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JUNE 2018 ISSUE #114



Unlike thermal conduction or convection, radiative any given wavelength (λ ), αλ+ρλ+τλ=1. Objects may
heat transfer (heat transfer by radiation) requires have different values of each of these parameters
Emissions Check! – no medium to transfer heat. Thermal radiation at different wavelengths. For example, untinted
A brief discussion on heat can travel as easily through a vacuum as it can automotive windshield glass is transparent to visible
through air or water. (It is a good thing that it light (high transmissivity at visible wavelengths), but
transfer by radiation. does, otherwise the sun would never be able traps and reflects infrared light (high reflectivity at
to warm the earth.) infrared wavelengths). Sunlight is transmitted through
cars’ windows and gets absorbed by the surfaces
When thermal radiation falls onto an object, some
Thermal Radiation inside the car, which heat up and emit heat at infrared
combination of 3 things will happen.
wavelengths, which gets reflected by the glass).
Absorptivity (α) 1. The radiation will be absorbed by the surface of
the object, causing its temperature to change. Note that the angle at which the incident radiation
hits the surface has an effect on these parameters.
Reflectivity (ρ) 2. The radiation will be reflected from the surface
For this discussion, we will deal with the summa-
of the body, causing no temperature change.
Transmissivity (τ) tion of all radiation coming from or radiating to the
3. The radiation will pass completely through the surface in all directions. A blackbody is an ideal
BlackBody object, causing no temperature change. object that has perfect absorption of all radiation
The underlined wording above is carefully chosen, that falls on it, regardless of direction or wavelength.
Emissivity (ε) since any real object will be emitting thermal radi- It has precisely 0 reflectivity and transmissivity at all
ation itself. If the object emits more energy than it wavelengths, precisely 1 absorptivity at all wave-
Gray Body absorbs, then its temperature will fall. If it absorbs lengths, and precisely 1 total emissivity.
Stefan-Boltzman more than it emits, its temperature will rise. If the Emissivity (ε) is a measure of how much thermal
emission and absorption are equal, then the object radiation a body emits to its environment. It is the
Law is in thermal equilibrium with its environment, and ratio of the radiation emitted from its surface to the
Stefan-Boltzman its temperature will not change. Even if the object theoretical emissions of an ideal black body of the
reflects or transmits all incident radiation (zero same size and shape. This parameter thus defines
Constant (σ) absorption), it can still lose thermal energy and radiative heat transfer away from a given object.
cool by emission. Since it is a ratio of identical parameters, it is
Planck’s Law
Absorptivity (α) is a measure of how much of unitless, and will range between 0 and 1. For all real
Color Temperature the radiation is absorbed by the body. Reflectivity objects, emissivity is also a function of wavelength.
(ρ) is a measure of how much is reflected, and Note that when an object is in thermal equilibrium
transmissivity (τ) is a measure of how much with its environment (steady state conditions, at
passes through the object. Each of these parame- the same temperature, no net heat transfer) the
ters is a number that ranges from 0 to 1, and f or absorptivity is exactly equal to the emissivity (α=ε).

Absorptivity (αλ) Reflectivity (ρλ) Transmissivity (τλ) Emissivity (ελ)

Perfect Absorption 1 0 0 0-1
Perfect Reflection 0 1 0 0-1
Perfect Transparency 0 0 1 0-1
The next issue of Technical Tidbits Black Body 1 (at all λ) 0 (at all λ) 0 (at all λ) 1 (total)
will discuss stress rupturing. Gray Body 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 (same for all λ)
Table 1. Surface Properties Involved in Radiative Heat Transfer.
Unless otherwise specified, each of these properties is a function of wavelength.

©2018 Materion Brush Inc.

A gray body is the term for a non-existent, ideal Here, the two constants are C1=3.74 x 10 -16 W·m2
body that has the same value of emissivity at all and C2=1.4388 x 10 -2 m·K. If you plot the emissive Written by Mike Gedeon of Materion
wavelengths. It is closer to a real object than an ideal power vs. wavelength for several temperatures, you Performance Alloys Marketing
black body, since it may have absorptivity less than 1 get a set of curves like those shown in Figure 2. This Department. Mr. Gedeon’s primary
and reflectivity and transmissivity greater than 0. is why you will sometimes see the color of light bulb focus is on electronic strip for the
given as a color temperature. Each temperature automotive, telecom, and computer
All real objects will radiate thermal energy, with markets with emphasis on
has its own spectral distribution with peak power at
power densities at various wavelengths that depend application development.
its own particular wavelength.
on the temperature of the object and the emis-
sivity of the surface. The Stefan-Boltzman References:
law describes the total emissive power (Eb) of a Alan J. Chapman Fundamentals of
blackbody, in W/m2. Eb=σT4 . Note that it depends Heat Transfer ©1987 Macmillan
only on the absolute temperature (T) of the body, Publishing Co.
and is proportional to the 4th power of the absolute
Frank Kreith & Mark S. Bohn
temperature via σ, the Stefan-Boltzman constant. Principles of Heat Transfer 5th Ed.
This constant has a value of 5.670 X 10 -8 W/m2 K. ©1993 West Publishing Company
For a surface that is not an ideal black body, the total
Eugene A. Avallone, Theodore
emissive power is: Eb= ϵ ∙σT4, where ϵ is the emissivity.
Baumeister III, Ali M. Sadegh
Mark’s Standard Handbook
for Mechanical Engineers, 11th
Edition ©2007 The McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc.
Figure 2. Blackbody Emissive Power
at Visible Light Wavelengths.
These temperatures produce light with Please contact your local sales
significant power at the visible wavelengths representative for further
(shown on the X-axis scale). Note that information or questions
while these temperatures produce emis- pertaining to Materion or
sions across all visible wavelengths, hotter our products.
temperatures produce light that with
Figure 1. Red-Hot Copper Alloy.
power shifted toward the blue range of Health and Safety
This metal is glowing red because the emissive
human vision. Cooler temperatures shift Handling copper beryllium in solid
power in the visible light range is greatest at the
the power toward the red end of human form poses no special health risk.
wavelengths corresponding to the color red in
vision. If the spectrum is in the middle Like many industrial materials,
human vision, per Planck’s law.
(matched to daylight) the human eye per- beryllium-containing materials
Note that the description above applies to the total ceives the light as white. may pose a health risk if
emissive power of the blackbody. This radiation recommended safe handling
will be spread out across many wavelengths. The For non-blackbodies, the emissive power at each practices are not followed.
wavelength must be multiplied by the emissivity Inhalation of airborne beryllium
emissive power at any given wavelength is described
as a function of wavelength and temperature: may cause a serious lung disorder
by Planck’s Law: in susceptible individuals. The
Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA)
has set mandatory limits on
occupational respiratory
exposures. Read and follow
the guidance in the Safety Data
Sheet (SDS) before working
with this material. For additional
information on safe handling
practices or technical data
on copper beryllium, contact
Materion Performance Alloys

or your local representative.

Materion Performance Alloys Sales

6070 Parkland Blvd. +1.216.383.6800
Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 800.321.2076
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©2018 Materion Brush Inc.

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