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Intercultural Activity
General Objective:
To promote English as a foreign language learning through planning, designing and implementing ludic educational activities proposed
by those students who are attending academic spaces offered by the language institute.
1. For the first term this - For the first term each group should plan and ENGLISH 1 Option # 1: Nationalities
activity will be worked and design a ludic educational activity (to work in Option # 2: Ways to greet around the world
assessed in groups of groups), that encourages the practice of English as a Option # 3: Free time activities
maximum 3 members. foreign language. Option # 4: Typical Food
Option # 5: Cities around the world
For each academic space, the group as a whole ENGLISH 2 Option # 1: Famous places around the world
Dates: (including the teacher) must choose the best Option # 2: Arts and Culture
activity, which will represent them in the local Option # 3: Music
*Assigning the activity: immersion, which will take place on the second Option # 4: Sports
August 12th to 17th midterm. Option # 5: Festivities around the world
ENGLISH 3 Option # 1: Currencies
*Activity presentation and The teacher will assign the topic to each group- max Option # 2: ICT
evaluation: August 19th to 3 students. Option # 3: Films and Theatre
24th Option # 4: Famous Actors and actresses
Option # 5: Monuments of the world
ENGLISH 4 Option # 1: Governmental systems
Option # 2: Purchase habits
Option # 3: Biomes
Option # 4: Criminal justice system
Opción # 5: Television and films
ENGLISH 5 Option # 1: Social components (Family
structures and relationships)
Option # 2: Important history events
Option # 3: Mass media and communication
Option # 4: The most well-known companies
Option # 5:Technology development and
ENGLISH 6 Option # 1: Internships opportunities
Option # 2: Job hunting
Option # 3: Graduate study opportunities
Option # 4: Exchanging opportunities to study
Option # 5: Helping your community through
your profession
Elaborado por Nidia M. Dueñas Sánchez y Jenny E. Parra Forero

2. For the second midterm this activity will be worked and assessed individually (excepting for those groups that will guide the activity in the
local immersion).

 Chosen groups will have a stand (according to the place and schedule) in which they will lead the activity.

Doctor Angélico: Morning, afternoon and evening

Campus San Alberto Magno: Morning and afternoon

Sede Principal: Morning, afternoon and evening

 For those students who are not leading an activity, they will be assessed according to their performance on the activities through the use of a
form. (The same methodology implemented in the Local Immersion)
 A jury will assess each activity, and they will determine who the first, second and third places winners will be.

Dates: September 30th to October 5th

3. What a ludic educational activity is?

“Dynamic strategies that promote active learning involving students in doing things out of the routine and thinking about what they are doing.”

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