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JMUke is an experience that provides anyone with an
opportunity to pick up and learn how to play the ukulele.
These events consist of two-hour long jam sessions where
people can sing along to their favorite pop tunes while
the ukulele! This semester, I served as a facilitator for JMUke
at UREC and Court Square Theater by helping to create
experience designs and assist people learning the ukulele.

Professional Knowledge
A3. Demonstrates the link between the content
and students’ past and future learning
experiences as well as related subject areas.

The diversity of people’s many different musical

backgrounds and experiences that all conjoin
at this event had to be accounted for
in the planning process.

Instructional Planning
C3. Plans appropriate instructional strategies to
meet the learning outcomes.

JMUke experiences involve a great deal of

instructional organization and planning in order
to achieve the goal that has been set.

Learning Environment
D2. Establishes a climate of trust and teamwork.

Planning and facilitating a JMUke event

requires cohesiveness between the group
members in order to create a successful
experience for the learners.

Pedagogical Principles
1. Planning makes perfect. Your teaching will
not be successful without thorough planning.
2. Creating a comfortable learning
environment for your students and
colleagues is vital.

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