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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

Prepared by:
Jessica B. Alidon and Neliza A. Sevilla

After a series of illustrative examples, the Grade 9 students shall be able to:
1. differentiate like radicals from unlike radicals
2. perform operations on radicals
a. add and subtract radical expressions
b. multiply and divide radical expressions
3. think and solve on problems involving radicals


Operations on Radical Expressions
Reference: Nivera,G. C., Lapinid, M.R. C. Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities.
Salesiana Books by Don Bosco Press, Inc. 2013
Instructional Materials: images, flash cards, calculator
Skills: critical thinking and cooperative learning
Time Frame: 5 hours


A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance and management of the classroom
B. Lesson Proper
 Recall
- Simplify the following radical expressions
1. √75 2. √56𝑥11 3. √200𝑎7
 Motivation
Picture Analysis
There will be 4 images in a random order. What have all these pictures in common?

- In the collage given, what is the hidden word?

Leg Traction

To help align Adon’s broken bone, a doctor uses traction as shown in the figure.
A traction is applied by fixing a weight, two pulleys and some stainless steel cable to a
broken leg. Based on the setup shown, how many meters cable are used?

Guide Questions:
1. What are the given lengths of cables as indicated in the illustration?
2. Do they have the same radicand? Same index?
3. What are like radicals? Unlike radicals?
4. What is asked in the problem?
5. How do you solve the problem?
Starter: State whether the radicals are like or unlike.
a. 4√2, 4√3 c. 8 3√𝑥𝑦, 3√𝑥𝑦
b. 3√𝑥,− 5√𝑥 d.√8, √8

Guess and Check!

a. √5 + √3 = √8
b. √5 + √5 = 2√10
c. √16 + √25 = 9
d. 4√8 − 2√4 = 2√4
e. √8 + √18 = 5√2

Set 1
1. Find the value of each statement.
2. Which of the following statements are true? Which are false?
3. Do they have the same index? Same radicands?
4. Can you add/subtract the two radical expressions with like radicals? Unlike radicals?
5. How to add/subtract radical expressions?

a. (√2)(√3) = √6
b. 6√3(−2√3) = −12√3
c. √2 + √6 = √12
3 6
d. (√3)( √4) = √12

Set 2
Find the value of each statement.
1. Which of the following statements are true? Which are false?
2. What

a. = √3
1 √1
b. √2 =
c. =
d. 3 = √5

Set 3
1. Find the value of each statement.
2. Which of the following statements are true? Which are false?
3. Can fractions inside the root can be divided or separated root?
4. How to rationalize the denominators?

Process Questions:
1. How do you add/subtract like radicals?
2. How do you multiply like radicals? Unlike radicals?
3. How do you rationalize the denominator of radical expression?

A. Addition/Subtraction of Radical Expressions
1. Simplify all radicals.
2. Combine like radicals by combining the coefficients of the radical term.
3. Perform the operation (either addition or subtraction)
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
𝑎 √𝑥 + 𝑏 √𝑥 = (𝑎 + 𝑏) √𝑥


√𝑎 + √𝑏 ≠√𝑎 + 𝑏
Ex. √4 + √9 = √13
2 + 3 = √13
5 ≠ √13
Illustrative Examples:
1. √2 + √2 = (1 + 1)√2 = 2√2
2. 6√11 − 2√11 = (6 − 2)√11 = 4√11
3 3 3 3
3. 4√10 + 4√10 = (4 + 4) √10 = 8 √10
4. 16 √𝑤 − 6 √𝑤 = (16 − 6) √𝑤 = 10 √𝑤
4 4 4 4

5. √𝑥 − 5 √𝑥 + 9 √𝑥 = (1 − 5 + 9) √𝑥 = 5 √𝑥
3 3 3 3 3

6. 8√𝑥 − 2√𝑥 + 5√𝑥 = (8 − 2 + 5)√𝑥 = 11√𝑥

7. 2√𝑎 − √𝑎 + √𝑎 = (2 − 1 + 1)√𝑎 = 2√𝑎
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8. 5√2 − 6√2 − 𝑥√2 + 3𝑥√2 = (5 + 6 − 𝑥 + 3𝑥)√2 = 11√2 + 2𝑥√2

9. 3√50 + 4√50 = 3√25●2 + 4√25●2 = 3●5√2 + 4●5√2 = 35√2

3 3 3
10. √16 − √54 = − √2

Try This:
Perform the indicated operation, then simplify.
1. 3√𝑥 − 5√𝑥
2. 8 3√𝑥𝑦 + 3√𝑥𝑦
3. 18 √𝑤 − 5 √𝑤
4 4

1 1 1 1
4. 3√2𝑥 − 8√2𝑥 − 5𝑥√2𝑥 + 3𝑥√2𝑥
3 3
5. √16 − √8

Process Questions:
1. How do you add/subtract radical expressions?
2. What mathematical procedure did you use to simplify expression?
(Let the students answer the problem posed in EXPLORE A)

B. Multiplication of Radical Expressions

B.1 Same Index
1. Multiply the coefficients.
2. Multiply the radicands.
3. Simplify the radical.
Note: You may simplify the radical again once you have found the product.

𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
√𝑎 √𝑏 = √𝑎𝑏
Illustrative Examples:
1. (√2)(√3) = √6
2. (5√2)(3√6) = 15√12 = 15√4●3 = 15(2)√3 = 30√3
3. √5𝑥√15𝑥 = √5𝑥 • 15 = √75𝑥 = √25 • 3𝑥 = 5√3𝑥
4. √𝑦(4√𝑦 − 8√3) = 4√𝑦 2 − 8√3𝑦 = 4𝑦 − 8√3𝑦
5. (√2 − 5)2 = (√2)2 − 2(5)(√2) + 52 = 2 − 10√2 + 25 = 27 − 10√2

B.2 Different Indices

1. When the indices differ, multiply the radicals with the help of rational exponents.
2. Express the exponents as similar fractionos
3. Rewrite it into the form √𝑎 𝑥 as a single expression.

4. Then, perform the operation and simplify.

Illustrative Examples:
1 1 5
3 6 6
1. √5 • √5 = 52 • 53 = 56 = √55 = √3125
1 1 2 3
3 6 6 6
2. √3 • √2 = 33 • 22 = 36 • 36 = √32 • 33 = √9 • 8 = √72
1 1 4 3
3 12
3. √2 • √4 = 23 • 44 = 212 • 412 = √24 • 43 = √16 • 64 = √1024
4 12 12

1 1 7
4. √3 • √3 = 34+3 = 312 = √2187
4 3 12

1 1
4 4 4 4 4
5. √2𝑥 ⦁ √2𝑥 2 = (2𝑥)2 ⦁ (2𝑥 2 )4 = √(2𝑥)2 ⦁ √2𝑥 2 = √4𝑥 2 ⦁ √2𝑥 2 = √8𝑥 4 = 𝑥 √8
4 4

Try This:
Multiply and simplify.
1. √2 ⦁ √2
2. √2𝑥 ⦁ 4√2𝑥𝑦
3. √16 ⦁√8
4. √6 ⦁ √6 ⦁ √6

5. √4𝑥 ⦁ √8𝑦

Process Questions:
1. How to multiply radical expressions?
2. What method to use when there are two polynomial radical expressions?
3. If the indices differ, how to multiply radical expression?

C. Division of Radical Expressions

C.1 Division Type I

𝑛𝑎 √𝑎
√ = 𝑛
𝑏 √𝑏

Illustrative Examples:
4 4
4 9 √9 √9
1. √16 = 4 =
√16 2
√98 √49•2 7√2
2. = = =7
√2 √2 √2
30𝑥 9 3𝑥 4 √3𝑥 4 𝑥 2 √3
3. √160𝑥 5 = √ 16 = =
√16 4

C.2 Division Type II

√𝑎 √𝑎 √𝑏 √𝑎𝑏
= • =
√𝑏 √𝑏 √𝑏 𝑏

 If the denominator is a one-termed radical expression, multiply the numerator and
the denominator by a radical that will make the radicand of the denominator a

Illustrative Examples:
2 √2 √3 √6 √6
1. √3 = ● = =
√3 √3 √9 3
√2x √2x √7 √14x √14x
2. = • = =
√7 √7 √7 √49 7

 If the denominator is a binomial in which one or both terms contain a square root,
multiply numerator and denominator by conjugate.

√𝑎 √𝑎 (√𝑏 − √𝑐) √𝑎𝑏 − √𝑎𝑐

= =
√𝑏 + √𝑐 √𝑏 − √𝑐 𝑏−𝑐

(a + b) and (a – b) are conjugates: middle signs are opposite

Multiplying by conjugates gives the difference of squares:
(a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2

Illustrative Examples:

5 √3−2 5 (√3−2) 5 (√3−2) 5 (√3−2) 5√3−10 5√3−10

1. ● = (√3+2)(√3−2)
= = = =
√3+2 √3−2 √9−4 3−4 3−4 −1

= −5√3 + 10
√𝑥−1 √𝑥−1 √𝑥−2 √𝑥−1(√𝑥−2) (√𝑥)2 −2√𝑥−√𝑥+2 𝑥−3√𝑥+2
2. = • 𝑥−2 = = =
√𝑥+2 √𝑥+2 √ (√𝑥)2 −(2)2 𝑥−4 𝑥−4

Try This:

Process Questions:
1. How to divide radical expressions?
2. How to divide a binomial in the denominator?
3. Why do we need to conjugate the denominator?


 Communicating
1. Differentiate like radicals and unlike radicals.
2. Can the expression 3√5 + 2√3 be simplified? Why or why not?
3. Explain why the expression is not in simplified radical form.

4. What is meant by a conjugate of a binomial expression?
2 √6
5. Is equal to ? Explain.
√6 3

 Error Analysis
Discuss what is wrong with the following answers of students.
1. 8√5 − 4√2 = 4√3
2. 6 + 5√3 = 11√3
3. 7 − 2√6 = 5√6
4. √𝑥 − 3√𝑥 + 4√𝑥 = √𝑥
3+√2 √2
5. =
6 2
10+2√3 12√3
6. = =3
4√3 4√3

 Mathematical Reasoning
Answer what is asked on the following statements.
1. Mary says that √18 + √2 cannot be simplified since √18 and √2 are not like
radicals. What do you think?
2. √𝑎 ⦁√𝑏 = √𝑎𝑏 for positive real number. Is it true that√𝑎 + √𝑏 = √𝑎 + 𝑏?
𝑥 √𝑦
3. Rationalize the denominator of 𝑦 √𝑥
4. Simplify √𝑥 𝑛 , given n is an even whole number ≥ 2.

TRANSFER (Assignment)
A. Problem Solving
- Solve the following problems

1. A triangular frame measure 3√2 m on two sides and 3√2

on the base. Find its perimeter.

2. The length of a rectangle is 5√48 cm and its width is 4√27

cm. What is its perimeter?

3. A new observation tower is to be constructed 2

km from a major highway, as shown. The
proposed entrance, although longer than the
direct route, bypasses a lake. Find the length
of the entrance road to the nearest hundredth.

4. The side of a square tile measures 5√6 cm long. Find the

exact area of each tile.

5. The area of the rectangular streamer is 20 square
meters. Its width is 2√2 meters. How long is the

B. Performance Task


Form groups of 3. Each group is tasked to write a real-life problem involving addition
and subtraction of radical expressions.

Each group will present their problem in class. You may write the problem on a
manila paper or cartolina. Make it artistic and unique. If the other groups fail to
solve the problems you presented, you will explain the solution to the class. Be
ready to submit a hardcopy of the problem and its solution to your teacher.

Your output and presentation will be graded using this rubric

Great! Good! U-Uh!

(3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Quality of the Problem is realistic, Problem is Problem is not
Context Used and interesting, interesting and anchored on real life
challenging. challenging but not and is not
anchored on real interesting.
Clarity of the Problem is clearly Problem lacks clarity Problem is
Problem stated and uses and contains confusing; it lacks
correct terms and grammatical errors. necessary data
phrases. and/or conditions.
Accuracy of Solutions are Solutions have Solutions are
Solution accurate and well- minimal errors. incorrect.
Preparedness Submits the Writes the problem Not ready with the
and Punctuality hardcopy of the and solution on the presentation nor the
problem and its board; or submits hardcopy.
solution on time; the hard copy at a
Visual aids for later date
presentation are


Find a pair. Each pair will be tasked to design a swimming pool that will hold a total
of 1000 cubic meters of water. Prepare 3 proposals to meet the following conditions:

Pool A: a square with semicircles on each side at least 1 meter deep

Pool B: a circle, at least m deep
Pool C: a rectangle with semicircles, at least 1.5 m deep.

Submit the following:

 Show the diagrams of the 3 pools. Label the dimensions.
 Show that the volume of each pool is approximately 1000 m3.
 Explain how you obtained your answer. Show the complete solution.

The output and presentation will be graded using this rubric.

Great! Good! U-Uh!

(3 points) (2 points) (1 point)
Clarity of the All 3 diagrams are A diagram is not Diagrams have no
diagrams clearly labeled and clearly labeled and labels and are not
well-labeled and well-prepared. well-prepared.
Accuracy of All dimensions of The dimensions of The dimensions of
the the three pools are the two pools are the pools are not
computations accurate accurate. accurate.
Clarity and Explanations of Some parts of Generally, the
Accuracy of how the explanations are explanation is
Explanation dimensions are unclear and unclear and
obtained are clear inaccurate inaccurate.
and accurate



Junior High School Department

Operations on Radical Expressions

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: _______________

Grade and Section: _______________________ Score:_______________

A. Perform the indicated operation. Simplify all answers completely. (3 points each)

1. √32 2. √100

3. 4.√45 + √20

5. √6̇ • √15 6.√72 − 3√2

7. 8. 5√2 − √25 + 3√8

9.√8 • √12 10. 3√5

B. Analyze and answer the following. Show your solution.

1. Discuss what is wrong with the following answers of students.

7. 8√5 − 4√2 = 4√3

8. 6 + 5√3 = 11√3

9. 7 − 2√6 = 5√6

2. The length of a rectangle is and the width is . Express the perimeter of the
rectangle in simplest radical form.

3. Determine if the product of and is rational or irrational. Explain your answer.

4. When is written in simplest radical form, the result is . What is the value of k?

5. Find two pairs of integers a and b such that = 4√5.

6. Mark simplified √5 • √12 and got 4√15. Alison simplified the same expression and got 2√60 . Which
one of them got the correct answer? If none, show your solution.

𝑥 √𝑦
7. Rationalize the denominator of 𝑦√𝑥

8. John says that √9 + √2 cannot be simplified since √9 and √2 are not like radicals. What do you


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