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Lesson Plan N2

School: Esc. Normal Sup. En Lenguas Vivas E.A.Bavio Course: 4th year

Teacher: Rodriguez Lucio Student-teacher: Carlos Perez

Number of students: 33 Timetable: 11:25 to12:45 (12:30 aprox)

Date of lesson: September,26th

Type of lesson: Revision

Topics: Across the culture

Warm up (Time 10 min)

St. will greet students and he will write the date on the board. Then, he will check HW using the
number cards technique (If Ss didnt do HW, he would give them 5 minutes to do exercise in

Activity 1 (Time 10 min)

St.t will stick three pictures of nomadic people on the board and will ask students to look at the
pictures and speculate about the life of each group. The Sami The Bedouin The Moken
encouraging the students to match the picture with the correct title.

Activity 2 (Time 25 min)

St.t will tell the students to open their books on page 55 in order to complete a listening
activity. Student will have to look at the photos and they will listen to a recording in order to
match the music with the photos. After this, students will work individually reading the
sentences in ex. 2 and guessing if they are True or False, they will check their answers in ex. 3
and student will have to explain why they are False. In order to correct this, the student teacher
will give a ball and students will have to pass the ball while some music is being played, and the
one who has the ball, when the music stops will write the answer on the board.
Activity 3 (Time 25 min)

The Students will now work individually reading the text and answering the questions in ex 4.
The St. will ask to write the line number in the text that support their answers, the activity will
be checked using the ball technique.

Activity 4 (Time 10 min)

Students will open their workbooks on page 54 to complete the following exercises. If time they
will be checked in class otherwise will be checked next class.

Look at the competition advertisement. Choose the correct words.

Read the information in Part 1 of the competition. Tick the sentences that are true.

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