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Date Activity Description

Last week of July 1st Week Request Authorization Request authorization from the superintendent of the
of August division where I will lead the study. Submit necessary
requirements for the authorization of the conduct of the
2nd Week of August Administer Interviews I will set the participants for my study and set the day,
(FGD and In-depth Interviews) time and place for us to meet so I could begin with my
FGD. I will likewise meet alternate informants of the
in-depth interview. With the seven members, I will
direct the FGD and with the other five, I will likewise
lead the in-depth interview.
3rd Week of August Analyze Data After the administration of the interviews, the
researcher will facilitate the collection of the recorded
tapes. With the assistance of an analyst, the data
collected will be analyzed and interpreted in
accordance to the purpose of the study.
4th Week of August Public Forum Present on a public forum the analyzed data and the
formulated conclusion

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