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gi&i thi~u
Dich la mot ky nang kh6 trong viec hoc nqoai nget n6i
chung va Anh ngii' n6i rienq. Trong nhieu tntdng hop, ta
thay rang dich W tieng Anh sang tieng Vi~t thi d@ -dang hem
VJ c6 su trc giup cua tU' di~n. Nhunq ly do quan tronq hon
CUa u'u the nay chinh la S\f hi~U biet sau S~C nqon nglt me
va ban s~c van h6a dan toe minh.


Ngan ngu truyen dat y nghi, tinh cam, cam xuc cua
con ngudi. Do d6, khi dich tu tieng Vi~t sang tieng Anh thi

ta phai dltng b g6c d9 ngt.tOi Anh d~ dich. Lam sao d~

chuy~n ngCi Ot1<;1C chinh xac, trung thanh vOi ban g6c ma
van gift dLi<;1c y cua ngt.t&i viet khi dich. Nghla la dat dt.t<;ie
3 yeu cau. chan - thi~n - my.


Nham giup ban nang cao ky nang dich Vi~t - Anh,

chunq toi xin giOi thieu cuon: "Luyen dich Vi~t - Anh".

Cu6n sach gom 4 n{>i dung chinh.

Mc)t s6 nguyen tic co ban khi dich
PHAN2: M9t s6 tit kho dich tit Vi~t sang Anh
PHAN3: Luy~n dich Vi~t - Anh



Tit vun
. g

Mong rang cu6n sach se la cam nang giup ban ngay

canq hoan thien v6n tieng Anh cua minh.




. c.Au



Khi dich cau tu tieng Vi~t sang tie'ng Anh, sau khi da
chon thci thich hop ta c:in thuc hien mot so buoc sau day:
Bude 1:

chon mau cau Cd ban

Bude 2: chon yeu

to mo ta ~ tu b5 nghia

(hay ca'u true

chuc nang) thich hop

Bude 3: ap dung luat tuong can hay song hanh.

cAc MA.u c.Au co BAN

Khi dich m9t cau tu tieng Vi~t sang tieng Anh, ta
thuong doi chieu m9t tu ngu giua hai ngon tu. Sau khi biet
duoc tu loai cua tu tie'ng Anh, ta mdi h,ta chon mAu cau
can sl:t dung va chon m(lt thi thich hop cho d9ng tu.
Trong tieng Anh, m6i cau thuong bao gom 2 phan: chu
. ngft (the subject) va vi ngu (the predicate).


Chu ngu goi ten mot nguoi, m9t

vat hoac su kien. Vi
ngu luon noi len m<}t dieu gi d6 ve chu ngti.
Chu ngu luon la m9t danh tu, dai tu, m(?t cum tu duce
dung nhu danh tu hoac m9t menh de dung nhu danh tu.
Vi ngu trong cau luon bAt dAu bang mot dc}ng tu. Phan con

lai cua ca u (phjin nam trong vi ngu, theo sa u dqng tu)

du<?,c goi la b6 ngu (the complement).
TS:t ca cac cau CCI ban g6m c6 danh tu, theo sau la d(mg
tu va b6' ngu. Tuy nhien, b6 ngu g6m nhieu tu loai khac
nhau. Do d6 ta xe'p cau Cd ban tuy theo tu loai cua b6 ngir,
Co 7 m~u cau Cd ban sau:
M:u 1: Noun+ Verb +(Adverbial)
Vi d1.,1: Everybody (n) laughed (v)
The dogs (n) are barking (v) at the boys (adv)
He (n) arrived (v)late (adv).
Nhan xet: M~u nay chi' c~n 1 danh tu lam chu ngij va
mqt d{mg tu. D()ng tu c6 th~ duoc b6 nghia bai mqt trang
tu, trang tu co th~ la m()t tu don hay cum tu.
Dqng tu a m~u so 1 nay duce goi la n9i dqng tu ( the
intransitive verb), nghla la d(?ng tu kh6ng c~n m<)t tan ngfi
di kem.
M!u 2: Noun+ Verb+ Adverbial
Vi du: John (n) is (v) at the party (adv).
Mary (n) was (v) out (adv).
My parents (n) are (v) in Hatay (adv).
Nhan xet: D9ng tu (J m~u nay lucn la mot dang ciia d9ng tu
BE, va complement nAm sau d9ng ta BE la trang tu chi thci
gian hoac noi chon.

MAu 3: Noun+ Verb+ Adjective

Vi du: The clerk (n) was (v) rude (adj).
The coffee (n) tastes (v) good (adj).
The sky (n) became (v) cloudy (adj).
Nhan xet: D{lng tit trong miu s6 3 chi trang thai. Co r~t
nhieu nQi d9ng tU nhung chi co hon chuc n(>i d{lng tu chi trang
thai, chilng han: be, seem, appear, sound, remain, smell, taste ...
M:u 4: Noun+ Verb+ Noun
Vi du: He (n) is (v) a teacher (n)
The books (n) have become (v) the best sellers (n)
Toan (n) remained (v) a secretary (n)
Nhan xet: 3 d(mg tu: be, become, remain la nhirng d(>ng tU
duy nh~t duce dung m~u sei 4. Nhfrng d{)ng tU nay con du<;fc

goi la state verbs hay linking verbs.

Miiu 5: Noun+ Verb+ Noun
Vi du: Peter (n) asked (v) several questions (n)
Her friend (n) visited (v) Hongkong (n)
Carelessness (n) causes (v) the accidents(n)
Nhan xet: M~u 4 va 5 c6 cung each cau tao nhung vi c6 chua
2 loai dQng tU khac nhau nen ta tach ra lam 2. D9ng tu trong
4 tao nen nhung cau trong d6 danh tit d vi tri chu ngil
va danh tu CJ vi tri complement cung am chi m()t ngttdi hoac vat,
S\1 viec. Con d miu sei 5, dng tu tao nen nhiing cau trong d6 2
danh tu d vi tri chu ngil va ba ngil am chi 2 nguoi, 2 vat khac
nhau. Cac dc;mg tu nay duce gQi la ngoai d9ng tu (transitive


M'u 6: Noun+ Verb+ Noun+ Noun
Vf. du: We (n) told (v) our mother (n) the news (n)

My uncle (n) sent (v) me (n) a. telegram (n)

The sun (n) give (v) us (n) the light (n).
Nhan xet: D9ng W dung trong mau cau nay la transitive
verb. Sau d(mg tU la 2 danh tu di lien nhau. Danh tu di li~n sau
d9ng tit duqc goi la tan ngil gian tiep va danh tit k~ tiep duqc
g9i la tan ngi1 true tiep. Hai danh tu mfiu 6 am chi 2 nguoi
hoac vat khac nhau.

M~u 7A: Noun+ Verb+ Noun+ Noun

Vi du: They name the ship "Titanic"
His mother considers him a genius
Her classmates elected Maria president.
Nhan xet: Dc;>ng tU dung trong mAu nay

la transitive


Sau d<}ng tu cling c6 2 danh tit di li~n nhau. Danh tU dung lien
sau d(mg tu duoc goi la tan ngit true tic'p; danh tu tie'p theo c6
tac dung giai thich cho tan ngu nen duqc goi
complement-be nghia tan ngir. Hai danh tir

a m~u



nay am chi

cling m9t nguoi hoac m<)t v~t hay mot sl:1 viec.

Voi mdt s6 d(>ng tu d mAu cau 7 A, mot tinh tit c6 th~ thay
the danh lu thu hai, va tinh tU nay ding dtic;1c goi la object
complement nhu

a m~u 7B duoi day:

Mflu 7B: Noun+ Verb+ Noun+ Adjective

Vi du: His mother considers him quite handsome.
The meat made our dog very happy.
The news made her dissapointed.
They found the machine useless.


modifier la yeu to mo ta. Trong tieng Anh, modifier

Ta dich
c6 th~ la mc)t tu ngu don dc)c, mc)t cum tu hoac m9t menh d~ c6
chuc nang mo ta hoac b6 nghia cho m(>t tit ng'U khac trong cau
noi nham lam cho y nghia cua ca u trb nen r6 rang hem, dfty du


N6i den ye'u t6 mo

thi ra'.'t nhieu, b day ta xet tdi met s6
modifier cua danh tu chu yeu va thuong duce SU dung. Cac tU
loai sau day c6 th~ la yeu to' m6
cua m()t danh tU:


1 Mao t\:i (the article): a, an, the


a factory, an employer
2 Tinh tu chi th! (the demonstrative
these, those.


This center, that car.

3 Tinh tU sd hiru (the possessive
her, our, their, its


adjective): This, that,

adjective): my, your, his,

his job, the man's office

4 Tinh tu bA't dinh (the indefinitive
many, several, much ...




some books, many products

5 Tinh tu chi s6 dem (The numberal adjective): one, nine,
second, third ...


the second time, two factories

6 Tinh tu (the adjective): young, small, difficult ...


a young man, some big companies

7 Danh tu (the noun): tea, history, return, college ...


a tea cup, a history book,

8 Phan tU (the participle): running, coming, spoken ...


the following sentences; a swimming pool, an invited

guest, a stolen car
9 D(?ng tu nguyen mAu (the infinitive): to finish, to do, to
come ...


a report to finish, the right to vote

10 'I'rang' tu (the adverb): down, above, then, here, after ...

+ Truong hop trang tu dung sau danh tu:


the boy upstair, the sky above

+ Trirong hep trang tu dung truce danh



'the down train, the up train, a black and white TV


Ngoai ra, trong tieng Anh, yeu t6 mo

con c6 th~ la mt p.
group {prepositional
phrase); m(?t V-ing group (present
participle) hay m9t V-ed group (past participle phrase); hay togroup (infinitive phrase). Tuy thufc vao tung cau tieng Vi~t khi
dich sang tieng Anh ma ta ap dung cho phu hep.





IJ Qui tic tudng c~n

Trong tieng Anh, tu Proximity c6 nghia la gtin. The rule of
proximity duoc dich la qui t~c tuong can, Qui t~c tuong can qui
dinh rAng, khi mot yu t6 mo b5 nghia cho m<?t tu mao, thi no
phai diroc d~t gAn tu d6.


Vi du: The. morning paper; garden flowers; the coming year;

a used car ...

Hay xet vi du dudi day. Khi ta thay d<5i vi trf cua tit only, y
nghia cua cau hoan toan thay d6i:
Only Gary hit his classmate on the nose.
Chi co Gary ddnh. ban. ct;iu ta vao miii.
Gary only hit his classmate on the nose.
Gary chi danh. ban. c4u ta uao miii thoi.
Gary hit only his classmate on the nose.
Gary chi ddnh. minh ban. ctiu ta vao miii.
Gary hit his only classmate on the nose.
Gary danh. ngttiJi ban. duy nhdt cua c9,u ta vao miii.
Gary hit his classmate only on the nose.
Gary danh. bon cau ta chi vao miii thoi
Gary hit his classmate on his only nose.
Gary ddnh vao ctii miii duy nhat cua ban minh.
II/ Qui tAc song hanh
Tu Parallelism trong tieng Anh c6 nghia la su tuong d6ng,
song song hoac di doi. Ta dich Rule of Parallelism la qui t~c

song hanh.

Lien tu AND noi cac yeu t6 giong nhau trong cau n6i. N6
n6i 2 danh tu, 2 cum tu hoac 2 menh de lai vdi nhau. Cac y(u to
nhu v~y dttqc goi la tuong d6ng.
Qui t~c song hanh qui dinh: cac yeu t6 trong cau n6i c6 cung
chuc nang ngfr phap nhu nhau phai duoc trinh bay 9Ang nhiing
hinh thuc cau tao giong nhau. Hinh thuc ca'.'u tao giong nhau d6
c6 th~ la mqt tu don hay m<)t C\J.m tu.
Cac tu sau thuong duce

Cac lien

su dung trong qui t:ic song hanh:

tu (and, but,


He enjoys reading plays and poetry.

She sings and dances beautifully.

12 Cac lien tu cap doi (either ... or; neither ... nor;
both ... and; not only ... but also; whether ... or)

He came both in the morning and in the afternoon.

He not only sings songs but also composes music.



And who, and which: Mc;>t so nguoi thuong m~c l6i lien
quan tai. dai tit who, which, that. Nen nho ring, lien
tU AND khong bao gid duoc sU: dung trudc nhimg tU
nay tru khi who, which, that da xuA't hien trirdc d6
trong cau.


He is an engineer and who works for a big company

Dung: He is an engineer who works for a big company


There is a sign at the crossroads and which will

dcrect you to our farm.

Dung: There is a sign at the crossroads which will derect

you to our farm.







1. Ai: Those who (khong' dung d~ hoi mad~


noi trong

Vd: Ai mong dQi di~u xau nhat hiiu nhu la nguoi ft bi tuyet

Those who expect the worst are less likely to be disappointed.

2. Phai chi: That (dung d~ di~n ta ullc muon)
Vd: Phai chi roi co th~ g~p lai anh ~y.
That I could see him again.
3. Gia ma: if only (d(}ng tit di sau chia lJ thi qua khu d<>'n
Vd: Gia ma toi giau c6.

If only I were rich.

Gia ma toi bie't ten anh fy.

If only I knew his name

4. Ne'u khong thi: if not
Vd: Toi

se di neu anh cung di,


khong thi toi tha

o nha

con hon.

I will go if you are going, if not, I'd rather stay at home ..


5. Chi khi nao: only if (dao chii ngft ra sau d{)ng tu)
Vd: Chi khi nao thAy giao cho phep thi sinh vien mdi duc;ic

vao phong.
Only if the teacher has given permission are students
allowed to enter the room.
6. Coi, xem: if, whether (dung trong cau gian tie'n, thu~t
1,i cac cau hoi)
Vd: Anh fiy hoi xem chung ta c6 muon uong chut gi khong,

He asked whether we wanted a drink.

7. Diu c6.. hay khong: whether or not
Vd: DAu c6 yeu dtt<;tc co fiy hay khong anh ta cfing vui


He will be happy whether or not she loves him .

. 8. Co nen: whether
Vd: TOi khong chac co nen nghi viec hay la tie'p tuc lam.

I am not sure whether to resign or stay on.

9. Li~u: do you think hay if hay whether
Vd: Lieu trdi c6 sAp mua hay khong?
Do you think it is going to rain?

Tha: Would rather ... than, better.

V d: Ba ~Y tha cht con hon mfit con gai,

She would rather die than lose her daughter.

11. Nen lam gi


thi hO'n/Co khon thi: do better to do

Vd: Dl!ng mua bay gib, nen cho d~ gia ha Li hon,

Don't buy now, you would do better to wait for the reduced


12. Tha ring: better

Vd: Tha rAng muon con hem khong.

Better late than never.

13. Hoa ra: as it turned out; turn out to be sth/sb; turn
out that.
Vd: Hoa ra

toi khfmg

clin de'n


I didn't need my umbrella as it turned out.

Hoa ra c6 fiy la nguoi yeu cua anh trai tOi.

It turned out that she was my older brother's girlfriend.

Hoa ra cong' viec vllt va hon tOi tulJng.

Thejob turned out to be harder than we thought.

14. Thanh thit, thanh ra: therefore, that is why, hence.
Vd: Hom qua toi bi nga xe dap thanh thi't mdi bAm

I fell off my bicycle yesterday, hence the bruises.

15. Den muc do: That
Vd: TrC1i khong lanh de'n muc d6 dau.

It isn't all that cold

16.Th~ tat, the nem evidently
Vd: The' nen ong ta quyet dinh ra di.

Evidently he has decided to leave.

17. Pham: no matter whether, as, being
Vd: Pham lam nguoi thi khong' song ngoai xii hQi clu<)c.

Being a man, one can't lioe apart from society.


18. Chu: But

Vd: Anh da mua nharn cai ao so mi r6i. Toi cAn cai rnau
xanh chu khong phai cai mau vang.

You have bought the wrong shirt. It is the blue one I wanted
but the red one.
19. Khong ai ma khdng: no man but
Vd: Khong ai ma khong cam thay tQi nghiep cho nguoi an


There is no man but feels pity for that begger.

20. Trit phi: unless, but that
Vd: Toi da b] chet du6i rdi, trii phi anh khong nhin tha'y tOi
dttoi niroc.

I would have drowned, but that you had seen me in the

21. Xong: finish
Vd: Toi da an sang xong.

I have finished my breakfast.

Chung tOi da xay xong ngoi nha d6.

We have finished.that house.

22. Lc.U con ... nua: yet more
Vd: Lai con m(>t di6n hinh mra ve viec buong long t9i pharn.

Yet one more example of criminal negligence.

Lai m9t dua be ra doi ma khong c6 cha mra.
Yet one more newly born-child without having father.


23. S{J di.: if, that is way


Vd: Sb di chung ta phai d.'u tranh

vi quan xam luoc

If we had to put up a fight, it was because of aggressors.

sa di co ay met

la vi da lam viec qua

vat va.

If she was tired, it was because she worked too hard.

24. Th~

chi khongr without so much as.

Vd: H~n da

bo di

tham chi khong m(>t loi chao tarn biet.

Off he went without so much as 'goodbye"

25. Khong c~n noi them nii'a: so much for sth/sb
V d: Khong dn noi them


ky thi dai hoc vira qua mra,

chung ta hay co gling d9i ky thi nam sau.

So much for last university entrance exams, we can wait for

the next year exams.
26. Khong hin la: not so much sth as sth
Vd: Co ta khong hin la ngheo


chinh la phung phi tien

She is not so much poor as careless with money.


ay khong

hn la dep ma chfnh la mac quan ao d~t tien.

She is not so much beautiful as wearing expensive clothes.

27. Vita moi...thi: no sooner .... than
Vd: Anh ta vua mdi den thi lai


sai di ngay.

No sooner had he arrived than he was asked to leave again.


28. Vita muon ... vita muon: just as soon do sth as do sth.
Vd: T6i vua muo'n

o nha, vua ~u6n di xem phim.

I'd just as soon stay at home as go to the cinema.

29. Moi: Just (after)
Vd: Mbi an cam xong dung lam viec gi nang.
Not to do any heauy work just after having a meal.
30. Ho, hoin: once in a while
Vd: Hoa hoan lAm chung

ooi moi

di an nha hang.

Once in a while we go to a restaurant.


. .. ANH





, ...,



Trang nhitng niim gdn r:tay do qudn lj vd. bao v~ kem, tai
nguyen. ritng bi tan plui rat nghiem trong.


San lu(/ng g6 khai thiu: danh. cho che bien tieu dung trong
nuck vd xuat khdu trong nhitng niim 1992 va 1993 da giam

rat nhihi .
3. Di thuc hi~n nghiem chlnh. Luq,t Bao v~ va Phat triln ritng
ban hanh. ngay 121811991 va d(ic bi~t la chi thi 462 I TTg
ngay 11/3 I 1993 cua Thu Tuang Chtnh phu vl quan lj ch(i,t
che vi~c khai tluic, v<Zn chuyen ua xurit khdu g6, nganh lam
nghi~p dii thuc hi~n bien pluip quiin. lj, bao v~ tai nguyen
rung, bd.o v~ moi sinh, do'ng thiti 6n dinh. va plui: trien
nguo'n nguyen li~u g6 danh cho c6ng nghi~p che' bien, trong
do co chl bien xuat khdu.

San lu<Jng khai tluic

g6 ruim

1998 theo di! kien ke'ho~ch cua

B9 Lam nghi~p se tang len. 690.000m3 so vdi 638.000m3 niim

1996 va 618.000m3 ruim 1997.
5. Cung theo du kien kt hooch: dO, niim 1998 se danh. 299.000m3
g6 tu nh6m 1 cho r:ten nhom 8 di che' bien xuat khdu (trit m(>t
so loai r:t{ic bi~t quj hiem da bi Nha nude cdm khai thdc va
d1,mg toi Nght dinh. s6' 18/ HDBT ngay 17I1/1992).



6. Chi each day vai niim g6 cao


duae cho la loai t6i, chi dung

di lam chat dot.

7. Hien. nay do lai ta nguyen. li~u rat c6 gui tri trong uiec sdn
xudt va xuat khdu cdc miit hang g6 dang rat Ila chuong tai
ccic thi truimg cac nude tu ban pluit trien (Chau A, Chau Uc,
Chau Au, Bcic My).
8. Hang niim nganh. cao su phdi thanh ly khoang 7.000-8.000
c6 khi Mn 10.000 ha cay cao SU gia al tr6ng mdi.


l.ffJc tinh binh quan hang niim co thl thu duqc uai ba tram
ngan met khoz g6 Cao SU gia thanh

[y CO chat llt(/ng dung cho

eke'bien. xuat khdu.

10. Ngoai. ra ciing nen luu tam ctic nha nghien. cuu, san xudt ua

xudt kh<iu cac san phdm.

g6 ui m<Jt nguon. nguyen. li~u klui

d6i dao nhung chua dlt<;lc khai thtic sit dung d6 la g6 dita.

11. Mqt

so' nude

nhu' Indonesia, Philippin, Malaysia dii thanh.

c6ng trong vi~c chi bien. g6 dita lam u9,t li~u xay dung, san
xutit hang m<;>c, trong do c6 hang moc xuat khdu mang lai
hieu. qua dang khich l~.

- Chl bien: to process
preserve it).


to treat material in order to

Nhu u~y d&u dl c6 thl dich: To process wood for export =

processing wood for export (eke' bien g6 di xudt khdu). Neu
dich: processed wood for export = g6 (dt.i<Jc) che' bien g6

dl xuat khdu.

- Df! = due to: owing to; because of; caused by; on account of ..

E.g: The accident was due to careless driving = tai nq,n do

lai xe bat cdn (due to= owing to; caused by).
- Quan N vabao ve hem: ill management and protection. Ill
= kem, t6i (nghia thong thuimg = dau). M9t uai vi du


- She has ill luck = ruing hem. may miin. Ill fame = tieng
xfiu. Ill health = sue khoe kem, (sue khoe hem chi: khong
phai benh. hoan).

csu s.
- San lztdngg6 khai thac =the exploited wood production.
- Cho che' bitn tieu n6i dia... = chi ctin dich = for
domestic use. C6 the' thay domestic= inland; interior;

internal ...
- Rat nhiu: Very much; a lot ... d day ta co thil dich. b&.ng
"dramatically" (= m9t each thiim. h.oi, m9t each the
tluim) cte'cau van them s6ng dQng han.

csu s.
- Nghiem chinh: strict (adj.); stern (adj.); severe [sivitJ]
(adj.)(= demanding and enforcing obedience) =>adverbs;
strictly; sternly; severely.
- Be strict with yourself: hay nghiem. kh&c v(Ji chink ban than
(anh, chi .. .) ban.
- A strict (= stern) rule against smoking at a petrol
station: luiit l~ nghiem kh&c cho'ng hut thuoc toi tram
xiing ddu.


f)l thztc hien nghiem chlnh: to strictly carry out ... ho{i.c to
severely implement ...
- Chi thi: instructions (p.l); directions; orders. Verbs: to

instruct; to order; to direct ...

E.g: Instruct them to start early = hay chi thj bon chung
khdi lumh. sdm.

= ecosystem (n) (m6i sinh = moi truimg sinh.

tluii = an ecological unit consisting of a group of
plants and living creatures interacting with each
other and with their surroundinge.),

M6i sinh

- Sit che' bien: processing(= verbal noun; gerund).

Cciu 4:

San lztdnI! khai thdc


the production of exploiting


Ki.'lux:wh: plan (n); arrangement (n); project {n); outline (n)...

. Du kien: to estimate (vt & ui); to calculate; to target
(thztimg dung c1 d<;ing "passive")... So vai nen. dich.
"against" (trong bai nay).

Cung theo du kien kt hoach do: chi dich. don. gian also

according to that plan.


guy hitm (bO bet, "d(ic biet") rare and precious

kind (=sort).

- Cam: to prohibit; to forbid; to ban ...

To forbid a marriage: ngiin cam cu(k hon nhan .
. Smoking is strictly prohibited at gas stations: hut
thuoc bi triit de'(ngiin) cfim tai ccic cay xiing.


Dztdc cho la: to be considered; to be regarded; to be seen ...

- G6 to'i: poor quality wood ditng dich. bdng "bad wood".

C}ui't dot: fuel (n); material for burning.
Cau 7:
Co gia tri: valuable (adj) hoij,c useful; of great value (=
use) ...

Ccic mat hang go: wood items.

- Dang rat zta chu6ng tai ... : are highly appreciated (=
evaluated) at... (= dit<Jc dcinh gia coo vi chat lll<Jng

We greatly appreciate all your help = chung toi danh.
gi6. (rat) cao moi sl;i giup d(J cua ban.
- Thi trrt(mg cac nztac tli ban: the markets of capitalist
Nganh cao su: the rubber branch.
=Thanh. N: (nghia trong bai) = to destroy; to make useless;
to demolish, to pull down ...

Ditng plui ccii h<;p do, no c6 the hitu ich day = don't
destroy that box, it may be useful.
- De tro'ng mcti = al tr6ng lai nh~ng cay truii = ... to re
plant new ones .
. Tr6ng cay: to plant trees.


- Tr6ng rang: to put in false teeth.

- Tr6ng chuot: to stand on one's head.
Eg: Look at! Nam is standing on his head, (nhin kia, Nam
dang tro'ng cluuii {=dung biing ct&u; di ddu xuong dfit]).
Ciiu 9:
- Binh quan: average (adj.)
- Sri ride

tinh: estimation;judgement; calculation...

tinh binh qudn hang nam ... : people estimate (=

calculate) that ... hoac The approximate judgement ( =
average estimation) is that ...

- ...


dung cho che' bien xurit khdu = to be treated for

export; to be processed for export ...

- Dude

Cau 10:
- Ngoai ra: Besides: in addition; moreover; further (also
Eg: She said that the key was lost and further, that there
was no hope of its being found = ruing bdo r&.ng chia
khod dii bi mat va ngoai ra cluing co hy vqng tim th<iy
duac (chia kluxi).

- Lllu tam: to call the attention of sb, to something. Co thl

thay to call = to attract (trong bai nay ma thoi) va
attention = respect (n); heed (n); interest (n)...
,,.in t eres t" t h'z d or.
.e, gun.
. , . tr.t
' ''t o ,, = ,,.in ,,~ in
. t erest ... ins
. th .


- Nha nghien cuu: a researcher.

- Nha sd.n xuat: a producer; a manufacturer...


Cau 11:
- Mot sc/- some (chi dung trong cdu. xdc dinh). Trong cau
nghi uffn ua phu dinli Some nen. thay b&ng ANY)...

Eg: I have some milk; give me some tea.

- Do you have any milk? (ho(Jc have you ... ?)
- I haven't any milk ...

- Nhll = like (preposition). E.g: Don't talk like that

dung noi nhu u~y) ( in that way).
- If everyone worked hard like you ...
lam ui~c cluim. chi nhu ban....


neu moi



y: truflc cdc danh tit rieng chi ten nuac th.uang

khong co 'THE" tuy nh.ien. c6 m9t sf) nude phai c6 ma
ta can hoc thu9c:
Vi du:


= The Philippines


=The United States


= The Soviet Union

Ha Lan

=The Netherlands


C{)ng hoa Do-mi-nic =The Dominican Republic

Vr.t<!ngquoc Anh

=The United Kingdom ...

- Thanh cong: to succeed in: to be successful in; E.g: Tuyet

succeeded in that examination (= Tuyet da d:,u ky thi
Thanh c6ng qua site (hoij,c mite) mong d<?i
succeed beyond one's hopes.


- Hang m6c: furniture (n); wood items.


- Hiku qua: efficiency (n); effect; result (n); output (n)...

Phuang phdp hi~u qud nhat de' lam diiu gi: the most

effective method of doing sth

Bai djch tham hhiio:


1. Due to ill management and protection, forest resources
have, in recent years, been seriously destroyed.

The exploited wood production for domestic use and export

decreased dramatically in 1992 and 1993.


To strictly carry out the law on Protecting and Developing

Forests proclaimed on 12 August 1991 and specially
Instruction 462. TTg dated 11 Sept.- 1993 of the Prime
Minister about keeping tight control on exploiting,
transporting and exporting wood, the forestry branch has
taken several measures to manage and protect forest
resources and ecosystem and at the same time to stabilise
and develop the source of wood material reserved for
processing industry, of which there is processing for export.

4. The production

of exploiting wood- in 1998, according to

targeted plan of the Ministry _of Forestry, will increase to
690,000 m3 against 638,000m3 of 1996 and 618,000m3 of

5. Also according to that plan in 1998. 299,000m3 of wood from

group 1 to group 8 will be used in processing for export
(except a number of rare and precious kinds which have
been prohibited for exploitation and use at Decree HQ 18
HDBT dated 17 Jan. 1992).


6. Just a few years ago, rubber wood in our country was

considered poor quality wood and was used as fuel.
7 At present, it is very valuable material used in producing and
exporting wood items which are highly appreciated at the
markets of developed capitalist countries (Asia, Australia,
Europe, North America).
8. Every year the rubber branch has to destroy about 7,0008,000. or sometimes 10,000 ha of old trees to re-plant new
9. The average estimation is that every year there will be
about 300,000 or 400,000 m3 of good quality wood of old
rubber trees, which are destroyed, can be used or processing
for export.
10. In addition, we would like to call the attention of researches,
producers and exporters of wood products to an abundant
source of material which has not yet been exploited:
coconut wood.
11. Some countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia
have succeeded in processing coconut wood into building
material, producing furniture, of which there are exported
furniture bringing encouraging efficiency.

BAI 2.


1. Theo so' lieu thong ke cua B9 Giao thong V~n uii trong b6n
ruim. trd lai <fay trung binh. m6i niim Vi~t Nam nh~p
20. 000 xe hai ccic loai.
2. Tdng c9ng hien. nay ca nude Vi~t Nam c6 khoang 280.000 xe


.'3. V&i 70 trieu. dan dem. tinh binh qutin. dau nguai thi chi mai
da: du~lc 0,04 chiec.
4. Thuc te' hien. nay triin. m<;t ruta sf/ xe hoi dang luu hanh. tai
Vi~t Nam qua cu ky, khong dam bdo duac cdc tieu cluuin. v~
ky thud: va v~ sinh. moi truang, do do nhu cdu thay the' cac
loai xe mdi la didu hi&'n nhien.

5. Tren linh. uuc thuang mai hang TOYOTA cua Nhii: dii buoc
ddu hlui thanli cong.

Hang nay trong ui>ng 4 tluing tit thdng 4 den thang 7 I2000 da
ban sang Vi(!t Nam gan 2.500 chiec xe hai moi v6i m9t s<J'

7. Nhiing ngtti.Ji thong thao trong gi6i ban xe hai (J TP Ho' Chi
Minh cho biet, trong uai niim gan &iy, gan m(>t nll'a s{/ xe
hoi nluip oao Vi~t Nam mang nhiin hieu TOYOTA, tiep theo
la m{Jt s{/ loai xe hluic ciing rtu~lc nguoi Vi~t Nam ua dung
SUNNY, STANZA), MITSUBISHI (LANCER) MERCEDESBENZ la nhitng nhdn. hi~u xe hai ban chr;iy ii thi trliiJng Vi~t

Ngoai ra, HYUNDAI ua KIA cila Han Quoc ding Ia nhiing

nhiin. hieu dl tieu thu. vi gid ca tuong d{/i n!.

.9. Sil di cdc loai xe Iuti Nht tieu thu duqc (/ Vi~t Nam la do
nguai Vi~t Nam, thich nhiing xe nho gon, t<fo it nhien. lieu,
kieu dang phong plui ua gici ed. tuang dt/i phii hap.

10. Xe Mercedes-Benz .. BWN chl co m~)t .wJ'trong gi(li kinh doan.h

co mite thu

nh(ip cao mdi mua.

11. Neu nhin bd ngoai thi th? truang xe hoi tai Vi~t Nam khon.g

soi d(}ng nhi cac thi truang kluic; the' nhung ben. trong no la
mot cuoc cluiy dua ngiim. ngam ua quye't li~t giita ctic cong ty
che' tao xe hai Mn cua the'giai.
- Xe hai: Nen dung tit "Automobile" thong dung hon.
Automobile n6i g9n la [:J:tm]... Min B&c ciing goi "xe hai"
la o to (doc theo each doc cua ngltiJi Pluip: lune] auto).

= xe hoi

con, xe du lich.

= Vehicle:

Nguai Anh doc {'viokO ho(ic I 'vi.hikt].

NguiJi My thi doc [uihihl], Vehicle dung chi tat
cdc loai
xe c(} c6 d9ng co cung nhii tM so do sue v(it hoiic ngu:ili. keo,
Xe c6


- Theo: according to (prep);on the authority of ..
&!,: On the authority of the Bible, God created the earth
in six days = theo Thanh Kinh, Chua eta tao ra trdn. the'
trong (uong) 6 ngay.
- Sf/lieutho'ng ke: Statistical figures hoic Statistics(n).
Statistics (dung udi Verb lJ so' nhieu. [pl.u] = cdc dit ki~n,
cdc tai liqu da du<Jc th6'ng ke (facts shown in numbers).
Eg: Statistics suggest that the population of our city will
be doubled in twenty years' time = cdc drj ki~n thong ke

neu len. j kien la dan. thanh. ph6' cluing ta se tang gap doi
trong uong 20 ruim niia.


- Statistics (with sing. VJ = Khoa hoc thong ke, khoa th6ng

ke hoc (= the Science of Statistics) Eg: She's studying

statistics at Open University = chi

thong ke tai truimg Dr;zi hoc MC!.

ay dang hoc man

- Bo Giao thong van uii: The Communications

Transport Ministry. B6 Giao thong Cong chdnh = The
Ministry of Communications and Public Works. Xe hdi du
loai: Dung dich. = automobiles of all kinds ma nen thay
all kinds = different kinds; various types hoij.c
assorted sorts ...


- Co thl dich. nhi~u each: Presently, (hoijc Currently; At

present .. .) Vietnam has about 280.000 automobiles.
Hoiic: At present, the total of autos in VN is ... ho(fo
Currently, there are about 280,000 autos in VN...

- Binh quan ddu neuai: per capita (adv.) & (adj) Eg: Per
capita income of the Vietnamese has risen
considerably = loi tuc binh qtuui dau nguai cUa nhtin
dan Vi~t Nam dii va dang gia tang dang ki
dat dll(Jc = ty l~ chi mm dc;it duac
proportion) is 0.04 auto.

.. . m{Ji

= the

ratio {ho(ic


- Thztc te' hien nay tren.: co the' dich: In reality, at

present, over a half of the autos ... ho{ic: In actual fact,
over a half of the autos currently circulating in Vietnam ...

Tieu chudn vi ky thutit = The standards of techniques:

the criteria of techniques; the technical standards...


sinh moi trlti!ng: environmental

enuiornmental sanitation. ..


Die'u hien nhien: evidence (n); clearness (n); obviousness (n);

conspicuousness ...

Hien nhien (adj.) = evident; clear; obvious; conspicuous;

manifest; plain; patent; easily seen; noticeable;
remarkable... Va al cho j cau uan tlJ,em manh. hem ta c6 thi
them tiep dau to'"SELF' dung truce danh tit ho<:J,c tinh tit.
Eg: Important = quan trong. Self-important
day, tlj cho minh la quan trong,


len. mg,t ta

duo: mai.

- Self-invited

= kh6ng mai ma

den (tlj

minli mai minhJ.

Eg: They are self-invited guests = bon cluing la (nhilng)

khach. khong ai mai ma ciing cte'n. Self-evident (adj) = tlj
ban than da ro rang, hiln nhien. khong ccin chung minh, lj
luan. (ctic ban. nen t"'p Srl dung thudn thuc tiep to' nay):

self introduction ... (tlj gidi thi~u); control (n) => selfcontrol (slj tlj clui); help (n) => self-helf (sf! tl;l giup) ...

- Trong liinh vc thltdng mai = in the field of commerce; in the
domain of business (= trade)... da buoc dau kha thanh

c6ng = has made a rather successful start (= beginning)

hog,c... has caried out a first step forward...

. I

Cciu 6:
Nen dich. xuoi: Trong uong 4 thang tit ... den 7-1996 =
within four months, from ... to July 1996, this firm sold
nearly ... to Vietnam.
- Vui mot so' kilu chu. yeu: with such marks as: .. ciing
thay "marks"= designs; patterns; models ...

co the'

Ctiu 7:
- Nguai thong thao: a connoisseur(= a person with good
judgment on matters in which taste is needed).

He is a connoisseur of (ho{ic in) old porcelain = ong ta la

nguin. thong thao d6 sanh: sit co~ A connoisseur of wine...
- Gim ban xe hdi: car selling circle.

,,. Business circle = giai thuang mai, kinh doanh

*Theatrical circle= guti hich. nghf ..
Eg: He is well - known in political
circle = 6ng ta rat ndi tieng trong gi(Ji chinh tri (= well
known among people connected with politics).
- Mot sf{ loai xe kh<ic cilng dt.t<Jc nguai Viet Nam ua dung =
favourite ones by the Vietnamese (favourite (adj) = best
liked) luxic.: cars favoured by the Vietnamese lihe
HONDA.. .) nhftng nhan hieu xe hdi. .. = nhftng xe hai ndy
ban chay = which are best sellers ... hoiic These (autos)
are best sellers on the Vietna.mese market SELLER (n) =
ngoai nghia "ngt.ti'Ji ban" con co nghia "mori hang duoc ban

ra" (sth that is sold).

Eg: fJay la quyln ti'u thuyet ban (r{ft) chay

= this novel is a

best seller(= ... is a book that sells in large number).

Ctiu B:

- Ngoai ra: besides (adv): moreover; in addition. ...


Di rdo b9 bay gia tre qua r6i, ngoai ra trai dang b&t ddu

mua = it's too late to go for a walk, besides, it's

beginning to rain.
- Nen bo "nhisng nhiin. hi~u": HYUNDAI and KIA of
Korea are easily consumed...
- Vi gia cd tli<lng d6'i re = because of rather cheap price;
due to fairly cheap cost...
Cciu 9:
C6 the' dich: Japanese cars can be used in Vietnam
because the Vietnamese like small and economical
cars of various forms hoij,c: The reason why Japanese
autos can be consumed in VN is that the Vietnamese
favour small and ... (Nh(J: The Vietnamese khong thay
do'ihinh dang du (J "sing form" hog,c "p7form".
- Gia cd trtdng dot phu hC!JJ: The price i{ relatively within

their reach ho(J,c the price is moderately reasonable

(Reach [n] = t&m v<Ji tm [den & bong].
Cau 10:
Nen. hie'u: Mercedes... chi duqc mua boi giili kinh


co mite thu

nh{j.p cao.

- Co mac thu nhap cao: = to have high income; to receive

high revenue.


Cau 11:

C6 thi dicli nhieu each: If we look at the surface, the

Vietnamese auto market is not ... hoiic: looked at the
surface ... ho(ic Examined from the outside, the Vietnamese
auto marhet.: Hoiic thay nhom. tit . "looked at the
surface ... = "superficially; on the surface... Va thay
"Examined = observed; seen; considered; regarded;
deemed ...
Thay surface

= appearance;

superficies (n) (pl.

Eg: Don't judge sb by appearances= dung xet doan nguiti

ta qua bi ngoai .
Mot cuoc chay dua ngam ng&m va quyet liet = a harsh and

silent race. [Hearsh (adj)]: stern; severe; cruel; violent;

drastic [droestih]...).
- Gifia. ccic cong ty "gi~a nen.dich. =AMONG (nhiiu hon 2
cong ty) chu khong = between. C6 the' thay "auto"
companies = auto firms hoij.c = auto manufacturers...

Bai dich. tham khiio:


1. According to the statistical figures of the Communications
and Transport Ministry, within four years.. Vietnam

annually imports about 20,000 automobiles of different



At present,

the total of autos in Vietnam is about 280,000 ...


With a population of 70 million, if we base on per capita, the

ratio is 0,04 - auto


In reality, at present, over a half of the autos circulating in

Vietnam is too old so they cannot guarantee the standards
of techniques and environmental hygiene. The need to
replace them with new ones is selfevident.

5. In the field of commerce, Japanese TOYOTA has made a

rather successful start.

6. Within four months, from April to July 2000 this firm sold
nearly 2,500 new cars to Vietnam with such marks as


7. A number of connoisseurs in car - selling circles in HCM
City say that in recent years, nearly half of imported cars

into Vietnam bear TOY OT A mark and coming next are

favourite ones by the Vietnamese like HONDA (Accord,
Civic), NISSAN (Bluebird, Sunny, Stanza), MITSUBISHI
(Lancer). MERCEDES - BENZ. which are best sellers on.
the Vietnamese market.

Besides, HYUNDAI and KIA of Korea are easily consumed

because of rather cheap price.


The reason why Japanese cars can be consumed in Vietnam

is that the Vietnamese like small and economical cars of
different forms and the price is relatively within their

10. MERCEDES - BENZ and BMW are only bought by business

circles having high income.

11. Looked at the surface, the Vietnamese auto market is not so

busy as other markets, but inside it is a harsh and silent
race among big world auto companies.





1. Khi dot hoa long (LPG) la h6n hap chu yeu g6m PROPANE
(Cps). BUTANE (CJ{,r) thu duoc tit khi defog hanh. khi
khai thac dau tho, ho{ic tit khi thien. nhien. sau khi da qua
nha may tcich khi, ho{ic trong qua trinh tinh luy~n tai nha
may loc dau.

LPG dli<tc sit dung ldn dau tien vao niim 1930 va sau d6 da
phat trien nhanh ch6ng, r9ng riii tren. kh&p the' gWi. u<Ji
1.500 Wig dung kluic nhau: nhli blp gas, den gas, thank
trung, say, c&t, han, nhien. lieu cho 0 to ...

3. Tai Vi~t Nam, LPG dit<JC dua tru<Jc tien. uao mien Nam tuim.
1957 udi muc tieu thu. ban ct&u la 400 uin, tang ctan 1.900
ta'n vdo ruirn. 1964 va 15.000 tan vao ruim. 1975.

V~c nluip LPG da ngitng tu ruim 1984_ va khong con cung

Ung cho liinh. ou d/in. dung tit sau ruim 1975.


Thuc ra uic
d1,mg LPG trong dan dung hay trong cong
nghi~p d~u vita tien. lai, vita tiet ki~m nhieu Lan han. so odi
aic loai ruing lli<;Jng kluic.



6. fJiiu nay vita hon che' nan. pha rung, vita g6p phan
edc hoat a9ng dich. V San xuat, dieh. V1,l phi: di kem. nhu:
San xu{ft toan b9 ho(j,c m9t ph6.n binh. chua, CaC dr:tng CLPG nhi: den gas, sudi dm, dp tnmg, dot co...


7. Trong ruini 1993, cac cong ty ELF Gas Saigon, Saigon Petro

ua Petrolimex

da budc ddu dua LPG tr/J lai thi truang Vi~t

8. Gia tri kinh doanh ban ctciu la 12 .. 000 defog I kg nay da xuong
dll<ti muc 6.500 dong I kg.
9. C6 nhiing dau hi~u cho thfiy th? truang LPG se tang nhanh
trong nhftng niim s&p tdi.

Trong tuang lai khong xa, khi du an thu khi d6ng hanh.
ngoai kh<1i vao bil hoan. tat thi ui~c nhij,p kh<iu LPG se cluim

11. LPG san xudt tai Vi~t Nam khong nhitng co the' ddp Un.g
nhu c&u trong nu<Jc ma con co thl xuat kh<iu sang cdc nllac
ltin. ciin.
- Khi dot hocilong = Liquefied Petrolium Gas thuang viet
t&t LPG dl phan biet udi ccic loai khi hhac. Vi du: Khi Heli-um. (dung trong ~ th6'ng lam Ianh) =Helium gas. Khi
Oxy =Oxygen gas. Khi d9c =poisonous gas(= hai d9c).
M9t cu<?c tdn c6ng b&ng hcli (l9c = a gas attack.

Chi. ay dll<JC gay me khi gidi phdu = She was given gas
when she had an operation. (gas = h6n hap khi dung
lam thu6c gay me trong gidi phdu [=a mixture of gases
used as an anesthetic in surgery]).
Gas (US) = d&u xiing = Petrol (Brit)

a gallon of gas= m<)t galong xiing. In Britain, a gallon=

4 litres. In the United States, a gallon = 3, 79 litres.

Cau 1:

- Khi dot = Petroleum gas - PETROLEUMla d&u mo(~ oil

which found underground or under the sea bed). Con
PETROL la ddu. xiing, san phdm co dll<Jc tii d&u
(Petrol [Brit] is a product obtained from petroleum.)


- Hoa long = to liquefy; to cause to become liquid.

Liquified (p.p) use as adj. Eg: Nhiip 200 ngati tan khi
thien. nhien. hoci lOng cho thanh. pho' = To import 200,000
tons of liquefied natural gas for the city.
H6n hdp = mixture; combination; mingling.

* The mingling of the uiater and wine

pluin. triin) nuoc va ruau.

h6n hap (st!

The mingling of truth and falsehood = thq,t tui 16.n l9n

pha tron. giii chem.
- Thu dlidc tii khi d6ng hanh = to be got (hoij,c gotten (US)
from the gas. Co the' thay "got" = obtained; gained;
received; taken ...
- Dau tho= crude oil; raw oil ...

- Sau khi da qua nha may tcich khi = after it has been
processes (= manufactured, prepared .. .) in the gas
separating plant.
Qua trinh tinh luyen = the process of refining; the
method of manufacturing ...

csu s.
- Phc:it trien = to develop. EJ9ng tit nay vita la "ti! d9ng tithay n()i <!()ng tit" (intransitive verb) vita la tha d9ng tit hay ngoai d()ng tit (transitive uerb).

a/ (ui): Her friendship with Nam developed very slowly

= Tinh ban cua chi
u<Ji Nam da pluit trien rat cluim.


b I (ut): We must develop the natural resources of our

country = Chung ta phai phat triin ngu6n tai nguyen.
thien. nhien. cua dat nuoc cluing ta.
Ung dung=
Eg: #

to application ==:>sf:( itng dung,

To apply a new method = itng dung (= tip dung) m(Jt

phuctng pluip mdi. # To apply for a job = n9p dan. xin

Thu&: nay chl tip dung cho di~u tri ngoai khoa

medicine is only applied for external treatment =
this medicine is for external application only (= it is
used only on the surface).

Thanh trung = to sterilize (-se); to make sterile ....

STERILE (adj.) US: {sterd] = uo trung; khong sinh sdn,
sanh de(= completely clean and free from germs; not

able to produce young or children).


T{Li Vi~t Nam ngay nay nhie'u phu. nit c6 tren. 3 con dtt<!c

triet sdn = In Vietnam today, a lot of women of more

than 3 children have been sterilized.


Cdc xet nghiem y khoa chiLng

anh ta bat luc (= kh6ng co
khii ruing sinli con) = Medical tests showed that he was

Stt thanh trung hoac triet san



Vi du: # S(I thanh trung cdc dung Cf:l y khoa nay la rat cdn
thiet cho cusc giai phdu kt tiep = The sterilization of

these medical Instruments is extremely necessary for

the next operation.


~ Tai An D9, vi~c triet scin co tinh. each bcit bw?c d6'i uai cdc
cha me c6 tren 2 con = In India, sterilisation is
compulsory for parents of more than two children.

- Mlle tieu thu ban ddu = The early consumption level

- Tang dSn 1,900 ta'n

= then

it (=that level) inereased to

1,900 tonnes ...

- Cung llng = to supply sth to (ho{i,c for) sb, to supply sb
with sth. C6 the' thay to supply = to provide; to
furnish... Eg: To supply food for (hoijc to) children.
= to supply children with food ...
- Lanh vuc dan dung = civil field; civil domain...

- Civian (n) & (adj): d/ui SI/ Ca hai tinh tit "Civil" va
"Civilian" nhiu tit die'n dlu dicti la DAN Sr/, nhung can
luu y al pluin bi~t ro rang:
Civil: Lien quan den m9t xii hQi, m9t c(jng a6ng (of
human society; of people living together). BC!i v~y
LU~T DAN S~f hoij.c DAN LU~T pluii dich. la Civil Law.
N6i chien = civil war (war between two parties of the
same State).

Cong chuc: Civil servant(= day t{J nluin. d/in),

Civilian (n) & (adj): noi ve' ca nhtin khong phue Ul,l trong



uii trang hodc luc lliqng cdnh. sat ({person}not

servicing in the armed forces or the police force).


Vi du:
C6 hai qu/in. nhan. ua m9t d/ui thuang bi gitt
trong u11- no' d6 = Two soldiers and one civilian were

killed in that explosion.

* Anh

ta dii roi qiuin. ngu

va trlJ lai

cuoc song dtin. SlJ

= He

left the army and returned to civilian life.'

csa s.
- That ra = In fact; in reality; really; actually; it is
true that ...; the fact is that ... Vi du: # Th~t ra anh ta
da chet lJ f>r1c, phai u~y khong? = He actually died in
Germany, didn't he?
- Viec sit dung LPG trong dan dung hoac trong cong nghiep
= The use of LPG in houses or industry hoij,c . . . for
household purpose or industry (Household (n) = h9 gia
dinh - ui~cn9i tro.
- Househol appliances= do' dung gia dinh,

- Househol art = (ngh~) thutj,t ti gia, n{)i tro.

- Con gcii t6i quan lj (tr6ng coi) tocin b9 vi~c te' gia n9i
tro = My daughter manages the entire household ...
- Vita tien lcti vita tiet kiem nhiiu l&n h<:Jn =Both far more
convenient and economical than ...
Far dung (J day la (adu) chu khong pluii (adj) va co nghia
=much; considerably ... ~ # This is far better= Cai
nay t6t hon. nhiiu. Your story is far different from
hers = Cau chuyen. CUa ban hluic xa chuy4n cua cht ay
(hluic xa = hhac nhieu. = much different: .)



Vua... vita = both ... and; not only ... but also
M(J r6ng hoat dong san xuat = to expand production
activities; to increase (= to speed up) production
situations ...
Dich vu phu di kem = secondary services.

co = hay burning;

dried grass burning ...

Ctiu. 7:
... dlta trlJ lai (= dua vao szi dung trl! lai; gi<fi thi~u trlJ lai)

= to bring sth into use again; to introduce sth

again ...
Gia kinh doanh

= business price;

trade price ...

= buying price

Gia mua

Gia ban = selling price

Gidm xuo!ig d&n dzt<!i muc ... = it gradually to under

6,500 d/kg. "Under" lJ day c6 nghia =less than; lower


Tre em du<Ji 16 tutli = Children under sixteen years of age .

. Ldi tuc du<!i 300.000d mot thang

incomes under

300,000 VNDper month.

C6 nhitng ddu hieu cho thtiy

showing that .

There are signs

Cau 10:
- Trong tudng lai khong xa

= In

the near future.

- Dz.t cin thu khi di5'nghanh ngoai kh<li vao biJ (= di! an dua
khi do'ng hanh. vao bit) = The project of bringing the
gas to shore . hoic the plan of carrying (= leading;
driving .. .) the gas to shore.
- Hoan tti't (= dz.tqc hoan. tat)= to be completed; to come to
an end; to be finished; to reach an end ...
Cau 11:
- D<ip ttng = to meet; to answer; to satisfy; to respond

to; to fulfil ...

- Nhu cau = needs (used in pl.); requirements; demand
(dung d so' it, si{ nhilu nghia kluic) ...
Vi du: # Nha hang cluing toi rat can tiep oien nit chu
khong cdn thu ky = Our restaurant has a great
demand for uiaiteresses, but no demand for clerks.
~ Nhu cdu xi truing thcing nay ouat quci muc cung (cap) =
The demand for cement this month exceeds the

Bai dicb. tham khao:



The liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is the combination

mainly including propane (C3Hl!) and Butane (C1H1o) got

from the gas during the exploitation of crude oil or from the
natural gas after it has been processed in the gas
separating plant or during the process of refining at the
2. LPG was first used in 1930 and after that it developed
quickly and widely throughout the world with more than
1,500 different applications like gas stove, gas lamp,
sterilisation, drying, cutting, welding, fl.Jel for automobiles.
3. In Vietnam. LPG was first introduced to the South in.1957
with early consumption level of 400 tonnes, then it
increased to 1.900 tonnes in 1964 and 15,000 tonnes in
4. The import of LPG has stopped since 1984 and has not been
supplied to the civil field since after 1975.
5. In fact, the use of LPG for household purposes or industry is
both far more convenient and economical than other kinds
of energy.
6. This both prevents forest destruction and contributes to
expending production activities and secondary services like
producing part or the whole of containers, and LPG
instruments like gas lamp, heating, egg warming, hay
burning, etc.
7. In 1993 ELF Gas Saigon, Saigon Petrol and Petrolimex
began introducing LPG into the Vietnamese market again.
8. The business price was 12,000 dong/kg at first but now it
decreased to under 6,500 dong/kg.
9. There are signs showing that the consumption of LPG will
increase quickly in the coming years.


10. In the near future, when the project of bringing the gas to

shore is completed, the import of LPG will stop.

11. LPG made in Vietnam can meet not only the domestic needs

but can be also exported to the neighboring countries.

BAJ 4. sir PllAT TRIBN 6 .,.T KINH



1. Thai gian qua dii c6 luc Nha nt.t<Jc cho phep phat trien ne'n
kinh u nhiiu thanh. phan m{)t each 6 q,t al thi't ngh~m va
thai gian d6 qua du al Nha nuoc thay r&ng pha: triin nhieu.
md khong quan lj (do thieu chucln bi va thieu dqi ngu can
b9 qudn lj gioi) dii gay ra nhftng thi?t hai khong sao sll'a
albJc va nhftng sai sot nghiem. trong.
2. Cung may Nha nude dii sdm. thay at.t(Jc va da kien quyet sua,
ae'den Mm nay mdi co dt.t<JC canh "trai quang may tanh".
3. V~y mu6n c6 all<;Jc d9i ngii can b9 quan lj gioi, di thuc hif.n
thitnh cong chinh. sdch mai trong nn kinh te'thj truimg cho
tuang lai, Nha nude nen. gap rut co mot chinh. sach. dao tao
quy m6 ve' con nguai.
4. Con ngztili la yeu tr/ quyet dinh: trong moi Linh vl:fc.
5. Vi m{i.t phdp luij,t, di t<;UJ all<JC niem tin ua ky cuang cho gi<Ji

kinh. doanh trong toan quoc. Nha nude nen gap rut ban
hdnh lu4t ddu tu quoc nt?i, lp toa tin kinh tt (chu khong
phiii trong tai kinh te) giup tiep tay qtuin. lj t<ft, n&m sat
moi hanh. vi sai trtii cua cdc doanh nluin, kfp thi'li ran de
u6n ncin! cha kh(mg de'xtly ra sv co' r6i mdi stia.


6. Trang qudn lj Nha. nude, vdn d~ bat h(Jp lj no'i Zen la thue.
Chu truang cua Nha nude la dung thut lam don btiy al
pha: trien san xuiit, nhung c6 Luc Nha nLt(Jc thuc hi~n chu
truang nay khong dung.


7. Theo Lug,t thi tdt

cdc don v~ sdn xudt hang xuat khtiu diu
dl.t<;Jc miin thut doanh thu di khuyen hhich, nhung trong
thuc te' cac Cd quan thut 00 khong ao'ng y mihi, guim thue'
cho cac nha may dt ra vdi, du vdi nay ali(/c dung di may
hang xudt khdu.

Nha nude c&n tao dieu ki~n di cdc nha doanh nghi~p tu
nluin. duac vay Von dai hari liii suat thap CUa cdc t6 chuc phi
chinh phzl nude ngoai de'plui: trien.

9. Rat mong Nha nuoc hay nghe va guii quytt nhiing
nguy~n uong cua cdc nha san xuiit va doanh nghi~p ngoai
quoc doanh, neu xet thay dung va can thilt.

6 at: impetuous;


Thanh phdn: sector; branch; part.

Nhiiu thdnli ph&n: multi - sectored; multi - branched;


IJ6.u bai co nhieu each dich: the impetuous f ormation. of

an economy of various parts (sectors); the full
development of multi - sectored econom:v.
Da co Luc Nha nuac cho phep

chi dich. dun guin: the

State has allowed. .. Pluit trien (= s(! pluit triln) =


De' thi nhiem: ... as a test; as an experiment ...

- Do thieu chudn bi = due to lack of preparation. Dilng
dicli them m<)t menh. al.. because the state did not
prepare .. dl b{lt ram rd.
- Ph&i chang dii gay ro... nghiem trong = has caused
irreparable losses and grave mistakes. Co the' thay
"irreparable" b&ng "regrettable" va "grave mistakes"
bdng "serious faults".
- Cung may: fortunately, luckily (adv) by good chance.

den tre

Cung may cho toi, tau

nen. toi ddp du<;1c tau =
luckily for me, the train was late so I caught it.
Thdy dude = (nhan. thttc duoc, hiiu al.t<Jc) to realize; to
. understand; to be fully conscious of.

- ... al


hom nay... "canh tri!i quang may tanh ". Ditng

dich: = . . . 80 today there is "a fine weather" ma nen
djch ... there are "[auourable conditions":


- Mot croi

contingent of; a body of; a group of; a

quantity of; a number of; an amount of. .
ngil: a

complete (adj) ...

- Quy mo

(adj); including


Eg: - Dung day anh co the'c6 m9t cdi nhin quy m6 ve'thanh.pho'
= standing here you can have an overall view of the


- Chung ta nen. c6 m(Jt giili pluip quy mo cho van

cte do =

we should haue an overall solution for that problem.


- Chink sach dao tao guy m.o

con ngrtC!i = an overall
training programme for man.

- Yeu to': feature;

factor; element.

Eg: Justice is an important element in good government

= cong l:J la yeu to'quan. trong trong chink quyen tot.
- Quyet dinh
(adj.) ...

decisive (adj.); definite (adj.); firm

Ciiu 5:
- Vi


ph<ip luiit: As far as law is concerned (=

related). Neu ta dich: In the lawful fields: thi nghia se

la: trong cdc liinh. VC luiit phdp cho phep (=. hdp pluip).
Neu ta dich. ''In the field of laui" thi tam dtt(Jc nhung
khong o'n ldm.
- Niim tin= trust (n).
- Toa an kinh

tt The Economy Tribunal.

- Ky crtdng =discipline

(n); order (n) ...

- Trong tai kink te'. The economic auditor. Ditng dich.

trong tai blfog cdc tit thong thuang nhu: umpire, referee;
arbitrator. Trong tai kinh te' co quyen kiem tra s6 sach.
ua cap giay phep hoat d9ng cho xi nghi~p ... Auditor phdt
sinh tit d(mg tit ''to audit" = to examine accounts
officially (kiem tra so' sdch kt toan).

= to follow up
out; to investigate...) u wrong doings.

- N&m sat moi hanh vi sai tr<ii


to find

- Kip thiJi ran de u6n n&n = to take precautions.

Khong di xdy ra su co'r6i mm sr'ta sai = not to correct

what had happened.

caa e.
- Brit h<1p N: illogical (adj), without logic ... Bat hqp N
n0'i len. Ta nen dich. xuoi ld ... vcfo a bat h(/p lj n6i com. la
thue' = tax as an illogical issue ...
Issue (n): vdn d n(/i com ccin dem ra tluio lutin.
(question that arises for discussion).
Don bdy

a lever (dung trong nghia den ldn nghia

- hien khong dung = to malpractise.

Ciiu 7:
miln: to be exempt from, to be freed from (nh{J
dung gim tit FROM).

- Dude


Nam is exempt from military service = Nam dit(Jc

miln nghia V quan su:
- Thue' doanh thu: the turnover tax.
- De khuyen khich: khong nen dich.

''to encourage" ot
"to encourage" la "transitiue verb" doi pluii co "object"
theo sau.

Bc!i v(ly ta nen. dich. ld... as a sign (= a token) of

encouragement (n)...

- Cac cd quan thue' = the tax agencies.

- D6ng y miin giam thue': to agree to give tax exemption

or to reduce tax.
- Nha may det ra vdi: textile plant. (Plant = factory;

mill) (To exempt [vt] = mdn gidm


(n): exemption).

Ciiu 8:

- Tao diiu kien: ... to create condiontione; to form

- Tien cho vay dai han: a long-term loan (long-term #

short term).
T6 chuc phi chinh phu:

the non-governmental

Dude vay von dai han Lai suat thap

loans at low interest rate.

= to get


Rat mong: co thl dich. nhieu. each: We hope that ...; We
desire that ...; It's our hope that ...

- Ung

nghe: to land an ear to; to listen to; to pay

attention to; to give head to...


That Korean manager did not give heed to what

Vietnamese workers requested (Ten giam. doc Trieu

ay da ch&ng them quan tam den nhftng gi cong nluin.

Vi~t Nam yeu cau).

- Neu xet thay clung va can thilt: if the State (c6 the' dich.
b&ng "it") deems it a right and necessary thing. To

to believe, to consider. "It" sau "deem" la

"extra object".


- Gidi quyet nhilng nguyen. uong =to solve the aspirations;

to find the answer to the desires...

Bai dich. tham khao:



In the past few years, the State has allowed the full
development of multi-sectored economy as a test- and that
time is long enough for the State to see that the full
development without management (due to lack of
preparation and of good managing cadres) has caused
irreparable losses and- grave mistakes.

2. Fortunately, the State has soon realized this and corrected

it; so today there are favourable conditions.
3. Thus, if we want to have a contingent of good managing
cadres to carry out the new policy successfully in the
market economy in the future, the State should urgently
have an overall training programme for man.
4. Man is the decisive factor in all fields.
5. As far as law is concerned, to create trust and discipline for
business circles in the whole country, the State should
urgently promulgate the domestic law of investment; the
economy tribunal (not the economic auditor)- to well manage
and follow up all wrong-doings of business persons, take
pre-cautions and not to correct what had happened.


6. In State management, tax is an illogical issue. The policy of

the State is to use tax as a lever to develop production, but
sometimes this policy is malpractised.
7. According to the law all units producing exported goods are
exempt from turnover tax as. a token of encouragement, but
in reality the tax agencies do not agree to give tax
exemption or to reduce tax for textile plants although this
cloth is used to make exported goods.
8. The State should create conditions for private
businesspeople to get long-term loans at low interest rate
from overseas non-governmental organizations in order to
9. We hope that the State will land an ear to and solve the
aspirations of non-state producers and businesspersons if it
deems it a right and necessary thing.






1. Theo s<f li~u cua to' chuc luang thuc va nong nghi~p thl gidi
(FAOJ Vi~t Nam la mot trong so' 20 nude sd.n xu{it nhiiu che
tren. thi gidi.


Dien tich. <fat dai c6 thi tr6ng che fl Vi~t Nam la 300. 000
Meta ua dli<;tc pluin. bo' tren. gtln 30 tinh, Trong d6 min
trung du va midn nui phia B&c c6 khoiing 200,000 hecta,
oiuig Tay Nguyen khoang 70.000 hecta, uung khu Mn cu
khodng 20. 000 hecta.

3. Dien. tich che da tr6ng den cuOi nam 1995 la 66 ngan hecta.

4. San luc;tng che btip tuai la 170 ngan. trin tuang dr.t<tng v<ti 34
ngan. tan che btip kho.
5. San luc;tng che xuat khdu dt;it 14.000 tan.
6. K1ul nifog pluit trien cay che (J Vi~t Nam con rat lan. nhung
chua dii<Jc khai thac hit vi thieu uon dl xay dT.jng cdc vuon
che mdi, chiim soc cde uuan. che da c6, xay dung dztimg xii
den cdc vitng tr6ng che, den cdc xi nghip che bien che.

7. Theo ke hooch. phdt trien nganh kinh te'xa h()i 1996-2000, din
tich che dzt<Jc tr6ng them la 30. 000 hecta de' dtn nam 2000
to'ng dien. tich. che toan QUOc la 90.000 hecta va den ruitri
2005 to'ng dien. tich che la 140. 000 hecta, trong d6 dien. tich
co thl thu hooch. la 100.000 hecta; san Luong che btip kh6
90.000 tan (co 50.000 tan xuilt khduJ.
8. V~c tro'ng che khong nhitng tao ra them vic lam, mang lai
thu nhp ngoai t ma con c6 tac dung phu xanh d6i troc,
ch6ng x6i mon, bao v~ dat, can b&ng moi truang sinh thai.
9. Do d6 ctay la mt)t nganh. kinh te' duoc Nha nude Vit Nam
khuyen khich phat trien.
. Ddu di c6 thi djch nhieu each:
Developing tea production in Vietnam ho<: To
develop tea production in Vietnam, the development of tea
production in Vi~t Nam; the tea production is being
developed in VN,etc ...

- Theo= accordingto (prep); on the ar:thority of ..


Eg: According to the Bible, God created the earth in six

days = theo Kinn Thanh, Chua da tao ra the'gian trong 6
- So'lieu: figure(= sign for a number).

- To' chitc. lu<1ng thlic va nong nghiep the' gi{ti = Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Viet
t&t: FAO {ef ei ou] khong ctin dich. "the'gi{ti" hoic ell.a. Lien
hi~p quoo.
- Dien tich dat dai co the' tr6ng che = the tea cultivable ...
hoijc the tea growing land; the tea planting land...
- duac phan b6': to be distributed.


thi thay distributed =

divided; seperated;shared...
MMn trung du = midland [midl auil (n).
- Miin thUrJng du, uung cao = highland (s); upland: (s);
mountainous area; mountainous region... (= miin ruii).
plain (n). Eg: DuiJng nay chq.y qua oung
dong bdng c6 de'n 20km = For 20 kilometers this road
runs across the plain.

- D6ng bdng:

- Vung Tay Nguyen= the Western Highlands.

- Vung khu bon cu = the former fourth Zone. Nen. dich. "cu" =
former I truoc day) han. = old; ancient. Lien x0 cu: the

former Soviet Union ...

Cau 3:

- ... den


cuo"i nam 1993: up to late in 1993, up to the end of

Dien tich che da tr6ng: the cultivated area for tea

plants... C6 the' thay "to be" (trong bai nay) bdng ctic
d9ng tit khac nhu: ''to reach"; "to attain" ... (= dat den)

al cau van them song d9ng hon.

- Che bup tit<Ji: fresh tea bud [bAd].

- Che bup kho: dried tea bud.

Bud (n) = ch6i, n~, bup. .. To be in bud = dang ra n~,
blip. Eg: The trees are in bud = cdc cdy dang ra bup (...
are having or sending out buds).
Gau 6:

- Kha ming phd.t trien

cay che (J Viet Nam= The capacity

= (ability) to develop tea plants in VN .. hodc the

potential(= possibility) of developing tea plants in VN ...

- Nhitng chita dude khai thac hit = but (ho(!.c however,' it
has not been fully exploited yet ...
- Vi thilu von: because of(= due to; owing to .. .) shortage(=
lack [n]) of capital. Neu dung "Because" pluii them "M~nh
di".,. because there is shortage of capital ...
Cay chet vi thieu nude = the plant died for lack of
water (for= due to).

uuim. che dd co

= already existed

tea gardens.

vung tr6ng che =tea-planting areas



Cac xi nghi~pche'

bien che: tea processing enterprises


Cau 7:
- Kt hoach ph<it trien kinh

ti xa h6i 1995 - 2000 = the plan

of socio-economic development from 1995 to 2000 hoiic

thay from 1995-2000 =for 1995-2000 ho~c ... the 19952000 plan. of socio-economic development...
- Dien tich che dude tr6ng them la 30.000 hecta = di~n tich
dii. dli<Jc canh. tac (tr6ng) se them 30. 000 hecta = the
planted area will be 30,000 more ha ... ho~ cultivated
area will get 30,000 additional hectares to... (more [adj.]
= them = additional).

I need more time (help, men, ect ... ) = Toi cdn them thi
giiJ (s~t gitip d1J, nguai.. .) A more exercise= Bai tq,p Lam
them; a more day.:.
- Dien tich c6 the' thu hoach = the area under exploitation...
ditng dich: ... under reaping ho{ic ... under harvesting
miic du reaping va harvesting (verbal nouns) = SI! thu
hoach, g(Lt luii ...

Ciiu B:
- Viec trorw che: tea cultivation(= planting;growing... )
- thu nhap ngoai te

ngoc; t~ (foreign currencies; foreign

- . .. ma con co tcic dung phrl xanh d6i troc = ma con phu

xanh d6i troc .. . = but also covers bald hills with
green trees.
- Bald hill

= chim. trui

= d6i troc. Bald



= cdy trui lei.

Bald bird

- Chong xoi mon: to prevent erosion

- Bao ue dtit: to protect the soil.

- Can bdng moi truang sinh thai = (giit can b&ng cho moi
truimg sinh thai) to keep balance for ecological
environment(= surroundings {}).

= ecological environment
(collective noun); ecological surroundings; eco-system.
(N6i tdt: moi sinh).

- Mai trliilng sinh thai

Cau 9:
- Do a6: for that reason; therefore...
- Nha nuac Viet Nam = the State of Vietnam. Ctiu. nay c6
the' dicb. .. . Therefore, this is an economics branch which
has received support (or help) from the Vietnamese
Government ...

Bai dich. thatn khao:



According to the figures of Food and Agriculture

Organization (FAO), Vietnam is one of twenty countries
producing a lot of tea in the world.

2. The tea cultivable area in Vietnam is 300,000 ha distributed

in nearly 30 provinces, at which the midlands and the

mountainous areas in the North occupy about 200,000ha.
the western highlands about 70,000 ha and the former
fourth zone about 20,000ha.
3. Up to late in 1995, the cultivated area for tea plants
attained 66,000 ha.

4. The production of fresh tea bud was 170,000 tonnes,

equivalent to 34.000 tonnes of dried tea bud.
5. The production of exported tea was 14,000 tonnes.
6. The capacity to develop tea plants in Vietnam is still very
great, but it has not been fully exploited yet because of
shortage of capital to build new tea gardens, to take care of
already existed tea gardens, to build roads to tea planting
areas and to tea processing enterprises.

According to the plan of socio-economic development from

1996 to 2000, the planted area will be 30,000 more ha to
attain the total area of tea cultivation of 90,000 'ha in 2000
and 140,000 in 2005, of which the area under exploitation is
100,000 ha and the production of dried tea bud is 90,000
tonnes (with 50,000 tonnes for export).

8. Tea cultivation not only creates more jobs, brings foreign

currencies but also covers bald hills with green trees,
prevents erosion, protects the soil and keeps balance for
ecological environment.
9. For that reason, this is a branch of economy encouraged by

the State of Vietnam (or: Therefore, this is a branch of

economy supported by the Vietnamese Government...)


1. Theo so' li~u di utra cua V~n hod ddu Vi~t Nam ket h$ ucJi
To' chuc pluit trien cong nghiqp cua Lien hi~p qucc, Vi~t
Nam co ddu nhung ucfn pluii nhg,p cac sdn phlim tit ddu
nhu: d&u xang, ddu. Zita, dd.u nhan ...


2. Va mite tieu. thu hi~n nay ch&c ch&n con tang nhidu trong
tuang Lai.
3. Vdi tie'm ruing thi. truimg nlut v<iy, Vi~t Nam hi~n dang la
ailm noru; trong CUQC chay dua pluin. chia thi. truang CUa
g&n 10 hang san xud: ru)i tieng cua Phap, Anh, Y, Nluit,

4. The'nhung theo ctic nha phan. ph6'i d Vi~t Nam, l(/i the'khong
tuy thu9c vao vi~c "khC!i hanh" truoc hay sau ma chinh la
uao ky tluuit canli tranh.

uu nay BP, CASTROL ...

(Anh), FINA


(Nluit), SINO (Singapore)... diu dang (J mite dua san pha'~
vao ban thong qua m9t so' don uf nluip kha'u cua Vi~t Nam.

6. Vi tau dai, uu the' thuijc vi TOTAL (Phap), bi'Ji chinh TOTAL

cta duac Chinh phu Vi~t Nam chon. xay dr.jng nlu: may loc
d&u so' 1 tai Vit Nam.
7, Nhilng sdn phdm tu dau se dr.t<Jc TOTAL diJu hanh
xuat ua plum ph6i tai Vi~t Nam.

al sdn

8. Ong BRUNO J.MALNEL truang dai di~n TOTAL vi phan.

phfii tiep thf tai Vi~t Nam cho bie't: TOTAL hi~n co han
10,000 cay xiing hi~n dai tren. the' gidi phuc v~ du cdc nhu
c&u cua khdch hang.
9. TOTAL hy uong rdng nhiaig cay xiing

co tieu. chiuin. quoc tt

nay se c!zt(/c xay dung tai Vi~t Nam khi nha may loc d&u so' 1
c!zt<;lc xay dung xong.
10. Chi trong tuang lai g&n, ctic sdn pluim ti.t d&u mang nhiin.
h~u TOTAL "Made in Vietnam" khong chi xufit hien. tai Vi~t
Nam ma con c6 m<f,t ii cac quoc gia lan cij,n hhdc niia.


- San pha'm tit ddu: oil products. Products va produce
(n) d~u co nghia la "san pha'm" nhung can Luu j mijt so'
khdc biet sau:
Produce (n) = san phdm co dW;JC tit tr6ng trot, canh
tac. (that which is produced by farming).
E.g: Garden produce: scin phiim cua ouim
The produce of labour= ket qua lao d9ng

The produce of efforts= kit qua c6'gdng

Product (n) = sdn phii.'m do con ngttm hay thien. nhien.
san sinh (sth. produced by nature or by man). The
chief products of Vietnam = nhiing sdn phtf.m chinh.
cua Vi?t Nam. Nhu v<;iy ta thay "product" dllf{c dung r9ng
riii han. "produce".
Manager of produce (n) = Gidm. doc (ciia) hang rati
Cau 1:
Scf lieu diiu tra: the investigation figures; the study

- Vien hoa dau Viet Nam: Vietnam Petrol Chemical
Ket h@ vdi: in combination

with; in association

with ...
- To'chuc ph<it trien cong nghiep cua Lien Hiep Quoc: The
United Nations Industry Development Organization(uiet
tdt UNIDO).


- Mite tieu thu hien nay = the present consumption leoel.

- Tieu thu =to consume.

- Nguiti tieu thu (tieu dung): consumer (n).
- Cai may nay tieu thu 1 o Ut xiing 1 giiJ

this engine
consumer 10 liters (U.S: liters) of gasoline per hour.

- Tai Viet Nam site tieu thu ntdu bia tang Zen hang nam =
In Vietnam~ the consumption of beer increases every
Tie'm nang: capacity (n); potential (.adj. and n.). Eg:
The potential sales of a new book; potential energy
(waiting to be released) ...
- Diem n6ng: a hot point; a hot position ...

- Cuoc chay dua phan chia thi trttilng

dividing markets.

The race of

- Hang sdn xuat: production firm; production company.

Hang buon = commercial firm; business house;
business establishment.
- Phan pho'i

= to distribute; to allot ...

E.g: They were allotted a house to live in

phan ph61 m9t ngoi nha d( a.

h9 da du<Jc

- Su phan pho'i.: distribution; allotment.


- Nhd phan phOi: (= nguili phan pho'i) = distributor.

Eg: This distributor has 50 parcels to be distributed at

companies all over HCM city = Nha phtin. pho'i nay c6
50 ki~n hang c6n pbuin. ph{/i den cdc c6ng ty tren
toan TP.HCM.
- Ldi the': advantage;superiority; better position; benefit ...

ca 5:

- ... aeu aang d mlic al.ta San pha'm vao ban:

dicb don. guin:

dang ban san pham cua hQ thong qua Stf giup ad Cua m9t
so'dc!n ui ...

- Thong qua: through (prep)

Vi du: Thong qua ai ma anh. bie't dr.t(/c ctii chet czia nang

Through whom did you know her death?

- He did so through ignorance
nh.u v~y vi dot nat.

Anh ta hanh d9ng

- Vi Lau dai: In the long run: ultimately; finally; in the
end ...
. -... r.tu the' se thuoc v TOTAL:

co thi dich. nhiiu each: ... the

superiority will belong to TOTAL... hodc TOTAL will get
the upper hand(= will obtain an advantage over) ...

- Nha may Loe ddu: an oil refinery.

- Nhd may (tinh luyen) duC!ng: a sugar refinery.

-Nha may du?!nc Bien Hod: Bum Hoa Sugar Refinery.

(Refinery: place building, etc ... where sth is refined). To
refine (vt & van thu): l(JC, tinh luy~n.


dung: to build; to construct; to set up ... 0 day nen. dich.

b&.ng d(mg tit TO DEVELOP, ui ngoai ui~c xdy dung
TOTAL con gitip pluit trien, hoan. chlnh.

- Xdy

Cau 7:
Cciu nay phai hilu la TOTAL chl dieu hanh va phtin.
phoi phan (dau) cua h9 ma th6i. Cciu nay nen djch
dong chu d9ng (active form) thi di hon.

ceu s.
- Trlidng dai dien: Chief representatiue. Chief (adj) =
dttng dau; truang, (first in rank); trong yeu, chinh yeu,
chu yeu ... (principal; most important).
The chief thing to remember

Die'u chinh


cdn ghi


The chief priest = tu si trulmg; thdy trlidng te'

Chief (n)

= thu

linh, lii.nh tlf (leader; ruler)

A Red indian Chief= thu Linh nguiti da do.

Chief (n) of staff = tham muu truiJng


Senior Staff

. . .. du ccic nhu cdu = du loai nhu ctiu, du thz't nhu cau.

- Cay xang: a filling station: a gas station.

- Cay co tieu chudn quoc te' = an international
standard filling station (hogc thay filling station =

gas station).


- Khi nha may loc ddu ... xong: ... when the construction of
(oil) refinery N 1 comes to an end ... (kh6ng can l{j.p lai
"oil" refinery ngrti1i doc
. vdn hieu la nha may loc
. dci.u
vi "oil" da drtf!c nhiic Mn nhieu lan).

Cau 10:

- Co mat: to appear, to be present; to be existing; to exist, to

be real...
- Cac qu6c gia Zan can: neighbouring countries.

Bai djch tham khao:



According to the investigation figures of Vietnam Petrol

Chemical Institute in combination with the United Nations
Industry Development Organization (UNIDO), Vietnam has
oil but has to import oil products gasoline, petroleum,
lubricating oil ( ... =lubricant' [c & u]), etc ...

2. And the present consumption level will certainly increase

much more in the future.

With such capacity of market. Vietnam has become a "hot

point" in the race of dividing markets of nearly 10 famous
production firms of France, Britain. Italy. the Netherlands.
Japan. Singapore, etc ...

4.. However, according to distributors in Vietnam, advantage

will not depend on the time of operating early or late but on
the technique of competition.

5. At present. BP. CASTROL (Britain). FINA (Italy), COSMO,

DIANA (Japan). SINO (Singapore), etc ... are selling, their
products in Vietnam through the help of some Vietnamese
import-export units.

It. the long run, TOTAL (France) will get the upper hand
because the Vietnamese Government has chosen.TOTAL to
develop the first oil refinery in Vietnam.


TOTAL will obviously manage and distribute its part of

refined products in Vietnam.

8. Mr. Bruno J. Malivel. chief representative of distribution

and marketing in Vietnam said that at present, TOTAL
has more than 10,000 modern filling stations in the world
serving the various needs of customers.
9. TOTAL hopes that these international standard filling
stations will be built in Vietnam when refinery No 1 is
10. Only in the near future, oil products bearing TOTAL label
"Made in Vietnam" do not only appear in Vietnam. but also
in neighbouring countries.

BAI 7.





Ngay 2014/ 1994 tai Thanh pho' H6 Chi Minh cong ty

Eastman My da kh<inh thanh. van. phong dai di~n tai Vi~t


Theo ong Rober L.Smith, Pho Chu ticii ua To'ng Gidm. doc
khu uuc Chdu A Thai Binh Duong, b9 ph<J,n phim dnh cua


Kodak cho biet: Kodak rat uui mung lai dti<,IC kinh doanh.
Vi~t Nam sau g&n 20 tuim.

Kodak hy uong g(ip dit(Jc nhiiu ban mdi va co dllr;IC nhie'u

khcich hang mdi Vi~t Nam.

4. Ong Narong Chivangkur dii duo: bd nhiem. lam. Tc/ng Gidm

Mc dUu hanh. van phong dt;ii dien.

Kodak la cong ty sdn xucit phim anh ddu tien. thanh. lg,p uiin.
phong dai di~n tai Vi?t Nam, nluin. dtttjc gifiy phep cua B9
Thuang mai uao ngay 61111994, chi m9t uai tu&n truoc khi
lenh. cam u(ln vi thuang mai cua Hoa Ky dol. vdi V~t Nam
hoan toan. dll<Jc biii bo.


Cac san phdm cua Kodak ciing nhu cdc san phdm hluic cua
My da ucing miit tren thi trliimg Vi~t Nam gtin 20 niim qua
vi lenh. cdm. v(ln.


Tuy nhien. cdi ten Kodak va cac san phdm

co chat lll<Jng cua

no uan con t6n tai trong tam tri erla nhie'u nglti:Ji tieu dung

Van phong d(li di?n Kodak se h6 tr(J nhitng m(it hang hluic
cua Kodak ngoai phim dnh nhu: in an va che' ban, trang
thiet bi van phong, thie't bi y tt ..


Cung ngay 20 I 4, ong Robert L.Smith dii den UBND thanh.

phc/ Ho' Chi Minh va ctii dlt<Jc ong Pham. Cluinh. True, Ph6
Chu ticb. UBND thanh. phO don tiep.

10. Ong Robert L.Smith bay tO long cam an. dol. vcJi chinh quye'n
.thdnh pho' dii tao diiu ki~n thu(in 1 al Kodak tham gia
kinh doanh tai Vi~t Nam:



- TrlJ Lai = to come back; to get back; to go back; to return ...

Eg: She got back to ask me about that problem = ming
&i trd lai de' hoi toi vi van di ay.
When did they returned from the journey?
vi tit CUQC hanh. trinh. khi nao?

= ho dii trd

- Khanh thanh: to inaugurate; to open with formalities;
to introduce with formalities.
This 4 star hotel was inaugurated last year = khach. s~n
4 sao nay da duac khdnh thanh. ruim r6i.
- Van phong dai dien tai Viet Nam = (nen. hilu cua cong
ty) its Vietnam Representative Office hoiic: its
Representative Office in HCM city of Vietnam hoic bo
"of' ... In HCM, Vietnam.


chit "Theo" <1 ddu cau. Khu ullc Chau A Thcii Binh
Dlldng = The Asia Pacific Area.

- Bo phan phim anh cua hang Kodak

= Kodak Film

division. (Co thi thay division = unit) ... cho biet Kodak
vui mitng = ... said (= made known; declared,
stated ... ) that Kodak would be very happy to.. (NhfJ
ph6l. hep cdc "tenses" cho dung). Would i1 day diin
tlldng lai trong qua kh(t (future in the past) = se (rat
uui mitng)...


Kinh doanh: to do business; to do economy; to trade

(ui & vt); to resume one's business ...

caa s.
- C6 the dicli xuni (xem "bai dicb. tham khao" (J CUOL sach,
hoef.c dich. nguoc: to meet new friends and have new
patrons in VN is Kodak's hope. Hope (n) =.desire (n);
expectation ...
- Patron

= regular customer

- Dt.tdc b6 nhiem ldm = to be appointed as: to be named as:
to be assigned as ... 11 day "to be" nen. dung "present

- To~ng gicim doc dieu hanh van phong dgi di~n =
General Director managing(= controlling; regulating;
administering; looking after.. .) the Representative
Office ho{ic: General Managing Director of the Rep.

Kha dai, c&n chia thanli 3 doan. ngii.nal di di ch hon. a)

Kodak la... VN. b) Nhiin: dLt<Jc giay ... 1994. c) Chi m9t
viii ... dLt<Jc bdi


Cong ty san xuat phim anh = film production

Company. Doan. b) c6 thl dich: The Company (hajc It)
got a license (= an approval; a permit.. .) from the
Ministry of Commerce... c): This occurs(= happens;
takes place... ) only several weeks before the USA' S
trade stoppage against VN was completelyremoved.


cea e.
- Thi tn.tilng VN = the Vietnamese market; the market in
- Vdng mat: (to be) absent form; not present at...
Cau 7:
- Cci.c san phdm co ch<i't lu<Jng cua no = its high quality
products; its products of high degree, of special
goodness; its superior goods ...
- T6n tai = to be in; to remain in; to stay in; to continue in;
to exist in ...
Eg: ~ Laws that have existed for hundreds of years
t6n tai hang tram tuini truoc.


1 We

= Luii:

cannot exist without food and water = Chung ta

ma khong co thuc phdm ua nuoc u6'ng.

khong thi t6n tai


- H6 trd: to support, to help ...


Will you support her business ?

vi~c kinh doanh cua chi
chit ?


Anh se h6 tra cong

-Nen. bo "ngoai phim cinh" va chi cdn dich: ... nhiing nuit
hang kluic cua Kodak nhu....
-Ln an: to print. Nha in = printing house. Mite in:
printing ink. May in: printing-press; printing-machine.
Viec in an: printing (n) (= action or art of printing). Che'
ban (in)= to stereotype I To make a printing plate
from a mould of a set piece of, movable printing
type. Sitche'ban (in)= Stereotyping (n).

In fin ua che' ban pluii duac

hilu la tat ed. cdc trang thiet

bi nhu muc in, giay in, may dong tap, c&t xeri...

The invention. of printing caused important

changes in society = viec phat minh (ra) in an dii gay
nen nhftng thay d6i quan trong trong

xa h9i.

Trang thiet bi= equipment (collective noun)

- UBND thdnh ph6'= The HCM City People's Committee.
- Pho chu tich: Vice - Chairman; Vice President.

- Tiep don: to receive; to greet; to welcome ...


Her parents received me with open hands: cha m~

nang da don tiep t6i niem nd.

They welcomed me warmly


ho dii don

tiep toi

We were greeted at the door by the children

toi eta dli(Jc cac chau


= cluing

nho don tiep tai cua.

Cau JO:
- Bay to: to express; to say; to state; to show; to make
known ...
Eg: I can't express to you how grateful I am for your help
= toi khong the' bay
ban. (rdng) tOi bie't an stJ gitip eta
cua ban. den nao.

to den

- Lbng biet dn =gratitude; thankfulness ... to sb forsth.

Eg: I feel eternal gratitude to you for saving my family =
em cam thay diJi ddi biet an. anh ui dii cuu.
gia dinh em.



- Tao dilu kien thuan l<Ji = to make good conditions; to

create favourable conditions ...

Bai djch tham khao:



On the 20th of April 1994, the Eastman KODAK (USA)

inaugurated its "Vietnam Representative Office in Ho Chi
Minh City.


Mr. Robert L.Smith. Vice-President and General Director

in the Asia Pacific area, Kodak Film division said that
Kodak would be very happy to resume its business m
Vietnam after nearly 20 years.


KODAK also hoped to meet new friends and have new

customers in Vietnam.


Mr. Narong Chivangkur has been appointed as General

Managing Director of the Representative Office.

5. KODAK is the first film production Company that has

established its representative office in Vietnam. The license
was approved by the Ministry of Commerce on the 6th
Jannuary 1994. It is only several weeks before -the
American embargo against Vietnam was completely lifted.


Kodak as well as other American products were absent

from the market in Vietnam about 20 years because of the


However, the name KODAK and its high-quality products

have always been in the mind of many Vietnamese



KODAK Representative
Office will support its other
products such as printing
and stereotyping,
equipment, medical equipment ...


On the same day, 20 April 1994, Mr. Robert L.Smith came

to the HCM City People's Committee and he was received
by Mr.Pham Chanh True, Vice-Chairman
of the City
People's Committee.

10. Mr.Robert L.Smith expressed his gratitude to die City

people's Committee for making good conditions so that
KODAK would be able to do business in Vietnam.


/4p tai


Nha may bia SAN MIGUEL d6u tien duac thanh.

Dong Nam.Avao ruim 1890.


Tit lau San Miguel duoc cong nhtin trong $6'nhiing ten tudi
bia hang dcfo the gi<ii, thi truimg tieu thu bao trum kh&p

3. Hien. nay San Miguel c6 9 nha mdy tai Philipin, H6ng Kong,
Trung Qu&, Indonexia, Nepal.

Treti thi truimg Vi~t Nam khodng 2 niim trd lai day, muc
tieu thu cua San Miguel eta guim stit.


C6 nhie'u nguyen nluin, trong d6 mot phdn. vi nan. bia nh(;.p

l<;iu ua giti thanh. cao do pluii nh9-p bia sdn xuii't tai Philipin.


Trong khi d6 thf truimg bia nh9n nhip, r9n rang khien San
Miguel phdi lien ket vdi Vinagen.



Vinagen la lien doanh giiia cong ty Bia Kluinli Hod ud Ba

Tran Thi Huimg u<Ji uon d&u
ban ddu 14 trieu. USD, da
chinh thuc di udo sdn xucit tit thcing 9-1993.


Ra c!iJi vao thiJi diim ua bol. cdnh nay, Vinagen dii. g~p rat
nhiu kh6 khiin.. V~c canh. tranh vui ccic loai b~ hap "gu"
B&c My khong trdnli khoi giari nan.


9. Gan day Yinagen ua San Miguel da thoa thudn. lien doanh.

san xuat d6ng thai hai nhiin hi~u bia Yinageti ua San
Miguel, theo hai day chuyen cong ngh~ hluic nhau tai nha
may IJ huy~n Dien Khanh. tinh Khcinh Hoa.
Ciiu 1:
- Nha may bia: Brewery [bruiJri] beer, plant; beer factory.
Eg: Nha may bia va nuac ng9t Nha Trang: Nha Trang soft
drink and beer factory.

I PlantI= Nha miiy, thtiiJngpM bien a My va chi tip dlfng cho

cdc nha may che' bidn (more common in US and relates ..
especially to industrial processes).
FACTORY la tit thong dung nha't ua duoc tip df!-ng r9ng riii

cho nhiiu nganh. nghe nluit. Tuy nhien. cde ban. ciing nen.
tham khao tlj dien lan dl co the' szl dung phong plui va
chinh xdc hati cac tit sau ddy: (Cung c6 nghia la "nha may").
Factory; works; plant; mill ...
- Bia hdi: draught beer. Eg: ~ Loai bia hai nay uita tham.
ngon vita b6' dttiJng = This (kind of) draught ~ beer is
both aromatic and nutritious.


- Nha may ruuu: distillery(= place where gin, whisky, etc ...
are distilled) Eg: Nha may rutJu Binh Tay .. Binh Tay


- Cong nhan = to acknowledge; to allow; to recognize (hoij.c see; to concede; to approve... Ex: # I allow that they are
right= t6i c6ng nluin. bon }icJ c6 lj. # She concedes this
point in your argument - chi
cong nluin. ct~in nay
trong bai tranh lu(mcoo.anh.
- Tit Lau: for a long time; long (adv)... LONG c6 nhieu tit
loai (parts of speech): adjective; noun; adverb; verb.


day ta dung "long" nlu: "adverb"

Eg: ' Were you in this city long1
(tit) lau r6i chct ?

= ban

dii lJ thanh. pho' nay

' Stay as long as you like = ban. ell II lai bao tau tuy j
b{ln thich,
- Tit Lau ... ctdu th gidi: Co thi dich: For a long time. S.M
has been acknowledged as one of the most famous beer in
the world hoij,c S.M has long been recognized as one of the
leading names in the world. Ta cung c6. the' dung
"possessive ease": ... as one of the world's leading

Thi truemg tieu thu...

khdp n<li = its markets

(= in every place).


cons_umption everywhere

San Miguel

nen ihay = it al trtinh. l(ip lai nhiiu ldn tit nay.

Nh{I: Phi-lip-pin trong neng Anh phiii c6 "THE" drln.g truce.



- Khoang 2 nam trlt Lai aay = in the two recent years, in two
years not long ago(= before). ..

-MU<: tieu thu: The consumption;

consumed; the consuming ..



Giam sut: To decrease; to go down; to become less ...

Cciu nay nen. dich ngur;Jc thi di han. va hap cau true tieng
Anh hem. The consumption of SIM in the two recent
years has gone down on the Vietnamese market.

-Neuven. nhan: reason (n) cause (n); justification;

ground (n) motive (n) di nghj cac ban. tham khao them tit
dien ldn. di szi dung chinh xdc hon cdc "tu" nay).
day toi
chi noi den 2 tit "Reason" va "Cause".

Reason (n)

= ly do=> to reason=

tranh. liuin ... Cause (n)

nguyen. nluin. =>to cause= gay ra.


Eg: She din't give any reasons for leaving = Chj

kh6ng cho bie't b~t cu Ly do ndo chi da ra di We are
resoning with Nam about that problem = chung toi
dang tluio lutin. vcJi Nam.

' Do you know the causes of the Second World War? =

Ban. c6 biet cdc nguyen nhan. .cua D~ nhi the' chien kMng?

' What caused her death ? = Diu gi da !fdy ra cai che'cua


Qua cdc vi du. tren. ta thay:


jReasonl= liti guii thich. ngu<Ji ta dua ra vi sao m9t diiu gi

ct6 Lai dit<!c lam (The explanation that people give for

why something is done).


jcause la cai gi do n6 khi.en cho slj vi~c xdy ra (is what

makes something happen).
- Mot phdn =partly (adv); in part; to some extent.

Eg: That tool is made partly of wood and partly of iron =

dung c~ d6 du<Jc lam ml)t ph(m bdng g6, m9t phdn bdng
- Vi nan bia nhap lau = because of illegally imported

- Gici thanh =prime cost; production cost...
(Prime c6 3 tit loai: (adj)& (n); (ut).

CJ day ta dung n6 nhu

= fundamental; primary).

Trong khi d6: meanwhile, meantime (adu.), at the same
time, in the time between two events ... Eg: She continues
working, Meanwhile (hoiic meantime), they go out
shopping = Chi ay tiep tuc lam vi~ctrong khi d6 bon. ho
lai di mua s&m.
- Nh6n nhip, r6n rang
(adj); full of activity ...

busy; occupied; animated; lively

Could I have a word with you if you're not too busy?

= wi c6 thi noi vGi btic m9t lai ne'u bdc khong qua b<J.n r9n
(dll(Jc khong a) ?

That's a busy office; street; town ...

phbng, dttiJng pho; thi. trtin.... nh9n nhip.


D6 la m9t van

Ctu: nay co the'dich. thanh. 2 menh. de d()c l~p ho<: 1 menh.

di phuc: Meanwhile, the beer market is full of


This obliges S.M to cooperate with

Vinagen. hoic theo each cua "bai dich. tham hluio" cuoi

Ctiu. 7:

- Von dau tu ban dau: initial

invested capital.

- Chinh thuc: officially (adv); with official authority; in

an official manner ...
- Di uao san xuat = to come into production; to go into
operation; to operate; to work ...

Ciiu B:
- Ra difi = to be born; to come into being; to be
established ho<;i.c to be set up; to be founded ... (nghia
trong bai).
- Gap = to face; to meet; to encounter ...

Can you meet (= face) misfortune with a smile 'I =

Ban. c6 the' uui ve doi aau vm nghjch canh ?
- -Cdc loai bia hr;tp "qu" Biic

My =

the type of favoured

North American Beer hoq,c khong dung "the types of'

ciing dit<jc.
- Gian nan: harsh (adj); cruel; severe (adj),hard (adj);
difficult (adj)...

- Thoa thuan: to agree, to consent ..


* They agreed to start early=

ho thod thudn. kh?Ji hanh


* Duyen's father would

not consent to her marrying

a foreigner = Bo' (czla,J Duyen h&n khong thoa thuiin.
(do'ng j) v{Ji. p~c nang ltfy ngitiJi nude ngoai.

Do'ng thoi: simultaneously (adv); at the same time ...

Theo hai dtiy chuyn cong nghe khac nhau

different lines (khoi cdn dich. "industrial").

at two

Cau ndy c6 the' dich: Lately, Vinagen and S.M has

agreed to simultaneously produce.: hoij.c Recently,
Vinagen and S.M has come into a joint venture to...

Bai dich: tham khao: \


1. The first SAN MIGUEl Brewery was founded in Southeast
Asia in 1890.

San Miguel has long been recognised as one of the leading

names in the world with markets of consumption


At present, it has 9 plants in the Philippines, Hongkong,

China, Indonesia, Nepal etc ...


The consumption of San Miguel in the tmo recent years has

decreased on the Vietnamese market.

5. There are a lot of reasons, of which, partly because of

illegally imported beer and of high prime cost of beer
imported from the Philippines.



Meanwhile, the beer market is busy' with activities which

induce San Miguel to come into co-operation with Vinagen.


Vinagen is the joint venture between Khanh Hoa Brewery

and Mrs.Tran Thi Huong with an initial invested capital of
US$ 14 million. It has officially gone into operation since
September 1993.


Coming into being at this time and this situation, Vinagen

faced a lot of'difficulties. The competition with favoured
North American beer is certainly very harsh.


Recently VINAGEN and SAN MIGUEL has entered into a

joint venture to simultaneously produce Vinagen and San
Miguel beer at two different lines in a plant in Dien Khanh
District, Khanh Hoa Province.

xin hay mang den cho khach
hang", f)6 id lili. kMng dinh. CUa Ban liinh dao .VMEP tai
h9i ch<j Quang Trung thdng tu vua qua ..

1. "Neu co m('.)t loi khen


"Ngum tinh tram nim va thien thin may man", Hai

san phdm mang cung m9t nhii.n h~u VMEP duang . nhu
muon n6i: Nhitng aiiu may mii.n nhtft trong cuoc song se
khong bao giil .m lcinh ban; nhftng hluich. hang than quen.
crla VMEP.


Cho den giiJ phtit nay VMEP khong con xa la gi v<'Ji ngui!i
tieu. dung thanh. ph6' Ha N9i, H6 Chi Minh noi rieng ua Vi~t
Nam noi chung.


Tiuim chi gdn day VMEP con .duac vi von nhu mot hien.
tuqng thanh. cong nlui: ui mdt tiep thi, khi m4 giiia long
cac don ui kinh doanh mr;it hang d9ng Cd xe giJ.n mciy 2
bcinh VMEP da thu hut duac m9t luang khdch hang dong
nhu u{l.y trong thai gian ng&n nhdt.


De' c6 m9t ui tri tuang d6i hlui vitng vang triin. thuang
truimg khong phai la diiu don. guin.


Va b?!i le tren. thi truitng hien. nay co klui nhidu loai xe gdn
may 2 banh: Dream II, Astrea, Honda, Simson, Yamaha.
City ... nen. CUQC canh. tranh hdn pluii rat cam go.


Yuang mien chien. thdng se nghieng vi nhr.tng sd.n phdm

dr.t<;Jc ngr.tili tieu dung tin nhiem.


VMEP buac uao CUQC dua tai thi truimg Vi~t Nam khd
muon. mang so u{!i cdc hang khac.


Tuy nhien, VMEP da va dang chttng s&n sang cho cuoc dua
u{li m9t chie'n luoc lau dai bao g6m coc bien. phdp tiep thi,
chat luang san philmua gici
hap l:J.



Dii ua dang thanh cong = dung "to succeed" (J thi "Present
perfect". D6.u di co the' dich. = VMEP has succeeded in
Vietnam ho{i.c VMEP and its early success in Vietnamese
market... VMEP la ccic chit cdi uiet t&t cua Vietnam

Manufacturing and Export Processing Co., Ltd (=

Cong ty Trdch. Nhiem Hiai Han chl tao Cong nghi~p va Gia
cong cht bien. hang xuat kha'u Vi~t Nam).


Ciiu 1:
Ldi khdng dinh = statement (n); declaration; affirmation. (n);
indication (n)...
Eg: Clearness of statement
is more important
beauty of language = diin dat ro rang quan trong lum.
uan hoa trong liJi noi.
Kh&ng dinh: to state (ut); to declare (vt); to affirm (vt);

to indicate (vt); to say with confidence ...

- Ban lanh dao VMEP = VMEP's Leaders; VMEP's Leading

Board; Board of Managers of VMEP...
Nguai tinh tram tuim: a centennid lover. Centennial =
Centenary [senti.ntri]
2 tit nay vita la (n) vita la (adj)


=song tram

tuim, tram tuo'i (adj); Ii ky niem

tram ruim (n). Day la ten sdn pham cua VMEP nen pluii

va co nghia

dich. theo ho chu khong thl dich. khcic di duce.

- Khach hang thdn quen = familiar client; regular
customer; patron ... Nen dung "Patron" hon:
Eg: Patrons are invited to enter the hall = xin mai quj kluich.
hang vao dai sdnh:
Patronage (n) = Sl/ung h9 cua kluich. hang danh. cho m{)t
cll'a hi~u, mqt cong ty ... (Customer's support for ci shop,
a company), ch&ng han. nhu thuang xuyen. mua hang, giai

thieu. ban be than quen cung mua...

Eg: We thank you for your patronage = cluing
an. quj vi. v SIJ ung h{) mua hang CUa quj ui.


xiti cam


cau s.
Cho den giil phut ndy = up to now; so far; until now ...
Xa la= foreign (adj); alien [eiljdi] (adj.)...

Eg: Cruelty is quite alien to his nature= tinh con d6 hoan

toan xa la viii ban chat anh ta.
- KhOng con nita =no longer, not ... any longer. Luu y: "No
longer" luon d(U truce ccic d9ng tit thuifng (ordinary verbs)
va sau "to be" ciing nhu cdc tra d9ng tit. Con ... any
longer pluii di (J cu6'i ctiu.
Eg: No. I no longer love you = khong, tOi khong con yeu anh
niia = No, I don't love you any longer(= any more).
- Noi rieng: in particular.

- N_oi chung: in general.

Tham chi: even (adv)
It was cold there even in Summer... .

Even a child can understand your letter ... dztdc vi von: to

be regarded as; ~o be compared with; to be considered...

y: ...

regarded as con considered khong can c6 gWi

tit theo sau).

Eg: Tuyet is considered the best student in my class= ...

is regarded as the best ...
They consider themselves very important = bon. cluing
t'{( coi minh la rdt quan trong.


They will be considered weak leaders of our

Company= h9 se bi coi la nhitng ngztUi liinh. dr;io yeu kem
crla cong ty chung ta.
Hien tll<Jng: phenomenon [fin ominon] (pl: - na [n}).

Eg: The phenomena of nature

nhien ...

nhftng hi~n tucmgthien

Phenomenon trong bai dich. nay phdi dtl<;Jc hilu la

"remarkable thing".
Khi ma: When, because; since ... (= b/Ji vi).
Ccic ddn vi kinh doanh =trading units; hoij,c dich.
nha kinh doanh (dealers; traders .. .).
Mat hang dong


= cac

xe giln may 2 bcinh = motorbikes.

- Vi tri: position; standing (n)...

Men of high standing(= positioti) nhitng nguoi co dia

ui (vj tri) cao.
member in full standing: mqt h9i uien (v<Ji) ady du tu

- Co: nen. dicb. b&ng cdc d9ng tit to obtain; to get; to

occupy .. han la TO HA VE.
Tren thzt<Jng trztemg = in the market.
Dich. theo each thong thuimg: Since in the market
nowadays, there are so many motorbikes bearing
the marhe.;


In the market nowadays = in the present market; in the

current market ...
Cau 7:

Vti<Jng mien chien thdng = the winning crown. To wear

the crown= lam uua (= to rule as a sooereign).
She refused the cro"!-'n = ba ta tit ch6l, lam nil hoang (=
she refused to become queen).

- Vao cu6c dua = to enter the race. (Enter = come into; go
into ... ).
- So udi: to compare "to" thay vi "with". So stinh, ui von ...
thi dicli u<Ji "with" diin ta

niem. bdng nhau, tuang tlj

nhau. (J day kh{mg pluii u~y nen. ta pluii dung gidi tu "to".

Mot uai vi du khac: Compare your translation with the

model translation on the blackboard.

have compared sleep to death

thuemg so sdnh

den giiJ ==>have


Cac thi si
ngu v<Ji cdi chet (Thuang = tit trudc


- Chung

to san sang=

to prove ready(= to be seen or found



- Chien ltidc lau dai = a lasting strategy. Lasting (adj)

enduring (adj) (ltu: dai) =temporary; provisional (tam.
thin, lam thai).


Bai dich. tham khcio:


CUSTOMMER". That is the statement of VMEP'S Ieaders at
Quang Trung fair last April.

products bearing the same trademark VMEP - seem to
state: "The luckiest strings in life will never leave you
VMEP'S patrons.


So far, VMEP has no- longer been alien to consumers in

Hanoi, HCM City in particular and in Vietnam. in general.


VMEP has even been considered the most success ful

phenomenon in marketing. When among the motorbike
dealers it has attracted such a large patronage in theshortest time.


To obtain a fairly good standing in the market is not a

simple matter.


Since, in the market nowadays, there are so many

motorbikes bearing the marks Dream II, Astrea; Honda,
Simson, Yamaha, Citi ... the competition would certainly be
very hard.


The- winning crown will belong to the products

trusted by consumers.


VMEP entered the race in Vietnamese market rather late

as compared to other companies ..


However, VMEP has proved ready for the race with a

lasting strategy including marketing measures, product
quality and reasonable prices.





Caltex mpt lien doanh giita hai cong ty d&u khi My:
CHEVRON va TEXACO, da trd lai Vi~t Nam ctdu nii.m
1994 sau 19 ruim. vdng truit.


Cong ty Caltex Trading Pte Ltd., dong tai Singapore aa m!J

van phong dai di~n ii Ha N9i vao tluing 7 ruim 1994.


Chi nhanh. van phong dai di~n (J Thanh ph6' H6 Chi Minh
00 don den tru Sd mdi ndm ngay gifta trung tam thanh. ph6'
vao a&u thdng 9 ruim 1994.

4. Ra d<:ti tuim. 1936, ngay nay, Caltex dang hoat dqng tai 65
qu6c gia.

Gae liinh


uuc hoa: d9ng chu yeu bao g6m: L9c, pluin phoi,
kinh doanh va tiep thi ctic san pha'm ddu khi.


Cong ty co cf) phan tai 14 nha may loc dau vdi cong sudt
ttfng c9ng tren. 1 trieu. thung I ngay.


Caltex chiem 64% co'phdn. trong mot dlf <in tri gui tai 1, 7 ti


Cong ty ciing c6 lien doanh hay Sd hitu 100% trong so' 526
hsii cdng xiing d&u va kho chua kh&p chau A va cluiu Phi.


Cong ty tiep th! sdn pham cua minh thong qua truing luai
han 17.500 cita hang ban le.

10. Trude clay, Caltex eta hoat f19ng tai Vi~t Nam tit ruim. 1936
truii den ruim 1975.

11. Sau khi l~nh' cdni un cua My ch{/ng Vi~t Nam duac biii bO,
Caltex la Cong ty My dau tien. clii mua dau tho Bach. Ho'cua
vt Nam vao thdng 2 ruim. 1994.


12. So ddu nay da dli(/c tinh che' tai nha may loc d&u CUa Cong

ty lJ Singapore.
13. Hien. nay, cac van phong Dai di~n CJ Vi~t Nam co nhiem Vlf
. ddnh. gi6 Va pluit triln. cac df! an dciu ta trong liinh. Vl/C ddu
14. H9 ciing dam nluin vi~c khuyen miii cdc sdn phdm CUa cong
ty, giai doan. ct&u t(l.p trung vdo nhua duitng, dciu nhitt va
15. Vai vt tri la Cong ty ddu khi ldn. thu nhi trong khu uuc xet vi
. m9.t l<JC, phan ph61. tilp thi. d&u khi, hi~n nay Caltex ciing
rdt mong muon tham gia vao Sz/ pluit trieii bung nd tai Vi~t


Dciu co thl dicb. nhie'u each CALTEX returns to Vietnam

hoij.c: Caltex comes (= goes... ) back to Vietnam. Hoic

dung "return" nhu danh tit: The return of Caltex to
Vietnam; Caltex's return to Vietnam ...
St! trlJ lai cua mua xuan.
back of spring ...

= the return

of spring; the arrival

* Khi

toi di lam ve: toi thfiy nhiiu m6n qua No-en tren. ban .
lam u~c ctla toi =On my return from work(= when I
got back from work) I saw a lot of Christmas
presents(= gifts) on my desk.

Nhflng ccinh hoa nay fa SI/ cJin dcip be nM aot u<Ji long tot
cua em = These flowers are a small return for your
kindness. (Return (n) = sign (n); token (n); evidence ... of


Gau 1:
Lien doanh

= a joint venture

I Venture

(n)I= di: dn. hoij.c cong ui~c kinh doanh, nh<ft la df!
an thuong mai, ma ket qud chua lay gi lam ch&c chdn. Rui
ro mat tr&ng, that bai ho<J,c lai loc, thanh. cong csng diu c6

thl c6

project or undertaking, especially a

commercial one, of which the result is uncertain and
there is a risk of loss or-failure as well as a chance
of gain or success).

To venture =to be brave enough (= dare) to go somewhere;

to do or to say sht. (c6 gan [= dam) den m9t nai new do,
lam hoij.c noi m9t diiu gi d6.. .)

Eg: She never ventured far from her mother's door= Cd

nang chua bao giiJ dam liiu Linh di choi xa.
, I ventured a visit to her parents last week
t6i dii lidu tluim bf/ me ming.

= Tuan r6i,

, Nothing venture, nothing gain (or win) [idiom]

Khong uao hang hum sao b&t duac cop.

(ad;JI =


gan; dam nghi dam tam


Eg: , Giam

doc Cong ty churu; toi

Ia ngttiJi co dau 6c dam nghr

dam lam = Our Company's director is of a
venturesome spirit(= he is ready to take risks).

- Ddu nam 1994 =at the beginning of 1994; in early 1994.

- Sau 19 nam v&ng mat= after an absence of 19 yeas; after
a 19 year absence ...




viet tdt cua Private

uiet tii.t Limited.

. Dong tai Singapore = to have its headquarters in

Singapore; to be based Singapore ...


Eg: , Hau het cdc cita hang btin sl (= ban buon. [Biic]) cua cong

cluing t6i du dong tai TP Ho' Chi Minh= Most of our

Company's whole-sales shops are based in Ho Chi
Minh City.

#Bay giiJ, c6 ruing duac b6' tri lam ui~c ?! dau = Where is

she based now?

Luu y: to be based on hodc upon = duoc xay dr,tng tren,
duac dif,t tren; dlt(Jc dung lam ca slJ (= nin tang, cho... (=

to be used as a basis for... )

Eg: , M9i hy uong cua toi de'u duce dij,t vao tin tile ma toi Se
nhiin. dli(Jc vao ngay mai = All my hopes are based on

(or upon) the news (that, which) I will



Thul true thu thuimg dtt<jc tinh dua oao mite thu nluip =
Direct taxations are usually based on (or upon)
income. (= a person's income is used to calculate the
amount of tax he has to pay). Nhu v(ly, cau nay c6 thi
dich: Caltex Trading Pte. Ltd., with its headquarters
inaugurated the representative office in Ha noi in July

Hoiic: Based in Singapore, Caltex Trading Pte Ltd.

opened the Company's representative office in Hanoi. Co


thay based
= situated; located;
established; built; constructed; founded...


Hodc: Having the headquarters in Singapore, Caltex

Trading Pte Ltd ...

- Chi nhdnh van phong dai dien = the branch
representative office; the division (ho(i.c subdivision)
representative office...

1 Gan

day c6 chi cec (= qudy) buu di~n nao khong <!- ? = Is

there any branch post office near here?

~ Ngan hang Nang ngh~p Vi~t Nam co chi nhdnh. khdp

moi nai trong nude = Vietnam Agricultural Bank has
branches in all parts of the country.

I To branch (uiJI :=dam canh; chia lam nhieu. nhanb ... (=

to send out or divide into branches). Eg: 1 Cay c6'i dam ra
nhilu canh. treti dong song = The trees branch over the



Tit day, con du(Jngddn vao que toi chia lam nh.du nga
The road to my native village branches here.

Cong ty cua ba ta khdi ddu chuyen doanh vl Ra-dio va

Tiui, nhung nay dii quyet dinh. tuii r<}ng sang ca may di~n
todn = Her Company began by specializing in radios
and TVs but has now decided to branch out into
computers. (To branch out into sth =to extend or expand
one's activities or interests in a new direction).

Dili v =to move; to go; to come; to arrive...

Thang tdi, gia dinh nang se don vi qtuin. Tan Btnli
family will move to Tan Binh. District next month.

= Her

Khong the' trd (ttl<JC tien. thue nha nen h(} dii pluii don. di
ua nhiing ngtiili muon mdi ding da don den = They
couldn't pay their rent, so they had to move out and
the new tenants moved in.

Tru sd

=quarters (pl.); lodgings (pl.); residence (n)...

- Ra diti nam 1986 = born in 1936; established(= founded;
formed; created .. .) in 1936... Eg: , To' cluic dO da ra diJi
duoc tam ruim = That organization was born (=
established; founded...) eight years ago.
, Phong trao cong doan da. ra ddi vao nhitng niim. ddu th{
ky 20, pluii v~y khnng ] =The Trade Union (also Trades
Union = Labor Union [US]) movement was born in the
early years of the 20th century, wasn't it?
, Anh ta ra diJi va ldn. len. Cl C&n Tha = He was Can Tho
born and bred.
, Ch] ay dti<J~ sinh ra va duac nuoi dr,iy thanh.tin d6 Thien
Chua = She was born and bred a Catholic (= a

Boat dong = to operate (ut & vi); to have operations (=

activities); to work ...
Eg: , Co nhieu Cong ty da quoc gia clang hoat dqng tai thanli
ph{{ cluing ta = There are a lot of multinational
Companies which operate in our City.
Ctiu B:
, Ccic Linh vtic hoat dong chrl ye"lt'' =the main activities; the
chief operations...


Bao g6m = to include; to consist of ; to comprise; to

embrace ...

Khoa hoc bao g6m ccic mon Anh van, todn, ly va hoa =
The course embraces (= comprises; includes.. .)
English, Maths, Physics and Chemistry.

* Tuy nhien, J day chung ta ciing c6 the' sil dung

"to be".

, San phO:m dau khi = an oil product.


- C6 phan = equities (thuitng dung lJ so' nhieu) (equities la

c6 pluin

khong hullng liii co' dinh. [ordinary stocks and

shares that carry no fixed interestl), share (n); stocks
(pl,n). Co' ph&n ky danh: registered share; personal
share. C6 phiin. vo ky danh (c6 phan co the' chuye'n
nhuang) = a fully paid-up share. co phan liu tien =
preference share. co' phdn sang lap =founder's share.
la ngtin. hang thuong mai co' pluin.
TACOMBANK is a joint-stock commercial Bank.

, Tacombank


14 nha may loc ddu um c6ng sutft

cong tren 1 trieu
thung I ngay = ... a day. Hodc: ... 14 refineries totalling(=
amounting to) more than one million ... 14 refineries with
a capacity of over one million barrels.
Cau 7:

Dl,I cin tr? gid 1, 7 ty ao la = project costs 1, 7 billion US

dollar, a project worth 1, 7 billion US dollar; a project
having the value of 1, 7 a 1. 7 billion US dollar


Caltex chiem 65% co' phan ... C'chism. (J day nen dich = co
hotj.c slJ hia: [= to have; to posess; to own ... ] = CALTEX

owns 64% of the shares invested in a project worth 1, 7

billion US dollar...
Ctiu B:


Sa hftu

= to own (vt); to possess ... Efi.: #Ba

slJ hiiu mot
chitc Mercedes mau den rat d~p nhung ba ta it khi ldi n6 =
She owns a very nice black Mercedes but rarely
drives it.

#Ai sd hiiu cao 6C nay?= Who owns this building?(= To

whom does this building belong ? ho(J,c whose building is
this ?... ).
NguiJi sd hf.tu = owner (n) -+ oumerless (adj) = vo chu,
kh6ng c6 chu. Eg: # Ai la chu chiec xe hai hu nay ? = Who
is ho{i.c who's) the owner of this wrecked car ? No v6
chu = it's oumerless.
Quyin sci hflu =ownership (n) possession (n)...


hiiu nha nay co bi tranh chap kh6ng ? is the
ownership of this house disputed? Tai dat nuoc cdc ban,
quyin sd hi:tu dat dai co duoc Nha nuoc thua nhtin. khong?
= Is the private ownership of land legal in your
country ? (c6 the' thay legal (adj) =allowed by law hoij.c
authorized by the State.. .)

Khi ba chi
qua dai , chi dii sd hftu m9t tai sdn lon. =On
her father's death, she came into possession of a vast


- Hai cdngxang ddu ocean. terminal (n)


- Kho chua = depot [depdt];storehouse (n); warehouse .

- S(J hitu 100% ...

= c6 100% c6 ph&n trong ... possess

100% .

- Cung c6 lien doanh ... = ciing co quyen. lai do lien doanh

mang lai trong ... (Ta noi: to have joint venture with ... va
... joint venture interests in .. .). Interests (usu. pl.) = quyin
hop pluip dit<jc chia phdn trong m9t ca sl! doanh nghiep,
nMt la lai tllc cua Cd Sd <16 (legal right to share in a
business, especially in its profits).

- Tiep

thi = to market (vt) ; to sell; to offer for sale...

Eg: 1 Tai Vi~t Nam, san phdm nay do Cong ty cluing toi
tiep thf d&u tien. = In Vietnam, this product was first
marketed by our Company.

Hang ba ta dang tiep thi. nhieu m(j,t hang = Her firm is

marketing many types of goods.
' Neu quyen sach. cua ban. kheo tiep thi no se ban rat ch<;iy =
If your book is properly marketed, it should sell very
ThOng qua= through (prep) (also THRU{US];by mean of;
thanks to; as the result of; owing to ... Eg: 1. Thong qua
Tuyet ma cluing toi dii co the' gif,p lai nhau = It was
through Tuyet (... thanks to Tuyet... ; as the result of
Tuyet's help .. .) that we were able to meet again.
Toi da co dli<Jc vi~c lam nay tMng qua m9t van phong tim
vi~c = I got this job through an employment office
(hoif,c: ... agency).

Czia hang ban

le = a

retail shop )= store); a retail outlet.

Nen. dung "outlet" vi day la til chuyen. dung trong thuang

mai. OUTLET (n) = cita hang tieu tliu. hoic cU'a hang dai
lj chuyen. ban cac miit hang do m(jt cong ty nao d6 lam ra
(shop or agent shop that sells goods made by a

particular company).
Eg: Hang my phrlm cluing toi c6 5 cU'a hang btin. Le tai
Kampuchia = Our cosmetics firm has five retail

outlets in Cambodia.
Ctiu. 10:
- TrllfJc day = previously (adu.); formerly (adv.); in former

times in earlier limes ...


Trude day, anh.ta tilng lam vi~c tai nha may nay, nhung
nay la giang uien. tai fJq,i hoc Ky thud: TP Ho Chi Minh =
Formerly (=previously .. .), he worked in this factory,
bot now -he is a lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City
Unipersity of Technology.

Ky luc nay truac day do m(Jt vn d(mguien Vi~t Nam n&m

giit = This record

Vietnamese athlete.

was previously


by a

Cau 11:
Co. thl dich: After the lifting (= removal) of the U.S

embargo against Vletnam, CALTEX was the first

American Company... ho(ic: After the U.S economic
blockade against Vietnam had been removed(= taken off;
lifted.. .). Caltex was the first American Company to buy ...

Ong ta til cho'i vi~c nude ong se tip dfi.t cam vg,n kinh te' ao"i
v{Ji Cuba = he refuses(= denies ... ) that his country will

impose an economic blockade on Cuba.




So' d&u nay = this load of oil; this cargo... (cargo {n) (pl:
cargoes ho(fo cargos [us]) = Luong hang chd tren. m(U
chuyen tau [=goods caried in a ship]).
Dude tinh che'
processed ...

to be refined; to be made pure; to be

Eg: Ddu tho phdi dit<Jc tinh che'

truce khi no

ctuqc sll' dung =

Crude oil has to be made pure(= refined .. .) before it

can be used.
Cau 13:
... Co nhiem vu dcinh gi<i va phdt triiln du cin ddu tu ... = are
in charge of evaluating and developing investment projects
luxic: ... undertake (= assume .. .) the evaluation and
development of investment projects ...
Trong lanh ulic dau khi = in the petroleum sector; in. the
petroleum domain(= field .. .)

Trong kinh te' vii thuong mai, ngztdi ta thuimg dung tit
SECTOR han. Sector la m9t phan cua liinh. vuc hoat dtjng
kinh doanh thuang mai ndo <16 (Sector is a part of a field
of activity, especially of business trade etc .. .). !J;,g_: 1 Lanh
vlic ngan hang = the banking sector. L<inh vile dien ti:t =
the electronics sector. Liinh uuc chi tao = the

manufacturing sector ...

Cau 14:
Ddm nhan =to be responsible for; to assume; to undertake;
to shoulder the responsibility for.: Eg: I Ong Nam ua
ba Nhung cung clam nhi).n ctieu hanh. cong ty cluing ta =
Mr. Nam and Mrs. Nhung have joint responsibility


for the running of our Company (= they share the

responsibility for the control(= direction ... ) or ...
Kltuyen mai cac san phdm cua cong ty = to promote the
Company's products.
~ H9 dang pluit d9ng mot chier: dich. quang cdo rdm. r9 de'

khuyen miii loca kem danh rang mdi cua ho = They are
launching a big advertising campaign to promote
their new toothpaste.
Nhlia duiJng bitumen


asphalt (n); tar (n)...

Cau 15:
Bo "vdi ui tri", chi dich: la cong ty ddu khi = ... As the

second largest oil Company in the region...

Rat mong muon lam dieu gi = to be very keen (adj) =
eager [adj.]) to do sth; to have hoij.c to show strong
desire to do sth) ...
Tham gia vao = to participate in; to take part in; to have a
share in ...
Szt phat triln bung no' = the blooming growth; the
increasing development ... (ciing co the'dung flouriebing =
dam hoa ktt trtii muon mau muon s&c).
Bai dich tham khao:


1. Caltex, a joint venture

between American Oil Companies

CHEVRON and TEXACO, returned to Vietnam in early
1994 after a 19 year absence.



Caltex Trading Pte Ltd., based in Singapore, opened the

Company's representative office in Hanoi in July 1994.

3. In early September, the branch representative office in Ho

Chi Minh City moved into its new quarters in the center of
the City.
4. Founded in 1936, CALTEX today has operations in 65

Its main activities are the refining, distribution, trading

and marketing of oil products.


The Company has equities in 14 refineries totalling more

than one million barrels a day.


CALTEX has a 64% share of the 1,7 billion US dollar



The Company also has joint venture interests or 100%

equity in 526 ocean terminals and depots throughout Asia
and Africa.

9. It markets its products through more than 17,500 retail

10. CALTEXpreviously operated in Vietnam from 1936 until
11. After the lifting of the US embargoagainst Vietnam, Caltex
was the first American Company to purchase Vietnamese
Bach Ho crude oil in February 1994.
12. This cargo was processed at its Singapore refinery.
13. Today the representative offices in Vietnam are in charge
of evaluating and developing in vestment projects in the
petroleum sector.


14. They are also responsible for promoting the Company's

products, initially concentrating on bitumen, lubricants
and LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).
15. As the second largest oil Company in the region in terms of
refining, distribution and marketing CALTEX isvery keen

to participate in the blooming growth in Vietnam.


Ml)C II: TAI CHiNH - E>l~N Tlt ~ Vl~N THONG

BAI 1.




1. Theo so' li~u thong ke thi tit nay den niim 2006 Vi~t Nam c6.n
duac aau tu khodng 40 ti USD di gili viing toe d9 phd; trien
tit 7 -8% m6i niim, trong do uon d&u tu trong nuoc chiem hon



USD, ngan scich cang dang 10 tl USD

se khong it hon 10 ti USD.


cac nguo'n

tu nluin. dan

2. Nhu c&u uon cho nn kinh te' la nhu u{)y, nhung lam sao huy
d9ng ua die'u hanh. duac ta't cdc nguo'n von dang la vtfn di
"nong bong" cua Vi~t Nam.


3. Trude hit CO 4 loai thi truang ctln alf<JC to' chuc Va ruing cao
h~u qua hoa: aqng nhdm thuc hien chien luoc tao VOn Cho
nhie'u ne'n kinh tt Do la:
. Thi truimg lien ngan hang.

Thi. trrtilng ho'i docii.

Thi truimg tin phisu kho bac.
Va Thi truimg chung khoan.
4. Do'i u<Ji thf truimg lien ngan hang, truce het la lien ngan
hang n()i t~ can n<ing cao hieu qud hoat dqng di hinh. thanh.
d day ti [~ liii SUat thick h<;Jp lam Cd Sd XciC l~p cac liii sudt
kluic ua ciing de' hop lj luxi ui~c sil dung uon cua cdc ngtin.
hang thli<tng mai.



V thj truang lien ngan hang ngoai t~ thi trudc mdt phdi
nting cap hai trung tam giao dich. lJ Ha N9i va TP Ho' Chi
Minh trlt thanh. hai th,i truimg ngoai tf Chfnh nai day se trll
thanh. ch6 giao dich. cua cdc ngan hang mua ban ngoai t~,
a6ng thiti gop pluin. vao vi~c hinh thanh ti gici ngoai t~ tot


v~ thi. truimg tin phieu kho bac c&n phdi hinh thanh. di
nguiti dan co thi thuc hien. vi~c mua ban tin phieu ngay tren
thi truang hoij,c the' chap v(Ji ngan hang di vay v6n.

7. Thi truang tin phieu. kho bac con la "thi truong mil' al Ngan
hang Nha nude thuc hien. chinh. stich. tin t~ va ctam bao yeu
cau chi tiet: cua ngan sdch:
8. V thi. truang chitng khoan, Ngan hang Nha nuoc eta co
nhftng dr,t an trinh Chinh phu som xuc tien hinh. thanb. ctl
huy <J9ng v6n dai han. cho nen kinh tl

Di bai co thl dich. nhilu each:
~ Vietnam and the issue of mobilizing capital for its
development hotic: Vietnam and the mobilization of
capital for its growth ...
Huy c!Qng: to mobilize (ciing co the' viet mobilise) -->(n):
mobilization (ho(ic - sation). Co thl thay: To mobilize= to
gather; to collect ...


Croatia announced that it would mobilize its

militia reserves ... = Croatia eta tuyen bo' ho se huy <Mng
luc lu<Jng dan qudn. trit bi.
(Militia [mili/8] = luc lu{lng dtin. qutin] = force of
civilians trained as soldiers but not part of regular army).


Theo so' lieu thong ke . .. According to the statistical
figures ... as shown in statistics .
Viet nam c&n dude dau tu khodng = nen dich: V~t Nam
ccin m-Qt s1f dau tu khodng.: = Vietnam needs an
investment of about ...
Di gift uftng toe do ph<it triln tit 7-8% m6i nam = to keep
(= to maintain; to continue .. .) the yearly rate of
development at 7-8%.

Von d&u tll nude ngoai =foreign-inoested capital.

Von dau tli trong nucJc = domestic-invested capital.

Gang dang = to take charge of; to bear; to support; to
have responsibility for; to undertake; to assume...

Vi~c xay dung chiec c&u d6 da bii.t ddu vao tluing 9 ruim.
1994 va moi phi ton se do ngtin sdch Nha nude cdng dang
= The construction of that bridge began in
September 1994 with all costs borne (= supported;
undertaken ... ) by the National Budget.

1 Ai

se cdng dang sti mang ruing ni nay ?

undertake this heavy mission?

Who will

- Nhu c&u v6n cho nin kinh te' la nhll vay = such is the
capital requirement (= demand (********) for the
Cung c6 the' dich: such is th. amount of money required
(= needed; wanted .. .) for the economics.: (Luu y:


economics vita c6 nghia "Kinh. tl hoc" vita co nghia ne'n

kinh te'' cua m{it c(mg a6ng.

Ong ta la giang uien. khoa kinh ti tai trllilng Doi hoc MC!
TP H6 Chi Minh= He is the economics lecturer at the
Open University of Ho Chi Minh City~

* Nin kinh

te' cua the' gim thu ba dang titng bztcJc cai tiin =







Tai quoc gia kem. pluit trien, m{it ndn kinh dll<;JC cai tien.
ld cue ky c&n thiet = In underdeveloped countries, an
improved (= a bettered) economics is extremely
needed. "Nhu v~y" khong nen. dich. =so (adv. & conj.) ma
pluii dich. =such (adj. & pron.)
Such all<Je dung c1 day la "pronoun".
fJi!i la (nhu) uq,y! = Such is life.


Co thl anh da lam to~n thuang tinh cam cua em, nhung
nhu vij,y chdc cMn khong phai la :J dinh. cua anh = I may
have hurt your feelings, but such was certainly not
my intention (trong truilng h<Jp nay Such = that).

Ong ta la m<Jt hoc gui uyen. bac va dau dau ciing cong
nhn (mg nhu v~y = He is a brilliant scholar and is
everywhere recognized
as such (= as a brilliant
(Di nghi. oic ban. tham khao them sdch giao khoa ho(J.c
ode tit aien Oxford Cd lan).

fJiiu hanh
control ...

to handle; to manage; to deal with; to



Cap si quart pluii biet each difu hanh. nhtin. su

officer must know how to handle men .


dang la = nen. dich. d thi "present perfect"(has been) han.

la present continuous.
- Van di n6ng bong cua Viet Nam = the burning issue
of Vietnam hoij,c Vietnam's burning issue.

cso s.
tao dll<Jc von doi hoi phdi hinh thanh dli<JC ccic thi
trui!ng tai chcinh. (Cau nay c6 thl dicli nhih: ccich ua

v~n dung cd "passive voice" l<in "active voice"= to obtain

(=get; gain; accumulate ...) capital, we must establish
(= set up .. .) financial markets ho~c getting capital
requires us to set up financial markets ... Hay dan gidn
han. financial markets must be established to gain
Co the' dich: there are four types of markets in need of
being organised and raising operational effectiveness to
carry out the strategy creating capital for the economy.
Those are; ...
Hoiic: The 4 following kinds of markets need to be born

and their operational effectiveness must be augmented to

implement the strategy producing capital for the
economics: Thi trliimg lien ngan hang = interbank
market. Tiep dciu to' (prefix) INTER c6 nghia la "lien"
"lien dai" ... N6 c6 the' Mt hap vai cd DQNG TLJ: DANH
TiJ, ua TiNH ti:


Vi du: inter + act (v) -+ to interact == tac d9ng qua lai,

anh hztdng lien d{J;, ( = to act an effect on each other).

Eg: Chemicals that interact to form a new compound =

Coe hoa cluit tac d9ng qua lai dl tao ra m9t chat moi.
inter + national (adj) -+ international
qusc giaJ quo'c tl
inter + stellar (adj.) -+ interstellar (adj.)
between the stars)



lien vi sao (=

inter school (n) -+ interschool (n) =lien truang.

Eg: interschool competitions= ctic CUQC thi dau lien truimg,
inter+ class (n) -o intercloss (n) = lien lap
inter+ city (n) -o intercity (n) =lien thanh. ph6'
inter province (n) -+ interprovince (n) =lien tinh ...
Eg: This interprooince coach is going to start at 7 o'clock
= Chiec xe do lien tinh nay se kh/Ji hanh. vao dung 7 gic:

trztimg hO'i do<ii = currency exchange market.

Thi trlidng tln phiiu kho bac = treasury bond market.


Doi. ucJi =

concerning (prep.); about; as to... !f;g_: Doi vdi cdc

cau hoi v di:Ji tu, {mg ta tit ch6'i tra ldi = Concerning (=
about .. .) his private life, he ref used to answer
questions ..

Lien ngan hang n6i te = domestic currency interbank.

Rieu qua hoat dong = the effectiveness of its
operations; the intended result of its activities ...


Tl le lai suat thich h<m

= suitable



proper ... ) interest rate.

Ldm Cd Sd xac lap ccic lii.i SUat khac = as foundation (=
starting-point; principle; basis (n); the most important
part .. ) to fix other interests.
,, Va di hqp lj hoa viec sri' dung uon cua cac ngan hang
thlictng mai = and to rationalize capital use of trade

C6 the' thay To rationalize (ut) = to reform; to adjust;
to justify; to make more efficient...

csu e.
- Lien ngan hang ngoai te = foreign currency
interbank. Trung tam giao dich = transaction center.
"Giao dich" lJ day c6 nghia = sf! mua va ban.
(Transaction = business involving buying and selling

Vi~c mua ban tea coo oc nay doi Mi phdi co ca ngui!i

mua ldn nguifi ban = The transaction of this
building requires both a buyer and a seller.
Chung t6i khong co (quan h~J giao vai hang d6
= We have had no transactions with that firm.


Nang cae_ = to upgrade; to better; to improve; to

ameliorate ...


fJuimg Tran Hung De> eta dzt<Jc ruing cap tit hai len. b6n
lu6ng xe ch9.y = Tran Hung Dao street had been
upgraded from two to four lanes. 1 Chinli phu da
quyet dinh. ruing cap liinh SI! len. thanh. dai srl = The

Government decided to upgrade the consulate to

embassy status.
Ngan hang mua ban ngoai te = foreign currency
trading bank ... (To trade = mua ban [= to buy and
sell). Eg: * D6 la nhiing thuang thuyen mua ban tong ua
da thu giiia Vi~t Nam ua cac ben cang (J H6ng Kong =
Those are the ships that trade in furs and skins
between Vietnam and ports in Hong Kong.).
Cau 7:

a <lay c6 qua nhieu. tit "vi"

nen. ta khoi ccin phai lijp lai

Cau nay c6 thl dich: "Treasury bond market must be
established so that people can buy and sell bonds
straight(= right (adv); directly .. .) in the market... hoijc:
Treasury bond market must be set up to help people
trade bonds ...
The' chap = to mortgage sth (to sb) for sth; to use sth
as a guarantee(= a security) to borrow sth ...

Muon uay tien. anh se phdi the' chap nuinh. dat cua anh

Ngoi nha cua anh ta aa the' chdp cho ngtu: hang Tan
Vi~t di vay 200 trieu cto'ng Vi~t Nam = His house was
mortgaged to TACOM BANK for two hundered
million Vietnamese dong.

cho cong ty cluing toi = You will have to use your

land as a security to our Company to borrow
money ...

de' vay v6n = to borrow capital; for a sum of money; for

loaned (= lent) capital ...



* Co nang chdng bao gi?J cho ai muan chi(c xe g&n nuiy cua
ruing ca = She never loaned (lent) her motor-bike to

Thi trztitng m/J = an open market. "Open" dztqc dung (J
day la adj. cha khong phai Verb.


ra cdi mlt vdi nhiing tll tzt?Jng mdi =
Her father has usually shown himself open to new
ideas. ho(fo her father has usually been open to new
ideas ...

1 Bo' nang

* Cuoc

thi aa'u ml! r9ng la cuoc thi driu ma brit cu ai ciing

c6 thi tham dlj vao = An open competition is one
which anyone can take part in.

Chinh sach tiin

te = monetary policy.

Dam bao = to guarantee (ot); to ensure (US insure); to

make safe or certain; to secure ...


Chung toi khong the' dam bao vi~c lam thztilng xuyen. cho
c{mg nluin. cluing t6i = We cannot guarantee our
workers regular employment. Hoac: We cannot
guarantee regular employment for our workers. M(jt oai vi
du khac c6 cfiu true cau tuang tu:
Con khong di lai gi cho em con sao ? = Have you left
your sister any ? Hooe: have you left any for your
Anh ta eta cho b<;in minh muon. quyen ti.t dien d6 = He
lent his friend the dictionary, hoic: He lent the
dictionary to his friend.


Nguai Vi~t thuitng noi: dam bdo "oci" nhung khi

dich. sang tieng Anh nhfJ bo giai tit "oai". Eg: 1 Toi dam
bao "uai" anh r&.ng moi ngon den dii duqc tilt = I ensure
you that all the lights were switched off.).

- Yeu c&.u chi tieu cua ngan sach

the demand for

expenditures of the budget; the firm request for spending
(n) of the budget ...
NM: the demand for sth; the request for sth, khOng thi
dung "of' ho(i.c "about" thay cho for duac. Eg: 1 Nhu cdu ve'
chiim. soc sue khoe la VO han. = The demand for health
care is unlimited. I Nhu c&.u ue' xi miing: the demand for
cement ...

Bai dich. tham khiio:



As shown in statistics from now to the year 2006, Vietnam

needs an investment of about 40 billion USD to keep the
yearly rare of development at 7-8%, of which foreign
invested capital occupies 50%, of the remainder, domestic
invested capital occupies over 20 billion USD, the budget
takes charge of 10 billion USD and people investment
sources will not be less than 10 billion USD.


Such is the capital needed for the economy, but how to

mobilise and handle all the sources of capital has been
Vietnam; burning issue financial markets must be
established to get capital.



First of all, there are 4 types of markets in need of being

organised and raising operational effectiveness to carry out
the strategy of creating capital for the economy. Those are:
- interbank market
- currency exchange market.
- treasury bond market
- and stock market.

4. As to interbank market, above all domestic currency

interbank needs to raise the effectiveness of its operations
by establishing suitable interest rates here as foundation to
fix other interests and to rationalize capital utilization of
commercial banks.

As to foreign currency interbank market, two transaction

centres in-Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City first of all must be
upgraded to become two foreign currency markets where
foreign currency trading banks carry out transactions;
meanwhile contributing to the formation of better foreign
exchange rates.


Treasury bond market must be set up to help people trade

bonds right in the market or mortgage them at the banks
for loaned capital.

7. Treasury bond market is also an "open" market for State

Bank to carry out its monetary policies and guarantee the
demand for expenditures of the budget.


As to stock market, the State Bank already presented its

projects to the Government for an early formation so that it
can mobilize long-term capital for the economy.


1. Ngan hang N6ng nghi~p Vi~t Nam la doanh ngh~p Nha

nuo: kinh doanh tiin t~, tin dung va dich. v~ ngan hang dol.
um ccic thanh. phtin. kinh te' trong nude va ngoai nude, lam uy
tluic cac ngu6n von dai han, trung han, ng&n han. cua chinh.
phu, cdc t6 chuc kinh te'xii h9i, cci nluin trong va ngodi nude,
thu hi~n tin tai tr(/ chu yeu cho nang nghi~p va nong
2. Ngodi hoat cl,9ng bdng von huy d9ng, Ngan hang Nong
ngh~p Vi~t Nam cung eta nh(in von uy tluic cua m9t so t6
chuc nU{Jc ngodi nhu ChuClng trinb cua C9ng d6ng EC
"tao Cong an VifC lam cho ngr.ti:Ji hJi huang", chuang trinh.
"cho vay h9 nong dan cua chinh phu Ha-Lan", chuang
trinli ''tin d'f!-ng cr.ia uJ chitc phlf nii the' giai, chuang
trinhFAD ...
3. Vao nhitng ruim. cu6'i tluip ky 80, tit chu truang khoan. sdn
philmcho ngui:Ji lao d9ng va xcic dinh. h9 n6ng dan. lit ddn vj
kinh tt t chu, dii tao ra di)ng luc manli me phcit trien n6ng
nghi~p va ccic vung n6ng thon. Nhu cdu. v6n de'phcit trien
sdn xudt nong nghi~p tang ten rO:t ldn.
4. Song m9t miit do thieu nhitng chinh. sach. khuyen khich Cthe: m~t kh<ic do .yeu cau ctol, mm Cd cht qtuui ly, Nha nuac
chu truang xoa bo phuang thuc "ung truoc" v9-t tu cho nong
Win. Diu nay khien cho nhu cau v6n siin xudt cua nong dtin.
cang trd nen buc bdch, nq.n cho vay ruing liii c6 Mt phat
trien manh. ca v' quy mo va liii sudt.
5. Trude tinh hinh gay g&t d6, Ngan hang Nang nghi~p da thuc
hien lam thit chuang trinh cho vay true ti(pden cdc h9 n6ng
dan vai lii.i suat duang.


6. Cho uay h9 sdn xurit cua Ngan hang nong nghi?p trong may

niim qua da pluit huy tac d~ng stu: xa ue kinh te' ua xa h9i
nong thon, d(ic biet ue cdc miit: tang ruing sueit ua sdn lLt(Jng
cay tro'ng, sue u(i.t nuoi, da dang hoti sdn phdm, tao cf>ng an
u~c lam, xoa bo ca bdn nr;in cho vay liii.
7. Quy mo cho vay m(I rf)ng

d6ng c:Mu tren pham


ca nzt{/c, a<J,c

biet la tinh min ntii. Nh(J ml! r9ng cho vay ma nhiiu liq sdn
xueit "!-{Ji ddn ddn. thoat khoi cdnh. lam an thua lJ ua nguy
Cd guii


8. Nhiing ket qua tren mdi chl la buoc adu nhung da
khdng dinh. alL<JC mQt thuc te' rdng cho vay true tiep den cdc
hf) scin xurit la clung ct&n, phi: hop u<li alLitng ta arli mdi ua
plui: trien nong nghi~p, dja ban ruing th/m. cua Defog, ciing
nhu kh&ng dinh. clztr;c si,t ton. manh cua Ngan hang Nong
nghi~p Vi~t Nam.
Ngan hang Nong nghiep Viet Nam = Vietnam Bank for
Agriculture hoijc Vietnam Agricultural Bank; the
Agricultural Bank of Vietnam; the Vietnamese Bank far
Agriculture ...

hang tai thiet ua phat triln = Bank for

Reconstruction and Development.


Ngan hang ph<it triin Chau

Ngan hang clia6c


Asian Development

= Land Bank

Ngan hang ky thac = Bank of Deposit.


Cciu 1:
Doanh nghiep Nha nuflc =State business.

Anli ta cf/g&ng hhong dl cong vi~c lam an anh hul!n.g den

cuoc song gia dinh = He tries not to let business
influence (ho(ic interfere with) his home life.
Business is business: Kinli doanh la kinh doanh (= an
cho, buon. so) (= trong chuyqn tie'ri bac, lam an buon. ban
khong dl.i</C dl tinh bati ho(ic long thuang hai anh huimg .
den. fin financial and commercial matters one must
not be influenced by friendship, pity etc ...]. Rap
hat nay co con hoat dQng kinh doanh khong? =Does this
theatre stay(= remain) in business? Khong, n0 d5. ngitng
kinh doanh hai ruim vi truce = No, it went out of
business two years ago hoij.c: No, it stopped trading ...

Kinh doanh tiin te. tin dung va dich vu ngan hdng = to

trade in currency, credit and banking services...
Ccic thanh phan kinh te' trong nlidc ua ngoai nr.t{Jc = the
economic sectors at home and abroad.
Ldm uy thac = to act as trustee; to be entrusted with; to
be made responsible for; to have charge of .. (Trustee (nJ=
nguiti dl.i<Jc uy tluic tuc nguai co quyin qudn lj hap pluip
tin bac hoiic tai sdn. duoc cat gift cho mt ca nluin. hoiic
m<)t ti/ chuc nao d6... le eomeone (or firm ...) with legal

control of money or property that

another person (or organization)].
~ Nhiing dua

be nay

is kept for

qua tre di dliqc giup dii

uy thac


bee CUa gia dinh. = these children are too young to be

entrusted with family money.

~ D6 'ia SU mang ruing ne' ma Ngai Bl) trzti!Jng aa uy tluic

cho anh ta = It was the heavy mission (that) the
Minister had entrusted to him.
Ccic ngu6n von dai hon, trung hon, ngii.n hgn =
long, middle, and short-term capital sources.

Cac to' chuc kinh te' xa hoi, ca nhan trong va ngoai

nude: domestic foreign socio-economic organisations
and individuals.
Thllc hien tin dung tai trd (= cung cdp tin dung tai tro)
= to provide (= to supply; to furnish ... ) credit support
for.: Eg: To provide a library with books = Cung
cap stich. cha, m{>t thu uien. (= To provide books for a
Nang thon = rural areas; country areas (= regions;
zones .. .) Eg: ~ H<Jn 200 trieu r16ng <!ii rlti<!c chi dung di
nang cap vi~c cung cap nude sach. toi nfmg than = Over
200 million dong was used to upgrade (= to
improve) clean water supplies in rural areas.
Ngoai hoat dong b&ng von huy dong(= ngcai hoat d9ng
b&.ng each huy. d{>ng u6n) = besides its operation by
mobilising capital.
Nhan von uy thcic = to receive capital in trust. (Lllu
i.;_ in trust = (gi!Ji) uy thac; gift cho cci nluin. hoif,c to' chuc
hluic] = kept as a trust; kept for another person or
organization. On trust: tin doi uao ma ch&ng cdn b&.ng
chr1ng ho{ic kiem tra, dieu tra gi hit = without proof or
investigation) Eg: 1 Tlui: khong khtm. ngoan chut nao

di tin bua nhiing gi hdn noi

= It

would be unwise to

take what he says on trust.

' Tai sdn d6 dll(Jc g?ii uy tluic cho con gtii toi dtn khi n6
hai muoi tut/i = That property is being kept in trust
for my daughter until she is twenty.
Chudng trinh cua c6ng d-Ong EC = the programme of
European Community.
Tao cong an viec lam= to settle(= to supply; to furnish;
to provide.. .) employment for; to create occupations
for; to give jobs to ...
" Nhilng nglldi h6i hu<Jng: the repatriated; the people sent
back to Vietnam; the returnees ...
To repatriate= h6i huang, gdi trti vi que nha (=to send
back to their own country).
Repatriation (n) = SI! h6i hudng (act of sending people
back to their own country). Eg: # Vi~c h6i huang nhiing
tu binli chien. tranh nay se duac thuc hien. vao thdng tdi
= The repatriation of these prisoners of war is
going to be carried out next month.
Chuong trinh cho vay ho n6ng dan = the programme of
providing loans for farmer households.
[Household (nJI = h9 <=tat ca nhiing nguai song chung
trong mot gia dinh. ki cd nhftng nguai tam. trti [all the
people living in a house including lodgers ... [).
&.. ~Chi 10% cac h(J dan. UJ,i TP H6 Chi Minh clii co tu
lanh. = Only 10% of households in Ho Chi Minh
City owned a fridge.


I Householder (n) J =Chu hij (=head


of household).

Uy ban nhan dan Quij,nda keu goi cac chu hi} gitip diJ cac
n~n nluin. lii lut (J ao'ng bdng song Cuu. Long = The
district people's Committee appealed to householders
to help flood victims in Mekong Delta.

Chuang trinh tin dung cila to' chllc phu nit the' gidi = the
programme of credit of the world women Organization.

csu s.
Chu trlicJng kho<in sdn pMm cho ngrtai lao dong

= the

policy of implementing product-based contract with

- Xdc ainh = to affirm; to declare firmly, to assert; to state
confidently (ho{i,c forcefully.. .)....


M9i nguoi aeu xcic dinh. stf uo t9i cua anh riy = Everybody

asserted his innocence.


Vi~t Nam da han. m9t ldn xac dinh. chu quyin cua minli
tren cdc hon dao d6 = Many a time, Vietnam has
firmly declared its sovereignty over those islands.

DC!n ui kinh t tli chu = self-governing (= autonomous

[adj.} economic units .
.. . da tao ra dong llic... = nen. dung this hoic that (pron.)
di lam Subject cho "da tao ra" = this had created(=

produced... ) a strong motive for the development ... C6

thi thay motive (n) = impetus (n); impulse (n) nhung
pluii luu j "prepositions" theo sau. Ta noi: motive for,
nhung "impetus" hof),c impulse to.


Eg: Jealousy was his motive for attacking her = St! ghen
tuong da la d9ng luc Cua h&n ta'n cong ruing (= ... his

impetus to attack her).

Di)ng luc cua cuoc muu sat co le la chinh tri = The motive
for the murder was probably political. (= impulse to the
murder ... ). Cung c6 the'dich. d9ng luc =drioing force: ..
Nhu cciu

= requirement (n); need (n); t= demond (n).

Eg: Nhu cau nha (J tai TP. H6 Chi.Minh dang gia tang= The
need (= demand (n).. .) for housing in Ho Chi Minh
City is increasing.
Ciiu 4:
- Do

= due to; owing

to; because of ..

Eg: Ch~ ay da den td do xe ci) dong due = She arrived late

due to (owing to; because of . .) heavy traffic (= lots of
vehicles on the street).
Chinh sach khuyen khich cu the'= concrete encouraging
policy. Ta co the' thay: encouraging = promoting;
supporting... Trong y nghia han. hep, ta c6 thi thay
policy = principles (pl.n); rules (pl.n); practices (pl.n);
regulations; instructions (pl.n);ways (pl.n)...

Chinh scich cua cong ty cluing ta vd uiec sit dung b9 di)i

phuc vien the' nao? = What is our Company's policy on
employing demobilised soldiers? hoic = What are our
Company's principles (= rules; intructions.. .) on
employing ... H6i do'nghoach dinh chinh scich = policy
planning council.

- Ca ch( quan N = managing mechanism; management


- Nha nu(Jc chu tritcmg xoci bO phitcmg thitc "itng trlt{Jc vat
tzt cho nong dan = the Government decides(= determines;

resolves ... ) to put an end to the procedure of lending

general materials to peasants ho(fo dicli don guin hon: ...
the State decides not to advance general materials
to farmers.
- Ung truce =to advance; to lend ...
Eg: ~ Anh ta da xin {mg chu llng truoc cho minh mot thang
luang = He asked 'his employer to advance (= lend)
him a month's salary.
~ Cdc Ngan hang n(mg ngh~p tlnh thuimg itng truce tie'n
de' ruing dan. mua hat giong va pluin. bon = The
Agricultural Banks in Provinces often advance money
to farmers for the purchase of seed and fertilizers.
- Bue bach =pressing (adj.); urgent (adj.).
Eg: ~ Nhiing van di kinh doanh buc bcich da ngiin. cdn anh ta
di xa tieu khien = Pressing business matters
prevented him from taking a holiday (= business
matters that need to be dealt with immediately
prevented ... )
- Cho vay Lai = to lend money at heavy interest rate.
Co the' thay "heavy" = exorbitant (adj.); unreasonable
(adj); unusual (adj.); unexpected...
- Cho vay c&t c{/ = to lend money at an excessive
unbearable) rate of interest ..


- Cd v<! quy m6 va lii.i suift = in terms of scale and interest

rate. C6 the' thay in terms of = in respect of; with

special reference to (sth.) as regards sth (idiom) ...



* Chung

toi co it thong tin vi qua khu co nang = We have

little information as regards her past. * Vd diem nay,
toi do'ng y v<li cdc ban. = As regards this point, I agree
with you.

- Tn.tdc tinh hinh !!av gdt d6 = facing this critical
situation. C6 the' thay facing = coping with; dealing
with; meeting with... ua critical situation = serious
situation; difficult condition; decisive fact (event... thuc te;
bien co' c6 tinh. each quyet dinh).

We are at a critical (= decisive) time in our history =

Chung ta dang Ii vao thai ky quyet dinh.cua
The patient's condition is critical = Tinji trang cua
b~nh nluin th<J,t nguy hich. (=He is very ill and may die).

- hien lam thii cht.tdng trinh cho vay true

tiep den cac

ho nong dan = to carry out a pilot programme by

supplying direct loans for farmer households hooc
don. gian haru to make an experiment.
(=a trial; a test...) on furnishing farmer households with
direct loans ... (Luu. y: pilot dli{Jc dung d day lit. (adj.)
lattributiuel thii nghi~m (= done as a test on a small
scale in oder to see whether it will be successful). Eg: A
pilot project = m(>t du an thi't nghi~m. * We're doing a
pilot survey on this product; if it sells well, we'll go
into full production = Chung toi dang tien hanh. khiio
sat thi'.t nghi~m sdn phdm nay; neu co btiti chr;iy, cluing toi
se di uao sdn xuat dai tra.

- Vai Lai suat dz.tdng

= at plus interest rate. Ta noi: at a

rate; at the rate; at that I this rate ... Eg: ~ Cong ty cluing
toi sdn xudt thung nhua trim v<Ji muc 50 chiec m9t ngay =
Our Company produces, platic barrels at a rate for
50 a day (ho(ic per day).
Ctiu B:

- Cho uay ho sdn xwi't = Vi~c cho cac h(j sd.n xtuit uay thong
qua cac Ngan hang Nang nghi~p ... = The lending to
production households by Agricultural Banks ...
- Phdt huy tac dung sau xa u kinh ti ua xa h6i n6ng thon

to deeply influence the socio-economic

conditions in
rural areas hodc dich. don. gidn han: to exert (= to

make.. .) a deep influence(= a profound effect ... ) on the

rural society. Luu y: to have, to exert.: an influence
ho<J,c an effect on sth. Khi dung to influence; to affect phdi
bo gidi ti.i "on".

The climate affected(= influenced .. .) his health= the

climate had an influence (= effect.. .) on his health.
- Tang nang suat ua sdn ltMng cay trc)ng,sue vat nuoi = to
increase (= to augment; to speed up; to raise... ) the
capacity and production of trees and cattle.
- Da dang hod san phdm = to diversify products; to give
variety to products; to make products become diverse (=
various; different.. .); to vary the kinds of products; to
make different products ...

Eg: ~ Nha may cua ba ta dang co'gdng da dang hod sdn phd.m
= Her factory is trying to diversify products (=...
trying to make differentproducts).

Chinh sach. cua Nha nli& la da dang hoti sd.n xua't vd

tr6ng nhidu cay xanh di bao v~ moi truang = The
Government policy is to diversify production and grow
trees to protect the environment.

- Xoa bo cd bd.n nan cho uay niing Lai = to basically

eradicate the lending at high interest rate; to
fundamentally stop the lending at heavy interest rate. Ta
ciing co thi thay the' to stop ho(J,c to eradicate = to
prevent; to hinder; to obstruct ... Eg: I To obstruct the
passage of a bill through parliament = Ngan can
v~c thong qua du lut tai Nghi ui~n. = (to try to preuent
a law being passed).
~I have much business that has hindered my
answering your letter = Toi co nhieu cong vi~c dii
ngii.n can toi tra lCJi thu ban.

ce 7:
- Quy m6 cho uay = the scale of lending.


tren pham vi
nude = to be
evenly (= equally .. .) expanded (= broadened; widened.. -),
throughout the country.

- fJudc m/J r6ng

dong diu

Eg: ~ You could widen your knowledge by attending such

courses = B{Ln co thl ma r9ng kien thtic cua ban. b&ng
each tham dl/ cac hluxi h<JC nhu the:
Our foreign trade has been expanded
broadened .. .) during recent years = Nen ngoai thuang
czla cluing ta dii duoc mc1 r9ng trong ccic nii.m qua.

- Dae biet cac tlnh mien nui = exceptionally in

mountainous provinces; especially
having lots of mountains ...

in provinces


NhiJ mil r6ng cho vay ... nguy cd giai thl = thanks to (=
owing due to.. J expansion of lending, production

households can gradually get out of unsuccessful

business and out of the danger of being dissolved.
Hoac: the expansion (= enlargement ...) of lending. helps
production households to avoid unsuccessful affairs and
the threat of being broken up. Cung c6 the' thay threat (n)
(nguy co, m6i de doa) = misfortune (n); bad luck (n) (noi
bfit hanh.) ...

C6 thi dich: The above results are merely initial steps but
they have affirmed the fact that the lending to production
households is right agreeing with the way of renovating (=
improving...) and developing agriculture and rural areas
of the party as well as affirming the growth of the
Vietnamese Bank for Agriculture.
Hoac: The mentioned achievements are only the beginning
stages but they have firmly(= definitely) denoted that the
lending to production families is right and suitable for
the way of renewing and developing agriculture and rural
zones of the party as well as the growth of Vietnam
Agricultural Bank.
- Mot vai vi du khac u as well(= also, too...)
(idiom)(= in addition to being I 'doing sthJ.


va as well


Ong ta dq,y tieng Anh ciing gioi nhu {mg da day tieng Hoa
uy = He teaches English as well as he taught

Chi ay trting hoa ciing gidi nh.u tr6ng rau cdi v~y = She
grows flowers as well as vegetables.

Chi. ay tot lai con biet di~u = She is kind as well as


- 1

Tuyet la gido uien. d<;iy van. c6 tai ciing nhu la -ca si v~y =
Tuyet is a talented literature teacher as well as
being a singer.

Nam muon cai thi~n u6t tieng Anh ciing nliu tieng Hoa
cua minh = Nam wants to improve (= to better) his
English and his Chinese as well.

Toi s&p di Vung Tau va con gtii toi ciing v(iy = I am

going to Vung Tau (seaside town) and my daughter
is coming as well.

Bai dich. tham khao:



Vietnam Bank for Agriculture is State business trading in

currency, credit and banking services to the economic
sectors at home and abroad, acts as.trustee for long, middle
and short-term capital sources of the government, domestic
foreign socio-economic organisations and individuals and
provides credit support mainly for agriculture and rural


Besides its activity by mobilizing capital Vietnam

Agricultural Bank receives capital in trust from such
foreign organizations as the program of European
Community (EC) to "create jobs for the repatriated", the


program of "providing loans for farmer households of the

Netherlandish government", the programme of "credit of
the World Women Organization" , the IF.AD programme,
etc ...

I n the late 1980s from the policy of implementing productbased contract

with workers and affirming farmer
households a self-governing economic units, this had
created a strong motive for the development of agriculture
and rural areas.
The requirement
of capital for
development of agricultural production is greatly increased.


However, due to lack of concrete encouraging policies on the

one hand and at the requirements of renovating the managing mechanism, the State has the policy to eradicate the
measure of "advancing' general materials to farmers. This
will make the need of capital for production of farmers more

pressing, leading to widespread development of lending

money at exorbitant interest rate in terms of scale and
interest rate.
5. Facing this critical situation, the Agricultural Bank has
carried out a pilot programme by supplying direct loans for
farmer households at plus interest rate.
6. The lending to production households by Agricultural Bank
has, in recent years, deeply influenced the socio-economic
conditions in rural areas, especially in increasing the
capacity and production of trees and cattle diversifying
products, creating jobs and eradicating the lending at high
interest rate basically.


The scale of lending is evenly expanded throughout the

country, exceptionally in mountainous provinces. Thanks to
expansion of lending, production households can gradually

get out of unsuccessful

being dissolved.

business and out of the danger of

8. The above results are merely initial steps but they have
affirmed the fact that the lending to production households
is right, agreeing with the way. of renovating and
developing agriculture and rural areas of the Party as well
as affirming the growth of the Vietnamese Bank for

BAI 3.



1. fJa d<;mg hoa hoa: d9ng kinh doanh la mpt trong nhitng
chi.en luac cua Ngan hang Ngoai thuang Vi~t Nam
thanh toan the tin dung qu6c te' va g&n clay ui~c
ph<it hanh: the thanh todn cila rieng Vietcombank d<i khdng
dinh: quyet tam cua Vietcombank trong hi~n dai hoa cong
nghi~p ngan hang al pluit trien va hod nh9,p vm tht truang
quoc te:

2. Dicb





Duy L9,

Pho Tong guim. doc thu


Vietcombank kiem Giam. doc Yietcombank TP Ho' Chi Minh

cho biet: hi~n nay c6 khodng 70% lztr;ng tien rruit con. luu.
tMng ngoai ngan hang va chi co 30% du<Jc thanh totin. qua
ngan hang.
4. V~c dung the thanh todn. se ddn. dd.n thay the' ty l~ n6i tren.


5. Tit ruim 1991 den nay, Vietcombank di.i lam tong dai ly
thanh todn. cho cac ngan hang nude ngoai dl dua b6n loai
the tin dung qu6c te' th6ng dung nhdt uao si.l dung lJ Vi~t





6. Ngay nay, the tin dung khong con la m9t phlicmg thuc thanh
toan. nuti la do'i v<Ji cac doanh nghi~p Vi~t Nam, kl ca doanh
nghiep tu nluin.

diem tiep nluin the trong ca nude (TP H6 Chi

Minh: 330 diem, Ha Noi: 140 dilm, cdc thanh. ph6'khdc: 30

7. Vc1i han. 500

diem) dil tao thu~n loi cho cac nha kinh doanh, khcich du
ljch Mn Vi~t Nam.
8. Chi rieng 9 thong dau ruim. r6i, Vietcombank da nhan thank
toan. bdng cdc loai the thanh todn quoc ti hon 100,6 trieu. do
la My.
9. Dich. vt,t nay da mang lai cho Vietcombank 439.350 dO la My.
10. Thanh todn the tin dung quoc tt la m9t dich. vt,t mang lai
hi~u qua kinh te'cao va hdu nhit kh(mg co rili ro.
11. Vi u~y, cac nglln hang thuang mai, cdc chi nluinh. ngtin. hang
nuoc ngoai tai Vi~t Nam dang rtio riet canh. tranh vc1i
12. M(it khac, tit 1I7I1993 den nay, Vietcombank b&t ddu phdt
hank the thanh todn cua minh.
13. Sau han. m9t ruim. trien khai, Vietcombank da co han 240
diem ti{p nluin the (loai A, loai B) va phdt hanh. du:qc 325
the vai so' ti~n pluit hanh. la 8,4 ti va scf tUn thanh toan. la
han. 5 tl d6'ng.


14. Tuy nhien, theo {mg Ngtiyin Duy 9, ui~c phat hanh: the
thanh todn mai chi la "qua trinh. ti! lam" cua Vietcombank
chit chua duac ph<f ctip trong cdc doanh nghiep ua r9ng riii
trong nluin. dan.

15. Muon vi~c thanh todri the trlJ thanh. pluip lenh. thi can phdi
c6 Cd che' chung cua Nha nude.
16. D6ng thiJi v(Ji quyet dinh. moi cua Thu tr.t<ing Chinh phu ve'
ui~c bd sung, sua do'i m9t so' diem ue' qudn lj ngoai ho'i de'
tien. t(Ji m~c tieu "tren. liinh. tM Vi~t Nam chi dung tien. ct6ng
Vi~t Nam", Yietcombank se pluit hanh. them nhieu. the cho
tuang ngttiJi nuac ngoai duoc thuiin. ti~n.


- The thanh todn ==paymentcard.
- Da dang hod == to diversify; to give variety to; to make
diverse(= various; abundant; plentiful...).
Vi du: ~ Chung t()i muon cdc biia iin cua cluing t()i dr.i<JC
da dang hoti = We want to have our meals diversified.
~ Ong gidm doc eta htia se do dang hod cdc sdn pham = The
director promised to give variety to the products.
Mot trong nhftng chien luoc: One of the strategic objectives
( = targets; purposes; aims... ). Cilng co thi dich: . . . is in
the strategy of. .
Gau 2:
- Dich uu thanh tocin the tin dung quoc te' = The service of
payment by international credit card.


czia rieng Vietcombank


= ...

of Vietcombank

(bo tit

- Dii kh&ng dinh = have affirmed (dung pres.perfect vi

trong cau co adv. "recently").
- Quyet tam = determination; decision; resolution: ..
Vi du: Quyet tam rut lui (= ve huu) cua anh ay da lam ta't
cd bon cluing tsi sung sd = His decision to retire
surprised all of us.
- Cong nghiep ngan hang = bank technology. (Banking [n}
= ctJng vi~c ngan hang {business of keeping a bank] -

Technology (n) = ky thut. (= c6ng ngh~) {study of

. using scientific knowledge for practical purposesj),

Banking hours = giiJ boat d9ng cua ngtln hang.

Hoa nhap = to integrate into; to mix with; to become

a member (ho(ica part) of ..
Vi du: # H9 eta h9i nh9-p vtli dan dia phuang = They
mixed with the local inhabitants.

Hay gitip d(J nhftng nguili ti n<;1-n Vi~t Nam nay nhanh
ch6ng h9i nh9,p vao c9ng d<5ng= Help these Vietnamese
refugees integrate quickly into the Community.

ceu s.
Pho T6ng Giam doc thit nhat: First deputy Director

Kiem (= kiem nhiem) =Concurrently



Vi du: I Ong
hiem. nhiem. nhih: ciuic Vlf (= Ong ay
n&m gift nhieu chitc V(t) = He holds a plurality of
offices = He holds seroeral positions at the same


Hai di tai nay se dude nghien cuu cung mot luc = These

two subjects will be studied concurrently.

Tiin mat: cash (n). Trd bling tie'n mat: to pay in cash.
Tra b&ng chi phieu =to pay by cheque (hoij,c check [US]).
To have cash in hand = co sifn tien. To be in cash = co
tiin; to be out of cash = het tien.
Luu thong

to circulate; to pass round ... Vi du: ' M9t

so' lU<;Jng lon. nluit bdo ua tap chi dang dU<Jc luu. thong
trong dan cluing = A great number of newspapers and
magazines are being circulated (= passed round)
among the people.

Thanh toan =to liquidate; to pay; to settle ...

Thanh. tocin cac man n<J = to liquidate (= to pay; to settle... )
the debts. "To liquidate" con. c6 nghia dUt diem, trit khri,
git chet (=to put an end to, to kill .).


Vidu: # Nang dii thanh todn. t6t cac tinh. dich. ell.a nang
= She liquidated all her riuals in loue.
' 6ng ta eta ua dang co'g&ng thanh todn cdc ct6'i thu chinh
tri cua minh = He has tried to liquidate his political
- D&.n ddn = Step-by-tep; gradually; by degrees;
progressioelyi: increasingly... Vi du: # Tin.h ban cua ho
da ddn dd.n phat trien thanh. tinh yeu = Their friendship
by degrees grew into love.

- Ty le n6i tren = the aboue ratio; the mentioned proportion ...



Vi du: Hang nluip khdu se dit(Jc cho phep theo ti l~

hang xuat khdu = Imports will be allowed in
proportion to exports.

Vi~c chi tra se theo ty l? cong ui~c lam duoc cha khOng
theo tj l~ thai gian = The paymf!nt is in proportion to
work done, not in proportion to time.

- Dai N = agent (n) (= person who acts for another or
Dai N van tdi ditilng thuy = a shipping agent (= one
who sends goods by shop or by other means of transport
for merchants and manufacturers). Tdng dai li = sole
agent [sole(adj.)= duy nhilt (one and only)]. Vi du: # Sl,I
bdt cdn la nguyen nluin. duy nhdt cua tai ~n =
Carelessness is the sole cause of the accident #
Chung toi co d9c quyn ban cac sdn phdm cua T~shiba =
We have the sole right of selling Toshiba products
(= the right restricted to us).
- Dita uao su dung= to put sth into use.
- Bon loai the tin dung quoe te' thong dung nhat = The
four most common international credit cards.
- Phit<tngthac thanh toan tien mm la... tit nhan = New
modes of payment; alien way of payment to Vietnamese
commercial establishments, including the private ones.
- Kh~ng con ... nita = no longer (dung truoc d9ng tit
thit<mg va sau cac tra tit); not ... any more (hoij.c longer).


Vi du: ' TtJi khong con yeu anh nita = I no longer loue
you = I don't love you any more (hol),c any longer).
Ciiu 7:

- Vc1i hon 500 diem : with over 500 places; with ~ore than
500 spots.
Vi du: 1Anh co biet ch6 tmg ta bi cim sat khong ? = Do you
know the spot where he was murdered?
Du tao thuan ldi cho = there are favourable conditions
for... suitable circumstances for... proper surroundings
Ciiu. 8:

Nen. hilu: chl trong 9 thdng... Vietcombamk dii thanh tocin

bang cdc loai the... mot s<f tiin Mn... = Only in the first
nine months of last year, Vietcombanh liquidated(=
paid; settled... ) by international credit cards a total or
more than US$100.6 million.

to bring (sb) (sth) ho{ic to bring sth for sb.
Mang di to take. Vi du: 1 Mang (luxic dem) may cai chai
khong nay di di ua mang lai' cho toi m9t ly ruau = Take
these empty bottles away and bring me a glass of
wine (hoQ,c: ... bring a glass of wine for me).

- Mang Lai =

Mang cho emg ay ml)t cai ghe' = Bring him a chair (ho{i,c
... bring a chair for him).

- Phi dich vu = fee of service; charge (= payment) for

1 'J,1

Cau 10:
Hieu qua kinh te'cao = High economic efficiency (= result).
... Va hdu nhu khong c6

rzi.i ro = ... and bears almost no

risks. C6 thi thay "to bear" = "to have". Vi du: ~ Toi c6

pluin. him trong Cong ty nay= I bear t haue). a part in
this Company.
Cau 11:
Rao rie't canh tranh u<li = to compete very harshly
with; to be in a very severe rivalry (= competition;
struggle ... ) with (hog,c against); to contend very strictly
(=strongly; keenly, sternly; severely ... ) with.
Cau 12:
Mat khac = On the other hand; on the contrary; on
the opposite ..

The thanh todn cua minh = its own payment

card. Ta
n6i: this is my own house ho(!,c This house is
my own.

co thl

Ctiu 13:
Bau h<!n mot niim trie'n khai = after more than a year
of implementation (c6 the' thay = development)...

.V<ti so' tin phat hanh la 8.4 ti = with a total money of

issuance reaching 8.4 billions; with an issued money of
8.4 billions.
Cau 14:
Qua trinh tu lam= The process of self-development Luu
y each SU d11-ng tiep dti.u to' (prefix) SELF - Self them uao


ctdu cdc DANH Ti/, QUA KHU ho{i,c HT~N T~ PHAN TU al

tao ra cdc danh tit hoij.c tinh tit moi v{li nghia "Chu the' tr/

lam" (done itself. themselves... ). Vi du: Adiustment (n)

= slf dieu chlnh.
z: -


Self-adjustment (n)

= sf/ tr/ die'u chlnh.

Invited (p.p.) = dU<;Jc mai ~Self-invited

(adj.) = t[! mai.
B9n cluing la nhiing nguili hluich. khong ai miti ciing den
= They are self invited guests.
Sealing (pres.p.used as adj.) =dong kin, bi: kin, vd z:
Self-sealing (adj.) = tr/ bit kin, tr/ txi ...

- LOp

xe (vo xe) tll vci

self - sealing pneumatic tyre

Vo diic: Solid tyre. Vo bum hai =pneumatic tyre.
- . . . Chll chua dllac pho' cap trong gi<Ji doanh nghiep = ...

and this has not yet been popularized in the contigent of

traders and the public ho9,c this has not yet become
popular in the crowd of merchants, producers and
the society ...
Cau 15:
- Mu0n viec thanh toan bang the tril thanh phdp lenh =de'

dua vi~c thanh toan bdng the vao s&c lenb. do Thu tllfJng
ky, co cac dieu khodn (Articles) quy dinh. ro rang... )]= To
turn(= to change) the payment by card into decree.
Ta noi: To turn sth into sth. Vi du: Dung bien niem uui
er.lanang tluinh: n6i bu6n =Don'I turn her glee into


- Phai c6 = there must be. Truacday c6, bay gii:J kh6ng con
ni.ta = There used to be. Eg: , There used to be a

market near this pagoda = Trude day co mc,5t cai cha

g&.n ngoi chua nay. , There must be a solution for
that problem= Pluii co mot guii pluip cho van di do.
- Cd che'chung

= The common


Bai djch tham khao:


1. To diversify

business activities is one of the strategic

of Vietnam


Bai dich tharn khao.deterrnination

of Vietcombank in
modernizing banking technology to develop and integrate
into the world market.


Mr. Nguyen Duy Lo, First Deputy Director General of

of HCM
Viercombank said: At present, 70% of cash is being
circulated outside banks and only 30% of cash is liquidated
through banks.


The use of payment cards will gradually replace the above



Since 1991 Vietcombank has acted as sole agents of

payment for foreign banks to put the four most common
international credit cards into use in Vietnam: VISA.



Nowadays, credit cards are no longer new modes of

payment to Vietnamese businesses, including even private


With over 500 places to receive cards in the whole country

(HCM City, 330; Hanoi, 140; other cities. 30), there are
favourable conditions for businesspeople and tourists
coming to Vietnam.
8. Only in the first nine months of last. years, Vietcombank
liquidated by international credit cards an amount of over
US$ 100.6 million.
9. This service has brought Vietcombank US$ 439,350 fees of
10. Payment by international credit cards is a service bringing
high economic efficiency and bears almost no risks.
11. For that reason, commercial banks, foreign bank branches
in Vietnam are competing very harshly with. Vietcombank.
12. On the other hand, since 1 July 1993 Vietcombank has
begun issuing its own payment cards. 13. After more than a year of implementation.' Vietcombank
has had 240 places of receiving cards (type A, type B) and
issued 325 cards with on amount of money of issuance
reaching 8.4 billion and the sum of payment is over 5 billion
14. However, according to Mr. Nguyen Duy Lo, the issuance of
payment cards is merely the "process of self development"
of Vietcombank and this has not yet been used in business,
circles, and the people.
15. To turn the payment by card into decree, there must be the
common mechanism of the State.


16. At the same time with the new decision of the Prime
Minister about supplementing and amending a number of
articles on managing foreign currencies to proceed to sole
use of Vietnamese dong in the territory of Vietnam
Vietcombank will issue more cards to foreigners for their





I. Cdch. day hon. 5 tuim, mua mqt TV mau hay mot. cttiu may
video la ca mqt pan ct lcn. Lam sao mua dr.t(Jc loai tot? Gia
ca li~u c6 h<!P lj khong? Nhung den bay giiJ thi nguoi mua co
thl hoa m&t truac hang chuc nhiiti hi~u TV, Casette,
Video ... dang bay ban. khdp moi nai .

.2. Theo ngu6n tin cua Lien hiep Di~n tit va Tin hoc V~t Nam
thi nhu cau vi hang di~n tit gia dung cua Vi~t Nam hang
ruim gia tang tren. 17%.
3. Chi trong khoang 2 tuim. trlJ lai day, Vi~t Nam da co tren.
100 ca Sd l&p rap cdc san ph{lm ai~n tit VcJi cong Su{ft 4 trieu
chwc I ruim.
4. Cac sdn pham l<ip rap tai V~t Nam eta b&t ddu gianh. dit<;Jc
s tin tr.tdng cua kluich. hang Va gdn nhu
chiem. Linh thi


truimg n<?i dia.

5. Tuy nhien, hi~n nay ca nude chi co 12 ca Sd l&.p rap dc;z.t den
trinli cl9 quy mo cong nghi~p c6 u6n dau tit ion va day

chuyln cong ngh~ hi~n dg,i.


6. Lien hi?p Di?,n tit ua Tin hoc Vi~t Nam trong nhilng tuim

gd.n day da d&u tu han. 4 ty d6ng va nhiiu trieu dtJ la My dl

mua sii.m day chuyen. thiet bi do'ng b9 de' ldp rap cac san
pluim. di?n tit gia dung cao cap dang CKD cho cac Yietronics
true thu9c.
7. Nhitng ctdu tu tren da dam bdo chat luang cac scin phdm
truoc khi chung dU<jc xuat xlidng.
8. Cong bdng ma noi, thj truang hang di?n tit gia dung cua
Vi?t Nam con tin chua nhiiu tie'm niing va se phdt trien
nhanh ch6ng.
9. Tit cM chi uai ba loai ltic Mu, nay da co hang chuc nhii.n
hieu ne/i tieng tren the'gim clia Chau A, Chau Au chr;iy dua
canh. tranh quyet liet vao thi. truang Vif,t Nam.
10. Chung ta c6 thl kl ra mt so' ten tuo'i nhu SONY, TOSHIBA,
11. Tuy nhien, cho den nay cdc nhiin hi~u Chau Au da hau nhu
vdng bong tren. thi truang Vi?t Nam nhat id 'JV va Video.
12: Hien tai, trong khi cdc hang x1.idng Chau Au ditng lai (J mac
di) khuyen truii thi cdc hang xlidng di?n tit Chau A da c6
nhftng butte tien dai bling each dua linh ki?n l&p rap uao
Vi?t Nam Va thiet l<j,p c<ic mang luai bdo hanh. khiip Vi~t
13. Cung vm s phat tri~'n hinh. te' va muc song cua nglliJi dtin.
Vi~t Nam dli<Jc cdi thien. thi thi truimg hang di~n tu gia
dung se CO nhieu C(! hQi di phdt trien.

Hang dien tii gia dung: household electronic appliances.
Co thi thay appliance = device (n); machine (n)
apparatus (n)... Eg: ' Chiee may tinh nay gid bao
nhieu? = how much is this calculation machine?
# Cac loai may tiet ki~m SUc lao d9ng nhu may giq.t, may
hUt bui, may rita chen. bat ... dii ua dang giup ad cdc ba
n9i tra u(Ji nhiiu cong ui~c nha = The labour - saving
devices(= apparatuses, appliances .. .) such as washing
machines, vacuum cleaners, diswashers have
helped houseunues with a lot of housework.
Electronic: (adj.) thuqc ue' di~n ttt, hoat d9ng nhil d~n tit
(working by means of an electric current passing
Eg: Nhac <lien tit= electronic music.

Trang thiet bi dien tit= electronic equipment.

Ky sll dien trl = an electronic engineer (Electronic

[adj.] = of or concerned with electrons or electronics).
Electronics (n) (sing.v) = ngdnh di~n tit, di~n tlt hoc.

Eg: ' Chi ay lam trong nganh c6ng nghi~p di~n tli a qtuin. Tan
Binh = She works in the electronics industry in Tan

Binh district.
Cdch day h<Jn 5 nam: more(than) five years ago over five
years ago... MORE co nhiiu til loai: DETERMINER~
A) Det (ciing co stich: cho tuang duong vdi tinh tit) (more

additional. [adj.]. Eg: ' More reading

reading {bai d9c them).



Cong ty chung t6i cdn. them cimg nhan = our company

needs more workers.

b) Pron: I Toi muon khdm. ph6. nhiiu diiu v~ co nang han
= I want to find out more about her.
,. Loai bang video nhu the' nay co con nhih: niia khong?
is there much more of this video tape?
c) Adu:


trong so sdnh: d9c l9,p (independent

ho(i.c so sdnh. han (comparative


Eg: 1 Hiiy hanh. a(mgcdn th<l-n hon. = act more carefully! 1

Nam khieu. vu dep hon. Hai = Nam dances more
beautifully than Hai. I Cu9c song cang luc cang trd
nen. d&t do hon = life is becoming more and more
expensive ...
Ldm sao mua dziuc loai t6t? = how can we buy a good
quality one? (= colour television); how to buy a highquality one?
Nguiti mua c6 thi hoa ca m&t

buyers stand amazed

at ... Co thl thay to stand amazed at = to be surprised
(= wondered ...) at. Dung dicli "hoa mcit" = to be
dazzled ho(i.c to be made unable to see clearly se
kMng c6 nghia. 1 Hang chuc nhan hieu TV= tens of
labels of TVs ... scores of labels of TVs ... (Scores of= a lot

of. . .). Eg: 1 C6 nhieu nguai ldm, c6 the' tam chuc hoij,c
han nfta = there were scores of people, maybe eighty

or more.
Jang bay ban = on sale; offered to be sold; available
for buying; offeredforpurchase ...


Lien hi~p Di~n tri va Tin hoc Vi~t Nam = the Union
of Vietnam Electronics and Informatics.
Theo ngu&n tin cua... = according to the source of;
from the information of...
Hane nam eia tane tren 17% =to annually increase
by over 17 percent (nhd dung gi{ri tit BY khi noi %).

Muc lam. pluit dii gia tang 2% = The rate of inflation

has increased by 2%

Sd.n luang cua nha nuiy cluing toi da gia tang 15% trong
niim qua = the production of our factory has.
increased by 15% in the past year.
Anh ta dang tang toe a9 di uuat qua chiec xe tdi = He is
increasing his speed to overtake (= to pass) the

Ciiu 3:
Chi trong uong 2 niim trlJ lai day = within two years; not
beyond two years; near by two years.


v ,

Hay c6' gdng song trong oong l tuc cua ban. = Try to
live within your income (= don't spend more than

. your income).
Ca sd = establishment (n); business (n); workshop (n);
building (n); ...

Houses, schools, churches, hotels, factories;

sheds, are all buildings.


. Lii.p rap = to assemble (ut); to fit, to put together (the

parts of . .)


= Nhiiu b<j ph~n cua nhilng chiec xe gdn may ndy dlic;Jc
ldp rap tai Vi~t Nam = Many parts of these motor -

bikes are put together in Vietnam.

Cong sufit = capacity (n); output (n); quantity (n);
(production (n): ...

~: *

Gia tang sdn. lur;mg (= c6ng sufit) b&ng each sit d1:tng cdc
quy trinh va cac thiet bi tot hon = to increase
production by using better methods and equipment ...

Gianh alitJc Sr.I tin tl.tdng cua khach hang: = to win the
trust of customers; to get the confidence of clients; to
receive(= to gain; to obtain .. .) the belief of patrons ...
- Chiem linh: to dominate (ut); to affect; to control (ut);
to influence (ut); to become influential in; to have (= to
exert) an influence (= effect [n]...) on ...

Eg: ~ Tinh yeu la b6n phg,n dang dfiu tranh al chiem. linh. tam
h6n ruing = love and duty are struggling to
dominate her mind.
Tni truC!ng n6i dia


the local(= inland [adj};domestic


N<?i thuang = inland trade. Du hhach. ntji dia = inland

tourists ..

Cd sd l&p rap: assembly establishment; assembling
workshop ...

mo ctmg nghiep: (= trinh <19 cong nghi~p

tren. quy mo ldn) = the industrial level on a large

<Trinh. d6 guy



Day chuyen cong nghiep hien dai: modern industrial

Day chuyen l&p rcip

= asembly line.

Trong nhftng nam gdn day: in recent years; a ~hort time
ago; recently (adv.); not long ago ...

Co nang chl mdi b&.t aau hoc Anh van uai niim gdn day
thoi = She has only started learning English in
recent years...

Dau tit: to invest; to put (money) in ...

tot nhat
money in is now.

Ee,: ~Bay giiJ la luc

al aau

tit= The best time to put

Phdn ldn so' tien dii ditdc ctau tit uao dit cin nay
of the money was invested in this project.

= much

Day chuyln thiet bi d6ng b6: (=day chuyen l&p rtip d6ng
!)9) = an indentical assembly line (Identical [adj] =
dOng b9, cdi truce va cdi sau deu gi6ng nhaa y chang [=
exactly alike]).
~: I

Khong c6 van tay cua hai nglliti ruio lai giong nhau y

chang = The finger-preints of no two persons are

Cao cap: high - class; top - quality; good-quality ...

Dang CKD

the form of CKD, (CKD la ccic chli viet tilt

ctla Completely Knocked Down [tluio riti hoan toan]. Vi du

b9 phg,n nao tao am thanh rdp dang CKD c6 nghia la
minh pluii nip nhih: chi tiet da tluio rai. Con d(J-ng SKD


thi ngtiiJi ta da rap scfn nhiiu ri}i, minh chi b6' sung rat it
chi tiet, chdng han. chi them uai con 6c ho(i,c vai con chips,
transistors, valves hoij.c silicons ... gi d6 thoi. (SKD = ~emi
- Knocked - Down).
Cac Vietronics true thuQ<;: the affiliated Yietronics firms ...
(Affiliated [adj.] =


thuoc [= connected with; joined

to.. .]).
Efi..: Ctic ban cau hoi (thong ke, diiu tra...) da dlt<JC g?Ji den tat
ca cdc Hi~p h9i Thuang mai true thuoc = questionnaires

were sent to all affiliated Trade Unions.

nay true thu<)c Dai hoc Srt pham

TP.HCM = This foreign language center is affiliated
to (hofi,c with) HCM City Education University.

Eg: Trung tam ngoc;ii ngit

Cau 7:
Dam bdo = to guarantee (ut); to ensure (ut); to make sure
hoij,c certain ...
Eg: Chung toi khong the' dam bdo uiec h9 den dung giil = We

cannot guarantee their punctual arrival.

baa dlir;JC Sf! c6 miit cua nang tai ti~c

sinh nhg,t cua may = I hardy ensure her being at your

Tao kh long ctdm

birthday party .
. !Guarantee (n)

I= s{i clam baa.

Eg: # Chile ti vi ndy bdo hanh 2 niim = This TV set comes

with two years' guarantee.

l}g: Phia Vi~t Nam doi hoi mot uai sr,L dam bao ud ui~c ra sotit
truoc khi ky cac ban h</p d6ng = the Vietnamese side is


demanding certain guarantees

before signing the contracts.

about verification

- Chat lrtang sdn phdm: the quality of products; the

goodness of products.
- Drtdc xuat xrtlmg: to be turned out. Co the' thay turned out

= made; produced, manufactured ...

Ctiu. 10:

Con/! being ma n6i = fairly speaking; honestly

speaking, speaking in a fair [adj.] (just [adj.];
reasonable [adj.]...) manner
IFAIR (adj)

= cong

b&ng khong thien. uj (-:-: impartial

[adj}: treating each person, side, etc.: equally and

according to the law, rules, etc... )

Cho co ruing nfiitng diem cao nhu v~y la khong cong b&.ng
==it's not fair to give her such high marks.
Lao giam. khao do kh6ng cong bdng chut nao. Lao luon
luoti cho may "conga nha" cua Lao diem cao nh<i't = That
examiner is not fair at all. He aluiays- gives his
favourites the highest marks (ho9,c: the highest marks
to his favourites).
Con dn chua nhiiu tilm nang = to still keep a lot of
potentials (= potentialities); latent [adj.) [= hidden]
capacities. Co the' thay to keep = to have, to hold, to
contain .. .)

Cau 11:
Tit ch6 chi vai ba loai luc d<iu = from a few kinds of
labels at first; from a very small number of trade marks
at the beginning; from not many sorts of labels at the
start ...



y: FEW ua AFEW

di sau

tuy c6 nghia la it nhung danh tit

no luon. IJ s6'nhieu.)

Eg: 'Nang la thieu nic rat it noi =She is a girl of few words. (=
She says very little).
' Rat it nguiti song din I 00 tui/i va con rat it nguiJi lum. nfta
s({ng aen 110 tU<fi =few people (=persons) lit-1e to be 100
and fewer still live to be 110 (Khong cdn noi 100, 110
years old ho(fo fewer people; fewer persons).
No'i tieng kh<i.p the'gi(Ji: world - famous (adj.)...
' Mot uai vi du khac c6 each ket hqp tlldng tu: world old
(adj) = xua nhu qua da't (as old as the world); worldweary (adj) = cluui di:Ji... (weary [adj]= cluin nan, m~t
moi [= tired]. Eg: ' Toi cluin nghe nhiing liti pluin. tran
CUa anh liim r6i = I am weary of hearing your
dua ua canh tranh quyet liet: (= tham gia vdo cu(>c
dua .. .) = to engage in the harsh race and
competition. C6 the' thay TO ENGAGE IN = to
participate in; to take part in; to be busy oneself with;
to have a share in... ua competition (n) = rivalry (n);
combat (n); contention (n); figh (n); struggle (n). Thay
HARSH (adj.) = stern (adj); severe (adj); strict (adj);
keen (adj); cruel (adj); intense (adj)...


Eg: Chung toi phdi gift gia cac sdn philm cua minh. l! mite
tluip vi co Slj canh. tranh gay g&t cua nude ngoai = We
have \o keep our products' prices low because of
fierce foreign competition.
' Dii co sl;( canh. tranh quyet li~t gifta cac truimg dai hoc tu
= There was a keen rivalry between the private


Cau 12:

Co thl nen. dich. = MAY cha kh6ng dung CAN. Ee_:

Thuoo u6ng nay co thi chiia lanh. ~nh ho CUa ban = This
medicine may cure your cough. Kl ra: to mention
(vt); to state (vt); to list (vt); to say (vt); to name ...
Ta co the' dich: We may say such well-know,;_ names as
SONY ... hoij,c We may list some famous companies as
follows; SONY... haj,c we may state a few world-wide
firms like SONY ...
Eg: , 6ng ta da cong khai noi len SI/ ung h~ cua minh dOi vdi.
cdc ccii cdch gicio due = He has publicly stated his
support for reforms of education.
Ciiu 13:
Co the' dich: However, up to now European labels have
almost disappeared on the Vietnamese market, especially
TV and Video (labels), hoij,c: Nevertheless (= in spite of
that), so far Western trade market ... (Western [adj]
thuang hoa) = thu(jc v Tay Au (coming from or
associated with Europe).
"!};g_: ' L<fi song Tay.phucmg= the Western way of life

Trie't hoc Tay phuang: the Western philosophy.

Doan kich. ngh~ Thanh pM' H6 Chi Minh dang luu diin

tai cdc nude Tay Au = The HCM City Theatrical

Company is making a tour of Western countries.
So far = up to now; until now; up to the present ...
~: * Cho den nay moi vi~c diu ti.en luinh. rot ~P = So
far, everything has gone well.


nay chua m()t ~hi tiet nao vi cac cu()c thdo ltuin
cua ho drt<;Jc tiet l(> = No details of their discussions
have so far been released.

~ Cho


Bai dich. tham khao:



More five years ago, to buy a colour TV set or video was.

really a big problem. How can we buy a good quality. one ?.
Is the price reasonable? But up to now, buyers stand
amazed at the display of scores of labels of TVs, cassettes ..
video etc ... on sale everywhere.


According to the source of the Union of Vietnam Electronics

and Informatics, the demand for household electronic
appliances in Vietnam has annually increased by over 17
per cent.

3. Within

two years, Vietnam has had more than 100

establishments assembling electronic products with a
capacity of over 4 million sets/year.


The products assembled in Vietnam have begun winning

the trust of customers and have almost dominated the local


However up to now there have been only 12 assembly

establishments attaining the industrial level on a large
scale with, huge investment capital and modern industrial



The Union of Vietnam Electronics and Informatics has in

recent years, invested more than 4 billion Vietnam dong
and millions of USD in buying identical assembly lines to
assemble high class household electronic appliances in the
form of CKD for the affiliated Vietronics firms.


The above investments have guaranteed.

products before they are turned out.


Fairly speaking,
the market of household electronic
appliances of Vietnam still keep a lot of potentials and will
develop quickly.

The quality of

9. From a few kinds of labels at first now there have been tens
of world famous labels of Asia and Europe engaging in the
harsh nice and competition into the Vietnamese market.
10. We may mention some well-known names like SO:NY,

up to now European labels have almost
disappeared on the Vietnamese market, esentially TV and

12. At present, while European firms have just stopped at

promoting trade, Asian companies have made big strides by
bringing assembly line, to Vietnam and setting up
maintenance networks throughout Vietnam.
13. Fogether with the economic growth and the improvement of
the living standard of the Vietnamese people, the market of
household electronic appliances will have a
opportunities for development.




NOi Gi


J _ Ccich day 10 nam, tin hoc con dtt<fe coi

la m()t nganh hoc cua

ngum !dn thi raay dang tr!J thanh. gan gui vdi tuo"i tre.


2.. Rfit nhie'ti h9C sinb.

2, cap 3 da co may m&n tiep cn vdi
Rhi/ng chiec may Vi tinh,
3. T{Ji Thanh pho H& Chi Minh truo: day, H9i tin hoc thanh.
plto dii m/J nhi'mg miii tien cong c6 tfnh chat di)t plui dua tin
~ aen vm tu6i thieu nien Mng vi~c t6~ chuc nhiing l<ip hoc
vo ctic cu~ th.i khieu tin h<JC.
4. Cuef)c thi ruim 1994 toi Nhil van hod Thanh nien. dli{lc ghi
nh{m. la co so thi sinh. dong hon va chat luang bai thi ciing
coo hf1n cae Mn tki tnldc.
5. Tit nhilng ldp h<;>c xinh xcin ay den nay da co hem 200 t'ruang
h<;>c lrong
ntfdc alft!c ldp "d{i.t t6ng c(mg ban 1000 may vi


6.. DOla chua ki hang tram cdc trung tam, cac trucng dao tao
iJng d'lfng tin hoe dUf!C m/J ra IJ cac c16 thi ldn. thu hut dong
ctd& thanh,. thieu nien. theo hoe.
Giao d~c va Dao tao eta ban hanh. chuang trinh hudn
luyfn tin h(,JC cho cdc cap d{> A, B, C tip dung ct6'i udi cci.c
irung tam, ctic ca so dao tao Mi duilng kien thuc tin hoc itng

7. ~


8. Ng11ili. tot cac cap ali(Jc cap chilng chi qu6c gia.
9. Nhlzm du tin hoc vao ccic trllilng ph6 thong, dtiu ruim. nay,
Bij Giao dt!C va Dao tao eta m/J khoa dao tao cho 200 guio
uien Toon, Ly cua ccic tinh phia Nam.
JO. Day la lehoo dao tt;io d&u tien co quy mf> ltm. ua theo m9t
chtlf!!ng trini thong nhat do .89 Giao due 00 Dao l(LO di ra.


B&u di ciing c6 thl d?ch:What do computers talk to the
youth in the future ?.

Tin hoc: computer science; informatics.
Gan gui u<Ji = familiar to; not alien (foreign) to;
popular with; intimate to; close to...

csu z.
Rat nhilu

= many;

a large number of; a lot of;a great deal

of. ..

- Hoc sinh cap 2, cap 3 = students (pupils) in junior and

senior high schools.
- Tiep can: to get access to; to approach; to contact with; to

be in touch with; to come into contact with.

Eg: Khi ban. tiep qin thi trtin thi toil nha ddu tien ban. thay la
guio allilng = as you approach the town the first
building you see is the church.
- May ui tinh

= Computer (n); calculating machines; micro-

Trtt{Jc day= previously;formerly; in former times ...

H<?i tin hoc TP. HCM

= HCM City

lnformatic Association.

Tudn Li tin hoc: informatics week.

Dich vu tin hoc = informaticis) service ... Informatic (adj)
=of concerning informatics (n).


mui tan cfmg ... J day pluii hieu theo nghia bong (in
the figurative sense) = breakthrough; important
deoelopment;discovery, initiative (n)...

- Nhilng

Vi du: (m9tJ miii tien cong chu yeu co tinh dt pha

trong vifc nghien cilu b~nh ung thu =. a . major
breakthrough in cancer research (Breakthough = srf
tan Cong ChfJC thung phong tuyen quiin thu (act of
bnaking through an enemy's defenses).
Cu& thi niing khieu tin hoc: a computer contest: an
informatics competition ...
(informatics la noun dung lam attributive chit khong phai


- Cu& thi niim 1994 =the 1994 contest ... hog,c the contest in
1994 ...
- NhiJ van hoo thanh nien

= Youth Cultural House

be reported as (reported= regarded;

deemed; considered; noticed... ) Thi sinh = contestant ...

- Dll<lc ghi nhfin lit= to

- Chift lucmg bai thi cung cao h<tn = ccic bai thi kh6 hem =
more difficult test papers (= examination pepers). Trti
liJi dll{lc tat Ctl cdc cau hoi fflQt bai thi = to clear an
~amination paper.
Cau 5:
... dlfdc liip dat t6ng cong uai h<1n (= drt{Jc l&p d{i.t ud'i hon) = to
b ~quipped with more than. .. (equipped = supplied;

provided; furnished ...)


Cciu 6:
- Do la chzta ki = that does not include ... (Ke'= gom uao; li~t
ke uao luon the). Vi du: Chuyen du lich. co kl ca uiec
tham quan sll thti = the tour included a visit to the
zoo . Gia chiec may nay CQ ke' luon. thue tr? gia gia tang

khong? = Does the price of this machine include

VAT?(= Value Added Tax).
TrztiJng dao tao va z?ng dung tin hoc
training and applying school.

a computer

fJztCJc ml! ra cac d6 thi ltm. (= Cl txic do thi ldn)

(Neu muon c6 theghi big cities).

in cities

ce 7:
Ban hanh: to promulgate; to issue; to make public; to
announce officially; to publish; to inform ...
Chrtctng trinh huan luyen tin hoc cho cdc cap dO A, B, C =
the computer training programme for A; B, C levels...

- Ccic c<J sd dao tao boi dzt(Jng kien thuc tin hoc ting dung =
.. . cung cap cdc khoa dao tao v tin hoc ting dung = ...
establishments (= installatione) which provide
(supply, furnish) training courses in applied


nghiep: a graduate doc


lgrddjuit] hoij,c


d Anh

ti.t nay duac dung al chl nhiing nguai t6t nghif,p

<19.i hoc; chu yeu la oiin. bdng BA (= cli nh/in) (person
who has taken a University degree, especially the
first, or Bachelor degree).


- A graduate

in law

= t6t nghi~p

nganh. lu(it (= a law

She is a graduate in economics = chi ay t6t nghi~p
hinh. te: (pluii hilu la mdi (J trinh c19 BA = cit nluin), A
graduate student = Sinh vien cao hoc ho(ic ti.en si (=
one studying for a master's or doctor's degree) = a
postgraduate (nghien cuu sinh).
Tai My: graduate (n) chl chung tat cd nhitng ai t6t
nghi~p m9t co sd gido due nao do (one who has
completed a course at an educational institution). A
junior high school graduate = hoc sinh t6t nghi~p
Pho' Thong Ca Sd (Cap 2).
- A senior high school graduate: hoc sinh T.N.P. T. T.H
(Cap 3). To graduate [grredjueit] (Vt&Vi): tot nghi~p.
Eg: He is attending an evening class to graduate as an
engineer = 6ng ta dang theo hoc l{tp bu6l. to'i dl dq,t
trinh c19 tot nghi~p ky sit.
She graduated from Oxford with a degree in
economics = chi ay da tot nghi~p (tai) dai hoc Oxford
v<Ji van b&.ng vd kinh te:
[U.S]: Bhe has just graduated from the school of
Cookery nang viia t6t nghi~p truimg Nit Cong Gia
Chanh. (= Brit) = She has just completed an educational
(hoic a training) course from.. .].
Dua "to introduce" nhung (J day ta ding co thl dich =
"to teach" vi B9 ado tao guio uien. al u~ dq,y lai mon. "tin
hoc" chu khong phdi chi algi<Ji thieu su6ng.
- D&u nam nay: by early this year.

Vao ZUc sang stim: early in the morning. Trong 2 truimg

h<IP tren. "Early" = ado. Con Early trong cdc truimg hap
sau = adj. At an early date = uao m<jt ngay g&n day.

Early prunes

= nuin aau mua.

* M?i (=to'chuc) =to

organize, to hold ...

Eg: The meeting will be held before the City people's

committee: cuoc mit tinh se duac to' chuc trudc U.B.N.D
When will we hold(= organize) the conference= Khi
. ndo cluing ta se trf cluic h9i nghi,
Cau 10:
C6 guy mo ldn = tren. quy mo ltm. (on a large scale) (=
system; network).

Chitqng trinh thong nhdt = a fixed programme. Khi>ng

nen dich. "thong nhdt''= Unified; reunified ...
- De' ra: to devise; to think about; to plan, to invent ... Eg:
To devise a scheme for re-building the city center =
de' ra ke' hoach. xay dl/ng lai trung tam thanh. pho: To

devise how to do sth ...

Bai djch tham khcio:



Ten years ago, computer science was considered as a branch

of study of adults, but now it is familiar to the youth. (or it
becomes familiar to the youth).



Many students in junior and senior high schools have had

the luck to get access to computers.


Previously, in Ho Chi Minh City, the City Informatic

Association has caused breakthroughs to bring informatics
to the youth by- organising classes and computer contests.

4. The 1994 contest - in Youth Cultural House are reported

as having a higher number of contestants and more difficult
test papers year after year.
5. From those nice classes, up to now there have been over 200
schools in the whole country to be equipped with more than
1,000 computers.
6. That does not include hundreds of centers and computer
training and applying schools in cities, attracting a- lot of
teenagers and youth.
7. The Education and Training- Ministry has promulgated the
computer training programme for A, B, C-levels applied to
centers and establishments which provide training courses
in applied informatics.
8. Graduates from all levels are awarded national certificates.

In order to teach informatics in public high schools by early

this-year, the Ministry of Education and Training has held '
a training course for 200 maths and physics teachers of the
southern provinces. -

10. This is the first one (= the first training course) on a larger
scale which follows a fixed programme devised by the
Ministry of Education and, Training.

BAI 6.




1. Tit khi Cong ty vien thong Quoc

duac thanh. lijp (04I1990)
den nay, mang luai viin tMng qu6c te' cua Vi?t Nam da
duoc hien. dai hod b&ng ky thut
toan. b9 h? thang chuye'n
mach. va duac truyen. dan v<Ji t6ng so~ von d&u tu cho trang
thiet bi len. den hati 40 trie USD.



2. Kluich. hang di~n thoai quoc tt

trong va ngoai nuac du
ghi nlutn. nhftng buac pluit trie'n nhanb ch6ng cua Dich. V
di~n thoai quoc te'Vi~t Nam trong nhitng tuim. qua.
3. Diem not b<J;t nhrit la s xudt hi~n cua di~n thoai t d9ng g9i
di quoc te' (International Direct Dial I.D.D) da pho' bien a tdt
53 tlnh, thanh. phff tren toan quoc.




Dl dcip

zing nhu c&u thong tin quoc

ngay cang tang va da
dang cua khdch. hang. V.J. T cung cap nhiu loai dich. V
kluic nhau:
- Dicb.


di~n thoai thu cu{Jc

d ngui!i nh9-n.

- Dich. vi} giay mai hen. g(Lp

- Dich.


dien. thoai tim nguai

Di~n thoai gidi han. tluti gian

Dich. v~ cho thue kenh truyen. hinh s6'li~u v<Ji

toe cf9 cao.

~ Dicb: V chuyen mach. g6i.


5. Ngoai ra cdc dich. v(J. di~n thoai qu6c

mdi hluic nhu: the
g9i, di~n thoqi CO hinh anh ciing da Va dang thlt nghi~m
du0: vao SU dung rqng riii CM moi do'i tU(/ng kluich. hang.



V.I. T dang bdt dau trien hhai di! tin da quoc gia xay dung
tuy(n cap bien noi lin Vi~t Nam udi H6ng K6ng va Thai

7. H~ thong cap bien nay cho phep mang llidi qu6c te' CUa Vi~t
Nam noi vao mang luoi cap bien cua khu uuc va the'gioi.
8. Cong ty Viln thong quoc te' dii va. dang n6 luc hifn dai hod
mang ludi to chuc sdn xud: kinh doanh, cung cdp dich. V{l
qu6c tl hi~u qua nh&m phuc VI!- d&c luc c{mg cuoc pluit trien
kinh tl xii. h{ji nuac nha.

- Mang luai: nen. dich. b&.ng tit system (n) hor;ic network (n).

Dilng dich. b&ng tit NET ui NET c6 nghia la cdi

du: llidi ca, a fishing net.

unGI. Vi

Anh ta bi vuong vao luoi tinh: He has been entangled

in amorous nets.
Ten so khanh d6 da bi ludi cong ly bAt duce: That ladykiller has been caught by the net of justice.
- Cong ty viln thong qu6c te'. The International
Telecommunication Company.
- Thiet lap: to establish; to set up, to form, to carry

out ...
- Hien dai hod: to modernize; to bring up to date; to
update; to make suitable for present-day needs.
Vi du: Ought we to modernize our spelling'! (Chung
ta co can phai hi~n d9i ho chfr viet cua chung ta
. kh6ng?
qu&nchung; tien



b9 = tien b9 ...)





- Ky thuat

so': digital technique

Digital (adj): thu9c vi chii s6' (digit)

so nay co 10 chii sa'= This number has ten digits

(vi dff: 8.205.329.048)

- He thong chuyen mach: the system of circuit suntctiing.

- Sit truyn ddn

= transmission.

caa z.
- Nhitng bitflc ph<it trien nhanh ch6ng: "nhanh chong" co
thl djch bdng cdc tinb t-it: fast, speedy; quick;
rapid ...
vu <lien thoai quoc re': international telephone


- Die'm n6i bat nhfft: the most outstanding trait.

Co the' thay danh tit trait bdng point ho{ic spot chzl
khong thay bdng tit MAR.K va outstanding (adj) =
attractive; fascinating (adj); pleasing (adj) ...
- Sit xufft hien: appearance.
- Dien thoai tit dong goi di quoc tt ta phdi dich. being tli .
trong nganh.

- Dial ['daiDI] (n): mij,t s{f d~n thoqi de'quay khi g9i
- Dial (vt) (p.p: dialled) g9i nai nao d6 bci.ngphuang ti~n
di~n thoqi (to call by means of a telephone)

Eg: Lam an. goi c!i~n thoai d6n cdnh scit: please dial the
police station.
Cau 4:
- Dcip ang: to meet, to answer, to satisfy ...
Eg: Nhitng thu nay c6 c!cip ung nhu c&u cua ban khong? = Do
these things satisfy your needs?
requirement (n).

- Nhu


- Da dang:

(n); needs (used


in plural);

(past participle



- of different kinds; of various sorts.

Cung cap nhiiu loai dich. v~ kh<i.c nhau: to supply (with) .
assorted services; hoac thay tinh tit "assorted" Mng
"diverse" [dsi'vo.s].
(Cau 4 co nhieu tit chuyen dung cua nganh Buu. di~n
chung ta phai h,9c thu9c di sa d(!-ngch~ kh6ng thl
d#ch khac di dri?c).-

- Thii nghiem: to experiment; to set; to essay; to test ...
- Dlla vao sil dung rong riii. chi dich
popular use"


gidn: "[or

- Cho moi c!o'i tztdng khcich hang: by all customers.

- Triln khai: to develop, to expand ....


- Ducin:project (n);plan (n);scheme (n); design (n),


project to establish a new national park (dlf

xay difng m9t c6ng uien. quoc gia mai).

Tuyen cap bien: the sea cable



- Nol. lie'n: to connect, to link, to combine, to join (vt), to

unit ...
Eg: Tojoin the island to the mainland with a bridge (n61
dcio v<1i da't lien m9t chiec cau).

- Da

quoc gia: Multi - national (adj.)

- Multi: [m slti] (pref.) = tie'p ddu to' co nghia la DA (tuc

la nhieu). Vi du: Multi - coloured (adj.) = co nhieu
mau s&c (of many colours).
- A multi . racial country: qu6c gia da eluing t!)c
country with many races of people).


Cau 7:
- Khu

uuc: region (n); zone(n); area (n) ...


cam bay: a no -fl,ight zone

- Khu nguy hiem: The danger zone

- Cho phep: -

to permit sb to do sth.

to allow sb to do sth.

= (the)

doesn't permit you to come in"" you are not allowed
to come in.
Giao vien khong cho phep anh vao

... da

ua dang n6 lite: ta chi dich.

b&ng d(mg tit To Strive

thi present perfect la du.

- N6 l11c =to strive (strove, striven [Strivn]); to struggle
(with or against); to make great efforts to do sth. ..
- Mang litai t6 chuc sdn xuift kinh doanh = the network of
organizing trade and production hoiic: the trade
production organizing network.
Cung cap: to supply;provide; to furnish ...
To supply (or to furnish) a library with books (cung
cap sach. cho thu vi~n).
- Hieu qua: effective (adj.)=>(n): effectiveness.
- Ddc lite: competent (adv.); sufficient; adequate =>
competently (adv.) = mijt each ct&c luc ...

Bai dich. tham khao:


1. Since International Telecommunication Company was

established (April 1990) up to now, the Vietnamese

International Telecommunication network (V.I.T) has been
modernized by digital technique for the entire system of
circuit switching- and transmission with total capital
invested in equipment amounting to over 40 million USD.

2. International telephone customers inland and overseas all

of Vietnamese
international telephone services in the past years.
3. The most outstanding trait has been the appearance of
International Direct Dial (I.D..D) popularly used in 53
provinces and cities throughout the country.

To meet customer's increasing and diversified demand in

international information. V.LT supplies assorted. services
Collect call.
Messenger call.
Person locating telephone service.

Time limited call.

High - speed data transmission channel.
Dial Up X. 28-; leased line X. 25.

5. Besides, other new international telephone services such as

CARD PHONE, VIDEO PHONE have been experimented
for popular use by all customers.

V.l.T is starting to develop the- multinational project for

building sea-cable line connecting Vietnam- with Hongkong
and Thailand.


The sea cable system permits Vietnamese International

Network to link with the sea. cable network of the region
and the world.

8. International Telecommunication Company has striven to

modernize the trade production organizing, network,
supplying-effective international services in order to serve
the national socio-economic .. development competently.
lt>2. ..

~- .: .. ~.':::

Ml)C Ill: y








1. Btio hie'm y tl Vi~t Nam dit(Jc thanh. l.p sau khi Chinh phu
ra nghi dinh. 299/HDBT ngay 15/8/ 1992 ban hanh: diiu
lenh. bdo hilm y tt
2. Bao hie'm y tt Vi~t Nam co nhiem. u~ huang dan to'chuc thuc
hien die'u l~ bao hie'm y tt tren. dia ban ca nude.
3. De' giup ban. duoc chiim s6c sue khoe va triinh. dzt<;IC nhitng
kh6 khan ue tai chinh khi rui ro dau 6m, nhat la khi m&c
benh. hie'm ngheo, mm ban hiiy tham gia CHUONG TRiNH
4. NgztCti c6 the bdo hiem y te' thi dli<Jc hhsim ua dilu tri tai cdc
cCI s(/ y tt Nha nude ma cCI quan bdo hiem y te'c6 ht;Jp d6ng ua
se khong phai trd vi~n phi.
Vi~t Nam ua 53 Bao hiem y te' cua
cdc tlnh, thanh. trong ca nztac dang thuc hien. cdc loai hinh.

5. Hien. nay, Bao

hiem y


btio hiem cho cdc loai doi tuong sau:

al Bao hi~m y t~ hiit buck: danh. cho nhiing ngltm lam cong

hr.t/Jng luang trong cac Cd quan

oic thanh. ph&n kinh tt



cdc doanh ngh~p CUa


b/ Bao hi~m y
tu: nguyen: danh cho tat
moi ngudi ma
mUC dong gop tuy theo khd ruing Cung itng dich. U{l y te'CUa
m6i dja phuang. Nhitng ngitm co muc thu nluip trung
binh trong xa h~i dlu co thi di dang tham gia Ioai hinh
bdo hiem nay.


Coe loai hinh bdo hiem b'ao g6'm:

- Cham soc sue khoe ban ddu

- Kham chiia betih. n9i trti
- Kham chiia benh. ngo<;ii trti.


cl Bao hi~m y
nhan dao: danh. cho nhiing ngztili beit hanh.
trong CUQC song, chdng han. nhitng tre m6 coi, nhftng
diJi, nhftng ngztdi gia co don, ngztiJi tan t~t, ngheo kh6 khong
nai nuang tua ciing chdng co chut khd niing nao di tham
gia chuang trinh bdo hiem y tt


6. Nhitng nguin. nay clang mong moi SI! hdo tam gitip diJ cua
moi nguai, cua cac t(l chuc til thien, cdc chu doanh nghi~p
trong va ngoai nude de' h9 co the' nh~n dzt<Jc the va duoc
chiim. soc sue khoe.


vOi the bdo hiem y te' nluiti dao, nhftng ngltiJi bat hanh: dlt(Jc
huUng moi dich. V y te'khi

om dau nhu: nhftng ngltmkhac.

Bdo hiem = to insure (against); to protect by insurance.
[US}: to ensure ... )
Eg: # Nha tDi c6 bdo hiem hod hoan.

= My house is insured

against [ire.

ay btio hiem mang song cua minh vOi muc 100. 000 do
la= She insures her life for 100,000 USD.


Cong ty cluing toi se btio hiem tau thuyin ua Mng. hod

cua quy v~ chong moi theit thodt (=mat mat) ngoai bien ca

= Our company will insure your ships and cargoes

against loss at sea.
- Su bdo


hiem =insurance

(n) against sth.

cdp, hod hoan, mdt mat, rui ro... =

insuranceagainst theft, fire, loss, risks etc...


Bao hiem chong trom.

- Nhitng nglli!i khfmg co bdo hiem y te phai thanh toan. moi

v~n phi cua minh. = People without health insurance
must pay for their own hospital fees.
- Khi ba

ay Chet, ch6ng ba aii, liinh. duao J 00. 000 d6 la tiin

bdo hiem = When she died, her husband received

$US. 100,000 in insurance.
- Nglli!i dll<Jc b&o hiem = the insured (sing or pl.u) = the
insured person (s)...
- Ngr1i1i bao hiem hoac cong ty bao hiem = insurer (nJ (=
person or company that provides insurance).
Eg: # Trang truang hap bi thuang, Cong ty bdo hiem se trd cho

quy vi m9t sif tien = In case of injury, the insurer will

pay you a sum of money.

- Bci.o hiem hang hdi = marine insurance.

Bao hiem hod hoan = fire insurance
- Bdo hiim nhtin mang = life insurance
Bao hiem xii h<Ji = social insurance...

B6' anh Nam lam nghl bdo hiem = Nam's father works
in insurance (= business of providing insurance

- Dude thanh lap = to be formed (= created; established;
set up; founded; given birth ...); to come into being
(= existence)...


Vi~n nghien. cuu. nay du<Jc thanh. l9-p ruim 1980 = This
Research Institute was founded in 1980.
Chu nghia C9ng sdn <ta ra diJi tit nhiing tu tztl!ng cua
Marx = Communism was given birth from Marx's

- Ra nghi dinh = to proclaim a decree. Co the' thay to

proclaim = to issue; to promulgate; to declare; to make

known publicly; to announce officially; to put into
circulation; to give or send out officially ...
- Ban hanh dUu le = to stipulate the Regulations. Co
the' thay: "to stipulate" = to insist on (hoij.c upon), to
state firmly... Eg: # Hiep uoc quy dinli (= ban hanh) vi?c
rut cac d9i qiuin.chinh phu ra khoi cac vung dO:t dO trong
vong ba tluing = The accord stipulated the
withdrawal of government troops from those
regions winthin three months.

- Nhiem vu hzt(Jng ddn = the duty to give directions for
doing sth. C6 the' thay "duty" (n) = obligation (n) va to
give directions = to supply (= to provide; to furnish.. .)
instructions (pl. n) Thay directions hoij,c instructions =
information (n); advice (n); guidance (n)...
Eg: # N(u ban. nghe ldi khuyen bdo cua toi thi ban. nen. di kham

bdc si = If you take my advice you'll see a doctor.

Tren dia ban cd nitoc=in the whole(= entire) country.
- Duac chiim soc sue khoe

looked after...


= to get health care; to be well

- Tninh duao nhiing kh6 khan vi tai cluinh. = to avoid

financial difficulties (= money troubles; lack of



, Gia dinh chi

dang song trong canh thieu. thon =Her
family is living in want.
, Cong ty ba ta kh6 khiin nhieu. ui tai cluinh. = Her
company is in deep financial difficulties = .. . is
short of money= ... has not enough of money (enough=
Eg: , Toi hy uong ddy du cac bc;r.n se tham di! buo"i tiec "tril lai
truang xua" to'i nay = I hope enough of you are
attending the "back-to-old-school" party tonight.
Mif.c benh hiem ngheo =:= to contact serious diseases; to be
attacked by(= tormented with .. .) severe illnesses...

hiem ngheo hanh. ha da 3 tluing

nay =
He has been tormented with the severe illness for
three months.

Efi..: , Ong ta bi can b~nh

, Ba ta da chtt vi m()t can benh. ky lt;L khong sao guii thtch.

dzt<;ic = She died of a mysterious illness.
Tham gia = to join; to get involved in; to participate in; to
take part in; to become a member of. ..
Efi..: , Nguyet. da tham gia vao nhom ca sl nghi~p du do Mai

liinh.dao = Nguyet joined (= became the member of) the

amateur singer group that Mai was leading.
Cciu 3:

Co the' dick nhiiu each: To help you to keep yourself

healthy and prevent money troubles from happening in


case of-sickness,


when you are attacked


severe diseases; please take part in Health... Hoiic: In

order that you can obtain (= have; receive) ... medical
care and avoid (=put aside ... ) financial difficulties
in case of illness, esp, when you are tormented
with: .. Hoac dich. theo each cua "Bai dich. tharti hluio" (J
CuOl sach:
Gau 4:
- The bao hiim y te'= health insurance card. C<J sli y te'

Nha nude: state health establishment; public health

center; public clinic; state hospital ...
C<J guan bao hiem y te' = health Insurance agency. Vien
phi: hospital fees, health c_are costs (n)... Eg: Vi?n phi
da ua dang leo thang (= tang) nhanh. = Health care
costs have escalated rapidly.
- fJLt<Jc kham va diu tri =to be examined I overhauled.. .)
and treated (= cured; healed; made well again.. .)


Thai gian se chiia lanh. moi uu. phiin cua ban. = Time
will heal all your sorrows.

- Ong ta dit<;lc chiia lanli benh. mot each ky dieu = He has

been miraculously healed of his illness.
- Ong duac chua lanh. ro'i, vl nha di

You're cured, go

Nhflng nguiJi m&c benh. ung thu ma all<Jc pluit hi?n sdm
Se duoc chiia lanh bdng giai phtlu hoij,c tia bile X(i =
People whose cancer is detected early will be cured
through surgery or radiation. Cau nay c6 thl dich:
Those who have health insurance cards are examined and


treated in State health establishments.: ho9,c dun guin.

hon: The insured are overhauled and cured in public

hopitals with which health insurcance agencies have had

legal agreements.
- Hien nay = At present; presently; at present times;
currently; at the time being...
- Ccic loai hinh bao hi~'m y te = health insurance forms.
Ccic loai d6'i ttl(Jng sau = the following kinds of people.
- Bdo hiem y te' b&t bu6c = obligatory (= required;
compelled; compulsory.. .) health insurance.

* Benh. tij,t b&tbu9c (mg ta pluii

tit chuc = Illness compels

him to resign = He is compelled by illness to resign.

VifC tham dtj buc/i hop c6 tinh each bdt buoc hay tuy y?
= Is. attendance at the meeting obligatory (=
compulsory ...) or optional?

- Nhilng nguiJi lam cong hz.tlmg ltl<Jng =paid employees(=

personel [pl.n]...)
- Cua ccic thanh phdn kinh te = of different (= various;
diversified...) economic sectors.
- Bao hilm y tt tr.t nguyen = Voluntary(= Willing {adj.}.. .)
health insurance.
- Tuy theo =to depend on (or upon); to rely on (or upon)...

Vi~c d6 hoan. toati tuy theo quyet dinh. cua em = That

depends entirely on your decision. N6 thanh. cong
hay kh6ng la tuy theo no = He must depend upon
himself for success. * M9t s6' xi nghi~p qu6c doanh tuy
thu9c ruing n vao su tro giup tai chink cua chinli phu =


Some State enterprises rely heavily on Government

for finance.

. Kha cung rZng dich vu y tl cua m6i dia phli<!ng =

The capacity (= ability) of providing (= supplying;
furnishing... ) health service of each locality ( = place
(n); district (n); part of the country... ).
Mile thu nhap trung binh = average income (= salary
(n); pay (n) ages (pl.n.) ... )
Chiim s6c sU'c khoe lxin ctciu = initial health care; preliminary
medical care; beginninghealth protection: ..

- Kham chita benh noi tru


examination and in -

Kham chita benh ngoai tru


examination and out

- Bdo hiim y te' nhan ctao = humanitarian(= charitable

{adj.].. .) health insurance.

* Hay do'i <!iii nluin. dao udi chi. gitip vi~c cua con = Treat
your woman servant (= maid) with humanity.

* UBND TP H6 Chi Minh ua cac t6 chuc tit thi~n dang ddp

ilng li!i. keu g9i cuu gitip cac nan. nhan. lii lut = Ho Chi
Minh City people's committee and charitable
organisations were responding to the appeals to
help flood victims.
Nhilng nglii!i bcit hanh trong cuoc song = the unfortune
in life; the miserable in life.: (Luu :}: ta co thi dung
THE+ ADJ. lam (n) di chi mqt nh6m ngui!i. nao do trong
xii. hqi (some group of people in society). Vi du: the poor,
the rich, the sick, the injured ... Do ct6, d9ng tit dl.l<JC
dung pluii lJ so' nhUu ...



'The injured were taken to hospital. Tuy nhien. ntu (adj.)

mang nghia triai tuang (abstract meaning) thi dng tu Lai

lJ so' it.

g: # The old are greatly respected. (Nhirng ngiroi gia duoc

kinh trong nhieu).

The old is driven out by the new

(Cai cii dii

bi cai

mtti xua di.

- Nhiing

ke m6 coi =orphans

(n) =to orphan= lam cho triJ

thdnh m6 coi (thu(Jng dung (J dang, "passive uoice").


Di toi da xin. nhitng dtta tre nay lam con nuoi khi chung
bi mo' coi ui cw?c chien = My aunt adopted these
children when they were orphaned by uiar.

'Chi ay tr/J thanh. ke

orphan at five.
- Nhitng tre bui ddi

mo' coi luc len 5 = She

became an

= street - children.

- Nhitng ngztdi gia co ddn

= the lonely aged.

- Nhitng ngztdi tan tat = the crippled (adj); the disabled

Eg: ' 6ng ta bi tan tf7,t vi tai ll{in lao a(mg = He was disabled
(=crippled) by an accident at work.

Ndi nztcfng tua = support (n)

gives help, sympathy.. .)


relative or person who

Eg: # Chu Sau la nai nudng ti/a cua cluing toi khi cha m~
cluing toi qua dUi trong m9t tai nan may bay = Uncle

Sau was a support to us when our parents died in

an air crash.


Cau 6:
Mong moi: to expect; to wish for; to express a desire for ...

Eg: , Thii: la VO ich ma mong moi nhiing gi minh khf>ng thi co

=[Cs no use wishing for things we can't have.
, Cac nong dan trong lang nay dang mong moi mua = The

peasants in this village are expecting rain.

- Cac


doanh nghiep trong ua ngoai nllac = domestic

foreign businesspeople(= merchants; traders .. .)

- Sit hao td.m giup d{J = the generous I plentiful) help

Eg: , H9 th9-t luio tam da chia se biia ifo vdi nhi.tng ngitifi hang
xom thdt nghi~p cua ho = It was very generous of them

to share their





, o. m9t t{ phdm hao h~p bao!= What a generous

help gift!
Cau 7:
Dll(jc hlldng moi dich vu y te' = to be entitled to all health
Ta co the' thay to be entitled to sth = to be given the
right to have sth; to be worthy of sth; to merit sth; to
deserve sth ...

Eg: , Cong nluin khong dll(Jc hllltng tr(/ cap thdt nghi~p neu anh
ta chua hi lam vi~c = The worker is not entitled to
unemployment benefit if he never worked.


Ch! {{y xlZng dang duoa httl!ng pluin thulJng do

deserves (= merits) the reward.


Lili phat bi,lucua liio ta tht dang khinh = His statement

is worthy of contempt (n).

' Chang c6 gi ddng noi den cd

Nothing worthy of

mention (n).


'Nam xWig c!dng c6 m9t ut tri trong d9i cluing

Nam is
worthy to have a place in our team. (Worthy to +
- Khi om dau =When falling sick; when becoming ill (or
unuiell); when haoing a disease or illness ...
Lttu y: Neu ban. noi: I feel sick thi co nghia t6i buon. non;
toi muon miia; toi say song hay say may bay (neu di may
bay .. .)

Di nghi tham khao "tit die'n ldn" de' bie't them cac nghia
kh<i.c cua tit SICK.
- Nhll nhflng ngliiJi khci.c

Like the others; such as the

others; similar to the others... &: # Nhiing ngllili ban. tot
nh.u Nam, Tri, Tung thi),t la hiem =Good friends like(=
such as; similar to ... ) Nam, Tri, Tung are quite rare
{like =preposition).

Ba anh c6 lam banh. mi nhu lam btinh ngot khong? = Does

your father make bread like he makes cakes? (like =

' Di.tng hanh. d9ng nhu: may lil chu =Don't act like
you are the boss! (like = as if= conjunction). Ngoai ra
"like" con la verb, noun, adj, adv nhu cac ban. dii biet.


Bai dich. tham khao:


1. Vietnam health Insurance was formed after the government
the Decree 299/HDBT on August 15.1992
stipulating the Regulations of Health Insurance.
2. Vietnam Health Insurance has the duty to give directions for
Implementing the Regulations of Health Insurance in the
whole country:

To help you get health care and avoid financial difficulties

in case of sickness, especially when you contact serious


Those who have health insurance cards are examined and

treated in State health establishments with which health
insurance agencies have had contracts and will not have to
pay hospital fees.


At present, Vietnam Health Insurance and 53 health

insurance organizations of provinces and cities in the
entire country are carrying out health insurance forms for
the following kinds of people. .
a) Obligatory health insurance: reserved for paid employees
in agencies and businesses of diversified economic sectors
b) Voluntary health Insurance: reserved for everybody whose
contribution depends on the capacity of providing health
service of each locality. Those who have average wages in
society can easily join this insurance.
The forms include:


- Initial health care.

- Examination and in-treatment.
- Examination and out-treatment.
c) HumanitarianHealth Insurance
reserved for the
unfortune in life such as orphans, the street-children, the
lonely aged, the crippled, the poor who have neither
support nor capacity to join Health Insurance Programme.
6. These people are expecting the generous help from
everybody, humanitarian
domestic and
foreign businesspeople in order that they may get cards and
they may have health care.
Ciing c6 th~ dich: These people are looking forward the
plentiful help ...


With humanitarian health insurance cards, when failing

sick, the unfortune are entitled to all health services like
the others.





I. Chii.m soc sac khoe ba m~, tre em ua ke' hooch. hoa gia dinh
cUtr;lc xem nhu m9t chuang trinh quan trong uim cCI quoc gia
tai Vi~t Nam.
2. Day la m9t trong nhUrig l1U tien b9,c nhat trong chudng
trinh phat trien kinh te' xa h9i cua <fat nuoc.

3. Gae muc dicli cua van a nay bao g6'm:

a) Giam

ty l~ ti't uong scin phu.


ty l~ tu vong hai nhi

c) Guim ty l~ suy dinh duflng IJ tre em du<Ji 5 tu6'i.
b) Gidm

d)V~n dr?ng


co 'them nguai chap nhtin sil dung thuoc

ngita thai.

tieu nhtim toi la tang 2%

ty l? ph6 bien. ngita thai

hang ruim.

e) V{in d9ng thuc hi~n gia dinh c6 1 den 2 con.

4. Day la mqt th<ich thuc lan d0 v{Ji, cac doi u(J ch6ng, nhilng
nguC!i dang IJ Uta tudi co kha ruing sinh con.

5. Muc d&u tu cho kt hOCJ,Ch hod gia dinh con rat tluip. Ude tinh
chi co 2, 000 a6ng cho m6i adu ngui:ti miic du nhii cdu thuc
Sf/ da duac U(ic tinh la vao k/uxlng 10 ngim d6ng.
6. Cd nguC!i cung cap va.ngum sil dung diu dang thieu thong
tin mdi nhat, ciing nhu thiiu ca kien thuc vi phuong ph<ip
ngita thai hien. dCJ,i, thieu thuoc, khong art(/c hu<Jng d<in,
thitu ky ruing va thiet bi de'triet sdn.

Trong so' ctic bien. ph<ip trtinh. thai hi~n dai thi vong triinh.
thai dll<Jc lua choti nhiu nhdt.

8. 80% phu nii Vift Nam IJ n6ng thon dung vong trtinh. thai
thay vi dung cdc phu<Jng phdp hi~ dg,i kluic nhi triet sdn,
bao cao su, thu6c ngila thai...

Theo thong ke y te' thi trong uong muai thong dau nam. nay
triet san tang gap nam. l&n so v{/i, cung ky niim

so' nguai

10. V~t Nam co so' ph(J, nlt dung phuang phdp tri~t San khong
qua phau thuat dong nhat (50.000 ca) bdng each dij,t vong
cdc uien. thu6c QUINACRINE trong bu6ng tit cung.
11. Day la thanh. cong ui dai nhdt trong tat
ngila thai su6t may thQ,p nien. qua.


ca cdc nghien cuu ul


Su kt hoach hod, u.iec lap ki hoach cho mot uiec ei =

planning (NU). (= making plans for something). Kt hoach
ho<i gia dinh =family planning (n) (= sit dung each. tranli
thai di gidi han. so'con trong mt gia dinh) (= the practice of
using contraception to limit the number of children in a
family ...). Quy hoach do thi = town planning (= v~c quy
hoach. ua ve kieu tat cd cdc loai nha d, dui!ng xci, ctiu co'ng,
cong uien.u.u ... tai m9t noi ndo do khiln chung hap clan ua
t~n l<;ti cho ngudi d/in. so'ng noi dO) (= the planning and
design of all the new buildings, roads, bridges, parks, and
so on in a place in order to make them attractive and
convenient for the people who live there).

- Uy

ban Quy hoach Do thi = The Town Planning


- Giay phep xay dung sU'a chfta nha = planning

Permission (esp. Brit)(= giay phep cua chinh quyin dia
phuang ma ban b&t bupc phdi c6 trudc khi ban. c6 thl xay
nha hoij,c sila nha) (=a licence that you must get from the
local authority before you can build a house or make an
extension to an existing building.).
Efi..: ~ Ban da xin giay phep xay dung chual = Have you

applied for planning permission?

Viec chiim soc sue khoe ba me, tre em = the mother and
children health care; the maternal and child health care ...
Eg: ~ Di ruim bi benh. va dang diiu tri tai Trung tam chiini soc
sue khoe ba me ua tre em Tan Binh =Aunt Nam is ill
and undergoing treatment at Tan Binh Mother and
Children Health (Care) Center.


- Dude xem nhu = to be regarded as. Co the' thay regarded

= considered; deemed; seen; examined; believed; thought
about ...
, Tam du<Jc xem nhu la m9t trong so' nhiing hoc sinh xua't
s&.c nhat cua. thanh. pho' chung ta = Tam is thought
about as one of our City's brightest pupils.


- Mot chudng trinh quan trong t&m cil quoc gia = an

national programme; a nationwide
program of great importance; a key program over the
whole territory of Vietnam hoij,c... over the whole
Vietnamese territory ...

ceo z.
- Mot trong nhftng llU tien bac nhat = one of the first
priorities; one of the highest claims; one of the most
urgent needs (= requirements ...) ... ~: Nhitng van de'
ndy se uu tien. hon. ca = these questions take
precedence(= priority) of (or over) all others hoij,c: these
questions must be considered first.

Chudng trinh phat trie'n kinh tl xci h6i = The social

economic development program(me) hot!-c: the socioeconomic growth plan (n) ...

- Tit nay den nam 2000 = from now to the year 2000; up
to the year 2000; till the year 2000 ...

- C<ic muc dich cua vtfo al nay bao g6m = co thl dich. nhieu
each: The objectives (= targets; purposes; goals; aims
(n). .. ) of this planning can be listed as follows: ... ho{i.c


The items of this issue include: (= consist of; embrace; to

be composed of; to be made up of . .) ho<f,c a<Jn gian han:

This planning aims at:

a) - Reduction of the maternal ... (= cutting doum. the
maternal mortality rate).
d) =Promotion for higher acceptability of ... (=Promoting
the acceptability of. . .).
e) - Promotion for the realization ... (= Encouraging the

realization ...).

Ty M tti vong san phu: the maternal mortality

Ty le tti vong hai nhi: the infant mortality rate.
TY le suy dinh duime: the

malnutrition rate.

Van dong= To promote

-s t promotion. (n)


To encourage ~ : encouragement (n)

-t support

~ : support ... (n)

E.g: - Nhiing li:fi noi cua ruing da la slf dqng uien. (= u~n d9ng;
khuytn khich .. .) rat l<Jn d& v<Ji t6i = Her words were a

great encouragement to me.

Van dong dl c6 them ngttdi sll' dung thuoe ngua thai = to
support more people who use (ho{ic thay who use =
using) contraceptive pills.



Contraceptive (n) & (adj.) - 1 I d1:tng qi, thuoc, phuang

phdp tranh. thu. thai (= drug, device, or method used
as a means of preventing conception). 2/ (adj.) =
trtinli thu thai, thuoc ui trtinh. thu thai ... (e preuenting
conception(= slj tlu: thai).

- Luc thu. thai

= the moment of conception .

. C6 nang u(/ ke hooch. (=SI/ thu. thai cua nang la ngodi di!
k~n) = Her conception is unplanned to conceive (ui) &
(vt): thu. thai; mang thai, c6 thai ... (... to become pregnant).
Elf.: , Dlla be thu thai vao thdng ba va chao diti vao thdng

muai hai = The baby was conceived in March and

born in December.

, Ba xa n6 d_a dli<JC bao cho bitt la co nang khong the' c6 thai

=His wife was told she couldn't conceive.


le ph6 bien ngita thai = the contraceptive prevalence

rate. (prevalence [n) [U) =SI/ phrl bie'n [=state of being seen
or done eueryioherel).

- Tinh phrl bien. cua benh. s& ret tai cdc buon. Zang mien
nui.: = The prevalence of malaria in mountainous

villages. ..
M uc tieu nh&m den... hdng niim. Co the' dicli.: and the
contraceptive prevalence rate will be increased by 2% per

- Thit thdch ldn. = a big challenge; a great difficulty ...

- Doi vd cholig = a couple; a (young)man and his wife.
- Llla tuo'i c6 kha ming sinh con = reproductive age. (To
reproduce= to produce young {n). Gau nay c6 the' dich:
it is a big challenge for all couples, people in their
reproductive age... ho{i,c: It is a great difficulty to those who
are in their reproductive age ...



- Mite ddu tit = the investment; the sum of money
invested in family planning ...
llac tinh = to estimate; to calculate (sth) approximately;
to form a judgement about ...

* Hang cluing

toi da it& tinh gid can nha mm do la 800

trieu d6ng VN = Our firm estimated the cost of that
new house at VND 800 million.

* Toi uoc tinh lai tuc cua ba. ta la 20 trieu d6ng mQt thang
= Approximately, I calculate her income at VND 20

million per month.

u'ac tinh ... cho m6i ddu ngzt?Ji

tien ddtt tu chi la 2.000

di}ng...) = it (the investment; the amount) has been only
2,000 Vietnamese dong per capita...

- Nhu cciu th.uc sf! = the real need; the factual

requirement; the real demand ...

ca 6:
- Nguili cung cap
- NguiJi sit' dung

= prouidertn), supplier(n) ...

= user(n).

Eg: Nguai sit dung di~n = the electricity user. Nguai sit' ,
dung di~n thoai = the telephone user. Nguai sit' dung
xe gcin may= the motor-bike user...

- Thieu: to face with shortage of; to lack; to want; to need;

to be short of.: Eg: Cong ty ba ta dang thieu v6n =
Her company is lacking capital. Con me do eta ban

can thieu = She gave short weight

* Ban. dii thieu. bao


nhieu bai hoct = How many lessons have you missed?

' Con thieu 2 ban = two friends are still missing (con
nhih: each djch tit THIEU, tuy theo nghia. Pluii hieu

nghia tilng Vi~t trong titng ngil canh. {context] mai dich
chinli xac duac).
- Thong tin mfli nhiit = the most recent information: the
latest news; up-to-date information ...
- Kien thitc v~ c<ic phztang phap ngiia thai hien dai =

knowledge (= awareness) of modern contraceptive

methods. Luu y: kiln thuc ul ... "ul' ii day nen dich =
OF chu khong dich = about).

* su thac cua toi vi tie'ng Hoa con ngheo nan

lil.m = my
knowledge of Chinese is still very poor. Ba chi
hieu biet tung chi tiet ue' thili ky do = Her grandmother
has a detailed knowledge of that period.


- Thuoc = medicine (n) (= tluuic u6ng); medicament (n)

(= thu6c u6ng hodc xoa len. nguiti); remedy (n) = thu6c,
phuong thuoc); drug (n) (= thucc, chat dung lam
thu6'c .. .). Tuy nhieti "thu6c" (J day nen dich. = supplies
(pl.n) (e medical supplies= ngu6n thuoc dzt(Jc cap).
Eg: ~ True dii tlui tiep ti cho d/in. lang lam n<;in =
Helicopters are dropping supplies for the stranded
villagers. (Supplies d day co the' bao g6m: food, fuel &
drug ... supplies).
- Khong dude hzt<Jng dan (= khong (c6) mang lztdi hu<Jng

dan) = no counselling system, no advising network ...

Thieu ky n<:ing ua thiet bi de' triet san: lack (n) of
sterilization skill and equipment.


Cau 7:

- VOng tranh thai = Intra - Uterine Device (thr.tdn.g dr.t<!c

viet t&.t: IUD) (= a plastic- loop or spiral inserted in the
uterus as a contraceptive((= uong ho(ic hinli xo&n trim.
bdng nhua deo dtt(Jc d<J,t vdo trong tit cung nhu _m(jt each
. di tranh thai).


I Intra (prefix)!= thuang

ket hlJp v{Ji tinh tit va co nghia:

trong, ben trong (=within, on the inside).


Intra+ muscular (adj.)

-e intrcmuscular

(ben trong) (thu9c vl b&.p thit) ->- (ben trong bdp thit)
Intra+ state (adj)

-e intra-state (esp. US)

(ben trong) (thuoc vi tie'u bang). (ben trong

tieu bang)

Intra-state highways = cac xa l{) n&.m trong tiiu bang.

cao s.
- Phu nit (J nong them = women in the countryside; countrywomen ...
- Thay vi (dung)= (khong dicb: "dung") instead of .. Eg: ~
Thay vi lam bai tij,p (J nha n6 lai chai suot
buoT. chieu =
He has been playing all afternoon instead of doing
his homework. # Toi se di thay bon = I will go instead
of you (Luu y: INSTEAD con duoc dung nhu "adverb".


Eg: ~ Chung toi khong co rU<JU, Ong dung bia thay the' nhe?

We have no brandy. Would you like beer instead?)

- Triet sdn = to sterilize, -ise [sterdaiz] Eg: # Sau dua con

thu tu, chi ay da quyet dinh. triet sdn = After her fourth
child she decided to be sterilized (ho(ic to have herself


- Su triet san = sterilization - isation. g:

Tai ddt nuoc ctic ban, v~c triet san d6i udi cac cha m~ c6
tren. 4 con c6 tinh each b&t buoc khong? = Is
sterilization compulsory for parents of more than 4

children in your country?

- Bao cao su =Condom.(= a rubber covering which a man
wears on his penis during sexual intercourse. It is used as
a contraceptive and as a protection against catching or
spreading diseases such as AIDS.)
- Thuoc ngita thai =pills khong ccin dich. "contraceptive
pill" nguiJi doc vdn hie'u dli<Jc.
Ciiu. 9:

- Thong ke y te' = the medical statistics

- Trong vong mlidi thang a&u nam nay = over (ho{i.c
winthin) ten first months of this year.
- Nglidi triet san (= ngudi dung phiamg pluip triet sdn) =
user. person who uses sterilisation;
sterilized people I nguiti du(Jc tri~t sdn)...
- So


= in comparison with (hofi,c to); compared with

(hoiic to).

* Chile xe gan may cua chi. ay tot han. nhiiu so vcJi chw'c cua
= Her motor-bike is much better than yours hoiu:
... is good compared with yours.

- Cung thiJi ky nam ngo<ii = the same period of last year.

Ciiu. 10:

- Phli<tng phap triet sdn khtmg qua phdu thuii.t

surgical methods for sterilisation.

The non-

Bu6ng ta cung

= uterine cavity,

- Vien thuo'c (dij,t trong bu6ng ta cung) = pellet (= loai

thuoc vien. tron duoc lam b&ng chat lieu di tan) (= kind
of pill made of soft material).
Being each diit cac vien thu6c ... ta cung: C6 thi dicn.: by
putting quinacrine pellets into the uterine cavity ho.c .
by using quinacrine pellets inserted (= placed; fitted )
into the uterine cavity.
Ciiu. 11:
- Thanh cong ui dai nhat = The greatest success; the
achievement of great importance.
Tat cd cac nghien citu vl ngita thai = All studies on
contraception c6 the' thay "studies" = scientific tests;
experiments ...
- Thap ky = decade (n) thitiJng doc [dekeid] [deka:JJ hoiic
Decade la khodng thai gian 10 nen. ciing dich. la "tluip
nien" (= a period of ten years). Eg: ~ Tit a&u thij,p nien.
80... = Since the early 1980s ... Thgp nieti CUOL cung cua
the' ky 19 = The last decade of the 19th century (tuc tit
1890 aen JB99J.
Bai dich. tham khao:


1. The maternal and child health care and family planning is

considered as an important national programme in Vietnam.


2. It is one of the first priorities of the social economic

development programme of the country.
3. The objectives of this planning can be listed as follows:
a) Reduction of the maternal mortality rate.
'b) Reduction of the infant mortality rate.
c) Reduction of the malnutrition rate of under five children.
d) Promotion for higher acceptability of contraceptive. The
target is to increase the contraceptive prevalence rate by
2% annually.
e) Promotion for the realization of small family size one or
two children.

It is a big challenge for all couples, people in their

reproductive age.

5. The investment for family planning is still very low. It has

been only 2,000 Vietnamese dong per capita, though the
real need was estimated at about 10,000 Vietnamese dong.
6. Both providers and users are facing with shortage of up-todate information and knowledge of modern contraceptive
methods, of supplies, no counselling system, lack of
sterilization skill and equipment

Among modern contraceptives, the intra- uterine device is

the first place of choice.

8. Eighty per cent of the Vietnamese women in the countryside

use the intra uterine devices instead of other modern
methods such as sterilization; condoms, pills ...


According to the medical statistics, over 10 first months of

this year, the number of sterilization users increases 5
times in comparison with the same. period of last year.

10. Vietnam has the biggest quantity (50,000 cases) of women

who used the non- surgical methods for sterilization by
using quinacrine pellets inserted into the uterine cavity.
11. This is the greatest success among all the studies on
contraception during last decades.

BAI 3.



1. Hien. nay, vi~c phong chong ccic loai benh. xii h<?i dang la mo!
quasi tam hang dau cua nganh. y t{ VCt cdc C(J quan doan. thf
khac tai thanh. pho' H6 Chi Minh.
2. Day la cdc benb. t6n tai ph6 bien ua dang tren. da tang nhanh,
de doa sue khoe, gi61ig noi va cho sl,( pluit trien. toati di?n

CUa Xii h(}i.

3. Thanh pho' c6 m9-t d<J dan. s(/ cao nluit, c()ng u<Ji sf! phitc tap
trong diJi s6'ng xii h9i lam pluit sinh va lay Zan benh. tg,t
nhanh. Dij,c biet, Sida da co nguy ca bung n5.

4. Trong nhom benh. xa h9i (Sida, giang mai, phong, sot nit,
lao) ngoai Sida chua tim ra thuoc, 4 benh. con lai dii co
thuif'c d(i,c tri.
5. Die'u quan trong la khi ngttiJi. benh. dtt<jc phat hi~n sdm. vii
dilu tri k~p thiti se dg,p uu ngui5'n lay lan trong gia dinh va

xii fi9i.
6. Vi v{Zy, S(J Y te' coi c6ng tac tuyen. truyen gicio due sau r9ng

trong nluin. dtin nhu m<;>t loai v&c xiti hiai hi?u nhat.


7. Nhu uy, benh. nguy hie'm nhat vein la Sida, sau d6 La lao.
Bdi ui khi Sida pluit trien se keo benh. Lao phdt trien theo.


a nude ta, benh. lao phoi van la mot benh. truyen nhiem. klui
nij,ng ni

9. Bdi vy, ngoai b~nh vi~n trung tam, thanh. ph{/ &i xay df!ng
altcjc mot mang ludi y t( tJiu khdp tit thanh. pho' den Cd SCJ

- 33 phong khcim da khoa khu ouc

- 10 b~nh uien. qun

- 282 tram. y te'phuimg,


10. Rieng benh. lao ditcjc cap pluit mihi phi va phiin. cap ngoai
tri cho Cd Sd, dlt<JC thuc h~n triet ai nen. dt;it ket qua kha
11. Vi~c phong ch6ng cac benh. xii hqi khong chi rieng trong
nganh y te; ma moi nguai, mdi nha phdi duoc hiiu bi{t va
tham gia phbng ch6ng.

14. Van di d(U ra la khi ngt.titi dan. khong chiu thay doi hanh. vi
va tu duy cua h9 thi moi bien. pluip phong chong diu trd

uo dung.

Di bai c6 thl dich nhiiu each:
- The struggle against social diseases in HCMC. Struggling
against social diseases ...
- The prevention of social diseases in HCMC; preventing (the
spread of) social diseases ... ; to prevent social diseases (from
spreading) ...


- Viec phong ch6ng <preuention


Szt lan truyn =spread

(n). Lan truyin = to spread.


Uy ban phong chong czt XU doc ac d6'i vm thu vat = The

Committee for the prevention of cruelty to Animals #
Phong benh h<Jn chila benh = prevention is better than

- M6'i quan tam hang dti.u = the. main concern; the

leading worry; the chief anxiety ...
- Cac benh t&n tai phd bie'n (nen. bo bot "t0n tai") =popular

diseases; widespread diseases ...

- Tren da tang nhanh = to be on rapid increase.

- Gwng noi =race


nation ...

- Szt phat triin toan dien xii hoi = the complete
development of the society; the progress of the entire
country; the advance of the whole community ...
Cau 3:
- Mat <16 = desity (n). Mat do giao thong= traffic density. Mat
cto dan so'= population density. Jk: # Traffic density in
HCM City has been increasing = M9,t d9 xe c9 tai TPHCM
eta va dang gia tang lien tuc.
- Sil phuc tap trong diJi song xii hoi

= the complexity in social


- Bung

n6: to break out...


.. . "Dae biet, Sida co neuv ca bung n61' c6 the' dich: In

particular the Aids disease is effecting every place. Hoiic:
- Exceptionally (hoi;ic Unusually), the Aids disease broke

out in parts of the country.

- Especially, the Aids disease may spread everywhere ...

Gau 4:
- Sida uiet t&t nhiing chft cdi ctau cua cdc ti.t tieng Pluip:
Syndrome D'Immune Deficience Acquise (Dich. nghia: H9i
cluing suy giam miin dich. m&c pluii).
AIDS - viet uu chit aii ddu cua cdc ti.t tie'ng Anh: The
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (M&c pluii h()i
cluing suy giam miln dich).

SIDA ho{ic AIDS la can ~nh th( ky, lay truyin do vi rut
HIV. * Retro - Yirut vo h~u hoti h~ thong miln dich. khien
mqt so benh. trudc clay ndm im nay c6 co h()i tr6i d{i.y tan
pha ca the'gay nen ti'.t uong.

Thu6c c!Q,c tri = special drug (s); pharmaceutical

preparation(s); special medicine ...

Benh giang mai = syphilis. Benh phong (= cui, hui) =
lepr_osy. (n). .

Ngititi.m&c benh phong (cui) = leprosy sufferer; leprosy

victim; leprosy patient; leper (n). Benh vien phong =
leper hospital.

Gau 5:
Kiv thdi = opportune (adj) (Brit); [ :Jpitju:n]; (US): =
punctual (adj).


Vi~c can thi~p qua s vao cw?c xung d()t

d6 th4t kjp thai = The military intervention in that
conflict was opportune.
dung gia). Eg: ,

, D61 vdi cac cuoc hen. ho nay cdc ban. nen dung giiJ
should be punctual for this appointment.


, Nang luon. luon. den dung giil = Her arrival is always

punctual. Ngu6n lay Zan = the extension of the
disease; the spread of the disease ... (= sf! lay lan; Zan
truyen .. .)

Coi... nhrt = to consider (sth. sb .. .) as; to regard (sth,
sb.. .) as; to examine ... as; to deem ... as. Vi du: , Chi
coi oiec giup dil cac ban la nghia v~ cua chi
= She
deemed it her duty to help you hoijc she deemed that
was her duty to help you.


, Ditng coi em nlut

your enemy.

ke thu

cua anh


Don't regard me as

Cong tac tuyen truyen gUio due = (nen. hilu la tuyen truyn
due] vi phbng ch6ng cdc b~nh t,t) = the
propaganda about the prevention of diseases.

Trong nhan dan


in the public; in the society; in the

Vi du: , Quan cluing duoc yeu cdu khong xd rtic ngoai

drti!ng ph6' = The pulic is (ho{ic are) requested not to
leave litter in the street.
Cau 7:
Sau d6 = then
afterwards ...

(adv); next


after that;


Vi du: ~ Vi~c gi da xdy ra sau d6? = What happened

next? (hoif,c thay next = then; after that; afterwards...)

~ Chung toi dii trdi qua m9t tuan. (J Cdn Tho va sau d6 di
B<;J.c Lieu ::::: We spent a week in Can Tho and then went
to Bae Lieu .
.. . Sau do la lao = then comes tuberculosis. Khi co Adverb
hoij,c Adverb phrase diJ,t (J dau cau thi thuimg dung ddo
ngu (inversion), nhtft la d cac adv. of frequency.
Eg: 1- Adverb aat c1 adu ctiu:

- Never again will we stay in that hotel= Khong baogii:J

cluing t6i se luu. lai trong kluich. S(ln d6 ldn tlui hai.
2-Adverb phrase dii.t (J

aau cau:

- Twice within my lifetime have world wars taken

place = Cdc trtin. chien tranh the' gi<ii da xdy ra hai ldn
trong ddi t6i...
Attention: Dao ngit thuimg dung trong viin viet hon van n6i.
- Nhu v(j,y

= thus; so; in this way; to this point ...

- Benh truyin nhilm kh<i niing

contagious disease.


= a widespread

ma nen thay =
widespread (= truyen. nhiim lay lan di dang (J pham vi
rqng ldn).

- "Kha nang nt' C! day khOng dich.

= serious

Ciiu 9:
- Nen. bO bat ccic tit khong c&n thiet "Bdi. v(iy'', "deu kh&p tit

thank pho' den




- Mang lttm y tt = a health network.

- Phong khdm da khoa khu ulic = a general clinic

- Tram y te' phuiJng xii. = dispensaries in wards and

Cau 10:
- Rieng benh lao dude... (= cac b~nh nhij,n m&c b~nh lao
du(/c nluin. thuoc mdn phi) = Tuberculosis (thrtilng vret
t&t T.B) patients get medicine free of charge. Nen. t(i.p
sit dl!-ng thanh. thao cdu true.

Subject x Verb
Don't get
They set
I painted



your clothes
the prisoners
the doors


ua cau true thu. dqng (passive construction):


doors were painted green

The prisoners were set free ...

Benh nhan ngoai tri =an outpatient
. . . va phan cap ngoai tri ccic Cd SU...

= ctic trung tam cluim.

soc sue khoe dia phutmg chiim. soc b~nh nluin ngoai tri... =
local health care centres take care of outpatients
and this work ...

ca 11:
...khong chi rieng trong nganh y te' = khong chi gi{ti han.
trong nganh. y tt "Trong" 1J day nen. dich. = within,
khong dicb. = in.


- M6i nha phai dli<Jc hilu

= each family must be

given knowledge of... (knowledge = awareness).

- Tham gia
in ...

to join in; to take part in; to participate

Vi du: , Tai sao ban. kMng tham gia vao cusc tluio lun?
Why don't you join in the discussion (= Why are you

, Toi tham gia uao cucjc chai dzt<Jc chit?= May I join in the
Viec phong chong benh xii hoi ... fJl trtinh. cuimg d~u ta co
thl dich: The prevention and struggle social
diseases ... C6 thi thay struggle (n) = fight; combat ...
Luu y: == Struggle against = chien Mu chOng lg,i struggle for ... = chi.en Mu (tranh dau) cho, vi...
Cau 12:
Van di diit ra la ... = the problem to reveal is that Co
thl thay problem= matter (n); question (n); issue (n) va
to reveal = to state; to make known; to affirm.: Tuy
nhien, chung' ta ciing co thl dich. dan. gidn: The problem
is that ...
Van di thiti gian =a question of time.
E.g: , Si! thanh. cong cua lio chl la van di thiti gian = Their
success is only a question of time(= their success will
certainly come sooner or later).
Hanh. vi= act (n); action (n); deed (n)...
E.g: Giup ngztm mu qua duac ph6' dong due la m9t hanh.
vi tot = It is an act of kindness to help a blind man
across the busy street.


Tu duy

= thought (n); idea (n); way of thinking; process

of thinking; activity of thinking; belief (n); judgement (n);

opinion (n) ...

Anh ta bo ra hang giCi dl tu duy = He spends hours in

Anh ta a&m chim trong tu duy = He was lost in thought
(= he was thinking so deeply as to be unaware of his
surroundings .. .).

Tu duy cua ban. khong con thich h<;tp v{Ji tinh hinh hien. tai

niia = Your thought is no longer suitable for the

present situation.
Bien phcip phong ch6ng =preventive measure. C6 thl th'ay
measure= proceeding (n); step (n); plan (n); course
of action ...

Vo dung = futile

['fju:tail] (US: [fju:til]; of no use; useless;

without result; vain (adj.)...

A futile attempt= m9t c{{gcing vo (dung) ich.

Bdi dich. tham khao:


1. At present, the prevention of social diseases is the main

concern of the health branch and other agencies in Ho Chi

Minh City.
2. These are popular diseases which are on rapid increase and
are threatening our health, our race and our social



The city has high density and the highest population in the

country. Besides, the complexity in social life helps diseases

develop and spread quickly. Especially, the Aids disease
may spread everywhere.

Of social diseases (aids, syphilis, leprosy, malaria,

tuberculosis), medicine for treatment of Aids has not yet
been found while there are special drugs for the other

5. The important thing is that when a patient is discovered

early and opportune and that he receives treatment
immediately, this will stop the spread of the disease. in
family and society.

For that reason, the health Service considers the

propaganda about the prevention of diseases in the public

7. So, the most dangerous disease is Aids, then comes

tuberculosis . When Aids develops, it is followed by
8. Tuberculosis is still a widespread contagious disease in our
9. Besides the central hospital, the City has built a health
network with:
33 general clinics
10 district hospitals.
282 dispensaries in wards and villages
10. T.B patients get medicine free of charge and local health
care centres take care of out - patients and this work has
been well implemented, so good results have been made so


11. The prevention and combat against social diseases is not

restricted within health branch, but each individual
each family must he informed of the disease and join in the
12. The problem is that when people do not change their acts
and thoughts, all preventive measures will be futile.



1. Theo u<k: tinh To' chitc Y te' the'gidi. (WHO), hi~n co tren
500 trieu tre em (J cac nuo: dang pluit trien bi thisu dinh
duiJng, lam cho 10 triu
em tit vong m6i tuim.



iJ Vi~t Nam tre suy dinh du<mg chiem. ty l~ tit 40%-50%.

3. Tinh trang suy dinh drtiing keo dai nay la luc cdn cho ui~c
phat tri,lnthl chat vd tri tu~ cua
em Vi~t Nam.


den Luc can pluii v~n i/9ng phong trao xii h9i cdi thien.
tinh trang suy dinh du<tng lJ tre em, bdi vi "sue khoe cua
tre em hom nay la Slf phQn vinh CUa dat nuac ngay

4. Dii

5. NhiJ nhling bi~n pluip tich cc, trong ruim. 1995, ty l~ duoi 5
tu-O'i bi suy dinh duflng c1 thanh. pho chi con 15,1%.
6. So v{li. nhiing tuim 1980, tinh. trang suy dinh. dtt<Jng !J tre n6i
chung da giam dang ke: c1ij.c bi~t la suy dinh drtung fl cdc thi
n{ing nhu teo dit vd the'phit.


7. Thieu dinh dufJng khong chi lam tang ti l~ tit uong iJ tre em.
Thieu dinh duiing quan trong han. da ddn den tinh trang
tluip be, nhe can d tre em va voe dang nho be lJ nguiti ldn.
8. Da Mn luc cluing ta phdi nhin. nluin. dung muc thuc trang
nay Va som CO bien pluip khdc phuci-), neu khong se anh
hztlmg nghiem. trong den the'~ tuang lai.
9. Cong tac phong chong suy dinh dudng II tluinh. ph6' nhiing

niim qua chl truii dr;it duoc h~u qua het sue han. cht so ucJi



10. Theo chung tsi, han che' do chu yeu la do thanh: ph6' thieu
m9t chuang trinh. phoi hap d<fog b9 giiia cac nganh. chuc
niing nhzt Uy ban bao v~ cham soc tre em va cdc nganh. y te;
guio due ciing nhu ctic doan. thi khdc.
11. Di duy tri chuong trinh. nay, thanli pho can ban dua uao ccic
chuang trinh quoc te' va cac t6 chuc nhu tit thien. trong va
ngoai nuac chu khong co kinh phi rieng cho cong tac phbng
cho'ng suy dinh. duimg.
12. Cham soc dinh dztC!ng cho tre em la nluin.
hang dau trong chie'n luac vi con ngztiJi. Vi
quan tam den van di ruing cao dan. tri, cdi
con ngztiJi pluii duac xem la mt?t trong nhiing
trong va cap bcich hien nay.

t6' quan trong

vy dau tu va
thisn. sue khoe
m{lc tieu. quati






dinh dttCJng: The

Anti: tiep dau to' (prefix) duoa dung rqng riii u{Ji ca
"nouns" va "adjectives" di diin
(opposed to; against hoiic PHONG CH6NG (preventing).



Eg: Anti-war

= chong chien.tranh

= cho'ng chinh. phu


= bai


Anti- tank = chong tang


cholig de' quoc ...

MAL= tiep ddu to' c6 nghia ld "xdu"; "suy yeu"; "sai trai";
"kh6ng chinh xde"...
Vi du: Maladministration (n) = sl,( qtuin.lj to'i.
Malpractice (n) = hanh. d9ng bo:t chinh.
Malodour (n) +mui hoi th6i.
- Theo Sll lloc tinh cua to' chuc y t{ the' gi<Ji... = According to
the estimation of World Health Organisation (W.H.0.) ...
/wg,c: On the authority of W.H.O'S judgement, over
500 milion children are presently (hocj,c currently)
suffering from malnutrition, killing 10 million
children every year (hoij.ctheo "bai dicii tham khdo" cuo'i
Luu.j: Million (n & adj): 10 milion. of children
10 mi lion children
- Tre suy dinh dliiJng: undernourished children;
unsufficient-of-food children; underfed children;
low - fed children ...


- Chim

tY le 40%-50% = to occupy

40-50%. Co

thi thay to occupy


to account for

= to take up; to fill ...

Tinh trang suy dinh duang keo dai nay = this long
lasting malnutrition hoijc this malnutrition continuing
for a long time... (Long truang h(/p 1 la (adv.. .) truang
h<Jp 2 (adj.)
~: #

I've long been intending to call on you = tit Lau toi

dii co j dinh: ghe thiim. ban. (to call on = to pay a short

- L<i. can cho SU phat triin = ngiin. can sl,( phdt trie'n =
to hamper the development of... co the' thay "to
hamper" = to hinder; today; to prevent; to stop; to
bar; to impede ..
Eg: #

What impedes your making an early start?

anh khdi hdnh sdm?

= diiu gi

ngii.n can

Don't hinder my work = dung can tra Cong ui~c cua

toi. Hooe: Don't hinder me in my work.
To hinder sb from doing sth

= ngiin. can ai lam

diiu gi.


- Da

c!en luc =it

is high time (to do sth).

- Phai uan dong phong trdo xa h6i cai thien tinh trang suy
dinh duiing 11 tre em = to launch a social movement

to improve children's malnutrition (C6 the'thay "to

launch"= to put into action, to wage...)



- Su pho'n uinh = prosperity (n); richness; economical

success ...
Eg: Slf pho'n uinh cua dat nuoc Bru-nei la nha oao uiec kham


pha ra d&u
= The prosperity (ho{j,c the richness) of
Brunei wa.s due to the discovery of oil.
Ctiu 5:
- Nh(J (prep.(= thank to; due to; as the result of; owing to;
because of; on account of .. Ef:.: Nh(J slj giup d(J
ma cluing toi da thanh. cong = Thanks to your help we
were successful hoij,c As the result of your help ...


- Nhitng bien phcip tich cue: The positive measures

Co the' thay positive = practical; constructive;
measure (n) = proceeding(n); step (n) ...


Eg: Anh de' nghi bisn pluip naot = What measure do you
propose? Chung toi phdi dung bi~n phap manli dOi v{Ji
bon bift luang = We must take strong (ho{i.c drastic;
severe) measures against the wrongdoers.
- Chi con 15.1% = gidm con 15.1% = to decrease to 15,1%.
hoiic thay to decrease = to be reduced; to be made less to; to
become less to... E.g: She is reduced to a skeleton =
chi con la b9 xuang (=she has become very thin).


Gau 6:
- Nhilng niim 1980 (= tluip nien. 1980) =the 1980s. Nhung
niim 1970=the1970s.
- Noi chung: Generally speaking; in general; in a general
sense; without regard to details ...


E.g: ~ N1li chung tit truce den nay chi ay la m9t cong nhdn. tOt

Generally speaking, she has been a good worker.

N6i chung, ke' hooeh. cua b{Zn da dli<Jc moi nguUi trong
Cong ty chung toi ung h9 = Generally speaking, (hoij,c
without regard to details ... ) your plan was welcomed
by everyone in our company.
- Benh suy dinh du<mg teo dit = MARASMUS
- Benh suy dinh du<tng thi phu


dinh duiing = s thie'u dinh duiing =
Motnutritiontn): the lack of food;under-nourishment/n):
the insufficiency of food...


- Tinh trang thap be= shortness (n)...

- Tinh trang nhe can= underweight (n); weight below the
usual ... (Underweight Overweight).
- V6c d<ing nM bed ngzti1i Wn =small shape in adults.
- Voe d<fog: shape; outer

form; appearanceln) ...

- Phai nhin .nhan dung mric thuc trang nay

= pluii


gui dung muc = to have a proper assessment of this

reality; to assess this reality properly; to evaluate this
situation correctly (= precisely; exactly .. .) C6 the' thay
"assessment"= "evaluation".
- Sam co bien ph<ip khiic phuc = to soon

work out
effective measures, ('Soon" la ado). Co the' thay: to
work out = to find out... - Neu khong = otherwise
(conj.); if not .

. 202

Ei[_: Chung ta pluii chay,

neu khong chung ta se ro:t tre = we

must run, otherwise we'll be too late.



Anh. se di
em di
kh6ng, anh nha con han. = I'll
go if you're going - if not, I would rather stay at

ceu o.
tac phong
malnutrition ...


chtfng suy dinh dttfJng = the

task; the task of preventing

Dat dude hieu qua rat han che' so vdi yeu c6-u =to attain
very limited efficiency compared to requirements. Co the'
thay to attain = to get; to obtain; to gain... va
requirements= needs; demands; wants ...
Cciu 10:

. Theo chung toi: in our opinion hoij,c to us ...


che' do: that shortcoming (= failure; mistake;

fault ... ).

Han che' /J day phai duoc hieu la "s11 sai sot", "vi~c
khong da: du(/c m~c tieu da di ra" chrJkhong c6 nghia la
han. che' suong nhu "han. che' d9" chdng han. -,


. Cac nganh chrJc niing = cdc nganh

concerned organs(= branches).



lien quan

ban Bao ve cham soc tre em = the Commitee for

children Care and Protection.


Ciiu 11:

- nuy tri: to maintain; to keep; to continue ...

Eg: '

B<;J.n nen duy tri vi~c hoc tieng Anh CUa ban.
should continue your study of English.


Lam sao chung ta c6 thi duy tri site luc ma khong tin
aay du Luong thuc ? = How can we maintain our
strength without eating enough food?
. Can ban: basically (adu.); primarily (adu.); essentially
chiefiy(adv.) ...

Basically I agree with your proposals, but there are

a few small points I'd like to discuss = ca ban thi t6i
dong y vdi cdc dd nghi coo ban (ho{ic fmg, bac.. .), nhung
cO m1;)t vai diim nho toi muon tluio luan.
Dua uao: to rely on (ho{J.c upon); to depend on; to count

on ....

Children rely on their parents for help = tre con dua

vao b6' me chung dl dll<JC giup diJ.
To' chitc

tit thien: humanitarian organization;

charity(= long til thien, to' chiic tit thien).


Many charities sent money to help the victims of the

earthquake = nhilu td chuc tit thien. eta glti, ti ndi giup
aa cac n~n nluin cua trtin. d9ng Mt.
- Cong tac tit thien = A humanitarian work.
- Rieng = own (adj);private (adj)...
Dtly la ngoi nhi: rieng cua chi
house (private= own).


ay = this is her private

C9t (troi, buoc) cluing rieng = tie them up separately.

Coe con t(;i ddu

ngu giuifng rieng = My children

sleep in separate beds. (Each child has its own bed).

Cau 12:
- Cham sac dinh ditdng cho tre em
nutrition in children.

the care for

- Nhan to' quan trong hang d&u = the most important

factor: the factorof great value (= concern); the most
serious and significant fact ...
- Dci.u tli: to invest in; to put money in ...
Sit d&u tu: investment in (NhiJ dung gi{Ji tit "in"). Su
quan tam den: a concern for (hoij.c about); an attention
to; a heed to...
tri = people's educational
intellectual standard.

- Dan

- Dll<Jc xem la

level; people's

= to be regarded as. Co the'thay regarded

= considered; deemed; seen; examined...

Muc tieu: =objeetioe (n); purpose (n)...

Bai dich. tham khtio:



1. According to the estimation of World Health Organization

(W.H.O), at present over 500 million children are suffering

from malnutrition, claiming the lives of 10 millions of
children every year.


2. In Vietnam, undernourished

children account for 40 - 50%.

3. This long lasting malnutrition hampers the intellectual and

physical development of the Vietnamese children.

It is high - time to launch a social movement to improve

children's malnutrition because "the health - of- children
today is the prosperity of the country in-the future".

5. Thanks to the positive measures, in 1995 the ratio of

children under five suffering from malnutrition in the city
decreased to 15.1 %.
6. Compared to the 1980s, generally speaking, the
malnutrition of the children has considerably decreased,
seriously undernourished forms like
7. Malnutrition not only increases death rate among children.
Much more important, it leads to shortness and underweigh
in children and small shape in adults.
8. It is time for us to have a proper assessment of this reality
and soon work out effective measures, otherwise it will exert
a serious influence on the future generation.
9. The anti-malnutrition task in the city has, in recent years,
attained only very limited efficiency compared to
10. In our opinion, that shortcoming is primarily due to the lack
of a well organised programme among concerned organs like
the Committee for Children Care and Protection and health,
education branches and other social groups.


11. To maintain this programme, the City basically relies on

programmes and charities at home and
abroad; it does not have its own outlay for anti-

malnutrition task.
12. The care for nutrition in children is the most important

factor in the strategy about man. For that reason,

investment in and concern for the problem of increasing
people's educational level and improving human health
must be regarded as one of the important and urgent
objectives today.






1. VU'a qua H9i Bao tra B?nh vin miln phi thanh ph6'H6 Chi
Minh Cung um S?J y te td chltc hop bci.o trinh bay qua trinh
thanh. l(ip h9i va triin khai thfmg btio cua Thanh uy va Uy
ban nh/in. dan thanh. pho' vi vi~c chuyen b?nh vien An Binh
thanh. b~nh oien. miln phi phuc V{.l ba con lao d(Jng ngheo
thanh. pho:
2. D{li d~n H9i Bao tro benh. v~n mdn phi trinli bay nhftng
kh6 khan trong qua trinh chudn bi thanh. l(ip H(Ji va
(phlLang hu(mg) hoa: d9ng sd.p tdi cua H9i di co the' dua
~nh vi~n miln phi vdo hoa: d9ng trong dip 30-4-1994.
3. D{Li di?n H(Ji Bao tra cho bie't ddy la benh. vi~n khtJng thu phi
d6'i vai nguin. ngheo chu khong phai la "Nha thttang thi" nen.


tit ui~c SUa chiia, ruing cdp Cd Sd cfen trang thiet bi ua tinh
tluin. phuc u1:1- b~nh nhan. <Mu dzt(/c nCing cao.
4. H9i Bao tra cho bie't day la benh uien. miln phi da nluJ,n drt<Jc
200 tri~u d6ng ung h9 cua nhieu. to' chuc cci nhan trong nuac

va nuac ngodi.

5. H9i dang keu g9i cac Cd sd trong ua ngoai nude, cac Cd quan.
cac t6 chisc tit thien. va cac Vi~t su ung hq them tai cluinh.
dl ~nh ui~n c6 the' scim duo: thanh. lgp.
Cciu 1:

- Benh vien miin phi: A free - of - charge hospital.

- Hoi bao tra: The sponsor Association
Ngztdi b&o tra: A sponsor (n). Dly til "sponsor" thuimg
dung kem. vc1i gic1i tu FOR.
- Vien phi: hospital charge, hospital fee.

- Kluich san phi: hotel charge

Cung uai: together with; as well as; in addition to ...

- Nhiing di! ki~n mdi nay cung u{Ji bdng chitng qui ui aii
nghe chitng to SI/ VO tt?i cua Hai = These new facts,
together with the evidence you have already heard,
prove Hai's innocence.
- Cuoc hop bdo: a press conference.
- Qua trinh: process(n)


- Triln khai: to implement,

carry out ...

to develop, to expand, to

- Thons; btio: announcement, communiques

cua tilng Pluip, d9c la [kanju:nikei]

- Thanh

(tit muon

uy = The City Party Committee.

- Uy ban nhan dan thdnh ph6': The City People's

- Chuyen = to change, to run, to transfer, to convert
sth into sth.
- Ba con lao dong ngheo = the poor working people

- Phuc vu = to serve; to work for ...

- Qua trinh chudn bi: The process of preparing. During

the process of removal (suot trong qua trinh. thao dii).

- Thanh lap: to form; to organize.
- Srt thanh lap: formation; organization (n).

To form a class for beginners in French = Thanh lp

ldp hoc cho nhiing ngiti!i mm. hoc tieng Phdp.
- Dua vao hoat dong: to bring into operation, to make

- Dai

dien = representative (n).

- Cho biet. .. c6 the' dich: to say, to inform, to state, to

declare that ...

Nha thudng: a donor hospital.

Donor {di!"nO} (n) = nguai cho, ngtti!i cho bo' tlii m(jt cdi
gi d6 cho nguai kluic (person who gives sth).

A blood donor: ngttiJi cho rruiu (=person who gives his

own blood for transfusion).


a day ta dung Donor nhu

Tinh thfin phuc vu: the spirit of serving sb or sth .

. Benh nhan =potient (n)
-Duoc nang cao = to be improved (= upgraded;
bettered; ameliorated ...).
Ca nluin: individual (adj. & n.)

Nen. bo bdt cac tit "tien ung hq"

Nhidu ttf chuc: khoi ccin dich a lot of; a large number of
}wijc many ma chi cdn dung "Organizatiomi' 1J so' nhiu la

. Trong nude: at home, inland, domestic ...
. Ngoai nude: abroad (adu.); overseas (adv. & adj.)
Keu goi: to appeal, to call; to make an earnest
request to..
-The City People's Committee calls(= appeals) us to
help the poor: Uy ban nluu: dan. thanh. pho' keu g9i
cluing ta giup ad nguai ngheo.


- Lili keu goi:

an appeal; a call.

- Ca quan: agency (n); organ (n)

- Viet Kieu: An overseas Vietnamese;

national; a Vietnamese expatriate .
. To' chilc tit thien: A charitable


a Vietnam


- Please be charitable to the poor and suffering
people; hay thuimg hq,i (hay c6 lOng tit thi~n Mi vai)
nhitng nguili ngheo khrf.

- Su ti.I thien. long tot. stt thucmg hai: A charity (n)

- None of us would like to live on charity: khong m9t ai
trong chung ta thich song nhd vao long thuang hai cua
nguifi khac.
- Di vao hoat dong sdm: c6 thi dich:

+ ... may soon come into operation

may soon be built

may soonbe established, etc ...


- Ung h6: to support, to champion, to second, to back

(up) ...

Toi hy v<;mg anh se ung h9 du tin cua toi: I hope you will
back my plan.
- Su ung ho: a support. lJ day pluii hiiu la "ung h9" vi mii:
tai chtinh nen. cdn dich: more financial support.
- Ung ho them: ciing co

thi dich. to give more money, to

provide more money; to supply come into operation.


SlJ tai cluinh: The Service of Finance hoij.c The

finance Service.
Bo trrLlmg tai chanh: The Minister of Finance.

Bai dich. tham khao:


1. The Sponsor Association for Ho Chi - Minh City free of -

charge hospital together with Health Service has recently

organized a press conference to report on the process of
forming the association and implementing. the
announcement of the City Party Committee and the City
People's Committee about changing An - Binh Hospital into
a free of - charge hospital to serve poor working people in
the city.

Representatives of the Sponsor Association for a free - of charge hospital presented the difficulties in the process of
preparing for the formation of the association and the
coming activities of the association in order to bring it into
operation on April 30th, 1994.


Representatives of the Sponsor Association said that this

hospital would not collect any fees from the poor and that
this is not a "DONOR HOSPITAL". So the repair, the
upgrading of the hospital equipment, quality of treatment,
and the spirit of serving patients are- improved.

4. The Association said that the free-of-charge hospital of the

city had received 200 million dong from-organizations and
individuals at home-and abroad.

5. The Association is appealing to foreign and domestic

establishments. agencies, charitable organizations and
Vietnamese nationals a to give more financial support in

order that the hospital may soon be built.

BAJ 6.


1. Trung Quoc va Vi~t Nam la hai nzt(/c ddu tien. tai Chau Ava
tren toon. the' giCli da slt dung cluim cuu, da c6 h~ thong t6'
chuc ch/im. cuu. va cdc thay thuoc cluim. cuu. ciing nhu dii
bien. so~n duce cdc tai lieu. cluim cuu.

2. Hien nay, cac loai him lam thep khong rl set alt(Jc sli
dung ph6 bien trong liinh. uuc cluim. cU'u di lrt benh. ciing
nhi: cham cuu di gidi phau.
3. Trong cdc ruim vita qua Vi~n Cham Cuu dii va dang tip
dung phuang pluip cluim. cuu gidm dau trong phau thut tai
Vi~t Nam va da g{it luii duoc nhitng thanh. qua tot dep.


4. Tinh den nay, tat

cdc cuoc gidi phdu bao g6m tilu, trung
va dai phdu tluuu, deu dit(Jc tien hanh. m9t each an toan ua
chua he' c6 m<;t tai bien nao.
5. Cham cuu giam. dau la m<}t phuang pluip VO cam cua
phllang Dong ma hi~n nay giai y hoc d phuong Tay ciing
nhu lJ phuang Dong deu. c6 the' tiep thu duac.

6. Tuy nhien, cluim. cuu gidm dau khong dp dung pho' bien. cho
tat ca ctic ca phau thuat.
7. Vi~t Nam da b&t dau nghien CU'U cham te trong phdu thua:
su6t thiJi ky chien dau de l~t khi c6 nhiiu thuong binh. va


b~nh t(it. Sue khoe cua benh. nluin (trong do c6 thlt<Jng binh)
da giam sut, anh hliCJng den SUC dd kh<ing cua Cd the:

8. Nha thu(it cluim ca guim dau, cluing ta da thuc hien. duac

nhiu ca giai phdu an toan, dua nguiti b~nh trd lai san xutit
va chien dau.
9. Tuy da c6 nhilng thanh. qud bztoc d&u trong cham cllu gidm
dau, nhung cluing ta phai titp tuc nghien CLlU Cd che' va each
thuc lam the' nao de kh&c phuc m9t so' khuyet diem CUa
phuang pluip nay. Chdng han, trong mot uai ca mil benh.
nluin. udn cam thay dau.

10. Neu tiep tuc nghien. cuu, cluing ta se cai thien. tot han niia
khoa cluim. cuu. gidm dau tai Vi~t Nam, hau phuc VI/; nhu
cdu gidi phdu dia phuong, Mng thoi lam cho vi~c chiim soc
sue khoe ban ddu them hi~u qua.
- Cham cuu

acupuncture. Tit nay vita la (n) [U] vita la


ACUPUNCTURE= phuang pluip cluim. him. nho vao cdc

mo Cua Cd the ngltiJi de tri benh, lam gidm. dau hogc gay te
mot uung nao d6 (=method of pricking[= piercing] the
tissues of the human body with fine needles in order
to cure disease, to relieve pain or as a local
- Trung Qu6c va Viet Nam la hai ... da szt dung chlim cuu

China and Vietnam are the two first countries in

Asia and in the world to have used acupuncture.


Trong tieng Anh ta co the' dung m9t NG(/ DQNG TU

NGUYEN MAU co TO (a to -infinitiue phrase) di thay the'
cho mot M~NH DE QUAN H$: (a relative clause).

Bae Tam la ngrtai ddn cmg

dau tien. den day

= Uncle

Tam is the first man who arrives here. Hoiic: Uncle

Tam is the first man to arrive here.


Ba chi
la ngrtdi duy nha't da thodt chet U{l rai may
bay do = Her father was the only person who
survived the crash.
Hoiic: Her father was the only person to survive the


Toi co 2 ban btio c<io pluii ddnh. may ngay bay gii:J =l
have two reports which I must ty]Je right now.
Hoac: I .. reports which have to be typed right now.
Hoiic: reports to be typed.

Nguiti ta noi r&ng qua Mt nguyen thuy (da) la m<Jt p'lidn.

cua m{i,t triti = It is said that the earth was

originally part of the sun. Hoiic: The earth is said

to have been part of the sun. (TO HAVE BEEN =
perfect infinitive (or past infinitive] of TO BE).

Nghe noi ma con nho

mm tiL Ha N9i trl!.u

= It is said

that her mother has recently returned from Hanoi.

Hoac: Her mother is said to have returned from
Hanoi recently.

NgrtiJi tho di~n

do du(lc biet tinh. den niim. 1962 da lam

ui~c (lien tuc) tai Sai Gon, thu do trlldc day CUa mien
Nam Vi~t Nam dltr;JC 10 ruim = The electrician is
known to have been working in Saigon - the former
capital of South Vietnam - ten years in 1962.






(Forms of the infinitive)

I ACTIVE I Present

Infinitive: to teach

Present Progressive(= continuous)

Infinitive: to be teaching.
Perfect (or past) Infinitive: to have taught.
<Perfect (or past) Progressive (or continuous)
Infinitive: to have been teaching.

<Preeent Infinitive: to be taught


Prefect Infinitive: to have been taught

!J!g: Toi muon bay ben tren mien. Trung nude Vit ua nhin
xuong cdc r{ing nui hung vi = I would (= rd) like to be
flying over the Central Vietnam and (to be) looking
down at the majestic mountains. (or: ... and be
looking down at .. .}.
Co nang muon all(Jc giao cong uiec d6 va muon du<;JC cho
eel h9i di tr,t cluing minh = She'd like to have been
offered the job and (to have been) given the
opportunity to prove herself (or... and been given .. .).


Hien na~ = At present; presently; now; currently; at
the present time; nowadays...
Hien. nay luiu. he't cac em be Cl lang toi dcu du(Jc sinh ra
trong b~nh uien = At present. (= Presently; Nowadays.. .)
most babies in my village are born in a hospital.

Thep khong ri set = Stainless, steel, tile loai hop him

thep kh6ng rl set ho<J,c bi iin mon (=type of steel alloy that
does not rust or corrode [karad})

STAIN (n) =vet da, vet bdn kh6 tdy

RUST (n) [UJ = rl set(= gi scit [Bdc])
(v) = rl set

hoiic lam cho ri set

~.. Garn chie'c xe hoi CUa ban. da rl set n(ing = The

underneath of your car was badly rusted(= ... badly

corroded with rust).

DitcJc su dung pho' bien = To be often used. C6 the' thay
used= employed va often= usually; commonly; largely;
'ioideiy; by most people; popularly ...
M9t cdi gi do dit<Jc sil dung ph<f bien. tile duoc hdu het moi
nguoi szl dung = Something that is popularly used is
used by most people.
Trong ldnh. cue = In the field of; in the domain of; in the
area of .. Van d~ nay ndm ngoai liinh. vuc (coo) khoa y
= This problem lies outside the domain of medical
Trong liinh vuc tai cluinh. I dao tao I pluit trien ...
the area of finance I training I development ...


Cu9c hop eta b9c l<} m9t vai liinh. uuc bat d<}ng = The
meeting revealed certain areas of disagreement.
(that is to say the matters on which those present did not

Cham cuu. al tri b~nh = acupuncture for treatment.

Cham cuu. de' guii pM.u. = acupuncture for operation
(= surgery {n]; the cutting of the body .. .).


Tinh. trang cua ban. nghiem. trong, c&n giai phtf.u = Your

father's condition is serious and requires surgery

(=and he will need an operation.)
- Vien cham cilu = The Acupuncture Institute. 1 Vi~n
ngon. ngft hoc Vi~t Nam = Viet nam Institute of
Linguistics. I Viqn kinh te' = The Economic Institute. 1
Nam r{J'i, chung toi dQ, thiim nhiu oien. nghien eta: tai
Chau A = We visited a lot of research institutes in
Asia last year.

Ap dung phlldng phdp cham cU'u giam dau trong phdu

thuat = To apply the method of acupunctural analgesia
to operation.
(Ta noi: To apply sth to sth: do do "trong" [phdu thu~,t]d
aay pluii dich. = "to" chu khong dich. = "in". Niu dung to
use the method ... thi co quyen dung "in"operation.

Hay tip dung nhiing gi th&y guio da giang vao cdc bai
t(j,p nay = Apply what the teacher explained to these


Ong ay hay dung cac ciiu. tuc ngit trong bai dien viin cua

fmg =

He often uses proverbs in his speech.

Do la C{lm tit co ldn. wi dii nghe 6ng ta sli dung trong

mot bai rao giang = It's a phrase I once heard him
use in a sermon.
Gat hdi nhftng thanh qua tot dep = To win good
results; to harvest satisfactory outputs; to receive
accomplishments ...






Tinh den nay = Up to now; so far; until the present time;

until now ...


Tinh den nay, moi vi~c diu tie'i- triln

everything has gone well.


dep = So far

* Tinh. din nay, ccic ban. nghi gi v thanli pho' cluing toi?

What do you think of our city so far?

Tinh den nay, chua m9t chi tiet nao vi cdc cuoc tluio lug.n
cua h9 dll<!C tiet 19 = No details of their discussions
have so far been released.

Tat ca cdc cu6c giiii pMu... dai phdu = All operations

including small, medium, and big ones.
Dude tien hanh = To be conducted I carried out I
implemen I organised I directed I managed I controlled
I done ...


ne'u la (v) thi doc [k:;ndAk.t]

neu la (n) thi doc {kandAk.t]


Tinh den nay cdc cusc dam phan diu duoc tie'n hanh.
bdng cdc but/i hop rieng re = Until now, the
negotiations have been conducted in separate
meetings ("Bdng"
clay dich. = "in" chit khong dich =


Anh ta dii duac de' ell lam giam doc mai U(.l al tien
hanh. chie'n dich. qtuing cdo = He was appointed as a
sales director to conduct the advertising campaign.

Chua he co mot tai bien nao = There has been no

incident (= accident) yet; no incident has taken place
yet; any accident has not yet occured.



= event that happens unexpectedly and

causes damage).
Ciiu 5:
- Phztctng phtip VO cam

= A senseless

method, tuc phuang

phap lam cho nglti!i ta khong cam thay dau diJn trong khi
u6n tlnh. tao. Do do SENSELESS kh6ng nen hieu theo
nghia thong thuimg = VO nghia, <lien r6, bat tlnh. ...

* M9t so' nghia thong thuimg cua SENSELESS.


Hein pluii La dien r6 neu cu titp tuc niia = It would be

senseless to continue any further. # Cdc ban. c6 Len an
bao luc dien. r6 do chiing? = Do you condemn that
senseless violence?

Chiec h9p roi xuon ddu bd ta, khien ba bat tlnh. = The box
fell on her head and knocked her senseless.

Phztdng Dong

the Orient; Asia; the Eastern part of the


* Nhftng
pluii ?

hztdng li?u ua gia ui nay

= Are these perfumes

den tit phzt<!ng Dong


and spices from Orient?

GiCli y hoc = medical circle.

Co the' thay CIRCLE (n) +Contingent (n); crowd (n);group

E.g: Bo: ta thuang giao du trong cdc gi<Ji sang trong


often moves in fashionable circles.

' Ong ta

eta no'i tieng

trong gidi san kha'u tit tht)p nien. 80 =

He has been well-known in the theatrical circle since



Da co nhitng sr,t pluin. do'i nhu thuimg l~ til gi<Ji cho'ng pha

thai = There were usual protests from the anti

abortion contingent(= crowd; group .. .).

the West; the Occident; the western part of

the world; Europe and the Americas.

PhuUng Tay

Tiep thu =to get access to; to have the right to approach I
to reach I to obtain I to gain I to use ...
!ACCESS I ['a:kses] (n) to sth l sb = co hqi hoiic quye'n ditcjc
slt dung cdi gi hoijc den gdn ai (= Opportunity or right to
use sth or approach sb) Eg: B9n ho c6 quye'n st.I dung cdc
thong tin da dit<;1c phan. loai cua cluing ta khong? = Can
they get access to our classified information?
Chi co nhitng uien chuc cap cao mai co quyln den gdn t(/ng
thong = Only high officials have access to the
Cau 6:
- Tuy nhien =Houieoer (adv); nevertheless (adv); in spite
of that.
Eg: , Khong co ldy m9t tin tuc gi, tuy nhien V(/ cua cdc ngt: phu
vtin tiep tuc hy v9ng = There was no news; nevertheless,
the [ishmen's wives went on hoping.

Du rat thong minh, tuy nhien. Khanb Linh lai khd khiem.
nhuimg = Though very intelligent, Khanh Linh is
nevertheless rather modest.
Tuy nhien, dOi v<Ji van (U nay con c6 mot khia canh. khiic =
There is, however, another side to this problem.
Gia dinh. chi. giup vi~c cua cluing toi ngheo. Tuy nhien chi


= Our maid's family

is poor. She is very honest in money matters,

rat thi~t tha trong chuyen. tiln bac

Cau nay c6 thl dich: However, acupunctural analgesia is

not commonly applied to all kinds of operation.
Hoac: Nevertheless, acupunctural analgesia is not
popularly (= largely; widely .. .) used for all types of

Hoiic: In spite of that, Vietnamese doctors don't employ
(::. use) acupunctural analgesia for all medical

Cau 7:
' B&t ddu
do sth.

= To begin

I start I commence sth, doing sth or to

Cdc baa biit ddu bu6i

Luc may giif ? = What time do
you begin(= start; commence) the ceremony?


' C6 nang da bdt ct&u khoc = She began (= started:

commenced) crying (or to cry).
' Buol. hoa nhac b&t ct&u khi ruio ? = When does the
concert begin(= start; commence)?
Su0t thifi ky chien dau cic liet = During the time of fierce .
fighting (= violent struggling); throughout the period of
cruel battle(= bloody combat). COMBAT doc ['k.Jmbt:Jt] neu
la (n) ua [knmbtet] neu la (v); c6 khuynh hrtcJng doc (u) theo
each doc CUa (n); [knmbcet] or [ko.mbcet]. .
Giam sut (Nen hie'u la gidm sut ui CHATLU(;JNG) = To
become worse; to dete~iorate .... , Trang cac twin qua


ua dang gidm sut

each sau sdc = Relations between the two countries have
deteriorated sharply in recent weeks .
(m6t) quan h~ gifta hai nuoc d6 da

Site de' kh<ing cua C<J thl = The immunity of the body
IMMUNITY (n) [UJ = kha ruing ch6ng lai slf nhiim trung,
benh. t(it... )= Ability to resist infection, disease, etc...)
v&c xin nay se cho ban. sue di khang (= khd ruing mien.
dich. trong 2 niim) = This vaccin will give you
immunity for two years. Nha tiem chung cdc dzla tre
nay co sue d~ hluing (lai) benh. dq, mua I benh. s?Ji... As a
result of (= Thanks to; due to ... ) vaccination, these
children have immunity to (or against) smallpox I
measles... Hoiic dung (adj)... these children are immune to
(or against) ...

- Thllc hien nhMu ca giai ehdu an todn = To carry out

operations to safely implement operations; to successfully
conduct medical treatment by cutting away or replacing
the diseased or damaged part of the body ...
Dua nguiJi b~nh tr<1 l~i san xuli't va chien dau = To

bring the patients back to production and fighting (n) [U];

to help the patients return to production and combat ...
!Jg: Ditng bao giiJ tr?J lai nhiing thoi xfiu ngay xua cua
may niia ! = Never return to your old bad habits!
Nam da giup co ruing tim duce d6 dac cua minh (hoij.c cua
ruing) =Nam helped (her) (to) find her things.
St,t cuu t( nay nhdm gitip cdc nan. nluui triin. biio tlj guip
lay h9 = This charity aims to help the storm victims (to)
help themselves.

Cau 9:

Early results; initial

achievements; the outcomes at the beginning ... Nhu
v{iy, ctiu nay co the' dich: There have been early results in
acupunctural analgesia, but we have to continue studying
the mechanism and the way how to overcome anumber of
shortcoming of this method. Hoac There have been initial
achievements in acupunctural analgesia. However, we
must keep on researching the structure and the manner
how to settle(= To solve .. .) the faults of this process.

Nhi.tng thanh qua br.tfJc d&u

Hoiic: Though some outcomes have been initially obtained

in acupunctural analgesia, we are obliged to continue our
researches I studies) into the system, trying to discover its
weaknesses to deal with(= To cope with ... )
Khuyet diem = shortcoming (n) [CJ; fault (n) [CJ;
weakness (n) [CJ; imperfection (n) [U or CJ; weak (=feeble)
poin; deficiency (n) [C or U}' defect (n) [CJ;... Eg: I Nhi.tng
khuyet diem trong h~ tMng gid.o due = Defects in the
education system. # Ong ta khong the' che giau nhi.tng
khuyet diem cua minh. v{Ji tu each la giam. doc diiu hanh. =
He cannot hide his deficiencies as an executive
Cau 10:
Cai thien tot h<Jn ni.ta = To better improve. C6 thl thay
improve = ameliorate; upgrade...
Khoa cham crtu gi&m dau = The science of acupunctural
Phuc vu nhu cciu giai phdu dia phlidng = To serve the
needs of local operations; to work for the requirements
of regional surgery...

Lam cho uiec chiim soc sue khoe ban ddu them hieu qua=
To make initial health care more effective.
THT$N tot hem n_lta ... tai V~t Nam" co thl dich: If we keep

on studying (= researching), we will better improve the

science of acupunctural analgesia in Vietnam.
Hoiic: If continuing our researches (= studies), we will

better upgrade the knowledge of acupunctural ...

Co thi thay the science of acupunctural analgesia = the
branch of acupunctural ...
Eg: ' Khoa y

= The science

of medicine, the medical science

(Science trong truimg hap nay la (n) [CJ).

' Nganh. y = The branch of medicine.
' Dau pluii moi thu adu c6 thl giai thick ali(/c bdng khoa
hoc hoiic lj tri =Not everything can be explained by

science or reason.
(Science = (n) [U]).

Bai dicb: tham khao:

1. China and Vietnam are the two first countries in Asia and in

the word to have used acupuncture, to have had a system at

orfanization of acupuncture and acupuncturists and to have
compiled acupuncture documents.
2. At present needles made of stainless steel are often used in
the field of acupuncture for treatment and acupuncture- for


3. In the past years, the Acupuncture Institute has applied the

method acupunctural analgesia to operation in Vietnam

and has won good results.
4. Up to now all operations including small, medium and big
ones has been conducted sefely and there has been no
incident yet.
5. Acupunctural analgesia is a senseless method of the Orient
that, at present, the medical circles in the West as well as
in the East can get access to.
6. However, acupunctural analgesia is not commonly applied
to all kinds of operation.
7. Vietnam began studying acupunctural analgesia in
operation during the time of fierce fighting when there were
a lot of wounded soldiers and diseases. The health of
patients (among them are soldiers) had deteriorated
affecting the immunity of the body.
8. Thanks to accupunctural analgesia we had carried out safe
operations, bringing the patients back to production and
9. There have been early results in acupunctural analgesia; but
we have to continue studying the mechanism and the way
how to overcome a number of shortcomings of this method.
For example, in some operations patients still feel painful.
10. If we keep on studying, we will better improve-the science of
acupunctural analgesia in Vietnam to,serve the needs of
local operations, and to make initial health care more







Trong linh. uuc dao tao y khoa, nhitng ruim gd.n day duac
danh. dau b&ng Sl,l ki~n ndi b(Lt la ui~c nhUu chuyen. gia ue
dao tao y khoa, nhisu truang dai hoc tren the' gi{li da d<J,t
van de pluii xem xet lt;ii n9i dung dao tao can b<J y u.


Vci'n di d(it ra la neu dao tao y khoa theo drt<Jng lol. co' c!ien
thi thong thuang kiln cho ngrtiJi thdy thuoc, uon chi queti
lam ui~c trong b6n buc tuimg cua b~nh oien, ho<J-c nhitng ca
sC! dieu tr], co khuynh hu<lng dem benh. nluin. ra khOi c9ng
d6ng 'cua ho di chfta tri,

3. Th&y thucc thuang xuyen. bi d&n v<f,t vi phdi gidi quyet nhiing
truimg hap benh. n(ing ho(ic tii uong ma dang le co thi trtinli


4. Kien thuc ve y hoc du phong ciing dll<;Jc trang bi tuang dot


Tuy nhien, dl,l phong nhu the' nao? D1f phong thu cf9ng hay
d1f phong tich Cl,lC chii (19ng vcli Sl/ tham gia th9-t Sl,l cua
qudn. cluing, cua c9ng d6ng?


ou: nay khong c6 nghia dao t<J,O theo kieu cu la kem, nhung
khong dap Ung duac m9t each hap ly Va c!d_y du nhu cdu
thuc Si!
chiim. SOC sue khoe cua qutin. chung.


7. Ngay nay, nguiti, ta noi nhiiu ve' sue khoe chu khong chi ban
ue b~nh t(r,t.

Nguai thdy thuoc ngay nay nen la ngudi cua sue khoe, chii
khong phai nguai cua benh: t<j,t.

9. Nguai tMy thuoc do d6 pluii. cdn biet pluit hien, giai quyet,
phuc hcJi nhiing udn dl SUc khoe vita CUa Ca nhdn vita cua


Ddu dd co the' dich. nhieu each:

Why do we need a reform of medicine training ? Hooe

Why do we need to reform medicine training?

b) Why is it necessary for medicine training to be reformed?

ho{i,c Why does medicine training need to be reformed?
Ngoai ra, ta con co the' thay to reform = to better; to
improve; to renew ... va reform (n) = improvement (n);
reneuialin) ...
Ctiu 1:

Trong linh ullc dao tao y khoa: in the medicine training

field; in the field of medicine training; in the field of
medical education ...
CO thi thay field (n) = domain (n). Eg: In the domain
{d8nmein] of Science= trong lanh uuc khoa hoc.
- Nhitng nam gdn dav = in the recent years; in the years not
long ago; in last years.: Attention: Last Sunday = Chu
nhq.t vita ro'i. The last Sunday = ngay chu nh~t cu6'icisng ~
Y, Z are the last letters of the English Alphabet = ~ Y,
Z la nhiing chi: ccii cu6'i cung cila m&'u tf! tiengAnh.
811 kien n6"i bat = distinguished fact. C6 thi thay fact (n) =
reality ua distinguished (adj)= famous; well known;
remarkable ...
Chuyen gia v dao tao y khoa = a specialist in medicine
training; an expert in medical education. NhfJ dung
gi{li tit ''in'~ Trang liinh. uuc y khoa ngliiJi ta thuang dung
Specialist hati Expert. Vf du: Ong ta la chuyen gia ue'

mcit rdt n6i tieng tai TP.HCM = He is an eye epeciallst

very well - known in HCM City.

- Va de' trdnh. l{ip lai nhiiu l&n medicine ho{ic medical ... ta
chi dung "Specialist" khOng thoi.

- Nhieu tntimg dai hoc tren the'gi,m: Dt;ii hoc (J day nen hilu la
Dr;ii hoc Y khoa =medical college; medical school; faculty of
medicine; department of medicine... Nhung fJ{li hoc Y duac
Thdnh pho' H6 Chi Minh nen dich. la: HCM City medical
and Pharmaceutical University.
- Tren the gi(Ji = in the world hoij.c in different countries; in
different nations ...
- Dat vdn di phti.i xem xet lai noi dung ddo tao can bo y tl = to
set forth the necessity for reconsidering training contents for
health officers. Ta c6 the' thay to set forth= to make known;
to declare; to present; to explain; to make clear; to reveal; to

expound.: va necesity
importance ....

Thay reconsidering




= re-examining ...

Thay: health officers .. health cadree.: Dang luu y la ta

nen thay '<training contents" = "training subjects".
Subject (n) = msn hoc. Cai each dao tao y khoa (J day muon
noi: nen them nhiing mon. hoc nao, bat di nhiing man hoc
nao ta to1 cdn thiet, tol. uu...

- Van di dat ra la: The problem to be solved is that ... ho{ic

The issue is that... hoij,c The question arising for
discussion is that...


- Theo auitng l6'i c6 aien: by classical way; by old method;

by ancient plan ...

Ctu: nay co thl dich. nhiiu each: The question arising is

that ifwe apply the ancient plan for medical education, the
physician who usually gets familiar with the four walls of
the hospital or the clinics, has the tendency to carry the
patients out of their community for medical treatment...
Hodc dich. theo each cua "Bai dich. tham khdo" (J cu6i sdch:
Diiu ctin luu y CJ aay la nen. dung "famiiar" vai gidi ti.t
"with" hon. la "to". (Di nghi tham khdo them til aie'n
Oxford CCJ ltm al hiiu ro Slf kluic biet).
- D&n vat: to torment; to cause severe suffering to; to anno;

to cause anxiety or discomfort to; to worry...

Eg: - Dung ddn v(j,t bcf may

vm nhftng yeu stieh.

ngu xutf n
do nisa =Don't torment(= worry ...) your father with
such foolish demands.

Dung t'! ddn v(Jt minh vi chuy~n con cai! = Don't

torment yourself about your children!

- Giai quyet = CJ aay khong nen dich. = to solve ma nen. dicb.

= to deal with; to treat ...
Vf du: ~ Anh nen guii quyet truimg hap tit uong nay nhu
th nao ? = how would you treat this mortal case?


Gach tot nhat al guii quyet cac t9i pham hinh Slf con. tre
la gi? = What is the best way of dealing with young
criminals? (= Houi can. we make them into good

... ma co le co the' tranh dtt<Jc = ... which could have been

avoided. FJitng dicb: . .. which were perhaps (hog,c
probably) avoided nghia se hluic' hdn. Cau dau ham y
phu djnh. Ca sau ham y xac dinh. Cau 1: "Dang le
tranh. du<Jc nhung thuc te' la khong trtinh. dr.t<Jc".
Con cau 2 = c6 le da tranh. dr.t<Jc. M9t vi du. khac:

*Being le anh nen. noi truo: vdi toi nhu thi mdi phiii = You
should have told me so before; (thuc te; anh r1ii. khong
not ... ).

* Dang le toi qua con khong

nen. ra ngoai md khong mang

do choang. Con da cam lanh. ch&ng c6 gi ng<;ic nhien. ca =

You shouldn't have gone out without a coat last
night. No wonder you caught cold {thifc tt con da ra
ngoai .. .).

DANG LE = modal auxiliary +perfect infinitiv

(Modal auxiliary = modal verb; modal [n]; defectiveverb)
Y hoc du phong: preventive medicine

Cau nay co thi dich: They are also rather well supplied
with the awareness of preventive medicine hoij,c theo each
coo "Bai dich. tham khao".
- Su du phong tich cue chu dOng = an active prevention.
- Su tham gia thttc su: "Thlfc slf'' khf>ng nen dich.
ma nen. dicb. proper; suitable; appropriate ...



... du phbng tich cuc chil d6ng ucii su tham gia thttc sri cila

qucin chung. cua c6ng d6ng = ... active prevention with

the partiapation of the whole society hoac.: active
prevention of the whole society hodc ... active prevention
which attracts (hoi),c magnetizes) the attention of all
classes ..
Gau 6:
- Co nghia: to mean (vt); to signify (vt); to be a sign of. .. Vi
du: 'Tit La-Tinh AMO c6 nghia TOI YEU = The Latin
word AMO means (hoij,c signifies) I LOVE.

Cum. tit nay c6 nghia gi? = What does this phrase mean
(ho(J,c signify?).

- Nhu c&u that sri =genuine demand, real requirement; true

needs (used in pl) ...
Eg: ' My need are few = Nhu cciu cua t6i khong dang ki '
She doesn't earn enough to satisfy her needs= Nang
kiern. (lam) khong au (tie'n) de' (thoa nuin) ddp ung nhu cau
cua minh,
- Nhu c&u vi cham soc sue khoe da qudn chung


needs of the people's health care.

Ciiu 7:

- Sue khoe = health state hoiic health condition chu

khong nen dich. = "health" don. thudn. Vi du: * Nang
dang sue khoe khong duac to't = She's in a poor state of
health (ho(j,c in poor health state).
- N6i ul nen dich. = to talk about (ho(j,c of; to make the
subject of; to discuss a lot of questions about health
condition... (Ngr.titi Anh noi: to discuss a problem, a

question about... chit khong noi to discuss about nhu

ngttiJi Vi~t Nam: ban lu9-n vl ..J

Ngudi cua sue khoe = a man, a woman of health. Vi du:
Chi ay la ngititi cua sU'c khoe = She is the woman of

- NgztiJi cua benh tat: a man or woman of the disease.
- Do do: therefore, hence; for that reason; thus; in this way ...
- Phat hien: to discover; to find out; to realise; to get
khowledge of. ..
Vi du: ' Chi den Luc ct6 chi toi

mm phdt hin

nhitng sai

Mm cua minli = Only at that time did my sister realize

her mistakes (Lztu


pluii ddo ngit khi c6 "Only" dung

d&u ctiu).
- Giai quyet: Cl day phdi hilu la "chr.;,y chiia"; "chiia benb"
nen. pluii dich. = to cure; to remedy; to treat... Vi du:
'Chua cho ai d6 khoi (can) benh. +To cure somebody of

a disease.
' Chila cho mot hoc sinh khoi th6i hzt trj,t xau = To cure
(hoij.c to remedy) a pupil of bad habits.
- Phuc h6i: to restore; to improve; to better; to rehabilitate Vi
du: ' Anh toi lam vi~c tai trung tam phuc h6i chuc ruing
cho ngu(Ji mu = My brother works in the rehabilitation
center for blind people. ' Phuc h6i (cluic ruing) cdc
ngltiJi betih. ttim thdn = to rehabilitate the psychiatric


patients (= to bring them back to normal life by special

treatment; to restore them to a normal life by medical

- Vita... vita: both ... and; not only ... but also. Vi du: Anh
ta vua la quiin. nhiin vita la thi si = He is both a

soldier and a. poet


He is not only a soldier but also a

Bai djch tham khao:


1. In the field of medicine training, what was done in last

years has been remarked by distinguished fact that many

specialists and medical colleges in different countries set
forth the necessity for reconsidering training subjects for
health officers.
2. The problem is that if medicine training is carried out by
classical way, the physician as the rule, quite familiar with
four walls of the hospital or the units where medical
treatment takes place, tends to take the patients out of
their community for medical treatment.
3. The physicians are always tormented as they have to deal
with serious diseases or mortal cases which could have
been avoided
4. The knowledge concerning preventive medicine is also
fairly well equipped.
5. However, what is the right prevention to be taken is still a
question. Is it a passive or active prevention which


embodies proper






6. This does not mean that the old way of training is bad- but
it fails to meet reasonably and adequately genuine demand

of the people's health care.

7. Today, people often talk more about health state and not
only about the disease.
8. The physicians today should be considered as men of health
and not only as men of the disease.

Hence, the responsibility of the physicians is to know how

to discover, cure, rehabilitate the health both of the
individuals and community.










1. Ngay nhiing ngay d6u thcing Ch<;zp (Am lich)
uang uimg ngo<;ii thanh. Ha N9i.

Tet eta


2. Co le ba con nong dsn ngoai do la ngui:Ji cam nluin. thay Ttt

lum ai het bdi vi moi cong uiec cua h9 tit uun x(Ji rau qua, co
hoa cho den v6 beo lan, ga diu nhli.m phuc u~ cho te't.
3. Neu di tit phia Kinh B&c xu6ng, ta se nhin thay bat ngan
nhl.tng ccinh d6ng hoa, nhat la lay-an khoe s&c du mau.

4. Ke' c{i.n um n<Ji do la uung hoa Nh9-t Tan, Nghi Tam, Quang
Ba um nhisu loai: Dao ho'ng th&m, Quat uang mong, tim tim
UWWt Va do rue boa dJng tien.
5. Vai ba ruim trli ue truce, nai day la ritng hoa,
dlt<Jc nhu cau cua ngui:Ji Ha N9i ve hoa cdnh:

du cUip


6. Ba con uung nay tit lau dii la nhitng ngh~ nluin. tai gioi
trong vi~c tr6ng hoa co truyen thong.


Di dan uao trung tam, neu la nguiti I! xa tr/J lai thiim Ha

N9i se khong khoi giq,t minh khi dtt(Jc muc kich Sr/ thay do'i
dang kinh ngoc cua ph{/phtt(tng.


Nhiiu nha mai u{!i kieu dang dep duoe xay dl/ng san sat hai
ben. dttiJng.


Czl'a hang, cll'a hi~u m9c Len nhu ndm, ban buon
hang hod tu binh dan.


den cao cap.



10. Nam thanh - nu

Ha N9i trung dien ctic model quan cio
muon s&c mau, phai ph{!i ctt(Ji tren nhl.tng chiec xe cup di:Ji


mai, hluic hdn Cai thiJi l(JC C(JC xe dap v{Ji nhitng bQ

qudn. ao

dm dam. thuiJng danh: cho b9 d(ji va cong nhan.

11. Ha N<)i hom nay r(jng riii, S<;!Ch dep hon.

12. Nhip d9,p miinli liet cua CUQc so'ng dang hang ngay bieu
h~n sinh d9ng tren moi pho' phui!ng Ha N<)i, tit cdi an, cai
miic, cdi chai cua nguiti Ha Thanh "dang d&n deli mdi theo
hlt{fng lich Sf! van minh hon",
13. Si! d{/i mdi dang ke' nhat trong sinh hoat diJi thui!ng cua
nguai Ha N9i the' hi~n d&y du Cl ccic oho: D6ng Xuan, B&c
Qua, Hang Da, Ci:ta Nam, Ch<! M<J... v<Ji ca man nao la hang
hoti, ltt<fng thuc, thuc phdm, sue mua ban d6i dao.

14. Chdng con nghi ngi:J gi niia, Ha N<)i thai mlt czia dang do'i
thay, dang phat trien.
15. Mong sao Ha N(ji va ngttili Ha Noi miii xung danh vc1i mdnh
Mt ngan. ruim. van hie'n.
Cau 1:
Ngay nhitng ngay d&u th<ing Chap: co thl dich: Since the

first days of the last lunar month ... ho{ic Since early
in the last lunar month.
Ldng vdng: To roam [r8un] around; to prowl [prad]
about; to go about (hai d(jng tit kep sau c6 nghia xdu:
ldng vdng di chuc ai la dinh thi an cdp ... ); to move
around; to wander around ...
Ngoai thanh:
outskirts (pl).



suburb ...



lay m<Jt truang hoc tot (J ngoai thanh. = There

isn't a good school in the vicinity.

Eg: Kh6ng co


V6 beo: to fat (stt-); to fatten; to make fat.

Cham soc: to take care of.:
- Ga: Khong nen li~t ke "hens, cocks, chickens", chi cdn.

dung mi)t tit "poultry" [p6ultri] dl chi tat ca loai gia c&m.
Poultry = hens, ducks, geese, etc... Poultry la "collective
noun" nen d9ng tit di theo phai iJ so' nhilu. Eg: The
poultry are being fed by her mother. (Gia cdm dang
dzt<jc mt; ch! ay cho an).

FUu nhdin phuc vu cho

[n]; welfare [nj ...)

Tet =for

Tet's sake (= benefit

Cau 3:

- Neu

di tit Kink Bcic xu6ng: Moving down from Kinh

Bae ...

Bat ngan nhitng canh d6ng hoa: Immense fields of

- Lay-an khoe s&c

du mau:

gladioli of all colours.


Kt can: adjacent to; next to ; near to.


The house adjacent to the church is the vicarage.

(NgfJi nha ke' c(in guio ditiJng la nai (J cua auim. muc).
N6i dtJ: (the) inner city
- Vung hoa =flower district I area ...)



ho'ng th&m

= dark pink peach blossoms


- V6'i nhieu loai: with many varieties. (Co the' thay
Varieties b&ng kinds, sorts ...)
rrtc hoa d6ng =


bright red gerbera.

- Quat vang mong =juicy golden kumquat, (juicy [adj/
= contacining much juice [= mong].

- Vai ba nii.m tr/J ve trr.t{Jc: a few years back ... Ritng: Nen
dich. bdng
Wood. Tit nay thtt?Jng dung 11 so' nhiiu
"Wood''. Wood la ritng nho. Forest la dtng r9ng lan


hang d{i,m. Jungle la ritng gia cay coi chdng chit nhu d
.Xn fJ9 ho{ic Chau Phi.

- Hoac&nh = decorative (= onamenial [adj]flowers.

csu e.
- Ba con: nen. dich. b6ng tit people


folks; persons) chu

ditng dicli b&ng "Relatives"(= bacon than thuoc).

- TiJ ldu
- Nghe

= long (adv); for a long



time ...




workman ...).
Tai gioi: skilled; talented; gifted ...

Cong viec tr6ng hoa c6 truyen thong = traditional

culture of flotoe rs.

cau t.
fJi ddn uao trung td.m

= moving

gradually toward the


Giat minh: (! day co nghla la "ngqc nhien" nen. pluii

dich. b&ng: to be startled; hoij,c thay "startled" b&ng
"surprised", "wondered"...
Eg: . She was startled to see him looking so ill. (Co ta ngac
. nhien thay anh ay trong qua benh. hoan).
Ciiu 8:

Kieu dang: structure; style.

San scit: closely; near (adv). Eg: Tat ca cac ban. co ngo'i
du g&n rli thay man hinh kh6ng? = Are you all, sitting
near enough to see the screen?

I Nearly (adv) I= hau nhu, gan nhu (=almost).

- Hai ben diti:Jng (= doc hai ben dui:Jng) = along the two
sides of streets.
Gau 9:

- Caa hang cua hieu: stores and


-Moc len nhit nam: to mushroom; to spread fast; to

grow rapidly.
Hang hod cao cap: the top - graded goods; the high quality merchandise; the high-class commodities...
Ciiu 10:
- Nam thanh nft tu: youngsters; teenagers; youths.
Trl.tng dien cac mode quan do muon mau sdc. Chi dicli
dan gian: in fashioned colourful clothes.
Phai phdi: gleefully (adv.) joy{ully, gladly; cheerfully;


- Niim uui phdi phdi: glee (n). Eg: She was in high glee
when she heard that new (nang ra't oui khi nghe tin ay).
- Xe cup di!i m{Ji: the cubs of latest models; motorbikes
of latest designs(= models).

- Luu y: Used to model verb): Trude day thuang, bay gi(J

khong con niia.
Eg: I used to smoke (truce day toi thuang hut thuoc; bay giC!
toi khong hut thuoc niia).

- To be used to+ V,ing (gerund)= quen; thanh. th6i quen

(used= adj)

My mother is used to getting up early (Ma toi quen

~y sdm. r6i).
- Loe coc: to rattle


Chiec xe buyt cu ky loc coc tren con duilng dci = the oil
bus rattled along over the stony road.
- Mau s&c

am dam = sad colours

- Bo doi: nen dich. = soldiers

Cau 11:

spacious; having much space. Khong nen.

dich b&.ng "large", "wide".

- R6ng rai

- Hom nay: at the present

these modern times ...

time; nowadays

(adv.) in

Cau 12:
- Nhip dap manh liet cua cu6c song = the strong beat of


= to manifest; to appear; to be visible or

noticeable; to show ...

- Bilu hien

Her fear showed in her eyes (N6i lo s<;J bieu hien trong
m&t ruing).

Cai an, cai mac. cdi chdi = the habits in eating,

drinking, entertaining.

ce 13:
- Su thay ddi dang kl nluit: the most remarkable
change. Co the' thay remarkable = noticeable;
outstanding (adj.) ...
- Sinh hoat diJi thui!ng cua ngttiJi Ha Noi = Hanoi
people's routine (ROUTINE [n] = U th6i; th6i thuimg
[= fixed and regular way of doing things]). Eg: f)6
la nhitng cong vic diJi thuiJng cua toi
ma = those are
my routine tasks. (Routine (j day dtt(Jc dung lam
Attributive)(= tasks performed regularly).


- Vdi ccJ man niw la hang hod, lttctng thuc, thuc phcim =
with enormous quantity of goods, food, foodstuffs.
(FOODSTUFF {often pl.] = material used as food).
- Sue mua ban d6i dao: busy trading transactions.



st! giao dich. mua btin, kinh
doanh. [= a piece of business, usually involving
buying or selling sth.].


Gae giao dich. mua


btin bdng ti n m(it = cash

Giao dich bdng chi phi'rt = transactions by cheque.


Cau 14:
Chdng con nghi ngiJ gi ni'ta: Chi dich. don guin: No

doubt, ho(fr undoubtedly; certainly (adv); very

probably ...
- Ditng dich dai dong: there is no doubt hogc there is
not doubt any longer..
Cau 15:
- Mong sao Haiwi: Everyone hopes that Hanoi ... hoij,c

We hope that Hanoi ... hoiic: It's everyone's hope that.

Hanoi ...
Ngudi Hanoi: trong bai dich. nay nen dioli its people
ho{ic its inhabitants hon la the Hanoi natives di
trdnh. lq,p lai nhieu Zan tit Hanoi.
Xitng danh v<Ji: to deserve; to merit; to be entitled to;
to be worthy of.

- Neu dung to deserve hoij,c to merit thi

theo sau phdi

true tiep tan ngit (direct object) khong dung WITH.



These people deserve our help (Nhi'tng nguiti nay xung

dang su giup do cua cluing ta = ... defog dtt(Jc cluing ta
giup ctiJJ.
Nam merits this reward (Nam xtlng dang phdn. thu?tng
- Manh dlft ngdn nam van hien: the land of thousand -

year culture hoij.c the land of age old culture.


Bai dich. tham khao:



Since early in the last lunar month, Tet has already roamed
around the vicinities of Hanoi.


The peasants in the suburbs are probably the ones to feel

the presence of Tet before anyone else because all their
tasks from taking care of vegetables, fruits, grass, flowers
to fattering pigs and poultry are for Tet's sake.


Moving down from Kinh Bae, we will see immense fields of

flowers, especially gladioli of all colors.


Adjacent to inner city are flower districts: Nhat - Tan, Nghi

- Tam, Quang - Ba with many varieties : dark pink peach
blossoms, juicy golden kumquat, purple violet and bright
red gerbera.
A few years back, here was a wood of flowers in good
enough quantity to meet all requests for decorative flowers
of Hanoi inhabitants.


People in this area have long been artisans skilled in

traditional culture of flowers.

7. Moving gradually toward the centre, if away from Hanoi for

quite a while, the visitor would be startled the obviously
surprising changes in city streets.

Many new houses in beautiful structures were closely built

along the two sides of streets.



Stores and shops have mushroomed, selling all kinds of

goods from the most popular to the top - graded ones.

10. Hanoi youngsters, good-looking boys and pretty girls in

fashioned colorful clothes, gleefully ride motorbikes of
latest models. They now look quite different from the time
when people used to ride their rattling bikes and wear
nothing but clothes of sad colors for soldiers and workers.
11. Hanoi nowadays is more spacious, cleaner .and more

12. The strong beat of life, has daily been manifesting on all
Hanoi streets. Ha Thanh inhabitants have gradually
improved 'their habits in eating, drinking. entertaining to
become more elegant, more civilized.
13. The most remarkable change in Hanoi peoples routine has
been fully showed at the markets Dong Xuan, Bae Qua,
Hang Da, Cua Nam, Cho Mo... with enormous quantity of
goods, foodstuffs, busy trading transactioris.
14. No doubt, Hanoi in open-door time is changing, developing.
15. It's everyone's hope that Hanoiand its people would always
deserve the land at age old culture.








Ctic giao oien dia ly dt;z.y cho cac hoc tro cua minh. hieu
nhiing d&m, nhiing uinh. cua Vi~t Nam co the' dli<JC xay dung
thanh. ciing biln nuac sau nhu Hon Gai, .pa N~ng. Qui
Nhan, Nha Trang, Cam Ranh, Yiing Tau... nhung hie'm khi
nh&ccten Ddm Mon.


2. Cdc nhi: doanh nghiep Lam an ngdn han. va trung han co thl it nhiiu gi do vl fJcim Mon, nhimg ctic nha dau tu Lau
dai lai quan tam den fJam Mon han. ai het. Vi sao?
3. Co the' vi fJdm Mon la uung dfitla, th&ng ciinh tuy?t viJi nhu
ddo "Dao Nguyen Thien. Thai" co site hap d6n du khtich tit
b6n phucng do' din? Dung nhu vy nhung chua dll.

4. Con d9 sau cua Yinh. la bao nhieul Cam Ranh la Yinh. lj

ttt(mg otu: b<j,c nhat cua Vi?t Nam ma d<? stiu. binh quan la
khoiing llm trong khi tai fJam Mon con so' d6 len. den 22.
5. D9 sau cua hai cua ra uao Len den 25m con dciy Yinh. va day
CUa lai bang phdng nhu ctciy CUa Cai XOOng nhom. khong he
bf b&i lap hang tuim.
6. Thien. nhien tao cho con nguin. dihn phuc hiem co: Vjnh D&m
Mon va hai cua ra vao V!nh dt.t{Jc bao che bili nhftng day nui
cao, lien tuc ma vein chita lai nhitng biii b&ng klui tot de' cha
con nguoi dung cua.
7. Dam Mon con la kho bdu cua Khanh. Hoa vi (J day co may
nui ctit vang ma chat litcpig rat cao va trii lll(/ng len den

hang ti tan.

Bl!i. the' ma MINEXCO Khdnh. Hoa dii v9i uang xay dljng .
ngay CJ do mt cdu cang Cho cdc tau 3 V{Ln tan vao "an" cat
theo h<Jp d6ng dii kj dai han v<ii Nluit Ban.

9. G&n day Nha nuoc Vi~t Nam dii chon. fJam Mon la di-a diem
xay dljng nha may loc ddu V<Ji Cong Su<ft khoang 6,5 trieu
tdn l ruim.
10. fJieu dang noi 0 day la ha tang Cd Sd ch6n nay vein chua CO
gi xung
tUm ruing,



- Vinh = bay(n);gulftn). Bay la Yinh: thuang bao quanh b?Ji
bo da (= a part of the sea enclosed by a wide curve of
the shore) con gulf la uinh. bao quanh blti di:it (= a

part of the sea almost surrounded by land). _

Eg: Ha Long Bay; the Gulf of Mexico; the Gulf of Thailand


titlmg: ideal (adj.) & (n).

Eg: She is ideal wife for me

= do'i vcJi t6i nang la

nguiti oo Ly

e She is looking for a husband but hasn't found her
.ideal yet = nang dang tim mot tam ch6ng nhung chua
tim ra duoc ngctiti ly tudn.g (ho9,c j trung nluin). 1
- Ddm = lagoon {ltJ'gu:n]. Dl.tng dich. = pond(n). Pond la
nho. Lagoon dung ra la ''pha'' nh.u plui Tam
Giang chdng han:


... Yeu em anh ding

Sq truong nha



Ho: s<J pha Tam Giang

[Lagoon = salt-water lake separated from the sea by

- Gang

bie"n ntt{Jc sau: a deep-water sea port; a deep-

water harbour ...

- Nhdc dn: to mention (vt); to say the name of; to refer


Don't mention it= (dung nhii.c dtn ui~c do)= dung quan
tam d~n vi~c cam (Jn toi, cluing co gi dang de' ccim (Jn t6i...
(=you're welcome).

csu z.
- Lam an ng&nhan va trung han: to do business in short
or medium terms; to engage in short or mid-term
business ...
- Ccic nha ddu tu lau dai: long-term investors.

- Quan tam: to be interested in; to pay attention to; to give

(or pay) heed to... Eg: * Hein ta khemg quan tam den
chinh tri = he takes no interest in politics.
- Thdng ciinh tuyet um: Wonderful sights; charming
beauty spots; fine scenery; beautiful landscape...

- Dao

"Dao Nguyen Thien Thai": the

"Dreamland"; the island of "Fairyland" ...



- Co sue hap d6n du khcich tit b6n phti(}ng df/ den =

attracting travellers from all parts of the country ...

hoij,c magnetizing (= fascinating) tourists far and
wide(= everywhere; far and near).

* Nang da tim kiem khdp


b6n phuong dua con that lac cua

she searched far and wide for her missing

~ ta kh&p bon phuang do' vi dl nghe cdc ca si n{/i
tieng = People came from far and near to hear
famous singers.

- Dung nhr.t vay: That's. right (adj.) Co the' thay right

(adj)= correct; true; exact; reasonable ...

- D6 sd.u


= (chiiu stiu) depth (n).

What is the depth of this well?

= d9 sau cua gie'ng nay

la bao nhieu?

At what depth is the wreck lying?

dang ndm IJ d9 sau bao nhieu?

- Do sau binh quan = an average

(n), (adj)

con t<J:u bi d&m

depth. !Average po 3 tit loai:

ua (u). <1 day ta dung average nhu


ceu s.
- Ci:ta ra vao: entrance (n); passage (n); opening (n); way
(n)... [Entrance la (n) thi doc (entr ons] con
la (uJ thi
d(JC [intra:ns] (Brit.) ho(f,c {intrans] (US). Eg:
where is


the entrance (= the opening) to the cave?= dau la zoi vao

hang d9ng? (Luu y: slj kluic bi~t gifta entrance to vci
entrance into hofic onto).
- Day uinh: the bed of the bay; the bottom of the bay {hoiic
the bay bottom .. .)

- Day la nhftng liJi n6i tit day long toi = these are the words
from the very bottom of my heart (or in the depth of my
- B&ng ph&ng (adj)=

flat; euen (adj); level (adj); flush (adj.) ...

billard-toble must be perfectly even = ban bi-da

pluii thg,t bdng phdng.

Eg: A

- od.i soong nhom = an aluminum pan.

- Khong hi bi b6i lap hang nii.m = ... which does not have
allu-uium every year.


/Alluuiuml [&lu:viamKn) = drit b6'i, drit phi; sa lztu lai sau

can. lu: ho9,c do nuac song, nuttc bien chay qua al lai.:
sand, earth etc... left by sea, river or flood esp. in a
delta ... ) (tham hluio them tit dien dia ly hoij.c tu dien
Oxford cff lon. loai "uiortlfinder" mai c6 tit nay).

- Thien nhien tao... = "tao" ii day phdi duac hieu la "ban.
cho", "cung cdp" ... nen cdn ali(/c dich: = to give, to provide;
to endow; to furnish; to supply ... Eg: To endow [in'dau) a
school .. to give it a large amount of money = ban phat
tiln bee do'i dao cho m{)t truang hoc.

- Diim phuc hiem co: a rare happiness, a scarce felicity

[fi'lisit1];(a great contentment a rare satisfaction)...
De' chiJ con ngum xay dllng = chi dich. dan. gidn... for
construction. Nhitng biii being (phdng) =flat banks. C6
the' thay FLAT (adj.) = even (adj.); level (adj.); smooth

Cau 7:

= treasure ['treJ[j] Eg: A treasure found

hidden in the earth and of unknown oumership = m{)t
kho bciu dtt<;lc tim. thaygia'u du{Ji <lat va khong bie't ai la sd

- Kho bciu

- May nui cat vang ma chat lttdng rat cao va trft lli!!ng len
aen hang ti tan = ma chat ltt(/ng rift cao ua trii lli<Jng len.


nen dich: yellow sand mountains of high quality

and with reserves of billion of tons. Ditng dich. them
menh. al dlcdu van b(Jt lugm thu9m ...

Cciu 8:

- Bl!i the: for that reason; therefore ...

- Voi uang: hurriedly (adv.); immediately (adu.J; quickly
(adu.); at one; without delay ... Cau nay c6 thi dich. nhie'u

each: Therefore, a harbour (= port) for 30,000 tonne

ship was quickly counstructed there by Khanh Hoa
Minexco to load sand ... hoic: For that reason, Khanh
Hoa Minexco hurriedly built there a wharf for 30,000 ...
- an cat = to load sand hoc thay to load= to supply, to
furnish, to provide ..
Theo h<!p a6ng da ky dai han vcti Nhat Ban
term contract signed with Japan.

in a long-

- G&n clay = recently (adj.); in recent time; not long
before; not long ago; for only a short time ago ...
- fJii chon fJam-Mon lam dia ctiem =has chosen Dam Mon
as a location for building an oil refinery:.. ho{ic... has
planned (da quy hooch) DM as a site(= place; position)

for construction of an oil refinery ...

Cau 10:
-Ha tang

Cd sa:



Eg: ~ Ha tang ca slJ cua m9t quoc gia la ca ctiu. giup cho qusc
gia d6 hoat d9ng co hi~u qud chdng han. nhu c!ui!ng b9,
dui!ng xe llta; nha mciy di~n, ui~c cung cap nude... = The

infrastructure of a country is the structure which

helps it to function effectively, such as roads,
railways, power stations, water supply, etc ... Infra la


tieng Latin c6 nghia la ''hg" = dr.t{Ji =below. Infra vita la

"adverb" vita la "preposition".

Vdn chtta c6 gi ttt<Jng xttng vCti tim nang: ... not adequate
to its potentials (=potentialities). C6 the' thay "adequate"
(doc [~dikwit] =enough (adj.) for ...
Eg: Muc cung khong tuang xung udi muc cdu = the supply is
not adequate to the demand (ho{i,c... not enough for the

Bai djch tham khao:

1. Geography teachers teach their students that the lagoons

and bays of Vietnam can be built to become deep-water sea

but they rarely
mention DAM MON.
2.Buisinesspeople engaging in short or mid term business can
know more or less about DAM MON, but long-term
investors are much more interested in it than anyone else Why?

3. It may be because DAM MON is a strange land with

wonderful sights like the island of "Dreamland" attracting
tourist far and wide. That's right but it's not enough.


4. What's the depth of the bay ? Cam Ranh is the most ideal
bay of Vietnam with an average depth of llm while in Dam
Mon it is 22m.
5. The depth of the two entrances is 25m while the bed of the
bay and of the entrances is as flat as that of an aluminum
pan, which does not have alluvium every year.
6. Nature endows man with rare happiness: Dam Mon bay and
its two entrances are protected by-high mountain ranges
whten streh into a chain but still yield level banks for
7. Dam Mon is still the treasure of Khanh Hoa because here
there are yellow sand mountains of high quality and with
reserves of billion of tonnes.
8. For that reason. Khanh Hoa MINEXCO hurriedly built
there a wharf for 30,000 - tonne ships to load sand in a long
term contract signed with Japan.
9. Recently, the State of Vietnam has planned Dam Mon as a
site for construction of an oil refinery with capacity of about
6.5 million tonnes/year.
10. The thing to mention here is that the infrastructure in this
place is not adequate to its potentials.





1. Chi nuii niim niim truce day, H9i An con la m9t nai be nho

trtim. miic, reu phong va co phan am dam, nay dci. chuyen

minh thanh. m9t pho' thi nh(m nhip day sac s6'ng.
2. Dtly khong phsii la Lan d&u tien H9i An trC! nen n}uln nhip,
Su6~ trong thdi uuang quoe Chiem Thanh (tit the' ky tha 4
den the' ky 14 Sau Cong Nguyen). Hi An eta la hdi cdng
chinh. Va la Clla ngo quan trong nhat CUa uuang quoo, chi
ndm each thu do SJMHAPIRA (= Tra Kieu ngay nay) co 20
cay so:
3. Tit luii cdng nay, nhitng thuy thu ngr.tdi Cham dii giong buom
len. hr.tfJng B&c den t(in Trung Quo'c, sang phia dong Mn t~n
cac ddo trong Thai Binh Duong, ue' hr.t<Jng tay nam den tQ.n
tie"u luc dia An D9 va the'gim A R(ip.
4. Nam 1558, Nguyln Hoang, ngr.tdi sang lp ra triiu Nguyin (J
Dang Trong da khuyen khich chinh sticli
ciia de' day
manh. phat trien cong ngh~p va thuang mai dia phuang.


5. Vdo ddu the'


16, khi triiu dinh nha Minh "be' quan. toa

cang" dot um Trung Quoc, v~c buon. ban to lua ddy l<;Ji
nhuan. gii'ta Nh{it va Trung Quoc vcfn tiep tuc th6ng qua

cang H9iAn.
6. Nhung qua the' ky 18, ngoi sao H9i An dii miJ ddn. Khi ngr.tiJi
Phdp chiem Da Ndng lam nhuang dia cua hq vao CUOl the' ky
19 thi s6'phfl.n ell.a H9i Anda. duoc an bai nhu m(it v~ tinh,


7. Tai H9i An ban. co the' luu lai trong m()t khdch: san phong
ccich co' kinh, tdn b9 doc theo ccic con ph6'hep va nluim nhcip
chen ruau, chung tra tren. biJ song khi "chieu ta bang Lang
bong hoang hon".
8. Nhung ctiiu hap ddn nhd: vi H{}i An chinh la con nguai nai
ct6: hien lanh, men khdch ua luc nao ciing nil n(t cuai tren
moi. Cuoc song cua ho co ve binh yen va gidn di, xa riti
nhitng tien bi) nhu vu biio cua the gi<Ji hien. ctg,i.
9. Sau m{;)t thiti gian dai quen. liing, cfmg cw)c bdo u~ ua ton tao
ccic di sdn van hoa cua Hoi An dang dlt(/c thuc hien um Sl/
giup da cua cdc chuyen. gia tit nhilu nuoc. H{}i ccic nguiti bc;in
cua H{}i An dii du<Jc thanh. l~p di huy d<)ng tai chcinh va tai
tri. Chinh phu ta ciing danh. ngan quy 1 ty d6ng cho cong
vi~c trung tu.
10. Tuy nhien. s bung no' du lich. da va dang lam phuc tap them
cac n6 luc bdo t6n. LOI. thiet ke' khong phu h</P czla nhftng
ngoi nha m<Ji tai H{}i An eta lam hu hong canh quang cua
pho' thi, giong nhu sl,t trang ctilm uung vi tren. m9t guang
mdt dilm kiiu.

11. Tang cuong va phat trien kinh te diu acing hoan nghenh,
nhung neu khong dtt<Jc tien hanh. th9-n trong, cluing co thi
huy hoai sue quyen rii cua ph6'c6 H(Ji An.
- Thuc giA'c: to wake (pt: woke/weok/ or waked [weikt]; pp :
woken [weoken] or waked); to waken; to wake (pt:
awokelewenk] or awaked; pp: awoken or awaked); to
awaken ... Ca 4 d(>ng tu tren duc}c sU'. dung vira la vi) vira la
(vt). Tuy nhien, WAKE phc) bien hon
Khi <lien
b6ng nguci ta lai chon AWAKEN nhu (vt) va AW AKE nhu




Eg: + Sang nay, tOi da thuc gi!c cung am vang cua lii chim
dang riu rit ngoai viron = I woke (=awoke; wakened;
awakened) to the sound of birds chirruping in the

garden this morning.

= Each
time a dog barked, the baby awakened with a start.

M6i lAn ch6 sua dua be lai gi~t minh thuc giac

du danh thuc ngudi chet d~y r6i day

are making enough noise to wake the dead.

+ Cac ban 6n ao

= You

thuc co gai dang ngu = Don't wake

waken; awake; awaken) the sleeping girl.

Dimg danh

+ Cu9c vieng tharn dl'iu tien cua toi de'n nha nang da danh


tinh cam chang' bao gib chiu roi


= My first visit to her family awakened a feeling
which never left me.

Ong ta da nhan ra trach nhiem cua minh he a woke to

his responsibility (= he became conscious [or
] of his responsibility).

Trlim mac= quiet (adj.), calm (adj.); untroubled (adj.) ...
Eg: Ba ta dang song mc?t cu(>c dbi tram mac noi thon da
She is living a quiet (= calm
) life in the

Reu phong =mossy (adj.). Eg mossy stone steps=
cac bac ca'p bang da da reu phong (= da phu reu [=
covered with moss)). Mau xa.nh reu = Mossy green . .QQ
dam: rather gloomy (adj.); fairly dark (adj.);
pretty (adv.)(= moderately ) unlighted



Eg D6 la (mot) thi tran voi nhirng con pho am dam day 6 ga

va h~ thong ong cong bi u nghet That's a town with

unlighted (= unlit ...) streets full of holes and

blocked drains.
Ctiu nay c6 thi dich: Hoi An was still a calm, mossy and
fairly dark little place only five years ago and it has now
changed into a small city having large numbers of people.
Hoiic bat nidm ra: Only five years ago a quite, mossy
and rather gloomy little place, Hoi An has changed
into a crowded town bursting with energy (To be
bursting with ... = to be full of.. . .E.g: + Dia di~m du lich
D~m Sen ngay nao ciing' dfiy nhting' ngum la ng\tdi =Dam
Sen tourist site is bursting with people everyday.
H9 da tran d~y hanh phuc = They were bur.sting with


+ Nang la thieu nu dAy sue s6ng va tharn vong = She is a

girl full of energyand ambition. Bo nang la nguci cha dAy
(nhirng ) tu tuClng tien b9 = Her father is a man full of
new ideas.


Nhan nhip to bustle I 'bAsl I (vi) & (vt); to be very

busy and lively; to have excited (or noisy) activities
(excited= [adj.}).
Eg Cac ba n(>i tr<;J nhon nhip ra vao sieu thj An Dong =
Housewives bustle in and out of An Dong
supermarket. (To bustle = to move in a hurried way)
Trung tam thanh ph6 dang nhon nhip The city center
has bustled (= ... has become very busy and lively ... ).

Vuong <tu& Chiem Thanh

the Champa Kingdom.
Saitt :OOng nguyfn: thuimg hay vie4: d-t AD, hai mAu tu


d~u cua 2 tu Latin ANNO DOMINI c6 nghia la trong

nam cua due chua troi (=in the year of Our Lord);
thuoc v~ ky nguyen Cong giao (of the Christian era), n6i
gon la sau cong nguyen. T'rudc Cong nguyen thi ta
dung BC (=Before .Qhr1st). Eg + Vao nam 480 truce Cong
nguyen ... in (the year) 480 BC.

Gl:ta ngo guan


trong nhat: the

(d day khong

gate .... ), H9i An khong th~

most important

dich CUA NGO



DOOR hoac GATE duoc

m~c du ngttdi Vi~t hay n6i nhu v~y. Truong hop khong
nhd tu STRONGHOLD (=phao dai, ti~n d6n ... ), ta c6 thg
dung PLACE (n) d~ thay ciing duoc.
Nhung thuy thu ngudi Cham

= The Cham

the seafaring people of Champa;

seamen ... )

k Chi


the Cham sailors (=

nhilng thuy thu c6 kinh nghiem mdi dttQc tuy~n dung

= Only experienced

seafarers (= sailors; seafaring

persons . ) are employed.

* Giong

bucSm ten htt&ng B~c ... Trung Quo'c

= to sail north

to China.

Luu y: Cac phucng huong EAST; WEST; SOUTH;

NORTH c6 3 tU loai: noun; (adj.) [attrib.] va (adv.);

dang th6i hudng dong (tay/nam/b~c)

= The

wind is blowing from the east (west/south/north.).


I (Adj.)

I - H9 dang

so'ng d bo bi~n phia dong =

They're living on the east coast. 0 man phia tay



cua thanh pho HCM... = On the west side of HCM

city ...


I Toa nha quay mat ve hudng dong = The

building faces east (= towards the east). Doan
quan dang di chuyen ve hudng tay = The troops are
moving west. M<?t ban lang (J ve phia nam dong song
Thu Bon ... =A village south of the Thu-bon River ...

Den tan cac dao trong Thai Binh Dtidng: chi dich don
gian. "into the Pacific" thay vi: into the Pacific
islands hoac: ... to the islands in the Pacific ...


Tieu luc dia An Do: the Indian subcontinent. (bao gom:

India, Pakistan va Bangladesh.)


giai A Rap
the Arab World. (Ll.tU y'): Arabian
(adj.)[attrib.] = thuoc ve hoac co lien quan den A R?p
Sau-di [= belonging or relating to Arabia, especially to
Saudi Arabia]).

Dai su m9t so' qu6c gia A R~p da duQc mdi = The

ambassadors of several Arab countries were invited.

Ciiu 4:
Nguai sang lp = founder (n).
Eg: Ba ta la h{>i vien sang l~p cua cong ty chung ta = She
a founder
of our company.

( = ... one of the first members ...)

Trieu Nguy~n d Dang Trong =the Nguyen dynasty in

Dang Trong ( = South Vietnam). Khuyen khfch = to
encourage, to support ... Eg: Theo y kien cua toi, h~

th6ng l<;li nhuan hien nay cua cong ty chung ta chi t6

khuyen khich tfnh lubi bicng
In my view, the
benefit system of our company just
encourages laziness. (Hoac: ... Our company's current
benefit system ... )

Chinh sach mC:l cl:ta = an open-door policy. Chinh sach

be mon toa cang a closed-door policy. Chfnh sach on
hoa: a moderate
(or temperate) policy. Chinh sach
cung d.n = a hard ( ::: tough; unflinching ... ) policy.
Chinh sach nhan SU cua c6ng ty chung toi hie nao ciing
dude hoach dinh va th~ nghi~m trong b~u kh6ng khl tu
do thao luan va coi mb = Our company's personnel
policy has always been framed and tested in a
climate of free discussion and openness.

D~y nhanh

to boost; to increase; to raise

k Nhirng' d6i thay nay se giup d'y manh gia c6 phan
= These changes will help to boost share prices.



Vao d~u th ky 16
At the beginning of the 16th
century; early (adv.) in the 16th century ... Eg: Tuyet
luon luon den sdm Tuyet always arrives early. +
Tuan nay, co nang da den sdm hem m1a day
=She arrived earlier this week.


mon toa cang doi v&i Trung Quoc = To shut the

doors on China; to apply the closed-door policy to


Viec buon ban to lua day lqi nhuAn

the lucrative
trade; the profitable sflk commerce ...


Tiep tyc = to continue; to go on; to keep on; to

proceed (vi_j; to progress (vi); to. go forward ...
Eg: +Lam on tiep tuc cong viec cua may di = Please go
on ( proceed ...) with your work.

Sao con cho cua may (tiep tuc) sua hoai vay ?
your dog keep on barking?

= Why does

Viec buon ban giUa hai mtdc dang tien tri~n tOt dep The
commerce between the two countries is going
forward well.
Thong qua cang H6i An = through
means of Hoi An harbour ...

Hoi An port; by

~ Toi da nhan dt.tQc vi~c lam nay thong qua m{>t van phong
tim viec b quan Phu Nhuan = I got this job through an

agency in Phu Nhuan District.

+ Chinh thong qua Tuyet ma chung t6i mdi co th~ g~p Iai
nhau = It was through Tuyet that we were able to
meet again.
Cau 6:

~ Qua the' ky 18 (= vao d~u the ky 18, tuc mdi buoc qua the
ky 18 chua lau) = by the early 18th century.
Ngoi sao Hoi An eta mil ddn = Hoi An's star went
slowly out of view. 0 day ta nen hi~u cau nay theo
nghia bong: Hoi An's star was fading hoac: was
gradually losing strength (=vigour [U]; energy [U) ).
Khi ngliiJi Phap chiem Da Ndng lam ... cua ho: (=
chiem duce nhuong dia Da NAng cua ho) When the


concession. (CONCESSION [C]

la cai gi d6 ma minh
bAt buoc phai nhucng d~ ngttbi khac so huu nhu m<)t d~c
quyen dac lei, nhat la sau khi viec thuong thao bi d6 vd, [
= sth that you are forced to let sb. have as a special
privilege, especially after a disagreement]).

fur,. H9 quyet dinh kh6ng thuc hien mdt nhuong b{> dat dai
nao het = They decided to make no territorial
concession. (= they cannot concede any of their
territory. Hoac: ... allow another country to have it).
- So phan H6i An da att<Jc ... nhir m(>t v~ tinh = Hoi An's

fate was sealed as a satellite.lTo seal (vt)I co nhieu

nghia, day ta dung vdi nghia: GJAI QuvET (=to settle);
QUYET D:~NH ( = to decide).


So phan

cua bon chung da duoc an bai =Their fate is

sealed (= settled; decided ... ) (Nobody can stop what is
going to happen to them).

Cau 7:
- Luu lai trong mot khdch san phong each co' kinh
stay in an ancient style hotel.

= to

Nhifm nhap chen rztdu, chung tra = to have a drink.

DRINK(n) = thuc uong ( = liquid for drinking). Eg:
uong d~ roi tra day = Drinks are on me


(= I will pay for drinks) + Trang nha may h&ng c6 rucu

sao ? = Isn't there any drink in your house?
Nhung thuc uo'ng nong, tUc la tra va cu phe, thanh toan
rieng re dfiy nhe Hot drinks, ie tea and coffee, are

charged for separately (ie doc [ai i.] =that is to say;

in other words).


- Khi "Chilu ta bang Lang bc>ng hoang hon'' chi dich don
gian: as the sun sets hoac the sun is setting hoac: ... is
slowly going down below the horizon. Eg: Ngoi sao
cua lao ta da l~n rdi (= thai oanh li~t cua lao nay con dau)

= His star has set. ( = the time of his power is over).

csu e.
- Hiin lanh = candid (adj.): frank (adj.); meek (adj.);
gentle (adj.); kind (adj.); benevolent (adj.); friendly
(adj.) ... Eg: Nang hi~n nhu C\lC dat =She's as meek as
a lamb(= Nang hi~n nhir ciru non - lo'i n6i nguoi Anh).

- Men khach = hospitable


welcoming towards

visitors ...


Eg: + Nong dan Vi~t Nam n6i tieng la nhirng

khach = Vietnamese peasants have the reputation of

being very hospitable people.

- Va luc nao cung n/J nu cctiti. tren moi

and always

Eg: Nang khong bao gid cuoi =She never smiles.
Nguoi me mim cttai thay cac con minh that, hanh phiic

The mother smiles to see her children so happy;

- Cu6c song cua ho co vl ... the' gi<Ji hien dai = their lives
seem peaceful and simple, far removed (adj.) (=
distant [adj.];remote [adj. ] ) from the stormy pace
(= progress [UJ;advance [n]; ) of the modern world.
Hoac: Their lives look (= appear) quiet (=calm [adj.]:
plain [adj.]) and almost taken off from the very rapid
development of the international community ...Luu y:
Far (adv.)= much; considerably.


Quen Jang = d day nen hi~u }a "thieu S\1 quan tam charn
s6c dung mire nan phai dich = NEGLECT (chu khong
duoc dich = OBLIVION (Neglect is failure to look after
sb. or sth properly while oblivion means "the state of
being quite forgotten").
Eg: Vu viec d6 se khong chirn xu6ng duoc. l= chirn vao quen
langj= That affair should not sink (hoac fall) into

Cong viec bao t6n va ton tao cac di san van h6a

on preserving and restoring

the cultural

.... h~ita;e
hoac: tasks on conserving (=protecting ... )
and rehabilitating
the cultural relics.

Hoi cac ngubi ban cua Hoi An = the Association of Hoi

An Friends, HQi Vi~t Phap = Vietnamese French
Association. Hci tu thien = charitable society. H(h
tuong tro =mutual aid society.

Hoi van hoc: literary club.

Huy dong tai chanh va tai tri = to mobilize finance
and expertise; to raise (hoac dung to gather, to
collect...) money and special skill; to get financial
support and expert [adj.] knowledge ...
Chinh phu ta cilng danh .. cha c6ng viec trung tu = Our
government has a billion dong fund for restoration
work hoac: reserves a sum of one billion dong for
rehabilitation tasks.


Cau 10:
Tuy nhien,




du lich ... cac no h.1c bao ton:

However, the tourism boom (hoac thay = explosion.

Eg: + Su bung n6 dan so= a population explosion has
complicated conservation efforts. Hoac: But, the
preservation more difficult to deal with ...


thiet ke' khon

uncoordinated design;

unsuitable arrangement ... TO COORDINATE vt phoi

hop [= to put into proper relation]. Eg: Chi fi..y la rn(>t vu

cong gioi: tat ca cac d9ng tac cua chi ay dude phdi hop
m9t each that hoan hao =She's a good dancer: all her

movements are perfectly coordinated .

Lam hti hong canh guang cua ph6 thi

= to damage the

facade of the town; to harm the appearance of the

town ... Eg: S\! biin thiu va ngheo kh6 {da) nam sau
canh quang (:= be ngoai) l(?ng lAy cua nhieu thanh pho tai
chau A va chau My = Squalor {=dirty state) and


lay behind
the glittering facade
(=appearance) of many cities in Asia and America.
Su trang di~m vung-ve =Bad make-up (n). (khong dung
DECORATION, nghia se hoan toan khac h~n). MAKEUP (n) [U] -



diem nhu

son, phan ma m<)t

so nguoi,


la phu nu dung thoa ten mat d~ khien ho trdng di~m kieu

hon (= coloured creams and powders which some

people, especially women, put on their faces to

make themselves look more attractive).

Ii] Cach

trang diem(= the way of making up).

!TO MAKE UP l(ho~c to make oneself up)= trang di~m

(= to put cosmetics on one's face). Eg: Co nang da ma't
gid d~ trang di~m trudc biia ti~c sinh nhat cua minh =
She spent an hour making (herself) up before her


birthday party.
Ba do hie nao ding trang di~m r~t u Ia Joe loet = That
woman is always very heavily made up (=She
always puts a lot of make-up on her face).

Cau 11:
Tang cttang va phat tri~n kinh te d~u dang hoan nghenh
= Economic growth and development should be
welcomed (=supported; approved of ... ).

Dude tien hanh than trong =to be carried out carefully;

to be implemented cautiously; to be done with great care
(= caution [U]; attention [U] ...) Haile: ... with a lot of

care( ... )



cai binh


nay dln than. M~ khong

muon n6


b~ dau da'.'y = Hold this ancient vase carefully (=

cautiously ... ); I don't want it broken. Pha huy = to
ruin (vt); to destroy (vt); to demolish (vt); to put an
end to ..
Eg: + Moi hy vong v~ thiet lap hoa binh da bi bai di~n van cua
ong ta pha huy = All hopes of a peaceful settlement
were destroyed by his speech. H<;> (du dinh) se pha
huy cac toa cao oc cu nay vao tuan tOi = They're going
to demolish these old buildings next week. May se
pha huy moi Cd may CO viec lam cua may n~u may mac
chiec vay ngAn ciin ng~n can do d~ di phong' van= You'll

ruin all your chances of the job if you wear

very short skirt to the interview.


Sue guyen rii cua pho c& Hai An = the charm of old Hoi
An town; the attrativeness of ancient Hoi An town;
the beauty of Hoi An. a town having existed for a
(very) long time ...

Bai dich. tham khao:



Only five year ago a quiet, mossy and rather gloomy little
place, Hoi An has changed into a crowded town bursting
with energy.

2. It's not the first time Hoi An has bustled. During the
Champa Kingdom period (4 th century AD to 14th century
AD), Hoi An was the main seaport and the most important
stronghold of the kingdom, located 20 km from the capital
SlMHAPURA (= Tra Kieu today).
3. From this port, the seafaring people of Champa sailed north
to China, east into the Pacific, south and west to the Indian
sub-continent and the Arab world.
4. In 1558 Nguyen Hoang, the founder of the Nguyen dynasty
in Dang Trong (South Vietnam), encouraged an open-door
policy to boost local industry and trade.

the 16th century, when the Minh dynasty shut the

doors on China, the lucrative silk trade between Japan and
China continued through Hoi An port.
: . ,1; in

6. But by the early 18th century, Hoi An's Star was fading.
When the French took possession of. their Da Nang
concession at the end of 19th century, Hoi An's fate was
sealed as a satellite.
7. In Hoi An, you can stay in an ancient-style hotel, walk along
narrowstreets and have a drink on the riverbank as the sun
8. But, the most attractive thing about Hoi An is its people:
candid, hospitable, and always smiling. Their lives seem
peaceful and simple, far removed from the stormy pace of
the modern world.
9. After a long period of neglect, work on preserving and
restoring the cultural heritage of Hoi An is being carried out
with the help of pecialists from many countries. The
Association of Hai An Friends was established to mobilise
finance and expertise. Our government has a billion dong
fund for restoration work.
10. But, the tourism boom has complicated conservation efforts.
Uncoordinated design of new buildings in Hoi An has
damaged the facade of the town, like bad make-up on an
attractive face.


Economic growth and development should be welcomed,

but if not carried out carefully, they may destroy the cham
of old Hoi An Town.




1. Liinh. tho' Song Be n&m trong uung kinh te' trong diem cua ca
nude, triii r9ng tren rn,Qt dien tich. gdn 10.000 km2 tuang

mt}t trieu hec-ta.

2. Dan so' Song Be la 1,1 trieu ngUCti, vm m~t d9 binh. qtuin la

mot ngliiiiI hecta.
3. Song Be la oung dat tre chuyin tiep giiia Cao nguyen Nam

Trung Bg (noi co nhidu tiim ruing ud thuy di~n, bo-xit, g6,

nong sdn, hang h6a, v. u.. .) va thanh. ph6'H6 Chi Minh.
4. Song Be co ngu6n tai nguyen thien. nhien. d{ic bi~t phong phti,
nhieu. triln vc;mg trll thanh. m9t dia phtt<!ng giau co dl dong
g6p phdn. minh vao nen kinh te' dat nude. Song Be ciing la
mii.nh dift da va dang thu hut cdc nha d&u tu trong va ngoai
5. Dat: c6 18 loai dat kluic nhau, thich hap cho nhie'u loai cay
tr6ng nhu: cao su, d(j.u ph9ng, tieu, diiu, ca phe... Hai loai
Mt chinh la dat do ba-dan ua dat xdm pluit triin plu: sa ed.
6. NU<Jc:
a. Ngu/Jn

nuoc m{i,t va nguon. nu<Jc ngam hlui phong plui, neu

duac khai thac hap Ly se bdo dam c6 du nuac cho cong CUQC
pha: trien kinh te' xd. h9i trong tlnh, Han the' niia; ngu6n nuoc
nai day con co thl cung cap cho cd TP. H6 Chi Minh va cac .
tinh phz;, cdn.

b. Rieng nguo'n nude m~t um h~ thong slJng suoi. day d{i,c. Song
Be co nhidu uu. the' de' hhai tluic thuy di~n ciing nhu thily lai.
7. Rimg:

a. Dien. tich tr6ng ritng c6 trii lu<;tng Mn nhat Dong Nam B9.


b. Ccic loai rung hi~n c6 la ri.tng g6, h6n giao g6, tre, nua,
Tris luqng g6 vao khodng 10.5 trieu m3.

l6' 6...

8. Khodng sdn:
Co den 104 dia diem, bao g6m:
- Kim loai: Boxit, uang,
- Phi kim loai: than bun, cao lanh, set gq,ch ng6i, dci uoi, dd
xay df/ng...
. -Khoang san cua Song Be khong da chung va cluing chu yeu
la phi him loai nhung c6 qui mo ldn, co chat luang tot va di

khai thac.
9. Du Zich:
a. Dfa hinh. Song Be vita mang tinh chat d6ng bdng vita trung
du, bdi vy mai co nhieu. cdnh ~P n6i tieng thud xa xua ua
dang la tiin cU dl mlt ra nhiing uung du lich. v(Ji nhftng nit
d{i,c thi: cua Song Be nhu uuan. cay an trtii Lai Thieu, ho'
Binh. An, SUOl L6 6, nui Chau Tluii, nui Ba Ra, thac M<J...
b. Ngoai ra con c6 cac dia danh lich. sit nhu Phu Lai, Chien khu
D, B6.u Bang, D6ng Xoai, PhuocLong, Tam Gide

ss. ...

JO. Mong sao Song Be nhanh. ch6ng di

thanh. m9t dia phuang giau. manh,

den thanh.

cong va trCi

Mot tinh giau dep cua Mien Dong Nam Bo= a beautiful
prosperous province of Southeast Vietnam; an attractive
(=[adj.) fascinating; charming ... ) and wealthy province
of Vietnam Southeastern region ...



don vi hanh chanh cua mot
nude nhu:
Vi~t Nam, Lao, Kampuchia, Thailan, Trung Quoc, Canada,
Phap ...



+ M(?t

so quoc

gia khac Jn: pilan chia d\t nuoc he thanh

BANG (hoac) TIFr UA~G = [= STATE]) nhu My, Due,
An D9, Nam Phi Le ... Province ngoai nghia la TINH,







(responsibility) ... Eg: Vfi.n d~ d6 ngoai trach nhiem cua
Cong ty chung t6i = That problem is outside the
province of our company (n) We cannot solve it).

Ctiu 1:
Lanh thci =territory

(n); land(n); area(n) ...

Eg: Loai s6i lu6n lu6n bao v~ lanh dia cua chung chong lai cac
loai xam nhap = wolves always defend their

territory against intruders.

N~m = to LIE [lai] (pt: lay [lei]; pp: lain [lein]; pres,
participle: lying [Taiin].

xac anh ~Y da n~m lai chien truong Kampuchia =

His body lay (= he was buried) in the Cambodian


+ Dung buon nira! Ban vira tre lai vua dep. M<;>t tuong lai
tran day hanh phuc dang mb rong trudc mat ban day! =
don't be sad any more. You are both young and
beautiful. A very happy future is lying before you!.
Ta c6 th~ thay To LIE

= to spread;

to extend; to be; to

stretch; to be situated (= located)...

Eg: + ROi r~m n~m

o phan


= The trouble


<= is)


the engine.


+ Que nang n~m trong mot thung lung cua tinh Lam D6ng
= her native village lies (= is situated ... ) in a valley of
LamDong province.
Nhung canh rung trai dai hang tram dam = The forests
that lie stretch: extend .. ) for hundreds of miles ..

Vung kinh te trong di~m

vital economic region; major
(=important ... ) economic zone ...

Eg: + Su ung h{> cua cac ban Ia rat ciin thiet cho ke hoach cua
tOi duoc thanh cong' = your support is vital (very
necessary) to (or for) the success of my plan.
D6 la nhilng v~n
trong quoc gia

de trong

di~m nfli com

= . Those

co t~m

rnuc quan

are the issues of vital

national importance.
Dan so Song Be = the inhabitants of Song Be; Song Be's
residents; its population
was a
resident (or an Inhabitant) of Ha Noi for more than
thirty year.

Eg: Ong ta da la dan Ha N()i hon 30 narn d~y =He

Tang trubng kinh te' cua qucc gia do da khong di doi du:qc
voi su gia tang dan
the economic growth of that


country failed to match the increase in population.

(To match= to be equal to).

do binh guan =average


Eg: + Nhiet dQ binh quan tai TP. Da Lat vao thang 12 la bao

nhieu? What's the average temperature in Da-Lat

City in December?

Vung que thuong c6 m~t d(? nha thAp =there is usually

(= Countryside often has a small number of houses in a
large area).
Gau 3:
Vting dat tre = New land. (Tre b day nen dich = new hon =
young). Dat thi dich = LAND chu khong dich
ground hoac soil. [De nghi tham khao TU DIEN Anh - Anh
d~ hi~u ro su khac bi~t giiia 4 tu nayl).

Eg: Dung dgt ma H(p may 13 ay di (hoac: Hip d~t m'y 16 !y di)
=fill those holes with earth [U].
Tu~n r6i ho chi fi.y da truqt khoi chiec thang va roi xuong
d't = Her father slipped off the ladder and fell to
the ground last week.
Dat noi day phi nhieu Him = the soil here is very
fertile. (Dat thjt = heavy soil; dat pha cat = sandy soil;
dfft pha set= clay soil...).
Vi~t Nam
= Vietnam

la vung dat

c6 nhieu co may cho cac nha dliu tu

is a land of opportunities for investors.

~ Chuy~n tiep. Nen dich to sandwich (vt), dung dich =to

transfer (vt) theo each n6i thuong ngay cua ngttdi Vi~t
Nam se khong co nghia. SANDWICH vira la (n) vira la
(vt). N gudi Anh thi doc ['srewidJ] nguoi My lai doc
1. (n) Banh mi san-quit, ban nao cling hi~u ca r6i! Banh
g6m m9t mi6ng thit hoac pate ... giiia hai lat banh mi hai

2. (vt) [Chuyen tiep]; kep vao git1a, tuc d~t mt v~t hoac m9t
ngiroi giua hai v~t hoac hai nguoi khac, nh~t 18. t-rong m(>t

khoang khong gian chat hep (= to put one thing or

two others
in a
restricted or little space).

Eg;_ Sang qua tren xe buyt minh bi kep giifa hai ong to Mo I
was sandwiched between two very fat men on the bus
yesterday morning.
Hoac: I sanwiched myself between two very stout men ... )
Lao giarn doc ngttdi Dai Loan d6 da "chuyen tiep" tinh cam
cua lao sang co ban gai cua may roi = That Taiwanese
manager transferred his affections to your girlfriend.
Cao Nguyen Nam Trung Bo= the highlands(= uplands)
of Southern Central Vietnam.

Bo xit: bauxite ['brcksait] lU] (khoang chat giong nhu dat

set dung d~ luyen nhom = the clay-like ore from which
aluninium is obtained).

Song Be c6 ngu6n ..... phong phu

(= Song Be phong phu

ngudn tai nguyen thien nhien d~c biet) = Song Be
abounds in special natural resources. C6 th~ thay TO

ABOUND in (or with)> to have in large quantities, for in

great numbers): to be abundant (=rich: plentiful) in: to
exist in large amounts ...

Eg: Yung nay c6 nhieu ca sau

this region abounds in
crocodiles. Hoac: crocodiles are plentiful (= abundant:
rich ... ) in this region. Hoac crocodiles exist in large
amounts in this region ...

Tri~n vong prospects (pl]; chance (s) of success; outlook

(for sth) ... Eg: Tri~n vong phat tri~n kinh
trong nhirng



phan khoi phai vay khong ? the outlook

for economic development in the coming years is
very encouraging isn't it?
narn toi la ra:'t

Tri~n vong doi vbi nhung ke that nghiep that la am dam=

the outlook for the unemployed is bleak (= gloomy;
dreary [drieri]: causing low spirits ... ).
Tri~n vong thu hoach lua gao nam nay (la) kern = the

prospects for this year's rice harvest are poor.

Dat =land(= an area of ground).
Luu y: LAND thuong dung b dang so it. Khi dung Ci dang
so nhieu no co nghia la BAT DONG SAN. (LANDS (PL)=
an area of land which someone owns (=estate (s)]).

Eg: Cac bat d{mg san cua ho da bi nhirng ten xam luoc chiern
giu 20 narn ve truoc = Their lands [estates] were
occupied by the aggressors twenty years ago .

Thanh pho chung ta kh6 Sd vi thieu dtlt xay dung = Our

city suffers from the shortage of building land.
TO SEE, to find out, ect ... how the land lies = tim hiciu
xem tinh hinh the nao, su viec ra sao (= to learn what
the situation is, how matters stand, etc ).
Eg:+Tot hon chung ta nen tim hi~u tinh hinh the nao truce khi
khbi sl,i b~t cu hanh dc)ng nao = we should better find

out how the land lies before taking any action. HQk
It is better for us to see how the land lies before using any


Ciiu B:

Ngu6n nude mat va nuOc ngAm =the

water and underground water.
- Kha phong phu
abundant ...

= rather

source of surface

rich; pretty (dv) plentiful: fairly

= it's

Hom nay troi kha lanh, phai khong nhi?

cold today, isn't it?
Toi kha chac r~ng nang se n6i dang
she will say yes.

y = I'm

- Dl.!ac khai thac hqp ly

to be exploited
used suitably: to be developed correctly ...


pretty sure

properly: to be

Eg:. Hang xudng cua lao ta khai thac (= b6c l(>t) cong nhan (cua
minh) mot each t6i t~ = His firm exploits its workers
- H~ thong kinh te' the' giOi hien nay da va dang khai thac (=
loi dung) CRC mrdc dang phat tri~n d~ phuc vu cac IlUOC da
phat tri~n = The world's current economic system
has exploited the developing countries in favour of
the developed ones. (In favours of = on the side of; in
support of; in sympathy with ...)

ITO EXPLOIT (vt)Jtrong 2 truong hop tren c6 nghia la to

use selfishly; to use (esp, a person) unfairly for one's own
profit or advantage.
- Hon th~ nua = in addition;
besides (adv. ) ...

moreover; further (adv.);

Eg: Ng6i nha nay qua nho doi vdi m(lt gia dinh mttCli ng\tdi, va
hon the' nua nha lai o trong tinh trang toi t~ This house
is too small for as family of ten (persons), and further
(more) (= in addition; moreover, besides ... ) it is in a bad


6b. Rieng nguOn mrdc m;1t = as for surface water. C6 th~ thay
AS FOR = WITH REFERENCE TO; on the subject of:
concerning ...
Eg:+ Rieng anh, toi khong bao gid muon thay mat anh noi nay
nita =as for you. I never want to see you here again.
May con c6 th~ co giuClng. rieng chi may n6 se phai ngy
duoi dat =you can have a bed; as for your sister she
will have to sleep on the floor.

- He

thong song suoi day dac = a criss crossing

network of rivers and streams; a dense network of

rivers and brooks.

ITO CRISS-CROSS (vt) & (vi) I = tao ra mot hinh dan
cheo (ngang doc) trong hoac tren mot noi nao hoae m()t
cai gi do t= to create a pattern of crossed lines in or

on some place or something).

Eg: Cac ong nude
(the) water


ngang doc nhtrng con pho va via he

pipes criss-cross

the streets and

Cac dudng day di~n cao the dan cheo nhau ben tren vung
que = the high-voltage (electricity) cables criss-

cross over the countryside.

+ Cac llln duang chang chit
criss-cross the map.


ban d6 = The road lines

- C6 nhi~u uu the ldn: = to have great advantages; to

considerable benefits ...

- Thuy dien = hydro-power; hydro-electricity ...

- Thuy lai (hoac >

<= nganh

thuy ldi) = hydraulics.


Eg: Ba n6 la ky sir thuy lqi


His father is a hydraulic

Thang may thuy = a hydraulic lift.

Cau 7:
- Dien tich d~ tr6ng rung = the area for forestation; the area
for the planting (= establishment) of forests; the ground to
be turned (= converted; transformed ... ) into forest or
woodland; the land to be covered with trees of forest.


Tit di~n Oxford ca Ian chi c6 tit Afforestation [U] chu
khong c6

tu Forestation.

Muon tharn khao nen xem TU DIEN LAM NGHIEP hoac

TU DIEN BACH KHOA {Encyclopaedia] cua Anh, My,
Uc ... rnoi c6. Doi vdi d(mg tit cung vay.


+TO FOREST (US) = To afforest (Brit.)

Trang cay gay
rung ( = to plant many trees on: to convert (ground) into
forest; to cover with trees of forest; to transform into a
forest; to establish forest cover [n] on ... ).

+ TO REFOREST (US)= to reafforest (Brit)= trong lai rung ( =

to plant {land] again with forest trees ... )

Tru luong reserves ( (thir duoc d~ danh (= du trfr]

hoac cat giu cho viec sli' dung sau nay [=thing put aside
or kept for later use)).
voi dan.


oil reserves=

trfr luong d~u


ngay cang

Vi~t Nam c6 tru luong nang luong' th~t doi dao =Vietnam
has great reserves of energy. Thung xang du tru
reserve (petrol) tank .

Co nang da n6i de'n CUQc ly hon (= ly di)lfin thu 4 cua minh

ma chang' chut gi ai ngai = she spoke without-reserve of
her 4th divorce [divoi's]. (Reserve [U] = limitation on
one's feelings, ideas, words etc ... )

= The

Eg: Vi~c xua't khtlu bAp sang Chau Phi

corn to Africa.

exportation of

+ Cong ty ha ta lam ra giay chi d~ xuat kh~u = Her

company manufactures shoes for exportation only.

- Do moc gia dung tinh xao = refined

furniture for household


- Scm mai

1 lacquerware I U I (mat hang son r!iai);

I leek'el I (U) =Son mai: quang dAu, tUc loai
son d~c bi~t dttgc phu len g3 hoac kim Ioai d~ cho ra 1 lap
m~t cimg' va nh~n bong (= a special type of paint [or
varnish] put on wood or metal to give a hard glossy
[=shiny] surface).
To lacquer (vt) = phu son mai (= to cover [or to coat] sth
with lacquer).
Eg: To lacquer a big vase; a table, etc ...


wee I (U) =hang hoa duqc che

tung loai C"1 th~ nao do. Voi nghia nay,
trong cac tu ghep. (=I Especially
manufactured goods of the specified

tao hang loat theo

ARE thuong dung
in compounds)


Eg: Hang


(= d6




bac =

Do dat nung = earthenware

D6 stt =oven ware.


silt gia dung nhu chao, soong, noi ... = hardware

metal tools and household implements).


- Hardware con co nghia la PHAN CllNG cua may vi tinh

(= mechanical and electronic parts of a computer). Phan
mem = SOFTWARE. (Sach tieng Vi~t in d n11C1c ngoai
thudng dich HARDWARE= Cuong lieu va software = nhu
lieu) ...

- Go

dung cho xay dung cd ban

wood for basic



- Bot gif(y = pulp I pAlpl (U) (= b{>t min cua so

I= soi
I duce dung d~ lam giay [= soft mass of wood fibre>
used for making paper).


- Khoang san = mineral [C] & [U] (= bat cu chat gi lay len
tu dat bAng each khai thac, nhat la quang kim loai (
any substance got from the earth by mining, esp. a
metal ore]).

Eg: Than, st, vang ... deu la khoang san = coal, iron, gold,

etc... are minerals .

. MINERAL OIL= d~u tho (=petroleum), tUc la loai dciu
co goc khoang (=any oil of mineral origin).
MINERAL WATER= nude khoang, tac loai nude c6 chua
mqt each tu nhien cac loai mu6i hoac ga khoang da duoc
hoa tan. Loai nuoc nay dung d~ u6ng vi c6 gia tr! chiia


benh (= water that

mineral salts or
medicinal value).

naturally contains dissolved

gases, and is drunk for its

BO xi t - bauxite ['b.J' .ksait] fU], loai quang giong nhu dat

set dung d~ tinh luyen nhom ( = the clay ~ like ore

from which ALUMINIUM is made)


Than bun= peat [U] thuc v~t m(>t phan bi phan huy vi
tac d(mg cua nude, nhat la nhirng ch6 sinh IAy. Than
bun duce dung d~ dOt thay than hoac dung lam cho cay
tang trubng tOt (= plan material partly decomposed

decayed} by the action of water, esp, in marshy

places. PEAT is used for burning instead of coal, for
making plants grow well) k M()t kien than bun = a
bale of peat.

Li'ta than bun = a peat fire (fire in which cut pieces of

peat are burned).
Vung' nay chua nhieu than bun = This land (or soil)

contains a large quantity of peat.

Cao lanh Kaolin ['keielinl (also CHINACLAY) loai da't set
trAng min dung lam d6 su va dung trong y hoc ( = a fine

white clay used in [or for] making porcelain and in

Set gach ngoi ( = dat set d~ lam gach ngoi) = clay to
make bricks and tiles.
Da voi =LIMESTONE [UJ, loai da c6 chua CHAT VOi va
nhieu chfit khac ( = a type of rock containing CALCIUM
and other substances).


+ .Kho?.ng san cua Song Be khong da dang= the minerals of

. Song Re do not have lot of kinds. Hoac:
are not of
different sorts: ... of plentiful (= diverse) types .
C6 qui

mo lan

=to exist in great quantities.

Dia. hinh = topography [UJ, tuc nhimg net d?c thu cua
met noi nao do, nhfit la vi trf cua song ngoi, d6i nui, duong
xa ... cua noi d6 ( = flatures of a place, esp, the position of
its rivers, hills, mountains; roads, etc ... ); physical shape.
- Ddng b~ng =plain (n); area oflevel country ...
D6ng bang 6 day khong nen dich =tu DELTA.
DELTA dung d~ dich tu chau thci' thi dung hon. Delta la vung
dat phu sa hinh tam giac Ci c:lta m(>t con sang, hoac duQC bao
quanh bCri cac chi nhanh cua con song d6 hoac diroc cac chi
nhanh CU.a con song d6 chay qua. (=triangular area of
alluvial land at a river's mouth, enclosed or crossed by

branches of the river).

Eg: Dong h~ng (= Chau tho) song Cuu Long

+ Dcing bAng song Nil

= the Nile

Nhuug dong bang n)ng ldn

the Mekong

vung Trung Tay Hoa

Ky =

The great plains of the American Midwest .

Nlnrng canh d6ng co bao la= the vast, grassy plains...
Trung du ::: midland (n) & (adj): the middle part of a

Dia hinh Song Be vua mang... trung du

Song Be's
topography bears the quality of both plains and midlands.
C6 th~ thay both ... and ::: not only ... but also.

Mot vai vi du khac. Chi Ay vua la giao vien vira Ia nha tho

she is both a teacher and a poet. (Or: she is not only a

teacher but also a poet). (Both= adverb).


hai ban deu ra't tot

(both= pronoun).

both of you are very good


hai nguoi em trai cua ch! ay deu lJ trong quan d9i =

both her younger brothers are in the army (Both =
adj cling c6 sach cho la Predeterrniter).

ca hai quy~n

sach = I need both books (or both

the books: both these books ... + C~m n6
hai tay hold it
in both hands .. (Both adj, of determiner).

Toi c~n

Tien de


prerequisite [,pri:'rckwizit] (n) (for or of sth);

precondition (n) (= di~u kien tien quyet).

Eg: +

tin la tien de cho su thanh cong cua ban = Self

confidence is the prerequisite for your success.


Lien Hop Quoc da coi vi~c rut toan b9 cac quan linh ra
khoi quoc gia d6 nhu m(>t tien de cho ncn hoa binh =The
United Nations considered the withdrawal of all
troops from that country as a precondition for

+ Chung toi xin lap lai quan diam cua chung t0i r~ng m6i
con tin phai duqc tha ra ma khong co dieu kien tien
quyet gi het we repeat our view that all hostages
must be released without preconditions .

. VuC1n cay an trai


= orchard(n);

grove (n) ...

la rnanh dat thuong duoc rao quanh
trong d6 m9t so loai cay an trai kh6ng thuoc ho chanh,
cam ... dugc tr6ng (= an enclosed pilce of land in which
certain, esp. non - citrus. fruit trees are grown).


k Vuan

taQ =an apple orchard.

+ Vuan s~u rieng = a durian orchard ...


Vuan cay an trai tr6ng cac loai cay thuoc ho

cam, chanh, (An area planted with certain types of
trees, esp. CITRUS fruit trees).
Eg: + Vttdn chanh = a lemon grove.
C6 nhieu vuon cam tren sudn d6i = There are many
orange groves on the hillside.
Nhung dia danh lich sil = historical places (n): spots
concerning past events; particular areas connected with

Gau 10:
Mong sao Song Be .... c6 th~ dich nhieu each:
- We hope that Song Be will go fast to success and become ...
- Our hope is that Song Be ...
- Everyone hopes that...
- It's everyone's hope that...
- It's hopeful that.. ..
- Hopefully, Song Be will go rapidly ...

Ngoai ra, chung ta con c6 th~ dung model verb MAY d~

di~n dat mong uoc va hy vong: May Song Be go quickly
to success ...

+ M(}t vai vi du khac (Luu y: Dao ngfi):

Cau true (= mong sao) hai ban du'.dc nhieu hanh phuc =
may you both be very happy.

CAu chuc song than hai ban du(Jc truong tho [= long
may your parents live!



sao tinh hinh nay cu tip tuc

may this

situation continue.
CAu xin Chua che cha chung ta= (May) God preserve

Xin Chua C1 cung cac anh ch! em = May God be with

Bai dicb tham khao:


1. Song Be's territory lies in the vital economic region of the
whole country, spreading on an area of approximately 10,000
sqkm, equivalent to-one million hectares.
2. Its population is 1.1. million with an average density of one
3. Song Be is a new land sandwiched between the highlands of
Southern Central Vietnam (where there are a lot of
potentialities in hydro electricity,
bauxite, wood, farm
products, goods etc ... ) and Ho Chi Minh City.
4. Song Be abounds in special natural resources and has a lot of
prospects to become a rich locality to contribute its part to the
national economy. It is also the land that is attracting
domestic and foreign investors.
5. LAND: there are 18 different kinds of land suitable for trees
like rubber, peanut, cashew, pepper and coffee ... The two
main kinds are the red basalt and the gray soil developed on
the ancient silk.



a. The source of surface water and underground water is rather

rich. If it is exploited properly, there will be enough water for
the socio economic development in the province. Besides, the
water source here can be provided for Ho Chi Minh City and
the neighbouring provinces.
b. As for surface water, with its criss-crossing network of rivers
and streams, Song Be has great advantages to exploit
hydropower and hydraulics.

a. The area for forestation has the biggest reserves in Vietnam's

southeastern Region.
b. The current kinds of forest are wood, mixed wood, bamboo, "nua"
(a family of bamboo), "lo o" (a kind of big bamboo). Woodreserves
are about 10.5 million cubic metres.
8. MINERALS. There are 104 places including.
- Metals: bauxite gold
- Non-metals: peat, kaolin, clay to make bricks and tiles,
limestone, building rocks. '
The minerals of Song Be do not have a lot of kinds and they
are non-metal but exist in great quantities, have good
quality and are easy for exploitation.


Song Be's topography bears the quality of both plains and

midlands, so there are many beautiful landscapes famous
since the old days and are the pre-requisites for opening
tourist areas with its special features like Lai Thiem
orchards.Binb An Lake, Lo 0 Stream, Chau Thoi Mount, Ba
Ra Mount, Mo waterfall, etc ...


In addition there are historical places like Phu Loi. D war

zone, Bau Bang, Dong Xoai, Phuong Long the Iron Triangle
and so forth.

10. Hopefully, Song Be go quickly to success and become a

strong and properous locality


1. Ngay nay khi nhitng ngiroi Vi~t Nam song

dam ciroi,

ca co dau


thi thanh lam

va chu r~ deu mac au phuc thay cho y

c6 truyen.

2. Nhung ngay

ca khi ho mac do cudi c6 truyen,

thi nhiing bQ


cudi nay khong con la nhimg bg y phuc c6 truysn toan m9t

rnau tr!ng duce Iuu lai tu the h~ nay sang the
khac ma la


nhimg bg Y phuc mau h6ng hoac mau do moi nguyen xi.

3. Trude day, ha.u he't nhung khong phai la ta't

ca cac

bac lam

cha lam me deu lua chon nang dau cho con trai ho.

cac ban lang vung cao, narn nu thanh nien duoc phep tirn

nguoi doi ng~u cua ho va cha me chi tham gia sau khi da c6
su lua chon.
5. Doi khi cac dang sinh thanh la ban be cua gia dinh, thuong

viec hon nhan giua con cai, va b;\ng each do dinh

hudng luon tuong lai cua con tre cac vj.
sAp xep


6. Lap tre ngay nay c6 th~ c6 nhieu tu do hem trong viec lua
chon ngui:Ji ma ho mong UOc duce cudi, nhung su d6ng y cua
cha me, nhat


trong cac gia dinh dong ngttC1i vAn con c!in

thie't cho su hai hoa cuoc song hra doi.


- "Chuyen" (J day khong nen dich

story (n) ma nen dich
= topic(n): subject(n); theme(n);question ... Nhu v~y
co th~ dich:


The wedding theme (= topic ...) in Vietnam today.

Ho~c:- The question of marriage in Vietnam
nowadays ( = at the present time; in the modern
times ...)



cudi: hon nhan (=marriage ceremony
with a party). Eg: + T1,1i n6 quay vi-de-o l~ cudi nha tho
khong ? had they videotaped the church wedding?

Nam co duoc


du l~


cua tui n6 kh6ng ? = has

Nam been invited to their wedding?


Ao cum

= the wedding


Banh cuoi = wedding cake.

Nha.n cuoi = wedding ring.
!MARRIAGE (n)I [U $ C] = hdn nhan, ttrc su lien k~t hop
phap giua mot nguoi dan 6ng va m()t nguoi dan ba nhu
ch6ng vo ( = legal union between a man and a woman as
husband and wife). Eg: Cude hon nhan dau tien cua nang
tran dfiy dau kh6
her first marr iage was full of
sufferings. (= her life with her first husband ...)


Sau nam narn chung song, giCi day tui n6 dang ly di

after five years of marriage, they are now

divorcing each other.

Con nho da dong y lay ga Vi~t kieu gia do la chi d~ duoc
quyen song d My thoi. Hon nhan lei dung ma! = she

agreed to marry that old overseas Vietnamese

only in order to have the right to live in the
United States of America. It's a marriage of
Ciiu 1:

ngttqi Viet Nam so'ng d thi thanh

Vietnamese in a town; the Vietnamese in the urban
areas ... kh6ng c~n dich dai dong: the Vietnamese, who
live in a town, hoac ... living in a city ...


Lam dam

cttoi = to get married; to organise a

wedding ceremony; to hold a marriage ceremony...


Con gai cung cua ba ta da lam dam cu&

o tu6i 30 = Her

beloved daughter got married at the age of 30.

t6 chuc cuoi;

+ HQ thfch cum nhau

(= ...

Em gai n6 da duoc

ga cho (hoac

they like being ( = getting) married.

lam dam cum) =

da lay) m(?t bac st n6i

tie"ng lJ C~n Tho = His younger sister was (= got)

married to a famous doctor in Can Tho.

+ HQ da cung nhau ngoi d6 trong niern hanh phiic Itta d6i

tran tre

= they

CO d.u

sat there together in married bliss


= bride

(n). Con dau

= daughter-in-law;



Co dau phu (= phu dau; phu dau ...) =bridesmaid (n) (=

a girl or young unmarried woman who helps
accompanies a bride on her wedding day).


Chi dau. em dau =sister-in-Iaw.

Chu r~ - groom (n); bridegroom (n). ngoai nghia "chii
r~" hai tu nay con c6 nghia la "nguoi chong moi ciroi" (=
a newly- married


+ Khi nao con gai chi ra di vdi chdng mdi cuai cua no? =
When does






Chu r~ phu (= phu r~; phu r~ ... ) = best man;

bridegroom's attendant.
Con r~

= son - in - law

Anh em r~ =brothers - in- law.

+ Ruoc dau (= don dau)

= to meet

the bride and bring

her home.

Dua dau

= to accompany

the bride to the home of her


Mac au phuc

= to wear

western clothes.

(adj) = thuoc v~ phuong Tay, baa gdm ca
Chau Au va Chau My (= of the West, including Europe
and America). Bbi v~y nhieu ngudi thuong noi: y phuc Au
- My; van minh Au My ...
Y phuc c8 truyen = traditional attire (n) [U]; national
costume (n) [C & U] (=clothing [U]; clothes []; dress
[U] ...) Eg.+ Phu nu thuong quan tam nhieu deny phuc
hon nam gioi = women usually pay more attention


to dress [U] than men do... Anh ay khong d~ y

nhieu v~ chuyen quan ao
he doesn't care much
about clothing [U] (= he is not much interested in


ca khi

ho mac d6 cuoi c6 truy~n = even when

they do wear traditional wedding clothes.


dung tr<} d()ng tu (auxiliary verb) DO d~ nhan

manh nghia cua d9ng tit chinh. Vf du khi moi ban den
du bua ti(lc sinh nh~t cua minh.thay vi n6i: - Come to
my birthday party tonight! dung dang nhan manh
(emphatic form) ta se n6i: Do come to my birthday


y: Ta

party tonight!
M9t vai vi dlf kh6.c:
a. Toi ngac nhien vi sao Tuye't da khong de'n = I wonder
why Tuyet didn't come.

Chi ay c6 den ma! Chi da day gAn m9t tieng d6ng h6

= She did come! She was here for almost an hour.
b. May con nhd thai de) CUa me co nang doi vdi tui minh

= do you remember
behaviour to-wards us?



Di nhien la tao con nho!= I certainly do remember.

Thi nhii'.ng bo

do cuoi nay.

la du, khong

Chi dung dai tu (pronoun)

c~n lap lai traditional wedding



ChAng han doi vdi cau: "Co phai dS:y I~ nhiing quy~n sach
ciia ban kh6ng ? ta co th~ n6i: "C6 phai day la nhimg
quy~n sach cua ban khong ? Ta co th~ n6i: Are these
books yours? these = determiner). Hoac: Are these
your books (these= pronouns).

+ Nhung hoy phuc c6 truye~ ... sang the he khac =white

costumes handed down over generations: white
dress IU] passed down (or on) for generations:
white garments bequeathed from generation to
generation ..

+ Mai nguyen

brand - new (adj); totally new;
completely new ... Eg: M()t chiec xe gAn may mOi nguyen
xi = a brand-new motorbike.

Mau hong


= pink

(n & adj).

red (n & adj).

Eg: + Nang kh6c

(red= adj).

do ca m~t = her

eyes were red from crying


tao ra rnau hong, ban pha mau

voi mau trAng = You
mix red and white to make pink (red noun) .

Vi sao sang qua giam



chung ta lai gi~n d6i den

m~t tfa tai the nhi? = Why did our manager turn red
with anger yesterday morning ? (red adj).


Cac ca si d6 da mac toan mau

= The singers were
dressed in red ( = in red clothes) (red trong "in red"

Trong qua khu = in the past; in the old days; formerly
(adv); in former times; in earlier times; many years
ago ... Eg: Trong qua khu, tai d't mtoc d6
trom cAp



= In former times, (= in the past: many

years ago: in the old days ... ) people were hanged for
stealing in that country.
la bi treo c6

Hfiu bet nhung khong phai ... lam cha lam me= most but

not all parents.


y: MOST va ALL co den 4 loai (parts- of speech).

Chung ta d.n nam vilng d~ d~


] MOSTJ al- Most dung nh.u Determiner (or adj)

Nhung ngubi c6 nhieu tien nhat dau phai luon luon la
nhirng ngttdi hanh phuc nhilt
Those who have (the)

most money are not always the happiest.

b I Most dzt<JC dung nhit noun .
Nhirng nglidi ma'.'t mat nhieu nhat la can h<? va cong nhan
= The persons [=people) with the most to lose are

cadres and workers.

c I Most dll<Jc dung nhu pronoun.
Nhu hAu he't cac ban d~u biet giam doc chung ta da quyet
dinh tu chuc =As most of you know, our director has
decided to resign.

di Most dzt(Jc dung nhu adverb

Khi ba ma chung toi qua ddi, di Tam da giup dd chung tOi

nhieu nhat =Aunt Tam helped us (the) most when

our parents died.

!ALL. la/. All ;:; predeterminer or determiner.



da song sudt ddi ba

a thanh

pho Hue = She has

lived all her life in Hue City.

Dau phai nuoc nao ding thich hop d~ uong

= Not


water is suitable for drinking.


b l-all (adverb)

Di chi

= completely; wholly.

ay song

hoan toan co d(>c = Her aunt lives all

alone [= hoan toan m<)t minh chang c6 ai =all by herself).

c I - All = pronoun.
Toi da cho nang tat

ca nhirng gi toi co = I gave her

all I

Tat ca nhung thu nay la cua em
(hoac: these are all yours).

= All of these

are yours

d I - All (noun) = everything one possesses.

Trong CUQC dau tranh gian kh6 U~ giai ph6ng dan tQC,
chung toi da c6 co'ng hie'n tat ca nhung gi chung tOi c6
We gave our all in the hard struggle for national

Nang da danh mat tat

lost her all.

ca nhirng ii nang


= She had

Lua chon = to choose; to select; to pick out; to decide;

to determine ...

Tuyet da du<;1c lua chon tu hang ngan ngttoi viet don (= (mg
vien) xin lam viec d6
Tuyet was picked out from
thousands of applicants for the job.

co nang

da lua chon dt19C mdt chiec non d~ d('.)i vdi cai ao

dam d6 = She picked out a hat to wear with the



0 cac

ban Iang vung cao =among the hill tribes; in the

mountainous villages; in ethnic minorities; among
the highland races ...

Nam nu thanh men ch.tac... cua ho = young men and

women are allowed to find their own spouses. Hoac: young

people are permitted to look for their own husbands or
wifes. Hoac: Youths may seek the persons that they want
to marry ...
Cha me chi tham gia sau khi da c6 su lua chon: parents
get involved (= related; concerned ...) only after the
choice ( = selection...) has been made. Hoac: Parents
have a share (=participation... ) only after the decision (=
determination ... ) has been carried out.
Cac dang sinh thanh (= cha me) = parents.
Eg: Anh c6 th~ giai thieu em voi cha me anh duce khong ? =
May I introduce you to my parents? (To introduce sb
to sb, do do "vdi" phai dich = "to" chu khong dich

"with") .

Anh c6 song boa thu~n vdi cha ke (= cha ghe; bo

dttgng; du'gng ghe ...) anh khong ? = do you get on
with your step-father? To get on (phr.v)
yeu, thich;
song hoa thuan ... (= to like; to have friendly relationship

* M~ ke =stepmother.
* Anh chi em cling cha khac me hoac cung me khac cha =

* Chi em cung cha khac


hoac cung me khac cha =


* Con rieng

= stepchild =>(pl): stepchildren (= con c6 vdi

ngudi chong truce hoac vQ trudc [=child or children of
your husband or wife by an earlier marriage]).


+ Slip xep: to arrange [ereindj]; to make plans(n) for; to

plan (vt); to design;
to make arrangements
(=preparations ... ) for.

k Toi se

siip xep d~
Duong vao chieu
plans ... ) for you
hotel tomorrow

anh gap ga bon ho tai khach san Trimg

mai = I will make arrangements (=

to meet them at the 'I'rung Duong
afternoon .

M9t CUQC hon nhan da (va dang) duoc thu xep giiia ong
Chen-Chi-Ho, giam doc 62 tu6i va co tho ky xinh dep
Mary Sen cua ong ta = A marriage has been arranged

between Mr. Chen-Chi-Ho, a sixty two year - old

manager and his beautiful secretary Mary Sen.
Chung ta se phai slip xep chuong trinh giang' day mdi cho

nam thu nhdt = We shall have to design a new

curriculum for the first year.

B~ng each do = by that means; by doing that;

thereby (adv) ... Jg: Chung toi da tra bang tien mat,
bflng each d6 da tranh khoi tra lai =We paid cash [U],

thereby avoiding interest charges .

Nha rntoc da tran ng~p thi truong vdi luong xi mang du
thua va bAng each d6 da giam duocgia
The State

ca =

was flooding the market with unwanted cement and

thereby depressing prices.
+ Dinh huang luon tudng lai con tre cac vi = to orientate
their children's future; to set the
direction ... ) of their offspring's future ...



hinh dang


(n)I (=child; children)

du d so ft hay so nhieu,



khong thay d6i

Eg: Day

c6 phai la con cua bac khong ? = Is this your

H9 c6 4 ngu(Ji con= They have four offspring.
Ctiu 6:
LOp tre ngay nav ... mong ttoc dttoc cuoi = Youths of the
present time are given more favourable conditions to
choose the person (= spouse ... ) that they want (= desire ... )
to marry Haile: Young people today may have
greater freedom of choice over whom they wish to
marry. Hoac don gian hem mra: Nowadays, youngsters
are favoured (= supported ... ) to select their wife or

Su d6ng y cua cha me= the consent(=


permission ... ) of

agreement ..

Eg: BO me nang da khong d6ng y CUQC hon nhan d6 = Her

parents refused their consent to the marriage.
Nhifng co gai nay thieu si.,t qua,n li cua cha me, phai vay
khong? = These girls lack parental control, don't

Ciin thiet cho su hai boa cuoc sa'ng lua d6i = necessary
for marital harmony; indispensable to the concord
of mar-r iage

Eg: Hanh phuc hra doi = marital happiness.

Nhimg l(Ji nguyen udc lua doi (tuc phai thuy chung ... ) =
marital vows (i.e, to be faithful) (i.e, viet t~t cua hai tu
La tinh id est = tuc la; n6i each khac (= that is to say; in
other words).


Bai dfch tham khao:


1. When the Vietnamese in the urban areas get married
today, the 'bride and groom both wear w.estern clothes
instead of traditional attire.
2. But even when they do wear traditional wedding clothes,
these are no longer white costumes handed down over
generation but are brand-new pink or red in colour.
3. In the past, most but not all parents selected the bride for
their son.

Among the hill tribes, young men and woman are allowed
to find their own spouses and parents get involved only
after the choice has been made.


Sometimes parents, who are family frinzeds, arrange

marriages be tween their children, thereby setting the
direction of their offsping future.


Young people today may have greater freedom of choice

over whom they wish to marry. However parental
agreement, especially in large families, is still necessary for
marital harmony.



1. Chiu: Dai la chua duy nhat trong so' tat

cdc chua Kha-me Ci
difog b&ng song Citu Long con gift lai dti(/C truii lop nguyen.
thily - m(jt truii <16i lap ng6i mau ua tren. dinh c6 m()t cdi tluip
- m()t trong s6' nhiing pluin. dep nhat ell.a ngoi chua.


2. M6i c9t ch6ng dCI mai chua deu c6 tren phdn dinh m(Jt vf
th&n ma dan dia phli<Jng biet den nhu la KEMNAR ho{i.c
APSARA, v<Ji d6i tay chdp trudc nguc nhu <te' don chao du

3. Trong bai duiJng co mijt bite tuang Thich Ca Mau Ni dU<JC deo

g9t tit mijt kho'i dci rai dang ngi: tri tren mijt chiec ngai cao
den2 met.
4. Tuong vdch thi phu ddy nhitng bite tranh mo td cusc dm cua
Ditc Ph(Lt tit khi Ngai con la mijt hai nhi cho den lU.C Ngai da
Zen duac coi Niet Ban.

5. Trong uuim chua co nhieu l9 nho con luu gift hai c6t cua cdc
nha SU da song CJ chua truoc day.
6. Cit ruim. gii:J sang LU dai lai bay ve treo minh. tren. cdc canh. cay

an qua cua chua.

7. Chung khong boo giiJ ve tri han. bay ho~c tam gi(J sang, ua
cluing ciing chdng bao giiJ tru ngu (J cdc chiia hhac ho(ic ngay
ca trti ngu. d nhiing cay ngoai khu6n oien chua ciing hhong,
8. Diiu dang ng<;ic nhien. la cluing chua he d1,mg den cay trtii

chua ma lai bay xa den hang tram cay so'di an hoa

qua tu nhitng cay trdi doc song Tien, song Hau.

9. Lu doi biet r&ng cluing dang c1 nai thieng Lieng ua. duang nhi:
chung luon. luon. ton kinh dieu do.
10. Chinh ui ly do tren ma chua thap MAHATUP thuijc tlnh. Soc
Trang Ci phia Tay Nam d6ng Song Cilu Long mdi dli<Jc
bitt den nhu la Chua Doi.

Chua pagoda (n); (Buddhist) temple (n) ... Th~y chua =

monk (n). Ni co Buddhist nun. NUN (n)[ nAn) thanh


vien cua mc}t CQng dong ton giao nf1 (amember of a

female religious community). Do d6 d~ chi nu tu dong
Thien Chua, Cd Doc... nen them tinh tu dung trirdc nhu
Christian, Catholic ... Ba gy la nu tu dong Thien Chua La
Ma= She's Roman catholic nun.

GAn chua goi But (= Phat) bhng anh Familiarity breeds

contempt (= Su6ng sa sinh ra Ion mat) CONTEMPT (n)
[U] su Ion mat, sv. xem thuong, khong con kinh trong ...
Toi khong con cam xuc gi khac ngoai sV. khinh miet do'i

vdi nhiing.con nguoi lu6n do] XU dQc ac vOi vq con minh I

feel nothing but contempt for people who always
treat their wife and children cruelly.

(Hoac ... for those who ... )

Khii'.u Phat tam xa = Fair without,

foul within (= Dep

mat, ac long. Hoac: Mieng nam mo, bung b6 dao gam).
Luu y: WITHOUT va WITHIN day la (adv) clur kh6ng
phai la preposition.

Without (adv) = outside. Eg: Quan linh tru d6ng ngoai

The army is encamped (= settled in tents)
without (WITHOUT= outside the city walls).

(adv) = inside. Eg: Biet thu nay' ban. Hoi hen

trong = This villa to be sold. Enquire. within.
(WITHIN= inside the villa).


Ddi =bat.

BAT vua la (n) vita la (v) va c6 nhigu nghia.


nghi cac ban tharn khao them cac TU DIEN . MU TlT,

khong con kha nang th~y duoc gi ::: As blind as a bat. (=
Unable to see what is obvious to others) + Khong c6
kinh cua n6 con Mai se mu tit = Mai will be as blind as
a bat without her glasses.

Chua Ddi
bat pagoda. Trong tieng Anh ngudi ta
thuong dung l, 2 danh tu dttI1g truoc d~ b5 nghia cho
danh tii'. dung sau. Dieu dang hru y la trinh t~ y nghia
cua tieng Anh ngiroc hAn tieng Vi~t. Nhieu khi ho con SU
dung ca m9t nh6m tu d~ b6 nghia.
Eg: + Giao vien (day) van = literature teacher

+ Ti~m si1a xe g~n may

= motorbike

repair shop Cong

ty xuat nhap khllu d6 dung gia dung
appliance import-export Company. MQt con ga gio
sau tufin tu.Si trang n~ng 800 gam = An 800 gram - six week old chicken. M9t khach sari c6 157 phong vCli
cua hang ban cac v~t dung thucc loai quoc te' A 157 room International
boutique - type hotel Nhirng
chai nay se du'<Jc thiet ke vdi nhitng chiec n~p d~ ma hon
These bottles will be designed with easier-to
remove caps.

Cau 1:

Chua duy nhat

one (= pagoda)
Mekong Delta.
th~ thay =single

dang bAng song Cuu Long = The only

of all the Khmer pagodas in the
ONLY duoc dung o day la (adj) nen c6
(adj): unique (adj); sole (adj) ...

Nguyen nhan duy nhat cua tai nan la su bat d'.n = The
only (=single: sole: unique) cause of the accident was
the carelessness.
Hdng la con m()t ::: Hong is an only child. (she has no
brothers or sisters).

COn giu lai dttac maj k1P nguyen thuy = To keep its
original roof



cau tren c6 th~ duoc dich lai nhu sau:

Being the only of its sorts in the Mekong Delta, the

Khmer bat pagoda still maintains its earliest roof.
- Mot mai dOi km ng6i mau va tren dinh co mot cai thap =
A double layered structure covered with- coloured
tiles and topped with a tower. U~ tranh lap lai tit roof
ta nen dung Structure (= cau true). A double layered
structure = cau true doi, 2 tiing, 2 lop ...

compound adj du<;tc hinh thanh

Double (adj) + layer (n) + ED


(tang, lap)

(Xem lai phan Notes dAu tien cua bai 79).

To be topped with or by sth =to be provided with sth
on the top or on the highest part.
Nhu v~y and topped with a tower co th~ vie't lai: and
on its top (hoac ... on its highest part) is a tower. M(?t
vai vi du khac:

Mot ngoi nha thCI c6 phiin thap nhon tren dinh

church topped with/by a steeple.

Kem c6 rudi so-co-la hen tren (mat) 1 ,= Ice cream

topped with chocolate sauce.

+ M9t dong da tren dinh c6 cay thanh gia bfmg g6 =A heap

of stones topped with a wooden cross.

M6i cot chong aa mdi chua = Each of the pillars

supporting the pagoda roof.

[PILLAR (n) I= c<)t tren c6 cham tr5, thuong b~ng da, b~ng
g6, b~ng kim loai ... Theo nghia b6ng, Pillar (n) ruong
CQt cua t6 chuc, cua xa hqi. .. t V~ be b6i d6 da CO lien
quan de'n m(>t
ruong c{>t cua chinh phii = The scandal
involved (= concerned: had relation to...) several pillars
of the government. (Pillars
respected members [=
nhung thanh vien dang kinh]).




c9t n6i chung nhu c(?t nha, c9t tttQng
dai ... thuong to, cao va hinh tron. Ngoi den duoc nhimg
tru c<?t khclng
chong do = The temple is supported
by massive colums.
Th&n = divine being: spirit (n): god (n); goddess (n) (nu
than) (God [with capital G) = Thuong de', Chua TrC1i ...
[=Heaven, Providence]); supernatural creature ..

Being (n) va creature (n)

tu dung

truck nen hi~u

Eg: Dan ong,

v~t la tu

= Sinh v~t, nhung khi c6 tinh

la con


dan ba va tre em dcu la con nguoi. = Men,

and children are human beings. MQt sinh
hanh tinh khac (de'n) =A strange being from


Nguoi dau ma


thuong ghe! (hoac ...


thirong den

the! ... ) =What a lovely creature! (= what a beautiful

Trong bai nay ta co th~ thay a divine being = a goddess.
Doi tay ch~p truoc ngUc ... don chao du khach = Clasped

hands in front of her breast welcome visitors. Hoac:

Pressed (= squeezed... ) hands before her chest seem to
greet tourists.

Om (= ghi chat) ai vao nguc minh

to one's breast.
Ung thu vii

= Cancer

= To hold/clasp


of the breast .

Qua xuc d(>ng, chang da xiet chat tay nguai yeu va b~t
chot da bo nang lai (d~ ra di) = Overcome with
emotion, he pressed (= squeezed) his love.r's hand
and suddenly left her.

caa s.

Bai dttdng (= Chinh dien, dien tho, thanh duong ... )

Sanctuary (n) [C] (= the part of a .religious building
considered most holy, especially the area in front of the
ALTAR in a pagoda, a temple, or a church, etc ... ).

Ngoai nghia tren SANCTUARY
thuong duoc dung vdi
nghia. NdI
NAU (= a place of safety): KHU BAO
TON CHIM MUON HOANG DA(= an area where wild
birds or animals are protected).



Quoc gia d6 c6 thuc su la noi ~n nau ly tuoog cho

nhirng nguoi t! nan chinh tri tU khap noi tren the gici
(den) khong ?
is that country really an ideal
sanctuary for political refugees from all over the

Mt'.)t khu bao ton chim rqng ldn tai huyen 'Tam Nong,
tinh D6ng Thap = A vast bird sanctuary j n Tam

Nong districts D6ng 'I'hap province.

M(lt birc tuong Thich Ca Mau Ni= A statue


tu m<'.)t khoi da rbi = (to be) carved from

a single block of stone: (to be) formed by cutting a
Duce deo g9t

(= sculptured) out of a large piece of stone ...


- Ng tri tren m6t chiec ogai cao 2 met = To rest on a

two metre high throne: to lean on a two - metre high
special seat; to be supported by a two-metre high
ceremonial chair. Ngoai ra, c6 th~ thay TO REST= to be
still; to be put ...
- Xin hay d~ cho orig ay diroc an giac ngan thu = Please
let him rest (= lie buried) in peace. Noi an nghi cuoi
cling cua nang tab tren m{>t suon d6i dAy hoa =Her last
resting place (=her place of burial; her grave; her
tomb ... ) is on a hillside covered with flowers.

- Phu d~u =To be covered with

Doi tay h~n ta be bet mau = His hands were covered
with blood.
M9t vung r(>ng Ian cua con song da bi phu dfty dfiu = A
large area of the river was covered with oil.
Hay phu cai ban vdi ta'm vai nay
with this cloth.

Cover the table

- Bue tranh. Nen hi~u la hue tranh ve tren tuC:lng. Do d6

nen dich = mural (n) [CJ (=picture which is painted on a
wall): fresco (n) (pl): frescos or frescoes): wall -paincing
(n) ..


= To describe: to represent; to depict; to explain; to
give a picture/a description of...
Nhung buc tranh d6 ch~ng mo
pictures represent nothing.



duqc gi


= Those

+Khong ngon tU'. nao c6 th~ mo

duce nhimg canh dep
thien nhien hung vi va hoang dai cua huyen Lak








majestic and wild beauty spots.


Cuen ti~u thuyet cua chi gy mo

cuoc song tai thanh
pho H6 Chi Minh hien dai ::: Her novel depicts life in
modern HCM City.
- Len dttoc coi Niet Ban = To achieve/reach nirvana.
NIRVANA du<)c doc nhieu each [nie']; [nie'];
Nirvana (trong dao Phat va dao Hindu) la trang thai
hoan toan an lac (= trang thai C\tC lac) trong do Ca nhan
duoc hoa dong vao vdi chan nhu. (In Buddhism and
Hinddhism, NIRVANA is the state of perfect bliss in
which the individual becomes absorbed into the supreme

Cdu. 5:
- Trong vu0n chua. Chi dich don gian: In the orchard.
Hoac: In a piece of ground with fruit-trees ...
-. Lo nho ==shrine (n); stupa (n) ... SHRINE va STUPA la
cac tu chuyen dung chi chiec lo dung hai cot ngudi qua co.
Do do, khong
<l1,111g cac tu thong thucng nhu vase,
pot. .. Rieng tU STUPA chi thay co trong cac tU di~n bach
khoa ca ldn, nhieu t~p, hoac tu di~n WEBSTER'S cua
My. (STUPA [n] =container holding the remains of a
holy person's body).


Nhu v~y cau tren c6 th~ dich:

- In the orchard, stupas hold the remains of the monks
who lived at the pagoda before. Hoac: In the orchard,
there are stupas holding the relics of the monks who had
the pagoda as their home many years ago. Roik In a
piece of ground with fruit trees, there are a lot of shrines


in which the remains (= relics) of the monks who lived at

the temple before are kept.

Cu ruim. gi(J sting = (AT) five o'clock in the morning.


Ta thuong noi in the morning/afternoon/

evening. Tuy nhien, neu noi den m9t bu6i sang hoac
bucii chieu, bu6i toi cu thrl nao do thi lai dung ON.

Eg: Vao hu6i sang cuoi thu mat me ... = On a cool morning
in late autumn.

Vao chisu thu bay tai =On next Saturday


Vao to'i mung 7 thang 10 =On the evening of the 7th

of October.
Bay vC: to fly back, (pt: flew [flu;] pp': flown [fle Un]. TO
FLY vira la (vi) vita la (vt), Con chim hoang yen cua ong
ta da bay di mat vao sang thu hai tuan rdi = His canary
flew away on Monday morning of last week. +Toe
nang dang tung bay trong gi6 = Her hair is flying
about in the wind. +Chi nhirng phi cong' day dan kinh
nghiern mdi bay (= lai) cac loai may bay Ion chb khach =
Only wetl-exper ienced pilots fly large passenger
aircraft lU].
Chiec tau chd dftu dang keo cb ViQt Nam = The oil
tanker is flying the Vietnamese flag (= ... is raising
the Vietnamese flag so that it waves in the air).
Treo minh = To hang on self. (Luu Y: Neu HANG c6
nghia: treo c6 gie't ai hoac tu minh treo cad~ tt,t tli thi pt
va pp: HANGED. Doi vdi cac nghia khac ta dung HUNG
[hAll] Thang r6i han ta da bi treo c6 vi t<}i giet ngubi = He


was hanged for murder last month +Co nang da treo

c6 len xa nha tt;t tl:.t = She hanged herself from the
rafters + Chan dung (cua) ngudi yeu anh ta duoc treo
hen tren ban lam viec cua anh (ta) = His loveri's
portrait was hung above his desk. + Toi da treo mQt
ngon den tren trfin nha > I hung a lamp from the ceiling
(Luu y: "Tren" day phai dich =FROM).

Con (hay) treo cai ao mua cua con len m6c di

your raincoat (up) on the hook.


- Tren canh cay an qua cua chua. Thay vi dich: on the

branches of the fruit trees of the temple. Ta c6 th~ den
gian bang each dung "possessive case" : on the

branches of the temple's fruit trees.

Cau 7:

- Tru ngy. N6i v~ loai chim, doi.; ta thuong dung TO

ROOST d~ dich "tru ngu". Ngoai ra ding c6 th~ dung cac
d9ng tu khac nhu to settle; to sleep; to rest; to stay ... +
Hang ngan con thien nga tru ngu noi d6 tron mua dong =
Thousands of swans roost there all winter.
- Nhung cay ngoai khuon vien chua = Trees outside the
pagoda grounds : trees beyond the dividing line of the
temple's land; tall plants at the further side of the
pagoda boundary ...

Con kinh nho nay hinh thanh mqt ranh gi8i giua dat cua
ooi va dfft cua ba ta = This small canal forms a
boundary between my land and hers.

Luu y: GROUNDS (pl) ::: khuon vien. (Phai luon viet so

nhieu, So' it nghia khac h~n) tuc phan dB:t hoac won tuc;ic


quanh m(>t ngoi nha, m9t ngoi chua hoac m(>t toa lau
dai .... thuong c6 tudng, bes gi~u hoac hang rao bao boc (=
land or gardens round a house, a pagoda or a palace.
etc .... often enclosed with walls, hedges or fences).
Khuon vien dinh Thong Nha:t = The grounds of
Unification Palace. Biet thu d6 co vucn tucc baa
quanh rong = That villa has extensive grounds.
- Khong (baa giCI) .... ciing khfmg = Not (= never) ... nor
even ... Chi fly khong baa gid di vii truong' disco, ngay
di ci-ne cling kh6ng =She never goes to discotheques,
nor even to the cinema (= the movies [US]).


Ong ta khong co tai can gi, ciing khong co long khat khao
trb thanh giarn doc (ciia) cong ty chiing ta = He has

neither talent nor the desire to become our

company's director(= manager ... ).
Cac ban tuong thuat d6 khong duqc chinh quyen dia
phirong xac nhan cung khong bi phu nhan = The
reports have been neither confirmed nor denied by

the local government.

Nam khong' lam duQc dieu d6, t6i cung khong, anh cfing
khong, b!t cu ai cung khong (lam duoc) = Nam can't do

it; nor can I, nor can you, nor can anybody.


y: dao

ng(I sau NOR).

** MC)t vai vi du khac v~ each

dao ngu nay:

+ Va d6 nao phai (da) la ta't ca = Nor

was that all

(= And

that was not all).

Va t6i ciing

se khong

phu nhan r~ng anh ta la m<?t cong

nhan rat tot= Nor will I deny that he is a very good

worker (= and I will not deny that ... )


Cou 8:

- Dieu dang ngac nhien la .... The astonishing (=suprising)

thing is that ... The astonishment (=great surprise) is
that .... What astonishes us (= surprises us greatly) is
that., .. We are astonished (=greatly surprised) that ... It is
astonishing that... Hoac don gian hon: More surprising

is that ...
- Dung den = To touch something.

+Toi da bao cac con t6i khong duce d1,10g den cac thtr cua
anh=I told my children not to touch your things.
+Dung dung vao tuong - Son con udt = Don't touch the
wall - The paint's still wet. + Cac buc tranh qui da
khong bi lira dung den = The valuable paintings were
not touched by the fire.
Tuy nhien, trong cau nay ta co th~ dich "dung de'n" = to
cat. Eg: Co nang hfiu nhu chang dung den mieng thit
nudng cua minh =She has hardly touched her steak(=

She has hardly eaten [even a little of] her steak).

D~ an hoa qua ... song Ti~n. s6ng Hau To dine on the

fruit from the trees along the Tien and H~u rivers.
TO DINE ON sth =TO EATsth.
Luu j: each noi giua ngudi Anh va nguoi Vi~t:
+ Nhung tai liu cua the

ky 18

= Docurnents from the 18th

Nhac cua m(?t cu6n phirn

= Music

from a film .

M<?t chiec may duoc v~n hanh sue nong (cua) m~t
trCii =A machine powered by heat from the sun.



- Biet (=nh~n bie't ; y thirc ... ) To know; to recognize (or -see): to be aware (of: that); to have knowledge/realization
(of: that);to realize; to understand; to be fully conscious
of ...

+ Khong th~ bie't duce khi nao cluing minh

se g~p lai


There's no knowing (= It is impossible to know) when

we shall meet again.
Anh ta da nhan thuc duce (viec) anh ta thieu kha nang d~
dam nhan cuong vi do
He recognized his lack of
qualifications for the post. Hoac: He recognized that he
was not qualified for the post ...

+ Anh c6 biet (rang) anh dang ngoi tren chiec non cua, t6i

=Are you aware that you are sitting on my

+Toi da khong biet nang da cam nhan cai chet cua me nang
sau s~c den chirng nao = I was not conscious of how

deeply she had felt the death of her mother.


Ncti thieng lieng

A sacred
(=point [n]: a religious area ...


a holy


Cac niem tin ton giao (= Cac tin ngudng) nen duc;:sc tOn trong

= the religious beliefs would be respected.

Hon nhan c6 thieng lieng doi vdi chung kh6ng ?


marriage sacred to them?

Dat thanh = The Holy Land (= The land where Jesus
Nude thanh =Holy water(= Water blessed by a priest).


Cuoc thanh

chien = A holy war (= One fought in

deference of something sacred)

- Ton kfnh = To respect; to have/show respect for; to
venerate; to pay homage/reverence to; to pay/show
deference to; to be deferential to...
Neu ban ton kinh m9t nguoi hoac mot v~t nao d6, tuc ban
cam thffy kinh trong nhieu doi vdi nguoi hoac v~t d6 = If
you venerate sh or sth, you feel great respect for
Qua bao the ky, Mecca vAn duqc ton kinh nhu thanh pho
Thanh > Over the centuries, Mecca has been venerated as
a Holy City.
Tat ca bon toi deu (to ra) tan kinh thien tai cua anh ta =
We all pay homage to his genius.
Cau 10:
- Chinh vi ly do tren =For that reason; that's why; therefore;
so ...

- 0 phfa tay nam

dong bang song Cl.tu L&.n..g. Nen dich

the south-western corner of Mekong Delta.

= in

!CORNER (n)lco nhieu nghia. 0 day duoc dung vdi nghia

PHIA, vUNG (= part, region, area). Eg: + Hien nay, ba ta
dang sO"ng tai .mot vung yen tlnh cua huyen Cai Lay, tinh
Tien Giang = At present, she lives in a quiet corner of
Cai Lay district, Tien Giang province.

- Dude bie't nhu la ... to be known as ...

Cho d6 duoc biet den nhu la noi nguy hi6m nhflt cua chau


That place is known as the most dangerous part

of Asia.

+ Chung tci biet (= coi) Tung nhu (la) m9t bac si gioi va mt
ngirci ban tot = We know (= regard) Tung as a fine
doctor and a good friend.
Bai dich. tham khao:
1. The bat pagoda is the only one of all the Khmer pagodas in

the Mekong Delta to keep its original roof a double layered

structure covered with coloured tiles and topped with a
tower - one of the most beautiful parts of the pagoda.
2. Each of the pillars supporting the pagoda roof has on its top
a divine being known locally as a KEMNAR or APSARA,
whose clasped hands in front of her breast welcome visitors.
3. Within the sanctuary, a statue of SAKYAMUNI carved from
a single block of stone rests on a two-metre high throne.
4. The walls are covered with murals describing the life of
Buddha from when he was a baby until he achieved nirvana.
5. In the orchard stupas hold the remains of the monks who
lived at the pagoda before.
6. Five o'clock in the morning, the hats fly back to hang
themselves on the branches of the temple's fruit trees.
7. They never come back later than seven or eight in the
morning, and they never roost in other pagodas, nor even in
trees outside the pagodas grounds.
8. More surprising is that they never touch the fruit from the
temple's orchard, but will fly hundreds of kilometers to dine
on the fruit from the trees along the Tien and Hau rivers.



That bats recognise they are at a sacred place and they

always appear to respect it.

10. For that reason ... the MAHATUP temple of Soc Trang
province, in the south - western corner of the Mekong Delta
has been known as the Bat Pagoda.

BAJ 7.



1. Mqt nen kinh te &n djnh va phat tri~n trong nhirng nam qua

da giiip chung ta khong con I6i hen vdi cac ki~u thci trang
hien dai va thanh pho' H6 Chi Minh du(1c danh gia la trung
tam sang tao thoi trang cua ca nude.
2. Cuqc sO'ng va con nguCli thanh pho' horn nay co th~ vi nhu
mot hue tranh sinh d<)ng, hai hoa voi nhfing ta ao dep muon
mau, muon sac.
3. Thai trang phu nu, d6 la nguon cam hung sang tao bat t~n
cua cac nha thiet ke thoi trang va cung la ngudi ban kh6
tinh nhfrt trong cac gidi, b~t buoc chung ta luon luon phai
quan tam lo liing.

4. Thoi trang noi chung ding c6 nhirng qui luat, chu ky rieng
cua no.
5. C6 nhiing narn phu nu thich nhimg trang phuc that rqng, r6i
lai c6 hie om sat co th~.
6. Rieng nam nay thi du bao xu huong th~m my chung la ua
thich ki~u ao quan may tuong doi rqng rai, kiciu dang don
gian tranh c~u ky, rat phu hop voi mot nen kinh te cong
nghiep phat tri~n.


7. Mau s~c thi nghieng hAn ve cac rnau trung gian nhu xanh
nhat, reu . . nhung chu yeu v~n
hai mau tr Ang den von co
d{> tuong phan cao.


8. Chat lieu thi ua thich nhirng thu gftn thien nhien nhu ta
tAm, lua ...
9. Trong nam nay, ta ao dai truyen thong van mang ban sic
dan t(k SC khong thay d6i ve ki~u dang, chi bien tau c6 ao,
mau siic, hoa tiet trang tri.

10. Nha tao mOt phai cc> giing sang tao d~ m<?t b<? y phuc khi ra
ddi phai c6 tieng n6i rieng cua minh, lam sao phan anh duoc
tinh dia phuong, tinh dan t<)c, song vAn dam bao duoc tinh
hien dai,
11. Dieu chung ta t\[ hao la trong bat ky hoan canh nao hoac
h{>i nghi qu0c
nao, ngiroi phu nu Vi~t Nam v~n rat n6i b~L
nho vao ta ao dai truyen thong von rat khiit khe trong dang
di, tuong dung, ki~u ngoi ma khong phu nil nao tren the gioi
ngoai phu nu Vi~t Nam c6 th~ dap ting duoc.


- Nhung net dot pha =breakthroughs (n); new tendencies:

Mot nen kinh te


dinh va phat tri~n = A stable and

developed economy. C6 th~ thay stable (adj.) = firm
(adj.); fixed (adj.) ... va developed= improved; bettered;
advanced ...


Vi du: +Chi fi.y d.n m<?t cong viec &n dinh = She needs
a stable job.
Gia xi mang da 6n dirih chua ? =Have cement prices
been stable (hoac fixed ...) yet?
- Khong con 16i hen vai ... (= Khong bi tut hau .._.) = not to
lag far behin modern modes. Cung c6 th~ dich = to
reach (bat kip); to keep pace with (theo kip); to
catch up with (sanh kip); to be quickly in response
to (nhanh ch6ng dap ung kip).:.

Vi du: + Tien luong khong theo kip da lam phat =

Earnings have not kept pace with inflation.
(Earnings [n. pl.]= money earned).


dang gia tang gay g~t trong khi loi tuc Iai tut hau
qua xa = Prices are rising sharply while incomes

are lagging far behind.

- Cac ki~u thoi trang hien dai

= modern

modes; up-to-

date styles ...

- Dude danh gia la .... to be estimated as ... C6 th~ thay

"estimated" = seen; regarded ...

Cuoc song va con ngudi tai thanh pho horn nay = The
life and the people in cities today ...C6 th~ thay
people = residents; inhabitants ...
- Mot buc tranh sinh dong hai hoa =a harmonious and

vivid picture; an amusing and lively painting (=

- Vai nhung


ao dep muon mau. muon sAc = With

multicoloured beautiful flaps.


Cau 8:

Ngudn cam hung sang tao ba't tAn

The inexhaustible
inspiration source of creativeness. (Sang tao = kha
nang sang tao nen chung ta phai dich =creativeness hon
la = creation (= su sang tao = the act of creating, of
bringing sth into existence).

Eg: + Vi~c tao duce chii tin do'i voi khach hang la rat quan

The creation
very important.


of prestige

to customers


= power,

ability to invent and

develop original ideas, especially in art. Eg: She has a
great creativeness in writing = Chi ay co kha nang
sang tao ldn trong vi~ viet lach.

Nruai ban

friend; fellow; comrade; companion ...

(de nghi CaC ban tham khao tu di~n Ian d~ hi~u ro Stf.
khac biet giua cac tu nay).
Kh6 tinh

= difficult

Vi du: +Do' chi


(or hard) to please.

kh6 tinh lAm

= Her

father is very

hard to please.
Tuy nhien, kh6 tinh b day duoc hi~u la ky cue, khac
thudng (chAng han hie thi r9ng thung thinh, khi thi b6 sat
nguoi, hie thi dai di la dai, khi thi cut ngun ... ). Edi v~y, ta
nen dich bang cac tinh tu sau: cranky; odd; eccentric;
peculiar; unusual; strange ...

- ... b't bu(k chung ta phai lu6n luon quan tam, lo l~ng
... which keeps us in constant worry (n) (= in
permanent anxiety) boac ... which incessantly worry us.


- N6i chung =generally speaking; in general usually; in
a general sense; commonly ...
- Qui luat = rule (n); law(n); regulation (n) ...
- Chu ky = cycle (n) (= series of events taking place in a
regularly repeated order).

Vi du: Chu ky cua cac rnua = The cycle of the seasons.

- Va thich =to favour (vt) (US: Favour); to show favour

to; to support; to like...

. Trang phuc that rong

= loose garments ...

- a loose collar :::: c5 ao rong.

- a loose tooth= mot chiec rang lung lay.

~a loose screw


con fie vit long (khong chat) .

luc 6m sat


th~ (= r6i lai c6 hie ua thich

loai quAn ao b6 sat


th~ =) then body hugging

... r5i lai



- To hug [hAg] (vt) (-gg-): om cham, ghi chat.

- Vi du: Hai nha lanh dao da om charn lay nhau khi ho

g~p ga sang nay = The two leaders hugged each
other when they met this morning. To hug a belief,
an idea, a hope... = barn ch~t vao mot niern tin, m{>t y
tucJng, m<?t ni~m hy vong (::::to cling to).

ceu e.
Rieng nam nay = particularly this year, especially this
year... Hoac dich each khac.; In particular, the
common aesthetic tendency of this year is to
support rather loose garments
Ciiu ky = meticulous (adj.); dandified (adj.)= (cfiu ky, lo
lang) (= dressed up like a dandy); flashy (adj.) (= hao
nhoang khong phai di~u) (= brilliant and attractive but
not in good taste).

Eg: flashy clothes; flashy men ...

- Phu hdp vdi =to be suitable for (C6 th~ thay suitable for
= right for; correct for; fitting for;' appropriate for;
convenient to... ): to suit (vt); to satisfy; to meet the
needs of
Vi du: Khi hau o Da Lat c6 phu hop vdi sue khoe cua
ban khong ? = Does the climate in Dalat suit your
health? (khong dich "vdi" m~c du tieng Vi~t hay n6i nhu

Chiec n6n nay c6 (phu) hop vdi ban khong ?

hat suit you?

= Does


CO.u 7:

Ne-hien!! him vg = to be inclined to; to have a

tendency (= an inclination) to...
Cac mau trung gian (= cac mau nhat) = light (= pale)
colours. Vi du: Anh ff..y mac met chiec ao sc mi mau nhat
= He is wearing a light ~ coloured shirt. LIGHT co
nhieu tu loai: (n), (adj.), (v), (adv.). D~ nghi tharn khao
them cac tit di~n Ian.


. Nhung chu yeu vAn la 2 mau trdng den = tuy nhien, hai
rnau chu yeu vAn la trAng den...
= However,
nevertheless; in spite of that, ... ) the main colours are
the white and the black ...
- Co do tudng phan cao =to have a high contrast (n). Tuong
Vi du: + Nhung hanh d(?ng cua ong ta tuong phan m(>t
each t() hai voi nhiing dieu 6ng ta hua = His actions
contrast badly with his promises.

+ Toi khong th~ hi~u duqc nhirng thai

d9 phan

ang cua chi

ay = I can't understand her contrasting attitudes.

Cac mau tuong phan = contrasting colours.

Ctiu B:
Nen hi~u; Chat lieu duoc ua thfch la ... = The favourite
material is..

Vi du: + Day la quyn sach


tOi ua thich

= This

is my
favourite book(= the book I prefer above all others).

Ao dai truyen thong mang ban s~c dan tf>c = The
traditional "ao dai'' ...
Khong thay d6i ve ki~u dang = to remain unchanged in
design; to have no change in form ...
Bien ta'.'u: Slight changes: small differences ...
- Hoa tiet trang tri

= decoration


Vi du: Nang thich y phuc khong c6 hoa tie't trang tri

She prefers garments that are free of all decoration.


H9a tiet trang trf tieu bi~u cua thap nien 50

decoration typical of 1950s.


Cau 10:
- Nha tao mot= designer; couturier ... (Designer [dizaine] =
nh~ thiet
[nha tao mot}= person whose job involves
planning the form of a new object; person who designs
machinery, dresses, buildings. ect ... Couturier [ku.t'eriei]
(goc tierig Phap)
nha ve ki~u va lam ra cac y phuc thdi
trang phu nu(= person who designs, makes and sells
fashion clothes for women).


- Co gling

= to strive; to make great efforts; to endeavour;


try; to do one's utmost; to exert oneself to do sth ...

Vi du: Hay co g~ng lam vui long chi nha =Endeavour (or
try ... ) to please your wife.
Cac ban co gllng den som nhe
arrive early.

- Dam bao = nen hi~u = di~n



ta (= to .desecribe);


bi~u dat (=

to portray); to express ...


A smile expressed her joy at the news= M()t nu cttai

da bi~u dat niem vui cua nang khi nghe tin ay.

Ctiu 11:

- Tu hao = to be proud

of (; to be proud

to do

sth ..

Ba ta r~t t\;I hao

proud of her children.
Vi du:

ve cac

con cua

ba = She's



Ngudi phu nu Viet Nam vAn r~t n& biit

women appear
with outstanding
features hoac The Vietnamese women are seen with
attractive looks (hoac ..... with charming appearances ... ).
- Ta ao truyen thong

The traditional flap of the "ao

- Dang di. tttong dung, ki~u ng6i = The walking, the
standing and the sitting postures.

= to satisfy; to suit; to meet; to answer; to

respcnd to...

- D{rn ung

Anh ta da dap ling lC!i keu goi cua

the appeal of the Committee.

Uy ban=

He answered

Bai djch tham khao:


1. A stable and developed economy in recent years has helped
us to keep pace with modern modes. Ho Chi Minh City is
estimated as the centre of creating fashion for the whole
2. The life and the people of today's city can be compared to a
harmonious and vivid picture with multicolored flaps.
3. Women fashion is the inexhaustible inspiration source of
creativeness of fashion designers and is also the crankiest
fellow of the circles which keeps us in constant worry.
4. In general fashion has its own rules and cycles.


5. There are years when women favoured loose garments,

bodyhugging clothes.


6. Particularly this year, the common aesthetic taste tends to

favour rather loose garments of simple design, far from
meticulous mode, which quite suits a developed industry.
7. Colours are inclined to light ones like blue, light grey, dark
green, etc ... However, the main colours are the white and
the black which have highly contrasting features.
8. The favourite material is silk thread, silk, etc... which is
close to nature.
9. This year, the traditional "ao dai" remains unchanged in
design. Slight changes can be seen in collar, colour and
10. The designer must strive to create a suit which raises his
own voice, reflects local and national characteristics, but can
portray its modernity.
11. The thing we are proud of is that in any situation or
international conference, the Vietnamese women appear
with outstanding features thanks to the traditional flap of

the "ao dai" wich strictly requires the walking, the standing
and the sitting postures that the women in the world can
hardly suit except the Vienarnese women.






1. Uy lam vinh du

1. To be honoured to do st,

have the honour of doing st

2. Hc}i thao qu6c te

2. International

3. Phat tri~n du lich

3. To promote tourism


4. Tiem nang phat tri~n du 4. Tourism potentialities

5. Di~m vai net

5. To give an outline of/to

make a general survey of/to
. mention st about

6. Keo dai, trai dai 1600 km

6. To extent/to stretch 1,600

km from

7. C6 chung bien gioi vdi

. 8. V~ dia hinh

To share a common border

8. Geographically,

9. Phinb to a hai dftu

9. To swell at both ends

10. Chinh vi the

10. It is because of this/that

11. Don ganh vdi hai thung 11. A carrying pole with two
gao hai dAu
rice baskets at both ends

12. Vung tr6ng Iua chinh


12. Major rice growing areas

13. Phu sa

13. Alluvium, Alluvia (pl.)/Silt

14. Phu luu

14. Tributary


B6i d~p nen

canh d6ng

15. To raise the level of the

fields/to form itself into
the fields

16. Dia hinh d6i mii

16. Hilly

1 7. Dinh cao nha'.'t

17. The highest peak

18. Chay suot chieu dai

18. To extend/run
full length of

19. H~ dqng v~t


20. H~ thuc v~t

20. Flora

21. Co gia tr! cao

21. Highly valued for

22. Cay thuoc

22. Medical

23. Cay lay dau

23. Oily plants

24. Tuyen bo' chii quy~n doi

24. To claim territorial

sovereignty over



along, the


25. Nuoe n6ng

25. Shallow water

26. Ngu trirong

26. Fishing ground

21. C~p ben

27. To anchor at/to call at/to

28. Th~m luc dia

28. The continental shelf

29. Vi tuyen

29. Parallel of latitude


30. Kinh tuyen

31. Kinh

30. Meridian


31. Longitude

D9 cao

32. Altitude
33. Subtropical

33. Ban nhiet doi

34. Dirng thir 12 trong
nude dong dan nhat
35. M~t d9 dan
36. Phan

so cac

most populous countries


bo khong

34. To rank 12ttt among the

35. Population density


36. Unevenly distributed

37. Hie'u hoc

37. To be fond of learning/

to be inquisitive of

38. De tiep thu cai mdi

38. To be flexible/adaptive to

39. Nhan khflu hoc

39. Demography

40. Nhiing d~c di~m du lich


40. Unique tourist attractions


1. Moi sinh

1. The environmentJthe

2. Bao v~ moi sinh

2. To preserve the environment

3. Tinh trang bao d9ng

3. An alarming/a critical

4. Tham hoa huy diet

4. A threat/danger of

5. T~ng



5. The ozone layer

6. LO thung tAng ozon

6. The holes in the ozone layer

7. Thien tai

7. Natural calamities

8. L9t 19i

8. Floods/flooding

9. Bao 16c

9. Cyclones

10. Su d6i XU tan t~ vdi thien


10. Ill-treatment

11. Su gia tang dan so'

11. Population growth


Viec khai thac

nguyen vo tci chuc


toward nature

12. The disorganized

exploitation of the natural

13. Qua trinh do thi h6a

13. The urbanization, the

process of urbanization

14. Cong nghiep h6a

14. Ind us trialization/to


15. Hoa hoc nong nghiep

15. Chemicalization

16. Mang tinh toan ciiu

16. Global

17. Van de chat thai

17. Waste problems

18. Sinh quy~n

18. The biosphere

19. Khi quyin

19.. The atmosphere

20. Ngudn nude

20. Water resources

21. Moi sinh bi nhiem hain

21. Contaminated environment

22. HQp chat bi thai loai

22. Compound wastes

23. Phan b6n

23. Fertilizers

24. Chat d<?c h6a hoc

24. Toxic chemicals

25. Chat thai ph6ng xa

25. Radiation waste



26. Nu& thai

26. Sewage

27. Nuoc thai cong nghiep

27. Industrial sewage

28. Nu& thai sinh hoat

28. Domestic sewage

29. Chat thai b th~ rAnlth~

long/ th~ khi

29. Solid, liquid, and gas wastes

30. Nguen nude ngot du tru

thien nhien

30. Fresh water in natural


31. Cac san phiim dAu mo

31. Petroleum products

32. Nhiet nang

32. Calophiric energy

33. Cac khi d9dc6 hai

33. Poisonous/harmful gases

34. Tai SU dung rac thai

34. To recycle wastes

35. Xu ly rac thai

35. To treatJto dispose wastes

36. Cong nghe c6 truyen

36. The out-dated traditional



37. Contaminating industries

Cong nghe gay nhiem


38. Cong ngh~ sach

38. Clean technology

39. Tren qui mo the gioi

Khu vuc/quoc gia

39. On international, regional

and national scales

40. Bao d<)ng

40. To sound the alarm

41. Dat trong tinh trang bao


41. To place something on full


42. Tut xuo'ng muc bao d(?ng

42. To drop to an alarming level

43. Dang trong tinh tr~ng

bao d(mg

43. To be in an alarming


44. N6i m(?t each khan thiet

44. To put it urgently/to use a

more emphatic/ pressing

45. Keu ciru

45. To cry for help

46. ChAng the


H9i nghi
quoc gia

ma .

46. (It's) no/little wonder that



47. The Heads of States


48. H9p vdi chuong trinh


48. A meeting under the agenda

49. N6i gi~n

49. To become furious at

50. Hau qua kh6c li~t

50. Serious consequences

51. Tac d()ng cua con nguoi

vao thien nhien tu moi
phia rnang tinh toan d~

51. The many faceted and

global effects caused by
humans on nature

52. anh huang sau sic

52. Profound effects

53. Dung charn den moi quoc

53. To involve all nations


54. Trong qua trinh san xufit

va sinh hoat

54. In the domestic and

production processes

55. Len den

55. To amount to/to reach

56. Trach nhiern thUQC


56. The responsibility lies with

57. Bao g6m nhieu mat

57. To embrace/to consist of,

many areas/domains

58. Hudng thu nha't: Phat

minh thiet bi loc

58. First, it is necessary to

produce filtering devices


0 nhiing


mo khac

59. At different levels/On

different scales




1. Sau day duoc g9i la..;

1. Here under addressed as/

called ....
2. Cac dieu khoan cua hep

2. The tenris /articlcs of the


3. Danh muc hang h6a

3. Commodity list

4. Qui each pham chat

4. Specification quality


So luong

6. Gia


5. Amount, quantity
6. Prices

7. Don gia

7. Unit price

8. Chi phi do nguoi ban chiu

8. Costs/expenses borne out/

accounted for by seller

9. Thue nhap khau

9. Import tariff

10. Chi phi ki~m dich

10. Quarantine costs

11. Bao hi~m

11. Insurance

12. Bao bl

12. packing

13. Thdi han giao hang

13. Delivery date

14. Trong

h.tqng ttnh

14. Freight weight

15. T6ng trong luong'

15. Net weight

16. Xep hang

16. Loading

17. BOC dd hang

17. Unloading

18. (Viec) chuyen cha hang

18. Transportation

19. 24 giC1 truck khi hang toi

19. 24 hours before delivery


20. Hoa don thuong mai

20. Commercial invoice

21. Giay chung nhan xuat XU


21. Certificate of origin

22. V~n don

22. Bill of lading

23. Phuong thtrc thanh toan

23. Mode of payment

24. Mb tin dung thu

24. To open a letter of credit

25. Truong' hop bat kha


25. In case the unavoidable


26. Giai quyet tranh chap

bAng thuong luong

26. To solve disputes through


27. Thc>a thuan b~ng van ban

27. To come to terms in writing

28. Boi thuong thiet hai

28. To compensate damages

29. Vi pham hep


29. to violate the contract

30. M6i ben gilt m(?t ban

30. To have the custody of one


31. Dai dien ban/mua hang

31. Seller/buyer represented by.

32. Tri~n vong cua nn kinh

32. The prospectJthe promise of

the economy

33. Xuat phat ditim
34. D~t mire tang
kinh te' cao
35. Nuoc c6 nn kinh
phat tr1Bn
36. D:~u


33. The starting point


te kern

khi dot, thuy

34. To achieve/obtain/reach
high economic growth rates
35. The least developed
36. Petroleum, gas. hydroenergy!


37. Dung truac kh6 khan thl:t


37. To face difficulties and


38. Theo danh nghia

38. In nominal terms

39. Tien


39. The premise/foundation


40. Thuc dAy nen kinh


40. To promote/accelerate/
speed up/boost up the

41. Dang k~ Ia

41. Worth mentioning is/are

42. Cay luu nien

42. Perennial trees

43. Mb r('.)ng vo'n dfiu tu

43. To expand investment

44. Thu hep khoang each

44. To narrow the gap between

45. BAng phtrong phap sue


45. In terms of buying/

purchasing power

46. Voi dieu ki~n thong tin

nhu hien nay

46. In such an age of


47. Khu vlf.c phat tri~n nang


47. A region of dynamic


48. Muc tang trudng kinh te

48. Economic growth rates

49. Nen kinh te' kem phat


49. An underdeveloped

50. Thdi di~m tang toe

50. The accelerating point

51. L<;1i the

51. An advantage

52. S~


an dinh ve chinh tri

6n dinh

kinh te' -

xa h(?i

52. Political stability

53. Socio-economic stability

54. Xu the hop tac va canh


54. The cooperative and

competitive trend/the trend
to cooperate and to

55. Hqi nhap

55. To integrate oneself into


56. Nguen nhan luc

56. Human resources

5 7. Trinh d(> dan tri

57. The cultural standard of

the people
58. Dqi ngfi trf thirc

58. The intelligentsia, the

number of intellectuals, an
army of intellectuals

59. Nguen tai nguyen

59. The natural resources

60. Nguon thuy nang

60. Hydroenergy sources

61. Dat tr6ng rung va cay lau


61. Forest land and perennial


62. M~t nuoc nuoi trting

danh b~t thuy hai san

62. Water areas for


63. Thu hut von

63.To attract capital

64. Tiep thu cong nghiep tien


64. To apply/to make the best

use of advanced

65. Tu6i lao d{mg

65. Working age

66. BQi chi ngan sach

66. Budget overspending

67. Cai each hanh chinh

67. Administrative

68. Moi trucng sinh thai

68. The environment



69. Vuqt qua gioi han cho


69. To exceed the permitted


70. GDP tren dciu ngttbi

70. GDP per capita

71. Tinh bang' phuong phap

sue mua

71. In terms of purchasing


72. Du bao dai han

72. Long-term predictions

73. Sai s6

7 3. To be erroneous, an error

74. Loi the Cong nghiep

74. The industrial advantages

75. Phiic lQi



75. Social welfare

76. Tang trttang trung binh

hang nam

76. Annual average growth


77. Tinh kha thi cua chi tieu


77. The feasibility of the GDP


78. Ke hoach narn nam

78. A five - year - plan

79. Dua cong ngh~ rndi vao

san xuat

79. To apply new technologies

to production


1. Bude vao giai doan mdi

1. To enter/embark on a new
stage of development

2. C-0 nhieu chuyen bien tich

2. To make some
changes/ progress


Ve nhieu



3. In many aspects/ fields

4. Tao dieu kien thuan lei

4. To create favourable
conditions for

5. Nham dat tdi m9t nen giao

due tien tien

5. To aim at building an
advanced eduution


6. Dieu chinh Cd cau giao due

6. - To reform/reorganise/
the educational structure

7. Mang lttdi cac truong dai

hoc va cao dAng

7. The general, vocational and

higher education school's

8. D~ SU dung m9t each hieu 8.

qua hon d9i ngii giao chuc
Va CC1 Sd V~t chat hien CO

Cai tien n{>i

phuong phap




To make a fuller/more
effective use of the existing
reaching staff and material
improvements both in the
teaching method and in
the contents (of)

10. Cung c6 m<}t n()i dung

giao due hudng nghiep

10. To strengthen/consolidate/
boost up career oriented
education/con ten ts

11. Mb r{mg cac mon hoc co

ban bao gom ngoai ngii,
nhac hoa, tin hoc


12. Thu hep dien dao tao ph5

thong trung hoc

12. To decrease the number of

student entering
secondary schools

13. Cham dut viec hoc ha ca

13. To put an end to/do away

with the third school shift

14. Cho'ng xudng cap Cd slJ v~t

14 .. To prevent the
deterioration/ decline of
school facities


To expand the school

majors to include foreign
languages, music, art, and
computer skills


15. Tang ngan sach giao due

deu d(m

15. To increase educational

budget steadily

16. Chinh sach khuyen khich

giao vien

16. The priority policy of

encouraging teachers (to
do st)

17. Ket hop chat che giiia

giao due ph8 thong, giao
due ky thuat Va day ngh~

17. To combine/to link closely

secondary education with
and vocational

18. Chuy~n bien tich eve

18. Positive changes, positive


19. Dap ung duoc doi hoi cua

xa h9i

19. To meet the requirements

of the society

20. C<J cau cua h~ thong giao


20. Educational structure

21. Truong ph8 thong

21. General schools

22. 'I'ruong' day nghc

22. Vocational schools

23. Truong cao dAng va dai


23. Universities and colleges

24. D9i ngfi giao chuc

24. Teaching staff

25. Cd

sb v~t chat

26. Mon hoc chinh tr!

25. Material facilities

26. Political education/

27. Giao due dao due

27. Moral education/studies

28. Giao due th~ chat

28. Physical education/


29. Giao due hudng nghisp

29. Vocational orientation



30. Cac m6n van hoa Cd ban

30. Major school subjects

31. Cac man hQC b~t bUQC

31. Compulsory subjects

32. Giao due truoc tu6i hC?C


32. Pre-school education

33. Giao due ti~u hoc

33. Primary education

34. Ph6 thong trung hoe co sb

34. Lower secondary education

35. Ph6 thong trung hoc

35. Secondary education

36. Giao due sau ph& thong

36. Post-secondary education

37. Dao tao nghe sau ph5

thong co so

37. Post-lower secondary

vocational education

38. Tien hanh tren Cd


sa th\i

38. To implement something

on an experimental basis

89 .. Bae dai hoc

39. Higher education level

40. Sau dai hoc

40. Post-graduate level

41. Phuong phap giang' day

41. Teaching methods

42. Hinh thuc dao tao

42. Modes of training

43. HQi nh~p v~i c9ng d6ng

khu vuc

43. To integrate into the

region and the world

44. Hoc ba ca

44. Three-shift-schooling

45. Xu6ng c{(p trirong sd

45.Degraded school facilities

46. Phong thf nghiern

46. A laboratory, a lab

4 7. Phong may tfnh

4 7. A computer room

48. Dau tu ngan sach nha

nUOc cho giao due

48. The state (government)

educational budged

49. Xii hQi h6a giao due

49. Socialjeed education


50. Nguen di\u tu phu tr<)

ngoai ngan sach nha nude

50. Additional funds to the

State educational budget

51. Cac tinh mien rnii

51. Mountainous provinces

52. Vung sau


kh6 khan

52. Isolated and deprived


53. U1p ghep

53. Mixed classes

54. Phfi c~p giao due ti~u hoc

54. To popularize primary


55. Giao due

ky thuat

55. Technical education

56. Da dang h6a Cd cau dao


56. To diversify educational


57. Sinh vien tot nghiep

57. Graduates

58. Bae hoc chuyen sau

58. Further specialized level of


59. Cd h(>i giao due binh d~ng

59. Equal opportunity in


60. Truong quoc l~p

60. State owned schools

61. Tntdng ban cong

61. Semi-state owned schools

62. Truong dan l~p

62. Fee-paying schools

63. Truimg dai hQC cqng d6ng

63. Community colleges

64. Dai hoc


64. Open universities

1. Thuc hien quyen

1. To exercise the right over

2. Tuan theo lu~t l~

2. To obey the la w


3. Bai

ho lu~t

: To cancel/to abolish a law

4. B~u trong sei dai bi6u


Quo'c h()i
5. De nghi Quoc h(>i bau

6. Tuyen



from among the

member .

bo chien


7. Thong nhat quan


5. To nominate/to 11r')l"\ose to the

National l;h-11
6. To declare wars/state of wars
7. To carry out overall

management of
S. Nhat thie't phai 1a.

8. It is necessary for somebody

to do something

9. Theos~ phan cong


10. Ki~m tra viec thi hanh

10. To supervise the

As required by

implementation of
11. Don

vi hanh


11. Administrative units

12. Do luat dinh

12. As stipulated by law

cho y chi,
vong VS quyen

13. Dai dien

lam chu cua dan

13. To represent the

will/aspiration, and the

mastery of the people

14. Lanh dao va dieu hanh

14. To lead and to direct

15. Cd quan dai bi~u cao


15. The highest representative

16. Quyen l~p hien va l~p


16. Constitutional and

legislative powers

17. Chinh sach Cd ban

n<)i va doi ngoai

ve doi

organ of the people

17. The fundamental domestic

and foreign policies


18. Quyen giarn sat to'i cao

18. Supreme control over (all

activities of the State)

19. Lam hien phap

19. To'rnake the Constitution

20. Sita d6i Hien phap

20. To amend the Constitution

21. Lam Iuat

21. To make laws

22. Saa d6i luat

22. To amend laws

23. Phap l~nh

23. Decree laws

24. Tuan theo Hien phap

24. The conformity to the

25. Nghi quyet cua Quoc h9i


ha u lhltOng vu QuO'c

26. The Standing Committee of

The National Assembly

an nhan

27. The Supreme People's Court

27. Toa

dan toi cao

28. Vi~n ki~m sat nhan dan

tOi cao


25. The resolutions of the

National Assembly

Chinh sach tai chinh,

tien t~ quoc gia

28. The supreme People's Office

of Supervision and Control
29. The national financial and
monetary policies

30. Du toan ngan sach

30. The draft State budget

31. Phan b6 ngan sach

31. Budgetary appropriations

32. Phe chuan quyet toan 32. To approve the accounts of

ngan sach
33. Chiu trach nhiem va bao
cao ccng tac truoc Quoc


the State budget

33. To be responsible to the
National Assembly for his
work an.d. to report to it

34. Nhiern ky

34. Term of office, tenure

35. Het nhiern ky

35. The end of the term, the end

of the tenure

36. Cong bo hien phap, luat,

phap l~nh

36. To promulgate the

Constitution, the.laws and
the decree-laws

37. Thong linh cac luc luong

vii trang nhan dan

37. To have overall command of

the people's armed forces

38. Hc;>i dong quoc phong va

an ninh

38. The National Defense and

Security Council

39. Bau, mien


39. To elect (somebody something), to release sb from

duty, to remove sb from


40. Chanh an Toa

dan to'i cao




40. The President of the

Supreme People's Court

B6 nhiern

41. To appoint somebody as


42. Cach chuc

42. To dismiss sb (from


43. Tuyen bo chien tranh

43. To proclaim war (against sb)

44. Quyet dinh dai


44. To grant pardons (to sb)

45. Lenh tdng d{mg vien

45. To order a general

46. Dong vien

46. To order a partial




4 7. Tinh trang kh~n c~p

47. (To proclaim) a state of



48. Phong ham, cap si quan

48. To confer titles, and ranks

on sb

49. Huan chuong, huy chuong

49. Medals and badges

50. Danh hieu vinh du nha


50. State honours and


51. Cu, tri~u hoi dai

menh toan quyen
52. Ky ket uicu

su d~c

uoc quoc te

51. To appoint, to recall the

extraordinary and
plenipotentiary ambassador
52. To sign international
agreem ents, treaties

53. Phe chuan hoac tham gia

dieu u& qu0c

53. To approve or join the

international agreements,

54. Nhap qu6c tich

54. To grant (Vietnamese)

nationality (to sb)

55. Tuoc quoc tich

55. To dcprive(sb) of (the

Vietnamese) nationality

56. Cd quan chap hanh

56. An executive body

57. Tu trung uong den co so

57. From the central to the local


58. Phat huy quyen lam chu

58. To bring into full play, to

promote the mastery of the

Uy nhiern
60. Uy ban Trung

59. To delegate sh as st, to do st



uong Mat
tran T6' quoc Vi~t nam

61. Tang lien doan Lao d(?ng

Vi~t Nam


60. The Central Committee of

the Vietnam Fatheeland
61. The Vietnam Confederation
of Labour,

62. Nghi dinh, Chi thi,

Thong tu

62. The resolutions. the

directives, the circulars

63. Thuoc thi'lm quyen cua

Chinh phu

63. Within the powers, the

jurisdiction, of the

64. Thao luan t~p th~

64. To undergo collective


65. Quyet dinh theo da

66. Quan



Nha mtoc

67. Quy~n tu chu trong hoat

d()ng san xu~t, kinh
68. Don

vi hanh chinh

69. Thanh pho true thuoc

trung uong


65. To decide on the basis of, in

conformity with, the will of
the majority
66. State Administration
67. The autonomy in production
and trading
68. The administrative unit

The cities under

Central, rule

70. Province, District

71. Thanh ph6 thuoc tinh

71. Provincial cities

72. Qu~n. huyen, th! xa

72. Urban district, Rural

district, Town

73. Xa, thi tran

73. Commune, Townlet

7 4.Phu'dng, quan

74. Ward, Urban district

75. H(>i dong nhan dan

75. The People's Council


Uy ban

nhan dan


76. The Peqple's Committee



1. Kien tha lauding c6 ngay
d~y t6


1. Little rain lays great dust.

Little strokes fell great oaks.

2. Yeu thi yeu

chan di,
ghet thi ghet ca tong chi
ho hang

2. Love me, love my dog.

3. Tich ti~u thanh dai

3. Many a little makes a mickle.

4. HQp qu~n lam nen sue


5. Cang giau c6 l~m, cang no
I~ nhieu





5. Much coin, much care

6. Kho sinh kheo

6. Necessity is the mother of


7. Dl1ng vay, va cilng dung

cho vay

7. Neither a borrower nor a

lender be

8. Khong nen nga long

8. Never say die!

9. Gai ngoan khong tho 2

9. No man can serve two


10. Muon s6ng lau c~n phai
nhan nai

10. One must be patient if one

wold live long

11. Con sau lam rAu n6i


11. One scabby sheep is enough

to spoil the whole flock

12. Co cong mai s~t co ngay

nen kim

12. Practice makes perfect

13. Ta chi trong c~y b ta

13. Rely only on yourself (is an

old proverb)


14. Den nha ai na'y rang

14. My house is my castle.

15. Lll<Ji s!c hon dao

15. Many words hurt more than


16. Thm gian di khong bao

16. Lost time is sever found


gib trb lai

17. Van su khoi d~u nan
18. That bai

19. T6t


me thanh

go hon tot nude son

17. It is the first step that costs.

18. If at first you don't succeed,
try, try again.
19. Hand some is as hand some

20. Nha dqt tU n6c d9t xuong

20. Fish begins to stink at head.

21. GAn muc thi den, gAn

den thi sang

21. Evil communications

corrupt good manners

22. Anh em nhu th~ chan


22. Blood is thicker than water

23. Moi ngttdi la ke thu cua

chinh minh


24. SOng c6 khuc, ngttdi c6


24. Every day is not Sunday

25. Tave ta tAm ao ta

25. East or West.home is best

26. Nhan cu vi ba"t thien

26. Doing nothing is doing ill

27. Lita thtt vang, gian nan

thit sue

27. Calamity is man's true

touch stone






28. Cai ne't danh che't cai 28. Beauty is but skim - deep
29. Nhat nghe tinh, nhat
than vinh

29. An useful trade is a mine of


30. Bao trong coc nude

30. A storm in a tea cup.


31. D(ti nguoi chi'. chet I Mn

31. A man can die but once.

32. Mua danh 3 van,

danh 3 d6ng

32. A good name is sooner lost

than won.


33. Nhan hien tai mao

33. A good face is a letter of


34. Da ng6n da qua

34. A close mouth catches no


35. Vang that kh6ng sq lua

35. A clean hand wants no


36. Giay rach phai giu lay l~

36. A clean fast is better than a

dirty break fast


37. A civil denial is better than

a rude giant.

Mat long
long sau



38. Tu tucmg khong thong

vac binh dong cung narig


An cho,

buon so

38. A burden of one's own

choise is not felt.
39. A bargain is

a bargain

40. Nghe nao cling qui

40. Work of any kind is good

4 1. Thi gifl ta tien bac

41. Time is money

42. Bi cue thai lai

42. After a storm comes u calm

43. CAn ~c v6 uu

43. 2 securities are better than


44. Che d~ lam kh6

44. Criticism is easy, and art is


45. Co chf thi nen

45. Where there's a will, there's


46. Dau

d6 bim


47. Gieo gi6, g~t bao


46. Everyone gives a push to a

falling man.

As you sow, so you shall


48. H9a vo don chi

48. It never rains but it pours

49. Huu xa tt,i nhien huong

49. Good wine needs no bush

50. Nhat t(>i, nhi no

50. Debt is the worst kind of


51. Tai vach, rnach ritng

51. Walls have ears


1. Hanh d(mg manh hon lCii

2. Sau can mua troi lai
sang, bet hoi bi C\1C den
hoi thai lai

1. Actions

speak louder than

2. After a storm comes a calm.

3. T~t den, nha ng6i 3. All cats are grey in the dark.
nhu nha tranh, trong
tff t
nhfrng con
meo deu xam (sour ces



4. Nguu t!m nguu,




5. Tha mai b:it b6ng.

6. DAu

ga con

5. A bird in the hand is worth

two in the bush

hon duoi cong

7. An may doi an xoi g!c

8. Khong nen xet doan (J
dep be ngoai.

4. Birds of a feather flock


6. Better be an old man's

darling than a young man's
7. Beggars must not be


8. Beauty is but skin deep.


9. M6i nguoi mot sCJ thich 9. Beauty is in the eye of the

(cai dep khong phai b doi
moi ngudi thieu nu ma d
trong doi miit
si tinh)


10. Tot

g6 hon

tot nude son

10. Clothes do not make the


11. Nguoi dep vi lua

11. The tailor makes the man.

12. Lieu com gAp mam

12. Cut your coat according to

your cloth.

13. Nhan cu vi ht1't thien

13. The devil finds word for idle

hands to do.

14. Vo quyt day c6 m6ng tay


14. Diamond cuts diamond.

15. Hay d61 xl:t t6t voi ngiroi

khac neu muon nguoi
khac d6i XU t6t vdi minh.

15. Do as you would be done by.

16. Dung vach ao cho nguoi

xem lung

16. Don't cry stinking fish

17. Trau cham uong nuoc


17. The early bird catches the


18. N6i d~ hon lam

18. Easier said than done.

19. D~ den d~ di,


de kiern de

19. Easy come, easy go.

20. Thung rtlng keu to.


21. Khong ai giau 3 ho,

khong ai kh6 ba dbi Song
c6 luc, ngudi co khiic

21. Every dog has his day

22. Trai cam bao gid ciing

22. Forbidden fruit is sweetest.


Empty vessels make

most sound.


23. Ti@n biet n6i, co tien

mua tien cimg duce.
24. Khong

23. Money talks

mAc 24. He who makes no mistakes

lam kh6ng


makes nothing.

25. M~ hat, con khen hay

25. Mother scratches childs

back, child scratches

26. Sue khoe qui hon vang

26. Health is better than wealth

27. Neu chi ao uClc ma thanh

thi dC1i da qua de dang.

27. If "if' and "ans" were pots

and pans ...

28. Due mtdc beo


Nhat nghe
than vinh.

30. Tham bat


28. It is good fishing in trouble


tinh nhat

bo mam.

29. A Jack of all trades is

master of none
30. Don't kill the goose that
lays the golden eggs.

31. Cha nao con nay

31. Like father, like son

32. Dung hanh d()ng hap tap

32. Look before you leap

33. HQa

vo don chi





34. Giuc t6c bat dat, hap tap 34. More haste, less speed
la hong viec
35. Th~t bai la me thanh
cong, khong vat
chang' duqc gt


36. Khong co tin gi

chuyen deu 6n

a hien



g~p lanh, c6 di c6
lai mdi toai long nhau

35. No pain, no gain

36. No news is good news


One good turn deserves




ca tigay,

24 124

38. Our company has roundthe-clock service

39. N6i xau ngudi khac la

khong tot

39. It's not nice to bad mouth


40. Lang vong, vong vo tam


40. He would not answer yes or

no, but beat about the bush

41. Ton cong VO ich

41. Trying to make him change

his mind is just beating
your head against a wall.

42. Th6i ken khen lay :

42. People get tired of a man

who is always blowing his
own horn.

43. Lo Hing, run

43. In the exam, Bob had

butterflies in his stomach

44. Cai gi da qua thi cho

qua, hay d~ qua khu
chim vao quen lang.

44. Let bygones be bygones

45. Khong hoa d6ng, lanh


45. The new student is a cold


46. Khong lo l~ng gi, vo tu di

46. Tom has a devil-may-care

feeling about his work

47. C6 di c6 lai

47. Tom is too selfish. He has

no notion of give-and-take

48. Di ngu sdrn

48. Tom worked hard and went

to bed with the chickends

49. Tien lai qua,%

49. He was arrested for making

kickback money.

50. Ngudi do du

50. Tom is a fence-sitter as he

can't mak~ up his mind


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