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English in England
■ 滞在型のエグゼクティブ・プログラム
■ 1対1のトレーニング
■ グループ・トレーニング


English in England

プロフェッショナルのための語学トレ なぜ「マーカスエバンズ・リンガラマ
ーニング 」なのか?
マーカスエバンズ・リンガラマは、国際ビジネス社会におけるコミ 貴方が真剣に英語でのコミュニケーション力を伸ばしたいと考えて
ュニケーション言語としての英語の重要性を理解しており、研修の いるならば、最も効果的な方法は英語を母国語とする国で学習する
目的にあったさまざまなコースをご用意しております。 事です。プログラムに参加された20%以上の方々が、更なる語学
■ 個別授業 ニ-コートでのコース内容が、ブリティッシュカウンシルにより認
■ グループ授業 められ、経験豊富な講師陣により更に洗練されたトレーニング内容
■ 個別、及びグループ授業 は、参加者の皆様に絶大な評価を頂いております。
■ 特別プログラム ■ 全ての施設でのハイクォリティーなトレーニングと温かいもて
全てのコースは参加される方、またはグループのニーズに合わせて なし
おります。トレーニングの内容は実際のビジネスにおける要点を理 ■ コースは最新のビジネスの現状に合わせたプログラムで、各自
解し、継続的にアップデートしております。又、毎年60カ国以上の の英語力の飛躍を期待する事が出来る。
国々からの参加者を迎え入れるだけでなく、1000以上の企業、組織 ■ 世界各国からの参加者との交流で、国際ビジネスについて学べ
の社員トレーニングなども請け負っております。 る。
■ 経験豊富な講師陣の海外での勤務経験より、バラエティー豊か
■ 会議、電話応対、プレゼンテーションなど、実務に実際に使わ
なぜこのプログラムが有効であるのか? れるビジネス英語を繰り返し学べる。
■ クラスルームだけでなく、全てが英語環境である。
■ テストによって、自分の英語力を知り、どのようなトレーニン ■ 個人に合わせたスケジュールで、研修を進める事が出来る。
グが必要かを事前に知る事が出来る。 ■ 全てのコース内容が綿密にチェックされ、参加者の満足するプ
■ 英国へ旅立つ前に研修資料が手に入り、勉強を始められる。そ ログラムになっている。
■ トレーニングの内容は、実際の仕事に使えるものであり、復習
を繰り返す事で進歩が実感出来る。 選べるコースについて
■ 個別授業では、トレーナーが参加者に必要なスキルについて把
握し、独自のプログラムで進められる。 マーカスエバンズ・リンガラマ
■ ロールプレイング、いろいろなケーススタディーを経験する事
で、使える英文法を身につける事が出来る。 ■ プラチナ・パッケージ チェニーコートでの格式あるプライベ
■ 個々のビジネスの場においてのいろいろなシチュエーションを ート・エグゼクティブコース
、講師と共に英語で学ぶ事が出来る。 ■ ゴールドパッケージ ロンドン、又はストラットフォード―ア
■ プレゼンテーションにおいては映像として残され、講師による ポン―エイボンでのプライベート・コース
採点、又は技術向上についてのアドバイスも受けられる。 ■ シルバーパッケージ ロンドン、又はストラットフォード―ア
■ トレーニング中、トレーニング後のセルフスタディーのアドバ ポン―エイボンでのグループコース
■ 受講修了書と共に、将来スタディープランのアドバイスが受け
■ 受講終了後、インターネットで授業の復習をする事が出来る。

電話は +813 5216 8043、Faxは +813 5216 8042、E-mailアドレスは になります。宜しくお願い致します。
チェニ-コートでの研修 ソーシャルプログラム

全寮制研修のみならず食事の時間、コーヒーブレイク、ソーシャル ディスカッションやマネージメントゲーム、また映画鑑賞や趣のあ
プログラムなどを通じて、貴方の語学力を向上させます。チェニ- るパブに出かけたりといった、さまざまなアクティビティーが用意
コートはバース市(イギリス南東に位置し、歴史的建築物などによ されています。これらに参加することによって昼間のトレーニング
り、多くの観光客が訪れている街でもあります。)から10キロ離れ だけでなく、夜も英語を学ぶ機会が得られます。
ーは、貴方を魅了することでしょう。 宿泊施設――以下よりお選び頂けます
■ 慎重に選びぬかれた英国人のホストファミリー
プラチナパッケージ ■ アパート
■ 5つ星のホテル
■ 全寮制のエグゼクティブプログラムは、豊富なソーシャルプロ 講師と一対一で進められるこのコースは、参加者のニーズ、
グラムを用いたプロフェッショナルな語学研修とともに、最強 個々の語学力、目標に合わせており、最も飛躍が期待されるプログ
のコースを提供します ラムとなっております。
■ 参加者が講師と共に生活をする事で、クラスルーム以外の場所

でも生きた英語を学ぶ事が出来ます。 ロケーション: ロンドン、又はストラットフォード

■ 世界各国の参加者からビジネスの情報を得る事が出来ます。
■ アフタースクールにはテニス、フットボール、ジョギングなど
コースの詳細 ■ 貴方の専門分野が必要とする、特定の部分に重点を置いて取り
■ 国際的な環境の中で、効果的なコミュニケーションスキルを高
■ 英語を話す同僚やクライアントとのコミュニケーションコミュ
■ スピーキング力を強化し、自信をつけます。
■ ケーススタディ、ロールプレイ、シミュレーションや文法の演
■ コミュニケーション活動(会議、交渉、議論、プレゼンテーシ
■ ケーススタディ、ロールプレイ、シミュレーションや文法の演
■ 国際的な環境の中で、効果的なコミュニケーションスキルを高
組みます。 ■ スピーキング力を強化し、自信をつけます
■ 現実的なビジネスシミュレーションを通し、CD-ROMやインター


談話など、幅広い英語での放課後活動を経験、更に進んだコミュニ 最高6名までの少人数制で行われるグループコースは、世界各国か
ケーション力の取得に力を入れます。 らのビジネスプロフェッショナルと時間を共にし、
宿泊施設 ングなプログラムとなっております。

■ 電話、インターネットを含む、充実した設備のプライベートル
■ 土曜を除く、朝昼晩の食事付。他の参加者との日帰り旅行もお 参加者個々のニーズや研修目標に焦点を置いたプライベートコース
楽しみください。 と、グループコースの両方を味わえる、贅沢なプログラムです。

ロンドン ロケーション: ロンドン、又はストラットフォード

生活を満喫出来ます。ロンドンの研修センターは、劇場、史跡、シ コースの詳細
ョッピングセンターにも近く、研修以外にも幅広いアクティビティ コースを通じて:
ーが楽しめるように設定されております。 ■ スピーキング力を強化し、自信をつけます
■ 国際的な環境の中で、効果的なコミュニケーションスキルを高

ストラットフォード-アポン-エイボン めます。
■ ロールプレイ、信頼のおける教材、現実的なケーススタディな

ストラットフォード―アポン―エイボンは世界的にも有名な、シェ どを用いて、日々のビジネスやプロフェッショナルな生活に必
ークスピアの都として知られております。語学研修以外に、シェー 要とされる英語を学びます。
■ ビジネスでの社交に必要な英語力を高めます。
■ 会議、交渉またはプレゼンテーションなどに必要な英語力のス
いありません。 キルアップができます。
■ 国際的感覚を身に付け、他の国のビジネスの情報も得られます。
our services...

年間約1,000回のカンファレンスを開催、約100,000名の参加者、 16,000名の講演者をお招きしております。テーマとしては、金融・ IT・各業界で

Professional Training
企業の規模、場所に関わらず、いかなる組織の研修ニーズに対応し、ビデオやCD-ROM などを活用したハイレベルなコースを通して、部門別、並びに

Language Training
私たちmarcus evans linguarama は30年以上に及び、ビジネスの各方面で活躍されている多くの人たちに、質の高い、専門的知識にまで及ぶ英語のト

毎年、marcus evans linguaramaでは世界中60ヶ国を超える国々からの参加者に語学教育の場を提供し、1000をも超える企業や組織団体に包括的な語


The Hospitality Group

世界各国のスポーツイベントを通して、専門的なトータルコーディネート及び、ホスピタリティーを提供致しております。The Hospitality Group


電話は +813 5216 8043、Faxは +813 5216 8042、E-mailアドレスは になります。宜しくお願い致します。
marcus evans linguarama
Language Training for Professionals

English in England
■ Residential Executive Programme
■ One-to-One Training
■ Group Training

English in England
marcus evans linguarama has been providing professional
language training in England for business and professional people
for over thirty years.
Language Training for Professionals Why English in England with
Welcome to our English in England brochure where you will find information about our
courses and locations. We understand the importance of English as the language of
marcus evans linguarama?
communication in the international business world and have a variety of courses If you are truly committed to developing your communication skills in English, then the
designed to meet your training objectives. We offer: most effective way is undoubtedly to learn in the country where the language is spoken.
■ Individual Training At least 20% of our English in England course participants have previously followed one
of our courses and are returning to develop their skills further. We are particularly proud
■ Group Training
of the feedback from our participants. In 2006, all course participants asked said they
■ Combined Group and Individual Training
would recommend us. This high rate of recommendation is due to the intensity and
■ Specialist Group Programmes effectiveness of our courses, the professionalism of our staff and the significant progress
Our courses are focused entirely on the needs of the individual participant or group and participants achieve. The British Council inspected and accredited Linguarama Cheney
have practical relevance to business and professional life. We understand the training Court and our London and Stratford-upon-Avon training centres in 2005. A course in
requirements of today’s professional world and continually update our approach to England with marcus evans linguarama offers the following benefits:
training and materials. Each year marcus evans linguarama trains people from over 60
■ First class training and a warm welcome at all of our centres
countries worldwide and provides over 1000 companies and organizations with total
training solutions. ■ Courses designed to meet professional needs and achieve measurable progress
■ Meeting people from all over the world, encouraging cross-cultural understanding

Why is it so effective? and the exchange of ideas and approaches

■ Experienced, enthusiastic and friendly trainers who have often worked in a number
■ Prior to the course a detailed needs analysis and language test will be carried out of countries and are familiar with different business practices and approaches
in order to assess your training requirements and current level of English
■ Course programmes are needs-driven and devised in detailed consultation with the
■ The learning process begins with a pre-course task, enabling you to focus on your participant
training before your course in England
■ Programmes are focused on effective interaction through communication activities
■ Realistic objectives are set at the beginning of the course and progress towards them
such as role-plays, discussions and work-related simulations, for example meetings,
is continually reviewed
telephoning, socializing, presentations and negotiations
■ A small team of trainers is responsible for designing and implementing your
individual course ■ Constant exposure to English both inside and outside the classroom. All centres offer
extensive social programmes to maximize use of English in the time available
■ You will be fully engaged in learning English through a variety of activities, including
case studies, role-plays, simulations and grammar exercises ■ Our flexibility in response to increasing time pressure – you can start an individual
programme on any day of the week and extend your programme with additional
■ We encourage you to bring authentic materials to make your course as relevant to
weekend training days
your professional life as possible
■ Presentations are videoed for analysis and feedback ■ All our centres provide regular in-service training programmes to update and develop
our trainers’ teaching skills. This enables us to monitor the standard of training, to
■ Integrated Personal Study develops and encourages independent learning during share good practice amongst centres and to ensure that high quality courses are
and after the course being delivered.
■ Personalized media provides material to actively review your programme
■ A final course report gives clear details of progress made and recommendations for
further study Course options
■ Linguarama Direct, our interactive e-learning programme, is an option which marcus evans Linguarama offers both individual and group tuition:
provides unlimited post-course consolidation ■ Platinum Package: One-to-One tuition at Cheney Court, the prestigious
executive training centre
■ Gold Package: One-to-One tuition at marcus evans Linguarama
London or Stratford-upon-Avon
■ Silver Package: Group tuition at marcus evans Linguarama London
or Stratford-upon-Avon

For more information, please contact Akiko Yamamoto at marcus evans

Tel: +813 5216 8043 Fax: +813 5216 8042 Email:
Cheney Court Stratford-upon-Avon
Cheney Court, marcus evans linguarama’s Residential Executive Training Centre, The beautiful market town of Stratford-upon-Avon is world famous as the
enables participants to develop their English language skills in a programme of birthplace of William Shakespeare, England’s finest poet and playwright.
maximum intensity – not only during training sessions, but also at mealtimes, Surrounded by beautiful English countryside, Stratford is an ideal place to come
coffee breaks and during the social programme. Cheney Court is a 17th century and learn English. As well as visiting the theatre during your course, there are
English manor house situated in beautiful countryside approximately 10km from many other cultural attractions to see such as the beautifully restored Harvard
the city of Bath. Our modern and well-equipped training centre is the perfect place House and the Shakespeare properties. You might also like to take a boat trip
to improve English whilst enjoying an international atmosphere in a typically along the river Avon, or simply enjoy the atmosphere in one of the many pubs in
English environment. Bath, situated in South West England, is a World Heritage the town where you will receive a warm welcome.
city and Georgian Spa city and, after London, England’s most popular destination
for tourists, with the Roman Bath House, the Royal Crescent, the 14th Century
Social programme
Abbey and the world-famous Pulteney Bridge.
A variety of social activities are organised, including discussion evenings, historic
pub visits, theatre and cinema nights and management games. A Linguarama
Platinum Package: trainer organises and accompanies these activities which allow you to continue
practising English into the evenings.

One-to-One Residential Accommodation

The following accommodation is available:
Executive Programme ■ Carefully selected English host families (bed, breakfast and evening meal)
■ Apartments
Location: Cheney Court ■ Five star hotels
The Residential Concept:
■ The Residential Executive Programme is designed to give you a course of Gold Package:
maximum intensity – combining professional language training designed to
meet your needs with an extensive social programme One-to-One Power Track Programmes
■ Course participants and a number of trainers live at Cheney Court. This gives Intensive English tuition for individual students. Participants work with a trainer
you the opportunity to concentrate fully on the main aim of learning English, and focus on their own specific needs and objectives.
both in and out of the classroom - for example during meal times, coffee
breaks or over a drink at the bar
■ Cheney Court encourages interaction between business and professional Location: London & Stratford-upon-Avon
people from many countries, offering a unique insight into a variety of
cultures and business practices. It also provides an ideal opportunity for Course details
networking During the course you will:
■ After lessons it is also possible to take part in a variety of sporting activities, ■ Focus on the specific areas relevant to your professional requirements
such as tennis, football, jogging and fitness training
■ Develop the English skills you need to work more effectively with colleagues
and clients
Course details ■ Be engaged in learning English through a variety of activities, including case
During the course you will: studies, role-plays, simulations and grammar exercises
■ Develop effective communication skills in an international environment ■ Develop effective communication skills in an international environment
■ Build your confidence in spoken English ■ Build your confidence in spoken English
■ Be engaged in learning English through a variety of activities, including case
studies, role-plays, simulations and grammar exercises Silver Package:
■ Be offered optional communication activities such as meetings, negotiations,
discussions, presentations and fluency workshops. These enable you to
develop your skills through realistic business simulations
The Executive Group Programme
An intensive, full day of business and professional English tuition in small groups
of up to 6 participants. Participants work in a challenging and dynamic
We encourage you to bring authentic materials to make your course as relevant
environment with delegates from many other parts of the world. All participants
to your professional life as possible.
are tested before the course to ensure homogeneous groups.

Social programme
Throughout your stay, you are encouraged to continue extending the use of Executive Group Combination
English through a wide range of evening activities organised by trainers at Cheney
Half-day intensive individual tuition, focusing on the participant’s own training
Court. These include management games, communication activities, pub visits,
needs and objectives, combined with half-day group tuition.
presentations from guest speakers and theatre trips. An optional excursion to Bath
is organised every Wednesday afternoon – alternatively, you can take part in a
fluency workshop. A full day excursion on Saturday is available to those staying Location: London & Stratford-upon-Avon
over the weekend.
Course details
Accommodation During the course you will:
■ Individual study bedrooms with en suite facilities and direct dial telephones ■ Develop effective communication skills in an international environment
and internet access points
■ Build your confidence in spoken English
■ Full board, except Saturday - day trips are scheduled
■ Use role plays, authentic materials and realistic case studies to practise the
■ Laundry service is also included in the fee English needed for everyday business and professional life
■ Activate your vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical structures
London ■

Improve your social English in business situations
Improve your English in skill areas such as meetings, negotiations and
Following a course in London offers the possibility of combining language training presentations
with a visit to one of the most exciting cities in the world. The marcus evans ■ Build cross-cultural awareness by working in a mixed nationality group
linguarama centre, with its spectacular views of London, is situated on the bank
of the River Thames, close to the City of London and the new Canary Wharf
financial district. It is also within easy reach of the West End theatres, South Bank
cultural centres, historic sites and shopping centres.
our services...
Producers and promoters of over 150 of the world’s leading business and economic summits every year for senior decision makers at
exclusive locations around the world. These events provide attendees with a unique opportunity to access the latest developments in
their chosen industry and to network in a structured environment with leading industry practitioners.

Producers of high quality business to business conferences designed to address the strategic information needs of senior executives.
Speakers are practitioners from international blue-chip organisations and financial institutions, as well as business schools, academic
bodies and government ministries. More than 1,000 conferences take place each year, attracting over 100,000 delegates and 16,000

Professional Training
Sector focused and General Management Training through high quality courses that enables organisations of any size and
geographical location to benefit from working with marcus evans for all their training needs. The clients’ demands for high quality
hands-on training drives the focus for content, and thorough research ensures a compatibility with current business concerns.

Language Training
marcus evans linguarama offers effective training in language, communication and culture for business and professional people. With
more than 30 years' experience and over 20 centres in Europe, we are one of Europe's largest business language and communication
training organisations.
Each year marcus evans linguarama trains people from over 60 countries worldwide and provides over 1,000 companies and
organisations with total training solutions where our courses are focused entirely on the needs of the individual participant or group
and have practical relevance to business and professional life.

The Hospitality Group (THG)

Specialists in corporate hospitality linked to the premier international sporting events around the world. Trading as The Hospitality
Group (THG) the event diary is nothing less than an international sporting directory.

marcus evans congresses bring together the leading vendors and decision makers from a wide range of services and industries. Each
event provides an opportunity for key suppliers to exhibit and demonstrate their products to the region’s key professionals. In addition
to the exhibition format of the event, vendors also have the opportunity to participate in the marcus evans unique one-to-one pre-
arranged meetings format linked to the event’s educational conference attended only by delegates who are pre-qualified, in most
cases to a minimum spend of US$5 million and many with budgets in excess of US$50 million.

For more information, please contact Akiko Yamamoto at marcus evans

Tel: +813 5216 8043 Fax: +813 5216 8042 Email:

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