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511 / SHACHARIS KINNAH IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYRS OF CHURBAN EUROPE ‫קינה לזכרון הקדושים של חורבן איירופא‬ ‫ שחרית‬/ 510

.‫ מ ְ ֿסרוּ נ ְפשׁם ל ֲאדוֹנֵ י ה ֲאדוֹנִ ים‬,‫ְבּ ָק ְראם ְשׁ מע יִ ְשׂר ֵאל‬  ‫קינה לזכרון הקדושים של חורבן איירופא‬ 
« of lords. < to the Lord < their
they <
Yisrael, < Shema < proclaimed,
When they
,‫ ו ֲהמוֹנֵ י ע ְ ֿמּך שׁמּה‬,‫יהם‬
ֶ ‫אשׁי יְ ִשׁיבוֹת וְ תלְ ִמ ֵיד‬
ֵ ‫ר‬ ‫ האדמור מבאבאב‬,‫מאת הרב שלמה האלבערשטאם זצ"ל‬

« were < of Your < and the < and their students, < of Yeshivahs < Heads
by Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam, ‫זצ“ל‬, Bobover Rav
there. people multitudes

,‫ ו ֲהרגוּם ְבּיָ ד רמה‬,‫ֶה ֱע ִבידוּם ְבּ ִענּוּיִ ים ק ִשׁים‬ ,‫קוֹל ֶכם יִ שּׁ מע ָבּרמה‬

ֿ ְ ,‫קוֹנֿנוּ כּל יִ ְשׂר ֵאל‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬ ‫זִ ְכרוּ נא‬
« arrogance. < with <
and they » that were < with tortures < They enslaved
« on high. < be heard < let your
» of Israel, < O all < and
< please,< Remember,
high- slaughtered brutal, them
handed them ,‫ימי ז עם ה ִמּלְ חמה‬
ֵ ‫ִכּי ִה ְשׁ ִמ ידה גֶ ְר מנְיא ֶאת ע!מּנוּ ִבּ‬
 ‫ל‬5‫צוֹע ִקים ֵא‬
,‫יך ִמן ה ֲאדמה‬ ֲ ‫ְדּ ֵמי יְ לָ ִדים ר ִכּים‬ » of the < ofwrath
the < during < our people < has < destroyed < For
» < from < < < who were < < blood
World War; the days Germany
the earth, to You cries out of The
[saying;] tender babies ,‫ ָבּרעב וּבצּמא‬,‫ְבּ ִמיתוֹת ְמ ֻשׁנּוֹת א ְכזָ ִריּוֹת‬
.‫ ל ֹא ְת ַחיֶּ ה כּל נְ שׁמה‬,‫נְ קוֹם נִ ְק מת טף וְנ ִשׁים‬ « <
and thirst. with starvation » and cruel, < horrible < with killings,
« living < any < escape < let » and the < of the < the Avenge < ,‫ אל ִתּ ְשׁ ְ ֿכּחוּ ְבּכל ַהדּוֹרוֹת‬
» the generations, < through all < < Do not
soul! alive not women; children vengeance

,‫ על ְשׂ ֵר פת אלְ ֵפי ִמ ְדרשׁוֹת וּב ֵתּי ְכנֵ ִסיּוֹת‬


» and synagogues, < of study halls < thousands

of < the < For .‫ֲע ֵדי ִתזְ כּוּ לִ ְראוֹת בּנֶּ חמה‬
burning « the [ultimate] < witnessing < you will < until

,‫יה נְ קוֹנֵ ן ִבּ ְשׁ ִאיוֹת‬

ֿ ְ ְ‫תּוֹרה ו‬
 ‫ִר ְ ֿבבוֹת ִס ְפ ֵרי‬
consolation. merit

« screaming
with raised and < we shall < and their < of the < of < and for
ִ ‫וּס‬
,‫גוּרים ַבּ ְקּֿרוֹנִ ים‬ ְ ‫פוּפים‬
ִ ‫ ְצ‬,‫יהם‬
ֶ ‫יּוֹת‬
ֵ ‫ צ ֲעקתם ְוּב ִכ‬
voices. lament students Torah Scrolls myriads « into the train’s < and locked < tightly
as they were < and their weeping < [Remember]

ִ ‫ ִה ִצּיתוּ וְ ֵע!ינינוּ‬,‫ִשׁ ְ ֿלּחוּ ב ֵאשׁ ִמ ְק ְ ֿדּ ֵשׁי ֵאל‬
[cattle] cars. packed their screams

« witnessed. < and our < theythem,

ignited » of < the < aflame < They set ,‫ לִ ְשׂ ֵרפה בּ ִכּ ְבשׁוֹנִ ים‬,‫יוּבלוּ‬
 ‫טּ בח‬5‫ כּצֹּאן ל‬
eyes God, sanctuaries « in the crematorium < to be » theyled,were < slaughter
to the < Like

.‫ יָ ִדין ַבּגּוֹיִ ם מלֵ א גְּ וִ יּוֹת‬,‫יְ שׁלֵּ ם ה מּ ְב ִעיר ֶאת ה ְ ֿבּ ֵערה‬

ovens. incinerated sheep

with < that are < the <
may God » the raging fire; < those < retribution
Let suffer ,‫שׁוֹכן ְמעוֹנִ ים‬
ֵ ‫קוֹל ַשׁוְ עם יִזּ ֵכר תּ ִמיד לִ ְפנֵ י‬
filled nations judge who lit « in the
< the One
< before < eternally remembered
< be < pleading
of their < May the
to rebuild what the Nazis had destroyed. why he had written it: ‘‘For years I had dwells cries
With the help of Hashem the glory of the wanted to express my grief over my per-
House of Bobov has been restored and one sonal loss and Klal Yisrael’s loss, in a  ‫ — זִ ְכרוּ נא‬Remember, please. The de- to commemorate later events, but include
will find dozens of Bobover institutions special kinnah, but I hesitated. I felt that struction of European Jewry by the Nazis them in our Tishah B’Av kinnos service.
and thousands of Bobover Chassidim in in order to compose a kinnah one must be during World War II was the most mas- The Bobover Rav, Admor HaRav
every corner of the globe. on the exalted level of R’ Elazar HaKalir, sive calamity to befall our people since Shlomo Halberstam, ‫זצ''ל‬, was a scion of
In 1984, the Bobover Rav composed a who wrote with Ruach HaKodesh, Divine the Destruction of the Second Temple. As Sanz, one of the most illustrious Rabbinic
special kinnah to bemoan the tragedy of inspiration. Moreover, he was a master of explained in the prefatory notes to Kinnah and Chassidic dynasties. The Rav lost ev-
Churban Europa, and it is recited in many Kabbalistic secrets and knew the mystical 25, which laments the devastation of the erything in the Holocaust: family, friends,
congregations. When the Rav was asked incantations of the ministering angels. Crusades, Torah Jews recognize that all followers, disciples, and students in the
for permission to include his kinnah and Still, many chassidim requested a vehicle Jewish misfortunes have their roots in the thousands. The Rebbe arrived in America
its translation in this edition of kinnos, he to convey their personal sorrow on this tragic events of Tishah B’Av. Therefore after the war with nothing but the clothes
graciously conceded. Then he explained bitter day, but I held back, because I felt we designate no new days of mourning on his back and a burning determination

Excerpted from THE SCHOTTENSTEIN EDITION INTERLINEAR COMPLETE TISHAH B’AV SERVICE. © 2010 ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications, Ltd. All rights reserved.
513 / SHACHARIS KINNAH IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYRS OF CHURBAN EUROPE ‫קינה לזכרון הקדושים של חורבן איירופא‬ ‫ שחרית‬/ 512

 ‫קינה לזכרון הקדושים של חורבן איירופא‬  ,‫תוֹרה‬

 ‫ על אלְ ֵפי ֲעיָ רוֹת ִמ ְב ְ ֿצ ֵרי‬,‫ ז ֲעקוּ שׁמיִ ם ו ֲאדמה‬
of < citadels » of cities, < thousands
the < for < and earth, < O heaven < Cry out
‫ רב דקהל עדת ישורון‬,‫מאת הרב שמעון שוואב זצ"ל‬
by Rabbi Shimon Schwab, ‫זצ“ל‬, Rav of K’hal Adas Jeshurun
 ‫וּמ ַקיְּ ֵֿמי ְמ‬
ְ ‫נוֹחלֵ י‬
ֲ ,‫יה‬
ָ ‫לּוֹת‬
5 ‫ירוֹפּא ְוּק ִה‬
 ‫ַא ְרצוֹת ֵא‬
» traditions,
of our < and < the heirs » andcommunities,
their [Jewish] < of Europe < for the

ָ ‫ דּוֹר דּוֹר ְוּק‬,‫ מזְ ִכּ ָיריו‬ * ‫זּוֹכר‬
ֵ ‫ה‬ ,‫הוֹרה‬

 ‫מוּנה ְט‬
 ‫ ְדּ ֵב ֵקי ֱא‬,‫ַצ ִדּ ִיקים זְ ֵקנִ ים ו ֲח ִס ִידים‬

» and its < generation

after < gener- < those who < He Who
holy ones ation remember Him, remembers* « so pure. < unto a faith <who
all those » pious < elders, < fortzaddikim,

,‫תּנוּ‬B‫ֵמ ֵעת ֲא ֶשׁר אז ְבּ ַח ְר‬

clung chassidim,

» You chose us — then< < that < the

— since .‫נוֹרא‬
 ‫לינוּ ֵמ ַא ְר!צנוּ ל ֹא ָהיה כזֶּ ה ִכּלָּ יוֹן‬A‫ִמיּוֹם גּ‬
time «awesome.
so <annihilation
an < assuch < there was < from our < weexiled
were < From

.‫לנוּ‬B ‫היה‬B ‫אוֹיה ֶמה‬

 ,‫ ֶשׁל דּוֹר א ֲחרוֹן‬,‫יִ זְ כּוֹר ֵדּראוֹן‬
this, never homeland the day

« us!
to < has < What » Woe! » preceding <generation
the < of < the gruesome < May He ,‫ ה ֶבּט נא ִמשּׁמיִ ם‬,‫יתנוּ‬
! ‫ ר ֵחם על ְשׁ ֵא ִר‬
happened this. fate remember < from heaven < please,< down,
look » our remnant; < on < mercy

 ‫ ֶשׁמּ ְ ֿסרוּ נ ְפ‬,‫טוּפי מבּוּל דּם‬
ֵ ‫ְשׁ‬
» their lives — < — who » blood
of < by the < were
Those who ,‫יוֹצ ֵאי ִמ ְצריִ ם‬
ֿ ְ ‫ע ֶשׂר ְכּ‬5 ‫ ִפּי‬,‫ֿדוֹשׁים‬
ִ ‫לְ מ ֲחנוֹת ַה ְקּ‬
sacrificed flood swept
« Egypt. < as those
who left
< ten times
as many
» of the martyrs, < at thecamps

,‫קוּעי ִע ְמ ֵקי הבּכא‬
ֵ ‫כּל ְשׁ‬ ,‫ וְ נ ֲח!מנוּ ְבּ ִכ ְפליִ ם‬,‫קוֹמם ֵבּית ָק ְד!שׁנוּ‬
» of tears, < in valleys < who were <
All » in a double
< andusprovide
< our holy Temple, < Rebuild

,‫ ְבּ ַא ְרצוֹת ה ַחיִּ ים‬,‫יִ ְפ ְ ֿק ֵדם ֱאל ִֹהים‬


» of eternal life. < in the lands < May God think of them
.‫ליִ ם‬B‫ירוּשׁ‬
 ִ‫יאנוּ לְ ִציּוֹן ו‬
! ‫ ו ֲה ִב‬,‫רוֹמ!מנוּ‬
« < < <
.‫ ו ֲע ֵדי ַעד זִ ְכרם לִ ְברכה‬
and Jerusalem. to Zion and bring Exalt us,
us back

« be for a
< may their < and < for ever
memory ever
(1) Eichah 5:1. (2) Cf. Psalms 84:7. (3) 116:9. genuinely unworthy. and moaning and to recite them on this
‘‘Then, one day, I was studying the laws bitter day. One who does this is con-
ֵ ‫ — ה‬He Who remembers. Rav tunity to meet with and learn from the of Tishah B’Av in the book Seder HaYom sidered most righteous and is worthy
Shimon Schwab, ‫זצ''ל‬, widely recog- foremost Gedolim of the time, including [by R’ Moshe ben Yehudah Makir, Rosh of being described as one of Jerusalem’s
nized as an eloquent spokesman for the holy Chafetz Chaim of Radin. Yeshivah in Safed, and a colleague of the mourners and one of her holy men. But
Torah Jewry, joined the Rabbinate of In the early 1930’s, Rav Schwab was an Arizal and R’ Yosef Karo]. He writes as one who is not capable of composing
Congregation K’hal Adas Jeshurun in the eyewitness to the rise of Hitler Nazism in follows: his personal kinnos should recite the
Washington Heights neighborhood of Germany and the systematic oppression Whoever can wail on this day should kinnos written by others.
New York in 1958, in association with the of the Jews. In 1936, the persecution of wail, and whoever can recite kinnos ‘‘When I read these words,’’ the Rav
late revered Rav Dr. Joseph Breuer, ‫זצ''ל‬. the Nazis forced him to leave his pul- should recite kinnos: either those al- concluded, ‘‘I saw a clear sign from heaven
Rav Schwab was born in Frankfurt- pit in Germany. He came to the United ready recorded in the holy books, or that the time had come to compose a kin-
am-Main, Germany in 1908, and studied States, where he assumed a position in the the kinnos he himself composed with nah over the last churban. For doesn’t the
at several well-known Eastern European Baltimore Rabbinate. the intellect God has granted him. It Seder HaYom say clearly that any person,
yeshivos, including Telshe and Mir. In Rav Schwab relates that in 1959, as is a mitzvah for each and every indi- even the smallest, should express his own
those years, Rav Schwab had the oppor- Tishah B’Av approached, the late Rav vidual to compose kinnos for weeping feelings in his original kinnah?’’

Excerpted from THE SCHOTTENSTEIN EDITION INTERLINEAR COMPLETE TISHAH B’AV SERVICE. © 2010 ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications, Ltd. All rights reserved.
515 / SHACHARIS KINNAH IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYRS OF CHURBAN EUROPE ‫קינה לזכרון הקדושים של חורבן איירופא‬ ‫ שחרית‬/ 514

,‫ וְ ס ִבים וְ סבוֹת‬,‫בּוֹטחוֹת‬
ְֿ ‫ על בּנוֹת‬ ,‫ ֵאי שׁמיִ ם‬,‫ ֲאההּ‬,‫ְשׂאוּ ֵאלָ יו כּפּיִ ם‬
< grandmothers,
and < grandfathers
and » who are <daughters
the < For » Heavens! < O you < woe » your hands, < to Him < Lift up
,‫יטב ִשׁ ְב ֵטי יִ ְשׂר ֵאל‬
‫הוֹי על ֵמ‬

,‫וְ על זַ ְרעם וְ טפּם ֶשׁיּלָ דוּ‬ » of Israel, < of the tribes < the best < over < Woe
» whom < and their < their < and
they bore, infants offspring, for ,‫מוֹסדוֹת‬
ָ ,‫ ֲחבוּרוֹת‬,‫ ָע ִרים וּגְ לִ ילוֹת‬,‫ֵעדוֹת ְוּק ִהלּוֹת‬
,‫ ִר ְ ֿבבוֹת נֶ ֱאה ִבים בּ ַחיִּ ים‬,‫וְ גם לְ רבּוֹת‬ < organizations, < fraternities, » and districts, < cities » congregations,
and < Commu-
» < < » <
in life, beloved — the to include and
myriads [everyone] also .‫מוֹע ֵדי ֵאל‬
ֲ ‫כּל‬
.‫מוֹתם ל ֹא נִ ְפ ָרדוּ‬
 ‫ְבּ‬ « for God. < gatherings < all

« parted < not < and in 1

‫ִמי יִ ֵתּן פּלְ גֵ י מיִ ם ֵתּר ְדנה ֵעיניִ ם‬
< from eyes < pour
would < of < streams
that < can < Who
[from God]. their death
,‫ ִכּי ִתשּׂא ֶאת רֹאשׁ‬2,‫ֶאת דּמם ְדּרוֹשׁ‬ down water grant

< the headcount < You take < when < seek out < Their blood ,‫ֶאל א ְשׁדוֹת נ ֲחלֵ י ַה ְ ֿדּמעוֹת‬
ִ ‫ֶשׁל כּל נִדּף לֶ עלִ ים ה ְ ֿטּ‬
.‫רוּפים‬ 4 » of tears, < of the rivers < waterfalls < toward
» that are torn off, < of the < scattered
the < all < of ,‫גּוּפים נִ ְשׂר ִפים‬
ִ ‫ֲעלֵ י אלְ ֵפי ֲאל ִפים‬
< < of bodies < <thousands <
ones, consumed of the for

,‫שׁ ֶבר ו ֵשׁאת‬5 ‫ימי‬

ֵ ‫ ִבּ‬,‫כּל נ ְפשׁוֹת ֵמת‬

» and <destruction
of < in the < perished
that < the < of all .‫ ה ֻח ְרבּן וּזְועוֹת‬2‫ְבּמוֹ ֵאשׁ‬
calamity days souls « and the < destruction
of the < of fire < inmidst

.‫ִשׁשּׁה אלְ ֵפי ְפע ִמים ֲאל ִפים‬


« a thousand. < times < thousand < — six ,‫סוֹרה‬

 ‫וּמ ֲחזִ ֵיקי מ‬
 ‫וְ על ָשׂ ֵרי ה‬
» of tradition, < the upholders < < the princes < For
ֵ ‫ ִבּ ְב ַרק ז ֲעם‬,‫ישׁיּה לְ ב ֵער‬
ִ ִ‫ְשׁל‬
of Torah,

» that stormed — < of < in the light- » to be < An entire third ,‫הוּנה ה ְ ֿצּ ִע ִירים‬
 ‫וְ על ִפּ ְר ֵחי ה ְ ֿכּ‬
[the blitzkrieg], fury ning flash destroyed, » who are young, < of the < flowers
the < for

,‫ח ֶמד אה ְב ָתּ‬5‫ִמ ַכּ ְר ֵמי ה‬


« that You < that were < of the ,‫וּמוֹרים וּמוֹרוֹת‬

ִ ,‫חוֹב ֵשׁי ִמ ְדרשׁוֹת‬
ְֿ ‫וְ על‬
loved. cherished vineyards » andteachers,
the women < the men
» in the <
the [scholars] who
study hall, lock themselves
< for
(1) Cf. II Samuel 1:23. (2) Cf. Psalms 9:13. (3) Exodus 30:12.
(4) Cf. Leviticus 26:36. (5) Cf. Eichah 3:47. (6) Cf. Isaiah 27:2; Amos 5:11.
.‫ִתּינוֹקוֹת ֵבּית רבּן יַ ִקּ ִירים‬
to forget. Eight centuries ago German
Jewry was slaughtered by the Crusaders.
Jewry composed kinnos to commemorate
the evil that befell us during the Crusades,
« who are
< Rabbis
of the < in the <
and the
According to historians, how many Jews how much more so must we compose one (1) Cf. Eichah 3:48. (2) Cf. Isaiah 44:16.
were killed? Perhaps 5,000. In World over the Holocaust!’’
War II more than one thousand times In deference to this request, Rav Schwab Breuer made a request of him. ‘‘Please vivor. We have all lost family and friends
that number were killed! In just one day composed the following kinnah which, compose a special Tishah B’Av kinnah in this churban, and we German Jews
at Auschwitz more than 5,000 Jews were in K’hal Adas Jeshurun, is recited by the for our kehillah. Each and every one of bore the brunt of Hitler’s fury. We must
brutally gassed and murdered. If German Rav on Tishah B’Av night at the conclu- us is either a refugee or a Holocaust sur- not forget, nor can we allow our children

Excerpted from THE SCHOTTENSTEIN EDITION INTERLINEAR COMPLETE TISHAH B’AV SERVICE. © 2010 ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications, Ltd. All rights reserved.
517 / SHACHARIS KINNAH IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYRS OF CHURBAN EUROPE ‫קינה לזכרון הקדושים של חורבן איירופא‬ ‫ שחרית‬/ 516

.‫ילה לְ ך ִמלִּ ְשׁ ֽכּ ַֹח‬

 ִ‫חל‬ 1
.‫ז ֶכר צ ֲערם אל ִתּ ְמ ֶחה ִמ ֵסּ ֶפר כּת ְב ָתּ‬5 ‫ נא‬,‫גּוֹאל ַהדּם‬
« to forget. < from You < far be it « You have < from the < erase < not
do < of their < <
the Please, of the O » <
,‫ וְ ִקיטוֹר ִמ ִכּ ְבשׁן‬,‫ימרוֹת עשׁן‬
ְ ‫וְ ִת‬
written. book misery memory blood! Avenger

< from furnace, < the fumes < of smoke, < The pillars ,‫ר צח‬5ָ‫יוּבלוּ ל‬
ֿ ְ ‫ אז‬,‫ר עשׁ ְצ ָעקוֹת‬Mְ‫ ו‬,‫זְ כוֹר ה ְנּ ָֿאקוֹת‬
,‫ִתּלֵּ י ִתלִּ ים ֲעצמוֹת וְ גִ ִידים‬ » to slaughter — < were
they < from <
led when
of the
< and the <
the moans < Remember
» and sinews, < of bones < of piles < piles
.‫נ צח‬5‫כ ְחנה ל‬M‫ ל ֹא ִתשׁ‬,‫יהם‬
ֶ ֵ‫ וְ ִד ְמעוֹת ְפּנ‬,‫יהם‬
ֶ ‫אוֹרי ְד ֵמ‬
ֵ ְ‫י‬
‫ קוֹל ְשׁאגוֹת ִמ ְקּ ֿהל‬,‫ר על‬M‫וְ ַח ְד ֵרי ָה‬ « ever. < be forgotten < not < on their < and the tears < of their < may the
< congregation
of the < of the < sound
the < filled with < halls
faces blood rivers
,‫דוּדי ל ֲהקוֹת ה ְ ֿכּל ִבים‬
ֵ ‫ ִמ ְ ֿשּׁ‬,‫יחה‬
 ‫ וּנְ ִהי ְצ ִר‬,‫יחה‬
 ִ‫כּל ִחיל וּגְ נ‬
.‫תּוֹך תּ ֵאי ה ֵא ִדים‬ ‫ הנֶּ ְחנָ ִקים‬ » of dogs, < by a pack < tornof asunder
those < shriek < wailing
[every] < and < tremble < Every
» < < < groan,

,‫ֹאדך ְצרוֹר‬
of gas. the in of those
chambers choking
ֿ ְ ‫ ְבּנ‬,‫וּספוֹר‬
ְ ‫זְ כוֹר‬
,‫ וּגְ וִ יּוֹת ְסגוּפוֹת‬,‫וְ ִס ְרחוֹן גּוּפוֹת‬ » seal them, < into Your » and[them];
count < remem-
» tortured, < the corpses < of the bodies, < The stench flask ber

,‫נוֹא ִצים‬
ֲ ‫גְּ לל דּ ֶֹמן ַא ְד מת‬ .‫לוּבים‬
ִ ‫ַעד ֵעת נְ קֹם ֶעלְ בּוֹן ֲע‬
« of the[Nazis].
blasphemers < for the soil < from < fertilizer
« of theones.
shamed < of the
< avenging
for the < the < until

ֶ ‫ לְ ב ִֹרית ֶחלְ ֵב‬,‫יהם‬
ֶ ‫טוֹר ֵפ‬ ְ ‫ֵא‬
ֿ ְ ‫יך ה ְ ֿפכוּ‬ ,‫וּפ ֵחי נְ פשׁוֹת ֲעגוּמוֹת‬
,‫ ְכּ ֵאב וּנְג ִעים‬,‫ְבּ מ ֲחנוֹת ה ְ ֿפּר ִאים‬
» their fat, < into soap » — the » transform
did they < How
that are < souls <despairing
the < and
< were
< of the
< In the camps
tormentors —

.‫שּׁוּטי הנּ ִשׁים‬

ֵ ‫וְ עוֹר ִאישׁ לִ ִק‬ .‫ ִפּ ְצ ֵעי הכּאוֹת ֲאיֻ מּוֹת‬2,‫ ְכּלִ ימוֹת וָ רוֹק‬,‫וּצחוֹק‬
ְ ‫ֲחרפוֹת‬
« for women. < adornments
into < humans
of < and
« horrific.
that are < from
< wounds < and spit, < shame < and
< insults

,‫אשׁי ה ְ ֿפּרעוֹת‬
ֵ ‫ ֶשׁל ר‬,‫יצת ֶא ְצבּעוֹת‬
‫ְוּק ִר‬ ,‫ ִעצּבוֹן‬,‫ ִשׁגּעוֹן‬,‫ ִצמּאוֹן‬,‫ְוּרעבוֹן‬
« of the savagery. < of the leaders < of the fingers < [Remember]
< suffering, < madness, < thirst, < Hunger,
the motions
,‫וְ ִכ ְשׁלוֹן נֶ ֱחשׁלִ ים ְבּלִ י ֽכ ַֹח‬
.‫מוֶ ת לִ ְשׂמאוֹל‬B ְ‫ צל‬,‫פּ ר ְך‬5 ‫ימין ִשׁ ְעבּוּד‬
ִ ִ‫ל‬ » strength; <have
who < of the < the stumbling
« — to the left. » The shadow » that is < — slavery » To the
no weaklings
of death
ְ ‫וְ ֵא‬
crushing! right
,‫ ִמכּל י ִחיד ֻא ְמלל‬,‫וְ כל נ ֲאקוֹת חלל‬
,‫חוֹפ ֵרי הבּוֹרוֹת‬
ְֿ ‫יך יָ רוּ יְ ִריּוֹת על‬ < who is < individual < from » of the < the groans < all
» [their own]
< those
< at < volleys < <
they [Remem-
shot ber] how
forlorn, every mortally
(1) Cf.Exodus 32:32. (2) Cf. Isaiah 50:6.
.‫הוֹרדוּם ְשׁאוֹל‬
ִ ‫ק ֶבר‬5 ‫סּוּרי ִחבּוּט‬
ֵ ִ‫ְבּי‬ sion of the kinnos service before the pas- his kehillah, many other congregations
« to the
< lowering
» of the
< of the
< in the
sage which begins with ‫תּ ר ֵחם ִציּוֹן‬,ְ Have
mercy on Zion. Although Rav Schwab
have adopted the custom of reciting it on
Tishah B’Av, either at night or by day, as a
(1) Joel 3:3. only composed this kinnah to be said in memorial of our most recent churban.

Excerpted from THE SCHOTTENSTEIN EDITION INTERLINEAR COMPLETE TISHAH B’AV SERVICE. © 2010 ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications, Ltd. All rights reserved.
519 / SHACHARIS KINNAH IN MEMORY OF THE MARTYRS OF CHURBAN EUROPE ‫קינה לזכרון הקדושים של חורבן איירופא‬ ‫ שחרית‬/ 518

.‫רוֹת ַח‬
! ‫וְ ל ֹא מ ֵצּבוֹת ֵאיפֹה לִ ְבכּוֹת יְבבוֹת לֵ בב‬ ,‫נוֹתינוּ‬
! ‫ וְ ֵס ְ ֿרסוּ ְבּ‬,‫יוֹתינוּ‬ ְ ‫ֵא‬
! ‫יך ִענּוּ א ְח‬
« [withburning < of a <
emotion]. heart
the sobs < to weep < at which < tombstones < with
» our
< and
< our sisters < afflicted
they < And

,‫שׁוֹכ ַח‬
! ‫תּוֹס ִסים ְבּלִ י‬
ְֿ ,‫רוֹתם‬
 ‫ אזְ ָכּ‬,‫ַרק נִ ְס ֵכי ַהדּם‬ .‫רוֹפ ִאים א ְכזָ ִרים‬
ֿ ְ ‫כּוֹסוֹת ַתּ ְר ֵעלה ִמ ֵידי‬
» forgotten;
to be < not < are boiling, » — their memorial »
portions —
of the
< libations
the < Only » who were
< doctors < from < of poison < doses

.‫ ְתּרוּמוֹת ִדּ ְשׁנֵ י ִמזְ!בּ ַח‬,‫וְ ָה ֵרי ֶא ְפ ֵרי ֲע ֵקדתם‬ ,‫וּס ָת ִרים‬

ְ ‫יטי ה ְ ֿשּׂ ִר ִידים ִבּ ְמ ִחלּוֹת‬
ֵ ִ‫וּפל‬
« of the
< from the <
are elevated
< from their
< of
and the » and secret
< in tunnels < survivors < And fugitive
,‫ר ֶפת‬5‫ ֲא ֶשׁר דּ ְעתּוֹ ִמ ְ ֿכּ ֵאב נִ ְט‬1,‫צ ַער יִ ְשׂר ֵאל‬M ‫ִמי יְ מלֵּ ל‬ .‫וְ ִט ְמיוֹן יְ לָ ִדים ְבּב ֵתּי ְשׁ ַמד ְכּ ָמ ִרים‬
« is
< from pain < their
< in that < of Israel, < the
< can
Who< « [supervised
by] priests.
< apostasy
of < in
< of < and the
children disappearance
,‫ ִכּ ְמ עט ִמ ְזּ ֵֿעיר‬,‫וּשׁ ֵא ִרית ה ְ ֿפּ ֵאר‬
ְ ,‫גּוֹלה‬
 ‫ דּם ְבּנֵ י ַה‬,‫עוֹלה‬
 ‫ֶשׂה ת ִמים ל‬
» of a bit, < is a
< of its
< The remnants » of the of the< the
Diaspora, children blood
< » as a burnt-
< unblem-
< lamb,

.‫פ ֶפת‬5‫קוֹמתהּ ַהיּוֹם נִ ְכ‬ ְ ‫וְ ֵא‬

 ‫יך‬ ָ ‫יד‬5 ‫ ִמנִּ ְב לת ֲח ִס‬1‫יאל‬
,‫יך‬ ֵ ‫הוֹי ֲא ִר‬
« been
bent down!
< today < has its
< how « devout
of your
< the
because of » Ariel [the <
corpses Temple Altar],

,‫ס ֶפת‬5‫ ֲא ֶשׁר לְ ך ְמאֹד נִ ְכ‬,‫ ֲעד ְ ֿתך נ ֵחם‬,‫ֵאל ַחי ְמ ר ֵחם‬ 3
,‫ ֲא ֶשׁר ִאשּׁם ל ֹא ִת ְכ ֶבּה‬,‫ ִמי יִ ְמנֶ ה‬2‫צֹאן ָקד ִשׁים‬
» yearns, < mightily
so < for <
— that » comfort <congregation
Your » Merciful
» Who is < O
alive! God
» extinguished,
be < never
will < their
< those
» could
< — who » that is
< flock

ַ ‫מ‬A‫ ַק ְרנֵ י הוֹד תּ ְצ‬,‫יח‬
ַ ‫ר‬Aְ‫אוֹר ָחדשׁ תּז‬ .‫מ ָך‬5‫יך ָהיוּ ְמ ַק ְ ֿדּ ֵשׁי ְשׁ‬
5 ‫ְבּ‬
» grow; < glory
of < let rays » shine
< that is
< light
let « of Your
< Sanctifiers < were < Yourones

.‫ח ֶפת‬5‫וּח ֱאל ִֹהים ְמ ר‬
‫וְ ֽר‬ .‫נ ֶפשׁ ל ֵאל ֶשׁהוּא י א ְס ֵפם‬5 ‫ְבּקוֹל ְשׁ מע יִ ְשׂר ֵאל מ ְ ֿסרוּ‬
« hover
[over all].
< of God < and may
the spirit
« might
gather them in.
so that
» for
< their
< they
gave up
< Yisrael, < of Shema < With
the cry

,‫ וְ אף ֲאנִ י מ ֲא ִמין ענוּ‬,‫וְ ַעד יוֹם א ֲחרוֹן ִה ְצ ִדיקוּ ִדין‬

» <
they believe . . .
called out,
< I < even
and » His <
< the very last day < until

.‫וְ ָשׁרוּ ִשׁ ירת ִבּטחוֹן‬

« of trust. < a song < and they sang
,‫ ְבּלִ י ְק ָב ִרים לְ ִה ְשׁ תּ!טּ ַח‬,‫ ְכּיתוֹם נִ ְדהם‬,‫ְוּב ֵכן נִ ְשׁ ַאר עם‬
at which to <
out [one’s
graves < without »bewildered,
is < anwho like » a <
orphan people,
is left
< And
hands in prayer],
(1) Cf. Psalms 106:2. (2) Cf. Isaiah 29:17. (3) Genesis 1:2. (1) Isaiah 29:1.(2) Cf. Ezekiel 36:37-38. (3) Cf. Isaiah 66:24.

Excerpted from THE SCHOTTENSTEIN EDITION INTERLINEAR COMPLETE TISHAH B’AV SERVICE. © 2010 ArtScroll / Mesorah Publications, Ltd. All rights reserved.

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