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Lourdes School of Mandaluyong

2nd Trimester Exam Reviewer

Label the parts of the flower, bean seed, and corn seed by writing your answers in

1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________
5. __________________________________
6. __________________________________
7. __________________________________
8. __________________________________
9. __________________________________
10. __________________________________
11. __________________________________
12. __________________________________
13. __________________________________

1. __________________________________ 1. __________________________________
2. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________
3. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________
4. __________________________________

Science 4 1 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. They are the brightly-colored structures of a flower. They make up the part of
the flower called corolla and they attract bees and butterflies.
a. petal c. anther
b. pistil d. stamen

2. These parts make up the calyx of a flower. They cover and protect the budding
flower and tend to separate and fall when the bud opens.
a. petals c. sepals
b. egg cells d. pollen grains

3. The female reproductive organ of the flower.

a. ovary c. egg cell
b. stamen d. pistil

4. It contains the egg cell of the flower.

a. stigma c. ovary
b. style d. ovule

5. The sticky hair-like structure that catches and holds the pollen grains.
a. stigma c. sepal
b. style d. stamen

6. The part of the flower that connects the stigma and the ovary.
a. pistil c. stigma
b. ovary d. style

7. The male reproductive organ of a flower.

a. stamen c. pistil
b. style d. filament

8. The enlarger part of the flower that contains the pollen grains.
a. filament c. stigma
b. style d. anther

9. The dust like particles that produce the sperm cells of the flower.
a. egg cell c. pollen grains
b. endosperm d. pollination

10. It occurs when the pollen grain of one flower reaches the stigma of another
a. self-pollination c. pollination
b. cross- pollination d. fertilization

11. This is the food storage tissue around the plant embryo inside the flower.
a. egg cell c. polar nuclei
b. zygote d. endosperm

12. It occurs when the pollen grain of from the anther of one flower is transferred to
the stigma of another flower of the same kind.
a. cross pollination c. pollination
b. germination d. fertilization

13. It is the enlarged ovary of the plant.

a. egg cell c. ovule
b. embryo d. fruit

Science 4 2 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011
14. This is the part of the seed that contains the embryo.
a. endosperm c. cotyledon
b. epicotyls d. seed coat

15. This is the other end of the seed embryo that will become the roots of the plant.
a. seed coat c. hypocotyls
b. epicotyls d. radicle

16. The process the seed undertakes from the time it starts to sprout until it grows into
a seedling.
a. seed dispersal c. pollination
b. germination d. fertilization

17. The process by which seeds are sent by their parent plants into a faraway place
to become a new plant.
a. fertilization c. germination
b. pollination d. seed dispersal

18. It is the smallest particle of a substance which has the properties of that
a. matter c. atom
b. molecule d. mass

19. It is the amount of space that an object occupies.

a. shape c. volume
b. density d. weight

20. This is the method used in finding the volume of irregular solids.
a. water displacement c. using a weighing scale
b. using a ruler or a meter stick d. counting the atoms

21. It is the amount of matter present in a given volume of substance.

a. weight c. length
b. mass d. density

22. The uniform distribution of gas in all available space possible.

a. distribution c. solution
b. dissolution d. sublimation

23. This happens when liquid is changed to vapor or gas.

a. condensation c. evaporation
b. melting d. distribution

24. This occurs when solid is changed to gas without passing through the liquid
a. distribution c. solution
b. dissolution d. sublimation

25. This happens when gas or vapor is changed into liquid form.
a. condensation c. evaporation
b. melting d. distribution

Science 4 3 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011
Complete the following table by filling in the boxes with the correct answer.


Natural Artificial
It is done by removing a
It is root-like stem that portion of the bark of a
grows underground. healthy stem. Left covered
Leaves grown on the with a small amount of good
upper surface. soil, roots will soon grow on
the stem.
A bud from one plant is
Small plants that grow
attached to a healthy plant
around the main plant.
by cutting an opening in the
They can be separated
branch of the trunk. It is then
from the main plant once
removed and replanted once
they grow their own roots.
it grows.
A round fleshy stem The stem of one plant is
underneath the ground inserted through a spear-
surrounded by fleshy shaped cut in the middle of
leaves. the stem of another plant.
Horizontal branches from Portions of stems, roots, or
the base of the plant that leaves are removed from a
can be above or below plant and rooted in soil and
the soil. water.
A portion of the plant stem
An enlarged stem situated
bent and covered with soil.
beneath the soil. New
Once the roots and young
plants can grow from tiny
leaves have grown, the stem
holes called eyes.
is cut off.

Write TRUE if the statement is true. Replace the underline word with the correct answer
if the statement is false.

____________ 1. Temperature indicates the amount of heat present in matter.

____________ 2. In the Farenheit scale, freezing water measures 0 degrees.
____________ 3. The transfer of heat through solid materials from a region of higher
temperature to a region of lower temperature is called conduction.
____________ 4. Heat travels in air and water by convection.
____________ 5. In oxidation, heat is transferred by means of waves from an area of
greater temperature to a lesser one.
____________ 6. Wood, coal, and petroleum are examples of synthetic fuels.
____________ 7. Kindling point is the temperature at which a fuel starts to burn.
____________ 8. Rapid oxidation is the sudden burning of a substance without the
application of an external heat source.
____________ 9. Friction makes your palm hot when you rub them together.
____________ 10. Burning is a form of spontaneous combustion, a chemical reaction
between the fuel and oxygen.

Science 4 4 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011
Solve the following problems. Show your solutions.

1. Find the volume of a box which is 25 cm long, 15 cm wide, and 12 cm thick.

2. Find the density of a ping-pong ball with a weight of 70 g and a volume of 10 mL.


1. Kinds of flowers
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
2. Agents of pollination
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
d. _______________________________________
3. Kinds of fruits based on the structure of their flowers
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________
4. Examples of seed dispersal
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________
f. ______________________________________________________________
5. Sources of heat
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________

Science 4 5 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011
6. What you can do in case of fire
a. ______________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________
e. ______________________________________________________________

Answer the following questions.

1. How do plants produce fruits?

2. What is the difference between monocots and dicots?
3. What does a seed need in order for it to germinate and sprout into a new plant?
4. Why is it that when you put orange juice into a glass of water, the water
becomes orange after a few minutes?
5. Draw the molecules inside each form of matter inside its corresponding box.
How does the arrangement of the molecules inside an object affect its

Solid Liquid Gas


Science 4 6 Prepared by: Mauie Flores

LSM 2010-2011

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