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Annisa Indah Kirana


Soal 1

Apple juice is being concentrated in a natural-circulation single-effect evaporator. At steady-state

conditions, dilute juice is the feed introduced at a rate of 0.67 kg/s. The concentration of the dilute
juice is 11% total solids. The juice is concentrated to 75% total solids. The specific heats of dilute
apple juice and concentrate are 3.9 and 2.3 kJ/(kg °C), respectively. The steam pressure is
measured to be 304.42 kPa. The inlet feed temperature is 43.3°C. The product inside the evaporator
boils at 62.2°C. The overall heat-transfer coefficient is assumed to be 943 W/(m2 °C). Assume
negligible boiling-point elevation. Calculate the mass flow rate of concentrated product, steam
requirements, steam economy, and the heat-transfer area. The system is sketched in Figure E8.1
Diketahui :
mf = 0,67 kg/s.
xf = 0.11
xp = 0.75
Steam pressure = 304.42 kPa
Feed temperature Tf = 43.3°C
Boiling temperature T1 in evaporator = 62.2°C
Overall heat transfer coefficient U = 943 W/(m2K)
Specific heat of dilute feed cpf = 3.9 kJ/(kg °C)
Specific heat of concentrated product cpp = 2.3 kJ/(kg °C)

1. Persamaan 1,
x f mf = xp mp
(0.11)(0.67 kg/s) = (0.75)mp
mp = 0.098 kg/s
Sehingga, massa aliran produk yaitu 0.098 kg/s.

2. Persamaan 2,
mv = mf - mp
mv = (0.67 kg/s) – (0.098 kg/s)
mv = 0.57 kg/s

3. Perhitungan Entalpi,
Hf = Cpf (Tf – 0 oC ) = (3.9 kJ/[kg oC]) (43.3 oC - 0 oC) = 168.9 kJ/kg
From Equation (8.5),
Hp1 = Cpp (T1 – 0 oC ) = (2.3 kJ/[kg°C])(62.2°C - 0°C = 143.1 kJ/kg
Annisa Indah Kirana
Berdasarkan steam table,
Ts at 304.42 kPa =134°C
Hvs (at Ts = 134°C) = 2725.9 kJ/kg
Hcs (at Ts = 134°C) = 563.41 kJ/kg
Hv1 (at T1 = 62.2°C) = 2613.4 kJ/kg

mf. Hf + ms. Hvs = mv. Hv1 + mp. Hp1 + ms. Hcs

(0.67 kg/s)(168.9 kJ/kg) + (mskg/s)(2725.9 kJ/kg) = (0.57 kg/s)(2613.4 kJ/kg) + (0.098
kg/s)(143.1 kJ/kg) + (mskg/s)(563.41 kJ/kg)
2162.49 ms = 1390.5
ms = 0.64 kg/s

𝑚𝑣 0.57
4. Steam economy = 𝑚𝑠 = = 0.85 𝑘𝑔 water evaporated/kg steam

5. Luas permukaan heat transfer,

A(943 W/[m2oC]0(134oC – 62.2 oC) = (0.64 kg/s)(2725.9 – 563.14 kJ/kg)(1000 J/kJ)
A = 20.4 2 m2
Annisa Indah Kirana
Soal 2

Calculate the steam requirements of a double-effect forward-feed evaporator (Fig. E8.2) to

concentrate a liquid food from 11% total solids to 50% total solids concentrate. The feed rate is
10,000 kg/h at 20°C. The boiling of liquid inside the second effect takes place under vacuum at
70°C. The steam is being supplied to the fi rst eff ect at 198.5 kPa. The condensate from the first
effect is discarded at 95°C and from the second effect at 70°C. The overall heat-transfer coefficient
in the first effect is 1000 W/(m2 °C); in the second eff ct it is 800 W/(m2°C). The specific heats
of the liquid food are 3.8, 3.0, and 2.5 kJ/(kg°C) at initial, intermediate, and final concentrations.
Assume the areas and temperature gradients are equal in each effect.

Diketahui :

mf = 10,000 kg/h = 2.78 kg/s

xf = 0.11
xp = 0.5
Steam pressure = 198.5 kPa
Feed temperature Tf = 20°C
Boiling temperature T2 = 70°C
Overall heat-transfer coefficient U1 = 1000 W/(m2°C)
Overall heat-transfer coefficient U2 = 800 W/(m2°C)
Cpf = 3.8 kJ/(kg°C)
C’pf = 3.0 kJ/(kg°C)
Cpp = 2.5 kJ/(kg°C)

Jawaban :
1. Persamaan 1,
xf mf = xp mp
(0.11)(2.78 kg/s) = (0.75)mp
mp = 0.61 kg/s

2. Persamaan 2,
mf = mv1 + mv2 + mv3 + mp
(2.78 kg/s) = mv1 +mv2 + (0.61 kg/s)
mv1 + mv2 = 2.17 kg/s

3. Steam is being supplied at 198.5 kPa or 120°C, T2 = 70°C, and thus the total temperature
gradient is 50°C.
T1 + T2 = 50°C
Assuming equal temperature gradient in each evaporator effect,
T1 = T2 = 25°C
Annisa Indah Kirana
4. Entalpi produk,
Hf = Cpf (Tf – 0) = (3.8 kJ/[kg oC])(20oC – 0 oC) = 76 kJ/kg
Hf1 = C’pf (T1 – 0) = (3.0 kJ/[kg oC])(95oC – 0 oC) = 285 kJ/kg
Hf2 = Cpp (T2 – 0) = (2.5 kJ/[kg oC])(70oC – 0 oC) = 175 kJ/kg

Beradasarkan steam tables,

At Ts = 120 oC Hvs = 2706.3 kJ/kg
Hcs = 503.71 kJ/kg
At T1 = 95 C Hvs = 2668.1 kJ/kg
Hcs = 397.96 kJ/kg
At T2 = 70 oC Hvs = 2626.8 kJ/kg
Hcs = 292.98 kJ/kg

5. Persamaan luas permukaan heat transfer 1 dan heat transfer 2,

𝑚𝑠 𝐻𝑣𝑠 − 𝑚𝑠 𝐻𝑐𝑠 𝑚𝑣1 𝐻𝑣1 − 𝑚𝑣1 𝐻𝑐1
𝑈1(𝑇𝑠 − 𝑇1) 𝑈2(𝑇1 − 𝑇2)
𝑘𝐽 𝑘𝐽 𝐽
𝑚𝑠 (2706.3 ) − 𝑚𝑠 (503.71 )(1000 )
𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝐽
(1000𝑊/[𝑚2𝑜𝐶](120𝑜𝐶 − 95𝑜𝐶)
𝑘𝐽 𝑘𝐽 1000𝐽
𝑚𝑣1 (2668.1 ) − 𝑚𝑣1(397.96 )( )
𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝑔 𝑘𝐽
(800𝑊/[𝑚2𝑜𝐶](95𝑜𝐶 − 70𝑜𝐶)
2205.59 𝑚𝑠 2270.14 𝑚𝑣1
25000 20000
0.088ms = 0.114 mv1

6. (a.) (2.78)(76) + (ms)(2706.3) = (mv1)(2668.1) + (𝑚𝑓1)(285) + (𝑚𝑠)(503.71)

(b.) (2.7mf1)(285) + (mv1)(2668.1) = (mv2)(2626.8) + (𝑚𝑝)(175) +

7. Hasil persamaan mass flow rates of product, feed, vapor, and steam.
Persamaan (1): mp = 061
Persamaan (2): mv1 + mv2 = 2.17
Persamaan (5): 0.088ms = 0.114 mv1
Persamaan (6):
(a) 2202.59ms = 2668.1mv1 + 285mf1 – 21128
(b) 2270.14mv1 = 2626.8mv2 + 175mp – 285mf1
Annisa Indah Kirana

8. Kemudian menggunakan excel

mp + 0ms + 0 mv1 + 0mv2 + 0mf1 = 0.61

0mp + 0ms + mv1 + mv2 + 0mf1 = 2.17
0mp + 0.088ms − 0.114 mv1 + 0mv2 + 0mf1 = 0
0mp + 2202.59ms − 2668.1 mv1 + 0mv2 − 285mf1 = −211.28
−175mp + 0ms + 2270.14 mv1 − 2626.8mv2 + 285mf1 = 0

9. Sehingga dihasilkan,
mp = 0.61 kg/s
ms = 1.43 kg/s
mv1 = 1.10 kg/s
mv2 = 1.07 kg/s
mf1 = 1.46 kg/s

𝑚𝑣1+𝑚𝑣2 1.10+1.07
10. Steam economy = = = 1.5 𝑘𝑔 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 vapor/kg 𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑚
𝑚𝑠 1.43

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