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Dhanishtha Nakshatra

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2. The Lord of Dhanishta Nakshatra is Mars. Its initial two padas will be in Capricorn
Rashi and the last two padas will be at Aquarius Rashi. Hence the lord of the Rashi
comes to Saturn. That is why they are very quick administrators. SInce Mars is fiery
planet and Saturn is Airy planet, Fiery and Airy becomes volotile and hence these
people are very volatile also!. Same Saravana Nakshtra people are very cool and quick
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4. Adhidevata of Dhanishta Nakshatra are Astavasus. Hence these people are well
versed in various matters! These persons are having versatile personality. Bahrani
Nakshatra people as well as Leo Rashi people are having expressive or inviting face,
whereas Shravana Nakshatra people are having coolness in their face. Dhanishta
Nakshatra people are also like Bharani Nakshatra people, as such they are also having
inviting face! They like to give the matters with them to the people.
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6. These Dhanishta Nakshatra people are communicating very well. They have full of
enrgies given by all eight Adhidevatas! Hence they are well versed in almost all
subjects! They look either handsom if they are men or beautiful if they are women,
else they look very ugly also!
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8. The symbol of Dhanishta Nakshatra is Drum or Mridanga. Hence they communicate
anything to the public very quick and also in effective manner!
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10. These peole are have possitive egoistic characteristics but not admant behaviours!
They are jovial natured persons. Charity is in their blood only! Since Mars and Saturn
are together in theis star, they are very talkative. Mercury will tell us what we should
speak . But the same communications are going to be presented beautifully and
decoratively by these Dhanishta Nakshatra people. This decorative nature is of Venus.
Dhanishta-1 falls in Leo Rashi, Dhanishta -2 falls in Virgo, Dhanishta-3 falls in Libra
and Dhanishta-4 falls in Scorpio whose lords are Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars.
Hence these persons are having all sorts of courrage in communicating, decoration in
communicating skills! But Saturn and Mars since joined, gossiping is also there!
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12. IN these Dhanishta Nakshatra people, they are having business minded skill aslo like
Rohini people! Since they speak on spot, they are called bad people also! All these
things will come only if Mars and Saturn are debilitated!
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14. For capricorn people, for disease, we have to see the sixth house Gemini Rashi whose
lord is Mercuryhalong with Saturn and Mars. Since Saturn and Mars together,
richness comes to them so easily. Dhanishta people are very highfi persons! Wherever
Dhanishta Nakshatra people are there, Money and finace flows to them! They used to
live very rich life! If possitive Dhanishta is there, some sorts of overindulgence will be
there! These people will get womb related problems! These people are always having
Iron deficiancies!
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16. For Aquarius Rashi people, sixth house will be Cancer and the lord of it is Moon.Hence, these
peole are having psychoseumetic problems. These Dhanishta people have richenss in all
materialistic things such as Money, Property, Vehicle, Workers etc.. They are also looking
good. They are also having high level Jnana or knowledge. They are also having Satvik type
of Ego!. Despite of all these things are there, they are suffering inside some sorts of acute pain
always! But these problems of psychoseumetic problems are not there in case of Capricorn
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18. They always like more caloried items. These fellows are suffering from Toxin
problems, because of Mars, fiery planet. Hence they are to detoxicate themselves
always! Hence these persons require meditation for at least half an hour daily to
detoxicated the excess of toxins within themselves! But Makara people need not to
be worried for this problems! It is because they are always workhaloc people. They
are fully involeve in hard working only!
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20. If Saturn and Mars together, then they become surgeons and that too Capricorn
based Dhanishta Nakshatra persons. They are also well versed in Education
departments and as Lecturers and teachers! Great asrtists and musicians are available
in this Nakshatra. SInce they are quick level administrators, wealth will be
accumulating with them automatically.
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22. These pople like costly food always. They like spicy food also. At the same time they
eat food kept in fridge also! It is because of the combination of Saturn and Mars.
Shravana, Dhanishta, Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra people always like cleanliness and
decorative type of food. They need frequent detoxications always! These people have
one type of obsessions.
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24. Suppose, if we want to tell them about what type of stones to be purchased, we
require their Lagnas or Ascendants. If the asscendant is Aquarius and Rashi is also
Aquarius, we have to use Samittu related to Saturn-Mars and Venus for the havans!
Likewise for the Capricorn Dhanishta Nakshatra peole also!
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26. If Mars-Saturn-Mercury-Moon combinations are there, then we have to use Kira
Raaga to soothen them. They have to use Beejaksharas related to Mars. They have to
chant Mantras related to Mars.
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28. In the area of Marriage, it is good if they marry after 30 only! Since they are well
educated, expectations are high, very rich, highfi people, if any thing happens in the
relationship, they will not look back once the break took place, because they used to
stay alone always!. They take quick dicisions. But for Shravana Nakshatra people
marriage will be smooth and happy also!
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30. These peole will be suffering from Dog cough problems!


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