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Chapter 3


In this chapter, the researcher discusses the findings and results from the

data gathered. The researcher also tested the null hypothesis formulated in

the study.

Students playing excessively on mobile legends

in terms of Time management

Table 2 presents the Students playing excessively on mobile legends in

terms of Time management. The item “I sleep late at night” got the

highest mean of 3.77 with the descriptive equivalent of highly excessive.

It is followed by the item “I can’t eat at the right time” that obtained the

mean of 3.38 with the descriptive equivalent of Moderately Excessive.

The lowest mean of 2.53 with the descriptive equivalent of Moderately

Excessive goes to the item “I came late in school”.

The Students playing excessively on mobile legends in terms of Time

management had an overall mean of 3.10 with the descriptive equivalent

of Moderately Excessive. This result means that Student playing

excessively on mobile legends in terms of Time management.

Table 2

Students playing excessively on mobile legends in terms of Time


Items Mean Descriptive Equivalent

When i play mobile legends.
1.I came late in school 2.53 Moderately Excessive
2. I sleep late at night 3.77 Highly Excessive
3. I can’t dp house hold chores 3.26 Moderately Excessive
4. I have less time in studying 3.03 Moderately Excessive
5. I have less time with my family 2.87 Moderately Excessive
6. I can’t eat at the right time 3.38 Moderately Excessive
7. I have defficulty in waking up 3.26 Moderately Excessive
8. I can’t do my homeworks 2.80 Moderately Excessive
9. I have lack of time finishing my 2.96 Moderately Excessive
prodject on time
10. I can’t manage my time 3.09 Moderately Excessive
Overall 3.10 Moderately Excessive

4.50-5.00 Very Highly Excessive
3.50-4.49 Highly Excessive
2.50-3.59 Moderately Excessive
1.50-2.49 Less Excessive
1.00-1.49 Least Excessive
This shows that the Students playing excessively on mobile legends it

can help the other students how to balance thier playing skills in playing

mobile legends. According to Granic et al.,(2014) earlier studies show

that gaming can affect a gamer either positively or negatively, especially

students Wang and Zhu (2011). Some students fail in their academic

performance while some defect their social skills within their family and

their peers due to gaming addiction. Excessive gaming steals away their

time for other more fulfilling and more productive things.

Effect of excessive playing of mobile

legends to the student productivity
in terms of Homework

Table 3 presents the effect of excessive playing of mobile legends to

the student productivity in terms of homework. The item “ I spend my

time playing mobile games rather that doing my homeworks” got the

highest mean of 3.10 with the descriptive equivalent of Moderately

Excessive. It is followed by the item “ I lost my focus on doing my

homeworks beacause I always check the game updates” that obtained

the mean of 3.07 with the descriptive equivalent of Moderately Excessive.

The lowest mean of 3.04 with the descriptive equivalent of Moderately

Excessive goes to the mean “ I forgot my homework to be done because of

playing mobile games”.

The students playing excessively on mobile legends in terms of

Homework had an overall mean of 3.07 with the decriptive equivalent of

Moderately Excessive. This results means that Student playing

excessively on mobile legends in terms of Homeworks.

Table 3
Effect of excessive playing of mobile legends to the student
productivity in terms of Homework

Items Mean Descriptive Equivalent

1. I lost my focus on doing my
homeworks because I always check
3.07 Moderately Excessive
the game updates.
2. I spend my time playing mobile
games rather that doing my
3.10 Moderately Excessive
3. I forgot my homework to be done
because of playing mobile games.
3.04 Moderately Excessive
4. I always do my homeworks in
school because I play ML at home
3.06 Moderately Excessive
Overall 3.07 Moderately Excessive

Effect of excessive playing of mobile

legends to the student productivity
in terms of Project

Table 4 presents the effect of excessive playing of mobile legends to

the student productivity . The item “ It’s hard doing it while playing ML”

got the highest mean of 3.26 with the descriptive equivalent of

Moderately Excessive. It is followed by the item “I play first before doing

it” that obtained the mean of 3.16 with the descriptive equivalent of

Moderately Excessive. The lowest mean of 2.91 with the descriptive

equivalent of Moderately Excessive goes to the item “ I can’t do it

continously because of playing ML”

The effect of excessive playing of mobile legends to the student

productivity had an overall mean of 3.07 with the descriptive equivalent

of Moderately Excessive. This results means that playing mobile legends

there is an impact on productivity in the student.

Table 4

Effect of excessive playing of mobile legends to trhe student

productivity in terms of Prodject

Items Mean Descriptive Equivalent

I can’t comply my prodject


1. I play first before doing it 3.16 Moderately Excessive

2. Im not aware of it because of 2.93 Moderately Excessive

playing ML

3. I can’t do it continously because of 2.91 Moderately Excessive

playing ML

4. It’s hard doing it while playing ML 3.26 Moderately Excessive

Overall 3.07 Moderately Excessive

Effect of excessive playing of mobile l

egends to trhe student productivity i
n terms of Class Performance

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