SI?Ul

b,~ndsi'nl'erinalll(i t~,e SPlD'" \jjlh~r,~tiii,eestii!l'ja~·d

:SPUD tli1ick~,Il'S;s fs 1.6 km.(() MAIRS IS delta hOIflll 'Il rbit 2682:, ~h!l~\fiIil!1!01 bright ba:sall nefle(t(ll" (ar1l"(:)i!"J). (D} MOU\I.Q~!I),gralPliiy ~liOnlgl ti'!I@ gF!!)'YJiHil tl1lcik. Thll re'He(t©rrerole,flds rn:~ !!hI! l1Il"lirgilil Ji)~ m the :SIH!) ~lt'n of c:€,Ill~ed to belewa 3.,5-kIilHh~(lk :nctilon 0'[ tifl~ :5·PLD. The- ws.a'1 rete~tor .abrll!,jltly rais.alppeim for ILllnlkrH~Win rre'il~Ji)l'Is. {E) .MOlA, ~u r f.all:,e eleV<llt:tD illS (Mali!: r,: ~ine}~l'IId MARS IS ~e'1.iSlllfe.d basall el)~¥ati,(j"'$ (blilii;i ~y:mbQls), <Ii~"'lIli1Ilnng a ~had]w 'imd,e'x of ]c:e. Thl!! basel

C! ,.",

l!OOO~lild 1.500 m.llie aPiJI~F@'nt ,cunature oJ tiw' reHeclIDr in (()is an am~iI(t'o~ till!! 'I.lrne re~ ~~~nrti!'ri!D11 ,~f the dat~J. 'I,I'!!rtka_1 dt!Ti!@!l!sJOri! iri! W aad {O ls ITQl!In'ti·trip itravelllilille .•.~ee f~g. 2: r~,rUrie lo(atioifl'~f gr,~ulnd tr<3,c:ks .. nd l~e MO:LA.el.eJ,\[llij"n



~a~~lv 'li:~nS~~!Ilt e~~atio!1 bel'l'IEe~




filg.ZUdl). lopogralPlilIy IQ~' th~S(ly~'h Pl'lla~ f'€gkH11 (If Jlda!i'S (Irom ,MIGS MOlA datal, 'mlh ~o,~tq (Ins, !Drf !MARSIS mea)lIIl1ernerlts. of the :5IPLI[l~Mc;kllies.s ~hm~fiI as ,open drde50"iI1heSI'U) I1Iniita~ mspped by (1~} i5 OlJlmnea 1'n !b~i'I(k.IR.ed llrfi>e~ ~lfldicate\1rQI!!f!d b~('ks; o( '~he Qrb'~ts!!i! IFi,g 1, App;[!n~lfll •. ,~tlps ill c:oveHlgtl are' dua t.o the Lad ,e~.a diis(:emiMe basal rnterf.lI(:e, olrldl IIli ~t ~o ga ps; in ob~l!!rY<lHolf'ls:. INo MA IllS,I:5,datal ,iliff! ,a'llaH[I Me poll!!wawd of

87"5 (d;)lr:k drde 'ii!il 1II1)I)e'ro~nter)" fig .. 3, r~i!DiIi!t)\. S~lm~ a's I"ig. 2. with trClpo'g.r,!:l!phy al 'the' SPLD' oos.alirnerf':l:!!::e 'Shoiwill •. billS'i?d' <11'1 MAI1i:SIS rnf.allm'el!llellli~, of SI?L.~'~hl:{kn€'5'f>, Po l'ndk<lt!!~, <31depre£r.ion b!l1~oll'i' dlf5!:a1 a S·PlDw!b~, !.lii ri!dlrCCllleS; Ire~Iti¥.e ihign$ iMthin the r'e'mrHl ~t I'JQm,I\l'llil'e"iL!:i: b~~ifli (t'he hil:5]nr rilll1lis ij ndiGlte.d with ,iUrm'is). ( ij ndi{tlltes dE!pres;~ie'ns lrl the neaT-po ~ar lrl1!gi'Of).



SOlleNC c.

VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

Cl.'>I:<iim,~hc ba~cl s is \mkn(l!ii~'JII.The I'J'O!'Jtim~and brlglnn~~Sl UlI: hml08 sr.I<nlelimC'1l v my with ~l~cIR'qWl,J,;.!lICY of i!1:I.i MARS!S ob;;~rv"~i~ll,,S'!,Iga g~':;,i:ingl1l]at IJrh; bll~1d~ ~na}' l~ d!il'~ to Hrltcrl:L,'Ircncc ,~~IJt'Cb ~p<;:~1di011 dw [1..~I;Jii\:~ ~ ..d~s thaI


were comblned

of I lie fad;lfW.~~"C'~c~g:lh,~nd 'Ihe i~llcrm~1hl},CD"a i!1~ of ,h~ SPlD_ [).;~"CI:LOi!I 0 nh~ baSiI~ Hrm:rr<'l<::c below li1rn;l (if

1.1'> to g~!1i.I.."i'lllea IYiilp 0 r 'nh,~ of dl~:-; :iiIUC~~U~lOc 10 r1r,t)viJe new aild e5:til1\1j.t~ of thfckilh:;~~ilild "'('I]mtt~ o:l:"nh~ SPl. D. The m.t;:dtodo.iogy u.~'tI is a... fQJlh:l\\Is: The Iimc delay wrus measured :bel" een I~i!p~k of




~:u::ighlxn:';' il~k'lj.·p.!lbtion {j 6, 171 nf thctit: cl1~~l:! l'lhown i~~ J.lhc ml~p'O.r~il~ I Fig. 5.'lb~SPLD' bm:.,d l.opogrOlphy from 'the high-.rcoolu~~on ~opognuphy ~~,g(;!l~mU}'t;:Q~si~!.:;nl will~ I~;)IJ MOU\ iilltf<H.,cc ~itI>~nuph)' ~f.~g, ,41. The d ~~r~C"'p~'lI;'k-d from siun'lpk in1I£'!po~l'1t:il;i!~'i MULA .of llit.i:rimi Qf SPLD Ihick 11l;J>~n;;llO::b;~h~~ I;!:.)'l)iinm:lry Jain 1rr,1It'!, lli,,; n:1ail';in:ii tlHhc l,niUt [ .18). The SI.II~or l~~t: ~rnutlh pol;itgeD.I'{Jg!i',""'~11 ~Ilc I~[ick!~ laee is, IW.ic.aJily low in .re~i~t~d'ul! broad ::ti'e.''i's ptllll~o.lI1:;' of!~'{ Yrtliln ~1C pele near lfE ~L}j1gil~idc and the much :n\e!in:~n::n~ ('l(ti;.i1~h.e but Dh~ill'i~r. lyo higher ilrid lewer to~gr.tiphy. A 1Prn:noi!!lneed low aeea is seen I1ic,qrlhc S.P[J) m\Drg.i~ll1i:r.ound ~nkm ccnt~cl f:Jco.a1" 18~E, The l1Ji:wl~ disto 7"1QS" 130.;1 to 1-t.5QE. and ckvm",,'d re- covered tleJir-poli<lr dCPl'CS.<;l>Ol~:;hO'w clem'!y as

"vi!l~ MULA elex "_~i·omi,<!klll~ the m"rgin (It ~ht:SrtD un it as mlll~pcd by U 5)" \,vh,1,;'N ~hC~a1idll1~~~ of th~ ~~~ is, \;:~!lit sid~ro~ 1.0 'bo;;: ZlJm. T~~~ :!"J.;';:i~hsof ,I "I!ll'~!IIrn~-

cb.:4k ~ilhQ:iiI'l]1~!r~ lnjhe i'iCl\~ih Iml~r

\'cry~:h~k, (=-1:50 lkm), as


[~gi![llil is i~dcr~'\,,-d IQr the

~flntl!pn!!;IIr n;.~i(J]!'1 (11}. A Ihic;k~~~ map >Oir th~ SPLD W;;J(", g"I~~1,1IiJ!:\d, I"y :~tllJitm::ij ng tho.: IlU~\'tllio:ri:;, of th.; ili:i(~rpr}lllk'd,

~he :\'LlrrilCC rcllcctl{)IJl <Inc! ~he peak oW the 11Ji:l.1 ~riS]~l ct!!nlinUClIlI:l, rellcclor. \",'hidl Is "'''''ltun ..<i 00 ' b~~heb,I!,""11 im~rrncc·. Q\'Cf I ~OQ p{lUI~tsrllOln bO i!i,gh-qll .. l~ty MAR.S[S ,00fhib \\'~K' u~'d. lh~

£iOl"~ Wilhill the: l"Cll'UIIII 1~1'>lHneDhcm~impaoc1 b..sin ar-c seen 10 oofllim~c below Ihe SI~'lDat
7:XO;>>to ~C!QS. mo~ Wi· tJ.oglE. and rr-O,~ll 7'09 1.0 90'lE pokward (II:' .. bou'n 83,oS, An unc .... ce~\;'(1 p
IC"'j~lIr.c ,[Jor'ti!~ b~~.lIO~]>llgroph)'

rul<»lla~ml:d~ lil ielk an."'a:j..ns ddscvcrn ~ or Ihe dis1'alll)b~ The m:!l>d InUln'lI.!I'Od I ~ickl1e:;:~ is 3.7 0.4 "m. under 11!';:!ligJ1C.lilel~',,[iom: dlC


were choli.!.;"!lI 'l,{]' pn:w.ude-~'~l\r(;r.iklL.'

111<U~ W~I&

i~ ~'riti;, !:I

gl~ d,;,l-

,,,~rik~""I1~ly dense 10 g(l~lt.~r.mC' mcdi"nIH(lfOhjlaioli~ ~mll]!S ofoo'i,ul ~OJ:lO,gmphy "up~d SPLlJ'nllh:·knt.s:;, Duw rtQn~ ~wo ri:u(juL.'!lIci(;1' Wt;'!"C (lVO'l.lU<li'1J;.'(i ror ~:lost pI,1,iul:" A~li l)uin .... wL.'11.: \~n.j[iOO10 be tlc:'(I;I,1I
iOWlbsunaccml'l~tors;~lulcl: .mlt SlhrJlqq;\~·it::liliUC'r:·

!lre$:'ilmls m lihc higJlC~a Iw,tinJdc;s I:'W' R'I :;:7"'Sl. These I,X'Clllf dl!:'it(irni!uIIQU)1~)f fr~ml;oHgi'~ll!dc:-:.
95" 10 195a E. TIlr..:: dCpn.l:'il>~(Im;,HU1!l.(,: h! \",'~dith from 50 1t1 200 km ,u!d:~ueh [I dCp~.l ,IS mach ;1$ I kn~m,~low [he s'l,llfmullbdil~g :>l,Ib-S,PiLD to-

SJlU) T!~arWE. OUf ~",,!i~llmh; Ihe ~!~~i.'l!:r.ll~d of \1~llulir~.'I;' pflJr!~IL,'!IIII!rc S.PLD i~~ ~ 1.12 x lOb ~;!1!11 _6;1; 0'9). Thls tI'l!ll!lIIaW!l 00, ,m C'.q'ul\'<llc"n glob<d W~[i,;'1!" I<~)i!.;'f~h icknCl'!lI. ,of I :I + 1.4!T!, (<ll'~\luni!1g."'u~S.P'l D CQmrw~ition tlf nL;mriy pu,m icc) ...nd is ~"':ilhin mh~ mJJ1g~ ~,ill[!micd by ~li[;cviol,ls~~.'orl;a.vs ulKing

ilIsllllg Si,I'UuuI:Jl1imiS,of surtaee echoes ba,qr.,d, ml MOL\ lopognBpb}~ liJ), 1r:hc vertical rcs.olililial1l oftl~(! dfLta used \V3S,:i~Ul '~{lOrn in lee, wLth rm C'StiJ:lt\\'lCd uno.'ltFci un}' on a given me.1l;;u.IIC:I.1lC1l~, lcss jhan 200mn. To >oolwcrllirnc dd;ry!o ~cp.lh,. we l1."Cd ~he IlC'lrOClivC' index. of P.11'C icc Wi~l .[1 re~1 d~l;!clCcHicCO~li'1'm]lof.1 \Vc (:Olddn.'01."lolwbly C'.x~:nccl III ~s >C's~i me 10 be' oIT' hy ~O5. whiCh m .. tr.lI~I:"tcs into all. ad~ilro!liml cnor :In our dcptlil Cli.tnn.tW of s 0:1:11\.'\'"Iml. less Ih.m Ifl%. Figlm'C :2 ,~howz;; .[1 ~nmp {li~ the loc..'1t L{lIlS or Ihe m,,·tJ~ul'l;,~

pography, The bflS!l:1reflcetien !;.vhhhlJ the ~cj1IrCSSimlSis ty))ia~J~y dimmer [h~11 under 1'1:lc
I1CSl 'Orl~U: SI~lD. This ,fOCI and the 1lI00i~iol~1 of

MOLA t!~.I.l'I,S1Ilo'Jlc t1'. ts. 20». Kllowlcdg~ of Ihe: basal ~Qopo!!f'J.phy 11I0W allows us to cstiinm.C! [he volume wi~h:l1.xmu;oh smaller mnljJ,c of
i.lI1ICC i'litin.l},.

the dcp:J)c!;.:siollrs in tbe near-pular []re<li.~ sug:gG:t [hal thoC'J)c beprocesses ualque to this ~\ll~n~)' SPl D~n:'<I, The dC'r~s)1j,nns, III,~)'~~c~hlCresult (D r d itTcJ1I.mli,,] ('omp;tl;l.ion ~lr 1.'!1'C'ga~,gol th ~n ~ resposse to .he SPLD loadl, 1\ Itt'rmn ~\'d~y, d'OCy m:)}' he o1L group (I rbtl rioe] impllCl craters Of OI!JCr IlliOO'.xiS!i!'lg.IOpogrnlliJ), such <IS the -I':k!n·de,-ep
I] ill\. r~('"v

MAR.SIS dlal~. do 1101 ~lIo\\' us 110 disti'I:Igt~~Sh:1 cCill~pm1.Cln01" ('\02 icc in~hc SPU) rm!lrCri;!~.hUl there isno cO:lwli-Jor.lIi\e evidence
fur sWich.. ~~l\pOnent SI)l..~I!r~ and :dbcdo o[l.. scr\'mio"u~:s of I~IC surtace .of the SPU)inciicme

ml opliC<lllly tllk:k. I~ of dust or oocky Il:lmcria~.


i" II~!1[he II1Cln'hy p~,UiJIS,On ,~rc~i(m.~1

1)11t~his ~;)j)1'cris "tnl]liC3JI)"'~hin .1' M/\_RSIS cjcll.b"lh~- Simularljl. MARSIS d~~cct:;; 110 (Iii:'
{lr ;~q.lbSlHn~ ~(;h.o~.

To (jbwi!~a~n ..'p of d'lC blhfl~ intl[;riffK"(;,lhr: MARSIS 1'DiIC'~lisulfCd cJI!\'mioll:' of t~~o;; ~m:cd3oe lFiig. 4. Map or lhe SPLlO lliilrnnes:s, lba~ om ~RSlS iIl"!.eaSM'FEli!teii1l~,al1.{! MOLA :s\1rfa(,ew,~o~roilphy., M ,~ln.(li"l'llll>01!I$ ~id< soc~o;n ap,p~~i':s, ~I)~~~rigillt at: r (Sell!! A il1> f~g. 3.). ne 1I1i~~.Il~t: .areas, ocrm be~!ill~ In!! itJ~gh@sl e~a· lioJl~ 'o,~ the S:PLD het!
<I1ffiaS .Ifl~r

Ci.c(llc, ~l,!cfu.i)J~]1m~l1f~"C is rc~~n i u\1c1iy Iflltu_He !m:k o( 'C\, id("n~e 0:( rCgl(lin1t11 dOiwlb\v;"rp:i,ng ~n [!C;S1'iOU!:,;(; m Dh~ SPLD .load s'u!:!,gll-sn." dtm 11'le

fC1\;'nK1~ 1111_,,~nf;lo~;


tIr(;[I!SOO\I(;Tcd lJy Ih~K';Sid~ifl~ ~"'IX'liC'llnial"


rich icc !ill nil, whi,ch is COI1SllSll:::'m I \'II ilh~ccl'Il. aT1ill}'$~'> imliC'llII u!J, i.!ltlt ~l L~ :l. depo$~I.rno i1IlQfC Ihm~ rI rC\~'Letl!> {I r 1'I1I~ters Ihh:;k (J I. 21.1.
!;te·fer'M~~~; ,<l.lfid N1~~e:~; 1. p, C~lhamitl;, It Hem~hlill'. A. HIII~d~ B.. Mi!irmy. rn Ma~. 1'1. H. ~~ffer ef ut Edt (!IlIniJ,l',01 AriiO!1<! P,r,e'.i~, ]'u~~n,.AZ. 1992h IP.P. 1'67-1';'_ 2. 0. 1;, S;mitl'i ~t a!".t Gttipol'iyJ:. fIt~ ':1.06" 23&1li9'

,1I!SW;C;l<ltmlm """,Uih the' Jm!l\c,r' palla r d.e-iPr~5ioo~ '(see <:

'~iIl; and ~n ~opj

3. i. (.Mwll'.!I)1 tI~I., lcarru :ill, 329 ~i Im. ~ 4. ~ flo (1[1111.1, ~Y1.. ~',:l'8, ·~;m (!l.9?3t 5, t;. ,F:,. 1I!~'Ii1l5\. J. A. C!!~l~I!" !), !il0'I!Y~ !'('r;!t'tI\l 50" :!.~!)



in, rtg,


:I. J\, tutti, tit ~~ [!!li!ifm"I'cOM 50,. 161 n~(!i<!). 7. M. C MIliIUI" K. S, IEdgl!'li:. J. ,c.eIlP~ WIt~ 10" 23429
6. A. D. ~ard"
B, fl;ll~Ck, w~{,tL]..A, IB!Jmj:, t\, B~l'li;ll $5.2:u:\ism" t:l. H. "'I,. t::i!:lftr, J" G~:p. ~,9!5, Hilil n.!I'~Oo). ~Ol_ G, 1'i(.!IHI'i 11101.,. ~1i1 1I!\';l1$ b{)t,~; .A Iflr~JI ,~1'k>;011~~ 1M "tiiM~' IS~"'li2~QI, iEmCJH!il,n s~ Jltog~~'If ~E!SOM ((!flUS 4,\


(lOOl1, 0, 8. Tgoo. ],


~M5io1'!. llu[OIle<!fiI:S~iKe .Rm1!l!cll, ;am! C~mlf'e:, ~~m:.Mj" N'e1~ell.!1ill!k:, ~OO~I. IIp·5H~. l],. G. P[(.aJd1 ilt 11l., S(i1MC,~ lUI, ]"l.2'5 1200!,;!, 12. l!i~ 'tangelll llill!hi5 >con~&'I >~~ri~ed h:.··Ie:'I> i5 ~5 ""here
lfethlil~o!l:t 1:""'00
IE" 1'Irl!'



,~iT1dt rt!\111 pilills.rol!':lp!!d~lnlIy.

orll1~ W!I1pt& dll!letll'iC Jltim1i~lf.ll)'. u- l 1il~9\!'(II o,?1" ip4'r/lIl'l!~m~!~1 (f}nlifr~~ ~ ~.j; iI'ImIw Si::ieJ']ceaM &Pl~Nl~1fNIwoo r a~dl P;1~l1tlal)' ( l!iJ~1ilUl~, Ii!!!l.!Iston, 1IX. 20(161. <!!;Jlitl'. a,:!!:05. 111. $, Ill. CUliard. J ,i!".tapilp. Re$, 92, 9135 119l1!7),


l5;, It Tan'ak_~. E. ~1il, U,s, Gwt SOUJIll':. ~fi[~ Rfp.. ~5'Un (;2005:1~, it Slh!orn, iii'l l~t~~;l'Jg ,,!iIat[tilfNrgj~ iJ.r'!ttICiii\lr~l'. i'i,~.w 'm~" 19&1). pIl!121-~6., 17, ~ wdillhe: 1~IIIf.ill~~_ ~~~, i!~imlJl~fII!iI!ll~
k:l111~p ~ ilttrp!JOlali:o

GIIi~~~ ~ e:R1 {bfimrt; 00. 1M, 01'W!l~ljTled rnJ.v.i1'il1i!mi'i~ <I!!dl t; a

:1l9. ThE ~lWr ,~rn Ih~ii es!ij;ma~~ indutles <I,101'J0 1lI!l~efil<lm(1f~~ ~dr ..cme i~IjI~;!ndl ~III ~ddii~n~f!ldar d~e w gapr> an t'O!o!~ra~1! M~ dl!o11!ttilbitllif '01' liIl~ IY.!JQ'l in'l1!fI'.!~~" 20. IP. IY.l. S!:be~k. J.M, lY.i:I~fof', 1. G~ys; ~,Ji..o:S, 24529 C!OOO), a :!i.ll:rrn~. A" P. fnJl;l!ill:cU, d'tntl ~5!'9. 10)l'~2003'~. S 22. IL·IP, lliltMI1l,I ~()1.. Nolto'~ 428" 6!i!7 Wl(4) ..
;1~, T~~ "1J!~tn~$, ~gk!n~[OOg~Ih~~IlIWlilgil,

I!g~,1 (orthe QjlmtiO!'l~ C!lf MMlSlS ~Ildl ~6 [~pllm. 'l'l'e.IIl~n~ Y_ 61111'for ~lv'l!~ ~11I!t!!tI:@Il_ SIIm,e, d Irn~ ,._amn dIMUiDMI ~n 'I~k IPlllbLiCil1nCl'l'...aI: ~~n1I~d mut ill tn~Till I1rlJllull!~co laOOfilIOl'Y. Califwllira IMlillJl~ ",f T~d!I~~~. 2M1; ,il!Wil)led27 Fe:brUi!~2007 i'~~,~Ih~ l;I!i1'tm~!!'5 ~r(h ~OO7; lQ,TL2~~i!m~~.lH96n 1~(riJd~an~ fn:rll]fllU~ooWhen t'itillglihli ~r.


lt1~hOO~r~r~~~!f ~i:J\!~~~a ~} ~;!6)'. C ().a'I'l~,.It .It MUi!li!~,J.IB'I'FI'I~. 8:5,. f.:l'u.~1in~ liM 'SlJpp1.tl11tJU;, Jbitr. flo]3A:'0r971. ,t~O Doll).


l!1·!.liJIl' ~pEoll~ .:Ig~i'I~i!$ 1t.!1y {A;1!fIri~ Sp;!!lI:l:I1! U:l!l,!! of

I.Inilled S'talf~ U'l:t!So!\I,iIIldi E)J~'cpIl'UMl!ll\P~1l :SiPiJ{~

Synclhrloloiz:ed OscUliation itn IClolupled INanomaclh,illniiical1 O's,ci l1li1 aters

'il1t\\!D' liI~nlIlil1I~"IiI~l'Ii(<I'l Deaiili! o:uJilla'lms COtiPch'!!Ci bya 'Blltll'<llinment or :s,YIiI~hmm!izat~olil! by their mne5~Il'ndililgl .A!rn.old's t£I:nglJl,e ,diagralml!i. <!ils!ihe o~l!:illal'(llr ~\I"11drilo!\Em ,all £ubharmonk and ro1~;ional comnlEm~ulralli! ~reqlJen(n!1!:s. 11!)!e'rnolll~trdltionof mUiltijJ1~ syndno.niil1ed reg!io,n~, could be lu ndllll'ilefltaU~' ilmlpcrtant ttl llie,uuO'[)o n'lPlJllirt9 '~"i'itl med~1I'nl(;'!~. os,dllalor IFUllwod,s and 1II~llil!lmeclhtHili (;0'111 !i~glll.all ~r(loos.s]IiI'9 for micrlllwavl! (;o;m FI1ulnricatio 111. We repo~t meaSllIremeflt5 ,~f S!i'n(ilu(lnij~ti'lJl1i
lll'Ie(hanli(4'!~. e~eflilel1it. W,e dl!Elllted

into;;:i\."'SJ!. A. l"""~t~sdIIIlMfi:r

S.~h.'i~1 deIil1c!fi~iti'iiUe:;;

Ii1k:h linr.:::ar snd I1Dl1lun~aJ"dYl1ru'l'nie:.;:;. w~lich c<m~lmt wilh ib: (k"Co,!)lh.csiml)licily iI. I I). Aller Ihe hr:tt(lric~1 o'l\S:oC'l:'V'ati.on ,tJr )1y~dutmizali~.m oflw('l r-c:udl!! iurn c~ocb ~y mI u)'gi::'~t'!o. A:1~:p~clon(/2) .._nd \!'In ,llcrlhll ~/3)~h~w(l(~ 1J1li.l!
lhLi r~qucllty ~,f .l lr1od~ ,g~Il~~!';II!jr be (:'.U! 1..·"Ir;.i~1L'tI. r K)rJ'I(;h~mi:r~"d. l\! ;m "'-~iJ",'I1l1;l1 dri\ ~~. o lh~ir w['}tl \'\I11~u~oti'V~n,,-d by t&a~ polll'fa.IDfll pl icmion u nmdio CO'J1l!llU Ug~c,~~imll HrM SYSThe: ~Li~n~]ic:>~[[.di,,":i, ~)'ndll:gJJ].w.. :ion ill l;li!l1o~it~.ll o( 5}'5ICl1'11'('IIW. if] rmnk'L1IOiLL:. UJnum p~ly$iolr}!:!yl J ~!<iJrt~d withr(~l!;il(s m.rCiTl11P'1.LO raodcl selfsYII,Cltroniz:atiJ:l!! of ~mrl im.c p,Ltcl'I'18kcr cells ~~)

muh;:p,~e rl!!,giofls QI~rreqlJl,e.n(y


D€'p<llli!ln@l]]Jt o.f P;lWsi(~, ~8Qslall Un1Y€'fsity, ]'91) (OOlIOOmF of ",)(~~(hm~l ill1la,(lll i~~C'hldi;lril)'~h raic ~e.lldi A~ellue" Bllisron,.M O~:21S. USA. hlinki~lg of I\u!~nics'~ Ih~ ,00(;ti\1 ily ofp;u; 3), I)"m~!l~rr.icre)1~1I1mlC~ m(ldmn~ccl ~'i.C~II"l{lfl1 ill 'iPrmM add~e5.; Ce!'l'ter I!!lV'Slr'O!19lr Cwrtl..."ed ~~eMls (9,101. od I~ i11 ~ino;!L!Jfi<l~ ~h~ ~'!fldl(,~ nr.~hU!ll\~H~ 1!.'Cl;!Jfl( " )1, ~~~rdl a1~d Sclilllot ~_f Froqucm:y c'llIlI'"<limncnm. ~ class or syudlu'W1 i- NiliiDIlI31 Ulliill'~lISil.'I".5@oo~~1\,)'5fn<!ll!d rutr()m(l!DY. S~I S[!.i~csouaace oHhc :p,lancl M'r!U'r SDulil lKc!fw" z,,"il ion, of ool1!p!t.'{1 Hi! iero- and nanomechanical cury (j).I~ physicai s::;.~cms, s1t'Jlcljuon~mion fiFD Wni'lm (lliIre~ooenc.e ~~dc~lield~i!.~" E..maii!: s IIfi~har;r~@ph)'SI~, b\.Le~u ilJ)l!'i.lilocn sllll(i ioo fhr over '~hl'ceCCUIUlfics, st~l'l:linJ:l, o2'i.Ci I b~(}f:oi ~ n f ru n~dbmci!lwi ,,~lrnd~cchn:iC01I


of synchronizcd 0.')( iIH!ilLh:min !.':Qup~~d sy::>le:rn,~ ls pC'r\l~s;i~!c hl bOlh naHUI'C '~.I,ami human pilysio~<ogy {2). Ei'!:-



of lI11C'pl'tCilCi Ilm:rmn lin two 'OOUI)kd pendulum docks lfi} and leading 1.0 modeli'lHhy ,cX(lCrh~,lC'nl'" on cdhcol\C'm mdil:U~o:n ~n coup!odI :-;P~I1I-K1OCJ~~ 111fl11O=Q$;eiliLtoIT> t 7. ,'ill and k

r ~lIy~cmj,'discovery

1II1.dC:r&l8Itd nhegel'OC!f.'ll.1ion or[ 3,I'lMrllx:iu

l4~ ,In


IlCi.lrOCmllll'!lilifl!!l..~lellrnl l1.e~w erks rl'lylhrnf.c behnv.ioL':, CXclllpmjcd in: nlmlY

0L~~=':;;:::;;;~d 1~l 5.24 Hi:25 "

f (MHx)
Q,OOil 0.01 Faroe (nlN) (I.'~' ~1fi,1
>!!,'!6I-. -'-.~:::::'6.i-':::oo::::"' ---~1 M:::". "",",":,~t:: ::::.rJ:"'".· .•5.00~'

r (MH1ll}





if'iig_ :1. De\i'i~e ,lmIkm!:iraph~ m.agne'~ol1ltoliiV'e (h,arac.tEril.atiol'l, <llild mad'e 5h'i;llpe. {A~S(alflll~i'lg el~lralfll m~(i'I(lgr,aplil or th~ (Olu,PI[,ed nallol'll'le(~ai'li!jarl Illsdlt.1!'llOr. ~i!'I'O mOllilfl b~ams,. <eCllcl1110 ~L!iIfIhi! t!!'1lg1h. .aJ!'e' doubl.:v dilmpoo tJJ' "Qnlil(t pads 01 <ll1Id b olnd to caad (:]l ~especU;vel.y. The rrll<lil'l!beams ,aNl




0.151 :2 .5 'I~ IS

FOlU8 (IlINi,)

me(~!'Ik~ ~Iycoup,~~d near t,~e (elf!t(lf bV @ S·~IITt!·I(m'!Jlb~.iii!ifl.Th'~ b~~ !i11!Saf1~ 5'001 iii nil \'lidle<lnd Ulkk. Tile ~toc~r'k.tlilll!!'i1Ids Cc:oilor-ed yeHDw) ~re $I!~,e(~~l;'i,liii!ily d,,d such that (,Ol'ltac'B; a iillnd bare ei.edrk.aUy i~oLated 'fmm HiIil'I:.'H::ts e alflldl d .. We ob$E!rvet\l,Io, s~parra~e! ml)dl'~ i~ U'1!i~ (llJpled !'I:ai'l~l'[1'Ie(hat'lkarl -~;DC) -00 .flO ..70 .00 .00 -40 -aD ·100.00 «l ~70 -60-00' ..;lC; .;001 r!ll:!l~Jin\1!lm.labe\led ItJe'lllwlIs mode 1 an,d mode 2 ~vifl ,eMlnal'l(ek!!quellde~ w Pd.' (dIBm) IF'40' (dIBm) ,0 f 1'5,.:24'jJ[ nd 16.1J71 ,f!l'jllitl, res1pectl;'!.i!ely. (8) Lineco!! <lInd liI.onliinea r ~e~pOIil5!~ a r ,(lfth~ d~i«:$~lFll(tlllr~ ~FI i!I'I()d,~ :Jl. The fespon~ehilts; 1~[;!n~l'Iu:i~inl :shap~ im. Uill~ IPlots ofili'ldl!lce~ p'l)w,~r (Pll1dlJll:e!l) gl~ a IreSIp,~rn:s~ or Pd'l1lloN!iU ~s PllllI~mI~s g; T, (~rre:sp'illllds til' t~e dlmrlng ~in,~ar !',e-girllie. ASYrllimctrk W'e!'5jpIl115eSandl 'hysteresis ceeur when Pd!ll!l4! fs mC'a;5·!i.neor tlfl e reSOl1ant displ(u:'~me'flt,"ndP~!IiI\!\~ '~matellr thilill~60 dBImI ((raul ID), Tille ~11'I~et shm'ltJ!~he mode ~haille Jlf'OmJ ~m'(e" fmm '!!h1E! l[fig-ll'I1g' 1P~.O't of dirivingl [ll!r(11 'lj!\e1\rlilllS dlisll~.a~~lII1e lilt. we .;,~~(:Iid~~ In!J: effe(tiw lil1(t;:.!r-r~~PQ!1st :spr'ilfl!g .; [j!l1S~nt'~!~i'~f = :;:1.2 ;;I!"Id797 n!!fl~ ,~lement~im~~!l!t~eo, 'Vem~ rs the vol:~I!!1!l: lII!.l~,s.1!rll!d !by l!lie nelwcrk V i1mallpJ:~r. (if) Un'l'i!I r and nonli~lHl'<Ir Irll:!l,pllme IO~'the ,dlevk:e s'~nu;.tur'e]0 mod,e IMJrn'l'lllr modes 1 ilndl 2~ rr,specl'iveLy. lI.x" the central di5pl;Hi!!m~l1t 'ClI~ th~ beam .. :5e~ SOM foil' tedmkal. det.;i~. 2. If\lonllilnearrity ('Omillfl;~n(e!> at :s]mfJ~~r Ip!O\m:!'r:sa~iln the Ifnotie 1. '~Dalild E) w';W{,sdenc:emag .org

SOlleNC c. VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

hrnin S\!llS}'$I~III~" inwhieh the p:.1itml lIJ;,~g~/ rlitiQl1 W'ropcrii'Cl' "w ~i~ni~arWlhQ:'lc ef o.s(;iil;l~ ~or Ilc!wQm'l, ThllJ~f~J·~. wi!h. i:!I!c~!\~ Gf!1I1,i!\'".'O!1<" of~l,u~.~1n~~d~~,~iIl,)1~1 Q"ciUa~~,ill.1ligh~ br; pot';~ ...ilIDk !O 1J!,lu:ld u n.Ctill1OOtJmpLlh;r Wlill :!~oc~Hti,.'c rll~rllPry in which Ihl..C~!~lwQrk can ~ore mid
C~'11(o1l1i>:ed sI:.1Il\,:",

AIlClther I:OPIl.~.(lI¥l"ll;(lll (If frj ll~hT1\')IlirolgO:n ~~,

~icld" The
(li) lJiirl.!:\

$lfIl!CH.!N is

1'rer;uIJ"',,!~~)I ni!raimm,'1lt,\vhC'!'"Clwo c
dcCL'lT.I~linC"d by ~ithcr



driven ·~llagtlclflm9~h'el}' "~l~mm~~gcl.m~nt ,IIQn~ the ~,Hl1

i.o !ll].l;lt~

d i!TC:~·Q!!t 1~1I,.-qtll'~~~iG:'-of iJlll?L'¥cj,~kl!((J!1'l. \ll1~n OUUllii I!:g. ~r1IIr'".illor IOl;'k !.O a sin~~ r~ql,u,.'tIlI;:y,


i.1.lac dynl~m~.[:'S



n;lric~C" ~ilmp~¢;" Cliil~illmryp<lm;"'l-;; .. U <I~

..... ~:r!l·

nsci ~":flolf ncl.\/Vl;;!rk ,~n l;x:t'~t!1a~d"\'1;;. III our or cxpeai m~iU, ~lId)' t;'lIl .. tin~m,.':IUof "L ,gi\'~1!l t):i.I,;'i~bto,ltiock:/o, by Ci~rving ill;; f(~II1L\1; a~.


c!IHnt{:~ ~tt 1.52:41 1lY.IHz(mill:xk 1)1 and l6,O'H MH~ (mode 2), Cmr,[.'".).pJO"Jld.i!!£mad~ ~h1l!JlX,~me

,I ndwo,* ~m~'I.~Y.4;'l'w¢id~ti~)'i\\'IJIn,..~ •.

!i{;~d g,

S;VltdkIlUJliz'l..1..I ~~Jli~.


oH:C:ii ocl"!'('\St:m'l.."ti by

mrrl~[i~~, whieh Ill\:' j't~iL}ll:S or rl'G~lte.ii(")I

Ihep~min\:tei"5patx!. In I'IHllitcmal,1c!.l1 ~115dJi:~s, Ih~:;e 1:'C.!l,io:m;;.lPJX!'aI' ~ II, /5) whenever I ~he drive '·I'!;.'llioCncy {g, i.~II rnl.iom:ll rllliL':tio.n ohhe re.I;lom'IJlret!"Qqtwm:y I~.~,c'h ~hal fd j mIll }~, ~'\,Iht're m <I.n\! II are respective iI~~!!scr\\'inclin,g. ~I~moo.rj; [\'''0 O!lci~I~'~lnJ's.. Ill" A~~hl.! (lnUJlhrlg inCt'L;,l;",-,=,.lhe rn.'qUl,.'llcy· :ro:gin'lQ; widen.

loekin.~ in

lPilIrl (Ii r the :.I.rlll~~u!ei~ cita" el~ 01. 3. 1~.cliOtlal 1i\.'tj'liC'rrl~Y+.1d= lmtit ~/0. Our QorLl~lc-cl ();'!'ciI1l9l.ur ro~15i~IS of tWo eleetriea 11)/ 1111:dcl}ell'(l.el'lt doubly dmnpctl beams 31]OIh;:t

O!IfliLiy4"d by me, ..", orfin~'~ dr;:n1L:.'~l:-linulia'!inli. Bic-h mode I~", .. \\'dJ-dc!i ni;,'id,~~m:tC:u' n~t:JInld lillcflt [~~POI'i:>!t' ~t B lutd: C). ,rlS \;;'ldl a.~ the ~~"Cwtl ,8~d~~ci1:di!nlce Olfl.L:lw d~i,,'HIiI.~
jXi\.vcr Pd!ii..~n,'~SlliX:~neill:. in ~hc,~jli1~.l!i:rl:1C'!!,lilmc it!'£uh ~n e m::C1il~~ s~)iI'in,g~on~MIID!:.,k;f;'IT 712 ~r

( 10 ~~m I():~l~ by SUO Filfl

which areeouplcd


SOO nm thklk~.

by <L 51un-kingi'leal1fD 01:' the :<:,~mc width and lil lck ness lh<lt is auached to [h~~ 1);, o r!he nminbClJ 1"11)1 ,~.F]g. i. All,. Sc-· celli£:

and 797 N/m for modes ~ .Hlc1 2.rC'.'iIH::clivdy. Fm!lH a ~rm.Pi~c'IOiD~lpal'~iclc ,md ~~nLn~-coLJ~J&lcl l

osc~Ha~ormodel ~he k..if v,duc dc,,~i!~~. To ~':IVC

1,;'!ll!Ol~ ;lI.ld ]i1C'


r Ihc


~oc~i'VQlyc~apCJt.r!~d :;:old Clloc!mdl.l'



karn i!lo c....~inl.llC(1 to ~ 39 N/rn [see Ihe $;~P'" ~i!"!g 0l1~i!l~~'l!cr~.~ n (SOM) tor !l1o~h.ld)nic'.d

whieh !1:i'~ 'lil!L;" OIPfX',1II'"UI!OO Of .. tOllgI,K~ s;lJ11Lp!.:~. bn

grnph ~C'al rclll'C'NC'n~<lICall. the I)(!V ir!'l '''I<l!~N:~.;;cl:;1P~~;'l"lh~ \\li!1.ding !'!lI!n"lbcr or~h(.; d

b(~m'l ,\iL;!i\'1J as \.."kiel:rnc:d C~l!~'l(:'lio'~I~ r(J!.'Ln~..fI. SlU~~tllem~. ~3ecau.~c[he 1'IC'!IIlli.~arc clocil'rik:·al~y isollm~'>cl.!h~ C'flL!rp~i!:!,g b!l:lWCl.\U nh~ be...ras ~~



U_Iin\ e ene o:W Ule oo.un.. ~~,I!f;~r{,.'d

\Yil~·j ;l $poBNIl!I

,~)lllcha.ul]~d !t'\IJiCllJ!." <!.~~U1(:tiOH or.f~ Tlhii'O 1"''' ~:lmlo~.ullic hl(::IX'~1.!' {.~n!llil1is. JF!~lI!JJ~HIS; \~i~~rc mh~

reSile.!!!:;!:":·~ic-qlll.~ncy is lock.ed toa gi"L;"I~. windinl!l




1~'tC simpks;l. firm~lilffl~h~\!'l:

~ he ]~l:ge~.I. regi.ons (Hi).

,fI:CqllCI!IC}, ·Iocked


r~l~lJ~i·~lccl..aJ!'!ic .. ll, The dUv icc .~1l.l"iJiJfi'"'l1,l;dffn!ll ~ingl",-cry:;:n ll fiil~.i~n b}. elcctrnn-beam u li'Hlog.• mp~IY fund 0 oornlbiu':;ltioJ1 ,ofda)' 3:lldwcm eu::h precesses. Pur .all crx.pc~mc1~1:J~. i:lrufifl. Ih~ sample is cooled 10 2S{)r mK wil.h .~ II lc cryoSl3~ and plaeed m the 'Cl..111CC' 0 .5 Tifl"p:lmlc' I1mgtl~tic

ro..... pO~~~~of nl1l~'nt we wWa a r.roql!l!~.mcy gen!l'ltl :;.(;"'10:1ldilx;.urtl


u'i1JiI!l,d Yi'!:.()'rmnh~~ l~n:1

mlli;m!~Ulil. I1li100C"leha".JI.Clcri:t"C~ 11)1 Ih~~oMmll


~:reqL.l;,l1cy ofl :5.24,1 ruU 12 fll1.d [UJltwidl.h3il half 11l11Xbll1Hln li"'\lVI ]M~) of LS kHz.]. f'igure:2 shows mhc n:!S.l ense ;11)0 whC'1fI d nvi Ilg the b!;;m1l1::i1 subF~gl. 2.Syn(ihrolYlzaitioUl at :~ubha Jm(!!l~(, dr:'wlF!g. Fi~BqlJlellil'~mer !~\"v!l!'elrDwit~ slJlbhamlominc!riJl (ff/Il"

1.2," .•, 7)r, .A.sigf1:iilg~ifI!~rator ri\ll~ d





il.rI~~l1e rEsponse or t~e !le'(Ofldi belillTllis rn~:5l!red ,7l1inlin a $'pe<:lirlJ m af1aly~~iI',The ocmt:O'Uf$ r~pre!ieli!~

:~ ,f
·15.232 -110 ·1141 15.240 ~dMve;(MHz.)

··,,'17.9' ·'1~..2' ·1~ "lOOt.!!

'th~ r~~p:i;!!l~e dam, iI1ft~ ~l:hr!)J1i~.d filgloTlS .~!i1 become< '",is~Me!in till!! (Ollltmjlr pLG~ wimer! thE! re~IPQI'I~e iE!(tte@cB$ aliQ~S@ the t~el !ilIff -136 dli!lm. We
!lJiff HIE!



r-emrd the respon'>ll!

(Alr Freqlilem:y·pml(u
-·tjl;i~1 .;Ul'.!,

-ri,lli!dlam~l'Ilal hequeli!C:Y

nII@!i:h:anij~l a ~,~~1~of Im@ C@iil~ll',r OOiliifll {1~~9. lAl es

:'ii'!.feepa~.re51ll:naJnJt f'reqlllle'ffiI(Y wfrlfh fd'" lr/2; (C~ fneq!!l'e:m~'IRnye~ :I'Illeep ~(I'f ~SlI:t:lJ'haIl"IiIIQrlk ellldtaili,en~ '~/flR, Il' = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7').

to. Thil'


beam at the



nllin "" 1.P~ut< For ~hes;@ iSO~dti ollis

pO~\I~r Oll!lpu:l. '!IB) :S1'tIlChP'"QiI!i~ll:Oi'Q

-lIrocO' .1~.6 'l2!!kO' ·1275 -'iOOiO ·~:l:2li,



115 fd\tl,1a/lo,


aJ mirlhlrlUlIiIii lOO,iDB· emur-edl w tlJi3i~ t~e Ili!l!lhe'f h,millumc: QulplJl~ f~Dm tille RFs:oIJIrce no LOI!D[I~r ~Mtribul.e. (1.'1 ~S-?lJ:nSE e.xtraci!edl bom COJ1tOlltr pwl~®r I~I.", 1014. Each pilot has Ll1)reDll,tli,uII sl\!iilpe iilndmGw.s a lime-err li\'(!iieIlSie' ~v1imp~. ~In [le~r~ '~!lair(~~plot d~pidtnn:rJ '!he width Qr the l'C!r~rllii~ rI or ~a:,~ S'j'IJ(ih~Qliliw~ ~gio(n. For iljla~:ty, !h~pla~ei!lll~ar~ gf1eil~1y1Tla.9ii1~fit~. W~, I--~~~i"r~_ll I~WHM,f~I~' d_~ I!i';·~·i''''';~fi"',,"'k" "". __Ii! rml'..... \1;0 ~ or II ~e _"', ~.Ii1""",, t''''".C' __ __ fl~ ""-12 dlBn-J1 ~.da~'hedline in <Q].1I1he'y~is (n~m)
1 )

11" _ ....



repre1iieiflls!ihE!! ~vindilll{ll r1um:ber il€tJ.1l>E!lm driving 'rr@q~@flcy and rund~m@rlttil h'~en()".


0,.25> ~ 0,20
• ~ ~•
~ !II ! oI!

!, !!II II iI
Iii j'

0 ..' 0 (1,115 ,0..20 0.25


O.2\)' 0;.3.5 0.<10

_ _ Q.1Or


ilmlnollic IfI."qt~~,u;:~e._The ~bscJ'\<W Amo\ld'~ s, wl~gW!'~'" :!Pfl~<If .:.l <!~] ~~hh;rnnQnic dr~\1 freQ

_/d = {1/~r~' with




here m!.her loo,scly.. as <I ~¥r:nmyrn ~Qrr'l.~,n;mt m;nl;;u~i( ,!\,Ihich the ~-SP'fI~l,~ ~.rm.~~lred, ;)\t 'll'\ld~ ~ "~JQ I!O~ nl ~ s;if,g;!~ :~h,;"!lw.t;~:I1;::y;t~~ ~~~of
th~ ~,,;:rrll "~ot"k.Qcl.'· is j!llstifijt;d
r~po1t ...~ fl'iJ.,;'il1llcm;:y is rCondnkld ~l;:ml~cl'hc
~u!l~ n;";S«~'Cl~\rt;:'

mq~iCl1cnt:;;1 he .npp:r-.ox im,_1a~ \\,tllding nllJ!moo!:. The





,i~l.\'''!)'~I~ size,


1, wh~dl111I~"'_'1!~~ ti!:ml.• wh":l~nh~


U~}' t~~·!~ .lPt,;: ~1!r~:r lOT "hi\·c to ~i~q,~llJn1;:.i.i,ll\ ~Io""r 10_-' J:l'o\\!~·\''';T.for.1ii = Ih~


li"t\q~i1,:llCyi", an



~hc ~!~.I ''!llod!c.!'h!.~ os(:i~kut¢_

of'thc !'I.1:l'uclure :l'~a a1~

Fi~irc 2A~llll\Vgl, l:be A:nlLlld:'s 1.{lng.llI!C mfrl = 111 ftlr ¥rlhic~lJ~ ~\Vl'Cp~' ,o\'c~~fo. "Ill!::; ill ~"iSl~limi:ll.Uy 1J:a~ ~ail~~pit\:!. 9:':, Lhc~i~tcaj' ~jliia1.~,f Fi,i,l, l~~. Ii"!,~ !)'pi;~"l! rnt~~'i.irei'WcilL 11~C'')' reseIUI~iQn .]<0 rn l:t. 3m.l ,p~~ is in.crcailcd ~n 2-dlJm i~ ~"ICj!'.'", v i~~d1, provides ~0,$21 m ~n~,«Iul~'aSLlre'~nenlt" ·t.'ike~1 O\'~r 12 hour.ll.F(~lhc IJeI'l!mi ~~ing AI~noid·j wnSlL~ (Fig. 2. B and C~ low-pass I.J~b.·!'$wurh high~!'iolonioniIJre LI~~1d0 C~sll!l:'Ctim~ 1 ~llL;ro i,!1 no h i~1C'r Imri!llO!lic ,!JlutOll!Dl fmm~h~
fn;q 1(I":~ll~>' !:!C'J~I'lI!J:lr~lX·C"IUiS,~it \'!{(Iliid dl!1\l():mh~ ,~m.!tll!re o~]resommcc. Because ~vc do 1l0~

tdr Resonam m:llmlion I::;.not oh~rvcd wh~1il (he clwilVC l~lI,f;.'Itcy Ii' n{ll~nliic 11W1o; ir!1ilyl,'lff.J = /fjrl ur o'tlil,,~r \'!I\i.:;II.~fin!)d dl'i'lC' 1~I.,.-qucllc;:ii.,"S <L~ i~!ll".C1Il l~h:lo'l\,I. Th~~ A.I'IIK'!~.d·i> tm'i!!jLic~ t'.n~I,Y8(lpcm· wilh high Pdm,~ whb'il'C [he :lh'ocllli"e i:-:, kil'lfllWll1 m l1~\ic
110a'l] iit~3r~~oilst:

n:ginn~ i~ :Ijlrg~r~ilan the regim~ foit .Id = fo/f.. This i~nm L!;·',~d lJ«:alll~c',~n .. [)c-"'W~ ~!ai.~ ~c, ~hL;:P~'i~I.';;U1.I~im~ dono. gmw ...
:')'Ildlruni~'cl n'irnml.O[]l1G~I.~ly" ll]c 1'I~ilx~nl~11IiI ~pO:I\, ..!..~i'l] Atn,ollJ'~[nllgill~ ...


shi fi to

I~O'WI('iI' dri

\ e f~'(joc~te~'S fQr h ig,ht.:'i. drv HIiI~ d

~.l!.;'<u~.uru~h¢ h'I.~~f[ihC' p

re}:poJI~''1C iiym::!1l'DJ:! ••

is, dC~~C~l;'d 1j]'Uoo.~y m:hr(lll,gh

ir... .~

iX'i'"'~r.:. Wilhi:n 3. il'''''q![gei;lcy~loek!OOi re~i1Be. I!l!::: lock.i:dI rre~ue~~e)!. obscn. ed close III re.'~o-mlltc;c. rl'L'quency 'Wig. ]'). :>hi It.,. IIIj'i\III<Urd W i~l over ;JW-- io M!!PJI'C 2E d ist~ li!iy:; the D;;;\ ir~. :;t<liroascpk~t. which m:ll's dlJ:! 'w~d~hsof (iIC' Arnold·s Ill~Bl!!~~, 1~Hd 12: flm~c. in i.d~ali:t;jJd S)l:il'C~llS, Arnold's: deflned as thcfWHl"-1 lor:l ~Vi!UI fig!! ...,;. fOI1:!;l!!CS are '1i.?llilCCICd fiof' C\"CO!}, [<lt~omd nmrliJ.c.r bSC'!lIij:dly. !11~<'.i;s a slice for ." ghr'~1IlIlm\:~~r evel nun. where sm,,~1 m .md II \'''~Ul:'~ 1~n:rc.rl1\\cl. ! are tIII,JC (If [he Al!llold-", ~(] ~".Oa~tI'lLlr plo:n.~. The FOir~hi~ ~lrur:;tu!'(' , dri'V~ fmll~IU::~'L.'S $ill~h a:-:h = e/~)fu. (7,1}!o,· ,~j;M/;" and ~vmi~J;ir fhL'C'titm.~, I;:tli'llid "cli4KuI w~,cll!1'loflfi;,q I.I!.;"~K~.>' ItliClkil~!il i~~11I,1t:h Jjlf(';;I'I.'r [11..'Ul the F\iVrn 1M ,oF the flma <!Hu.:'llmi 1)(\'011<111\ not be dC'ti.'ClOO wil bi~l Wl~~c."'IX"rvmCItl:iII.~~irllil1EiF mi.... mock: hllf\'U'\!'I:,\If. the elcenonic .no~~ 11,Oo"r ~ion''''.~L ~~ p;(Jt18:Me ~hm Ih~~' ~i!1,gAl1mki·8
dr~\,~1 ,ul.the j\~mmt r~~\'cn~ di,;~cli[JJl Ltln;n'rLjmn. UI(: x



far "'''([lim dw
;ll; ~

locki r~~.111.~ ,!._~nn '''firl:;W,!L,1IJ1C}1 loclki Il:!:f ~:.; 1,I~,j


CC-!l[('f at the h.- 0:31110llI;J' ,INU~ !

't:I\!lM!J~'S .~~



;~reiJi'd!li.·r tOl;l

\"'Ii....~lk in

.m.'ifl~:iIUt!~ (iJ.l~f:V\~'lill!;' "oi~Ulopr

136 dBmll n/m

·'HI ·'12.

PcuI(dBmJI .-----.--~~~~_-. 56.8 ·,120 31.4 ·'12S


'!>iiHl 1111ik.- ; 00 HoI:

EI!!IHJ :.

;: .' ..


" ~

5,6 :9.1'UiO ''11'.1





Ftui~dBm) SiS.B ··'120

-_ ..
.. ~. .. :: .
I. ..... ~ I~~
:' "

! -Ui


·'18 1.156

5.6 _ .··140 .................. ...___-'I. ......... -..JO.S29 tU(pm)








f dn~~'~MIH~)1
Filg.3,_ SVn,ch JOl1izat)lQI1 at mJ rHiL!lblil~r:f'f!IO.rlicdiriliil1'g rf!~q,L!~rl(Y. SVI1(hr'(!o iIiI'i;!:aUolll re,gj!lll~o~ll~r t~~lil iolR we~e d~~c®w;fl~d r'Or a- lal~~e ~ng~ of rr'@qi!ll~F!d€s by 'tt@~n!S of the 'saFiillil' @'!(IP~rin1l@nt!illprQ(€dli.!~ as ~Il fig •. 2. 1111 IIIl®S~ eases I(AI ttll (~" {E) and (F),. I'! Iilili (I~and {In, lne-se reg~o!lms Ilre IllaJITOW \Vi~1h ,<I slmllil Ire5pm~e" th:mreww. hl.l®!>ym::lhmrlizaHon regri(mlll U(l,~11 (1101 no Ml ~ dhiQOVer,iX! to harw (li{ery prornimmtre~ns~,~'i'irI~~lh i~Q()~rwaw'lIbl,e til)l iJleIicl3 r!!'MJ&t:.~G~:sho~\tSf>L1bi'l1Hrllolilk!;li'n{hrollizaliol'l at./,,:: 8.15'5 MHz, :alild Otl' ijl'ldi(.ates. $tIpem~'Iirl1'iliillir .~yndUOmla1'M at i'd ."" 'JIl8.3!50 MH~ No, ll1ibv~oo':; fi'l~~~rffra(tiel'l'S, (:all'! be· al~!()dM~~ w~th!J)emie.s.. (Ill), (IH~. ~egioll5. ruin Fig. 2E,

fdl'll'!l{!lifo .ilfld ~U an~ SlairCd:S@ IPM.s 'Indlic.M,lrlg th~' wiidUIiS of 1.6,s;yncn rOlllitat]:O!li

ft~IP!at~aI!l5 have

by 'tit!:lir bei:lOlvio:rwnen ~\'lree~ing P~e- 11'1S'ome Cillie!'S, the sYflciluoni~<lt~(Inregion') app€i!lu at llo~'IIer rrleqllUm:eje,s as PdrIM"inu-e<Jffie~UW ,mdl (IB~l,(1-;). (I),i3ind (K)} ~.e.,thll' tOJl~!.il~~ bend 'ttl< th~ le,~t).HQ\W'l,lier.Uum~ fr~ allse ~S.\I~S'l:aI'l~'aI, I'IlJlnlIber of reg~Dlils ~vith the oppo~le lreh:avi®:r. thE! .J~ilit: '1I'I'IiIi(h hql!le.~(y b:d[iliigl !D!:l:IJIf'$ 'iiiicmiu~ \Vitfui 'if1.(irea~n!l PRe' f[OJ)an:d (O,~,~F),alnd (i,e"

gii'~ 'nvo (ilfl~s@s ,ofs.Yl1chfQnj~ali(lfll

~iil1!n'S~n"t Clr'€ 'Ch;iilWg:Clt~~OO


dan'l:!i. nere


~he UlP1'[I!.!!'llS bend


the n~ht).



SOllcNCc. VOL 316

,6APRIl. .2007


or too '~moow in rliC\!~ency :lIw~n t{l b;,:cl'cb~C!OO \""~~lill1r ~up, /\!I/I,:"l);i!~~V~!}'.!ll~J :simpb'~n<lY r!ot ~1\i ~!!l ~I~ij,'l 110j1-idt.~J'i!!i~ _~!gj!p, II~ ~td-~itilulI.p !I1~A:lii!mld'~ IO:iTI!llJlt"'~ ,~lm'\,n i~1 F~g"::::!, t;yJll~l~rm~.ia-d r'~'l!!l~on;s 1];'~nbo fi)~Jrld!d ~ ~T'C{lucm::il.ll.<wilh no o~"ic1~.s eemmensarate f!1jh~liGl] [0 10. These !IR; ,~piclR,ld iu Ifig. 3. A d nvil;....rl\.~ll,I~ncY~~lIigc (]I fJ 70 .~Hz JlI11Ii.i!~g:JI,t ,[/l.U l MU:t:, wdl aOOh~ It~eJd = fill IreqiJ~i:'iC'Y. re\It!!~I~ J4 }\111ol:d'); Wll~t'L-s.. wi[h~~c ~lioibHily of inOte. wh~ l'J~climiBmioi"~, lire !jli,"Ciil by the rroqLlenC'~1 re:l:oiultocm and pre,lt1'l1plificr noise. A :mlJ1llll:r !!14:Q(!gBl0I1~ t't!l;'OIJlll .md (11!11\ll 0111 ~lC olhCT beam, discussed in !!w SIN.I, The DC"if::1 Thi;5.l.;mlol\l;;ii us 10 'l,")lrplp,l't:, p\II'!l:~>r 1I1!\1dWln~1 is >lIMlp!J.O.ttcd fnr these ~n~W!ITn(lnic o~r c;IiT",,,.. il~C!l~, \'\,'~!lI~r~~. Am(Jld'" !{IfIg}l~C;-:;;, lh~ ~jf~'" nrih~ fn;,'1I~i1;l~y·- :;;u~lp~:i.i!~ii!.timl I,Ihl!I,~ the :SPtill!;l: cm~imlt of !I~ sl~~t~l~ hy ~Jlloc~l,,-docgiunc;s: !lppt,;w 1l~11;:"~~t\;mndfml~y. m1d lr1yi!llg;1 Iligln.~u!npl~l[llk pun~p si.WI~.1at ['!.""ice ill,:, no p~u~~nl ~'i1uldb~~~,alblii~hcd. ~,l:Lrgc1~ml~r A r



1"t aircasc



Gr Ik"ql.!cl1.C},.I]ockcd~1l~n~ t~:>ti~b:to,le1\\"I1rk~,. !

wOIJII'd00 cll1fCn~i",!


rn;-qll~"iIu;y. 'We .~~pp!}' u PlUnlP

on onl:) ~,~!U


~o '~hc r.I.'iI.~i? u!im] of u";lI!nd CGJ11rnl~l.Tl'ib~SL;-d'Oll ... AII1C!lh~r l'ill~aML;'1~jk"'"t

t!l.jOal ~ pmUl'ilill.rie ..



am~)Ii!icalion.!,!,j11[ch ciNlblC;;s,


Ci1Illill\CcltnCnt of tlfl1i1~JI Si!;l~~ilh;illl ~j'idi\liclWiJ

drio,l~n~ at 1'0 I.~rtl'~gh '[CtiI~ IJEhcr 1x;,~~1hi lob, Fig. IA~ Two r't:~rnl1~~;gllill.~ .~'l1'bL·rnIDn; ![h:: 1iI~'tI r« '~hC'dri\ e mild pUi1~~ ~i!!,lJa~:;., The pn.... liif'i1lpHfiexi ili1.d!llocd vo!lIl!;j'C l~ detected with an RP

qPiDlP = 2)0)

I~W d •.fig. :~AI whi,lt:

osei Ilmor :rmxlcs .~I~!Ii l~el\'!;'('I't'k. ,~I:I our :s;~nL(;ti.irc. ml--;C'h~p mllplilkalion or small I'b1cctmnicmI drive Sfk'Ul ofi ®O kill! ~.!m1 ~tl,~ a~ 1:-:!.24 Mil;:: . 'twelllllbo\'".I~) reveals <l~imilar An1.",~d·~~ lo!Jl~..\llJl'C' SiSllJb: ~.m be pelfornrnccl by ~}Etr;;lmclfk: cfmvn-count 01' 24. Not on~y b~ rcw.o'~mmaCIUlillio.ll~ com c~~icm in \\'hich the slrn:~11 )l~gIlOlIgenemted in nne lX'OJ!mcan he .unph.f!oo b~1C(IIJJ'lIiI~il II,(~ (lI Ob8C!"i"~'Cl. Inn ~~'11mcor ~hiC'~ It-ctIIi.l!~~I1c:¥~lockin.r; ~()ond he;~u Ih(UE p!UI\.'id,(.~ the 1'!,""C~u)' PloIUH,I]f!>,~~U1'!iC~ ~.G ~Illd are 'I~~(j ~[gt..'fll~mmh~ (f~~. K) h ~n!;l for ~ign,;iI.I. ;II:f:1JliiiJlie(~1i(}~ .ix~ qn~~Jlunrt'''] ,~,yn~hanl]i:ll(;d ri;"giIl1~$ illl!,!i>Iir.;;(lil,;'tI Fig. 2" fa:r i~~ stluclllfe.'1.p,u<!mclfk: ,cLOWIH;.I;)l]\,'~f)l:iml or ,auu" 'l'l{.'llh :>lIIb-- <11K! SI.!WI'l"~WTll(¥Hic drive l~qL!"''1!loCOO~, piific,uli-on h~!sbeen ~MI~(,Idi~1OI'~ic<1i~t~l~ wid! ,"otTIC Amok! '!l!tJ1~J!lJ'~ b(;'nd dowu ~n~'UI\.~Hnl!ll .f('spo~a~~· O~4\i~d is .u ~~er(:n:!i~I1J;LI;'~ 3.1>.. c;nHih.w~rU9}.liClffii,m1l!l] (2m. <Iud dirs.k :ri.'$iO!1:!I1!OP,; (.fi~. (2 J t 1~!.!~., '\,\~n:)po'rit P<1I11I:1l~uiC' ,Impli lic,uir:m of E. G, l, ,llnd KJ ijnd SOIl1~ A:rnlolt'r);; WTI1l,U!.."S oon'l:! l1~eh,uliie,~1 ~igll"ls, ill ~ 11illitlrtl~[( 1l1II(:iL!W!' omll.\imuln :re:;IJDIlit'i:is: QiJ;J>Cnloi.'£I m. incrcas:in,g /dHFig. 3. C,r.llftd:l) rQrgm\i!'I1n~ Pdn~" h is nOI. chall:icfll r<:"IDalalOt w illl II dliS!tiu!CI.DWO-QS.C'illtll.ur S dChllr Wllcl11er lh~1lC j s a 11il~lC'I~lh8i~ Ciln be Oil' '~":o·befU~ntl'llClure .. Parrum:M:i,c amplifiJeJllioJl is t1cflll.oI,,'li by a g;lilll i~ tille meeinanio.1iJ fC'SPOi1SC established ii'! the wrt:l!i. "n'IC response ~q;U~tlC''y ,[Lc.,lhe :IF''''lIWllC)' arwhiehmode I is observed) on l'C5Iommce l~rog~l'C'nC)1 when nU'Idula!iU'lg 3, .I~) acu;l1lllly doc~!',<Ii.~as fIJI i~~crcases far lire Arn.dJd·s IlamlHe'lCr of the o:!lC,~II~nOl: sl!ch as thC'spring ~mlgl~ 11.11,11 up. T!his cl'll'ct is the oppn ..iliC' con,, ror inS~Oln()C', by ,[ pammeuic bond m<'!d!l!.I<Ll~O~1l]l~l1IIpi:ugl :[l[ twice 1~~\!i~OUl,I!fl!(;U ( of 111I!11ti1'U' 1110 Anm!d·~tr."ngu!.>;,<; th.n bend LlnWJ~ as p g&..~ lneresses, ]1. ,k\> llo[Cwol'lhy dl:ll!lhc rrcqucl.lcy ~p!!lml) ~eqtlel1cy 1'~). ccalli.~ the B two bearas 011 each side o[~~e SI.ruC'~l!re are bcm:hns I,) r AnmM's ~OllgUCS i~also ObSCr\i't;X! in ~mI~hc'!'nltliC<lJsirU~I]\niot'l~ Gf osei ~~ electric,,!!y isollililtd. w~ C:Ul dliv!I;: the ~llllJ!oCllaJe

lock.-in. atllp-Ii ricr: A .l(l)roJl~z:i'lul .n~ Ih\:' dmn. is to

used 10 C'.'itlmC'1 and Ih~ml1pllr~ud,C' A. \;VI! ,OOSl.'1"¥CIhm ,fi.J !'ill! li~ dCi\\ n by 1.7 k I~z 'with an ·R.dBm, l~lIImJ~ ~g!1I111(FiG- 4A.)"Wi()~~iMy a" u fl!:,1i.I!]t o:f Ihe .. pp!tOO !:::otroin fmm 1ii'!1:!' p'!b~np, l]li~ ('On~p(l!1(i~ 10.. O.4%dm!l~ if! ko;$f. If-!tlL'i:'. witli~ .md


Ihli,lglJin i~{!Idifl~'d :;!ISl!l~ r.It~1 ,of 1·~!~I\,~,I]O!l~~ \l,I i~h.'I."h\~~ IU!VIlWl' a = ~.F~~llre 4A il!W!~rm~ ,m ".'W!1l1p~ef ~~"'~n;'~It!~a!1l o ~l..\1ipr;!!1.~'" .ith til!:: 1)I,UII~P0l1 <Iud off M M riI",,1!I1'lHIt' = 95.6nV,[~I~ "!lfI!iIrnl;H)if= 311 11\(1., )'iddijn~ ~L~1~in
or 25)'. hl tia is W!lI p.I)[~t11000(':~Ufllnr SlruCll,1n:~. n'le ~~K~');;ilTItunl'i'~~rliJ>C-s'cilsiln\,ii! U9. 211 illo I:'OOrrld: g~in tobe 3.3 ill:l1 fC~3Ih'eP~~(! 00. AI. ~. 1C:~!iI~V~ pll,lSt:! of!.J[)C'.pamlllc'1lik :lttcmm~tCli\ is observed as expected (Flg" ~n}l,~.n~]~(! ,'<:perimcmllll !>ClUp. c lite phm1.:!between tire dr1ve <lnd 11UnlIl' s~Jls can be locked b~lIl~ ~lC)'rcp!'t:l'>'C'1'lI f <lnd ils h;lmll1l]ic 2f.~The ph'~'iil,"~d~nl:l hc:[w~cn (!he l\\'O Silgill[1is isl~KlI.r!nloJ.'ed whhl'I~(! use of an eseilleliiOopc.Figure 4C shows the ]nc:lliSliITCdphase and iII_!'I1J'l~itll:dC' [d,:!Jionship bctwccnllhe l\\,IO :ii'ign"k The 11l~'lC1l !liC'iiI~Ii}' Cm!I]~cd tWO·Q'iC i,l !1~oor ..


8lrI!JICIllfC d"'~lL'1rISimll.'S

1U ~ml;ll! ummocIF or




0.0 -.:100 -36 -3'0 "25·20



.~..s -10 -5

qucltt.)I' sYlldtrtmi; .~iom\ lliS illlu~m[cd by Am{];ld's, 'lfll:igLlC'>_Ful1hcmlOlIC. 'we d£illlliuIS!illIle phasc-::>culsilh'Crnncch:rntl [C!l~ pl.1mmli!ifi:c :Ml~Tl!ifi:-Cilluo:n oj' smi'illl sigi1{ils. fm.iill\: work wO!llId. involve :mm-rny of l'I1icclmnkilUy ooup~cd I1Irmo-nlcda.'lnic<Li osci.~:lallors :w~thmhl! abillity to sclf()sd~la!iC:. EvcnlllO~l!lh sync:hmlllil!'3tioUi l:esllil~iUl,g ~~rom fIC1lCI.l.\'e COUp~:iJlg f1ildnlo:n~inn(':fLIi 1n::q-i.lCllcy I"'lullinlg 11m" IKx:n s~udledl .in a Inodc~ a l<trgc




:.mny (13 ).3 con'l:p~hcnsh:,c: s!nldy or .WOO 'l:mp'Jcd mMllO'lnedliilnkal 'O'.ilci~lalors C~IMCk.b~C'~\mhel:" ~i)!l,lC'~S orthc dala tn o!l!r eXpc<drm:ll!.<>, D~lllo.ll.."lr.n~onn:i',t hu:~ :I:mmbcr Or-"}'Hchm· ~Irl..;t~im~ :L¥~io~~:;;p,!.\r)vio,':('l ~~l\cigin!il (~Pi){Jrrl.urBil;~"" ~br pm(:1 [\"aliaJlt~Onl (~rP(nt~,trI] u'C,,'1l~!lui~ L{lnI with ttl!: LI\.'i,C oscillatu,nelwo.n;u," S['lr'~,g~ ,md.




relrili!val of o[;ounple:o; PfL]t{:~m;,IJ~ro~lg~1 dl(; COrp;;srKJltdiifBg :'YltChrollio;;d ~~,tc::\. wi II Cirl3lb~ Ihe ~~sibilily ~)r"t~liillg itanOIl\>C1.ihlilfilk:n11 n,ct»" ,ooi1.

I'\1!CQm('ll~toC'I:S. S:nt.lIl s.ii2'e. high

prn'~r "n.Ul~till'lpliQJ1ilJ,ih~


and :I~O\'~

Filg. 4. fa ra !'m~tllc calm.piifiGaltr(ln. tA) R!ii':SPQIm!i1! ~f~h~ d@vic~ $tnu:t~,!'@ with (titlp) alF!~'iHit~()l!t (ootoori pumping. P1il!:irn1l':flIump~ll~ IPower. (B) D@poeooeooe,er ''!lair! ['or v!ilryiin~ P~mp. Ala mlatiw Iplil!1ls!!'Oil GCI lbel\\i(!o\Nl drii,ijrllgl and ~!!Ili'II'IpjFlg $ign'aJ~, "'~ liTit,giSli~~ pg"gm~trk oil iil1;p~fi(aIi101fit, ,;:iiml(i, at ~ r;e:lg,t~\i'epha~(l' oiff SI'oP, "'e !!Jbl5eI'!;!'C' paramclJrk a'l~EIiIU'atijon.Th@ ""aximum gl1!irl o;bs;crvoed i~3.3 \\litllt pos.5ib~i",dk.attOJl Vir ,osd!lation death" 1Pm- Q2U1' is '~'he phiil:311 diffifN!i!r!(j~ Mt~"i'~r! the' pmnll and driW5~gllli!lll:s. ,~.c)l~ll~JlOnlSe as rt!ll_at!v~IPh~s,e 'II~ri~:; b~l'I~elill th~ drirv.eand the pl!mpsiig iili:!~ (rnofl~l:Qre~: ji~h ,il!!iI! Rf o,~~~rulQiStl:©IPc~) w (or three'.rItpumpln9 p!lW<~II"~. We ,db~elN'ei1lnolaMe change ~n rll~pO"'.i!!'1IiS tile hmlsigll!3ls S!I\I.~ rrolin iri pmllse fa Q lit o~ pha~e. a ,.IJ., arb,itrallY I)IniilS.

:aLfIlIci.lii'l.~ J;lI1ih~it M.d to dll: lilll:ldamLiilial bclle!il @r an ml,.>chil) I~alltune.challical 0;,,,, illlamrnl,.-I:wo:i:k w i,th c1h:;'lrilJ" tU.eCl on:--cililp s:igll;d ItiX!'Ce~,~ngat mi,cro.wa';iC'

~re'lucnci.cs,lUI, The 'lctvant1gc of


a device

~';'{)'IJ~d00 :ib s~l ..ble <tL'thilecl~re, lXULCci on. &.~r~d!;u;d ~rhClgraph}' ,<ina ~nkm~cllICIJ.U i1Ul~C~ ! ilig ~ccb~qu'i.""" BC:>'I'mdlllL.:lIrallnd\'i'C!rk !Jlocld~" !i1mo:~nL"t;lwnk!l1 ~e;] laEor nCl\\'mk:>, 'L:'.;lJlub~,(i of iljdividlild·C![,t::iln!!~lnt i1dclT.'(". ~il'ig, ::;'IJI~cl ~k!Ib~]1 C',{JlL:.

p.ling ceuld provide ll,1rndign~ 'b~'em~.I'hrlg ~1\~ p1Ni:m:cn!:;;l1 1'C"li ......troQ1 of rlly~ic~ !JlOOO~ Ihm
,~hi)W ~m,_'iil; tnm~ ~i.i.QI~, ~~M}'

~on~i.i\(~ behWil'i(lF. ] f ~WQ ~O!!l.p~oo.ose ill:J.ton;, clt;":rnm:t"lnu~c ~~~d~r~cbc:oll~t:tive~l:la vio:rn,[u 1!C'l\'l'Qrn ·or mmolll~'lCI~ni~~l os-cill a ·!O!fS could pO_"-'1iIlIJl $J;:':llizc I'h~ (;on1pkll'i.ily <lnd il!h:Jli


5. :So F.. Dermol~. NIi!lffe ,429, 814 (2004). 6- (. I{~g~rn~ .~I~ium 01tJ1Iqf~' I[~ ~t(llll' (lat'i]1 ~~" F. Ml!Iglllet, Rlirk,. :MH) ~Bhdmi!'l~ Trolll!il. ~!!J,'iII'l ~'tt~ uni~"Pre~ Am~,. IA. 1986}J. "I'. IF. 8 ..M.i!!'1ol)l~ ~.II). RiuQ) ll, N!. tir.!gll(, l~:tTI!'iln~ lIi't:)We 4~i', ~'93 (:MOr.).



U (1elan4, Ill. l. l~!l!k~ ~l.

fIIIyi. Wi'; ,61i",J65l




if :rJot of

l:ht; ~lU!fflIn

bra ill !illll~$}');il,el'iiljt

'llIcal mi'afl

~.·tm.;, of pHttlt:lllhr celli. (I f :ii.lll,i~ I ~\e~lirt it the rhytlllu~' be IJUI1!,;in.!!! of lli. ceno iU'I.;~miolfl of ni'eflli~:;,.

Ri!!~e:lV.!ili(eS and! NOI~e:s:

l J!b I;'i'liinfl~~~l'l'!~ 'G~W uJBi.oJagIwr.i'imi' {Si!lliin!ll~· Vetiaglf!i!l'l'l 'l'ClIIk., 1~. ,'!', 's.. ~~'l, ~,I'm; .~e'li:m!!'lgr"'9' Sciiem'ecf SpiJl!Nm~ ~ (~riI):iI; N~ 1!'~ ~OO'lL ~. J. e~d 11.Ilrucli;, SdMl.t I1I9. 'UtI)! {196B:J. 4. c. s,. f'e~jn, A1!:Jlmrllti'riwl.~N'n rJ/ MffItt Pllystolo.rJ.j' (Cruf~ni InSli1!1ji!! o:~PIIa1irn~lMlica~ SCiell~~ Mem l't!I'~ ~".efllty. ~tW 'II'!t.Il!:.l'9:;!S).

?- ffl,. ~~i~~tdillt;l~ I;\r .~p.W~ ,,:~\l!!!,o!!l ~ll; : :]11 lit L ]Ufner t!I: ilL, .~JJm ~'M, Jl49 (199'1». 11.'ll. 'Ii. I. AJmold, MtIoIhifm~rl~1:!i' MlNhrlris '~f ClrilssU:Q{ ~ch~ic5" K VQgt!inla!'1!l1. A. We.ini~e(i!11, V~~nsL (5pOOgeif" ".I!rL1.~, ~I!W 'lrak. @d\ 2, 1'9!9). ll.2. E,'V.A~~Q",Ptr}r, '~d9Ii\'nri~~~. 2~1 ~'~9l.2~" 113. lB. ll~n dl!1 I'6L PI:i',los·.. ~ 3., I~.~ (l\l',<!n :It~. IE. M. 1mi~y,j"1, F. C. H~.pm5leadl. SlAM·J. Appl. Millth. ,fi1ii, 1:9 {lOO~" lIS. (. t-I.a.y,\lill1~ N1Jfli\lIt~Qr OiIl1JlaJJw iJ'l~>k,(J1 5)rit'mJ (h~~oo Uruw.IPor,II5!;,.~~~C~Ofil. lWS!'. ]6- 11.;. III~~, i!ot R~!enblum, l- Kultllts, 5fl'iidivORil(l(iQi'l~ AI ,U!.I1.t'.t'M1 iC'onapt .In NlJndrlliJD.r s(N:o.,rl,r~ {lO!mlllridg.@ !Mho. Prli':!~,CilffibM~~, ::toeD:. :lif. !\ Gaid.!Jizf.i~, ldtl.$i!!Fktrarii •.·it L6a.dr~, fI'. MilNnl)', G.


S. ~~~


,at. N.atlNil!l~,3i!·. 39,9 C2;OO:Sl.

~t ~,

[9. o._ ~~, IP. Gi'tJller, f1JJil, ~ .... ~«l. 7,699 (i?9U. 6 ;!Q. o.W. (.arr, 5. ~, IL ~It It G. Cr.l);JhNdl J. Ii\. fI~jil\, AwL nrp;~l; 77; 1S4S~2000J0. 2:1. M. ~IlaMt!!'!lI!!j' ~[,at, ~ ~p. £elit; 79, ~!l5 'f20~ru" .22. f1.. r4. (ltlafrll .. NliIl' J. PIi}'ll~ i', B§; (;lOOIl). :i!~. M. C. (roos, .A.. ;wll1til~tk. .A. tUlhlll,. ]. L ~~. My>. ReI'. ~(. 93., 2:2:4]01 ~OI!~. 2'1. It L. ~llIzl!'j. fI'• ,~I1IU1~ 43:1, ~lg I2OOS.}. 25. mtJili ~"" "'~ :!Upperle!! '" NSF u:oo~r!ilr~FlI l'!urnDl:r (U·I)<1l3Z089 'Mld ~r;I;r~ty !!n!!e;r 9ran'! numbef OMR-04:ili9670.1!'i'.~IJ1~~~ NL Kopei, 1(. 0.. Pilf!l:, ]~ W~, <!mi M. Gri~ru~ ~rU~lr 'l\ii1~~~~ ~~!1!l'en~.



S!Wp1Po:~tin!ll1 OIli'li!lU! tI~i:!~~\n:i~d

'MWf.zirna!mag.Q~!lii1cOi'llenW'LIII.I.A16olS:e2lJ~~Cl ~1~IT~b; .~ ~ltiJod:~ S(t,y,J lf~iIli :FiglO. S1. ~~


'lliefefM~~ IlIilQ'teilliber 2:006; iltnpltd 16.'l1l2(j,!''''i~~~~.lH nO?

1.~ l~eb;i1t.a,ry



an:. 0)4, 03~(12'



IGliianIF'111uct:ua.tions 'Oil C:OUIOlmb Dr,ag in a BillaY'B'lrS,y:st'8m


11lil,l C'o·yl.omb· d'r·1\I9 ffl: ,aJ SY:Sl~m Qf tliiiQ Pl'l f oil UI~l ~aY~~:!i'is th!i.l f~St! ~t {If !i.ll~tf\Qf1,~k:,c:mr!l!n~~r~'tiQFI!l'1il tlrie ~ayerr5. 'We have olbSier\l\m roprodlLicilill~liludlJaliens 'IlWthe dr,aJgI D!Il!!:h:aJS 0111kllildiolill ' iOif n:iillignCll.ii: field an~ !l!iled:r·Q~ (:~:rI!!:~11I1riit~QIlI" al1~ti Im;:nl~:[~:sUti~n '[ qruafltllillifi Jr'i'lerrerrEillice D:r W:11i:di 0 ,e:lec~re:nsiru '!il'iii IlayerS. At lmy temp;efat'iJfii~lh;C' UUi:~UlaU:<IIIiS ii1iil:@Eld:'~he avefaJg,j! dira:g, ~:h/ing: nile ~!jI r,jijJi!di():i'ii! (ha!i~(is; OIf th~ si'!Jil of th 't:if~~. T~,~ 'rlucwaUllIl'ls "ii'~rQuJl!d '00 bE! ml!(h I[g~ef th"fi ~revit:i~sly ~~pec~di, .ilri"ld! prepose a 1!1iii)delmat ~.'(j)la'if!l~ th,e~~ e,nhal'i<)~mef!lt by c~~s<~d!erin{l Wi;! fl~C:IJJ'i'iJliofiS:'f!I:~ oocal electn:J'1"i IP~j)p,e,!ti~$.

Elcclrtln.( S~~Uc r1JIg.mlJ(~d]e~su 111]~mlmuU!llll'i fifiln.sff'cr between I.~l.c lii.y.cI1l. usually ~re"I.CS. .a so-c:aJllcd po."i~ivc Couloll,b drn:g. \\'~I!::re th.e: Clim:min the .ITLCive :I:iiYCr: 1 wrodtll:ccs a chi:l~e now hl th~ p.ilissh'c· layer in, Ihe same direct ion. There arc alsnsome 'Co'lSCS where 1J1lUSUflll,'1tlC!:lruiivc" ('o!JlJ:omb drng is observed; c.g ... between 2D ~n'yers ill lite prescnce of·!:l s.lmns. qumltlzing magnc~ic I]cJ~cJi ,ltn: and between two (~~hHC. UJ~'I~.r'cs where electress nrc ;!l':r;l!~~gl.xlinto ,<1 Wigm::r c~· All pn::\'iol!!~ s!lIdic_~of lite Cou]on1b (jra.g, howc\"~:t,. rel7L;'!'no the IlJ1l!lcroM;npic ({IVerin,g


liIge, d nlg r~~~su;Jnee,RC(;t~lTItly IhcR~hff\"l;bccll,

13)'01: and .he \'olmge drop aJO:llI.glhc layer is ~ncns uilxL ~Jjl conIr.llS~. COlli~omb dro.g sll1i],ic::;s ~~C'rlbrmcd Qnl ~w\) -cl!oscly spaccd btu

il.OOllvclltd;[}Jla, nu.~~:S!iJf'(i~1,ecltsor ll~c 1\:.. or {I two-d IIl1'Cn"l()nn~ (2lDJ ~fJycr. an deClrim:1 cnl'Jent is drivcl1.~hmu~llhc

Ilecrrillste Couhmlb lim.£: origi ~~~les [raUil (".I;" inu!n:tcl~on~" ill.hasbcroll~C: 3. sensirive too~ for the lr ::mu:ly Jn 1'I18iIlY pl.'Oblcm:s o:f eontem po~ar)' ooll(k:mcd-mfHtcr physics. For C'xampk. eou,~oIl1b dl'flg. !n,jlS bern 1Js~d in~I~ICsc.ll'reh lor
Ilo,sc<omicilsatimll ol"intc.r:l<lijlC'r

Il:U::ott:licn I pred iCI.iOi.n:s 01'1111(; IJOssibi I ily ro ebscrvcrnudom nrucwrutiOilS of the Cou~om.b drrl.g (12. IJt where IIII.': sig ul0 rlhe rrict iOllal

foree wm clillll1,gC randomly Ii'rO:til positive ~o ~egali\lc w~lcn cUller .he carrier OOI~CClam-



g:soi<rutcG~ayers., \li,'.iiIC'.J'C3. CUl'r'Cll i !1 is {lIh',ell llH'm!Sh otlC of dW' ~ilIYCI'S (aclhr'e

I~'cr) land Ihe \'olt.~,c doop 1"2 i:>

~h..-: Ill.Cud-:iIIH'llllator lrJlIsit,i,cm in 2:D kl),c'l"S {,Wl. and Wig.lliCf !Cry$ta I fonnation r.~ qmHJ" u~m wi res (/ II. IFig. l!. Sdlem'atk shoWilil9 the o.ngi Iii of the drag :!ligna ~ V~ ~!1d~(e~ '~heCD,lrr;ent by ':lit Th@ Uli(l;ua~om.s ((l f ti'!(l dlrag ar11s.e fromJ[heifl(e~
r@ rtJi!(@ ()I~ @W(tfOlii ~\!av@ s.i!l! ea~h~lIyeJ. Ib~rore the Mil

li(m, II, or aprHcd ~very sma II) Il1flgillC'1 ic ricki, IJ,are Vii r:ied, Drug n1.lcu~aliotls fronl1 ~he "",rIve nmtm'C of clcc]rolJs and the pl)CSC.Uh:;C or dis-orner Qknpmhicsl in. thoc' I~ym.EIl:Clrom;'~I .•)Ve:l, t'lJ'O!I.llld ,r.'ach laj1c~:and ItnlC'Ifc Ul! W i~h each (!!tttlC'l'.

Jl!.lang the olher (p'lM'i~\,C') ~.iJ;ycw (fig. I). The or1.~in onhi:;; "Oh;L~ i:'l dl;'ClfUn·~t'C~~l'gn ""d h iIHc'mc[icm be~.w,,~i,':1]·thli:; lilY~r:s, which C~~[~;S :9. ·'friCI:i.m.lul" fQoc~ ~ih;n d.r.'1!,p; dl,:iC'lil:U:J;J:. .in the ""ccolcd lay..:r. fhe o:f Illi:s \'o~la.!;eIQ the d rl, \~i:llg 'cum:ntIilD ~ VJH~ II.hc dlfmlg rc.~iM~ ,jj nee) is <I. nmC<lSl,u'Cor t'".e' ii!lh~fact i.onoowc'cll ~'hc: laycr~. l:hc mc,H,lllrcmcm ofCou'I!('Imb drog in :;ysb!Jm~ of pr~n1.M.d hlyx:r ... \'oi'i11S !in;t. Wiru~ lP'!}Scd ill (I, 21;illd ~I t,;:-," re.,.llh::cd iu a.mHl1~r a of cxpcr,imclrDs {1 /) 110 1" J l"C!o'i.!."\\', sec VHI.

e tectF~:i"i~ talte pgnifi


]n~~~[")t@r ~rrl'@'ralllirO!r'i.

lStilflOG4 of Pfi1J!ics" lI.I'nilffll'~I!I' m.l' [~i:Lleir,S~O(Jk.eor Road, ,~ele'l is''i,1l ~QII.. Utt ~me Alxhn~lam I~r!ilat~onill
(en!n! fOi']liII!'Or~ti(al ~It!~k~. ~)~lIl!d~C.o:¥>1:i er~
,1"34100, lt3l~·. iC<Wl!OOM

b!i!lg!l'. MMll~;gw:)' R~ll, C<lmblii1!ge CB:l'tlHe, U~

"'1'0 whom

Tliil!~ 11iI1J00iillJ'i\ly, UnLV~liSh'l' of Ci:Iffi'


C!I);Ires:poIiII!lem;ce' s~'G!.I[.(il be addres'Sie(iJ. f·lI1an t



SOlleNC c.

VOL 316

,6 APRIl. .2007

ilIrwr collisions with i!np~Hit~cS.over ihe dt"'r~ •" I 'II. r 'I actcnsnc area -!~\IJ l " W·~!IN1Q LIP - M~ 0(10IierI!I.
~mCl: ~~11~,th 'F~g, [], Thij~ .~11IU,rf.!t.·~ngcs 'il'1,)!)' ~ i~HrO:r~m:lt lor !.h~ ,~olld~di.\·..;propcrti~'ii ot e"k."eLronl '''''.JI,~,'i"For t':xampk~. dt~ i:rlkrl(:n.·~.:'I'Ic~ pauern is d~mlgcd whcll the ph'I:5ICord~x:!tn:n W~~·C'S is v;l.rkd by ;1]: ~n~gli.,c~k: 11~ kl,
p,md~~C'i,!i~ i\l'(:!Ni'I~ c(l!J1thJ!:::!:a IiI.;C lE!'i

Ute dmg., wh~h is QCI'IlOJ1Slr.ued In ~c hl:iic! W dro.g nl!culo~i'Pn::! 'lal, low '1, when the n acF~~.J \:v11C'~ ]ile ~m]l!t~'l<U~~l'qd~e!m:rl~ ofuw IIJI m ionsescced jhe ,>lVoCr.;tgein the d~n~!l>!\ ~ e d~'llg is ~~hm",'1~ m.~.\WIdiff<"I1!.;I1t v"I!'!~ 'Pr rr~, l!l~~ ~g:~I!i!J~ ,~~, d!!'ag i:s ~~I~fiI:M LoOd'Cl;'n;;1St; 11-0; th~ i\milp~rau,ll~ is. dCt:fC!b cd, but dlC~l k"CO!lll~ dib~r i!rll::~:",a..~~I1ig" ..


(l.Jer ~ seeu ini j"JiIiI,~,n S.1Uii'iP'Ic~~ \V ilh :.i~t.: L - L!il' t~i1l'bp::ml lire. the 1b'iIII!jjI'ii'lLide of th~ ,dj'~g ~]~J(;tiliH" Then,\:, is, howe\! e~+ ~I"I iDt'iJpotMtnt ,dilferenee lti;Cl\\,~~]'1U("PmId the tI1.UCI,liiil~oI15 of I,he dR~ ti.o~ll> asa fili iteii.oJ1 of ~r,i!:Iis ilI:.>U!;jh~y the S91'11e as . re~i:i>UlUICC. The rorm~r are CI'ull), a sm~1I ,eoU'~ th~1 as!} :1:lI~lC!ion01" II
roc~ion te lhc;iVCirn,~ 'I"~tlll~

i>' po~ili\'(! or i!iCr:iaH,singiy ~!eg.ali\,'c. ,clcplCn~;kmt u~~n 111, 'Ihe !J);:pmchlldble l]ui,;!n.I;i'!:i{u!,~r [he o dlf'oIg 1t;.!i;~I.iviIY Illl\'~ a 1~ooL:"1fI 'oh ..i1;."t'\lc,d ;,n_... a. ' 11i!tN:iOn1i of!i\lilgri(;,lic~leld (F'~g. 3B),. For 11 fiX'L~t1


GD ==- PDJ(~lj':l)'


p~ j}]lid

III !ltC


Oflhc C(i~dUClm,£e:
Cg!l~.a."l t~ledro.J,;

lu our C'.xrllcrimem, the' si,nsh;;:-b)!.C'I' reS~~I21I1.« nl1i:~llJme,<:: by -2m.! tIl~]~i arnu nd an a \ e mg:C' ohm

-SfKI (~hm. :In


nu,,"~!lI,~tiom;,, ahhi')lJ:!;l~'l Kl1\;!~I ill

.~IiJ....olllw .


act il,oC-flil.d jlilssi\oe-.llI)'l!f re~b;tki lic.". iL.~til'!l!L."" I~~ ETi L )~s. the nouh.'S.'!, cr,c!ID'. ET{l.l' - hi. '.'L:i.. The theol}' (i n 11~ ealeu lates Ihe v ario nee of wlilCtt'e ,D is l&'Ie di ffi.Lijion oC'.ooflkktu:'I'1I' is Ihc dlrag I]UCill1ltIM!< i:ll the so-called diUusi'vc dOCOi1i!IlCJlro lime: II'< i~ the iu\'crsc screc"'i~lg, Ic~~~th:A - 4.~~" ~0-11: and g - II ,,2(1) is ~l!.': ~ ,~gimc.1 <; d. In Iil is c,1isClhc drn,g i)t odctcflnincd by glob,,1 pmp,,"iI.ici't of Ih!C ~~IC1~. '~\'C1IC",gcd di~ll(:n''''ion:lc% c(~ndUeli"'i~y (I f ~!I.!' 11J;'C'~,WhlClIi ~h~ P<.l!!J<~!'I~t~(;'TIinr(lUI!' ~)'~~rr ,~f!I) used, '[i~h;: flVQr a~gion tlJ· » ~. he~:Npcctl()d '\'.II'i'IJI(:'o.of T

~Iit~tdl..' 1-2C11llmi~hm). ~


d~.:3l1g~ romIFi'g. 2. Dira:g SiE!'~istj;\1~ as ill ly flll1.r;l1:0111 'o~ pgl$Si\llHay~r (.glfil' (~liIceP1tJt!IiQIlI fow diU:l?r,enil tem"erat.u r~s~r '" :5,4,3.2. :1l!. 0.4, ,~m!l!t (11;): Poi1lS ollilmdicm of r~,. ~n.set (EI~::rlili as, ariUlliidicm of (I:;;:. with ll'll. ~ ],.1. X lO~·:lI cml--:~; d ashed -Il' lili. ,ill "',2~1!i III •• eu me '.. - - ~'t

d>CIm 'bul. r~~rodlle~b.~Jnl'c Si~l of thl!' Cm,lI~O:Inb ~y d.rng Pelw~~n l~ili\'~ <i!:~!d~ll!J',m~ive. Slw.'I"Iri,:.1ing~y. ~ ..'C h'~M\.'lfollud ~h~~ theso nl!tw~u:ions ,of~h~ Ci;:itJ,hlrnb dlrf~!J, ~b[k'r\~"d ,Il kllli!p!)'nnl!u'~l'>IJl~h:)\;v ], K, me four fird\:irs Ii1Ir~niIUd~ I:.IIl!lpr rnrlnl piCdicl.ctlin (12 J. Our exphll1mio.i1 ofdu~ gil'lm [jfag ntaelumiml!O lakes imO:ilCCOLHu. Ih31. unl ike lhc UC F, I he dnli£ ~l~c'IUMions,at'li! :rmt rnlily an :intCil'~Crnl'ce cllec~



a~d O.:;M K, IlfO'rtiIlop, '~(llbottg!l1l,



bUI JI~ IlmdJnlcllm~ly ,atl imcmolim! cUCCI.

rn.~,nl','1 w;~




cml\,'cn~~omd drn~sl mC'~ullClj..Illc I!.:'k~('[lu.n mean ~k'C p.a~h. i~mueh I~f [lwal~he)l(!l)Jri!.tir.iU (~ i b~'1wecnl 111cI tli)\crs, and IhcllCrm'e~c l11.OrtlCIJ.~'lIrntmllsfelS lu) bc't\.vccn elccuons in (he bycl":'i l1l0C00:lnc ~'S:;;entiI:!L i\a:;oro~ng to the qmmlJ!.!!'!l mll,;.dmn ic3l~ lllltll;:l1,li I~!j' printJ1Jl!lc. Ill" ,8 q - I, i;1~Clr(llll:;;.illt<'UliC'~ o\'~'r l'il~lmllldis!aM~ fl,. « l w!'1CI1 c:lichanging hll]l.i...: \I[~lwl~ of Il!QruK'mJI,Jn:l 1~:F:i~,HI, As a r(';SWIII. he .iloe!ll propen.ic." oi'llic I 1::I)'Cir'&sueh as Iht:: ~ocfd drnsi~y oft!kmtuon sml.CS fliDOS~, become im;pol1atu in .he iifuerkl,yot.1" e-r i:nte"ffLclJ.cll1, The5'C' local p:ropc!ii!.i.e.~m l~lCscale .tJ.t 0::::";; ~ c."hi~~i~ :lI1.1'011r£ Ilucnmiens t!tH dil.'M direcdy mmnirCSllhcrnsd'i'\_'S ilia the n'llCI~!l:n~Ol1s of

f,ou~o'lllb drag. ~fhc samples used in III is, wo:i:'karc /\.1031-\ sGaAs, dOlJlbllc-llaycr Slr.u.CIUlt'CS. in ,,':hid~ .hlc "<llTierCDUICCI1I mUon of each ) ;)j}iC'J,' ,,;,in be indcpcnd.cuniy comoollcd b~' gate vo~~a~c. The ~wo Ci<l{\" qLI',~~lIMmwcn~, or ~lC '-;~]!'1C1un::, A



~1kk.II(;~!'l,;Ir(,\ ~~P;I~II~

by all f\~nl(j'~,1'i7Az.;

l'I.)il;~f(l,f 'Iilli~kllc."",300 A.E;J.(;~h J 'IY'l.;'r h;.~ ~I 111\.11~" h,a:rg~"on~~lry.{lO in widd] ~~lld ~Ull wilh IJI d~:\[~~]~ b(;lW~nlllj,{~ voltage probes of 60 !-.lI1m 'i J5)o. :Fi,gu reo .J shows the ilPiP~lIroOCrC Ihc nllC~

in the drag :iiCS]s~jl,,'lty. IPD" m ~OWICl'UllPCil'~ aiures. At hTghcrl'CJl~j;)I."ml'!llrcs, ~lC drag lltSisMI1IOe d 18:iT1~,~"S 1l1;dllololl:i.cnUY\jj{ilh both T llnd II;ilhc i:IIl~~l~ Pig" .2 sho,\.'!'~I'I..'lj.iflo i~1C'rcfli.~ with 10

I uaions



illlc~asins ll::mpe.iiiJlh~re as 7,]. JlIl~ d .... cfl:"O)sC!Switlll illlcrcasil'llS passilv(.,o,.layer caarle:r crulccH~1.<liion ,illS where b ::;:;~.5. Thc9:: re~ulls mt:' oonsistcn! .


II!I, 1(111i1l1i)1

slIng cl'>VC'iirn.cma \\'ork, on lite' ..\'eu~g>c I

Cou~gmh dr;lg (4, J6) .. lFi,g~ln; 31\ !1iIumi~ ,I m"Ji;ni]ltd \,~,\I!I' or mhc: ~pmdut'ibli: 11~~H~!1aa~ -<i. !luac'lioll of ,'12' .~Ici l1i.el>C' n~tlu~u~ir.II1, ...n"t'sl,illt .in!. mi ~111.~.IfiI13:t.lrig~;gUI or

hJrn:t'l(lifq@fis; l'=0,.4,. 0.35 .• !!~d (1,2'4 K.k()mtQP' t~1oottom. {Gr~phs for hfgtl'~r T @ ~ll!l!'erti(,aUll' oHset. [,ew dil'rit:v.i'5~ng~e·Lily'er ,~eml!nltrilltien lew e<lidli~ilyer l,s 5.:8: x:ILO~o ,em-O!. Un~~t~The tJlCF 'tlf the s:ililg'le tay.E!'~rwith iii ill ,ilIWrag,e lIlal(~gl'!o IIInd re~hti'ln(!e of '500 om n1I ;';lI~tra{l'eti.

the d'ClUed liJlil<ll:'iinFiig"lA;~ol]d

r:", l!., 00.4,.• and

IFi'!lI.,:Ii. ;

W Dr!1lg resi)tQlili<l~ ii'iTIe~Sliiifeclat I.0Il'1 tempel"~tUIi1~,as a

0.2:4 K, hom tep to bottom.

·rUII1;c[tonl(If pa:S5:hte.!tay,e:r ((li"I(eli1tr;ii~i(lli!: OI1S1~1J IJ'o ,as,!II hJIlClill!lTl ~f r f(loutwo va tU!!!S'Ilf 112 d!!!IFlIl~d boy Ilime ii51n,e expEMc'ied 'aep,elullllil,C!e {I~ Uile aI'IH1<rag,e drag. (B~ Po as <II


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