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Application for post of Coordinator/Member for MBA-BM/HRM Placement

Committee 2019-2020

Name: Sagnik Mazumder

Roll Number: UM18045

Statement of Purpose:
“Life is meant to be a challenge, because challenges make you grow”
These words perfectly summarize my life’s journey till now. The challenges have helped me to experience
the various extremes of life and have made me more matured, well composed and disciplined. Apart from this
personal growth, my major learnings on the professional aspect came from my four and half year association with
Cognizant Technology Solutions which gave me the opportunity to take up various leadership roles and helped me
to garnish my leadership skills.
After I joined XIMB, I found the committee where I can contribute through my experience and my learnings for the
betterment of the institute is CAS. Some of my strong points which will help me if I become a CAS member is my
patience, dedication, sincerity and persuasion skills. As the saying goes “the future belongs to those who believe in
their dreams”, the future belongs to each student in the campus with their own sets of dream and I as a part of
CAS team will like to contribute my bit to ensure that dream of each student gets fulfilled.

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