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Day 1

I.Recognize the importance of recycle, reduce, reuse, recover, repair (5Rs)


waste management.

II. A. Materials:

Notebook and pen

B. References:

The New Science Links Worktext in Science and Technology pp.


Real Life Science 5 p. 50

C. Process Skills: Observing, classifying

D. Values Integration: Proper waste disposal

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement


Products make our lives easier. They help us in school and even
in important occasions. We enjoy the benefits provided by products.
But what happens when we are through with using the products?
For example, at school, let us say I asked you to draw something on
your one whole sheet of paper and you mistakenly illustrated the
wrong picture, what will you do?

*Do you crample the paper and throw it immediately in the trash

*Do you play with it first before throwing it in the trash bin?

*Do you crample the paper and put it under your chair or
someones chair and act as if it is not yours?

*If the paper is completely not usable, do you think of ways to

recycle it?

*Do you repair it by erasing the mistakenly illustrated picture so

that you can reuse it?

B. Exploration
Provide your own definition based on your prior knowledge or
understanding of the word written in each box below.

Reduce Reuse Recycle

-------------- ------------- -------------

----- -


Recover Repair

------------- -------------

C. Explanation

Allow them to share their answers.

1. What is reduce?

(Reduce means to minimize wastes.)

2. What is reuse?

(Reuse to use the same material again and again as many

times as possible. Many materials can be reused for their original

3. What is recycle?

(Recycle to use the material again in another way or for

another purpose.)

4. What is recover?

(Recover- involves getting materials or substances from garbage

and having these processed then reused.)

5. What is repair?

(Repair- means to fix anything broken.)

D. Elaboration/Extension
The 5Rs or reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and repair is the
modern method of waste management. What will happen if we do not
obey this method? Who and what will be affected?

E. Evaluation

Determine if the sentence describes a way to promote the 5Rs of

waste management. If it does, write Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover, or
Repair on the line. If it does not, draw on the line.

__________ 1. Old plastic bags used several times.

__________ 2. Scraps of paper and old newspaper transformed into


__________ 3. Printer cartridge refilled with ink.

__________ 4. Turning off faucets that are not being used.

__________ 5. Parts from old cell phones used for repairing other phones.

__________ 6. Resoling worn-out school shoes.

__________ 7. Metal scraps from fabricating shops transformed into metal


__________ 8. Walking to go to nearby places.

__________ 9. Changing the tires of a bike bought a few days ago.

__________10. Sharing rides with family or friends who are going to the
same destination.

IV. Assignment

Read each situation then answer the question that follows.

1. Your school uses stacks of paper every year for printing test papers
and worksheets that students later submit. After the test papers and
worksheets have been checked and graded; what can the school do
to recycle them?
2. At home, you notice that most of the trashes your family throws
away are made of plastic. What can you suggest to your parents so
your family can reduce the use of plastics?

Day 2

Activity 1
Materials needed: used paper, ruler, scissor, glue or fastener

References: Science in our World 5 pp. 16-17

Process Skills Observing, Classifying, Measuring

What to do:

1. Gather used paper, bond paper or even colored paper. Check if

has one writings. Keep those writings on both sides for other
2. Cut those with writings only on one side into your desired length
width.(Tip: Cut your paper into equal sizes so you wont have to
throw excess cut-outs.)
3. Bind the cut pieces of paper using glue (or fastener). Make sure
that the side with writings is facing downward as you bind each
pieces of paper.
4. Set it aside and let it dry.
5. You may now use the side without writings as your notepad!

C. Explanation:

1. What are the used materials you used in the activity?

2. What did you do to reused these materials?

3. What strategy did you use to lessen your waste?

4. Do you think you were able to do your share in minimizing


To reduce, simply means to lessen the amount of trash that will

add up to

environment .

To reuse is to use the same material again in another way

or for another purpose.

D. Elaboration

Reducing and reusing materials help minimize the generation of



E. Evaluation:
What is the importance of reduce and reuse in our environment?

IV. Assignment:

List at least 5 materials at home that you can reduce and reuse.

Day 3 - 4

Activity 2

Materials needed: 30pcs. Metallic bottle caps, tin can (medium sized),

Scotch tape, scissor, ruler, coloring materials

Reference: Science in our World 5 p. 18

Process Skills: Observing, Measuring, Ordering

What to do:

1. Cut nine 20 cm. yarn.

2. Using a scotch tape, attach three metallic bottle caps to one
of yarn. Do the same to the remaining bottle caps and yarn.
3. Attach the yarn with bottle caps inside the tin can. Make sure
that the tin can is facing downward so that the yarn with bottle
caps will be left hanging.
4. Attach a single loop of yarn at the bottom of the tin can.
5. You may now hang your bottle caps chime!


1. What are the materials you used in the activity?

2. What strategy did you use to come up with a new product?

3. Do you think you were able to do your share in minimizing


To recycle means to create a new product out of a material that


already served its purpose. Recycling is different from reusing in a

way that
recycling produces a new material out of discarded ones while
reusing uses

the same material over and over again.

D. Elaboration

Recycling produces a new material out of discarded ones so it


wastage of a material that can actually be useful for a different


It also reduces the use of raw materials.

E. Evaluation:

Answer the following.

1. What is recycling?
2. How does reusing differ from recycling?
3. What benefit can we get from recycling materials?

IV. Assignment:

Think of a materials at home that you can recycled.

Day 5-6

Activity 3

Materials: paper and pencil

References: Science in Our World 5 p. 19

Process Skills: Describing, Communicating

What to do:

1. With an adult look for things in your house that are already
considered useless because they are broken ( like a chair with
wiggly or missing leg) or not working anymore (like busted electric
2. List the items down then write beside each why it is no longer
3. Go over your list then think of how the items can be repaired to
make them useful again.
Discuss this with your parents.


What are the things at home that you repaired?

To repair means to fix slightly broken things to make them useful


Repairable materials include furniture, appliances, and clothes.

Instead of

discarding broken or busted materials they can be checked if they are


repairable. If they are, then they should be repaired instead of

buying new materials to replace them.

D. Elaboration

Repairing is one more strategy that can be done in addition to

the 5Rs

In order to effectively manage and minimize waste. Do not

immediately throw

Your defective products at home. As much as possible, find ways to

fix them.

Fixing defective products enables you to reuse them thus saving

you from

Buying new ones and reducing waste.

E. Evaluation:

What do you do when you accidentally break your favorite toy or

cut your

huggable teddy bear ? Do you immediately throw them away?

IV Assignment
List at least 3 materials at home that needs repair.

Day 7

I.Practice the 5Rs strategy to minimize waste.

II. A. Materials:

Notebook and pen

B. Reference: Science in Our World 5 pp. 22-24

C. Process Skills: Classifying, Communicating
D. Values Integration:

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement
Say: When we throw material, we just remove it from our house, but
it does not really disappear. It can change shape or form but is still
present somewhere else. The more waste materials that we
discard, the more trash pile up in landfills.
The waste that we generate per day is more than what landfills
can accommodate. This is why some waste are left uncollected in
different places. Uncollected waste causes water and air pollution
and any form of pollution is harmful to all living things. Therefore,
the main reason why we should practice the 5Rs to manage waste
is to minimize environmental problems.
Practicing the 5Rs also helps make our surroundings clean and
Moreover, it provides opportunities to people to earn money
1. Selling recyclable materials to junk shops;
2. Selling handcrafted products made of recyclable materials and
3. Putting up their own junk shop where they buy recyclable
materials which they later sell to bigger companies who are
capable of rechycling materials.


What to do:

A.1. Visit 3 households in your neighbourhood.

2.Ask permission first if you can interview them regarding their
waste segregation and waste reduction practices.
3.Let them cite some instances wherein they benefitted from
waste segregation and reduction.
4. If the household you interviewed does not practice waste
segregation and waste reduction, ask them how they can
start to reduce their waste at home.

B. Write how you can dispose each waste material listed below.

Waste Material Ways of Disposing

1. Can of softdrinks
2. Medicine bottles
3. Plastic containers
4. Dead animals
5. Bottle of vinegar
6. Toothpaste tube
7. Vegetable peelings
8. Piece of paper


How did you dispose a can of softdrinks? Medicine bottles?

Plastic containers? Dead animals? Bottle of vinegar? Toothpaste
tube? Vegetable peelings? Piece of paper?
The main reason why we should practice the 5Rs to manage
waste is to minimize environmental problems.


Practicing the 5Rs strategy to manage waste helps solve

environmental problems. It also makes our environment clean and
beautiful, and provides opportunities for people to earn money.

E. Evaluation:

How can waste segregation help:

1. You?
2. Your family?
3. The community?

IV. Assignment

Which of the 5Rs can you commit to follow regularly? Choose at

least one and plan on how you can honor such a commitment on a regular

Background Information

Waste management refers to the practice of proper waste


Wastes refer to used or consumed products or materials. A very good

example of

this is garbage.

Waste management is implemented anywhere in order to clean


Environment and make everyone healthy. Surely, you do not want to leave
a place

Full of garbage and wastes. Aside from their foul smell, we do not want to
get sick

Because of them.

A kind of waste management we follow nowadays is the 5Rs or

the 5Rs

Of waste management.
5Rs in Waste Management

The 5Rs of waste management is the modern way of organizing


and waste materials. The focus of 5Rs waste management is to:

Promote a clean and healthful environment

Transform garbage into something useful (Example:used
cooking oil to fuel through recycling) thus
Making the earth free from any garbage or waste material
zero waste

The ultimate goal of the 5Rs waste management is to free Planet


from any kind of garbage; a situation rendered to as zero waste. Do you

want to

make Mother Earth free of any kind of garbage?

Each R focuses on a way to achieve zero waste. What are


1. Reduce means to minimize wastes. When you use only those

that you need, you use fewer resources and in the end,
you throw
away fewer things and therefore help to reduce the
worlds waste. In this way you also contribute
toward reducing the use of materials that could harm the
It is very important for us to rethink what kind of products
we are going to purchase and whether these products
would benefit not just us but the environment as well.
Specifically, we can do the following:
1. Buy rechargeable battery instead of disposable
batteries for our gadgets. This way we can
minimize waste and save money at the same
2. Buy products in bigger packs than those
packed in small sachets. While doing the
latter prevents excessive use of a product,
such practice can increase production of non-
biodegradable waste because more plastic
sachets will be discarded.

2.Reuse means to find another use for materials that have already
been used or that have already served its purpose. We can
reuse materials by:

a. Using reusable bags when shopping or going to the

grocery store; b. Using reusable containers when packing,
storing food or drinks, and even when buying drinks.
c. Rethink first and consider the properties of materials and
try to find some use for it in some instances. For example,
empty medicine bottles may be sold to junkshops or small
retailers that need small containers for packaging. (Doing this
minimize waste and generates extra income for the
household); d. Avoiding to
buy new materials when you still have supplies that can be
used. This way, existing materials can be reused.
e. Donating clothes and other useful materials to some
organization that conduct relief operations during calamities;
and f. Conducting a rummage sale, not just of
clothes but of other items that are still functional.

3.Recycle means to use the material again in another way or for

another purpose.
Reduction of the amount of solid wastes can be achieved
most successfully through recycling programs. There must be
intensive campaigns to encourage increased household
participation in waste recycling.

Ways of Recycling Wastes

1. Waste metals can be sold as scrap. These can be melted

and reformed.
2. Glass is first separated by color (green, amber and clear)
before it can be melted, reformed and reused.
3. Several major types of plastic can now be recycled. Plastic
foam containers are melted and extruded to make such
plastic materials as plastic lumber , furniture, frames
and garbage cans.
4. Certain kinds of plastic soda bottles can be shredded and
reformed as fiber, to be used as fiberfill.
5. Paper is recycled by de-inking, shredding and repulping.
They can be used as clean paper again, and then remade
into newsprint, cardboard boxes, paper bags, and other
paper products.

4.Recover Waste recovery involves getting materials or substances

from garbage and having these processed then reused.

Here are some ways to recovery:

1. Cell phones become obsolete as new models are

Instead of throwing away an old phone, you can sell it to
electronic shops that will extract functioning parts from
your old phone and use for other purposes.
2. Instead of buying a new ink cartridge for your printer, you
can have it refilled with new ink in shops that provide this

5.Repair Some materials are deemed useless because they are

broken or some of their parts are not functioning properly. To
aid in waste management, have materials like these repaired
instead of replacing them right away with new ones. Note
the following examples of this form of waste management:

1. When your clothes seem to be tighter, you can ask a

seamstress to adjust parts of your clothes instead of buying
new ones.

2. If your shoes get worn out or your school bag gets torn in
some parts, you can have the shoes resoled or the bag
repaired instead of buying new ones right away.

3. In the same manner, when things that you use in your

home get broken or busted, have them repaired or
readjusted. These include faucets that have to be checked
regularly for leaks. Do not think of immediately replacing
these household items with new ones.

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