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First video

Upon Watching The Video Many realization come on my mind on how really hard it is to deal to a child
having a severe autism, the questions is what if I am the mother of the child how would have I handle
those kind of melt down and it breaks my heart. Seeing Max the boy in the video having his meltdown and
hurting his mother and even doing such unstoppable things that even hurt he and his siblings saw him
with fear specially his younger sister. How hard it was for them to handle everyday that kind of meltdown
and I found it really sad, annoying, the frustration is there but their love for Max is never fade and it shows
how they live in a longer period of time with Max. Max is a specially blessing for them and he needed a
specially treatment, a family, an environment a physical surrounding that will make him comfortable and
will suit his need, I saw how a parents undying love for their child despite of the situation, how they
handle max, at the same time being a parents to three others children.

Awareness is very important to handle them, For like me living in a simple family with no special child at
home quite good but problems are everywhere how much more for those family dealing everyday of their
life living with a family member who has a special needs how hard it is at the same time a purposeful
meaning of their everyday life, it might be a battle for them but I know god has a reason for everything,
he wouldn’t give a problem without a solution.

Government should take a stand to help this family having a child with special needs to at least make a
facility for them, support them financially and an environment that will give encouragement to the family.
We should never saw those children as a problem to the family but rather a great blessing from our lord. I
find it very hard and brave action for Max’s parent to separate there family for a while while waiting for a
financially support for max that his fellow family member started, the pain is there in the family but I know
Max’s parent just did what best for their children and god bless them.

2nd video

It is very important to the parents to have a knowledge on how to handle a child with adhd and thanks to
those person study in it and share their knowledge like a super nanny in the video how she help the
parents of the child to manage there children,. Sometimes our parents are busy too doing their job to
support their children needs, and I saw how hard it is to have a special child in the family with only the
mother taking care, while the father is so busy at work. Patient is very important dealing with these
children, what they need is a family that will understand them, support them emotionally and will never get
tired to understand and take care of them

A safe home that will cater their needs and an environment that will protect and love them. The video
shows how important to seek for a professional help like the person in the video the super nanny how she
help the parents to handle a child having an adhd what are the proper approach for them how to make
their house safe for their children the proper way of talking, they need proper attention they don’t needed
to be frustrated for their children but instead is to be knowledgeable on how to handle them and seeking a
professional help is important. Important to have a proper knowledge dealing with this children and
parents teamwork and cooperation is very important the idea of the mother is the one who should take
care of the children is quite good some how

While the father is working for the family but I as I’ve watched the video the parents are need to be a team
for their children.

Special children are not a problem needed a solution but somehow a blessing that need to accept,
understand and love unconditionally.

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