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AOC – Art of Communication – Level 2

Energizer: Chinese Whisper – “Mr Ranganathan has booked Table No. 5 for 4 people for 11th
September, 9.30 pm.”

Introduction: (Greet and ensure you do a proper self-introduction and introduction to HTI.
Note: The above is critical as participants will ask why you didn't introduce yourself.) Good <time of
day>, I am <first name only>, the <your designation> from HTI – that is ‘Hospitality Training
Institute’. We specialize in training waiters and frontend personnel – the people who actually serve
the guests directly. HTI is ‘The Outsourced Training Department’ for many hotels, restaurants and
resorts across India like Ginger Hotels, Mainland China, Vithal Kamat’s and Sanjeev Kapoor’s
restaurants. <Mention your experience in the hospitality industry.>

Opening: Last time, we had done the Art Of Communication - I (AOC –I) where most of you who
attended would have done a self-introduction.
Recap: Why do we introduce ourselves? Encourage answers.
1. We need to make guests comfortable with us; this is called rapport building. When we smile and
let the guest know our name - he/ she realises we are friendly, approachable and confident.
2. By mentioning your designation and when you say 'confidently' that "I'm your server for today
and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me..." your credibility increases because it means
you are empowered. The guest feels that he is in friendly, professional and competent hands; and
all his requests will be taken care of.

WIFM: When your credibility increases, your position becomes stronger in the restaurant. And the
guests would also prefer you as their server. Thus, your demand increases and this opens the door for
your success.

Body: Today, we will move on to AOC - II. Each of you has to come up and speak for 5 minutes on:
• Self-Introduction – 30-60 seconds.
• OBC (Opening, Body, Close) – 4 minutes.
• Disqualified – Beyond 5 minutes.

Topic: 3-5 menu items or introduction to Mamagoto Menu concept.

Now what is an opening?

O (Opening) - After we introduce ourselves, we need to move to the main point/ purpose that we wish
to discuss. It could be offering water, menu etc (in the restaurant); or in any other situation it could be
a favour we need or a view we wish to share.

Ideally, our introduction must end and the topic must begin in one smooth flow. We should avoid
saying, “OK, so that was my introduction and now I want to discuss…” Also, as per the situation or
topic, we should modify our introduction a bit. This does not mean we lie, but we talk about an aspect
from our life that is connected to the topic coming up. So it could be through a story, statement,
question, joke or incident...
B (Body) – The main content to educate/ make the other person understand. It should be in simple
language without any big words or industry language like KOT, pick up, mis en place (this is called
jargon). And it should be as short and crisp as possible so that the listener does not get bored. Today,
you will explain about the Mamagoto Menu concept or 3-5 preparations including taste, ingredients,
colour, texture and portion.

C (Close) - Do not repeat the entire session, just do a recap by stating what you have explained.
Note for trainers: Do not ask them/ take a recap from participants/ do an interactive session as it will
prolong the session.

In order to get overall feedback of the session, we have designed some roles which some of you will
play and provide feedback to your colleagues.

Closing: Activity - All participants to do Introduction and OBC within 5 minutes.

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