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1. Sheila is extrinsically motivated.

2. I believe she is extrinsically motivated because she decided to stop teaching so

she could exercise more. Sheila is a fit person and a teacher, so she wanted to

make a career out of both those skills. She is good at those two skills, but not

necessarily passionate or moved by them; if Sheila was not getting paid to be a

fitness instructor, it is likely she would quit fitness in general.

3. Focusing on only extrinsic factors have limitations because external rewards will

not last forever. Eventually, the external source of happiness or satisfaction will

run out and in that time, what you were once doing for the external source, will

leave you empty handed and confused. It is important to be involved in things

that intrinsically motivate you so that you will always be rewarded in some way.

1. Lenin is intrinsically motivated.

2. Lenin is intrinsically motivated because in his free time he participates in athletic

activities such as basketball and even participates in city marathons. He is into

sports and working out because he says it gives him fun and joy in his life. Lenin

doesn't just exercise and be active for his health, but he does it for his own


3. Working out and playing sports would not be an escape for him and would only

benefit him if someone was giving or motivating him to do it. Lenin works out and
is athletic for his own enjoyment and to release stress, he isn't involved in athletic

activities for rewards given by others.

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