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Retraced U2 Formations always show inhibition and repression in the intellectual life. When the hand moves back along the same stroke so that the result is one line where there would normally be a loop, the graphological meaning is the inhibition of feeling because of painful associations. Because loops represent emotion, the retraced writer is denying much of his creative and intellectual stimulus and capacity. The realm of spirit and ideas has associations with ridicule or failure for him.

Thrusts into the UZ. A thrust is a sudden plunge of the pen from one zone of handwriting into another; it is legible and does not cross into other letter strokes. Thrusts upward indicate one who uses a keen mind to advantage, a person who is constantly thinking in a creative and innovative way, actively using his mental talents.

When too many of these MZ forms thrust themselves into the UZ, the writing betrays a brilliant mind that is determined to show off its cleverness. Such writers are often successful authors, actors or musicians, brit they always need an audience.

Tangling. A tangled UZ is one that runs into the line abqve it in a random and messy manner. Tangling most frequently appears in the LZ because that portion of writing fluctuates and enlarges most easily; it is noltoften seen in the upper or middle zones. Tangling between zones always shows distraction in that area of life, sometimes to the point of irresponsibility. In the IJZ the interpretation is muddled thinking, mental clutter and jumble of unsorted stimuli, thought and reactions. Such writers often have, however, surprising charm and creativity.

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