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Christin Williams

Education 650

Standard Activity 8.34A

Parent Involvement

For the purpose of this assignment, I used to create an online survey

for East Bank Middle School parents to fill out. The survey gained 100 responses which

correlates to roughly ¼ of EBMS parents. The questions/statements and response percentages are

as follows:

1. EBMS provides a welcoming atmosphere.

Strongly Agree 28%
Agree 63%
Disagree 7%
Strongly Disagree 2%

2. I feel my child(ren) are safe at EBMS.

Strongly Agree 32%
Agree 57%
Disagree 9%
Strongly Disagree 2%

3. EBMS is accepting of diversity.

Strongly Agree 25%
Agree 61%
Disagree 10%
Strongly Disagree 4%

4. The rules and expectations of EBMS are clear and concise .

Strongly Agree 38%
Agree 47%
Disagree 11%
Strongly Disagree 4%

5. Communication between EBMS and home is adequate and informative.

Strongly Agree 22%
Agree 50%
Disagree 22%
Strongly Disagree 6%
6. Bullying and harassment are concerning issues at EBMS.
Strongly Agree 43%
Agree 33%
Disagree 20%
Strongly Disagree 4%

7. There is collaboration among students, parents, faculty, and the community to

promote learning and the well-being of EBMS students.
Strongly Agree 20%
Agree 54%
Disagree 21%
Strongly Disagree 5%

8. Disciplinary/behavior issues are handled in an appropriate and effective manner.

Strongly Agree 32%
Agree 23%
Disagree 31%
Strongly Disagree 14%

9. My child is engaged during instruction when at school.

Strongly Agree 52%
Agree 26%
Disagree 17%
Strongly Disagree 5%

10. EBMS provides adequate opportunities for all students to be involved in activities.
Strongly Agree 17%
Agree 46%
Disagree 25%
Strongly Disagree 12%

East Bank Middle School has a notorious reputation that tends to precede the school.

Based on many of the survey results, parents do not seem to think EBMS is ‘that bad’ as a

whole. However, there are some gaps and disparities that I would address, based on these results

alone. My biggest concerns would be with statements six, eight, and ten. According to surveyed

parents a majority feel that bullying and harassment are concerning issues; when combining

“strongly agree” and “agree” responses, 76% feel that these are issues. Parents also are in a toss-

up situation when it comes to if they believe disciplinary/behavior issues are handled in an

manner; 55% agree to some extent, while a close 45% disagree. However, when parents were

asked in question four if they felt that rules and expectations were clear and concise, an

astounding 85% agreed to some extent. I am not sure where the inconsistencies fall in this aspect,

but I feel it is worth looking into and being addressed with administration. The last of my largest

concerns would be that 37% of those surveyed feel that there are not opportunities for all

students to be involved in school activities. Although, this may not seem as if it is a ‘large’

percentage, this is unfortunate and something I feel should be improved. The remainder of the

response scores seem overall in the positive range, but can always be improved.

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