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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga City
Division of Zamboanga City

Curuan National High School

Curuan, Zamboanga City

Lesson Plan in Science

Grade Level Eight(8)
Quarter First Quarter

Content Standard THE Learners demonstrate an understanding of heat and temperature, and the effects of heat on
the body.

Performance Standard
Discuss the Heat can be transferred from one place to another by three methods: conduction in
solids, convection of fluids (liquids or gases), and radiation through anything that will allow
radiation to pass.
Learning Competency Differentiate between heat and Temperature at the molecular level.(S8FE-If-29)
I. Learning Objective The Grade 8 learners is expected to: Describe Heat and Temperature (k)
II. Subject Matter Heat and Temperature
A. Concept * Heat- Is a form of energy trasferred from hot body to the cold body.
* Temperature- is the degree of hotness or coldness. It tells direction of flow of heat.
* Thermometer- device use to measure temperature.

B . Materials Instructional Materials, manila paper, marking pens,posters, pictures,thermometer, iron rod,hot
water,transparent glass,matchbox,wooden block and candle.
C. References DepEd Science Grade8 Learners Module
pictures from:Google

D. Process Skills Identifying, Analyzing,Creating

E. Values Integration

III. Learning Task

A. Engage The teacher will show different examples related to heat and temperature.
inductive method


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TQ. Who can tell me what is in each picture/What can you see in each picture?
SR. picture 1- person with high fever and a thermometer
picture 2- Sun transferring heat to planet Earth
picture 3- hands getting heat from the bon fire
picture 4- thermometer
TQ. What does these picture show?
SR. IT shows about heat and Temperature
TQ. Very Good
B. Explore (skills: Today, we will learn more about Heat and Temperature.
operative learning
(Values: Obedience,

Literacy: TQ. Class may I request all of you to please read our Objective for todays topic.
Group Activity : Group of 15 members)
* The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups.
* After assigning the students into groups, the teacher will ask the students to go to their
respective groups quietly.
*Let them make a circle within their group by not grabbing their chairs instead to lift it.
*Introduce the rules in performing the activity:
1. No one is allowed to use their gadgets
2. Cooperate the class in performing the activity.
3.Do not make unnecessary noiose.
4.Finish the activity.

>The teachers will distribute each activity box , inside the box contains the instruction and
materials to be used in the activity.
> The students will work together as a team to fill/answer the given question and write their
output in a manila paper.

Group 1
(materials to be use: Iron rod,candle,wooden block block,matchsticks)
> Place an iron rod on a wooden block.
> touch both ends of the rod.
>put one end of the rod in a candle flame for some time.
> touch its free end
* Question: What does it feel when you touch the free end?
> let different members to touch the free end
* Question: What results are obtained from this activity?
> After performing the activity , Present your observation and answer through a song/or compose
a song.

Group 2
(materials to be use: Iron rod,candle,wooden block,matchsticks, transparent glass)
> Take a glassr filled with some fresh water as shown in figure.
> Touch the the glass
> Place the iron rod on the wooden block and insert its one end in the glass.
> Put the lighted candle under the other end of the rod.
> After some time ask the students to touch the water again.
* Question: What is your observation in the glass?
How was it became warmer?
> Write your answer in manila paper and assign one member to report in class about your result
in the activity.
Group 3
(materials: Transparent glass, warm water,thermometer,spoon)
> Fill the glass half of warm water.
> put the spoon into the glass with warm water.
> measure the temperature of the water by dipping the thermometer in the water.note the
> remove the thermometer.
> leave the spoon inside the glass with warm water for some time.
the temperature. > measure again the temperature of the water by dipping the thermometer in the water.Note
the temperature.

* Question: What happen to the temperature of the warm water when you leave for some time?
> Write your answer in manila paper and assign one member to report in class about your result
in the activity.
c. Explain
>The three groups will present their result. Answer the following questions will also be presented
by each group.

> While the students are presenting their outputs or results, the teacher notes down important
points, different answer from students ir important information that was brought up.
d. Elaborate
The teacher will ask the following questions to the students to let the student be aware of the
importance of heat.
(across curiculum)
The heat is very important in our daily life.
> In your cooking class, (What do you need to cook your foof?You need fire and the heat it
produces to cook food
>the Electronic technician ? What do they use to melt the soldering iron? ,they use heat from
the soldering iron to melt the lead.

> in hospitals they use heat to sterilize the equipment and also heat uses to incubators.

>Water cycle is a phenomenon responsible for the rain and life on earth. When the heat from the
sun contacts water on the earth, it evaporates by forming water vapor. This evaporation which
mostly happens from the oceans to form the clouds. These vaporous clouds, in turn, reach the
land through the sky, get cooled and cause rains.
> Photosynthesis: In plants, light energy from sun converts to heat energy and gets trapped iin
the Importance of heatleaves to form carbohydrates.
E. Evaluation 10 item quiz
The students will be provided with test papers for evaluation.
IV. Assignment
Research or Read about how to differentiate Temperature and Heat at the molecular level.

Prepared by:
Nhoreen E. Francisco
c of the Philippines
tment of Education
IX, Zamboanga City
n of Zamboanga City

National High School

an, Zamboanga City

n Plan in Science

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