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3rd Grade Lesson Plan 3.

1. Goal: To practice so, mi, la, do; prep re; practice ta, ti ti and quarter rest; prep half note

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID beat vs. rhythm
 ID/read/perform ta, ti ti, and quarter rest in songs and patterns
 ID notes as being high or low
 Compose a song using ta, ti ti, and quarter rest

3. Materials: winter compositions; rhythm instruments

4. Procedure

1. Hello’s (smd)

2. Winter Rhythm Compositions

 Finish composing winter-themed rhythm patterns
 Practice on a rhythm instrument
 Perform for the class!

3. Let Us Chase the Squirrel

 Review song by echoing phrases with beat
 Sing whole song
 Explain game! One student gets to be the squirrel and lead the
class around the room by doing different motions
o Change the squirrel each time we sing through the song

4. Game to Line Up, if time

5. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Formal assessment of rhythm compositions

6. Homework: None

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