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Definition, Types, and Identification

Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Forensic Applications

Niocalite (blue) in sovite (calcite +

Transparent emerald, the apatite). Oka carbonatite complex.
green variety of beryl, on Crossed-polars. Width = 5.4 mm
calcite matrix
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Minerals

• Building blocks of rocks, soil ,dirt, and mud

• Minerals are everywhere

• Rocks are aggregates of one or more minerals

Fluorite Gneiss
Mineral Definition
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

1. Naturally Occurring

2. Inorganic

3. Crystalline – has a definite internal structure,

i.e., atoms in the mineral are arranged in a
regular way

4. Chemical composition fixed or varies within

certain limits
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

• Naturally Occurring - minerals must be formed

naturally - glass, concrete, synthetic diamonds,
rubies and emeralds don’t count
• Inorganic - minerals are not formed by anything
that was ever alive. Therefore, materials such
as: Ivory, Amber, Coal, Pearls are not minerals!
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Minerals
• Crystalline - the atoms in minerals have an
orderly atomic arrangement giving them a
definite structure that controls their properties.

Graphite Diamond
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Minerals
• Chemistry - Chemical composition is fixed or
varies within certain limits. Crystalline
compounds with the same structure but
different chemistry form different minerals.

NaCl = KCl =
Halite Sylvite

Cubic array of atoms

Structure of Minerals
Ions are arranged in crystal structures according to
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

their relative sizes. This is referred to as closest

packing. We usually look at this from the
perspective of the cation and calculate the radius
ratio = size cation/size anion. The radius ratio
determines the number of anions that can be
packed around a particular cation.
Structure of Minerals
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Crystal Lattice: the three

dimensional molecular
structure of a mineral.
(Shape of the “unit
• Various ions make up
the mineral.
• Geometry + chemistry!
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Structure of minerals
• Minerals with the same composition but different crystalline
• Examples include diamond and graphite
• Phase change – one polymorph changing into another

Diamond Graphite
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Physical properties of minerals
Crystal Form
• External expression of a mineral’s internal
• Often interrupted due to competition for space and
rapid loss of heat
Crystals are the smallest “bits” of minerals
and reflect the geometry of the mineral
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Physical properties of minerals
• Generally unreliable for mineral identification
• Often highly variable due to slight changes in
mineral chemistry
• Exotic colorations of certain minerals produce
• Some minerals are used as pigments

Quartz (SiO2)
exhibits a variety
of colors
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Physical properties of minerals

Color of a mineral in its powdered form

Streak is
obtained on an
porcelain plate
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Physical properties of minerals

• Appearance of a mineral in reflected light
• Two basic categories
• Metallic
• Nonmetallic
• Other descriptive terms include vitreous,
silky, or earthy

Galena (PbS) displays

metallic luster
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Physical properties of minerals

• The hardness of a
mineral is its
resistance to
• The standard
scale for
hardness is Moh’s
Hardness scale.
Physical properties of minerals
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

• Tendency to break along planes of weak

• Produces flat, shiny surfaces
• Described by resulting geometric shapes
• Number of planes
• Angles between adjacent planes

Fluorite, halite, and

calcite all exhibit
perfect cleavage
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Cleavage

Due to planes of weakness caused by alignment

of the common crystal faces
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences
Physical properties of minerals
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

• Absence of cleavage when a mineral is broken

Specific Gravity
• Weight of a mineral / weight of an equal volume
of water
• Average value = 2.7
Other properties
Reaction to
hydrochloric acid
Double refraction
Ta ble 7-1. Mineral cl asses

Class Chemical characteristics Examples

Borax [Na2 B4 O 7 @10H 2 O]

Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences
Borates Vario us elements in co mbination with boron

Carb onates Metals in co mbination with carb onate Calcite [CaCO 3 ]

( CO 3 ) Cerrusite [Pb CO 3 ]

Halides Alkali metals or alkaline earths in Halite [NaCl]

co mbination with halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) Fluorite [CaF 2]

Hydro xides Metals in co mbination with hyd ro xyls (OH -) Brucite [Mg(OH) 2]

Native elements Pure co mpound of a metallic or non metallic Gold [Au]

element Graphite [C]

O xid es Metals in co mbination with o xygen Hematite [Fe 3O 4 ]

Phosphates, arsenates, Vario us elements in co mbination with the Apatite [Ca5 (PO 4 )3 (F,Cl,OH)
vanadates, chro mates, ZO 4 radical where Z = P, As, V, Cr, W , M o Carnotite [K 2(UO 2 (VO 4) 2 @3H
tungstates & molybdates Scheelite [CaWO 4 ]

Silicates Metals in co mbination with silica tetrahedra Quartz [SiO 2 ]

( SiO4 ) for ming three d imensional Forsterite [MgSiO 4]
networks, sheets, chains and isolated Orthoclase [KAlSi 3O 8 ]

Sulfates Alkaline earths or metals in co mbinatio n with Barite [BaSO 4 ]

sulfate ( SO 4 ) Epso mite [MgSO 4 @7 H 2O]

Sulfides One or more metals in co mbination with Pyrite [FeS2 ]

reduced sulfur or chemically similar elements Galena [PbS]
(As, Se, Te) Skutterudite [CoAs3 ]
The most common minerals in
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

the Earth’s crust are silicate

minerals. The basic building
block for the silicate minerals is
the silica tetrahedron.
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

T able 7-4. Properties of the silicate crystal classes

# shared Che mical

Class Tetrahedral arrangement corners unit Si:O Example
Nesosilicate Independent tetrahedra 0 SiO4 1:4 Olivine
Sorosilicate Two tetrahedra sharing a corner 1 Si2 O 7 1:3.5 Melilite
Cyclosilicate Three or more tetrahedra sharing two 2 SiO3 1:3 Beryl
co rners, fo rming a ring
Inosilicate Single chain of tetrahedra sharing two 2 SiO3 1:3 Augite
co rners
Double chain of tetrahedra alternately 2.5 Si4 O 11 1:2.75 Hornblende
sharing two or three corners
Phyllosilicate Sheet of tetrahedra sharing three co rners 3 Si2 O 5 1:2.5 Kaolinite

Tektosilicate Framework of tetrahedra sharing all four 4 SiO2 1:2 K-feldspar

co rners
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Clay Minerals
Quartz (SiO2) and the clay minerals are the most
common components of soil.

Montmorillonite showing a rose like texture, Miocene arkose,

Madrid Basin, Spain.
Clay minerals are built by combining
tetrahedral and octahedral layers.
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Structure of the octahedral and tetrahedral layer. Mg2+ in the

octahedral layer = brucite. Al3+ in the octahedral layer =
gibbsite. Al3+ can substitute for Si4+ in the tetrahedral layer.
Table 7-5. Su mmary of the princi pal characteristics of the layered clay mineral grou ps

Kaolinites Illites S mectites Ver miculites

Structure 1:1 2:1 2:1 2:1
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Octahed ral
Octahed ral layer Di-octahedral Mostly di- Di- or tri- Mostly tri-
octahedral octahedral octahedral
Interlayer cations Nil K Ca, Na Mg
Interlayer water Only in halloysite So me in Ca, two layers Ca, two layers
hydro muscovite Na, one to many K, one layer to nil

Basal spacing 7.1 D 10 D Variable Variable

most ~15 D 14.4 D when fully
Ethylene glycol Only taken up by No effect Two glycol layers, One glycol layer,
halloysite 17 D 14 D
Cation exchange Nil Lo w High High
capacity (C EC) in 3 - 15 10 - 40 80 - 15 0 100 - 1 50
meq/10 0 g clay
Formula Al2Si 2O 5 (OH)2 , K 0 .5-0.75 Al2(Si,Al)2 M + 0 .7( Y3+ , Y2+ ) 4-6 M 2 + 0.6 6( Y2+ , Y3 + )6
little variation O 1 0(OH) 2 (Si,Al)8 O 20 (O H)4 @n (Si,Al)8 O 20 (O H)4 @8
H2 O H2 O
Dilute acids Scarcely soluble Readily attacked Attacked Readily attacked
Heating 200 oC Except hallo ysite, No marked change Co llapse to Exfoliation,
unchanged appro xi mately 10 shrinkage o f layer
D spacing

Examples Kaolinite, dickite, Illite, hydrous Mo ntmo rillonite, Ver miculite

nacrite, halloysite micas, phengite, beidellite,
brammallite, nontronite,
glauconite, hectorite, sap onite,
celadonite sauconite
Structure of kaolinite a 1:1 layer clay
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Structure of kaolinite. Each

structural unit consists of a
gibbsite layer and a
tetrahedral layer. Note that
only two out of three
octahedral sites in the
octahedral layer are

Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Ta ble 7-6 . Su bstituti ons for smectite grou p cl ay minerals

M ineral Tetrahedral cations Octahedral cations Exchangeable cations


M ont morillonite Si8 Al 3.3M g 0.7 (0.5 Ca,Na) 0.7

Beidellite Si7 .3Al0.7 Al 4 (0.5 Ca,Na) 0.7
Nontronite Si7 .3Al0.7 Fe4 (0.5 Ca,Na) 0.7

Tri-octahed ral

Sapo nite Si7 .2Al0.8 Mg 6 (0.5 Ca,Na) 0.8

Hectorite Si8 Mg 5 .3Li0 .7 (0.5 Ca,Na) 0.7

Sauconite Si6 .7Al1.3 Zn 4-6(Mg,Al,Fe3 + )2-0 (0.5 Ca,Na) 0.7

Structure of montmorillonite a 2:1 layer clay

Structure of montmorillonite, a
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

2:1 clay. The octahedral layer is

a gibbsite layer. Substitution of
Mg2+ for Al3+ in the octahderal
layer is charge balanced by the
addition of Na+ or Ca2+ cations
(exchangeable cations) in the
interlayer position.

Tools for Identification and Characterization of
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Stereomicroscope XRD

Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences
Mineralogy and texture

Beach sand

Stream sand

Carbonate sand
Polarizing Light Microscopy (PLM) – a forensic workhorse
Use various optical properties to
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

characterize materials
Index of refraction
Higher relief means higher refractive
index relative to the mounting media
or index oil.

The Becke line method is used to

determine if material has a higher or
lower refractive index then the
mounting media or index oil.
Polarizing Light Microscopy (PLM) – a forensic workhorse
Pleochroism – color changes as stage is rotated – polarized light
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences


Birefringence – color changes under crossed-polars due to retardation

Plane polarized light Crossed-polars
Polarizing Light Microscopy (PLM) – a forensic workhorse
Morphology and “habit”
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Calcite - rhombohedral Biotite flake Crocidolite fiber

Fiber characteristics

Dynel Dog’s hair Human hair (mongoloid)

X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
A powerful way to identify crystalline materials. The physical basis is Bragg’s
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

Law (a Nobel prize for simple trigonometry). The angles required for
diffraction and the intensity of the diffracted wavelengths can be used to
identify the material.

Diagram illustrating Bragg’s law. 2 = angle

of incidence and diffraction when Bragg’s
law conditions are met. d = inter-planar
X-ray diffractometer spacing.
Configuration for a typical X-
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

ray powder diffractometer.

Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Mineral X-ray diffraction patterns
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDAX
Can be used to characterize materials at the micron level.
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences

The material illustrated here is

tinitite, the glass formed from the
desert sand at Alamogordo when the
first atomic bomb was detonated. The
shades are related to the atomic
number of the elements. Areas with
lower atomic number elements are
darker. Using EDAX, quantitative
elemental abundances can be
determined. Back scatter electron image
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences The Electron Microprobe (EMP)

This instrument is not commonly used in forensic investigations, but it can

be used to determine the abundance of a variety of elements on areas as
small as one micron in diameter. There may be specific cases where such
data would be useful.

Rare-earth carbonate minerals in

carbonatite. Analyses were done on
1 micron diameter spots.
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences First Forensic Geology Case

In October of 1904 the

strangled body of Eva
Disch was found near
Frankfurt, Germany

When Georg Popp was

called in he examined a
filthy handkerchief found
at the scene that
contained bits of
hornblende, snuff and,
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences First Forensic Geology Case

A suspect, Karl Laubach,

used snuff, worked at the
coal-burning local gas
works and at a quarry
that had hornblende
bearing rocks

The suspect also had

mica in the cuffs of his
trousers that matched
mica at the murder scene
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Junger Case
Location: Front Royal, Va.

Crime: Homicide

Evidence: Soil on the

Suspect’s vehicle
compared with soil from
the crime scene at a river
crossing. Samples contained
Malachite and Azurite from an
abandoned copper mine just
up stream. The soft copper
minerals were not found a
short distance downstream.
(thanks to Ray Murary)
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences
The Reeves Murder Case
In September of 1958 a
woman’s body was found
at the edge of the
Anacostia River in
Washington, D.C. A
peculiar black sand was
found on the victim, in a
suspects car, and at the
murder scene. Geologic
investigation showed that
the sand was blast
furnace slag that had
been spread on a small
section of highway to test
it for use in the control of
snow and ice.
(Block, 1979 p.149-152)
Sand from a Construction Site

In another example, in southern Ontario a man was

arrested and charged with the beating death of the
young girl. The scene of the crime was a
construction site adjacent to a newly poured
concrete wall. The soil was sand that had been
transported to the scene for construction purposes.
As such, the sand had received additional mixing
during the moving and construction process and
was quite distinctive. The glove of the suspect
contained sand that was similar to that found at the
scene and significantly different in composition and
particle size from the area of the suspect’s home.
This was important because the suspect claimed the
soil on the gloves came from his garden.
(Murray and Tedrow, 1992 , p. 16)
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences Commercial Foundry Sand
Sands of heavy minerals,
olivine, zircon, etc. are used
in foundry work
In a breaking and entering
case at a foundry in Toronto,
Canada a suspect’s shoes
had grains of olivine sand
Because olivine sand is not
found in place in that part of
Canada the sand on the
shoes indicated that the
suspect had been at the
foundry. (Murray and
Tedrow, 1992 , p. 79)
Department Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences


Case studies and some of the graphics used in this talk

were graciously provided by Jack Crelling, Southern
Illinois University
Other tables and graphics are from:
Eby, G.N. (2004) Principles of Environmental
Geochemistry. Thomson.

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