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Marta Fernández Velasco

FR110 : Sample Lesson Plan (50 minutes) from Portails, Unité 2A, Day 1 (pp. 45-51)

PURPOSE: Ss will learn new vocabulary for courses and places at the university and how to express likes and
dislikes. In addition, students will learn about liaisons between words. In the Roman Photo, students will review
vocabulary relating to this new vocabulary and expressions of likes and dislikes.

WARM-UP/REVIEW (5 min.) *
 Ask Ss to talk about some things they have on their backpacks and also about some places they like to go
on campus (from the vocabulary already learned on chapter 1).
- Model: Instructor mentions the things he/she has on his/her backpack: J’ai une calculatrice, un
stylo et un cahier and then ask students about theirs (2.5 min.)
- Mini-conversations between Instructor and Ss OR have Ss discuss in pairs and then ask a few
students to report back on partner’s favorite places to visit on campus (again, vocabulary they have
already seen on chapter 1). (2.5 min.)


 Les cours [p. 46-48]
- Transition: using Ss response from warm-up: X aime aller à la bibliotèque. Elle étudie les lettres.
Elle étudie à la fac.
- Presentation :
 Show vocavulary about courses and places at the university, using pictures that correlate to
different words (2 minutes)
 Continue showing vocabulary intoducing like and dislike expressions, using complete
sentences: J’aime les lettres/ Je n’aime pas tellement aller au gymnase (2 minute)
 Ask questions that utilize vocabulary: Quels sont vos cours préférés? Où est-ce que vous aimez
aller? (3 minutes)
- Pronunciation: practice mixed in with presentation.
- Input / Discrimination:
 Activity - Instructor shows pictures of courses and places at the university and students have to
say what they are. Instructor gives Ss two choices from which they have to choose. (1 minute)
 Activity 4 - Les cours [p. 48]. Ss answer logique / illogique after listening to Tristan and
Isabelle discuss their classes. (2 minute)
 Activity 3 - Qu’est-ce que je pense? [p.47]. Ss fill in the blanks with the most appropriate
answer (3 minutes)
- Meaningful:
 Activity 1 - Associez [p. 47]. Ss connect classes, activities, or places with some words
associated to the new vocabulary (2 minutes)
 Activity 2 - Écoutez [p.47] Ss fill in the blanks with the name of the students they hear in the
conversation (3 mintues)
- Communicative:
 Activity 6 - Qu’est-ce que c’est? [p.48]. In pairs, Ss describe drawings stating where the
students are and how they feel about it (4 minutes)

 Les sons et les lettres : liaisons [p.49]
- Transition:  Ces deux étudiantes, elles ont (=have) beaucoup de devoirs. Instructor asks Ss what
they note/why they hear the consonant pronounced.
- Presentation:
 Instructor goes through the section on p.49 using some examples from the book on the PP that
illustrate each point (2 minutes)
 Instructor asks Ss to provide expressions from Chapter 1 that contain liaison. Examples:
Comment allez-vous? Les États-Unis (1 minute)
- Practice:
 Instructor calls on students to read the sections Prononcez, and Articulez [p.49] (1.5 minutes)
 In addition, instructor asks students if they know the meaning of the proverbs and explain them
(1.5 minutes)


 Roman Photo: Trop de devoirs [pp. 50-51]
- Preview: Instructor sets up context and makes Ss brainstorm about what they think the people on the
images might be talking about (2 minute)
- Presentation: Show the Roman Photo video (4 minutes)
- Task: As Ss watch the video, they should write down any vocabulary words and expressions they
recognize. Afterwards, the instructor asks Ss which vocabulary words they heard (1 minute)
- Activites:
 Activity 2 - Complétez [p. 51]. Ss match the people in the second column with the verbs in the
first as a class (1 minute)
 Activity 1 - Vrai ou Faux? [p.50]. Ss answer the questions as a class (3 minutes)
- Follow Up:
 Activity 3 - Conversez [p. 51]. Ss work with a partner to talk about what they saw in the video
applying it to themselves. Have a few students share their conversations aloud to the class (6
 Also, the “Small Groups” activity in the teacher’s notes at the bottom of p. 51 is another good
option for follow-up activities.

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