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Sariah Gresham

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

In my final semester at CSN, I must pass the Praxis Core Exam before continuing my

studies at UNLV toward my Bachelors degree in Special Education. In the state of Nevada, the

passing scores are 156 in reading, 162 in writing, and 150 in math. At least Nevada provides an

on-screen four-function calculator.

Exam Preparation

I could have prepared more. I have learned about the Praxis Core exam in multiple

classes and by reviewing their website. I spent about two hours watching videos and taking

practice tests.

Exam Results

I was disappointed by my test results but I shouldnt be surprised since I did not

adequately prepare. In the math section, I scored a 45% meaning improvement is needed. I got

a similar rating for reading 48%, improvement needed to pass the exam. In writing, I received a

little bit of a higher score of 68%, which was described as borderline. I plan to work harder to

earn better results.

Future Exam Preparation

One way I have begun preparation is that I have purchased the Praxis Core for Dummies

that was personally recommended to me by academic advisors. After studying the book, I

intend to use online practice exams. I want to be well prepared to defeat the Praxis Core exam.

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