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Hasna Nur Faridah

Tugas Teknik Pengawetan dan Emerging Processing dalam Pengolahan Pangan

1) Apple juice is being concentrated in a natural-circulation single-effect-evaporator. At

steady-state conditions, dilute juice is the feed introduce at a rate of 0,67 kg/s. The
concentration of the dilute juice is 11% total solids. The juice is concentrated to 75% total
solid. The specific heat of dilute apple juice and concentrate are 3,9 and 2,3 kJ/(kg0C)
respectively. The steam pressure is measured to be 304,42 kPa. The inlet feed temperature is
43,3 0C. The product inside the evaporator boils at 62,2 0C. The overall heat transfer
coefficient is assumed to be 943 W/(m2 0C). Assume negligible boiling point elevation.
Calculate the mass flow rate of concentrated product, steam requirements, steam economy
and the heat-transfer area.
Diketahui :
 mf = 0.67 kg/s
 xf = 0.11
 xp = 0.75
 Steam pressure = 304.42 kPa
 Tf = 43.3°C
 T1 = 62.2°C
 U = 943 W/(m2 K)
 Cpf = 3.9 kJ/(kg °C)
 Cpp = 2.3 kJ/(kg °C)
 mp
 mv
 se
 A
 =
(0,11) (0,67) = (0,75) mp
mp = 0,07 / 0,75 = 0,098 kg/s
 mf = mv + mp
0,67 = mv + 0,098
mv = 0,67 – 0,098 = 0,57 kg/s
Hasna Nur Faridah
 Hf = cpf ( Tf – 00C)
= 3,9 ( 43,3 – 0)
= 168,9 kJ/kg
 Hp1 = cpp ( T1 – 00C )
= 2,3 ( 62,2 – 0 )
= 143,1 kJ/kg
Berdasarkan tabel didapatkan data sebagai berikut:
Ts = 304, 42 kPa = 1340C
Hvs (Ts = 1340C) = 2725, 9 kJ/kg
Hcs (Ts = 1340C) = 563, 41 kJ/kg
Hv1 ( T1 = 1340C) = 2613,4 kJ/kg
 mf.Hf + ms.Hvs = mv.Hv1 + mp.Hp1 + ms.Hcs
(0,67).(168,9) + ms.(2725, 9) = (0,57).(2613,4) + (0,098).(143,1) + ms.(563,41)
113,16 + 2725,9 ms = 1489,64 + 14,02 + 563,41 ms
2725,9 ms – 563,41 ms = 1489,64 + 14,02 – 113,16
2162,49 ms = 1390,5
ms = 1390,5 / 2162, 49 = 0,64 kg/s
 Steam economy
mv / ms = 0,57 / 067 = 0,85 kg
 q = U.A. (Ts-T1) = ms.Hvs – ms.Hcs
A (943).(134-62,2) = (0,64).(2725,9-563,14).(1000)
A (943).(71,8) = (0,64).(2162,76).(1000)
67707,4 A = 1384166,4
A = 1384166,4 / 67707,4 = 20,44 m2

2) Calculate the steam requirements of a double-eff ect forward-feed evaporator ( Fig. E8.2 )
to concentrate a liquid food from 11% total solids to 50% total solids concentrate. The feed
rate is 10,000 kg/h at 20°C. The boiling of liquid inside the second eff ect takes place under
vacuum at 70°C. The steam is being supplied to the fi rst eff ect at 198.5 kPa. The
condensate from the first eff ect is discarded at 95°C and from the second eff ect at 70°C.
The overall heat-transfer coeffi cient in the fi rst eff ect is 1000 W/(m 2 °C); in the second
Hasna Nur Faridah
eff ect it is 800 W/(m 2 °C). The specifi c heats of the liquid food are 3.8, 3.0, and 2.5 kJ/(kg
°C) at initial, intermediate, and final concentrations. Assume the areas and temperature
gradients are equal in each effect.
mf = 10,000 kg/h = 2.78 kg/s
xf = 0.11
xp = 0.5
Steam pressure = 198.5 kPa
Tf = 20°C
T2 = 70°C
U 1 = 1000 W/(m2 °C)
U 2 = 800 W/(m2 °C)
cpf = 3.8 kJ/(kg°C)
cpf intermediet concentration = 3.0 kJ/(kg°C)
cpp = 2.5 kJ/(kg°C)
Ditanyakan: The steam requirements of a double-eff ect forward-feed evaporator to
concentrate a liquid food from 11% total solids to 50% total solids concentrate.
 =
(0,11)(2,78) = (0,5).mp
0,31 = 0,5 mp
mp = 0,31 / 05 = 0,61 kg/s
 mf = mv1 + mv2 + mp
2,78 = mv1 + mv2 + 0,61
Mv1 + mv2 = 2,78 – 0,61
Mv1 + mv2 = 2,17 kg/s
Berdasarkan tabel didapatkan data sebagai berikut:
Ps = 198,5 kPa
Ts = 120 0C
T2 = 70 0C
Tgradien = 120 -70 = 50 0C
∆T1 + ∆T2 = 50 0C
Gradient suhu kedua efek dimisalkan sama, maka ∆T1= ∆T2 = 50/2 = 250C
Hasna Nur Faridah
 Hf = cpf (Tf-00C) = 3,8 (20-0) = 76 kJ/kg
Hf1 = c’pf (T1-00C) = 3,0 (95-0) = 285 kJ/kg
Hf2 = cpp (T2-00C) = 2,5 (70-0) = 175 kJ/kg
Berdasarkan tabel didapatkan data sebagai berikut:
Ts = 120 0C
T1 = 95 0C
T2 = 70 0C
Hvs = 2706,3 kJ/kg
Hv1 = 2668,1 kJ/kg
Hv2 = 2626,8 kJ/kg
Hcs = 503,71 kJ/kg
Hc1 = 397,96 kJ/kg
Hc2 = 292,98 kJ/kg
 (ms x 2706,3)–(ms x 503,71)x1000 J/kJ / 1000x(120-95) = (mv1 x 397,96)x1000J/kJ /
2205,59 ms / 25000 = 2270,14 mv1 / 20000
0,088 ms = 0,114 mv1
 (2,78 x 76)+(ms x 2706,3) = (mv1 x 2668,1)+(mf1 x 285)+(ms x 503,71)
Didapatkan persamaan:
2202,59 ms = 2668,1 mv1 + 285 mf1 – 211,28
(mf1 x 285)+(mv1 x 2668,1) = (mv2 x 2626,8)+(mp x 175)+(mv1 x 397,96)
Didapatkan persamaan:
2270,14 mv1 = 2626,8 mv2 + 175 mp – 285 mf1
 0,088 ms = 0,114 mv1
Mv1 = 0,77 ms
Mv1 + mv2 = 2,17
Mv2 = 2,17 – mv1
Mv2 = 2,17 – 0,77 ms
2202,59 ms = 2668,1 (0,77 ms)+285 mf1 – 211,28
Didapatkan persamaan
0,52 ms + 0,74 = mf1
2270,14 (0,77 ms) = 2626,8 (2,17 – 0,77 ms) +175(0,61) – 285 (0,52 ms + 0,74)
1748 ms = 2022,6 ms + 148,2 ms = 5700,2 + 106,75 – 210,9
Hasna Nur Faridah
3918,8 ms = 5596,05
ms = 5595,05 / 3918,8 = 1,428 kg/s ≈ 1,43 kg/s

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