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fl- How many echoes you wil!

get from the defect before the back wall echo in the

Ans; 3 echoes (Please double check)

from hereJ
ASNTQS with the fGlowing changea
Water Path 15 I 2"
Specimen mmkness 1 4"
Distance to Indication = 2”
2- What is the first frons sucface echo, fhst defect echo, and 2‘“1 effect echo
.1- What IS the first back wall echo, and second back wall echo
from we mobc 10 the? weld cemerline is giVGn
Ang\e is algo g'wen
Beam Bath is given
Find distance from detect to weld center'line
First Find Surface Distance (SD) = Beam Path * sinq'a
Then 0 Distance to Centerline - SD
Please indicate the first & second echo from the indication
First back wall echo , second back wall echo . & third back wali echo
Picture of connector was glven and you WEN: asked to ‘dentify which type of connector is in the
Ans; Microdot
Angle Of
Sound I
Angle of transducer
8' Which one is the correct answer:
a. A: longitudinal, B: Shear Wave; C: platewave
b D. longitudinal wave & E: shear wave
Ans: b)
Note: C: is a shear wave not plate wavg
9- Which one is the longitudinai transmitted wave:
Ans: A ,
10 The following graphs were in the reference books bur without any question:
Q Figure~2.1 in Chapter 2/ page 17 UT Study Guide
Calibration blocks in UT Leve! H
11* Graph F was in the reference book but no question was there
F‘gure 2.1inchapler4 2/ pageilin UT study gwde was m th’a rQfermce book but wifhout any
13- Fig 3.1dinUT Study Guide ( Delta) was m the reference boek but without any question
14» In immersion testing, steel balls are not used for
a) DAC
b) Setmg frequency of transducer
17- When performing DAC using flat bottomed holes, hole closet to the probe gives less amplitude
due to; I '
a) Dead Zone effect Near Field effect m
c) Edge effect A
18— Shear wave '5 propagated;
d) Perpendicular to the direction of the wave and equa! to 50% longfiudinal wave
b) Parallel to the directifln of the wave and equal to 50% of longitudinal wave
6) Radio Frequencv (RF) M“
Ans: c)
2/O'3/When testing 00nd between materials , which of the i'oiiovving shaii be considered “’1' 3) Height of echo
b) Phase shape
c) Both height of echo and phase shape/W,
e . G9 21- Which method is best for testing multilayered composite? Q1
22- Which method is bggpfor sizing the tine; crack in Inner sxde 0f the we'd:
a) Pulse echo 9
b) Crack Tip diffraction J,
Ans: B ( doublegheck)
g" Which of the following couplant would be considered the most suitabie for use on rough
3) Water b) Grease
Ans: Q‘jneed to double check)
24- Angle of incident is changed by ME fora 4;; deg refracted shear wave in water/steel interface.
What effert will be in me refractEI'angle?
3—5] For longitudinal immersion test on automatic scanning is set to Qcan at SMAQLEQlYlQY PRB 81 the water
path :5 25 cm over an AL plate. Flow is located 1 cm below the surface ofthe plate.
How far will the transducer travel in HS scan path during the time pulse to make round tripe
between the transducer & the flaw? V for AL 1 6 Km /sec
Caiculate the transducer travel distance

3.4 *10A-4 mm * 500 mm/sec = 0.170

For longitudinal imrnersmn test on automatic scanning is set to scan at 50 cm /sec with PRR 500 PPS &
the water path cm over an Al plate. A flaw is located 1 cm below the surface ofthg
plate. How far will the transducer travel between the pulses?
0.39 cm. b) 0.19 cm, c) 0.43 cm, d) 0.1- cm
Distance : time * V
The answer is D
Va), Surface wave
Ans: C
32- Inspection of casting is not practical because of:
33- In immersion testing steel balls used for:
a) Horizontallineanty
h) Verticallimarity v
c) Beam symmetry
Ans: 100:1
35— Unit of attenuation is:
An57 dB / inch
Scattering may effect UT testing when gram size:
Ans: equal or greater than wavelength/19

37- Calculate the near field of XX MHZ, XX inch diameter in steel?
Ans: the answer is given by inch. Be careful because ifyou use the velocity by mmm/sec you will
get wrong answer and the wrong answer is there. Make sure that you are using similar unit for
all calcuidtions,
Similar to this question : Calculate the focal point from the surface to the center ofthe plate In steel plate
thickness is XX” with Diameter XX MHz Drobe, if the water path is XX mm.
Ans: focal point from surface to the center of plate = depth of focus. The same procedure for
Ans: ghost iPhoton ) echo may occUr
Which ofthe following will be the method to lnspecr ceramic: lepgth b) High refractive index and high focal length
c) Low refractive index and low focai length
Ans: A
The auesiion about pitting, as perfyifiClj} (India examination) came but \mth different wording
the RF presentation is used on the CRT:
/\1\s:UnceFtified signais are displayed ori the screen
Thin plates WiH best inspected using wich of the follgwing method:
a) Transmission technique
1» WW :1 Loss of back wall echo
Ans: B
in" All 19 questions came m we exam
55 (11105110115 “in UT Appaead Q FM Ind

66-7015 Questions from specification using the same 2 charts in Table 67 in specification book

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