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Date: 6-28-2017 Yr. Section: 11- St. Raphael

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of plate tectonics

Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic hazards
that your community may experience.

Learning Competencies: The learners describe how rocks behave under different types of stress such as
compression, pulling apart, and shearing S11/12ES-Ic-19


A. Content: Mountain Building
B. Resources: Tarbuck, E. I., & Lutgens, F. K. (2012). Earth Science Thirteenth Edition. USA: Prentice Hall.
pp. 297-319
Petersen, J. F., Gabler, R. E., Sack, D., Mike, S., Backman, D., Hyndman, D., et al. (2016). Earth and
Life Sciences. Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc. pp. 83-104.

C. Materials: 10 Mountain Building.ppt from Prentice Hall by Tarbuck and Lutgens, rubber band, pieces of
paper, dry stick, plastic ruler


A. Activity: Review previous lessons on exogenic and endogenic processes.

Ask the students to do the following and record what they observe:
 Pull a rubber band apart; push it together
 bend a dry stick
 push the ends of a piece of paper together without lifting the paper together
 bend a plastic ruler

B. Analysis: 1. What happens to each of the objects?

2. Why did the objects behave the way they do?
3. What endogenic processes could be compared to those properties?

C. Abstraction: 1. What is rock deformation? How might a rock body change during deformation?
2. Describe elastic deformation.
3. How is brittle deformation different from ductile deformation?
4. List and describe the four factors that affect rock strength.
5. Contrast the movements that occur along normal and reverse faults. What type of
stress is indicated by each fault?
6. What type of faults are associated with fault-block mountains?
7. How are reverse faults different from thrust faults? In what way are they the same?
8. Describe the relative movement along a strike-slip fault.
9. How are joints different from faults?

D. Application: Learning about our environment is a great advantage to us. We could be prepared of what
might happen to the area where we live in.

IV. EVALUATION: Describe how rocks behave under different types of stress such as compression, pulling apart,
and shearing.

V. ASSIGNMENT: Describe an environment within Earth where you might expect rocks to experience ductile
deformation. Suggest a scenario in which brittle rather than ductile deformation might occur.


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