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Nama : Wayan Yulita Ningsih

NPM : 161220083

Extracurricular Activities

In the world of schooling, extracurricular programs become an important

part of the school. Extracurricular activities are a non-formal learning activity
conducted by learners at school or university. Extracurricular activities has
important goals for students, namely: develop students personality, develop
interests and talents, and improve students ability.
First, extracurricular activities can develop student’s personality. In the
world of education not all students can develop their personalities. If the student’s
personality does not develop, it will make students grow and develop towards the
deviant, such as fighting, promiscuity, and others. Extracurricular activities can
develop the student’s personality, because with this positive activity the students
will reduce the negative things that often do. Extracurricular activities that can
develop student personalities, those are organization of OSIS, Scouts, PMR and
many more.
Second, extracurricular activities can develop students’ interests and
talents. Each students has different interests and talents. There are students who
want to develop their talents and interests, but there are also students who do not
develop it. Developing interests and talents are very important for student
development. The existence of extracurricular activities, students can develop
their interests and talents by choosing preferred activities, for example in the arts.
Students who have interest and talent in arts will be able to develop their talents
and produce a beautiful works.
Finally, extracurricular activities can improve students’ ability. Students
have different abilities in every field of education, both in academic and non-
academic. Students who have low ability in academic can develop their ability in
non-academic or also called as extracurricular activites. In extracurricular
activities students can join to several of organizations, for example in sports. In
sports, students can join in some sports such as, Football, Badminton, Volleyball,
and many more.
In summary, extracurricular activities are very important to build the
development of personality, interests and talents of students in education level.
Not only that, extracurricular activities are also very useful for improving
student’s abilities.

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