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I am a person who has always had a profound passion and fascination for areas requiring an
analytical approach. Right from the early days of my education, Mathematics has intrigued me. I
always did and always would thrive on solving the most complex problems which would leave me
with a sheer feeling of ecstasy. Its boundless possibilities and instant outcomes are what I find
most stimulating and appealing about Computer Science. My own systematic and methodical
approach towards finding a solution to any problem best suits this field. However, my parents have
been my leading source of inspiration had encouraged me to take up one of the most coveted
undergraduate programs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Adams Engineering College,
the best of such institutions.

I have benefited vastly from the breadth of Adams Engineering College's undergraduate syllabus
and gained a comprehensive exposure to many core areas like Control Systems, Power Electronics,
Digital signal processing, Electro mechanics, Pulse and digital circuits, microprocessors and
microcontrollers. In my four years of study, I have learned how to maintain an independent
approach in all my endeavors.

As I am keen interested in technology I always found myself drawn towards computers. In the last
two years of my college besides college academics, I have spent most of my time learning various
technologies. I am well versed in programming languages like C, C++, and Java. I did well even
in the co-curricular activities. I had taken part in NSS and various non-technical events. During a
major technical event conducted in the college called Robosejugous, I have carried out my duties
as an organizer with immense dedication which bought us a good report in the whole college. Here,
I also got exposed to working in teams. I believe being a team player has been one of my greatest
fortes. I possess an exceptional ability to assemble, interact, lead and bring out the best in people,
a quality that has enabled me to achieve many difficult and impossible tasks.

In the final year of my under-graduation, I worked on a project "Hybrid Multilevel Inverter using
Switched-Capacitor Units", which can produce the desired sinusoidal voltage waveform and boost
the input voltage without any transformer. My teammates and I are very much charged about the
prospects of learning something new every day, gathering technical insights and are very much
eager for the possible outcome.

Meanwhile, it also availed me in deciding my short term goal which is to be a part of the research
community to extend my knowledge and work on solutions for challenging social problems. My
ultimate goal is that I want to see myself as a future Entrepreneur down the line in the next 7 years.
I can then put to use my technical, managerial skills and domain knowledge gained thus far in
establishing my Startup providing many useful solutions to society.

Further studies were always a priority for me but I believed that before that I must gather some
valuable experience to gain a larger perspective of the industry. In keeping with the idea, I have
joined in VTR Infra Pvt. Limited, continued the work. I was responsible for planning and
coordinating all computer-related activities within the company. Create and maintain Management
reports including end-of-month, quarterly, and annual reports used by various departments. On top
of that, I use to prepare the pert charts and describe the workflow using MS projects and case tools.
My work experience turned out to be extremely enriching for me on a host of levels. It helped me
in accepting the challenges involved in expertise new domain and new technology, getting
familiarized with new concepts and has developed a sense of professionalism in me.

Management Information Systems is a rapidly emerging field. What started years ago with manual
systems like Customer Databases and Catalogues has evolved into modern concepts such as
Predictive Data Mining. Management Information System (MIS) is a managerial decision-making
tool. A company uses it in all of its business operations and processes. Using it, a company can
record & document all facts of its procedures and methodologies. The basic intent is to manage
and control all of the company's employees and material through MIS. Using an MIS, an
organization can establish its hierarchical structure and work-flow charts. There are numerous
pluses in using an MIS. The organization records and tabulates all its key strategic functions. Rapid
developments in the field of Information Management have left me fascinated with MIS. Having
worked in VTR Infra Pvt. Ltd. for over two years and has gained in-depth knowledge of its
importance and business applications, I feel that I am ready to move forward in the field of MIS.
To keep up with the advancements in this field and prepare myself to meet the demanding
standards of this industry, I wish to pursue a graduate program in Management Information
Systems in the US from your esteemed university.

I have obtained information about the facilities and courses after a detailed study of university
websites and have decided to apply to your university for graduate studies. I have learned that
several professors are engaged in research in areas that interest me. I would consider it a privilege
to be taught by such renowned faculty. The custom curriculum designed by your professionals
allows me to choose from cutting-edge concentrations to focus on my expertise. The rigorous
academic standards, and consistent record of growth and accomplishments made University of
Nebraska to stood out from the rest. Your university offers an invigorating environment that will
give a platform to explore my interests and a definite direction to my goals. I would be grateful if
I am allowed to pursue my graduate study, with financial assistance, at your institution.

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