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Grade 1 to 2 School: KVES UNIT1 Grade Level: Five

Daily lesson plan ST Teacher: Maryfie M. Nueva Learning Areas: Mathematics

Teaching Date: November 18, 2019 Quarter: Third

A. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of polygons, circle and solid.
B. Performance Standard: The learners are able to construct and describe polygons, circle and solid.
C. Learning Competency’s: Visualize, names and describes polygon with 5 or more sides (m5 ns IIIb-140)

I. Objectives:
Cognitive: Visualize and names different kinds of polygons
Psychomotor: Construct and describe different kinds of polygons
Affective: Appreciate the importance of polygons in our daily living
II. Content: Number and Number Sense
III. Learning Resources: (Mathematics Lesson Guide in Elem.)
A. References: Mathematics Grade 5 pp. 210-214
B. Other learning Resources: Visual aids, real objects, cut outs.
IV. Procedure:

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Preparatory Activities

1. Opening prayer All learners will stand and pray

Class, please stand up to have our prayer
Janelle Ann will you please leas us the prayer. Good morning ma’am
2. Greetings We are fine
Good Morning class?
Class, how are you this morning?
That’s good to hear that you’re all fine today.
3. Checking of Attendance
How many were absent today?
Allen John

A. Engage Learners go in front and form the puzzle.

1. Drill
Class, I have here a puzzle all you have
to do is to form this, and later we can
see what figure they can form.
I need 5 volunteers here and 5
volunteer in this row.

You know class, the figures that you have form are
pieces of an ancient Chinese puzzle called Tangram.
The puzzle will amaze you because if you use the
seven pieces of shapes together, you can form an
infinite number and various types of figures.

B. Explore
Class, I have here some pictures and tell
me what they are.


Bicycle- Bi means two, bicycle

has two wheels.

Triangle- Tri means three, triangle

has three angles.

Octo means eight; octopus is a living

thing with eight arms.
Polygon- Poly means many, gon means angle. It has 5
angles, namely angle A, angle B, angle C, angle D, and
angle E. We name the polygon by identifying all its
vertices in consecutive order. The name of the Polygon in
this figure may be any of the following: polygon ABCDE,
polygon BCDEA, polygon CDEAB, polygon DEABC, and
polygon EABCD.
Another example:

Let’s figure this in a table:

Figure Name Number Name polygon

Number of of of
sides sides angles angles
Bard 6 AB, 6 angle A, ABCDEF
BC, angle B, BCDEFA
CD, angle C, CDEFAB
DE, EF, angle D, DEFABC
and AF angle E, EFABCD
angle F,

GH, angle G,
HI, IJ, angle H,
JK, KL, angle I,
Bridge 8 LM, 8 angle J,
MN, angle K,
angle O
angle P
angle q
Mountain RS,
angle R
ST, 7
angle S
angle T

But wait, I have a friend and I want you to meet my

friend. So here he is…… Common friend get inside.
Hi children, I’m Mr. Polygon and I’m happy to see you.
Hi! Mr. Polygon we’re happy to see you too!
Nice meeting you, but it’s sad to say I have to go; I need
Oh….. Goodbye Mr. Polygon
to find my children.
Class Mr. Polygon is leaving and he is sad because he
need to find his children.
Class, I want you to know more about Mr. polygon and
help him to find his children.

Polygon- is a closed planed figure made up of several

line segments that are joined together. The line segment
is called Sides of polygon. They do not cross each other
and exactly two sides meet at a common point called
Vertex. The set of figures in the previous activity is also a
set polygon.

Look at the polygon below.

How many sides does it have?

The capital letters assigned

at each vertex are used to
name the sides of polygon,
angles, of the polygon and
the polygon itself.
This figure has five sides
namely side AB, BC, CD, AE,
and side DE.
So now, I want you to meet6 the children of Mr. polygon
and we classify them according to the number of its
Can anyone tell me what shape is this?

Very good!
Triangle- has three sides and it has three angles “Tri” triangle
means “3”.
How about this shape?

How many sides and how many angles?

Ok, very good in addition to that your answer “Quad” quadrilateral
means “four”.

Quadrilateral has 4 sides and 4 angles

Pentagon- has five sides and five angles.
Penta means five

Hexagon- has six sides and six angles.

Hexa means six.

Heptagon- has 7 sides and seven

angles. Hepta means seven.

Octagon- has 8 sides and 8 angles. Octa means eight

Nonagon- has 9 sides and seven angles. Nona

means nine

Decagon- has 10 sides and seven angles. Deca
means ten
N-gon- has more than 10 sides

So they are polygons family. This time

class we have to go to the park to help Mr. polygon top
find his children.
Are you ready?
I want you to close your eyes…. Yes we did
We are travelling… and here we are!
Welcome to Noah’s Park.
Class look around and if you can see some children of Mr.
polygon please bring them to me. Wow!!!!
Traffic sign, boxes, bee house
Triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon,
octagon, nonagon, decagon and n-gon.

Here they are, I’m sure Mr. polygon will be happy to see
his children.
So now class it’s time to go back to the classroom.. so we
can tell Mr. polygon that you find his children.
Close your eyes again, were about to leave.
We are travelling…… open your eyes..
Here we are again in our classroom but while we are
waiting for Mr. polygon we will be having an group

C. Elaborate
I have here 4 envelopes and inside of this are
the tasks of each group. Each group has to
choice a leader to present your work here in
front afterward.
Here are the criteria in our activity.

Accuracy 50٪
Cooperation 20٪
Behavior 15٪
Time 15٪
TOTAL 100٪

I will give you 5 minutes to finish your work.

Do you have any questions?
Group 1. No ma’am.
Direction: Find and circle the word in the grid. Words can
go horizontally, vertically and diagonally in all directions.

Direction: Form a figure using the shape provided.

Direction: Draw
at least 5 different parts of polygon and identify its name.

Direction: color the balloons with polygon names( red)
Color the balloons that not a polygon name(yellow)

D. Generalization
Now class, let’s remember that polygons is a
cloud plan figure made up of several lines
segments that are joined together and its
name according to its sides. Can you tell me
again the different types of polygons and its
What else?
What about octagon? How many sides?
Now class is polygon important to us in our Triangle has 3 sides
daily life? Why? Quadrilateral has 4 sides
Very good! Pentagon has 5 sides.
What else? Eight sides
Yes, because we can form a house using the figures of
Since you have learned about different types of polygons
We can see figure of polygons intent or in the kitchen like
let’s have a short quiz. sponge, plate

E. Evaluation
Direction: match each polygon from column A
to the correct answer in column B.

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