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CODE: FDI 2105

Complete with the correct answer this question.

1- What why and whom do you teach?

- We should not teach a curriculum or a syllabus, we should teach according to
the abilities of the student and take advantage of the potential of each one.
- Being a defender of a child and helping him realize his own potential is my
greatest joy in teaching.
- We must teach all young people, children and adults.

2- What is that Purpose of education?

- The teaching systems have as a general and fundamental objective, practically
from its creation, to conserve and transmit knowledge, culture and values from
one generation to the next, preparing it to be integrated into society.

3- What is your role as an educator?

- My role as an educator is create in the classroom an atmosphere that invites
everyone to investigate, to learn, to build their learning, and not just to follow
what they do or say. To be a mediator between the student and the environment.

4- What do you hope to accomplish?

- Be a good teacher and achieve each of my proposed objectives for each of my
students and motivate them to be each day better.

5- What do want for your students?

- The only thing I want as a teacher is the success of learning.

6- What do you teach? Why is it important?

- The process of instilling values is important to train citizens capable of
reasoning about their own actions-

7- Why will your students want to learn it?

- For improve the behavior with the people.

8- Whom do you teach?

- To kindergarten child.

9- Why are your students there?

- Because it is initial stage to acquire new knowledge.

10- What are they hoping for?

- That they can leave with the acquired knowledge to face a good stage of their
life where they can develop effectively.
11- What will interest and engage them?
- Discover a world where you can put into practice your creativity and develop
your skills.

12- What do they already know about your subject?

- They have to respect their peers.
13- What will help them learn?
- Apply it in your daily life, and do small dramatizations.

14- Who are you when you teach?

- I become a guide in the process of each student, a process that stops being
structured by listening and focuses on practice.

15- What contributes to your identify a an educators?

- The Teaching the contents of a subject.

16- What is your gift as a person to your students?

- I would give an experience not an object. Perform activities that you really

17- Why do we think we should review evaluate Renee or reform our program?
- It does not make sense to plan a teaching-learning process without evaluation
activity to apply to the observed experiences. But it is important to bear in mind
that, if the practice of evaluation is a constant in the formative processes, when
the methods and instruments of training change, it is necessary to modify the
strategies, instruments and even the meaning of the evaluation itself.

18- Are we achieving our goals? What are our goals, anyway?
- Yes, because you are seeing the performance that each student has, I keep in
mind the objectives proposed for the year.
These are my goals: Complete tasks on time.
- Improve results in difficult areas.
- Keep the discipline.

19- What are the strengths of our current programs?

- Teachers trained to teach quality teaching-learning classes.

20- What are the weaknesses? What do we think we can do better?

- The weakness is lack of motivation can harm the productivity of any student. To
improve motivation it is necessary to make clear what you expect from your
students from the beginning and stop her mistakes as something negative.

21- What are the constraints to our development?

- Listen to negative people.
- Toxic attitudes.
- Fear of Criticism.
- Do not Think Big.
- Lack of preparation.

22- Are there existing opportunities from which we might benefit (e.g.
collaborations with other departments the field)?
- Yes. Are the scholarships that help many students to continue studying in
different departments of the country.

23- What gifts have we as individuals and as a group to offer our students? About
students learning and levels is satisfaction?
- Develop activities that they like the most.

24- Are our students learning what we intend them to learn? How do we know?
- The most effective way to evaluate the student's understanding is to do it while
the lesson continues and not to leave it for a final exam.

25- What should be the nature of the first year experience for our Students?
- Help students participate and succeed academically and socially in the learning
community and invite them to explore the nature of learning and develop the
personal resources that lead to success.

26- Are students satisfied with our program?

- Yes.
27- What strengths do our students bring to the program?
- Creativity
- Enthusiasm
- Honesty
- Humor
- Friendliness and Leadership.

28- Should degree requirements mandate that each student have a variety of learning
experiences? Some of which take place outside the classroom?
- Yes.

29- Is the profession or workplace satisfied with our programs?

- Ye.

30- Are we satisfied?

- Yes.

31- Has the program responded appropriately over the years to changing external,
social or workplace needs and challenges?
- Yes. Because the results are better.
32- What resources and infrastructure will enable us to offer our curriculum
effectively and meet the learning needs of our students?
- Enriching learning experiences, a learning experience that can be best achieved
when technology is used at the service of learning. If we want to adequately
prepare students for an era of change, information and knowledge explosion in
the 21st century, we must modify this scenario. Schools, colleges and
universities must use a variety of technologies and use them as resources to
deepen student learning.

33- What kind contribution to society should our graduates is prepared to make?
- A quality teaching education where children can enjoy learning.

34- Do we want to international the curriculum?

- Yes and Prepare teachers to have a more international perspective on their
content and a universal design approach for the design and delivery of their

35- How will we ensure the curriculum is equitable in terms of access, content,
pedagogy and outcomes?
- Curriculum is equitable in the field of education because it refers to access,
content and pedagogy in the educational system for all, without distinction of
gender, ethnicity, religion or social condition. In other words, the curriculum
effectively fulfills the strategies for all equally.

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