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May 24, 2019


After the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Enumerate the parts of the plants
2. Value the importance of plants and its part
3. Draw the parts of the plants


TOPIC: Parts of the Plant


MATERIALS: Chalk, chalkboard, cartolina, visual aids, pictures, , speaker, video and
laptop, box


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Priming/Activating Prior Knowledge

1. Prayer
Let us all stand for the opening prayer. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning Ma’am!
Good morning class!
Thank you Ma’am!
You may now take your sit.

3. Checking of attendance
I ‘am here Ma’am
Where is the class secretary?

Will you please stand! None Ma’am

Is there any absentee/absentees?

Okay! It’s good to hear that everyone is


4. Checking of Assignment Yes Ma’am we have.

Do we have any assignment?

Please pass it forward. (The students will pass their assignment)

5. Review
Before we proceed to our new topic lets (The students will raise their hand)
recall our past lesson.

What was our last topic? (The student will answer)

Very Good!

Okay, since you were ready lets

proceed to our topic.
6. Motivation
Learners will be group into 5 each will
arrange the puzzle. Each group only
have 5mins to complete the activity.
(Students will do the activity)
Group 1. Root

Group 2. Stem

Group 3. Leaves
Group 4. Flowers

Group 5. Fruits

(The students will share their


(Each group will post their puzzle to the

After arranging the puzzle what did you
observe? (The students will raise their hands)

Will you please post your group puzzle Our topic for today is Parts of the Plants
in the board?

Base on the puzzle that you arrange

and the other group what do you think
our topic for today?


B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity (Group Activity)
With the same group each group will
receive an envelope and will choose
one representative to present/report
their work and will use the puzzle as
their visual. They only have 10 mins to

Small Group Discussion SGD

Each group will be having a SGD each
member will share their idea and
though to their assign topic.

Group 1. Root

The roots hold the plant to the soil. They

absorb or get water and minerals from the
soil. They store or keep the extra food made
by the plant.
Group 2. Stem
The stem holds the leaves, flowers and fruits
of the plant. They give passageway of water
and minerals to go up from the roots to the
leaves and other parts of the plants.

Group 3. Leaves
The leaves make the food for the plant. The
leaves are the most important part if the
plant. Without green leaves, a plant cannot
make food for its growth.

Group 4.Flowers
The flowers are the most attractive part of a
plant. They have different colors and odors.
The flower helps the plant to make seeds. (Each present their works)

Group 5. Fruit
The fruit hold the seed of the plant. Some
fruits are big while others are small. Fruits
have different shapes, too. They differ in
colors, smell and taste. Some are sweet while
others are sour.

Presentation 30%
Cooperation 20%
Creativity 25%
Content 25%
Total: 100%

2. Analysis
There is one box that contains
question about to our topic all you
have to do is to pass it and when I said The parts of the plants are root, stem,
stop the whoever hold the box will pick leaves, flowers, and fruit.
one paper.

The following questions are:

- What are the parts of the plants? To absorb all the nutrient, water with
dissolved minerals from the soil.

Very good!

- Why do roots seen below the They hold the plant to the soil.

That is correct!
The stem Ma’am
- What are the other works of the

Very well said. They bring water and dissolved minerals

from the roots to the leaves.
- What part of the plant holds the
leaves, flowers and fruits?

The Leaves Ma’am
- What is the main work of the

The flowers Ma’am
- What do you call the part of the
plant where it makes its own food?

Very Good!
It helps the plant to make seed and its fruit
- What is the part of the plant that
makes the surrounding attractive
and beautiful?

The fruit is the finish product of the plant.
- What is the work of the flower?

Well said!

- What is the finish product of the


Very Good!

3. Abstraction
I have another box here and it contains
leaves, flowers and fruits some of them
have another set of questions.

Questions to be discuss:
- Enumerate the five parts of the
( The students will answer)
- What is the function of the roots?

- What is the function of stem?

- What is the function of leaves?

- What is the function of the


- What is the function of the fruits?

- Why is it important for a plant to

have complete parts?

4. Application
With the same the group, each group
will draw a plant with root, stem, leaves,
flowers, and fruit. The group will choose
their own plants for example a tree of
mango the will choose mango will draw
it with complete parts of the plants. You
only have 10 mins to prepare. (Each group will draw and present their
Presentation 30%
Cooperation 20%
Creativity 25%
Content 25%
Total: 100%


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

Test 1. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

_____1. What part of the plant absorbs water from the soil?
a. Roots
b. Fruits
c. Flowers
d. Stem

_____2. Which part of the plant carries water from the roots to the leaves?
a. Fruits
b. Stem
c. Flowers
d. Fruits

_____3. It is the most attractive part of the plant.

a. Roots
b. Stem
c. Leaves
d. Flowers

_____4. Without _____, a plant cannot make food for its growth.
a. Brown leaves
b. Yellow leaves
c. Green leaves
d. Multi-colored leaves

_____5. Each plant parts have its own work to make the plant _____.
a. Grow
b. Climb
c. Run
d. Dance

Test 2. Enumerate the parts of the plants.

V. Assignment
Investigate the plant in your house and see if they have complete the parts capture all the parts.

Prepared by:

Micah Yvonne V. Landicho

Teacher applicant

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