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Company Profile

1. Name of the Organization: Advanced Chemical Industries Limited

2. Address: 245, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaa!12"#
$. Contact Information:
a. %onta&t 'erson: (s. )heema A*ed +ahman
*. Tele,hone: ##- #."$
&. /a&simile: ##-#.10, ##-#.2.
d. 1mail: gm&s2a&i!*d.&om
e. 3e*: 444.a&i!*d.&om
Company Activities
/our major *usiness units of A%I are 'harma&euti&als, %onsumer 5rands 6 %ommodit7
'rodu&ts, Agri*usinesses and +etail %hain. 5eing one of the largest &onglomerates of
5angladesh, it is also a ,u*li& 8imited listed &om,an7.
The major *usinesses are of manufa&turing, mareting and distri*ution of
'harma&euti&al ,rodu&ts for *oth lo&al and international marets, Agri&ultural ,rodu&ts
from hea97 ma&hiner7 to small ,rodu&ts to farmer, *ul items lie )alt, /lour and
),i&es and soft ,a&aging ,lasti&s in 5angladesh maret.
A%I has earned an image of a :ualit7 house o9er the 7ears through im,lementation of
,ro&esses, standards and follo4ing good management ,ra&ti&es. A%I is 4ell no4n as
an em,lo7er of &hoi&e 4ho de9elo,s, train and unleashes em,lo7ees ,otential
en&ouraging em,o4erment.
A%I 'harma&euti&als is &ontinuousl7 arranging free medi&al &am,s, s&ientifi& seminars,
4orsho,s and do&tors; meetings at 9arious hos,itals of the &ountr7 to raise a4areness.
A%I Agri*usiness is also edu&ating farmers on en9ironment friendl7 ,ra&ti&es 4hi&h
in&ludes farmers; meeting and field da7 ,rograms arranged at different 9illage &enters
4ith root le9el &ustomers.
<Adopt-A-Village= is a %)+ &on&e,t, undertaen *7 A%I, 4hi&h ado,ts a 9illage
through random sele&tion to organize the 9illagers to im,ro9e their e&onomi&
&onditions. %urrentl7, the ,roje&t is *eing su&&essfull7 &oordinated in >hona,ara,
>o,alganj. )u&&essful initiati9es in&lude setting u, dee, tu*e 4ells to eradi&ate arseni&
,ro*lems, reno9ations of or,hanage and mos:ue, free medi&al and e7e &am,s and
training ,rograms on usage of ,esti&ides, inse&ti&ides, agri!ma&hineries et&. In addition
A%I has laun&hed <Amar Shasthya= ,rogram 4ith an aim to ,ro9ide free health &he&
u, and medi&ines in remote areas.
8ie4ise, as ?res,onsi*le &or,orate &itizen;, )o&ietal De9elo,ment through 1du&ational
'rograms in&ludes %ontinued (edi&al 1du&ation @%(1A for medi&al ,rofessionals
and %hildren;s 1du&ation 'rograms. As a fast gro4ing &onglomerate, A%I also &reates
signifi&ant amount of em,lo7ment o,,ortunit7 in the &ountr7 and &ontri*utes in
different ,hilanthro,i& a&ti9ities lie distri*ute 4inter &lothes to destitute, hel, ,eo,le in
&ase of an7 natural &alamit7 et&.
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