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Lesson Plan

Name of Lesson: Coding (Scratch) - Day 4

Learning (TEKS) Objective:

Technology Applications (8.1.B), Technology Applications (8.1.A), Art (8.2.A), Music (8.1.B)
Technology Applications: The student is expected to: create, present, and publish original works as a means
of personal or group expression.
Technology Applications: The student is expected to: identify, create, and use files in various formats,
including text, raster and vector graphics, video, and audio files.
Art: The student is expected to: create artworks integration themes found through direct observation,
personal experience, and imagination.
Music: The student is expected to: describe in detail intervals, music notation, musical instruments, voice,
and musical performances, using standard terminology.

Student Outcome (Students will be able to…)

Students will be able to understand and explore a coding website that will lead them to have a deeper
understanding of coding.

Day of the Week and Time:

Thursday on the last hour before leaving.

Total Length of Lesson:

This lesson will take 1 hour to complete.

Materials (per 1 class of 30 students):

30 printed pieces of paper for entrance ticket

30 pencils used to write
30 color pencils packs to help the students color
30 laptops for scratch

Advanced Preparation (day before, morning of…)

Make sure that all laptops work and are charged. Make sure you have the entrance ticket paper printed.

Instructional Delivery Notes to Teacher:

Activity 1: Engage Duration: 15 min

The retrieve puzzle I
created for this lesson will
The lesson will begin by having the students work independently in a retrieve
be on google drive.
coding puzzle.

Activity 2: Explain Duration: 25 min

The coding instructions I
created for this lesson will
Each student will be given a paper with the basic instructions of a code they
be on google drive.
will create. This will have students all create the same code but with their own
personal changes that will make it have their personality like background
changes or character changes.

Code students will create with their own changes:
Activity 3: Elaborate Duration: 20 min
Students can look up
(tutorials from scratch)
Students will now have time to edit anything else they want to include into the
anything to help them
space survival game code.
accomplish their goals.

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